#apostle netflix
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grigori77 · 1 year ago
My Halloween movies of 2023
Yet again Spooky Season has come and I'm about to kick off my annuel scary movie marathon! This year it's pure horror, too, no real sci-fi or comedy (at least not REALLY) in the mix, just pure scare fests, so it's liable to be a little heavier than usual ... but like always, anyone who wants to have a crack at following me along, I'm gonna be starting tomorrow night and continuing on until the night of the 5th (I know, well over TWO WEEKS of spooky cinema!), so feel free to tag along ...
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Firestarter (2022)
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The Fury
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Brotherhood of the Wolf
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Night Teeth
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Velvet Buzzsaw
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Fright Night
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The Empty Man
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Let Us Prey
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Season of the Witch
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Fright Night, Part II
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American Carnage
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Army of the Dead
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Hellraiser (2022)
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Super Hybrid
Hope you have as much fun as I plan to ...
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butterfliessonata · 1 year ago
Thomas Richardson (Apostle) Fan Video - Running After My Fate
Watch on Vimeo
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months ago
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Submission 644 & 746 (64.1% validated)
buggy isn't hot
he’s just not. look at him. yeah yeah he’s got tits and a detachable dick but he’s so cringe and fail. i would not fuck him personally.
buggy the clown is not fucking hot
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN. HAVE YOU LAID EYES ON HIM. i’m extremely homosexual for men and yet i have not even an inch of attraction to this little blue haired and pronouned bastard. yes he has three boyfriends but if you see me as one of them shoot me, that’s an evil clone, i would never willingly put my penis inside of buggothy theodore clownsworth.
Submission 515 (63.7% validated)
if you must ship Jesus with one of his disciples then at least ship him with John
look I'm a Christian (but like not the bad kind) and I don't personally ship Jesus with anyone cause that feels a bit too much rpf-y for me but I see people (jokingly, I assume, for the most part, but also this is the internet so I know some people are very serious about this) ship Jesus with either Judas or Peter and like....... tell me your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid without telling me that your knowledge of the Bible is the few Bible stories you remembered from sunday school as a kid. like yeah sure there's all these great stories about these guys that kids learn about! everyone who has some basic knowledge of the whole easter deal knows Judas and if you've learned any stories about Jesus with the disciples then you probably know about Peter. but like........ John is the guy. like go read the book of John if you don't believe me. like this is the guy who is canonically (fun reminder that the term "canon" originates from people discussing the Bible long long ago) "the disciple who Jesus loved." like Sufjan Stevens, king of "is he talking about his boyfriend or Jesus" refers to John & Jesus' relationships in his song "John My Beloved" which is hella gay and like it's all right there!!!!!! like this is so strange for me to be invested in because I'm not like someone who actively ships them but like if I wasn't religious and all I would be all over this and the fact that people keep being like "hehe Jesus and Judas~~~" when there's like no textual evidence for that!!! it's just people seeing the kiss of betrayal and liking some dramatic stuff!!! and the people who bring up Peter instead are the same!!! like you're just applying fanfic tropes to a dynamic and deciding that you like it instead of like looking at what's actually there in canon!!!!!!!! like at least do cool blasphemy or whatever I hate that I care about this. I hate that I wrote all of this. I have no dog in this fight. whoever wins I lose because I don't want to care about this in any way but I do and it's horrible and I just wish people would at least talk about the guy who when having to read his gospel like a year ago for something, I was left with the thought of "huh....... if I didn't know any better I'd say that there was something going on here"
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Propaganda is always encouraged!
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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ask-apostle-ghoul · 3 months ago
Trying to design a human form for Apostle is difficult because it would just be this fucker
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how dare a man be pretty :(
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deepestconnoisseurmoon · 5 months ago
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Apostle (2018)
Dir. Gareth Evans
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legionwaffles · 4 months ago
Was feeling angsty plus I have bad laryngitis and can’t even utter one word it’s so weird. Watermark is my IG
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korinthiakos · 2 years ago
"Your eyes, they've seen things-" Corinthian @ someone.
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silhouettecrow · 1 year ago
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 302
Adjective: Oozing
Noun: Mushroom
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Oozing: (of a fluid) slowly trickling or seeping out of something, or flowing in a very gradual way; slowly exuding or discharging a viscous fluid; giving a powerful impression of (a quality)
Mushroom: a fungal growth that typically takes the form of a domed cap on a stalk, with gills on the underside of the cap; a thing resembling a mushroom in shape; a pale pinkish-brown color
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buildingmycottage · 9 months ago
I saw a post here on Tumblr once that went something like "in a world where god, Jesus, and the apostles are all men, that has to do something psychologically to women" and it made me think: The Netflix version of the show "She-Ra Princess of Power" is a show that is HEAVILY women centric. We know maybe three guys in power, King Micah (who, after his return from Beast Island, wasn't *really* in power), the head sorcerer in Mystacor, Hordak/Horde Prime. (please do correct me if I am wrong) The show, albeit about princesses, has the princesses have actual roles. Even the ones that are "weak" or perceived to be weaker than the others (read: Perfuma), are extremely powerful.
The two men whom we consistently meet in the show other than Hordak, Bow and Seahawk, are not the "macho man" in most shows. Seahawk sings an entire shanty as to how lonely he is and how he just wants to be friends with Mermista, and Bow cries and even hugs frequently all the other characters in the show. Both talk about their emotions and work through them in /relatively/ healthy ways (the Dragon's Daughters 1-3 will be sorely missed). My point being, is that the women in the show are shown as strong, beautiful, muscular, fierce, sad, frustrated, loving, traumatized, hurt, laughing, and more. They all have different body shapes/ types of bodies. There are three openly gay couples: Bow's dads, Spinerella and Netossa, and Catra and Adora. Incredible! In a kids show (and adults too lets be real) there are three openly gay couples. No one treats them any different. Bow is one of 13 kids of George and Lance. No one bats an eye. In fact, according to She-Ra Wiki page (https://she-raandtheprincessesofpower.fandom.com/wiki/LGBTQIAP%2B), so many characters are queer. Besides the ones listed above: - Scorpia and Perfuma are romantically involved - Bow is Bisexual - Glimmer is Bisexual - Mermista is Bisexual - Seahawk is Bisexual (dated Falcon) - Falcon is Gay - Lonnie is Poly and Bisexual (dating Rogelio and Kyle) - by extension Rogelio and Kyle are queer - Entrapta is bi - Jewelstar is trans - Peekablue is gender non-conforming - Double Trouble is nonbinary and there is MORE In the show, as there are a ton of non humans, almost any time we meet someone, she/her pronouns are used (see episodes when Best Friend Squad are in the crimson waste). Can't you see how amazing this is? A show where there are no one-dimensional characters, women are constantly having intelligent conversation with one another, women are leaders, women working together, openly queer characters, and a beautiful plot line where there's magic???? When the princesses work together, they turn into the colors of the rainbow and their powers are enhanced. Little girls are getting to see themselves as normal. Women aren't treated as secondary citizens. Hell, almost every Bright Moon guard we see is female. How would the world be different if shows like this were the norm? Where women are able to be magical, and they aren't dressed to show off their bodies? Where women's armor actually protects them? Where they grunt and are sweating after they fight? Where womens' love wins? Why can't this be normal? (Happy Pride!)
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thehamletdiaries · 1 year ago
I don't know if anyone has seen the Netflix horror film Apostle, but Andrea is very Ophelia coded.
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avocado-writing · 1 year ago
have u watched The Apostle on Netflix? It has Michael Sheen in it and he’s a weird priest but I could fix him
I’ve seen it, I loved it, I’m writing a fanfic where you and his character perform a sex fertility ritual to bring a good harvest
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shu-of-the-wind · 1 year ago
shows you need to watch to understand my brain
again, i'm not guaranteeing the quality or likeability of any of these things. they are foundational for me, but they may not be to your taste. check for cws because i don't feel like listing them but i will make special note for things i find especially triggering for me personally.
Mononoke | モノノ怪 and its origin in Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales | 怪 〜ayakashi〜 Japanese Classic Horror, the Bakeneko story [化け猫] (severe cw for rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, imprisonment, murder, and gore in Bakeneko Story)
Crimson Peak
Kingdom | 킹덤 (congratulations to kingdom for being the only zombie show that i will ever give a fuck about)
Hinterland | Y Gwyll (cw for a cop show)
Pacific Rim
Black Butler | 黒執事
Princess Tutu
And Then There Were None (2015)
The Great Queen Seondeok | 선덕여왕
House of Flying Daggers | 十面埋伏
Granada's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Copper Beeches (the entire show is incredible but like. i love the copper beeches it's my favorite holmes story of all time because it includes This Spectacular Sequence:
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which is the best scene of all of holmes imo)
Derry Girls (all seasons)
Harlots (ONLY SEASONS ONE AND TWO because then they kill off my favorite character and i lose all interest)
Jeeves and Wooster (cw for period typical racism) (the link is to the pilot but the entire fucking show is a goldmine)
Shetland (cw for another cop show)
Geraldine McEwan's Miss Marple and David Suchet's Murder on the Orient Express (do not FUCKING talk to me about kenneth branagh i hate every single thing he's done with poirot with every fiber of my being)
Penny Dreadful (seasons 1-2 only, season 3 sucked, and city of angels does not exist)
Sailor Moon R: The Movie | 劇場版 美少女戦士セーラームーンR
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Netflix's Daredevil (all seasons, yes, even s2, i'm obsessed with elodie's elektra)
Chobits (don't @ me i love my sweet robot children hideki doesn't fucking matter)
i'll add more as i think of them.
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convictedsodomist · 9 months ago
Oh,sweet summer child,you have no idea how big the Cannarsi discourse actually Is here. Some Lore contex: Gualtiero Cannarsi was for many years the official adapter of Lucky Red for the distribution of Ghibli films here in Italy. now his philosophy has always been that of non-adaptation: the text must be faithful to the original PERIOD! So all the texts were translated from Japanese without any actual adaptation work.
Although this thing bothered the nerds™, for a long time no one complained about it, given that Ghibli films A) were niche B) had settings that masked adaptation errors by disguising them as simple "courtly virtuosity".
The problem came in the 2018 whene Netflix bought Evangelion's right,requiring a new adaptation. Now, here in Italy anime series is a big thing, even if you're not a fan in the fandom sense of the term you certainly have at least one anime that you carry in your heart. Well, Evangelion is one of them, so when the new adaptation happened, ANYONE noticed its flaws. Two in particolar are standing:
1)the translated sentences do not respect Italian syntax (quanto a te, quanto a quello che puoi fare che tu/as for you, as for what you can do that sounds bad in English, and is terribly incorrect in Italian grammar)
2) they changed some important terms for the history of the series, the most serious of all was the change from Angel -> Apostle.
Now,the internet tore him to pieces... and he responded, going on for a month doing interviews where he explained that he is actually a genius who understood the true art of translation!(lmao,no,he doesn't). If you chew a Little of italian you should Watch this compilation,so you can witness the adaptation horror he made during the years
Thank you so much for the explanation. I'm surprised it was the work of an actual human being. I was convinced someone just fed the scripts through google translate.
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goryhorroor · 2 years ago
hi! recommedation question anon here. thank you in advance for your time!! my fav films all fall into the supernatural horror/drama genre, i think? i'll list a few: Noroi: The Curse, The Others, The Witch, The Ritual, Mama, The Babadook, Apostle, Occult (2009), The Village, Ringu/Ju-On, His House, Dark Water, La Llorona (2019, NOT 2020), Crimson Peak, and the 3 Mike Flanagan netflix series. I love movies with sad/homicidal spirits, religious themes, or movies that dabble in horror from other cultures in a meaningful way. Would appreciate any recs you have! and no worries about content warnings, I check those in advance.
For the first one you’d definitely like: The Orphanage or The Devil’s Backbone
Religious Themes: Saint Maud, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Thirst (a mix between vampire & very heavy religious themes)
cultural horror movies: kwaidan, kandisha, the hallow
because you like the haunting of hill house tho I’d suggest: the uninvited (1944)
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beevean · 1 year ago
Guts: Now this is a surprise...an Apostle who opposes the God Hand
So in the end you're a mad dog who bites his master. Nice. I can't say I don't appreciate that.
But y'know....
I was going to say something witty and cutting and brutal...but fuck it
the netflix adaptation coming along swimmingly
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mediamixs · 7 days ago
Top 10 Underrated Horror Movies on Netflix
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Here are some underrated horror movies available on Netflix.
1- Troll Hunter: A low-budget foreign film about a group of students investigating mysterious bear killings who discover a troll hunter.
2- Steel Trap: Seven guests are invited to an after-party in an abandoned office building to play a series of deadly puzzles.
3- Frankenstein's Army :A found-footage film set in the dying days of WWII, where Russian soldiers are lured into a secret lab and face horrific flesh-and-metal war machines.
4- Open Grave :A man wakes up with amnesia in a pit full of dead bodies and must figure out if he is the killer.
5- Hotel Inferno: A contract killer finds himself fighting for his life in a maze-like hotel filled with demonic henchmen.
6- The Woods :A troubled girl in 1965 New England is sent to an isolated girls' school where she encounters mysterious happenings.
7- The Devil's Chair: A psychiatrist attempts to uncover the truth behind a brutal murder in an abandoned asylum.
8- You're Next: A horror film that shifts genres midway, remaining largely unheard of by many.
9- Apostle: A gripping tale of a man who travels to a remote island to rescue his sister, only to uncover sinister cult activities.
10- Cam: This psychological thriller follows a camgirl whose identity is stolen by a doppelgänger, exploring themes of identity and control.
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