#archewell post
harryandmeghansussex · 4 months
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"His time in Kaduna was more than just a visit; it was a tribute to resilience and a hopeful outlook for Nigeria’s heroes."
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
🚨 𝑻𝑰𝑳 that H&M flew on 𝐀𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 private charter flights in Nigeria. They were welcomed by Air Peace Founder & CEO 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐲𝐞𝐦𝐚. In 2019 the US Department of Justice issued a 36-count indictment against 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐲𝐞𝐦𝐚 for money laundering and bank fraud 🚨
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author: SeptiemeSens
submitted: May 14, 2024 at 05:51PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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cherryblossom5555 · 5 months
💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 I still crying with longing for a blog that has been inactive since January 17, 2024 https://www.tumblr.com/meghan-markle-archive and a blog that requires a password that I don't know (the password was created on January 17 this year) https://www.tumblr.com/blog_auth/meghan-markle-archive, which showed the life of Meghan Markle and her Instagram accounts: @meghanmarkle and @thetigofficial. I miss Meghan Markle's posts shared there, especially from thetigofficial on IG (of which there are so few available on the Internet, along with a photo and her personal description). Unfortunately, I found out about Meghan just before her wedding to Harry and, unfortunately, she already had inactive IG accounts at that time.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
What a February
Well...what a great couple of days to be stuck in the office, amiright? (I work mostly from home but on occasion I have to go into the office and of course some nice little royal bombs get dropped when I can't be here.)
I've gotten some anons about what's happened but I won't be posting them (sorry, everyone!). Because so much has happened, I think it would just be confusing to rehash some of it, and other asks were also sent to Empress and Sassy (nothing wrong with that! They were doing answers in real-time and they've said pretty much the same things I'd have said).
So to recap recent events:
2/5/24: Buckingham Palace announced King Charles has cancer. Fortuntely it was caught early, Charles is doing/feeling well, he's beginning treatment immediately.
2/6/24: Harry catches a last-minute flight to London. Clarence House puts out a story "business as usual, nothing to worry about, King can still work and he is still working" (i.e., Harry go home).
2/7/24: Harry arrives in London. He goes directly to Charles, who is delaying travel to Sandringham to see him. Harry's PR says they met for an hour, Meghan wanted to say hello/wish him well via Facetime but Charles declined, and Harry went to BP for the evening. The Daily Mail tracked the comings and goings from Clarence House and realized the meeting lasted less than 15 minutes, from the time of Harry's convoy entering the grounds to Charles's helicopter leaving. It is further revealed that Harry spent the night in a hotel, William didn't return Harry's calls, Harry didn't want Camilla involved in the meeting, and none of Harry's "friends" offered to host him for the night. Also, William makes his first public engagements since mid-January when Kate's treatment began; Tom Cruise is there.
2/8/24: Harry flies home. He's papped at Heathrow entering the VVIP suite (as one does). Wait, Harry's not at home! He's in Las Vegas for the Super Bowl (or the Superb Owl) and makes a surprise appearance to present the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year award. Sussex PR immediately begins telling everyone that Harry and Meghan will be attending the Super Bowl.
2/9/24: Lambrook School begins half-term break and the Wales family travels to Anmer Hall/Sandringham estate. Harry's appearance in Vegas gets picked up by the media.
2/10/24: Meghan's PR starts walking back their own rumors that they'll be in Vegas for the Super Bowl, citing the need to prepare for their Canada IG trip.
2/11/24: Super Bowl Sunday. No Harry and Meghan to be seen.
2/12/24: Meghan's PR reveals she spent the weekend cooking with Afghan immigrants in an Archewell initiative.
2/13/24: Harry and Meghan launch their newest rebranding effort with their new Sussex website with Meghan's coat of arms (rather than their joint coat of arms). Meghan announces a new podcast deal with someone no one has really heard of.
2/14/24: Harry and Meghan arrive in Vancouver for the "one year to 2025 Invictus Games." Meghan coordinates a photoshoot with outdoor activities; merches two outfits; and virtue-signals their "we're still royal" demands with Kate cosplay, a coat called Kensington, and a 'you can call us Sir/Ma'am' exchange caught on camera. In the evening they're papped going to a super-romantic Valentine's Day dinner date.
2/15/24: Day 2 of the Vancouver IG kickoff visit. They visit wheelchair basketball. Meghan gives her signature full-body contact-hugs. Sussex PR announce that the family has changed their surname to Sussex (from Mountbatten-Windsor) and this is the first time all family members have the same surname. Meghan also claps back at mounting criticism by saying "We will not be broken."
2/16/24: Day 3 of the Vancouver IG kickoff visit. Harry gives an interview to GMA's Will Reeve (son of the late Superman actor Christopher Reeve and his wife, Dana) in which he blabs about Charles's cancer and reiterates how much he loves his family, hinting that he's available to come back. Sussex PR also drops an article in the afternoon (with BP collaboration) announcing Harry and Meghan's plan to return with half in/half out; this is very clearly one of Charles's trial balloons from Clarence House.
(Today) 2/17/24: Backlash to the trial balloon is swift, so Clarence House backtracks immediately and does damage control. Kensington Palace announces that William will attend the 2024 BAFTAs tomorrow. Half-term break for Lambrook School ends on February 19th so the Waleses are traveling back to London/Windsor this weekend. And Hollywood has fought back by leaking about their Netflix deal, which contradicts a ton of Meghan's PR from 2020/2021.
Since some of you have asked for my thoughts, here you go. I am warning you now it's probably going to be my usual essay.
On the new website:
The new Sussex website is a problem. It conveys a legitimacy to the public that Harry and Meghan do not have, which The Queen and Edward Young made very sure was publicly known back in 2020. In particular, it's the use of Meghan's coat of arms, which signals palace support or endorsement. IMO, Buckingham needs to force them to take the coat of arms down.
I suspect they are using Meghan's coat of arms because a) Meghan believes it was personally awarded to her and is hers to use as she wants, whereas Harry's coat of arms probably comes with strings from the BRF and b) it's CYA if ever there's a divorce - if you look at it from a business standpoint, this is nothing more than Meghan branding the company with her name so she can prove ownership when they're splitting assets in a divorce, increasing her chances of getting the "company."
What about Archewell?
They're probably phasing out Archewell. It doesn't have the same visual connection to Harry and Meghan that Sussex does. I think they struggled so much with Archewell and were never able to get it off the ground in terms of a brand or an identity, in part due to the COVID-era launch. Sussex is a much stronger association for them and connects them more tightly to the royal identity. Archewell will probably be either their nonprofit arm or their content creator arm but it won't be as important going forward as it's been in the past.
Frankly, I would be surprised if Archewell v Sussex branding didn't come up in the brand analysis that WME did when Meghan first signed with them. We know they did a brand analysis because there was a ton of PR in August 2023 about Harry and Meghan becoming separate brands, which didn't work at all and they were back together as a "Sussex" brand in September 2023 with Dusseldorf Invictus Games. Seeing the success of "Team Sussex" in Dusseldorf definitely informed the website and the rebranding attempt.
What about the timing of all this?
They're taking advantage of the quietness from the royal family. They do this every year like clockwork when 1) the BRF is on summer holidays (July through early September) and 2) the BRF is on winter holidays (late December through early February). What is unusual about this timing is that it's taking place in mid-February and possibly well into March, which is a clear signal that it's the Sussexes taking advantage of Kate's absence to draw attention to themselves because Kate isn't there to steal their headlines.
And that it was a whole week of Sussex PR is not unusual either. It's their usual pattern when they have something big they want to promote and dominate the news with. It's cyclical at this point: first is a reminder of their royal status (Harry flying to Charles's bedside), then it's a reminder of their celebrity status (the Super Bowl appearance), then it's a big announcement (Sussex website), culminating in a set of public engagements/appearances (Invictus Games) with media attention. And to keep the attention coming, they drop breadcrumbs about the royal family to look like they're still "in," which buys them a few extra days of coverage because Charles falls for the bait every time.
The more interesting bit of timing in all of this is the Netflix article. Netflix wouldn't randomly give comments like this, so something must have happened behind the scenes for them to be pushed to this particular breaking point. I feel like perhaps the Sussexes may be trying to renegotiate their deals - maybe they asked for more money or maybe Meghan is trying to get more out of this 'Meet Me at the Lake' production than was agreed - and this is Netflix making it clear that it's over and done. I also have a niggling feeling that it might be connected to the upcoming film awards (BAFTA Film Awards tomorrow, Oscars on March 10th) - maybe they're trying to score tickets to parties using Netflix's name?
Are they really going to come back? Will Charles let them work again?
Analytically, the evidence points to 'no.' The trial balloon failed quickly faster than any other I've seen recently, which is and isn't surprising. It's surprising how quickly Charles backtracked since it had his implicit endorsement. It's not surprising that Charles pulled it down - he's as thin-skinned as Harry and Meghan both are when it comes to criticism.
But it's also more than just the trial balloon. It's everything else.
Charles wants them back on the family side. That's always been pretty clear. I think he waffles on having them back on the "work" side: on the one hand, the BRF needs the help since 10 of The Queen's 14 working royals are elderly (all 5 Kents, the 2 Gloucesters, Charles and Camilla, and Anne) and 2 of the remaining 4 are dealing with a signficant health issue and are temporarily out of commission - in the business sense, this is unsustainable and untenable succession planning. But on the other hand, no one wants Harry and Meghan back, for a litany of reasons including how much shit they've talked about the family (collectively and individually), the petty PR games they play for attention, and the Sussexes' general toxicity. And by 'no one,' I mean family members, courtiers/staff, others in the aristocracy (not getting invites to the Grosvenor wedding is a huge reflection of what "their kind" thinks of teh Sussexes), and the at-large general public.
Charles probably has entertained the idea of half in/half out now that he's in charge and the Sussexes are now lovebombing him (vs in 2020 when they were lovebombing The Queen) but his biggest opposition is public support - it took Charles 30 years and 4 significant deaths (Diana, Queen Mother, Philip, and her own forthcoming death) to get The Queen's support for Camilla to become 'Queen Camilla and, in turn, the public's support or the public's indifference.
Charles doesn't have that kind of time to get the institutional and public support to bring Harry back. He's got 10 years at best, which is now handicapped by a cancer diagnosis.
Beyond that, he doesn't even have Harry and Meghan's cooperation the same way he had Camilla's cooperation. Camilla cooperated with a 10-year wait to be liked well enough that no one would object to her marrying Charles. Camilla then cooperated with a further 17-year wait to be liked well enough that the institution would support her becoming Queen.
Can Harry and Meghan wait that long? No. They can't. They couldn't wait an extra year to get engaged. They couldn't wait to have their first child. They couldn't wait out the criticism from Fall 2018. They couldn't wait out the criticism from Summer 2019. Harry couldn't wait for the phone-hacking settlement. When they want something, they want it now. They buy completed projects and slap their branding on it vs. developing their own programs.
Can Harry and Meghan cooperate with anyone? No. They can't. They couldn't cooperate with William and Kate on the Royal Foundation. They couldn't cooperate with the courtiers for Archie's birth. They couldn't cooperate with the family on Megxit. They couldn't cooperate with the rota for tour coverage. They need to be totally and fully in control of absolutely everything. Their idea of cooperation is 'I tell you what to do, you do it.'
And because they're too impatient and because they refuse to cooperate, there's no way they'll support a 10-years long PR drive for Charles to rehabilitate their public image and get William's support. Heck, they can't even last a 3-month media rebrand. Charles knows that, which I suspect is why he may be trying to fast-track it but 1) when has fast-tracking something ever gone well for the BRF and 2) William is the linchpin holding it all together. Charles can't do anything without William's support. Yes, William is that powerful now - the public does pay attention to what he and Kate signal and the public would support them more than they would support Charles. Charles can't risk losing William's favor any more than he already has.
The third reason stopping Charles from taking Harry and Meghan back as working royals is Camilla and that Harry doesn't want her involved. He admitted it last week when he didn't contradict her leak about it. IMO, this reveals Harry's hand: he wants to position himself (or Meghan and himself) as Camilla's alternate, the way Charles often stood in as Philip's alternate. They want Camilla to retire so they can take her place in prestige, wealth, and attention. It's the only way they can "be better" than William and Kate, and they probably think it's how they can get "more" in the inheritance than William. Unfortunately for them, Camilla is Charles's line in the sand so no way will Charles let that happen after he spent 30 years getting Camilla to be able to sit next to him, and on top of all that, Camilla herself didn't wait 30 years to be Queen just for a pair of narcisstic glassbowl shitheads to usurp her at the last second.
That's the "working royal" side of it.
When you look at the "family" side of it, we know that Charles is more accepting of allowing the Sussexes back as family members, albeit with two strict rules:
No Meghan
No royal work
We know these are Charles's rules because it's already been communicated to us, most especially in the events around the Queen's funeral and his own coronation.
We also know these are Charles's' terms because Harry is publicly fighting against them this week, which suggests that these may have been reiterated (or relitgated, perhaps) during the <15-minute visit on February 7th.
"We all finally have the same surname for the first time as a family" and "maybe I'll become an American' is Harry's way of telling Charles and the courtiers that all four of them are a package deal and they all move together (like Archie's salt and pepper shakers). Meaning that if Charles wants Harry back, Charles must also take Meghan, Archie, and Lili too.
The Vancouver trip being such a royal rip-off is Harry's way of demanding royal work. His position is that he and Meghan must have the exact same lifestyle now that they had back in 2018: a palace residence, glamorous patronages, military honors, gushy praising media coverage, carriage processions, and equal precedence to the entire Wales family.
All this to illustrate that the dividing line is over the work aspect.
On one side is everyone saying "no, they can't work, they're just family." On the other side is Harry and Meghan saying "we're not just family, we're also working royals." And Charles is there smack in the middle saying "don't make my last years miserable" begging someone to give in. It's clear that Charles hopes it will be the institution (i.e. William) that gives in so he can fast-track the rehabilitation.
So no, I don't think Charles and the Sussexes will succeed in being part-time working royals. I think we'll see a lot of negotiating in the coming weeks and months (like Sussex demands for Trooping) and it may get loud and it may look frighteningly real, but that's only because William and Kate are on leave from work and their absence lets Harry and Meghan play offense. Once the Waleses are working again, or a new picture of Kate is released (I'm still hedging my bets for something celebrating Mother's Day next month), the Sussexes go back to playing on defense, and playing poorly.
We only need to worry if William, Kate, and Camilla appear to be changing their minds. They represent "the institution" to Charles, as well as public support (William) and establishment media (Camilla). William continues to tell everyone he isn't speaking to Harry. Kate's body language at the Windsor Walkabout keeps resurfacing. Camilla has leaked that Harry doesn't want to see her when he visits Charles and that she doesn't support the Sussexes coming back. There's nothing to worry about for now.
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Help. I bet you smart sleuthers have already covered this topic somewhere around our Tumblr neighborhood, but per usual I'm late to the party. Will someone please help me better understand Sparry's so-called "visit" with the King because the photographs and timing just don't add up. Connecting the dots seems to reveal 2 rebellious overseas unroyals who were determined to show up at Clarence House with or without permission.
On Tuesday, I felt annoyed to see the Royal Family YouTube channel (unaffiliated w/the BRF) patched into a live stream outside of Buckingham Palace. I thought it was a ridiculous invasion of privacy. Now I understand that the King was previously scheduled to arrive at BP (late morning) and the media was waiting to capture the first photo of king Charles post -treatment.
It seems Charles & Camilla were on a tight schedule which could explain the early morning (or overnight) visit with Beatrice & Edo.
The British media obviously knew that Charles was expected at BP and yet they disregarded this important bit of information to focus on Sparry's PR talking points---- all the while these manipulative talking heads knew the King had a prior engagement in his diary.
Pressure Pressure Pressure is what The Meghans wickedly tried to apply to Charles & William. There was even a mention of an EMPTY Frogmore Cottage. How low can these 2 go?🤬
Perhaps Mr and Mrs Sparry informed the men in grey of their plans to gatecrash the king & queen's departure. "Coming with or without permission." This would also explain why they flooded the media with Sparry's intention to see his father "within the next 2 days" followed by that crystal clear photograph at LAX. Someone around our Tumblr community or perhaps on reddit shared a catchy manifesting term...I'm sorry I didn't write it down bc it perfectly describes how The Meghans use her sharp elbows to bully their way through life.
All of this MANIFESTING crap to manipulate a face to face meeting with Charles: a man reeling from a life threatening diagnosis, recovering from an invasive procedure, and preparing for some sort of systemic poison.
Have I mentioned that The Meghans SUCK at compassion!!!
Beatrice & Edo
Doesn't it seem likely that family members have been welcomed to Clarence House (post-diagnosis) to wish Charles well before his Sandringham retreat-----perhaps the beginning of holistic treatments or simply to recover from the 1st of several adjuvant treatments.
The couple seems dressed for an early morning visit with a family member, NOT an audience with the King of England.
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Perhaps Sparry told the Palace "Me too! I'm coming to see my father too" and he was told "not this week," and MEgain responded "we'll see about that!"
I seem to remember Sparry had to be forced (by the Queen Elizabeth) to speak to his father and that meeting ended with shouting.
I also seem to remember Sparry had no time to give his family before or after His father's coronation.
As a courtesy, the men in grey delayed KC's departure & granted Sparry an audience with His Majesty the King, not a visit/block of time for a father-son brunch or lunch.
Sparry wearing all black upon his entrance to Clarence House but upon departure he's photographed wearing black and white, with a tie. Why didn't Sparry change clothes on the airplane?
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This publicity stunt was meant to bury the African Parks story and the story about the (mon)ARCHewell revolving door. The Meghans have proven to the family (yet again) that there is no bottom to their depravity.
It was also a test for His Majesty's government as they push for IPP status, a campaign for royal housing, and of course information gathering for blackmail.
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Let's do the math:
An audience with a sovereign (or even a President) is only about 5-10 minutes plus or minus time for photographs.
Sparry arrived at Clarence House by 2:45pm. Charles & Camilla were in a vehicle by 3:30pm. Sparry (if the photo is current) changed into business attire while at Clarence House. How long was Sparry in the same room as Charles?
Have I mentioned that MEgain and Sparry are SCUM and so are the British talking heads who served as their mouthpieces!?!?!
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celticcrossanon · 1 month
"Guest Speaker" is a person in the New York Post's articles comments section about H&M... assumed to be M herself. Someone has created a new account with the same handle as "Guest Speaker" and is hilariously trolling the first GS in the comments section of new H&M articles-- saying things like I'm a horrible person, I bullied that 3-month CEO of Archewell out of a job, I want half the Duchy of Cornwall, etc. It's been fun watching the two GS go after each other in the comments section!
Aug 15 Ask
Hi Nonny.
That sounds absolutely hysterical. I'm glad you had fun watching the comments. I'm also glad that the general public is aware enough of what Meghan has done for something like this to happen. I couldn't imagine it happening 2 or 3 years ago, but now it can and has happened.
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Her papwalks used to get a lot more engagements and her ‘friends’ posting pics did as well. Now it’s just crickets.
Because before people actually believed that's who she was just a yoga loving hippy living a totally organic lifestyle now she's backed out head to toe in designer making everyone call her Duchess 🙄 she created her brand and then rwcked it herself.
Could be, but I think people were always more interested in the romance narrative and whether she would actually marry Harry and become a royal than in her personally.
And part of the problem now is that she has no story. Is she reclaiming her brand? Forging a new post-royal path? Starting a new venture? Supporting a new cause? Divorcing? Building her own identity within the marriage? No one can tell.
That why I think WME is just looking for new deals and merching contracts, and the pr drive is Archewell diy. A good publicist would nail that story down before setting up pap shots (remember how SS told people they were getting engaged from day 1?). This feels very haphazard.
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the-empress-7 · 4 months
“I honestly don't know what the rules are and exactly when the "do not solicit" order when into effect. It's likely that they will not be able to claim any donations (in or out) for just the period of delinquency.”
Someone on twitter/X posted that Archewell has a $600,000 deficit.
I am side-eyeing James Holts large paycheck and wondering what it is actually for. 🇬🇧
They will just write off the deficit on their taxes and call it a day.
James Holt is earning his keep. From what I can tell it's James and the woman (the one who went to Singapore with Harry and was rudely shooing away people in Nigeria) that pulled off this three day feat.
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sassyfrassboss · 7 months
Why do they need another website other than the one for Archewell? I'm not seeing the point. I never wanted to be exposed to their data collection, but wasn't all this same kind of stuff like bios posted on Archewell too? What's the difference - just to stroke their egos some more?
They created another website that they aren't going to do anything with but for now it makes them feel important and powerful I guess.
I think they are trying to disassociate from Archewell. All of their projects through AW have crashed and burned so it seems like they are moving on...
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harryandmeghansussex · 2 months
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
🧾 Times that Meghan and Harry did something or put out PR that conflicted with/ drew attention from BRF events. by u/rangerhorsetug 🧾
Times that Meghan and Harry did something or put out PR that conflicted with/ drew attention from BRF events.
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mega post link author: rangerhorsetug submitted: May 09, 2024 at 07:13AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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theblogtini · 8 months
Harry definitely hates social media (the comments), so I’m not surprised that he doesn’t have one. Maybe because he is a coward and don’t want to deal with people tagging him all the time showing how awful his fans are, while asking for an ‘safe social media space’
But MM, she was ‘sure’ that she would be releasing her IG account (she or her team even leaked the name of the account), I don’t know what has happened to it. Maybe she is expecting until she can have a ‘big project’, so she can have more hype.
But agree, at this point it’s the only thing that they can do to make some money, they are really odd
Honestly I wouldn't expect either of them to actually manage the social.
If Harry had one then whoever the hell is left at Archewell could manage his brand deals, help him create the content, and post shit when needed - he wouldn't even need the password if he didn't want it lol. (But also, we know Harry has secret accounts and is always lurking as well - he might not want a public account for people to come slam him directly, but he obviously sees what people are writing.)
Meghan though ... she would def have access to the account and be scrolling through. I'm 100000% convinced that she has had an account this entire time - she did not make a career out of being a lifestyle blogger and influencer (and she was GOOD! at it!) to just drop it cold turkey. We know she's lurking and if she did decide to go the influencer route, she would definitely be very hands on (which is not at all a bad thing - and honestly would probably be a bonus for her, the brands, the audience, etc.)
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Harry’s Lawsuits and Legal Threats
So I started listing this out but there's just too many and too much information to share, so y'all are getting another screenshots-of-spreadsheets posts. But first, the TL;DR.
These are only the lawsuits that involve the Sussexes as plaintiffs. This does not include any other lawsuits or cases that named the Sussexes as interested parties (i.e., the Heritage Foundation FOIA lawsuit or the P Diddy case).
Since 2019, the Sussexes have sued 11 times. Of the 11 lawsuits:
3 are still active and ongoing.
The judge threw out 1 lawsuit.
Harry dropped 1 lawsuit and was fined either £316,000 or £376,000 (it's not clear).
The Sussexes together dropped or modified one lawsuit that turned into a second lawsuit.
The Sussexes received monetary damages in 5 lawsuits. We know the damages for 2 lawsuits (£1 and £140,000), and we know that for 2 other lawsuits Harry pledged to donate his damages to charity after legal fees were paid (and no, we don't know that he actually did).
The Sussexes also made 5 separate notices for action (aka threatened to sue) and filed 1 IPSO complaint. I believe the IPSO complaint was the gateway for the Sussexes deciding to start suing everyone, which is why I included it.
Despite the Sussexes winning damages and appearing somewhat, I am fairly certain that they aren't actually seeing a whole lot of that money because the legal expenses for 3 still-pending lawsuits are probably outrageous. Anyway.
The lawsuits:
Sussexes v Splash News - Cotswolds House (January 2019)
Meghan v Associated Newspapers - Tom Markle Letter (October 2019)
Active Harry v News Group Newspapers - Phone hacking (October 2019); this is the lawsuit where there's now concerns of Harry withholding or destroying evidence so Moehringer and some grey suits have been requested to give evidence.
Harry v Mirror Group News - Phone hacking (October 2019)
Sussexes v John Does - Privacy Invasion and Paparazzi Harassment (July 2020); this lawsuit was dropped after being modified into ⬇️
Sussexes v X17 - Privacy Invasion and Paparazzi Harassment (July 2020);
Active Harry v RAVEC - State-funded protection and security (July 2020); Harry initially lost this case, he appealed, the judge denied the appeal, Harry appealed the denial of the appeal, the appellate judge agreed and overturned the denial of the appeal, and now Harry is appealing the first loss.
Harry v Home Office - Personally paying for police protection (uncertain)
Harry v Associated Newspapers - Royal Marines (December 2020)
Harry v Associated Newspapers - Keeping the lawsuit to be able to pay for police protection himself a secret (February 2022)
Active Harry v Associated Newspapers - Elton John (October 2022); in November 2023, the judge ruled it could go to trial. It's expected to begin January 2025, so happy birthday to Kate.
The legal threats:
(IPSO Complaint) Harry v Daily Mail - Elephants (April 2019)
Vancouver Island Papwalk (January 2020)
Harry v The Sun and Dan Wootton (June 2020)
Harry v The Times - Invictus Fundraiser (September 2020)
Harry v BBC - Queen's Consent to use Lilibet (June 2021)
Sussexes v The Times - Archewell (January 2022)
Now the reason you're still reading this... (spreadsheets will blow up to be readable when you click on the image)
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Considering they seem (seemed?) to employ a whole bunch of people with different content creator-backgrounds I don’t understand why they don’t do things themselves. Even for Meghan’s podcast Spotify had to step in with a production team, which wouldn’t be weird if Archewell hadn’t employed all of those other people.
I really think the reach and the interest in them was overstated, and I mean they did that Christmas special and then it took like 18 months for her to do the other podcast? I would’ve dropped them too if I were Spotify, especially since they don’t seem to have gotten Harry to talk and Harry is the draw, not Meghan.
EXACTLY!!! They have/had a whole ass team of people who were paid to CREATE stuff. Literally all Meghan had to do was say, "Okay this is the podcast, I want XYZ people on it." Then show up and read a fucking script. That's not hard. Yet she managed to fumble it with both her own team and SPOTIFY RUNNING THE SHOW
I am endlessly baffled by their inability to actually do anything successfully. Being a content creator is not easy and for every post you see there can be hours of work behind it - I have spent 8 hours total on a 58 second trailer to announce my new series today!!!! - but you actually have to do the work. It just proved yet again that they don't want to work, they just want perks, but that's not how the world works
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celticcrossanon · 4 months
Interesting developments, Celta. If you click on saintmeghanmarkle tumblr account and go to posts for May 13th, look for a submission for may 13th entitled "Archewell has received a Delinquency Notice from the Office of the Attorney General of California by u/AurelieR1" Title says it all. Included are a reddit link to the official letter from the State of California warning H&M over Archewell.
Hi Nonny,
Hasn't that notice causes a furore? From what I have heard it made the American news and the Governor of California spoke up to defend the Harkles.
Not filing the proper paperwork has caught the Harkles out in the past with their attempt to trademark something (I can't remember the detail), so it is not surprising that it has happened again.
Apparently it is all fixed now?
Link in ask:
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They could have made so much money on the corporate speaking circuit if Harry hadn’t opened his mouth. If he’d been able to keep his grief to a solid two pages and how therapy helped him they could have made bank. No one is going to pay him to talk about his mummy’s spirit helping him put cream on his todger.
It’s actually incredible that they have such fantastic examples of what they could be doing with Archewell (The Royal Foundation, The Prince’s Trust, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Obama’s post White House ventures) and yet they’ve squandered it because they wanted to air their grievances. Meghan specifically has never been focused enough to market herself in one direction besides telling the world how her in-laws “slighted” her. Too bad.
I feel like they tried the speaking circuit with JP Morgan and it didn’t work out.
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