#aria montgomery room
fleorest · 14 hours
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ dream room.
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holycoco · 24 days
12 Little things to do to romanticize fall
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。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Hi jelly beans,
I always did not love summer at all, even tho I was born in July, mid summer.
Thats because I always felt better on cold seasons and I recently discovered that i'm such a pro on romanticizing autumn.
This are all little things to do to make yourself enjoy the cold season have fun with it…✎ᝰ
౨ৎ Clean your room and if you can, change the position of your bed near the window, I love getting up and seeing the view.
౨ৎ Find some recipes and bake! If you need some ideas let me know (I'm obsessed with pumpkin muffins and strudel I can drop the recipes)
I love cooking and it makes me feel better anytime.
౨ৎ Get a cute mug and make you some hot drinks! If you love tea and herbs like me start a collection, get you all kinds and flavors.
౨ৎ Go trhifting with a friend or without one. Its such a cute and relaxing activity, get a hot drink on the way!
౨ৎ Go for candles shopping or just smell them its such a soul heal.
౨ৎ Make a playlist and go for a walk! Music and atmosfere are key. Let me know if you want one from me!
౨ৎ Get a new haircut or a new hair color. Personally I love me some layers and a brown chocolate head.
౨ৎ Buy vogue.
౨ৎ Find a new makeup routine, you can look for some on tik tok or pinterest, obv do what compliments your skin tone and features but here's some cute ones: aria montgomery makeup tutorial, helena gilbert makeup, cindy kimberly makeup inspo, slavic doll makeup tuto.
If you're into full glam, 2000's mom kinda makeup like me I suggest some jessica alba, stockholm makeup, old kim k kinda makeup!
౨ৎ Look for cute hobbies, book scrapping, journaling, memory boxes or reading (please ask me for a readig list pleaseee, I'm dying to make one for you)
Find a penpals!!!! So cute, I love love love this little thingy I always start on september cause there's when I don't feel like crap to do anything.
Do it, literally. You can find some here on tumblr or tik tok it's always well loved receiving letters!
౨ৎ Invest in good comfy slippers or some uggs
౨ৎ Look for good colors of the season that looks good on you or you like and get items of that color, lipsticks, scarfs, bags, nails...
This was a long post and I still feel like a missed something…
xoxo mamas, stay cozy, stay romantic, stay fall!!!
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
love, Mary
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karouvas · 2 months
Do feel like in some cases there’s a disparity between how a char is perceived on tumblr vs the general public ex: Dawn is a lot more well liked by the Buffy fandom on here than she is in general. So some room to debate there, but I went more with like. The general opinion of most casual viewers/readers when in doubt. So chars like Rory / Elena / Devi who have whole video essays dedicated to how annoying / selfish / whiny they are (eye roll.) count to me. And some might be more polarizing than hated, but vitriol when it’s there is extreme enough I felt like I could count them (Grace).
Also re: Shallan (which is the one I’m most hesitant to include because I interact with the fandom least this is just the impression from what I have seen) will say I’ve only read the first two books of Stormlight and don’t really have plans to continue, but she was definitely my favorite part of the experience so I found it wild to find out people thought of her as the worst part LOL.
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kayssweetdreams · 5 months
The Perfect Finale Ch29
Meanwhile, Back in Wonderworld...
Yin was INFURIATED. Not only did he still not know where Wonderworld's heart was, but now he couldn't even return to the real world and find the pink haired brat. He mentally kicked himself. He may have despised the Wonderworld for kicking him out, but he never thought that the theater would actually collapse in on itself. Now it would be impossible to go after them.
He took his anger out on the Tower of Tims, reducing it to nothing but a pile of rubble. "Now Yin. Be patient. They'll have to come back eventually..." Prim said in a monotone voice. He glared at her, but she did have a point. Those who lived in Wonderworld couldn't last long outside of the theater. Sooner or later, they'd have to find another way to get back in. "You're right. In the meantime. I think a little redecorating is in order..." He said, his eyes glowing red once more...
Meanwhile, Back at the Montgomery Home...
Everyone paled at Project X. It would seem that Yin's lust for power had now trickled its way into wanting to control the real world as well. "If I thought that Yin wasn't bad before. I do now..." Haoyu muttered as he gazed at the blueprint for the Purifier. "Well. Let's not lose ALL hope! He still needs the heart. Something of which he still can't find." Emma said.
"Yeah, but WE don't know where the heart is either. And even if we did. We can't get back into Wonderworld right now, with the theater being...out of commission." Yuri said, wording the sentence carefully around Balan and Lance, who were still mourning the loss of the theater. "Um, Guys." Kaylo started, but it was drowned out by Lucy "Darling, even if we could get back to Wonderworld, we're still dealing with a bloodthirsty Yin, who would very much like to destroy us." she said.
"Guys..." Kaylo said again, but once again, her voice was muted by the sound of Cal mentioning "Not only that, but Balan and Lance are no longer maestros, but humans. So we have no way to tip the scales in our favor!" he said. That's when something awoke in Kaylo. She couldn't tell whether it was her own emotions, or the recent events causing her to lash out, but she found herself screaming out
In that shout, something extraordinary happened. The room that they had all gathered in had completely transformed into a wide-open field. The group looked on in awe. The only time that had happened was when they were in Wonderworld. It didn't only effect the room as well, as those that lived in Wonderworld felt power surge through them like never before.
The Tims grew fluffier and started chirping with joy, The Negati's symbols began glowing and pulsating, the costumes powers all activated at the same time, the Negabosses actually returned to their normal sizes and forms, even Balan and Lance briefly returned to their true maestro forms. The humans looked in awe at what had happened, when Mei noticed something was happening to Kaylo at the same time.
Her normally pink eyes turned rainbow and gained red music notes, and her pink hair grew longer and fluffier, all the while a rainbow aura surrounded her. Just then, it all stopped. The room returned to normal, and the costumes once again couldn’t use their abilities, as Balan and Lance turned human again. Everyone in the room slowly turned to Kaylo, who's eyes and hair returned to normal as she took a deep breath.
"What I wanted to tell you is. I have the heart of Wonderworld."
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
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clown-cult · 1 month
Mon🅰️ & 🅰️rchie — an incoherent theory.
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Alternatives titles include “How Archie took on the A moniker” OR “the one where Mona accidentally inspired a serial killer” OR “how Alex Drake is possibly even lamer than she already was and got The Game(tm) snatched out from under her” OR “these timelines are so messy as it is and I really suck at timelines so please god just bear with me as I stumble my way through trying to establish a fun little theory”.
So. As someone who’s seen both shows (although I saw the original a while ago), one of the biggest questions I have when watching Original Sin is “how did The Game(tm) go from various young women pulling strings behind the scenes and playing epic games of sabotage and blackmail while calling themselves ‘A’ go to a hulking scary mfer that runs around in a mask and kills terrible people?”.
This is my attempt, inspired by many late night overthinking sessions, at piecing together how the mantle of ‘A’ passed from one group of liars to another, from one town to another and who might have inspired the current ‘A’.
How did we get here? Will this make any sense? Let’s see, shall we?
So apparently the Original PLL takes place from 2010 to 2018. Again, all these timelines and articles I’ve read are a whole ass mess, but like me, they’re just working with what they’ve got. Thanks, Marlene.
First, a quick rundown of our main locations and players.
For locations, we’ll obviously be focusing on Rosewood and Millwood, which are a few hours apart and easy to go between in a few hours. The other most important location will obviously be the Radley Sanitarium.
For our main players, we will be focusing primarily on:
Mona Vanderwaal - the original A.
Dr Anne Sullivan - therapist at the Radley.
Sebastian Sullivan - only child of Dr Sullivan.
Archie Waters - the current A.
Angela Waters - twin sister to Archie. Took her own life at 16.
Rose Waters- mother to Angela and Archie Waters.
Okay. Here’s my attempt at constructing a timeline and assigning details where I can. Please note I got a lot of this from the wikis and used episode dates as dates of events unless dates in the episodes were given.
March 21st 1983, Angela and Archie are born. Rose is a teen mother who becomes heavily religious later in life, a disastrous combination with her untreated mental illness. Angela is subjected to verbal abuse and shaming and Archie, apparently having a face that “only a mother could love” is kept in an animal cage in a room.
The father of the twins is Marshall Clanton, who becomes a teacher and later principal at Millwood High, which Angela later attends.
Mona Vanderwaal is born on October 8th, 1993 in Rosewood where she grows up.
Angela Waters dies on 2000 1st at the age of 16, taking her own life after a year of being bullied and experiencing an assault which led to more bullying.
Her daughter’s death sends Rose Wanters into a breakdown and she goes to Millwood School with a knife, where she is stopped by Marshall Clanton.
Rose Waters is committed to the Radley in January-February 2000 and is treated by Dr Anne Sullivan. During this space of time, Dr Sullivan investigates the Waters house after her sessions with Rose make her wonder about Rose’s son. She finds Archie, who is also 16 at the time and has escaped his cage. Dr Sullivan is alarmed and calls the police, but Archie is nowhere to be found.
June 23rd, 2002, Sebastian Sullivan is born in Rosewood.
Alison Dilaurentis disappears on September 1st-2nd 2009, due to harassment from ‘A’, so therefore Mona has already taken on the moniker of ‘A’ in revenge for Alison bullying her. It is unknown for how long Alison had been bullying Mona to push her to this moment.
June 2011, the original liars (Aria Montgomery, Emily Fields, Hannah Marin and Spencer Hastings) start group therapy with Dr Sullivan to try to process their feelings around Alison’s disappearance and the trauma they’re suffering at the hands of A/Mona’s cyber harassment. Dr Sullivan realises she is being stalked shortly after sessions begin.
August 2011, Dr Sullivan is harassed further by ‘A’ and the original liars are led to believe she has been kidnapped and buried alive. They search but do not find her. Dr Sullivan is revealed to the audience have never having been buried at all, presumably after being blackmailed and threatened by ‘A’. She disappears for a while as a result.
Mona Vanederwaal is unmasked as A and committed to the Radley in 2012 where she is treated by Dr Sullivan, who also reveals that Mona blackmailed her and threatened her son, Sebastian. This was the cause of her disappearance.
Mona is discharged from the Radley in January 2013.
February 2013, Mona visits Dr Sullivan to thank her for her help in treating her. Mona is presumably no longer A but is still involved with and aware of “the game” at points throughout following seasons.
June 2015, Pam Fields makes an appointment for Emily Fields to see Dr Sullivan after her experiences in the dollhouse. Dr Sullivan is therefore still in Rosewood at this time.
The time jump in the OG series happens soon afterwards. This is where things really get dicey as what happens in this space of time is anyones guess. I’m just going to go with what we know for a fact aka what has been stated by other characters and we’ve seen after the time jump.
Post-time jump, Dr Sullivan is not seen again in the OG series so we can assume she moved to Millwood at this time with Sebastian.
The Radley also closes during the time jump and is converted into a hotel. The function of the building may have changed, but its dark history cannot be hidden and so going forward we will also be looking at evidence of an accessible paper trail. This will involve the Radley, the people it held for treatment, the people who worked there and how easy it would be for an outsider to find information.
The purpose of this is to show how easily someone could find out about the events of the original A incidents, what the liars went through and the various identities of A.
When the Radley is closed and turned into a hotel, Rose Waters is discharged and returns to Millwood. She is homeless but among her person belongings are her medical records from her treatment with Dr Sullivan.
October 14th, 2018. Sebastian Sullivan, while out on a jog in the forests of Millwood is killed presumably by Archie Waters. Sebastian’s body is found positioned over some three logs that have been assembled in the shape of an A. In the flashback, Archie is also already wearing his mask with the stitching in the shape of an A.
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Depending on the timeline, in either July or October 2018, Alex Drake (secret twin to Spencer Hastings) is revealed to be “A.D”, the latest in a line of A’s who took on the mantle that Mona created, so it’s suitable that Mona is the one to mastermind her unmasking.
Later in October 2018, Mona kidnaps Alex and her mother Mary and takes them to the dollhouse.
Depending on when exactly Alex is revealed, given that Archie has already started targeting Dr Sullivan in the same year, it’s possible that The Game(tm) has already been taken from Alex by Archie and is about to twist into a new deadly form.
At some point between 2018 and the start of Original Sin in 2022, Marshall Clanton, now school principal, reunites with his son, Archie, and they set plans in motion to take revenge on the women who bullied Angela to her death by using their daughters.
In 2020 at another point, Mona returns to work at BHU with Alison DiLaurentis after it’s implied that Alex and Mary managed to escape her.
August 20th 2022, Davie Adams, one of the original bullies, receives a flier from the Y2K party where Angela Waters died. On the back of the flier is a threatening message with a single red A in one of the words. Davie takes her own life shortly afterwards and leaves an A in her blood on the bathroom wall. The red ‘A’ moniker is already being implemented on the poster.
September 28th 2022. The new liars (Imogen Adams, Tabitha Hayworthe, Farran Bryant, Noa Olivar and Minnie Honrada) all receive their first ‘A’ texts. This new form of The Game(tm) has now begun.
November 3rd 2022. Imogen Adams and Tabitha Hayworthe, investigating a lead on Rose Waters, drive to Rosewood and stay overnight at the Radley Hotel to meet with Eddie Lamb, a former orderly at the Radley, the next day.
November 4th 2022. Eddie Lamb shows Imogen and Tabby his old logbook of people who came for visitations, including the people who saw Rose Waters. This proves that even though the Radley is not an asylum anymore, there is a paper trail from when it was and the names of people who were patients and who visited. Eddie now works at the hotel, but he still has evidence of his time at the Radley and it’s previous history.
December 15th 2022, Archie’s identity as ‘A’ is revealed, along with Principal Clanton’s involvement and the fact that he is Archie and Angela’s father.
Principal Clanton is arrested the same night and Archie is hospitalised after being stabbed in self defence by Imogen.
He escapes shortly afterwards and goes on a rampage.
January 1st, 2023, Archie Waters is captured and sentenced to death for the Millwood Massacre.
June 11th, 2023. The new liars, now being stalked by a new killer calling herself Bloody Rose Waters, locate the real Rose Waters and are able to search her belongs enough to find that Dr Sullivan treated her at the Radley. This proves more of an accessible paper trail to Radley records.
June 12th 2023. Imogen and Tabby are able to break into Dr Sullivan’s office and steal their patient files. If two sixteen year old girls could break in and easily access this information, it’s safe to assume anyone could. As the girls flip through files, the names of the original liars are clearly seen. There is an identifiable paper trail dating years back to the events of the original show where Dr Sullivan was treating the original girls for their trauma and anxiety around what happened to Alison and the original ‘A’; Mona Vanderwaal. This information can also be accessed with relative ease.
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Imogen says these don’t seem to be files from the Radley and could be from a private practice, but they would still likely contain information about the original A incidents with Mona.
June 18th 2023. Imogen confronts Dr Sullivan about whether or not she is Bloody Rose, demands proof, and to know why she is so eager to treat the new liars while not disclosing her connection to the Waters family. Dr Sullivan reveals she treated Rose, found Archie and believed that he followed and stalked her for years before killing her son. Her motive for trying to help the new liars is to try not to fail them, as she believes she failed to protect her son and that she believes Archie targeted her because she didn’t do enough to help him or his mother.
June 19th 2023. Dr Sullivan gives Imogen proof of her story by taking her to see Sebastian’s grave.
July 4th 2023. Dr Sullivan is ambushed and murdered in her office by Archie Waters, who has escaped jail, again wearing his ‘A’ mask.
Okay. That was the timeline I cobbled together with duct tape and tears. It’s the best I can do.
So, piecing together what we know of both shows, the fact that there is an ‘A’ in the original show doesn’t remain a secret for long. Several people take on the title and work for the A team.
There is a long list of material evidence on both the OG show and OS for people being in the Radley, along with who treated them, what was discussed and who it involved. Both shows are full of twists and turns involving investigating and blackmailing by various characters.
I point all this out to say that there’s a not insignificant chance that, if Archie Waters really was following and keeping an eye on Dr Sullivan over the years as she believed he was, and if he really did hold a grudge against her, Archie could have gained access to information her private life, her son, the people she treated and ‘A’.
Now, I’m about to point out some stuff while also doing a little speculating. Keep bearing with me here. We’re almost done.
It wouldn’t have been hard for Archie to find Dr Sullivan. She has frequent therapy sessions with his mother, after all. It wouldn’t have been hard to find her office as a result.
It wouldn’t have been hard to find out about A, given that Dr Sullivan still kept detailed files on the original liars even years later. Given that A was a large factor in their lives, it wouldn’t have been hard to find out that A was stalking and blackmailing the girls, just as Archie began to do in Millwood.
It wouldn’t have been hard to find out about Dr Sullivan’s son, given that Sebastian was used by A to threaten and blackmail her to the point she disappeared for a while. The same boy Archie killed after taking on the ‘A’ title.
It wouldn’t have been hard to find out about Alison DiLaurentis, the girl who disappeared. The original liars were in therapy to talk about her as well as A. It wouldn’t have been hard to find out that Alison was the typical, manipulative, popular girl who was also a bully. Everyone knew it. Not dissimilar to Karen Beasley, the popular bully of Millwood High that Archie murdered at the Spirit Week dance.
It wouldn’t be hard to find out that when the identity of A was revealed it was a young woman named Mona Vanderwaal, pushed to her action by the ceaseless bullying she endured at Alison’s hands, while the original liars did nothing to help Mona. Again, there’s one or two passing similarities to Angela, who was bullied by some of the popular girls while others turned a blind eye until it was too late.
Mona didn’t meet Angela’s fate, however. She did things a little differently. So differently that she started a ripple effect that inspired several shadowy figures behind the scenes with mysterious texts and their own agendas. Mona herself played a part in uncovering several of them.
So, in conclusion and to return to our question at the beginning, how did The Game(tm) morph so drastically from original show to reboot, and how did the persona of ‘A’ go from belonging to a cyberstalking mastermind bent on payback from the girls who bullied her to being attached to a vengeful serial killer who targets abusers and bullies?
“Whacky ass writing lmao who tf cares” is one answer, and tbh probably the right one…but then there’s the answer I came to instead; that Archie Waters in his stalking of Dr Sullivan discovered the whole ‘A’ mess and was inspired by the original A, Mona.
There are enough similar notes hit that the A that Archie would have found out about would have had to have been her, not Cece or Alex (right down to them both targeting Sebastian who’s really the true victim here lmao), and maybe have even become obsessed with Mona to the degree that he decided to adopt the ‘A’ persona that she created and take over The Game(tm) that she started, only to turn it into something far darker and more deadly.
Bonus points if Alex Drake’s big dramatic ‘A.D’ reveal as the secret twin gets undercut by the fact that someone else’s secret twin already pulled the rug out from under her and took off with the title of being the new ‘A’ while the original ‘A’ locked her in a basement in France. Because that’s incredibly funny.
Anyway…this is barely coherent and A Lot and I apologise. I just have a lot of thoughts and had to get them out somehow.
Please don’t come for me 🫠
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zlitbtrwel · 5 months
What do you love most?
Sun. Sky. Stars. Clouds. Weather. Ocean. Wind. Trees. Dirt. Lakes. Streams. Rivers. Rain.
Museums. Art galleries. Aquariums. Planetariums. Zoos. Gas stations. The beach. Public parks. Golf courses. Country clubs.
Birds. Bugs. Fish. Aquatic mammals & other non-fish sea life. Hands. Friends. Planes. Space. Boats. Cityscapes. A room with a view. Room service.
Algebra. Geometry. Philosophy. Psychology. History. U.S. Military.
Ferrari. Porsche. Tesla. Maserati. Lexus. Hyundai. Nissan.
Oil painting. Photography. Ballet. Short and easy hikes. Writing. Drawing. Yoga. Pilates. Knife throwing. Floor laying. Showering for far too long. Weekly massages. Laundry. Tidy home. Cooking. Baking. Inventing recipes. Traveling. Car-living. Organizing. Color coding. Alphabetizing. Observing. Dissecting. Tea parties. Pickle ball. Creating. Tarot reading.
iPad. Procreate. Books. Blue ray DVD’s. Sketch books. Cute notes. Flowers. Sailor Moon Monopoly. Game boy. Switch. Legos. Stuffed bunny. Rose oil. Mini projector. White Reeboks. Bumble bee Gucci’s. Tennis skirts with pockets. Hotel pillows. Z flip 5. Digital camera. Camcorder.
Sushi. Pork burritos. Cheesecake. Fried pickles. Grilled shrimp. Salmon. Tilapia. French fries in fish burritos. Ramen. Fried eggs. Salt and pepper chips. Jalapeño cheddar Cheetos. Annie Chuns. Calpico strawberry. Calpico peach. Aloe Vera juice. Coconut water. Steak. Fettuccine Alfredo. Pesto. Panini. Turkey sandwiches. Hot sandwiches. Ranch. House made dill pickle spears. Fish tacos. Siracha mayo. Chamberlain Coffee Matcha. Strawberry oatmeal. Konjac Jelly. Tteokbokki. Pasta. Sparking cider. Sparkling grape juice. Peach juice. Watermelon juice. Lime juice. Pineapple juice. Pickle juice.
Go Fish. Phase 10. Spit. Uno. Skip Bo. Funky puzzles.
Mario Kart. Barbie groovy games. Hello kitty happy party pals. Minecraft. Scooby doo. Frogger. Fruit ninja.
F1. Basketball. Baseball. Football (American). Tennis. Sometimes golf. Horse racing.
Pretty nails. Jewel tones. Tatcha. Pan Oxyl. Face masks. Burt’s bees. L’Oréal Paris. Snail mucin. Pureology (blue). Okay firming lotion. Okay beauty bar. Florida water soap bar. Wax strips. Exfoliating gloves. Lume.
Silk & satin. High thread counts. Soft skin. Clear skin. Happy eyes. Well-rested. Good-humored. Fresh breath. Clean white teeth. Physically fit. Good health.
Zendaya. Beyoncé. Boyfriend. Blonde friend. Brunette friend. Grandma. Grandpa. Assistant. Accountants. Business Manager. Lawyers. Anne Hathaway. Anna-Taylor Joy. Carlos Sainz. Lewis Hamilton. Kardashians. Camille Rowe. Lando Norris. Oscar Piastri. Dove Cameron. Max Verstappen. Fernando Alonso. Emma Watson. Margot Robbie. Cher. Alex Albon. Sabrina Carpenter. Victoria Beckham. Lily James. Elle Fanning. Angelina Jolie. George Russell. Rihanna. Olivia Rodrigo. Jenna Ortega. Kaya Scodelario. Dylan O’Brien. Barbra Palvin Sprouse. Dylan Sprouse. Shuang Hu. Seo Yeaji. Kim Soohyun. All BTS members. Logan Lerman. Alexandra Daddario. Uma Therman. Natalia Dyer. Dacre Montgomery. Jackson Wang.
Starfire. Kate Sharma. Jeremiah (tatbilb). Shawn Spencer. Gus TT Showbiz. Juliette Ohera Spencer. Percy Jackson. Robin (teen titans). HeKate. Persephone. Venus. Aria (PLL).
Individuality. Confidence. Kindness. Unorthodox solutions. Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency. Exclusivity. Loyalty. Honesty.
The list goes on, and on, forever. . .
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jaggedwolf · 27 days
pll rewatch 2x17
Emily (and even her phone) are dragged into being secretaries for her friends’ heterosexual dramas :/ 
Emily literally does not have her own plotline this episode, she just gets absorbed into the Spoby drama. Don’t get me wrong, there’s stuff I love here, like Emily’s comically bad “Spencer is unable to come to the phone right now”
But I am pretty meh on Emily not getting her own stuff to do, and the way the disparity between f/f and f/m relationships on the show feels starker in S2
It’s good/convenient that Caleb is a newcomer to Rosewood, so that when he hacks these videos of a bunch of weirdos hanging out in Ali’s room, it’s not like he has any prior beef or knowledge that would skew his efforts
The girls all think Holden is gay because he’s never tried to kiss Aria. Aria, the one true test for any boy’s heterosexuality apparently. 
Do enjoy Emily looking a little smug as she explains what a beard is, even though everyone clearly knows.
My notes: “I’m so bored of Ezria.” Indeed.
We get another glimpse of Halloween 2008 when the girls find the threatening notes A sent Ali, which is a nice connection that episode. Ali really was experiencing it all that night huh.
Toby gets injured via the wobbliest scaffolding sabotage. A really does not want Spoby to date, is extra invested in it, and I’m unclear why. 
I mean, A threatened Ezria with reveals before but A saved Ezria via framing Noel and A has never put Ezra’s life in danger.
I wonder if it’s because Toby seems like the SO most likely to be told about A, given that he was investigating Ali’s murder with Spencer back in S1.
Most likely until Spencer’s protective instincts are kicked into overdrive here.
Toby gets to wake up to Jenna giving him all the standard abuser lines blah blah you can’t trust anyone but me blah blah no one is going to care about you like I do blah blah 
Complete with creepy leg touch that makes Toby flinch
About Spencer, Jenna says “She’s haunted”. Not that Spencer is dangerous to Toby, but that Spencer is in danger, and by extension Toby’s in range to get hurt
Again, the girls really should tell Caleb, he’s already in danger if A can see someone is hacking into their phone. A’s not gonna be like wow, I bet Aria picked up Hacking For Dummies at the Rosewood Library and is the one exfiltrating my shit
Caleb confidently saying “I can protect you” to Hanna is very funny and very dude though, like bro you don’t even know what it is, and this angle of unearned confidence will only make Hanna more certain you won’t take the threat seriously
So Hanna destroys the thumbdrive in the blender. And later throws the blender in the trash can.
Hanna commits so much waste in this kitchen y’all. She’s thrown away a blender, just opened yogurt cups, uneaten takeout, my wallet winces at all of this. 
Jenna is so fucking weird to Emily. Why does Jenna always talk to Emily as if Emily ever wanted to fuck Toby. She’s gay, Jenna. Like here’s their dialogue.
Emily: How dare you come here.
Jenna: Emily? I’d ask you the same thing.
Emily: I’m Toby’s friend.
Jenna: Well, there was a time you wanted to be more than that. Good thing he didn't feel the same way, or things would be awfully confusing with Maya, wouldn't they?
Emily: You're lucky I don't take that stick—
Jenna: Mm, careful, Emily. Misplaced anger can be dangerous.
Is Jenna just sooo distracted by her own rapey ways that she thinks everyone wants to fuck Toby. Maybe so.
Still enjoy Emily being terrible to the blind girl, always the liar most pissed at her somehow.
Oh so now Ella knows about Toby, where was this back when she thought Ezra/Spencer was a thing. Wait, didn’t Toby even come yelling in the police station about how much he loves Spencer too, while the other parents were there? Did Ella just assume Spencer was two-timing? Damn Ella
Anyway the Montgomerys are super into the Holden solution for their daughter, because they remain the silliest parents of the lot.
Spencer is so guilt-wridden about Toby. She stares through the window at his injured body instead of entering the room to sit by him. I very much enjoy how much the show has her brood, Spencer at heart should be a noir detective brooding through rainy windows
Spencer: Jenna's right. I'm putting Toby in danger, and I've always known it.
Emily: We've always done everything we can.
Spencer: It's not enough. It'll never be enough. I need you to do me a favor.
Emily: Anything.
As kicked puppy as Toby is this episode, I obviously care more about the Spemily angle here, where Emily agrees immediately even though she knows how deranged Spencer can get and does ultimately go through with the plan.
And the genre gender inversion of sorts, where Spencer, Emily, and Jenna are the actors upon Toby, while he is the acted upon, the one that is protected or hurt or violated
I like Emily’s little vest in the hospital scenes
I...have nothing to say about Ezra getting inspired by this random-ass student that we’ll never see again, other than I hate him. Not just for Ezria, but also because he stops his car in the middle of the road while it is raining to make out with Aria, thus blocking traffic. Park your damn car.
Got distracted wondering if the Hastings move when your daughter is dating an authority figure you don’t like is to hire a PI to follow him specifically to snag a photo of them kissing so that you can get him super fired and blacklisted everywhere.
Fields move would be police police police, Marin move would be to go :/ :/ but not actually do anything about it
While Toby and Wren talk I wonder if the show ever passes the reverse Bechdel test. I hope not.
Caleb goes to Spencer and Emily to offer his hacking services. They really are the investigative ringleaders this season, and Caleb once more proves himself to be the most integrated SO
Spencer discloses to Caleb that Jenna is trying to frame them, Garrett is helping her, and that Ian’s confession likely isn’t the full story. 
Not a bad set of facts, but it does overstate their certainty on the Jenna question, which will lead Caleb to focus on her
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Kaylo's Special Birthday: Chapter 2
(At the Balan Theatre)
At the Balan Theatre, Stefan and Thea were speaking to Balan and Lance as well as Leo and Emma, who also happened to be there at the time, also visiting the maestros while feeding the Tims and Negati.
"We need your help, you guys," Thea said. "We want to set up a surprise party for Kaylo. But we can't let her suspect that we're planning something. Any advice?"
"Ooh, we can set up the surprise party here!" Emma suggested. "But we'll have to do it in another room. That was what the maids did back at my mansion when they were planning my fifteenth birthday party."
"That sounds like a good idea," Stefan said. "But is there a room that we can use in the theatre?"
"There is one room that is perfect for this party," Balan said. "Follow me and you all shall see." He and Lance led Stefan, Thea, Leo, and Emma down a hall until they eventually came across a pair of large doors. Balan pushed opened the doors, revealing a gigantic dining room.
"This is perfect, Balan!" Thea exclaimed. "This is the right place to hold Kaylo's party. Knowing my daughter, she would want the decorations to be pink, purple, and white."
"Of course, what kind of party would it be if the guests do not know about this occasion?" Lance pointed out. "I think that we should start off by handing every guest an invitation."
"I'll do the invitations," Leo said. "I can get the invitation cards at the store when I leave."
"Before you do so, let me write down the guest list for you, Leo." Thea pulled out a pen and paper from her pocket. "I'll also write down the place date that the party will take place as well as the time it will start and the time it will end." She started to write down everything.
"Ooh, maybe Mei, Trisha Jane, Rebecca, Marina, Debbie, Lora, and Aria can help us prepare for the party?" Emma asked. "As well as the Inhabitants?"
"Yes, that would be a great idea," Stefan agreed. "Why don't you try calling them up later on?"
"I sure will." Emma smiled.
"We'll also need to start getting refreshments and the cake ready," Balan said. "Sadly, I am not…great in the kitchen, unfortunately."
"I will help Aria work on the cake and refreshments, brother," Lance said. "It will be one step done for Kaylo's father and mother."
Thea handed Leo the list. "Think you and Emma can bring all of your friends here so we can tell them the plan?" She asked him.
"I sure can," Leo said, reading the guest list. On that list were the following names:
Krista Bruno
Manny Bruno
Cherry Bruno
Cookie Bruno
Tia Bruno
Katie Bruno
Karol Bruno
Harmony Bruno
Caitlin Bruno
Tuck Bruno
Candy Bruno
Rosie Bruno
Mia Bruno
Tia Bruno
Koto Bruno Tsukishima
Sakura Tsukishima
Kyary Tsukishima
Hana Tsukishima
Haru Tsukishima
Melody O'Hara
Michael O'Hara
Jenny Bruno
Julie Bruno
Lola Bruno
Arwen Emberson Bruno
Erin Bruno
Jose Gallard
Fiona Demetria
Yuri Brand
Haoyu Chang
Sana Hudson
Cass Milligan
Cal Suresh
Iben Bia
Attilio Caccini
Lucy Wong
Eis Glover
Bruce Stone
Lora Jade
Trisha Jane
Mei Hualing
Aria Montgomery
Debbie Young
Jon Bia
Phil Bia
Lila Bia
Clem Wong
Bianca Suresh
"Wow, that's a lot of guests." Leo was rather surprised at the long list. But this had to be done. He then read the date and the two times that was next to the guest list:
Friday, August 25th at the Balan Theatre
2:30 PM—4:00 PM
"Come on, Emma," Leo said. "We have a lot of work to do." The two waved to the adults and maestros as they set off to complete the tasks given to them…
…Without Kaylo knowing, that is.
Kaylo and her family belong to @kayssweetdreams
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Mei, Marina, Jon, Phil, Lila, Clem, and Bianca all belong to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Debbie belongs to @mayordebbie
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Aria belongs to me.
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crAcked: Chapter 1
Characters: Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields, Alison DiLaurentis, Mike Montgomery, Byron Montgomery, Ella Montgomery, Darren Wilden, Melissa Hastings, Ian Thomas, Ezra Fitz
TW: Suicide mention, grooming, fatphobia, ED, bullying, murder
Word Count: 2,057
Author's Note: This is a PLL fanfic that I mainly started writing for myself. I'm a die hard PLL fan but, like a lot of other people, I was thoroughly disappointed with a lot of their choices so I decided to try my hand at writing what I wanted to happen in the story. I've never written fanfic, as most of my writing experience has been via Tumblr rp's but I thought I'd give this a try!
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September 1st, 2009. That was a night that Aria Montgomery would never forget, not for as long as she lived. That was the night that everything had changed.
It’d be silly to ever think that she could erase those memories from her brain, so she didn’t even try. Instead, she had decided to accept it–after all, what else was there to do? Things had happened–things that were never supposed to happen. Yet, the events of that September night had changed everything. As Lady Macbeth famously said, “What is done cannot be undone.”
By sunrise, the whole town of Rosewood knew that blonde bombshell queen bee Alison DiLaurentis was missing and nothing would ever be the same again.
Even now, after a year had passed, Aria was still unsure about how she felt about the entire situation. As she unpacked her boxes and placed her books back in their rightful place, she thought about everything that had happened and the impact her choices had had upon everyone.
One thing was for certain–she was grateful to be back in her own bedroom. The warm, dark wood of her bedroom floor and bed frame were certainly much cozier than the cold, white walls she had grown accustomed to this past year. It felt good to be back at home again.
Of course, to the outside world, she’d been away on a special study abroad program in Iceland this past year, an incredible opportunity that had happened to arise in Aria’s time of need. Her little brother, Mike, had even agreed to try to keep her Facebook page updated with beautiful pictures of the stunning fjords of Reykjavik. However, the truth of Aria’s whereabouts were much more…complicated, per se, than a study abroad trip to Iceland.
She’d spent this past year locked away hiding away in Radley Medical Center, trying to repair her fragmented mental state. After September 1st, it hadn’t taken very long at all for her parents, Byron and Ella, to figure out that her best friend’s friend’s disappearance had taken a serious toll on her mental health. As soon as the “MISSING PERSON” fliers went up, Aria just about lost it. After attempting to take her own life near the end of September 2009, her parents felt as if they had no other choice but to try and get her the help that she needed.
However, in the town of Rosewood, being “mentally ill” was not acceptable, or even relatable–sure, everyone had their own struggles but you kept that quiet and to yourself. It was the “polite” thing to do. Besides, after Aria had woken up in a hospital room, realizing her attempt had been unsuccessful, she couldn’t face her friends–hell, it was nearly impossible to face her own family, especially her little brother. Therefore, it was decided: Aria would go to Radley Medical Center in order to heal, and no one would ever know. To the outside world, she’d be experiencing an incredible opportunity overseas in Iceland and none would be the wiser.
It was quite the ruse and honestly, her parents had been a little unsure about the entire thing. Sure, people who were open about their family problems were judged harshly in Rosewood but who even cared about petty scrutiny and gossip if their daughter wasn’t okay? But it was Aria that had begged her parents to keep the truth a secret, only letting the principal of Rosewood High School know what was actually going on so she could continue her studies.
Now, after nearly twelve straight months of intensive therapy and “rest,” Aria was ready to return to the real world of Rosewood and continue on with her life. Still, the night of September 1st, 2009 still haunted her–more than anyone would ever know.
In just a few weeks–and still, years from now–the town of Rosewood would be full of gossip: gossip about a particularly handsome new teacher and his apparent penchant for underage girls. Yes, by now, it’s no secret that Ezra Fitz had been taken with Aria Montgomery when they first met at the Hollis Pub the day before school started. However, what a lot of people don’t mention is how Ezra was able to manipulate his way into Aria’s life and strike when she was most vulnerable.
You’ll come to find very soon that everyone in the town of Rosewood has flaws and secrets–absolutely everyone. But some things are more forgivable than others. And what was unconditionally unforgivable was a grown man preying on the innocent young girls of Rosewood High. Ezra had zeroed in on Aria and was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce.
After all, Ezra was already well aware of Aria’s own secret–well, at least one of them. You see, during his junior and senior year at Hollis, he had heard rumors about Professor Montgomery and one of his grad students. Now, Ezra didn’t usually listen to gossip–he believed himself to be above all of that. However, it had become rather difficult to simply ignore the rumors about a professor taking advantage of one of his students. Though he’d never actually had a class with Professor Montgomery, he knew of him and figured that the rumors were probably true.
Once he put two and two together–that Aria was the daughter of Bryon Montgomery–he knew that he had an in. He was aware that it was rather ironic. But this was different, he told himself. Ezra knew she was in a susceptible position–she needed guidance, someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on. That’s what Ezra told himself and that’s what he set out to do. Truthfully, as cunning as she was, Aria never stood a chance against someone so sinister.
However, that didn’t mean that Aria didn’t have her own ammunition. Sure, her family was holding on by a thread–but the other girls had their own secrets, too. They always had. Luckily, Aria had always been incredibly observant. Though she could certainly have her moments of outspokenness, she also knew how to sit back and listen. One could learn a lot of information when they were simply listening.
Take Hanna Marin, for example. Poor little Hefty Hanna–Aria had always detested that nickname that Alison had placed upon Hanna’s head. It was cruel and unnecessary. But Alison was the queen bee and whatever she said simply…was. However, anyone with eyes could see the toll that it took on Hanna. Aria remembered that one time, during a sleepover, the girls had been enjoying chick flicks and ice cream. They had been watching Mean Girls, one of Alison’s favorites. Aria always assumed it was because she viewed herself as Regina George.
Just before the Burn Book fight scene started–arguably one of the best scenes in the film–Hanna had gotten up to go to the bathroom. Aria thought it a bit odd but continued watching and laughing along with the other girls. But the minutes continued to pass and Hanna still wasn’t back. Curious, Aria mentioned checking on Hanna and got up off the couch and headed to the bathroom, her feet padding on the hardwood floor. When she got to the bathroom door, the unmistakable sounds of retching came from the other side of the door. Aria gave a small knock on the door. “Hanna?... Are you okay?” Hanna cleared her throat and quickly said “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be right out.”
Sure, Aria probably should’ve said something about it–but what could she say? Hanna was clearly embarrassed, you could hear it in her voice. Wouldn’t it just make it worse to question her about it? Aria tried to tell herself that maybe Hanna’s stomach had just been acting up but deep down, she knew the truth. She knew how Alison made Hanna feel like shit about her body–honestly, it wasn’t very surprising that Hanna would attempt to find comfort in bingeing and purging. It made Aria’s heart sink but what else could she do?
As far as Spencer and Emily went, their secrets weren’t too difficult to figure out, either. Really, all you had to do was have eyes. The way Spencer so desperately wanted to be like her older sister, Melissa, was obvious to everyone. On top of that, the brains of their group suddenly seemed to become a brainless lovestruck girl whenever her sister’s skeezy boyfriend, Ian, walked into the room. He was not only her field hockey coach but, as everyone figured, most likely her future brother-in-law as well. However, no one could deny the brunette’s heart eyes whenever Ian cracked a subpar joke.
Emily was somehow even more obvious. Between the odd comments from Alison and the way you could practically feel Emily’s giddiness radiating from her every time the blonde bombshell simply spoke, it was clear to anyone with a brain that Emily was in love with Alison. Not to mention the time that Aria had accidentally overheard one of their conversations during another infamous sleepover. She’d forgotten her phone in Emily’s room and when she was approaching the doorway, she overheard the distinct sing-song sweetness of Alison’s voice. It was the voice she used whenever she really, really wanted something
“Look, Em, I’m sorry that I was so mean to you the other day in the locker room. I didn’t mean to snap at you, I just… I just don’t feel…that way. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t still kiss–but only if you want to, of course.”
Alison’s voice was sugary sweet and full of softness–god, she was such a manipulative bitch. Don’t fall for it, Em, Aria thought to herself. But then, seconds later, Aria could hear the undeniable sounds of lips locking, so she slipped back downstairs and never told another soul.
Truth be told, Aria was mildly horrified at the state of her friend group when she returned to Rosewood High. The girls hadn’t even tried to remain close to one another? The brunette realized that it was going to be a lot more difficult to get her friends back together than she initially thought.
What horrified her even more, though, was the face that she saw at the front of the classroom during first period on the very first day of junior year. It was none other than Ezra, the man boy from the bar. He looked just as equally horrified to see her face and she was certain that he’d never speak to her again. And honestly, if he were even half a decent man, he would have quit his job right then and there–but of course, “decent” was the last word anyone would use to describe Ezra Fitz.
The situation with her English teacher might’ve fully taken over Aria’s brain that night if it hadn’t been for the sirens that began to ring out around 9PM, just as Aria was about to get ready for bed. The sirens were down the street but something made Aria’s blood run cold and she followed that feeling out onto the sidewalk. Sure enough, the sirens were just a few streets over, down by the DiLaurentis house. Oh, fuck.
Alison DiLaurentis’ body was found buried under the gazebo her parents had put up the previous summer. The backyard had been under construction at the time, making it the perfect place to dispose of a body.
The day of Alison’s funeral was what finally brought all the girls back together. They sat with each other in the same pew, as if no time had ever passed. While waiting for the service to begin, the four girls realized that they’d all been getting messages from a mysterious person who signed their messages with nothing but an “A.” Was it “A” for Anonymous? It couldn’t have been “A” for Alison. After all…her body was lying in a closed casket just feet away from them.’
However, it wasn’t until the very end of the service that the girls realized how serious all of this was. Detective Wilden, a hot shot police officer, approached the girls and vowed to find out what happened the night that Alison disappeared, which sent a chill down Aria’s spine. Just as he walked away, all of the girls’ cell phones eerily rang at the same time and the threatening message stared back at them through the screen:
“I’m still here, bitches, and I know everything - A”
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Male reader x Aria Montgomery.
reader is Spencer’s brother (in this Aria and fitz never Got together)
Aria has always had a crush on him, on sleepovers she would sneak into his room to cuddle with him, until one night where she sneaks in and sees reader half naked with a boner, so she crawls onto the bed pulls the underwear down and blows him
y/n: a-Aria what?
Aria: shhh
reader then pounds her.
when Spencer heard they were dating she started to talk to Aria about the rules
Spencer: No sex in Spencer’s bed
Aria: well
Spencer: noo
Aria: we washed the sheets after
Emily: you told her about the sink incident?
Spencer’. You were the one?
Aria: yeah, thank you Emily for exposing us
hanna: you telling her about the time you came so much in the Living room chair?
Spencer: wait, my chair, you came in my chair
Aria: in my defence I wasnt the only one that came in that chair
Spencer: you two are disgusting
hanna and emily: so how was it?
Aria: a-freaking-amazing, dont tell Spencer or y/n but im pregnant
Spencer will kill them lol
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dreamcastboy99 · 2 years
What if the OG Persona got a bad live-action film adaptation?
• The film would be loosely based on the infamous Revelations version of P1....
• ...and by loosely, I mean Persona In Name Only, aimed at Americans, R-Rated action-horror, starring the actors in my joke fancast:
Dacre Montgomery as Naoya/Edward
Amanda Seyfried as Maki/Mary
Cameron Monaghan as Nanjo/Nate
Kevin Hart as Mark
Aaron Paul as Brown/Brad
Jamie Chung as Yuki(no)
Martha MacIsaac as Elly/Ellen
Margot Robbie as Ayase/Alana
Keanu Reeves as Reiji/Chris
Giancarlo Esposito as Kandori/Guido
with Liam Neeson as Philemon
and Danny DeVito as Igor
• Since the actors playing the mains are all too old to portray high school students convincingly, we'll make them college students instead
• They're all wearing casual outfits except for Nate bc he's the rich one
• Bits and pieces of P1's plot remain but it's overall unrecognizable
• The protagonist's name would likely be Edward Turner or some shit
• There's still a real, bedridden Mary and and ideal one who fights alongside the squad
• The gang partied too hard and got their Personas from masked Liam Neeson in a dream
• Kevin Hart danced crazy
• John Wick has beef with Gus Fring
• Frank welcomes the gang to the Velvet Room but does jackshit
• One or more of the girls fucks Edward because why not?
• The demons our heroes battle are generic CGI trash that wouldn't look out of place in literally anything else
• The Personas resemble Stands more than they originally did, however, the gang prefers using their weapons to conserve energy
• Some of the gang prefer melee over guns or vice versa (Ed uses an MP5, Ellen uses a sword, etc.)
• Though the movie is action-horror at its core, elements of other genres are brazenly shoehorned in...such as the aforementioned sex scene or Mark and Brad spewing one-liners
• Half the film would take place against grungy, industrial backdrops because grit.
• For some stupid reason, a wholly original score would be used as opposed to music from either version of the game aside from maybe the iconic Aria of the Soul in a scene or two, and an award-bait song like Dream of Butterfly or School Days, albeit reworked to make more sense in English instead of being nonsensical English lead vocals with Japanese backing vocals.
• Clichés and plot holes would be present across the board instead of using what people liked about the game's story
• It won't ever get made because Atlus refuses to acknowledge the original Persona on its own anniversary, let alone at all
I still haven't finished the game or the manga so I guess I'm out of ideas.
anyways, if this film did get made, would you be amused or offended?
who would direct this trash heap?
I have no idea.
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shortcake-x · 2 years
TTB Thanksgiving monthly drabble.
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It was one of many wonderful times of the year for Aria. While life was always throwing her a curve ball she never let it come to an end and ruin her holiday spirit. This time for the first time she was going to be helping out with the turkey. Actually she had been fully in charge. Luckily as a backup she mentioned to Spencer to have a back up turkey just in case she ruined this one. Aria was fairly confident however there were times she was in charge and things took a turn for the worst. However she tried to have as much hope as possible. She was big on family and friends and that had been one of the reasons Thanksgiving had become her favorite holiday as she became older. She felt there had been more meaning to it for her as she grew.
The Montgomery household smelled incredible. The freshly baked pies were cooling off and the stove had every burner on and the oven was roasting the turkey and the scent just filled the entire home, which said a lot because the Montgomery's has a very big home. Aria was smiling ear to ear and felt so full of thanks. "Mike.." She shouted as she called fror her brother who was supposed to bring in the chopped wood from the yard to get a fire going. "ugh…"m She sighed to herself after a good ten minutes of calling out for him before she decided to go and do it herself. She was almost sure he was in his room being the agnsty teen he was turning into. When it wasn't A ruining her life she was dealing with her family which wasn't always fun. Leaving out the back to go to the shed to grab the firewood she was distracted by her neighbor who just had to keep talking to her about her grandkids coming this year. She was a nice older woman. The next thing she knew she was doing one thing after another.
It was her only job to keep her eye on the turkey which smelled incredible and was a special recipe that her mother had finally shared with her. However after everything she was doing she totally forgot about the turkey. It wasn't hard for her to get distracted because not even A takes a holiday and her phone was not getting friendly texts. However with that on her mind it wasn't long before her doorbell rang and she ran to it greeting Spencer and Toby.
Something was cooking and though it smelled good it was certainly getting the smell of bering over cooked.
"Crap" She shouted before running into the kitchen to open the oven. "It don't look too bad" She said as she examined it once it was on the cutting board. "Please tell me you have the back up just in case?" She said as she looked up at Spencer who was laughing because in all honesty it smelled and looked delicous. "Taste test?" She said as she carved a few pieces for them all to try. She could not help but feel so full in that moment among many that she was hving this holiday season so far.
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painofhumanity · 8 months
OPEN STARTER ;; Aria Montgomery
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Aria let out a shocked--and disturbed--gasp and turned away from the crime scene photos casually displayed. "Oh, my god, do you guys not do anything besides look into murders that may have something to do with the supernatural?! I mean, seriously, what the hell?"
She didn't have much room to talk, considering she and her friends back in Rosewood had gone plenty of places that they had no business being in, just for the chance to find out what had happened to Ali. . . And partly because they were being blackmailed by a stalker, but that wasn't the point. Still, at least they weren't keeping pictures.
"Can you just. . turn them around, or cover them up, or something? I'm gonna hurl."
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2000sfm · 8 months
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JUST  ANNOUNCED  🎬  ! @2000sgossip  published  the  official  cast  for  buffy the vampire slayer + pretty little liars &  it  looks  like  amethyst kang  roseanne park  is  playing  buffy kwon ( buffy summers ) +  kayra  ipekçi  cemre  baysel  is  playing  alara  mertoğlu (  aria  montgomery  )  -  everyone  wonders  if  they  will  be  just  as  good  as  the  original.  their  publicist  just  needs  to  make  sure  they  follow  the  hollywood 101 rules &  if  they  launch  their  social  media  account  within  24  hours,  they  will  take  over  the  trends.
(  roseanne park / rosé,  cis - woman,  she / her  )  —  🎬  just  announced,  amethyst  kang  has  been  cast  as  buffy kwon ( buffy summers ) in  the  upcoming  buffy the vampire slayer  reboot.  the  twenty-five year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the expectations of old money, a bugatti w16 mistral speeding down the streets of los angeles, waist length platinum tresses paired with perfectly pouty glossed lips, cotton candy hued selkie dresses &  pink snapdragons in a tiffany vase that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  effervescent,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  finicky.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  growing up in both seoul, south korea & new york city simultaneously  will  let  people  to  know  them  better. 
(  cemre baysel,  cis - woman,  she / her  )  —  🎬  just  announced,  kayra  ipekçi  has  been  cast  as  alara mertoğlu ( aria montgomery )  in  the  upcoming  pretty little liars  reboot.  the  twenty-four  year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the  pupils blown wide behind designer sunglasses, a half drank bottle of champagne, neon lights in a smoky room, sunbathing in the nude, & the fresh scent of turkish roses  that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  candid,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  cantankerous.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  her extensive ten step skincare routine  will  let  people  to  know  them  better. 
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kayssweetdreams · 6 months
The Perfect Finale Ch5
Meanwhile, Back at the Bruno Mansion...
Kaylo walked down the steps of her home, each stair creaking with age as she slowly descended from her room. She would never admit it, but she was also scared about Prim's escape. She couldn't help but wonder who in their right mind would be that insane to help Prim of all people? And more importantly, why?
Her thoughts however were interrupted when she reached the bottom of the stairs, and saw most of the older members of her family staring at her. "Um...Mom? What's going on?" Kaylo asked, feeling a little scared at the situation. "Why don't you take a seat dear?" Krista said, waving her hand to a much larger chair that sat across from them. Still a little worried, Kaylo took her seat.
"Now Kaylo dear...you know that your birthday is coming up in a few days right?" Thea asked, a gentle smile on her face. Kaylo gave an uneasy nod "Um...Yes?" She said. "You do know that our family has a...interesting history connecting with Wonderworld right?" Thea asked again "Yeah...I do. Great Great Great, a few more greats Grandma Mirabella visited Wonderworld, and wrote a book detailing a lot of stuff from Wonderworld." Kaylo replied.
"Well. You should also know that on your Birthday, the next generation of our Family, which is you, is gonna inheret more of Mirabella's knowledge, which means that you are gonna know more about Wonderworld than what you originally saw from the first visit." Thea said. This piqued Kaylo's interest. More about Wonderworld? What's more to know? "However, you must know that this is the family secret. No one else can know about this. Not even your other friends." Thea said.
Kaylo was shocked. The others couldn't know about it? What could the secret possibly be?
Meanwhile, Back at the Montgomery Household...
"Before I ended up finding the theater that day, I had been a little suspicious about Prim's escape, I was off to see the maestros, but I stopped when I saw someone who sounded like they were talking to Madame Prim...when she was masquerading as Ka Lā." Aria said.
"But after the conversation was over and he noticed me and started following me." She said. The kids tensed up as Aria was explaining what happened. "I won't forget that his eyes...they had Wonderworld symbols in them, but I needed to lose him, so I went to the Balan Theater, but after I had gotten there and had lost him, I could hear him outside...he could actually SEE the theater. Even though it didn't seem like he needed it!" She said.
The kids gasped in horror "So this "person"... that you had never seen before, had ended up chasing you down to the theater that he could somehow see, WITHOUT needing to repair his heart?" Trisha Jane asked. "Yes. I was lucky that Balan and Lance intervined, but I'm still scared as to how he was able to see the theater. Only those that NEED the theater can see it." Aria said, worry in her eyes.
"Maybe they have been to Wonderworld before?" Rebecca suggested. "Or maybe they got kicked out of Wonderworld for not finishing the trials?" Leo added. "I don't know. But I do know one thing, he's not good news..." Aria said. "Well, let's just hope that we don't run into him while Prim is free." Mei said. "Yeah...and speaking of her. Be careful. Whoever her little 'friend' is, They might have it out for you now as well." Aria said.
"We will. See you around Aria." Emma said as the kids left the house. "See you kids around." Aria said, peeking out the door to see if anyone suspicious was around...just to be sure. The kids made sure to also be sure that Prim or whoever her accomplice was weren't around. They quickly made their way back to their homes just before the sun set...
But not without the same red smoke gain black eyes and glare at the group...
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
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cuhe · 6 years
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When Aria has the same book as you!! 😂😄 // 28.11.18
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