#arne schmidt
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cinesludge · 2 years ago
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Movie #41 of 2023: Hunter Killer
I’m pretty sure this was a drunken tale told by someone at a bar overheard by an author.
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janetsboys · 1 year ago
X readers list
heyyy here are all the characters i can write fanfics about if you’d like to request something (⚠️read my bio)
i’m a she/her and i don’t really feel comfortable writing with other genders than female because i can’t really know what they feel if you understand what i mean? thank you for your comprehension <3
- mike schmidt (five nights at freddy’s)
- carl gallagher (shameless)
- finnick odair (the hunger games)
- thor odinson (mcu)
- lo’ak sully (avatar twow)
- rafe cameron (outer banks)
- gally (the maze runner)
- flash thompson (the amazing spider-man)
- arne johnson (the conjuring 3)
- harry osborn (spider-man)
- alex summers (x-men)
i know this is very specific lmao but i have to do this cause they’re the only ones i have inspiration about😭
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dailyanarchistposts · 21 days ago
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Bibliography / further reading
Andrew X (2001) “Give up Activism.” from Do or Die, issue 9
Anonymous (2001) At Daggers Drawn with the Existent, its Defenders and its False Critics (London: Elephant Editions)
Anonymous (2003) Call
Anonymous (2011) Desert (St. Kilda, UK: Stac an Armin Press)
Anonymous (2006) Down with the Empire, Up with the Spring! (Wellington: Rebel Press)
Anonymous (2003) “Insurrectionary Anarchy: Organising for Attack!” from Do or Die, issue 10
Anonymous (2013) The Issues are not the Issue
Anonymous (2015) “The Veil Dops.” from Return Fire, issue 3
Bari, Judi. (1995) “Revolutionary Ecology: Biocentrism & Deep Ecology.” from Alarm
Best, Steven, & Nocella, Anthony J. II (2006) “A Fire in the Belly of the Beast: The Emergence of Revolutionary Environmentalism.” from Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth, ed. Best, Steven, & Nocella, Anthony J. I (Oakland: AK Press)
Best, Steven (2014) The Politics of Total Liberation: Revolution for the 21st Century (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)
Bey, Hakim (2003) TAZ: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism (New York City: Autonomedia)
Biehl, Janet (2007) “Bookchin Breaks with Anarchism.” from Communalism
Bookchin, Murray (2001) The Spanish Anarchists: The Heroic Years 1868–1936 (Oakland: AK Press)
–––. (2004) “Listen, Marxist!” from Post-Scarcity Anarchism (Montreal: Black Rose Books)
–––. (2005) The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy (Oakland: AK Press)
Bonanno, Alfredo (1977) Armed Joy (London: Elephant Editions)
–––. (2000) The Insurrectional Project (London: Elephant Editions)
–––. (2013) Let’s Destroy Work, Let’s Destroy the Economy (San Francisco: Ardent Press)
Dauvé, Gilles (2008) “When Insurrections Die: 1917–1937.” from Endnotes, issue 1
–––. (2015) Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement (Oakland: PM Press)
Gelderloos, Peter. (2007) Insurrection vs. Organization: Reflections from Greece on a Pointless Schism
–––. (2010) An Anarchist Solution to Global Warming
Haider, Asad. (2018) Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump (New York: Verso Books)
Invisible Committee. (2009) The Coming Insurrection (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e))
–––. (2015) To Our Friends (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e))
–––. (2017) Now (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e))
Næss, Arne. (1993) “The Deep Ecological Movement: Some Philosophical Aspects.” from Environmental Philosophy
Nibert, David (2002) Animal Rights/Human Rights: Entanglements of Oppression and Liberation (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield)
Öcalan, Abdullah (2013) Democratic Confederalism (Cologne: International Initiative Edition)
–––. (2017) Liberating Life: Woman’s Revolution (Cologne: International Initiative Edition)
Pellow, David Naguib (2014) Total Liberation: The Power and Promise of Animal Rights and the Radical Earth Movement (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press)
Pellow, David Naguib, & Brehm, Hollie Nyseth (2015) “From the New Ecological Paradigm to Total Liberation: The Emergence of a Social Movement Frame.” from Sociological Quarterly
Perlman, Fredy. (2010) Against His-tory, Against Leviathan! (Detroit: Black & Red)
ed. Schwartz, A. G., Sagris, Tasos; Void Network. (2010) We are an Image from the Future: The Greek Revolt of December 2008 (Oakland: AK Press)
Singer, Peter (2009) Animal Liberation (New York: Harper Perennial)
ed. Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness (2015) A Small Key can Open a Large Door: The Rojava Revolution (Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness)
Tiqqun. (2011) This is Not a Program (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e))
van der Walt, Lucien, & Schmidt, Michael (2009) Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism (Oakland: AK Press)
Zerzan, John (1999) “Agriculture.” from Elements of Refusal (Columbia, MO: C.A.L. Press)
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saturdaynightmatinee · 8 months ago
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Título Original: Chain Reaction
Año: 1996
Duración: 106 min
País: Estados Unidos
Dirección: Andrew Davis
Guion: J.F. Lawton, Michael Bortman. Historia: Arne L. Schmidt, Rick Seaman, Josh Friedman
Música: Jerry Goldsmith
Fotografía: Frank Tidy
Reparto: Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman, Rachel Weisz, Fred Ward, Kevin Dunn etc
Productora: 20th Century Fox, Zanuck Company, Chicago Pacific Entertainment, 3 Arts Entertainment
Género: Drama; Action; Sci-FI
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madridcontrabilbao · 10 months ago
¿Cuál fue la alineación del Feyenoord en su último partido contra el PSV?
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¿Cuál fue la alineación del Feyenoord en su último partido contra el PSV?
Alineación titular Feyenoord PSV
El partido entre Feyenoord y PSV es un emocionante enfrentamiento entre dos de los equipos más grandes de la Eredivisie. La alineación titular de ambos equipos juega un papel crucial en el resultado final del partido.
Feyenoord, dirigido por su experimentado entrenador, ha demostrado ser un rival formidable en la liga holandesa. Con jugadores talentosos en todas las posiciones, el equipo suele alinear a su mejor once inicial para enfrentarse a equipos de la talla del PSV. Jugadores como Berghuis, Sinisterra y Botteghin son piezas clave en la alineación titular del Feyenoord, aportando su talento y experiencia en el campo.
Por otro lado, el PSV, bajo la dirección de su estratega, cuenta con una alineación igualmente fuerte y competitiva. Con jugadores como Malen, Dumfries y Sangaré, el equipo tiene el potencial para desequilibrar cualquier partido y salir victorioso. La alineación titular del PSV es un equilibrio entre juventud y experiencia, lo que les permite competir al más alto nivel.
En resumen, el enfrentamiento entre Feyenoord y PSV promete ser un espectáculo emocionante para los aficionados al fútbol. Con alineaciones titulares llenas de talento y determinación, ambos equipos lucharán por conseguir la victoria y dejar su huella en la Eredivisie.
Jugadores determinantes Feyenoord PSV
Los jugadores determinantes en Feyenoord y PSV son clave para el éxito de ambos equipos en la Eredivisie, la liga de fútbol profesional de los Países Bajos. Estos jugadores destacados son piezas fundamentales en sus respectivos equipos, ayudando a marcar goles, crear oportunidades de gol y mantener la consistencia en el rendimiento.
En Feyenoord, jugadores como Steven Berghuis y Marcos Senesi han demostrado ser determinantes en el campo. Berghuis es un habilidoso extremo que aporta velocidad y creatividad en el ataque, mientras que Senesi es una roca en la defensa, despejando balones y liderando la zaga con solidez.
Por otro lado, en PSV destacan jugadores como Donyell Malen y Mario Götze. Malen es un delantero letal que ha demostrado ser uno de los máximos goleadores del equipo, mientras que Götze aporta experiencia y calidad en la creación de juego en el mediocampo.
Estos jugadores determinantes son fundamentales para el rendimiento de Feyenoord y PSV en la Eredivisie, ya que su contribución en el campo marca la diferencia en los partidos y ayuda a que sus equipos compitan por los primeros puestos en la tabla de posiciones. Su habilidad, talento y compromiso son admirados por los aficionados y respetados por sus rivales en cada encuentro.
Suplentes Feyenoord PSV
Los suplentes del Feyenoord y el PSV: ¿Qué papel juegan en sus equipos?
En el fútbol, la profundidad del banco de suplentes es fundamental para el éxito de un equipo a lo largo de una temporada. Tanto el Feyenoord como el PSV, dos de los equipos más destacados de la Eredivisie neerlandesa, cuentan con jugadores talentosos en el banquillo que pueden marcar la diferencia cuando se les da la oportunidad.
En el caso del Feyenoord, dirigido por un experimentado técnico como Arne Slot, los suplentes desempeñan un papel crucial en la estrategia del equipo. Jugadores como Mark Diemers, Naoufal Bannis y Eric Botteghin han demostrado su valía al entrar desde el banquillo y contribuir con goles, asistencias y sólidas actuaciones defensivas. La profundidad del equipo permite a Slot realizar cambios tácticos sin sacrificar la calidad en el campo.
Por otro lado, el PSV, bajo la dirección de Roger Schmidt, también confía en sus suplentes para mantener el ritmo en la liga. Con jugadores como Marco van Ginkel, Cody Gakpo y Eran Zahavi disponibles desde el banquillo, el PSV tiene la capacidad de cambiar el curso de un partido en cualquier momento. La versatilidad de estos jugadores les permite adaptarse a diferentes situaciones de juego y mantener la intensidad durante los 90 minutos.
En resumen, tanto el Feyenoord como el PSV cuentan con un banco de suplentes sólido y talentoso que complementa a sus titulares. La competencia interna por un lugar en el once inicial impulsa a estos jugadores a dar lo mejor de sí mismos cuando tienen la oportunidad de entrar en el campo, lo que beneficia al equipo en su conjunto y contribuye a su éxito en la Eredivisie y más allá.
Resultado partido Feyenoord vs PSV
El partido entre Feyenoord y PSV ha generado gran interés en los aficionados al fútbol. El resultado de este emocionante enfrentamiento dejó a ambos equipos con un sabor agridulce.
El Feyenoord demostró su fuerza en el campo y logró imponerse con un marcador final de 2-1 contra el PSV. Los aficionados del Feyenoord estaban extasiados con la victoria de su equipo, que supo jugar de manera inteligente y contundente para llevarse los tres puntos en juego.
Por otro lado, el PSV tuvo un desempeño destacado durante el partido, mostrando un juego sólido y creativo que les permitió mantenerse en la lucha hasta el final. A pesar de la derrota, los seguidores del PSV reconocen el esfuerzo de sus jugadores y confían en que pronto recuperarán su mejor nivel.
Este resultado ha generado expectativas para los próximos enfrentamientos de ambos equipos en la liga. Los aficionados esperan ver más partidos emocionantes y llenos de acción entre el Feyenoord y el PSV, dos equipos con un talento indiscutible y una rivalidad que promete mantenerse en lo más alto del fútbol holandés.
En resumen, el partido entre Feyenoord y PSV dejó a los aficionados con ganas de más y demostró que la competencia en la liga holandesa sigue siendo emocionante y vibrante.
Estrategia táctica Feyenoord último encuentro
El último encuentro del Feyenoord en la jornada pasada mostró una estrategia táctica sólida y efectiva que les llevó a conseguir una importante victoria. El equipo demostró un gran desempeño en el campo, destacando principalmente en la defensa y en el manejo del mediocampo.
La táctica utilizada por el entrenador fue clave en el desarrollo del partido. Feyenoord mostró una presión alta desde el inicio, dificultando la salida de balón del rival y generando oportunidades de gol a partir de recuperaciones en zonas peligrosas. Además, supo mantener la concentración y la intensidad durante los 90 minutos, lo que les permitió controlar el ritmo del juego y neutralizar las ocasiones de gol del equipo contrario.
Otro aspecto a destacar fue la eficacia en el juego a balón parado. Feyenoord aprovechó al máximo las jugadas de estrategia, tanto en defensa como en ataque, lo que les permitió convertir en gol una de las ocasiones generadas de esta manera.
En resumen, la estrategia táctica implementada por el Feyenoord en su último encuentro fue fundamental para obtener la victoria. El equipo demostró organización, disciplina y eficacia en todas sus líneas, dejando en claro que están en un buen momento de forma y que son un rival a tener en cuenta en la competición.
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korrektheiten · 2 years ago
Corona-Protest: Pianist Arne Schmidt vor Gericht
Compact:»Teilnehmer der Corona-Demos kennen Arne Schmidt als kritischen und talentierten Pianisten. Am vergangenen Donnerstag stand er in Berlin vor Gericht. Die Anklage behauptet, Schmidt habe schweren Landfriedensbruch begangen, weil er im Jahr 2021 mit seinem Klavier eine Polizeikette durchbrochen haben soll. Der Angeklagte erschien ohne Verteidiger vor dem Amtsgericht und kündigte vor Beginn des Prozesses [...] Der Beitrag Corona-Protest: Pianist Arne Schmidt vor Gericht erschien zuerst auf COMPACT. http://dlvr.it/SnJZnd «
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 years ago
Hunter Killer (2018)
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Hunter Killer barely squeaks by to earn itself a 50% rating. There’s little here you haven’t seen elsewhere but better. It does contain a few moments of tension amidst the by-the-books action sequences, however, and those who demand little from it will be entertained while it lasts.
After an American submarine vanishes while spying on a Russian vessel in the Arctic, the USS Arkansas, under the command of Commander Joe Glass (Gerard Butler) is sent to investigate. The crew discovers a conspiracy in motion by Russia’s defense minister, Admiral Dmitri Durov (Mikhail Gorevoy), who seeks to take power from Russian President Zakarin (Alexander Diachenko). In a bizarre turn, America must now save the Russian President by kidnapping him.
You’ll find little of the claustrophobia typically associated with submarine films like Das Boot in Hunter Killer. Even the political tension in something like The Hunt for Red October isn’t here. Think more like a Russia Has Fallen follow-up to Olympus Has Fallen and London Has Fallen but (thankfully) less preposterous. There are nonetheless plenty of eyebrow-raising moments as a crack team of Navy SEALs led by Lt. Bill Beaman (Toby Stephens) sneaks in and grabs President Zakarin. Grievous injuries are ignored, and they have a knack for showing up at the right place, at the right time repeatedly. It’s no less preposterous than the Russians speaking in English all the time. Otherwise, it’d be difficult to establish the initial mistrust between the two countries before they decide to team up against a common enemy, right?
Watching Hunter Killer, you keep expecting more. With the current political climate, you’d think there’d be a message or edge. The villains? They’re just… an excuse for the plot to kick off. Even the protagonists have such simple story arcs you don’t feel as though you’ve gotten to know them by the end. When the Navy SEALs encounter fire, I had difficulty figuring out who was getting hit unless they were the leader or the guy they singled out as the rookie.
I’m not sure what Gary Oldman saw in this script. He’s only got a few scenes and they’re relatively brief. Maybe they caught him between two bigger projects? When the end credits started to roll, I couldn’t even remember who Caroline Goodall played. Was she that one female officer on the sub that had three lines? Bit odd to credit her so high. Oh! Right, she played the U.S. President who just sorta disappeared!
Despite the familiar plot, you won’t be bored by Hunter Killer. There are a couple of good scenes, stuff blows up once in a while, and the stakes are high enough to compensate for the characters’ lack of definition. Maybe if you just happen upon it playing on a Sunday morning where you don’t feel like going outside, it’s alright. (Theatrical version on the big screen, October 27, 2018)
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datenarche · 4 years ago
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#Live #Dokumentar
► Das offene Sachsen-Mikrofon | SERIE - 5. Live-Sendung - 2021-05-26 A.ufstand & A.ufruhr, NICHTRAUM 製造 Manufaktur Audio – PS-20, S.umpf, C.oronale Massenpsychose, T.iefenstaat – W.EF – Transhumanismus u.v.w.
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 years ago
Chain Reaction (1996) Review
Chain Reaction (1996) Review
Eddie Kasalivich and Dr. Lily Sinclair both working on a project for green alternative energy, but end up on the run when they are framed for murder. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading
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qqueenofhades · 3 years ago
I know you mention often you don't have much time to read history books...but if I wanted a fundamental knowledge of Russian history leading up to where we are now--God help us--where should I start?
Okay. This post will consist of two parts: one, a suggested reading list, and two, some discussion on what you (or anyone) should do if they want to think, write, or speak about this situation in a remotely constructive way, and not one that just mindlessly amplifies destructive propaganda on any side of the conflict. I have a long-standing, if amateur, interest in Russian history, literature, and language; I started reading about Catherine the Great and the Russian Empire in high school, and over the last few years, I have been expanding that with work on the medieval Kievan Rus', the USSR, and post-Soviet Russia. So I have actually read almost all of these sources, which vary between the academic and the popular. I have starred and bolded the ones that I think will be the most accessible for a layperson and/or the most relevant.
This is a long post, but I have tagged it "long post" if for some reason anyone wants to filter. However, given the urgency of this moment, I feel as if it is more important to read in full than look away.
Medieval Kievan Rus'
Fonnesberg-Schmidt, Iben Marie. The Popes and the Baltic Crusades 1147–1254 (Leiden: Brill, 2007).
Isoaho, Mari. The Image of Aleksandr Nevskiiy in Medieval Russia: Warrior and Saint (Leiden: Brill, 2006).
Lind, John. ‘Early Russian-Swedish Rivalry: The Battle on the Neva in 1240 and Birger Magnusson’s Second Crusade to Tavastia’, Scandinavian Journal of History 16 (1991), 269–95.
———. ‘Scandinavian Nemtsy and Repaganized Russians. The Expansion of the Latin West During the Baltic Crusades and its Confessional Repercussions’, in The Crusades and the Military Orders: Expanding the Frontiers of Medieval Latin Christianity, ed. Zsolt Hunyadi and József Laszlovszky (Budapest, 2001), pp. 481–97.
Nielsen, Torben K. ‘Sterile Monsters?: Russians and the Orthodox Church in the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia’, in The Clash of Cultures on the Medieval Baltic Frontier, ed. Alan V. Murray (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009), pp. 227–52.
Ostrowski, Donald. ‘Alexander Nevskii’s ‘Battle on the Ice’: The Creation of a Legend’, Russian History 33 (2006), 289–312.
*Plokhy, Serhii. The Lost Kingdom: The Quest for Empire and the Making of the Russian Nation, from 1470 to the Present (New York: Basic Books, 2017).
———. The Origins of the Slavic Nations: Premodern Identities in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Selart, Anti. Livonia, Rus’, and the Baltic Crusades in the Thirteenth Century, trans. Fiona Robb (Leiden: Brill, 2015).
The Cold War and the USSR
*Plokhy, Serhii. Chernobyl: The History of a Nuclear Catastrophe (New York: Basic Books, 2018).
———, The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union (New York: Basic Books, 2014).
———, The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine (New York: Basic Books, 2015).
Sarotte, Mary Elise. 1989: The Struggle to Create Post-Cold War Europe (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014).
*Westad, Odd Arne. The Cold War: A World History. New York: Basic Books, 2017).
Post-Soviet Russia and the Rise of Putin
*Belton, Catherine. Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took on the West (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2020).
*Gessen, Masha. The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia (New York: Riverhead Books, 2017).
———, The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin (New York: Riverhead Books, 2013).
*Maddow, Rachel. Blowout: Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, and the Most Destructive Industry on Earth. (New York: Crown Publishers, 2019).
* Sarotte, Mary Elise. Not One Inch: America, Russia, and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2021). (This one is my own reading this weekend.)
First, I would argue that calling it the "Ukraine crisis" is deeply misleading, due to the fact that a) it's no longer a crisis, it's a full-fledged war, and b) it makes it sound as if Ukraine is the instigator or aggressor in the situation, while conveniently removing blame from Russia. This is not unprecedented in Russia's post-USSR or Soviet history (see: invasions of Georgia in 2008 and annexation of Crimea in 2014; invasion of Afghanistan in 1979), but it certainly represents the most serious breach of international law and outright war in Europe since the end of the Yugoslavian conflicts. (Everyone is saying 1945 and the end of WWII, but that erases the Balkan civil wars which happened in the NINETIES, when most of you were already alive, not to mention the Bosniak Muslim genocides.) I didn't rule out the possibility entirely, but I (like everyone else) was skeptical of Putin actually taking such an insane and suicidal step. (We'll get to that.) However, it's happened, and it needs to be taken seriously.
First, the usual impulse among terminally-online leftist circles is to engage in "whataboutism," point out Europe and the USA's own long and sordidly shameful history of colonialism and imperialism (believe me, I know, I have written many posts in that vein), and otherwise act as if Putin is somehow correct for "showing up" the West. I am obviously a sympathetic outside observer to Russia and I know a lot about it, so trust me when I say: bullshit. There is absolutely no call to soften or ameliorate Putin's actions, or try to excuse him or the paranoid imperial autocracy (with nuclear weapons that he has gone so far as to hint using on anyone who tries to stop Russia's current insane crusade) that he and the siloviki (ex-KGB security men who form his inner circle) have deliberately built in the ruins of post-Cold War Russia. You don't need to show that you Know About The Bad Things the West Has Done. Right now, what matters is that a sovereign democratic country has been violently attacked and is going to suffer another generation of bloodshed, destruction, and dysfunction for absolutely no other reason than Putin's paranoia, ego, and revanchist desire to rebuild the Russian Empire. Ukraine has already overthrown and/or gotten rid of several pro-Russian leaders in the last decade, and Putin is punishing them for that. As noted in his rambling speech "recognizing" Donetsk and Luhansk as "independent," he doesn't think Ukraine has any right to exist as a separate state, and he wants revenge for their daring to buck the good old days of absolute Russian/Soviet rule. That is the beginning and end of it.
Next: I'm already seeing a lot of Westerners insisting that, basically, "all Russians support Putin" and they're willing to follow him to the bitter end and there's no reasoning with them. Once again: this is bullshit. I have been reading a LOT of articles on this whole mess, including those from the Russian perspective, and I haven't seen one single ordinary Russian who is happy about this. Even those who do support Putin politically and think he was right to recognize the separatist republics don't want a war, are afraid of what it's going to do to their young people and/or economy, and otherwise don't feel great about it. Young Russians particularly hate it and are in despair about how their future has, again, been robbed from them. Bankers and businesspeople are worried about the crushing impact of expected sanctions on their savings and ability to plan for the future. One verbatim reaction was "only an absolute idiot would want war and sanctions instead of diplomacy and improvement of Russia's international reputation." They bemoaned the awkward, ludicrous, satire-worthy televised meeting of the National Security Council, where members of Putin's cabinet were forced to come to a microphone and tell him they supported recognizing the breakaway republics. (Putin went so far as to berate the head of the FSB, the KGB's successor organization, for forgetting his lines.) The members of the Duma, or Russian parliament, are widely hated among the Russian public for existing as a puppet rubber-stamp for the Kremlin's decisions and extorting bribes. Some people have gone so far as to say that sanctions on the otherwise-unaccountable Russian elite would be welcomed by 99% of the Russian population. So.
Not to mention, if you say, "all Russians support Putin," you are openly legitimizing Putin's own insane talking point that he is acting in the Name of All Russians, they all agree with what he's doing, this is a united nationwide effort, so forth and etc. You are supporting a ruthless dictator's own propaganda lines about himself and playing into the exact Cold War-era stereotypes about the Red Menace that give Putin his fodder to stoke domestic resentment against the West. If we're not going to agree that the lunatic fringe far-right Trumpist cultists represent All of America and the majority of its political views, we're not going to do the same with the lunatic far-right fringe of Russian politics. It is impossible to overstate how brutal and repressionist the Putin regime has been, and how much ordinary Russians are punished for speaking out. There is credible evidence that the 1999 apartment bombings and the 2002 Moscow theater siege, both attributed to Chechen terrorists and which shored up support for Putin at the start of his reign, were false-flag operations by the FSB. We all know what has systematically happened to Putin's political enemies. The government has stripped funding from any independent or critical media entity and forced them to flee the country, so the only "news" available on TV are the federal propaganda channels. The massive crowds who came out to protest the treatment of Alexei Navalny (who is somehow both still alive and still has access to Twitter: @navalny, which I recommend looking at; even if you don't read Russian, Twitter usually offers an auto-translate option) were arrested, investigated, and otherwise treated in bad-old-days Soviet fashion. The brave few who have openly come out in Moscow to protest this war have been immediately arrested. Modern Russia under Putin is a dictatorship, full stop. As the Russian opposition keeps saying, this war is going to hurt Russia as much as Ukraine, and turn the country once more into an isolated international pariah. If Putin was so confident that his plans and the party of United Russia were so fully supported by the Russian public, he wouldn’t need to completely destroy its limited democratic functions to prevent it from ever being replaced.
Likewise, there are some exceptionally deluded dirtbag leftists who like to do the same thing to Russia as they do to America: insist that the murderous right-wing authoritarian dictator (Putin/Trump) and the human but flawed democratic politician with some regrettable past statements/positions (Navalny/Biden) are fundamentally the same and that there's no point in differentiating between them. This reflects the immature, self-righteous, zero-sum logic that has increasingly developed on social media, where one side is the Good/Passive Thing that has Morally Problematic Things Done To Them, and the other is the Bad/Aggressive Actor who is solely responsible for Doing Morally Problematic Things, and that there are no other categories or shades of grey between them. This, obviously, is (again) bullshit, and if you come across ignorant westerners spouting this kind of rhetoric, you should push back hard. Once again, this removes the moral weight of this catastrophe from Vladimir Putin, the person who deserves to shoulder it, and makes it into some sort of abstract occurrence that would (apparently) have also happened if, in some better timeline, Navalny was the president of Russia. Because something something unchangeable Russian nature, straight-from-the-Cold-War nonsense. Do better.
In short, it's the same logic where certain elements of the so-enlightened Twitterati are now acting like this is Biden's fault, because he somehow should have magically stopped an insane dictator from launching an entirely unnecessary war, and that it isn't said insane dictator's fault at all. The current Russian system is a master of disinformation, denial, and turning the west against itself (indeed, that's its entire communications strategy) and the reason the Biden administration kept warning for weeks that this was coming, even when almost everyone didn't take them seriously and Moscow itself was in Deny Deny Deny mode, is because the US is belatedly realizing that they're going to need to play the information game at the same level. The US's almost-unprecedented real-time release of intelligence and calling out the false-flag attacks as they happened was one of the reasons that Putin kept having to shift his invasion strategy/pretext for launching hostilities.
Likewise: sanctions, especially if the US and EU go all the way and launch them to the level of cutting Russia off from SWIFT (the global banking system) and the ability to trade in the US dollar, are punishing, but they are not a magic bullet, and they won't stop the conflict immediately. Putin will take pride in being punished by the Unjust West, and it's going to take a long time for the pain to be felt; as noted, they are also going to hurt a lot of ordinary Russians who have nothing to do with this, and once more destroy the country's development and attempt to join the post-Cold War world. In the meantime, it's the people of Ukraine who are going to do the most suffering, and that's where our focus needs to remain.
There has been lots of talk about how the Russian oligarchs need to be sanctioned, but it's a mistake to think that they control Putin or set Kremlin policy. Their arrangement is that they give Putin money whenever he needs it and in return, they don't go to jail. Hitting them will definitely hurt the Bank of Putin, but it won't fundamentally influence Putin's current policy, because he listens to nobody but himself. Hitting his inner circle of enablers, the Duma, the security services, the siloviki, the military commanders, the top-level financial fixers who actually put his decisions into practice, and fueling their resentment against Putin for cutting off access to the lavish Western lifestyles they like to enjoy, will be much more effective. This will also require an effort of will on the West's part that is far from a given. The reason the UK initially launched such pathetic sanctions (five banks and three individuals already on the US sanctions list since 2018) is because they have done extremely well for themselves taking gobs of dirty Russian cash and turning London into "Londongrad." If we're condemning the Russian actions that led to this, we also need to take a hard look at how ravenous, undiscerning, late-stage capitalism where any money and any mega-fortune is a good thing, has directly contributed to the general breakdown of society.
Anyway: as I said last night, for someone who claims to be a student of history, Putin is remarkably oblivious to how the Russian empire ended twice (once in 1917 with the murder of the tsar, and in 1991 with the total collapse of the polity he now desperately yearns to rebuild.) As with most dictators, he somehow thinks that he will be exempt from this fate. I hope more than anything that the world can show him, sooner rather than later, how wrong that is.
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years ago
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Only 12 years after the end of WWII the 1957 Interbau building exhibition gathered progressive international and German architects in Berlin to design houses, apartment buildings and infrastructural architecture for the Hansaviertel which had been almost entirely destroyed by the war. The Interbau dates back to 1951 when the Senate of West-Berlin contemplated the idea of having a building exhibition draw attention to the city and respond to the construction of the Stalinallee in East-Berlin. After a jury had selected Gerhard Jobst’s and Willy Kreuer’s town planning design among 98 competition entries a roster of potential architects was drawn up, among them International masters like Arne Jacobsen, Oscar Niemeyer and Walter Gropius but also Egon Eiermann, Sep Ruf or Paul Schneider-Esleben as representatives of German postwar modernism. The resulting quarter ultimately comprised 1,300 housing units, a library, a shopping center, two churches and a day care center.
Still the best overview of the Hansaviertel’s history and architecture provides the monograph “Das Hansaviertel - Internationale Nachkriegsmoderne in Berlin” by Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper and photographer Franziska Schmidt, published in 1999 by Verlag Bauwesen. Divided into two distinctive parts the book provides a comprehensive account of the events leading up to the 1957 Interbau, the underlying urban planning as well as the architects involved. Interestingly the authors have also included a collection of international reactions to the Interbau, largely positive and affirmative of the initiator’s intention to reestablish Germany on the stage of international progressive architecture. The second and larger part of the book is then dedicated to the architecture: structured along tours Dolff-Bonekämper explores the different parts of the quarter and with the help of plans and Schmidt’s photographs examines each building in great detail. Since she also covers buildings (the school, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and the Unité d’Habitation) related to the Interbau but located outside the Hansaviertel a complete picture of the new Hansaviertel and the many innovative buildings emerges. A great read!
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save-the-villainous-cat · 2 years ago
hi i have a little 18th century german boy oc and u r the only german person ik . i want to strike a deal . if u suggest German names i will give u cat pictures
A lil 18th century German oc? Oh boy oh boy those dudes had terrible names like Gerhard, Eberhard, Reinhard…lots of hard huh…
But here are a few German names (also a bit Nordic, cuz I’m a bitch living in the north and c’mon Hanse <33) which I believe to be rather timeless and free of the grandpa stamp:
-Erik (also Eric)
-Lars / Lasse
-Konrad (also Conrad)
-Jannik (also Jannick, Yannic, Yannik, Yannick…)
-Gustaf (also Gustav)
-Phillip (also Fillip)
(Not me searching through my followers on insta to look up my classmate’s names…👹)
Those would be a few that come to mind when I think of timeless names that guys had in the 18th century and today. When we think about 18th century people specifically, I just think of writers and artists of that time, like:
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (<3) and his boyfriend
Friedrich Schiller,
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing,
Joseph von Eichendorff (<3),
Caspar David Friedrich (<3),
Heinrich Reinhold…etc. etc…
As most last names, Germany’s last names are an indicator for the occupation someone had (unless there’s a von, that means they’re nObLe), here are some examples:
-Weber (hehe)
-Müller / Möller
Etc. etc….
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amnhnyc · 4 years ago
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Here’s a nightmare critter: The tarantula hawk (Hemipepsis)—neither a tarantula nor a hawk—is a wasp that preys on tarantulas in order to raise its young. Picture this: a tarantula hawk comes swooping down on a tarantula, then paralyzes it with venom delivered via a powerful stinger. The tarantula hawk then drags its victim to its burrow, where it lays an egg on the spider’s abdomen. Once the egg hatches a few days later, the larva feeds on the still-living spider, starting with non-vital organs! To humans, the sting of a tarantula hawk is a four on a scale of one to four on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, behind only the sting of a bullet ant. 😳 Photo: arne heijenga, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, flickr https://www.instagram.com/p/CR8Aw1_rfkO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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watchingalotofmovies · 6 years ago
Magical Mystery or: The Return of Karl Schmidt
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Magical Mystery or: The Return of Karl Schmidt    [trailer]
Years after a nervous breakdown Karl goes on tour with old friends and upcoming electronic music DJs. Beeing the only sober person in a environment full of drugs and alcohol starts to bring back demons.
It isn't able to completely keep up the fast pace of the first thirty minutes. But it continues to be entertaining throughout. With lots of funny performances large and small, from a big, likable acting ensemble. who don#t mind being called Dösbaddel and Flitzpiepen.
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bluebeardsbride-archive · 5 years ago
watchlist for 2020 2020 reading list last updated 8.1.2020
I know there aren’t a lot of films directed by women or non-Western directors on this list, so if any of you have any recommendations I would love to hear them! I’m going to do some of my own research, but if you guys know any lesser known ones I’d love to add them to my list!
Faust (1926) dir. F. W. Murnau Rebecca (1940) dir. Alfred Hitchcock   Rope (1948) dir. Alfred Hitchcock   Secret beyond the Door (1948) dir. Fritz Lang Noita palaa elämään / The Witch (1952) dir. by Roland af Hällström North by Northwest (1959) dir. Alfred Hitchcock 1960s Et mourir de plaisir (1960) dir. Roger Vadim Persona (1960) dir. Ingmar Bergman The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) dir. Roger Corman Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962) dir. Agnès Varda I tre volti della paura / Black Sabbath (1963) dir. Mario Bava Lilith (1964) dir. Robert Rossen Vampirisme (1967) dir. Bernard Chaouat; Patrice Duvic The Satanist (1968) dir. Zoltan G. Spencer Le viol du vampire (1968) dir. Jean Rollin
1970s Le frisson des vampires (1970) dir. Jean Rollin The Vampire Doll (1970) dir. Michio Yamamoto La rose écorchée / The Blood Rose (1970) dir. Claude Mulot Ovoce stromu rajských jíme / Full of Paradise (1970) dir. Vera Chytilová +Trzecia część nocy / The Third Part of the Night (1971) dir. Andrzej Żuławski Les Lèvres Rouges / The Red Lips (1971) dir. Harry Kümel Una lucertola con la pelle di donna / A Lizard in a Woman’s Skin (1971) dir. Lucio Fulci Viskningar och Rop / Cries and Whispers (1972) dir. Ingmar Bergman Diabeł (1972) dir. Andrzej Żuławski La notte dei diavoli / Night of the Devils (1972) dir. Giorgio Ferroni Ángeles y querubines / Angels and Cherubs (1972) dir. Rafael Corkidi The Blood Spattered Bride (1972) dir. Vicente Aranda La morte negli occhi del gatto / Seven Deaths in a Cat’s Eye (1973) dir. Antonio Margheriti Cannibal Girls (1973) dir. Ivan Reitman +Ganja & Hess (1973) dir. Bill Gun La Rose de Fer / The Iron Rose (1973) dir. Jean Rollin Lady Snowblood (1973) dir. Toshiya Fujita +Messiah of Evil (1973) dir. Gloria Katz & Willard Huyck Female Vampire (1973) dir. Jesús Franco Thriller – en grym film / Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1973) dir. Bo Arne Vibenius Bloody Murder / …la main à couper (1974) dir. Etienne Périer +La Bête / The Beast (1975) dir. Walerian Borowczyk Dzieje grzechu / The Story of Sin (1975) dir. Walerian Borowczyk La Marge / The Stalker (1975) dir. Walerian Borowczyk +Sebastiane (1975) dir. Derek Jarman Profondo rosso / Deep Red (1975) dir. Dario Argento +Salomé (1976) dir. Téo Harnadez +Die Marquise von O… / The Maquis of O… (1976) dir. Éric Rohmer The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976) dir. Matt Cimber The Uncanny (1977) dir. Denis Héroux Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) dir. George Barry Portret (1977) dir. Stanisław Lenartowicz. Escalofrío / Satan’s Blood (1978) dir. Carlos Puerto +Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979) dir. Werner Herzog Les Sœurs Brontë / The Brontë Sisters (1979) dir. André Téchiné A Mulher Que Inventou o Amor / The Woman Who Invented Love (1979) dir. Jean Garrett +Fascination (1979) dir. Jean Rollin Les héroïnes du mal / Immoral Women (1979) dir. Walerian Borowczyk
1980s Aus dem Leben der Marionetten / From the Life of the Marionettes (1980) dir.  Ingmar Bergman La Dame aux camélias / The Lady of the Camellias (1980) dir.  Mauro Bolognini Inferno (1980) dir. Dario Argento La nuit des traquées / The Night of the Hunted (1980) dir. Jean Rollin +Dressed to Kill (1980) dir. Brian de Palma Docteur Jekyll et les femmes (1981) dir. Walerian Borowczyk +Possession (1981) dir. Andrzej Żuławski Blow Out (1981) dir. Brian de Palma La morte vivante / The Living Dead Girl (1982) dir. Jean Rollin Tenebre (1982) dir. Dario Argento Lovely Devil (1982) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi Angst (1983) dir. Gerald Kargl The Gold of Love (1983) dir. Eckhart Schmidt The Legend of Suram Fortress (1984) Sergei Parajanov Body Double (1984) dir. Brian de Palma +Caravaggio (1986) dir. Derek Jarman +Der Rosenkönig (1986) dir. Werner Schroeter Sous le soleil de Satan / Under the Sun of Satan (1987) dir. Maurice Pialat Vlčí bouda / Wolf’s Hole (1987) dir. Věra Chytilová +Babette’s Feast (1987) dir.Gabriel Axel Nekromantik (1987) dir. Jörg Buttgereit
1990s Mirror Mirror (1990) dir. Marina Sargenti +Malina (1991) dir. Werner Schroeter Raising Cain (1992) dir. Brian de Palma The Piano (1993) dir. Jane Campion Little Death (1995) dir. Francois Ozon A Casa (1997) dir. Šarūnas Bartas
2000s The Cell (2000) dir. Tarsem Singh Trouble Every Day (2001) dir. Claire Denis Stages of Mourning (2004) dir. Sarah Pucill Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer (2006) dir. Tom Tykwer À l'intérieur (2007) dir. Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury   Barbe Bleue / Bluebeard (2009) dir. Catherine Breillat Viola di Mare (2009) dir.  Donatella Maiorca Le masque de la Méduse (2009) dir. Jean Rollin
2010s Phyllis (2010) dir. Zina Saro-Wiwa Crime d’amour / Love Crime (2010) dir. Alain Corneau Passion (2012) dir. Brian de Palma Goodnight Mommy (2014) dir. Veronika Franz & Severin Fiala Cosmos (2015) dir. Andrzej Żuławski The Lure (2015) dir. Agnieszka Smoczynska Evolution (2015) dir. Lucile Hadzihalilovic +Raw (2016) dir. Julia Ducournau +As Boas Maneiras  / Good Manners (2017) dir. Marco Dutra & Juliana Rojas +Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2019) dir. Céline Sciamma +Parasite (2019) dir. Bong Joon Ho Darlin’ (2019) dir. Pollyanna Mcintosh Brian De Palma’s Filmography Jean Rollin’s filmography Alfred Hitchcock’s filmography Dario Argento’s filmography
finished A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) dir. Ana Lily Amirpour Red Dragon (2002) dir. Brett Ratner Faust (2011) dir. Alexander Sokurov
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stenka-razin · 5 years ago
Since I’m probably not gonna see another show until 2021, here’s what I believe is a complete list of every musical artist I’ve ever seen. Done from a spotty memory.
Front Line Assembly (2X) The Secret Machines Common Some House guy The Creepy Magicians (2X) Xanthos Polygon Fighting Team Some random band that showed up to the show we hosted The Mars Volta Machinehead Megadeth Heaven & Hell Lauren Harris Iron Maiden (2X) Ghost Some grindcore band that didn’t look at the crowd, opening for Wet Nurse (did not see Wet Nurse) Drugs of Faith Lord Mantis Secret Chiefs 3 Saul Williams Les Claypool (Fungi Band) Electric Six (14X) Living Things The Gay Blades Millions of Brazilians Kitten Some punk band that opened for E6 and covered Whole Lotta Love (4/20/12) Little Hurricane My Jerusalem That E6 opener on the Human Zoo tour Yip Deceiver In the Whale Dingleberry Dynasty (1.5X) Groves F City Jeremy and the Harlequins Buckethead That 1 Guy (3X) Between the Buried and Me Baroness Mastodon (2X) Dick Valentine Suburban Commandos or something Aquabats Reel Big Fish (1.1X) Pearl and the Beard The Future (no not him) Some highschool post punk band Tiger Scout Carbon Leaf Das Racist Despot Lakutis Danny Brown Gene Ween Old Guy With a Uke that opened for Gene Ween Dean Ween (4X) Ween (3X) Primus (3X) Clutch Sick Martian Architect Mike Dillon Keith Kenny AWOL Nation The AWOL opener that sounded like the Killers with a good bassist Redlight King Reid + Drummer Reid + Drummer + Guitarist Reid + Another Dummer Austra Cold Cave (2X) Drab Majesty Mindless Self Indulgence Morningwood Wolff and Tuba Iron Man (3X) Spirit Caravan Pilgrim Zekiah Some random Hardcore band opening for Iron Man and Zekiah Yob (2X) Ruins of Beverast Tombs Taake (2X) Agalloch (2X) Inquisition Vattnet Viskar Young and in the Way Bastard Sapling Jex Thoth (2X) Vektor Ufomammut Bongripper Earth (3X) Goblin Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin (2X) Zombi Anaal Nathrakh Demilich Goatsnake Amorphis (2X) Iris Divine Eyes of the Nile Mongrel Dopecopper The Pilgrim (2X, different band from the aforementioned “Pilgrim”) Wounded Giant (2X) Ashencult (2X) Dweller in the Valley Oak Pissgrave Cemetery Piss Dead Congregation Mantar Lamb of God Anthrax Deafheaven Power Trip North Conan (2X) Electric Wizard Satan’s Satyrs Sleep Windhand Mannequin Pussy Wing Dam Genevieve Snakefeast (2X) Mother Moon Youth Code (3X) Clipping. Curse Bongzilla Psychic TV Corpse Light (2X) Chelsea Wolfe KMFDM OhGr Screaming Females Pathogenesis Purrer Outer Spaces Street Eaters Code Orange Some other hardcore band opening for Code Orange The dream pop person opening for Code Orange Eric Arn & Margaret Unknown Super Flower Alex and an old guy with a drum Flock of Dimes The Mountain Goats Plow Chris Forsyth & the Solar Motel Band Arbouretum Jucifer They Might Be Giants Destroyer of Man Order of the Owl guy w/ acoustic n’ looper who opened for the Mountain Goats Buzzov*en Weedeater (2X) ⅔ Goat Muskethawk Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats Ruby the Hatchet Wildhoney Pizza Underground Dude who opened for Pizza Underground Patti Smith (2X) TV on the Radio Okkervil River James Murphy Teddy Bears Alexandria Kleztet The Wailers Matisyahu B.B. King Some white blues band opening for the King The Black Keys Circulatory System Neutral Milk Hotel Holy Ghost New Order Another random Ska band, opening for TLA Thee Lexington Arrows Holy Fuck Death Domain Other random Hardcore band at this Iceage show (did not see Iceage) Ilsa (2X) Old Man Gloom Neurosis Winter Skepticism Primordial Masacre Mgła Cancer At the Gates SubRosa Phobodeimos Susan Alcorn, CK Barlow, Orlando Johnson, and M.C. Schmidt Carrie Fucile, Jamal Moore, Ada Pinkston, & Peter Redgrave Patrick Crossland, Owen Gardner, Sarah Hughes, Bonnie Jones, and Paul Neidhardt Die Krupps Alcest Acid Witch Blue Öyster Cult Gut Fauna Teton Heavy Temple (2X) Unearthly Trance Foehammer Worms of the Earth Statiqbloom Mortiis White Ford Bronco Summoner’s Circle Wolfheart Swallow the Sun Children of Bodom Book of Wyrms Mountainwolf Yatra Horseburner Haze Mage Tombtoker I’m With Her Helms Alee Caroline Rose Zenizen The Natvral PLRLS Raindeer Surfer Blood ORB Stonefield King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard
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