#archangel michael spn
theangelssing · 25 days
Real - Midam
prompt: It’s been like this for months now, Adam wanting a real kiss from Michael, not a vision. So Michael tries everything to make his human happy, even asking Sam Winchester for a little help.
Midam, Adam x Michael, third POV, 1574 words
warnings: soft fluffy imagine but slight mention of anxiety and overprotection, physical touch like hugs & kisses (romantic way), physical affection (friendly hand on shoulder)
a/n: this imagine takes place after last season, forgetting almost everything from the last season tbh (Dean, Crowley, Castiel, Gabriel, etc aren’t dead)
don't hesitate to send request for every character & ship you want (:
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“I wish we could kiss,” said Adam with a small sad smile. Michael projected a kiss in Adam’s mind, trying his best to make it feel as real as possible. Adam shook his head, erasing the sweet image.
“Not like this. I mean a real kiss, your mouth on mine… y’know?”
Michael didn’t answer. What could he? A real kiss wasn’t easy, near impossible, without possessing another body. And even when possessing another body, the kiss never felt right. The vessel was different each time, making Adam uncomfortable – almost as if he was cheating on his boyfriend even if Michael were the same no matter his vessel.
So when Adam asks for a real kiss, Michael says nothing. When Adam is asleep or when Michael is fully controlling their shared body, the archangel would try to work on his powers to become stronger, to make the illusion of the kisses and hugs even more real without leaving his body. But it was harder than he thought and he had no one to ask advice to. He feared his own brothers would pity or shame him and he didn’t want this – or more like he didn’t want them to joke about it in front of Adam. He thought about asking Castiel but Cas isn’t strong enough to know this kind of power. Hell, he even thought asking Crowley or Rowena! but he didn’t want to be involved with black magic or demon.
Hence why he was knocking on Sam’s door. Entering the bunker wasn’t easy and he feared Dean wouldn’t let him entered if Adam wasn’t there but the oldest Winchester seemed to have softened and let him in. After having answered vaguely Dean’s questions, he walked straight to Sam’s bedroom. He opened quickly, as if he was waiting for Michael to come, making him feel weird.
“Hi Michael, what can I do for you?” asked Sam almost immediately.
Michael looked at him from head to toe. Disoriented. Uncomfortable.
“How?…” he couldn’t even finish his sentence, Sam answering already.
“When Adam knocks, it’s soft and I always almost don’t hear it. You’re knocking on the door as if your life depends on it. And Dean sent me a message. So, what can I do for you?”
Michael winced. Of course the answer was as simple as that. He sighed, entering Sam’s room and closing behind him.
“Well it is rather… embarrassing. Know that I hate asking you for this but I am here for Adam.”
“Go on.”
Sam sat on his bed, showing the desk’s chair to Michael, feeling this conversation would be a long one. Michael hesitated but finally sat on the chair, looking at Sam. God, it was so hard to talk about something as private as this.
“Dude, if it’s for Adam I won’t judge you so go on.”
The younger Winchester had something kind and generous in him. Michael thought for a second, before finally saying to himself that he made the right decision. Michael started to talk, to share things to Sam while the boy was listening carefully, nodding his head from time to time. He even reached for Michael’s shoulder to pat it, to give him comfort and confidence in his revelation. Sam wasn’t judging the archangel not feeling pity – as Michael feared – he was silently supporting and maybe even trying to search for a solution already.
“But I can’t. It doesn’t work and I didn’t know who to ask for help. So I thought you were the one who could help me without judging us or shaming Adam for being with me.”
Sam said nothing, he just stared at Michael and the archangel suddenly felt as if he said something dumb or wrong. But Sam only smiled softly then raising on his feet.
“Michael, man, nobody will judge Adam for loving you. You spent 1080 years in Hell together!”
“So… you’ll help me? Without saying anything to the others?”
“Right,” Sam sighed. “If you wish to not say anything, I won’t.”
Michael almost jumped from his chair.
“Thank you, Sam Winchester.”
“Woah, calm down with the family name. I’m just helping, I didn’t say it’ll work. Why don’t you ask Jack by the way? He’s God now.”
“Because he’s a kid.”
“Yeah but the most powerful one. Anyway, gotta start reading some books. Be ready for your training, I’ll call you when I find something.”
Sam winked at Michael and made him leave his room, then heading straight to the bunker’s library. Michael stayed there, helpless and unable to say anything, just leaving the bunker after having say goodbye to Dean. He returned at home and was so perturbed that he let Adam take the control again.
When Sam called, it was late during the night. Adam was asleep, Michael wide awake, champing at the bit, afraid Sam called someone and told everything. But when the phone rang, Michael jumped on it and answered straight away. Sam chuckled.
“Alright. I think I found something. I’ll come over, you won’t achieve anything in the bunker.”
And with this single message, the Winchester stopped the call and was with Michael twenty minutes later. A chance nobody was on the road, Sam said. Michael didn’t dare to ask how far above the speed limit he was. Sam exposed his books, showing Michael everything he found about the urgent matter.
Michael didn’t have the time to read, urging Sam to explain what he had to do. The younger brother laughed but told him, explaining everything he found. So the archangel tried. And retried. Again. And again. Until he said stopped. It was almost dawn and Sam didn’t sleep. Michael could tell he was exhausted to watch a grown archangel, the oldest one, not even reaching a small part of his goal. He knew Sam felt as if he was failing him. Michael wanted to say that he did his best helping him and that he should go home and rest but Sam didn’t want to. He wanted to continue, to find a solution, to make Adam happy and Michael feeling better about their relationship.
“Michael, you have to feel what you’re wishing for, what you wanna make Adam feel, otherwise it can’t work.”
“I’m trying Sam, but it doesn’t work! Go home, I can’t do that.”
“No. You have to understand how to be vulnerable. This power works only if you’re as vulnerable as Adam, if you feel the same things as Adam. Nothing can happen, so try again, make you vulnerable.”
“How? I have to protect him, Sam, I am an archangel and…”
“You’re Adam’s boyfriend right now, you have to make sure he’s happy and you have to love him. Love sure is a feeling of vulnerability so you have to break the walls you created around you. Go on, please, man. You can do it. Just… let your feelings take over.”
“If something happens, you’ll protect us?”
“Dude I’m a hunter, of course. Now shut up and try already!”
The archangel never felt this, a strange feeling, as he was trying to become like Adam. He suddenly felt lighter, enveloped by Adam’s love, feeling his own love enveloping and embracing him – he saw them kissing, hugging, he felt and saw it and wished for it to be true, wishing so hard that he forgot everything and only thought about Adam and felt even more in love and he tried to redirect his affection towards Adam and in no time he felt an answer to his kiss. The archangel closes his eyes, leaning in the kiss, in the new embrace. He didn’t ask himself what was happening – for the first time he was enjoying Adam and himself only, without anything coming in between them. Sam, from the outside, saw Adam and Michael’s shared body leaning in the soft mattress and pillows. He saw all the anxiety and blood pressure of Michael leaving the body, almost as if Adam took control again. But it was still the archangel, powerfully dominating his feelings and Adam.
That is when Michael felt the urge to press himself against Adam that the human woke up, in the tightest hug and most loving kiss he ever had. He was submerged by Michael’s love, surprised even. But most of all, he was happy, serene, calm. He was enjoying everything his archangel was giving him at the moment and what a moment! It felt as if they were doing it for years but Adam would never want to stop. It felt too right, too perfect to break it. But the archangel couldn’t stay like this for too long, leaving his human eager for more. Yet Adam was still feeling the link between them, he could almost see it and even though he was left without being warned.
No one dared to speak, Michael too surprised by himself, Adam too shocked and happy, and Sam couldn’t resign himself from stopping this quite private moment. The archangel only looked at the Winchester and only moved his lips in a “thank you”. Sam, without making a sound, left them. Michael was still hugging Adam, clenching at him. Adam was still feeling everything, almost painting after this mouthful kiss. A kiss that prevented a lot more, now that the archangel knew how to be even more powerful to fulfill his human’s desires.
“How did this kiss felt so real?”
“Because I made myself stronger for you.”
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Today Dean finds a dusty container of hair gel in the back of a closet, forgotten to time until now. He uses it to slick back his hair and Sam almost punches him on instinct because he looked like Michael.
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acecroft · 1 year
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sillywillybillywilly · 9 months
Micheal: I understand Dean Winchester is to be my vessel- DAMN who is that 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️
Zachariah: that'd be the half brother, Adam Milligan.
Micheal: that one. I want that one. Raise him from the dead.
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casiskilled · 1 month
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Midam mini comic I made 😭❤️
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super-incorrect · 11 months
[During a dinner with Archangels]
Y/n - Have I told you how much I love you?
Gabriel - You might have but feel free to remind me
Y/n - Well I lov-
Michael - Enough! You have reminded him 11 times during this dinner alone! He remembers! We all remember!
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unfavorableangel · 6 months
i think it is so important that when adam was talking about getting a job, he said, "we're gonna have expenses." him and michael were going to have expenses, and adam needed to get a job to pay for them. it's important because, in reality, they weren't going to have expenses. michael stopped all of adam's human needs for food and water, and there wasn't a need for a house when michael could fly them anywhere in the world and adam didn't need sleep, but noooo, adam wanted to live a domestic little human life with michael, and he was going to work for it.
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kapellputs · 6 months
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Michael and Adam being the healthiest ship in spn 🙏
this fandom is LACKING in Adam and Michael content.
-drawn whilst listening exclusively to Richard speight jrs new album ‘fistfights and hug-outs’, best country rock I’ve heard in a long time!
-second version without the background is to be a sticker :)
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angelic-impala-67 · 3 months
Unpopular opinion:
I like Adam'Micheal way more than Dean!Michael. And I'm not only talking about what they did.
In like 97% of the cases when people talk about Michael in supernatural, they talk about this version:
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And he's amazing and Jensen did a very good job, don't get me wrong. But, he's not my Michael. My Michael ist the one, that desperately wanted the attention and love from a father figure that die not deserve him.
I mean, look at him:
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He's so pretty!!!
And his Voice? To die for
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Sorry but I won't Change my mind. Do what you want, like who you want but this is my Michael.
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castial · 1 year
It's pretty funny that this is the real best ship of supernatural.
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Y/N: Lucifer won’t come out of his room!
Gabriel: Just tell him I said something.
Y/N: Like what?
Gabriel: Anything factually incorrect.
Y/N, shrugging: If you say so.
Lucifer, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
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gilverrwrites · 6 months
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Angel Energy 💛
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lab-trash · 1 year
We deserve a Midam spinoff. I don't care if it's a low budget web series that Jake Abel does on his YouTube account or a full fledged TV show dedicated to Adam and Michael finding each other again, we deserve it.
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acecroft · 1 year
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I have a headcannon that Gabriel challenged Michael to see who could make the most dangerous animal and Michael accepted so they both tried as hard as they could to one up each others animal, then after a while Chuck caught them and got pissed but didn’t get rid of the animals because they both had seemed so proud of them, so he made Australia so that he could dump all the animals there instead of getting rid of them. After that Michael and Gabriel kept going to Australia when they were bored or something like that and sometimes they’ll meet up at a little house Michael built for some of his favourite animals that he made. And when Michael was in the cage with Adam he’d talk about the animals he made, Adam would just listen when he talked and once Michael mentioned the house he made, then when they got out of the cage Adam insisted that they go there.
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Do you think there’s a song that only Michael knows? Like a song so old that even with his perfect memory he can’t remember the entire melody or where exactly he heard it, but he hums it to himself all the time at his most loneliest. And it should bother him this hole in his memory but it doesn’t matter cause Michael’s so hurt and the song brings so much comfort.
Like Michael is the first thing God made that stuck, that wasn’t swallowed whole by his ever loving sister. And there was a moment, just a second, where it was just the two of them. When Michael wasn’t a brother and God was just a father, maybe God would hold him close and hum an unfinished song of creation to soothe him. The only sources of light in overwhelming darkness.
His first son, his greatest weapon.
Neither God or Michael remember this; Michael’s got siblings that need taking care of and It’s been a long time since God was a father.
But maybe in their umpteenth year in the cage, when they’ve huddled together after a particularly bad day, Michael starts humming a half remembered melody and when Adam asks him where it came from as goes the game they play, for the first time Michael confesses he doesn’t know.
And just maybe, on the other side of the plane, when Chuck’s writing a new chapter of his latest novel, deep in thought contemplating the relationships of fathers and sons; he starts humming a half remembered song in response and wonders where he heard it.
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