#ar nya
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#welcome home#kaput and zosky#from the river to the sea palestine will be free#addressbarcode#google search bar lets bad guys bragging about it was a good time to go to the first time in the morning and see if they can and I will be#42#isaac asimov#robert a. heinlein#ayn rand#ayn ra#ar nya#ar n ya#r in u is invisible but creates part of leg upside down tables turned#luv u mwah#as always a loud and sincere fuck you to everyone who has doubted her and supported that canadian cuntery who must not be named#killed in horror donegal crash named after car loses control on way home from work#work form home#home for infinite losers#winner winner chicken dinner#family guy blasted for savage harry and meghan sketch after mental health struggles#glass onion#fallout new vegas#sage valorant#el hopper#del boy#daddy's good girl#what in hell is bad#nut in me#squid sisters#deep space nine
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*crashes through wall* I heard Nya
so!!! you belong to me, my snow white queen, there's nowhere to run by @knowledgequeenabc is like my go to nya fic i was just rereading this one the other day and freaking out over it again XD it’s a post-s6 fic and it’s just so good I can’t recommend it enough
this grueling cycle by @manjirian @the-inky-isles @woodswolf is a nya and kai pre-pilots fic; granted it’s kind of focused on both of them but Nya is solidly a POV character and it gives her more agency than most Kai-and-Nya pre-pilot stuff that I’ve stumbled over tends to do!!
idk anyone who hasn’t run into @lloydskywalkers stuff but jic here’s deja vu by her, a mid-s10 ficlet of a convo between Nya and Lloyd that digs a bit into her psyche!
I Am Nya by @justgotluigid (?) is an older ficlet that takes place post-s7 and gets into Nya’s head regarding her decision to go from Samurai to water ninja!! v sweet sibling interactions in this one too and ofc Nya POV :D
Tied Down to This Earth by @legonerd is a perfect drabble that’s not quite Nya focused but it’s close enough I’ve got to mention it here while I can! post-ns15 and Nyad POV
to see; to be seen by @m-aster-of-spinjitzu (when will aster return from the war) is a Nya & Pixal-centric fic but once again has a really great Nya voice and focus! takes place when the ninja are gone but before they realize they’re still alive and deals with the girls + Misako dealing with the aftermath
and then of my stuff I think you’ve read selkie before but here she is again lmao, ready, aim, fire, and also cramming ceiling hung with vines in here bc, while it is background group-focus, the fic and the second chap in particular are Nya-focused and some of my favorite that I’ve written for her :D
Also unrelated to anything at all BUT does anyone have some good Nya fic recs??? Preferably ones that are not necessarily of a romantic nature?? And...not necessarily RGB siblings either but I'll take it; I'm just kinda looking for stuff more focused on her as an individual—
#okay this is way long oop#im not sorry tho lmao#fic#fic recs#nya#also ur tags ar so valid#the nya stan experneice
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It's better to wait long than marry wrong
No matter how long or early we get married as long as we end up with the right one.

Salah satu bentuk neraka dalam hidup adalah salah memilih pasangan.
Nggak ada orang yang mati hanya karena belum menikah, namun banyak sekali yang harus merenggang nyawa hanya karena menikah dengan orang yang salah.
Persoalan tentang pilihan mana yang lebih baik antara menikah lebih cepat & menikah lebih lama agaknya sudah menjadi hal yang terlalu basi untuk diperdebatkan. Namun karena pernikahan juga merupakan salah satu hal yang tidak bisa dihilangkan dalam kehidupan seseorang, membuat kita mau gak mau juga harus mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin dengan menjadi lebih aware tentang pernikahan.
Sehingga yang menjadi masalah bukanlah seberapa cepat atau seberapa lambat kelak kita akan menikah, namun seberapa kenal kita dengan diri kita sendiri, seberapa siap kita dengan segala resiko yang akan kita jalani, dan seberapa yakin kita dengan pilihan yang kita ambil. Karena jika itu semua sudah kita perjelas, kita akan dengan mudah menentukan orang seperti apa yang kita butuhkan alih-alih inginkan untuk menjadi pasangan kita kelak.
Pernikahan bukanlah salah satu trophy kita dalam hidup. Sehingga cepat atau lama kita memperolehnya menentukan seberapa bernilai diri kita. Meskipun tidak bisa juga kita pungkiri bahwa keberhasilan sebuah pernikahan yang kita miliki dan menemukan orang yang tepat sebagai pasangan adalah salah satu bentuk privelege yang nggak semua orang miliki.
Menjalani pernikahan ibaratnya memilih sebuah permasalahan yang bersedia kita terima seumur hidup. Memilih pasangan ibaratnya pula kita memilih seseorang yang akan menemani kita menghadapi banyak peperangan bersama.
Allah menyebutkan tujuan pernikahan dalam surah Ar-Rum ayat (30:21):
"Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu istri-istri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berpikir."
Jangan menikahi seseorang hanya karena kita mencintainya. Namun menikahlah dengan seseorang yang dengannya kita merasa tentram. Bersama dengannya kita memperoleh ketenangan. Karena banyak orang yang menikah karena cinta, namun ketenangan dalam rumah tangga tidak mereka temukan di dalamnya.
Di hidup yang singkat dan berat untuk dijalani sendirian ini, semoga kelak kita saling dipertemukan dengan sebaik-baik pasangan, dan diri kita bisa menjadi sebaik-baik jawaban dari doa seseorang.
Yuk jangan lupa beli buku aku yang berjudul, "Semua Lelah yang Perlu Kita Rasakan Saat Dewasa" di Official store dan marketplace resmi @bukumojok atau klik di sini

Dukung & bantu penulis untuk terus berkarya dengan membaca & membeli karya-karya original kami 🌷
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Everyone Sang | Ilquen Lirner
ló Siegfried Sassoon
Everyone suddenly burst out singing; And I was filled with such delight As prisoned birds must find in freedom, Winging wildly across the white Orchards and dark-green fields; on - on - and out of sight.
Everyone's voice was suddenly lifted; And beauty came like the setting sun: My heart was shaken with tears; and horror Drifted away ... O, but Everyone Was a bird; and the song was wordless; the singing will never be done.
Ilquen yestaner vercála liru; Ar quanten i alassenen I mandina aiwi tuvir lériénen, Vilila valdavë lann' i fána Yávetauri ar nurno-laica restar; öa - öa - ar ambela cen.
Óma ilqueno oronyë vercála; Ar vanië túlë ve Andúanar: Hondonya quattë niainen; ar ñorto Hlapunë öa ... A, mal Ilquen Nánë aiwë; ar i lírë né quettenca; i liralë teluva aluvar.
Ilquen yesta-ne-r vercála liru; everyone begin-PST-PL sudden sing.INF Everyone began sudden[ly] [to] sing;
Ar quante-n i alasse-nen and be.filled.PST-I the joy-with And I was filled with the joy
I mand-ina aiw-i tuv-i-r lérié-nen, that imprison-ed bird-PL find-AORIST-PL freedom.PROS-with That imprisoned birds find with freedom,
Vil-ila valda-vë lann' i fána fly-ing wild-ly across the white Flying wildly across the white
Yáve-taur-i ar nurno-laica resta-r; fruit-forest-PL and dark-green field-PL Orchards and dark-green fields;
öa - öa - ar ambela cen. away away and far.away.beyond sight away - away - and beyond sight.
Óma ilquen-o oronyë vercála; voice everyone-of rise.PST sudden Everyone's voice rose sudden[ly];
Ar vanië túlë ve Andú-anar; and beauty come.PST like setting-sun And beauty came like [the] setting sun;
Hondo-nya quattë ni-ainen; ar ñorto heart-my shake.PST tear-with.PL and horror My heart shook with tears; and horror
Hlapu-në öa ... A, mal Ilquen blow-PST away O but everyone Blew away ... O, but Everyone
Ná-në aiwë; ar i lírë né quett-enca; be-PST bird and the song be.PST word-less Was [a] bird; and the song was wordless;
i liralë nauva tel-uva aluvar. the merry.singing end-FUT never the singing will never end.
Note: concerning quattë vs quansë as the past tense of quaþ-/quas- "to shake" — the sá-sí-ers can pry þ (and ñ) out of my cold dead hands the ashes of my corpse >:)
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Credits : @crimson-cherry really love the art and the way they portray the ninjas is how I imagine them in this story. You all should follow them
Reader was playing once again in her room, alone again, as the ninjas were training with master Wu. She sat in front of the TV screen as she was shooting the space ships but got bored after a while 'man, I wish Lloyd was here to play' she thought as she paused the game and noticed that it was almost time to go to bed. She stood up and walked towards the outside door to see the ninjas chatting and teasing each other., noticing how close Lloyd got with the red ninja and his sister, almost acting like siblings, she felt a pang in her chest as she turned around and immediately walked towards her bedroom, which lucky was individual from the boys room. She walked past Pixal who looked at her worried and confused by her mood "Reader, are you ok? Your heartbeat seems elevated and your facial expressions shows you're upset. Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?" She asked gently as she looked at reader. Reader turned her head towards Pixal and glared at her as hard as a 10ys could do "yes I'm fine. Now leave me alone!" She said as she arrived to her bedroom and slammed the door shut. She knew that it was unfair getting mad at Pixal but she was blinded by her anger towards Lloyd and the betrayal she felt at how he distanced himself from her but got closer to the ninjas, especially the red one who she doesn't even bother learning the name of and his sister. 'he's my brother. My twin, he should be playing with me instead of them. I wish everything could go back to how it used to be, without them. Just me and Lloyd, against the world' she thought as she got to her wardrobe and put on her pajamas and went to sleep, though it was hard as her mind was filled with the memories of her and Lloyd before the ninjas and their uncle Wu came along.
The next morning, she woke up groggily as she fixed her hair, putting two hair clips in it to keep it away from her eyes. She put on her school uniform and skirt before grabbing her backpack and going out of her bedroom, ready to go to school. As she walked she almost fell as Lloyd ran past her to go and eat breakfast with the ninjas, messing up her hair a little bit, and in doing so it bothered her as she fixed it up again. As she finally reached the living room she grabbed her school lunch and breakfast as the ninjas were chatting at the table.
"man I'm so happy I don't have to go to school anymore, I get to stay here without hearing the teachers all day" Lloyd said as he was eating his breakfast, sitting in between Kai and Nya.
Reader having heard his little comment slyly mocked him annoyed before walking out of the monastery and going down the monastery's stair of the mountain before reaching the bus stop and waiting for her bus. Once it arrived she got in and gave the bus driver her ticket before going to sit down, glaring at the monastery as the bus started again and put on her headphones to let her mind daydream under the music spell.
On the top of the mountain, on the monastery's rooftop, a spirit was watching the bus leave the bus stop under the monastery with a neutral look '...close, but not yet' it thought as it disappeared in the air, going unnoticed.
As Reader arrived at school she couldn't help but noticed the subtle way everyone was staring at her, making her feel more alone as she usually had Lloyd with her. As she reached her classroom the teacher gave her a pitiful look 'poor child' she thought as she started to teach the class.
Reader was looking out of the window, not caring to listen to the teacher as she looked at the people outside. As she let her mind wander, she didn't notice a certain blonde boy looking at her interested from the other side of the classroom 'mh' he thought.
As soon class ended, she got out of there, ignoring Brad as she felt really annoyed by everyone around her, forgetting her notebook on her desk.
The boy picked up the notebook and looked at it before putting his gaze towards the classroom's door, where reader left in a hurry and put it in his backpack and went out of the classroom too.
The same thing continued until lunch time, Reader didn't listen to the teachers and glared at anyone who looked at her or tried to talk to her.
As lunch arrives she was standing by the cafeteria and noticed how everyone was sitting at least with someone, making her feel alone again as she didn't knew who to sit with and instead opted for an empty classroom aand started to eat her lunch as she went to get her notebook to draw a bit to keep herself busy, but, as soon as she didn't feel the notebook in her backpack she opened it wide and let all the stuff fall as she shook it in panic "no no no, where is it?!" She said worried "looking for this?" A voice said as she turned around and noticed a boy by the door, and then noticed the notebook in his hands. She got up and took it from him in a mix of relief and suspicion "yes! Oh, wait did you do anything in it?" She said as she flips the pages but doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. She sighed and went back to eat her food by her desk, thinking the boy will leave after giving her notebook back, but , instead he sat next to her and noticed how little food she brought with hwe and decided to divide his own sandwich ans guve the bigger part to her, waiting for her to accept the offer. She looked at him confused but grabs the sandwich and eats it "thanks...you can leave now" she said while munching her food, avoiding looking at him, thinking he will leave like everyone else. "No" he said to her as he went to eat his own part of the sandwich, surprising her "no?" She said as she looked at him, confused and a bit annoyed at his words "I said no, I don't want to" he said to her as he also looked at her.
She blinked as she looked at him for a while, perplexed by his words "why?" She asked "cause I want to stay here, with you" he said to her with a small smile "...you do know I'm the daughter of Garmadon right? Lord Garmadon? The guy who wanted to destroy all Ninjago?" She said even more confused at him as she turned her chair towards him, eyebrows frowned "I know you don't worry. But still I want to stay here" he said as he took another bite of his sandwich "..why?" She asked annoyed, confused and a bit flustered "cause I want to be your friend" he said to her. She looked at him with wide eyes at what she heard "why? How do you know if I'm not as evil as my father?" She said looking at him suspicious, squinting her eyes at him as no one at school wanted to be friends with her, either because of the pranks she used to do with Lloyd or because of her father's reputation "are you evil?" He asked her with curiosity "..I don't know" she said looking away, feeling conflicted by her role in all that's been happening "that's enough for me then" the boy said to her as he shrugged his shoulders and finished eating his food. She instead looked at her unfinished piece of sandwich and then at him, still suspicious and confused"but what if in the future I want to be evil too?" She said looking at him with conflict in her eyes, thinking her will look at her differently due to the question she proposed. Instead though, he looked at her reassuringly "then we'll be evil together, me and you against the world" he lift up his hand for a dab. She looked at him surprised by his words, not thinking he will still want to be friends even if she wanted to be evil like her father was. She scoffed and smirked at him, feeling a sense of relief in her heart and dabbed his hand "alright then" she said to him before leaning against the empty classroom's wall "what's your name?" She asked and he smiled at her "Strymyr" he said to her "we're partners in crime now Strymyr" she said with a smirk "wouldn't have thought any less from you Reader" he said as they continued to chat until school ended.
As she arrived to the monastery she was feeling lighter as she walked past the living room, where the ninjas were playing at their video games and towards her bedroom.
She closed the door and layed down on her bed, her mind replaying all the events of today before she smiles widely 'i have a friend' she thought before holding her pillow tightly and falling asleep for a nap.
The spirit was watching her from the end of her bed with a small smile 'getting closer but not yet'
"good nap little lighthouse' it thought
This is all for now, the nickname 'little lighthouse' is because I kept listening to the song Lighthouse by Nina Kraljic and it fitted to the whole 'pure light' plot.
This drawing is mine though 🤭 pls don't hate on it🙏 I know it's nothing compared to Crimson's art but I just wanted to add my touch on the fic too
#Spotify#ninjago x reader#ninjago lloyd#lloyd garmadon#lloyd garmadon x reader#platonic Lloyd x reader#pure light
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Se~istimewa Kurma
Pada dasarnya, hal hal istimewa belum tentu sesuatu yang besar, dan sesuatu yang besar belum tentu istimewa. Karena sejatinya istimewa bukan terlihat dari ukuran, namun terletak pada peran dan manfaatnya di kehidupan.
Kurma, ialah salah satunya, ukurannya yang kecil, bentuknya yang keriput, looked nya yang kering, bahkan mungkin sering dikira kecoa dari kejauhan, namun siapa sangka ia si sosok istimewa, benar adanya bahwa dont judge book by the cover.
Kurma, si istimewa.
Dilihat dari keseluruhan dari kurma seperti batang pohon kurma, daunnya, akarnya, bijinya juga buahnya memiliki berbagai manfaat dan khasiat, baik di dunia sains, kesehatan dan obat-obatan, kosmetik, fashion, juga sisi spiritual.
Misal, buah kurma sering menjadi gula alami dan sari kurma sangat baik untuk kesehatan wanita.
Batang pohon kurma menjadi bahan bangunan, kerajinan atau furnitur, pakan ternak dan juga bisa jadi pupuk.
Daun pohon kurma dapat menjadi bahan kerajinan, anyaman, pupuk, pembuat kertas, pakan ternak dan obat-obat tradisional.
Begitu juga dengan akarnya yang dapat menyimpan air di daerah kering, mencegah erosi, dan sebagai obat tradisional. Kemudian kurma juga buah tertua di dunia.
Selain itu, banyaknya penelitian dibidang sains dan agama terkait kurma, salah satunya ialah penelitian tentang ekstrak kurma yang bisa melindungi otak dari stress oksidatif dan peradangan, serta berpotensi mencegah gangguan neurodegeneratif seperti Alzheimer (Pujari et al, 2021).
Dari sisi spiritual, kurma sendiri adalah buah yang dianjurkan oleh rasulullah saw sebagai menu berbuka puasa alias sunnah dan makanan yang sangat dianjurkan untuk dikonsumsi sehari-hari. Nyatanya, manfaat dari kurma sebagai menu berbuka yakni dapat memulihkan energi secara cepat, melancarkan pencernaan, menghidrasi tubuh dan banyak lainnya. Maasyaa Allah
Kurma, si kecil yang istimewa, tak lupa juga bahwa kurma ialah buah surga. Salah satu buah yang terdapat dalam Al-Quran, juga merupakan buah surga sebagaimana firman Allah swt :
"Di dalam keduanya (surga) ada buah-buahan, kurma, dan delima."
(QS. Ar-Rahman: 68)
Seistimewa itu sebuah kurma. Ia tampak tak semenarik buah lainnya, namun jika Allah berkata ialah si istimewa, ia akan selalu tetap istimewa. Sebanyak apapun yang suka, dan sebanyak apapun yang tidak suka, ia tetap selalu istimewa.
Ibarat sebuah kurma, kita juga istimewa dengan apa adanya dalam diri kita. Tidak memandang besar kecil tubuh kita, juga tak memandang seberapa luas personal branding kita, jika kita istimewa ia tercermin dari seberapa bermanfaat kita kepada diri sendiri, keluarga, sekitar, dan dunia.
Dan kita istimewa, se~istimewa kurma
Senang bisa mengenal kakak dan abang yang istimewa, semoga selalu bermanfaat di darat, laut dan udara 🫶🏻
Fyi, aku pribadi tidak suka buah kurma, tapi kalo sari kurma dan kurma coklat syukee.
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"Ketika kita mengimani adanya Allah, kita cukup mengimaniNya karena eksistensinya saja bukan karena Dzatnya Allah itu sendiri. Dari mana mengetahui eksistensinya Allah? Dari sifat-sifat Nya, nama-nama yang agung, dll." Kiranya begitu beberapa petikan dari kitab Thoriqul iman karya syaikh Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani.
Allah adalah Tuhan Maha segala Maha. Kita tau Dia yang penyayang lewat namanya Ar-Rohman dan ar-Rohim. Kita tau Dia menciptakan dan mengatur alam semesta dan segala isinya dari nama Allah al-Khooliq dan al-Mudabbir.
Laksana sebuah panggung. Segala hal di balik layar adalah Allah. Manusia hanya tinggal mengikuti perintah saja. Meski kadang banyak luputnya.
Allah Allah, izinkan berada selalu dalam jalan Ridho_Mu.
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My Ninjago X Epic The Musical fancast:
Young Garmadon as Odysseus
Koko (The Lego Ninjago Movie) as Penelope
Lloyd as Telemacus
Nya as Athena
FSM as Zeus
Mystake as Circe
Jay as Apollo
Kai as Hephaestus
Vania as Aphrodite and Cole as Ares
whoever was the mother of Garmadon and Wu as Hera
and Dareth as Hermes
#ninjago confessions blog#someone make illiad au while were at it#put your favorite doomed ship as patrochilles or something#and your most hated guy as paris#sorry monkey see funny words monkey get excited
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Kemana Kita Akan Pergi?
Kemana Kita Akan Pergi? Setelah banyak hal dilalui, setelah beragam keterampilan dipelajari, setelah mengumpulkan harta dari sana dan sini.
Kemana Kita Akan Pergi? Mencari kamu teman hidup sejati. Untuk menemani perjalanan ini. Bersama saling mengingatkan, melewati pahit-manis kehidupan ini.
Kemana Kita Akan Pergi? Kemana saja, asal bersamamu, aku akan mengiringi. Asalkan tujuannya tak melanggar tuntunan nabi. Sebisa dan semampunya raga dan hati ini.
Kemana Kita Akan Pergi? Perjalanan kita apakah benar hanya di dunia ini? Atau ada perjalanan lain setelah kita mati? Seberapa jauh perjalanan itu dan apa yang harus kita bawa nanti?
Kemana Kita Akan Pergi? Kang Islah I Serang, 1 Syawal 1445 H __________________________________
"Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa akan merasakan mati. Kemudian hanyalah kepada Kami kamu dikembalikan." (QS Al Ankabut: 57).
"Laki-laki yang berzina tidak mengawini melainkan perempuan yang berzina, atau perempuan yang musyrik; dan perempuan yang berzina tidak dikawini melainkan oleh laki-laki yang berzina atau laki-laki musyrik, dan yang demikian itu diharamkan atas orang-orang yang mukmin." (QS An-Nur: 3)
"Dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu dan keimanan berkata (kepada orang-orang kafir), “Sungguh, kamu telah berdiam (dalam kubur) menurut ketetapan Allah, sampai hari kebangkitan. Maka inilah hari kebangkitan itu, tetapi (dahulu) kamu tidak meyakini(nya)." (QS Ar-Rum: 56)
"(Allah) yang menciptakan kematian dan kehidupan untuk menguji kamu, siapakah di antara kamu yang paling baik amalnya." (QS Al-Mulk : 2).
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Langit malam ini, tepat diatas rumah. Walau ambil fotonya pakai hp kentang, mayan sih masih terlihat bulan nya. ___Bagaimana dengan langit mu? mendungkah? gelapkah? cerahkah?
Setelah kemarin menceraikan dunia kini mulai kembali menata ruang untuk kembali hidup walau redup. Membersihkan serpihan kaca yang masih tertinggal di bawah telapak kaki, walau masih terasa sakit untuk berdiri tapi dituntut untuk tetap melangkah. Waktu tidak bisa menunggu, waktu akan terus berjalan tanpa diriku atau bahkan melewatkan ku.
Untuk siapapun yang sedang terluka, sedang kecewa, sedang sakit hati, sedang ingin menyerah, yang sedang benci dengan keadaan dam marah dengan lingkunganmu. Tetaplah berproses sembuh dan tumbuh walau hidup dan redup. Berusahalah menerima dan melepas semampu dan sebisamu.
Teruslah berusaha sembuh lalu tumbuh. Yakinlah Allah tidak akan membiarkan dirimu terlalu jauh dan menderita. Allah tidak akan pernah meninggalkan mu sendirian, Allah juga tidak akan pernah memberikan beban di pundak mu terlalu banyak sehingga dirimu tak sanggup untuk memikul nya. Allah juga akan selalu menerima mu walau dirimu terlalu banyak dosa dan salah, karena Allah lah Ar-rahman Ar- rahim. Yakinlah pada Rabb-mu.
14 Agust 24. _____23.26 Riuh Pikiran menjelang tidur. Renungan untuk diri sendiri sebelum tidur.
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Izin kepada Allah
Saat SD, aku dirizqikan belajar tahsin Al Quran dengan talaqqi ke seorang guru privat.
Satu huruf yang saat itu membuatku frustrasi adalah huruf Qaf. Berulang kali mencoba, masih belum tepat makhraj-nya. Coba lagi, gagal lagi. Begitu terus per pekan.. rasanya ingin menyerah saja.
Sampai suatu ketika, ustadzah Mahani (semoga Allah jaga beliau) berpesan di akhir kelas:
“Habibah nanti malam bangun tahajjud ya, minta dan berdoa ke Allah: ya Allah aku pengen bisa melafadzkan huruf Qaf”
Malam itu sepertinya menjadi kali pertama seorang Habibah bangun dini hari, dengan polosnya.. dan dengan satu orientasi: mentaati perintah guru. Haha.
Tapi ternyataaa.. Momen itu begitu membekas bagiku.
Berkesannya bukan karena mengendap-ngendap shalat tengah malam karena malu,
bukan juga karena beberapa pertemuan kemudian dikatakan beliau “lulus” huruf Qaf-nya,
bukan juga karena cerita ini jadi cerita lungsuran motivasi tiap kali aku kini mengajar tahsin..
Tapi, karena jadi pelajaran seumur hidup untukku tentang: meminta izin.
Izin ke Allah, karena Allah yang akan mampukan. Allah, Al-‘Alim. Allah, yang mengenalkan diri-Nya sebagai “yang mengajarkan Al Quran” sebelum sebagai “pencipta manusia” di surat Ar-Rahman.
Pun untuk yang sedang tertatih menghafal dan murajaah, coba diingat lagi sudahkah meminta izin dan pertolongan Allah?
“Alhamdulillah waktu usia 8 tahun aku berangkat haji dengan keluarga, aku hanya minta dan berdoa ke Allaah kak agar bisa menghafal Al Quran..”
Mengutip adik hafidzah shalihah pada obrolan santai pasca itikaf beberapa waktu lalu, yang jadi perantara murajaah konsep izin ini.
Aku tertampar, betapa seringnya aku lalai dalam meminta izin dan pertolongan ke Allah. Sombong banget, Haab.
Padahal pertolongan Allah itu bukan hanya ketika hendak ujian, hampir tertinggal pesawat, didzalimi orang, tidak ada biaya hidup, dll.
Justru untuk menyempurnakan ibadah (ibadah hati dan ibadah fisik) lah yang amat sangat butuh pertolongan dari Allah..
Pantas saja Imam Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah membuat 15 jilid buku “hanya” untuk satu ayat iyyakana’budu wa iyyakanastain, karena sedemikan komprehensifnya ayat ini dalam meringkas seluruh tema Al Quran.
Allahumma a'inni 'ala dzikrika wa syukrika wa husni 'ibaadatik
"Ya Allah, tolonglah aku agar selalu berdzikir mengingat-Mu, bersyukur pada-Mu, dan memperbagus ibadah pada-Mu"
Dalam perjalanan kembali ke perantauan
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Bahwa pada akhirnya, di akhir tahun selalu saja dingin. hujan, kabut serta gerimis, silih berganti datang.
Namun ternyata, diantara kedinginan itu, terselip satu kehangatan. Ya, walaupun tak bisa di raba, tak bisa disentuh, tak bisa dilihat, ia tetap bisa dirasa.
Apakah kau masih merasakannya? Jika tidak, berarti itu pertanda engkau terlalu sibuk, sampai sampai menjauh, padahal ia dekat dan tak pernah menjauh.
Itulah Ar Rahman dan Ar Rahim nya Allah.. ia selalu dekat dan memberi kehangatan, kasih sayang dan cintaNya abadi untuk manusia.
Tinggal manusianya saja yang memilih, apakah tetap ingin di sayangi? Apakah tetap ingin di cintai?
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Being Human : Letting Allah Do The Rest
I've heard somebody said this, "the only task for us, as a human, is to hope and try. The rest is Allah's part, the answer for How is absolutely His part".
Kita manusia, hanya bisa mengusahakan.
Jujur gue kira kalau soal ikhlas dan berserah tuh gue udah lebih canggih dari dulu jaman awur-awuran di kampus. But it turns out, makin besar, makin dewasa, ujian ikhlas nya makin urang aring yha.
Baru banget minggu kemarin gue dibilangin, "kamu kaya nya belum ikhlas, belum nyerahin semua sama Allah. Usaha dunia nya kaya nya udah cukup deh, tinggal percaya sama Allah". Apa tydac shock? Padahal kerasa nya teh udah pasrah, yaAllah terserah aja mau dibawa kemana ini. Berarti sedih nya masih ketara banget wkwk.
Dulu, nasihat yang gue denger waktu mencoba buat doa yang lebih general adalah, doa-doa kita sebagai manusia yang banyak dosa ini dekat sama dunia. In short, sebagai manusia biasa yang bukan ustad dan orang alim, permintaan manusia biasa nya materi, kedudukan atau jabatan. Sebenernya ga salah juga, kadang untuk mencapai tujuan yang lebih besar hal-hal itu dibutuhkan. But the hardest part is, bagaimana mengelola harapan kita terhadap semua pinta itu. Makannya kalau doa yang lebih general asumsi nya lebih banyak berserahnya, kaya percaya pilihan nya Allah better than anythings.
Tapi ternyata dengan gue berdoa dengan lebih general ngga mengurangi all of my expectations. Jadi nya begitu ada yang ga tercapai apa? Kecewa kan. Manusia tuh tempatnya khawatir, besok gimana, tahun depan gimana, nanti besar jadi apa. Padahal ya cukup mikir sampai mengusahakan aja. Oh sama punya plan, jadi manusia harus tetap punya rencana, supaya ada motivasi dalam menjalani hidup eak wkwk.
So that's exactly what I'm tryin to do lately. Menghempas khawatir.
Menjadi manusia, artinya mengusahakan apapun sekuat tenaga. And let Allah do the rest.
كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلْقِتَالُ وَهُوَ كُرْهٌ لَّكُمْ ۖ وَعَسَىٰٓ أَن تَكْرَهُوا۟ شَيْـًٔا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ ۖ وَعَسَىٰٓ أَن تُحِبُّوا۟ شَيْـًٔا وَهُوَ شَرٌّلَّكُمْ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ “Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui,” {QS Al-Baqarah: 216}
Bisa jadi, Allah punya plan yang lebih baik. Bisa jadi rencana yang kita punya hanya mendatangkan malapetaka. Bisa jadi Allah mau liat usaha kita lebih keras. Who knows. Tinggal kita, as a human, mau berdamai atau tidak dengan khawatir, atau malah membiarkan khawatir itu yang mendominasi overthinking.
As usual, selamat melangitkan pinta dan harap folks! Selamat menebar manfaat di ladang manapun tempat kaki ini memijak!
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Gray Wing's got me thinking for the longest time: how are pronouns, specifically neopronouns, translated and spoken in Clanmew? Do Clan cats, when invoking/talking about xem, use xeir pronouns correctly or default to he/him or something more "normal"?
On a more general matter, how common is it for modern Clan cats to use neopronouns? Do you think it's something they picked up from a kittypet in Chelford and they were like "whaaaat lmao that's kinda neat" lol bc I kinda like that idea. Sorry I'm rambling I'm just really really happy abt the neopronoun rep :'3
Oh Clanmew doesn't have gendered pronouns at all! There are eight pronouns, entirely based on threat level. There aren't any neopronouns in Clanmew because the use of these pronouns is constantly reaffirming the relationship between two cats, or signalling some sort of meaningful shift based on context.
Wi/Wees/Weep/Wik (Babies, prey, things that pose absolutely no threat to you)
Nya/Nyams/Nyap/Nyamsk (Family; Things you do not harm by choice.)
Pyrr/Pyrrs/Pyrrp/Pyrrsk (Honorably less dangerous; a Cleric, an exhausted warrior, helpful objects)
Urr/Urrs/Urrp/Urrsk (Equal footing of a Clanmate, things on your level. Briarlight refers to her mobility device with this pronoun as an extension of herself. ONLY USED FOR THE SAME CLAN.)
Ar/Ars/Arp/Arsk (Cat who is above you in the same Clan; person who outranks you significantly. Your mentor while you're training, the deputy, your own leader. Has a sarcastic air of "your highness" when used on those of similar rank.)
Rarr/Rarrs/Rarrp/Rarrsk (Honorable outsider; Clan cats of other Clans. Used to correct overfriendliness, friends of other Clans will sometimes find excuses to use other pronouns, though it can be frowned upon. Used for mildly dangerous prey like some ducks and gray squirrels. NEVER used on Clanmates without insult.)
Mwrr/Mwrrs/Mwrrp/Mwrrsk (Rogues, very dangerous animals. Actively aggressive and acts without honor; a MASSIVE insult used on any Clan cat.)
Ssar/Ssars/Ssarp/Ssarsk (NATURAL DISASTERS AND STARCLAN. Unpredictable, dangerous, unstoppable. For the leaders of other Clans or used as a very high compliment to another Clan's deputy or high-ranking warrior, but if overused could be seen as cowardly.)
So to use a neopronoun in Clanmew would be seen as very 'evasive' at best and rude at worst. You'd be bypassing a big part of their language and culture by not making your relationship and feelings towards that person clear to your conversation partner. It's very different from English where pronouns are just about gender!
"pi woomoerpbum Hrra'aborrl nyanomna" Heathertail: Breezepelt my beloved is eating a tunnelbun.
"pi woomoerpbum Hrra'aborrl rarrnomna" Heathertail: THAT BASTARD BREEZEPELT IS EATING A TUNNELBUN
There are three accepted genders in Clan Culture, Molly, Tom, and Gib. Gibs I refer to with xe/canon pronouns; canon just when it's less confusing. Blackstar for example is actually a gib in BB, so he's He/They/Xey.
(Queer cats still exist though, Dustpelt is an example of a GNC cat, Twigbranch is agender, Finleap is multigender, but Clan cats have a trinary gender system)
When the character has no canon gender though it's instant Gib and they're They/xe. Billowcloud is an example of that.
Gray Wing gets Xe pretty exclusively in my writing though for a few reasons, 1. Xe is the "archetype" of the roles associated with being a Gib and I want to emphasize this as the Patron of Wisdom, 2. The singular nonbinary pronoun is super super helpful with the fact Gray Wing has a ton of "talking to a group/on behalf of a group" scenes, it helps distinguish Xem from Them.
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Welcome! Alla!
I translate posts into Tolkien's Elvish languages; mostly Quenya. My source for grammar and vocabulary is primarily Eldamo. If you think I've made an error somewhere please point it out politely. Feel free to tag me or send an ask with a link to a post you would like to see translated. Please avoid swearing in things you share though — of both the cussing kind and the Oath kind.
Lambelangan talcar Eldarin lambennar Tolkieno; hríman Quenya. Celunya tengwesto ar quettaron ná minya Eldamo. Cenai savilyë i carnen loiparë, iquin lyen quetë lindavë nin. Lertal yalë ni hya menta ninna cestalë ó limë talcanna i meril cenë lambelangaina. Á uhta naiquetië yo vestië ósatina sarmessen, mecin.
Lambelanga-n talca-r Eldarin lambe-nna-r Tolkien-o; hríman Quenya. Translate.AORIST-I post-PL Elvish language-into-PL Tolkien-of very.often Quenya I translate posts into [the] Elvish languages of Tolkien; very often Quenya.
Celu-nya tengwest-o ar quetta-r-on ná minya Eldamo. Source-my grammar-of and word-PL-of.PL is.AORIST prominent[ly] Eldamo. My source of grammar and of words is prominent[ly] Eldamo.
Cenai sav-i-lyë i carne-n loiparë, iqu-i-n lye-n quet-ë linda-vë ni-n. If.it.be.that believe-AORIST-you.SNG.POLITE that make.PAST-I mistake.in.writing pray-AORIST-I you.SNG.POLITE-DAT tell-INF kind-ly me-DAT If it be that you believe that I made a mistake in writing, I pray you, tell me kindly.
Lerta-l yal-ë ni hya menta ni-nna cesta-lë ó limë talca-nna i mer-i-l cen-ë lambelanga-ina. Be.free.to-you.SNG.POLITE summon-INF me or send.INF me-to ask-N with link post-to which wish-AORIST-you.SNG.POLITE see-INF translate-PASS.PTCP You are free to summon me or send to me [an] ask with [a] link to [a] post which you wish to see translated.
Á uhta naiquet-ië yo vest-ië ósat-ina sarme-sse-n, mecin. IMP.PARTICLE avoid.IMP curse-ing both.and swear-ing share-PASS.PTCP writing-in-PL please Avoid both cussing and oath-swearing in shared writings, please.
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Menjadi Manusia Yang Bermanfaat [1]
“Tidak akan bergeser kaki manusia di hari kiamat dari sisi Rabbnya sehingga ditanya tentang lima hal: tentang umurnya dalam apa ia gunakan, tentang masa mudanya dalam apa ia habiskan, tentang hartanya darimana ia peroleh dan dalam apa ia belanjakan, dan tentang apa yang ia amalkan dari yang ia ketahui (ilmu).” (HR. Al Hakim)
Hadist diatas merupakan sebuah pengingat bagi kita dalam menapaki kehidupan di dunia ini. Jika kita telaah, maka terdapat lima hal yang akan ditanyakan oleh Allah, yakni pertama tentang umur kita digunakan untuk apa, kedua masa muda kita dihabiskan untuk melakukan apa saja, ketiga darimana harta kita, keempat untuk apa harta tersebut kita gunakan, dan kelima apa yang kita berikan pada lingkungan kita dengan ilmu yang kita miliki.
Pertama, tentang umur kita. Sudah berapa lama Allah SWT memberikan nikmat yang luar biasa di dunia ini pada hidup kita? 20 tahun? 25 tahun? Atau sudah 30-an tahun lamanya? Sudahkah kita bersyukur dengan rezeki yang telah Allah Ar-Razzaq berikan? atau malah kita lalai, lupa dengan nikmat-Nya sehingga kita menjadi orang yang sia-sia selama berpuluh-puluh tahun ini. Sesungguhnya Allah itu akan menambahkan nikmat-Nya kepada kita jika kita bersyukur.
Allah nge-reminder kita nih dalam Qur’an Surah Ibrahim ayat 7, “Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku) maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangat pedih.”. Semoga kita senantiasa menjadi hamba-Nya yang bersyukur ya dan menghindari diri dari kufur nikmat agar jauh dari azab Allah.
Kedua, masa muda kita dihabiskan untuk melakukan apa aja? Scrolling medsos? Nongkrong ke café a,b,c? Nyari temen non halal? Ini maksudnya pacaran ya. Kalau yang kita lakukan adalah hal-hal yang tidak berfaedah, rugi banget hidup kita cuma dihabiskan untuk ketidakbermanfaatan. Aku yakin, anak muda adalah tonggak penerus peradaban. Jadi jika kegiatan kita hanyalah perkara dunia yang tidak bermanfaat, bagaimana bisa kita melanjutkan peradaban yang gemilang untuk penerus kita?
Sekarang sudah banyak komunitas-komunitas, kelompok kajian, maupun gerakan sosial yang bisa kita ikuti untuk menjadi orang yang produktif dan bermanfaat. Jangan habiskan waktu muda kita pada hal yang tidak berbobot dan mengarahkan kita pada keburukan. Carilah tempat berkembang dan bertumbuh, tempat yang bisa menjadi sarana kontribusi kita untuk ummat, dan pastinya dengan niat lurus karena Allah Ta’alaa. Jangan ingin melakukan kebaikan dengan niat terselubung, namun berniatlah karena ingin menggapai ridho-Nya.
Untuk tulisan #30DWC hari pertama, cukup kita sharing sampai dua poin diatas dulu ya. Selanjutnya hari esok kita sambung kembali.. happy reading! Semoga bermanfaat tulisannya.
| Medan, 11 September 2024 pukul 10.00 WIB
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