#aria pines
aria-greenhoodie · 1 month
I really truly hate them
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biblomaniac · 2 months
Supercorp headcanon:
Kara is ready to combust.
Everyday this week has been complete torment, but in a delicious way.
On Sunday, Lena wore an A-line floral dress to a brunch The Foundation hosted to promote its new Girls in STEM program.
On Monday, Lena showed up to CatCo for lunch with Kara in black slacks and a waistcoat, with a deep purple silk blouse underneath. Kara had to restrain herself from running her hand up and down the back of Lena’s blouse during their customary hug of greeting.
On Tuesday, the forest green dress Lena wore hugged her curves so well Kara couldn’t help but stare everytime she caught a glance of it across the room.
On Wednesday, a Hellgrammite started a fire in the business district that required the Superfriends help. J’onn, Lena, and Brainy stayed at the Tower as support for Supergirl, Dreamer, Sentinel, and Guardian. Four hours after the initial emergency alert, Supergirl flew into the tower through the balcony. She couldn’t wait to take a hot shower and maybe order some Chinese for dinner. But first, she had to write a debrief of her final saves from the day.
“Hey, darling. Are you ready to go?”
“Lena, hi! I’m almost—“ Kara starts to answer, but abruptly stops when she looks to the side and is eye level with Lena’s chest. “—done.”
The blue low-cut blouse Lena is sporting has left a considerable amount of cleavage exposed. Kara’s heart thunders, her face flushes, and her hand’s clench tightly to keep from reaching out to Lena. Unfortunately, the table under her grip isn’t prepared for the brunt of Kara’s Kryptonian strength, leaving two holes of twisted metal.
On Thursday, when Kara got to Lena’s penthouse, she found Lena snuggled on the couch in her National City University sweatshirt. The shirt was at least two sizes too large on Lena, giving it an oversized look. Kara’s eyes zeroed in on long, pale legs when Lena stood to greet the blonde with a hug.
After their hug, Lena moved into the Kitchen to gather snacks for their movie night. Without her heels, Lena had to tip toe to reach the Oreos on the second shelf.
“Darling, I can’t reach,” Lena huffed. When Kara turned to help, all the blood rushed to her head when she saw the former CEO’s nearly nonexistent short’s patterned with Supergirls crest.
Kara crossed the room on wobbly legs, reaching over the brunettes head to grab the Oreos, crackers, tea, and anything else from the top shelf Lena may need. If she takes a moment to glance down at her crest running along Lena’s ass and hips, well, she’ll just keep that little secret to herself.
On Friday, Lena wore black leggings and a soft white sweater to game night. Lena looked so soft and docile with her hair down, minimal makeup, and fuzzy socks. Kara couldn’t help but tuck her head into Lena’s neck, breathing in her sweet scent during their hug.
“Are you okay, darling,” Lena quietly asked as she moved one hand to cradle Kara’s head closer, while the other clutched onto strong broad shoulders.
“Fine, I’m fine. I just missed you.” Kara admitted.
“We saw each other last night, Kara.” Lena chuckled, moving to release Kara. The blonde wasn’t ready to let go, but did so anyway. Dropping her arms from Lena’s waist, Kara grabbed her hand and leading Lena to their favorite spot for game night.
On Saturday, it all finally comes to a head. The whole gang is out at Al’s Bar, enjoying the first night they’ve all been able to meet in what feels like years.
Lena looks stunning, dressed down in tight black ripped skinny jeans, a red crop top, brown leather jacket and black pumps. Their table had been crowded, and Lena made the executive decision to sit in Kara’s lap to “save space” for M’gann, who would be joining their group after her shift.
The drinks had been flowing steady all night, leaving everyone at least a bit tipsy. Kara had even indulged herself with an Aldebaran Rum and Coke. She sips slowly, remembering how it felt to be drunk the last time she had this drink. Lena’s proximity plus the alcohol is a heady combination.
By the time Kara is halfway through her drink, her left arm has snaked across Lena’s stomach, open palm holding the brunette close to her chest, while her right hand alternates between Lena’s thigh and her cup. Kara is hardly paying attention to the conversation, focused mainly on how close Lena is, how her hair smells like vanilla and honey, or how her heartbeat sounds strong and steady.
“Corazón, let’s go dancing!” Andrea exclaimed, pulling Lena to the dance floor.
Ugh, Andrea. It’s not that Kara dislikes her former boss, per se. The blonde just prefers that Kara and Lena time is not interrupted.
All week, Andrea has been popping up wherever Lena is. She stuck to Lena’s side during the entire Sunday brunch; called Lena for a meeting in the middle of Monday’s lunch date; was present for every single round Lena walked after Tuesday’s press conference; popped into the tower after Acrata helped with the fire on Wednesday; Thursdays movie night was interrupted when Andrea texted Lena about a “fashion emergency,” regarding a dinner she was going to; Andrea came halfway through game night on Friday, stealing Lena as her game partner and leaving Kara to third-wheel Alex and Kelly for the rest of the night.
Kara watches as Lena and Andrea move through the crowd of bodies to find a spot to dance in.
“You should just ask her out,” Alex leans over the the table to whisper-shout, her fourth beer clutched in her hand.
“Who?” Kara asks, trying hard to seem nonchalant.
“Lena, you dolt. We can all see clear as day how you two feel about each other. Put your big girls pants on and talk to her!”
“I don’t—I can’t, Alex. What if she rejects me? Our friendship just recovered, I can’t risk it asking for something I don’t deserve,” she laments, circling the rim of her glass with her finger.
“What about what Lena deserves? She cares about you, Kara. It’s been years of you two dancing around this thing.” Alex says.
“We aren’t dancing around anything, Al. She won’t want me, she doesn’t—“ the rest of her words die in her mouth as she catches a glance of Lena and Andrea on the dance floor. Lena’s back is pressed to Andrea’s front as the move to the beat of the music. When the song changes, Lena turns in Andrea’s grasp, standing chest to chest.
The glass in Kara’s grip shatters, spraying glass across the table. Thankfully, Kara’s cup was nearly empty.
“Shit, sorry. I’ll clean this up,” Kara said, using multiple napkins to collect the shards of glass.
Alex laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. “Kara, stop being a wimp and talk to her before Andrea asks her out again.”
“Yeah, okay, you’re right. I can do this, I got this.” Kara nods her head determinedly, chugs what remains of Alex’s beer and stands to make her way to Lena. As she navigates her way toward her hearts desire, she see’s Andrea’s hand lowering from its position on Lena’s back to rest on her ass. All conscious thought leaves Kara’s head as she quickens her pace just short of SuperSpeed to reach Lena.
“Corazón, let’s go dancing!” Andrea exclaimed, pulling Lena to the dance floor.
“Drea, what are you doing?” Lena’s asks as she follows Andrea out to the floor.
“I’m helping you, Lena. If we get Kara jealous, she’ll stop acting like such a Girl Scout and finally make a move,” Andrea says, waving off Lena’s concern.
Lena stops walking and starts swaying at Andrea’s insistence, matching her moves seamlessly. It feels just like boarding school, with Andrea leading Lena by the hips. “I don’t know, Drea. You’ve been interfering all week and she hasn’t said so much as a peep. I don’t think she has feelings for me.”
“Joder, las dos son tan despistadas. She will! She has been jealous all week! We just have to step up our game,” Andrea exclaims in exasperation, turning Lena so that the brunettes back rests against her chest.
“Look at her, she’s glaring right at us! When the song changes, I’ll grab your ass and this will all be over,” Andrea laughs.
“Andrea! This is ridiculous. What does Sam think about this whole situation; shouldn’t you be worried about what she’ll say?”
“What’s between Samantha and I is none of your concern, Corazón. But if you must know, she told me, and I quote, “I hope it works so Kara can grow a pair—“
“—I’m sure she won’t be bothered by what means I use to help you both along.”
“You know what? Fine, whatever. When it doesn’t work I don’t ever want to talk about this to either of you ever again.” Lena mutters, thoroughly embarrassed and ready to call a quits to their plan.
“I reserve the right to tease you both when it does,” Andrea replies, turning Lena around at the song change and moving one hand to grasp Lena at the ass.
“Kara’s coming; I told you this would work! Play cool,” Andrea says.
As Kara closes the final distance, she reaches a hand out to Lena, touching her on the shoulder, intent to end whatever this is between her and Andrea.
“Lee, mind if I cut in,” Kara asks sharply. Lena gives Andrea a glance, dismissing her wordlessly as she accepts Kara’s hand.
“I’m gonna step outside to take a call. Lena, call me later if you want to…talk,” Andrea imparts with a sly smile before moving to exit the bar. Kara glares daggers at Andrea’s retreating form.
“Hi, darling. How are you?” Lena asks, watching Kara’s face transform from a scowl to a happy grin.
“Better now that you’re with me,” Kara says pulling Lena closer by the waist. That Aldebaran rum may have given her a bit of confidence, but she won’t do anything Lena doesn’t want. “Is this okay?”
“Of course, darling. Are you okay; you looked a bit frazzled when you came over.” Lena wraps her arms over broad shoulders, admiring Kara’s beauty as they slowly grow closer to one another.
“Yes, yes. I was just a bit nervous, I guess.” Kara ducks her head at the admission, blushing.
Nervous? Odd. Kara may not be as outwardly imposing as Supergirl, but she is hardly nervous since her reveal to the world as being Supergirl. The synergy of Kara Zor-El encompasses both Kara Dancers and Supergirl, but without the necessity to hide behind one mask or the other.
Lena can’t hide the surprise in her voice, “What do you have to be nervous about?”
“I just—I want to be Andrea—“
“You want to be Andrea?!”
It seems the rum has also compromised her ability to articulate clearly.
“No, wait, that’s not what I meant. I want to be in her place with you. I’ve been…jealous. She’s interrupted our time together everyday and just now she was…” Kara bites her lip, turning her head to look away.
Lena bends to the side, trying but failing to catch Kara’s gaze.
“She was what, Kara. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.” Kara is jealous. It almost seems too good to be true. Maybe Andrea’s plan will work after all.
Kara lifts her head, piercing blue eyes gazing into Lena’s own. “She was touching you! Holding you! I don’t want her to do that, Lena. I want, I want to do that.” Kara states with conviction, voice hardening determinately.
Kara thinks she’s overstepped when Lenas arms loosen from around her neck. She prepares to apologize, heart breaking at the thought of Lena turning her down. That is, until Lena reaches for her hands, dragging them from their purchase on her hips to rest just above her ass.
“You want to hold me like this?” Lena whispers, head tilted and pupils dilating. “You can Kara, you can touch me however you want.”
The blonde moves her hands down tentatively, looking for any signs of unease. “When she doesn’t find any, she palms at Lena’s ass, pulling her forward and holding tight. “This okay?”
“Perfect, darling; keep going.” Lena noses at Kara’s neck, interested to see how far this will go.
Kara starts to dance, leading Lena along to the thumping beat. She feels a new kind of thrill, so unlike the one she gets from being Supergirl. There is a hot, pulsating feeling running through her veins.
The superhero tilts her head down to lay a kiss on Lena’s temple. “This okay,” she asks, internally begging for Lena to want more.
“Keep going.”
Kara starts to lay soft kisses down the side of Lena’s face, hands still kneading her supple behind. When she reaches the brunettes jaw, she noses her way along the skin back up to her ear. She lays one more kiss on the shell of her ear before she whispers, “More?”
“More.” Lena says, nearly panting under Kara’s ministration.
The blonde drops her face to the crook of the shorter woman’s neck, placing a kiss on each pulse point before laying a third on the beauty mark at the center of Lena’s throat.
Lena reaches up, one hand tangling in the hair at the base of Kara’s neck, while the other holds firmly to a bulging bicep. “Keep going, darling,” Lena rasps.
Tentatively, Kara laves her tongue against the mark. At the sound of Lena’s quiet moan, Kara sucks at the mark. When she pulls away, there is a blossoming patch of red over the skin.
Kara touches her forehead lightly to Lena’s, gazing into verdant eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” Kara implores, cerulean eyes glassy and wanting.
“Please,” Lena supplicates, leaning forward ever so slightly.
Without further ado, the blonde presses her mouth firmly to the red painted lips in front of her. It isn’t long before the brunettes tongue runs across her lips seeking entrance into her mouth.
“Did it work?”
“Of course it did, Tesoro.” Andrea answers into the phone.
“Fucking finally. I’ll call Lena in the morning and get all the dirty details. Now that that’s taken care of, when are you gonna come see me?” Sam implores.
“I thought you were coming here next weekend?”
“ I am, but Ruby’s at summer camp for the rest of the week. I thought you could come spend some time here in Metropolis before we fly to National City.”
“Well, what’s in it for me,” Andrea flirts, already looking for red eye flights out east.
“You, me, an empty apartment, and all the time in the world to do whatever we please.”
“Promise me we can do that thing I like and I’ll be there in the morning.” Andrea knows she’s pushing her luck, but there’s nothing sweeter than a little pain with pleasure.
“Oh, baby, we can do whatever you want—” Samantha starts, voice sickly sweet, “—if you get here before dawn,” she finishes, voice low and demanding.
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halfavampvancey · 1 year
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no comment.
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softpine · 9 months
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COCO ARIAS (nicolexxx099) accepted your follow request. Now you can see their photos and videos.
fun facts:
AVA (Adult Video Awards) is a spoof of the real life AVN (Adult Video News Awards). Best Blowbang Scene is a real category. The other award Coco won was in the following year, for Best Actress (which is not as coveted as Best Female Performer, but still an honor). She was nominated for at least 10 more.
Bounce FM is a fictional radio station in GTA San Andreas.
Bronzers is a spoof of Brazzers.
"amid energies of the cosmos, you gave as good as you got" is a partial quote from Eulogy from a Physicist – Aaron Freeman.
Credit for Coco's profile picture goes to clownne! I commissioned this artwork a while ago 💖
All other account names and references are entirely accidental! (Don't sue me.)
michelle.lovely (Shelly) is Coco's best friend and roommate. She was sitting next to Coco at the house party Casper attended. On the far left is rod_the_stallion (his real name is Anthony).
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I'm not even going to begin to explain who real.g (G) is yet. But that's his irrelevant little brother (Jesus) on the couch between Shelly and Anthony. (I promise you don't have to remember any of these people, it's just fun to show off the side of Coco's life we don't get to see from Casper's perspective!)
Speaking of Casper, he's the one whose follow request was accepted by Coco's personal account. She only has 53 people following her, so, you know, it says something about how trustworthy she actually finds him to be, despite how much she keeps trash talking him every time they run into each other :P
I feel like I shouldn't spell anything else out or I'll ruin it, but feel free to ask any questions if you want to know more 💖
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lupinestories · 1 year
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Warming back up with some bender OCs :3c
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aria0fgold · 4 months
I'm happy to report that a new pair of my OCs is about to join the ranks of Alec and Ray in: The duo I think about a lot. And that's Halcyon and Felicity and the more I think bout them the more I wanna chew on the sun.
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roninkairi · 2 years
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So, here you go the FINAL (really, no more, this is it) Gravity Falls x Castlevania crossover pic. This one's by Vinzound and features Stanford Pines as Julius Belmont--
Mabel's Voice: YOU'RE WELCOME!!!
---and Stan as Hammer.
Ok yeah really, no more ideas from me with these blokes. If someone wants to do more be my guest!
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eviemuller · 9 months
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Aria new year
FInished commission for a friend How do you call those? mandarins? clementines? tangerines? It confuses me as heck cause I've been calling em mandarines the whole life xD Daily telegram reminder: https://t.me/diffidenthexagon A little tip on Boosty would be helpfull, thak you ^-^ https://boosty.to/evie3dart
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facts-i-just-made-up · 4 months
Name every breed of dog
There are about 200 breeds of dog, and I hereby name them James, Becca, Donovan, Martin, Nagisa, Carl, Karl, Justin, Kale, Ratso, Mina, Jessica, Benji, Ani, Umma, Verys, David, Duluth, Chroma, Flip, Claire, Alessa, Alessa-Jin, Mona, Billie, Emily, Beth, Dun-Xi, Vessico, Clementine, Ratricia, Chico, Cheech, Helmina, Orlando, Aria, Vulluset, Paprika, Anna, Lemmy, Kwan, Millie, Pim, Pine, Reileigh, Ginger, Artie, Bei, Booberella, Clancy, Lambert, Nina, Lila, Gene, Lynda, Mim, Clarissa, Gustavus, Rya, Urvashi, Dee, Dina, Zhao, Marti-Hawk, Polonaise, Frida, Lima, Larry, Plin, Leeza, Sinan, Delger, Abagail, Bashir, Jupiter, José, Fritz, Sheila, Maria, Malu, Rod, Jon, Ethan, Clarice, Nickel, Ligaya, Sibyl, Frampt, Toi, Gimli, Hibiscus, Barry, Carrie, Mimi-Lou, Vladimir, Katjuk, Flynn, Perrin, Rosemary, Tanino, Sid, Florence, Carmilla, Carmello, Reese, Laura, Lana, Delia, Quince, Kim, Djimon, Bay, Mu, Neil, Krani, Mamu, Namu, Nemo, Neelix, Mac, Den, Medina, Tessa-Kwali, Alfonse, Geoffrey, Masamune, Schmelgert, Arturo, Ricki-Rak, Rico, Tenne, Santos, Emilia, Despereaux, Pete, Phillipe, Squalene, Bill, Kate, Roman, Sally, Bertha, Dru, Ridley, Amelie, Val, Alejandro, Hans, Jean, Mustafa, Kevin, Kev, Ina, Ima, Pinesol, Ernesto, Arnoldine, Bernadine, Homer, Tomoyuki, Clitmondine, Nolan, Michaela, Brainerd, Everly, Szandor, Cosine, Morris, Jamie, Jamie but the other pronunciation, Xan, Gyatso, Kiara, Pontius, Ali, Momo, Junior, Tootsie, Mel, Dustin, Xavier, Mello, Spike, Petra, Dean, Tasha, Guenevere, Jock, Huston, Dwayne, Dominique, Sanchita, Padma, Lola, Golmandine, Gilda, Flemina, Billy-Bob, and Glen.
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aria-greenhoodie · 5 days
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You can click for quality, but these are really low res so don’t expect much 💀
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lupinestories · 9 months
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Happy holidays from Arma 15!
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fyonahmacnally · 3 months
Thank you to @rainbow-rebellion for the amazing prompt!
“W-Wait…you’re going to Midvale this weekend? You’re spending the 4th of July in Midvale? With the Danvers? The same place I am going?” Lena asks, voice an octave higher than usual as her panicked green eyes dart between her computer screen, her cell phone, and the woman sitting in front of her. “K-Kara didn’t mention anything at lunch yesterday.”
Oh fuck! Lena thinks. This can’t be happening. Sam knows me too well. This is a disaster. Fuck! That’s it, I have to find an excuse not to go. 
Sam’s hazel eyes scan her boss and longtime friend’s face with a smirk. “Well, that’s because she just asked today. I ran into her on the sidewalk on my way back from lunch with Andrea. She invited the two of us as well as Ruby, but Rubes is going to be with her friends all weekend. So, it’s just Drea and I.” 
Shit, Andrea will be there as well. Goddammit, Kara. Drea knows me better than Sam! Gay panicking. You’re gay panicking. Okay, it’s fine. Everything is fine. You’re fine, Luthor. Get it together. You’ve hidden your pining for years. You can handle a weekend with your friends. 
The brunette CFO raises a brow in question, an act picked up from the raven haired genius over their years of working together. It’s obvious the youngest Luthor is panicking over the presence of two of her oldest friends. No, she’s full on gay panicking. Sam does her best to stifle her laughter for Lena’s sake, but just barely. “Why are you being so twitchy about it, Luthor? Drea and I have been going to game nights since I moved back to National City. Besides, all of us already know you have the hots for blondie.”
The L-Corp CFO grins as she watches Lena’s posture shift from nervous to defensive. The entirety of their friend group knows Kara and Lena have been pining over each other for years. Sam is more than aware of the reason her friend is being squirmy about her and Andrea spending the weekend in Midvale. Lena knows she and Andrea know her better than the rest of their friends. The two of them know her every little tell and both of them live to give her shit about it. 
Sam gives the youngest Luthor one final devilish smile before leaving her office. Lena knows she is absolutely fucked with the Arias and Rojas duo.
Lena does her best to put things out of her mind after her conversation with Sam. The first two days of her week fly by. It’s suddenly Wednesday, she’s finished her work for the day, and is currently standing in the middle of her walk-in closet trying to figure out what to pack for her four day weekend in Midvale. 
The past few years with Kara around have provided a crash course in “comfy clothes” as the hero calls them. She has even accumulated a lot more casual clothing, but it doesn’t mean she has figured out how to pack for a holiday weekend, much less one held primarily outdoors. Honestly, she never really had holiday weekends while growing up with the Luthors. How the hell is she supposed to know these things? 
She sighs and glances down at her watch, she should have been finished packing hours ago.
Kara will be at her penthouse any minute and she has exactly three things packed – her toiletries, her tablet, and her glasses. They are supposed to leave at 7:00 pm, which is exactly 45 minutes from now. There is absolutely no way she will have all of her shit done by Kara’s proposed departure time. 
The Kryptonian wants to beat everyone to her childhood home to help Eliza set-up for all the guests. Lena pulled out all the stops and tried her best to get out of going after learning Sam and Andrea would be there, but the lovable reporter wielded her deadly pout and any further attempt died on her lips. So here she is, packing her suitcase. She was originally excited for the trip. It was supposed to be relaxing, but now she’s certain she will spend the entirety of the trip tense as a mouse in a room full of cats. 
Lena sighs, again. She can already feel her anxiety climbing and shakes her head. Get yourself together, Luthor. Accept the fact you’re the mouse and will be tormented by two very devious cats. Fucking Sam and Andrea.  
She gets lost in her thoughts. The next thing she knows, warm arms wrap around her waist causing her to shriek like a banshee. Once she calms down and wrangles her heart out of her throat, she smacks Kara for scaring the hell out of her quickly followed by shaking her now aching hand. They tag team her packing and get it done much faster than she would have alone. Unfortunately, she let her heart eyes cloud her judgment and allowed her years-long crush to take care of her swimwear for the weekend. There is no doubt in her mind she is going to regret this decision later as she has no idea what awaits her.
You are a fucking gay disaster, Luthor. Useless, pining queer disaster. 
Unfortunately, Kara Danvers is her kryptonite. Lena Luthor cannot say no to that woman. It’s impossible.
Read the rest on AO3 - link at the top.
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roninkairi · 2 years
And before the night ends, here:
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A previous commission drawn by Ryan Jampole now in color.
Do I have any other surprises?
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hyperblue · 1 month
Maris "Robin" Aria Drake and Kon "Superboy" Kent.
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Their friendship/Mutual Pining to the death of Kon.
maris "stars do not fall into the ocean. stars do not fall into the ocean. stars do not fall into the ocean" drake
kon "if stars do not fall into the ocean, then I'm not a star" el
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
There had been a time when Kara was almost relieved when she lost her powers to a solar flare. The silence was like a lover's kiss to her ear, the peace like the embrace warm maternal arms. It was almost like being home. When her powers were active, the sounds and sights and sensations were always there, just around a corner made of concentration, beyond a door made of discipline. Kara could never tune out the cacophony. She could only tame it, bend it to her will.
Now the world around her had shrunk, it seemed, to a span of twenty or thirty feet, occupied by her sister, Samantha Arias, and a bedraggled, harried Lena Luthor. Kara could barely tear her eyes from Lena. Her best friend looked like she'd been through something terrible, bloodshot eyes wide, the tracks of tears still fresh on her face. One hand was stuffed firmly in her pocket, clutched firmly around what was probably a gun.
Alex, by contrast, had her sidearm out, held in the low ready position, scanning the mists around them with seeking eyes. Kara turned slowly, feeling as boxed in by her lack of superhuman sight as she was by the oppressive silence of this place.
"Where the hell are we?" said Alex.
Sam cleared her throat. "We're not going to find that out standing here."
Alex looked at her. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right."
She gave that little roll of her neck, the way she did when she knew that they were in trouble, and smoothly holstered her gun under her jacket.
"My car is gone, somehow, so we're going to have to walk. Which way?"
They were standing in the middle of a road, maybe twenty feet wide and paved with smooth cobbles, slowly being swallowed by the mud beneath them. The road was lined on both sides by dense forest, mostly pines with a few bare deciduous trees clawing their way up between the dull gay-green branches. Between the trunks was a deep and dense thicket, with thorns as long as the smallest of Kara's fingers. They weren't going that way.
Lena tilted her head, pointing with her chin the way she sometimes did.
"That way. I think I see lights."
Kara stepped up beside her, peering into the mist with her natural Kryptonian eyesight. Her vision was more acute than that of a human, just as her skeleton was denser and had more bones and her muscles had different attachment points and denser fibers, all of which made her about fifty percent heavier than she looked. She still had strength. She could still protect Lena, and the others.
There was a little flutter in her chest. There always was.
"Lena," Kara said, turning to her. 
"Not now. Let's get home, then we'll talk," Lena said, a tremor beneath the professional chill in her voice.
"I'll go first," said Kara.
"I'm the one with the gun," said Alex. "Kara, maybe I should take point."
Kara shot her a sharp look and started forward. Lena hesitated for a brief moment, then took up position just behind Kara's left shoulder, so close that Kara thought she could feel the other woman's presence.
As she walked, Kara chewed her lip, fighting the urge to look back and try to strike up conversation again. It ended up a kind of walking fidget, with Kara worrying at her palms with her thumbs.
She's mad. She must be furious. I should have told her. Why didn't I tell her?
"Did you hear that?" said Sam.
They all stopped. Alex turned.
"Hear what?"
"I thought I heard... laughing," said Sam.
"I didn't," said Kara, "but then again, I don't have my powers."
That wasn't true. She had this maddening sense that it was all there, just out of her reach somehow. She scanned the mist again, feeling her frustration mount.
"I hear voices up ahead," said Lena. "Look."
There were lights ahead, swaying gently as in a breeze. Kara squared herself up and led them all ahead, chin down, ready for a fight. She had to make sure they were all okay. 
The lights grew brighter. As they grew nearer, they began to flicker more clearly. Candles, or gas lamps. Shapes resolved in the mist, first the vague impression of vertical members and timbers, but as they grew nearer, Kara saw they were trellises and there were lamps strung between the uprights, swaying gently over rows of long picnic tables, each covered in an elegant silk cloth that must have cost a fortune. On the tables, a feast was laid out, half-eaten meals still on fine porcelain. Tall wine glasses stood still with their contents remaining, some half drained, the odd one here and there stained by the blush of wine or lipstick.
"Where is everybody?" said Alex. "I don't like this."
A larger shape formed in the mist as they walked between the tables. Kara glanced back and froze.
"That wasn't there before."
"What?" Alex started.
They all turned. There was a wall behind them, a high stone barrier topped with foot long wrought iron spikes, a tall barred gate in the center. Kara took a moment to work out the worked iron letters cresting the arched gate, as she was seeing them backwards: DURST MANOR.
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aria-greenhoodie · 1 month
I should be asleep but it’s 1:50 am and I’m thinkin bout these freaks again
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