#aralas imagine
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jayvik tolkeinverse au
that's it that's the post
#i say “that's the post” and then just say everything else in the tags#lowkey been obsessing over lotr recently#arcane#jayvik#lotr#lord of the rings#the hobbit#like imagine viktor as a mage elf#ranger jayce#ARALAS NATION WYA#look out maybe i'll add it my evergrowing list of wips#sapphvik brainrot
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since there isn’t many aralas AUs in the tag. let me make aralas content myself ♪( ´▽`)
what kinda of aralas AU would you like to see? i haven’t seen many AUs with them. most fic i’ve read are canon AU or canon divergence. maybe bc their dynamic is soft and old fashioned i can’t seem to imagine modern AU, or else the characteristics would be understandably different. 😆
for me i’d like to see them in an arranged married AU in a different kind of middle earth. the one where sauron is defeated way before. aragorn still gets raised by the river elves but he became the king of men nonetheless. legolas is betrothed to aragorn as a way to negotiate the alliance between woodelves and humans. 🙊
the fellowship still comes through but without war with the evil forces. however i feel some humans may become corrupted. hence, the need to make alliances to relieve tension between kingdoms. some dark forces maybe left behind on earth so there might be battles with the orcs, night creatures, still.
aragorn and legolas met before when younger (maybe aragorn in his 20s) but they drifted apart due to circumstances. it is a different story after all. they both accepted the betrothal bc it’s their duty and also as a token of friendship between them. aragorn might have adopted an heir beforehand to show anyone can be the king of men.
it’s not like they don’t get along well but legolas isn’t so happy behind closed walls. also him without having met aragorn and before the fellowship would be a bit different imo. i wonder how they’ll cross the bridge of friendship and romance. :)
i feel the relationship would be a bit awkward and cold at the beginning and then slowly melting and domestic over the time. and then suddenly warm or desperate when one goes on a battle or a third person comes into the picture. :) i’d love to see jealous legolas or aragorn over a misunderstanding. 🙊 or they both confessed after aragorn returns from a long battle with a reoccurring orcs army like suddenly they couldn’t keep their eyes off each other, worried they might lose each other. and of course lots of smexy times. :))
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The Color of Periwinkle [Legolas X Aragorn]
A.N: the first part of this fic is 100% completely utterly platonic (no matter what)....the rest of it, however, you may decide for yourself
Request: anon — May I request a one-shot where Legolas is sleeping (recovering from an injury and is in Imladris) and Aragorn is sitting next to him, watching over him and like braiding a strand of his hair??? tooth rotting fluff please!!! Thank you xoxo
anon — Aloha! can i request a legolas x argorn oneshot where Aragorn is braiding flowers into legolas's hair? FLuff please!!! Love your previous works! keep it up<3
Pairing: Legolas X Aragorn
Summary: The three times Aragorn braids Legolas’s hair
Word Count: 2,075
Warnings: angst, fluff, cuteness, some wounds/injury
(gif not mine)
The Woodland Prince had come to Rivendell to deliver a message from his father and opted to stay for a couple days. Hence, the elf currently stood upon a long winding balcony letting his gaze linger amongst the breeze of Imaldris, for it had been long since he last visited.
It was quite pleasant; he never got much time to observe the beauty of nature when he was at Mirkwood. Therefore, Legolas let his senses become captivated by his surroundings. His vision was ensnared with the purple, red, and orange leaves that were just beginning to fall from the swaying trees. His nose was engrossed in the fresh air that had started to cool as the colors of the sun begun to fade. And his ears were preoccupied by the hushed breaths and faint giggles of a child.
A soft smirk tugged at Legolas’s lips for the child was indeed not aware that Legolas knew of his presence. But, how could the Mirkwood Prince not be conscious of the little spying creature? After all, elves had quite incredible abilities.
Once the the next muffled laugh sounded, Legolas finally turned his head to look; and it was then when he caught the gaze of the curious eyes observing him from behind the corner of a wall.
The elf couldn’t withhold the urge to play with the little one, for it was quite obvious that is what the child wanted and, quite frankly, it was adorable. Besides, it had been some time since there were children running around the Woodland Realm.
Legolas moved from his spot and poked his head around the side of the stone—only to startle the human.
Quite strange.
The soft smile and gentle gaze of the Mirkwood Prince seemed to assure the child that he was in no danger for he did not back away.
“What is your name, little one?”
Inquiring eyes they were, pooled with the silver of shining metal and periwinkle buds, as they gazed upon the blonde Prince. Yet the child did not speak so Legolas opted to do so.
“I am Legolas. I come from the Woodlands to visit with Elrond.”
The dark haired boy’s expression changed at the mention of Elrond, clearly recognizing the person they spoke of. This common figure among them seemed to initiate trust within him for he spoke, all worries left behind. “Estel is what they call me.”
Legolas smiled in response before speaking, “Won’t you walk with me, Estel? Perhaps we might come across Elrond; he is quite fun to play pranks upon.”
Estel grinned at his sentence. “How would you know he is fun to trick?”
The Mirkwood Prince glanced down at the boy with a raised brow and spoke with a teasing tone. “Because I was the one who used to do it!”
Surprising the elf so, Estel reached up and took his hand. The two began to stroll around the paths of Imaldris, talking of the various escapades and antics that they had let loose upon the Lord of Rivendell.
By the time the pair of pranksters had made it inside, the clouds in the sky had been replaced with twinkling stars.
Legolas chose to sit on the floor by the fire in the library, for he supposed the little human might be cold. And indeed Estel joined him.
The intrusive little hands of the boy reached for Legolas’s hair.
“May I braid it?” He asked. “Arwen has been teaching me!”
A light chuckled left the Mirkwood Prince’s lips for he could not hold it back. “I suppose you may, but do not tangle it for I cannot face Elrond with a bird’s nest of hair....again.”
Estel released a bright laugh at the elf’s words and begun to weave the golden strands together.
It was after a long plait was completed, resembling that of a fish’s tail, that Lord Elrond stumbled upon the pair. Yet, he could not bring himself to force the boy to go to sleep for the scene before him was just too pure.
Over the years, Legolas had visited Rivendell often—often for an elf that is. Sometimes Estel was there and other times he was not. However, the child had grown up of sorts. Now, a man with stubble and a ranger with blade he had become. Strong and lean—built with muscles and hours of training.
Estel had still remained close with Legolas. The elf was one of the first ones he told of his true heritage and they spent much time together. The Mirkwood Prince would come with him on various scouting missions and even taught him how to use a bow. However, it was not always as easy. It was clear to the elf that Estel finding out his true heritage and what happen to his kin took a toll. He became quite reckless. He would dive into fight after fight, abandoning logic and discipline. But Legolas would keep a careful eye on him; yet his gaze could not always be spared from his royal duties. It was one of these times that the young dunedain was too rash.
Legolas had been making his way to Rivendell and, quite frankly, it was only luck that he stumbled across the bloodied plane when he did. A scouting trip appeared to have gone terribly wrong. Bodies of orcs and rangers alike littered the grass—staining the forest floor with death. Among all of the carnage, stood one man with a sword of red.
“Aragorn?” Legolas called out in worry as he dismounted his horse.
The man’s head snapped in the direction of the voice. “Legolas?” He called out in surprise.
The elf, quick on his feet, made his way to the center. “What happened?”
Aragorn shook his head in response.
Legolas clenched his jaw, “Did you move in too quickly? Did you scout ahead in advance? Did you—“
The man cut him off with a sharp irritated tone, “Enough! Do not chastise me.”
The elf breathed hot air from his nose, “Aragorn, men have died.”
“You think I do not know that?!” His rough voice grated out.
Legolas sighed, “I am just—“
The elf stopped speaking and whipped his head around as his elvish ears picked up the sound of a plucking bow. The following whistling of an arrow did not escape his attention either. Instead, it showed him the target.
Legolas jumped forward just as the sharpened weapon was to thud into Aragorn’s chest. Rather than finding a home in the ranger’s heart, it buried itself into the elf’s shoulder.
“Legolas!” Aragorn hollered.
But it was too late.
The elf cried out as pain ruptured through his arm.
Another arrow came whizzing at the two, yet it just missed them.
“We must go!” Aragorn yelled as he pulled Legolas back to his horse.
As the elf struggled to climb upon the steed, Aragorn grasped his friend’s bow and let loose a couple arrows in the direction from which they came.
Curse words tumbled from his lips as it seemed he had not met his mark for more came back to him.
Hopping up behind the elf, he urged the horse to make hast.
They were quick to escape immediate death but that was not a solution, for as they went Legolas’s breath was labored and he seemed the slump against the man behind him.
As concern pooled in his mind, Estel spoke. “What is wrong, Legolas?”
The elf shook his head and hissed out one word, “Poison.”
By the time they thundered into Rivendell, Legolas was unconscious. Healers rushed to them instantly and pulled the elf away from the sorrow-ridden Ranger.
Time slowed for Estel as worry edged its way into his heart. There was no doubt in his mind that this was his fault for Legolas was right. He had been too reckless—too rash—and the elf had paid for it.
When dusk settled into the sky, Lord Elrond finally came for the pacing man.
The dark haired elf placed a hand upon Aragorn’s shoulder as he spoke. “He will be all right, Estel. I was able to pull the poison from his blood. He just needs rest.”
Relief washed over the ranger as the words registered in his mind, for if anything had happened to his dear friend he would surely be lost to grief.
“May—may I see him?” Aragorn uttered quietly.
Elrond nodded and guided the man to the room where Legolas’s unconscious form laid.
The elf was still, frozen like the icy lakes of winter. His porcelain face was pale as clammy sweat sleeked his brow—giving his skin a periwinkle tint. His lips were parted and eyelids closed. If it was not for his bare chest rising and falling gently, Aragorn would have thought him dead.
The Ranger slowly shuffled forward until he was at the side of the bed. The white dressing upon Legolas’s shoulder was wrapped firmly around the wound with only slight red seeping through. It did not look bad, but Aragorn knew that the wound itself hadn’t been fatal—it was the poison.
He sat upon the mattress as Elrond left him alone with his thoughts.
It was then when Aragorn could not help himself, for his shaking hand reached towards the blonde locks that sprayed out amongst the sheets. Slowly, he took a small section and began to plait it together. The repetitive notion seemed to calm his anxieties so he continued until the golden locks were filled with a bunch of tiny braids. They were a bit out of place, but Aragorn was no expert. He only knew he felt better when his hands were busy and upon the elf.
Nowadays, Aragorn was the chieftain of the dunedain. He had grown up much, one would say. No longer was he hotheaded and rash; instead, his recklessness was replaced with caution and deliberately contemplated decisions. A good change indeed. Yet with his responsibilities and Legolas’s princely duties, it was not likely for the two to be in the same place at the same time. So, it was merely by chance that they were both visiting Rivendell during the same season.
Many elves were wandering the Rivendell meadows and gardens for the spring’s breeze was gentle and freeing. Legolas, who spent his days in darkened corridors and the dreadful shadows of Mirkwood’s sickness, was certainly one of these elves.
The blonde prince rested on his back with the green grass and vibrant flowers whispering upon his skin. He let his eyelids flutter closed as the warmth of the sun spread within his chest and the scent of honey and jasmine filled his nostrils. His heart felt at peace.
“You’re father would not approve of wasting time like this,” A voice stated smugly from above.
Legolas cracked a smile for he recognized the tone immediately. “What he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.”
The Ranger sat down next to the elf and let his forearms rest upon his knees. Aragorn seemed to also let the serenity of nature settle over him as he plucked at the various colored buds sprouting below him.
“So strange that such a small thing could be so beautiful and intricate,” He murmured under his breath as he examined the vein-like shapes within the petals.
Legolas sat up and carefully removed the flower from his friend’s grasp. “You are quite correct.” He paused for a moment as he examined the light periwinkle floral leaf, “You know, this color reminds me of your eyes.”
Aragorn let out a deep chuckle as he took the flower back from the elf.
A long moment passed as the two enjoyed the gentle lull of nature.
Surprising the Mirkwood Prince, Estel reached forward and let his fingers slip through one of Legolas’s blonde locks. The elf sent him a side glance of slight confusion but did not stop the man. The Ranger scooted behind his friend and began to plait his hair once again, weaving the small flowers into it as he went.
Aragorn spoke softly, “You know, this color goes well with your hair.”
Legolas smirked, “Is that your way of saying that my hair goes with your eyes?”
The Ranger rolled his grey orbs and tugged slightly on the elf’s blonde locks, “Is that your way of saying so?”
The elf shrugged as he tried to hide his grin.
The two sat there, in the meadows of Imaldris, for they both felt at peace wrapped in the color of periwinkle.
Everything Tag: @sokkasdarling @scxundress @quilledinkpen @hufflepuffinblr @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding
If you wanna be on a taglist just lmk!
#we do not condone pedophilia!!!!#that is why the first part of the fic is 100% platonic#you can decide if the rest of the fic is platonic or not#aralas#aralas fic#aralas fanfic#aralas one shot#lord of the rings#lotr#the hobbit#legolas#aragorn#aralas imagine#aralas fanfiction#aralas meme#vayawrites#rivendell#elrond#estel#lotr fanfic
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Heavy on the agreement
#the way I can’t help but imagine this as ships#so many ships#stucky#kazper#malec#aralas#wolfstar#merthur#geraskier#drarry#jegulus
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I know I have too many WIPs, but hear me out:
Aralas. Legolas and Aragorn being the competent wine uncles of the fellowship kinda. Legolas more wine uncle than Aragorn, both equally as competent.
I love Aralas Legolas whump as much as the next whump lover, but I would kill for some fantastic domestic, yet badass, wine uncle action.
#aralas#aragorn#legolas#fanfic idea#you can do this too or whatever#send me your recs on this idea#but I’m still gonna write it a little bit#you can’t tell me that Thranduil ‘Fancy-Ass Wine Cellar’ Oropherion would have a son that doesn’t greatly enjoy wine#imagine the hyjinks#and then gimli is in the background wondering what’s going on between the two#bc it’s not a secret relationship but they haven’t outright stated it
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It was a beautiful starry night, the moon was shining bright and the cool gentle air moving the leaves in the trees. Legolas was looking up at the stars, adoring them as most forest elves did. He was wearing his cloak with the hood over his head even though he wasn't cold. "It's a beautiful night" A voice said and he looked back, it was Aragorn. "Aren't you sleeping?" The elf asked. "No one needs to take the watch now" he added, yet smiling a bit. "I couldn't but I wanted to keep you company anyways" Aragorn replied with a soft smile. Legolas smiled back, patting the spot next to him to invite the man to sit down next to him. Aragorn sat down next to him and Legolas rests his head on his shoulder, enjoying eachothers company.

#legolas thranduilion#legolas#legolas x aragorn#aralas#aragorn son of arathorn#aragorn#fanfic#lotr imagine#lotr fanfic#lotr fandom
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A cowboy's kiss

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Aralas Imagine
Imagine Aragorn carrying Legolas to bed after he fell asleep on the gardens; Legolas later waking up to Aragorn by his side. [yes i am aware that elves don’t need sleep, but it’s my imagine and i’ll say whatever i like. not my gifs]
#aralas#aragorn#legolas#lord of the rings fanfiction#lord of the rings#legolas greenleaf#legolas imagine#aragorn imagine#lord of the rings imagine#imagine#aralas imagine
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I'm bored and am going on a road trip Monday so I'll have time to write in the car. If anyone wants to send requests, I'd be much obliged.
Also, I've been wanting to write some Enjoltaire, Merthur, Aralas, or Monchevy so if anyone has ideas for those I'd be very excited. Thanks to all who consider. -Freddie
#snafu and freddie's imagine shoppe#read your imagines#les mis#versailles#the lord of the rings#enjoltaire#aralas#monchevy#merlin#merthur
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the need to write an Aralas modern AU grows within me everyday
Modern Aralas AU where Aragorn is meeting Legolas' father for the first time and is super duper mega nervous.
Legolas finds it endearing but assures him everything will be fine.
Aragorn keeps psyching himself up though, nerves getting the best of him in the week running up to the meeting - he wants to make a good impression.
When the day finally arrives, Legolas leads him into the hallway of his the house and Aragorn scans his surroundings and-
There, on the mantle, is an image Aragorn is very familiar with.
It's a picture of who Aragorn can now only assume is Legolas' father, in a darkened, colourful nightclub with UV paint on his face, standing next to...
Aragorn's father Elrond...who is also dressed similarly, decorated with UV paint.
And that's how Aragorn finds out that his father and Legolas' father used to go clubbing together while they were at university.
#I might just#this but it’s a FIGURE SKATER AU#imagine Legolas as a figure skater#and both Thranduil and Elrond are retired figure skaters#god#lotr#aralas#lotr fanfic
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》 Just A Little Further Away 《
~An Aralas One-shot~
I hope you guys enjoy!
Btw 'Master Lanister' is a figment of my imagination. One the irritating court buffoons in these situations.
"Your hair is soft when you wash it."
I run my hand through Aragorn's hair, soft and silky from his wash. He traces my palm with his thumb, making a distracted 'mhm'.
I follow his gaze out the window and over the city of Gondor. Immediately, I know what he's thinking about,
"They'll love you. Most of them already do. You've done so much for this city, for your people and they know. They know what you risked."
He glances over at me, and can't seem to look away. Our eyes are captivated by each other- grey green and blue. After what seems like an eternity, he looks down, his eyes suddenly vulnerable,
"But what if they don't."
"They will. I know what it's like when the people don't like their king. This is not it."
He smiles at me, and I pull him into an embrace. Tense energy radiates off him, and I run my hands down his back,
"You'll be amazing. When have I ever lied to you?"
He grins, and before either of us can say anything else, there's a knock on the oak doors. We pull apart, and I give him a reassuring grin. His whole demeanor changes, and he calls out,
"Come in!"
Quietly, a young boy comes in. I remember his name as Elderan. He had served under Denethor, and his parents had died in the War of the Ring. Aragorn had given him a job when he realized Elderan was an orphan of the Battle of Pelenor Plains. He hasn't told me, but I know Aragorn feels a little responsible for their deaths.
"Master Lanistar asks if you're ready, your majesty."
Aragorn smiles kindly at the boy,
"There's no need to call me that yet. Tell him we're coming."
"I-" He looks down, fiddling awkwardly, "He asked for only you. Master Legolas is to go with the Elves of Rivendell."
I smile lightly at him, saying softly in Sindarin,
"No worries, Estel. I'll still be there with you. Just a little further away."
He dips his head,
"Hannon le, Legolas. I'll see you there."
His brows furrow in concentration, and he strides through the doors, not looking back.
#kyra's fanfics#aragorn x legolas#aralas#ficlet#legolas x aragorn#legolas thranduilion#aragorn son of arathorn
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i see your vision. although i have a tiny nitpick which is dev looking buff these days and i can’t imagine aragorn being this tough beefy guy. to me he’s always a strong soft guy but you never know when it comes to acting/production so,, one can hope!
i don’t have any fancasts for anyone but im hoping they pick ppl with similar vibes and not big names bc imo the lotr franchise worked bc the actors were passionate non mainstream artists.
but if i were to talk about a miracle fan cast that would be young viggo 🤣 cuz i mean look at him 😍

would like to see how young aragorn and legolas met! peter jackson i’ll trust you with aralas! 🥹
seriously how do i find my fellowship aralas fans. ik we exist bc the same old moments been reblogged hundreds of times every time anyone make a compilation or a gif set. i just wanna connect with fellow fans. think about headcanons and stuff. y’know..the usual. it just seems like there’s no one in the tag, especially on twitter so there’s no one to talk to. 🥺
i’m not too thrilled about the new lotr movie (hunt for gollum) bc if it’s what everyone’s talking about then they gonna have to recast aragorn. 😔 but if it’s what it gonna take for the fandom to be revived then so be it. 🥲
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Am..I the only one that gets high key weak when person A has a lip biting habit and person B doesn’t want them to hurt themselves so they just..reach out and gently thumb their lip away from their teeth? Just me? Cool cool cool
#i imagined this as my fav ships idc#aralas#stucky#lots and lots more but listing them all would take..so much time#six of crows#lotr#harry potter#drarry#jegulus#wolfstar#starseeker
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Request rules:
I don’t write for heterosexual relationships.
I write for female x female, male x male, non-binary x every gender.
I also would write for ftm or mtf, if you want it.
My english is... probably bad at some points, so please be gentle with me XD
I will write smut if you want (I actually like it). At this point: If you’re non-binary and you have a woman’s body: I will write for you and a male (or another non-binary with a man’s body, or another woman, you got me).
I only write smut for people, who are older than 16 (in the story).
I like to be creative in every genre, I guess, but I haven’t written angsty stuff yet (but I’m open for it) and I’m not good at bad ends...
You can describe yourself as specific as you want, for example what nationality you have, or skincolor, or anything else.
Requests are CLOSED RN
NOTE: When a character's name is orange I DO NOT write for them at the moment.
Who I write for:
Peter Parker
Warren Worthington III
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Sylvie Laufeysdottir
Tom Holland
Tom Hiddleston
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Dylan O'Brien
Harrison Osterfield
Henry Cavill
Ben Hardy
Harry Potter:
Hermione Granger
Sirius Black (young)
Remus Lupin (young)
James Potter (young)
Lily Evans (young)
Regulus Black (young)
+ Poly: Wolfstar, Jegulus
Maze runner:
+ Poly: Newtmas
The hobbit:
Thorin Oakenshield <3
Kili Durin
Fili Durin
+ Poly: Bagginshield
Lord of the rings:
+ Poly: Aralas
The witcher:
+ Poly: Geraskier
Helluva boss:
+ Poly: Stolas x Blitzo
Love, Victor:
Mia Brooks <3
Benji Campbell
Hawaii Five-O:
Steve McGarrett
Danny Williams
Tani Rey
Alexander 'Alec' Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Jace Lightwood
Clary Fairchild
+ Poly: Malec, Jace x Simon, Clizzy
Arthur Pendragon
Sir Gwaine
+ Poly: Merthur
Chronicles of Narnia:
Edmund Pevensie
Prince Caspian
The goldfinch:
Boris Pavlikovsky
+ Poly: Boris x Theo
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
+ Poly: Mungrove
Enid Sinclair
Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen:
Roger Taylor
Brian May
Gwilym Lee!Brian May
Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor
+ Poly: Brian x Roger
6 Underground:
The hobbit:
Thorin with an introverted boyfriend
Thorin with a jealous boyfriend
Thorin being attracted to his smoking boyfriend
Thorin with a boyfriend who can transform into a horse
Love at first sight
Arachnophobia is a bitch
Thorin with an angel boyfriend
Thorin with his FtM!Pregnant!Husband
Peter Parker
Little chat #1
Little chat #2
Studying with Peter
Bottom!Loki x Top!Male!Reader
Soft sex with Bottom!Loki
Loki with a boyfriend who can only sleep to noise
Little chat #1
Bucky Barnes
Wholesome smut
Thor with a boyfriend who is the god of wisdom
Loki/Peter/Tony/Thor x Male!Reader (also NSFW)
Tom Holland
Little chat #1
Little chat #2
Little chat #3
Little chat #4
Little chat #5
Helluva boss:
Imagine being Stolas and Blitzo's boyfriend
Love, Victor:
Mia Brooks:
Being Mia's girlfriend
Magnus Bane:
Magnus with his boyfriend but it's very gay
Alec Lightwood:
Alec Lightwood x Trans!Male!Reader
Sir Gwaine:
Little chat #1
Night activities
Candy hearts
(Y/N) is drowning but it's funny
Pregnant!Ftm!(Y/N) (and Gwaine being a sweet husband)
Merthur and Male!Reader x Gwaine fucking but no actual smut
Marauders comforting you after you were raped by your boyfriend
Stranger Things:
Billy Hargrove:
smoking together for the first time
Male!Reader makes Billy question his sexuality pt.2 pt.3
Comforting Billy after he gets abused by Neil
Making out with Billy
Fucking Billy after pe class
Eddie Munson:
giving trans!Eddie a blowjob at a pool
Roger Taylor:
you have sex for the first time after Roger gets back from tour
new name for trans!masc!(Y/N)
Sir Brian May:
Going to university with Brian (Trans!Male!Reader)
#male!reader#non binary!reader#the witcher x male reader#helluva boss x male!reader#the hobbit x male reader#shadowhunters x male!reader#gay#bisexual#pansexual#lesbian#lgbt#omnisexual#polysexual#polyamorous#polyamory#polyam#stranger things x male!reader#queen x male!reader#roger taylor x male!reader#brian may x male!reader#billy/four x male!reader#warren worthington x male!reader
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Legolas looked at Aragorn with sadness in his eyes, why was he saying this so suddenly? The rest of the fellowship was asleep and they sat under the stars, talking. "What do you mean?" Legolas softly asked, looking at the ranger with his baby blue eyes. "You know Legolas" Aragorn softly spoke while working on the fire, gently sparking in the night. "I choose to be with you, I choose a mortal life" Legolas said, putting his hand on his shoulder. Aragorn sighs "I can't, I can't risk you dying just beacuse of me" Aragorn spoke, looking at the young prince beside him. "Goheno nin Legolas (Forgive me)" he held his hand before getting up, walking into the forest to take a round. Legolas opened his hand and saw the necklace he had given him. Gently he closed his hand, a single tear falling down his cheek.
#legolas#legolas x aragorn#aragorn#legolas thranduilion#aragorn son of arathorn#aralas#lotr imagine#lotr fanfic#short story#imagine#middle earth
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Lovers on the sun
Cowboys run on field
The structure and color of the pic were in reference to the music video of David Guetta's song Lovers on the sun. Beautiful song and video💛

#lotrart#aragorn#legolas#aragorn and legolas#aragorn x legolas#illustration#lotr imagine#lotr fandom#lotr cast#aralas
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