#apply for british citizenship
scribeanand · 1 year
Citizenship application process in the UK
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ayjsolicitors2 · 1 year
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To apply for british citizenship as an adult, you must complete an AN form.It is important that you fill out the AN form correctly and submit all required documentation. Get more details about British citizenship on A Y & J Solicitors.
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"I always thought legalizing euthanasia was a no-brainer. 
It always seemed to me like an individual choice people ought to have, akin to legalizing abortion or same-sex marriage. 
If someone is in such pain that they decide to end their life, I thought, who are we as a society to tell them they can’t? 
There’s also a harm reduction component. If someone is dead set on ending their lives, shouldn’t we give them a relatively safe, effective option under medical supervision? It would be cruel not to. 
This was the rationale behind the 2015 Supreme Court of Canada decision in Carter v. Canada, which determined prohibition of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) was unconstitutional. 
But the legalization of MAiD has brought to the fore some disturbing moral calculations, particularly with its expansion in 2019 to include individuals whose deaths aren’t “reasonably foreseeable,” which opened the floodgates for people with disabilities to apply to die rather than survive on meagre benefits. 
I’ve come to realize euthanasia in Canada has become the ultimate neoliberal policy — we’ll starve you of the funding you need to live a dignified life, demand you pay back pandemic aid you applied for in good faith, and if you don’t like it, well, why don’t you just kill yourself? 
The problem with my previous perspective was it held individual choices as sacrosanct. But people don’t make individual decisions in a vacuum. They’re the product of social circumstances, ones often out of their control.
Tim Stainton, director of the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship at the University of British Columbia, told the Associated Press that Canada’s MAiD policy is “probably the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazis’ program in Germany in the 1930s.”
This sounds hyperbolic, but there are endless examples of people with disabilities who were offered euthanasia rather than live a life of pain and exclusion. And with the impending expansion of MAiD to include people with mental illnesses, the problem is only going to get worse."
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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jewish-sideblog · 8 months
Btw I think there’s a difference between an ethnostate and an ethnic group gaining self-determination. But I also think most people don’t know the difference. Like. Ireland is 76% ethnically Irish, gives preferential citizenship and immigration status to people of Irish ethnic descent, and has a very bloody and violent recent history of trying to keep non-Irish people from continuing to live in Ireland. And right now there’s an international border separating the “True Irish” from the Ulster, British Irish, largely on the basis of ethnicity, ancestry and religion. Most people consider the multiple wars that Ireland fought to be in the name of self-determination, not in the name of establishing an ethnostate.
Israel is less ethnically Jewish than Ireland is ethnically Irish. Contrary to popular belief, non-Jews living inside Israel have just as much of a citizenship as non-Irish people living in Ireland. They can vote and hold office and move freely and worship whomever they please. It’s just that those rights aren’t extended across the international border to Palestine… just like Ireland’s legal rights don’t extend into Northern Ireland.
I’m not trying to say that Ireland is definitely an ethnostate, and I’m not trying to say that Israel definitely isn’t. I’m saying that you should be consistent in your determination of what counts. If you apply different rules to the Jewish country specifically, and you levy accusations against a Jewish government that you would never levy at a Western government… then you may be antisemitic.
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Then comes the problem of ensuring that the settler state and society replacing that of the indigenous Arabs is “Jewish.” Even in the pre-state period when the Yishuv was wrestling with the British authorities over immigration, the Jewish Agency and other Zionist institutions vetted the immigrants by their Jewishness. With the establishment of Israel, the Law of Return applied solely to Jews. Now Israel had another problem: How to present itself as a liberal European democracy while preventing the return to their homes of 720,000 Palestinian refugees from the 1948 Nakba? Population management in the form of technical legalisms provided a solution. The Citizenship Law of 1952 permitted everyone who had Palestinian nationality to return, but with a caveat: they had to have been registered residents of Israel in 1949. With that sleight of legal hand all the refugees were “legally” barred from returning to their homeland. Those that remained – 150,000 out of more than a million – were subject to some 184 laws that limited their civil rights. Some were symbolic, like the Jewish Nationality Law of 2019 that demotes Arabic from an official language to one of “special status.” Others more disenfranchising. Palestinian citizens of Israel, for example, are forbidden to buy, rent, lease or reside on land or buildings on land that are defined as “Jewish” – lands on 94 percent of their own country.
Jeff Halper, Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine: Zionism, Settler Colonialism, and the Case for One Democratic State
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amtrak-official · 3 months
What's your 'murica gets its head out of its ass wishlist' for urban planning and other major policy shifts?
Mine is:
Left side driving
Changing to metric already
Universal income, extra for disabled people
Universal healthcare for everyone in any part of the US
Defund the world spanning military, grant statehood or subsidized independence to our colonies. Maybe just like idk patrol our own waters and skies perhaps?
Defund the police, and create community outreach orgs to help all suffering ppl, including jerks who struggle so much they think killing ppl is ever okay.
Establish limits on copyright law being 20 years like patents. (With none of the bullshit loopholes)
Establish that all intellectual property deemed a public good by someone kind is forced into the public domain irrevocably. (Careful I will rant about the patent on heated boxes or life saving meds)
Requiring any company that operates in the US to pay taxes to the US, and hold their executives responsible for damages to anything or one they cause.
Public trains to/from anywhere with more than double digit population. Some other form of public transit that gets its own lane at least for anywhere that is infeasible.
Make safe, secure, private, and well made housing, a right and not a commodity.
Make food a right.
Make clothes a right.
Make good internet a right.
Make electricity a right.
Make privacy a right.
Make education an unlimited right.
All people in the US are eligible for all rights and protections etc. (Citizenship is not a requirement to be treated well)
Ban plastics in anything where natural materials are better.
Subsidize growing actual food people want to eat, not industrial resources.
Ban golf courses anywhere they cannot naturally survive.
Exclude all organizations from exerting powers like the law except for the government.
Anyone making disproportionate use of a public good like water, transportation, etc, gets taxed proportionately. (Semi trucks bad, trains good)
Provide water reclamation resources to areas without renewable clean water, no matter the cost.
Require that people in any position of power be good kind people.
Make rule of law actually mean something, if the law applies to everyone equally than enforce it equally. (Including the government and military)
Make corporations not legally people (they aren't)
No nukes or WMDs
Give NASA 10% the national budget or smth, they deserve it.
Require that companies pay the union dues of their employees.
Encourage unions.
Make the NSA about aquatic biology instead. Say the National Aquatic Association or smth.
No guns in civilization, wilderness or rural only for civilians.
Disband the CIA.
Full audits of the government all the time, no classified or secret bullshit. With great power comes great scrutiny and actual responsibility.
Establish an actual nationwide recycling system to turn trash into compost or useful materials.
Establish restorative justice practices nationwide.
I uh went off a bit sorry, I miss anything?
I agree with most of this except left side driving, that is an evil British scheme.
Also how the fuck do you require people in power to be "good kind people" do you not see how that could be abused, it's completely subjective
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Mordor says He returned only for Visa reasons. They did some math and understood that Sam had been there for almost 90 days, só It was time for a quick walk home.
Dear Visa Anon,
Which Mordor luminary came with this idea? The MENSA-level CRT Clique or Miss Marple, who thinks I know nothing (the Dimwit from Madrid is still learning how to spell, so I can't believe it's her)?
Regardless. These people should immediately stop watching Ninety-Day Fiancé on their cable network, following a severe overdose on Uzbek midgets and Egyptian gigolos 'looking for true love' stories.
Maybe they could also have checked their facts before solemnly stating bullshit, since they clearly think all the visitors to the wonderful U S of A are tourists and as such, entitled to a maximum 90-day stay at a time (and then a short hike to Tijuana or Canada and back on tracks: not EDI/GLA, FFS!).
Incidentally, may I remind these geniuses that S has been spotted only near EDI, which of course would mean for them he'd be getting his visa there. Unless...
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Unless you know the US General Consulate in EDI does not issue any type of visas - LOL, idiots. And unless he'd need to be in LHR for the pre-appointed interview and then another 7 working days delay for processing and 1-3 working days for passport delivery by mail only (never in person, chickadees). Doesn't really click with timelines, Madam Expert.
Because they are all very intelligent, they also forgot everything about/never bothered to look for the new-ish ESTA system (https://www.handyvisas.com/esta-us-visa/british/), especially designed for Visa Waiver countries' citizens. So I insist: if traveling as a tourist, S does not need a visa to enter the US for up to 90 days - that is correct, but by no means applicable to S's reality. And if he knew he'd need to stay more than 90 days, he would have applied for a visa - mandatory - in London before the Summer of Sassenach tour.
But he is not traveling as a tourist and very probably not under another type of non-immigrant visa, simply because he has businesses there and he is also involved in the OL project with *** (d'oh!).
Let's unpack:
As per US current regulations, S cannot apply for a B-1 (business non immigrant visa). To understand why, kindly refer to the US Customs and Border Protection FAQ (https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/documents/B-1%20permissible%20activities.pdf). I already munched it up for you:
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He could only apply for a O-1 B immigration visa, for which his agent or employer should mandatorily petition the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. These are special visas designed for the individual who (...) has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements. This is very subjective and a contract with * should be enough - I was in a taxi when I received your ask and immediately checked with a friend from the US Consulate, to indulge you. And all this hassle just because a Tumblr Nobody has flatulent opinions, huh?
According to the USCIS's own regulations, not Dutch fantasy or Belfast sagas, the authorized period of stay and possibility of extension are as follows (https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/temporary-workers/o-1-visa-individuals-with-extraordinary-ability-or-achievement):
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The good thing about getting this visa (and I think * sorted it out a long time ago for both of them) is that it helps tremendously with the Green Card procedures, something I bet the farm both S & C already have, by now.
So doing the maths was perfectly inane and useless.
Does that answer your question, clever Anon? Can I go back to the Quaich post I must finish (it will be VERY long, beware) today?
Thanks for asking and I am sorry for the length: this fandom being paranoid, I had to include all the tedious details. I hope we can put this idiocy to rest, now. Parochial twits.
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shakespearenews · 5 months
I encountered this tension when myself and my friend and writing partner Philip Arditti were cast in a racially blind production of Henry V at Shakespeare’s Globe. Henry V is perhaps the most straightforward of Shakespeare’s histories – plays that deal with the ups and downs of the British crown. Set during the hundred years war with France, it follows King Henry, a former party boy who writes himself into history on the battlefield at Agincourt and returns home victorious despite his relatively small army. Phil and I, both outsiders to Britishness in different ways, found ourselves on stage every night portraying soldiers fighting for an England we couldn’t define. Was this progress? This question gnawed at us throughout the run, highlighting our broader experiences of living and working in England today. We talked about rehearsal room microaggressions, undergoing the citizenship process, and whether to stick with our native accents or convert to received pronunciation.
The result of these conversations was a history play of our own: English Kings Killing Foreigners. It is a dark comedy about casting controversy and English cultural identity. We hope that, by sharing our experiences, we can contribute to the discourse surrounding Shakespeare and England in a way that takes the focus off the actors on the stage and places it back where it belongs: the wounds that still fester on the battlefield that is Shakespeare.
The death of a national sweetheart.  A friendship tested by a bloody act.  An infamous production of Shakespeare's Henry V. 
A tell-all dark comedy that peels back the skin of English cultural identity to reveal the steaming battlefields that lies beneath. Would you die for your country?
From rehearsal room microaggressions, to the battlefields of France, into the bureaucracy of applying for citizenship, Shakespeare's Globe Ensemble veterans Nina Bowers and Philip Arditti explore their histories alongside England's own as unwilling actors in a national story.
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resident-idiot-simp · 5 months
Sorry it took so long to respond I was out all day and normally I would be asleep by now but due to a family emergency involving a sibling (they will be fine) I am ✨AWAKE✨. Please forgive the inevitable crimes against grammar I’m about to commit I am severely sleep deprived :D
Okay so the reason wendigos aren’t able to hybridise is because humans turn into them through specific methods ie eating human flesh. they are human turned creatures. Same rules apply for vampires, werewolves, Zombies, Ghosts and any other similar type of monster, they are around but they aren’t hybrids. There are also no Moth Man, Bigfoot or Loch Ness Hybrids.
Magic left the world a LONG time ago and no one (Human) remembers why. This caused a mass extinction event with most creatures that were solely magical being wiped out. The ones that survived either became Cryptids and barely functioned with the scraps of magic left behind or they became mundane…
The reason the fae left in the first place is because a bunch of humans tried to take magic from the Fae and actually succeeded for like five seconds before a bunch of them died from the sheer amount of power. This BIG NO NO altered the nature of magic into something humans could actually use unfortunately it also hurt the Fae badly so they had to poq for a while to recover. They took the magic with them but not before cursing the surviving thieves and their descendants to never be able to experience magic again (this led to some unintended consequences).
The reason there are no Fae hybrids is a little more sinister (angst potential incoming). Every now and then a little bit of magic would leak back into the world and keep things running just enough so that when the Fae returned it wasn’t a complete shit show (just mostly one) and after some initial conflict and a bunch of new border agreements things settled down (British hybrids can pick which royal house they follow (fae or human) whilst still maintaining citizenship (guess which Soap picked lol)) and with magic being reintroduced (in the 1800’s btw) the world slowly started to change. Within a generation hybrids began appearing, within another three Mythics started showing up too. With each successive generation the hybrids got stronger and as the magic around the world continued to grow more and more animals began looking weird. Rabbits with antlers, Giant Sea Snakes and Octopi, Lions with golden coats. But no dragons or phenox or unicorns or purely magical beings appeared instead what they had where hybrids that become a little less human every generation.
TLDR the OG mythical creatures went extinct and magic is trying its best to bring them back the normal hybrids just didn’t have enough juice in them to meet the requirements. Anything that didn’t go (fully) extinct like the Fae or are human turned creature won’t hybridise.
Technically Ghost hybridisation shouldn’t have worked but because he “died” such a specific and traumatising way near a canine mythic who’s magic he absorbed over months the magic got a lil confused (Ghost is the only Black dog hybrid the as the rest are actual dogs and not extinct ( does that mean Ghost is the strongest Black dog? Maybe…(yes it does))).
If you want angst you could say that if a hybrid uses to much of their magic they run the risk of becoming more creature then man. I don’t think they’d loose their intelligence and they’d still be the same “person” but they definitely wouldn’t be human.
Since magic returned vampires can walk in the sun, wendigos became intelligent (took one look at the military and went ✨no✨) werewolves become more aware (lol) and don’t need the moon to shift and Ghosts are still classed as citizens.
Ooh What if magic is radiation from the asteroid that took out the dinosaurs????
You're fine I hope everyone's okay and I'd be a hypocrite because I too do not understand the English language.
Ok that makes sense yeah.
FAE LORE FAE LORE!!! I LOVE IT! I love that the lore and angst of humans trying to take something not made for them is very fitting. There is a ton of potential for angst and I love that Soap is like nahhh fae all the way. (He is correct)
I Love that explanation of mythics It seems very fitting for the universe. The world needs them in some way shape or form so it corrects itself.
Great explanation for Ghost and the fact that singles him out making him the most powerful is perfect. I mean look at that man.
AAAHHHH ANGST!!!! I LOVE THAT! It limits them and makes them of not super op. It also explains how some of the actual mythical creatures can survive in the human world now. (Wendigos my beloved)
OMG DINOSAUR LORE?! YES! (what if kidding kinda If all the dinosaurs didn't die) Hahaha unless
(I answered this on my phone so I couldn't answer each paragraph because it wasn't clear sorry)
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running from the Flames {17}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: 18+ only, fluff, panic attack - this is a work of fiction and the events are not based on reality. Chapter: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven* || Twelve || Thirteen || Fourteen || Fifteen || Sixteen || Seventeen || Eighteen || under construction
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Ilies was kind enough to take Pierre, Addie and I to the airport early on Monday morning. Pierre had put his Audi on one of the car transporters heading to Alpine’s mechanical headquarters in Paris and he would pick it up from there later in the week when he returned for some training. With the next race being in Canada there was a two week break so he was going to spend a few days in London with us as long as he kept up his fitness routine. 
I was apparently the one in charge of making sure that happened but his personal trainer might have been shocked to hear that my idea of exercise involved us tangled in bedsheets. I kept that to myself of course and just agreed. As long as I got to watch while Pierre worked out in my home gym then it was a win-win to me.
“Thanks for the lift, Granny,” I said as I kissed her cheeks after boarding the private jet. 
“It’s on the way to New York so it’s no hassle, honey. Are you sure you don’t want to come to Fashion Week with me?”
I grimaced at the idea. “And have you try to use me as a model again, no thanks.”
“What?” she asked innocently as she buckled up into her seat. “You��ve got the legs for it.”
“She’s not wrong,” Pierre whispered in my ear. “They are very sexy.”
I elbowed him lightly but he just laughed it off and I continued on my way down the aisle. Two rows down I found dad, who was half asleep, and heading home to see mum. I sat Addie into the seat beside him and buckled her in before setting up her latest animated fixation, Mulan, on the screen in front of her. 
“Let mummy know if you need to go to the loo,” I reminded her before pulling the earphones over her head.
There was no reason to be all sat together so I passed the last two rows before sitting down. There was only the galley behind us but since the flight was a little over two hours I doubted anyone would ask for refreshments and we would be left alone.
“Are you okay?” I asked as we hit some turbulence coming into Heathrow and Pierre clutched the armrest between us. His eyes were closed and his lips pressed in a firm line as he nodded his head. He had been uneasy since takeoff but repeatedly lied and said he was fine. “You couldn’t have picked a sport with more travel if you tried.”
“I’m fine with flying…until it gets bumpy.” He let me pull his hand from the leather material and replaced it with my own as we watched the GPS of the plane inching closer to the airport. 
“Miss Vowles, Mr Gasly, if you could please fill these out before we land that would be wonderful,” the stewardess said as she handed me three Passenger Locator Forms before moving on to dad.
I filled out mine and Addie’s while Pierre did his but he took a little longer since he wasn’t a UK Citizen like us and had more pages to complete. I actually had dual citizenship through the ‘grandfather scheme’ which meant I was entitled to apply for citizenship where my parents and grandparents were citizens. Legally, I could hold a passport of Mexico, the USA and the United Kingdom but I preferred to use my UK one since it had the least restrictions.
If Erik ever tried to petition for access to Addie and won, then she could have all three passports and a Norwegian one too.
The thought turned my mood sour and as we touched down on British soil I began to rue my decision to come back. I knew I needed to be here to pack up the house for the move and visit Dr Pascoe in person but there was always a little storm cloud in the back of my mind when I was in London. 
The city was tainted of memories with Erik, the restaurants we had eaten at, the cinemas we have gone to. I couldn’t even drive near Islington because that was where our house had been. Just thinking about it had the walls of the plane closing in around me and I reached for the paper bag in the storage pocket.
The paper crinkled in and out with each breath, the speed too fast for any rational thought and shadows moved around me until two faces came into focus.
“Sweetheart, look at me,” dad said but it was hard to catch the slippery words as my head swam. “Deep breath, in through your nose. Do it with me.” I tried to copy him but my intake was as shaky as my hands. “Good girl, now out through your mouth, nice and slow.”
My clothes felt too tight and my hair clung to my clammy forehead and I tried to brush it away but my hands were shaking too much. The strands of hair remained and I grew frustrated.
“I’ve got it, Bri, just focus on breathing,” Pierre said as he brushed it back for me. A cool damp cloth came to rest on my forehead and I closed my eyes as I leant back in the seat. “Mama’s alright, princesse.”
My eyes flashed open to see Addie looking afraid and I opened my arms for her. “Mummy was just a little overwhelmed, sweetie, I’m sorry it scared you.”
“Was it a bad dream again?” she asked as she clung tight to me.
“Kind of. You know, I could do with your help.” She perked up at the idea of helping and listened intently. “We have no food at home, so I need you to choose where we will have brunch. You don’t have to tell me now, but why don’t you hop back in your seat and have a think about it while we land.”
“Come on, little bug,” dad guided her away, his own worried stare looking back at me as he went. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Pierre asked when we were alone but I shook my head.
“No, I just want to erase the memories of this place.” I tipped my head onto his shoulder and looked up at him. “Tell me that it’s possible.”
He kissed my forehead and I cringed as I realised I was a sweaty mess but he didn’t seem to care as he wrapped an arm around me. “I don’t know about erasing them, but we can make new ones instead.”
We landed without a fuss and while we were taxiing to the terminal we started to say our goodbyes before we would part ways. Dad was already out of his seat, ignoring the seatbelt sign, and kneeling next to Granny having quiet words with each other before they both looked at me with concern. 
Dad rose to his feet and let Addie climb up for a hug, a bright smile deepening the wrinkles at the corners of Granny’s eyes. “I’m going to miss you, honey. You let me know if you want to come visit alright? We’ll get rid of that posh accent in no time.”
“Don’t want you to go, Granny,” she replied with a trembling lip.
Betty sniffled and blinked away the tears that quickly built along her waterline. “You’re going to make me ruin my makeup.”
“You’d still look beautiful,” I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for the visit and the ride.”
“Of course, you’re welcome to use it whenever you need, especially trying to juggle work, motherhood and a long distance relationship,” she said looking between Pierre and I. “Take all the help you can get to make it work.”
Pierre’s hand took mine and gave it a squeeze while I answered through my widening smile. “I might take you up on that.”
The Gulfstream had come to a stop and I saw two cars parked outside the little window as the stewardess opened the door. Dad would take one to the domestic terminal for his next flight to Manchester while we would be in the other heading home to Twickenham. 
“Oh, and Damien, give my love to Otmar when you see him,” Granny said with a fond smile for the man she thought of as the second child she never had. “I’ll see you in Italy, unless I decide to pop by before that. Never know when I might need a holiday at my age.”
“Mom, you’re retired.”
She scoffed and waved him off. “I retired from designing but I still own the company, dear. I can’t trust anyone else to run it right, unless it’s family.” Her eyes darted to me and I held my hands up.
“Don’t finish that thought, Granny, I’m an engineer - I like tinkering with mechanics and engines.”
“I’ve heard Pierre’s a man of fashion and business or so the internet tells me. You could always marry him. Just an idea, honey.” She sent me a wink and I stumbled over my feet, nearly sending myself out down the steps. “Take care of my precious babies, Mr Gasly.”
“Nothing would make me happier,” he replied with such sincerity that I missed the step in front of me and his hand shot out, catching my arm and pulling me back. “Was that a test?”
“No,” I sighed and blew a strand of hair out of my face with a huff. “That's just how clumsy I am. Let’s go before I break my neck and never get to walk down the aisle Granny’s busy daydreaming about now.”
“I’ve had the design of your wedding dress waiting since you were 18. You tell me when to start sewing it.”
“Bye Granny, bye Matthew!” I concentrated on walking down the stairs with an amused Pierre behind me carrying Addie and dad coming down last. 
“Your mother said she’s blocked out her calendar for Wednesday if you can come to dinner.”
I looked at Pierre since he was meant to be flying to Paris on Thursday morning and Addie and I would be flying into Rouen to meet him on Saturday. “It’s a four hour drive.”
“It shouldn’t be difficult to change my flight to leave from Manchester instead, if you want to stay the night?”
I nodded to dad, “it’s a tentative yes but I’ll let you know once he’s checked the flights. Addie say bye-byes to grandad.”
Our farewells were far quicker and our luggage had already been put into the cars by the time we were finished and going our own separate ways. I would have preferred to have my own car but it was at home after getting a cab to the airport when we left two weeks ago but thankfully it wasn’t peak rush hour and it wasn’t too far to get home.
“Addie, have you decided where you want to eat?”
“The dog park!”
Pierre looked aghast as he spun in his passenger seat at the front and I laughed at the face he pulled. “It’s just a cafe that happens to be on the same block as a dog park. It’s called Ivy and she knows it too,” I said as I tickled Addie’s toes for being a little trickster. “It’s just around the corner from our house so we can drop the bags off first and walk.”
He relaxed back into his seat knowing he wasn’t going to be eating in a dog park and I scoured the inside pockets of my handbag until I found my keys. I gripped the remote to the front gate as the driver pulled onto our street and suddenly had a new fear - had I tidied the house before we left? No. The answer was, no. I had been running around like a madwoman trying to get Addie ready so I decided the toys on the floor and unfolded washing on the couch could wait for my return.
“Shit,” I muttered under my breath and Pierre’s eyes shot to me through the little mirror on his sun visor, his eyebrow cocked in a silent question. “My house is a fucking mess.”
Click here for chapter eighteen.
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife @anotheroneiforgot
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nitpickrider · 10 months
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Bullshit. No, seriously. Bullshit. US Citizenship CANNOT be revoked from a natural born citizen (Steve was very famously born in New York and therefor a US Citizen from the instant of his birth), period. it's covered under the 14th amendment. Steve was never an immigrant, he never took a citizenship test, even the VERY thin margin the government has to strip citizenship from naturalized citizens does not apply. They can-not strip him of his citizenship. And exile is not a law on the federal books of the United States, in fact is ALSO declared unconstitutional under the 4th amendment's provisions against cruel and unusual punishment. It exists in mothballs in a couple of STATE constitutions but it is functionally impossible to exile any naturalized citizen from the United States. The president also can't just unilaterally charge and then convict a man of treason which is a VERY serious law under US federal code and nearly impossible to prosecute specifically because the way US treason law was written made it hard to prosecute ON PURPOSE because of the way British law bandied about the expression in the time before and during the revolution. Even if he is exercising his rights as commander-in-chief Steve isn't a member of the US Military anymore, they paid out his pension. In short, this doesn't make sense from just about any even basically logical angle you look at it with and Steve only has to speak one word to a lawyer and he'd bring this administration down around its ears. Captain America 450
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scribeanand · 1 year
How to become a British citizen
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ayjsolicitors2 · 1 year
Becoming a Proud British Citizen: Apply for British citizenship
Apply for British citizenship is a process that allows individuals to become legal citizens of the United Kingdom. It involves submitting an application, meeting specific eligibility criteria, and undergoing various assessments. The application typically includes personal details, residence history, and proof of English language proficiency. Once granted citizenship, individuals gain the right to live and work in the UK indefinitely, access healthcare and education, and participate in democratic processes. British citizenship can provide a sense of belonging and open doors to various opportunities in the United Kingdom.
Read more about British citizenship:
What are the Benefits of British Citizenship?
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fierceawakening · 2 months
Since this conversation is still happening, I do want to point out something in one of the earlier reblogs regarding Ireland. The Irish "right to return" is the right that anyone with a grandparent born on the island of Ireland (whether under British rule or not) has a right to Irish citizenship. There is no distinction for the ethnicity of said person. You could be ethnically Irish, ethncally English, ethnically Ulster-Scots (in fact I know a few Ulster-Scots who did take Irish passports after Brexit) or even ethnically Chinese. It's similar to US and Canada's jus-soli, just removed by two generations. I could do a whole infodump about the way protestants are treated in Ireland, and how different it is to the treatment of Palestinians in Israel, but I know that's not really necessary or helpful. But if Israel wants to model off of Ireland, I for one would be fully for it. But since "Irish" in is usually assumed to mean Irish ethnically I felt it important to point out that Ireland's citizenship law does not discriminate ethnically, it is only refering to Irish grandparent in the sense of a grandparent born on the island of Ireland.
Thank you.
And yeah, that just sounds (somewhat) like “your family can sponsor you.” That idont have a problem with, as the idea there seems to be keeping families together.
If Israel’s right of return is phrased in the same way I don’t think I’d take issue, ESPECIALLY if the idea is reuniting families splintered by the Holocaust.
I just… first, I worry that the same doesn’t apply to families splintered by the Nakba, when the accounts I’ve read and heard of the Nakba say things like, “we were literally driven out of our home by soldiers who smashed things, here let me show you the key, I kept it.”
The Nakba is, unless I’m misinformed (which, again, is why I was asking the other side for THEIR accounts and sources, to see what they agree happened and what they don’t), an action Israel took, that is, literally something they owe people some kind of reparation for doing. That SEEMS to me to be indisputable, so I asked if there’s anything that I might have missed that makes it more nuanced.
I still think it’s telling that the replies were almost all deflection except for prismatic’s, who seemed to be asserting that Jews are the only indigenous group, and thus that it makes sense that they have right of return and “their name means invader” do not.
I was hoping we’d go from there to an actual discussion about whether that means displacing people in the Nakba was justified, and if the answer to that is that it wasn’t, why the claim to indigeneity is so strong on its own that it means only Jews should get right of return.
But the reply to even going that direction was that I hate Jews, so ya know.
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i-merani · 1 year
Lawfare and discrimination against Palestinians by Arab countries
Hey I want to talk about something that is a very uncomfortable truth regarding Arab countries and their attitude towards Palestinians. Arab countries, which claim that they support Palestine, only do so to fulfill their own self interest. The reality of their "support" is different. Palestinians are not allowed to be in certain arab countries, they are not allowed to get citizenship, residence permit, pasport. Palestinians cannot fully live in Arab countries.
First read this info about Palestinians in Israel: All persons legally resident and registered, born or naturalised in Palestine under the British Mandate (1919-1948) were British Protected Persons, holders of British (Palestine) passports. Citizenship in both Jewish and Arab states – proposed by the Partition Plan set out in UN Res. 181 in 1947 – was meant to be granted to all inhabitants. However, when Britain promptly ended its mandate on 15 May 1948, it was left to the successor state, Israel, to determine entitlement to nationality.
Here are some facts:
Today more than half of the eight million or so Palestinians are considered to be de jure stateless persons. These fall broadly into three categories:
• holders of the 'Refugee Travel Document' (RTD) issued by Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq and some other Arab countries (not a pasport/citizenship)
• holders of nationalities of convenience - mainly temporary Jordanian passports (not a pasport/citizenship)
• holders of the Palestinian passport issued by the Palestinian Authority (PA) which is considered as a travel document pending formation of a fully-fledged Palestinian state.
Policies of Arab countries regarding Palestinians:
Two main principles - set out in an Arab League protocol signed in Casablanca in 19651 - have determined the treatment of Palestinian refugees in host Arab states:
1. Granting Palestinian refugees full citizenship rights but denying them naturalisation (meaning, if a Palestinian is born in a certain Arab state, they will get a citizenship but a Palestinian not born in e.g. Egypt, will not get a citizenship even if they've lived there for 20 years)
2. Issuing them with Refugee Travel Documents (RTD) in order to maintain their refugee status (again, not granting citizenship)
But protocol was not followed through by some Arab countries, including Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Meaning that Palestinians were not only denied possibility of citizenship, but even their refugee statuses (RTD).
Additionally, Palestinians were expelled en masse from Kuwait in 1991 and from Libya in 1995. Palestinians in Iraq had to endure acts of vengeance including killings, evacuation and deportation.
Instititional discrimination against Palestinians in Arab countries:
The legal status, residency and civil rights of Palestinian communities in the Arab World are increasingly uncertain, particularly in Lebanon and Egypt where they are denied rights to secure residency, employment, property, communal interaction and family unification (this part is very similar how Jews were treated in Europe).
Procedures to allow nonresidents to apply for naturalisation in Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi Arabia do not apply to stateless Palestinians.
Palestinian refugees in Jordan have Jordanian nationality but are denied equal political participation and subjected to subtle forms of discrimination. Jordanian authorities refuse to offer naturalisation to those Palestinians who at the time of their displacement in 1967 did not hold Tordanian passports. Some 60,000 stateless Palestinians, mainly from Gaza and original holders of Egyptian RTDs, were allowed to stay but have been denied any civil rights and most are confined to a camp near the northern city of Jarash.
What is my point?
I want to demonstrate how Arab countries are directly harming Palestinians. While Arab countries express their support for Palestine, restricting their freedom of movement by elaborate rules of law that deny them possibility of pursuing better life outside Palestine is a blatant violation of human rights.
At this moment, while Israel is bombing Palestine, Egypt and Jordan are refusing to open their borders to Palestinians fleeing the bombs.
Arab countries are physically trapping Palestinians in Palestine not giving them proper means to live in the Arab world outside Palestine.
Palestinians don't have anywhere to go and that is not a hyperbole, it is a deliberate lawfare against them by their "brothers" from the Arab world. While Israel is destroying Palestine, it is also important to see how much harm the policies of Arab countries cause regular Palestinians who want to flee the conflict zone and live a better life.
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flodaya · 5 months
at this point i wouldn’t be surprised if z already applied for british citizenship lmao it’s interesting how most british actors tend to get american citizenship because of work but not with them lol she loves london DOWN
she loves being british(ish) so much
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