plantskid · 8 years
Best wishes 🍭
Thank you!!
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cryyyystalised · 8 years
omg I literally just thought 'hm I haven't seen cryyyystalised on my dash lately' and then I just fckn how did I not get that you changed ur Profile pic
omg you’re so cute but yes this icon just speaks to me u know?? 
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mczarts · 9 years
favourite music genre?
i alternate between hip hop and indie rock depending on my mood
url: 8/10theme: 7/10posts: 7/10overall: 7/10following? no sorry
want one? (blacklist br)
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mellifera38 · 9 years
omg pls explain the 'new Music on Itunes' post i don't get it
Oh that was more about the ad. Its implying there might be a sequel to the song Telephone with Lady Gaga and Beyonce. I’m not sure if its actually legit or not.
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liveinanimeworld · 9 years
Me:if i die please play this song at my funeral
me: (starts singing the song) dun dun dun dududu dududu du
best friend: but thats the imperial march from star wars
me: exactly!! because bitches im going back to space
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videntefernandez · 9 years
hi hey can u pls explain the Comic w that one guy passing a letter to the guy infront thank u
It’s referencing the Loss.jpg meme
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Holy shit we have the same personality type awesome
WHAT? THAT IS CRAZY. Also awesome. 
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ICH CHAS NÖD GLAUBE ! Wie het epper wo chli Verstand het nur chöne d'SVP wähle? Nachdem sie d' "Vorprognose a Usländer 2020" manipuliert und anegloge hend und na so en absolut taktlose "Witz" mit de K.O.-Tropfe bracht hend. Die zwinget ja eim quasi zum Uswandere!
Es isch nid wirklich öppis neus dass si Statistike manipuliere. Mi cha jo no hoffe dass d Lüt bis zu de neggschte Wahle wider einigermasse bi Verstand sin, und dass es us uns Scheisse goht weg d EU uns jetzt äntgültig de Rugge chert, vilicht wird si dass ‘bekehre’. Ich mein, wenn me scho rächts isch, denn cha me jo d FDP wähle, die sin wenigschtens economisch gse nid unsere Untergang.D Hoffnig stirbt z letscht, wie me so schön seit…
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2187px · 9 years
Hey hi yes so you were in Paris right? are there some places you recommend bc I'm going tomorrow for 3 weeks thanks a lot :)
sure! okay, so these are my favourite places and things to do and i hope you’ll like them too if you happen to go there and do it!
musée d’orsay. my favourite museum in paris. its interior is absolutely stunning, it has van gogh’s starry night over the rhone - which is one of my van gogh favourites. it has a lot of stunning art and the most gorgeous impressionist gallery. it’s my absolute favourite.
notre dame. it’s cliché and such a tourist trap, but god it’s one of my faves. i don’t know if you’ve been to paris before, but go to notre dame. not only is the building itself absolutely stunning, the area around it is one of my favourites in paris. walking around notre dame in the sunlight, visiting the little flower shop nearby, buying a crêpe in the streets across la seine? the area is!! so !!! also if you’re there, climb notre dame! it’s quite a climb since it’s like five hundred year old stairs and it’s pretty steep and you can’t stop because there are people walking behind you, so if you have breathing difficulties or a physical disability that prevents you from doing something like that - don’t do it. i had to catch my breath for a while after reaching the top,,,,,,,, and to add the architecture is my favourite and walking around inside is so lovely like seeing its history is JUST (im emo about old cathedrals dont @ me)
shakespeare and co. also located near notre dame, so if you’re in that area - PLEASE go there. it’s my favourite bookshop in paris. it’s old, it’s tiny and it’s got books everywhere. old and new. it has a little poetry corner and i loved it there. you can go upstairs to visit a reading room with couches, it even has a sort of-bed? and a piano. when i was in there there was always someone playing. it also has like a thing where you can write little notes in a little box and the staff puts those notes in books, so when you buy a book you can get a note from someone across the world. i think that’s absolutely beautiful like i could CRY. it also has a writing corner with a small type writer ok i could go on forever just go there GO THERE
le louvre. this is like, obligatory? it’s HUGE, so like. spend a day there. it’s going to be worth it. make sure you have good shoes and at least one bottle of water. 
jardin du luxembourg. it’s a BEAUTIFUL park, like go and have lunch there!!! you’re gonna love it!!!! just sit in those chairs and look at all the people is amazing AMAZING
musée de l’orangerie. has the oval monet gallery!!!! it’s my fave it’s SO stunning
jardin tuileries. you can see the eiffel tower from that park and it’s so beautiful UGH
sit by la seine outside notre dame at the evenings. students of paris usually sit there by the water, having picnics and drinking wine until the sun goes down and far into the night. the atmosphere is gorgeous there at all times of the day, but the evenings with the students are… indescribable. 
if you’re looking for food or lunch or something i can really recommend bagelstein? had lunch there and it was so nice like the staff was super friendly (one called me felix le chat when i said my name was felix which was kinda cute) and the bagels are sOOOO GOOD.
it’s technically not in paris, but versailles. spend a day there it’s so worth it. honestly i could stay there forever. the architecture, the rooms, the interior? to think that people actually lived there is unbelievable. it feels like you can touch the history in the air when you walk in there.
AND AND AND AND I GOTTA ADD: visit le marais!!! that area is BEAUTIFUL plus victor hugo lived there, you can actually visit his old apartment! it’s a museum there, it was closed when i was there but i hear it’s great!!!!!!
AND ALSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! visit the eiffel tower at night. sitting in the grass by the tower when it starts blinking is an amazing feeling.
okay i gotta stop??? this is too long im sorry i just love paris so much. there is so much to do in paris, have a lovely time !!!!!!
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I love your blog sm its getting RIDICULOUS
(^◇^;) thank you so much, dear! ~
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steverognerds · 9 years
Hi I'm Mel and I'm a French history Nerd (well history in general)my fave colour is probably blue or brown (I only dress black/white/blue/brown so) but I've grown really fond of yellow lately my fave ship is Enjoltaire (les mis) and I love ice cream. all. Oh ye I don't have a cat (yet) cuz my family is allergic (except me heh)
hiya mel! 
i’m an art history nerd haha so i get u! ugh i love all ice cream too, why is it so delicious??? and tbh it seems like half of the tumblr population has some sort of cat allergy in their individual families lol
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cryyyystalised · 9 years
I literally just followed you but your blog is like a picture of my heart and also u seem so nice omg what even
wow thanks that’s so sweet of u to say!! x
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mczarts · 9 years
my favourite calming song was alter ego by tame Impala bc it made me feel like im somewhere save in the rain forest but after seeing them live it just makes me nostalgic ahaha
i really enjoyed this one, wow i can totally understand the nostalgia you feel 
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liveinanimeworld · 9 years
what teh fuck bro
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shinrinyokus · 9 years
idk which one of u sent this and if this is now the equivalent of our hellos but ay yo
1. First impression: i thought u were like rlly hot like w that selfie u used to have up w ur septum and sclera contacts that y i talked to u also tbh 
2. Truth is: ur a lame anime nerd who is funny sometimes 
3. How old do you look: 17 i guess omfg i can’t rlly unsee ur age bc ik it 
4. Have you ever made me laugh: r u kidding me remember when i called u and u couldn’t control ur sim o yeah i died that day 
5. Have you ever made me mad: nope
6. Best feature: eyes 
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: nope
8. You’re my: duchess of the cool castle and the mother to my children 
9. Name in my phone: 'Nathalie Meier’ 
10. Should you post this too? ya do it son 
1. First impression: well p much the same impression as i had w nate 
2. Truth is: u is a full on art hoe 
3. How old do you look: can’t unsee the 17
4. Have you ever made me laugh: ya
5. Have you ever made me mad: nope
6. Best feature: eyes also i guess omg i also rlly like ur hands welp 
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: weeell
8. You’re my: lame girlfriend 
9. Name in my phone: 'Mel Meier’
10. Should you post this too? ya pls do  
send me a ‘hello’ and i’ll do the thing
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Hi idk if u remember me (we talked about les amis looking ppl) so anyway do u have a nickname?
YES OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU. I’m sorry, I’m awful at keeping in touch with people and I’m so happy to hear from you. I have had several nicknames in my time.
Sexy Bexy
the angry one
PB (for Pun(ny) Bear)
The Invincible One
Okay, that last one might be a slight exaggeration. 
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