#aroace fairytale
concept: fantasy novel where there’s a princess that’s kidnapped at 17 and stuck in tower by a witch except she’s an introvert and this got her out of being queen AND there’s a library so she really vibes with her time there.
and then a knight comes and ‘saves’ her but she’s like ‘fuck you, bring me back’. but he doesn’t and they get to the kingdom to find that the knight was promised her hand in return. except the witch who kidnapped her is a lesbian and also in love with her and finds her and is like ‘run away with me!’
plot twist: the princess is aro ace and is like ‘absolutely not, tf’
the witch kills the knight in rage. the king is despairing to find his daughter a husband and creates a quest to get some magical object to which the princess is like fine, I’ll just get it myself so I don’t have to marry anyone’
cue quest where princess gathers a bunch of other aro ace spectrum characters and they band together to beat the witch and a bunch of men to find this object
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Reblogněte, pokud byste si přečetli knihu o vodníkovi hledajícím nový domov, a čertovi, kterému se ztratil vstup do pekla, kterak spolupracují, navštěvují po Česku vodníkovy známé z 19. století, další pohádkové/nadpřirozené bytosti, a najdou rodinu.
Vodník se také bude snažit reprodukovat moderní hlášky v obrozeneckém jazyce.
Nově také se vztahem rusalka x lesní žínka.
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hoshikoxhikari · 1 month
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fuck I forgot to post on here!
Anyways, have a boyo grieving his friend in a coma inside a coffin! Cuz the world was a bit of an ass
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brianlazarow · 28 days
Strike the Match pre-order links
Pre-order links are live for my debut novel, Strike the Match, a YA high fantasy reimagining of The Little Match Girl as a fairytale heist!
The full release date is September 20, 2024, but if you want to get your hands on a copy the day of, you can check out the links below. Currently only the ebook and paperback versions are available but I'm working on getting the hardcover and audiobook versions up soon!
Like I said before, as a self-publishing author I will need all the help I can get in getting the word out about my book. So please share these links far and wide so I can hopefully maybe make this my full time job!
Barnes & Noble | Amazon
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads
The Siren The Song and the Spy
sequel to The Mermaid The Witch and The Sea following many new & background characters
allies from across the seas are coming together to fight against the empire once and for all
two siblings from a community who’ve held back colonisation until now, and the rich girl who washes up on their shore after a shipwreck, a pirate spy in the capital, and various others
and the Sea and her daughters, the mermaids, and creatures who want to fight back
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monstrouscrew · 11 months
suffice to say, we saw a gig preparation and hints to a new song in a dream - and, yes, one can dream, a lot.
what we've brought to the waking world is this moment. not real folks, just kinda religious imagery.
blessed be the Earth you walk on
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(ID in the alt text)
one more b/w thing on the wall until we paint the depths. or simply let them be?
(below the cut, w/o ID, the lines added. aren't these symbols like crystals or scales on the threads?)
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roseddraws · 1 year
Don’t usually do stories on here, but saw this prompt and felt inspired. Constructive criticism welcome <:
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Cinderella huffed through gritted teeth, scrubbing furiously at this most recent stain on the tile; there seemed to be more every day. Actually, it wouldn’t surprise her if her stepsisters spilled food on purpose to spite her. That sounded like them.
She thrust the brush into the soap bucket, splashing water all over the floor and soaking her dress. It hardly mattered anyway: her stepmother and stepsisters were enjoying themselves at the royal ball, and probably wouldn’t be back all night. Probably be too hungover to get up ‘till the afternoon too, Cinderella thought with grim pleasure.
She sighed and sat back, the stain finally gone. She looked around at the rest of the floor, assessing how much work she needed to do before tomorrow.
Good lord.
Right. Now seemed a good time for a break. She dropped the brush on the floor and stood up, cracking her back. She wiped her hands on her apron and made her way outside, still barefoot.
Cinderella took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the fresh air and the coolness of it on her skin, soothing her exhausted muscles. Leaning her back against the wall, she closed her eyes and imagined she was anywhere else. It was the perfect night for a ball; midwinter evening, but surprisingly warm, the stars bright and clearly visible in the cloudless sky.
“It is a lovely night, isn’t it?” A voice said from beside her.
Cinderella startled, eyes snapping open and head snapping to the side. Standing next to her was a woman. Or… perhaps it was a younger girl. No, she was sure it was a woman. Older than her, perhaps in her twenties, or seventies. The woman grinned at her obvious confusion.
Cinderella remembered her manners. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. Your dress is lovely.” It wasn’t a lie: she was wearing a gorgeous, deep green ball gown, with a flowing train made of translucent fabric that seemed to fade to nothing. Over her shoulders was what looked to be a cloak of iridescent, black feathers.
The woman looked pleased. “I’m glad to see you haven’t lost your manners. That’s something I’ve always liked about you.”
Cinderella was quickly growing uneasy, wondering if this woman was older than she looked, and perhaps going senile. Though, now that she’d mentioned it, she did think the woman looked inexplicably familiar.
Tilting her head, the strange woman spoke again with exaggerated surprise, a wide grin still plastered on her face, as if she’d forgotten she had to move her mouth when she changed facial expressions. “Do you not recognise me, dear? I suppose it has been a while since we last spoke.”
The girl tried for a politely apologetic expression, shaking her head.
The woman smiled even wider. “I am your godmother; it’s my job to make sure your life is going as well as I can make it.”
Now, most young ladies might be frightened or concerned by this statement. Cinderella, however, felt that it explained quite a bit about her childhood; namely, all of her faint memories about an old woman that taught her numbers and read her bedtime stories when she was small. And by god did she need someone to fix her life.
She matched the woman’s grin. “I do remember you,” she tilted her head thoughtfully, mimicking her earlier motion. “Partially, at least. May I have your name?”
Her godmother’s eyes crinkled with genuine mirth, and her head snapped back as she let out a laugh like church bells.
“Good! You remember me. I’m glad to see living with that infernal stepmother of yours has not wrung all of the wits out of you,” she said. “And to answer your question, although I’m sure you already know what I’m going to say, you may refer to me as ‘Godmother’.”
Godmother clapped her hands once. “Now, Cinderella, if you still want to get to that ball, we’d better get to work right away. Unless you intend to show up dressed like that?”
Cinderella looked down at her stained, grey rags, still soaked with dirty water, and shook her head. “What did you have in mind?”
Her godmother frowned. “Now, dear. You’ve spent enough of your life being told what to do; I think you’ve earned the rights to some autonomy. What do YOU want?”
Cinderella’s face broke into a genuine smile for possibly the first time since her father died.
“What do you think will piss off my stepfamily the most?”
Her godmother grinned mischievously, her wings unfurling behind her.
The prince snarled as he slashed at what was left of the training dummy. The remaining hunk of leather finally collapsed to the floor, and he stood over it, panting.
He felt a little better.
“Reginald Charming Peaseblossom!” A furious voice boomed from behind him.
Reginald flinched, but stubbornly refused to turn around.
“You are to turn and face me this instant, young man,” She said, deathly calm.
The prince took a deep breath, making the most of the last few moments of his life, then turned to face his mother.
The woman in front of him was a few inches shorter than he was, with snow-white hair standing out shockingly against her ebony skin. She wore a deep purple and lilac dress with golden accents, and her arms and neck were all but covered by heavy gold jewellery. Hung over one of her arms was what looked to be a wine-red suit, which looked almost as bedazzled as her own dress. Reginald chose to focus on her clothing to avoid looking at the stony face she was surely wearing.
“Yes, mother?” He asked, still breathing heavily. It came out more feebly than he’d intended.
The queen took a deep breath, and it looked like it took all of her strength to keep her expression cold and neutral (it was unbecoming for royalty to show emotion in the company of others, the prince remembered from his many lessons in etiquette). She stepped towards her son and shoved the suit at him, the extravagant garnishes jingling.
“You’re lucky there’s no time to punish you. Put this on quickly- I will be making sure it’s done properly- then head straight to the ballroom. Guests are already arriving. We will discuss your tardiness after the ball.”
“Yes, mother,” Reginald replied. Then, feeling bold, he added, “But don’t expect me to find a suitor. I am certain that none of the guests-“
“One of our guests will take your fancy,” his mother’s voice was more angry than he’d ever heard it, but her face was blank as always. “Otherwise, your father and I will choose a bride for you.”
The prince stiffened. He didn’t know why he still tried to defy her. He knew all it would do was get him into more trouble.
“Yes, mother.”
He turned smoothly, walking away with his head held high and his suit folded neatly over one arm, as he’d been taught. He deflated the moment he was out of the queen’s sight, relaxing his posture and breaking into a jog. If he hurried, he could wash quickly and be ready without making his mother much more angry. He didn’t want to attract the attention of any possible suitors, of course, but he wasn’t an animal.
Or perhaps he was just looking for an excuse to avoid the ball for a bit longer. He’d probably regret that later.
Once he’d reached his room (slamming the door and locking it behind him), he let out a sigh that hurt his throat with its force. He wanted to scream and throw something across the room in anger, but knew he didn’t have time for any more dramatics.
Instead, Reginald stalked over to his closet and threw the doors open, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He held the suit in front of him, and saw with disgust that it looked fantastic.
As he’d noticed before, it was a deep, wine red, the buttons apparently made of gold. It was paired with a white poet shirt to wear underneath. Reginald’s dreadlocks were tied back in a short ponytail at that moment, but he knew if he let them down and added some golden strings and ribbons, maybe a pair of gold earrings as well, it would compliment the gold on the suit perfectly.
The already unhappy face in the mirror contorted into a scowl as the boy realised that his mother, as usual, was right.
Cinderella tried her best to look like a noble as she hitched up her skirts and stepped daintily down from her carriage-that-had-been-a-pumpkin. Actually, she had to move daintily, because her shoes were made of brittle glass (it was A Look, okay? She was a trendsetter).
She looked back at her godmother, who’d been sat besides her on the drive there. The fairy was stepping down after her, leaving her long train trailing behind her into the carriage. She offered her goddaughter an encouraging smile.
“You’re going to be great, dear,” she told Cinderella. “Go have fun. I’ll be here, even if you can’t see me.”
Cinderella smiled back. “Th- I’m grateful, Godmother. And I’m very glad for all of these gifts.”
With a knowing grin, the woman gave a final curtsy, and was gone in a gust of wind and a fluttering of fabric and feathers.
Cinderella took a deep breath, straightening her posture. She nodded to the carriage driver, who squeaked in response. And without further ado, she turned to follow the rest of the party-goers into the castle, holding back a smile as she pretended not to see the heads that turned in her direction.
She was far and away the best dressed there.
Most of the crowd consisted of the more rich common folk- they were easy to distinguish from their extravagant skirts made of clearly cheap material- but a significant amount of them were actually nobility. Cinderella walked among lords, ladies, dukes, duchesses, counts, countesses- and her dress outshone them all.
She’d arrived at the same time as most of the other guests, right as the music was starting. A shy boy about her age in a striking orange suit caught her eye, and she sashayed over to him as the music crescendoed. He gaped at her, and she grinned at him and held out her hand, which he took tentatively. The girl laughed and pulled him to the dance floor, trying for a pirouette. Admittedly, she didn’t know how to dance, but this boy seemed too enraptured to tell.
She giggled girlishly, twirling from his arms a few songs later and into the arms of a young woman in a pale pink dress, who gripped her hands with no hesitation and danced with confidence and a lot more skill than Cinderella possessed.
She spent the better part of the next two hours dancing the night away, never staying with a partner for more than a song or two, but leaving them with an impression that would stick with them for the rest of her life, unbeknownst to her. She was aware of little beyond her dance partner and the eyes of her audience, for once not distasteful or reproachful, but admiring. Reverent, even.
She sometimes caught glimpses of deep green fabric and iridescent, black feathers, and she knew that her godmother was there with her, and Cinderella felt happy and safe for the first time she could remember clearly.
It was pure luck that the Prince of the Entire Bloody Kingdom found his way into her arms.
Reginald didn’t make a habit of staring at people. He knew it was impolite, plus most people weren’t interesting enough to warrant staring.
This girl, however…
Reginald knew what love felt like, in theory. He’d read plenty of books on the subject, and thought he’d probably be able to identify it if he ever fell in love with someone, unlikely as he found the notion. And he was sure this wasn’t it. Which begged the question: why couldn’t he look away from this girl?
Perhaps it was her clothing. Her dress was ocean-blue, with layers of skirts fading to a turquoise the colour of a tropical sea, the bottom skirts trailing behind her, rippling like waves. The hemline was raised in the front to just below her knees, and was lined with a translucent, white fabric that glittered like sea-foam and seemed impossibly light, as if it floated just above the ground. Her bodice was simple; the neckline and waistline were adorned with the same sea-foam-fabric, but other than that it was entirely plain- although Reginald swore that when the light hit it just so, it moved like the surface of the ocean from a mile above. Somehow, despite her ethereal dress, the prince felt the most striking part of her outfit was the shoes: they were made entirely of intricately-shaped glass, and yet were as pristine and flawless as they’d been when she’d arrived, despite being perhaps a centimetre thick at their strongest point.
It gave Reginald a petty sense of satisfaction to know that her simple outfit of a ball gown and slippers far outshone his mother’s intricate dress with twice its weight in gold jewellery.
But no, it wasn’t the outfit that drew the prince’s eye.
There was something about the way she moved, that he could no more explain than he could ignore. She clearly couldn’t dance, yet her movements were elegant, flowing smoothly like water in a stream. If he hadn’t spent so much of his life in dancing lessons, he’d probably think she was an expert. She seemed tireless, moving with the same unnerving enthusiasm she’d danced with all night, with an unfaltering grin stretching from ear to ear. Something about her reminded him of a dream, as if the colours of her clothes and skin and flowing hair couldn’t quite keep up with her, leaving afterimages in her wake.
It was like she was enchanted.
Reginald wanted to study her.
That was the real reason he joined the dance, and finally found himself with her a few hours later (the entire crowd was clustered around her, almost forming a solid wall).
He looked down at the girl, who looked back at him, face perfectly framed by her almost snow-white hair, and said the first thing that came to mind.
“Oh, wow. You’re beautiful.”
He immediately cringed. That… that had come out wrong. The girl raised her eyebrows, looking unimpressed.
“Thank you? But I’m really not interested… your highness.”
“Oh thank god,” the prince sighed, too relieved to be surprised.
The girl threw back her head and cackled, and Reginald realised in that same moment that that was also not a polite thing to say to a guest.
“Wowwww!” She said with mock-offence, twirling into a pirouette even though the song did not call for it at all. “I expected the prince to be a lot more polite.”
“No- I’m- I- I just meant- um…” he stuttered, to the girl’s visibly growing amusement. “Can we please start over?”
She laughed again, then broke away and dipped into a curtsey.
“Cinderella Fairchild, pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Oh good, they were doing formal introductions. Reginald knew how to do those.
“Prince Reginald Charming Peaseblossom of Mythica, at your service.”
He held out a hand, raising an eyebrow. Cinderella took it and he pulled her into a more formal slow dance, this time to the beat of the music.
“So, what brings you to the ‘find the prince a wife’ party if you’re not planning to court the prince?” Reginald asked, starting to lead Cinderella to a more private corner.
“What brings you to the ‘find the prince a wife’ party if you’re not planning to find a wife?” Cinderella countered.
The prince grimaced. “This ball was… not my idea, to put it mildly.” (In truth, he’d been fighting against the plan for weeks) “I actually have no interest in romance. I’d be glad if I never found a wife, ever.”
Cinderella raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Would you rather a husband?”
She laughed at his scandalised expression, and he scrambled to defend himself (yet again).
“No- There’s nothing wrong with- I was just- I thought- You-“ he huffed. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you.”
“Yup!” She grinned, popping the p.
Reginald raised his eyebrows at her. “I notice you’re avoiding my question, Cinderella.”
She squinted at him and jutted out her jaw, like an annoyed child. “Well, if you must know, I’m busy having a good time and pissing off my stepfamily by showing them up and refusing to clean their house.”
The prince laughed. “Alright, valid. It seems neither of us have a happy family life.”
He twirled her around like a ballerina, even though the song playing at that moment was actually quite somber. Then he frowned, realising something.
“Hold on. Aren’t you a noblewoman? Why are you doing your family’s chores?”
She smiled secretively. “A noblewoman? Me? Why on Earth would you think that?”
Reginald took a step back and looked Cinderella up and down incredulously. “You’re telling me that you’re dressed like that… and. You’re not royalty?”
“Mmhm!” She tilted her head to the side as if she was looking at someone behind him, still wearing that secretive smile.
The prince raised an eyebrow, planting his hands hands on his hips. He continued to stare at her for a few seconds, before finally giving in and asking the question she was clearly waiting for.
“So how did you get the outfit then?”
“Oh, this? Just a gift from my godmother.”
“Mhm,” Reginald knew she was teasing him, but now he had to know what she was being so secretive about. “And where did your godmother get it?”
“She made it herself!” Then Cinderella gave him a smug smile. “She’s good with magic. Comes with being a fairy, I think.”
It took a few moments for the words to sink in, but when they did his mouth gaped so wide he thought his mother would crucify him if she were there. He didn’t for a moment consider that the girl might be lying: a fairy’s involvement would actually explain a lot of what he’d seen that night.
“Your godmother is a fairy? How… how did that even come about?” Somehow, that was the only question Reginald could think to ask.
Cinderella looked genuinely thoughtful for a moment, then she shrugged. “No clue, honestly. I’ll have to ask her when I get the chance.”
The prince chuckled and shook his head. “Kind of ironic, isn’t it?” At Cinderella’s questioning look, he elaborated. “I mean because of my heritage. My mother makes sure everyone we meet knows that my great-great-great-whatever grandmother was a fairy, and that I have ‘nature’s blessing’, or something like that. She would lose her MIND if she knew that a fairy’s goddaughter was at this ball.”
Cinderella giggled. “Maybe I should go introduce myself. How much do you think she’d pay if I told her I’d ensure calm seas and a bountiful harvest?”
The prince started to reply, then cut himself off abruptly. A grin slowly split his face, as he turned to face Cinderella fully.
“Just how badly do you want to get away from your stepfamily?”
She grimaced. “More than anything.”
“Enough to marry a man you just met?”
Her eyes widened, and a matching grin began to spread across her own face. “Perhaps.” Her face turned sly again. “Or, maybe not a man I just met. I’d have to know him for at least a few hours first…” she glanced through a window. “How long until midnight?”
Reginald also turned to look. “I’d say two hours. Why?”
“I wanna be dramatic about it. Might explain later.”
The prince found himself smiling wider at the girl’s obscurity, which he was quickly growing familiar with. “Well then. Might I offer you a tour of the gardens while we wait?”
Prince Reginald held out his hand once more, and Cinderella took it without hesitation.
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About to go to sleep, literally hugging my pillow in the dark, when I remembered one of my favourite romances ever - Wolf and Virginia from The 10th Kingdom, and how she fell in love with the msn who tried to eat her grandmother.
I'm so fucking lucky I'm aroace or I'd be dead by now.
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sminny-wew · 10 months
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And what if I decided to restructure the fairytale OCs I've had since like 8th grade into a story about being aspec and finding community and defying the fate that someone else tries to force upon you??? What then huh?????
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barbie-pride-flags · 2 years
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Aroace pride flag color picked Delphine from Fashion Fairytale!
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loregoddess · 6 months
saw the first volume of Cursed Princess Club in the store last Sunday as I was walking by the manga section, and the name was so unusual that I looked it up online when I got home, and found out it was on webtoons to read for free, and just finished it, and holy shit
literally one of the best stories I've ever read
#I don't even know where to begin it's just insanely well-written but also so deeply emotional and wholesome and wonderful#also there's a lady with a were-spider curse tied to her menstrual cycle which gets discussed casually and like#I've never seen menstruation discussed by fictional characters in such a natural and no big deal way it was fucking awesome#but literally everything about every character was so very well-written and presented in such a good way#like I dunno curses as analogies for disabilities and how they don't lessen a person's worth#and how people are still people deserving of love and how difficult self-love and self-acceptance can be#but also how important it is but also how it still sucks to live w/ certain things#and how you can be both angry about something and accepting of it at the same time#but also about how superficial and socially/culturally constructed ideals of beauty and worthiness are and how they're totally fake#and potentially harmful and also how it's possible to work around and against and restructure those ideals#but also it's about princesses (and a couple princes) kicking ass and being cool and also just being human#also I gotta hand it to the author for having a lady who totally enjoys sleeping around and isn't shamed for it whatsoever#there's also a character who's basically aroace and despite two men falling in love with her like#as soon as they find out she's not interested in relationships they back off and respect that and still treat her as a friend#and I dunno that's just neat#like it's satirical fantasy that deconstructs so many different fairytale tropes but it's also so genuine and sincere#that it somehow circles back to embody the heart of a fairytale in all the best ways possible#anyhow it's absolutely worth a read#oracle of lore
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fallenrain40 · 7 months
how is it so hard for you people to understand that aroaces dont want relationships IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO BELIEVE THAT WE DONT WANT RELATIONSHIPS-
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
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brianlazarow · 1 month
Strike the Match release date
Hey friends and fictional folk! As some of you may know, I've been working on becoming a published author for quite some time. Well, soon that dream is going to become a reality! My debut novel, Strike the Match, now has a tentative release date of September 20, 2024!
This YA high fantasy reimagining of The Little Match Girl as a fairytale heist novel is set to be the first in a series of books following Enya in her adventures across a world of folk and fairytales both well-known and obscure.
I don't have any pre-order links set up just yet but do keep an eye out for those and please pre-order if you can. As a self-publishing author, I will need your help to get the word out there about my book. Please pre-order the book, share the links, and leave a review once the book is out. I know times are tough for a lot of people but even an ebook pre-order lets booksellers know that people are interested in my writing and will help me out immensely, as will every review.
Strike the Match will be available in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook pretty much everywhere books are sold online.
Thank you all so much for your support and thank you, Christina Myrvold (https://christinapm.artstation.com/) for this incredible cover art!
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happi-tree · 2 years
ok ill bite. 🎵 sparrow
SKDBFKHDBFHKASHKBFS hiiiii nonnie!!! hope you're having a lovely day 💗💗💗 on to my sparrow shit
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very basic of me ik. but i do like to think that this song would be sort of relaxing for him - almost meditative - even in a world where the moon no longer rises. i actually chose this cover version since it sounds a bit more melancholic to me since i think that would fit him best! the meaning behind the song - that even amidst chaos of the world, some things still stay certain - would help ground him a bit. i can picture him singing it softly to hero and normal when they're little as a lullaby 🥺🥺🥺
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this one is more of a song about him than it is one i think he would listen to. the lyrics of this song so frequently drive me insane. there's a lyric about how the endless repeating days run together like mixed-up paint and that just really reminds me of sparrow being a little art kid. "you always hide your thoughts behind a smile / even if you close your ears / there's nothing to stop the noise" my little lovewolf bearer of the curse!!! i just want to give him a hug for keeping it together for so long this poor guy just needs to be able to take a breath and RELAX without feeling like the world will explode otherwise. also it might just be my association with the artist, sparrow, and wolves but! i digress.
Send me a ♫ + a character’s name and I will respond with a song (or multiple!!!) that reminds me of them. Send a ♫ + a ship and I will do the same.
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Read a simplified version of Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare
And the guy has to choose one of three boxes to marry the girl
And if he chooses wrong, he has to leave and promise never to marry anyone again
And, like, we should do that!
We should purposely choose the wrong box and go on with our lives
And if someone asks why we're not married we tell them the story!
Just need to find someone who has this condition set 🕵���‍♀️
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