#apollo's said
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syn4k · 7 months ago
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(obligatory "the driving experience is vast, varied, and extremely subjective to both personal taste and local road laws. different people will react to different situations depending on the current level of traffic on the road, the driver's current mental/physical/emotional state, and countless other factors such as weather and emotionally impacting events. this chart was made for fun and i did not really put too much thought into it." that being said i will take constructive criticism here because im curious what yall think)
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shitpostingkats · 5 months ago
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I've been making a collection of aa4 lines that make me lose my entire mind
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clownowo · 2 months ago
i love how tgaa re-contextualizes the technology in previous ace attorney games
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satsuha · 1 month ago
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little sister
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somewhereincairparavel · 4 months ago
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perrigoaway · 3 months ago
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Dusting off my account for the first time in months with lots of Klapollo TT been having a hard time making things I like recently, so I’m just going to post them anyway, might as well 👍 I miss drawing!
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donutfloats · 2 months ago
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I kinda wanna make Apollo fatter, make him a brick wall of a man
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kurowataa · 1 year ago
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i'm normal about apollo justice
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snoocupz · 1 year ago
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It's my little guy!
And oh how I missed drawing him!! <33
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amiti-art · 1 year ago
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Troilus design! (ft best dad Apollo) He's around 12 years old here.
Researching Troilus' story is not an easy task because unfortunately most of the ancient texts focused on him didn't survive and others only survived in fragments.
This story is brutal even for greek mythology standards so please keep that in mind if you want to continue reading this or do more research on your own.
Something that all of the versions seems to agree on is that he was a Trojan prince, son of queen Hecuba and was killed by Achilles. His father was either Apollo or Priam (Apollo fits more with the context of the story though).
Most of the versions also focus on Troilus' young age and he's often shown to be visibly shorter than Achilles on the vase paintings depicting his death.
The most popular version of the myth (which is also supported by ancient vase paintings) states that Troilus and his sister Polyxena (she's not preset in every version though) went outside of Troy on their horses and while they were at a fountain Achilles ambushed them.
Achilles then chased Troilus who tried to hide inside of Apollo's temple (possibly seeking his father's protection) but Achilles caught up to him and murdered Troilus either inside or in front of the temple and then brutally mutilated his body.
There 2 alternative reasons given for the murder:
1. There was a prophecy which said that if Troilus reached 21 years of age Troy would never fall.
2. Achilles fell in love with Troilus, tried to force himself on him and was enraged when the boy refused his advances. (This version seems to have more surviving evidence)
It could also be that the only reason that Achilles killed Troilus was the fact that he was a Trojan prince and therefore an enemy but this does not seem to fit with the brutality of the act.
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Here are some vase paintings that show Troilus' death at the hands of Achilles
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 3 months ago
Concept: In The Burning Maze, I think it would have been cool if one of the crossword puzzles in the labyrinth had been a mathematical equation.
Specifically, a mathematical equation on mathematical logic, such as negations.
Why? Because Apollo is the god of mathematics and I think it would be funny if Grover and Meg were standing there, staring with horror at:
"What is this nonsense?" Asks Meg, a literal sixth grader who has never before encountered college-level math.
"I...I don't know!" Responds Grover, anxiously wringing his hands. He also has never come across something like this before. "I never went to high school!"
"Is it code for something?"
"The little carrot there looks kinda like a Greek Delta- is Daedalus related somehow?"
"A carrot-what?"
"The carrot!" Grover points at the symbol between the 'p' and 'q'. "It looks like the Delta symbol!"
"Oooh. Okay."
The sentence below the odd thing reads;
Solve my riddle,
Or play second fiddle,
You can find me in education,
For I am the ________!
"...What does that mean?" Grover whimpers.
Meg looks stumped.
"...negation," Apollo's staring at the strange equation. "'Solve my riddle, or play second fiddle. You can find me in education, for I am the negation!'. That's the missing word in the rhyme."
They stare at him. "How do you know that?" Grover bewilderedly asks. "It makes no sense!"
"Math logic," Apollo simply says. "This particular one is...about first, second-year level in college, I'd say."
Grover closes his eyes, muttering; "No wonder I couldn't solve it." as Meg stares first at the equation, then at Apollo.
"What even is a negation?"
"That," Apollo points to the squiggly lines. "It cancels the truth values out, giving you the opposite of what's inside the parathesis."
Apollo huffs. "The 'p' and 'q' both represent something, like two parts of a sentence. The carrot can be upside-down or right-side-up, representing 'or' or 'and' in that sentence."
"Which way is up when?" Grover looked to be on the verge of tears as the realization math did not, in fact, end with numbers or numbers and letters.
"Uh..." Apollo made a 'V' with his hands. "If it's like this, it's 'or'. If it's like this," he made a tiny pyramid with his hands. "It's 'and'. Imagine a line through the center, like an 'A'. That's 'and'."
Grover rubbed at his eyes. "Too much," he whimpered. "Too much."
Apollo gave him an awkward pat on the shoulder. "In this case," he said. "It's saying 'and'. The negation, well, negates their values, so it becomes-" he pats his pants and looks in his pockets. "Anyone have a pen and paper...?"
Blank looks met his. "Okay, then...then just imagine a squiggly line in front of the 'p' and 'q'. That's what the first negation does. Then the second one negates that negation, taking the squiggly lines away."
Breathing in, he finished with; "So our mathematical answer would be, 'p and q', written with the carrot right-side-up- like the 'A'."
The tunnel was silent.
Then it was broken. "How do you know all that?" Meg demanded, looking extremely confused. "That makes no sense. I thought there were numbers."
"There are," Apollo patiently explained. "But this is a logic problem, and they don't do numbers."
"Never before have I been grateful to not to have to go to college," Grover rubbed at his temples. "Algebra was bad enough. Now this?"
"Hey!" Apollo looked slightly offended. "It's all quite fun, really, when you figure it out! Besides, we didn't even have to solve it!"
"Then why did you?" Meg asked.
Apollo stared at her. "Because you asked me too-!"
"Nope." She blew a raspberry. "None of us did."
He closed his eyes, as if praying for mercy.
"Anyway," Apollo gave both of them the stink-eye. "Math and music were quite intertwined back in the day, so the Muses and I are quite adept at it- Thalia's the geometry queen, and whatever you do, do not say 'Bet you can't solve this in a minute' to Urania. She will make you look stupid."
"Bet that's not hard."
"Oh, shut up."
insert cackle from Meg
"ANYWAY," Apollo gives her the stink-eye. "Ancient Greece was a breeding ground for mathematical minds- Pythagoras, for one, who was my son to boot! Even Hestia enjoys looking over Hephaestus's construction equations in her spare time."
The other two stared at him, as if shocked the gods would find math, of all things, fun.
Apollo awkwardly glanced away from them. He didn't know what their reactions would be if he told them of the many contributions he has made to the world of mathematics. For some reason, silly mortals didn't seem to appreciate the hard work put into them!
Sighing, he said; "Uh, Labyrinth, the answer is 'negation'. We got side-tracked there for a bit."
One hallway in front of them glowed with the answer. Without another word, they quickly speed-walked down the passage-way.
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shitpostingkats · 5 months ago
Man I've been playing through dual destinies and the visceral Apollo and Athena contrasts are making me go insane.
Your name is Apollo Justice. You are a lawyer. You're a pawn. You're a weapon. Your mentor is a jackass and your rival only sees you as a ghost of his brother. You're pushed around town to run chores you aren't being rewarded for. You are volunteered to deliver revenge on behalf of your jackass mentor, who refuses to tell you anything because it might spoil his game. When you falter, everyone tells you to learn to stand up on your own. Your mother finally learns of your existence, but she isn't ready, so everyone agrees not to tell you. After all, it's her feelings that are at stake. Apollo? It's never about Apollo.
Your name is Athena Cykes. You are a lawyer. You got here all by yourself, clawed your way to it all on your own. Your mentor set aside space in his life to take you under his wing, to offer advice and security. He takes over when you falter, and walks you through everything he's doing, so you can one day stand without assistance. You keep working, so so hard, because everyone in the courtroom is a familiar face. Your childhood friend. Your mentor. Your coworker who is slowly losing it, and you're not sure why, but you're pretty sure it's your fault. The man who gave up everything for you. Athena? Everything is about Athena.
Neither of you is okay.
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yeetoffofme · 3 months ago
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me w maths rn
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satsuha · 3 months ago
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this is how spirit of justice ended right
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artemidiane · 5 months ago
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i had this in my brain for like a month!! vroom vroom
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spoopup · 9 months ago
said this on my twitter a while ago but a funny scenario im thinking about again: klavier as apollo’s co-counsel for a case and klavier has to pretend he’s Not Klavier but he’s really bad at it. not wearing the best disguise and when the judge asks for his name he panics and says something stupid like Caviar Garrett, but still no one figures it out. apollo makes it a rule he can’t use any german phrases or do any air guitars so no one realises it’s him and it physically pains klavier to say Yes instead of Ja
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