#arbor day anon
garys-chimera-logs · 2 years
Izzy, darlin, you hiding your hand there?
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G: …Do you two know each other, or…?
I: I know of Hummingbirds, but I don’t know who this is. Though, even going off of what I know of the Lordes Hummingbird and Nowhere, he still looks… important?
F: And you are very correct, my dear. I am Feather, and I am Lorde Hummingbird‘s best friend.
I: …You‘re not her son, or her scribe, or her subordinate? Is that crest on your neck just for show?
F: …Alright, you lost me. My crest is beautiful, thank you.
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shoshiwrites · 5 months
Hi! I’m the anon that requested the handholding prompt, and I just wanted to say thank you. It was everything I could have hoped for and more!! It made me smile!!
If you are still taking requests, I would request Jo/Egan with the prompt touching foreheads or bandaging/stitching an injury. As you can see, I couldn’t decide between one prompt, once again. I look forward to whatever you write and of course, never feel pressured to write anything. I hope you are doing well 🫶🏼
Hello anon! Thank you so much for your lovely message. I'm so glad you liked that prompt, and I appreciate your understanding very much. I've kept "bandaging/stitching an injury" on my list, and filled this one for "touching foreheads." This is my first try at Bucky POV, and we kind of ended up on the depression-nap side of things (see my terrible header below). Thank you to @mercurygray for helping me work the end. Bucky Egan x War correspondent OC.
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Six months. 
And he’s felt every minute of every one, or at least it seems that way on days like this. Gray as all hell, like a storm gathering over the lake. Every minute if you didn’t count the gaps, the headaches, the days he sleeps away, the things he couldn’t remember those first few weeks. His jaw still wakes him in the night, dull if he’s lucky, a screaming pain if he’s not. He can never forget the things he’d actually want to forget, can he? Now that would be too easy.
Never coughed up an explanation for Buck either, even when Buck looked at him sideways about something or the other. Even if he wanted to, his throat goes dry at the thought, like the dust and dirt along the floorboards.
Holding onto it gives him something to hold onto, at least. The anger. 
Six months of this damn nightmare, the bloodshot bone-chilled day and night. Different nightmare than the sky. He has those too. This is the kind of dream where you’re stuck in it, you can’t move, there’s footsteps outside the door. He’d had those as a kid. Terrified him. 
It’s sure not the the kind they nail up pictures for, paper edges catching on the unfinished timber, hoping to summon some kind of vision. He’s so tired he’s practically drooling into the pillow, letting his eyes wander far enough along the wall that it hurts, over Rita and Ginger and Ava’s shining faces. 
There are pictures kept in books too, pouches and the occasional wallet, those all but sewn into jacket pockets. Girls back home.
Not even a letter. Not one goddamn letter, he thinks, the sigh of it harder than seems fair to his mother or his sisters, trying to get around the mail delays and sending cards for every holiday they could think of. What the hell even was Arbor Day, anyway?
(“Trees,” Brady had said, not looking up from the keys of his saxophone.
He thinks about Texas, and Florida, and Idaho, and Nebraska. Girls and dresses and perfume, manicured hands, no dirt around them. Marge’s friend, he can’t remember her name, pretty, dark hair, disinterested in a kiss but amenable to dancing. They’d all wanted to forget, right? Not when you’re flying out the next day. 
He thinks of Lil, the cupid’s bow of her lip and the goosebumps under her sweater. She’d wanted to forget too. A brother somewhere in…he can’t remember now. Burma? Her grandfather hadn’t had too many nice words for him, John. Not that he could blame the man.
He thinks of Jo. Crouched over that little green typewriter the way Brady fiddles with his sax, the sound of the bell, the sound of the keys. Like Buck over the radio. The way she looked up at him, like she’d just realized something important. The way she smelled when she let him get close enough, like flowers after a spring rain. 
The air’s sour in here, and cold. Showering helps, besides freezing your damn balls off. 
He lets himself think it, about his head in her lap in the grass, or on a sofa, or anywhere, really, where she’s leaning down and she’s touching him, the little calluses on her hands, and her forehead close to his.
It hurts too much, and maybe he can admit it, here in this damn coffin of a bunk, mattress about as comfortable as one, that maybe she’d wanted to forget too.
You don’t kiss like that, he thinks, with acid in his throat, when you care what comes next.
She writes like she cares, though. She writes like she believes in all of them, like it’s real and not just what her paper wants or somebody wants to hear. 
Maybe he can admit that now, if he doesn’t think about the note she’d left.
He’d rather think about anything else, hell, he’d rather walk outside with no shoes on, listen to the Yankees lose by a single run.
He’d rather wish this damn pillow was a different kind, her thigh or her body or her forehead, even, pressed against his. Not that he’d admit it out loud. 
And her mouth right there, he thinks, like he can just make that half-second trip to kiss her, and kiss her again.
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alpydk · 2 months
A second prompt!
Tav had to survive the main story because they have vengence to dole out on someone from their past. When the day finally comes, either they can't do it or someone else (maybe Gale?) gets to the target first.
Greetings Anon! Thank you for the precious angst prompts which I'm taking at random. I present you with the first one, which, as they always do, went a little off course and probably hasn't gone as you want it... Oops. But I hope you like it and it does have angst!
Red Roses
Word Count - 1513 words - CW - Angst, grief, God!Gale, themes of death, attempts at poetry.
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It started with red roses, The smiling of a wife And flowers bloomed with welcome sun The beginning of my life.
Tav looked over the letter for some time after the party, the heartbreak apparent to everyone around her. It had been six months since the defeat of the Netherbrain and their minds had become their own, but it didn’t take tadpoles to know the thoughts running through her head. Gale had been there only moments before, power emanating from his pores, his eyes aglow like starlight, and she had fallen to the floor as he’d left her with nothing but the tears she’d held onto in hope now falling so readily.
This was not the first loss the high elf had been through before in her long life. There had been the human friends who’d passed because of their short lifespans, there had been the authors and poets dead to adventure, there had been so many during the Thay war, and the pain remained the same, but the loss of a loved one never got any easier. After the death of her first husband, she’d sworn never to love again, and she’d become cold to the world around her, refusing to share her past or open up to others. It was only as she’d journeyed with Gale that Tav had found herself back in her memories of her first love.
“Ascal, the poetry can wait,” she whispered, leaning over the shoulder of the chestnut-haired elf. He smelt of birch tinged with ink, and she breathed in his scent.
“My dear Tav, my muse and inspiration, poetry waits for no one. It comes with the shine of your eyes, the flush of your lips, the golden sun of your hair.”
Life had been one moment of happiness after another with him. She’d sat in the window of their small cottage as the rain had poured, watching as the petals of red roses bowed with the weight of the heavens, listening as Ascal plucked at his lute and mumbled lyrics of bright-eyed damsels under his breath. There had been picnics in fields of wildflowers, Arbor Coast White shared between them as the stars shone above them like remnants of the past, each one a soul watching down upon them with nothing but blessings.
It was not long later she learnt the harshest of life’s lessons, though, that death was but a word away.
Walking along the forest path, fresh flowers picked in her basket, Tav didn’t initially catch onto the smell of smoke that rose amongst the trees and wilds around her. It was only as the shadows built up that she saw the darkened plume that spread out above the tree line, heard the distant crackling of flames and the shout of those who lived nearby. The basket was ditched on the wayside as she started into a run, knowing deep in her heart where the source of the fire was and she longed to know that Ascal was safe, that he’d be stood outside, covered in soot but with a grin on his face.
It started with red roses, But soon plunged in the knife. The thorns as sharp as broken glass, The ending of my life
Time heals all wounds is what Tav had been told repeatedly and as an elf, she had plenty of time, time to mourn, time to grow angry and cold at the world. Nobody knew how the fire had started that morning, only that it had occurred suddenly with no witnesses. The flames had spread quickly throughout the wood and thatch of the roof, through the various books Ascal had insisted they kept, through the Arbor Coast White that left shards of glass scattered in the ashes. Nothing had remained of the life she had once known. There were only the ruins that crunched beneath her leather boots and the memories of stars that no longer shone for her.
Twenty-seven years had passed since that day, the ache still as fresh, the guilt still in her mind that maybe she could have done something differently that day. If she’d stayed at home, maybe she would have smelt the smoke and got them both out; maybe if she’d been quicker, she could have put out the flames or found him before the cottage collapsed. Maybe she could have just died with him. She’d tried to find the source of the fire many times, but all she had been left with was confusion as neighbours had denied there having even been a fire, as some questioned who she even was. Nothing made sense and even the gods refused her pleas for answers.
The first she really connected with after all those years was Gale. His poetic prose reminded her of all she had lost. His chestnut hair that smelt of sandalwood and ink brought her to those days of rain on rose petals and each moment she spent with him, she found herself back with Ascal once again. Mumblings of bright-eyed damsels and conjured fiends of wildflowers and stars only for her made her smile once again. She felt happy. It was only as the days passed she realised how different Gale was from her husband, how, although he had hope, he lacked the mindless optimism she’d once known. He was much more ambitious than Ascal had been, as hurt as she was, and filled with a self doubt she’d only ever seen in herself, but it was these qualities that drew them together. Their loneliness spurred them both into each other’s arms with reckless abandon. Again, she had loved, again her heart had driven her forward, and again the stars had shone down.
It started with red roses, But soon came down the scythe. And petals turned to darkened ash, The ending of my life.
Tav had been tempted by Gale’s offer of godhood, but she knew she couldn’t take it. She couldn’t see Ascal from another plane and not be able to reach him, and she couldn’t let go of her own mortality knowing what currently lay at the end of her life. Though she loved Gale, Ascal was what her heart called for, and she needed to know what had killed him before she could move on. Looking at her with disdain, Gale left her upon the shores of the river, and she knew the opportunity would never be presented to her again. It was as she unfolded the letter, though, that she knew she had made the right choice, as her tears began to fall, not with grief, but with a buried rage.
Does he live within his mother’s ageing heart, weeping for those roses? She could see the scarlet petals in front of her eyes, the raindrops on the windowpane. She saw the young boy with chestnut locks and deep brown eyes that lived nearby as he ran through the storm with a book hidden under his arm. It had once been a pleasant memory, but now she knew the truth. Rumours had gone round of strange happenings with the child, of sparks and flames he couldn’t always control and the watchful eye of the goddess Mystra ever present in his life. They had just been rumours, but now the dots connected as if constellations in the sky and she knew. Tav knew how the fire had started with flames licking upon the roses, how the neighbours had forgotten, thanks to the goddess, how Ascal had died alone and afraid.
She struggled for breath, trying to understand the cruel joke of the gods, how they would hide the truth from her, how they would use fate to bring her and Gale together. She wanted to find out if he had known all along about the fire, or had he been the pawn of Mystra back then, just as she’d seen during her travels? Her heart ached with anger and the fresh mourning of both Ascal and Gale alike, and it took everything in her to not scream to the sky and curse every god above.
She’d once been fuelled by vengeance; of the words she would say and the actions she would take, but now she had been left with nothing. There would be no justice or closure for her. The one at fault she’d allowed to ascend, and his name would be spoken for centuries to come, either in reverence or scorn. She, however, would be nothing but a footnote in history, a wilted rose petal on a dusty windowsill, a single conjured star as the magic faded.
Tav wiped away the tears from her reddened cheeks and left the party alone, anger replaced with numbness and resignation. All she could do now was wait to die, hoping that the gods she now cursed would take pity on her and let her find comfort in the arms of Ascal, let her see the stars shine and the roses bloom once again.
It started with red roses, And nights of shared breath. The petals delicate in my hands, The beginning of my death.
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dre4ml4nd-st4rlight · 2 months
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Masc Ball joint doll ' Star 's Choice ' for Anon. Ngl were probably going to form this one ourselves so its a little- bias ig hehe
。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆
「 ✦ Base ID ‘ s ✦ 」**
╰┈➤ names : Angelo , Vincent , Snow , Calder , Arbor , Asher , Linus , Finch , Sullivan , River ,
╰┈➤ ****Pronouns : he/him , it/its , xe/xem , doll/dolls , day/days , h♢/h♢m , lost/losts , book/books , odd/odds , pillow/pillows , plush/plushies , cloud/clouds , vers/verses ,
╰┈➤ Titles : Other Dimensional Doll , ⌞ prn ⌝ who lives in the pages , ⌞ prn ⌝ who feels eternally , The Soft Dancer , Pillow Boy ,
╰┈➤ Genders : demiboy , femmasc , femboy , plushgender , interestspike , nonbinary , mascbluic , biolumistarric , cloudic , blue-idolic , bluecoloric , interestspike , ficticomfic
╰┈➤ Orientations : Achillean , MLM , gay , autoplushophile , plushophile , clothophile , objectum , achiphilia , fictozoophile ,
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ other id ‘ s ๋࣭⭑ ꩜ ˎˊ˗
☾ Cis - doll ; ball jointed doll , ageless , other dimensional being , soft-spoken , autism , germaphobe , hopeless romantic , hyperemotional , sensitive , albino , changing eye colors ( changes from brownish/gold to blue at random ) , Tumblr user , ao3 user , aracial ; British + European presenting / raised , rosy cheeks ,
⟡ Trans - species ; demon + human + object head (book / plush head) , occupation ; librarian , dancer ( ballett ) , internet obsessed , Race ; Korean + KIdol , rich , time ; permaday + permanight , Perma virtual reality , transge ; perma- young adult , trans-fanfic-famous
ᯓ★ 「 ✦ Roles + Alter Functions ✦ 」. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
dysphoria holder , attraction holder , memory manager , gatekeeper , memorative , daydreamer , fandom keeper
Calder’s role in the system is to withhold memories + feelings surrounding gender, love, and attraction when needed. If it is causing to much stress given other situations ( school, work, mental or physical help, social + familial, etc ) then h♢ will step in and remove the situation ( stop the body + other alters from feeling the emotions or even having them at all . ) Book either erases the attraction entirely , or turns it into a
⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ Interest and misc details ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
Favorite colors : Blue, white, black, grey, light pink
is currently dating his jacket ( the black jacket seen in the faceclaim ) . It’s name is Smoke and char goes by he/it/char/sew prns . Angelo has been dating Smoke for many years, and xe sewed Smoke all by lostself .
hobbies + interest : masculine fashion , sewing dancing , music ( kpop , lofi , classical , folk music , generaly chill music , music with no lyrics ) , fanfiction , pillows + sleeping , libraries , books ( reading + writing + making all kinds of books ) , makeup ( looking at + doing ) , asmr , Internet ; fandoms ( kpop , M/m fic spaces , doll customization like Hexitan and Dollightful )
His room in headspace is a large bedroom with Asian and Korean influence. It is themed with his favorite colors, with some trinkets of other headmates scattered about. He has a computer where he writes the fanfic on, a large circular bed with cloudlike pillows next to a large window on the leftmost wall, and a door to a grand bathroom. There are two large shelves where many different books and CDs are stored.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩
── .✦ Photos + Aesthetic hoard
face claim
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aesthetic hoard
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blubushie · 8 months
Elephants can smell water up to almost 5 kilometers (3 miles) away. 79% of pet owners sleep with their pets. Polar bears are undetectable in infrared photographs because they do not give off enough heat to do so. There are 24,000 species of butterflies. Hippos attract mates through urination and defecation. Shark and human corneas share so many similarities that the former has been used for transplants in the latter. Dogs have 10,000 vocalizations while cats only have 1000. Baby whales can gain up to 200 pounds a day. Fossas (yes, like from Madagascar) are the largest mammalian carnivores in Madagascar and are mostly arboreal, making them very agile in order to find and hunt prey easily.
[Animal Fact Anon.]
I want you to know my mate here finds it very amusing that I have a stranger on the internet who intermittently sends me random animal facts. I love you animal fact anon
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3biograftsandaphone · 4 months
I AM ¾ MAN !?
the bee missouri duck anon may be my friend
Tally Hall (sometimes stylized as tallyhall) is an American rock band formed in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in December 2002, and publicly active until the conclusion of their Good & Evil tour in 2011. The band is known for its upbeat melodies and whimsical lyrics. The members originally described their musical style as "wonky rock", later redefining their sound as "fabloo" (/fəˈbluː/ fə-BLOO[1]), in an effort to not let their music be defined by any particular genres after critics began defining the characteristics of "wonky rock".[2]
I LOVE ¾ I AM GOING TO 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
buy a man eat fish he day, teach fish man to a lifetime
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Arbor from Aza, who is an amputee
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a young woman with greyish blonde hair, her eyes are grey with black sclera. She's wearing a what is similar black Chinese quipao with a patterned Japanese obi belt and a white and an opened patterned Korean Jeogori. She also has a white bandage around her neck and she's pouting.]
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aspenhearrt · 1 year
ik you said you've been too tired to do bios but i am so so so curious about dragonflystar :eyes:
HELLO anon of course I will tell you all about Dragonflystar! verrry long post under the cut, but let's start with her picture!
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Adderstar of RiverClan (who I may occasionally call "Venomstar" by accident, she is a very very old OC and one who used to have a different name lol) abandoned her Clan. She was lonely and made bad choices and then abandoned her Clan. her deputy Reednose stepped up and promoted a deputy of his own, Flameblossom (orange). When a tiny kitten is found in the reeds so near to RiverClan's camp, so freshly placed there that someone would've HAD to have known the exact patrol schedules in order to put her there and get out without being noticed (that cat was Arbor, her biological father and a loner who had been with the clan for a few moons).
Tradition states that the cat who finds a lost kit names them, and she was named Dragonflykit. Grassheart (silver tabby), Flameblossom's mate, had very recently had two kits of her own, called Mudkit (brown tabby tom) and Mistkit (silver tabby she-cat). It was only natural that the tiny kitten would be given to a queen so she could be fed, but rather than simply fostering her, Grassheart and Flameblossom entirely adopted her. (Grassheart would've called her Rainkit-- "Dragonflykit" was a bit much for a tiny baby to pronounce, but alas, the name had been chosen and would stand.)
Dragonflykit was always concerned with manners and cleanliness, even from a young age. She was incredibly confident and certain that she'd be leader one day, although her and Mudkit often fought about it! Mistkit didn't have her ambitions set quite so high, and often ended up being medicine cat when they played clan by process of elimination, but she wasn't exactly begging Spidersight to be his apprentice.
When they hit six moons, the three were apprenticed off to various warriors, with Dragonflypaw being assigned to Beetleclaw. Beetleclaw was a reasonably well-respected older warrior who excelled remarkably at fighting, but under Adderstar, he'd never had an apprentice. He was a big proponent of Thistle Law and had ambitions of becoming the tyrant leader of RiverClan. As he saw it, the Clan had lost something due to Adderstar's acceptance of outsiders and subsequent abandonment of the Clan. They'd been marred by it, and he was going to be the one to fix it. Dragonflypaw was young, proud, and easily manipulated. She didn't seem to quite understand that under Beetleclaw's RiverClan, loner kits like herself would've been abandoned-- in fact, she didn't think about the fact that she was technically an outsider at all. He didn't treat her like one, at least-- he knew that she had potential and he knew that it would be easy to groom her into a successor. like Palpatine unto Anakin Skywalker, he led her towards the inevitable conclusion that he was destined to be leader, she was destined to be his deputy, and they would take it by force if they had to.
When she was eleven moons old, she helped Beetleclaw with a plot that she didn't realize would lead to Flameblossom's death. realizing that she'd caused his death, her father's last words to her were ones of forgiveness, Dragonflypaw was deeply shaken. She began to consider that maybe Beetleclaw was wrong, but he had quite a lot of power over her, and nobody would believe her word over his.
So she stayed by his side, but she began to wonder how she'd escape him.
The incident with the bobcat that led to Flameblossom's death also painted Dragonflypaw as some kind of hero, and she earned her Warrior name early. She was called Dragonflypelt-- a plain name in any other clan, but in RiverClan, it praised her for her beauty, which was quite out of the ordinary! She didn't really fit the beauty standards, but her sheer confidence put her over that line! Beauty is RiverClan's highest virtue, so it was a name she was proud of, but she wasn't proud of how she earned it.
A moon later, her siblings were named Mistberry and Mudcall.
Time passes and eventually Beetleclaw is preparing his elaborate evil scheme takeover event to kill the leader-- he's planning to trap Reedstar in his den and intentionally flood the camp, hopefully murdering him. Dragonflypelt exposes this scheme in front of the whole camp (for safety) and then exposes a bunch of other things that Beetleclaw did-- and that she did. She can't take him down without exposing herself, too-- particularly for her role in Flameblossom's death.
Before anyone can do anything about this, Beetleclaw attacks Dragonflypelt. He claws at her face to steal away her beauty from her and she tears him open like he taught her to do. He's dogpiled by his other clanmates as well but when the dust settles, Dragonflypelt is bleeding (but generally alright) and Beetleclaw is dead, having escaped justice. Reedstar strips him of his name on the spot so that he can't join StarClan and he's buried immediately, without a vigil, so that his soul remains trapped in the dirt.
And then comes the question of what to do about Dragonflypelt.
Mudcall, her beloved brother, declares that she's a traitor. Some of her clanmates agree. Mistberry refuses to take a side and Mudcall rejects her, too, saying that refusing to take a side is essentially taking hers. Grassheart is too broken up over the betrayal of her daughter having basically killed her mate to have any opinion at all.
From the crowd, Spidersight emerges as a voice of reason. The wise old medicine cat boldly declares that Dragonflypelt was merely an apprentice at the time, manipulated by her mentor-- she didn't fully realize what she was doing, for one thing, and furthermore, they shouldn't blame a victim for being victimized. It was the fault of the Clan's leadership that she was put in this situation to begin with: she never should've been placed in Beetleclaw's care, and it is a failing of the Clan that they didn't notice his abuse. Spidersight says that the fact that she was willing to risk exile in order to expose him before he hurt anyone else should show that she's not truly bad and that she's willing and ready to be different. He announces that he will personally put his reputation on her rehabilitation and, reluctantly, the Clan decides to give her another chance.
Her relationship with Mudcall, Mistberry, and Grassheart is never the same. Mistberry and Grassheart eventually reconcile with her, but remain distant; they can never really truly forgive her. Mudcall never even gets that close. He's polite at best and otherwise won't even look at her.
Moons later, after she has proven herself to her Clan time and time again, Reedstar's deputy dies. He selects Dragonflypelt to be his deputy, to the shock of many cats-- including her! After the meeting she tries to reject it, saying that she doesn't want to be deputy or leader, and that she certainly doesn't think that the Clan wants her to be. Reedstar says that he has complete faith in her even though he didn't back then, and her reluctance to become leader is evidence that she deserves to.
Less than a year later, Reedstar loses his final life and Dragonflypelt becomes Dragonflystar. Mudcall is not named her deputy, instead that honor goes to Sharktail, and the rift between them yawns ever further.
Dragonflystar is a cat of contradictions. She is scarred, solid-colored, skinny, and short-furred-- she should be the ugliest cat in RiverClan, but her unshakeable confidence and incredible skill with fighting makes her quite beautiful indeed. Still, RiverClan cats are sometimes heard lamenting that she'd be so much prettier if Beetleclaw hadn't scarred her, and isn't it such a shame?
Whenever Dragonflystar hears them, she's always quick to tell them otherwise. Her scars only enhance her beauty. She has them because she survived. She has them because she is a fighter. That's worth more to her than any silly beauty standard.
Dragonflystar has kept her attention to manners and politeness her entire life. She is prim, proper, and cleanly-- and if you cross the line, she will butcher you into mincemeat. For her beauty, grace, and sheer capacity for violence, she is often called the Leopard of RiverClan, a title of immense honor. Kits in other clans speak of her in hushed whispers and ShadowClan in particular sometimes uses her as a Boogeyman story to keep their kits in line. Dragonflystar is proud, larger-than-life, and menacing beyond measure-- a true living legend, despite her humble origins, and RiverClan couldn't possibly be more proud of her.
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garys-chimera-logs · 2 years
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G: I can pick him up now and Max can see him in all of his wet-pigeon glory. I’d say that means he’s real.
M: Where did you even find him, dude?!
G: It’s a very stupid and boring story. You probably don’t wanna hear it.
M: Yeah, you’re probably right.
F: Mocking me isn’t going to put you in good favors with Lorde Hummingbird, Maxwell.
M: Who?
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merrock · 2 years
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Can you believe we're entering the third month of the year?! So far, we're enjoying 2023 and we hope that you are, too. Read on to get a feel for things happening in character, stuff going on behind the scenes, and some gentle nudges and reminders that we would like everyone to please keep in mind.
READ ACROSS AMERICA. March 2nd (March 2-5, ooc). -- an event aimed to help kids all across Merrock discover their love of reading, and help them keep it going. [info]
ST. PATRICK'S DAY FUN. March 17th (March 15-19, ooc). -- join us at The Garden for a live band and all sorts of fun, and collect a gold coin from the bars in town for drinking a green beer! [info]
FIRST DAY OF SPRING. March 21st. -- just a fun day to get outside and enjoy spring as it rolls into town.
WAFFLE DAY. March 25th. -- specials all day at Cul-de-Sac diner, featuring everyone's favorite: waffles!
Since we're busy with our interest check this month, we are not doing any sort of task, but it's never a bad time to check out the previously announced development resources on our tasks page! You can also take the time that you would spend working on tasks to update your pages... or just throw that little bit of extra effort into replies!
as usual, a friendly reminder to familiarize yourself with our rules and most importantly, be sure that you are following them.
as mentioned in february, please be sure you are checking the starter page & replying to starters regularly, as soon as you can!
be careful with replies! please don't fall into the trap of bubbling by putting priority into some, and letting others sit.
get involved! have your characters attend events & parties, jump into activities we offer, do fun things. like one another's posts, comment in the ooc, reply to anons, all the good stuff. our #1 goal here is to have a thriving, happy community.
spring has sprung on our theme, with some bright, fun graphics! if you see anything out of place, or if something is hard for you to read, please let me know.
after the interest check, we will be using March to evaluate where we are with activity and see if we need to tighten up on rules at all, so use the interest check to get to where you need to be.
if you need help with anything from an admin, or have questions, please send them here to main, rather than our writing accounts, as we like to use our 'off the clock' time to write with you, but will always put priority into helping you when you reach out here.
April's events will include some Easter fun and a volunteer week, which will include an assigned writing pairing, to encourage players to branch out! Smaller events will include beer day, siblings day, pet day, world art day, earth day and arbor day!
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
let me guess anon are we soft launching again? What’s the goalpost this time? // Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the launch of Artemis, the Presidential election, when she turns 35, once Chris can get seniors discounts at Denny’s…
Let's not forget Arbor Day!
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bitchinbarzal · 1 month
that’s arbor day LMFAO
we don’t get days off for that tho
- cole anon
Smarty pants
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m1d-45 · 1 year
wtf is up with yalls schools? i thought every school was at least semi boring. or maybe it was just all the schools ive been to but then again there was some weird stuff that passed as normal at my school.
like some kid brought in his own chainsaw for his arbor major and another time our principal almost caught on fire from a torch cutter in a freshman welding class but again standard stuff for my school. oh and one of the school's horses died on a school day so that was a thing...
but yeah, i think i was just too busy stressing about my veterinarian classes to bother with the gossipy side
- blood curse anon
did i just go to the most boring school known to man or are you guys in a netflix special im a side character in.
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blubushie · 6 months
The bee hummingbird is roughly 2.25in long and weighs 2 grams at adulthood, their nests are about an inch in diameter and lay eggs each the size of a coffee bean. Their wigns flap from 80 to 200 times a second, the latter acheived in courtship dances. Dorcus titanus yasuokai can reach 10cm including mandibles, and have heads so large it can match up to the length of the pro-thorax and abdomen combined. Some Asian cultures assign aphrodisiac qualities to it and it is native to India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and other Asian countries. A bloom of approximately 10 million white-spotted jellyfish, native to the waters from Japan to Australia, invaded the Gulf of Mexico and decimated the ecosystem by consuming the eggs and larvae that would've been the food sources of actually native species. They also clogged pipes and fishing nets, and some claimed you could walk on top of the swarms of jellies. But they're adorable 1 day post-hatch. Most spiders have setae on the tarsus, enabling them to climb surfaces like glass. Arboreal spiders have thick pads of micro-setae that allow their feet to create a stronger suction on surfaces to be better suited for their environment. Still, some spiders are unable to climb glass and may need help entering their enclosures, oddly endearing. The bite of a Brazilian Wandering spider can cause several symptoms such as priapism, tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, acute pulmonary edema, convulsions, and sometimes death. Most infamously, it can give males an erection for several hours. I doubt it's sexy, though. Just really embarassing.
[Animal Fact Anon. It's been a while, whoops]
Have my favourite arboreal spider!! Just for you, Animal Fact Anon <3
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
SO MUCH GOOD WRITING ALL AT ONCE MY HEART CANT HANDLE IT I’LL JUST BE OVER HERE HAVING A HEART ATTACK BEFORE 20 but also it’s fine bc it’s a fun heart attack and ALSO someone at work finally taught me how to do an EKG so that’s good. about the time zone thing, we’re def in the same time zone but I feel like we’re never online at the same time? like despite neither of us sleeping much (yay for four hours again!!) we just seem to operate on different schedules which is strange xoxo, arbor day
ok maggie and i really should coordinate JHKAFJGSLKDFJ
i do not know what an EKG is but i hope it solves your heart attack problem gkldjfsk HMMM that is very strange im in EST are you also in EST?? if so that is strange........im always on after like. midnight. but during the day my hours vary based on what im up to that day so i really dont know
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allsassnoclass · 4 years
for reference??? *eyes emoji* please tell me that's the basis for a fic, I'm literally already invested! also. HI! I'm just going to send everyone anons from now on, I'm over the whole social anxiety thing so xoxo, arbor day
hello!!!! glad to have you here!
and perhaps :)
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