osrcomix · 1 year
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ARKHI: Um Morto Muito Louco - Capítulo 3: Rumo a Feira Central
Buxa desaparece e o grupo precisa seguir. Eles encontram Pokas, que é contratado para ajudar, mas não dura muito. Após muitos encontros que ninguém além deles irá acreditar, o grupo encontra a Feira Central.
Jogadores: Felipe Duarte, Emegê, Tallys, Victor Barros, Ale Lopes e Felipe Novaes
Mestre: Gustavo Pascoa (Brainstorm RPG)
Nas tórridas dunas de areia negra do deserto de Lumn, aventureiros caçam tesouros na esperança de um futuro melhor. O perigo desta insalubre terra é agravado pelas ameaças quase alienígenas que aqui habitam. Para saber mais sobre ARKHI e Brainstorm RPG clique AQUI
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tionitro · 9 months
Direto da nossa campanha de Legião: A Era da Desolação e Old Dragon 2E trago hoje para vocês o BULETTE DOS PÂNTANO, uma criatura colossal e furtiva, temida por sua habilidade em emboscar presas. Essa variação mais monstruosa do Bulette tradicional, apelidada de “tubarão dos pântanos”, é uma força a ser temida em qualquer cenário de fantasia. Com habilidades como a Emboscada do Pântano e o Rugido…
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black-is-no-colour · 1 year
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Galina Arkhi, photographed by Olivier Yoan for Tatler Hong Kong July 2023
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Galina Arkhi captured by Nazar Chernyy for J'amemme
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l-o-t-m · 1 month
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Galina Arkhi captured by Nazar Chernyy for J'amemme
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batrogers · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 20: Truth Serum
Fandom: Linked Universe
Approx 1300 words
Rated T for alcohol consumption and mature themes (politics and violence, not sex)
(References a lot of my own backstory ideas for the boys from other headcanon posts I've made, and other writing.)
In which the Chain tries to relax, and a few lips get too loose.
“Frankly some of you should be grateful you don’t have a Queen,” Twilight said, and Link leaned back in his chair and reconsidered if he really wanted to keep up with the amount of liquor the others were having.
They were already a pitcher of arkhi and two bottles of wine down, most of which had gone into the older men’s glasses. Link was drinking, but he’d been drinking kumis and beer most of his life because the water wasn’t safe. It was getting better, slowly – as far as he could tell, monarchy and Hyrule seemed to make the world repair itself when they were aligned – but that wasn’t Twilight’s experience.
Wasn’t the rest, either.
“Why not?” Wind retorted.
“A queen’s at least better than a King,” Time said. He spoke over the smaller boy, his chair tilted back and a small smile on his face as he looked into his nearly empty cup.
“There’s no reason a Queen’s better than a king. Rusl doesn’t trust her, and he did know the old King.”
Link frowned. “Is it usually a King causing problems for all of us?” he asked. It was true a King had been why the younger Zelda was put into a centuries long sleep, but...
“King Daphnes did what he could to save Hyrule,” Wind insisted.
“I know King Rhoam was trying...” Wild added.
Warriors – sitting between Twilight and Time, and Link was beginning to suspect this was for the best – chuckled. “We haven’t had a King in a long time, but everyone does say it was a Queen that set us up for where we are now.”
Time raised his eyebrow. “That sounds like a bad thing.”
“Oh, it is.”
Link looked desperately at the bar. Legend and Sky were getting more food for their table, but they’d gotten caught up talking and didn’t seem likely to return soon, but by all the Gods Link hoped they would before this got any further.
“I told you,” Twilight continued. “A Queen isn’t better!”
“Does your Zelda know you think that?” Four asked.
Time burst into laughter. “I imagine she takes that well.”
Twilight slapped one hand on the table. “She doesn’t have to take it well. It’s not like she can argue, they haven’t found the path into the castle grounds.”
“Is your Rusl one of the Sheikah?” Warriors asked, and Link rapidly tried to remember who the Sheikah even were. Judging by the look on Wild’s face, this was bad.
“No. Why?” Twilight made a face. “The Sheikah nearly died out, their village was destroyed.”
“Did the Royal Family kill them off?” Time asked.
Wild put his face in his hands. “Hylia’s fucking tits,” he muttered and pushed his chair back from the table. He got up, and the other three didn’t even notice. Wind followed. Four, seated next to him, continued to watch with a look of near fascination. Link was pretty sure he was drunk as well, given his size.
“Why would you guess that?” Twilight retorted.
Time shrugged, as if it didn’t matter. As if there was nothing unusual at all about his guess. As if he wasn’t about the say the worst thing Link could imagine: “I’ve seen what they did for the Royal Family.”
Warriors reached for the pitcher of wine again, and Link debated if he should take it away before they dug the hole deeper. “For them or to them?”
“For them.” Time blinked and offered his cup. “Why would you ask about what they did to them?”
“Zelda spent nearly four months not revealing herself again in case Impa was working with the Witches to try and kill her. It wouldn’t be the first time one of the Sheikah killed a King.”
Link’s throat caught, but that, of course, was the moment Legend and Sky returned. He waved for them to sit down and Legend shut his mouth on the obvious question and laid down the basket of bread before sitting to whisper in his ear.
“What the fuck are they talking about?”
Link swallowed. “Their royal families and the Sheikah, now.”
Time, unhelpfully, laughed again. “Did someone start telling that story then?”
“What story?” Sky asked.
“That it was a Sheikah who killed the King.” Time took a long drink and wiped his mouth. “I mean, I know Twilight comes after me so I suppose the distrust of the Royal Family would stick after what Zelda’s father did.”
“What did he do?” Legend asked. He looked like he wanted to regret it immediately, but stuck it out and kept his face even.
Time stared blindly into his cup and shrugged. “He tried to change Hyrule to suit himself. He killed Zelda’s mother and sisters and left her alive thinking she couldn’t inherit the goddess’ blood because he considered her a son. He was wrong, obviously.”
“Didn’t you say he was still alive?” Twilight asked.
“Oh, he is, but he can’t do anything.” Time gestured broadly with his glass, drunk enough he nearly spilled. “Zelda would hardly let him try even if he could. He narrowly survived an attempt on his life and stays in his rooms now.”
“By the Sheikah?” Warriors guessed.
Time, unnervingly, laughed again. “Well. Sort of. What about yours, Twilight? Did Rusl kill the King?”
Twilight sighed. “Yeah, him and a group of his friends. They were helpful when Zant took over, because that meant they could get me into the castle and help out but Zelda knows they exist now so it makes it harder.”
“So better for them you’re with them and she can’t retaliate,” Time pointed out.
“Can’t she just tell you to stop?” Warriors asked. “Like – wait you’re not in the army are you?”
“No, of course not.” Twilight rolled his eyes and shot Warriors an annoyed look. “Why are you?”
“What?” Warriors blinked from him to the rest of them. “It’s not like I had a choice, I’m the eldest son. All of us belong to the army.”
Four sat up straight. “Wait, belong to, like you’re stuck there?”
“Yeah, like that.” Warriors toasted the smaller man. “You’re too young still, aren’t you?”
“For another year or so, but I’m not sticking around for it.”
“Who would?” Legend muttered. “Hylia’s cunt, Wars, just leave.”
Warriors’ cup hit the table heavily and he spread his hands with a dark smile. “I can’t, Legend. It’s not allowed. If I go anywhere, my mother and sister goes to jail, and me too if I’m anywhere they can find me.”
Time put his hand on Warriors’ shoulder then. He closed his eyes with an almost pained look, and Link swallowed the lump in his throat.
He knew of people trapped like that. Usually young women in the cities, caught by charity that turned into demands they work off the debt before they could leave – but what debt had Warriors had? Was it something about the war?
He couldn’t ask. Wouldn’t. He could already tell the question had left him cross and angry, and Time pinched the bridge of his nose.
“We all have duties we can wind up trapped by,” Time said. “Fuck this...”
“Sure you’re trapped by loyalty. Not all of us get hung up on that,” Twilight snapped. “Did Zelda buy you off?”
“She gave me Lon Lon Ranch, if that’s what you mean,” Time said. He turned a deceptively mild smile Twilight’s way. “Mostly because I needed some protection after she blamed her attempt on her father’s life on me.”
“On you?” Warriors’ chair hit the ground with a snap. “Why?”
“It was convenient. Everyone already knew I’d lost my mind in the last battle.” He touched his face, over his scarred eye, then shook himself off. “Excuse me, I should go to bed. You, too.”
Warriors didn’t need more convincing. Twilight muttered something rude under his breath, and left not for the bedrooms upstairs but the stables. Link let go of a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and swore.
“How much of that do you think they’ll remember in the morning?” Legend muttered. “Fuck. Hyrule, what the fuck else did they even say?”
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yesunova-xiv · 2 years
The Real Steppe: Udgans & Böös
On the Azim Steppe we encounter some udgans like Sadu Dotharl and Tumulun Mol. What is an udgan and why is there 'böö' in the title?
A 'böö' is a shaman, whereas an 'udgan' is a shamaness. Talking about shamanism on the Eurasian steppe is a big topic. So at the end, I'm going to recommend some extra reading for those who want to delve deeper.
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When we talk about shamanism on the Eurasian steppe we tend to be talking about practitioners belonging to Tengrism, which is the religion practiced by many Mongolians but expands out of Mongolia's borders, such as into Siberia.
The main principles around Tengrism revolve around the sky gods, known as the Tengri, but also around animism and nature.
There is a whole perspective of the cosmos through Tengerism, which a person's 'ger' or 'yurt' can serve as a map, so where things are placed is important, and there are rituals that may be performed within them. With animism there are spirits in all things, so there is a connection everywhere. Milk is seen as holy water in their traditions and milk products are often used as offerings to spirits. Arkhi (vodka made from milk) and kumis (fermented milk) also get used. There is an interesting implication I will come to with some of the lore of the Azim Steppe here.
For the sake of this post, I want to focus on a few points that can be related to FFXIV. Those main focuses are:
Types of Shamanism
Milk & also it's relation to the Ugund
Souls, Afterlife and Reincarnation, with ties to the Dotharl
But this only touches the surface of a much bigger topic.
Types of Shamanism
Tengri Shamanism is split out into 3 types, though we do not really see them explored in Final Fantasy XIV and their udgans, but I think they can leave some room for speculative analysis.
The three types are: yellow, black and white.
Black Shamans:
They get the name from the direction they drew their power and they are supported by black deities and spirits and they also worship their ancestors. They intended to overcome evil by pitting might against might.
White Shamans:
They personified humanity and their practices related to deed and called upon peaceful masters from the white side and directing their worship in that direction. They have people commune with nature and earth spirits and pacifying any angry ones.
Yellow Shamans:
There were introduced in Mongolia by the spread of Tibetan Buddhism, it is closer to white shamanism but incorporates Buddhist beliefs and practices.
Reinterpreting for FFXIV:
Sadu's job/class is represented as Black Mage, though she is referred to as an Udgan. But in the world of Final Fantasy XIV, certain 'jobs' appear in different parts of the world under different names and practices. Like Warriors with their berserking and the Chaghan tribe and the Will of Karash. Or how Geomancers of the East are like conjurers of the West. So with Sadu she appears to be a black mage. And pitting might against might sounds like her thing and also true of black mages with the Void. Unlike Black Mages we do not see Sadu draw power from the Void. But I feel Sadu's magic would be more in tune with the concepts of Black Shamanism.
On the note of White Shamanism. There's the calling upon peaceful masters, communing with nature and earth, which sounds very White Mage/Conjurer like. Though I sincerely doubt there are any intended connections, but these may be the kind of connections I tend to think about when writing a character related to the steppe (as an RPer).
The Significance of Milk
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In FFXIV we have reference to some of the milk-based drinks you will find in Mongolia. There is kumis, arkhi and steppe tea. Ever wondered why they put Ala Mhigan salt crystals in the crafted recipe for Steppe Tea? It's likely because it's based on 'Suutei Tsai', which is the name given to a savoury tea from Mongolia, which is very milky and savoury (hence the salt).
But in terms of religious practices, if you see arkhi served in a ger in Mongolia, you might see somebody dip their finger in and offer some arkhi vodka to the sky, the earth and to their forehead. This is an offering made to the spirits that may be done before they drink it. There's many ceremonies that involve milk as holy water, such as at weddings where they may drink kumis or milk from respective families to the bride and groom or during shamanistic rituals.
On the Azim Steppe there is also a tradition relating to milk and that's with the Ugund tribe. Their flavour text is below:
When members of this tribe die, their heads are removed from their bodies and placed in a jar of fermented goat milk. Once the liquid has been drunk by the head (in other words, evaporated), the head is then buried under an anthill so that the tiny workers can carry the spirit to the afterlife. The journey is thought to be a terrible one, the road filled with ghosts of the damned, so ensuring the spirit is drunk helps ease the journey.
At first glance it looks like the idea is that the spirit finds comfort in their journey to the afterlife by being intoxicated, but it does specify milk. Given it 'holy' nature, I expect this would provide a boon to the dead spirits of ugund in their journey.
The 3 Souls & 3 Worlds
I find the 3 souls concept of Tengrism interesting, though it can be more than 3 souls depending on beliefs, but in short, each of us have at least three souls within us, the suns, suld and ami.
The suld sits in our crown chakra whilst the suns and ami sit in our chest. The suns and ami have to be in balance with each other, else you may be susceptible to illness. A shaman is able to perform rituals that help rebalance them. It is also possible for suns and ami to become disembodied, but the suld is vital to life and you will die if you lose it. If the suns and ami are gone for a period of time then you will fall ill.
Suld - This resides in nature after death. This is vital to life, without it, you will die. This has a connection to father heaven and the tengger that live there. It's the most individualised and it is your nature spirit. It carries no past-life experiences but develops characteristics to distinguish you from other people, like your charisma and dignity.
Suns - Reincarnates after death. This contributes to the formation of your personality and carries the collective experiences of past lives. It's also comes from the lower world and in death will return there and may also return as a ghost. The suns has the strongest past-life memories. But significantly evil suns may end up extinguished forever. The suns can temporarily leave the body and sometimes wander as far as the lower world.
Ami - This is the body soul, which also reincarnates after death. It is called the 'breath' soul, if it exits the body it'll result in illness. It returns to the world tree in death and roosts in the tree branches between heaven and earth in the form of a bird. They tend to reincarnate through relatives and carry genetic or ancestral memory and these enter the body at birth.
As we reference three worlds here too: they are comprise of the upper, middle and lower worlds, which I referenced in my post on Morin Khuur with its symbolism. The upper world is represented by the heavens and the lower world can possess evil and malicious spirits and has more superstition and taboo surrounding it. The crossing over into the lower world is also represented as crossing a river.
There's a few nuggets of information I've represented above that may elicit some connections. So I will break them down.
The idea of the suns and ami souls reincarnating can maybe be related to the Dotharl, where only the udgan can tell a person's previous life, this remains consistent with the point that in Tengrism only shamans can see these souls. Could it be that the Dotharl follow the 'suns' soul and sense its past lives to know who it once belonged to and help them learn who they were and continue their life in a new body?
The talk of the Ugund journey to the afterlife being filled with the ghost of the damned could be referencing the suns of the lower world.
And one can draw a comparison to the lower world and life stream if you wanted, though there is not causal relationship here in Final Fantasy lore, but the similarity can make for comparison. But of course, something like this in Final Fantasy could have been inspired by something like the River Styx, as it's not an exclusively Tengri imagery used for passing into a lower world
Learn More:
This is a huge topic and this post scratches the surface, but I thought these were interesting aspects that have some references (some loose) in FFXIV's lore.
This is a pretty good online resource, the author is a Tenger Shaman and I also have a copy of their book, which covers much of what's on there as well as some of the rituals: http://buryatmongol.org/a-course-in-mongolian-shamanism/
And a video of a Tenger Shaman talking about his profession:
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keicordelle · 7 months
Daily Inconveniences of an Au Ra: Alcohol
The whiskey burned all the way down Keshet's throat, a familiar sort of tingle that spread warmth through his chest and made his head feel airy.
"Damn, you can handle your booze better than I expected, to keep up with me this long."
Keshet’s gaze slid over to Thancred, perched comfortably beside him. He gestured with his mug, just barely not splashing them both with its contents when he got a little bit overly animated. "What, do you think we don't have alcohol on the Steppe? And anyway, we invented buuz. And this? This is not buuz."
Thancred squinted at him as if there was some linguistic nuance he was missing, but Keshet decided that was thoroughly a Thancred Problem and contented himself with another swig from his mug. He remembered belatedly to twist his hand out of the way of his damned horn, gouging himself on the point of it and sloshing amber liquid onto the bar.
"Besides," he continued. He was feeling rather chatty, might as well indulge in conversation too. What better time to reveal all his secrets than over a mug of... whatever this was. "Besides. I'm much larger than you. It's only natural I can outdrink you. In fact, I'm impressed you can keep up with me, you little-" Thancred's brow furrowed at the indecipherable word that followed. Something in Old Auri, most likely, and he wasn't entirely sure that it had sounded complementary.
Okay, so maybe Keshet hadn't actually been that big a drinker back home. They had alcohol, that was for certain, but it wasn't really all that like the stuff he'd seen in Eorzea. Eorzean ale was little more than piss water, as far as he was concerned, and though people assured him there were hints of honey in mead, he couldn't taste it amidst the acrid taste of the drink. And it was too weak to be good for much of anything. Proper arkhi would put some shine in your scales; ale and mead were hardly worth subjecting himself to the taste.
But he had to admit that alcohol was simply less common on the Steppe than it was here. Well, he didn't have to admit that to Thancred, but he could admit it to himself. Alcohol was just everywhere in the West. You celebrated victories with it, you signed deals over it, you drank it casually over dinner. Really, maybe it was a good thing ale was so weak. Xaela were known to do some rather peculiar things when soused on arkhi or kumis. On the Steppe, their drink was strong, but you also weren't especially likely to down four glasses in a single sitting. Kumis wasn't exactly rare, but it was a pain to make, especially among the more nomadic tribes.
Of course, once Thancred had introduced Keshet to Eorzea's stronger spirits, all bets were off. Sure, whiskey still lacked the body of the fermented milk he was used to, but it packed a certain punch. Enough to be satisfying, at least. And maybe enough to make his head ache something fierce the next day.
Thancred arched a brow, swirling the amber liquid in his glass, and when he spoke Keshet had to struggle to remember what it was they'd been talking about before he got lost in thought. "Alright, big boy. Let's see if you can keep up with this, then. Barkeep! Bring us two glasses of Mun-Tuy brew!"
As it turned out, size was not everything when it came to holding your alcohol -- a lesson that was deeply engraved into Keshet's mind after he spent the next day fighting Garleans with Azim's foul light trying to crack open his skull. Never again.
Read the rest of the series on Ao3!
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eruverse · 2 years
What does Mongolia like to do when he meets up with others?
With Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkey. Not an exhaustive list since there are soo many things people can do together!!
When Mongolia and Russia get together, it’s guaranteed that they would end up drinking. Mongolia usually would serve his guests milk vodka or shimiin arkhi, but with alcohol content of 20% at most (and that’s when the ayrag it’s made from is especially sour, as milk vodka is usually about 10% instead) it’s definitely too mild for Russia and in all honesty him as well since they would be drinking in order to get drunk, so Mongolia would serve Russia regular vodka (40%) or something else stronger. Even with stronger liquors, these two also don’t get drunk so easily since they have crazily high tolerance. If they’re doing drinking challenges, perhaps it would be a tie!!
Russia is generally relaxed around Mongolia, but a tipsy or drunk Russia would waste no time to immediately climb onto Mongolia’s lap and butt his head on his strong torso like a cat seeking affection. This is a pretty common occurrence with them, yes. Ivan loves that even though Mongolia’s much shorter than him, his chest is still large enough to give him a proper embrace as he loves feeling small and huggable (he sometimes hates being 2 meter tall for this reason lol). Mongolia would then ruffle Ivan’s soft downy hair a lot and lull him to sleep like a smol bebe. Yes, Ivan loves it lol.
Chess, with Russia generally packing more wins. Mongolia isn’t actually bad, but Russia is much better and professional level.
Russia loves horses, so Mongolia would take him to see his many horses!! Mongolia doesn’t actually own all of them of course, as at best he only has a few horses himself — but he thinks of everything in the steppe as his by default. Russia would ride some of the horses, but in all honesty his 202 cm self looks rather awkward on short Mongolian horses even though they’re really strong, ahah. He would also unthinkingly recite poems with horses and nature with them, like the ones from Yesenin, and Mongolia would comment that those poems aren’t even actually about horses in the end. Then Mongolia would tell him bits from his own folktales surrounding horses.
Ivan also loves seeing all kinds of rural animals as it reminds him of his childhood in barely developed Russian cities during Golden Horde era, so Mongolia takes him to see the nomads in the countryside when the time of his visits coincides with birthing lambs and goats, castrating lambs or horses, or branding horses.
Mongolia might still be able to speak Russian since he’s practically a boomer (usually it’s the older generations in Mongolia who are able to speak Russian), but he’s no longer super fluent in it that he’s still able to read difficult classics. Still good for a conversation, of course.
They would watch ballet and opera sometimes, but the highlight of Mongolia’s day in regards to this is when Ivan would do ballet moves in public out of nowhere, like how an oblivious child does as he is enjoying himself. It makes a great spectacle in the square whenever it happens.
They would also rave about rifles and firearms from Russian Empire/Soviet era and even modern day ones. Mongolia used to have prized possessions of firearms and rifles like Nagant, Mosin-Nagant and Tokarev, and today he also owns rifles for hunting.
Kazakhstan usually comes to visit Mongolian Kazakhs in Western Mongolia, and Mongolia would accompany him. Why yes, Kazakhstan is also his translator at times lol since Mongolia isn’t fluent in Kazakh. Not that all Mongolian Kazakhs can’t speak Mongolian (Kazakhs who live around Mongols typically speak it just fine) but Kazakhs who extensively live around Kazakhs like in Bayan-Ulgii which is 91% Kazakh might be having language problems.
Bayan-Ulgii also has a personification, and Kazakhstan would regularly visit him (he looks like a seventeen year old boy). Bayan-Ulgii is quite a curious kid; he feels an affinity to both Kazakhstan and Mongolia but at times would also feel he doesn’t quite belong in either Kazakhstan and Mongolia, so he gets edgy a lot. When he visits Kazakhstan he would miss Mongolia terribly, but when he’s only with Mongolia he would start raving about Kazakhstan. He would resolve his edginess by going out and meet more people, but he’s also unfortunately an introvert lol.
Kazakhstan loves watching eagle hunting by Mongolian Kazakhs. This is an art that’s mostly lost in Kazakhstan, but still kept alive by Mongolian Kazakhs. Kazakhs of Mongolia hold Golden Eagle festival every October in Bayan-Ulgii, and Mongolia and Bayan-Ulgii would invite Kazakhstan to come watch. But of course, the festival is mainly for tourism purposes so it might not convey the whole thing about eagle hunting, therefore Kazakhstan would stay with Kazakh nomads when he has the time and hunt together with them for nostalgia.
Wrestling!! Both Mongolia and Kazakhstan have deep wrestling culture (in Mongolian, called bökh; in Kazakhstan, kuresi). When they wrestle with each other though Mongolia usually wins because he has a wrestler physique which Kazakhstan doesn’t possess.
They love discussing about motorcycles and occasionally cars. Kazakhstan especially loves them since he lives in Almaty and has come to see motorcycles as replacement for horses (but of course, he still is an excellent horserider. It’s just that he has less opportunities to do that in Kazakhstan compared to in Mongolia). Anyway, the motorcycles Kazakhstan owns/has owned are the ultra expensive kinds that have Mongolia bulge out his eyes when he realizes how much those would cost. Those are motorcycles Mongolia doesn’t even dream to have since 1) he doesn’t have as much money 2) he lives more frugally than Kazakhstan who’s indeed more materialistic.
Archery hunting and wolf seeing. This they often make into some kind of a competition, like whoever hunts foxes, marmot, or other small animals the most with the bow would win. Sometimes they would come close with wolves (good omen!!), or even accompany nomads during wolf hunting.
Why yes, they also sometimes gossip about their two giant neighbors over drinks.
If Kazakhstan and Mongolia make drinking into competition, Mongolia would win 7 times out of 10. But then he has to deal with the disaster drunk that is Kazakhstan, lol. He’s dealt with this hidden (almost realest) side of Kazakhstan for at least a few times.
Kazakhstan loves to eat horses so whenever he visits Mongolia makes sure that he has more horse on the menu than other stuff. Very considerate of him.
Cooking and eating together in the wild, because why not? Of course, often it’s with Bayan-Ulgii. Like a picture of a good family lol.
Camping!!! Also stargazing. The stars are such important aspects in Kazakh and Mongol myth as they believe souls are transformed into stars, and thus shooting stars are bad omen. When they catch them, Kazakhs would wish for their stars to be higher and Mongols would wish that it’s not their stars but somebody else’s.
Turkey (thanks @justknocking for inspiring me on this!!)
Turkey is a BIG nerd about Turkish/Turkic history or even other people’s history especially when they relate to Turkish history, and since a bulk of historical Turkic monuments and other findings are with Mongolia he likes to visit the man just for that alone. They like to visit the Orkhon valley and look around the monuments together, as the area was once a deeply sacred place for them both as a Turk and a Mongol. While they’re at it they would visit the ruins of Karakorum and maybe go to Erdene Zuu monastery. There are also many other Turkic monuments and tombs all over so they would take cross country trips just to see them!! As Turkey is also interested in ancient Mongol archeological findings like the Slab Grave culture and deer stones, they would also make this into their itinerary.
Turkey LOVES Mongolia’s dog and playing with him, and in turn Mongolia likes watching him be affectionate with his dog. Turkey also loves ALL the street cats in Mongolia and scoffs at the fact that Mongolia’s cat culture is basically nonexistent (after all, no one treats cats and dogs better than he does!)
Turkey doesn’t much enjoy visiting or staying with the nomads since he’s a man spoiled by urban luxuries, and Mongolia shakes his head at that because Turkey has a proud nomadic lineage so he’s not supposed to just forsake nomadic living like that. Turkey would tell him it’s not that he dislikes the nomadic ways, but rather its the peasant way of living he’s not fond of. He likes the lifestyle of nomadic royals just fine. Mongolia would then roll his eyes at Turkey’s cheekiness.
Mongolia’s mostly stopped smoking these days, but he still enjoys seeing people smoke (and be a passive smoker, yes) and would occasionally smoke together with them, making it some kind of a social smoking. Turkey isn’t actually a heavy smoker himself but he would smoke leisurely at times using a special carved pipe, and whenever they meet up they would have long talks over cigs or even share Turkey’s pipe together. They would also kiss smoke into each other’s mouth, which both find tremendously sexy.
Turkey is fond of jewelries and wears some on his body; so these came from his own treasury from when he was an empire, and are worth crazy number of dollars today. He should’ve sold them off but he is rather territorial about them, as they remind him of his glory days and wearing them makes him feel like he’s still the same great thing back then? That’s what Mongolia thinks anyway, who knows the real truth. Anyway, he still has plenty from his treasury, and seeing Mongolia so spartan and frugal he once gifted him bejeweled golden earrings sort of similar to the ones he wore long ago during medieval era. Mongolia almost never wears them, but he still keeps them safely and will probably never sell them. As he doesn’t like feeling indebted, he gifted Turkey afterwards an engraved leather bracelet dotted with precious metal he made with his own hands from start to finish. It clashed with Turkey’s other jewelries, but he was very much pleased with it and wears it a lot.
They spar a lot, and they love it. It takes them back to the time they were just young nomads frolicking about the steppe, even though they never actually met as young children; and even though Turkey didn’t remember any time of his life in the Eastern steppe where his ancestors came from. They are not even related, not even neighbors; and yet, they feel a lot familiar like kins.
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intnewst · 3 months
В аэропорту Тбилиси сотни болельщиков встретили футбольную сборную, вернувшуюся с Евро-2024 Сборная Грузии в этом году впервые в истории страны пробилась в основной этап чемпионата Европы по футболу. В 1/8 финала Грузия уступила Испании, проиграв со счетом 4:1. Несмотря на то, что сборной не удалось пройти в 1/4 финала Евро, фанаты собрались в аэропорту, чтобы встретить и поблагодарить команду. Из аэропорта футболисты выехали на автобусе под аплодисменты, гудки и крики «спасибо!» от болельщиков. Вечером в Тбилиси пройдет праздничное шествие, сборная вновь проедет по городу и встретится с фанатами на площади Свободы Фото и видео: Mtavari Arkhi, «NEWSGEORGIA/ Новости – Грузия»
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osrcomix · 1 year
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ARKHI: Um Morto Muito Louco - Capítulo 1: Noite Castanha
O guerreiro Clebão lidera um grupo para resgatar a alma de Osmir, um lendário clérigo da lua maldita Meggia, que foi corrompido devido a eventos astrais. Seu cadáver embalsamado e envolvido em ataduras se remexe inquieto, num sussurro abafado de loucura e feitiçaria.
Jogadores: Felipe Duarte, Emegê, Tallys, Victor Barros, Ale Lopes e Túlio Cerquize Mestre: Gustavo Pascoa (Brainstorm RPG)
Nas tórridas dunas de areia negra do deserto de Lumn, aventureiros caçam tesouros na esperança de um futuro melhor. O perigo desta insalubre terra é agravado pelas ameaças quase alienígenas que aqui habitam. Para saber mais sobre ARKHI e Brainstorm RPG clique AQUI.
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tionitro · 10 months
OÁSIS DAS ÁRVORES MALDITAS - Um local de aventura para ARKHI RPG | Old Dragon Segunda Edição
Embarque numa jornada traiçoeira até o Oásis das Árvores Malditas, uma terra de mistérios sombrios e perigos insondáveis, localizada nos confins do deserto de Lumn. Aqui, as energias obscuras convergem, criando um caldeirão de enigmas antigos e terror silencioso. O OÁSIS DAS ÁRVORES MALDITAS Um local de aventura para ARKHI RPG Newton Nitro – https://linktr.ee/newtonnitro NOVO MARCO COMUM: OÁSIS…
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usangahai · 9 months
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Arkhi Tamkhi Tseg Uvs Tsas Drop
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djrenigade · 1 year
Fun times in the studio! #RenigadeCineTrax #NativeInstruments @nativeinstruments #Fables #Arkhis #ChoirxOmnia #Lores all in #Maschine using s88mk1!
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sharkrack · 2 years
Architecture is the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. It is both the process and the product of sketching, conceiving, planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures. The term comes from Latin architectura; from Ancient Greek ἀρχιτέκτων (arkhitéktōn) ‘architect’; from ἀρχι- (arkhi-) 'chief’, and τέκτων (téktōn) 'creator’. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.
The practice, which began in the prehistoric era, has been used as a way of expressing culture for civilizations on all seven continents. For this reason, architecture is considered to be a form of art. Texts on architecture have been written since ancient times. The earliest surviving text on architectural theories is the 1st century AD treatise De architectura by the Roman architect Vitruvius, according to whom a good building embodies firmitas, utilitas, and venustas (durability, utility, and beauty). Centuries later, Leon Battista Alberti developed his ideas further, seeing beauty as an objective quality of buildings to be found in their proportions. Giorgio Vasari wrote Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects and put forward the idea of style in the Western arts in the 16th century. In the 19th century, Louis Sullivan declared that “form follows function”. “Function” began to replace the classical “utility” and was understood to include not only practical but also aesthetic, psychological and cultural dimensions. The idea of sustainable architecture was introduced in the late 20th century.
Architecture began as rural, oral vernacular architecture that developed from trial and error to successful replication. Ancient urban architecture was preoccupied with building religious structures and buildings symbolizing the political power of rulers until Greek and Roman architecture shifted focus to civic virtues. Indian and Chinese architecture influenced forms all over Asia and Buddhist architecture in particular took diverse local flavors. In fact, During the European Middle Ages, pan-European styles of Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals and abbeys emerged while the Renaissance favored Classical forms implemented by architects known by name. Later, the roles of architects and engineers became separated. Modern architecture began after World War I as an avant-garde movement that sought to develop a completely new style appropriate for a new post-war social and economic order focused on meeting the needs of the middle and working classes. Emphasis was put on modern techniques, materials, and simplified geometric forms, paving the way for high-rise superstructures. Many architects became disillusioned with modernism which they perceived as ahistorical and anti-aesthetic, and postmodern and contemporary architecture developed.
Over the years, the field of architectural construction has branched out to include everything from ship design to interior decorating.
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sigalaxy · 2 years
Architecture is the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. It is both the process and the product of sketching, conceiving, planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures. The term comes from Latin architectura; from Ancient Greek ἀρχιτέκτων (arkhitéktōn) ‘architect’; from ἀρχι- (arkhi-) 'chief’, and τέκτων (téktōn) 'creator’. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.
The practice, which began in the prehistoric era, has been used as a way of expressing culture for civilizations on all seven continents. For this reason, architecture is considered to be a form of art. Texts on architecture have been written since ancient times. The earliest surviving text on architectural theories is the 1st century AD treatise De architectura by the Roman architect Vitruvius, according to whom a good building embodies firmitas, utilitas, and venustas (durability, utility, and beauty). Centuries later, Leon Battista Alberti developed his ideas further, seeing beauty as an objective quality of buildings to be found in their proportions. Giorgio Vasari wrote Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects and put forward the idea of style in the Western arts in the 16th century. In the 19th century, Louis Sullivan declared that “form follows function”. “Function” began to replace the classical “utility” and was understood to include not only practical but also aesthetic, psychological and cultural dimensions. The idea of sustainable architecture was introduced in the late 20th century.
Architecture began as rural, oral vernacular architecture that developed from trial and error to successful replication. Ancient urban architecture was preoccupied with building religious structures and buildings symbolizing the political power of rulers until Greek and Roman architecture shifted focus to civic virtues. Indian and Chinese architecture influenced forms all over Asia and Buddhist architecture in particular took diverse local flavors. In fact, During the European Middle Ages, pan-European styles of Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals and abbeys emerged while the Renaissance favored Classical forms implemented by architects known by name. Later, the roles of architects and engineers became separated. Modern architecture began after World War I as an avant-garde movement that sought to develop a completely new style appropriate for a new post-war social and economic order focused on meeting the needs of the middle and working classes. Emphasis was put on modern techniques, materials, and simplified geometric forms, paving the way for high-rise superstructures. Many architects became disillusioned with modernism which they perceived as ahistorical and anti-aesthetic, and postmodern and contemporary architecture developed.
Over the years, the field of architectural construction has branched out to include everything from ship design to interior decorating.
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