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Author: The Writing Goblin.
Pairing: Jinyoung x Reader.
Genre: Slight angst, King of Demons, Ill Fated, Hell, Pandemonium.
Warnings: Mention of car accident, toxic relationship, Murder of main character, eventual NSFW content, Blood, Murder.
Rating: R  (suggestive language, Cursing, Murder, Nudity.)
Word Count: 526 (the following chapters will be longer, this one is short since it’s only the prologue)
Part: Prologue.
Prompt: “Well obviously, I’m the king of hell, my little one.”
Summary: You knew this was wrong the moment you stepped on that garden blooming with Crimson red spider lilies, there was something so wrong but so right about it, making you long for more.. you knew that it was poisonous, ill fated even, but you still wanted to stay, After all, all blood flows to pandemonium.
You knew this was wrong the moment you stepped on that garden blooming with Crimson red spider lilies, there was something so wrong but so right about it, making you long for more.. you knew that it was poisonous, ill fated even, but you still wanted to stay, 
After all, all blood flows to pandemonium.
It wasn't in your intention to end up wandering into hell, 
After getting in a car accident, you had just decided to move to a small city close the forest so you could rest both physically and mentally, in the process of moving in you had seen something that looked like dried blood in one of the paths that lead to the forest, even though you were curious you still decided not to investigate since you were still sane enough not to wander into a forest through a path covered in dried blood, 
but when you talked to your new neighbors about it they all seem to ignore your questions about the weird crimson residue in the grass in the path that lead to the forest making your curiosity grow bigger and stronger, after a couple days of being consumed by your own curiosity and boredom you decided to muster up all your courage and walk through the mysterious red covered path,
after a couple hours of walking started to feel tired and when you were about to give up you noticed that your shoes where now covered in a crimson liquid that was also puddling  in the path, the small residue of the crimson liquid had slowly become large puddles of something that resembled blood, you decided to continue following the path as it seemed like is the crimson liquid was flowing that way, in cuestion of minutes the puddles that were once separated became now completely covering the surface of the road, you could smell the pungent smell of burning sulfur and iron, you were in the process of examining the extrange liquid when you suddenly your head started hurting and your vision got blurry to then finally lose consciousness,
When you woke up you found yourself in a beautiful garden full of red spider lilies, when you were about to touch one of them you heard a voice say,
“Don’t touch that, it’s poisonous.” the voice was almost angelic but something felt off about it, like heaven taking the place of something evil, something felt really wrong about that man..
“Excuse me but.. who are you.. and.. where am i?.” you said confused to then turn around to see a tall dark haired man, he was holding one of the flowers and wearing a red and gold hanbok like the ones used in korean traditional weddings,
to say you were confused was an understatement..
“You don’t know who I am Mortal?” he said to then let out a chuckle that made you uneasy..
he started walking towards you getting dangerously close to you, 
“Well obviously, I’m the king of hell, my little one.” he whispered the last part in your ear and  vanished leaving you alone, confused and weak as if he was somehow feeding off your fear.
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The Cold Husband Cliche.
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Author: The Writing Goblin.
Pairing: Jinyoung x Reader.
Genre: Slight angst, Romance, Arranged marriage.
Warnings: Alcohol, Slightly toxic relationship, Bullying.
Rating: PG-13 (slight suggestive language.)
Word Count: 1.5K+
Prompt: “I don't love you, and I never will.’’
Summary: You and Jinyoung had been married for three years already, he didn't quite cared for you, after all this was an arranged marriage, but you at least always tried to give the best of you regardless of Jinyoung's cold attitude towards you, after all, you did loved him.
You and Jinyoung had been married for three years already, he didn't quite cared for you, after all this was an arranged marriage, but you at least always tried to give the best of you regardless of Jinyoung's cold attitude towards you, after all, you did loved him,
he left for work very early on the morning and came back late at night when you were already half asleep and the food was cold, he seemed to always forget the important dates such as your birthday or your marriage anniversary, 
you knew he had only married you so he could inherit his grandfather's company and somehow you were okay with it, you had been in love with him ever since you were children even he always treated you badly, when you were about sixteen years old  your family's business became really successful which lead to the decision of you moving to a richer neighborhood and changing schools to a private one, 
Jinyoung caught your attention as soon as you stepped on that school, he was calmly reading a book and everybody seemed to be intimidated by him, he didn't have many friends and was most of the time alone, since your family was newly rich and didn't came from old money like most of the other students you where used to being treated poorly and outcasted, one time some students were taking the bullying too far by insulting you and cornering you in the hallways, coincidentally jinyoung was passing by and decided to intervene by intimidating the students that were bothering you, even though he also treated you coldly and scolded you, you decided that you were in debt to him, regardless of his efforts to tell you that you didn't owe him anything you didn't listened and since then you decided to stick around him even though he will give you a cold shoulder, later on you realized you had completely fallen for him, 
after two years of following him around he went to study abroad to canada, you called him every week even though he never, not even once answered your calls, you were about to give up on loving him when one day his parents called to arrange a marriage proposal meeting with both families, it wasn't a big surprise for your parents since they knew how much you cared about jinyoung, you didn't think it much trough and accepted the proposal, Jinyoung on the other hand wasn't really happy about it but he had no other option if he wanted to inherit the company, you where still young and naive and didn't quite understood that this was an arranged married and jinyoung didn't loved you, unfortunately you had to learn that the hard way,
 he came back from canada after finishing university, he was now twenty-four and you where now twenty-two, he was no longer the boy you had met as a teenanger, he was now a man, when you got married you were so nervous and excited about sleeping with jinyoung but to your surprise after the wedding ended and you went to your shared home he locked himself in his studio and even slept in another room, you thought that maybe he was tired or waiting for the honeymoon but unfortunately the same thing happened during your honeymoon, when you came back from the honey he went straight to work pretty much avoiding you, that's when you realized that something was wrong so you went and confronted jinyoung while sweating cold, at first he didn't answer you and only stared at you with a cold stare, he then standed up and walked towards you and in a monotone voice said,
-I'm terribly sorry,  you have gotten the wrong idea from this marriage. 
he said staring at you in some sort of twisted pity, like if he was enjoying seeing you crumble at his words,
-W-what do you mean by that?..
you said confused and slightly afraid since you could see the anger building up in his eyes,
-I don't love you, and I never will.
after he said to then  leave the house and only come back until you were  asleep, since then jinyoung only talked to you if necessary and that was killing you, every morning you will wake up early in the morning before he went to work  to make him breakfast and prepare him lunch so he will not need to order fast food at work, but he never even touched the breakfast you made him or the lunch you prepared and he will always throw away the loving notes you slid into his maletin each morning, regardless of his coldness towards you you always made sure to know that he knew he was loved and cared for since you couldn't help feel but to have the feeling that he never felt it..
he never let you get close to him, he was always avoiding you or treating you harshly but you could tell that  deep down he wasn't actually coldhearted, but regardless of being a really optimistic person you were still human and it hurted to be treated this way…
tomorrow it was your birthday and what you wished for the most was to spend some time with jinyoung, so you build up all your courage to tell him what you wished for, with your heart on your throat you knocked on the door of his studio,
he said in a calming and smooth voice making your heart flutter, you slowly opened the door to find him reading some business statistics  and marketing ideas, his studio was perfectly organized and his clothes were neatly put together, he looked as handsome as always the mere thought of finally hearing his voice after weeks of not properly hearing it made your heart break a little..
-Sorry for interrupting.. but i wanted to ask if you could come home early from work?, tomorrow is my birthday and I thought that maybe if you could, we could spend some quality time together. I know you are a busy man but I would really appreciate it if you could..
you said nervously and when you heard him chuckle your palms started sweating thinking that you were probably annoying him..
-okay, i will be home early.
he said in a smooth voice to then smile softly, the last time you had seen him smile was when he won the award to the best CEO of the year, saying that you where extremely happy was and understatement compared to le level of happiness you were feeling at that moment,
you left the room with the biggest smile in your face and what you didn't know is that jinyoung was also really happy that you asked him to come home early, you went to sleep early and woke up at noon instead of in the morning for the first time in a while, you took a long shower and got ready dressing up really nicely, you cooked your favorite food as well as really nice red velvet cake,
you set the table and got everything ready, jinyoung was supposed to come home at eight but the time passed and now it was already ten o’clock, jinyoung wasn’t answering your calls and you where getting sadder as time passed by, at some point you fell asleep but the sound of keys rattling and a door opening woke you up, you checked your phone to see the time and realized it was around two a.m, the food was cold and the house obscure by now..
you saw jinyoung entering the room with a tired look on his face,
-you are late..
you said with a sad tone in your voice,
-i know, I'm sorry, okay?
he said with a rather annoyed tone in his voice to then place his maletin in the kitchen counter and pass a hand through his hair in frustration, you didn't exactly know why, maybe it was one of the many glasses of wine you drank while waiting for him but you started to tell him how cold he was and how much an asshole he was to you,
you could see him growing angrier with each word you said and at some point he started screaming at you and reproaching you for forcing him into an unwanted marriage, that was the last drop of water for you and tears started streaming down your face, when he realized that you were crying his mood instantly changed, he seemed, concerned.. he started apologizing an cleaning your tears when you went in for a kiss, you were slightly squishing his cheeks practically forcing a kiss into him, after a couple seconds he started kissing you back, the kiss itself was sweet and slow and maybe a bit sloppy because of your drunken state, at some point he started holding you in his arms, when you separated from the kiss you expected him to push you away or treat you harshly but instead he went in for another quick kiss to then coo in your ear,
-I love you..
he murmured lovingly in your ear,
-I love you too..
you said and then you hugged him tightly wishing that this moment  never ended,
that night you slept in jinyoung's bed for the first time and since that day you slept there for the rest of your life, always being loved and embraced by him, 
your one and only true love,
Park Jinyoung.
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