bin nur am schmunzle weg dim blog ❤️🙈🇨🇭 (& ja de emoji ish chli falsch hahah)
Haha :D freut mi dass er dir gfallt ;)
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You know your swiss... When the new emoji keyboard was announced you were more excited about a swiss flag emoji than racially diverse emojis.
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Submitted by Anonymous 
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Submitted by: dracaeryes.tumblr.com
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Alright so I hate to see this blog to stand still
I will make the original blank picture with the swiss flag and the the you know you’re swiss when... text above available to you all and then you can copy that creat your own and submit it to me.... like the picture that is ready to be posted... uhmmm I will do the ones that are now in my inbox the following you’ll have to do yourself... So I’m more the curator than the creator ;)  
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I don't have enough time to update this blog anymore
But I won't delete it
so yeah 
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I like your blog, it's really lovely. The only thing I can't understand about the Swiss is: how on earth can you dronk Ovo?
To be honest, I can't stand that stuff haah XD 
except maybe the chocolate bar but only if there's no other choice 
so yeah maybe I'm not the best to ask that question :P
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I'm 27, Swiss and live in Canada for 13yrs now. Would luv to make some Swiss friends. So here's my question....."where is everyone hiding?"
Purgatory.... no sorry uhm haha I don't know. I hope you'll find some swiss friends ^^
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hammer blog (y) witer so :)
Danke :D
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Suggested by: da-zdravstvuyet-smert
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Suggested by: allineedistalkingtothemoon
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My moms Swiss and we have a German neighbor & we live in Canada. So when she tries to talk to him she has to speak German which is hard for her and he doesn't understand much Swiss-German. They'll change from English to Swiss-German to German in one sentence trying to understand each other. It's rather funny! :)
haha this sounds so funny I would love to hear such a conversation XD 
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great blog! I'm glad I found it :)
Thank you :D
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20 Facts about Switzerland
Switzerland's official name in Latin is Confoederatio Helvetica, that's where CH comes from.
We have 4 official languages: German (Schweiz), French (Suisse), Italian (Svizzera) and Romansch (Svizra).
We are not in the EU.
Our currency is the Swiss Franc.
Rivella is a Swiss soft drink that is very popular here and in the Netherlands.... but remember it is NOT Dutch... we made that...:P
Our country is divided into cantons and we have 26 of those.
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Our Motto is "Unus pro omnibus, omens pro uno" (Latin) which translates to "One for all, all for one". Or German: Einer für alle, alle für einen. French: "Un pour tous, tous pour un". Italian: "Uno per tutti, tutti per uno." Romansch: "In per tuts, tuts per in."
Switzerland has an area of 41'285 square Km or 15'940 square miles. And we have about 8 million inhabitants.
We are located in the western middle part of europe. South of Germany, East of France, North of Italy and West of Austria.
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Renée Zellweger's father is from Switzerland (Au,St.Gallen) 
We do have running water and electricity. We may be slow sometimes but not THAT slow.
Our flag is a square. Only one other flag is a square and that's the flag form Vatican City.
The Swiss Guards protect the pope in Vatican City.
At the battle of Morgarten in 1315 the old Swiss Confederacy won against The Duchy of Austria. The Duchy of Austria's troops had about 9000 people (2000 of them were knights) and Switzerland had about 1500 people. Austria lost about 2000 people and we lost 12.... yes only 12. Don't fuck with the Swiss
In the German speaking parts (at least where I live) we have to learn French at school. There is no choice.
We do have the best chocolate..... And we love it.
Bern is our capital city but Zürich is the biggest city
We were one of the last european countries to give women the right to vote (in 1971)
The Matterhorn is not the highest peak with 4478 meters but it's the most famous. The Monte Rosa (Dufourspitze) is the highest with 4634 meters. The Matterhorn is still on 5th place.
And last but not least. The 1st of August is our national day. Our country was founded in 1291 by legend. Friedrich Schiller made a play about Wilhelm Tell, in that play he also talks about the foundation of Switzerland. And the Rütlischwur (Rütli oath) became very famous. This is the Rütlischwur:
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And yeah today is the 1st of August so go out and celebrate your countries birthday and have fun :D
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PS: Be careful with that firework ;D
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Suggested By:   froschdracula 
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Suggested by: allineedistalkingtothemoon
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Suggested by: allineedistalkingtothemoon
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