#importance of 3d visualisation
3dexperts · 4 days
The Role of 3D Visualization in Sustainable Architecture
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Imagine the power to predict the future of a building's environmental impact before laying a single brick. This is the reality for today’s architects, thanks to 3D visualization technology. As the world shifts towards sustainability, 3D visualization has become a crucial tool in the architect's toolkit, transforming the way we design and construct eco-friendly buildings. Let us explore how this technology is driving sustainable architecture forward.
Understanding Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable architecture aims to design buildings that minimize environmental impact, maximize resource efficiency, and promote healthier living environments. Core principles include energy efficiency, resource management, and minimizing the carbon footprint. As the demand for green buildings rises, so do the innovations and techniques in sustainable architecture, making it an ever-evolving field.
The Evolution of 3D Visualization in Architecture
The journey from hand-drawn sketches to sophisticated 3D models marks a significant evolution in architectural visualization. Early CAD drawings have given way to immersive 3D models, thanks to advancements in technology. Tools like Autodesk Revit, SketchUp, and Rhino are now industry standards, enabling architects to create detailed and realistic visualizations that were once unimaginable.
How 3D Visualization Enhances Sustainable Design
3D visualization allows for precise energy modeling and simulation, a critical component of sustainable design. Tools like EnergyPlus and IES VE enable architects to simulate a building's energy performance before construction begins, optimizing designs for energy efficiency. For instance, the Bullitt Center in Seattle, renowned as the greenest commercial building in the world, utilized extensive energy modeling to achieve net-zero energy status.
Material Efficiency and Waste Reduction
Efficient use of materials is another cornerstone of sustainable design. 3D visualization helps architects plan and model material use accurately, minimizing waste. By visualizing exact quantities, projects can avoid over-ordering and reduce offcuts. Sustainable materials such as reclaimed wood, bamboo, and recycled metal can be effectively represented in 3D models, highlighting both their aesthetic and functional benefits.
Design Optimization
Optimization is key to achieving sustainability. 3D visualization allows architects to use parametric design and simulations to evaluate various iterations and find the most efficient solution. This ensures buildings are not only visually appealing but also optimized for energy use, natural lighting, and ventilation. The Edge in Amsterdam, known as the most sustainable office building globally, leveraged advanced 3D visualization techniques to achieve its remarkable design and functionality.
Practical Applications and Benefits
One of the primary benefits of 3D visualization is improved communication among all stakeholders. Architects, builders, and clients can view the same model, discuss it in real time, and make informed decisions. This collaborative approach ensures everyone is aligned, reducing misunderstandings, and increasing project efficiency. Projects like the Eden Project in Cornwall, UK, demonstrate how effective communication facilitated by 3D visualization can lead to successful sustainable outcomes.
Informed Decision Making
3D models provide detailed insights essential for making sustainable design choices. Architects can analyze various aspects of the building, from energy consumption to the environmental impact of materials. Tools like BIM (Building Information Modeling) integrate data from multiple disciplines, offering a comprehensive view of the project and ensuring sustainability considerations are factored in at every stage.
Client Engagement and Education
Explaining the benefits of sustainable design to clients can be challenging. 3D visualization simplifies this by creating vivid, realistic representations of projects. Clients can virtually walk through models, see how sustainable features are integrated, and appreciate their benefits. This approach is far more effective than traditional blueprints or verbal explanations. Projects under the Living Building Challenge often use 3D visualization to highlight their sustainability credentials, making complex concepts accessible to clients.
Challenges and Future Prospects
While the benefits are clear, integrating 3D visualization with sustainable practices does pose challenges. The technology can be costly, and mastering the software requires significant investment in training. Additionally, not all clients are immediately receptive to new methods. However, as technology becomes more accessible and awareness of sustainability grows, these challenges are gradually diminishing.
Looking ahead, the future of 3D visualization in sustainable architecture is bright. Innovations such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are poised to elevate visualization to new heights, providing even more immersive and interactive experiences. These advancements will further enhance our ability to design and build sustainably, ensuring we create buildings that are both beautiful and kind to our planet.
Lastly, in the journey towards sustainability, 3D visualization stands out as an indispensable tool. By enabling precise energy modelling, optimizing material use, and enhancing collaboration, it plays a critical role in sustainable architecture. As technology continues to advance, the potential for 3D visualization to drive sustainable practices will only increase. It is time for architects, builders, and realtors to embrace this technology and lead the way towards a more sustainable future.
By bringing ideas to life and streamlining the design process, 3D visualization is transforming the landscape of sustainable architecture. Harnessing its power, we can build a greener, more sustainable world.
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heavenangelly · 5 months
Make manifesting fun for you
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Manifesting is meant to be fun. You’re meant to enjoy it and have a carefree attitude towards it. You’re not meant to cr¥ and scre@m and become d€pre$$ed and d€$per@te because of manifesting. That’s not the Law.
I want manifestation to be fun again for you guys. I want you to effortlessly get your manifestations and literally never be on tumblr / twitter or any social media because of how much you’re enjoying life and being a master manifester.
Here’s how to make manifestation fun again:
- Do methods. Methods are quite controversial in this community and you most definitely do not have to do them if you don’t want to, but you can if you do want to. Types of methods consist of: daydreaming/visualisation, vaunting, bragging, scripting, affirming, subliminals, placebos, lullaby, SATS, vision boards, Pinterest, etc. pick which one resonates with you the most and stick with it. An important thing to note though, is that it’s not the method that manifests, it’s YOU and your ACCEPTANCE of the desire/wish fulfilled.
- Work on your mindset/self concept. I’m going to flat out say this is important. It helps tremendously. I used to hate having to do it but once I did, it made manifestation WAYYYY easier. And it’s not a process although popular belief says it is. It’s just a decision to no longer be who you want to be and then sustaining/continue being who you do want to be / the mindset you want to have. It’s that easy. You don’t even need to think about it. Now this will help you because you no longer think you’re a v1ct1m and manifestation becomes more natural and easy, therefore making it carefree and chill and removing the desperate need for something because you’re secure in your abilities that it’s already yours.
- Make challenges for yourself. Make 2 day challenges where you live in the end for those days, with whatever rules you want and doing whatever you want to do. You can say that today you will manifest 2 desires or whatever you want. Test yourself, know yourself, do whatever you want to. Do not be hard on yourself if you do not complete it. Just try again with a new and more determined mindset.
- Experiment with the law. Like I said above, get to know what works with you. Build your confidence in yourself and the law. Manifest a butterfly following you around, do whatever you want. The law is fun and personal. Manifest “illogical and impossible” things.
- Attitude. Now this kind of ties in with mindset/self concept but I recommend having a positive attitude towards manifestation. Obviously whatever you assume to be true is true, so use that to your advantage. Look at the law is a new light, in a positive one. In a lifestyle way. Don’t associate it with negative things and trying, but instead associate it with a new ch@nce at l1f€, a lifestyle, a way to be fr€€.
Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to manifest xyz before any specific date or just in general put pressure on yourself. Be kind to yourself. The law is incredibly simple and literally only requires you to trust in yourself/imagination and know that you already have what you want / are what you want while being not even caring about the 3d.
Make manifestation your safe space. Make imagination your heaven. Make manifesting easy for yourself. Build new assumptions. Play around with the law. Be unique. Get off of tumblr / twitter and have fun.
Read Neville if you want, listen to Edward Art, make your own rules, have fun. The law, again, is personal. Make it your heaven, not your h€ll.
Just be and have fun.
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arisuworld · 8 months
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I'll be clearing some doubts but If there's still anything you wanna ask, then send me an ask!!
MANIFESTATION IS INSTANT. Manifestation is not a process, it does not take time. The second you change your inner thoughts, everything changes around you. And it's there when you say it. You're NOT waiting for it, you're NOT affirming to get it, IT IS DONE THE MOMENT YOU SAY SO.
No!! Do whatever you're comfortable with. It doesn't have to be in first person or very vivid.
That's so wrong!! When it comes to manifesation, emotions do not matter. Only your thoughts do!
I'm sorry, what? When it comes to manifesation, SELF CONCEPT IS LITERALLY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO WORK ON!! For fuck's sake work on it.
No!! I've manifested using those words and been successful at it!! Ugh Y'all come up with the most stupidest shit.
Yes, YES YOU CAN. You can manifest literally anything, ANYTHING. You're limitless. There is nothing out of your reach. There is nothing you cannot do. You're the GOD and everything is possible for the god.
No, stop right there. CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT MATTER. They literally change in seconds. They do not matter at all.
Well it is true to some extent. Just know that, the point is not to ignore or deny the 3D, rather accept that it's merely a projection of your past thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. It is not the end, it will change! Once you change your assumptions/thoughts, everything will change around you!!
Whatever you think or say is literally an affirmation. And please 🖐️ I have manifested countless times by using future tense Affirmations. So, just phrase your affirmations however you like!!
No!!! Just affirm for some time and fucking believe you have it. That's it. That's fucking it. I've manifested things easily just like this my whole life, so stop overcomplicating stuff for yourself.
Where do you guys even get this kind of info lmao?!? Like bitch, you can be depressed as fuck but still manifest your dream life. Because like I said before, EMOTIONS DON'T MATTER when it comes to manifesting!!
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eamour · 19 days
✿ ⋮ essentials
these are important to keep in mind.
⋮ 1 ⋮ the law of assumption
⋮ 2 ⋮ your affirmations don't manifest
⋮ 3 ⋮ you don't have to feel
⋮ 4 ⋮ you don’t change reality
⋮ 5 ⋮ you aren’t "faking it till you make it"
⋮ 6 ⋮ why we aren't always in the void state
⋮ 7 ⋮ feeling uncertain and being indecisive
⋮ 8 ⋮ things don’t just "happen" in your 3D
⋮ 9 ⋮ non-dualism and manifestation
⋮ 10 ⋮ buying the pearl
⋮ 11 ⋮ movement doesn‘t exist
⋮ 12 ⋮ your subconscious mind isn't your friend …
⋮ 13 ⋮ the more you want it …
⋮ 14 ⋮ a state is your garment
⋮ 15 ⋮ "thoughts don't manifest, states do"
⋮ 16 ⋮ past, present and future
⋮ 17 ⋮ 3D and 4D are the same
⋮ 18 ⋮ daydreaming and imagining
⋮ 19 ⋮ the void craze
⋮ 20 ⋮ creation is finished · infinite realities exist
⋮ 21 ⋮ there are no big manifestations
⋮ 22 ⋮ the outer world cannot be altered
⋮ 23 ⋮ feeling over desire
⋮ 24 ⋮ the law of consciousness
⋮ 25 ⋮ outer world analogies
⋮ 26 ⋮ feeling is the secret
⋮ 27 ⋮ thought · state analogy
⋮ 28 ⋮ the law cannot fail you
⋮ 29 ⋮ you are within yourself
⋮ 30 ⋮ the law of being
⋮ 31 ⋮ nothing exists outside of you
⋮ 32 ⋮ feeling the wish fulfilled
⋮ 33 ⋮ emotions do not matter
⋮ 34 ⋮ mental over physical
⋮ 35 ⋮ thoughts come from feeling
⋮ 36 ⋮ visualisation and imagination
⋮ 37 ⋮ time delays are inexistent
⋮ 38 ⋮ a change in self
⋮ 39 ⋮ all about techniques
⋮ 40 ⋮ inner self and outer self
⋮ 41 ⋮ multiple manifestations
⋮ 42 ⋮ the duality of self
⋮ 43 ⋮ faith in the unseen
⋮ 44 ⋮ persistence, repetition and more
⋮ 45 ⋮ everything is self
⋮ 46 ⋮ an attitude of receptivity
⋮ 47 ⋮ the bridge of events
⋮ 48 ⋮ dominant thoughts and dwelling states
⋮ 49 ⋮ about negative thoughts
⋮ 50 ⋮ repetition creates belief
⋮ 51 ⋮ the way you manifest
⋮ 52 ⋮ states
⋮ 53 ⋮ physical and mental reality
⋮ 54 ⋮ manifestation rules
⋮ 55 ⋮ mental diets · mental diet game
⋮ 56 ⋮ manifesting isn't just affirming
⋮ 57 ⋮ everyone is you pushed out
⋮ 58 ⋮ self and its desires
with love, ella.
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infiniversegod · 1 year
Simplifying the Law of Assumption and reality shifting: How Abdullah taught Neville Goddard the Law
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Disclaimer: I have a lot of love and respect for Neville Goddard and his teachings, but I think it's important to note who started it all: which was Abdullah. I want to give a different perspective on how Abdullah taught Neville Goddard the law of assumption, which is so simple. This post will answer all of your questions in regards to manifestation.
I think at this point, we are all familiar with the story of Neville Goddard wanting to go to Barbados. When he asked Abdullah for guidance, Abdullah confidently said to Neville Goddard that he already was in Barbados. Abdullah didn't tell Neville to work on his self concept, to affirm 10,000 times to manifest, to visualise, to script, etc. Simply, he told Neville Goddard that he already had his desire right now no matter what, that he already was in Barbados. Every time Neville would begin to doubt and spiral, Abdullah would slam the door on his face and not continue the conversation in regards to his trip to go to Barbados. Neville Goddard then shifted to the mindset and kept the faith that no matter what, he was already in Barbados and he got to go to his trip in a way he never expected it! On top of that, he went first class because Abdullah told him so and at this point Neville had faith within himself that he went to Barbados first class.
Manifestation and reality shifting aren’t action based, it all stems from your mindset. When it comes to manifestation, you either already have your desire, or you don't. When you reality shift, you are either in your DR or you aren’t. You do not manifest in steps, you simply go to the end of already having that desire. When you use “shifting methods” the goal is to realise you are at your DR already right now, it’s not about “getting” there. All you need is intention to reality shift, no methods at all, intention is just the decision to shift. The moment you decide: I am at my DR, you officially set the intention to shift and you already are at your DR instantly. Manifestation and reality shifting are always instant no matter what. When people say you are in the state of the wish fulfilled/sabbath state/state of knowing/living in the end, it's all the same exact thing worded differently. You already have your desires/are at your DR right now, point blank period. There's no right or wrong way to manifest or reality shift all you have to do is think FROM the end of already having your desire/are at your DR right now. In other words, decide that you already have your desires/are at your DR and accept it as a fact. Do not think of your desire or DR: wondering if you are "doing" a manifestation or shifting method correctly, where your desires are, or why you aren’t at your DR. If you truly understood that you already have your desire/are at your DR the moment you want it/set that intention no matter what, you wouldn't even do any manifestation or shifting method or worry about it in the 3D. If you already had that mansion, would you constantly be doing a manifestation method in order to get the mansion? If you already were at your DR, would you constantly tell yourself you are at your DR? No, you would live your life normally knowing you have your mansion/are at your DR right now. That is how you think from the end and manifest/reality shift. Creation is finished, it is done, there's nothing else you need to do. It isn't about trying to "get" something or “get to your DR” that already exists within you. It's about deciding you have your desires/are at your DR right now, accepting the fact that you already have your desire/are at your DR right now, and persisting in that fact no matter what with faith.
Abdullah also taught to Neville Goddard: "there is no such thing as “a little pregnancy.” No such thing. If you did it, then you’re pregnant. Let the child grow. And interference with it is going to be a miscarriage. You assume that you are in Barbados. Now you are pregnant. The idea is that you are going to give birth to a journey which will land you right in Barbados. So you’ve assumed it. That is conception. Now, don’t try to argue. You have conceived. And all you have to do is be a faithful mother, and bear that child, and don’t discuss it with me anymore." In other words, the moment you assume (aka accept) that you already have your desire/are at your DR right now, you are going to get it no matter what; just like how a pregnant woman is inevitably going to bear her child. There's no such thing as a "little pregnancy" you either have your desire/are at your DR or you don't. When you begin to spiral, doubt, and wonder if you are manifesting or reality shifting "correctly" this is how you cause a miscarriage to your desires. So all in all, just remain loyally faithful to the fact that you already have your desires/are at your DR right now no matter what, in other words persist no matter what.
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bloodhailvamp · 1 year
A complete guide to having everything you want in life.
- This is a reminder for me because I feel like I've been overconsuming and really want to get back to the roots. Hope this helps you as well in creating the life of your dreams.
🌷 We'll go in steps, this is the order I like to follow, of course you can switch it up to whatever fits you.
1. Your self-concept (I AM):
Your narrative of yourself creates your entire reality. It's as simple as that. What story do you have of yourself? Is it one of a victim or that of a winner? To change your life for the better, your story, your self-concept needs to change. YOU are the operant power, YOU get to decide your story. Make this work for you. Decide all what you wish to BE AND DECLARE THAT YOU ARE IT. "I AM". Your words and imagination are your biggest tools. You are who you assume yourself to be. If you constantly affirm for an SP but your story of yourself says that you have a difficult time with love, guess what? The affirming is mindless. Do it with intention. Where intention goes, energy flows. No matter what it is, enter the state of I AM. I AM LOVE, I AM ABUNDANCE, I AM PEACE so on and so forth. Be it. Become it. Become one with I AM. Be fulfilled knowing that the power is in you, the kingdom of heaven is in you.
2. Know what you desire (or don't):
You can either have a list of your desires, vague or detailed or just know what you wish to feel. It's up to you. Most people like having a list so they know what to focus on. Knowing what you want can also help you stay strong in your faith which brings me to my next point.
3. Stay strong in your faith:
Stop fucking wavering. You are blessed to know about the law, don't you see how lucky you are? You have the knowledge and power to create your dream life. Don't fucking let it go because of some minor disruption or inconvenience. You need to persist. Not in any particular affirmation but in the belief of the law. In the belief that you are the creator. That you can get anything and everything that you want. Be hardcore. Be relentless till it becomes a part of you. Till you are 110% confident in your power. Step into the state of IAm-ness. Some people call it the neutral spot. Here you let go of limiting beliefs. You completely trust yourself and your power. This is your base, your equilibrium.
4. Learn to meditate, focus and visualise:
Neville Goddard talks about how you need to create in your mind's eye the situation you wish to happen in your reality. Give it to yourself in the 4D because anything and everything is possible in the 4D and the 3D is simply a mirror of the 4D. But remember, NG wrote and spoke about this when he had already reached a point where this was easy and natural for him. As a beginner, practice your ability to imagine. Meditate often to calm your objective mind so you can create peacefully. Be as vivid as possible in your 4D, your reality. You can do absolutely anything in it so why half-ass it? You're the painter and the canvas is all yours to do whatever.
5. Assume it's yours, live in the end:
Once you desire something, it's already yours. Get that into your head. You don't have to "try to bring it to you / create it". It's already yours, in a different timeline. That's why you can even desire it, some version of you has it, you just need to tune into that. You want something? You already have it. It's all yours. Don't check your 3D if you have it. Assume it's yours. It's always been yours to keep. Just accept it's yours already. Act like you have it. Look at it from a place of fulfillment not lack. You already have it in your 4D and like I said, the 3D is just a mirror.
6. Give thanks:
You have your desire the minute you think of it. What does a blessed person do? They give thanks! Be grateful, it's been scientifically proven that consistent feelings of gratitude make you a happier person. Give thanks because you already have your desires.
7. Don't overconsume:
This is a very important one. Like everything else you learn, the law too needs to be implemented. Reading about it is not enough. Implement it in your own life, stop doubting if you know enough. You can make the law work for you. You think God wonders if what he's doing is the right technique? No. Just start doing what feels right. There is no wrong way to manifest. If you've got your basic concepts right, just go for it. You're the one in control, you don't need a 3rd person to hold your hand.
♡ Ending notes:
I want to end by saying that manifesting is something we were born to do. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. Tap into your intuition, connect with your higher self and the path will light up for you. Your subconscious mind is anxiously waiting for you to tap into its creative powers. It's waiting to serve you. Say the word and it is done. Don't overthink it. You are absolutely limitless. The only thing standing between you and living your dream life is you so get out of your own way and go live life to the fullest. You deserve it.
>> Like and reblog to share the message and help more people! Thanks for reading till the end. Hope you enjoyed it. Go create. 🩷
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olivianyx · 5 months
How do you live in the 4d/imagination?
Hi! You're my first ever ask so I'mma explain it to you real quick! ❣️
Living in the end, doesn't mean thinking 'OF' the end, but rather 'FROM' the end. Many people misunderstand this concept. They rather go thinking 'OF' the end, rather than thinking 'FROM'. Well how do you live from the end? Here's an example, suppose you have your phone with you. How do you feel about that?
Do you affirm everyday that it's your phone? NO
Do you keep visualising it? NO
Do you do many methods to 'get' it? NO, HELL NAH
You KNOW you have your phone, right?
You just acknowledge the fact that you just own it right? The same concept here with your desires too. You think of your desire like that of something that you ALREADY OWN/HAVE.
Ik it'll be hard for the ones that are new to loa, ik it's a harder pill to swallow at the beginning. But persisting will really help you to effortlessly do it.
Ask this question to yourself if you have a harder time living in the end.
"If my desire is right in FRONT OF MY EYES, how would I feel?" And feel all the joy and emotions rushing with all your heart. In this way, the analytical side of your brain a. k. a. EGO, will be easily manipulated into thinking you already have it. Do this throughout the day, but don't get attached to the end result (I meant don't be too desperate lol) and do it till you feel fulfilled and detach from it.
If you can visualise/affirm and persist and still feel fulfilled, you can do that too. DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. DON'T STRESS OVER AFFIRMING OR VISUALIZING. YOU JUST GOTTA BE FULFILLED. THAT'S IT.
If you really can't visualise/lazy to affirm/can't get the feeling of knowing, here's what i did while starting with loa. I used to make vision boards and keep looking at it and affirm I already have it for like once in 2 hours everyday till I got my results. I persisted that I already HAVE it.
The 3D is just a collection of your old thoughts so please ignore it. It's not real. It's easily malleable, you can change it any second. How? Being INTERNALLY FULFILLED. YOU IMAGINE THE END/THINK FROM THE END AND LET GO. LIVE WITH THE KNOWING THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE IT.
Don't react to the 3D, ik it's another hard pill to swallow at the beginning, BUT THE BEGINNING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP RIGHT? don't get triggered it's just your old thoughts, your new thoughts will be reflected in the 3D, so live in your 4D until then.
What you feed in your 4D ----> will be reflected in the 3D.
Don't get triggered by the 3D and feed the old thoughts again and again, that's gonna suck. So live in the 4D instead.
I hope this helps baby, thanks for the ask! Luv ya 💖
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mrspotatoheads · 1 year
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This is something I’ve mentioned many times before but a lot of people seem to be struggling to understand, so I decided to make an in depth explanation!
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What is inner speech? Inner speech is well… your inner dialogue, your thoughts. You always have inner speech, most of the times we’re on autopilot and don’t pay attention to it, but it’s something that we should be paying attention to.
Through uncritical self-observation of your inner talking you find where you are in the inner world, and where you are in the inner world is what you are in the outer world. - Neville Goddard
Your inner speech defines who you are in the 4D (imagination), and as we know the 3D (outer reality) mirrors the 4D; this is why it is important that we are paying attention to the inner conversations we are having with ourselves. Your inner speech should match the inner speech of someone who has exactly what they desire.
Make your inner conversation match your fulfilled desire, for your inner speech is manifested all around you in happenings. - Neville Goddard
Inner speech and persistence go hand in hand when manifesting. For example: you cannot be visualising bigger lips and then tell yourself that you have small lips. No matter what methods you are using your inner speech still matters. States manifest and inner speech is a big part of what state you are in.
Inner speech → imagination → state → outer reality
What about negative thoughts and doubts? I'm sure we've all been there when we've been persisting then all of a sudden you get a negative thought or a doubt out of nowhere, this doesn't matter. You are rewiring your brain to think a completely different way, so when these thoughts randomly pop up it is your job to simply dismiss them and realise it's just your old thought patterns.
I don't count those random thoughts as inner speech, you weren't purposely telling yourself those things, it was something you didn't have control of. But when you let those random thoughts take a toll on you, and you freak out and purposely start to think negatively and spiral, that's when it becomes a problem. That's when you've went out of your way to think negatively instead of aligning your inner speech with the wish fulfilled and thinking in your favour.
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In conclusion, remember to keep your inner speech/thoughts in check because I promise you it will pay off. Also keeping your inner speech in check is what I mean when I refer to a “strict mental diet”. Anyway, I really don’t see enough people talking about how important inner speech is, but I hope you guys will understand and start applying <3
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zeestie · 15 hours
°•★ how to make your vision board much more effective
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success story: manifesting is really instant, I created a vision board last week for this quarter and stuff on it already manifested !
so don't ever get too attached to time or any other manmade metrics, it is already done x
anywho, this instant success got me thinking of some tips I got for how to make vision boards much more effective (ps u don't have to use all or any of them, this is your vision board & YOU get to decide, back to the tips):
⊹ choose pictures that feel 'real' ⊹
it is important to choose pics that feel as tho you are experiencing them, not just the most aesthetically ones. to do that
use 1st POV pictures so u can visualise through ur own eyes experiencing your manifestations, not someone else's
choose people who look like you or environments that resemble what u wanna manifest
crop yourself or your face into pictures & really.. don't worry too much about ur vision board looking 'ugly' or 'less aesthetic'
⊹ add writing ⊹
it could be cos I love scripting, but I do find that adding writing to my vision boards helps in guiding my thinking when I am not actively visualising, so I recommend you
add affirmations, words of encouragement, or inspiring quotes
add phrases, text massages, etc. that you will receive once you manifest your desire in the 3d
add visual subs: just like audio subs, visual subs bypass ur conscious mind & you can add them by adding text and making it harder to read through making smaller/lower opacity
⊹ include past stuff too ⊹
adding good things that happened in the past makes your board seem more believable to your mind cos if some of it happened, all of it will, to do that
add any past manifestations to remind yourself that you're a master manifestor (technically u alr have it all but yk what I mean 😋)
include moments that you are really grateful for cos gratitude and manifestation go hand in hand + it helps u feel more abundant & happier (who doesn't want that?)
hope this was helpful & good luck with your vision boards 🫶🏽
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luckykiwiii101 · 6 months
can I just be honest . Like I try to fulfil myself with techniques without techniques. But no method fulfills me or gives me that feeling of knowing 😭. And I dismiss the 3d and just focus on my 4d but I can't seem to be fulfilled or like get that knowing. (I can't visualise as well. That's not important though 💀. Lol)
What should I do? 😪
You aren’t accepting the 4D as the real reality. You are accepting the 3D as the real reality. Watch electrasouls video about living in the part 1 and 2
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cinefairy · 2 years
1) GOD STATE RAMPAGE • Your thoughts create
i absolutely love using this rampage tape and i use it almost every morning it hypes me up, it makes me motivated and it reminds me that i am a boss ass fucking bitch who is the creator of their reality like hello.
2) 8 HOURS OVERNIGHT AFFS • Your thoughts create
okay now i have used this twice now and two things always happen to me when i use it, i either have 0 thoughts like my mind is completely blank OR calm positive thoughts like thats it. such a refreshing subliminal, such an amazing subliminal its so calm and relaxing.
3) 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION • Manifest By Jess
i have used this meditation so many times, its a visualisation meditation but you don’t necessarily need to visualise your desires- simply affirming whilst listening is fine but this is meditation is so perfect and leaves me feeling in the state of wish fulfilled.
i have used this to manifest whatever i’ve wanted many time and obviously were successful!
an important note to add
do not use these videos and then check the 3D, go back to the old story! be consistent.
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risunsky · 1 year
How did you learn to draw bodies so well? I’m very envious of your art style!
I don't think I learned the right way. Just by repetition and observation.
For some time now I've had a better way, I've studied the skeleton and musculature more seriously. I was fed up with just being able to draw the outline of the body vaguely, my attention to detail also wanted to render the folds, bumps and hollows formed by the bones and muscles. This also affects the way the light comes across, so it's important to know how it works. Body posture can tell a lot. A seated person isn't just sitting, it's telling a story: they can be very relaxed, even slumped in their chair, or on the contrary very stiff, as if waiting for something stressful to happen. All this is easier to tell if you know how to vary postures, even subtly. Wanting to know how to do this led me to learn more about the human body. I also think that I tend to project myself into the drawing, I always ask myself if the posture is natural, or if it's comfortable. Also visualising the body I want to draw as a 3D object, understanding the volumes and knowing how to render them, to achieve good posture I also need to be aware of how the pieces impact on each other. For example, drawing a character with arms crossed means thinking about how the flesh of the upper arm rests on the flesh of the lower arm, whether the character is relaxed or tense, etc.
An exercise that I do from time to time and which I think helped, drawing a character in an absurd posture but which must be rendered realistically. A good example is circus acrobats. It takes you out of your comfort zone to understand how the body works.
I recommend : drawing from reference. practise with very quick sketches to learn how to schematise the body but also slower sketches to study in more detail. Do this as regularly as possible. There are lots of freely available reference stocks that can be used for this kind of exercise:
"How to think when you draw" is an excellent resource too, they don't just do the human body but when they do they explain really well how to understand articulation and movement.
I hope this answer is a bit helpful, and thanks for the compliment! :)
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arisuworld · 9 months
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So, now we all know how self concept is one of the most important key to manifestation. How you view yourself in relation to the world around you is extremely important and can greatly affect how you manifest. However, persistence is another key to manifestation that often gets overlooked. It is as important as self concept.
Now, I know why it can be hard. At some point of my life, i couldn't persist no matter what. It was hard for me. 3D and circumstances made it hard for me to persist. However, Manifesting in general is very easy but it does require a certain amount of discipline and mental work. It truly gets difficult for most people, when an unfavorable circumstance happens in 3D. Everything seems to be going well but then all of a sudden everything starts falling and you start seeing the opposite of your desires. Then circumstances and everything going on around you, makes you question, doubt yourself and even start spiraling, not knowing what to do. 
Everyone has been in this kind of situation and they don't know what to do. So, now I'm gonna tell you what you should do when you're in this situation, no matter what the circumstances are.
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per·sist  /pərˈsist/ verb
continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.
Basically, persisting means to continue to dwell in the new assumptions despite the difficulties or obstacles that may come in the way.  
"An assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact" — Neville Goddard
No matter how crazy your assumption sounds, no matter how delusional you sound, if you PERSIST into it, it will harden into fact. The 3D will always conform it in front of your eyes.
People often confuse persistence with consistently. Affirming 24/7 till they pass out or their head hurts which is so wrong. Persisting isn’t affirming, it's knowing that your desire is inevitable. You feel safe and secure knowing THAT CREATION IS FINISHED. The moment you’ve finished your visualisation, affirmations, SATs or have just simply stated that your desire is yours, then your desire has already been completed. Your “job” is to just continue KNOWING that it’s yours, which is basically PERSISTING.
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Persisting means to live in the end, to completely live in your imagination (4D) and to ignore any unfavorable circumstances that the 3D may throw at you. Live in your imagination as it is the ONLY true reality that matters to you. When you see something you don't like in the 3D, turn inwards to your imagination and live within.
1. TAKE A BREAK: The main cause of a spiral is usually a result of seeing something unfavorable in the 3D and becoming overwhelmed. You feel like doing something to change the situation, to make it better somehow. Therefore you panic and try different techniques, methods at a time to fix the circumstances. However doing this will not help you fix anything. It will only manifest the opposite. No, let me ask you something. If you had your desire, would any difficult circumstance trouble you? Would it affect you negatively? No right?. All you're doing is interfering with your manifestations. Instead of trying to make it happen, you just have to let it happen. So, i would recommend you to take a break from ALL manifesting-related things for a few days for a week. Like delete tumblr, instagram, unsubscribe from LOA youtube channels. In this time period, i suggest you to do meditation, yoga nidra and journal out your feelings. Let yourself feel any emotions and vent out whatever’s bothering you. Don’t keep it all bottled up. Let it out for once and all.
2. DON'T SEEK VALIDATION FROM 3D: When you’re truly in the state of KNOWING (you already have your desires), you will be much less likely to spiral. Why? well, as i stated in the first point, we spiral primarily because we experience something unfavorable in the 3D. But when we’re in the state of knowing, we KNOW that the 3D is temporary and that our desires ARE COMING, no matter what, it’s inevitable. No matter what happens, your desires are already yours, is all you need to understand.
3. IMPROVE YOUR SELF CONCEPT: Self concept is the only thing you need to manifest. If your self concept is good then nothing can stop you from getting your desires. Now, after you feel like you’ve taken enough time “off” from manifesting consciously, now you can start easing back in. I recommend you to do a mental diet. It's easy, simple and so effective. All you have to do is be conscious of your thoughts, and flip your negative thoughts to positive. Whenever you get a negative thought related to your manifestation, just flip it around and be like "no, i already have my desire". That's it's, it's that easy.
Persistence can be very hard sometimes but it is extremely important in order to manifest your desires! The best thing to do is to remember that you're the god and remind yourself that circumstances do not matter. Always, remain faithful to your new assumptions and don't let outer circumstances rattle you. Circumstances are temporary, they change in seconds. And, You are the god of your reality and everything has to go your way, no matter what! Never give up. Always persist, persist and persist. The 3D will always conform in front of your eyes.
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I have the answer to all your manifestation problems.
Literally just persist.
It's normal to feel resistance. It's normal to not want to keep on top of your game whether that's affirming, visualising, scripting, all of the above, etc. It's normal for there to be a point where this feels hard.
Your brain doesn’t like change. It's just your ego trying to protect you, trying to bring you back into your comfort zone of victimhood. Don't let it. Fight those opposing thoughts and feelings. Your mind WILL submit.
Could take a day, could take a week, but your persistence will pay off and your manifestation game will feel good again. Slam all areas of your mind with what you want at all times no matter what, and it has no choice but to show your desires in your 3D.
Another important point; ignore your current 3D if you don't like what it's showing. It's just your old assumptions playing out. As long as you keep persisting, it will go away and your new assumptions WILL be reflected.
Believe me, I know how hard it is to persist when your mind is trying to bring up all the thoughts and feelings you don't want and all the beliefs and assumptions you don't want to have anymore. But look at it this way; these things are only being brought up so you can be rid of them for good.
In my opinion, this is the hardest part, but it makes your manifestation show up sooo fast afterwards and makes the rest of the process a breeze. Sometimes you need to be tested to figure out whether you truly want your desire.
Persist. You will have what you want as long as you just fucking persist.
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talenlee · 5 months
Game Pile: Ouendan (Video)
Watch this video on YouTube
Thumbnail and script below the fold!
February is Smooch Month, a month dedicated to considering media that falls under the heading of smoochy. Things that are about relationships, forming relationships, building or deepening relationships, and things where a romantic relationship is important. This presents challenges because it might not surprise you, but in videogames, despite their breadth of content, haven’t done as much with this element of human interaction as you might think. Oh, there are a lot of games about romance, and a lot of them handle it in a linear or systemic way I dislike a lot. For all sorts of common cultural reasons you might be familiar with, romance in videogames tends to be about an agent pursuing an object and getting it. Super Mario Bros and onwards. Or Donkey Kong if you want.
None of this is to say that ‘all games that try to be about romance are bad,’ but there are a lot of games that are more or less replicating the same basic idea, existing in a binary between a language maze or an entirely unrelated linear story. What’s more, often romances aren’t depicted as if they express a relationship as an interested interaction between two parties who both want something. And this is pretty strange when you consider how much art has been made on this idea and how many forms that art has taken.
Like pop music.
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan is a game whose name you don’t have to shout but come on, you should want to, you should be shouting in your heart, that is the original progenitor of a game you might have heard of called Elite Beat Agents. It’s a rhythm game on the NDS and 3DS, so the unique interface of the console presented designers with new(ish) opportunities to make a type of rhythm game. You tap the screen in time and place to correspond with the flow and movement of the music, and that’s kind of it.
(In a lot of ways, Ouendan as a game is a thing that benefits immensely from the material realities of what the DS is.)
If you know what a rhythm game is, you probably can work out how to play Ouendan in just a few minutes, even across the language barrier for non-Japanese speakers. In fact, it was that accessibility in part that led to the game being picked up in the west, and enjoyed so much we got a American localised version of the same game, Elite Beat Agents. This was in fact so much of a thing that at the end of the credits for Ouendan 2, there’s a thank you note in English. That approachability is only part of the reason why you can play Ouendan without literacy, though; another element is that the NDS doesn’t have region locking, so you can just buy a Japanese copy, jam it in your Belgian NDS (I assume you have one of those) and it’s going to work, rather than requiring you to pay distributors in your country. This meant that this game, in all the ways it’s very Japanese is available for you to experience without changing anything about what it is, its cultural framework, and its visions of what it wants to say in a story told through its particular framing device.
Because that framing device, to a common western audience member like me, seems at first impression to be bananas. In Ouendan, you are finding people who need help, then helping them. What kind of people? Well, you might help a kid with their university entrance exams. You might inspire a noodle shop cook to get over his problems with a stray cat. You might bring back the dead for one last dance. You might help a kid avoid wetting the bed in his sleep, or fight a virus or help Cleopatra build the pyramids. The first game culminates in the Ouendan saving the world from an asteroid strike through the power of rock and roll.
What’s important about this, though, is that in each of these stories, you aren’t playing the people who the story is about. You’re playing cheerleaders.
And you may be visualising something from your own perspective, and yes, you can unlock those, those are an option, but in Ouendan, you are not playing a western style cheerleader squat. You’re playing an Ouendan troupe: Which is to say, heavily masculine, disciplined cheer leaders who do ferocious poses, stomps, claps, whistles and shouts. This is a proud, established style of cheerleading in Japan. Manly cheerleading. In Ouendan, you play Ouendan who are more specifically, school toughs wearing gakuran and with all the signifiers of delinquents.
These roaming bands of goons find people who need help, burst into the scene in sometimes wildly inappropriate ways, and cheer them on to do their best. You are not competing for the exams; you want the person who is competing for the exams to know they can do their best. You are not capturing the bank robber, you are encouraging the horse to capture the bank robber because you believe in them.
It’s a great game.
It comes to my mind so often when I think about trying to find games for Smooch Month. Games about relationships, about expressing the forming and maintaining of a relationship in some way that doesn’t end when the characters express interest in them? They’re pretty rare. I could find more games about rescuing a dog than I could find about working with a partner!
(Don’t mention It Takes Two to me.)
That’s why I came back to this classic rhythm game, OSU! TATAKAE! OUENDAN!
There are some love stories in Ouendan. There’s a classic one where an Office Lady wants to date the Office Hunk (did you know sometimes those can be boys?) and the culmination of their story is her getting his attention in a literal Cinderella ref, backed by the probably somewhat culturally insensitive Koi no Dansu Saito. There’s also the story in Over the Distance, which is about a ghost coming back from heaven to apologise to his wife for the fight they had just before he died. It’s nice that there’s this bookending between these two types of relationship stages – a beginning and, sadly, an end.
It’s not the one that makes me think of Ouendan! in smooch month though. Melody, one of the early levels, is set in a Matsuri festival, where the person we’re helping wants to Win At Doing The Festival race, because that will get him respect and get the permission of a girl’s crappy dad to marry her. So far so Mario, woman as prize, right?
Now I pulled deep to find this game because I think this successfully breaks a lot of my problems with videogame romances. First, you don’t control the agents in the romance; you’re not the boy or the girl, and your relationship to the other has nothing to do with how well you play the game. These two characters are into each other, and their reactions to how well you play is how well you get them towards a goal they both want (where they want to get married). You want to do well, because you want them to have their chance to get married (and you get a rewarding tish sound). They are dating. They are in love, and they are being obstructed by her dad in this one instance. The girl isn’t the reward and the guy isn’t your character – she’s one of the participants. Your victory is not Him Getting Something, it’s Them getting what they want, because they set up a game event.
It’s a sweet story, it’s about something nice, and in amongst all these games I’ve been digging through to find just a romance that didn’t make me clutch my insides. Like you can read the dad as doing a thing that implies ownership of his daughter’s options for marriage, but even then he gets involved after the boy racer says that he’ll propose when he wins. In that case, it almost looks like the father is in on the game, because he wants the Matsuri competition to be a competition.
What’s more, everyone thinks he’s being a dick — strangers get involved and join in and help our protagonists. He goes from carrying the Matsuri on his own, and then, inspired by that, school kids and old folks and tourists all join in on the race. If you succeed, then the father in law is super happy because he sees it as a good omen for their marriage! It’s not ‘you shall not marry my daughter,’ it’s ‘well, do a proper Matsuri race then.’ At the very end, he’s not grumbling that this man stole his daughter from him; he’s joyfully attending their wedding.
And you know what happens when you fail?
They don’t get married and you failed. That’s it. She doesn’t leave him. The relationship is not contingent on the Matsuri race, just the father blessing them here. They were in a relationship beforehand, and there’s no reason that ends. The story doesn’t need to make this event the contingent requirement for the romance.
And that’s nice!
It can be a big story moment for these two, where you get to show up and encourage them to their best. It’s not told as if this is the make-or-break, it’s not told as if this
Incidentally, I did consider doing this with Elite Beat Agents instead, because, you know, it’s slightly more available and didn’t get a sequel. Thing is, it’s uh, it’s not got a story like this one in it. The closest we get to this song is Queen’s I Was Born To Love You, which shows us Leonardo Da Vinci harrassing Mona Lisa until she agrees to pose for him as a model, which is so much worse as a story.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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noyasaur · 6 months
hello!! i hope your having a great day!! i love your acc so much its so cute and helpful!
i have a question rq:
What do you think the best method for shifting for me would be? i have adhd and its hard to concentrate alot and i usually fall asleep during methods and lose track of time. its also so hard to visualize
do you have any method recommendations?
also, i tried the “raven method” one time and my body kinda twitched alot. is that a symptom? my body hasnt done that before that i know of
have a good day!!
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hellooo anon!! i hope you're having a lovely day as well and thank you so much for your sweet words 🥰 i appreciate it so much!
now, i just want to preface that i am not an expert at this stuff by any means, so please just take this with a grain of salt and i will try to help the best i can 🙏
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first of all, i'm gonna break it down (mainly for my personal purposes so i feel like i'm being organised with it lmao) but from what you said you find it difficult to concentrate due to having adhd, and you often fall asleep during methods and lose track of time. you also have difficulties with visualisation.
i have a few recommendations for this (because honestly, this is something i can totally relate to so i completely understand 😭)
for some general recommendations, since you notice that you tend to fall asleep often during methods, maybe you could try a sleep method? sleep methods are mostly the same as awake methods except you just fall asleep during or at the end of your method, with the intention to wake up in your desired reality.
since you also find it difficult to concentrate and visualise, maybe using the intention method would work better. the intention method is simply just you setting the intention to shift, then letting go and trusting the process. you could use this as an asleep method and set the intention to wake up in your desired reality, completely trusting yourself and letting go, then you wake up in your desired reality!
however, i believe one of the most important things about using just intention, is having a strong belief in your abilities to shift and confidence in yourself. decide that you WILL shift instead of just 'attempting' or 'trying' or thinking you MIGHT shift. don't view shifting to your desired reality as a possibility, but rather something that you are going to do and something that is going to be your reality (tbh this advice goes well with all methods and shifting 'attempts').
another thing you could look into is the law of assumption and use it for shifting! the law of assumption is a common manifestation technique, but also a law of life regardless of how it's used. the law states that your assumptions and internal states create your reality. therefore, anything that you assume and decide to be true, will reflect in your 3D physical reality. it's all about changing your internal states, assumptions and dominant thoughts to change your reality, as reality reflects your internal state.
so for example, if you assume and persist that "you will wake up in your desired reality," and internally assume this to be true, then it's inevitable for your reality to reflect your assumption. you wake up in your desired reality.
i like using the law of assumption because in it's essence, it's very simple! i just assume that something is to be true, imagine it, let go, don't stress (because i already have it in imagination), and boom! it's my reality.
however, again like the intention method, having a good self-concept, and having confidence in yourself and your abilities goes a long way.
either way, i highly recommend looking into the law of assumption and using it within your shifting journey + your usual methods. it's such a gamechanger!
on the other hand, if you're looking for more specific methods, you could check out the 8D method (also known as the ADHD method). i'm not sure if you've heard of it before but i think it could be something that you're looking for. it incorporates the use of 8D audio (or any audio/music you like) and has little to no visualisation required! here are some links to some posts explaining it with some variations of the method:
amino: https://aminoapps.com/c/desiredrealiity/page/blog/adhd-method/ER1q_P42CPuxJMXEG8lDJ8pmlLLbdJGxgrb
reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/comments/knbwi6/shifting_method_good_for_adhd/
reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ShiftingRealities18/comments/khrpbn/adhd_method/
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so i'm going to be very truthful and i no way do i want to demotivate you but body twitches aren't really a shifting symptom. rather, many 'shifting symptoms' people think are shifting symptoms, are just signs your physical body is falling asleep and relaxing. shifting doesn't really have any physical symptoms since it is not a physical process. for most people, shifting literally feels like nothing. however, please don't let this demotivate you or anything! i'm sure with every step of the way, you're making great progress so keep going! i just wanted to be honest with you :)
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anyways, i hope the rest of your day is well and i hope this helped! please don't be afraid to explore further from my recommendations though because there are plenty more methods out there that could be more suited to your liking! these are just my personal recommendations :) or maybe, you could make up your own method to more suited to your liking and strengths as well!
good luck on your shifting journey and happy early new year!
- saturn ♡
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