#argentine news
workersolidarity · 10 months
📹 Scenes of supporters of Argentine President-elect Javier Milei gather outside the National Congress, where he is being inaugurated Sunday, December 10th, 2023.
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Martín Ron
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Rewilding in Argentina helps giant anteaters return to south Brazil
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Recent giant anteater sightings in Rio Grande do Sul state indicate the species has returned to southern Brazil, where it had been considered extinct for more than a century.
Experts concluded that the giant anteater ventured across the border from the Iberá Park in northeastern Argentina where a rewilding project has released around 110 individuals back into the habitat.
The sightings emphasize the importance of rewilding projects, both to restore animal populations in specific regions and help ecosystems farther afield.
Organizations across Brazil are working to protect and maintain current giant anteater populations, including rallying for safer highways to prevent wildlife-vehicle collisions that cause local extinctions.
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soulhem · 1 month
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gothmusiclatinamerica · 5 months
You should follow Posta-punk on YouTube if you want to hear lots of Argentine post-punk and new wave artists, mostly from the 1980s:
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aryburn-kc · 5 months
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Freight train about to leave the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad yard for the West Coast
March 1943. Argentine, Kansas. "Freight train about to leave the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad yard for the West Coast." Medium-format nitrate negative by Jack Delano for the Office of War Information.
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blueiscoool · 5 months
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Guillermo Kuitca Red Plan
Signed and dated 1990 (on the reverse). Acrylic on canvas. Executed in 1990.
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ilustracioness · 1 year
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9 de Julio, día de la Independencia Argentina
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sidesteppostinghours · 7 months
4 + 5 + 8 + 40 + 34 and I) G) F) for Cyrus Becker my beloved 🧡
afternoon idle!! oh my god questions galore *cracks knuckles* cyrus get your ass over here youre up
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Very difficult, and at the same time easier than youd think. he definitely doesnt entertain everybody, but hes not unreasonable. hell hear you out if you give him enough reason to (or if he thinks its beneficial to get to know you. do you see why he gets attached to people hes supposed to be manipulating so often). ortega and mortum required him to establish a relationship, which is how they got so close to eachother so quickly. herald got by because cyrus thought hed be a useful contact in the rangers. chen couldve earned his trust a long time ago, they had to work with eachother a lot back when he still ran with the rangers, but chen squandered it on his suspicions and its been too long for cyrus to have any interest in patching up their relationship. argent has largely flown under his radar, she hasnt piqued his interest more than the passing curiosity of why she wanted the regenerator.
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
the default is mistrust. sorry yall, hes not taking any more chances than necessary. hes a telepath, he knows all too well what secrets other people hide, and hes not interested in giving people a chance to prove his suspicions wrong. but after hes grown to trust somebody? its... embarrassing how difficult it is to lose it. even though his trust is much shakier nowadays, you still need to have fucked up Majorly to get him back to mistrusting you. if you somehow manage to do that,,, uhhhh. what do you want on your tombstone? (ig its technically its possible to not die and even earn that trust back??? ortega managed, but thats ortega and hes statistically more likely to kill you or ruin your life. depends on how badly you fucked up. id say theres a good 5% chance youll survive the experience without the need for intense psychotherapy)
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
listen. follow orders. be exactly who we need you to be. cyrus was a deeply rebellious regene, but he wasnt stupid about it. hed go against the mission in secret, and just enough that nobody wouldve been able to trace any problems back to him. that doesnt mean he was never caught, but he was too competent of a regene to be scrapped, which saved him multiple times before. those few times did cause handlers to keep a closer eye on him though, just in case. handlers would usually keep a harder grip on cyrus, hold him to stricter standards. it contributed a lot to his own self talk. SPEAKING OF WHICH:
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
you must imagine me holding him and looking lovingly into his eyes while i dump a gallon of insecurity and perfectionism on him. hes a proud man, he thinks hes better than what other people are capable of, but that arguably makes things worse when he does make a mistake. he of all people shouldnt be like this. add the puppetmaster scar on him and its a hefty load of 'i need to make sure every single step of my plan goes exactly right Or Else." the worst thing about him is that a lot of the petty flaws he thinks apply to him arent correct. AND HE CANT EVEN NAME HIS ACTUAL FLAWS. cyrus you are so smart and walking around with zero self awareness, its the best. please consider stepping into acid.
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
hohohohoho. well. the first step is to get him to feel guilty in the first place. traditionally immoral actions arent going to get to him, obviously. the thing that springs up guilt for him most often is themmys death. he has. a Lot of survivors guilt about that. especially because hes convinced himself he couldve done something and *gestures to the ask above*. guilt will haunt him for life if it doesnt get resolved in a healthy way, but hes gotten good at burying his emotions a long time ago. even when he feels like that, he reserves a specific time to think about it, otherwise itll impede on his plans in the long run. that designated time is. usually when hes supposed to be sleeping. his sleep schedule is just a little bit messed.
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
oh dude i Love putting cyrus in aus. its so fun to poke him with a stick and see what happens. the first one i put him in was a band au, it helped me figure out how he would interact with herald. basically cyrus was a masked guitarist (for backstory reasons) for a band daniel happened to be a fan of, except the two of them managed to meet at just regular old work, with cyrus not realizing daniel was a fan and daniel not realizing cyrus was from one of his favourite bands. it led to fun, mlb-esque shenanigans between the two lmfao. the second one i put him in was the becker siblings au, which i still have thoughts and emotionsTM about. that au let me indulge in the 'cyrus is an older sibling' headcanon and i will forever be in debt to it for the amount of protective cyrus i got. third and current au im obsessing over is a 'cyrus survives hb' scenario, where ortega managed to stop him before he jumped out the window. i am getting! so much ortega x cyrus content out of that au! and so much survivors guilt cyrus. cyrus 'using' ortega to forget about heartbreak my beloveddddd. he also says 'i love you' to ortega in this au and canon ortega is SO jealous. also x2, hes an alcohol vice step in this au. heartbreak hit hard and the tequila hits different.
aaaand i still like his canon version better. its just so very much him. out of every step ive got, hes the one i get to stay closest to how i envision based on the choices the game offers. plus he caught me completely by surprise suckerpunching me with an obsession over him and i cant Not respect that.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
not sure whether this means on a character creation level or as a person, but ill answer for 'as a person' because im overall pretty satisfied with how he turned out! but like. god what is there to not be bothered about. my manipulative little shit of a son. ig the trait that frustrates me the most is his self destructive tendencies. like. Sir. are you at all aware of the fact that people care for you and want you safe? and that you can respond to that concern with something other than "i can use this", "sucks to be them", or, "no theyre not"? sir. sir answer the question. hes so empathetic and also literally a telepath but somehow cant compute genuine concern at him. as frustrating as it is though, i cannot deny that it is deeply funny to watch him fumble so badly.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
normal. the ones where people look at me and think "wow, that is a person who is having (a) regular thought(s) about their character! very cool!" you will never see a person who is more normal about their guy than i am (i am grabbing him by the teeth and shaking him like a dog with a very strong kill instinct).
truly though, thinking of him gets me buzzing. hes like a puzzle, i keep breaking him apart and putting him back together again to see how everything works. i have this thing where ill often think about showing character analysis to the characters themeselves, just to see how they would react, and i undeniably do this the most with cyrus. i want to explain step by step (hah) why he is the way that he is now, like the whole timeline is plotted inside my head and its so!!!!! i am!!!!! chewing on him!!!!!
questions from here!
#herald is a lucky bastard#he messed up twice in a row (asking cyrus about his sidestep days+picking him up without consent) but asking for help training saved him#cyrus was straight up being sadistic about it he just wanted to fw herald after those two times and saw training as an opportunity#it wasnt supposed to lead somewhere#anathema vision wouldve fucked him and his guilty ass Up. good thing cyrus is a bastard and abandoned argentine before they crashed 🫶#and because i have an excuse to talk about them again heres some things that ive been thinking about lately:#1. it is So fucking funny to me that all three of them are trans afabs in some way#scientists at the farm in charge of the becker sibling batch: wow look at these three new girl regenes!#cyrus (trans man)/fawn (nb)/river (trans man): . well-#2. brother-madds buckley. just the whole thing. im going to start screaming and punching the floor here#3. WHO WAS THE HG SIBLING THE ORTEGAS SAW IN THE PHOTO. was it just somebody that looked enough like the three to assume it was a sibling#or did it happen to look exactly like one of the siblings. or did they find three photos with siblings that looked like each? I NEED ANSWER#cyrus' is very emotionally intelligent towards everybody but himself#when it comes to himself hes wearing a blindfold and earplugs and pretending nothings wrong#the whole time i was answering that last ask i was thinking about my post talking about how many posts of his were in my queue#god bless that man he never leaves my brain#thank you again for the ask idle :DD#cyrus becker#sidestep#fhr#pulp answers#ask game
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jloisse · 1 year
Le conflit en Ukraine a établi une ligne de démarcation entre le vieux monde et le monde nouveau
Andreï Bezroukov est un ancien membre du service russe de renseignement extérieur qui a travaillé plus de 20 ans en tant qu’agent secret aux États-Unis sous le nom de Donald Heathfield. Aujourd’hui professeur de politologie à Moscou, il estime que l’opération militaire spéciale en Ukraine a marqué le début de la fin du système global qui permettait aux élites occidentales de s’enrichir. Il constate que même si l’issue du conflit n’est pas connue pour le moment, plusieurs pays se tournent vers la Russie et ses partenaires. À titre d’exemple, il a cité l’Arabie saoudite, l’Iran, l’Argentine, l’Algérie et l’Indonésie qui veulent désormais rejoindre les BRICS+.
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fidjiefidjie · 2 years
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« L’Argentine était au-dessus » 📰
Régis Testelin/ L'Équipe
Gif de Julien Douvier
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aroacemisha · 6 months
So like, one of my original characters, Luna Rosado, is Afro-Dominican, and I got the inspiration for that from Luz Noceda from TOH.
Luna's partner, Zac Solntsev, is (Russian) Argentine, so I'm thinking... Argentine Amity Blight, perhaps? Well, more like Argentine-coded I guess, but if she was a human from the Human Realm she'd be Argentine.
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heyyjudetheobscure · 6 months
I'm going to change my life. I'm going to quit my job and stop smoking weed and go on a date with my ex husband's new girlfriend's ex husband. I'm going to buy a canary and commit larceny. What would you do if you met someone with your exact same name? Oh, I'd definitely have to kill her, no question. Wait, where did my canary go?
We are not unique and isn't that the most beautiful and terrifying thing you've ever heard? I have made three chickens' worth of chicken that no one wants to eat. There is at all times a non-zero chance that the stranger across from you on the train is actually the little sister of someone you were in a band with in high school. She knows the worst things about you but doesn't recognize your face. Familiarity is a rubber band that's getting stretched back further and further, and one of these days it's going to snap. I'm going to change my entire life.
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yours-stevie · 1 year
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LALI’s self-titled album is out now!! 💥 https://t.co/0edVbcr8RP
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inportant-spam-rsvp · 10 months
I honestly love the way you draw Noise. It's just...AAAUGH?! HE'S SO FUCKIN ADORABLE?! Also the rest of your art looks good too. :)
I definitely enjoy skirting that fine line of mature, precious roundness and punt-able.
Thank you ^^ and similar to the Don't Do War boys, Argentine Noise is open and available for questions >:3
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shadow13dickpistons · 11 months
What to know about Argentina's presidential election https://www.npr.org/2023/11/18/1213486692/argentina-president-election-javier-milei
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