#brian lazarow
brianlazarow · 26 days
Strike the Match pre-order links
Pre-order links are live for my debut novel, Strike the Match, a YA high fantasy reimagining of The Little Match Girl as a fairytale heist!
The full release date is September 20, 2024, but if you want to get your hands on a copy the day of, you can check out the links below. Currently only the ebook and paperback versions are available but I'm working on getting the hardcover and audiobook versions up soon!
Like I said before, as a self-publishing author I will need all the help I can get in getting the word out about my book. So please share these links far and wide so I can hopefully maybe make this my full time job!
Barnes & Noble | Amazon
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templeofgeek · 7 years
We asked our staff...
We asked our staff…
What are the top 3 things you want to see from The Last Jedi…
  Stacy Bishop  1. We’re going to actually see why Luke is the most powerful Jedi. (Technically, the only one as well) 2. Luke will be the first canon gray Jedi 3. Someone big dies. Including many porg. Brian Lazarow 1. Rise of the gray Jedi. 2. Luke and Leia…
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brianlazarow · 1 month
Strike the Match release date
Hey friends and fictional folk! As some of you may know, I've been working on becoming a published author for quite some time. Well, soon that dream is going to become a reality! My debut novel, Strike the Match, now has a tentative release date of September 20, 2024!
This YA high fantasy reimagining of The Little Match Girl as a fairytale heist novel is set to be the first in a series of books following Enya in her adventures across a world of folk and fairytales both well-known and obscure.
I don't have any pre-order links set up just yet but do keep an eye out for those and please pre-order if you can. As a self-publishing author, I will need your help to get the word out there about my book. Please pre-order the book, share the links, and leave a review once the book is out. I know times are tough for a lot of people but even an ebook pre-order lets booksellers know that people are interested in my writing and will help me out immensely, as will every review.
Strike the Match will be available in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook pretty much everywhere books are sold online.
Thank you all so much for your support and thank you, Christina Myrvold (https://christinapm.artstation.com/) for this incredible cover art!
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brianlazarow · 6 months
Author Headshots are in!
As some of you all might know, I am working on towards self-publishing my novel Strike the Match, a YA high fantasy reimagining of The Little Match Girl fairytale.
The options for my author headshots have just come in and if you want to vote on them early and get your username mentioned in the Acknowledgements page then you can sign up for my Patreon over on patreon.com/BrianLazarow.
Even signing up for the $1 tier would be a huge help towards making my dream of being able to live off my writing a reality! Thank you!
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templeofgeek · 7 years
We wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween… here’s some of our staff all dressed up!
Rooster and Stacy
Josie Price
Brian Lazarow
Dave Hisaka
Matthew Wells
Stacy Bishop
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templeofgeek · 7 years
What Temple of Geek thinks about The Last Jedi Trailer...
What Temple of Geek thinks about The Last Jedi Trailer…
Here’s our initial reactions to the trailer…
Brian Lazarow:  Awesome! I’m super hyped! And that Kylo tease at the end? A total trick of editing to mess with the shippers, lol. I’m most excited for the fight between Finn and Captain Phasma!
Stacy Bishop:  It’s the first time in a long time I’ve watched Star Wars and actually felt…
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templeofgeek · 7 years
Ask Temple of Geek Staff... Marvel Movies We Are Excited About
Ask Temple of Geek Staff… Marvel Movies We Are Excited About
Which future Marvel movie are you looking forward to the most and why?
Brian Lazarow “I’d say the Infinity War movies because of all the build up and because it’s bringing together a vast cinematic universe in a way that’s never been done by films before.”
  Monica Duarte “Blank Panther. Trailer looks amazing.”
  Jonathan Morales“T…
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