#applying God&039;s Word
Spiritual Growth Through Meditation on Scripture
The Lord instructed Joshua, saying, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success” (Josh 1:8). This command involves a deep, reflective engagement with Scripture, allowing its truths to shape one’s…
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tom4jc · 2 months
Acts 14:2 Poisoning The Mind
But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren. Acts 15:2 Changing a person’s mindset is the goal of all businesses. They want a person to stop buying a competitor’s product and purchase their own product. They also want people to think that their product is the best on the market. This is most commonly done through advertising the product on a…
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a-godman · 18 hours
In the Compound Spirit we have the Mingling of God and Man and the Death of Christ
In the compound Spirit, there’s the mingling of God and man, of divinity and humanity, and also the death of Christ and His sufferings, all of which can be applied to us in our spirit as we contact the Lord today. The Spirit is very crucial for us in our Christian life. So many Christians today love the Lord, read His word, regularly attend the meetings, and pray, but they do not know that Christ…
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randomnestfamily · 2 years
How to Find Peace in Conflict
***Today's Devotion*** is called, "How to Find Peace in Conflict" . This devotion will give you ways to find peace in the most stressful situations. Be encouraged today! . #peace #peacebestill #conflictresolution #Bible #devotion #randomnestfamily
 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.Romans 12:18 We only have two options Some people have a natural gift for defusing arguments and conflicts. They seem to find the most clever diversions that calm the temperature in high-stress situations. Even with the gift of conflict resolution we still have to make a decision to either operate in the Spirit or give…
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word4utoday · 6 years
Stand against discrimination
Jesus meets every need: body, soul, and spirit. And that’s the message you’ve been called to share with others.
The Bible says: ‘As the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food.’ Why?
Because they were outsiders. These women didn’t grow up in Judea or Galilee. They hailed from the distant lands of Greece, Rome, and…
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newssplashy · 6 years
Jackie Aina: Youtuber spills the beans on controversial Beautyblender foundation
In a time where 'inclsuion' is the word on everybody's lips, Beautyblender's new foundation range drops the ball and Jackie Aina tells us why.
When it comes to reviews, Jackie Aina is our go-to. The outspoken beauty influencer never steers us wrong and always tells it exactly as it is. This time she turned her attention to a product that has caused quite a bit of uproar in the beauty industry. Watch as the youtuber spills the beans on controversial Beautyblender foundation.
Beautyblender is an incredible brand that has given us probably one of the best, most useful and most popular beauty tools of all time. The beauty blender is a God-send when it comes to applying and blending. Expanding into a makeup range probably seemed like the next logical step but the foundation roll-out has been met by derision from the beauty industry.
 In a time of Fenty Beauty and Too Faced's 'Born This Way' foundation range extension (Thanks again, Jackie) there really is no excuse for beauty brands to not be including darker skin tones in their ranges in a meaningful way.
The success of the above-mentioned beauty lines have shown that there definitely is a huge market for minorities buying high-end makeup so why are we still being excluded from the conversation?
Beautyblender launched the foundation with 32 shades, which certainly sounds like a decent selection. Creator Rea Ann Silva also told Allure that the brand paid special attention to creating colours on the darker end of the spectrum. It's noteworthy that 25 of the 32 shades seem to cater to lighter and medium skin tones, while only seven are suitable for dark to deep skin.
Over the last year, the changes that the beauty industry is making to become more inclusive have sparked an important conversation so of course, people were not going to let Beautyblender get away with this.
Beautyblender has responded to the backlash and gave Cosmopolitan the following statement:
Of our 32 blends, half the shades (16) are formulated for a range of olive and brown skin tones. We truly want everyone to find their perfect match and our founder, Rea Ann Silva, is not only Latina, but a professional makeup artist working primarily with women of colour — so she is an expert in this colour range.
Those with tan, deep and dark skin tones understand that finding the right colour foundation is all about matching your undertone and this is where Rea Ann saw the biggest hole in the market — for women like herself and her multicultural family. BOUNCE offers a wide variety of undertones from neutral, warm, cool, and olive and a special ultramarine blue to create a deep rich tone.
Jackie Aina has weighed in on the debate with a review video that is a must-watch!
What are your thoughts? Do you think Beautyblender tried their best or they could have done much better? Vote below!
  source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/08/jackie-aina-youtuber-spills-beans-on.html
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rickt55 · 9 years
New Post has been published on Weight Loss Tips and Strategies.com
New Post has been published on http://weightlosstipsandstrategies.com/biblical-meditation-an-interactive-memoir-biblical-meditation-technique-the-book/
Biblical Meditation: An Interactive Memoir & Biblical Meditation Technique - THE BOOK
One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance, Healing & Purpose through Meditating on the Word of God The Biblical Path to Wellness is an interactive memoir and meditation technique for anyone seeking balance and wholeness in Christ. It is also for the individual who is yearning for more stillness, experiencing challenges in his or her personal development, dealing with an illness or stumbling in their Christian walk. In this written testimony, the author declares biblical meditation as the basis for her own inner healing and deliverance. She shares her personal story to connect with her readers, recounted with love and insight. Kaysha Sahai, both a Biblical Health Coach and trained Meditation teacher, explores her experiences with the Word as her guide, and outlines the biblical meditation technique which led her to embark on a journey of acceptance, healing and purpose.
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fearfullygorge · 10 years
Maintaining The Resurrection Life
Maintaining The Resurrection Life
Often times, when we as believers experience a breakthrough, revelation, or “aha moment” in our walks with God, we don’t follow through with action. We may read, study, or hear a word from God that is enlightening, convicting, or clarifying, but do not assure that it is applied to our every day lives. This lack of appliance then causes us to return to the state in which we were in before. No…
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tom4jc · 7 months
Amos 2:12 Refusing To Hear Prophesy
But you gave the Nazirites wine to drink, and commanded the prophets saying, ‘Do not prophesy!’ Amos 2:12 Messages are sent out all the time for various reasons. Some of those messages are heard and taken in to consideration. Other messages are ignored and pushed aside. People like to pick and choose what they are told and what they hear. When it does not make them happy or go along with their…
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a-godman · 2 months
Enjoy, Apply and Live Christ, being Filled with the Full Knowledge of God's Will
 We need to be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will to know that God’s will is for us is that we know Christ, experience Him, live Him, and have Him as our everything, so that we may walk worthily of the Lord, having a walk in which we live Christ. Amen! May the Lord save us from being aimless Christians. May we be rescued from living a Christian life that has no goal. So many Christians…
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word4utoday · 6 years
Your personal provider
God has given each of us a one-of-a-kind personality, gifting, purpose, and calling. And He wants a relationship with you that is unlike the one He has with anybody else.
When the psalmist said, ‘The LORD is my shepherd’ (v. 1), he was affirming that he had a very personal relationship with God; one that was unique.
God has given each of us a one-of-a-kind personality, gifting, purpose, and calling. And He wants a relationship with you that is unlike the one He has with anybody else. Just like your fingerprints are unique, so also is God’s interaction with you.…
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word4utoday · 6 years
Treasure God’s Word (5)
The Bible wasn’t given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives - D.L. Moody
Reading, receiving, researching, remembering, and reflecting on God’s Word are important, but we must respond to it and be ‘doers of the word’ (James 1:22 KJV). This is the hardest step because Satan will fight you on it. You can be so busy going to the next church meeting, that you forget to put into practice what you learned at the last one.
Jesus said, ‘Everyone who hears these words of mine…
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