#arrenged marriage
marvisions · 2 years
people will want you to believe bei and doug are in love when she is the most lesbian shaped character to ever exist
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androgynousblackbox · 6 months
Appleradio idea that I have no fuck all idea if I am going to do anything with because fuck time
Basically, the idea is that Lilith does not exist. Lucifer did still "tempted" Adam and Eve so he got punished to hell and all of that. But he gets lonely as fuck and, with a bit of nagging from Asmodeous to find a suitable partner to rule hell with, he decides to establish this rule: If there is ever a sinner that embodies sin to the point that he manages to enslave hundreds of souls, then that is going to be his future spouse. Mostly as the only way to finally shut up Asmodeous so he can stop asking him and setting him in dates that literally never turn out alright. The issue is that this was some stupid idea that he had when he was drunk out of his mind that neither he or Asmodeous ever told anyone about, so Lucifer goes many, many years completely alone until one day, hey, someone did it! Someone in hell was so fucking desperate for control and power, so fucking greedy,, that they actually managed to get all those souls under his belt and therefore get immediately teleported to Lucifer's castle, where the king himself was just on his duckie slippers and a robe watching his telenovelas, about to eat his ice cream, when a sinner all dress in red just fucking appears on his livingroom. So Lucifer, obviously, at first loses his fucking shit because this was literally never supposed to happen. He had completely forgotten all about it! Asmodeous is no fucking help either because he goes "listen, he is not that bad looking, give it a try at least" And Alastor was shocked because 1. he didn't know about that fucking rule, 2. kinda really fucking proud with himsefl for being the first sinner to reaching those numbers, 3. the king of hell had been in isolation since before he ever died so he quite literally had no idea how he looked like before and 4. now he is on a arrenged marriage. Maybe even a ring is already on his finger that matches that of Lucifer.
Lucifer is all "I am so sorry, this was a mistake, this should have never happened. You don't have to do anything, this was just a stupid idea I had many years ago and it was a bad one. I will just undue this stuff and you can get back to doing the evil shit you were doing", but then Alastor thinks wait a fucking minute, I can actually rule hell now? And the only thing I have to do is to be with this guy? Well, that doesn't seem that bad at all! Don't rush so much, your highness. You heard your friend, we could still give it a try. So that was the plan originally, right? Just another ploy for power, but the more Alastor hangs around Lucifer feelings start developing and there has to be fluff because I said so. Add some drama about Lucifer not being sure if Alastor does actually care for him or it's just the tittle and bam, happy wedding with future Charlie with two dads.
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Knock Knock Boys
I'm already approching brainrot territory with this one. For several reasons:
Sex Positive and Chaos with a what feels like a good script
Peak is totally a closet case, that girl in the first episode was either a beard or some kind of fiance/arrenged marriage thing. She knows he is gay but he is not ready to come out, I'm calling it.
Latte!!! Just everything about him.
Stay with me for a second but this feels like it has similar vibes to what I personally was hoping Only Friends to be.
High Potential of this show ending up on the ever growing list of BLs That Should Have/Could Have Been Poly
In conclusion if you are not watching this you should.
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partygirl14 · 22 days
I would like to understand why so many people say that Rhaenys was useless compared to Visenya in the conquest if Rhaenys and Visenya conquered almost the same number of houses.
I'm currently reading fire and blood and until now Rhaenys and Visenya conquered almost the same number of houses, and Rhenys is the one who has had difficulty with the kings of these houses, and even with difficulty she conquered everything.
Aegon literally sent her to battle, and don't try to convince me that he didn't bc he knew with whom he was dealing.
Visenya literally had no difficulty on conquering the places she went while rhaenys was always in battles.
Rhaenys would've conquered and even more than Visenya and Aegon if she had conquered Dorne, so???
I believe that she would've conquered Dorne if Aegon didn't have the desire of submission, and I say it bc in the book Rhaenys shows herself as a great politician, she was so good that she even arrenged marriages among the great houses to hinder civil wars and to give an end to old conflicts.
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chimerathewriter · 2 years
So let me explain what is haeppening in the Namor x reader writerher on tumblr ( I can't beleive I'm writing this)
In my previous post I said a bunch of things about some aspects of Namor x reader writers and fanfictions, the one that is under the spotlight at the moment is a writer that posted a description that is quite problematic
They (I don't know their pronouns) wrote a description about an incoming (no more) fanfiction Namor x lolita!reader or a coquette aesthetic reader. For the people who don't know Lolita is the title of Vladmir Nabokov book about a grown man having an inapropriate reletionship with a minor a preteen girl.
So this is very problematic obviously many people were not happy so they expressed it on the comments. But other people took it to far with death threats the writer deleted every post about it.
They explained that the reader would have been an adult they deleted everything about the post and they are still explaining what they really meant. I'm not going to put my opinion I don't know if the apology is sincere but nobody deserves death threats.
But this was not not the only problem because there are many uhm problematic things that people noticed in other fanfictions:
Infatalizing the reader
Weird age gaps
Namor meets reader for the first time when she was a child
Weird amount of non/dub con, r*pe fanfiction,
People ignoring Mayan to write in Spanish
Don't be mad but this Namor would not like or have a white love interest, but that doesn't mean that white writers can't write him but describing reader with elemetns that only white people have is not good. If somebody comes here and say what about black/asian/latino/aboriginal!reader I will block without explaining.
Arrenged marriage trope but is not really arranged is forced people should learn the difference
Namor beign misogynistic
White wirters ignoring advice or concern of people of colour
the list goes on and this happens with other men of colour in the MCU because I will never forget Killmonger and M'baku, how some of you describe them or obseesd in wrting only smuts with them is ano no for me
Like now that Fantastic 4 are coming to the MCU the portayal of Namor is very important, canon, fanon and in fanfictions. In the comics Namor he's obsessed with Sue Storm and she uses him to make Richard jealous. So if the MCU portays him as a man who forces himself and being used by a white woman it will not look good especially for latino men
People have to remeber Namor is a man of colour and all this things I listed can reinforce many stereotypes that can harm the latino and native community. But this is with all monorities
So please write with caution and be educated
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
Seeing the look of terror and rage in Mon's and Tay's face at the proposal of a marriage arregment for her 13 years old daughter, knowing they had a relationship before they arrenged Mon's marriage, makes me question all the terrible things Mon had gone through married to Perrin, makes me question all the pain they gaved both Mon and Tay because of this tradition
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omg-gojo · 4 months
"What did you just said?!" Lee screamed covering his mouth when he realiced.
"We are getting married in the five nations peace cruise next month" he says as calm as he say it the first time. "We can make the arrengements with Kakashi. Unless, you... do not want to?"
To be honest when Rock Lee said i will marry you in any place at any time even right here and right now an event so important as THE event of the year, he would even dare to said of the decade, didn't crossed his mind for a second. But it didn't stop him from feeling light headed, warm spreading in his cheeks and butterflies filling his stomach.
"Of course i want to marry you! I won't step out of my word to you" he murmurs reminding himself that they are still here, in the cementery afterhours. He's been waiting here, like the first plan was. He looked at the gray plate above the grass. Just Neji as or witness for our vows, blood instead of rings because nobody should know and a passioned night at his place, so Gaara could pack his things and make his way back to Suna. "It's just that when you told me about mantaening the secrecy of our nuptial, doing it in a place with the most important people of all five nations was not in my list"
"It's not like they are invited anyway" Gaara expressed while crossing his arms.
Lee frowned in confussion "i don't follow..."
"We'll have our own wedding in the cruise while the rest of the guests are at the party" he kept explaining "in the middle of the celebration we'll slipt away for a few moments, get married and go back to the event without anybody noticing. Everybody would be so drunk not even the council nor the rest of people there could guess what just happened" a little smirked scape from the corner of his lips, that for anybody else would look like a grimace, but for Lee wasn't.
"Hmm, i don't know. I think you'll enjoy more the fact that you're doing it just under their noses than us ACTUALLY getting married" Lee joked while taking his lovers hands to pull him closer.
"It would only be a plus to it" exhaled. While remembered the words of Temari when he told her about his plan. Of course their families where the only ones that will know, eventually, right now just Temari. You imprudent rugrat! you maybe wear the hat of the Kazekage but you are still act like a child! No. Not that. Marriage is something you enjoy in a unique special way. No, im not talking about sex! Is a promise! to both of you and your families, that you'll be by each other side for the rest of your lifes taking care of what you'll built. So...are you gonna make it right?
....Or are you gonna do the Uchiha way? He squirmed at the mere thought. Right, he's gonna make it right, Lee deserved that. He squized Lee's hands for comfort "...One Day Suna will know the name of my husband, i'll prepare everything for that. But for now I wanna give you a wedding we and our families wont forget."
"Our families..." Lee's eyes went wide and shine as the moon above them. He won't leave his family for you, he will make you part of his.
"It'll mark a new beginning for the world and for us. Marry me" told him almost begging while getting closer to the tearing face of the leaf shinobi.
"Yes" Lee smiled.
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"Remember, Metal, no weapons!" "Yes, Papa!" but seal rolls are not weapons
"Shit kiddo, we are gonna be late!" "I literally can teleport us there, uncle"
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Daemon did NOT “groom Rhaenyra into liking incest”
I understand people not liking the ship, or Daemon as a character, and even saying he groomed her since they were clearly already flirting and eye-fucking each other when she was a teenager and still a minor (by our standards), but I cannot fucking believe the amount of times I read people trying to claim that Rhaenyra would have NEVER been okay with incest if it wasn’t for Daemon.
She’s a Targaryen. Her family tree is a damn circle. Incestuous marriages were a tradition of her house before they even thought of going to Westeros, and pretty much every important Valiryan house did it too.
Aegon the conqueror - ya know, the guy her brother is named after - married his TWO sisters, one out of duty/tradition and the other just because he could and wanted to. Her grandparents were not only siblings, but they also eloped to get married, because the “church” was telling the Targaryens to stop with all the freaking incest already, and they just went “NOPE”. They prefered to deal with the possibility of a war than to stop keeping it in the family.
Rhaenyra, being raised as the princess, obviously knew of all of this. She likely grew up believing that, if her mom were to have a son, she could end up being expected to marry him once they were of age. Hell, the idea of her marrying Aegon was suggested to her father as a way to avoid a political crisis over who was the true heir of king Viserys. And when Alicent confronted her on whether or not she had really lost her virginity to Daemon, she brought up the fact that “Targaryens have queer custumes” - aka, if given the chance, they’ll fuck anything that breathes, has a pulse, and is related to them.
She married a not-so-distant cousin (I think... I don’t remember how exactly she is related to Laenor, but I do know they ARE related). Yes, the dude was gay, but their original plan was to “do their duty”, aka have a few kids together, while secretly having an open marriage so they could be with the people they were actually attracted to.
She tried to have her sons marry their first cousins, and when that didn’t work out, she had them get engaged to their step-sisters (who would have also been their first cousins if the boy’s had been truly Laenor’s sons). No one is shocked at this arrengement she came up with because no kind of incest fazes a Targaryen. 
It’s okay to be weirded out or straight up disgusted by her relationship with Daemon, or to say that he is bad for her (hell, I adore the ship and even I know the guy can be a monster when he wants to), but to pretend that Rhaenyra would be horrified at the very thought of incest if her uncle had not been in her life is to blatantly ignore very explicit canon just so you don’t have to deal with the fact that a fictional character you like has zero problems with something find morally reprehensive. You people sound like the delusional GOT fans that swore Jaime Lannister only ever fucked Cersei because she was “manipulating” him, while neglecting to mention that the things she always used to manipulate him were his unashamed love and lust for her.
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thesadboy · 10 months
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Eclipse, Discord and Celestia’s only child. Another MLP next gen who had an old design before, which I spruced up a bit, but it was honestly a bitch to make QvQ. I drew a full body of him since I wanted to show him in all his hybrid glory, which took some time to conceptualize since I didn’t want him to look too pony-like or too draconequus-like as some Dislestia babies tend to be. I also used some pony genetics logic with how a parent’s mane colors can become their child’s coat colors and vice versa; some of Celestia’s mane colors were “redistributed” to Eclipse’s wings and his left arm while Discord’s body and tail colors became the colors of Eclipse’s hair and hooves. I know that making next gens with heterochromia were they basically just have one eye color from each parent is usually a sign of “bad design” but I thought it’d be neat here, plus chaos is literally in this boy’s genes so I think it’s justified lol.
Some more info below👇
The fact that Eclipse was even born was a surprise for his parents since they weren’t even sure they were capable of conceiving offspring together and in a way they were right. Eclipse wasn’t born in the normal way, since he was literally made from chaos magic influenced by Discord and Tia’s desire for a child of their own.
His hair’s quite strange in that part of it is just like normal hair while another part flows ethereally like his mother’s. With his father’s help, he’s trying to get the hang of controlling it, but struggles with it a lot. Sunburst and Starlight did make a magical golden hairtie that when he uses it, he has better control of which part of his hair has that etheral quality.
While he can go bipedal, he prefers going on all fours since he has some rather poor balance and doesn’t want to end up embarassing himself in public.
Often taciturn, only speaking much when he feels it’s needed or when he’s around those he’s close with.
Has astigmatism and dyslexia, but is ashamed of these since he wants to keep up the image of a flawless prince, even if his mother always tries to reassure him that he doesn’t have to keep pressuring himself. He does wear glasses to help with the former, but only complied with it since he figured it would make him look wise.
Because of their very similar personalities and the fact they can relate to each other, he’s good friends with Breaking Ground.
Is in a romantic relationship with Summersong, who he had known since his childhood. They were introduced to each other during one of Fluttershy’s visits to the Royal Family and the two became fast friends and often played together. Surprisingly to most, he’s the younger one between them.
Often tries to be very stern and serious, especially when it comes to court politics. He usually tries to set up marriage arrengements that are advantageous in any way (ie, alliances, power, etc.), with his many cousins often being the target of his attempts at political matchmaking. His cousins, meanwhile, have varying reactions to his attempts but often they’re annoyed especially since it does somewhat make him a hypocrite since he’s “essentially married” to Summersong out of love.
Capable of flight and magic, but prefers to not try them out of fear that it could lead to something dangerous happening. He had two accidents related to those things back when he was younger, and it’s scared him out of trying them ever again.
Used to be a much more outgoing and happy-go lucky kid, but constant scrutiny from others because of him being a hybrid (and the son of a former villain, at that) has made him the closed off person he is today.
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the-rogue-dragon · 2 years
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Get to know the muse.
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three things they love: dragons, books on dragons, cloaks.
three things they hate: Otto Hightower, arrenged marriages, Never being enough.
three things they need: Love from his family, acceptance, loyalty.
three things they want: Protect his brother (and by extention his family), his children safe, live away from court.
three things that scare them: Abandonment, loneliness, fear itself.
three things that thrill them: Dragons, flying, freedom.
three favorite foods: Fresh cut fruits, meat, caviar.
three favorite holidays: Name day, there aren’t holidays in Westeros except the religious ones and he doesn’t enjoy any of those.
three favorite people: Viserys, Visenya, Alyssa Targaryen.
Tagged by: @alyrys​
Tagging: @withouthonor @dragynfire @incissam @bcbliophile @westerosiqueens​
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 years
Anti-hero by justalostfairy
The dragon prince Bakugo Katsuki had no idea who he was. When his father tells him that they´re going to enemy kingdom, Atali, so they can discuss the details of his sister´s marriage arrengements, he begings to wonder if he truly has what it takes to take over his father legacy.
The human prince Todoroki Shouto is sick and tired of people telling who he was. Now, being engaged by force to Yicia´s princess, he wonders if he should just frezze his guards in the middle of the night and run away from his father and predictable life.
The knight Izuko Midoryia knew exactly who he was. Trained by the legendary Sir All Might, the young boy always knew in his heart that through his sword and shiny smile he will be the people´s hero and peace bringer.
Ochaco Moonfall had no idea who she was. Living in the same town fo eleven years, and not remembering the other nine is not a very good start. She always had this felling that she was traped in her village, that something great will happen to her but something is holding her back. It was like someone had cut off her wings, but sometimes she could still feel them in her back, wanting to grew once again.
Words: 1657, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Cute Uraraka Ochako, Uraraka Ochako-centric, Witch Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Protective Todoroki Shouto, Prince Todoroki Shouto, Barbarian Bakugou Katsuki, Dragon Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Cute Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Bakugou Katsuki, BAMF Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Knight Midoriya Izuku, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - Magic
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44519158
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androgynousblackbox · 5 months
The Ancient Necromancer Groom
AU inspired by The Ancient Magus Bride in which Alastor is a necromancer who buys Lucifer off an auction for a fuck ton of money. Mages like Alastor have an innate attitude for specific kind of magic, in his case necromancy of course, but people like Lucifer have infinite possibilities to dominate all forms of magic and so he is extremely valuable. Alastor just outright tells Lucifer that he is not only going to be his apprentice, Alastor will see personally that Lucifer learns all other forms of magic to be the most powerful mage he could be... and also someday he is going to be his husband, with whom they are definitely going to have a bunch of children who are going to be the next generation of powerful mages. Lucifer has no idea how that even is going to work with two men, but whatever, it's not like he has anything else going on in his life besides this. Alastor originally is talking merely of a mutually benefitial arrengement. If they get married, then nobody else can take Lucifer under their wings and he can be present for all of his other forms of training to control that nobody tries to turn the blonde against him or away from him. Having the next generation of mages means basically controlling the future of all mages because they are almost extinct on the modern world. He laugh at the notion that you need something so trivial like "love" for a marriage or family to work. As long everyone is persueing the same objectives then that should be fine enough.
Lucifer says he will only accept his marriage proposal or having children for love, thank you very much, so they constantly argued about it everytime Alastor or someone else bring up their relationship. "Oh, so this is your new little groom." "Yes, he is." "The fuck I am, we haven't even had a first kiss." "He is a bit grumpy this morning." "Your single ass is grumpy. I want a date." "As you can see, the lack of proper sleep has him delusional already." "I am not raising your kids with that attitude." "Ha ha, you totally are." "Ha ha, I want a divorce already and I am taking the kids." Lucifer literally just wants a normal family and Alastor is being a dick about it because emotionally constipated tsundere that he is.
Things do not get better because every single mage that ever comes to know about Lucifer is desperate to convince him to go with them, to become their spouse, either trying to seduce him or kidnap him.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
Anti-hero by justalostfairy
The dragon prince Bakugo Katsuki had no idea who he was. When his father tells him that they're going to enemy kingdom, Atali, so they can discuss the details of his sister's marriage arrengements, he begings to wonder if he truly has what it takes to take over his father legacy.
The human prince Todoroki Shouto is sick and tired of people telling who he was. Now, being engaged by force to Yicia's princess, he wonders if he should just frezze his guards in the middle of the night and run away from his father and predictable life.
The knight Izuko Midoryia knew exactly who he was. Trained by the legendary Sir All Might, the young boy always knew in his heart that through his sword and shiny smile he will be the people's hero and peace bringer.
Ochaco Moonfall had no idea who she was. Living in the same town fo eleven years, and not remembering the other nine is not a very good start. She always had this felling that she was traped in her village, that something great will happen to her but something is holding her back. It was like someone had cut off her wings, but sometimes she could still feel them in her back, wanting to grew once again.
Words: 1657, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Cute Uraraka Ochako, Uraraka Ochako-centric, Witch Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Protective Todoroki Shouto, Prince Todoroki Shouto, Barbarian Bakugou Katsuki, Dragon Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Cute Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Bakugou Katsuki, BAMF Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Knight Midoriya Izuku, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - Magic
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44519158
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The Cold Husband Cliche.
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Author: The Writing Goblin.
Pairing: Jinyoung x Reader.
Genre: Slight angst, Romance, Arranged marriage.
Warnings: Alcohol, Slightly toxic relationship, Bullying.
Rating: PG-13 (slight suggestive language.)
Word Count: 1.5K+
Prompt: “I don't love you, and I never will.’’
Summary: You and Jinyoung had been married for three years already, he didn't quite cared for you, after all this was an arranged marriage, but you at least always tried to give the best of you regardless of Jinyoung's cold attitude towards you, after all, you did loved him.
You and Jinyoung had been married for three years already, he didn't quite cared for you, after all this was an arranged marriage, but you at least always tried to give the best of you regardless of Jinyoung's cold attitude towards you, after all, you did loved him,
he left for work very early on the morning and came back late at night when you were already half asleep and the food was cold, he seemed to always forget the important dates such as your birthday or your marriage anniversary, 
you knew he had only married you so he could inherit his grandfather's company and somehow you were okay with it, you had been in love with him ever since you were children even he always treated you badly, when you were about sixteen years old  your family's business became really successful which lead to the decision of you moving to a richer neighborhood and changing schools to a private one, 
Jinyoung caught your attention as soon as you stepped on that school, he was calmly reading a book and everybody seemed to be intimidated by him, he didn't have many friends and was most of the time alone, since your family was newly rich and didn't came from old money like most of the other students you where used to being treated poorly and outcasted, one time some students were taking the bullying too far by insulting you and cornering you in the hallways, coincidentally jinyoung was passing by and decided to intervene by intimidating the students that were bothering you, even though he also treated you coldly and scolded you, you decided that you were in debt to him, regardless of his efforts to tell you that you didn't owe him anything you didn't listened and since then you decided to stick around him even though he will give you a cold shoulder, later on you realized you had completely fallen for him, 
after two years of following him around he went to study abroad to canada, you called him every week even though he never, not even once answered your calls, you were about to give up on loving him when one day his parents called to arrange a marriage proposal meeting with both families, it wasn't a big surprise for your parents since they knew how much you cared about jinyoung, you didn't think it much trough and accepted the proposal, Jinyoung on the other hand wasn't really happy about it but he had no other option if he wanted to inherit the company, you where still young and naive and didn't quite understood that this was an arranged married and jinyoung didn't loved you, unfortunately you had to learn that the hard way,
 he came back from canada after finishing university, he was now twenty-four and you where now twenty-two, he was no longer the boy you had met as a teenanger, he was now a man, when you got married you were so nervous and excited about sleeping with jinyoung but to your surprise after the wedding ended and you went to your shared home he locked himself in his studio and even slept in another room, you thought that maybe he was tired or waiting for the honeymoon but unfortunately the same thing happened during your honeymoon, when you came back from the honey he went straight to work pretty much avoiding you, that's when you realized that something was wrong so you went and confronted jinyoung while sweating cold, at first he didn't answer you and only stared at you with a cold stare, he then standed up and walked towards you and in a monotone voice said,
-I'm terribly sorry,  you have gotten the wrong idea from this marriage. 
he said staring at you in some sort of twisted pity, like if he was enjoying seeing you crumble at his words,
-W-what do you mean by that?..
you said confused and slightly afraid since you could see the anger building up in his eyes,
-I don't love you, and I never will.
after he said to then  leave the house and only come back until you were  asleep, since then jinyoung only talked to you if necessary and that was killing you, every morning you will wake up early in the morning before he went to work  to make him breakfast and prepare him lunch so he will not need to order fast food at work, but he never even touched the breakfast you made him or the lunch you prepared and he will always throw away the loving notes you slid into his maletin each morning, regardless of his coldness towards you you always made sure to know that he knew he was loved and cared for since you couldn't help feel but to have the feeling that he never felt it..
he never let you get close to him, he was always avoiding you or treating you harshly but you could tell that  deep down he wasn't actually coldhearted, but regardless of being a really optimistic person you were still human and it hurted to be treated this way…
tomorrow it was your birthday and what you wished for the most was to spend some time with jinyoung, so you build up all your courage to tell him what you wished for, with your heart on your throat you knocked on the door of his studio,
he said in a calming and smooth voice making your heart flutter, you slowly opened the door to find him reading some business statistics  and marketing ideas, his studio was perfectly organized and his clothes were neatly put together, he looked as handsome as always the mere thought of finally hearing his voice after weeks of not properly hearing it made your heart break a little..
-Sorry for interrupting.. but i wanted to ask if you could come home early from work?, tomorrow is my birthday and I thought that maybe if you could, we could spend some quality time together. I know you are a busy man but I would really appreciate it if you could..
you said nervously and when you heard him chuckle your palms started sweating thinking that you were probably annoying him..
-okay, i will be home early.
he said in a smooth voice to then smile softly, the last time you had seen him smile was when he won the award to the best CEO of the year, saying that you where extremely happy was and understatement compared to le level of happiness you were feeling at that moment,
you left the room with the biggest smile in your face and what you didn't know is that jinyoung was also really happy that you asked him to come home early, you went to sleep early and woke up at noon instead of in the morning for the first time in a while, you took a long shower and got ready dressing up really nicely, you cooked your favorite food as well as really nice red velvet cake,
you set the table and got everything ready, jinyoung was supposed to come home at eight but the time passed and now it was already ten o’clock, jinyoung wasn’t answering your calls and you where getting sadder as time passed by, at some point you fell asleep but the sound of keys rattling and a door opening woke you up, you checked your phone to see the time and realized it was around two a.m, the food was cold and the house obscure by now..
you saw jinyoung entering the room with a tired look on his face,
-you are late..
you said with a sad tone in your voice,
-i know, I'm sorry, okay?
he said with a rather annoyed tone in his voice to then place his maletin in the kitchen counter and pass a hand through his hair in frustration, you didn't exactly know why, maybe it was one of the many glasses of wine you drank while waiting for him but you started to tell him how cold he was and how much an asshole he was to you,
you could see him growing angrier with each word you said and at some point he started screaming at you and reproaching you for forcing him into an unwanted marriage, that was the last drop of water for you and tears started streaming down your face, when he realized that you were crying his mood instantly changed, he seemed, concerned.. he started apologizing an cleaning your tears when you went in for a kiss, you were slightly squishing his cheeks practically forcing a kiss into him, after a couple seconds he started kissing you back, the kiss itself was sweet and slow and maybe a bit sloppy because of your drunken state, at some point he started holding you in his arms, when you separated from the kiss you expected him to push you away or treat you harshly but instead he went in for another quick kiss to then coo in your ear,
-I love you..
he murmured lovingly in your ear,
-I love you too..
you said and then you hugged him tightly wishing that this moment  never ended,
that night you slept in jinyoung's bed for the first time and since that day you slept there for the rest of your life, always being loved and embraced by him, 
your one and only true love,
Park Jinyoung.
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letsrelate01 · 3 years
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Dreaming of walking the aisle with the love of your life? Wait a minute. Before you say, I do, check how much both of you can relate to each other. Do mind-matching!
Download the app “Let’s Relate Better” at letsrelate.in
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
There's this thing that has me thinking, maybe it's nothing but i wanted to talk about this. Andor spoilers ahead.
I really find it amusing, scary (bc who wouldn't be scare if being throw into a marriage as a teenager) and also weird to know that Mon and Perrin's marriage was arrenged, at 16!! because I ‘could have expected it’ from Bail and Breha, who happens to be part of a family with so much protocols, duties, traditions and all.
But as far as we know, Bail and Breha's marriage wasn't arrenged. Of course this is my interpretation and how I see it but:
“She found a boy who loved her enough to take her name, forsaking his own legacy forever in the shadow of hers.” For what I get from this quote is that they met when they were very young, maybe not specific kids, but maybe when they were teens, and that she actually met him her own and them meeting was not other people's action/arregment.
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“I started chasing your mother instead” what i can see with this phrase is that he really fell in love with her and start looking for her, like any normal person would do when they like someone.
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And then is this quote, Breha talking to Leia that even the Monarch of Alderaan has the right and freedom to choose their paths, the freedom to choose their partner. So if Leia had that freedom, I want to think Breha also had it when she was younger and married Bail.
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And it makes everything so much better about them, Bail and Breha meeting when very young, falling in love, Bail being so head over hills for her he started chasing after her, and Breha falling in love with him so hard too, marrying when they decided to marry and starting to try for a baby when they decided to have children, but all being their choices not other people choices, but theirs.
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