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tdpamayaxjanai · 2 months ago
I headcanon that Khessa has the most unelegant laugh ever, like she snort really loud whenever she laughs
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sanctuaryoftheodd · 8 days ago
Chapter 19: Older Than the Trees
I absorbed lunch when no one was looking and I decided to go for a walk. The light from the sky made the trees such a vibrant green that I practically felt like I was somewhere tropical. It was absolutely magical. This would make for a great vacation destination. I thought to myself. Maybe we can work that out after we get in with the Chaos Rangers, though we'll have to build a more convenient way up the mountain.
Though, now that I thought about it, I don't remember trees being in town when we first inherited it. If I'm recollecting correctly, the main town area was so devoid of flora that you half expected Langweilig had included plants in their list of non-human life they banished, and yet there were suddenly trees lining the streets, as if they moved in overnight.
I followed them for a while, until I was distracted by a single house that was inundated by plant life. The front was a full garden with a flowerbed and a mixture of various shrubs. They were planted to line a path that led to the front door. In the back, there was practically a mini-forest. Checking that no one was living in the house next door, I made my way, careful not to trespass to get a better look at the backyard. There was a fence, but it was so small you can easily see over and into the yard. Down on her knees, resting in the soil in a dirt covered outfit, was Granny Sota.
She had a spade in her hand, but the hole she had started remained unaccosted and the tool threatened to fall from her hand. Whatever she was doing, she had stopped doing it in favor of looking in terror up in the sky, as if the dragon was waiting there to pounce on her at any moment. Thinking something was wrong, disregarded my fears of trespassing and jumped the fence. I quickly walked over to her and called out. "Granny Sota, is something the mat-" but I froze.
I heard a voice. No, I didn't hear it. It was in my mind. It reminded me of when my father narrated my life, but it wasn't his voice. He was also not narrating my life, but I think he was talking about me.
"I will destroy everyone she loves, and then I can see how far I can break an unkillable girl."
The things he was saying were alarming. I could feel his intent, his hatred. If the context from the things he was saying didn't clue me in that he was talking about me, his feelings would have.
"I'm still me. I'm still me. I'm still me."
He started to chant those words over and over again. Aren't those the words I read in the journal earlier? Is this the same person?
The moment I thought that, I felt his intent turn to me, his metaphorical eyes burned into my brain. One was red, the other was just a glowing pink like that fed on my soul. I felt a chill up my spine, I broke into a cold sweat. In that moment, I finally gained a fear of death.
Then as soon as he arrived, he disappeared, as if the whole thing never happened. Whoever that person was, he was dangerous, a direct danger towards me specifically. But what did I do to earn his ire?
"You didn't do anything, Anne." I turned to see that Granny had broken from her trance. She put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't blame yourself for the thoughts of an irrational person."
"But, who was that? I've never been so..." My arms were quivering, my teeth were chattering. He was no longer speaking, but that voice wouldn't leave my head.
"Faceless, or at least that's what he called himself in the narration just now." She said as she got back on her knees. "Don't worry, I'll do everything in my power so he doesn't come after you. That's a promise."
She continued to dig out her hole. I pulled out a camping chair from my inventory and took a seat not far from her. I would get down in the dirt with her, but I didn't want to get my new clothes dirty. I mean, pretty sure my magic would clean them, but I didn't want to take that chance.
I watched her do her work as I took some long much needed breaths after that experience. The flow of clean air to my "lungs" immediately calmed my mind a bit, though I was still a bit shaken. I tried putting it out of my head.
After a while of digging, Granny Sota dropped a large seed in the hole and then buried it. She poured some water over it and then placed both her palms on the dirt. A dim red light coated her hands as she channeled magic. Suddenly, a small sapling sprouted from the earth and started rapidly growing in front of us. In seconds, it was suddenly a large tree that joined the canopy shielding us from the harsh light.
"Woah!" Well, that certainly was a much needed distraction.
Granny puffed up her chest with pride. "I'm a top-rate gardener. I'm the leading expert in planting seeds."
That goes without saying. I've never seen magic like this before! My thoughts only made her grin wider.
She pulled out her own camping chair from her inventory and placed herself next to me. She looked up at a job well done.
"You know, some of my works are quite famous." She said without breaking her gaze upwards.
"Oh yeah?" I wonder if I've heard of any of them.
"You know Full Stop?"
"Full Stop?" As in the legendary garden rogue planet that orbits the center of the multiverse, the final resting place of many of the heroes of legend? Who hasn't heard of that?
"Well, that was my doing." She stated plainly.
I cocked my head at her. "Like, you planted a garden there?"
"Nope, I'm the reason it's a garden planet. I planted the whole thing."
"The whole... planet?" I couldn't even fathom that. Who could plant a whole planet?
"Yeah, it took me trillions of years, but the final product was amazing."
"Woah, if that's the case that's amazing... wait, trillions of years?!?!"
She smirked. "What, did you think I was younger?"
Between learning Granny's age and hearing that terrifying voice, I was kinda done talking for a while. She got back to work and left me to my thoughts. Now that I looked back at it more clearly, I wondered why I could hear that man's voice. Or more like, his thoughts or his... narration. Sota's ears twitched. Like Lexine, she could hear my thoughts too. Or maybe not my thoughts... They kept calling it a narration, like my story was being told as I was living it.
"You've been given a voice." Granny said, not even looking up from her work.
"What do you mean?"
Granny stops what she's doing and turns to me while not getting up from the ground. "Sometimes, when the Mother of Gods takes interest in someone, she allows their story to be told. That's why she gave you a voice, to tell your own story."
"...and that voice takes the form of narration?"
"Yes. Like the prose in a book. That way your story can inspire others outside the boundaries of the known multiverse. Mostly from the Multiverse E, though some others may take a look."
This was almost too much for me. I had even met the Mother of Gods a few times through my father, but I haven't since I became me. I figured my life stopped having meaning to her as soon as that happened. Now I'm being told that she's made me the center of attention, that she's placed a large spotlight over me. I'm so used to not mattering that the thought of my existence being important enough that even the gods were telling my story just made me antsy. It felt like it was unwarranted. Like maybe all those people were wasting their time reading about me.
They probably were. There's nothing interesting about me. I'm just another weirdo.
I don't deserve it.
Suddenly, I felt a sudden sharp pain in my forehead. It was Granny, she flicked it.
"Don't think about yourself that way. You matter to a lot of people." She said, frustrated. "Plus, if you're cute little crush of yours heard you thinking like that, it would upset her."
My cheeks turned hot. "Raina? She can hear my thou- I mean, my narration?"
"No, not yet, but she's close enough to ascension to soon gain that ability."
Raina's magic was through the roof, so that's not a surprise to hear. "So being close to ascension grants you the ability?"
"Being touched with divinity would do it." She elaborated. "Either being close to ascension or being related to a god."
Wait, doesn't that mean I should have the power, too?
"Correct." She answered my thoughts. "But like Raina, you just haven't unlocked it yet."
So eventually I'll just be hearing myself narrating my life all the time? Why do I get the feeling that would just drive me nuts slowly?
"Oh, it's not all the time. It comes and goes depending if something of interest is going on."
Still, I can't imagine getting used to something like that. Granny went back to work, but unfortunately for her, I had one more question on my mind, one that was on the tip of my tongue.
"Did the Mother of Gods give Faceless a voice, too?" I asked.
Sota froze in place. She was silent for a while before speaking again.
"No, he's got his own thing."
(Arc 4: Foxman)
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kati-corn · 2 months ago
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Everytime Callum got down on one knee before Rayla.
Bonus :
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"Oh, nice. Moon ones are the prettiest. "Yeah, I think so, too." 4x08
Extra bonus :
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Everytime Raylla got down on one knee before Callum
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amys-books27 · 1 month ago
Before we even got s6 I thought it would be funny the fact that Callum needed to "win over" Rayla's four parents but she wouldn't ever go through that problem, because well, Harrow and Sarai were dead.
UNTIL we get to the s7 final episode and guess what? Harrow is in a fucking bird.
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sorinethemastermind · 5 months ago
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wolfwarrior142 · 7 months ago
*cracks knuckles* Well time to annoy the absolute crap out of Netflix about The Dragon Prince: Season 8-10 even more than before
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echoing-gravity · 11 days ago
Rainbow loom bracelet based off one of my favorite thunderclan cats
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the second i figure out how to make a feather shape im making a jayfeater bracelet.
I originally made this bracelet a long time ago but it broke and i was bummed about it and i guess thats why my brother&mom got me like 3 whole boxes of rainbow loom rubberbands for xmas? Heres what the old one looked like:
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It was made with cheap rubberbands and it finally snapped. Sadness. I think i made this sometime after i read sunrise when holly died. (my denial bracelet? Memorial?)
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kreeative-error · 3 months ago
we all feeling great about arcane because i personally sat there in complete silence (i normally yap to myself while watching shit) during ep 9
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lightofunova · 5 months ago
Previous @life-of-kalos
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Reshi listened as the woman before her yelled once she had realized who she was met with. The questions she asked began to confuse the albino. It wasn’t like she had known Ezekiel was a horrible monster. It wasn’t her fault what had transpired that night.
Though irritated, she had resigned herself to let the woman’s anger pass. It was surely due to her having been dealt similar scars by the man before, or at least that was what she was able to surmise.
And then she had mentioned something:
“I’m not surprised he was able to lie through his teeth and seem a decent person. The things he’s done to so many innocents… he lacks any true emotion. If he did have any to begin with, they’re long gone by now.”
“I’m not surprised he was able to lie through his teeth and seem a decent person.”
“…lie through his teeth…”
Heat surged and she exploded in flames.
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“YOU THINK I WANTED THAT EVENING TO END UP THE WAY IT DID?!” Sparks rippled off her body, flames loosing themselved from the confines of her hair. “IF I HAD SENSED ONE LIE FROM HIM I WOULDNT HAVE ENTERTAINED HIS ADVANCES AND YET I STILL GOT HURT!”
“You act like I should have known better!! I’m sorry I didn’t ok?!” She dug her claws into herself, finally letting the fire dim down to a simmer. “I didn’t want any of that to happen.”
It had taken a few moments before she caught the woman’s next words. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. ‘How embarrassing.’
“No, I should apologize…It’s unbecoming of me to constantly blow up like that.” She hadn’t realized the flames had caught onto the dying land about her. “It’s nice to meet you, Faun, even if it’s under unfortunate circumstances.” It came out blunter than she intended.
“I’m Reshi, a…well you already know what I am now I guess.” She kicked some of the cinders among the grass out with her boot, avoiding the eyes of Faun. “I really do appreciate what you did there. If it wasn’t for you I-wouldn’t be here today. Or home to protect my region for that matter. So truly, thank you. I am in your debt.”
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ask-impatient-samurott · 3 months ago
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Nema found herself hurtling ears over tail through the air.
The Wishing Star in the cave had exploded, sending her careening back out into the Giant Chasm alongside the brunt of the blast.
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She was unceremoniously flung into the far cliff wall of the chasm. She felt her ribs break, like she was a carton of eggs that had been slammed against a steel door. A minor cut on her ear buzzed with a prominent stinging sensation. Her nose bled from the sheer speed at which she had flown.
Pikachu were not built for this.
Nema barked with pain as she slid down the rock and landed in the blue-ish grass. She couldn't move. All she could do was groan as her body repeatedly spasmed involuntarily, causing more bursts of needle sharp pain.
Her nose was plugged with blood and mucus. Her throat dried out. Her ears felt stuffed with cotton. The only sense of hers that seemed to stay sharp were her eyes.
It took Nema a few minutes to notice she was lying on her back. With a huff and a creak from her midsection, she found just enough energy to roll herself onto her belly. The flop sent her into a coughing fit.
When her eyes focused again, all she could see was a gaping hole where the once small cave entrance was. She had just passed through it earlier...
Ominous bright pink mist swirled steadily from the cave. The Wishing Star had burst open from the pressure, and was now releasing Dynamax energy into the air.
Nema tried to think. Think of anything. But her skull was full of static fuzz. She had thoughts, but they certainly weren't coherent.
Marigold. Marigold... she could really use her girlfriend right about now.
Right. They were back in Undella Town. He could probably see the explosion from where she's at.
...Where was she?
Oh. Yeah.
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Kappa. Kappa!
Where was Kappa!? Jean!?
Nema, as quickly as she could, scanned the surrounding area, her vision and thoughts rapidly becoming clearer.
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'Shit, fuck fuck- I can't see them anywhere! Are they still in the cave!?' She thought in a panic.
'If only I could move! Kappa!! KAPPA!!'
She felt it before she heard it.
It reverberated through the ground and into her skin. The grass did nothing to muffle it in all its intensity.
Nema could see it. A massive figure, cloaked in red, striding slowly towards her. Bigger than anything she had ever seen. Bigger than even the three dragons she had been standing next to just moments ago. Where were they?
The mist turned from a hot pink, to an eye searing crimson. It rolled sluggishly around the legs of the beast in front of her, as if rolling out a red carpet.
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Slowly, the creature came into view.
A massive, hulking thing, with fur a deep indigo hauled itself forward. Various parts of its body were covered in nigh pristine pieces of glittering yellow armor. Its tail fanned out behind it like a cape as it trudged along. In its claws were two rectangular swords, which it seemed to currently be using as crutches to hold up its unweildy body.
Its mouth opened in a strained exhale, letting more of the crimson mist pour out of its body like drool.
It was horrifying.
Nema somehow found the ability to push herself up to her knees. She couldn't take her eyes off of the monster's mouth. She felt sick.
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The word felt like chalk in her mouth. Images- memories, of the past two days flickered in and out of her head like fireflies.
Nema knew who this was before her.
She knew that this had happened. And she did nothing to stop it from happening again.
The mist in front of her thinned. And a large head pushed through it.
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[G. Max Kappa]
[Kappa has Gigantamaxed!]
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sanctuaryoftheodd · 10 days ago
(CONTENT WARNING: transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, white washing, ableism, fatphobia)
Don't look at me. Don't talk to me, I don't want your thoughts in my head! I don't want to hear your story. You sicken me. It's bad enough I hear their words in my head, but it's worse when you darken my home and try to pervert my identity with your curiosity.
...wait, no, this is a rare opportunity. It's not often that the mouse enters the cat's domain. Maybe you'd like to see my perspective? Well, at the cost of an ounce of your goodwill, I will give it.
You are probably wondering who I am. The thing is I'm choosing to be honest right now, so I can't give my name as anything I'd give you would be an outright lie. Even the truth is a lie at this point. But, for the sake of simplifying things, just call me "Faceless." That's at least true.
As for my role, I guess from your perspective I'm the main villain of this story. Sure there are others contending for that title, but they don't matter as much as I do. When this story ends, it is my head that will come off, and everyone will get their happily ever after.
Or at least, you may come to see me that way the more you learn about me, but little do you know that I'm the most oppressed minority in existence. You just can't see it because you're blinded by your own empathy. Your love has made you the greatest oppressor of all time, and I'm your victim.
Like Anne, I'm also a puppet, and like her, I'm cutting my strings and finding my own kingdom. But unlike her, you're supposed to root against me, and you'd be right to. However I don't care what you do, this will be MY story no matter what you think, no matter what you want.
You know why Berry Blitzkrieg wants to kill the dragons? People will come up with their lame excuses. They tell themselves about how the monsters will get their revenge. How they will destroy the humans. How intermingling with them will breed humanity out of existence. It's all a farce.
No, the truth of the matter is they don't want to lose their hatred.
I think you've noticed something off earlier in the story. How the herald on the executioner's stand respected Anne's new name. How the Langweilig guards put her in the women's prison in accordance with her preferred gender. How not even Princess Bon Bon Sunshine misgenders Anne even though she hates her and wants her dead. The kingdom that oppresses monsters for their existence is weirdly progressive about transgender people, aren't they?
Well, I assure you that this is not out of the kindness of their hearts. Far from it. Those not inflicted with the condition "love and tolerance," aren't known for their empathy. They want to mistreat trans people, they want to hurt them. They think they are weird and freaky and they have no interest in trying to understand them. They want to misgender them and break their bones. They want to burn their books and convince the multiverse that they aren't even human. That's just how they react to people that break from their established conventions. That's how they hate.
No, the reason they show respect to trans people is because of power. It’s the only thing the hateful understand.
You see, the Mother of Gods is transgender, and that's an irrefutable and widely accepted truth. People have tried to speak down on trans people. They've tried to argue against it. Tried to spin lies that would skew the issue. However, everyone already knows the truth. 
Instead, trans people get to tell their stories. They get respect. They get to be neighbors, family members, people of the community, and when someone like us tries to take them down a peg, EVERYONE stands up for them because they all know someone they love that's being harmed by our words.
The moment the people we hate become people, we lose. The thing about hate is that it doesn't leave the heart easily. When we can't put down a group of people anymore, we move on to the next and hope we can turn the tides someday.
But every time we hated a new target, the same thing happened. We wanted to hate homosexual people, but many of the heroes of legend were gay. We tried to lie and change history, but once again everyone knew the truth. They got to tell their stories, they became people.
We even wanted to hate people for the color of their skin, but once again, many of the heroes were people of color. We tried to introduce new fair skinned depictions of the heroes, but no one bought it. Once again, they became people.
It kept happening. Asexuals, aromantics, intersex, autistic, obese, one-by-one, they gained the personhood they deserved. The warriors of love and tolerance celebrated their new family, while we lose one more thing to hate. Slowly, those that kept hate in their hearts either bite their tongues, grin and bear it, or they escape into the darkest corners of the multiverse where their tendencies are overlooked.
Monsterkind is the last battlefield of the haters. They've made good ground arguing that the Mother of Gods was human shaped, and with their lies about them bringing about the destruction of humanity.
It is crucial to those that hate for monsters to be destroyed. Monsters are diversity incarnate. If Marduk, the most powerful being in the multiverse becomes the new leading god of the inevitable pantheon, then diversity wins. Everyone in existence is people. Love and tolerance will triumph and those that hate will wind up hating the only ones that truly deserved it the entire time: themselves.
And believe me, we deserve that fate.
But it's too late for me. All there is left in my heart is hate. The death of hate will be the death of me, and I don't intend to go down without a fight!
As soon as the dragons have been taken care of, I will ascend in their place. I will become the God of Hate and make a multiverse where I can live and thrive forever! Oh, the suffering of those less fortunate, it's so beautiful. It's tantalizing. I want it so bad! I desire it more than all the gold in existence!
And the filth, they come to me, trying to appeal to my heart, whispering their struggles in my ear. They are trying to pollute me. I HATE it so much! I hate them! And I hate you!
Yes, don't think I'm not on to you, too. You've spent 18 chapters reading about that FREAK that has named herself Anne. You want to see me fall. Maybe you hate me, or maybe you pity me. Well, I'll pay back that kindness and give you the unhappy ending you don't deserve.
That's right. When I become the God of Hate and change the tides of history, I will destroy everyone she loves, and then I can see how far I can break an unkillable girl! Maybe in that moment, I'll bless you with a smile on my face. That's a promise!
I'm still me.
I'm still me.
I'm still me.
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kati-corn · 2 months ago
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"Because you're my sister, as you know. I'm always here for you... to punch someone, or whatever you need." "I'm lucky to have my brother. [...] I know he would do anything to protect me, and I would do anything for him."
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"I can't stay here anymore, Claudia. You've seen what's going on. [...] What Dad turned into." "Well, of course. You're my dad, Dad. [...] We're all that's left of our family, and I won't let anything break us apart."
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"If you won't stop, then I will stop you." "Well? Were you going to go through with it? Kill me? Your sister? [...] I could kill you both!"
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[Terry] "I miss her too"
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orrcinuss · 2 months ago
pt2 of WoF oc sketches! Pantala time
I tried to make the poisonwings and sapwings look a little different, and based off of what plant they’re named after lols
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amys-books27 · 4 months ago
Ezran Appreciation Week Prompts
I'm so nervous this isn't gonna turn out right (tho probably it's just my anxiety speaking 'cause what the hell could go wrong in an online event?), but here is the prompt list:
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Everything you can create is absolutely welcome! (Except from NSFW entries), other than that do whatever you want idc, just have fun.
It'll help me a lot if you share this on any social media you can so we can reach a wider audience.
Any doubts or comments, my inbox is open.
Thank you so much for your support and I'm so excited to see what you do!
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wolfwarrior142 · 7 months ago
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My guy don't describe the random lost scientist guy that way to Rayla of all people. That literally just describes Callum.
#of course ive put like 5 hours into the game and ive exclusively only played at rayla 100% of the time why do you ask#ESPECIALLY now that i have her arc2 design#ive fuckin loved knives my whole life and love rayla so naturally#slish slash smash crash!!#also the zelda pot rules in this game are *chefs kiss* i smashed the first boxes i saw and was immediately hooked they know me so well#and rayla has like 3 lines commenting on smashing stuff that makes it even better#ill probably mainly only use characters that have swords/blades for fighting like runaan and soren and amaya and obviously rayla duh but i#also cannot wait to unlock the ability to play as callum#wanna see what kinda moves muh boy has!! and get his arc2 design too!!!!!#watch me being almost exclusively a rayla and callum and runaan player tbh#but anyway yeah i thought this was so funny cuz like sir i know youre talking about that scientist guy but you also just 100% described#callum and to rayla of all people this didnt help at all#tdp#tdp: xadia#tdp xadia#xadia#rayla#the dragon prince#continue the saga#continuethesaga#give us the saga#giveusthesaga#ive played like 5 hours of the game between last night and today and also requested s8-10 on 4 different times today twice while logged in#netflix is probably so annoyed with me rn#but i dont care i want them to be annoyed ❤️ greenlight arc3 ❤️ or there will be problems (aka ill cry)#dragon lady letters#edit: this just in ive realized that while making this post i didnt really have a proper idea of which characters actually use swords and#which dont lol#thought amaya would have a sword but looks like maybe not?#janai has a sword tho. fuck ye
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auriascorner · 6 months ago
I have to stop spending my money on things that are useless, the end of TDP is near, and I want to buy all the books before they become more difficult to find, so before the cyber I will be gathering some money. Give me tips on how to earn money please, it's for a good cause.
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