#aqua scape
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~ Aqua and Green ~
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scalpelsister · 2 years
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journeywithjosh · 1 year
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tarotenchantress · 3 months
Astro observations ptVI.
"I didn't do anything🐈‍⬛️"
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All these observations are based on my personal observations
By tarot enchantress🧚🏻‍♀️
The following observations are on those placements that may indicate being falsely accused or being looked at with suspicion and mistrust, that may make a person feel as if others only view them as a scape goat.
🐈‍⬛️ saturn aspecting ascendant, saturn in 10th house, saturn aspecting 10th house, saturn aspecting mc, saturn in 7th house, aspecting 7th house, saturn aspecting sun, capricorn rising. Capricorn sun, in capricorn, capricorn degrees, in 11th house, aspecting 11th house
Saturn makes a person work hard for appreciation like even the most basic thing like aknowledgement seems like a task for saturnian placements. These placements might make a person prone to being accused of trying to "take over" work and their boss's positions, they may be viewed as sinister social climbers who are selfish and dont care much about others feelings. They may be prone to being used as a scapegoat as they tend to for most parts, demonstrate a submissive attitude towards those in authority and are scared of having their reputation being ruined which may mean that their coworkers may make them the scapegoat to escape work or make them do most of the work. Another manifestation could be that when young, saturnian placements may be lazy and rebellious which may mean that others would use then and blame them for the failure of any work. People also tend to wait on these placements to fuck up. GOAT for a reason tho🐐 they may also be (esp women) accused of being gold diggers and only going after status and position. In their romantic relationships, they may be accused of being too robotic or practical and may be criticised alot by their partners. Adv for this placement is to be choosy with partners and dont worry about lazy twats who fuck their own pillow and then sleep on it bother you💗💗 oh and the children may be loners even adults. The boss's may be very critical of these placements too and harder or harsher with them which in the long run also makes them stronger which is required for authority. Most od the time end up in authoratative positions and face envy and criticism.
🐈‍⬛️ saturn in cancer, aspecting 4th house, in 4th house, in cancer degreez, aspecting moon, moon in capricorn, in capricorn degrees
The black goat of the family. Normally feels distant with family and may feel excluded for most parts. May feel misunderstood and family may not aknowledge their hardwork or achievements. They may also be called words like selfish from a very young age and face criticism and control from their parents especially mother figures or feminine figures. Another loner placement as they may feel emotionally misunderstood or lost. Also may feel as if they have to bear the burden of thier family problems that can be generational too. May be the least favoured child of the family. Scolded the most too and disciplines the most too. May be given chores to do from a very early age. Mayhavebeen told that life is not fair from a very early age.
I have saturn in cancer and saturn conjunct my moon and i have always felt like i had to hide my feelings to be the bigger one in the house and look after everyone.
🐈‍⬛️ uranus rising, in 10 th house, aquarius rising, aquarius sun, aqua in 4th house, in 11th house, asoecting 11th house
Similar effects as the saturn points. Uranus tends to make a person unique but also odd one out may make a person feel as if they just dont fit anywhere and people dont understand them. May also feel as if people make fun of them or view them as an object of entertainment and wonder and mocjery at times. People may also regard them as the "weird" one and use them as a scapegoat in social setting. Like it may happen that mostly your friends may start making fun of you or mocking you in social settings just to "make things lighter". Make you the butt of the jokes. You may feel as if you just dont fit in a specific group. Like ik aqua is associated with groups, community and all but i also feel as if people with these placements tend to feel invisible here and there. Neglected even. Also, you may feel that youre surrounded by ungrateful people.
🐈‍⬛️pluto in 10th house, 1st house, aspecting 10th house, aspecting ascendant, aspecting 1st house, in capricorn degrees,in aquarius degrees, aspecting sun pluto in 3rd house, 11th house., in virgo degrees, gemini degrees, in 7th house, in libra degrees, in libra.
These placements attract alot of attention and obsession from the public. You may not even know about it but you do. You could consider tourself the most boring person. But you attract attention. Sometimes it is overt and sometimes it is secretive. You may feel abandoned by people in general. People may envy you criticise everything you do, pass snarky comments, act fake with you or act egoistic with you, gossip about you, they nay approach you only to gain popularity and to say that they associate with you. They may criticise your career, work ethics, dreams, goal, ambitions, and they may even befriend you just to know your secrets, turn around on you, backstab you and steal what belongs to you. May even try to "humble" you down. You may be sexualised alot and swear alot too. You may try to avoid attention for most parts and may be considered bitchy. They may accuse you of seducing their partners or random men, being attention seeking, being a whore, sleeping your way to the top. Classic slut shaming placement. Oh you may also be excluded because your romantic associations like ppl may demonise you for it and also be obsessed with your partners. also your partners may accuse you of cheating. Also people may spread romours about you.control issues can be seen. People may try to control you and once you stop giving in, thye shun you and accuse you.
I have pluto in 3rd house and as a child i was accused of being a liar and was constantly made fun of and used as the butt of the jokes even by parents.
🐈‍⬛️ chiron aspecting saturn, 11th house, 10th house, sun, in 3rd house, in gemini, in virgo, in gemini or virgo degree, aspects to asc, mc, in 1st house, cap degrees, in cap, aqua degrees, in aqua.
Chiron shows where our deepest pain lies. You may feel like youve been rejected by the people around you time and again. You could have been excluded from groups or msy have felt as if people in groups dont care about you. Your reputation may have taken a hit due to your friends and they may hurt you or accuse of doing things that youve not done. Thye may try to use you as a scapegoat to exclude you from socisl settings or more "fun" things. They may even make you do alot of work in the name of friendship and become extremely ungrateful towards you. Usually rejected and used as a scapegoat because of your goal, ambitions, intellect, uniqueness, work ethics, association with authoratative figures and success.
🐈‍⬛️ mercury ruled folks. Gemini sun, moon, asc, mc, in gem degrees, virgo sun, moon, asc, mc, in virgo degrees, 6th house placements, 3rd house placements, aspecting chiron.
Mercury governs communication, 3rd house governs neighborhood, school, early education, virgo and 6th house rule service orientation.
These placements may want to be a part of a community and be "useful" to the people around them but heres the thing, they may often be accused of lying [esp gemini and 3rd house] may be accused of being double faced and tricksters, flirts and mentally unstable. Virgo placements and 6th house placments are more service oriented and prefer to help and be useful to the people around them but they may be accused of being nags and jealous. They may be accused of again, stealing work, being strict and jealous, idk why i heard sometjing related to purity and "better than thou" maybe some of yall are getting accused of that too. People may use you as a scapegoat by taking credit of your work, making you work harder taking advantage od your shy and friendly nature and of your non confrontational nature. You may feel as if people just mock you, or ignore you and try to take credit of your work and soread rumours about you. Also people may call you stupid, or thing you have some mental ailment and if you do, they may pick on it and mock you
🐈‍⬛️mars in 10th house, 1st house, aspecting 10th house, aspecting ascendant, aspecting 1st house, in capricorn degrees,in aquarius degrees, aspecting sun pluto in 3rd house, 11th house., in virgo degrees, gemini degrees, in 7th house, in libra degrees, in libra, in aries, sun in aries, moon in aries, in aries degrees [sun moon, asc, mc]
This placements may trigger people to compete with you. They may accuse you of being too dominating, may accuse you of being gostile, aggressive and may even try to act like that towards you. They may try to act authoratative towards you. They may get easiy irritated with you and pick on your body alot or your stamina and leadership qualities. They may try to use you as a scapegoat by painting you as a non cooperative person who is always trying to dominate others and is temperamental and aggressive. Also your Nger could be like a fuel for others, they may constantly try to pick on it to make you look crazy and feel entertained and to gossip.
I have mars in 7th house and i have always felt that people only try to test my temper because they are bored and because it gives them an adrenaline rush.
🐈‍⬛️lilith in 10th house, 1st house, aspecting 10th house, aspecting ascendant, aspecting 1st house, in capricorn degrees,in aquarius degrees, aspecting sun pluto in 3rd house, 11th house., in virgo degrees, gemini degrees, in 7th house, in libra degrees, in libra.
Same effects as pluto but make it even more intense and add an effect of being shamed and bickered with repeatedly. People may try to control you and mold you. Being shunned. Also add an effect of increase in being sexualised
🐈‍⬛️neptune in 10th house, 1st house, aspecting 10th house, aspecting ascendant, aspecting 1st house, in capricorn degrees,in aquarius degrees, aspecting sun pluto in 3rd house, 11th house., in virgo degrees, gemini degrees, in 7th house, in libra degrees, in libra, in 12th house, in pisces.
Neptune tends to create a haze and confusion where ever it sits. This means thar people may not trust you immediately. Some may accuse you of playing dumb, may accuse you of being coniving. Accusations of being a wolf in sheeps clothing. You may be used as a scapegoat by people because they might think youre too stupid or you play dum, are too sleepy or lazy and have hidden agendas. They may also target your memory alot. Accuse you of being forgetful and may try to gaslight you.
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reyboris · 2 months
Astro notes july 11
Mars signs are curious: In general, its some easy guess sun and moon signs. Even mercury. But mars..... But when we see the natal chart of anyone and see mars sign we can say: "oh yes... Of course... Thats explain a lot"
Words of someone who have aqua moon/venus or aqua stellium: "Im not fucking cold. I wanna love, sex and passion like everybody. I can feel cute feelings, and horny desires.... But when the real moment of date is coming... I wanna scape. I feel so nervous, overthinking. I dont understand it. Even these feelings of scape, are news for me. For that reason i prefer friendship. Friendship feels free since begin"
I repeat, i think that aries mercury could be a mercury exaltation. Its a real good position.
Pisces people (sun/moon/risign/stellum) could be protective with kids and babies, but they are not so much maternal like cancer and leo. Care childs need so many details, and pisces energy is not always good with details. Pisces energy is better taking care elder people or sick people.
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rainderthesomeone · 7 months
Hey y’all, good news! Ima be making my first ever aqua scaped tank, with live plants 🌱
Just went to the store and got the tank all that’s left now is to order everything else, aquarium plant substrate, the plants, drift wood, cleaning supplies a heater all that good stuff.
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I also got this water conditioner, the employee recommended it and I got a little per pressured into buying it, I know some Betta fish water conditioners are sketchy, is this safe to use? Or should I buy another one?
Fish community and anyone who owns natural fish tanks I need assistance please 🙏
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akane-kurokawa · 4 months
Chapter 150 thoughts!
Glad to be back in the nightmare hell scape! Fun Tokyo Blade vibes.
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Bro is so BORED of the horrors. He looks at his sleep paralysis demon and goes “augh you again??”
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The most obvious answer to 123 that we’ve all been waiting for for like a year.
Seriously though, on one hand it’s a bit annoying that we’re matter of facting this conclusion after a whole volume worth of playing the ‘What is Aqua thinking?’ game during the aqrb section of filming, it feels disproportionate to the buildup (a very common criticism for subplot resolutions lately)
On the other hand, they’re finally saying what everyone with reading comprehension has been thinking! Aqua doesn’t want this stupid badly written ship to happen, and neither does fucking Gorou!
But Gorou changing the subject from the big revenge life dream to “so what girls do you like” after he just admitted he was like, fading away is a little jarring to me. Maybe it’d read better with voice acting but right now it’s just a little tonally weird.
“You don’t need to act anymore” goes hard though, all things considered. Tbh, I don’t even really dislike the conversation, it just feels a little fast to me. It’s a dream sequence though so I’m being nit picky.
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You and the girl who’s telling you not to worry about
Akane aggressively playing matchmaker is a pretty funny role for her, it utilizes her knowledge of people and Aqua adjacent manipulation skills while keeping her motives as well meaning yet overbearing as I’d expect from her.
The current dynamic of her Kana and Aqua has a very Kaguya feel, which I mean positively. It’s refreshing and reminds me why I like this cast and their interactions in the first place. Again, it’s a pretty stark contrast to the rest of this volume which has been steering into horror territory, but I’m suspecting this is probably to set us up for another tone shift later.
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The dual flashbacks of their building crushes and feelings is very cute, I think their ship still walks the line of healthy and toxic, but it’s still built on a strongly established foundation. That said, there’s no way they get out right now and it works out. Not without at least one more solid complication first.
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So happy for you to admit that, babe. Not gonna go well for you though.
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verdemoun · 2 months
Hi hello!! Very simple question that I've been wondering about your timewarp au; since pets are a lot more available and easier to care for in modern times (things like fish and turtles and such I mean) what pets would the VDL gang members have? And if they don't have any what kinds would they like to get?
arthur gets a dog again. he did not realize how much he missed having a dog until hosea showed up and shoved a puppy into his arms so arthur would be forced to find a new routine after he moved out. he named his dog zinc because it follows copper on the periodic table (little nerd gets self-conscious when people ask where he got the idea for the name).
when charles arrives they fully commit to trying to live off the land. beehives, chickens, a goat they raised from a kid after it was orphaned and teasingly call isaac's brother. they also rehab wild animals sometimes with no idea how they got into it but there's a racoon that comes onto the porch and shares a bowl with zinc
bill has five dogs
micah also has a dog
kieran has multiple fish tanks because the bubble of filters is his favorite white noise. he also gets really into aqua scaping and can spend hours watching his fish. he also inherited the first group of chickens that arthur bought in protest of the cost of eggs and is constantly trying to beg bessie to let the chickens come in the house but she's drawn the line.
after hearing how much jack missed rufus (rufus also died before 1914) isaac took jack to a shelter to get him a new friend. upon discovering the concept of a kill shelter jack very flatly said he wanted whichever dog was up next on the list no matter what and ended up with a massive hairy blue-eyed mutt that made john jump into the table in terror. her name is lou and she would merrily trot into hell at jack's heels
dutch is a bird man he has a gorgeous outdoor weather and predator proof avery full of dozens of canaries in every possible color and he fusses over them dearly. his favorite of course is a solid white canary he called the countess and it is the only one that could be considered domesticated and happily perches on his finger. his doctors are currently psychoanalyzing why the first pet animal dutch showed an interest in is something he has to keep in a cage
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*he silently holds up a pretty little fishbowl with some tiny tropical fish, lots of plants, some coral, and just a little bit of everything for fish.*
That's a beautiful aqua scape you've got kid. Well done
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thestarpletsystem · 2 months
Long time, no see, y’all. Some interesting developments
I almost got killed on the 4th by my family. I got $275 for participating in a research study. I retrieved some actually horrifying memories I forgot I knew. I found out I’m really good at aqua scapeing and it wasn’t just a one hit wonder moment (moved my mom’s 10 gal shrimp tank to a 20 gal). I don’t have a career or a life path anymore. I’ve escaped my shitty professor! Finally, I’m having to come to terms with the fact I was trafficked by my dad… yikes.
Bucket, wii fall ig, idk…
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dreveel · 5 months
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Aqua Scape; {Credit}
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phanfictioncatalogue · 6 months
Drabble (11) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten
A Piece of Me (ao3) - Sinninghowlter
Summary: Dan is obsessed with Polaroids. Phil loves kissing Dan.
a snapshot (ao3) - yonpote
Summary: phil takes a photo
Aqua-scaping (ao3) - R3ad3r1
Summary: Dan has a new hobby, Phil tries to be a responsible adult.
can i call you tonight? (ao3) - oihesmine
Summary: texts between long distance d&p
can't wait for you to be back (ao3) - okaydoomer
Summary: Dan is on tour and they miss each other so much.
Continents Apartment (ao3) - floweretfairies
Summary: Dan’s stroking his cock, reaching for his phone. He needed his man, but they were continents apart.
costume (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil normally puts on a costume. But not today.
Cream on Cream on Cream (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Phil walks out of the shower in all his glory and Dan has a little surprise in store for him.
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (ao3) - talentisntgenius
Summary: Dan leaves and Phil trusts he'll come back.
Drips Through (ao3) - artbabe
Summary: Dan goes outside to smoke at a party. Phil joins him.
finally (ao3) - bloodyscarab
Summary: finally, you've come along
the way i feel about you, just can't be wrong
First Day (ao3) - ahappyphil
Summary: Dan goes back to uni
home is such a lonely place without you (ao3) - nivi_chip
Summary: Phil during the US leg, Dan finally coming home. Fluff ensues.
Honeybee (ao3) - Scuddleduck
Summary: Dan sings a sweet silly song to Phil in the kitchen.
hotter than i've ever been (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Halloween is strong drinks and a balmy late night breeze and Dan ripping his fishnets then laughing until he cries about it.
I Like my Men How I Like my Gin and Tonic (ao3) - BREAD2000yeet
Summary: Dan gives a C- blowjob and an receives an A+ handjob emo boys kissing vibes they r in luvv
I'd like to hang out with you (for my whole life) (ao3) - bunnyslipper
Summary: Mornings in the forever home (featuring the golden pig)
Injured and Afraid (ao3) - tol_but_smol
Summary: Dan and Phil and their hiking adventures
Jealousy, Jealousy (ao3) - thestreaklives
Summary: Phil gets a gift from a coworker and Dan is having a hard time with it.
Jumping On the Bandwagon Isn’t So Bad (ao3) - ticklishraspberries
Summary: Dan decides to jump on the ‘boys in crop tops’ trend.
leave me alone (ao3) - leebasii
Summary: sometimes all you gotta do is apologise
Let Me Help (ao3) - prettyelephant
Summary: Phil gets a cat hair in his eye while shooting for the calendar so naturally Dan helps him get it out.
moon boy, moon face and moon butt: a trilogy of sorts (ao3) - cloud-gays (wind_brewed)
Summary: Moon, that's what Phil is to Dan. Or something like that.
Also called: I can't get over how Dan's nickname for Phil is 'moon'. Maybe it isn't, but.
oh, he's got me going (ao3) - loveslabourlost
Summary: Everything in Phil's body is thicker than in Dan's.
phone calls (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: dan calls phil whilst on tour in america with some plans for christmas
repeats and replays (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: phil's had a crush on his coworker dan for way too long. he's never had the nerve to ask him out, as much as he'd like to, but their friendship is good as it is.
one day, though, dan slips up mid conversation, and everything changes
Scars (ao3) - jerseker
Summary: Dan thought filming in his hometown would be harder.
the old familiar rhythms (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: There will be dozens of good days in the weeks to come, but not many of them will end in quiet.
(piano, summer 2022)
The Revival Aftermath (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: The gaming channel makes a comeback.
time and place (ao3) - cloud-gays (wind_brewed)
Summary: Kisses.
Also called: I'm a broken man and my friends want me to call this Butter Chicken. Help me.
to be your (distant) lover (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: There is a distance and Dan wants to fill it.
Too much? (ao3) - GayFandomNerd
Summary: A conversation about how much they’ve been sharing with their fans
Unpainted Canvas (ao3) - hygge
Summary: When Dan looked at Phil, he saw art… Phil was gorgeous, an absolute masterpiece. Dan didn’t even compare.
Velvet touch (ao3) - Kavat
Summary: Dan and Phil are going to a film premier for the first time in years.
why do i feel fine? (ao3) - bessonschild
Summary: Dan and Phil on their balcony. He's finally feeling better.
you can see it with the lights out (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Somehow it’s taken Dan until he got to Japan, but here it’s caught up with him, hit him like a freight train. Phil keeps laughing at him, showing him pictures on his phone of Dan’s face softened by it, posture loosened by it.
You Send Me (ao3) - Portia331
Summary: A reflection on relationship growth and how it feels.
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
I know nothing about fish but it’s always so nice seeing you talk about them so passionately! Your tanks are also so pretty to look at. How did you get into keeping fish? Were you a fish kid or was it something you got interested in later?
OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! anything to spread a lil fish appreciation!!!!!!!
i did not have fish as a kid! I've always LOVED aquariums but i live in a landlocked state that didn't get its (very small) aquarium til i was a teenager. sadly my first fish were college bettas that i kept in too small tanks and didn't treat very well, rip tybalt and mercutio, i wish I'd known better. </3
my sister got into fish in 2021 and peaked my interest; I'd go and see her planted 39g community tank and just space out, started to think "wait ... this is like going to the aquarium but in a house."
once the interest was there i found serpadesign. specifically these two builds:
the jumping spider was the first one i saw of his but the micro snail build was what really captured me. cue a mega spiral into aqua-scaping yt vids and i decided i would absolutely get a tank.
then a twist of fate: my sister had a 5g with one scarlet badis that our nephew poured a whole bottle of food into. classic fish emergency. she had to get him out of there and asked if I'd take him, and one frantic day of fish stores later me and jose set up my first planted tank.
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and the rest as they say is herstory
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ask-dcf · 1 year
Vacation at Alaska
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Pictures I took while while traveling. First two were when visited a glacier. And second ones are when we were on a really chill train ride in the mountains.
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This is in a mountain where we zip lined down from. It was so high we were in the literal clouds it was so cool!
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Some beautiful land scapes on another train.
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Rescue Aqua center with a lot of amazing aquatic life.
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And some fancy deserts from the cruise.
Really enjoyed it for real. Though it did suck that I got sick on the last two days. Wish I could’ve explored more. QwQ Ah well.
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rainderthesomeone · 1 month
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Not tf2 related but after over coming some serious pet trauma I finished the tank, well just waiting for 2 things, the floater plants Amazon frog bait and one more piece of decor :) how is it looking guys? Any recommendations or things I could improve :> this is my first attempt at aqua scaping or doing a semi natural tank, also anyone know what are some good tank mates for bettas? I really wanna do cherry shrimp but I hear some bettas will eat em this is also a 10 gallon aquarium so I can’t fit that much in it
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sansbanshees · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
I have like a hundred hellcheer WIPs, but uh here’s a lengthy snippet from an as yet untitled and unpublished meet cute at Starcourt. No Chrissy in this bit, just Eddie suffering in a Sam Goody before he runs into her.
How does anyone find anything in here? The place is a goddamn labyrinth and it takes him forever to find the Sam Goody crammed in between a bookstore and some place that sells luggage.
In and out, he reminds himself, but the regret he feels walking into the store makes him want to walk right back out, album be damned.
There are Madonna posters everywhere. Fucking Falco is playing over the speakers, Jesus Christ, kill him now. The whole place is full of teased hair, leg warmers and polos, and it reeks of Aqua-Net. There’s a snicker off to his right as he browses, and he’s pretty sure it’s directed at him. It’s like the worst parts of high school rolled through the idea of a record store and ripped its soul out to leave a wad of bubblegum in its place. Unfortunately for him, though, the tip from his buddy was spot on.
There, tucked away in the rock section, are precisely four copies of exactly what he’s looking for. What he couldn’t find downtown.
Rock. Rock. As if it could be distilled down to the blandest description. As if this music has anything in common with fucking John Cougar Mellencamp, also categorized under rock.
This place is the goddamn worst.
He pulls one tape out from the stack because he didn’t come all this way to leave empty handed but then he grabs the other three and yanks them out too, because he can’t stand the thought of leaving them behind in this hell scape.
It’s fine. He’ll have one for home, one for the van. The other two—he’ll leave those on the counter at the record shop downtown, his treat, because he’s not an asshole that takes the last goddamn copy, unlike some people.
It doesn’t count if he takes the last one from here.
He swings them back and forth by the long plastic traps they’re contained in as he makes his way to the counter, plunks them down once he gets there and greets the cashier with a grin.
The cashier arches a thin brow as she looks at what he’s put down in front of her.
“These are all the same,” she says, as if he is somehow unaware.
Eddie nods. “Yep.”
“You want four of the same album?”
“Well, yeah. This is a rescue mission. Leave no man behind in enemy territory.”
That earns him a snort of amusement. She’s older, hair going a little silvery, heavy-ish eyeliner. She seems cool, which he didn’t think he’d be able to say of anyone that works here. A little familiar, too. He’s pretty sure he knows her from somewhere. A quick glance down at her name tag tells him her name is Maggie, which is nice to know, but doesn’t really help him place her.
“They any good?” she asks.
“I dunno, Maggie,” he says, “but I’m gonna find out at least four times.”
She picks up one of the tapes once they’re free of the rigid plastic chastity belts. “Megadeth? Sounds like something my kid would like.”
“What, really?” He leans in, interest piqued. “Who’s your kid?”
The question seems to take her by surprise, and it wouldn’t surprise him to find that actual conversation isn’t really a thing here at Sam Goody.
“Kyle. Kyle Trahern. He’s a few years older than you, by the looks of you.”
“Must be…name doesn’t ring a bell. He has good taste, though.” Eddie grins. “Gets it from his mom, I’ll bet.”
She rolls her eyes. “God, no, I can’t stand it. Kyle moved out a few years back and I thought, Jesus, finally, peace and quiet. But no. Can’t even get away from this crap at The Hideout.”
Eddie staggers back, pressing a hand to his chest to staunch the blood flow. Point fucking blank, that shot.
He knew he’d seen her somewhere before, though. Should have guessed that was it. It was either that or she’s someone his uncle snuck in for a few hours, hoping Eddie wouldn’t notice—a rarity, to be sure, but it happens now and then.
She smirks. “You kids are alright when you play the good stuff.”
“Free Bird, right?” He pulls out his wallet when she finishes ringing him up, lays a few crumpled twenties on the counter. “Everyone loves Free Bird.”
“Free Bird,” she agrees, counting back his change and handing it over. “Bad Moon Rising. You know, real music, not that noise you just bought four copies of.”
“Maggie, those are fightin’ words.” He snatches his bag with an exaggerated huff. “Don’t make me get myself kicked out of the mall. What if they don’t let me come back?”
She snorts. “Kid, there’s four people behind you, waiting to pay. Don’t worry about security, I’m kicking you out.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. One sec.” He digs into the bag, pulls out one of the tapes and slaps it down on the counter. “For Kyle.”
“I’ll make sure he gets it.” She shakes her head, but she’s smiling. The thanks is an understanding he just picks up on, it doesn’t need to be said. “Now, go on. Go bother someone else.”
“I’m gonna learn something from this album and play it just for you at the next show,” Eddie informs her, holding up his bag as he backs out of the store. “Just wait. You’re gonna love it.”
“You do that, kid.” She waves him off. “I’ll bring my earplugs.”
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