#architecture of .net core
xceltecseo · 2 years
.NET Core Architecture & Growth in India
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ASP.NET enables the development of fast, cross-platform online programmes. Utilize design patterns like MVC and built-in support for Dependency Injection to create programmes that are simpler to test and manage.
A superb architecture is a requirement for a great API. We'll explore at various aspects of API design and development, ranging from the built-in features of ASP.NET Core to architecture philosophy and design patterns.
Growth in India for .NET Core:
Web application, cross-platform, game development, ERP, and custom software development using a Software developers and businesses have a high demand for the internet environment. This was the perfect opportunity to add more platform enhancements since Microsoft would need to rewrite significant portions of.NET, ASP.NET, and the Dot NET Framework to accomplish this. Net Core features a number of advantages over the standard.Net environment. Let's take a closer look at each advantage. Features of Net Core include:
1. Open source
Not just the source code, but the whole of.NET Core is open source. Both the documentation and the source code are truly open sources. Over 10,000 employees who weren't from Microsoft made contributions. The fact that the entire framework is open-source is encouraging businesses that have never used Microsoft or.NET to adopt it. By visiting the following GitHub URL, you can start contributing and downloading the entire source code.
2.Cross-platform support
The development of.NET Core and ASP.NET Core was heavily influenced by the need to run cross-platform.
3. Performance
The quickness of.Net Core is another advantage. When we think about Web Forms and MVC, which are where ASP.NET originated, there was a lot of old code in use, and performance wasn't always one of the best attributes, but it is now with.NET Core..
4. Portable Class Libraries via .NET standard
With Silverlight and mobile deployment, portable class libraries have been around for a while, but they weren't always well-implemented. There were a variety of numbered profiles, and there was some misunderstanding. The NET Standard greatly enhances this. This official definition must be followed by all.NET runtimes.
5. Modular deployment of .NET Core itself
The two accessible deployment modes are Portable Deployment (different from Portable Class Libraries) and Stand-alone Deployment.
6. Full command-line support:
For.NET Core, complete command-line functionality is a major priority rather than an afterthought. There is a strong justification for this. If only the Visual Studio tools are developed and the command-line lags, many developers will be left out in the cold and.NET Core's acceptance will suffer on a community-wide level because not all.NET Core developers will utilise Visual Studio.
7. Interoperability with .NET Framework:
Using.NET Core 2, we achieve compatibility with the entire.NET Framework. So that they can reference.NET Standard libraries,.NET Framework libraries can be used. You can only use.NET Standard types, and there are constraints.
Final Thought
As we’ve shown, building and developing a strong ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API solution necessitates the understanding of a decoupled architecture that allows each layer to be testable while adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle. XcelTec hopes that this knowledge will assist you in developing and maintaining production Web APIs for your business.
Visit to explore more on .NET Core Architecture & Growth in India
Get in touch with us for more! 
Contact us on:- +91 987 979 9459 | +1 919 400 9200
Email us at:- [email protected]
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devleader · 9 months
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concettolabs · 11 months
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aspnano · 1 year
Multi-Tenant Application Net Core
ASP Nano is a multi-tenant application with clean onion architecture GitHub builds web apps with a lightweight ASP.Net core API boilerplate + React UI. https://aspnano.com/
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this-week-in-rust · 2 months
This Week in Rust 544
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Guest Blog: Attending CISA’s Open Source Software Security Summit
This Month in Rust OSDev: March 2024
Project/Tooling Updates
lilos v1.0 released
medium-to-markdown v0.1.1 : Convert your medium blogs easily into markdown files
Fluvio v0.11.6 release and project updates
venndb 0.4.0 - custom validators
Tantivy 0.22: Performance improvements, new aggregations and stability fixes
Announcing r3bl_terminal_async - build async interactive CLIs in Rust
[video] Demo + architecture overview of Ferrostar, a cross-platform turn-by-turn navigation SDK with a Rust core
The Rust Calling Convention We Deserve
Sized, DynSized, and Unsized
Coroutines and effects
Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust
Adventures In Rust: Bringing Exchange Support To Thunderbird
Rust Walkthroughs
Why SQLite Performance Tuning made Bencher 1200x Faster
drop, the destructor of Rust structs
Building with AWS S3 using Rust
Rust tokio task cancellation patterns
[video] Build with Naz - Published crate r3bl_terminal_async for building async interactive CLIs in Rust
[video] Trent Billington - Bevy ECS - Power tool for data oriented applications
[video] Building a procedural art generator
[audio] Isograph with Robert Balicki
A Study of Undefined Behavior Across Foreign Function Boundaries in Rust Libraries
Rust Digger: Does size matter? The biggest crate is 450MB; More than 100 crates are over 50MB
GitHub Sponsor Rust developer David Tolnay
Learn how to write TCP servers using Rust's std::net module
RustFest Zürich 🇨 Talks announced
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is scandir, a high-performance file tree scanner.
Thanks to Marty B. for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No calls for testing were issued this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
awesome-alternatives-in-rust - Add dqy alternative to dig
fluvio - When a topic is deleted, connected clients should have their connection closed
fluvio - MQTT Connector: Prefix auto generated Client ID to prevent connection drops
fluvio - Remove localhost from fluvio in favor of
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
RustConf 2024 | Closes 2024-04-25 | Montreal, Canada | Event date: 2024-09-10
RustLab 2024 | Closes 2024-05-01 | Florence, Italy | Event date: 2024-11-09 - 2024-11-11
EuroRust 2024| Closes 2024-06-03 | Vienna, Austria & online | Event date: 2024-10-10
Scientific Computing in Rust 2024| Closes 2024-06-14 | online | Event date: 2024-07-17 - 2024-07-19
Conf42 Rustlang 2024 | Closes 2024-07-22 | online | Event date: 2024-08-22
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
432 pull requests were merged in the last week
add simple async drop glue generation
llvm backend: Prevent creating the same Instance::mono multiple times
static_mut_refs: use raw pointers to remove the remaining FIXME
add a lower bound check to unicode-table-generator output
add an opt-in to store incoming edges in VecGraph + misc
add llvm-bitcode-linker to build manifest
allow workproducts without object files
at debuginfo=0, don't inline debuginfo when inlining
correctly change type when adding adjustments on top of NeverToAny
coverage: branch coverage tests for lazy boolean operators
coverage: prepare for improved branch coverage
delay interning errors to after validation
delay span bug when Self kw resolves to DefKind::{Mod,Trait}
don't ICE for kind mismatches during error rendering
don't ascend into parent bodies when collecting stmts for possible return suggestion
don't error on subtyping of equal types
don't inline integer literals when they overflow - new attempt
don't repeatedly duplicate TAIT lifetimes for each subsequently nested TAIT
fix ICE in eval_body_using_ecx
fix ICE when there is a non-Unicode entry in the incremental crate directory
fix capturing duplicated lifetimes via parent in precise_captures (impl use<'...>)
fix normalizing in different ParamEnvs with the same InferCtxt
fix trait solver overflow with non_local_definitions lint
flip spans for precise capturing syntax not capturing a ty/const param, and for implicit captures of lifetime params
give a name to each distinct manipulation of pretty-printer FixupContext
ignore -C strip on MSVC
implement Modified Condition/Decision Coverage
implement PROBLEMATIC_CONSTS generalization
implement syntax for impl Trait to specify its captures explicitly (feature(precise_capturing))
improve ICE message for forbidden dep-graph reads
interpret: pass MemoryKind to adjust_alloc_base_pointer
interpret: pass MemoryKind to before_memory_deallocation
interpret: use ScalarInt for bin-ops; avoid PartialOrd for ScalarInt
introduce perma-unstable wasm-c-abi flag
let inherent associated types constrain opaque types during projection
make suggest_deref_closure_return more idiomatic/easier to understand
make thir_tree and thir_flat into hooks
make the comments for ReturnDest variants doc comments
match ergonomics 2024: Implement eat-one-layer
match ergonomics 2024: mut doesn't reset binding mode
match hyphen in multi-revision comment matchers
opaque types have no namespace
outline default query and hook provider function implementations
prefer identity equality over equating types during coercion
print note with closure signature on type mismatch
properly handle emojis as literal prefix in macros
remove default_hidden_visibility: false from wasm targets
remove uneeded clones now that TrustedStep implies Copy
silence some follow-up errors on trait impls in case the trait has conflicting or otherwise incoherent impls
simplify shallow resolver to just fold ty/consts
stop taking ParamTy/ParamConst/EarlyParamRegion/AliasTy by ref
subtype predicates only exist on inference types, so we can allow them to register opaque types within them
tell LLVM Vec::len is invariant across growth
use raw-dylib for Windows synchronization functions
refactor clippy in bootstrap
when suggesting RUST_BACKTRACE=1, add a special note for Miri's env var isolation
miri: data_race: make the release/acquire API more clear
miri: no_std works on Windows now
miri: add localtime_r shim
miri: address reuse improvements and fixes
miri: deadlock: show backtrace for all threads
miri: directly call handle_alloc_error
miri: implement support for __rust_alloc_error_handler
miri: make realloc with a size of zero fail
miri: move read_byte_slice to general helpers file, next to read_c_str
miri: threads: keep track of why we are blocked, and sanity-check that when waking up
Box::into_raw: make Miri understand that this is a box-to-raw cast
PatRangeBoundary::compare_with: also add a fast-path for signed integers
codegen ZSTs without an allocation
stabilize Wasm target features that are in phase 4 and 5
stabilize const_io_structs
stabilize checking of cfgs at compile-time: --check-cfg option
stabilize generic NonZero
make checked ops emit unchecked LLVM operations where feasible
improve std::fs::Metadata Debug representation
fix negating f16 and f128 constants
force exhaustion in iter::ArrayChunks::into_remainder
checked_ilog: improve performance
add an intrinsic for ptr::from_raw_parts(_mut)
fix: make str::from_raw_parts_mut mut
use queue-based RwLock on more platforms
add support for Arm64EC to the standard library
codegen_gcc: fix PassMode::Indirect with params
codegen_gcc: fix check for main function already declared
codegen_gcc: fix panic when calling get_fn for a variable
codegen_gcc: fix passing custom CG_RUSTFLAGS when building sysroot
codegen_gcc: implement more type kinds
cargo install: including Locking message
cargo resolver: add default Edition2024 to resolver v3
cargo resolver: add v3 resolver for MSRV-aware resolving
cargo credential: trim newlines in tokens from stdin
cargo msrv: error, rather than panic, on rust-version 'x'
cargo msrv: put MSRV-aware resolver behind a config
cargo toml: don't crash on parse errors that point to multi-byte character
cargo toml: disallow source-less dependencies
cargo toml: error on [project] in Edition 2024
cargo toml: report _fied variants (e.g. dev_dependencies) as deprecated
cargo: fix 'cargo build' fails when list_files() with gix is triggered
rustdoc: always display stability version even if it's the same as the containing item
rustdoc: fix copy path button
rustdoc: support type '/' to search
rustdoc-search: fix description on aliases in results
rustdoc-search: single result for items with multiple paths
clippy: threadlocal_initializer_can_be_made_const will not trigger for unreachable initializers
clippy: arithmetic_side_effects fix false negative on +=
clippy: ptr_as_ptr: fix duplicate diagnostics
clippy: emit the needless_pass_by_ref_mut lint on self arguments as well
clippy: fix is_test_module_or_function
clippy: reduce single_char_pattern to only lint on ascii chars
clippy: rework interior mutability detection
clippy: the multiple_unsafe_ops_per_block test needs asm!
rust-analyzer: cargo script mvp
rust-analyzer: add convert From to TryFrom assist
rust-analyzer: allow rust files to be used linkedProjects
rust-analyzer: VFS should not walk circular symlinks
rust-analyzer: handle escaped chars in doc comments
rust-analyzer: replace Just the variable name in Unused Variable Diagnostic Fix
rust-analyzer: implement BeginPanic handling in const eval
rust-analyzer: make test harness arguments configurable and not --nocapture
rust-analyzer: render matched macro arm on hover of macro calls
rust-analyzer: try to generate more meaningful names in json converter
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A week dominated by small mixed changes to perf with improvements slightly outweighing regressions. There were no pure regressions, and many of the mixed perf results were deemed worth it for their potential improvements to runtime performance through further optimization from LLVM.
Triage done by @rylev. Revision range: ccfcd950..a77f76e2
(instructions:u) mean range count Regressions ❌ (primary) 0.4% [0.2%, 1.8%] 57 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 0.4% [0.2%, 1.9%] 26 Improvements ✅ (primary) -0.8% [-3.4%, -0.2%] 50 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -0.6% [-1.9%, -0.1%] 32 All ❌✅ (primary) -0.2% [-3.4%, 1.8%] 107
0 Regressions, 5 Improvements, 6 Mixed; 2 of them in rollups 62 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No calls for testing were issued this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
[disposition: merge] experimental project goal program for 2024 H2
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for std::path::absolute
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for convenience methods on NonNull
[disposition: merge] Inline more svg images into CSS
[disposition: merge] Edition 2024: Make ! fall back to !
[disposition: merge] static_mut_refs: Should the lint cover hidden references?
[disposition: merge] fix(toml): Warn, rather than fail publish, if a target is excluded
New and Updated RFCs
[new] experimental project goal program for 2024 H2
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-04-24 - 2024-05-22 🦀
2024-04-24 | Virtual + In Person (Prague, CZ) | Rust Czech Republic
#2: Making Safe Rust Safer (Pavel Šimerda)
2024-04-25 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-30 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2024-05-01 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 5 - Project Structure
2024-05-01 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-05-02 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-05-07 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group
2024-05-09 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-05-09 | Virtual (Israel) | Rust in Israel
Rust at Microsoft, Tel Aviv - Are we embedded yet?
2024-05-09 | Virtual (Nuremberg/Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2024-05-14 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2024-05-14 | Virtual (Halifax, NS, CA) | Rust Halifax
Rust&Tell - Halifax
2024-05-14 | Virtual + In-Person (München/Munich, DE) | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid (Rescheduled)
2024-05-15 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2024-05-16 | Virtual (Charlottesville, VA, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-05-21 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful—forensic parsing via Artemis
2024-05-04 | Kampala, UG | Rust Circle Kampala
Rust Circle Meetup
2024-05-11 | Bangalore, IN | Rust Bangalore
May 2024 Rustacean meetup
2024-04-24 | Virtual + In Person (Prague, CZ) | Rust Czech Republic
#2: Making Safe Rust Safer (Pavel Šimerda)
2024-04-25 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Talk Night at MFT Energy
2024-04-25 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust and Tell - TBD
2024-04-25 | København/Copenhagen, DK | Copenhagen Rust Community
Rust meetup #46 sponsored by Nine A/S
2024-04-25 | Vienna, AT | Rust Vienna
Rust Vienna x Python User Group - April
2024-04-27 | Basel, CH | Rust Basel
Fullstack Rust - Workshop #2 (Register by 23 April)
2024-04-27 | Stockholm, SE | Stockholm Rust
Ferris' Fika Forum #2
2024-04-30 | Budapest, HU | Budapest Rust Meetup Group
Rust Meetup Budapest 2
2024-04-30 | Salzburg, AT | Rust Salzburg
[Rust Salzburg meetup]: 6:30pm - CCC Salzburg, 1. OG, ArgeKultur, Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 5, 5020 Salzburg
2024-05-01 | Köln/Cologne, DE | Rust Cologne
This Month in Rust, May
2024-05-01 | Utrecht, NL | NL-RSE Community
NL-RSE RUST meetup
2024-05-06 | Delft, NL | GOSIM
GOSIM Europe 2024
2024-05-07 & 2024-05-08 | Delft, NL | RustNL
RustNL 2024
2024-05-08 | Cambridge, UK | Cambridge Rust Meetup
Monthly Rust Meetup
2024-05-09 | Gdańsk, PL | Rust Gdansk
Rust Gdansk Meetup #2
2024-05-14 | Virtual + In-Person (München/Munich, DE) | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid (Rescheduled)
2024-05-14 | Prague, CZ | Rust Prague
Rust Meetup Prague (May 2024)
2024-05-21 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Hack Night
2024-05-21 | Zurich, CH | Rust Zurich
Save the date - Mai Meetup
North America
2024-04-24 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-04-25 | Nashville, TN, US | Music City Rust Developers
Music City Rust Developers - Async Rust on Embedded
2024-04-26 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
North End Rust Lunch, Apr 26
2024-05-04 | Cambridge, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Kendall Rust Lunch, May 4
2024-05-09 | Spokane, WA, US | Spokane Rust
Monthly Meetup: Topic TBD!
2024-05-12 | Brookline, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Coolidge Corner Brookline Rust Lunch, May 12
2024-05-16 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-05-20 | Somerville, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Ball Square Rust Lunch, May 20
2024-05-21 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-05-22 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-04-30 | Auckland, NZ | Rust AKL
Rust AKL: Why Rust? Convince Me!
2024-04-30 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Canberra Rust User Group
CRUG April Meetup: Generics and Traits
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
The learning curve for Rust is relatively steep compared to other languages, but once you climb it you'll never look down.
– BD103 on Mastodon
Thanks to BD103 for the self-suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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aluprof · 1 year
Leading With BIM
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Many people in the Construction Industry still believe that BIM is just a modern design tool, but BIM is much more than this. Whilst design is certainly an element of BIM, collaboration is a key element, from inception through to completion of a project, and beyond. Collaboration across the design team, particularly at the early design stages both reduces risk and maximises value. A detailed BIM design forms a ‘single source of truth’ which de-risks the entire construction programme.
According to MacLeamy (2004) who plotted a simple graph of project time and project effort, it can be seen that the influence on the project design is high at the early design stages, whilst project changes further down the project timeline entails more effort and cost. MacLeamy argued that completing the design earlier in the construction programme reduced risk and cost by negating design changes later in the programme. An early BIM model using high quality, virtual BIM objects assists final design sign off earlier in the construction cycle.
BIM has been with us for some years now, so it is far from a new concept, but helps us in developing new methodologies for construction, new methodologies which help us reduce carbon in construction. According to Transparency Market Research, in 2025 the Construction Industry will generate as much as 2.2 billion tons of waste annually which is about 50% of all global solid waste. The Construction Industry has to move from this linear construction process to a circular construction process where buildings can be deconstructed and rebuilt using some or all of the same parts, or materials recycled back into buildings. A growing number of architectural practices globally are designing ‘temporary’ or ‘deconstructable’ buildings that fall into the circular construction methodology.
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In the UK a recently completed project in London, the Forge, aspires to be the first commercial building constructed and operated in line with the UKGBC’s net zero definition and energy reduction targets. It comprises two new office buildings and a public courtyard. Located on Sumner Street, The Forge is a Landsec office development located just behind Tate Modern in London and utilising BIM at its core is one of the most innovative construction sites in London, pioneering several new construction methods fit for the decades ahead.
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Breaking new ground, the project is be the world’s first large-scale office scheme built using a standardised “kit of parts”, in an approach known as ‘platform design for manufacture and assembly’ (P-DfMA), which applies the advances made by the  Manufacturing Industry to construction, this would not be possible without BIM. Aluprof are delighted to have been invited to take an early design role in developing a unitised facade system that meets the P-DfMA specification pioneered by architects and engineers Bryden Wood. Construction is led by Sir Robert McAlpine and Mace, working together in an innovative joint venture (JV) partnership.
Working with BIM essentially creates a 3D ‘digital twin’ of the building project and it doesn’t stop there. There are a further four ‘dimensions’ that are added, ‘4D’ Time, ‘5D’ Costs, ‘6D’ Sustainability and ‘7D’ Facilities Management. In effect, the BIM model carries all the data for the building, from the building programme through to eventual deconstruction. Any one element, such as the facade, falls into each of the dimensions of BIM, so the more detailed BIM models that can be obtained from suppliers, the greater efficiency is realised.
Finally, automated construction would not be possible without BIM as some of our building methods become automated, built by, or checked by ‘robots’. Yes, this could be the dawn of the robotic ‘Clerk of Works’. During the construction phase of a building, robots are being utilised to laser scan and monitor what has been built offering dimensional accuracy as well as monitoring the programme of works. This ‘real time’ analysis ensures that any potential problems are highlighted at very early stages, saving both cost and time.
With its acclaimed BIM Academy, Aluprof continues to pioneer innovative solutions in partnership with specifiers across the globe. With a huge library of models available to architects and engineers, Aluprof are constantly adding new models for standard and bespoke designs helping clients and developers obtain efficient and sustainable buildings.
Aluprof UK are proud to supply facade systems to a wide range of new and refurbished construction projects across Great Britain and Ireland, with Head Offices in Altrincham in the North West and with an architectural specification support office in the Business Design Centre in London, the company has rapidly grown their specification influence in the UK with their high-performance architectural aluminium systems. Further expansion of the company’s headquarters in Altrincham now provides specifiers with meeting facilities and an extensive showroom of commercial systems to view. Further information is available on the company website at aluprof.co.uk or direct from their UK head office in Altrincham on 0161 941 4005.
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ryadel · 2 years
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jcmarchi · 2 hours
The Single-Algorithm AI Chip
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-single-algorithm-ai-chip/
The Single-Algorithm AI Chip
Plus a tremendous activity in funding activity in generative AI startups.
Created Using DALL-E
Next Week in The Sequence:
Edge 409: We dive into long-term memory in autonomous agents. The research section reviews Microsoft LONGMEM reference architecture for long-term memory in LLMs. We also provide an introduction to the super popular Pinecone vector database.
Edge 410: We dive into VTC, a super innovative method from UC Berkeley and Stanford for fiar LLM serving.
You can subscribe to The Sequence below:
TheSequence is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
📝 Editorial: The Single-Algorithm AI Chip
The dominance of the transformer architecture in generative AI represents a pivotal moment for the AI chip industry. This revolution has sparked a renaissance in chip design, propelling NVIDIA to become one of the world’s most valuable companies and fueling substantial funding for new AI chip startups. The demand for AI-based hardware seems limitless, driven not only by the rapid pace of AI advancements but also by the slow evolution of AI model architectures beyond transformers.
Simply put, transformer dominance as the preferred architecture in generative AI is the best thing to have happened to the AI chip industry. The rationale is clear: when most AI software innovation centers around a single architecture, it becomes logical for AI chip manufacturers to optimize for that paradigm. Given that AI chip production cycles are significantly longer than software development cycles, such optimization is only feasible if model architectures remain stable for years. Conversely, constant changes in architecture paradigms would render AI chip optimization impractical and economically unviable.
Last week provided a notable example of this market dynamic between AI chips and software: Etched, a new AI chip startup, secured $120 million in funding to develop chips specialized in transformer architectures. Etched’s chip, Sohu, is capable of processing 500,000 tokens per second with the throughput of a Llama 70B model, surpassing NVIDIA’s Blackwell (B200) GPUs in speed and cost efficiency. Sohu’s specialization in a single algorithm allows for a streamlined logic flow, accommodating more mathematical blocks and achieving an impressive 90% FLOPS utilization.
The dominance of transformer architecture empowers startups like Etched to optimize chip designs to compete effectively with established industry giants. The greatest paradox of the AI chip renaissance lies in the fact that innovation is spurred not by rapid AI evolution, but by its deliberate pace.
🌝 Recommended – Finally: Instant, accurate, low-cost GenAI evaluations
Why are Fortune 500 companies everywhere switching to Galileo Luna for enterprise GenAI evaluations?
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No ground truth data set needed
Customizable for your specific evaluation requirements
🔎 ML Research
HuggingFace published a paper detailing how they built FineWeb, one of the largest open source datasets for LLM pretraining ever built. FineWeb boosts and impressive 15 trillion tokens from 96 Common Crawl snapshots —> Read more.
Agent Symbolic Learning
Researchers from AIWaves published a paper introducing a technique known as agent symbolic learning aimed to self-improve agents. The core idea is to draw a parallel between an agent pipeline and a neural net and use symbolic optimizers to improve the agent network —> Read more.
Salesforce Research published a paper introducing APIGen, a pipeline designed to synthesize function-calling datasets. APIGen was used to train models over 7B parameters based on state-of-the-art benchmarks —> Read more.
Google Research published a paper introducing Meeting Information Seeking Dialogs(MISeD), a dataset focused on meeting transcripts. MISeD tries to optimize for finding factual information in meeting transcripts which could be a notoriously difficult task —> Read more.
Olympic Arena
Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Generative AI Research Lab published a paper detailing the results of the Olympic Arena superintelligence benchmark. Olympic Arena was designed to evaluate models across many disciplines and modalities —> Read more.
Exams for RAG Pipelines
Amazon Science published a paper discussing a technique to evaluate the accuracy of RAG applications. The methods mimics an exam generation process based on item response theory —> Read more.
🤖 Cool AI Tech Releases
MLflow at SageMaker
Amazon is launching support for Mlflow in its SageMaker platform —> Read more.
Multimodal Arena
Chatbot Arena just added support for multimodal models —> Read more.
Meta LLM Compiler
Meta AI open sourced its LLM Compiler, a family of Code LLama based models with compiter and optimization capabilities —> Read more.
Character Calls
Character AI introduced Character Calls, a voice interaction experience with Characters —> Read more.
🛠 Real World AI
Incident Response at Meta
Meta shares some details about their usage of generative AI for incident response —> Read more.
ETA at Lyft
Lyft discusses the ML techniques used to ensure estimated time of arrival(ETA) reliability for riders —> Read more.
📡AI Radar
Stability AI raised a new round of funding and appointed a new CEO.
Orby AI raised $30 million to build large action models.
Day.ai raised $4 million from Sequoia to build an AI-first CRM.
Axelera raised $68 million for edge AI chips.
Etched raised $120 million to build transformer specialized chips.
Emergence raised $97.2 million for its agent platform.
EvolutionaryScale raised $142 million and launched a new AI model for protein discovery.
Iconic VC firm Kleiner Perkins raised $2 billion for new funds for startups leveraging generative AI for growth.
AI-ecommerce platform Daydream secured $50 million in new funding.
illumex raised $13 million for its data governance infrastructure for generative AI —> Read more.
SoftBank invested in Perplexity at $3 billion valuation.
Hebbia, which uses generative AI to search large documents, raised a $100 million Series B.
Oracle announced a series of in-database LLM capabilities.
SoftBank formed a joint venture with Tempus to invest in healthcare AI.
Andrew Ng is raising $120 million for his next AI fund.
AI low-code platform Creatio raised $200 million in new funding.
Nubank acquired AI-banking platform Hyperplane.
Dappier raised $2 million to build an LLM content marketplace.
Substrate raised $8 million for its modular AI platform.
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3dexperts · 2 days
The Role of 3D Visualization in Sustainable Architecture
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Imagine the power to predict the future of a building's environmental impact before laying a single brick. This is the reality for today’s architects, thanks to 3D visualization technology. As the world shifts towards sustainability, 3D visualization has become a crucial tool in the architect's toolkit, transforming the way we design and construct eco-friendly buildings. Let us explore how this technology is driving sustainable architecture forward.
Understanding Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable architecture aims to design buildings that minimize environmental impact, maximize resource efficiency, and promote healthier living environments. Core principles include energy efficiency, resource management, and minimizing the carbon footprint. As the demand for green buildings rises, so do the innovations and techniques in sustainable architecture, making it an ever-evolving field.
The Evolution of 3D Visualization in Architecture
The journey from hand-drawn sketches to sophisticated 3D models marks a significant evolution in architectural visualization. Early CAD drawings have given way to immersive 3D models, thanks to advancements in technology. Tools like Autodesk Revit, SketchUp, and Rhino are now industry standards, enabling architects to create detailed and realistic visualizations that were once unimaginable.
How 3D Visualization Enhances Sustainable Design
3D visualization allows for precise energy modeling and simulation, a critical component of sustainable design. Tools like EnergyPlus and IES VE enable architects to simulate a building's energy performance before construction begins, optimizing designs for energy efficiency. For instance, the Bullitt Center in Seattle, renowned as the greenest commercial building in the world, utilized extensive energy modeling to achieve net-zero energy status.
Material Efficiency and Waste Reduction
Efficient use of materials is another cornerstone of sustainable design. 3D visualization helps architects plan and model material use accurately, minimizing waste. By visualizing exact quantities, projects can avoid over-ordering and reduce offcuts. Sustainable materials such as reclaimed wood, bamboo, and recycled metal can be effectively represented in 3D models, highlighting both their aesthetic and functional benefits.
Design Optimization
Optimization is key to achieving sustainability. 3D visualization allows architects to use parametric design and simulations to evaluate various iterations and find the most efficient solution. This ensures buildings are not only visually appealing but also optimized for energy use, natural lighting, and ventilation. The Edge in Amsterdam, known as the most sustainable office building globally, leveraged advanced 3D visualization techniques to achieve its remarkable design and functionality.
Practical Applications and Benefits
One of the primary benefits of 3D visualization is improved communication among all stakeholders. Architects, builders, and clients can view the same model, discuss it in real time, and make informed decisions. This collaborative approach ensures everyone is aligned, reducing misunderstandings, and increasing project efficiency. Projects like the Eden Project in Cornwall, UK, demonstrate how effective communication facilitated by 3D visualization can lead to successful sustainable outcomes.
Informed Decision Making
3D models provide detailed insights essential for making sustainable design choices. Architects can analyze various aspects of the building, from energy consumption to the environmental impact of materials. Tools like BIM (Building Information Modeling) integrate data from multiple disciplines, offering a comprehensive view of the project and ensuring sustainability considerations are factored in at every stage.
Client Engagement and Education
Explaining the benefits of sustainable design to clients can be challenging. 3D visualization simplifies this by creating vivid, realistic representations of projects. Clients can virtually walk through models, see how sustainable features are integrated, and appreciate their benefits. This approach is far more effective than traditional blueprints or verbal explanations. Projects under the Living Building Challenge often use 3D visualization to highlight their sustainability credentials, making complex concepts accessible to clients.
Challenges and Future Prospects
While the benefits are clear, integrating 3D visualization with sustainable practices does pose challenges. The technology can be costly, and mastering the software requires significant investment in training. Additionally, not all clients are immediately receptive to new methods. However, as technology becomes more accessible and awareness of sustainability grows, these challenges are gradually diminishing.
Looking ahead, the future of 3D visualization in sustainable architecture is bright. Innovations such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are poised to elevate visualization to new heights, providing even more immersive and interactive experiences. These advancements will further enhance our ability to design and build sustainably, ensuring we create buildings that are both beautiful and kind to our planet.
Lastly, in the journey towards sustainability, 3D visualization stands out as an indispensable tool. By enabling precise energy modelling, optimizing material use, and enhancing collaboration, it plays a critical role in sustainable architecture. As technology continues to advance, the potential for 3D visualization to drive sustainable practices will only increase. It is time for architects, builders, and realtors to embrace this technology and lead the way towards a more sustainable future.
By bringing ideas to life and streamlining the design process, 3D visualization is transforming the landscape of sustainable architecture. Harnessing its power, we can build a greener, more sustainable world.
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miamiwebdesignpros · 5 days
The Power of Web Application Development for Business Growth
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In today's digital age, web application development is a cornerstone of business success. With the rise of eCommerce, mobile technology, and sophisticated online platforms, businesses need robust, scalable, and secure web applications to thrive. Miami Web Design Pros offers a comprehensive suite of Webdevelopment services that cater to various business needs, ensuring an optimal online presence and user experience. This blog will explore the key aspects of web application development, the benefits for businesses, and why partnering with experts like Miami Web Design Pros is essential for achieving digital excellence.
The Essentials of Web Application Development
Webapplication development involves creating application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user’s device over the Internet. This includes everything from dynamic websites and eCommerce platforms to complex enterprise solutions and mobile applications. Effective web application development focuses on several core elements:
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Front-End Development: Creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks. The goal is to ensure that the application is responsive, meaning it works seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes​. 
Back-End Development: Building the server-side logic and database interactions that power the application. This involves using technologies such as .NET, Java, and Python to ensure high performance, security, and scalability​​. 
Content Management Systems (CMS): Developing customized CMS solutions that allow businesses to easily update and manage their website content. This is crucial for maintaining fresh and engaging content, which is vital for user engagement and SEO​​. 
eCommerce Solutions: Implementing robust eCommerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, and WooCommerce to handle online transactions efficiently. This includes integrating secure payment gateways, developing user-friendly shopping carts, and ensuring mobile optimization​. 
SEO and Online Visibility: Enhancing the application’s visibility through strategic SEO practices, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and high-quality content creation. This helps in achieving higher search engine rankings and driving more organic traffic to the website​​.
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Benefits of Web Application Development for Businesses
Investing in professional web application development offers numerous advantages:
Enhanced User Experience: A well-designed web application provides a seamless and intuitive user experience, which is critical for retaining visitors and converting them into customers. Responsive design ensures that users have a positive experience, whether they access the site from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone​​. 
Increased Operational Efficiency: Custom web applications can automate various business processes, reducing manual efforts and operational costs. Features like supply chain automation, CRM integration, and real-time analytics help businesses operate more efficiently​. 
Scalability and Flexibility: As businesses grow, their web applications must be able to scale to accommodate increased traffic and additional functionalities. Scalable architectures and flexible CMS solutions allow businesses to expand without compromising performance or user experience​. 
Improved Security: With the rise of cyber threats, ensuring the security of web applications is paramount. Professional development services include robust security measures such as data encryption, secure authentication, and regular security audits to protect sensitive information​.
Competitive Advantage: A cutting-edge web application can set a business apart from its competitors. Features like AI-driven analytics, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) integration, and personalized user experiences help businesses stay ahead of the curve​​.
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Why Choose Miami Web Design Pros?
Miami Web Design Pros stands out as a leader in web application development, offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of businesses across various industries. Here’s why partnering with them can be a game-changer:
Expertise Across Technologies: Their team comprises seasoned professionals skilled in the latest technologies and frameworks. Whether it’s front-end development with advanced JavaScript frameworks or back-end solutions using .NET and Java, they have the expertise to deliver top-tier applications​​. 
Comprehensive Service Offering: From initial consultation and strategy to design, development, and ongoing maintenance, Miami Web Design Pros provides end-to-end services. This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of the web application are aligned with the business goals​. 
Custom Solutions: Recognizing that no two businesses are alike, they offer customized solutions that cater to specific business requirements. This includes tailored eCommerce platforms, CMS development, and specialized features to enhance user engagement and operational efficiency​​. 
Proven Track Record: Trusted by startups and Fortune 500 companies alike, Miami Web Design Pros has a proven track record of delivering successful web applications that drive business growth. Their focus on quality, innovation, and efficiency has earned them a stellar reputation in the industry​. 
Continuous Support: Post-deployment, they offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the web application remains up-to-date, secure, and optimized for performance. This continuous support is crucial for adapting to changing market conditions and technological advancements​​.
In the fast-paced digital landscape, having a robust web application is essential for business success. Miami Web Design Pros provides the expertise and comprehensive solutions needed to develop high-quality web applications that enhance user experience, improve operational efficiency, and drive growth. By partnering with them, businesses can ensure that their web presence is not only functional but also a powerful tool for achieving their strategic objectives. Embrace the future of web application development with Miami Web Design Pros and unlock your business’s full potential.
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devleader · 8 months
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kmceducollege · 5 days
BCA Syllabus in Nepal 2024 Four Year Program
The Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) syllabus in Nepal is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in computer applications, programming, and information technology. The curriculum typically spans Four years, divided into eight semesters. Below is an overview of the BCA syllabus in Nepal, highlighting key subjects and topics commonly included in the program.
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The BCA syllabus in Nepal is a four-year program spanning eight semesters, focusing on software development and programmers, combining Management and Computer Science in 126 credit hours. BCA aims to produce skilled computer application users and developers in over 130 colleges, primarily in English.
BCA Syllabus in Nepal
Credit Hours
Computer Application (Core Courses)
71 (4*2+3*21)
Elective Courses
Mathematics and Statistics Courses
Language Courses
Social Science and Management Courses
Project and Internships
Total Credit Hours
Semester I
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hrs.
Lecture Hrs.
Tutorial Hrs.
Lab Hrs.
Computer Fundamentals & Applications
Society and Technology
English I
Mathematics I
Digital Logic
Semester II
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hrs.
Lecture Hrs.
Tutorial Hrs.
Lab Hrs.
C Programming
Financial Accounting
English II
Mathematics II
Microprocessor and Computer Architecture
Semester III
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hrs.
Lecture Hrs.
Tutorial Hrs.
Lab Hrs.
Data Structures and Algorithms
Probability and Statistics
System Analysis and Design
OOP in Java
Web Technology
Semester IV
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hrs.
Lecture Hrs.
Tutorial Hrs.
Lab Hrs.
Operating System
Numerical Methods
Software Engineering
Scripting Language
Database Management System
Project I
Semester V
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hrs.
Lecture Hrs.
Tutorial Hrs.
Lab Hrs.
MIS and E-Business
DotNet Technology
Computer Networking
Introduction to Management
Computer Graphics and Animation
Semester VI
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hrs.
Lecture Hrs.
Tutorial Hrs.
Lab Hrs.
Mobile Programming
Distributed System
Applied Economics
Advanced Java Programming
Network Programming
Project II
Semester VII
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hrs.
Lecture Hrs.
Tutorial Hrs.
Lab Hrs.
Cyber Law and Professional Ethics
Cloud Computing
Elective I
Elective II
List Of Elective Subjects for BCA VII Semester
Course Code
Course Title
Image Processing
Database Administration
Network Administration
Advanced Dot Net Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Semester VIII
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hrs.
Lecture Hrs.
Tutorial Hrs.
Lab Hrs.
Operations Research
Project III
Elective III
Elective IV
List Of Elective Subjects For BCA VIII Semester
Course Code
Course Title
Database Programming
Geographical Information System
Data Analysis and Visualization
Machine Learning
Multimedia System
Knowledge Engineering
Information Security
Internet of Things
BCA Fee Structure and Scholarship in Nepal:
The tuition price for a Bachelor of Social Work in Nepal is between NPR 1.5 lakhs and 4 lakhs. Scholarships for BCA are available depending on the college and university (TU/ Purbanchal University/Kathmandu University). These are the scholarships for BCA in Nepal:
Government Scholarships
Institutional Scholarships
Private Scholarships
Admission process For BCA In Nepal:
Apply online
Pay the application fees
Appear on the written test conducted by the college (this is optional and may not occur in every college)
Attend the interview
Accept the offer letter
Pay the admission fees
Objectives Of BCA
BCA aims to equip students with a strong understanding of computer science, programming languages, algorithms, data structures, and software development methodologies.
The BCA program focuses on hands-on learning to equip students with practical skills in software development, database management, networking, and web technologies.
BCA enhances students’ problem-solving skills by exposing them to real-world challenges in computer science through projects, assignments, and case studies, enabling effective problem analysis and solution design.
BCA encourages critical and analytical thinking in computer science, enabling students to evaluate solutions, assess feasibility, and make informed decisions based on logical reasoning.
BCA emphasizes the significance of clear communication skills in computer science, enabling students to collaborate effectively, present technical concepts, and interact with clients.
Who Can Study BCA In Nepal?
Passed in 2079 B.S.
Minimum D grade in each subject of grades 11 and 12 with a CGPA of 1.8 or more
A minimum score of second division marks in 10+2, PCL, or equivalent in any discipline.
Students who have passed grade 11 and are waiting for grade 12 results can also apply. However, they have to submit all the required documents at the time of admission.
Passed before 2079 B.S.
Minimum D grade in each subject of grades 11 and 12 with a CGPA of 2.0 or more
A minimum score of second division marks in 10+2, PCL, or equivalent in any discipline.
Scope Of BCA In Nepal
BCA graduates can work in both the government and non-government sectors. This consists of a variety of occupations, such as:
Government IT Departments
Public Service Commissions
Ministries and Departments
Research and Development
Education Sector
Non-Governmental Sector
Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs)
Humanitarian Organizations
Research Institutes and Think Tanks
International Development Agencies
Environmental and Conservation Organizations
In conclusion, The BCA syllabus in Nepal is structured to equip students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for the IT industry. The curriculum is subject to change and may vary slightly between different universities and colleges, but the core subjects and learning objectives remain consistent across institutions.
The Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) syllabus offers a comprehensive foundation in computer science through theoretical courses, practical exercises, and hands-on projects. It equips students with essential skills in programming languages, software development, database management, networking, and web technologies, preparing them for diverse career opportunities in the rapidly evolving field of information technology.
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sunbeaminfo · 22 days
Internship Opportunities at Sunbeam Institute Pune
Internships are crucial for college students to gain practical experience and enhance their technical skills. Sunbeam Institute in Pune offers exceptional internships in fields like C programming, core Java, machine learning, web programming using Python, and .NET. These programs provide hands-on experience through real-world projects, guided by experienced mentors. For those interested in foundational coding skills, the C programming internship covers efficient coding practices and debugging techniques. The core Java internship delves into object-oriented programming, data structures, and algorithms, preparing students for robust software development careers.
Machine learning enthusiasts can engage in internships that involve data preprocessing, model training, and deployment using popular frameworks, equipping them with the skills to build intelligent systems. Web programming using Python internships focus on developing dynamic web applications, teaching students about frameworks like Django or Flask, database integration, and front-end development. For those keen on Microsoft technologies, the .NET internship covers C#, ASP.NET, and MVC architecture, along with cloud services, providing a comprehensive understanding of building scalable applications. Sunbeam Institute is renowned for its industry-aligned training, expert mentorship, and state-of-the-art facilities, making it a top choice for internships. Apply today through their official website to take the first step toward a successful tech career.
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medrech · 23 days
Comprehensive .NET Development Services: Elevate Your Business with MedRec Technologies
Why Choose MedRec Technologies for .NET Development?
At MedRec Technologies, we offer unparalleled .NET development services designed to elevate your business to new heights. With over two decades of industry experience and a robust portfolio of successful projects across various sectors, we stand as a premier choice for .NET development globally. Our expertise spans across a wide range of applications including web, desktop, mobile, cloud, gaming, enterprise, and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. We leverage both classic and cutting-edge technologies to deliver exceptional results.
Extensive Expertise in .NET Technologies
Our seasoned .NET development team excels in utilizing a blend of traditional and innovative technologies, including but not limited to:
Windows Forms
WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture
.NET Core
We guarantee high-performance outcomes, tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
Our Comprehensive .NET Services
Custom Enterprise Solutions
We specialize in developing custom enterprise solutions that align perfectly with your business objectives. Our custom solutions are designed to enhance operational efficiency and provide a competitive edge in your industry.
Web Applications
Our expertise in .NET web application development ensures robust, scalable, and high-performing solutions. We employ the latest technologies and best practices to deliver web applications that are secure, reliable, and user-friendly.
Desktop Applications for Windows
We develop powerful and intuitive desktop applications for Windows, leveraging the full potential of the .NET framework. Our solutions are designed to enhance productivity and streamline business processes.
Modernization of Legacy Apps
Our team excels in modernizing legacy applications, ensuring they remain relevant and functional in today's fast-paced digital environment. We transform outdated systems into modern, efficient, and scalable solutions.
.NET to .NET Core Migration
We offer seamless migration services from .NET to .NET Core, enabling businesses to take advantage of the latest features and improvements. Our migration process is smooth, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.
Cross-Platform Mobile App Development with Xamarin
Our proficiency in Xamarin allows us to develop cross-platform mobile applications that deliver a native-like experience on both Android and iOS platforms. We ensure your mobile apps are feature-rich, responsive, and user-friendly.
.NET Web API Development
We create robust and scalable web APIs using .NET, facilitating seamless integration and communication between different software systems. Our APIs are secure, efficient, and easy to maintain.
Cloud Deployment
We offer comprehensive cloud deployment services, leveraging platforms such as Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. Our cloud solutions are designed to enhance scalability, reliability, and performance.
Microservices Development and Deployment
Our expertise in microservices architecture allows us to develop and deploy scalable and resilient applications. We ensure each microservice is independently deployable and can efficiently communicate with others.
SignalR Development
We utilize SignalR to build real-time web applications that deliver a seamless user experience. Our SignalR solutions are ideal for applications requiring instant updates, such as chat applications and live data feeds.
Sitecore, Umbraco, and Office365 Projects
Our team is well-versed in working with Sitecore, Umbraco, and Office365, providing tailored solutions that enhance your digital presence and improve collaboration and productivity within your organization.
Industries We Serve
At MedRec Technologies, we have successfully delivered custom .NET projects across diverse industries, including:
Real Estate
Gas & Energy
Event Management
The MedRec Advantage
Delivered On-Time and On-Budget
We pride ourselves on delivering .NET projects within agreed timelines and budget parameters. Our strategic planning, effective team assembly, and meticulous project management ensure timely and cost-effective delivery.
Customized for Your Business
Understanding that each client has unique needs, we offer solutions that are tailored to your specific business objectives. Our approach ensures that the final product aligns perfectly with your vision and requirements.
Expert .NET Software Developers
Our rigorous hiring process ensures that only the most talented developers join our team. With a wealth of experience and expertise, our developers are equipped to handle projects at any stage of development, delivering robust and innovative solutions.
24/7 Dedicated Support Team
Our dedicated support team provides round-the-clock assistance, ensuring that any issues or challenges are promptly addressed. From technical troubleshooting to software updates and optimization, we are committed to ensuring your .NET applications perform at their best.
NDA and IP Protection
We guarantee full ownership of any software we design and develop for you. All project elements are protected by strict adherence to confidentiality and intellectual property rights.
Seamless Integration
Our .NET solutions seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and applications, enhancing efficiency and ensuring smooth operation.
Agile Methodology
We follow agile development practices, allowing for flexibility and adaptability throughout the project lifecycle. This ensures timely delivery and alignment with evolving requirements.
Continuous Improvement
We are committed to continuous improvement, always exploring new technologies and methodologies to enhance the performance and functionality of your .NET applications.
Transparent Communication
We believe in transparent communication, providing regular updates and progress reports at every stage of the development process.
Our .NET solutions are designed with scalability in mind, allowing them to grow and evolve alongside your business needs without compromising performance or reliability.
Technical Insights and Expertise
Language and Frameworks
.NET Versions: v2.x, v3.x, v4.x, v5.x, v6
.NET Core
Frontend Development
Windows Forms
WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
MVC Architecture
MVVM Architecture
Micro Frontend Architecture
Backend Development
.NET Identity Framework
Microservices Architecture
Multi-Tenant Architecture
Serverless Architecture
API Integration
SQL Server
Cloud Platforms
Google Cloud Platform
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
Cooperation Models
Fixed Price Model
Ideal for projects with well-defined scope, requirements, and timelines, our fixed price model ensures transparency and predictability in costs.
Time and Materials Model
Offers flexibility for projects with evolving requirements or uncertain scope. You pay based on the actual time and resources utilized, allowing for adjustments as the project progresses.
Dedicated Team Model
Perfect for long-term projects or continuous development requirements. This model provides a dedicated team of skilled .NET developers focused solely on your project, ensuring complete control and flexibility over resources and priorities.
MedRec Technologies is your trusted partner for .NET development, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our expertise, commitment to quality, and client-centric approach ensure that we deliver exceptional solutions that drive business success. Contact us today to transform your ideas into reality with our innovative .NET solutions
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smukher2 · 24 days
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RT #www.smukher2.eu #www.smukher2.co.uk #www.smukher2.com #www.smukher2.net #www.smukher2.org #smukher2 To Everyone: Vision of Hindoostan is for Hindus and Friends coexisting in symbiosis “unity in diversity” which is only possible when Muslim parasites are removed : The future of India aka Hindoostan, Hindustan or Hindu Rashtra
North Indian Hindus and South Indian Hindus are in essence the same, we are truly unity in diversity
Be it North Indian Hindus or South Indian Hindus, be it Vishnu preferred God of North Indians or Shiva preferred God of South India, albeit North Indian Hindus also worship Shiva example famous Shiva temple Somnath Temple in North India and South Indians also worship Vishnu example famous Vishnu temple Tirupati Temple in South India. Somnath Temple is a famous Shiva temple located in Prabhas Patan on the western coast of Gujarat, India. It is considered one of the 12 Jyotirlingas, which are the sacred shrines of Lord Shiva. The temple is believed to be one of the ancient Shiva temples in India, with a rich history dating back to the 6th century AD. The architecture of the temple is built in Chalukya style, with the mesmerizing Arrow Pillar, also known as Baan Stambh, being a notable feature. Tirupati Temple, also known as Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple, is a famous Vishnu temple located in the hill town of Tirumala in Andhra Pradesh, India. The temple is dedicated to Lord Venkateswara, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and is one of the most revered temples in South India. The temple is believed to have been constructed in 300 AD and is known for its stunning architecture and beautiful carvings. It is also one of the 108 Divya Desams, which are the sacred shrines of Lord Vishnu in India. Dravidian and Sanskrit are two different language families in India with distinct differences in both their linguistic features and historical origins. Historical Origins: Dravidian languages are believed to have originated in the southern part of India, primarily in the region known as the Deccan Plateau. They are considered to be native to South India and have been spoken in the region for thousands of years. Sanskrit, on the other hand, is an ancient Indo-European language that originated in the northern part of India and is considered to be the root language of many languages spoken in the Indian subcontinent today. Linguistic Features: Dravidian languages are agglutinative languages, meaning that they form words by adding suffixes and prefixes to the root word. They also have a complex system of verb conjugation and have a different word order compared to Sanskrit. Sanskrit, on the other hand, is a highly inflected language with a complex system of noun declension and verb conjugation. It is also known for its rich vocabulary and elaborate grammar rules. Vocabulary: Dravidian languages have a different vocabulary compared to Sanskrit, with many words having different roots and etymologies. While Dravidian languages have borrowed some words from Sanskrit over the centuries, the core vocabulary of these languages is distinct from that of Sanskrit. Influence: Sanskrit has had a profound influence on many Indian languages, including Dravidian languages, through its literature, religious texts, and cultural traditions. Many Dravidian languages have borrowed words and literary forms from Sanskrit and continue to use them in their literature and everyday language. So, while there may be differences between South India and North India in terms of culture, language, and tradition, Hinduism remains a unifying force that transcends these boundaries. Despite the differences between Dravidian and Aryan cultures, Hinduism remains a shared cultural heritage that is celebrated by millions of people across India.
The Muslims always have destroyed all Hindus, be it North Indian Hindus or South Indian Hindus. Muslims destroy all Hindu their Gods and Temples, Muslims destroy Sikh, Buddhist, Jain and Christian places of worship be it in North India or South India
The destruction of Shiva and Vishnu temples by Muslims in India was a widespread phenomenon that occurred during the medieval period. The destruction of Hindu temples was encouraged by Muslim texts, which viewed idols and idolators with contempt and abhorrence. According to André Wink, the mutilation and destruction of Hindu religious idols and temples were an attack on Hindu religious practice, and the Muslim destruction of religious architecture was a means to eradicate the vestiges of Hindu religious symbols. The motivation behind this destruction was often political, with the aim of eradicating the symbols of Hinduism and establishing Islam as the only religion. Several examples of Shiva and Vishnu temples destroyed by Muslim rulers have been documented. The Martand Sun Temple in Anantnag, built by King Lalitaditya in the 5th century AD, was destroyed by Muslim ruler Sikander Butshikan. The Meenakshi Temple in Madurai was ransacked by Malik Kafur in 1310. The temple of Lord Sundareswar (Shiva) in Madurai was also destroyed during this period.
Its only Muslims who cannot tolerate diversity of religion, Hindus, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain and Christians adore each other for their unity in diversity, Muslim destroy not only Hindus, but also Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, and Christians because Islam is based on doing this they call it jihad
This destruction by Muslims was not unique to Hindu temples, as Sikh, Buddhist, Jain temples and Christian churches were also targeted --Hindus consider Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism as branches of Hinduism, while Hindus consider Jesus Christ as son of God Krishna (this has been widely described by the Hare Krishna Movement). The motivation behind this destruction was often political, with the aim of eradicating the symbols of Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism, and establishing Islam as the only religion. I will provide some more examples of Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, and Christian places of worship that were reportedly destroyed or damaged during the medieval period and the Mughal era: Hindu Temples: Kashi Vishwanath Temple (Varanasi): The temple was destroyed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1669. Vishnu Temple (Ayodhya): The temple was demolished by the Mughal emperor Babur in 1528. Somanatha Temple (Gujarat): The temple was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt by various Muslim rulers, including the Ghaznavid emperor Mahmud of Ghazni in 1026. Someshwar Temple (Madhya Pradesh): The temple was destroyed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1670.
Sikh Gurdwaras: Akal Takht (Amritsar, Punjab): The Golden Temple's Akal Takht was damaged during the Sikh-Mughal wars in the 17th century. Sri Anandpur Sahib (Punjab): The city was destroyed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's forces in 1704, leading to the martyrdom of many Sikh warriors. Sri Damdama Sahib (Talwandi Sabo, Punjab): The Gurdwara was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century. Sri Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab): The Gurdwara was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century. Sri Chamkaur Sahib (Punjab): The Gurdwara was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century. Sri Muktsar Sahib (Punjab): The Gurdwara was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century. Sri Nanded Sahib (Maharashtra): The Gurdwara was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century. P.S. Sikhs don't forget Gandhi's Operation Blue Star that violated the sanctity of the holiest places of all for Sikhs the Golden Temple, so next time you favor Gandhi's jihadi grandchildren just pause and remember this unforgiveable jihad directed at Sikhs Golden Temple.
Jain Places of Worship: Shatrunjaya Temple (Palitana, Gujarat): The temple was destroyed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's forces in the 17th century. Ambika Mata Temple (Ambaji, Gujarat): The temple was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century. Shri Parshvanath Temple (Mandvi, Gujarat): The temple was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century. Shri Adinath Temple (Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh): The temple was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century. Shri Mahavir Swami Temple (Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh): The temple was destroyed by the Mughal forces in the 17th century.
Buddhist Places of Worship: Nalanda University (Bihar): The university was destroyed by the Turkish invader Bakhtiyar Khalji in the 12th century. Vikramashila University (Bihar): The university was destroyed by the Turkish invader Bakhtiyar Khalji in the 12th century. Sarnath Temple (Uttar Pradesh): The temple was destroyed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's forces in the 17th century. Bodh Gaya Temple (Bihar): The temple was damaged by the Mughal forces in the 17th century, but has since been rebuilt. Ajanta and Ellora Caves (Maharashtra): The caves were damaged by the Mughal forces in the 17th century, but have since been restored.
Christian Churches: St. Thomas' Church (Kerala): The church was destroyed by the Portuguese in 1524, allegedly due to conflicts with local Muslims. San Thome Basilica (Chennai, Tamil Nadu): The church was built on the site where St. Thomas was allegedly martyred in the 1st century AD. It was destroyed by Muslim invaders in the 14th century and rebuilt several times. St. Mary's Church (Kochi, Kerala): The church was destroyed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's forces in the 17th century. St. Francis Church (Kochi, Kerala): The church was destroyed by Muslim invaders in the 16th century and rebuilt later. St. George's Church (Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala): The church was destroyed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's forces in the 17th century. Church of Our Lady of Health (Goa): The church was destroyed by Muslim invaders in the 16th century and rebuilt later. Church of St. Francis Xavier (Goa): The church was destroyed by Muslim invaders in the 16th century and rebuilt later.
So far only, Ayodhya temple of Lord Ram has been restores, stil work remains to restore other Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain and Christian temples and churches that were wrongfully destroyed by Muslim parasites.
Orissa as model of India, Hindoostan or Hindu Rashtra after ALL Muslims are removed or irradicates. Muslims don't coexist they eliminate other religions that is the foundation of their Islam they call it Jihad
Orissa, now officially known as Odisha. Orissa, a state in eastern India, that is partly in northern half of India and partly in Southern part of India, indeed its a part of both northern India and southern India not only geographically but also culturally. Orissa is a model of cultural harmony and diversity of South Indian Hindu and North Indian Hindu cultures. The northern part of Odisha shares borders with the states of Bihar and Jharkhand to the north, and Chhattisgarh to the west. This region is characterized by the Eastern Ghats mountain range, which runs along the western edge of the state. The southern part of Odisha borders the states of Andhra Pradesh to the south and the Bay of Bengal to its east. This region is characterized by a coastal plain, with the Mahanadi River flowing through it. Odisha is a unique state that is situated in both the northern and southern halves of India, making it a bridge between the two regions. Its geographical location has played a significant role in shaping its culture, economy, and history.
The blending of South Indian and North Indian Hindu cultures is reflected in every aspect of Orissan life, from architecture to festivals, cuisine, and daily life. The state's temples, such as Konark Sun Temple and Lingaraj Temple, showcase a unique blend of architectural styles. Festivals like Rath Yatra, celebrated in Puri, feature traditional dishes and music and dance performances.Orissa's cuisine is also a reflection of cultural fusion, with traditional dishes like Dahi Vada and Pahala Chamcham inspired by South Indian cuisine and the use of ghee in many dishes nodding to North Indian cooking traditions. In addition to its architecture, festivals, and cuisine, Orissa's daily life is also characterized by cultural diversity. The state's people have a deep respect for tradition and culture, and many still follow traditional customs and practices, such as holding puja ceremonies at home to honor their ancestors.
Bhubaneswar of Orissa, is a vibrant city that embodies the perfect blend of North Indian and South Indian cultures. The city's rich cultural heritage is evident in its iconic temples, which showcase the perfect fusion of North Indian and South Indian architectural styles. The Lingaraj Temple, one of the most famous temples in Bhubaneswar, is a testament to this cultural fusion. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the Lingaraj Temple is one of the most famous temples in Bhubaneswar. The temple is built in the Kalinga style of architecture, characterized by intricate carvings and sculptures. The temple complex is surrounded by a series of concentric walls, with the main temple being dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple's architecture is a blend of North Indian and South Indian styles, with intricate carvings and sculptures adorning the walls. The temple's intricate carvings and sculptures depict stories from Hindu mythology, such as the legend of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The temple's ornate domes and towers reflect the influence of North Indian architecture, while the use of intricate carvings and sculptures reflects the influence of South Indian art. The Rajarani Temple, another iconic temple in Bhubaneswar, is also a testament to this cultural fusion. Dedicated to Lord Krishna, the Rajarani Temple is a beautiful example of Odia architecture. The temple is built in the 11th century and is known for its intricate carvings and sculptures depicting scenes from Hindu mythology. The temple's architecture is characterized by its intricate carvings and sculptures, which depict stories from Hindu mythology. The temple's ornate domes and towers reflect the influence of North Indian architecture, while the use of intricate carvings and sculptures reflects the influence of South Indian art. The intricate carvings and sculptures on the walls of these temples are a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the ancient artisans who built them. The carvings and sculptures depict a wide range of scenes from Hindu mythology, including scenes from the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata. The carvings and sculptures are also adorned with intricate patterns and designs, which add to their beauty and significance. The temples of Bhubaneswar are not only a testament to North Indian and South Indian cultural fusion, but also to the city's rich cultural heritage. The city has a long history of Hinduism, dating back to the 3rd century BCE, when it was known as Kataka. The city was an important center of Hinduism in ancient India, and many of its temples were built during this period.
Puri, a city located in the state of Odisha, India, is often referred to as the "Cultural Capital" of the state. This city, which is situated on the eastern coast of India, has a unique blend of North Indian and South Indian cultures that makes it a fascinating destination for tourists and a proud place to call home for its residents. One of the most iconic attractions in Puri is the Jagannath Temple, which is one of the four sacred Char Dham pilgrimage sites in Hinduism. The temple is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, a revered deity in Hindu mythology, and is known for its intricate carvings and sculptures. The temple's architecture is a blend of North Indian and South Indian styles, with intricate carvings and sculptures depicting stories from Hindu mythology. The Rath Yatra festival, which takes place in Puri every year, is another example of the cultural fusion that can be seen in the city. The festival is a spectacular celebration of Lord Jagannath's chariot festival, which is a unique feature of Odia culture. The festival is celebrated with great pomp and show, with decorated chariots, music, and dance. The festival attracts thousands of devotees from all over the world, who come to pay their respects to Lord Jagannath.Puri's cuisine is also a reflection of the cultural fusion that can be seen in the city. The city's traditional dishes like Dahi Vada (a yogurt-based dish) and Pahala Chamcham (a sweet dish) are inspired by South Indian cuisine, while the use of ghee (clarified butter) in many dishes is a nod to North Indian cooking. The city's famous Chhena Poda (a sweet dish made from paneer) is another example of this cultural fusion. In addition to its architecture, festivals, and cuisine, Puri's daily life is also a reflection of this cultural fusion. The city's people are known for their warm hospitality and welcoming nature, which is a characteristic of both North Indian and South Indian cultures. The city's people are also known for their love for music and dance, which is a common thread that runs through both North Indian and South Indian cultures. The city's cultural fusion can also be seen in its traditional crafts and art forms. The city's famous Pattachitra paintings are a blend of North Indian and South Indian styles, with intricate designs and patterns depicting stories from Hindu mythology. The city's traditional Odia music and dance forms like Odissi dance are also a reflection of this cultural fusion.
Orissa's cuisine is a vibrant reflection of the cultural fusion that has taken place in the state over centuries. The traditional dishes of Orissa, such as Dahi Vada and Pahala Chamcham, are a testament to this cultural blending. Dahi Vada, a yogurt-based dish, is inspired by the cuisine of South India, where similar dishes like dosas and idlis are popular. On the other hand, the use of ghee (clarified butter) in many Orissan dishes is a nod to North Indian cooking traditions. One of the most iconic Orissan dishes is Chhena Poda, a sweet treat made from paneer (Indian cheese). This dessert is a perfect example of the cultural fusion that has taken place in the state. The use of paneer, which is a staple in North Indian cuisine, is combined with the sweetness of Orissan cuisine, resulting in a unique and delicious dessert.Orissa's cuisine is also characterized by its use of local ingredients such as rice, lentils, and vegetables. The state's traditional dishes often feature rice as a main ingredient, and the use of lentils is also common. The state's fertile soil and mild climate make it an ideal place for growing a variety of vegetables, which are often used in traditional Orissan dishes. In addition to its traditional dishes, Orissa is also famous for its street food. The state's street food scene is dominated by chaat items such as pani puri, golgappas, and bhel puri. These dishes are a popular snack among locals and tourists alike, and can be found at street stalls and markets throughout the state. The cultural fusion that has taken place in Orissa's cuisine is also reflected in the state's festivals and celebrations. The state's famous Rath Yatra festival, which takes place in Puri every year, is a celebration of Lord Jagannath's journey to his aunt's home. The festival features traditional Orissan dishes such as khaja (a sweet dish) and chhena poda (a sweet dish made from paneer), which are served to devotees during the festival.
In addition to its architecture, festivals, and cuisine, Orissa's daily life is also a reflection of this cultural fusion. The state's people are known for their warm hospitality and welcoming nature, which is a characteristic of both South Indian and North Indian cultures. The state's people are also known for their love for music and dance, which is a common thread that runs through both South Indian and North Indian cultures. In conclusion, Orissa is indeed a model of India where South Indian Hindu culture and North Indian Hindu culture blend and harmonize in perfect harmony. The state's architecture, festivals, cuisine, and daily life are all testaments to this cultural fusion. Orissa's unique blend of cultures makes it a fascinating destination for tourists and a proud place to call home for its residents.
Orissa as model of India, Hindoostan and Hindu Rashtra where Hindus, and all other religions Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Christians live in harmony. Indeed, minus the Muslims all religions even atheists are compatible###
Orissa, a state in eastern India, is a shining example of the country's unity in diversity and coexistence in harmony. For centuries, the state has been home to a diverse range of cultures and religions, including Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Despite these differences, the people of Orissa have learned to live together in harmony, respecting each other's beliefs and traditions. Hindu Culture and Tradition: Hinduism is the largest religion in Orissa, with a significant presence of temples and festivals throughout the state. The Jagannath Temple in Puri is one of the most famous Hindu temples in India, attracting millions of devotees every year. The temple's annual Rath Yatra festival is a spectacular event that showcases the state's cultural heritage. Christianity and its Impact: Christianity has a significant presence in Orissa, with many Christians living in the state. The Christians of Orissa have made significant contributions to the state's culture and society. The city of Cuttack has a rich Christian heritage, with many historic churches and convents. Sikhism and its Influence: Sikhism has a significant presence in Orissa, particularly in the eastern part of the state. The Sikhs of Orissa have maintained their distinct cultural identity while also participating in the state's cultural and social fabric. The city of Rourkela has a large Sikh population, with many Gurdwaras and cultural institutions. Jainism and its Impact: Jainism has a significant presence in Orissa, particularly in the western part of the state. The Jains of Orissa have maintained their distinct cultural identity while also participating in the state's cultural and social fabric. The city of Bhadrak has a large Jain population, with many Jain temples and cultural institutions. Buddhism and its Influence: Buddhism has a significant presence in Orissa, particularly in the eastern part of the state. The Buddhists of Orissa have maintained their distinct cultural identity while also participating in the state's cultural and social fabric. The city of Bhubaneswar has a large Buddhist population, with many Buddhist temples and cultural institutions. Unity in Diversity: Despite their differences, the people of Orissa have learned to live together in harmony. The state's cultural festivals and events are a testament to this unity. For example, the Konark Festival, which celebrates music, dance, and art from across the country, brings together people from different faiths and backgrounds. Coexistence in Harmony: The people of Orissa have learned to coexist peacefully, respecting each other's beliefs and traditions. This is evident in the way different communities come together to celebrate each other's festivals. For example, Christians celebrate Christmas with Hindus and Sikhs, while Hindus celebrate Diwali with Christians and Buddhists.
In summary, Orissa is a shining example of India's unity in diversity and coexistence in harmony. Despite their differences, the people of Orissa have learned to live together peacefully, respecting each other's beliefs and traditions. The state's cultural festivals and events are a testament to this unity, bringing together people from different faiths and backgrounds. As a model for India's unity in diversity, Orissa shows that despite our differences, we can come together to build a harmonious society.
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