#april harper grey
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thought-tracing · 1 year ago
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underscores and Jane Remover for office magazine
(8/26/2023, source: 1 | 2)
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stroebe2 · 5 days ago
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underscores for NME
📸 Alexa Viscius
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yourfavealbumisgender · 1 year ago
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Wallsocket by Underscores is Aromantic!
requested by anon
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scarlivings · 7 months ago
theory/analysis: ashley (cctv pov) is the northwest zombie girl
copypasted from my initial post in the underscord #lore-corkboard channel. content warning for brief mentions of suicide ig???? also this will NOT make ANY sense to 99% of my followers bc they dont listen to underscores💔
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the soundcloud description to northwest zombie girl reads as follows:
Deleted scene — Character: Old money bitch
Upon reading of a girl from the Northwest’s chemically-induced emotional transformation, Old money bitch begins to yearn for something similar.
and cctv:
Prologue — Character(s): Ashley
The late daughter of Secretariat founder Jerry Bowman recounts the last week of her life from beyond the grave.
the lineup of the songs seventyseven dog years (mara & s*nny interacting for the first time) & uncanny long arms (mara realizing her actions towards s*nny now have consequences) in the base album, gives the metaphor of uncanny long arms syndrome = metaphor for the "reach" somebody has on anothers life, & maras near death experience during the reduction surgery being/causing the epiphany. since ashleys the daughter of secretariats founder, her bloodline has reach on the entire town as opposed to just one person. following this logic, "chemically induced emotional transformation" could refer to ashley committing suicide to try & be at peace.
uncanny long arms soundcloud description:
Mara wakes up and finds her arms are longer than usual. Upon getting her arms reduced, she has an epiphany.
lyric taken from cctv:
I'm sorry you had to find me like that, in that sorry state
samantha (old money bitch name, confirmed in the lyrics of my guy) is shown to have suicidal thoughts as expressed on tracks like horror movie soundtrack & good luck final girl, & cctv heavily alludes to ashleys suicide. samantha is also shown to be ashamed of her familys wealth & actively try to distance herself from it on both old money bitch (song) & northwest zombie girl. its not hard to imagine ashley would feel this way too but to a heavier extent, described as growing a whole new limb rather than just existing ones elongating from ula, resulting in said suicide.
lyrics from good luck final girl:
I'm postponing my suicide indefinitely
lyrics from northwest zombie girl:
I cleared my name in just six easy payments
But there's more to my end of the bargain
I'm of a people who hoard what they've taken
How do I end what someone else started?
lyrics from cctv:
Focus has shifted, I grew a new appendage
Everyone thinks I'm overreacting
Oh, I'm beyond all recognition
my theory? ashley is the "northwest zombie girl" that samantha is envious over. the song is sung from samanthas perspecrive, but the subject in question is ashley.
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mossyourdearest · 7 months ago
don't get too comfortable my guy
(I mean it)
My guy
(I mean it)
My guy
(I mean it)
My guy
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fangomusic · 1 year ago
Underscores, Wallsocket
New music Wednesday
Each track within this album stands out as its own unique story within the overarching concept of the fictional town Wallsocket, Michigan. Yet, as a complete work, Wallsocket emerges as an exceptional achievement in the realms of world-building, indietronica, and hyperpop, showcasing perfectly the artistic capabilities of April Harper Grey.
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im-afuckingunicorn · 4 months ago
this is fucked up on so many levels
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sophaeros · 1 year ago
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arctic monkeys for clash magazine, april 2010
Words by Simon Harper Photos by Jason Joyce
As Britain’s favourite band headed out on the European leg of their ‘Humbug’ tour, Clash discovered that Arctic Monkeys were less sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll, and more cakes, ping-pong and Coco Pops…
The city of Offenbach, about twenty minutes south of Frankfurt, was once noted for its abundant leather industry, and is currently the base of the German weather service, but such claims don’t negate the fact that it’s basically a sterile, grey, typically German suburban borough. The arrival of a fleet of trucks and buses, carrying Arctic Monkeys, their crew and stage gear, heralded the notion that for one night only, Offenbach may just come alive with suitably bustling energy.
Offenbach’s Stadthalle is the smallest venue on the Monkeys’ three-week tour of Western Europe. The band have been through Portugal, Spain and France, and know how to kill time during the day while everyone works around them, building the stage for that night’s show. And so, when Clash finds them, upstairs in the Stadthalle’s back rooms, they’re in the middle of a fierce ping-pong match – the game scores being tallied up across the tour. The table, it transpires, is the band’s own, and follows them wherever they go. A set of football goals lie waiting for action, but the small white balls prove more enticing.
It’s a cold, February Tuesday, and these back rooms are where the band will spend the whole day.
Previous encounters with Arctic Monkeys have been somewhat tough – notoriously reticent and famously press-shy, there’s a tangible wall that surrounds them, which is seemingly hard to penetrate. Suspicious stares cut through you, while succinct answers frustrate you. Today, however, they couldn’t be more accommodating.
Clash sits with the quartet in the band-only room, where their personal equipment is kept in a vertical flight case of drawers, and a small fridge is at hand for cold beers. Nick O’Malley, Jamie Cook and Matt Helders sprawl on the leather couches, while Alex Turner perches on the table, often pacing the room, then escaping in search of a lighter. We’re here to talk about life on the road. What starts as an interview eventually descends into louche conversation; daft chat punctuated by much laughter. Perhaps they’re glad to see a friendly face; perhaps the monotony of touring makes them crave any respite; perhaps there’s nothing better to do in Offenbach.
Is being on tour like real life, or does it feel like you’re detached from what real life is?
Matt: It’s probably real life. It doesn’t seem like it’s too separate or miles away.
When you go home is that normality or is it just a continuation of what you do on the road?
Matt: I don’t find it hard to settle back and switch between the two.
Nick: You feel like you’re unemployed when you go home properly.
Like you’ve got nothing to do?
Nick: Yeah, or like if you’ve got a couple of weeks off.
Matt: Like school holidays.
Alex: Does that make this school then?
Matt: Yeah, but it’s like basketball camp or something you enjoy.
How do your friendships cope with life on the road? 
Matt: It’s fine.
Nick: Yeah. We know how to not annoy each other. We’ve never really had friction, because we’ve all got a similar outlook on how not to annoy people, I suppose, so there’s never really been any problems.
Alex: (Mock nastily) That’s what you think, mate.
Nick: (Laughs) I suppose if you see the same people every day, after a while you’re bound to get a bit annoyed, but as long as you keep in your mind that it’s just because of the situation and not because you don’t like the person, then you can kind of avoid outbursts that you might not mean. It’s never really been a problem so far.
Do you notice a huge cultural difference between touring Europe and America? 
Alex: Even between places in Europe. I mean, often, to be honest, certainly at this stage that we’re at, days like today aren’t uncommon, where you’re out of town and you don’t even really see where you are, as I’m sure you’re aware. But you can really tell the difference just in the show, from the crowd. We did Madrid and Barcelona over t’weekend, and last week Portugal, and they were really excitable and there was like a frenzy going on when we were playing. Whereas I think crowds elsewhere can be a bit more reserved, can’t they, depending on where it is. I reckon one of the best crowds on this tour was a gig we did last week in Porto. We’ve never played there before. There was this real appreciation or something just from the start. You can just sort of feel it, can’t you; ‘We’re all here to have a laugh’.
Alex lives in the States now. Have any of you considered moving to somewhere you’ve visited on tour?
Matt: Yeah. It’s good that you do get to see places that you might consider moving, like Berlin. I could imagine living there.
Does living apart make you appreciate each other more when you’re back together?
Jamie: [Long pause] Mmmm…yeah.
Gone are the days when you’re living round the corner from each other.
Alex: Yeah, I suppose that’s true. You’ve got to sort of organise to be in one place. I suppose that is a bit of an inconvenient drag.
Are there any essential items that you have to pack before you come out on tour?
Jamie: One of them rolly things that gets fluff of your coat. (All laugh)
Alex: I feel like you’re a lot better equipped than the rest of us with things like that.
Yeah, you’re looking very bobble-less.
Jamie: Ah, cheers. Yeah, I did it this morning actually. A quick roll.
Matt: A skipping rope – except I forgot it this time. I’ve lost mine.
Nick: DVDs, stuff like that.
A ping-pong table?
Jamie: A ping-pong table is essential actually. I don’t think we’d go on tour without that.
Alex: Some kind of series…
Matt: A box-set.
Alex: Kinda really discovered that this last year. It was summat I’d never really got into before.
Nick: Any HBO series.
Alex: (Laughs) Yeah. I’ve really learned to appreciate that sort of continuum, because you can follow a thread.
Matt: You know what you need to do the next day.
What have you been watching?
Alex: We’ve got into Deadwood a bit on the last tour. That’s what’s been missing, I think, for me on this tour, some sort of thing like that.
Have you done The Wire?
Alex: Yeah.  I went Wire mad on that tour. I just got so greedy. I get so greedy with them things.
Matt: I couldn’t catch up.
Jamie: Yeah, he ditched everyone. I got ditched on t’second series!
Matt: Six in t’morning, I could hear him.
Jamie: You’d get up and that [theme] song would be on. It’d just be crisps all over, a bottle of…
Nick: ‘Wire Beast’s been up all night again!’
Alex: ‘Where’d you get that dressing gown from?’
Jamie: Just laying there with crumbs all over him.
Have you ever had any scares at customs? 
Nick: I got searched yesterday actually.
Matt: It was your squeaky wheels, just as I’d said. I said, ‘Them wheels are gonna attract attention.’
Nick: In Germany. A very thorough search, but luckily no glove action.
Jamie: They probably wanted to mend your wheels for you.
Matt: ‘I’ve got summat for that, some GT85.’
Nick: They were really suspicious of me. They really took everything apart and didn’t put it back as neat as I’d put it in.
Alex: At this end, yesterday?
Nick: Yeah, when we arrived in ���Munchen’.
Alex: They’re quite, like, strict, aren’t they, Bavarian authorities.
Nick: Yeah. They had a look at me belt, everything. All me case and bag. Took everything apart. Then he were like, ‘Where have you come from?’ I went, ‘Barcelona’. He were like, ‘Have you had any contact with drugs in Barcelona?’ I went, ‘No.’ He went, ‘What do you do?’ I said, ‘I’m in a band.’ And he went, ‘Ah’, and then, like, swabbed everything.
Alex: When I got in t’car yesterday, the fella were like, [German accent] ‘If you like to do drugs, do not try and do it in Bavaria.’
American customs scare me most. 
Matt: Yeah, it’s a load of questions.
Alex: ‘What are you doing here?’
Jamie: New Zealand were quite funny. We all got pulled…
Matt: We had to sit in them chairs for a bit…
Jamie: And this guy was asking us directly the last time we ever did drugs. Then someone came over who worked for us…and he soon disappeared rather fast. We were fine. (All laugh)
Alex: I’ve come to quite enjoy the American customs people. (All laugh)
Matt: They’ve always got weird names.
Alex: They’re like, [American accent] ‘So you’re in a band, huh?’ You go, ‘Yeah, yeah.’ ‘What do you do in the band?’ ‘Oh, I’m the singer.’ ‘Yeah? You don’t look like a singer to me.’
Nick: ‘Do you sound like Coldplay?’
Alex: Yeah, ‘What kind of music do you guys play?’
Jamie: ‘Do you sound like Staind?’ I went like, ‘Staind? I know them… Fuckin’ hell!’ It took me ages. ‘Yeah, yeah, we sound a bit like Staind.’ When he said it I were like, ‘Yeah, a bit.’
You’ve said before that you wanted to try and get an album out this year. Do you get any time on the road to do any work on that?
Alex: Not really. That’s a bit of a pain in the arse, not being able to rehearse and work stuff out. I don’t think I write very good songs on t’road. They’re all a bit wonky. You get back and you’re like, ‘Hmmm’.
Does it detach you from what we were talking about earlier, ‘real life’? Does it detach you from the things that you want to be writing about?
Alex: I dunno. You can still use your imagination, but I just think, yeah, in your surroundings there’s always about to be something that’s going to happen. You can’t think. I always write wherever I am, but I dunno if the things that come out when you’re touring around always have the shelf life that the other things do.
Have you got any songs earmarked for the next album?
Alex: Yeah. I mean, there’s some ideas, but we haven’t really had the chance to get out the fine toothed comb.
‘Humbug’ was a departure in sound from your previous albums – do you think you’ll continue in that direction, maybe bring Josh Homme in again?
Alex: Not sure, really. We would like to do something with Josh again – it was terrific for us to go on that adventure – but whether or not it’s this next thing, I’m not sure. And also, like, he’s busy! (Laughs) He’s got a schedule himself, doesn’t he?
You went to record over in his place, so do you think next time you’ll have him over to...
Alex: High Green? (Laughs) Homme in High Green? I quite fancy that.
Nick: He’d look like a superhero in High Green, all the bad genetics there are in High Green. He’d look amazing.
Matt: He’d be the biggest man there.
You’ve released a couple of singles exclusively through Oxfam. What made you decide to do that? 
Jamie: Laurence and Jonny at Domino came to us with that idea – a great idea for the charity reason, and then cos Woolworths and stuff had shut down, but there were always an Oxfam.
Alex: Like, in towns where there perhaps aren’t, like, an Our Price or something.
Do you have to think of more creative ways to get your records out there?
Jamie: Yeah, rather than just sat at home.
Matt: They should think about making the journey exciting – paint paths a nice colour to the record shops.
Alex: The yellow brick road.
Matt: Something that makes people want to walk to a record shop. Even if it’s just free parking. (All laugh)
Jamie: It’s just too easy to buy music now.
How do you feel as artists about the devaluing of music? Does it annoy you that you’re working hard to make something, but people can just pick it up from their friends?
Jamie: I suppose we were never in the industry when it were big money, when people used to sell twenty million albums. Has that ever happened since we’ve been around?
Probably someone like Dido has.
Jamie: Yeah, that were probably the last.
Matt: It’s like, we wouldn’t expect anything like that to happen to us, so…
Alex: I do think there is people that always will want to go and get records.
Matt: Yeah, it won’t change everybody.
Alex: I was reading a couple of months ago about there’s an idea where you won’t even have – you know like you pull songs off iTunes or whatever – but they were saying you subscribe to a database and pay to get ’em…
Jamie: Spotify, that’s what that was.
Alex: Yeah. But you can’t get them on…
It streams the music – you can’t download them.
Alex: But you can’t do that on your phone, can you?
Matt: Yeah, you can do Spotify on your phone if you pay about £10 a month. Nokia did that thing where you can just pay a monthly thing and you can have as many as you want…
Alex: The fella had a quote, he’s like, ‘There’s nothing sexy about an MP3 on your desktop’. (Laughs) He’s like, ‘There’s nothing sexy about having a subscription to a database’. (All laugh) But then you could just sort of buy a record and stand it up against your wall. Not that that’s particularly sexy, but, you know what I mean… I like things that you can stand up.
Jamie: Like you said the other day, everyone’s just gonna have an empty house.
Matt: Yeah, there’s gonna be nothing on t’shelves. Not even books now.
Jamie: No one’s got any photos anymore, no ones’s got any CDs or records…
Matt: You’ll just have a screen and a chair.
Jamie: You’ll just go, ‘Sound. This is sound.’
Matt: With nowt on your wall.
Jamie: You can just have everything [at your fingertips]; turn your fire on, open your curtains…
Alex: You’d get in it for your bath. (All laugh)
[Alex goes into the band’s equipment drawer, pulls out a giant figure of Freddie Mercury in full-on rock pose. “See, he said he likes things that stand up,” Matt says.]
Does being on an independent label give you the freedom to experiment with your marketing or promotions? 
Matt: Yeah. They [Domino] have as many ideas as us for stuff like that, like the Oxfam thing. They tend to think on a similar level, and, at the same time, if we have a suggestion, they’re open to it. It sometimes is a good thing to have a label like Domino, cos they’re experienced in doing weird stuff, and have obviously signed things that aren’t necessarily to make any money or anything, so we’ll listen to them if they have a suggestion, and vice versa. They’d put records out on tins of beans and all sorts. (All laugh)
Jamie: I wanted to do it on a conifer. I wanted to put an MP3 out on a conifer.
Matt: Or just seeds. Christmas tree seeds.
Alex: Yeah. What did they actually do?
Matt: There’s a Jewish guy, I forgot what his name is, and they did it on a kosher chicken noodle soup or something. You buy the soup and you get the code [for the MP3]. Which is good in a way, because he’s just poo-pooing the fact that there’s not much point. It’s an incentive, but it doesn’t get it in the chart, you see. It’s a give-away. So you can sell anything and just have an MP3 code on it. You can sell a car and you’d just get one song.
Jamie: But then it doesn’t count towards t’charts?
Matt: No. The Oxfam thing don’t either, does it. Only the download bit does. You’re not allowed to give away incentives like free stuff, because that’s obviously encouraging people. See, that’s the thing – people might buy the soup and not download the song. ‘I wonder if they make good soup?’
Jamie: When you see a good cover sometimes…
Matt: Yeah, you buy it for the cover.
Alex: Perhaps the epitome of that is you buying a Lady Gaga picture disc. (Laughs)
Matt: Yeah, I did. I’ve been a fool.
Alex: It’s great, cos she’s wearing like a fuckin’ box of Coco Pops or something. (Laughs)
Matt: You could buy that Freddie Mercury thing and get a Queen album, for instance. You don’t need to put it on or owt.
Jamie: You want to make it awkward.
Matt: Buy a chair. Buy a flat pack piece of furniture and you get a code for an album.
Jamie: You have to put your furniture up and send a picture to someone, then they send you the MP3.
Alex: That would make a good video: playing in a bowl of Coco Pops. (All laugh) Remember that kids programme where they used to have to go swimming in a bowl of cereal…
Jamie: Ah yeah. Didn’t they used to do something like that on The Big Breakfast?
Matt: They did, yeah.
Jamie: It were a massive cup of tea and you used to have to get the sugar lumps…
Matt: Yeah, yeah, that was it: One Lump Or Two.
Jamie: One Lump Or Two, yeah!
Alex: It would be great: kid comes down, he’s having his breakfast – Coco Pops – and then, like, Arctic Monkeys are in his cereal. (All laugh)
Jamie: Hot milk, though.
Matt: Hot milk in t’afternoon.
Alex: (Laughs) ‘Why not try Coco Pops after school?’
Jamie: (Laughs) I love that advert!
Alex: It’s the best!
Do your fans give you CDs of their bands?
Matt: They throw them on t’stage! Imagine if you got one of them in t’eye! Fuckin’ hell! Remember in America, a kid got on stage and he had a handful [of CDs] and someone had to grab him to get him off, but he threw them. So he were getting pulled away and he threw them.
Alex: I’ve been getting less CDs though…
Matt: Now they’re throwing download cards at you!
Alex: I got a pair of underpants…
Jamie: People are chucking downloads at you. You’re like, ‘What the fuck?’
Matt: People are throwing zeroes and ones at you – it’s like the credits of The Matrix!
Jamie: You can’t get any flick on a download.
Alex: They’re chucking Spotifys at me. Maybe that’s what them pants were – some sort of code.
I think it’d be a totally different sort of code! Do you listen to the music that fans give you?
Matt: I listened to one that someone gave me the other day. It just were at home though, he just gave it me.
Alex: No more than I’d wear that pair of pants! (Laughs)
Matt: It were just convenient – I were getting in me car and there’s a CD player there.
What’s the strangest thing a fan has given you?
Matt: Just in Japan – everything you get is weird! Like, a monkey hat – it left your own face in but it’s got ears and a tail.
Jamie: And sweets.
Matt: A lot of sweets.
Jamie: We once said, ‘Oh, we like these sweets’ in an interview…
Nick: There’s someone that makes baked goods.
Matt: You got a good one, where it were like a picture of you…
Alex: Yeah, I got like a diagram of myself…
Matt: A diagram, pointing at every bit, and then asking to fill in, like, what his favourite brand of jeans were.
Alex: Hand it back, and then she’d sort of kit me out.
Matt: She’d buy it all! So, like, ‘Favourite shoes? Trainers or boots?’ It would be like that. He’d fill it in and send it back and then she’d buy it. ‘Will this do?’
Alex: Back it came with this jumper that were perfect actually. She really knew me better than I knew meself.
Nick: With baked goods, I know it’s not [spiked], but you never know… It’s probably fine – it’s more than likely fine – but it is a gamble.
Matt: It’s innocent, but someone might have seen that opportunity.
Jamie: I don’t think I’m ever gonna eat a baked good that some stranger’s made. You learn about that. There is a story there…
What’s the first thing you do when you get home after the tour is finished? 
Nick: See your friends and family that you’ve not seen.
Matt: I go and get my photos developed. That’s actually one of the first things I do.
Alex: I usually pick up me guitar. Honestly. It’s a deep breath.
Later that evening, Clash is back in the ping-pong room. The tour manager comes to break bad news to the band - the curtain at the front of the stage is broken. They won't be able to make their usual grand entrance. "Ah, we've got to do it," grins Alex. Do what? "We've been saying on this tour if ever the curtain doesn't work, we've got to go on to this song." Which song? "Black Eyed Peas’ ‘I Gotta Feelin’’," Alex beams. The band are giddily bouncing around, electrified by the prospect of taking the stage to the song that's soundtracked many a menopausal vodka-stained Saturday evening's preparatory gathering.
“But when do we go on?" Matt asks.
"The rap. We gotta wait for the rap," Alex asserts.
"We should wait until "Mazel tov”,” Jamie smirks.
Ten minutes later, Clash is amidst the Offenbach crowd when the lights go out and the song bursts from the PA. A wave of euphoria swells, the irony not lost, and right on cue, just as the Peas declare, "I know that we'll have a ball", the four Monkeys stride towards their instruments.
The nineteen-song set covers their three albums - with Nick Cave's 'Red Right Hand’ thrown in for good measure. The last song before their encore is 'Secret Door’ from 'Humbug’. Just as Matt cracks the snare drum that launches the song's long psychedelic outro, cannons on the roof blast out gold and silver confetti over the joyous crowd below, proving that the Monkeys aren't averse to a bit of showmanship every now and then.
The after party is a subdued affair (well, in Offenbach it's bound to be!), with just the band, some friends, crew, and Clash, diving into the beer and nibbles on offer. A fairly drunken chat with Alex about Johnny Cash, Billie Holiday and Gram Parsons rounds off our time with the band, as they retreat back to the confines of their bus, about to depart for Dusseldor and their next gig.
Such a welcome and warm atmosphere is often rare backstage, especially with a band as celebrated as this, but the Monkeys - ever changing and ever surprising - are beginning to make a habit of defying expectations. Growing up has never been such fun.
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the-torchwood-archive · 1 year ago
Torchwood Timeline (May 2024)
This is my canon timeline for the Torchwood TV stories, novels, and audio productions. It's fairly similar to the wiki timeline with a few small tweaks. It's also completely spoiler free, unlike the wiki timeline.
Some entries have firm dates, some have months, some have general decades, so I've tried my hardest to fit them into where I feel they fit. If anyone spots anything that I've missed or sees any glaring problems let me know and I'll try to suss it out. New stories will be added as they are released.
TV: Tooth And Claw
Torchwood Cardiff is founded
December 24th 1894:
Audio: The Empire Man
Audio: Infidel Places
Audio: Save Our Souls
December 24th 1898:
Audio: The Crown
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Jack joins Torchwood
May 17th 1899
Audio: The Victorian Age
Torchwood Glasgow is founded
Audio: What Have I Done
Post TV: COE Day 5 in Jack’s timeline
Audio: Curios
Audio: The Dying Room
Norton Folgate projects himself to 2016 for Audio: Ghost Mission
Norton Folgate is projected to 2009 for Audio: Outbreak
Audio: Goodbye Piccadilly
Audio: Madam, I’m
Audio: Parasite
Audio: Ashenden
Audio: The Unbegotten
Audio: The Black Knight
Scenes from TV: Children Of Earth Day Four
First contact with the 456
Audio: The Dollhouse
Audio: Double
Torchwood Los Angeles severs all ties
Audio: Dead Plates
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Toshiko’s scenes
16th-22nd August 1987:
Past scenes from Audio: Disco
Alex Hopkins kills his team and Jack Harkness becomes head of Torchwood Cardiff
Audio: Piece Of Mind
Ben Brown hired by Jack Harkness
Suzie Costello hired by Jack Harkness
Ben Brown deceased
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Owen’s scenes
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Toshiko’s scenes
Late 2004:
Audio: Blind Summit
Ianto returns to Wales
Audio: Suckers
February 2005:
Ianto is hired by Torchwood London as Junior Researcher
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Ianto’s scenes
26th March 2005:
Audio: One Rule
Ianto is working as Yvonne’s PA
Audio: The Last Love Song Of Suzie Costello
Audio: Tube Strike
Audio: New Girl
Audio: Through The Ruins
Audio: Uprising
Audio: My Guest Tonight
Audio: Lola
Audio: Less Majesty
Audio: The Law Machines
Audio: 9 To 5
Sebastian Vaughn hired at Torchwood Three
Audio: The Vigil
Late 2005:
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Owen’s scenes
March 2006:
Owen Harper is recruited into Torchwood Cardiff
TV: Aliens Of London
April-September 2006:
Audio: Sync
September 2006:
TV: Boom Town
Jack confines the team to the Hub
September-December 2006:
Audio: Wednesdays For Beginners
Audio: Crush
Audio: Retirement Plan
29th November 2006:
Audio: Moving Target
January-Feburary 2007:
Audio: Locker 15
Audio: Dinner For Yvonne
Present day scenes from Audio: Disco
Audio: By Royal Appointment
Audio: Nerves
Audio: The Rockery
February-March 2007:
TV: Doomsday
TV: Army Of Ghosts
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Ianto joins Torchwood Cardiff
Audio: War Chest
February 2007-September 2009:
Audio: Coffee
Scenes take place between TV: Army Of Ghosts and TV: Children Of Earth Day Five
August-November 2007:
TV: Everything Changes
TV: Day One
TV: Ghost Machine
Prose: Another Life
Prose: Slow Decay
TV: Cyberwoman
Audio: Broken
Scenes take place between TV: Cyberwoman and TV: They Keep Killing Suzie
TV: Small Worlds
TV: Countrycide
Audio: The Great Sontaran War
TV: Greeks Baring Gifts
Audio: Restricted Items Archive Entires 031-049
Audio: Instant Karma
Audio: Ex Machina
Audio: Drive
November 2007:
TV: They Keep Killing Suzie
November-December 2007:
TV: Random Shoes
Audio: The Last Beacon
Audio: The Conspiracy
Audio: Fall To Earth
Audio: Uncanny Valley
Early events of Audio: The Office Of Never Was
18th-26th December 2007
TV: Out Of Time
Audio: The Grey Mare
December 2007-Janurary 2008:
Audio: SUV
Audio: Missing Molly
TV: Combat
Audio: Hidden
TV: Captain Jack Harkness
TV: End Of Days
January-May 2008:
Audio: Zone 10
Audio: Lease Of Life
February 2008:
Prose: Kaleidoscope
14th February 2008:
Audio: Dinner And A Show
February-August 2008:
Audio: Sigil
May 2008:
Torchwood goes to Tibet
Jack returns to Cardiff after TYTNW
TV: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
TV: Sleeper
Audio: Serenity
20th June 2008:
TV: To The Last Man
June-July 2008:
Prose: Something In The Water
Audio: Everyone Says Hello
Prose: Trace Memory
TV: Meat
29th June 2008:
Audio: The Lincolnshire Poacher
July-August 2008:
Audio: torchwood_cascade_CDRIP.tor
Audio The Office Of Never Was
Audio: In The Shaodws
TV: Adam
Audio: Tropical Beach Sounds And Other Relaxing Seascapes #4
August 2008:
Prose: The Twilight Streets
August-October 2008:
TV: Reset
TV: Dead Man Walking
TV: A Day In The Death
August-December 2008:
Audio: Corpse Day
Audio: The Hope
Audio: The Three Monkeys
Audio: Gooseberry
31st October 2008:
Prose: Pack Animals
November-December 2008:
TV: Something Borrowed
Prose: Skypoint
TV: From Out Of The Rain
TV: Adrift
Audio: Believe
TV: Fragments
TV: Exit Wounds
Audio: Expectant
Prose: Into The Silence
Audio: Lost Souls
January-February 2009:
Prose: Bay Of The Dead
Prose: The House That Jack Built
Prose: Almost Perfect
Audio: Department X
February 2009:
Audio: Ghost Train
May-September 2009:
Audio: Dissected
Audio: Rhys And Ianto’s Excellent Barbeque
TV: The Stolen Earth
TV: Journey’s End
Audio: The Sin Eaters
Prose: The Wrong Hands
Prose: Virus
Audio: Asylum
Audio: Golden Age
Prose: Consequences
Audio: The Dead Line
Prose: Risk Assessment
Prose: The Undertaker’s Gift
Audio: The Devil And Miss Carew
Audio: Submission
Audio: Outbreak
September 2009:
TV: Children Of Earth Day One
TV: Children Of Earth Day Two
TV: Children Of Earth Day Three
TV: Children Of Earth Day Four
TV: Children Of Earth Day Five
Late 2009:
Prose: Long Time Dead
March 2010:
Audio: House Of The Dead
Events of TV: The End Of Time and Audio: One Enchanted Evening in Jack’s timeline
March-June 2010:
Prose: First Born
June 2010:
Prose: The Men Who Sold The World
October 2010:
Audio: Poppet
18th-21st March 2011:
TV: The New World
22nd March 2011:
TV: Rendition
March-July 2011:
TV: Dead Of Night
TV: Escape To LA
TV: Categories Of Life
TV: The Middle Men
TV: Immortal Sins
TV: End Of The Road
September 2011:
TV: The Gathering
TV: The Blood Line
September-December 2011:
Audio: Army of One
Audio: Fallout
Audio: Red Skies
Audio: Mr Invincible
Prose: Exodus Code
Audio: Cadoc Point
November-December 2012:
Audio: Dog Hop
Late 2016
Audio: Forgotten Lives
Audio: Visiting Hours
Audio: More Than This
Audio: Ghost Mission
Audio: Made You Look
January-June 2017:
Mr Colchester joins a rebuilt Torchwood
Audio: We Always Get Out Alive
Audio: Night Of The Fendahl
Audio: Smashed
Ng joins Torchwood after this point
Audio: Driving Miss Wells
Audio: Sonny
Audio: Changes Everything
Audio: Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy
Audio: Oor
Audio: Superiority Complex
Audio: Love Rat
Audio: A Kill To A View
June 2017-October 2018:
Audio: Zero Hour
Audio: The Empty Hand
Audio: Poker Face
Audio: Tagged
Audio: Escape Room
Audio: Herald Of The Dawn
Audio: Future Pain
Audio: The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood
Takes place between TV: Superiority Complex and TV: Herald Of The Dawn
October 2018:
Audio: Cardiff Unknown – October 2018
October-December 2018:
Audio: See No Evil
Audio: Night Watch
Audio: Flight 405
Audio: Hostile Environment
Audio: The Green Life
Audio: Sargasso
Audio: Another Man’s Shoes
Audio: Eye Of The Storm
January-March 2019:
Audio: A Mother’s Son
March-August 2019:
Audio: Scrapejane
Audio: Day Zero
Audio: Thoughts And Prayers
Audio: Red Base
Audio: Aliens Next Door
Audio: Colin Alone
August 2019:
Audio: Misty Eyes
Audio: Goodbye Piccadilly, Audio: Ashenden, and Audio: The Unbegotten for Andy’s POV
Early 2022:
Audio: The Red List
Audio: Moderation
Audio: Propaganda
Audio: At Her Majesty’s Pleasure
Audio: Cuckoo
Audio: Pariahs
Audio: How I Conquered The World
Audio: The Five People You Kill In Middlesborough
Audio: A Postcard From Mr Colchester
Audio: Death In Venice
February 2023:
Audio: Doomscroll
Audio: Heistland
Audio: The Apocalypse Starts At 6PM
Audio: Thirst Trap
Audio: Another Postcard From Mr Colchester
Audio: Sabotage
Feb 2024: Moved Audio: The Vigil from 2007 to 2005
April 2024: Added Audio:Another Postcard From Mr Colchester and Audio: Sabotage to 2023
April 2024: Added Audio: Tube Strike to early 2005
April 2024: Added Audio: Missing Molly to early 2008
May 2024: Moved Audio: Wednesdays For Beginners, Audio: Crush, Audio: Retirement Plan from 2007 to 2006
May 2024: Added Audio: Dinner For Yvonne, Audio: By Royal Appointment and Audio: Nerves to January-February 2007
May 2024: Added Audio: Disco to August 1978 and January-February 2007
May 2024: Moved Audio: Hidden from November-December 2007 to December 2007-Janurary 2008:
111 notes · View notes
battyaboutbooksreviews · 11 months ago
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in April 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Spring on the Peninsula - Ery Shin 🧡 When I Arrived at the Castle - Emily Carroll 💛 Bloodline - Jenn Alexander 💚 Grey Dog - Elliott Gish 💙 Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris 💜 I'm in Love with the Villainess v. 2 - Inori and Hanagata ❤️ The Caravaggio Syndrome - Alessandro Giardino 🧡 Leather, Lace, and Locs - Anne Shade 💛 Firebugs - Nico Bulling 💙 I Married My Female Friend v.2 - Shio Usui 💜 The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray - Christine Calella 🌈 A Sweet Sting of Salt - Rose Sutherland ❤️ The Selected Shepherd: Poems - Reginald Shepherd 🧡 Rough Trade - Katrina Carrasco 💛 Aubrey McFadden is Never Getting Married - Georgia Beers 💚 Taming of a Rebel - Eada Friesian 💙 Dayspring - Anthony Oliveira 💜 The Titanic Survivors Book Club - Timothy Schaffert ❤️ Orphia And Eurydicius - Elyse John 🧡 The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers - Samuel Burr 💛 A Good Happy Girl - Marissa Higgins 💙 Winnie Nash Is Not Your Sunshine - Nicole Melleby 💜 Here We Go Again - Alison Cochrun 🌈 Women! In! Peril! - Jessie Ren Marshall
❤️ Blood City Rollers - V. P. Anderson and Tatiana Hill 🧡 The Prospects - KT Hoffman 💛 Crazy Like a Fox: Adventures in Schizophrenia - Christi Furnas 💚 WATCHNIGHT - Cyree Jarelle Johnson 💙 Love From The Sidelines - Tuesday Harper 💜 The Pleasure in Pain - Roxie Voorhees ❤️ Mal - Perla Zul 🧡 The Black Girl Survives in This One - Desiree S. Evans and Saraciea J. Fennell 💛 Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan 💙 Otherworldly - F.T. Lukens 💜 Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer 🌈 Tryst Six Venom - Penelope Douglas
❤️ Teenage Dirtbags - James Acker 🧡 The Heart Wants What It Wants - D.M. Batten 💛 Something Kindred by Ciera Burch 💚 Sheine Lende - Dr. Darcie Little Badger & Rovina Cai 💙 Rainbow Overalls - Maggie Fortuna 💜 Flowers for Dead Girls - Abigail Collins ❤️ Canto Contigo - Jonny Garza Villa
❤️ Court of Wanderers - Rin Chupeco 🧡 Molten Death - Leslie Karst 💛 Triad Magic - ‘Nathan Burgoine 💚 You, Me and Bad Movies - Twoony 💙 The Faithful Dark - Cate Baumer 💜 A Case for Discretion - Ashley Moore ❤️ Party of Fools - Cedar McCloud 🧡 The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford 💛 This is Me Trying - Racquel Marie 💙 Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao 💜 Sun Eater - Dre Levant 🌈 The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram
❤️ Bad Dream - Nicole Maines & Rye Hickman 🧡 If We Were Stars - Eule Grey 💛 The Broken Lines of Us - Shia Woods 💚 Eye of the Ouroboros - Megan Bontrager 💙 Henry Henry - Allen Bratton 💜 Dear Bi Men - JR Yussuf ❤️ Paige Not Found - Jen Wilde 🧡 Mechanic Shop Femme’s Guide to Car Ownership - Chaya Milchtein 💛 Wide Awake Now - David Levithan 💙 Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon 💜 Smile and Be a Villain - Yves Donlon 🌈 Crash Landing - Charmaine Anne Li
❤️ Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo 🧡 Central Avenue Poetry Prize 2024 - Beau Adler 💛 Good Bones - Aurora Rey 💚 Curiosities - Anne Fleming 💙 Someone You Can Build a Nest in - John Wiswell 💜 Revisiting Summer Nights - Ashley Bartlett ❤️ Bright Spring - Emmaline Strange
❤️ Girls Night - I.S. Belle 🧡 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💛 Withered - A.G.A. Wilmot 💚 A Wolf Steps in Blood - Tamara Jerée 💙 It Always Finds Me - Anthology 💜 Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt ❤️ Moon Dust in My Hairnet - JR Creaden 🧡 Blood Justice - Terry J. Benton-Walker 💛 Relinquishing Control - J.J. Arias
❤️ Selamlik - Khaled Alesmael 🧡 Houseswap 101 - Jaime Clevenger 💛 Earthflown by Frances Wren & Litarnes 💚 Covenant v.1 - LySandra Vuong 💙 Honey - Victor Lodato 💜 The Dragonfly Gambit - A.D. Sui ❤️ Double Dyno - Sharon K Angelici & Taylor Rose
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marcmarcmomarc · 3 months ago
The Owl House: The New Year’s Special
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Sarah-Nicole Robles
Wendie Malick
Alex Hirsch
Mae Whitman
Tati Gabrielle
Issac Ryan Brown
Zeno Robinson
Elizabeth Grullon
Cissy Jones
Avi Roque
Keston John
Matt Chapman
Michaela Dietz
Grey DeLisle
Erica Lindbeck
Ryan O’Flanagan
Kimberly Brooks
Ally Maki
Kari Wahlgren
Gilbert Park & Faust: ERIC BAUZA
Professor Hermonculous: J.B. BLANC
Steve Tholomule & Harvey Park: MATT CHAPMAN
Tibblet-Tibblie Grimm Hammer III “Tibbles”: PARVESH CHEENA
Manny Noceda: WILSON CRUZ
Adrian Graye Vernworth: NOSHIR DALAL
Tía Valentina Noceda: ARIANA DeBOSE
Prima Gabi Noceda: ELIJAH DeJESUS
Masha, Katya, Cat, Usurper, & Bonesborough Brawl Security Guard: GREY DeLISLE
Matt Tholomule: JORGE DIAZ
Gwendolyn Clawthorne: DEB DOETZER
Flora D’splora: EILEEN GALINDO
Dell Clawthorne: PETER GALLAGHER
Long-Haired Bat Kid: KIMIKO GLENN
Eye-Eating Monster, Snaggleback, & Papa Titan: ARIN HANSON
King Clawthorne & Hooty: ALEX HIRSCH
Mohawk Bat Kid: HOLLY @hollowtones
Tío Emilio Noceda: OSCAR ISAAC
Darius Deamonne: KESTON JOHN
Lilith Clawthorne: CISSY JONES
Kikimora: MELA LEE
Eda Clawthorne: WENDIE MALICK
Olive (Gabi’s Girlfriend): MOSCO MOON
Abuela Luna Noceda: RITA MORENO
Tío Mateo Noceda: JOHNNY ORTIZ
Bucket Hat Bat Kid: PENNY @snapscube PARKER
Alador Blight: JIM PIRRI
Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos: MATTHEW RHYS
Tarak, Bonesborough Brawl Commentator, & Tom: KEVIN MICHAEL RICHARDSON
Boscha, Amelia, Bo, & Abominations: EDEN RIEGEL
Hieronymus Bump: BUMPER ROBINSON
Hunter, Derwin, & Male Camp Friend: ZENO ROBINSON
Raine Whispers: AVI ROQUE
Jacob Hopkins & Warden Wrath: ROGER CRAIG SMITH
Female Camp Friend: HAILEE STEINFELD
Greater Basilisk: APRIL STEWART
Hettie Cutburn: JEN TAYLOR
Tinella Nosa & Severine: DANA TERRACE
Hecate & Harper (Gabi’s Other Girlfriend): MORGAN TERRY
Amber, Eberwolf, Villainous Lucy, & Barista: KARI WAHLGREN
Amity Blight: MAE WHITMAN
Terra Snapdragon: DEBRA WILSON
The Collector: FRYDA WOLFF
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hoorayeroticaplus · 2 years ago
My fave sex goddesses...
Just for fun, a list of my favourite girls of all time. Some are still my crushes. Some are just plain gorgeous. Others are there for sentimental reasons. No particular order.
Ariel Rebel Anjelica (aka Anjelica Ebbi, Krystal Boyd) Zoe Voss Tori Black Little Caprice Eufrat Tiffany Thompson Stoya Zsuzsa Tanczos Gina Gerson Monica Sweetheart Lexi Bloom Faye Reagan Anissa Kate Veronika Simon Silvia Saint Dillion Harper Sasha Grey Ashlyn Rae Malena Morgan Daneen Boone Emily Grey Red Fox Ander Page Alexis Crystal Sweet Amylee Foxy Di Remy Lacroix Sam Slayre Mila Azul Maya Nunes Eva Elfie Michelle Wild Jenna Haze Martha Gromova Evelyn Claire Krista Allen Regina Russell April Flowers Cadey Mercury Karla Kush Demi Hawks Liya Silver Brooke Banner Jenna J Ross Marcelin Abadir Emily Willis Jia Lissa Caroline Key Johnson Veronika Radke Melanie Jane (aka Melanie Rios) Kuroha Suicide Jillian Janson Tiffany Tyler Nicole Ray Heather Vandeven Miriama Kunkelova To be continued...
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misstergrayson · 4 months ago
DC Character Birthdays
The dates in parentheses are for when the character has multiple canon birthdays. I’ll keep editing as it’s not done.
3: Jim Corrigan
5: Jim Gordon
7: Sandra Knight
8: Queen Hippolyte
16: Wally West (November 11)
17: Kent Nelson
26: Kate Kane (March 21), Cassandra Cain
27: Al Pratt
29: Arthur Curry
31: Mera Curry
5: Tasmia Malor
8: Tenzil Kem
9: Rex Mason
10: Greg Sanders
11: Rokk Krinn
18: Eobard Thawne
19: Bruce Wayne (March 30, April 7, April 25, May 27, October 7)
20: Hal Jordan
21: Jo Nah
24: Dirk Morgna
26: Atlanna
29: Clark Kent, Billy Batson (December 23)
6: Garth of Shayeris, Dick Grayson (March 20, March 21, October 24, November 11, December 1)
8: Zatara
11: Lee Travis
12: Perry White
13: Mick Rory
14: Selina Kyle, Barry Allen (March 19, May 13)
19: Barry Allen (March 14, May 13)
20: Dick Grayson (March 6, March 21, October 24, November 11, December 1)
21: Kate Kane (January 26), Dick Grayson (March 6, March 20, October 24, November 11, December 1)
22: Diana Prince
23: James Jesse
24: Lydda Jath
27: Lar Gand
28: Happy Terrill
30: Katar Hol, Bruce Wayne (February 19, April 7, April 25, May 27, October 7)
31: Arthur Curry jr., Alfred Pennyworth (April 8, August 16)
3: Jay Garrick
4: Darell Dane
5: Chuck Taine
6: Brainiac
7: Bruce Wayne (January 19, March 30, April 25, May 27, October 7)
8: Alfred Pennyworth (March 31, August 16)
9: Sargon
10: Dinah Lance
11: Linda Danvers
19: Samuel Scudder
21: Tanya Wazzo
25: Bruce Wayne (January 19, March 30, April 7, May 27, October 7)
26: Donna Troy
28: Uncle Dudley
3: Maxwell Jensen
5: Condo Arlik
7: Freddy Freeman
8: Jack Ryder
13: Barry Allen (March 14, March 19)
18: Charles Mcnider
19: Digger Harkness
20: Zatanna Zatara
21: Beautia Savana
25: other Diana Prince
26: Ralph Dibny
27: Bruce Wayne (January 19, March 30, April 7, April 25, October 7)
1:Carter Hall
3: Salu Digby
4: Mark Mardon
19: Shayera
22: Thomas Peterson
27: Terry McGinnis (August 10, August 18)
2: Tawky Tawny
7: Johnny Thunder
9: Ray Palmer
10: Drake Burroughs
17: Lana Lang
19: Tim Drake
20: Al Desmond
21: Staq Maylen
25: Lucy Lane
26: Oswald Cobblepot
1: Joker
6: Kid Eternity
7: Morgan Edge
9: Damian Wayne
10: Terry McGinnis (June 27, August 18)
13: Duke Thomas
15: Ral Benem
16: Ira West, Alfred Pennyworth (March 31, April 8), Jason Todd
17: Lois Lane
18: Wing, Terry McGinnis (June 27, August 10)
20: Jan Arrah
21: Shiera Sanders
1: Pa Kent
10: Reep Daggle
11: Roy Raymond
12: Ted Grant, Jefferson Pierce
13: Thaddeus Savana Jr
18: Val Armorr
22: Kara Zor-El
23: Barbara Gordon
26: Sandy Hawkins
27: Iris West
28: Lex Luthor
2: Alan Scott (October 13)
5: Luornu Durgo
7: Bruce Wayne (February 19, March 30, April 7, April 25, May 27)
13: Alan Scott (October 2)
17: John Stewart
19: Magnificus Sivana
20: Terry Sloane
22: Thom Kallor
24: Dick Grayson (March 6, March 20, March 21, November 11, December 1)
26: Lois Barnett
28: Blackhawk
30: Dexter Miles
1: Roy Harper
3: Wesley Dodds
5: Rex Tyler
6: Boston Brand
7: Martha Kent
10: Garth Ranzz, Ayla Ranzz
11: Dick Grayson (March 6, March 20, March 21, October 24, December 1), Wally West (January 16)
15: Richard Grey jr
16: Johnathan Crane
19: Lyle Norg
21: Kamandi
22: Abra Kadabra
23: Imra Ardeen
29: Jimmy Olsen
30: Dag Wentim
1: Dick Grayson (March 6, March 20, March 21, October 24, November 11)
3: Adam Strange
5: Dr. Mind
7: Harvey Dent
8: Nura Nal
9: Oliver Queen
11: Len Snart
13: Sylvester Pemberton
14: Ulu Vakk
16: Leena Thorul
18: Ted Knight
19: Princess Projectra
22: Brek Bannin
23: Mary Batson, Billy Batson (February 29)
27: Sir Justin
29: Georgia Sivana
30: Qeurl Dox
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charlicpace · 1 year ago
NAME INSPO: doctor who edition ! it's official, i'm back in my insufferable era, and i can only apologise in advance. let's be real, we should just skip the entire list and create a set of twins called gallie and freya, you in ?
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ynscrazylife · 1 year ago
WHO I WRITE FOR *will be continuously updated
(Platonic means familial and/or friendship)
Romantic & Platonic: Chimney Han, Eddie Diaz, Evan “Buck” Buckley, Hen Wilson, Maddie Buckley
Only Platonic: Athena Grant, Bobby Nash
Romantic & Platonic: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Cressida Cowper, Eloise Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton, Kate Sharma, Simon Bassett, Tilly Arnold
Only Platonic: Daphne Bridgerton, Gregory Bridgerton, Hyacinth Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton
DC Movies/Arrowverse
Romantic & Platonic: Alex Danvers, Bruce Wayne (Patterson), Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Selina Kyle (Patterson)
Call of Duty
Romantic & Platonic: Alejandro Vargas, Alex Keller, John Price, Johnny MacTavish, Kate Laswell, Kyle Garrick, Simon Riley
Criminal Minds
Romantic & Platonic: Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Elle Greenaway, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, Luke Alvez, Spencer Reid, Will LaMontagne
Only Platonic: David Rossi, Penelope Garcia
Game of Thrones
Platonic & Romantic: Brienne of Tarth, Cersei Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Jon Snow, Margaery Tyrell, Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy
Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19
Platonic & Romantic: Addison Montgomery, Alex Karev, Amelia Shepherd, Andrew DeLuca, April Kepner, Arizona Robbins, Ben Warren, Callie Torres, Carina DeLuca, Derek Shepherd, Jack Gibson, Jackson Avery, Jules Millin, Jo Wilson, Lexie Grey, Lucas Adams, Lucas Ripley, Mark Sloan, Maya Bishop, Monica Beltran, Nathan Riggs, Teddy Altman
Only Platonic: Meredith Grey, Owen Hunt
Harry Potter
Romantic & Platonic: Bill Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Charlie Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Fleur Delacour, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, James Potter, Lily Evans, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black, Viktor Krum
— MCU/Spiderverse
Platonic & Romantic: Bucky Barnes, Bobbi Morse, Carol Danvers, Clint Barton, Gamora, Kate Bishop, Loki, Maria Hill, Melina Vostokoff, Maria Hill, Miguel O’Hara, Natasha Romanoff, Peter B. Parker, Peter Parker (AG), Peter Parker (TH), Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Sharon Carter, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Thena, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Yelena Belova
Only Platonic: Agatha Harkness, Pepper Potts
Star Wars
Romantic & Platonic: Anakin Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmè Amidala, Poe Dameron, Rey Skywalker
Stranger Things
Romantic & Platonic: Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington
Only Platonic: Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers
Platonic & Romantic: Bela Talbot, Dean Winchester, Gabriel, Jo Harvelle, Sam Winchester
Only Platonic: Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, John Winchester
The Bear
Romantic & Platonic: Carmy Berzatto, Natalie Berzatto, Richie Jerimovich
— The Rookie
Angela Lopez, Aaron Thorsen, Bailey Nune, Jackson West, John Nolan, Lucy Chen, Nyla Harper, Tim Bradford, Wesley Evers
— The Vampire Diaries
Caroline Forbes, Damon Salvatore, Elijah Mikaelson, Enzo St. John, Hayley Marshall, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Stefan Salvatore, Tyler Lockwood
— Top Gun
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, Nick “Goose” Bradshaw, Penny Benjamin, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
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anewkindofme · 9 months ago
I'm an absolute sucker for worldbuilding and when I was re-reading A Little Monkey you'd mentioned how the Littles ward had extra beds for the CGs- do you have any other headcanons for your littles-are-known aus? Love your stuff!
Aww thank you so much! I love world-building in my fics because it just makes everything more real!
In general in all of my fics…
There are levels of regressing. Some are on the older end or even if they regress younger, they can live alone, drive, etc. That’d be Tim in my “Grumpy Boy” verse. TK also can live on his own in “The Little Monkey” and did in NYC, but he chooses not to at this point as he’s still recovering from all the trauma that happened there. Others can’t live alone. I haven’t gone into it but Mateo can’t. The Terrible Trio in my Grey’s verses can’t. Their dropping isn’t as obvious to them and it effects them more in their older spaces.
There’s a foster care system for Littles that can’t live alone and need a full time caregiver. Most of the time, Littles can choose who they live with. Caregivers can also have their licenses taken away. Littles can also choose to enter the foster system so they can move to other places, get jobs, etc. This is what April did in my Grey’s verse vs Jackson and Alex who were kicked out.
Littles are a protected class. Most levels can work and go to school. They are to be given time off and not be penalized, within reason. For example, if a Little regresses more often than not, it’s not a reasonable accommodation for a job or school to continue to give them all that time off. But, this can be avoided by them knowing their classification early on so they’re not in that situation.
In all my verses, Littles are classified at 16 as that’s when their bodies begin regressing. Same with caregivers having the biological need to take care of someone. Some Littles show signs at a younger age. Potty training may take longer, they may have certain delays. I’ve said this in TLM, but the Strands knew pretty much TK’s whole life how he’d classify so it wasn’t a shock nor really a transition.
To piggy back off my last point, caregivers have biological urges/needs just as much as Littles. They need to take care of someone. Even if they don’t have a Little of their own, they often go into fields where they’ll be helping people. Thus why you have Owen as a first responder, all the caregivers in my Grey’s verses are doctors, etc.
Not all caregivers are good people and most neutrals are not bad people. Caregivers may have the biological need to care but just like parents who may love their children, they are not showing it in the best ways.
Neutrals can have guardianship of Littles (as we see in “Anonymous Ones” with Harper & Jackson) but they need to prove that the Little is still receiving the care they need.
There are people against caregivers, littles, etc. Even some classified as caregivers and littles protest the system. Conversion camps are unfortunately legal unless they are abusing Littles. However, Littles can refuse to go and it’s not covered under medical protection. Most just don’t feel safe protesting.
There are Little versions of basically all children’s places. Medical offices, daycares, regressor wings in hospitals, bounce places, parks, you get the picture. Aquariums and museums also have “Little hours” for Littles to feel more comfortable.
There are nannies for Littles. I want to go into this in one of my verses but most don’t need one given they either only feel comfortable letting family watch them (I could not picture Owen leaving TK with a nanny) or in my Grey’s AU, there’s a daycare right there.
A lot of Littles sometimes aren’t always “big” or “little”, they may fall in between. Such as acting more like a pre-teen or teenager. I write TK a lot like this because tbh, even in canon, he acts like a grumpy teen a lot. Same with Jackson and Alex in my Grey’s verses.
There are Little products and special stores. From cribs to clothes to pacifiers, even high chairs and baby food and formula that can sustain an older person. I have half a Little!Tyler Lockwood fic where he has a bouncer and swing.
Caregivers are naturally stronger than Littles, which is how they can carry them.
Littles have more difficulty with sensory than caregivers and neutrals.
There are probably more I can’t think of now.
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