#dot net core growth in India
xceltecseo · 2 years
.NET Core Architecture & Growth in India
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ASP.NET enables the development of fast, cross-platform online programmes. Utilize design patterns like MVC and built-in support for Dependency Injection to create programmes that are simpler to test and manage.
A superb architecture is a requirement for a great API. We'll explore at various aspects of API design and development, ranging from the built-in features of ASP.NET Core to architecture philosophy and design patterns.
Growth in India for .NET Core:
Web application, cross-platform, game development, ERP, and custom software development using a Software developers and businesses have a high demand for the internet environment. This was the perfect opportunity to add more platform enhancements since Microsoft would need to rewrite significant portions of.NET, ASP.NET, and the Dot NET Framework to accomplish this. Net Core features a number of advantages over the standard.Net environment. Let's take a closer look at each advantage. Features of Net Core include:
1. Open source
Not just the source code, but the whole of.NET Core is open source. Both the documentation and the source code are truly open sources. Over 10,000 employees who weren't from Microsoft made contributions. The fact that the entire framework is open-source is encouraging businesses that have never used Microsoft or.NET to adopt it. By visiting the following GitHub URL, you can start contributing and downloading the entire source code.
2.Cross-platform support
The development of.NET Core and ASP.NET Core was heavily influenced by the need to run cross-platform.
3. Performance
The quickness of.Net Core is another advantage. When we think about Web Forms and MVC, which are where ASP.NET originated, there was a lot of old code in use, and performance wasn't always one of the best attributes, but it is now with.NET Core..
4. Portable Class Libraries via .NET standard
With Silverlight and mobile deployment, portable class libraries have been around for a while, but they weren't always well-implemented. There were a variety of numbered profiles, and there was some misunderstanding. The NET Standard greatly enhances this. This official definition must be followed by all.NET runtimes.
5. Modular deployment of .NET Core itself
The two accessible deployment modes are Portable Deployment (different from Portable Class Libraries) and Stand-alone Deployment.
6. Full command-line support:
For.NET Core, complete command-line functionality is a major priority rather than an afterthought. There is a strong justification for this. If only the Visual Studio tools are developed and the command-line lags, many developers will be left out in the cold and.NET Core's acceptance will suffer on a community-wide level because not all.NET Core developers will utilise Visual Studio.
7. Interoperability with .NET Framework:
Using.NET Core 2, we achieve compatibility with the entire.NET Framework. So that they can reference.NET Standard libraries,.NET Framework libraries can be used. You can only use.NET Standard types, and there are constraints.
Final Thought
As we’ve shown, building and developing a strong ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API solution necessitates the understanding of a decoupled architecture that allows each layer to be testable while adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle. XcelTec hopes that this knowledge will assist you in developing and maintaining production Web APIs for your business.
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softlabsgroup05 · 20 days
Maximizing Business Efficiency: The Benefits of Hiring Remote Developers 
In the current dynamic digital environment, business operations are swiftly transforming, with remote hiring emerging as a pivotal element of contemporary workforce strategies. A study conducted by Stanford University reveals that companies implementing remote work policies can achieve a productivity boost of up to 13%. This blog is dedicated to exploring the advantages of employing dedicated developers and how this approach can drastically improve your business efficiency. 
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By accessing a global talent pool, lowering operational expenses, and promoting innovation, embracing remote work can revolutionize your organization. Continue reading to uncover powerful data and insights that will change your perspective on hiring and productivity. 
Businesses That Can Benefit from Hiring Remote Developers 
Remote developers bring specialized skills and flexibility, making them valuable assets for various industries. Here’s how different sectors can leverage remote talent to spur innovation and growth. From technology to e-commerce, remote talent is revolutionizing businesses globally. 
1. Technology 
Companies in software development, IT services, and cybersecurity can significantly benefit from remote developers by accessing specialized skills and rapidly scaling projects. 
Benefits: Access to specialized skills and quick project scaling. 
Growth: The global IT outsourcing market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2021 to 2026. 
Demand: Approximately 70% of tech companies hire remote developers to meet project demands. 
2. Finance 
Financial institutions can utilize remote developers to create secure financial software and enhance online banking services. 
Benefits: Development of secure financial software and enhancement of online banking services. 
Growth: The global fintech market size is forecasted to reach USD 644.6 billion by 2029, growing from USD 209.7 billion in 2024 at a CAGR of 25.18%. 
Security: About 60% of financial services firms employ remote developers for cybersecurity improvements. 
Example: Nippon India, one of India’s largest asset management companies, collaborated with Softlabs Group to develop a Trail Brokerage Management System using Dot Net Core, React JS, and SQL. 
Testimonial: "Softlabs Group’s service and results have proven highly successful for us. Their team excels in clear and consistent communication, ensuring that project details are conveyed effectively. What truly stands out is their commitment to building long-term working relationships, going beyond immediate project goals. This dedication not only fosters a positive collaboration environment but also sets the stage for continued success in future endeavors." 
3. Healthcare 
Telehealth platforms and health tech companies can benefit from remote developers for innovating and maintaining their digital solutions. 
Benefits: Innovation and maintenance of digital solutions. 
Growth: The global telehealth market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.0% from 2020 to 2027. 
Adoption: Around 80% of health tech startups employ remote developers for app development. 
4. E-commerce 
E-commerce businesses can enhance their platforms and improve customer experiences with the help of remote developers. 
Benefits: Platform enhancement and customer experience improvement. 
Growth: In 2023, global retail e-commerce sales reached an estimated $5.8 trillion, with projections indicating a 39% growth in the coming years. 
Demand: On average, 65% of e-commerce companies hire remote developers to optimize their platforms. 
Remote Developers vs. Onsite Developers 
Remote developers provide greater flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and access to a wider talent pool compared to onsite developers. They eliminate geographical constraints, reduce overhead costs, and offer diverse skill sets. This comparison helps businesses determine which model aligns best with their operational needs and goals. 
Benefits of Hiring Remote Software Developers 
Understanding the benefits of hiring remote developers can help businesses make informed decisions and optimize their operations. Here are some key advantages: 
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1. Access to a Global Talent Pool 
Diverse Skills and Expertise: Companies can tap into a worldwide talent pool, gaining access to specialized skills and knowledge that may not be available locally. 
Enhanced Innovation: A diverse team brings varied perspectives and innovative solutions to complex problems. 
2. Cost Savings 
Lower Overhead Costs: By hiring remote developers, businesses can save on expenses related to office space, utilities, and in-house amenities. 
Geographical Cost Differences: Remote developers from regions with lower living costs can offer the same level of expertise at a fraction of the cost compared to local hires. 
3. Increased Productivity 
Flexible Work Hours: Remote developers often have the flexibility to work during their most productive hours, leading to higher efficiency. 
Reduced Commute Stress: Eliminating the daily commute can reduce stress and increase the amount of time developers can dedicate to work. 
4. Scalability and Flexibility 
On-Demand Scaling: Businesses can easily scale their development teams up or down based on project needs without the constraints of long-term employment contracts. 
Adaptability: Remote teams can quickly adapt to changing project requirements and deadlines. 
5. Faster Time-to-Market 
Round-the-Clock Development: With developers in different time zones, projects can progress continuously, reducing overall development time. 
Quick Hiring Process: The ability to hire from a global pool means finding the right talent quickly, speeding up project initiation and execution. 
6. Access to Specialized Knowledge 
Niche Expertise: Remote hiring allows businesses to bring in experts with niche skills required for specific projects, enhancing the quality and innovativeness of the solutions. 
Continuous Learning: Remote developers often have access to a variety of learning resources and networks, ensuring they stay updated with the latest technologies and trends. 
7. Business Continuity 
Disaster Recovery: Remote teams provide continuity in case of local disruptions, ensuring that business operations can continue uninterrupted. 
Scalable Infrastructure: Cloud-based tools and infrastructure support remote work, making it easier to maintain and scale operations. 
These practical benefits demonstrate how hiring remote software developers can significantly boost business efficiency, driving growth, innovation, and cost-effectiveness. 
Mistakes to Avoid While Hiring Remote Developers 
Here’s a list of common mistakes to avoid while hiring remote software developers. 
1. Inadequate Communication Channels 
Mistake: Relying only on email can cause misunderstandings and delays. 
Solution: Use a variety of communication tools to ensure clarity and efficiency. For instance: 
Slack for instant messaging. 
Zoom for video conferencing. 
Trello for project management. 
2. Poor Onboarding Process 
Mistake: Skipping proper onboarding leads to confusion and low productivity. 
Solution: Develop a comprehensive onboarding plan that includes: 
Detailed introductions to company processes and tools. 
Introductions to team members. 
Providing necessary resources and training materials to new hires. 
3. Lack of Clear Expectations 
Mistake: Not setting clear goals and deadlines can cause misalignment and poor results. 
Solution: Clearly define project goals, deliverables, and timelines. Use project management tools like: 
Asana or Jira to track progress and maintain accountability. 
Regular check-ins to ensure alignment and address any issues promptly. 
4. Ignoring Time Zone Differences 
Mistake: Overlooking time zones can cause coordination issues. 
Solution: Establish overlapping working hours and use scheduling tools for meetings. When setting deadlines, consider the following: 
Utilize tools like World Time Buddy to manage time zone differences. 
Be flexible with meeting times to accommodate all team members. 
5. Neglecting Team Integration 
Mistake: Treating remote developers as separate from the main team can lower morale. 
Solution: Ensure remote developers feel included by: 
Inviting them to all team meetings and activities. 
Encouraging virtual team-building exercises to build rapport and a sense of belonging. 
Avoiding these common mistakes can help you effectively integrate remote developers into your team, ensuring smooth collaboration and optimal productivity. 
6. Overlooking Cultural Differences 
Mistake: Ignoring cultural differences can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings. 
Solution: Be aware of and respect cultural differences. Promote an inclusive work environment by: 
Providing cultural sensitivity training. 
Encouraging open discussions about cultural norms and practices. 
7. Failing to Monitor Performance Regularly 
Mistake: Not regularly monitoring performance can lead to missed deadlines and unmet goals. 
Solution: Implement regular performance reviews and feedback sessions. Use tools like: 
15Five or Lattice for continuous performance management. 
Set clear performance metrics and regularly review them. 
8. Not Providing Growth Opportunities 
Mistake: Overlooking professional development can result in low motivation and high turnover. 
Solution: Offer growth opportunities by: 
Providing access to online courses and training programs. 
Encouraging participation in conferences and webinars. 
By being mindful of these additional considerations, you can create a more cohesive and motivated remote development team. 
Avoiding these common mistakes will help you seamlessly integrate remote developers into your team. Prioritize effective communication, thorough onboarding, clear expectations, respect for time zones, and inclusive team integration to ensure smooth collaboration and optimal productivity. Additionally, acknowledging cultural differences, monitoring performance, and providing growth opportunities will foster a supportive and thriving remote work environment. 
Over to You! 
Embracing remote developers can be a transformative strategy for your business, offering substantial benefits such as cost savings, increased productivity, and access to a global talent pool. By leveraging specialized skills from around the world, your company can innovate faster, adapt to changing market demands, and maintain a competitive edge. 
At Softlabs Group, we understand the power of remote work and offer dedicated developers to help you achieve your business goals. Whether you’re looking to scale your development team, access niche expertise, or enhance your digital solutions, our experienced developers are here to support you. 
Ready to boost your business efficiency with dedicated remote developers? Click here to start hiring now. 
By partnering with us, you can: 
Scale Your Team Efficiently: Quickly add skilled developers to your team to meet project demands. 
Access Niche Expertise: Tap into a global talent pool to find developers with the specific skills you need. 
Enhance Digital Solutions: Improve your digital products and services with the help of our experienced developers. 
Stay Competitive: Innovate faster and adapt to market changes to maintain a competitive edge in your industry. 
Our commitment to quality and seamless integration ensures that our remote developers will be valuable additions to your team. Let's take the next step towards achieving your business goals together. 
If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us. We're here to help you succeed in the digital age. 
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scoopen · 7 months
Fuel Your Growth: Enroll in Dot Net Classes in Pune
Are you eager to master the intricacies of .NET development and elevate your programming skills? Look no further! Discover the comprehensive Dot Net classes in Pune, designed to provide you with an immersive and hands-on learning experience.
Why Choose Dot Net Classes in Pune?
Pune, known as the IT hub of India, offers a vibrant learning environment for aspiring developers. Our Dot Net classes are meticulously crafted to cater to both beginners and seasoned programmers looking to enhance their expertise. Led by industry experts, these classes delve into the core concepts of .NET, covering everything from C# programming to web and desktop application development.
What Sets Our Dot Net Classes Apart?
Expert Instructors: Learn from seasoned professionals with extensive industry experience, ensuring you receive practical insights and real-world knowledge.
Hands-On Projects: Put theory into practice with hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing you to build a robust portfolio of your work.
Flexible Schedules: We understand the importance of balancing your learning journey with other commitments. Our flexible class schedules enable you to pursue your passion for .NET development without compromising on your daily routine.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Immerse yourself in a conducive learning environment equipped with cutting-edge tools and technologies, fostering an optimal learning experience.
Elevate Your Career with Scoopen:
Ready to embark on your journey into the world of Dot Net development? Seize this opportunity to enroll in our top-notch classes and unlock your potential. Scoopen is your gateway to comprehensive and industry-aligned training.
Join Scoopen Today and Ignite Your Dot Net Journey!
Enroll Now - Your pathway to excellence in Dot Net development awaits!
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diinfotechin · 1 year
Benefits of Hiring a Software Development Company
In today's competitive digital landscape, having robust and efficient software solutions is crucial for businesses to thrive. Whether you are a startup or an established enterprise, investing in software development can provide a competitive edge and drive growth. While some companies may consider building an in-house development team, many others opt to hire top software development companies in Delhi. In this article, we will explore the top benefits of hiring a software development company and discuss the significance of finding the best software companies in Delhi, especially those specializing in dot net development.
1. Access to Top Software Companies in Delhi
Delhi, the capital city of India, is home to numerous software development companies renowned for their expertise and excellence. By hiring a software development company in Delhi, you gain access to the top talent in the industry. These companies have a pool of skilled professionals who possess a deep understanding of software development principles, methodologies, and the latest technologies. Leveraging their expertise, these companies can deliver high-quality solutions that meet your unique business requirements.
2. Expertise in Dot Net Development
When searching for a software development company, it is crucial to find one that specializes in the technology stack you require. Dot net development is widely used for creating scalable and secure enterprise-level applications. Hiring a dot net development company in Delhi ensures that you can harness the power of Microsoft's .NET framework and leverage its capabilities to build robust software solutions. These companies have a wealth of experience in developing dot net applications, ensuring that your software is reliable, efficient, and aligned with industry standards.
3. Comprehensive IT Software Solutions
One of the significant advantages of hiring a software development company in Delhi is their ability to provide comprehensive IT software solutions. These companies offer a wide range of services, including custom software development, web application development, mobile app development, e-commerce solutions, and software testing. By partnering with a reputable software development company, you can leverage their diverse skill set to address multiple aspects of your software needs, ensuring a seamless and integrated solution.
4. Focus on Core Competencies
Outsourcing software development to a specialized company allows you to focus on your core competencies and strategic business initiatives. Instead of diverting resources and time towards building an in-house development team, you can rely on the expertise of a software development company. This enables you to channel your energy into areas that directly contribute to your business growth, while the software development company takes care of the technical aspects, ensuring efficient and timely delivery of your software solutions.
5. Cost-Effectiveness
Hiring a software development company can be a cost-effective solution for businesses, particularly in terms of long-term savings. Building an in-house development team requires significant investments in hiring, training, infrastructure, and ongoing maintenance. On the other hand, outsourcing software development eliminates these costs and allows you to access the expertise of a professional team at a fraction of the cost. Software development companies offer flexible pricing models tailored to your specific project requirements, ensuring that you receive value for your investment.
6. Reduced Time to Market
In today's fast-paced business environment, speed to market is crucial. By hiring a software development company, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to bring your software solutions to market. These companies follow streamlined development processes, leveraging their experience and expertise to ensure efficient project management and timely delivery. This allows you to seize opportunities, gain a competitive advantage, and start generating returns on your investment faster.
7. Continuous Support and Maintenance
Software development companies in Delhi provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth functioning of your software solutions. They offer bug fixing, performance optimization, software updates, and troubleshooting assistance. By partnering with a software development company, you can rely on their expertise to address any technical issues.
If you are looking for Best Software Development Company in Delhi NCR follow DI Infotech.
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bloggermagazine · 4 years
Make The Top Notch Web Application For Business Using .Net Framework
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Programmers have actually been trying to find a framework that would help them develop impressive web applications. And.Net offers that purpose .Net is a Microsoft framework made use of for making Web applications. There are various versions of them like Internet types, .Net MVC but all of them are made use of for the same purpose which is web application development. Each of them has various advancement style, the one you choose depends on a mix of your shows properties like understanding, Abilities and also development experience, the kind of application you are producing and the growth strategy you're comfortable with. let's recognize and also take an overview of the frameworks and some suggestions for how to select between them. Also Read: Would you like to outsource your digital marketing work? .NET Internet Pages This offers a quickly, friendly and light-weight way to combine web server code with HTML to create dynamic internet material. You can connect this to data sources, and also video, web link to social networking web sites as well as include a lot more features that assist you develop lovely websites that conform to the most up to date web requirements. Web Forms With .Net internet kinds, you can build dynamic web sites utilizing an acquainted drag as well as decrease, event-driven design. A layout surface as well as numerous controls and parts let you rapidly develop advanced, effective interface driven sites with data access. MVC .NET MVC gives you an effective, patterns-based means to develop dynamic internet sites that makes it possible for a clean separation of issues which provides you full control over markup for pleasurable, active advancement. .NET MVC consists of several features that enable quick, TDD friendly growth for developing sophisticated applications that use the most recent web criteria. Before you get puzzled, you require to recognize that all .NET frameworks are share core functionality of.NET as well as of .NET for instance, all structures offer a login security model based on membership, and all share same facilities for taking care of demands, managing sessions, and so on that belong to the core .NET capability. As well as one more thing the three structures are not completely independent, depressing I recognize. And also selecting one does not prevent using one more. Since the framework can exist side-by-side in the same web application, it' not uncommon to see private parts of applications composed making use of various frameworks. Also Read: Effective Tips to Hire a Dedicated Developer So what are the functions of.NET? There are literally numerous devices in dot net development however we will just be talking about 10 finest features. The featured features are the most typical ones from all the most up to date variations. Bundling and minification Function Bundling and minification were first introduced with Dot net 4.5 which helps to bundle and also lessen the dimension of the scripts as well as stylesheets in your application. This attribute has a great impact on the efficiency of internet application as a whole. You will additionally have a system internet optimization namespace that provides assistance bundling and minification of files. Also Read: Why Digital Marketing is Important to do Business? Highly Typed Information Controls You can currently have a data nerve center that can be strongly typed. You will get intellisense, all you require to do is appoint the item type building to a version that is mosting likely to be related to the information controls made use of in your.aspx web pages. Version Binding-- Separating the Web Form from the Version The Model binding attribute allows you to develop Web forms that are independent of the Version that inhabited the view. The Largest advantage of using Version Binding in .NET is that you can easily unit test the methods. Version binding is provided with the use of the "System Web Modelbinding" namespace. This namespace consists of worth provider courses like Control Feature, Query String Characteristic etc. All these classes are inherited from the ValueProvider Source Characteristic class. Worth Providers Asp.Net development company india provides several value carriers that can be made use of to filter information, they are Inquiry string Session Cookie Control Value Discover 10 Simple And Easy Ways to Discover the Best Outsourcing Team You can likewise produce your own custom worth providers Support for OpenID and OAuth Logins .NET gives assistance for OpenID for OAuth logins-- you can quickly use external solutions to login to your application. Like .NET MVC 4, .NET 4.5 allows you to register OAuth company in the App_Start/ AuthConfig.cs documents. We can likewise utilize this information dictionary to pass extra information. Assistance improved paging in .NET GridView control Paging assistance in .NET GridView control has been improved a great deal. It allows personalized paging building offers wonderful assistance paging as well as arranging with huge amounts of information affinity. Improved support for asynchronous programming .NET gives excellent assistance in asynchronous programs-- you can currently check out and compose HTTP demands and reactions without the need of OS strings. Additionally, you have assistance for 2 new Search phrases-- await and also async. Assistance for websockets HTML5 WebSockets enable you to perform duplex communication between the customer browser and also the internet server. It gives support for websocket procedures. .NET and also IIS 8 give support for WebSocket method-- you can now take advantage of WebSockets in your .NET web applications. Support for HTML5 types kinds .NET offers excellent assistance for HTML5 type types, the following are the list of brand-new controls available in HTML5. Email LINK Number Variety Data pickers i.e., day, month, week, time, datetime, datetime-- local Search Shade .NET web API This is consisted of in .NET MVC 4 and .NET Web Forms. This new .NET Web API assists you to construct as well as eat HTTP services quickly. In addition to the features.NET supplies numerous benefits in Web application advancement. It allows building a selection of web services such as: Online applications Business as well as corporate sites Custom CMS (material management system). Custom CRM (Consumer Connection Administration). If you ask me.Net is a benefit for those sites which require to update their web content extra regularly than various other or require to be updated instantly in regular intervals. Below are the advantages of.Net over other platforms. Based upon server side scripting technology, which is why the code is processed on the home windows server prior to it is presented in the internet browser. Therefore, .Net applications execute faster than translated manuscripts. With .Net, on the fly updates of released web applications are possible. This does not require the restarting of the web server. Additionally, .Net gives automatic state monitoring for web page controls. This is additionally called server controls. It also uses the capacity to develop brand-new as well as tailored server controls from existing controls. .Net additionally offers integrated functions for caching regularly requested websites on the server. Additional functions offered are centering web content for specific languages in addition to cultures as well as even discovering browser abilities .NET additionally gives full assistance for XML, CSS and also other brand-new in addition to well-known web criteria. · For the program reasoning, a designer can select to compose the code in more than 25. Internet languages. Which includes C#, JS, VB.NET, etc. How about that? .Net is much better even if you do not compare with others, below are some reasons to choose.net just for being better. Better UI Controls .Net stage provides rich interface controls (UI). It has a rich collection of in-build UI controls, and additionally sustains third-party UI controls. Safety. The.Net structure offers an exceptionally secure setting. It makes use of different safety and security parts for maintaining the application ensured. It has actually operated in windows conformation, which can be used to make secure as well as secure applications. Easy to incorporate with other Microsoft Applications .Net collaborates easily with various other Microsoft items, making it simple to interfere with exchange web servers, e-mails as well as Microsoft Office applications, and also retrieve data with a single login. Security & Scalability. The.Net system offers extra security as well as scalability than its programs companions. As an example, an object user interface offers an overview to recycling the items in more approximately date shows; this additionally offers all the details you intend to change, things without influencing alternate codes. It makes it easy to transform the code with more recent technology and also faster formulas. MVC Design. MVC (Design Sight Controller) style provides the benefit of arranged code as a result of its separation of concerns methodology. The organization of code promotes code reusability and makes it possible to make functional applications. Rapid Advancement .Net applications can be easily invested in any kind of Microsoft server. The structure encourages one-time configuration creation to share applications quicker. So just how does.Net do? If you are eagerly anticipating developing applications with piece de resistance, you should develop and prepare for efficiency just as you would certainly for any other attribute app. All you require to do is use the devices given by Microsoft to measure your application's performance, as well as if needed, make improvements to memory usage, code throughput and also responsiveness. We are going to evaluate the devices that Microsoft provides. If you desire an excellent executing web application, you must develop efficiency right into your internet application just as you would certainly make any other feature. You ought to determine the performance-critical scenarios in your application, set performance objectives, as well as step performance for these app circumstances early and commonly. Because each app is various and has various efficiency vital execution paths, determining those paths early and also concentrating your efforts allow you to maximize your efficiency. You don't need to entirely recognize with your target platform to create an application which has high performance. Nonetheless, you should establish an understanding of which parts of your target platform are expensive in regards to performance, how do you do this? By Measuring efficiency early in your advancement procedure. If you are determined to identify the location that are vital for efficiency and also to develop your efficiency goals, you need to always think about the customer experience (UX). There are two key location that will affect the user's assumption of your web application, they are start-up time and also responsiveness. Also, if you figure out which parts of your code execute a lot more regularly, you can make sure that these parts of your code are well maximized. Just how do you Analyze performance? As part of your total advancement plan, established factors during growth where you will certainly measure the efficiency of your application and also compare the result with the objectives you set formerly. Measure your application in the atmosphere and hardware that you expect your individuals have. By analyzing your app's efficiency early and also commonly you can change architectural choices that would be costly as well as pricey to repair later in the advancement cycle. It's time to satisfy the performance devices for.Net. Aesthetic Workshop performance evaluation. It is used to analyze the CPU usage of your.NET structure applications that will certainly be released to computer systems that are running the Windows OS. It is available from the Debug food selection in Visual Studio after you open a job. Windows Phone Application Evaluation. It is used to evaluate the CPU as well as memory, network information transfer rate, application responsiveness, as well as battery consumption in your windows phone apps. This device is offered from the debug menu for a windows phone project in a visual studio after you mount the windows phone SDK. PerfView. It is utilized to recognize CPU and memory-related performance issues. This device uses event mapping for Windows as well as CLR profiling APIs to supply innovative memory and also CPU investigations in addition to details concerning garbage collection as well as JIT collection. Windows Performance Analyzer. This is used to determine general system performance such as your application's memory and also storage usage when multiple applications are running on the same computer. This tool is offered from the download facility as part of the windows evaluation as well as implementation package (ADK) for Windows. Read the full article
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alexjosephalex-blog · 5 years
Why Unicorns Are Ruling The Roost In The Start-up Ecosystem
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‘Be a unicorn in a field of horses.’
We are in an era where the start-up ecosystem is inundated with unicorns, with horses left behind far enough in the fields to graze! A unicorn is a privately-held start-up/company which is valued at over $1Bn. As the valuation of these unicorns rises, so do their names – a pentacorn is valued at over $5Bn, a decacorn is a company with valuation over $10Bn, and a hectacorn is valued at over $100Bn. Interestingly, unlike an established company’s valuation which is based on past years’ performances, a start-up’s valuation is arrived at through its growth opportunities and expected long term development for its potential market.
While the term was coined in 2013 by Aileen Lee comparing these rare companies to the mythical creature, unicorns have only multiplied exponentially, especially in the past 5 years. As of January 2019, the number of unicorns stands at a whopping 335, with a total cumulative valuation of ~$1090Bn, according to CBInsights.
The Unicorn Landscape
In the last 5 years, the Unicorn club in the startup ecosystem has seen exponential growth, with a hockey stick rise, in terms of the number of companies formed. Verticals such as TravelTech, Enterprise Software, and eCommerce/Marketplace are home to a large number of unicorns. When it comes to capital, unicorns have leveraged a diverse group of non-traditional investors such as public market funds, along with micro-investors like angels and accelerators across growth stages to reach the hallowed halls of the Unicorn club.
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Historical data suggests that technological innovations have given birth to unicorns, a phenomenon that has reached its peak in recent years. However, as more technological innovations come to the fore, more unicorns are being birthed. But, in the recent past, being part of the Unicorn club hasn’t been all that rare, because of the sheer number currently in existence. While the US housed the most number of unicorns till about 2015, geographies such as China, India, and the UK are homes to unicorns today. In fact, 63% of unicorns established from 2012 to 2017 are outside of the US.
Unicorns and Traditional Industries
Unicorns have disrupted several traditional industries, as a direct consequence of global user base, optimizations in technology product development, and a change in customer mindset to adapt to new products. A few prominent examples include Uber disrupting the traditional taxi industry, Airbnb disrupting the lodging industry, and with a lean team of 50 engineers, WhatsApp disrupting the telecom industry in less than 4 years.
Verticals such as automotive, telecom, media & entertainment, retail, enterprise software, and healthcare & pharma are leading the pack with a large number of unicorns. From sharing economy to OTT to personalization to immersive experience, unicorns have caused disruptions and put customer experience and expectation at the core.
All that glitters is not gold
One of the primary aspects fueling the growth of unicorns is the investment that is being pumped into these companies. A varied set of investors, ranging from angel investors to public market funds – mutual funds and hedge funds, to venture capital firms to corporate venture arms have invested in unicorns. While these investments are propelling these companies to taste stratospheric growth in a compressed time frame, there have been some serious concerns as well.
One example is Square, which priced its IPO at $9 a share in November 2016, well under the $15+ that private investors paid the year before. Though the share price did rise during the IPO, the firm’s valuation leveled off at around $4Bn, just two-thirds of the $6Bn that Square was valued at.
Theranos is another exalted unicorn which fell flat early on. Started in 2003, by a then-19-year-old Stanford dropout, Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos was the blood testing start-up that had everyone hankering to get a piece of. Theranos, once valued at a whopping $9Bn, came under repeated fire for vaunted core technology, unreliable results, questionable methodology, and inadequately trained staff. Following a furor over the false claims of the breakthrough technology used as well as the very small amounts of blood required for the tests, the company was shut and its assets subsequently liquidated.
The large investments being made in unicorns are eerily similar to the infamous tech bubble era of the mid-nineties. Many unicorns, though valued in excess of $1+Bn, are operating at low revenues and fewer customers. Additionally, some of the unicorns that have gone public, have posted poor post IPO performance which further cement the comparison to the dot com bubble era.
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Despite these missteps by some unicorns, these high valuation companies are real, much bigger, and different than the failures of pre-2000 era. Three key factors are shaping the stratospheric growth of these unicorns –
a) Larger addressable markets: Since inception, unicorns are targeting global markets. Additionally, 3.9Bn people who have access to the Internet and are spending close to $3Tn online, the world has truly become flat.  b) Higher revenues before IPO: Today, unicorns are posting higher revenue growths before filing for IPOs than the younger companies of the Internet bubble era. In the pre-2000 era, 65% of investments were funneled into companies that were less than 3 years old, while in 2016, 80+% of current investments were made in 3+ year-old companies. c) Born global: Unicorns and other start-ups are accessing global markets and targeting multiple industries in the early growth stages itself, thus casting a wider net to gain customer access. They are leveraging a much larger customer base across global markets, across verticals such as TravelTech, Food delivery, AutoTech, and Aerospace.
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Key Enablers and Growth Drivers of Unicorns
Besides the broad level factors outlined above, three key enablers are further fueling the seemingly sudden explosion of unicorns, thus making it easier for young companies to scale up in a short time frame –
a) Digital Disruption: Digital technologies have impacted businesses, irrespective of verticals. In fact, every business is transforming into a digital business. Companies leveraging digital technologies to disrupt key industry verticals has been the modus operandi of most members of the hallowed Unicorn club. Digital technologies have also enabled companies to provide personalized experiences to customers (through mobile), develop products through agile processes (cloud), and take data-driven decisions in real-time (big data and social).  The impact of digital is far-reaching and is being felt by large organizations as well. They are establishing new age business units that are focused on digital platforms. General Electric (GE) set up a digital business unit, GE Digital, to compete in the IoT market with IBM and other large analytics players. Walmart established Walmart Labs to develop technologies and solutions for its global eCommerce business.  b) Open Innovation Ecosystem: In the wake of start-ups – especially unicorns – disrupting the way traditional organizations across verticals operate, these organizations have realized the potential of working with unicorns. Hence, large organizations are creating a viable ecosystem for start-ups to prosper and grow through multiple avenues such as venture arms, accelerators, mentorship support, etc. Further, the democratization of computing through cloud computing and open-source platforms have enabled organizations to scale rapidly with limited capital budgets.  Large R&D spenders are building the core infrastructure and platforms across emerging technologies to enable newer companies to invest in vertical use cases. Additionally, these large spenders are also creating an open innovation ecosystem through multiple avenues such as accelerators and venture arms, which provide specific support in areas such as product GTM, customer and investor connect, business and technology mentorship, ecosystem partnerships, to name a few. c) Favorable Funding Environment: Several reasons have laid the ground for creating a favorable funding environment for the exponential growth of start-ups.  (i) The lower interest rates set by the Federal Reserve since 2009 have pushed a large number of investors into the private market. This has propelled the rise in participation from micro-investors like angels and accelerators, who are investing in numerous start-ups, which promise higher returns than conventional investment channels.  (ii) Late-stage investment valuations have been fueled by the interest of mutual funds and hedge funds in the private market. Also, the private market is yielding higher returns to investors than the public stock market. (iii) Near-zero interest rates are driving investments away from bonds and fixed-income securities into start-ups that promise higher returns.
In a time when unicorns and start-ups are rewriting the rules of the game and are bigger, faster, and better than ever before, traditional organizations have their work cut out for them. It’s a game of do or die, with very little room for the in-betweeners – those that are barely in the game, playing safe. Unicorns are here to stay, and their ilk will only grow and expand in the years to come. With the average age of an S&P company bottoming out at a mere 20 years, traditional companies need to gear up and build a moat around their business – stat!
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bloggercarol · 5 years
Why Hire Top Developers From India?
Do you want to hire an experienced Indian developer for your project? Well, creative professionals and talented developers are vital players when it comes to a successful business.
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It is no surprise that hiring programmers is a complex process and a daunting task because you have no idea on which company you should rely on.
Today, India is one of the best IT outsourcing capital expanding the services globally. Indian developers have become the first choice for companies who are looking for an online reputation.
The Indian IT industry has blossomed over the decade and has led to growth making the nation number one offshore development destination.
Know what you need
When you own a business, you should have a clear picture in your mind. Know how your website or app will look, what features to be incorporated, how interactive everything has to be, what color theme is to be embedded, etc.
When you are confident about what you want, you can effectively communicate your approach and turn in a great online website or app.
Why chose India to hire top developers?
In India, every 4th person is directly or indirectly a part of the IT industry. A country having a population of more than 1.35 billion, there is an abundance of talented resources available.
From $US 50 billion in 2010 to 118 billion in 2017, the outsourcing is immense. The stats clearly depict that India’s policies are favorable for outsourcing as the availability of the skilled resource making India the best choice for hiring dedicated developers.
1) Huge talented pool of experts
Being the second most populated country in the world, India has a vast talent pool of best programmers who are well-versed in a wide variety of technologies. Indian developers are known to intricate solution in time as per the business needs.
2) Budget-friendly solutions
When compared with European and North American countries, the price of development in India is very low. With the booming IT sector in India, you get the right balance between affordability and quality.
For example, when you hire Android developers from America for Android app development, you will have to spend $150 as hourly rate but when you choose Indian developers you will have to spend only $25 to $40 on an hourly basis
3) Client satisfaction is a priority
There is always a fierce competition between an establishing and already established company, so Indian companies focus on satisfying global clientele irrespective of the type of business and project size.
4) Flexibility is ensured
One of the most important reasons you should hire Indian web developers or app developers is the flexibility that you will enjoy in terms of hiring developers.
This means you hire experts at a genuine price that offer flexible hiring model that is suitable for the project requirement of the client.
5) Favorable time zone
No matter in whichever country is your business, you can benefit from different time zones while choosing the freelance developers from India. The reduction in time to market is evident due to the changes in the time zone.
When you are convinced that India is the destination for your business project development, now is the right time to think where in India you should give your project for its ultimate success.
Chandigarh is home to top-notch IT companies in India and we will prove the same.
Why hire a coder from Chandigarh?
When you hire Chandigarh web or app programmers to focus on delivering client-centric solutions with the help of cutting edge tools.
This helps you to build your project in a user-friendly and interactive manner. The availability of hundreds of thousands of talented motivated aspirants is always willing to take up new challenges and responsibilities.
They are always willing to resolve the coding challenges and create distributed efficient applications.
a) Scalability
Mobile App developers from Chandigarh have the ability to add new features during the development stage without altering the deadline.
The developers in tri-city offer scalability where the online freelancer’s team can be increased or decreased as per project requirement. Even if you plan to extend the scope of the project or make modifications, it is also possible.
b) Communication
Hire web designers, developers or app programmers in Chandigarh as they are very fluent in English, so you won’t have to face any issues when it comes to discussing the project and making them understand the expectations.
The developers aim at offering a transparent update regarding the project.
With so many benefits, what have you thought about which company will you choose for your project? Your Team In India is the answer.
Hire the best Indian developers with Your Team In India
Your Team In India is one company in Chandigarh, India known for exceptional performance. No matter what the size, scope, and requirements of your project, the team of dedicated developers you hire get your product on the market in a timely and efficient manner. The programmers have the tendency of staying more dedicated while offering high-quality services.
When you choose developers from the company, you get plenty of services and hire any developer you want to:
Mobile developer
iOS developer
Android developer
React native developer
HTML5 developer
Flutter developer
Full Stack developer
Nodejs developer
AngularJS developer
PWA developer
Java developer
Python developer
Dot Net developer
PHP developer
AI developer
Blockchain developer
QA Team
These developers are an extension of your in-house team having a diverse range of skills. When you share your vision with the company, it strives to turn your dream into reality.
Expertise over major technologies
Hire a team of developers is well versed with trending technologies. They excel in language fundamentals, design pattern, scalability, and other functionalities having a thorough knowledge of Java architecture and coding concepts.
a) High productivity
Offshore development also increases productivity as well as customer support.
Both the factors are indispensable to the efficiency and 100% customer satisfaction resulting in recurring business.
b) 24*7 support
You get a support system regardless of the time zone differences and great command over the English language also helps Your Team In India, the latter in a very short time span.
Whether you are looking for website development or mobile app development, you get the right solution at this company. You can hire the experienced team that will dedicatedly work for you and adjusts the services as per the specific requirements.
c) Tailor-made hiring model
The flexible hiring model gives you the opportunity to directly communicate with the experienced professionals, assign work, and monitor the complete progress without a doubt.
You can completely ramp up your team, launch your product, gain onsite support to meet organizational objectives.
The mobile developers, java programmers, flutter team or whosoever you hire heavily focuses on the deployment of the latest technologies, which is the core strategy.
d) Get rid of hidden charges
When you choose Your Team In India developers, you can get rid of hidden charges. This transparency can help you make the right decision without thinking much.
In addition, there are training programs to ensure on a regular basis to ensure that the developers in India stay on the top of the game all the time.
Also, it helps the company to cater to the demands of the clients and execute important projects in a hassle-free manner.
How work is managed by developers?
Before moving any further we will give you an overview of how we manage work with a team of developers.
Set expectations clearly
Every business has expectations, so we make sure our developers are clear with the objectives.
We set clear expectations for:
Working hours
Communication system
Respond to emails
When there is a dot net development or java or PHP or any team working for you in a different geographical location, it may be challenging to keep track of the process, but with Your Team In India, that is not the case because you have a great development team under your managerial eye. Moreover, online developers are a hardworking specialist who knows they have to deliver the best.
You get a professional team
The company commits a team sufficiently large to handle your project over a period of time.
Furthermore, those team members don’t have any other commitments, and this allows them to avoid unnecessary delays.
You can:
Effectively communicate
Track the productivity
Manage timesheet
Share information
Collaboration with collaborative tools
Give suggestions
Share information in real-time
Your project will flourish only when you have everything under one roof, and this can be made possible only when you rely on an experienced team that will plan the tasks while giving the best results.
Wrapping up
Building the right online presence is very important for every business today, so you have to find the right team of developer who understands your vision and fulfill your task.
When you hire developers from India, you are sure to get the best output because they focus on dedication, professionalism, and quality.
In conclusion, developers from India are eagerly waiting to turn your dreams into reality. Last but not least, if you have a project in mind, connect with Your Team In India for development and gain a competitive edge over your competitors.
Source: Hire Indian Developers
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thegloober · 6 years
Ericsson: 5G a 'commercial reality' as networks sales rise
5G is now a “commercial reality”, Ericsson has said in its Q3 earnings report, with the Swedish networking giant planning to “continue to invest to secure 5G leadership” with enhanced mobile broadband and fixed-wireless as the first use cases.
Ericsson is also looking towards artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to push its business, as the company reported 54 billion Swedish kronor (SEK) (almost $6 billion) in net sales for the third quarter, up from 49 billion SEK in the same quarter last year.
Cost of sales for the quarter was 34 billion SEK, down from 36 billion SEK this time last year, while research and development (R&D) expenses were down from 10.5 billion SEK to 9.4 billion SEK. Opex was 16 billion SEK, down from 17 billion SEK.
Total net income for the quarter was 2.6 billion SEK, an improvement on the 3.5 billion SEK loss this time last year, with net sales in its Networks division up by 13 percent year on year to 35.9 billion SEK.
Across Networks, products were up by 17 percent to 25 billion SEK and services rose by 5 percent to 10.6 billion SEK. According to Ericsson, it has seen strong growth in North America, and growth in Europe and Latin America, with the quarterly increase “driven by software and capacity sales”.
It is also seeing payoff from its increased investment in networks R&D, the networking giant said.
Digital Services brought in 9 billion SEK in net sales, up by just 1 percent from 8.93 billion SEK last year as services rose by 8 percent but products fell by 6 percent. Ericsson cited a “major contract” in North East Asia that has been further delayed as the cause.
Ericsson’s Managed Services business clocked 6.4b SEK in net sales, down 2 percent from 6.6 billion SEK last year due to “contract exits”; while Emerging Business and other made 2.4 billion SEK, jumping by 22 percent year on year, driven by a number portability contract in the US.
In the year to date, Ericsson has made 97 billion SEK from Networks; 25 billion SEK from Digital Services; 19 billion SEK from Managed Services; and 6 billion SEK from Emerging Business and other.
In unveiling its first-half results in July, Ericsson had announced net sales of 93 billion SEK ($10.5 billion), down from 98 billion SEK a year ago, as CEO Börje Ekholm pointed to a future in capturing 5G business.
“Customers turn to new technology in order to manage growing demand for data with sustained quality and without increasing costs. This, together with fixed-wireless access, represent the first business cases for 5G. We will continue to invest in securing leadership in 5G,” Ekholm said in July.
“This includes further investments in R&D, to solidify our complete 5G portfolio, and investments in field trials. We also intend to selectively capture new business opportunities through our 5G-ready 4G portfolio to extend our footprint as operators prepare for 5G. We provide solutions for all frequency bands for 5G, which strengthens our global competitiveness.”
Ericsson had raised $370 million in December to support its 5G, mobile, and Internet of Things (IoT) R&D activities.
Last month, Ericsson then announced adding three new products to its 5G hardware and software portfolio, including spectrum sharing between 4G and 5G bands, street macro transport solutions across millimetre-wave (mmWave) deployments, and radio access network (RAN) compute.
The Ericsson Spectrum Sharing software will support 4G and 5G simultaneously through the same spectrum band when using any Ericsson Radio System since 2015 via a remote software installation, the company said.
“This capability will allow communication service providers to deliver nationwide 5G coverage with a much more flexible spectrum migration strategy — removing the need for dedicating existing 4G spectrum assets to 5G statically, which would negatively impact 4G performance,” Ericsson explained.
The networking giant’s new Street Macro radios then make it easier to increase capacity in urban areas across mmWave spectrum bands.
Lastly, the RAN Compute portfolio will enable the easy distribution of RAN functions including beam forming and radio control, Ericsson said, and includes all current basebands as well as four new products that increase the capacity of current basebands by up to threefold.
All three 5G solutions will launch commercially in the second half of 2019, and follow Ericsson unveiling a complete commercial 5G software set across radio and core networks in February.
All Ericsson Radio System products will be backwards compatible with 5G NR capabilities thanks to remote software installation, including legacy radios dating back to 2015, dot system products, and micro radios. Such products have been deployed in over 190 networks globally, Ericsson said at the time.
In the past month, Ericsson has signed a $3.5 billion deal with T-Mobile to help roll out its 5G network across the US; and made the first 3GPP-compliant 5G mmWave over-the-air call using a smartphone form-factor mobile device in partnership with Qualcomm.
It also announced a 5G partnership with Juniper Networks, an IoT partnership with Sprint, the acquisition of US service assurance technology company Cenx, and the completion of a 5G call with Swisscom in Switzerland.
Ericsson also announced making a 5G data call across a commercial mobile network in partnership with Telstra and Intel in June, using its commercial 5G NR radio 6488, baseband, and packet core across 3.5GHz spectrum, and launched a 5G software development centre in the US in August.
It also recently launched a 5G innovation lab in India, saying it will encourage collaboration on 5G technologies and applications between telecommunications carriers, industry, startups, and academia; signed a partnership to fit out Audi’s car factories with 5G connectivity; and is helping Singtel launch its 5G trial network at the end of 2018.
Related Coverage
5G technology: A business leader’s guide
It’s still early days for 5G services, but as they’re being trialed and deployed, they’re on track to have a far-reaching impact for both consumers and businesses. This ebook looks at current and future…
Verizon launches first commercial 5G network, paving way for smart city growth (TechRepublic)
The service, called 5G Home, could help streamline the adoption of smart city tech and industrial automation.
Trump’s FCC bets big on 5G: Here’s how it will change the US economy forever (TechRepublic)
The FCC hopes to speed development of 5G initiatives in a move that Chairman Ajit Pai said could lead to new jobs and $500B of economic growth.
Ericsson makes first 5G call to smartphone
Ericsson and Qualcomm have made a 5G call to a smartphone form-factor mobile device, calling it a first.
Ericsson launching US 5G software development centre
Ericsson is going all in on 5G, announcing increased R&D and manufacturing in the US across baseband, radio, artificial intelligence, and automation, with plans to launch a new software development centre.
Singtel, Ericsson prep Singapore 5G launch for drone trials
Scheduled to go live by fourth-quarter 2018, the pilot 5G network will facilitate drone and autonomous vehicle trials at the country’s designated science and IT hub, One-North.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/ericsson-5g-a-commercial-reality-as-networks-sales-rise/
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superkarankhan-blog · 7 years
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neptunecreek · 7 years
An Over-The-Top Approach to Internet Regulation in Developing Countries
Increased smartphone usage and availability of wireless broadband has propelled the use of Internet based platforms and services that often compete with similar services based on older technologies. For example services like Facebook, Skype and WhatsApp that offer voice or video calls over the Internet compete with traditional SMS and voice calls over telecom networks. Such platforms have gained in popularity particularly in developing countries because calling over the Internet is far cheaper than making calls on telecom networks. Online video streaming and TV services like Netflix and online similarly compete with traditional broadcasters and network providers.
These online applications and services are transforming traditional sectors and changing the economic landscape of the markets. The increasing popularity of such apps and services, often referred to by telecommunications regulators as "Over-the-top" or OTT services, brings new regulatory challenges for governments. Historically, most of these services have not required a licence or been required to pay any licensing fee. As the use of such services picks up in developing countries, governments are rushing to create rules that would subject OTT providers to local taxation, security, and content regulation obligations—often under pressure from telco incumbents who are seeking protection from change and competition.
Taxing Online Platforms
In August 2017, the Indonesian government via the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI) unveiled a liability framework for OTT providers [doc]. The sweeping regulations cover a whole slew of companies including SMS and voice calls and email services, chatting and instant messaging platforms, financial and commercial transaction service providers, search engines, social network and online media delivery networks, and companies that store and mine online data. The regulation, which is currently under review, makes it mandatory for offshore businesses to establish a "permanent establishment" either through fixed local premises or by employing locals in their operations in Indonesia. Transnational companies are also required to have an agreement with an Indonesian network provider, and use local IP numbers and national payment gateways for their services.
Considering current trade negotiations aimed at outlawing data localization, these operational obligations for OTTs cement the view that the Indonesian government is attempting to create a local territorial nexus for online transactions and activities, allowing them to be taxed and controlled. The draft MCI regulations also require online platforms to create a "censor mechanism" [sic] to filter and block "negative" content including terrorism, pornography and radical propaganda. While e-commerce and marketplace platforms enjoy immunity from content related obligations in Indonesia, the new regulation effectively dismantles this safe harbor framework.
Worryingly, the regulation outlines a system of sanctions where the government can order telecommunication operators in Indonesia to use bandwidth management measures to take action against companies that violate the rules. Bandwidth management refers to the process by which the telecommunication operators manage traffic on their network, and can include traffic engineering measures such as limiting or throttling service traffic or the provision of priority access for certain services within certain periods. Such regulations would therefore likely violate net neutrality, and it is also unclear how this bandwidth management would be implemented. For example, the Ministry has not clarified safeguards to limit telecommunications providers from voluntarily conducting bandwidth management without a formal notice if it determines non-compliance with the law.
Soft-Peddling Censorship
Similar efforts to regulate online platforms are underway in Thailand. The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has committed to create a "level playing field" between OTT service providers and traditional broadcasting and telecommunications industries. In April 2017, it suggested introducing bandwidth fees for online content providers, and has also proposed bringing OTT service providers under an operating licence framework, taxing them for transactions by local merchants and making them liable for illegal content. In July 2017, the Thai government issued an ultimatum to OTT services to register with the national telecom regulator or face getting slapped with sanctions such as bans on advertising that would threaten revenue growth.
The Thai regulator is exploring a "complaints-based" framework of regulation and has set up a control list of the top 100 content creating companies that are required to establish local offices and be registered as entities in Thailand. Allegedly, the efforts to regulate OTT providers are driven by the dramatic rise in the revenues being generated by them. A study conducted by the NBTC found that free OTT services had earned combined advertising revenue of 2.16 billion Thai baht in 2016, 70% of which stemmed from YouTube. Accordingly, the general policy recipe outlined by the regulator is aimed at increasing taxes collected from online platforms.
Efforts to create a "level playing field" could also be interpreted as measures to empower the regulator to more easily monitor and censor content that the government is finding difficult to regulate. The Thai government has been unsuccessfully trying to pressure to online intermediaries to remove allegedly illegal speech including proposing shutting down sites for non-compliance with takedown requests. The proposals to regulate OTTs can be seen as a backhanded move to give the regulator the authority to demand the removal of content the military-run government considers illegal without waiting for a court order. Parallel to the efforts of regulating OTTs, the National Reform Steering Assembly has introduced an 84-page social media censorship proposal. If approved the rules would require fingerprint and facial scanning just to top-up a prepaid plan, in addition to existing mandatory SIM card registration and linking mobiles to national identities. Commentators say the proposed rules are similar to those in use in China and Iran.
In India, regulators are considering proposals to require OTT providers to be placed under a telecom licensing-style regulatory framework. The telecom regulator has been organizing consultations on the issue since March 2015, however its stance on the matter is not clear. Reports suggest that regulating OTT may be a non-issue for the regulator in view of the future possibility of carriers to offer voice services through apps. However, telecom and network providers that stand to benefit from OTT regulation are pushing for interconnection agreements. The Department of Telecom (DoT) is reported to be working on a regulatory framework for services like WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype and WeChat that would subject them obligations similar to those outlined for telecom service providers.
The phenomenon of regulating OTTs is not limited to Asia. In Latin America, several countries including Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil are considering legislative changes to enable the taxing of OTT players. In Argentina, the government has issued a set of principles for telecommunications regulation that create obligations for registration of Internet intermediaries. Ahead of the Presidential elections in 2018 and with mounting opposition to his regime, the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has created a Cyber Security, Threat Detection, and Mitigation Ministry to reign in threats emanating from social media. The government is also pressing ahead with a Computer and Cyber Crimes Bill, a comprehensive legislation that would allow the police to intercept data, seize electronic equipment and arrest people on loosely defined charges of “insurgency” and “terrorism.”
Under increasing pressure to rein in the use of online platforms the regime has taken several measures to curtail the ability of activists and opposition to organize themselves, including raising prices on cellphone data and cutting off access to the Internet. Earlier this month, the Cybersecurity Ministry issued an order that requires all WhatsApp groups to be registered and administrator of the group to have government level clearance. The rules also make membership of groups that do not have necessary clearance or licensed administrator a criminal offence. As the order clarifies members belonging to unqualified groups will be "jointly and severally liable" for belonging to a group not registered with the cyber security ministry.
The move to regulate WhatsApp is especially significant given that the messaging service is the default window to the Internet for most Zimbabweans. In 2010, fewer than 5 percent of Zimbabweans had access to the internet, by early 2016, nearly 50 percent did, with most people connecting to the internet through their cell phones. A report by Zimbabwe’s telecoms regulatory body shows that the number of people using WhatsApp for voice calls has been on the rise. The government's tough stance on the messaging platform has got digital rights activists worried that the regulation will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.
Towards An International Framework for Regulating OTTs?
So-called OTT applications and services are the most visible part of the Internet for ordinary users. The rules and liability that are created for these applications and services impact freedom of expression, net neutrality, consumer rights and innovation. Therefore, discussions and rules on OTT regulation is at its core a debate about how the Internet should be regulated. Recognizing the global nature of online platforms, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has stepped in to explore global multilateral framework for OTT services and applications.
The telecom arm of the ITU whose primary function is to develop and coordinate voluntary international standards, known as ITU-T Recommendations, has established a study group public policy issues related to the Internet. The technical study group includes a mandate to weigh in on several Internet-related technical and economic issues including "charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms" and "relevant aspects of IP peering". Last year, the study group adopted text encouraging governments to develop measures to strike an "effective balance" between OTT communications services and traditional communications services, in order to ensure a "level playing field" e.g., with respect to licensing, pricing and charging, universal service, quality of service, security and data protection, interconnection and interoperability, legal interception, taxation, and consumer protection.
In May 2017, ITU Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet) launched an open online and physical consultation on OTTs. The working group will evaluate opportunities and implications associated with OTT including policy and regulatory matters. It considers regulatory approaches for OTTs that ensure security, safety and privacy of the consumer and will work towards developing model partnership agreements for cooperation at the local and international level.
The physical consultation took place in September and received inputs from a wide range of stakeholders. During the World Telecommunications Development Conference (WTDC)—the main conference of the ITU’s Development sector, ITU-D—which took place in Argentina during October 2017, several governments have sought to expand the ITU Internet public policy mandate. As we approach the ITU’s 2018 Plenipotentiary Conference, or “Plenipot" we can expect conversations on regulatory frameworks to escalate in the ITU. However developing rules in a multilateral framework of the ITU may not be the most appropriate way forward.
As Public Knowledge notes, the structure of the ITU renders itself vulnerable to harmful types of politicization, as states and regional coalitions seek to leverage this forum to grab greater control over Internet policy and standards development. Unlike the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), or the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), the ITU isn’t a multistakeholder community. The only relevant actors at the ITU are Member States and although private industry and civil society may contribute to technical work, they can only participate as nonvoting sector members. With its structural lack of transparency and openness there is plenty opportunity for ITU public policy processes to be co-opted by member states to validate problematic policy or standards proposals.
In an increasingly digital world where transnational global corporations shape content and speech, governments are at an inflection point in their policy choices for regulating online platforms. In seeking to create a "level playing field" between OTT providers, and legacy media and network providers, governments may end up introducing rigid frameworks that stymie innovation and competition or cause irreversible consumer harms. There may be various valid public interest reasons to regulate OTTs such as to ensure their compliance with privacy standards and net neutrality rules. But such regulations should be made on a targeted basis. Imposing a strict and unyielding regulatory framework based on telecommunications regulation and licensing goes further than this, and risks becoming a vehicle to protect legacy telcos and to enact content censorship.
  from Deeplinks http://ift.tt/2zKmvzY
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xceltecseo · 2 years
Is It Possible to Hire .Net Core Developers in India?
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Yes, the best feature of working with Dot NET developers in India is their prowess in producing secure, reliable, scalable, and interesting web programmes. They might help you take use of the better scalability and integration capabilities of the.NET platform. Because we recognise the importance of a clearly defined project execution strategy, we have designed straightforward, modestly cost-driven, and flexible process steps for hiring dot-net programmers. As a result, you now have a group of talented.NET engineers who are driven by quality and eager to support you in achieving your organisational goals by coming up with and implementing the best solutions.
Hire .NET Developers with a Perfect Outsourcing Partner
When it comes to contracting out asp.net engineers, XcelTec has shown to be a great partner. According to Microsoft technology experts, our capable resource augmentation service solutions signify a resource pool that is well-trained, outfitted, and qualified. Our innovative engagement methods, environment setup, project execution processes, and stringent security protocols let us stay one step ahead of the competition. We guarantee that well defined coding, quality, and business standards are followed, resulting in on-time deliverables and consistent reporting. Our valued clients receive the most flexibility from our flexible working arrangements, which include hourly, weekly, monthly, and project-based agreements.
Final Thought
Our skilled and trained staff adhere to the most latest development methodologies, such as DevOps and Agile, to guarantee a consistent flow of information and open communication across teams. Using our developers to design and implement current apps and solutions will certainly increase your business's productivity and growth.
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