#HM • Nigeria
harryandmeghansussex · 5 months
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Harry and Meghan have arrived at the Light Academy, an institution in Nigeria supported by their Archewell Foundation as their first stop on this visit to Nigeria.
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cozybearz · 3 months
every time i guess a country based just on the silhouette on that worldle game on the first try i feel so smart and proud of myself truly an ego boost
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mea-gloria-fides · 5 months
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HM Queen Elizabeth II in Nigeria, 1954.
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melbatron5000 · 4 months
The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil
When Gabriel first arrives to Whickber street, a truckful of tomatoes dumps its load at his feet, he even squishes one and almost trips.
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@scottishmushroom asked what this means in this post here, and I have some thoughts.
Every scene in this show is doing double duty, every image has symbolism attached to it. The symbolism needs to either be funny, or serve the narrative somehow (often both). And this season is lousy with Clues.
What twigged me to my thought was the further note that there seem to be baskets of tomatoes in the Job minisode. They seem to be a throwaway prop, except that they are placed exactly between Aziraphale and Crowley in the shot they appear in. The placement of objects matters, as it tells the audience what's important, whose POV we're seeing through, etc.
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(Oh, hey! I just noticed that the plants in the shot with the pomegranates appear to be dracaena trifasciata -- common names include mother-in-law's tongue, SNAKE plant, and DEVIL'S TONGUE. Native to Nigeria, so not out of place here. I have a six-foot one of those in my sunroom! Hm!)
Back to the tomatoes.
Tomatoes in the Middle East during Bibical times? @docdust pointed out that those aren't tomatoes, they're pomegranates.
Tomatoes used to be called "love apples" back in the day, and the Greeks referred to pomegranates as "grainy apples."
Apples, Bible, something something Eve ate something . . .
Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, then offered the fruit to Adam who also ate it. Then both were cast out of Eden, because God was worried they would also eat of the tree of eternal life and elevate themselves to Her own status. (That part of the story gets left out a lot, I wonder why . . . )
There's actually no Biblical reference that we know of to any particular fruit. Some translator at some point labelled it an apple, and it's been thought of that way ever since. But apples weren't found in the Middle East during Biblical times, either, so it's unlikely it was actually an apple Eve ate. Pick a fruit to stand in, any fruit.
(In the TV series Lucifer, Eve jokes that it was always a metaphor, there never was a "fruit" of any kind. Unless maybe a banana? (She grins at Lucifer.) But I digress.)
So pick a fruit to stand in for apples. Maybe a tomato (love apple)? Or a pomegranate (grainy apple)?
In both scenes where these fruits appear, important characters are having a big crisis of faith. In both cases, their first crisis of faith. They are learning that Heaven isn't what it's cracked up to be. Gabriel has eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and has been cast out of Eden (Heaven). (Though we don't know that yet when he first shows up -- the tomatoes are A Clue!)
Aziraphale has eaten of the tree of knowledge and been cast out of Eden -- though in his case, Eden is simply naivete, his ability to go along with Heaven unquestioningly. ("What am I?")
Aziraphale's crisis of faith seems more clear -- even my bestie, while watching the show with me, got kind of upset at the Job minisode because of her own religious trauma. Job is touchy story for a lot of people. It's an appropriate place for Aziraphale to lose his confidence that Heaven is light and truth and good. It's a story that a lot of people lose faith over.
And Crowley, in this instance, is Eve. The one who's already tasted the fruit, and is offering it their partner. "Let me show you what you don't even know."
And so we have "apples" present at the moment of both characters gaining knowledge of good and evil. Or at least, gaining knowledge that Heaven isn't Good, and going against Heaven isn't Evil.
That's my take on it, anyway, and how I would interpret the symbolism of those two fruits present at that those two points in the narrative. Your mileage may vary.
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leadoutlap · 4 months
Five better GP locations than Chicago
Since the FIA has yet again decided to piss off both their fanbase and the entire population of a major US city by building a street track in Chicago, here are some far superior locations they could have gone with. Some of these are pre-existing tracks while others would be brand new.
[DISCLAIMER: This list is all made in good fun. I recognize that mass sporting events are often accompanied by rapid gentrification, slum clearances, and price gouging for the local populations. These are just my own fun little ideas for GPs]
Johannesburg, South Africa (Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit)
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Come the fuck on, FIA. Kyalami is RIGHT THERE it's a PRE-EXISTING TRACK and it's one that was beloved by fans!!! F1 is hugely popular in South Africa, so drawing crowds would be a non-issue. Also, the fact that the South African GP was held for like 40 years in apartheid South Africa but only twice in democratic South Africa is. Hm. Interesting.
2. Astana, Kazakhstan (No existing track)
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I'm honestly surprised that there isn't a GP here already. Kazakhstan is one of the biggest oil and gas exporters in the world, so it wouldn't be hard to draw sponsors. Astana is this wild y2k futuristic planned city covered in monumental architecture right in the middle of the Kazakh steppe. Tons of empty space. Ideal race circuit location IMO + another Asian GP!
3. Yerevan, Armenia (No existing track)
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Let's replace Baku with this and stop letting Azerbaijan use their GP as PR while they're carrying out a second Armenian genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh. How would this work logistically? I have no idea. But I think it would be sick regardless. Armenia deserves it.
4. Buenos Aires, Argentina (Autódromo Oscar y Juan Gálvez)
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BRING BACK THE ARGENTINE GP, YOU RAT BASTARDS. The fact that North America has 5 (Five!!!!!) GPs while South America only has one is truly astounding. Also, look at this track and tell me that it's not the coolest thing you've ever seen in your life. Bring her back!
5. Lagos, Nigeria (No existing track)
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Look me dead in the eyes and tell me that a Lagos GP wouldn't go hard as hell. You can't. It's impossible.
Feel free to add your own GP suggestions because we're all smarter than the clown car that is the FIA!
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grusinskayas · 3 months
today is a day of complaining it seems. you can scroll past me if you wish. but there's something kinda wild in how folks refer to anyone who isn't from north america or europe when it comes to media at this point. everything is boiled down to just "look it's poc representation!" hm hi jen. did you know colombia is a real country. and nigeria is a real country too. and that latin americans are real people who live in latin american countries and asians are real people who live in asian countries. i don't think i'm doing a good job at making myself understood rn but it's the wild way people refer especially to latin american/asian/african people in this detached otherizing way like they are commodities of some sort. it seems to come from a good place but it circles around into this sort of weird objectification. you are still looking at people through an otherizing lens, just in a different form now.
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lilithadomania · 2 years
Where would the twisted wonderland locations be in real world?
Has this post been done before..? I don't know.
Now, let's get the easier things out of the way.
Scalding sands are obviously somewhere in Arabic country. In the Wikipedia for Aladdin, it states that it is a middle Eastern tale.. The clothes seem similar to that of an Arabic country. Turquoise colour is however, often used in over here turkey, but... Turkey is not an Arabic country.. It is stated that Jasmine's clothes were inspired by South Asian clothing... In the wiki it states that Agrabah was also inspired by ottoman empire, the silk city's camel bazaar seems similar to that of an bazaar over here. Hm.. I think that it might be based off of Afghanistan, it isn't fun fitting at all, and I'm just throwing it off there, but it is definitely somewhere similar to there and ottoman empire.
City of flowers is, without a doubt, based off of France. Noble bell college is based off of the Notre-Dame de Paris, more specifically, île de la Cité, an island in the Seine River(this part was taken straight out of the Wikipedia article for Notre-dame de Paris). There isn't much more to say about it, as it was rather easy to find out about it.
Queendom of roses is probably based off of United Kingdom, as the original novel it is based off of was written in england(believe me I will have to do this. A lot.), in November of 1865. From what I was able to see in the manga, the architecture seems to be more modern, along with the clothes as well. That would make anyone from there... British, take that how you will.
Now.. Onto the trickier parts.
Sunset savana, it obviously takes place in.. A savanas. Savanas seem to be most common in northern Australia and probably in Africa, looking at the cards in the Japanese server, the clothes for the sunset savana seems to be resembling that of traditional African clothes, but I might be wrong on this I'm sorry, but I strongly believe that is the case! I am not too sure on the exact country though, probably somewhere similar to Nigeria as the clothes seem to be similar.
Coral Sea, I.. Genuinely don't know. I can't even track anything down aside from going with where the original tale of the little mermaid was written, which is probably Denmark? So... Danish fish mafia???? I don't know??? Azul's name means blue in Spanish and Portuguese, and Floyd means grey and grey-haired in Welsh???? I don't know, I'm confused now.
Shaftlands, it is.. Probably based off of either Germany or somewhere that speaks English, since Cater's last name is english and jack is either english or French, however, if I go off of where Snow White is written from, it's Germany, and the most memorable character from there is vil, who's last name is "schöenheit" which means beauty in German, so... It's probably based from Germany.
•harvest town is... Also in shaftlands, it's probably based off of a town in Germany, I don't know. Epel's last name, felmier, means farmer in Romanian and such, his first name epel sounds similar to the German word for apple, apfel.
Island of woe, another tone.. Where I just don't know. It is definitely based off of Greece for sure, as Idia's name means reserved, private and such, meanwhile his last name comes from the Latin word shroud, which is the name for a cloth that is used to cover over the face of the dead. Ortho means unharmed, safe and such, and plus, the name of the S.T.Y.X is probably based off of the Styx river in the Greek mythology that connects the earth to the underworld.
Briar valley, now.. Another one that is hard to settle for, however, if we go off with how daisomnia looks, it's probably somewhere in Gothic Victorian time, since daisomnia looks like a Gothic Victorian castle, going off of cars and such aren't used in Briar valley, it makes me fully believe that it is mostly based off of the Victorian era. The names... Malleus is the name of a well knows witchcraft, and his last name is, according to the fandom wiki, is deprived off of the words dragon or devil in Romanian and such. Gothic Victorian architecture seems to be most popular in Europe, we don't know much about the Briar valley sadly, but sleeping beauty the fairytale was originally written in.. French.
The final matches, this is all speculations on my part and this was for fun!
City of flowers-france
Queendom of roses-united kingdom
Sunset savana-africa, Nigeria
Coral sea-i... I don't know...
Scalding sands-an Arabic country/probably somewhere in South Asia, possibly Afghanistan
Island of woe-greece
Briar valley-france/possibly Romania, somewhere in Europe.
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aresmarked · 7 days
Im not in a position to draw rn (and itd be sketchy AF anyway so)
Japanese-Canadian Albertan miku who is
Listening and nodding seriously along to Gakupo talking about grasses not being maintained around rural roads being a hazard in the Nikka Yuko gardens
Doing the land acknowledgement for the next vocaloid concert at Rogers Place
Venting with Luka about the province complaining about not having enough immigrants sent there earlier in the year and then saying we don't want any more coming ('hm the immigrants are primarily from Mexico, Nigeria, and India. Wonder what's up with that')
Getting a chinook headache
Calling the rat sighting hotline
Signed up for the Indigenous Canada course from UoA
Really excited for cultural wear day at school
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harryandmeghansussex · 4 months
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"His time in Kaduna was more than just a visit; it was a tribute to resilience and a hopeful outlook for Nigeria’s heroes."
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 5.2 (after 1960)
1963 – Berthold Seliger launches a rocket with three stages and a maximum flight altitude of more than 100 kilometres (62 mi) near Cuxhaven. It is the only sounding rocket developed in Germany. 1964 – Vietnam War: An explosion sinks the American aircraft carrier USNS Card while it is docked at Saigon. Two Viet Cong combat swimmers had placed explosives on the ship's hull. She is raised and returned to service less than seven months later. 1964 – First ascent of Shishapangma, the fourteenth highest mountain in the world and the lowest of the Eight-thousanders. 1969 – The British ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 departs on her maiden voyage to New York City. 1970 – ALM Flight 980 ditches in the Caribbean Sea near Saint Croix, killing 23. 1972 – In the early morning hours a fire breaks out at the Sunshine Mine located between Kellogg and Wallace, Idaho, killing 91 workers. 1982 – Falklands War: The British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror sinks the Argentine cruiser ARA General Belgrano. 1986 – Chernobyl disaster: The City of Chernobyl is evacuated six days after the disaster. 1989 – Cold War: Hungary begins dismantling its border fence with Austria, which allows a number of East Germans to defect. 1995 – During the Croatian War of Independence, the Army of the Republic of Serb Krajina fires cluster bombs at Zagreb, killing seven and wounding over 175 civilians. 1998 – The European Central Bank is founded in Brussels in order to define and execute the European Union's monetary policy. 1999 – Panamanian general election: Mireya Moscoso becomes the first woman to be elected President of Panama. 2000 – President Bill Clinton announces that accurate GPS access would no longer be restricted to the United States military. 2004 – The Yelwa massacre concludes. It began on 4 February 2004 when armed Muslims killed 78 Christians at Yelwa, Nigeria. In response, about 630 Muslims were killed by Christians on May 2. 2008 – Cyclone Nargis makes landfall in Burma killing over 138,000 people and leaving millions of people homeless. 2008 – Chaitén Volcano begins erupting in Chile, forcing the evacuation of more than 4,500 people. 2011 – Osama bin Laden, the suspected mastermind behind the September 11 attacks and the FBI's most wanted man, is killed by the United States special forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan. 2011 – An E. coli outbreak strikes Europe, mostly in Germany, leaving more than 30 people dead and many others are taken ill. 2012 – A pastel version of The Scream, by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, sells for $120 million in a New York City auction, setting a new world record for a work of art at auction. 2014 – Two mudslides in Badakhshan, Afghanistan, leave up to 2,500 people missing.
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wqp88888 · 2 years
Country Codes List
CountryAlpha 2Alpha 3 CodeUN Code
Afghanistan AF AFG 004
ALA Aland Islands AX ALA 248
Albania AL ALB 008
Algeria DZ DZA 012
American Samoa AS ASM 016
Andorra AD AND 020
Angola AO AGO 024
Anguilla AI AIA 660
Antarctica AQ ATA 010
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028
Argentina AR ARG 032
Armenia AM ARM 051
Aruba AW ABW 533
Australia AU AUS 036
Austria AT AUT 040
Azerbaijan AZ AZE 031
Bahamas BS BHS 044
Bahrain BH BHR 048
Bangladesh BD BGD 050
Barbados BB BRB 052
Belarus BY BLR 112
Belgium BE BEL 056
Belize BZ BLZ 084
Benin BJ BEN 204
Bermuda BM BMU 060
Bhutan BT BTN 064
Bolivia BO BOL 068
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070
Botswana BW BWA 072
Bouvet Island BV BVT 074
Brazil BR BRA 076
British Virgin Islands VG VGB 092
British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT 086
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN 096
Bulgaria BG BGR 100
Burkina Faso BF BFA 854
Burundi BI BDI 108
Cambodia KH KHM 116
Cameroon CM CMR 120
Canada CA CAN 124
Cape Verde CV CPV 132
Cayman Islands KY CYM 136
Central African Republic CF CAF 140
Chad TD TCD 148
Chile CL CHL 152
China CN CHN 156
Hong Kong, SAR China HK HKG 344
Macao, SAR China MO MAC 446
Christmas Island CX CXR 162
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC CCK 166
Colombia CO COL 170
Comoros KM COM 174
Congo (Brazzaville) CG COG 178
Congo, (Kinshasa) CD COD 180
Cook Islands CK COK 184
Costa Rica CR CRI 188
Côte d'Ivoire CI CIV 384
Croatia HR HRV 191
Cuba CU CUB 192
Cyprus CY CYP 196
Czech Republic CZ CZE 203
Denmark DK DNK 208
Djibouti DJ DJI 262
Dominica DM DMA 212
Dominican Republic DO DOM 214
Ecuador EC ECU 218
Egypt EG EGY 818
El Salvador SV SLV 222
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226
Eritrea ER ERI 232
Estonia EE EST 233
Ethiopia ET ETH 231
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK FLK 238
Faroe Islands FO FRO 234
Fiji FJ FJI 242
Finland FI FIN 246
France FR FRA 250
French Guiana GF GUF 254
French Polynesia PF PYF 258
French Southern Territories TF ATF 260
Gabon GA GAB 266
Gambia GM GMB 270
Georgia GE GEO 268
Germany DE DEU 276
Ghana GH GHA 288
Gibraltar GI GIB 292
Greece GR GRC 300
Greenland GL GRL 304
Grenada GD GRD 308
Guadeloupe GP GLP 312
Guam GU GUM 316
Guatemala GT GTM 320
Guernsey GG GGY 831
Guinea GN GIN 324
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB 624
Guyana GY GUY 328
Haiti HT HTI 332
Heard and Mcdonald Islands HM HMD 334
Holy See (Vatican City State) VA VAT 336
Honduras HN HND 340
Hungary HU HUN 348
Iceland IS ISL 352
India IN IND 356
Indonesia ID IDN 360
Iran, Islamic Republic of IR IRN 364
Iraq IQ IRQ 368
Ireland IE IRL 372
Isle of Man IM IMN 833
Israel IL ISR 376
Italy IT ITA 380
Jamaica JM JAM 388
Japan JP JPN 392
Jersey JE JEY 832
Jordan JO JOR 400
Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398
Kenya KE KEN 404
Kiribati KI KIR 296
Korea (North) KP PRK 408
Korea (South) KR KOR 410
Kuwait KW KWT 414
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417
Lao PDR LA LAO 418
Latvia LV LVA 428
Lebanon LB LBN 422
Lesotho LS LSO 426
Liberia LR LBR 430
Libya LY LBY 434
Liechtenstein LI LIE 438
Lithuania LT LTU 440
Luxembourg LU LUX 442
Macedonia, Republic of MK MKD 807
Madagascar MG MDG 450
Malawi MW MWI 454
Malaysia MY MYS 458
Maldives MV MDV 462
Mali ML MLI 466
Malta MT MLT 470
Marshall Islands MH MHL 584
Martinique MQ MTQ 474
Mauritania MR MRT 478
Mauritius MU MUS 480
Mayotte YT MYT 175
Mexico MX MEX 484
Micronesia, Federated States of FM FSM 583
Moldova MD MDA 498
Monaco MC MCO 492
Mongolia MN MNG 496
Montenegro ME MNE 499
Montserrat MS MSR 500
Morocco MA MAR 504
Mozambique MZ MOZ 508
Myanmar MM MMR 104
Namibia NA NAM 516
Nauru NR NRU 520
Nepal NP NPL 524
Netherlands NL NLD 528
Netherlands Antilles AN ANT 530
New Caledonia NC NCL 540
New Zealand NZ NZL 554
Nicaragua NI NIC 558
Niger NE NER 562
Nigeria NG NGA 566
Niue NU NIU 570
Norfolk Island NF NFK 574
Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP 580
Norway NO NOR 578
Oman OM OMN 512
Pakistan PK PAK 586
Palau PW PLW 585
Palestinian Territory PS PSE 275
Panama PA PAN 591
Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598
Paraguay PY PRY 600
Peru PE PER 604
Philippines PH PHL 608
Pitcairn PN PCN 612
Poland PL POL 616
Portugal PT PRT 620
Puerto Rico PR PRI 630
Qatar QA QAT 634
Réunion RE REU 638
Romania RO ROU 642
Russian Federation RU RUS 643
Rwanda RW RWA 646
Saint-Barthélemy BL BLM 652
Saint Helena SH SHN 654
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA 659
Saint Lucia LC LCA 662
Saint-Martin (French part) MF MAF 663
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM 666
Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC VCT 670
Samoa WS WSM 882
San Marino SM SMR 674
Sao Tome and Principe ST STP 678
Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682
Senegal SN SEN 686
Serbia RS SRB 688
Seychelles SC SYC 690
Sierra Leone SL SLE 694
Singapore SG SGP 702
Slovakia SK SVK 703
Slovenia SI SVN 705
Solomon Islands SB SLB 090
Somalia SO SOM 706
South Africa ZA ZAF 710
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239
South Sudan SS SSD 728
Spain ES ESP 724
Sri Lanka LK LKA 144
Sudan SD SDN 736
Suriname SR SUR 740
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ SJM 744
Swaziland SZ SWZ 748
Sweden SE SWE 752
Switzerland CH CHE 756
Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) SY SYR 760
Taiwan, Republic of China TW TWN 158
Tajikistan TJ TJK 762
Tanzania, United Republic of TZ TZA 834
Thailand TH THA 764
Timor-Leste TL TLS 626
Togo TG TGO 768
Tokelau TK TKL 772
Tonga TO TON 776
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780
Tunisia TN TUN 788
Turkey TR TUR 792
Turkmenistan TM TKM 795
Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA 796
Tuvalu TV TUV 798
Uganda UG UGA 800
Ukraine UA UKR 804
United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784
United Kingdom GB GBR 826
United States of America US USA 840
US Minor Outlying Islands UM UMI 581
Uruguay UY URY 858
Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860
Vanuatu VU VUT 548
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic) VE VEN 862
Viet Nam VN VNM 704
Virgin Islands, US VI VIR 850
Wallis and Futuna Islands WF WLF 876
Western Sahara EH ESH 732
Yemen YE YEM 887
Zambia ZM ZMB 894
Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716
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violexides · 2 years
i do journalism work at a very small scale currently (no less important but definitely far from the political journalism scene in America) but one thing i REALLY want to explore in university if i get an internship opportunity is like. the backend of how these pieces and posts get made. 
because i mean it is very obvious that the US has issues with self-centering and neglecting other countries, and also tends to specifically cast certain international/global crises in a different light depending on the place (the pitying white savior behavior towards African people, the casting of Middle Eastern people as being brutal while emptily apologetic for what happens there, South Asian countries and people being viewed as pitiful or asinine etc.) and it just intrigues me as to where that process starts. because I wonder how much of that is purposeful vs how much of that is genuine lack of knowing. 
i dunno. like currently i am studying AP Comparative Government which is a class designed by College Board AKA US organization. and the US isn’t a country that is included in the list of countries studied but it’s like. i don’t know. i feel like there is a slight difference in the way that the course discusses the UK vs how it talks about Iran or Nigeria and I wouldn’t hasten to say that this is imagined. 
it’s just! very interesting. journalism interests me for a lot of reasons because I think it is extremely extremely critical and that journalism as a whole is a very good thing. but it is very politicized and very biased and very America-centric at least in the ones we see here. in interesting ways. so hm. 
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masterofd1saster · 13 days
CJ current events 12sep24
hm, I wonder if it has anything to with the crime rate in that neighborhood?
Shoppers at a Safeway grocery store, 757 E. 20th Ave., in Denver on Monday, Sept. 2, 2024. The store is among locations that have placed some items in more-secure aisles or displays. (Photo by Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post) Denver grocery stores are locking up or cordoning off more products. But it depends on the neighborhood. At a Safeway grocery store in Denver’s Five Points neighborhood, customers planning to peruse aisles 2 and 3 first must enter a secure shopping area cordoned off from the rest of the store. Security cameras monitor an extensive list of products stocked on those protected shelves, including batteries, lightbulbs, laundry detergent, pregnancy tests, deodorant, candles, medicine and baby food. Patrons pay at one of two dedicated check-out counters before being handed receipts and continuing their shopping trips. The anti-theft measures at the store, 757 E. 20th Ave., don’t surprise some shoppers: “They call it ‘Un-Safeway’ for a reason,” Alex Haskins told The Denver Post in the parking lot, repeating a common nickname for that location. Major supermarket chains are ramping up their efforts to prevent stealing by restricting access to certain aisles, installing merchandise lock boxes, hiring security guards and more, Megan Ulu-Lani Boyanton reports.
Should've stuck to the prince with gold bars e-mail scam
The Justice Department [5sep24] announced that Samuel Ogoshi, 24, and Samson Ogoshi, 21, both of Lagos, Nigeria, were each sentenced to 210 months in prison and five years of supervised release for conspiracy to sexually exploit minors. On March 25, 2022, 17-year-old high school student, Jordan DeMay, of Marquette, Michigan, died as a result of this sextortion scheme, which targeted over 100 other victims.*** As detailed in their plea agreements (here and here), Samuel and Samson Ogoshi engaged in a scheme while living in Nigeria to sexually exploit more than 100 victims, including at least 11 identified minor victims. They purchased hacked social media accounts and used them to pose as young women, making fake profiles and using the messaging feature on the social media accounts to contact victims. They conducted online research about their victims to learn where they lived, attended school, worked, and the identities of their family and friends. They then solicited their minor victims to produce sexually explicit images of themselves. Once they received the images, they created a collage of pictures that included the sexually explicit image with other images of the victim and their school, family, and friends. The Ogoshi brothers threatened to disclose the collages to the family, friends, and classmates of the victim unless the victim agreed to pay money using online cash applications. In November 2022, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan charged Samuel Ogoshi, Samson Ogoshi, and Ezekiel Robert, all Nigerian nationals, in the sextortion scheme that resulted in the death of Jordan DeMay. The Ogoshi Brothers were extradited to the United States in August 2023 and pleaded guilty in April. On March 21, a Nigerian court ordered Robert to be extradited to the United States. He has appealed that decision, and the matter is before the Nigerian High Court.***
Crumbley cases set a good example
The 14-year-old suspect in a shooting at a Georgia high school that killed four people and his father will both stay in custody following back-to-back court hearings Friday morning where their lawyers declined to seek bail. At 14-year-old Colt Gray's hearing, the teen was advised of his rights along with the charges and penalties he faced.*** Shortly after Colt Gray's hearing, his father, Colin Gray, was brought into court. Colin Gray, 54, was charged Thursday in connection with the shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, outside Atlanta. Nine people were also hurt in Wednesday’s attack.***
WINDER, Georgia — Colt Gray, the baby-face Georgia school shooting suspect who is charged with murdering two classmates and two teachers, grew up in a broken and neglectful home, which police and child services visited on a regular basis, a former neighbor and landlord tell The Post.
His mother, Marcee, 43, has a lengthy rap sheet with drug and domestic violence arrests. And his father Colin, 54, allegedly bought his troubled son an AR-15 rifle for Christmas — and now faces charges of his own for supplying the weapon used in the shooting.
Lauren Vickers, who lived next-door to the Grays in Jefferson, Georgia, said there were “problems immediately” when the Grays and their three children moved into the well-manicured neighborhood 60 miles east of Atlanta in 2022.
“There were nights where the mom would lock him and his sister out the house. And they would be banging on the back door, just screaming like ‘Mom! mom! mom!’ and crying. It was absolutely devastating,” she said.***
Surprising guilty plea
Hunter Biden‘s trial in California ended before it began Thursday after the first son decided in court to plead guilty to all nine tax charges he was facing and accept whatever sentence the judge decided to impose on him. Judge Mark Scarsi warned Biden that he could face up to 17 years in prison and up to $1.3 million in fines after the first son made the last-minute decision to enter an “open plea,” which involves pleading guilty without negotiating a deal with prosecutors. Government prosecutors read aloud all 56 pages of the indictment that special counsel David Weiss brought against Biden last December to make clear to the courtroom what tax crimes Biden had committed, according to CNN. “Do you agree that you committed every element of every crime?” Scarsi asked the first son after the reading was over. “Yes,” Biden responded. Scarsi set Biden’s sentencing hearing for Dec. 16.***
Maybe he wanted the 3-level guidelines reduction for accepting responsibility?
The indictment alleged, among other things, that Biden claimed as business expenses
a. A $1,500 Venmo payment on August 14, 2018. That payment was to an exotic dancer, at a strip club. The Defendant described the payment in the Venmo transaction as for “artwork.” The exotic dancer had not sold him any artwork.*** d. Payments totaling $11,500 for an escort paid by the Defendant to spend two nights with him.*** Defendant placed Person 1 on payroll shortly after she moved to Arkansas while she was pregnant with his child. Person 1 did not perform any work after being formally placed on payroll in spring 2018 and had no work-related communication with the Defendant after she was placed on payroll. Person 1 received $22,500 in wages which the Defendant falsely claimed as a business deduction reducing the income to him***
Wonderful human
A motocross instructor who mentored children was sentenced [4sep24] to 40 years in prison, followed by a lifetime of supervised release, and ordered to pay at least $193,500 in restitution for sexually exploiting numerous children. According to court documents, Ryan Meyung, 33, of no fixed address, sexually exploited multiple young children that he met and befriended while traveling the country as a motocross instructor between July 2019 and December 2021. As part of his predatory behavior, Meyung produced images and videos of six different minor victims engaged in sexually explicit conduct, including sex acts with him and with each other. The victims were between 6 and 13 years old at the time. Meyung also possessed and transported images and videos of child sexual abuse produced by other sex offenders and sexually abused and recorded other children engaged in sexually explicit conduct.             Meyung pleaded guilty in April to six counts of sexual exploitation of a minor (producing child sexual abuse material) and has been in custody since his arrest in December 2021.***
Apparently not investigated until he complained about border
CV NEWS FEED // The FBI on Thursday raided the homes of several top officials in the administration of New York Democratic Mayor Eric Adams in the midst of an ongoing corruption investigation.***
If a really hot female wants to go on a date and she leaves her purse on the table, you're being video recorded
CV NEWS FEED // A spokesman for a Department of Justice (DOJ) office stated in an undercover video that Democratic New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump is “nonsense” and a politically motivated effort at the behest of “the Democrats.” In addition, Nicholas Biase acknowledged that Bragg’s prosecution – which resulted in Trump’s May 30 conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records – is backfiring on Democrats.  Biase is the chief spokesman for the U.S Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York – a jurisdiction that covers Manhattan, the Bronx, and six suburban counties in upstate New York.  An undercover journalist from the independent media source MugClub told Biase: “Those felonies did nothing to stop Trump from running.” “No, in fact they made him more relevant,” the DOJ spokesman replied.  “Did that backfire?” the journalist asked. The prosecution is “a perversion of justice,” Biase continued. “[Bragg] was stacking charges and rearranging things just to make it fit a case. No, to be honest with you, I think the case is nonsense.”***
Libs of TikTok
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Chiraq violent? Who knew?
(The Center Square) – Crime is up in Chicago despite city-wide efforts – and more than $180 million – to reduce violence through a series of programs. Republican state Rep. John Cabello said Chicago’s rising crime rate amounts to an indictment of the state’s present legal system and all its recent changes. New data shows robbery, aggravated assault and aggravated battery cases across the city are all at five-year highs over the 12 months as the number of violent crimes overall have jumped by 7.2%. “When criminals know that they’re probably not going to be held in jail because of the SAFE-T ACT they’re going to be a little bit more brave in what they do,” Cabello told The Center Square. “The arrests are down because the police are too afraid to do their jobs. They need to get rid of the SAFE-T ACT, no cash bail but for low level offenses and go back to what we were.”*** The ongoing crime wave continues to bubble despite the city heavily investing in hopes of changing things, including allocating at least $180 million for violence prevention and youth summer job programs as part of the state budget.*** “It’s going to continue with Chicago losing population,” he said. “People are going to leave because they’re afraid and they want to protect their families and that means the more people that leave Chicago the less tax dollars they’re going to have and it’s going to be a never-ending, revolving cycle.”***
When he's driving a Lambo, you know he has the $$ for a lawyer
CNN —  The Miami-Dade Police Department placed an officer on administrative leave Sunday after Miami Dolphins star Tyreek Hill was detained prior to the start of the season-opening game. On Sunday morning, just hours before kickoff, Hill was detained for a short time by police after a traffic incident, the team said on social media. Hill’s agent said the wide receiver was ticketed for a moving violation and it’s not clear why the situation escalated. Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) Director Stephanie V. Daniels said Sunday an investigation has begun into the incident and one of the officers involved is being placed on administrative duties. A second Dolphins player said he was also handcuffed when trying to discuss the situation with officers at the scene.***
Weird - expect better from such flamers?
The Justice Department announced today that Dallas Humber, 34, of Elk Grove, California, and Matthew Allison, 37, of Boise, Idaho — leaders of the Terrorgram Collective, a transnational terrorist group — were charged with a 15-count indictment for soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists. Humber and Allison were arrested on Friday by law enforcement officials.***
According to the indictment, which was unsealed today, Humber and Allison are the leaders of the Terrorgram Collective, a transnational terrorist group that operates on the digital messaging platform Telegram, where it promotes white supremacist accelerationism: an ideology centered on the belief that the white race is superior; that society is irreparably corrupt and cannot be saved by political action; and that violence and terrorism are necessary to ignite a race war and accelerate the collapse of the government and the rise of a white ethnostate.  The indictment alleges that Humber and Allison, as leaders of the Terrorgram Collective, contributed to and disseminated several Terrorgram videos and publications that provide specific advice for carrying out crimes, celebrate white supremacist attacks, and provide a hit list of “high-value targets” for assassination. The hit list included U.S. federal, state, and local officials, as well as leaders of private companies and non-governmental organizations, many of whom were targeted because of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Humber and Allison are alleged to have operated Terrorgram channels and group chats, where they solicited Terrorgram users to commit attacks in order to achieve Terrorgram’s goals of accelerationism and white supremacy and provided instructions and guidance to equip Terrorgram users to carry out those attacks.*** They also incited Terrorgram users to commit attacks in furtherance of white supremacist accelerationism, including the following individuals who were allegedly inspired or guided by Humber, Allison, and other members of the Terrorgram Collective to carry out attacks or were planning to do so when they were arrested by law enforcement:
An individual who shot three people (killing two) outside of an LGBT bar in Slovakia;
An individual who planned an attack on energy facilities in New Jersey; and
An individual who stabbed five people near a mosque in Turkey.
The indictment charges Humber and Allison with a total of 15 counts, including one count of conspiracy, four counts of soliciting hate crimes, three counts of soliciting the murder of federal officials, three counts of doxing federal officials, one count of threatening communications, two counts of distributing bombmaking instructions, and one count of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.***
North Carolina automotive parts manufacturer and seller, Rudy’s Performance Parts Inc. (Rudy’s), and its owner, Aaron Rudolf, have agreed to pay a total of $10 million in criminal fines and civil penalties for manufacturing, selling and installing devices, commonly known as “defeat devices,” used to remove or disable required emissions controls in motor vehicles. Rudy’s pleaded guilty and was sentenced today in federal court in Washington, D.C., for conspiring to violate the Clean Air Act. U.S. District Court Judge Trevor N. McFadden for the District of Columbia ordered Rudy’s to pay a criminal fine of $2.4 million and to complete a three-year period of organizational probation, consistent with a plea agreement. *** Rudy’s sold defeat devices, known as delete tuners, which tampered with the on-board diagnostic systems (OBDs) of vehicles. Rudy’s top selling product was the Mini Maxx delete tuner originally manufactured by another company, identified in court documents as “Company A.” Rudy’s also sold the XRT Pro, another Company A delete tuner. After Company A stopped making these tuners, Rudy’s conspired with others to manufacture imitation Company A tuners. Rudy’s reached an agreement with a software technician to convert certain tuners into imitation Company A tuners. That agreement ran from July 2015 through December 2016, when the software technician stopped converting tuners. After that, Rudy’s manufactured the imitation delete tuners in-house using a laptop computer that Rudy’s purchased for $850,000. The laptop contained software to convert tuners into imitation Company A tuners. In-house manufacturing lasted from about December 2016 through July 2018. In total, Rudy’s sold approximately 43,900 imitation tuners, generating about $33 million in revenue. The civil lawsuit alleges that from at least 2014 through mid-2019, Rudy’s and Rudolf manufactured and sold over 250,000 products designed to remove or disable EPA-mandated emissions controls. These products included hardware parts such as plates that block a vehicle’s exhaust gas recirculation system and pipes that replace pollution treatment components in a vehicle’s exhaust system.***
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Sarah Forbes Bonetta (c. 1843 - August 15, 1880) a princess of the Egbado clan of the Yoruba people, is known as the goddaughter of Queen Victoria. She was born in Nigeria. Her parents’ names are unknown as are the names of her siblings who were all killed in the 1847 slave raid that made her a captive.
Her village of Okeadan was attacked by King Gezo of Dahomey. Intent on capturing slaves and killing those not taken, Gezo’s men seized the four-year-old girl. She was not killed and remained at Gezo’s Court until British Commander Frederick Forbes landed the HMS Bonetta in Dahomey to persuade Gezo to give up slave raiding and trading. Forbes noticed the young girl and bargained for her life. He persuaded King Gezo to “give” her to Queen Victoria, saying “She would be a present from the King of the Blacks to the Queen of the Whites.” The girl remained with Forbes in West Africa where she was baptized and given the name Sarah Forbes Bonetta.
She met Queen Victoria. The Queen was impressed by her intellect and entrusted her care to the Schoen family. The Queen declared her goddaughter and paid her tutorial expenses.
She developed a cough believed to be caused by the climate of Great Britain. Queen Victoria arranged for her to be sent to what she believed was a better climate for her in Sierra Leone. There she was educated at the Female Institution. She excelled in music and academic studies but was unhappy prompting the Queen to bring her back to England.
She was permitted by Queen Victoria to marry Captain James Pinson Labulo Davies, a wealthy Yoruba businessman from Sierra Leone. She arrived at the ceremony in an entourage that included ten carriages. The couple lived in Bristol, England before returning to Sierra Leone.
She began teaching in a Freetown school. She gave birth to a girl and was permitted by the Queen to name her Victoria. The Queen became young Victoria’s godmother. Her cough continued and she was diagnosed with tuberculosis. She had two more children but died. Queen Victoria continued to provide for her daughter. She supported young Victoria’s education and gave her an annuity. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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queenugobezeofficial · 4 months
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"WORLD PEACE THROUGH INNER PEACE" The daughter of Igboland, HIRM, Amb. Dr. Uba Iwunwa (Queen Ugobeze) making waves across the globe from the throne of the Kingdom of David, Headquarters in Jerusalem Israel with a global clarion call.
The crown of Ezenwanyi, the illuminated divine Empress is a sacrificial ancestral ordinance dedicated to the reclamation, reconciliation, restoration and Immortalization legacy of Elder Sir Josiah Achinulo Chinyere (Omeonu-Uwa II) and to the vibrational footprint, crown and honor of my grandparents HM Late Lolo Omari Yaya Chinyere (Nee Ozo Iwunwa Obioha) and HM Late Nze Aghumnu Chinyere (Omeonu-Uwa 1) for Ikenga Abiama Dynasty Foundation. https://lnkd.in/gH7RcuSs
To the blessed memory of the matriarch, first ancestral queen, Her Majesty, Late, Lolo Ugoeze USANMA DURUMBA (Nee OKWARA IHENAKWE) with a grand salute to the sacredness of my ancestors and to all Umu Okwara na Uzoaku Dynasty, Okoro-Okwara, Amoji Ugwu Village, Nkwerre, Imo-State, Nigeria. ROARRRR!!!!
Please click here to watch the interview 
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teenkillhimself · 8 months
If I was president hm… I would actually fix Nigeria but you people would think I’m a dictator
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