#arrie rambles
lawluenvy · 1 month
i miss kaiju no 8 - best week of my life binging the anime and manga in one go cant believe i only just now thought to follow the tags and look up fanart??? when ive been caught up for WEEKS?!?! wild - that is so unlike me but i guess that just goes to show that i am so satisfied with it being the Most Perfect Shounen ever written that i didn't need to immediately jump online to get my fix
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
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Just leaving this here out of context. He’s been on my mind but my writing is all over the place lately.
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misc-magic · 11 months
Why is that I am plagued by the Ideas when I have a million other things I have to do? Like the next three days are booked solid, I don't have time to be obsessing over fictional things right now.
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danafeelingsick · 1 year
i don't usually do this, but i've been having hoarding too many wips lately (also it makes me happy when you guys interact with my polls).
* if you wanna see any of these, and it doesn't win the poll, you can just ask me nicely for it, or it will be (probably) posted when ready.
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bloomingbluebell · 2 months
....wait i also forgot since roselia has the master cycle zero and i'm studying to get my motorcycle license i gave them a cool jacket and helmet i have Yet To Design
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that feel when you thought that fandom left the “bitch or lesbian” trope (in which the canonical female love interest of a male character in a popular mlm ship is “gotten rid of” by either being a “bitch” or a lesbian) in 2017 but then you interact with a new fandom and it hits you smack dab in the face with it
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kopfkino-o · 1 year
The Crossover, Timelines, and the Future of ACOTAR
Disclaimer: This post is a long one, filled with mostly ramblings, and contains spoilers for both the ACOTAR and Crescent City series. Please don’t read on if you haven’t finished either series, mostly CC, as I would hate for anything to be spoiled. Additionally, this is NOT a shipping post and I want to highly discourage any shipping discussion in regards to the contents of this post. I miss fun casual fandom discourse and want lovers of every ship to feel comfortable sharing their options if they feel so inclined. Thanks for taking the time to read this <3 - Court
~~Spoilers Below~~
Ever since I finished the last chapter of HOSAB I've had a lot of questions. Like a lot of questions. But as a reader and lover of both the CC and ACOTAR series, one thing that haunts me is how the crossover is going to impact the ACOTAR narrative moving forward. Especially since CC3 is the next book to be released. 
We know from Miss Sarah Janet herself that both series will be able to be read independently. We also know House of Flame and Shadow is Bryce’s story (and Ruhn and Hunt and all the others) and the focus will be on them. Any appearance of ACOTAR characters will be a treat, a little snack to keep readers of both series fed while they wait for the next book if you will, but what I can’t wrap my head around is the timeline, and how Bryce’s arrival ISN’T going to impact ACOTAR moving forward.
The revelations about the Asteri trying to get back into Prythian, the lost Fae worldwalking to Midgard, the 8th Dusk Court, all of that seems like it would naturally have a huge impact on the world of Prythian, and thus the characters within it. Imagine you haven’t read CC, then we learn (at the very least) there’s suddenly a new 8th court? That’s pretty important, and I imagine would leave many readers questioning. 
Which brings me to the meat of this post, the juicy bit, the good stuff, and I guess my main point: the timeline. How, and most importantly when, will the rest of the stories in the ACOTAR series occur and where will Bryce’s arrival in Prythian fall within them?
We know ~6-9 months have passed between the end of ACOSF and HOSAB, so keep that in mind as you read on! Also keep in mind these supposed timelines aren’t referring to the order of publication, but rather the order of each respective story within the timeline of the Maasverse. 
*Note: Thinking about where the next ACOTAR novella will fall (and what it might be about) hurts my head so I’m only going to briefly touch on that in this post. 
Opt. 1: ACOSF --> Bryce’s Arrival --> ACOTAR 5 --> ACOTAR 6
If the series were to follow this timeline, I have a hard time wrapping my head around how Bryce’s arrival (and all that will be learned because of it) WONT impact ACOTAR moving forward. As mentioned above, Bryce has some information that’s going to really rock the world of Prythian and I struggle to see how this information won’t change the story in ACOTAR 5 and 6. 
If everything involving Bryce occurs BEFORE the events of the next ACOTAR books then it’s safe to say the characters would all be aware of: 
The Dusk Court (reborn or not) 
The Asteri’s return
Other worlds
Bryce’s arrival 
The Starborn Fae
And whatever knowledge Rhys and Armen seem to have
That’s a lot of really important stuff that has huge implications for Prythian. The way I see it, if this is the route the timeline takes then readers will need to read both the entirety of the Crescent City and ACOTAR series, though this goes directly against what the author herself has told us.
Confused? Me too. 
Opt. 2: ACOSF --> ACOTAR 5 --> ACOTAR 6 --> Bryce’s Arrival
I don’t know what to really think of this potential timeline (but I might have convinced myself more and more of it while writing this), as there’s a whole lot of story left to cover, and if I’m remember correctly, there was only around a ~6-9 month gap between the end of ACOSF and Bryce’s arrival in Pythian at the end of HOSAB. That’s not a lot of time to solve all of the issues the ACOTAR characters are facing, at least in my opinion, especially when we still have: 
Koschei and his machinations + Vassa’s curse
Two more love stories that need to unfold
Lucien and his real father
Eris and his scheming / Autumn Court drama
Mor and her secret
Elain and her powers
The High King plotline
Feysand’s death pact
Truth-Teller and where it came from
Valkyries still aren’t fully formed / Bloodrite fallout
Tamlin still running around totally feral though I hope he stays that way
And the many unanswered questions regarding tertiary characters and newly introduced characters, like Gwyn, Emerie, Balthazar, Helion and Lady Autumn, etc. etc. 
That’s... a lot. 
THEN AGAIN, if I remember correctly, the entire events of the Throne of Glass series spanned over the course of ~one year, so maybe this timeline isn’t so farfetched after all... 
Though I do find this all to be a bit clunky. Readers of both series would be aware of Bryce’s arrival, other worlds, the Asteri’s attempt to reinvade Prythian, the lost Dusk Court, etc. all throughout the rest of the ACOTAR series. Seeing as CC3 is coming in January 24′, before the rest of the ACOTAR books, this timeline would also mean that readers of both series would have technically already seen the conclusion to both CC and ACOTAR by the time they finish HOFAS. 
Sarah does like to play with the concept of time (past, present, future) so perhaps this timeline might make sense in the end. This could also play into the theory that TOG was the past, CC the future, and ACOTAR the present... 
But now I’m giving myself a headache so let’s move on. If you’re still with me, you’re a saint and I hope your bookshelves are always full, your recs always good, and your pages never dog-eared. 
Opt. 3: ACOSF --> ACOTAR 5 --> Bryce’s Arrival --> Novella (?) --> ACOTAR 6
This is a pretty wonky timeline too (I’m starting to think they all are) but I could also see it potentially making the most sense given the fact the 6-9 month window between ACOSF and HOSAB might be enough time for one of the remaining ACOTAR stories to play out, given that Nesta’s story spanned around ~10 months to a year. Though this would mean we’d read about Bryce’s arrival at the END of ACOTAR 5, and thus would need some sort of mention of this monumental event in ACOTAR 6/the novella. This would also mean there would be one endgame ACOTAR couple already together during the events of CC3, though I don’t think this is a huge thing, seeing as House of Flame and Shadow is about Bryce. Could we get crumbs and hints? Sure, though seeing as Sarah likes to keep her endgames tight-lipped, I highly doubt we’ll get anything substantial. 
Speaking of the  Novella... If it does come after ACOTAR 5/Bryce’s arrival, could this be a good way to bring in the idea of the multiverse to ACOTAR-only readers? Perhaps the novella is about the time the Daglan ruled over Prythian?? Or maybe it’ll be about Queen Theia??? Maybe it’ll be about none of that?? 
Now my head hurts. 
Regardless of how the timeline shapes out I am so excited about where the story is going and can’t wait to see the new dynamics, lore, plots, and elements the crossover introduces. But now I want to know your theories! How do you think SJM will handle the crossover, the revelation of the Maasverse, the interconnected worlds of Prythian and Midgard, and all the goodness we still have left to explore in CC3/ACOTAR 5&6???
Thanks again for reading!
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I don't really. Understand why we have a legal system. Like. Who does it benefit? It seems stupid.
[]oooh, this |s the kind []f question | |_ive for! []kay []kay, this |s /\bout to get long, strap |n:
the |_egal system []f /\lternia /\s |t stands |s /\ |-|oldover from |ncredibly []ld days []f the empire! \/\/ay back from before \/\/e even |-|ad space travel! there's \/ery few records from that time, but \/\/e know the basis []f things |_ike [aste |_egislation, pailing |_aw, /\nd /\rchaic \/ersions []f the |\/|odern empire fealty |_aws /\nd treason punishments date back from that time, possibly from the \/\/ord []f the empress |-|erself!
back then, \/\/hatever she said \/\/as just the |_aw, |\|othing |\/|ore /\nd |\|othing |_ess. but then the empire expanded, /\nd expanded, /\nd kept expanding.
|_|s teals, then, \/\/ere given the task to enforce /\nd tweak the |_aw! |\|othing |\/|ajor, /\nd /\ll under the \/\/atch []f the empire's |\|obility, but |t granted |_|s some prestige, /\nd \/\/e've /\lways been good /\t bureaucracy, thus [oining the |_egislacerative system, /\s \/\/ell /\s |nstitutions to |_|phold |t (such /\s the [ruellest bar!) the |-|ayday for the |_egislacerative system \/\/as just before the exile. They \/\/ould enact ever part []f the |_aw's \/\/ill /\nd \/\/ord, from \/\/riting, to enforcing |t, /\nd exist |n |ts service entirely! they'd |-|unt [riminals, [ompile evidence to justify the ruling they [hose, /\nd then carry []ut the ruling! those precedents \/\/ould then be |_|sed for future reference, strengthening the |_aw's |nternal [onsistency (to tie |\/|ore |nto the question, the |_egal system benefits, \/\/well, the empire /\s /\ \/\/hole! |t's /\ [ode for trolls to |_ive through, |n service /\nd glory to the empire, /\nd [arry order /\nd justice through |t) (|deally |t *\/\/ouldn't* be that \/\/ay, but |t's |\|ot |_|p to |\/|e)
/\nyway, post exile, |_aw \/\/ithin /\lternia sort []f.. splintered []ff from greater |mperial |_aw. /\ |_ot []f []ur [urrent |_egislations /\re remnants from that time, []r small [hanges |\/|ade by |_egislacerators |n training, []r freshly exiled. Beyond /\lternia, drones |-|ave taken up /\ |_ot []f the enforcement /\ngles, /\nd rising [hurch |nfluence |-|as taken |_|p the responsibility for [ullings /\nd sentence dictating, |_eaving |_egislacerators to just toil /\t perfecting the |_aw, /\nd presenting evidence \/\/hen |\|eeded.
|n short, \/\/e |n /\lternia |-|ave /\ |_egal system /\s /\ |-|oldover []f rules /\nd regulations from the pre-exile era, \/\/ritten |n /\n /\ttempt /\t providing stability /\nd justice to /\ll, through the empire's \/\/ill.
Sorry /\bout the ramble, but | |-|ope this gave you some perspective []n |t! >\/>
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xarrixii · 4 months
to those of inquiry,
my name is @xarrixii / arri
cis. white. panromantic. (refer to me with any pronouns you want)
some more about me if you're not a COWARD:
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i have come from a land not so far away (planet earth) to share the nonsensical nonsense of my brain (my writing).
i am irregular. half my will to write is completely dependent on zoning out in the middle of something else that has almost nothing at all to deal with what i'm writing about.
i swear. i also talk too much, so if you'd like to know something about me, uh... i encourage you to remain anonymous in my ask box so i don't think too much about it. i'm not afraid to answer. kind of. i am afraid of going into other peoples' asks and messages.
professional overthinker
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i've got like (counts on hand) like three FOUR things i wish i could actively write all at once. you get to see one of those. you can ask about the other three if you want. i'll share.
this is like, internet published first draft work, too. i'll take all comments on my work. you can be anonymous in my inbox.
Harlow Collins is pyrokinetic. He's been in and out of the kinetic rehab centers for most of his life. He doesn't summon anymore. Alph Roy-Wolford is also pyrokinetic. They've managed to dodge the rehab centers and have been working towards becoming a cop for the latter half of their life. When one of them crashes their truck and a favor's called in, they get sucked into the criminal-fighting criminal organization of Alph's mother—Cinder.
Placeholder Name #1—
An alchemist-sorcerer on the run and a famous knight cross paths and learn that their lives have more in common than they thought.
Vaughn was accused of high treason. Leon has a string of murders to solve for her Lord. Vaughn has the missing piece to solving the murders, but Leon has to accept the cost of trusting a wanted criminal.
Placeholder Name #3—
An emotion-manipulating vigilante, her unknowing cop friend, and someone with wings from a remote magic-bound civilization end up taking on an incredibly elaborate trading ring.
When Delta showed up years prior, Fare had scraped out the serial killer and locked him away—for good. She thought it would be the largest case she'd ever have, but after coming across a strange, beak-masked vigilante, she quickly began to uncover the largest slave trade Krusing had ever seen.
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An airship pirate who doesn't want to be forgotten meets a ramshackle inventor busying themselves as an interpreter while intercepting a cargoship.
Earwyn Sol had always wanted to do something revolutionary, so when the military failed he took the next available option—piracy. Just when he thought he wouldn't go down in history for more than a few squabbles, he met a sleepless inventor translating between five languages and countless encryptions to barely scrape by alive.
looking for more? ask me! use my ramble box so i can talk and hopefully have less crises over small parts of conversation
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lawluenvy · 1 year
my baby jing yuan
so soft
so fluffy
so sweet
he deserves all the love in the world
protect all costs
my adorable cinnamon roll
my fierce little lion
my general
my friend
my eepy boy
literally the definition of that feeling you get bathing in the fresh rays of sun on the first clear day of spring after winter...
jing yuan
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
If I ever created a human world au where all the characters were just regular humans with regular lives, Beel would absolutely be a farmer.
I just see him out there in a tractor with his dog, growing corn and wheat and what not. Maybe he has a flock of sheep he keeps for the fleece. A whole orchard full of fruit trees. Keeps bees & chickens.
I think his love of food would carry over into how he cares for his crops. He sells his produce at a local farmer’s market. Everybody knows him because he’s so nice & sweet & big & his crops are the best.
I think about it sometimes… maybe one day I’ll write a human au story. I have multiple ideas about it.
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windy-trickster · 10 months
Hey Evorta! Saw you mentioned about a matesprit, mind telling us more about them? (and/or your quadrants in general :33)
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“Hehe... You’re askin’ me about my Jenny! My vriendin! She’s everything to me... She’s basi⟳ally my knight in shinin’ armor. She may be a little stu⟳k up and overly proper at times, but I love ‘er dearly. She’s made me the happiest little lady I’ve ever been!” “She listens to me rant and ramble about my interests, and ⟳omes over to my hive on the ba⟳k of her lusus! She’s always so sweet and kind to me. I think she likes havin’ a reason to ⟳arry me as well. Hehe.”
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accidentalmistress · 2 years
Hey, just saw your post about JKR and people still consuming content and stuff and I just wondered, does that include the people in HP fandoms who denounce JKR, call death to the author and (sometimes) write the characters as trans because there a) needs to be more trans rep and b) is joy in reclaiming a world she tried to spoil? There is no judgement here, I'm just interested.
Also, I know answering stuff like this can be a pain sometimes, so no worries if you'd rather not
First I wanna say that I appreciate you being cool and nonjudgmental, anon. And my answer boils down to this:
I don't know.
If you want the long, rambling version: in broad strokes, anything that fuels and funnels attention to JK Terfling and continues to give her a platform from which to do harm is, in my opinion, not great. However, I also understand the desire to reclaim ownership of something that's been taken and used against you and make it something else, something your own. To spit in the face of the oppressor.
But where is the line? When does it cease to contribute to her ability to do harm and instead become a radical act?
That's the thing. I don't know.
Life ain't black and white, and I am neither expert nor authority figure. I'm just a queer, white, disabled creative who's pushing 40 and gets off on a biological reflex.
"Death of the Author" is a very specific framework of critique, the literal meaning of which is that once an artist releases a work into the world, they cannot claim any particular interpretation as "correct." It seems to get conflated sometimes with "separation of art vs artist," which people only ever want to do when the artist is a reprehensible scumbag.
Although, for me personally, my stance on relationships with HP will be somewhat easier when JKR is literally dead and can no longer do harm. (Boilerplate legal disclaimer: I in no way endorse or encourage death threats or any other manner of harm or harassment against anyone involved in this issue.)
I mean, I still feel conflicted about my relationship with the works of H. P. Lovecraft, and that asshole's been dead for 86 years. Don't even get me started on how much of a disgusting racist that man was.
All of which is to say, I don't have all the answers. For me, H/arry P/otter is ruined. I don't want anything to do with it anymore, and I somehow doubt that when the wicked old witch at last is dead, possibly when I'm retirement age, that I'm going to raise my hands and say, "Ah, finally! I can enjoy the fandom without remorse!" It's too late for that. For me.
Just... boycott the antisemitic game. Please?
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bloomingbluebell · 5 months
out of context notes from my links meet au character notes document
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enigmaincrimson · 4 months
I will say is that if I make it so Evelyn is picked up immediately after her adoptive parents' passing... It does and doesn't change things.
For starters, the "Yer a wizard arry." moment likely comes off differently.
The earliest point is ten years old, the second possible point is the beginning of highschool. While there was a later point... I am going to say that that one doesn't work well.
Generally, there's difference between living with someone for... Eight or so years and three.
For starters, her being around is more "normalized", so it opens up prior relationships with parties further outside of the family.
It also opens up more subtle use of the Crossroads faction.
So... I'm now kind of wondering how mistaken racial identity would affect dynamics. I mean, it wouldn't be far off if every party that encounters her in a vacuum would have different ideas of what she is.
Her close friends and family would think nothing of it as they would know those aren't feathers, but those wings would get her misidentified as a fallen angel if they saw them.
So I could see her having very unusual interactions with the fallen angels when they come into town. Like... Hearing or not hearing of her alters things, but they'd likely treat her differently if they thought she was like them.
While she is a tech geek, her joing the newspaper club as an excuse to follow her unending curiousity would not be too far off.
She probably has her footage of the haunted house in incident in file... For either playful blackmail or a way to tease her sister later.
While Evelyn probably did build the AMP system on her own, there hasn't been the motivation to work on it further... Although if she did, it's likely because Serafall Leviathan found out.
To be fair, an AMP user while on active duty might as well be a different person sharing the same soul... So I'm not sure how they'd handle that with Rating Games. I'd suppose they'd have to register both forms to qualify.
Souls salvaged through reclamation are classified as familiars, not peerage members... Unless reincarnated. Mostly since the reclaimed's entire existence depends on the reclaimer, who owns their sorry behind.
If Evelyn salvaged Raynare... If they met prior and it isn't just an experiment... The discussion is going to be very awkward.
Sort of a "Oh, I'm not saving you exactly, more like you are under new management." Situation...
I'll have to sort myself out further... And these are just dabbling rambles.
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thatonedumb-s-u-b · 1 year
Finally a pinned post that I’ve procrastinated long enough on making (now that I’m looking to procrastinate on other stuff)! You can call me Arson, Arry, or whatever pet name seems fitting at the moment This is an nsfw blog for me to post my horny thoughts and musings and hopefully give you a little something to get excited over. DNI: bigots (not cool with all the lgbtq+? racist? I don’t wanna talk to you), anyone only attracted to women (I’m a man), MAPS, blogs centered around my hard no’s Rules Absolutely NO MINORS I’m an adult and I would like to keep interactions to adults only RESPECT my pronouns (he/him)! Nothings a bigger boner killer. NO arguments! These are my personal ramblings for my personal tastes, not into something? Block me! It’s free! (Though please don’t be afraid to let me know I didn’t tag something properly just give me a little ‘hey could you’ and I’ll usually be pretty happy to!) HARD NO’S we all have them please don’t try to message me with them at all (will be listed below) If you want to send me asks or dm to flirt that’s more than fine! But I won’t tolerate unsolicited nudes, and I will keep the convo to tumblr I won’t move the conversation to discord/kik/whatever messaging app. That risks my privacy and anonymity This might not happen very often but occasionally I vent about it here if I drop PLEASE be a little respectful if you’re going to interact with those posts I’m a person not your blorbo Kinks I Post (the fun part! Will grow as needed) Royalty! (Sometimes I feel like a little prince and deserve to be treated like one!) Puppy/pet play Casual sex Free Use/cnc Somno Exhibitionism/public sex/risk of getting caught Praise Humiliation/degredation Bratty sub Power bottom (not always feeling like a sub) HARD NO’S (just don’t. No kink shame but no kink same) Gore Vore Bodily waste (may have VERY SPECIFIC and RARE exceptions? But my terms) Pregnancy! Will NEVER be sexy to me! De-transition!! Just don’t!
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