#are canonically invested in the other’s relationship to Buck
lover-of-mine · 1 day
On the question of the new viewers. Let me preface with after getting burned bad I made a promise I would never ship Canon straight characters as queer ships ever again. It just comes into play to understand the readers digest version of this. Yes I was always aware of the Buddie ship and the actors but that was it
I accidentally started season 6. It just came on, and I just didnt look away. Here's how it went.
I actually saw the lasagna dinner scene and thought wait they went Canon? That's them right? Then quickly realized. Nope 2 straight besties. Bucks a cool uncle (didn't know about will scene forgive me). And proceeded to not get attached.
Actually easy because they separated them a bit. But then there was the lightening strike and poker date and I was like oh somethings happening. I was wrong they had the dopey ass ending and I was like bless me for not getting invested.
Then.... It was a year wait!!!!!! So it was a boredom tune back in. I was pleased to see Bucks bi story. I thought the first kiss was charming. Then he was just there. I left the season thinking Eddie was tragically in love with his dead wife and Buck was experimenting.
If I didn't go back to binge I would have gone into 8 with these expectations. Eddie either excepting he was a tragic single father forever. Buck, yes probably seeing Tommy, but no I was not a shipper. Firstly because of appearance. I have no problem with age difference but with them I just don't like it. Tommy seems older and rougher. On the flip side personality. That Tommy wasn't what I pictured Bucks end game as like at all. I wanted someone like Spencer Reid if it wasn't Eddie.
But... . I did go back and binge. S1 was a trip. Got to S2. Saw the opening. Went duh I get why they ship them, but you ain't getting me. Until the elf scene. I really was good. But right after the elf scene I remembered hearing how Tim wrote it as a nod and double checked.. Remember, it would be weird to see the scene and know Tim knows after knowing full well yes Buck would come out queer. So it really was a no brainer after that. No way Tim created this in S2 if they weren't end game if there was ever a chance.
Then came the well, tsunami, shooting, will reveal, break ups, co dependant idiots and finally caught back to the lasagna and lightening. Also seeing how much Eddie isn't a reliable narrator about his relationship with Shannon. The version I got at the end of 7 is not what was happening on my screen in 2. I would almost label it a red herring depending on how this plays out in 8. Also after watching the begin episodes I understood anyone's frustration that Tommy was just white washed.
Final conclusion. Not even trying to sound condescending but I don't know why the other side even thinks this is a "ship war". I was late and I never hated Tommy but I would have never shipped them as end game. I couldn't even tell if Tommy actually liked Buck. I was left with the ick of Buck was a consolation prize or second choice and Buck was trying way to hard. Taking scraps and being grateful. Maybe because I binged it was more fresh but it was more of how little self respect Buck had for himself in trying to be in a relationship.
And if anyone finished reading that you deserve an award.
This is an interesting view of things, I think if you only have the s7 context, you will see them differently because the whole Kim thing really messes with the perception of Eddie and love, thank you for coming and telling me this, really.
But this kinda made me talk about my experience with buddie, so I'm gonna do that, because I think it's funny. I didn't know much about the show, but I knew of buddie, I started watching during the hiatus between 5a and 5b and during that time there was some big talk about queerbaiting going around and I know of them next to ships like destiel and stucky and destiel, I had just read an article on queerbaiting that had a section talking about them, so I kinda assumed buddie would be the same as they had enough context to create a ship but not enough for it to have a real chance of going canon, so I was set on not shipping them. Like, I was legit ready to roll my eyes and see that Buck and Eddie with their respective female love interests and be like "okay they are never going anywhere" but then an elf pretty much calls them gay as Eddie justifies sleeping with his wife 10 episodes in and I was like "oh oh" because they have a compelling friendship and I'm a sucker for best friends to lovers, but I was fighting it, until the tsunami, because seriously, I watched Eddie go "there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you" after a situation where no one would blame Eddie if he needed time and I was done for. Then they just kept getting more insane about each other. I remember watching the will reveal and being like "wait, fuck me, are they gonna go there?" because they follow all the basic procedural slowburn tropes, and I started s5 being like 👀 about everything that was happening to them. Now that Buck is bi, I'm seriously 95% sure buddie is happening because all the elements are there. There is something very compelling about Buck and Eddie together when you look at the whole show and s7 really added to that. Settling for Buck in a relationship with someone who's clearly not that into him just because it's a queer relationship doesn't feel right when Eddie is right there.
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tommystummy · 2 months
Btw I think it’s incredibly important to the long term of BuckTommy that both Tommy and Eddie encouraged Buck to mend things with the other. Tommy doesn’t want his presence to interfere with BuckAndEddie as a unit and Eddie wants Buck to be happy with Tommy, and both those things are spelled out in back to back episodes.
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aaronsinferno · 4 months
'buck and tommy only had a one episode build up' no if they had a one episode build up that would be fine, tk and carlos were fucking within like an hour of meeting and i have no issue with that because they have an actually palpable instant attraction and connection rather than being thrown together randomly for shock value, their relationship actually developed really well after that, they're both very well developed characters, neither of them is significantly more invested in the relationship and their makeout scenes don't look like somebody frenching their dad lmao.
Regardless, the attraction between the two is real. They’re in a non speculative and canonically proven romantic relationship that’s been said to be healthy and will come off as a romcom. Just wanted to get that out of the way before I got into anything.
Evan and Tommy weren’t a slow burn. They didn’t see each other across a room and go “I’m gonna take you home later” or anything similar to that. It was just one guy unaware of his attraction towards another until the other guy in question made the first move. (Which was bold asf btw)
There’s no one way to jumpstart a relationship. Sometimes it’s taking a leap of faith and acknowledging your feelings in whatever way you can.
The kiss was always going to be shocking hence the uproar of homophobic outrage afterwards. If Evan, for whatever reason, kissed who you wanted him to kiss then I’m positively sure you’d still be pretty surprised that the kiss actually happened. A scenario that will live and die on the internet btw.
And you’re right to imply that Tommy isn’t a fully developed character. There’s still so much we don’t know about him. I’m assuming that if the writers want him around more, then not only will they build onto his character and background, but they’ll also build on his and Evan’s relationship.
I’m assuming the dad thing is you making fun of Lou’s age. I don’t have a problem with it. Unfortunately for you, though, neither does Evan. We’ve seen papa Buckley before, and I hate to say it, but Tommy doesn’t give that at all.
And I love Tk and Carlos, but using characters who have been sure and open about their sexuality since before their series began as a “gotcha” moment for Evan and Tommy is a bit odd. They know what they want and have experience identifying partners and forming relationships. Evan just came to realize that he’s bisexual. It’s new to him so it’s understandable if he’s not making moves like TK.
It’s a show. Let things fall into place. The story is still being told. Exhale.
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lemotmo · 1 month
What do you think the chances are that BT is actually endgame
Thank you for the interesting question Nonny. 😊
I've had some time to think about this and honestly?
Zero chances.
If you had asked me this question right after episode 7x04 had aired, I would have hesitated to answer this. I would have maybe said that there was a 20% chance, because we didn’t really know in what way they would develop Tommy as a character. The main question was whether or not he would only stay as a part of Buck’s arc or if he would get his own storyline.
Having watched the rest of season 7 and knowing what we know now? I can confidently say: ‘Nah, not a chance.’
And there are many reasons why I’m so confident about it:
The way that 7x04 was in essence not about Tommy at all, but all about Eddie. It was confirmed that this episode was shot from Buck’s point of view, so that makes it even more obvious that he was very conflicted on Eddie’s new friendship with Tommy and how Eddie almost seemed to shut him out of that friendship. Even more, Tommy essentially took Eddie out on ‘dates’ and I can’t help but wonder if subconsciously Buck was afraid that Eddie would be interested in Tommy instead of him. He then, in true Buck-style, proceeded to do some foolish things and got his emotions all mixed up. Tommy saw a chance and took it by kissing Buck.
And I’m sure Buck liked that kiss and developed a crush on Tommy. Otherwise he wouldn’t have made an effort to reconnect with him after that failed date. So I’m not saying Tommy doesn’t matter to him or doesn’t have an important part in his story. All I’m saying is that Tommy was basically the wrong guy at the right time.
The interview Tim did about Tommy wasn’t all that promising either. In it he said something about not expecting wedding bells for them and that it was just an entry level relationship. In other words he was warning the audience to not get too attached, because Tommy wasn’t sticking around. At the same time it was revealed by Lou that he was only going to do a few episodes and that originally he was supposed to kiss Eddie. Which is interesting, because it tells us that they were discussing getting Eddie out of that closet. But ultimately they decided on Buck first. Which was the better way to go in my opinion.
Tommy was hardly in the rest of season 7. The main reason for that was that he was introduced as a plot device in Buck’s narrative arc and he fulfilled that function just fine. Basically he only showed up to further Buck’s storyline and that was it. Even that hospital kiss was in function of having Buck come out to his family without making a big deal about it.
He also wasn’t always portrayed as the nicest guy who we should all root for.
First Tim made the decision to choose the man who made Chimney and Hen’s lives worse when they started out at the 118. Which is an odd choice if you ask me. Why would you choose the guy who was obviously a bully to become another character’s love interest? The answer to that question is easy: Because you want to make sure that people remember that this -on the surface- seemingly nice and agreeable guy who helped Hen to save Bathena, has kind of a shady past.
And this showed again and again in the show itself. The way Tommy abandoned Buck during a date and left him standing on the sidewalk as he drove off? The way he was always dismissive of Buck’s interests and used this very sarcastic -almost negative- humour on moments when Buck really could have used some support. Don’t even talk to me about that scene in the finale where he once again deflected Buck’s worry by making THAT joke at such a bad time.
I know deleted scenes aren’t really canon, but -in my opinion- they released that Tommy & Henren scene to, once again show us that Tommy really isn’t invested in his relationship with Buck. The fact that Hen and Karen were suspicious and didn’t trust him, is also notable. We as the audience were meant to see and share their concern.
The way that Oliver doesn’t acknowledge the relationship either speaks for itself. He has once said that he stopped talking about Buddie because, at that time it wasn’t an option because of FOX, and he didn’t want to lead people on.
Right before season 7 Oliver started talking Buddie to everyone who wanted to listen. There was so much promo with Ryan as well. But he never mentioned BT as anything that has a future. He mostly talks about Buck’s bisexuality and leaves Tommy out of it. He doesn’t engage with anything BT related. So to me, there is the possibility that he doesn’t want to lead people on.
The few times he did talk about Tommy it was in the same way he talked about Taylor and Natalia. Generic things to keep people interested, but we all know what happened to Taylor and Natalia, so…
The way the show does absolutely no promo for BT whatsoever is also very obvious. If they had really wanted to push BT, they would have made Oliver and Lou do extensive promo through interviews, photo shoots, magazine articles… all of the things to get them noticed. Kinda like with the actors that play TK and Carlos on Lone Star. There was none of that for BT. Yeah, one single really awkward interview where they didn’t even talk more than a minute about the show. That doesn’t count.
Oliver did do quite a lot of interviews after 7x04, but all of those were centred around Buck’s bisexuality. Tommy was hardly even mentioned. You know who was mentioned in those interviews? Eddie. A lot of these interviewers asked about the chances of Buddie happening. I think Oliver navigated those questions really well, not giving anything away, but at the same time hinting that there was a chance there if the story was told right.
Personally, I am convinced that Oliver and Ryan got the get-go on Buddie last season. But they were also told that the road towards Buddie wouldn’t be linear. They threw a new male love interest into the mix to help Buck realise some things about himself. And I do believe that season 8 will be about Eddie’s personal journey to figuring out who he is and figuring out his sexuality. I don’t think they will give Eddie a new love interest though. I think they might just make him realise he feels more for Buck than friendship and that will be the beginning of him questioning all of his life choices.
As for Tommy? I can see him in another episode or 2 in season 8, to close the arc for Buck’s narrative. But I don’t expect anything more than that.
However which way you turn it, the story will always end up with Buddie together.
Okay, now will everyone please remember that this is only my opinion and my own point of view. None of this is set in stone. This is the way I think it might go. But it could turn out different in many ways. The only thing I’m almost absolutely certain about is that BT isn’t going to last very long in season 8 and that the end goal will always be Buddie.
Also, don’t come into my inbox to hate on me over this. This is literally me talking and speculating about fictional characters on a TV-show. It isn’t all that deep. These people aren’t real. I’m allowed to have opinions about them, even if those opinions go against all of your opinions. If you don’t like reading this, just move on and go read posts that you do agree with. Life is too short to get angry and frustrated over the love life of fictional characters that live in a fictional world. Thank you.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
I was talking to a friend earlier and it got me thinking about something.
B*mmy stans project all of the stuff they do onto us to an extent I've never seen with any other fandom discourse before.
They call us homophobic for not liking B/T or T*mmy. Yet they hate on people for shipping Buddie or seeing Eddie as queer. To the point of harassing people for including Eddie and Buddie in pride posts. Continually harassing the 911news account and even trying to dox a journalist for posting about Buddie.
They call us delusional for having watched two men love and support one another for 6 going on 7 years and for thinking there could be something more than friendship there. Even though Oliver, Ryan, and Tim have all said they see what we see. Yet they've seen Buck kiss a guy twice, have very minimal screen time or development and they headcanon that they're in love and will get married in the coming season.
They say we fetishize Buddie. Yet most of the time when our fandom is discussing our ship we're talking about the emotional connection between them. Or how we want to see them finally be together in a canon romantic relationship or as a full fledged family (with Chris). Or have their first kiss. Meanwhile most of their posts are the kind of sex they headcanon Buck and T*mmy have. Hell after that that dinner scene tons of them changed their urls to something with daddy in it (referencing the out of place daddy kink joke). To be clear there's nothing wrong with headcanons about fictional characters sex lives. But the main reason most of us ship Buddie is not just because they're two hot guys who we want to think about f*cking, it's because we're invested in the story of their life together. The same can't be said for B/T.
They say we feminize Buck for Buddie:
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Meanwhile most of their fics/art/headcanons involve T*mmy being the big strong protector rescuing the "damsel in distress" Buck. They constantly talk about how hot it is that T*mmy is this big older "daddy" firefighter who can take care of Buck and guide him in what it means to be in a m|m relationship.
They say we've made Buck's coming out all about Buddie but 1. Eddie and Buck's feelings for him were heavily included in Buck's bi awakening ep. 2. They have made T*mmy synonymous with buck's coming out to the point of saying Buck wouldn't have even realized he liked men without T*mmy. They've even said that if T*mmy and Buck were to break up in s8 that it would ruin Buck's coming out story.
They accuse our fandom of being mean and of harassing the actors including of sending death threats to Lou. Of chasing Lou off of social media and being the one who caused him to stop his cameos. They say we're the reason Oliver chooses not interact with Lou or anything B/T related online. When there has been no proof of any of this. Meanwhile there is proof from their own fandom that Oliver and Ryan have blocked some of them. They have repeatedly tried to pressure Oliver to interact with B/T posts and Lou. They were also leaving comments on the the video of the podcast Ryan did (with Tommy DiDario) where he talked about his s*icide attempt, telling him he should have finished the job.
They call us a cult or BoBs (Buddie or Bust) yet they dress up like Lou and would still be paying for his videos if he was still willing to put them out. They prioritize Lou/T*mmy above any other character on the show. They talk about how T*mmy should get a begins episode. How T*mmy should be a main character. They defend everything T*mmy has ever done including when he was racist and homophobic to Chim and Hen. They harass anyone who has a negative word to say about their ship or Lou or T*mmy much like a cult would protect their leader. They to this day act like everything Lou ever told them in his cameos is the gospel truth.
911 fandom has grown increasingly toxic ever since B/T became a thing and I honestly just can't wait for the day we either find out T*mmy isn't coming back or when his last ep will be. I mean in some ways our fandom won't ever be the same after this. I've seen a lot of ugly sides to people who I had followed for years as Buddie shippers.
It will never not confuse the hell out of me that some people who were big time Buddie shippers for years not only dropped Buddie but turned completely against the ship and our fandom. And all for a ship that is seriously underdeveloped and one that it's clear the show is telling us in flashing neon lights isn't meant to last.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
I've seen people complaining that the people who keep insisting on buddie over bucktommy are failing to appreciate the show's bi representation...
...failing to appreciate what matters - Buck's happiness, one he's finally found by entering a queer relationship...
That buddie shippers are failing to appreciate the canonically queer characters of the show... (Uh..? As it Buck didn't just live 6+ seasons in the closet? He did not materialize out of thin air. No reason why Eddie can't follow.)
And so on. Failing to appreciate.
...We aren't.
Let me tell you why insisting on shipping buddie isn't invalidating anything.
"I'm free." Remember that line? Let me tell you what it means to me, a bisexual.
That line isn't about ...
"Yay, I'm free, my struggles are over - finally I've realized what I need to be happy - a man!"
Nope. He's free because now he's realized his identity, fully. And is ready to start exploring that, and get out of the stale, narrow closet. It's exciting, freeing!
This new area he has discovered does not erase the pre-existing parts of his identity.
He isn't gay.
The relationships with women were never lies, they were genuine relationships. He definitely fell for his girlfriends, for Abby the hardest. The relationships with women failed for many reasons - none of them being Buck's sexuality.
My point is this. We bisexuals are more than just our sexuality. We are human beings, with personalities.
What matters isn't what gender Buck dates.
It's whom he dates.
And that's why we ship Buddie. Why we keep shipping buddie.
Because Buck and Eddie click. They spark. Their relationship has substance, complex history. They know each other. They have each other's backs. They're a great match.
Tommy? He is pretty and fun, probably good for Buck's growth but...
Who is he, really?
What exactly makes you think these two are right for each other, as a couple? Personality-wise? What are his flaws, his strengths? How do they fit with Buck's?
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Because really. If all you care about is sexual chemistry? Then go watch porn. There should be more to a romance, a relationship, to a love story than that.
So yes, I will keep shipping buddie and I'm not sorry. You are of course perfectly free to ship whatever you wish, as well!
I do not make this post because I wish to be hateful and hate on this new ship.
I make it to explain my point of view.
Because people need to realise that to us, or at least to me..
Sticking to this ship, buddie, isn't about failing to appreciate the show's canonized queer characters or representation. We love the show, the representation, we are invested in it.
And it isn't about letting the queer community down.
It's about believing in it's worth. We queers deserve complex love stories, too. Just like everyone else.
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matan4il · 5 months
911 ep 705 first watch reactions
Of course 911 would "punish" the "You are the boss of you!" guy with an alien hand that attacks him, and does what it wants. Pooor Buck and Eddie paying the price for that...
Okay, love the storyline with Hen and Karen possibly eventually adopting an older girl. Too many shows just find easy, unrealistic ways to give their same sex couples kids, and I am really glad that 911 shows the reality of it, and that it is a more complex struggle for many, that it's an act of continuously choosing to be parents. That's actually an amazing, difficult thing, and it should be faithfully depicted and respected, for all of its heartache, and the little moments of triumph.
Buck and Tommy on a date, and Eddie comes along with Marisol? Love how Buck's bisexual awakening and coming out continues to involve Eddie so much. Tell me they're end game, even if they're not gonna get together right now, without telling me they're...
I did not need to learn Marisol is moving in with Eddie like this, with any build up, or even any sort of insight into the relationship, and nope, that does not bode well for them. IDK how 911 managed to do it, but they have somehow managed to give Eddie a love interest the show is even less invested in than Ana.
And the funniest bit, is that Marisol and Eddie's big development is only there to further Buck's journey anyway.
"You can never have too much closet space" LMAO the way 911 both made me laugh, and feel sorry for poor, baby bi Buck. XD
Hmmm. Were parts of this scene cut out? We don't get to see Eddie on his own date with Marisol, but constantly looking over at Tommy and Buck? Boo. I'm glad we at least got the BTS photos, then. But seriously, why!? That was gonna be so delicious.
Oh, Tommy's breaking up with Buck. I mean, good for him, and he ain't wrong after Buck's "after this, we're gonna go out looking for chicks" reaction, but man do I feel sorry for Buck. Him and Tommy might not be my end game (Buddie forever will be), but I do think this relationship could be good for our baby bi. Tommy being in the same profession, knowing what it's like to have this gap between who you are and the image of guys in your line of work, plus he's got more experience than Buck, is sure of himself, can help our boy figure himself out, and also Buck obviously does like his vibe. He deserves to be with someone he actually likes, not just the first woman willing to be with him that the plot pushed in his way.
Oh, baby Buck. :( You didn't even tell Maddie about Tommy. You really aren't ready it. But also (and as a Buddie shipper, more importantly), Tommy broke things off with Buck, but what is eating him up, is that he lied to Eddie. XD Yeah, this gonna end with wedding bells, sooner or later. On screen, off screen after the show ends with canon Buddie, or only in my head if 911 never dares make Buddie canon, I don't care. That kind of emotional devotion is not something that my hopelessly romantic heart can ignore.
OMG, this is how Buck comes out to Maddie? XD Via random pronoun mention, and as a by product of trying to figure out how to tell Eddie the truth? This is hilarious. lol It really makes it clear that, after all, the issue for Buck really isn't people knowing he is also dating guys (or checking their asses), even when it's the other closest person in the world for him, it's Eddie. Specifically. Buck's ready, even if he doesn't have the exact clear words yet, he's just not ready to tell Eddie. Can't imagine why. XDDD
What was that awkward post-sex scene with Eddie and Marisol? And the issues with her moving in are popping up a second after she has. But yeah, we have no idea who this woman is as a person, she's been a cardboard cut out so far, and then one of the first things we do learn about her, is that she would call her stuff better than Eddie's? Once again, this is not the stuff great romance is made of. Or... even just the stuff any kind of romance is made of.
Wait, Marisol was a nun, and Eddie didn't even know!? This whole ep is telegraphing in the news of how weird and awkward and underdeveloped this r/s is, not just for us as viewers who know nothing about Marisol, but apparently for Eddie as well.
And of course his Catholic guilt is gonna kick in now. I'd care, except 911 has given me absolutely no reason to. Seriously, I care more about Buck and Tommy after just 2 eps, than Eddie and Marisol, even though this is technically her 2nd season on the show.
Of course Buck went to find Eddie, and spotted him at the gym. Forever 201 vibes, with Eddie being the focus of Buck's attention. ^u^
I couldn't care less about Eddie's Catholic guilt crisis, and how it's actually a projection of what his real issues are with Marisol, but it's nice to see that as always, Buck's the one who can tell when something's off, and offer Eddie exactly what he needs (even when that's to talk to someone else, but Buck figures out immediately who the right person to address is), and then they just very naturally switch, because Eddie can also tell when something's off with Buck, and he wants to tell him something. Soulmates. THAT is the stuff that great romance IS made of.
:/ The imagery of Catholic nuns has not been around for over 2,000 years, please stop being ignorant about your own religion, and the very different way it looked in its early days.
Bobby is forgiven, he does give good advice, and his "her ex, the Lord" bit, which prompted that reaction from Eddie, is hilarious. XD
So... when Eddie is having issues with Marisol, he already knows he has to figure out how he feels about her, but instead of doing so, he goes to his safe place... Buck's loft.
Man, Eddie being into Tommy's choice of avoidning relationships with women, and hanging out with boys, after in the past, Eddie had dealt with his Shannon issues by running away from her, and re-enlisting in the army, where he gets to hang out with boys, when we all (Buck included) know why Tommy's "hanging out with boys"... I do like that if they want to (and hopefully they do), this further lays the groundwork for Eddie's own queer realization.
Buck and Eddie helping each other with their respective romantic problems, without realizing they are each other's respective romantic solution is gonna make me chew on my own fists. Again. But I'm not even a little bit surprised that Eddie was totally fine and accepting of Buck being bi, or that the first thing he thought of is how this reflects on them. Because their friendship IS way deeper and closer than normal for platonic friends, and Eddie's little reassurance is also an admission of that.
Man, for a second I was worried they also cut out Eddie in the loft, once more putting his thumb on Buck's pulse point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 303. I would have sued for emotional damages. But yeah, it says so much that the peak of emotional meaningfulness for Buck when coming out is in relation to Eddie, and that the scene itself peaks with Eddie, instead of finishing rushing out to take care of his own romantic business, hurries back to Buck first, to hug him, place his hand on Buck and give him orders. "Sure, you're gonna be dating this guy, but I'm still your real husband."
Well, at least Eddie amitted to himself and Marisol that he doesn't actually know her. But... I have never seen two people being both being so happy about not moving in together, and I'm supposed to think this r/s has a chance? Okay. Suuuure.
The scene with Buck going to Tommy to set things straight ready for something was lovely, it was nice seeing him excited, and get to choose, and hear he's wanted. But since the note Tommy and Buck's storyline in this ep should have ended on, is Buck showing Tommy he's ready enough to let others know he's dating a guy by inviting Tommy to come with Buck to Madney's wedding, then why is the very next scene playing the romantic switch again, making us think Buck's car just arrived at the wedding with him and Tommy, only for Buck and Eddie to walk in together? I see what you did there, 911.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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Now that 911 is on ABC, I have one simple request. Whether or not Buddie becomes canon in season 7 it should but thats not what I'm asking for, please stop with the pointless relationships for Buck and Eddie.
Buck doesn't need to date anyone else he meets on calls and he definitely doesn't need some random woman to validate who he is. That "She sees me" crap with Natalia was just wrong for so many reasons.
Eddie doesn't have to force himself into a relationship just because other people think it would be good for him. There has been no chemistry between him and an of the women he has been shown with, including his wife. Dating for the sake of dating is not healthy for him or entertaining for us.
If they're not going to be together at least just let them be single without guilt or remorse. For one thing, romantic relationships are not the only kind that matter, and not having one doesn't make them less valid or less interesting characters. To portray otherwise is both inaccurate and insulting.
Also, all the time wasted on random characters like Natalia, Marisol, or Taylor that no one cares about or likes, is time we could be seeing characters that we've spent years getting emotionally invested in. At least Lena and Lucy where interesting and we didn't have to deal with forced romance with either of them.
FYI I think they would make a hot ass couple but that's not what this about
I would rather watch Eddie and Buck spend time with Christopher and hangout as best friends. Those are real and meaning relationships that deserve more screen time.
I do still hope they gets together though. But mostly I hope Natalie and Marisol are already gone when the season starts.
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cherishingstydia · 5 months
I just saw a tiktok and a lot of the comments were Bummy Stan’s saying they ship B/T because they’re canon…..is that not proving some people will just ship Buck with any guy if THAT is their reasoning. Like I don’t ship them and I’m not hating on people if they do but like shouldn’t you have like actual reasons to ship like idk chemistry, connection and all that?? Or maybe that’s just me. Like I guarantee they didn’t ship Buck with all the women he was in canon relationships with.
Like I saw potential for buddie in 2x01, but if they’d gotten together literally an episode after meeting I wouldn’t have wanted them together as bad. Maybe it’s just the slowburn girlie in me but I need to see the two characters get to know each other for like seasons in order to like be invested.
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lenaboskow · 4 months
I would like to know why BT thinks I should treat Tommy any differently than other LIs. At this point, he probably maybe matches Abbys level of investment in a character by the show. That's not my fault they don't care to develop the relationship better. He wasn't even part of the plot of the finale. I ship a slow burn queer couple on this show. Why am I suddenly whatever accusation you make against me because Buck and Tommy have zero chemistry and zero storyline. Half the things I read they post are head canons about what they believe is probably true about Tommy. I have a thousand actual canons about Buddies relationship and their family with Chris.
because it's a man. all they ever cared about was buck getting with a man. i'd even bet money that if it were eddie who tommy got with like originally planned, they'd be right next to us hating on tommy.
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 months
The thing is, Trainwreck knows how close the 118 are. Knows that they are a family (and is jealous of it, but that's another conversation entirely). If Trampoline were at all serious about Buck (let alone cared about him beyond the physical), he would've actually played along with that conversation. Hen and Karen wanted to know his deal, they didn't even get started on a proper shovel talk, and he could've easily told them his intentions and that he cared about Buck. But, like every other scene he's been in, he hasn't. If they wanted to portray this relationship as the "kind" and "soft" and "vulnerable" thing so many say it is, they've had several opportunities to do so. They just... didn't.
Every scene is two steps to the left of something that could be good.
And I know this scene isn't canon, but if you look at it in canon's context, Temu only squashed Buck's enthusiasm about the whole thing and acted as dismissive as usual. They were in touching distance. They could've held hands, could've had a sweet moment like the other couples and they just didn't! Every moment has shown over and over again that Trampoline just does not care about Buck. He's there for a good time, not a long time.
And thinking about this from a pr standpoint, showing that scene specifically is Loud™. If you want people invested in BT, why would you show a scene where Hen and Karen blatantly distrust him??? As a deleted scene??? They didn't have to ever show us that. The fact they did is very telling.
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
i am genuinely curious where all the bucktommy shippers (and i mean the hardcore fanatics) get all there ideas from?? have i been watching a different show?? like where exactly in their 5 and a half scenes together are they really super duper in a honeymoon phase or why does it seem like they fuck each other like 50 times a day, what have i missed????? i am so confused
my theory is that it's some combination of the enormity of buck coming out and of having an actual canon ship to gush over for the first time probably ever while generally enjoying shipping through fanon content (this is why i genuinely feel like a lot of these people are destiel fans who need to make it everyone's problem lmao no offense).
i think, functionally, those people are primarily engaging with bcktommy as if it's purely fanon and mostly just using canon for visual fodder/a jumping-off point. imo the canonical reality of bcktommy doesn't matter as much to people who enjoy playing around with ships in general or have only ever shipped couples who were never going to go canon, because the meta and headcanoning and alternative readings of scenes and narrative potential in general are satisfying enough in themselves, and on top of that they get to yell about how they have the canon ship, everyone!!!
imo that's why there's been so much post-7x09 cope that goes something like "yeah, buck and tommy didn't touch or appear intimate at all, BUT if you read it like actually buck put his hand in his pocket because he wanted to touch tommy so bad but was trying to keep it professional, well, that's super romantic! they're in love!" forgetting all the while that THE SHIP IS CANON, THIS DOESN'T NEED TO BE SUBTEXT OR LEFT UP TO INTERPRETATION, THEY CAN SHOW THAT OUTRIGHT!! they SHOULD show that outright! (of course buddie shippers do this too to an extent, but the difference is that buddie isn't canon!)
but people who aren't actually interested in engaging with the ship in this way, whether that's people who actively dislike it or who are just here for bi buck and aren't invested in his relationship with tommy specifically, don't get any enjoyment out of making stuff up around these two random guys. so because we're taking the content on the show pretty much at face value and not investing a lot into thinking about what it all means, or what it could mean, i think there's maybe... more clarity around what's just. on screen? so bcktommy is just not that convincing, especially if we're seeing buck and eddie as the "competing" ship (and are... being encouraged to see buck and eddie as the competing ship, honestly).
there's nothing actually Wrong with this obviously. my judgment is purely reserved for people who act this way and then turn around and get on their high horse about buddie for some reason. and when it comes to those people, the fact that bcktommy is canon combined with the fact that you're essentially trying to go against something that's fully made up to be fulfilling in their heads combined with whatever weird classic fandom ship war shit makes it impossible to meet in the middle lol. these are just my observations tho
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There's the "I ship Buddie but I want to see bI!Buck regardless" crowd, and then the "I only want bi!Buck if it's in the context of buddie" crowd.
Neither of those are wrong! But one doesn't have to take away from the other. Don't put a damper on the excitement for bisexual male representation just because your ship hasn't gone canon. And don't be insensitive to people who are still really attached to and invested in Buddie, because maybe Buck and Eddie's relationship in a romantic context means a lot to them. Hell, it means a lot to me! But there's a place for everyone here in fandom.
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buddiebeginz · 3 months
Welcome to today's unhinged B*mmy thoughts:
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Gotta say as a queer person I'm so done with that part of fandom calling me homophobic because I don't like a ship. Or because I don't think T*mmy treats Buck right. Or god forbid I don't think making a daddy kink joke in the same breath that Buck is talking about his father dying makes since.
Also B*mmy shippers this you???
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Being so afraid of Eddie being queer and people relating to a fictional character you actually felt the need to make an entire video celebrating how much you want him to be straight. You do realize him having relationships with women doesn't automatically make him straight right? Because fyi up until very very recently all Buck has ever had has been relationships with women.
Oh and I don't know how it is that we're somehow fetishizing a ship many of us have been invested in for years. That we ship because we love the bond between Buck and Eddie and their family with Chris. Is there smutty fanart/fics sure but most of our fandom is centered around the love these two men share and us wanting to see that turn into something even deeper than it is. I also think it's insanely hypocritical to accuse Buddie shippers of fetishizing when a lot of you B*mmy stans used to be Buddie shippers. Only as soon as you got to see two guys you think are hot kiss Buddie didn't seem to matter anymore. You chose to care about a ship with very little substance because it has the physical stuff you wanted to see vs Buddie which has all the emotional depth your ship doesn't. But sure we're the ones fetishizing a m|m relationship. Okay.
I'm also just really tired of you all acting superior and like you're somehow the boss of the 911 fandom because your ship is canon. Is it fun to have a ship you love become canon? Yes. Would I love for Buddie to become canon? Hell yes. But canon ships have never been more important than non canon ships especially when it come to fandom. People have always headcanoned ships that weren't canon some that would never ever be canon no matter what. Especially when it comes to lgbtq couples. Yet now that Buck is dating T*mmy (which btw they've never confirmed they're even in an official rs) somehow it's not okay to ship him with Eddie. Or to have theories about them getting together. Or to dislike Buck with someone other than Eddie. Nevermind the fact that most of you B*mmy shippers disliked every other woman Buck and Eddie were ever even with. Somehow that was okay because they were women but it's not okay now that Buck is with a guy and it's a ship you like.
Also this you too???
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But sure we're the homophobic and toxic ones in the 911 fandom.
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laylawatermelon · 3 months
I didn't like the dinner scene... Or the progression of Buck's relationship.
Let's talk about it!
I've been lurking and waiting to form my full opinion (away from my buddie mind) and I will compare the two.
I came in the fandom rather late and before season 7 aired. Buddie had been the consensus ship let's say.
I want to talk about these things
Bi buck
Bi buck episode
The aftermath
The rise of tommy
The fall of tommy
Buddie and BuckTommy relationship
The wheel
As a fan and a writer I recently started doing in depth analysis for my favorite TV shows to challenge myself and learn the trade I'm eventually going to work with.
I'll start with my problem/observation with the hamsterwheel --> bucktommy relationship --> separation of Buddie --> differences between the relationship.
First the hamster wheel I truly believed that when he mentioned having to work hard and it being new and different I really expected something special.
Now as a Buddie before this happened I was like OMG its happening. All the way up until the last part of 7x04 (where i promptly blacked all the way out) and that Buck was going to work for Eddie.
In the case of the preview and marketing they did in fact put a beautiful buddie shaped blanket over the whole thing and pulled it away for a new ship.
Now it would make sense some fans would be mad. Most people have an otp. That doesn't change with anything.
Buddie was still very prominent with all the female love intrests so it became confusing to me with the response but I'll get back to that in a minute.
The kiss (which he didn't ask before and it was really sudden / can argue Buck was okay with it cause hot guy duh but still a lil mehh) was quick. It felt very hamster wheel like he's jumping into something new.
Then subsequently in the other episode called you don't know me aka the BUCK!! date where a closeted joke was made (funny in tv but not in real life).
Granted Buck could've handled it better but he literally brain melted. Your straight (?) friend catches you on your literal first date with a man in secluded past of town. Yeah I'm taking myself outside for a sec.
The Evan thing also applies. On screen we haven't gotten a denounc
ement of the name Buck and what it means. I don't know it feels like two separate lives if I think about it.
He's Evan with him but Buck with everyone else (this is very convoluted).
That name thing has been and will continue to be debated. 🤷🏾‍♀️
The hamster wheel sped up expeditiously when he invited him to his sister's wedding. Right after Eddie stated he is rushing too fast.
(Which Buck also does due to ✨abandonment issues✨)
Then the bachelor party where he didn't dress up.
I know people made real life excuses but the things is I'm a canon more than a fanon person.
(yes buddie isn't canon hypocrisy ik but WAIT)
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What I mean by that is that I take what characters say and do at face value. That information forms my opinions of them.
Unfortunately there's been about 7 years and all couple parallels with Buddie so my brain was like yep, that's canon.
When Tommy was being discussed at first (and now) I'm still saying as that he's a blank sheet that the fans who've wanted Buck to be in a loving reciprocal relationship so that's being projected on him.
So that equates to him being a let's say "out of character" personality in the online space.
I said in an episode analysis that Tommy's interested and not invested and I stand by that until the show proves other wise or writes their relationship on a deeper level.
Fanon Tommy's character would've worn a costume, hell they might've been the ones matching.
Because he's that dedicated and invested.
In canon, he didn't even come up with a simple enough reason and just brished it aside.
Now once again the you don't know me and writing wise it's significant that Buck's not acknowledged as Buck, and his lover isn't allowed to call him that. They're cooking something.
Idk what it is or if it's burning or not. But it's cooking regardless.
Deep conversations. Honesty with Eddie.
Tommy. Redirection and minimization. (and a smidgen of jealousy)
I also had some qualms about the sexualization of Buck's character or the minimization or common theme of Buck being used/useful.
They make it a poetic irony that the man who failed to be useful in saving/being savior baby then be used throughout his adult life.
Whether that be a substitute/donor for his older brother, a fantasy or story for some, or a quick fling/easy relationship the writers haven't fully gotten him out of the hamster wheel.
(but they're cooking ik it. Im praying. Im hoping. Please be cooking!!)
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The writing of the relationship is failing it. Unless it should be like that.
For the rest of the topics I was talking about the bi buck episode and how much it meant to TV.
As we still know, Hollywood/American TV is a global thermometer let's say and tends to be discussed/acknowledged/distributed worldwide. As a result when certain things are done in the shows it can be a milestone.
I can admit I overlooked some things (as I am an avid hunter of media especially HAPPY! queer stories being told of POC and otherwise) so I can sometimes forget how impactful/important certain things are for the American/world audience to see.
Like henren, a black lesbian couple with a kid! Married! Both incredibly successful in their respective jobs.
Like that alone could be a TV show honestly.
That's why when Bi Buck happened I was happy. (I legitimately blacked out because I didn't see or hear the preview right after 🤣🤣 I was distressed when I came to)
But honestly I am still happy and proud that it happened.
I didn't get the significant of the extent of visibility of having a male (later in life is important!) come out or be acknowledged as bisexual.
Granted in cannon the word hasn't been uttered or expanded on but they head a rough 10 episodes so I'll give em some slack.
But as a viewer and a writer I see how important it is to have it happen and the significance of it through real life stories and anecdotes and for that I am happy for that party of the relationship. 🥺
I won't take that moment away from them. Was it perfect (including all the other stuff afterwards?) No.
But was it necessary and messy and awkward like real life? Absolutely yes and I love it.
This is peak TV I tell you. (I've never blacked out like that to TV before so that was a first🤣)
But on a real note I was excited (and neutral towards Buck and Tommy being together).
I still ride the Buddie ship all start for to the context clues (slutty dangerous barbell scene anyone??) that it may be confusion on his part or at least leaving the door partly open for Buddie.
(it really could be just gauging the audience reaction)
I won't really talk about the second half of Buddie sexual identity because that either deserves it own post and has to be expanded on.
(Eddie i beg. The women of the world DON'T need you right now. Be a beautiful centerpiece. Do not traumatize the women of la no more. Take care of your son. Don't go through treacherous roads. Take the journey elsewhere. I beg!!!)
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But on a serious note I noticed the quick turn I would say on the characterization/head canon of Buck's love interest.
I find it interesting that for female counterparts there hasn't been such a response. (I have heard about Buck Taylor riders though)
(this is my inner thoughts. Very hot. 10/10. My soul was pleased. Couple? Awful. Friends? Brilliant. Taylor motives? Nah you can't be round me with all that sneaky stuff)
But her character was the most expanded on.
But with Tommy, most of what's stated about the relationship at the beginning was headcanon.
I think where the shows heading is to show the incompatibility between them.
Tommy's scenes so far have been casual, smooth and easy.
He doesn't mind a quick date. He doesn't want to dress up for the theme. He'll be there but it's not too important to fuss about it.
The deleted scene is avoidant (which may become a character trait about emotions) to deeper conversations. We see this reflected as well when they're at the dinner after Bobby's finally pulled through (and Buck lost his son😭😭 I'm not even on no shipper shit that's his baby😭😭) and he starts to be vulnerable.
I expected it to lean more towards a heartwarming or honest conversation but one again he shuts it down.
What I think they're going to do with his character/have been doing is show that he's avoidant to confrontation.
(i could argue that for his friend he might do more because the Eddie flying things still throws me for a loop in comparison to how they're portraying their relationship)
But I stick by the interested not invested point.
With the little screen time they've had to develop his character they've shown that it's not really endgame they're just incompatible. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Comparing the Buddie and Tommy relationship the investment/support becomes a bit evident.
Not matching with Tommy. Incompatible.
Matching with Eddie. Compatible.
Deep conversations. Honesty with Eddie.
Tommy. Redirection and minimization. (and a smidgen of jealousy)
Now you can argue (as a writer in gritting my teeth as I type this) if they do go down the route of his love "changed" me, it it's a possibility to write him becoming a better partner through love or sum.
As Buck is very emotional and he can get him to open up be more serious as he sees him taking it seriously.
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As a buddie that killed me!!!!! but as a writer i had to speak up.
Anyways... If it goes that route I'll hate it a little. Hare it and like it seesaw kind of (look ik potential when i see it)
The hate part is that once again it'll be uaed/hamster wheel/i have to prove or gain your love or show that you appreciate me.
Like it cause who doesn't like a good you changed me by being yourself?
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I'm a hater through and through. 😤
Tommy as a character I was neutral on at first. I'm still lukewarm about the relationship itself but the character is falling into the same old box all love interests get.
Not enough character but more than enough sex.
Regarding Buck's relationship they're always a give and take, Buck ending up being more of a giver (I'm not defending no white man for his mistakes though he do be doing some things side eye worthy).
But because the love interests are just that and not fleshed out characters, they end up not being able to stand on their own and be interesting enough outside of the one off appearances.
With the exception of Karen my love, my sweetness.
But most of Buck and Eddie's love interests can sometimes be reduced to props to move plot along/give character development.
(which as a writer i didn't hate as it's a multi lead drama series but..... If they want a long term partner to be introduced they can write it like Karen)
I can think of many scenarios and ways to actually make the character less off-putting to some.
Examples: more enthusiasm/effort actually being put in (or maybe that's where the statement Buck had to work for it applies? That Buck had to work for his love ??? I'm speculating now), being more straightforward, the jealously not being brought up like twice now.
Sirens are blasting with that one 🚨🚨
(The characters actions being vetoed off screen doesn't help either. It also applies to a lot of problematic things that sweep under the rug. Only the queer characters cheating? Violence against each other? Goading into drinks? Kissing/cheating? Manipulation?.... Eh it's drama but the cheating storylines and the characters it happens to makes me a lil 👀...)
All in all me and my homegirls not pleased.
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I ain't been swayed anywhere and the way the wind in this writing ain't blowing nowhere.
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absolutelybifurious · 5 months
no one follows me from the 911 fandom so i feel mostly safe in whining to the abyss about this, so like i feel bad for not caring as much about buck's bi rep at face value... i can appreciate that buck - as a stereotypically masculine guy, who is for all intents and purposes the main character of a procedural prime time show - coming out as bi is a big deal, and i appreciated the set up with tommy. it was fun/fine. as a bi person, as someone who wants the world to get better - it makes me happy in an intellectual sense.
but for me, as a viewer of 911 the show - i don't really care. emotionally, in the context of the story it didn't do anything for me. tommy is (mostly) a random guy who showed up and buck realizes he's bi and now they're dating, but there's nothing to draw on earlier - and if it's a stepping stone, then i'll love it wholeheartedly in hindsight but if buddie doesn't happen - i just don't quite know how to feel other than like, detachedly glad we got a queer relationship for someone like buck.
and full disclosure, i wholeheartedly admit to being an eddie girlie, but even if eddie had gotten the storyline with tommy - i don't think i would've had a super strong reaction?
like yeah, i appreciate rep and of course it matters, but what would feel revolutionary for me is to take this relationship thats been implicitly on screen - to basically look at all these queer fans and be like, okay, yeah, you were right. all this subtext you've seen in a dozen other mlm ships over the years is valid. you aren't crazy and it's not gross or weird to make it REAL. you aren't rabid. (not counting the people who send weird hate to women actors just trying to do their jobs) and god - more than that, i'm just here for the fuckin STORY of it. tommy is fine. lou is lovely and i'm plenty interested to see where the buck and tommy train goes, but i don't have investment in it, not significant investment anyway, and i don't think i will? i mean, we're 7 seasons in. i can't get all in with tommy and buck at this point, i've been frothing at the mouth for another ship. and you brought me THIS close just to swerve at the last second.
so while i get that canonizing buck as bi is a big deal - it is always going to feel hollow for me personally because the story is what i'm here for. the relationship. the depth of it. and tbh i just want to see something beautiful and unintentional building in the background and have it fuckin happen for onceeee.
just sometimes i feel like i'm missing something, because i see the like... level of reaction some people have just to the bi-ness of it, and for me - if there's not a satisfying story, then, i don't have many emotions about it. i've gotten plenty of bi characters over the years, and very few of them felt fully actualized in the story being told around them.
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