#archery stuff
muchmossymess · 25 days
uh oh guys, hot take alert:
i think revali may have invented hand held aerial archery HEAR ME OUT- (this is a long one boys)
okay. evidence one: why the fuck would a rito shoot like that. like, it makes nearly zero sense, it would be such a hindrance to their flight and their main stake is that they can be higher than you can shoot whilst still pinging you... which revali has overcome with his gale
evidence two: tulin and the concept arts. obviously rito style archery would be held in their talons. before totk came out idk if anyone had really thought about it too much, but the developers had, as you can see in concept art (from the creating a champion book). and like, its logical, powerful, and allows for peak maneuverability. also, when in flight revali (and teba) holds his bow in his talons before switching to his wings. surely its easier to keep it in your wing (obvi ignoring the effects to flight but hes doing that anyway firing the damn thing) rather than switch back and forth- unless you were taught that way, because why would you hold it elsewhere, you need it in your talons to shoot.
evidence three: we dont see any other rito do it (...kind of). throughout botw and totk, we never see another rito flying with a bow in their hands. in totk, its mostly tulin, who holds it in his talons, but in botw the big one is teba. during the medoh quest, he actually gives *link* his bow, and therefore does no shooting in the sky. teba and harth had both tried to take on medoh before, but we never see this, and while they holds their bows in their hands *on the ground,* we dont see it.
...except for aoc (uh, spoilers?). there are two times we see a rito other than revali hold their bow in their hand for aerial archery. but it is not with any rito soldiers, either during cutscenes (the bows are only on their backs) or gameplay (they swoop down, and then hand hold bows on ground. they arent seen flying at all but thats prolly for the same reasons as botw: its very hard to code that (and so they write the lore around that fact)). the first time we actually see another rito do this, we dont see it. Its teba, as he comes thru the portal, but all we see is the arrow shot, and then him freeze frame with the bow in one wing. we dont see the bow in his hand for the rest of the fight. the second time we actually see him fighting like this, it *is* in the air, but its noticeably different to revali.
hes a lot slower, it clearly takes a LOT more effort to shoot the bow, and he only pulls off one arrow at a time. its canon that revalis bow is heavier/harder to draw, and he manages to effortlessly stream arrows whilst fucking floating midair. i think teba, forever a revali fanboy, heard of how the champion mastered his own style of archery and sought to teach himself, but lacked one key thing: revalis mastery of wind.
evidence three point five: revali could easily use his powers to hold him in the air longer/slow his descent long enough for him to fire his shots. it makes sense, really. if he can use his gale to propel him, he can sit on the updraft for a hot sec, or even curve the path to carry him along while he lines up the shot. this would mean he wouldnt need to flap as much as other rito, who would obviously need to keep flying
evidence four: revalis fighting style and his needs. revali works with non rito, obviously. he needs to be able to communicate with them on the battlefield, and they wont understand the muffled chirps if he holds his string in his beak, so he needs his mouth free to speak hylian. also, revalis main tactic is fly up with gale, shoot, fall, either shoot more or use velocity and weight to knock around opponents, and then fly back up. he often needs both feet planted firmly on the ground to get a good hold of his gale, something that is harder to do if you have a bow in the way.
also, take for example the kick he delivers link in their fight (aoc). that would possibly damage the bow, or give the opponent a chance to grab his weapon, if he held it in his talons. and to switch from feet to back is a risky maneuver during freefall, and could lose precious seconds, and then when you get back in the air you need to get it off your back again. its much easier to keep the bow loosely in your wing the whole time, meaning your free to attack melee, land and rise all while not wasting a single moment getting your next shot lined up.
so yeah, i think the rito used the talon grip for aerial archery, and would often use the hand held method on the ground for a variety of reasons (more powerful shots?, easier in some situations like hunting), but revali was perhaps the first to use hand held aerial, another reason he was one of the greatest archers ever.
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cyberr-v0id · 5 months
I’ve had this conversation with my irl friends before and I’ll say it here
Throwing darts is just so un-sexy. If you find your face stuck into a target in my house then you can bet your ass I’ve been using it for archery practice
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blumineck · 2 months
Remember kids, Violins isn't always the answer! (Some times it's Atl-lute-l!)
Shameless* self-promo:
The College of Arrows is an archery learning space with tutorials ranging from equipment basics to advanced tricks. It's an active, constantly updating community with new courses added all the time, skills sharing, and opportunities for personalised tuition.
If that sounds like your sort of thing, click here to join our mailing list and find out more!
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agent-bash · 11 months
OK weird question. I was at my first outdoor archery tournament, it went pretty good, didn't place or anything but had never shot 3D before and only missed 1 target so yay that. Anywho, so many people smelled like vanilla - like so many! Guys, girls, like every other group we passed on the trails, bang hit with vanilla? What's up with that?
First congrats on getting out there, and only losing one arrow! That's awesome. Second, sorry this sat for so long. I don't know how I missed it.
As to the vanilla you were smelling, there is a rhyme and reason. One of the biggest issues for archers on the line, particularly in 3D, where we can be in forests, is mosquitos. They swarm, they bite, they get in the mouth and nose, they're a total distraction. And even if you're wearing the top-of-the-line, paid out the nose for it, Deet ridden bug spray, it does nothing. Hell, sometimes, it seems to attract them more!
The solution? Vanilla scent.
I am dead serious.
I didn't believe it when I first heard about this trick a few years ago from another archer, but I gave it a try, and I'm not ever going back. Because it actually fucking works! At least for me.
Cheap (or not you do you) vanilla-scented body spray. A couple squirts and mozzies (and gnats) leave me the hell alone. Plus I smell like cookies. Doesn't work for everyone, but I do recommend giving it a try.
You can try it with Vanilla Extract, too, but be careful, as that can stain clothes and skin.
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some-zer0 · 5 months
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Damascus Arc my beloved
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delicate-sketch · 11 days
saw a post about how people want will solace to have a gun because they don’t recognize the value of his healing powers which can be true but also
the whole thing in pjo is that for demigods fighting = autonomy and independence (which is why percy screams at the begging IT SUCKS TO BE A DEMIGOD) the idea is that the camp makes demigods safe (by teaching them how to fight) and any other type of labour isn’t that much valuable because they > don’t teach them that it is < / > they don’t live enough to need them <
The Harpies are the ones cleaning instead of themselves, the Ambrosia will heal instead of actual doctors (which puts a hell of pressure on Will when the ambrosia is not enough because he needs to treat those who are severely injured AND the light injured who already took way too much Ambrosia)
And I don’t think this was on purpose RR was just like “oh shit someone and something needs to do this boring stuff”
I think the camp should have an equilibrium going on like teach those kids valuable life skills (what is safe to eat in a forest how do I cook make themselves clean the dishes how do I treat an injurie without ambrosia ((this one for wills sake too)) how do I guide myself without a gps) and also what kind of fighting suits you because yeah in a world where monsters want to kick your ass you need to know how to defend yourself not because this is what makes you valuable but because it what makes you SURVIVE
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cinimuffin · 1 year
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
post about all my fave little details in sean izaakse's art in Green Arrow Vol. 7 #1
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all of them using different bows that fit their styles (ollie has a recurve, connor a longbow, roy a compound)
additionally connor using the 3-under draw as opposed to the more widely used mediterranean draw that roy and ollie use! ROYS BOW EVEN HAS A STABILISER
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ollie and roy using the average type of takedown recurve training bows. i used those kinds when i learnt!! dude thats so cool. AND their arrows are bullet point because they're target shooting, unlike the broadheads they use in the field!!
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the e on this sign being out. idk its just a cute detail makes the world feel lived in
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ollie talking about finding his heart while him and dinah make a heart in their silhouette, also they do be bangin on the league's meeting table. good for them
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blink and you'll miss it detailing on connor's quiver!
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dinah having a supporting hand on roy's shoulder as she knows they just found exactly what they were looking for.
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the WHO IS THE BATMAN graffiti. i think they should come back and write BRUCE WAYNE under it when this is all done.
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roy keeping a hand on lian as if he's scared she'll disappear again if he lets go (whoops)
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ollie having a hip quiver!!! (yes sean izaakse is now my gold standard for all archery related comic art, yes i know he will never be replicated)
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i keep changing my ambitions and goals everyday.
"i wanna be a figure skater. no i wanna be an engineer. you know what, i should do archery. how about owning a small cafe... or a shop... or a bakery. wait a min, I should write a novel. or run for president..."
however, I finally figured it out.
guys, I think I got it. I want be a ✨ barbie ✨
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owllooker · 8 months
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I designed my own character and it was a lot of fun! Inspired by star rail character designs I wanted to do something as layered.
Who do you think she is?
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antlerlad · 4 months
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ok I am in fact a bit smitten with the mullet
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sesamenom · 5 months
blond wrestling guy + blumineck = celegorm
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theletterboxstuff · 20 days
No rizz, just me and my fascination for sword fighting, archery and horse riding
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otaku553 · 1 year
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(The heaven-sent)
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 months
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