#aphmau wiki
lggy · 2 months
iggy my friend iggy we haven’t talked in ages and ages and ages but i just wanna say like. fuckin shout out to you for all you’ve done for the aphmau community with the wiki stuff like. it was a CESSPOOL last time i ever went on there, when i was a Wee Little Child, but you are running that thing hella good. this is incoherent oki just wanted to let you know cause i needed to ref something there for the first time in forever anyway :] live laugh love
I'm trying my best 😆💛 Idk if they have tumblrs but theres a few other mods that help out especially Thatsnice1 does a lot of the super tedious edits like adding/removing templates on every single character page (theres HUNDREDS)
right now I'm learning how to insert css to customize the FUCK outta the wiki its gonna look so good when im done with it. have you noticed that when you scroll over a citation it pops up with a little bubble now it's so cool. also I'm stuck writing boring stuff like rules and guides and site policies Wuahhhh
I've been trying so hard to fix and rewrite all the character bios... Aaron MCD is the only one of the major characters that's nearly at full completion (missing his bio from s3 rn). that's only because he had like a tiny handful of lore drops and didn't talk much. Currently in the middle of working on Aphmau MCD's page. completing her bio/summary may be a nightmare
Whenever I fix all the character bios I'm gonna start adding a proper "featured articles" widget so it's more fun to browse !!! but thatll be a long way from now since they're massive
Theres TTTTOOONNNNNSSS of stuff that needs to be revised on the wiki but it's just taking forever to get to 😭 if anyone has read this far... you are very welcome, encouraged even, to contribute to the wiki especially if you see something incorrect or badly worded. consider it helping out the community and fandom as a whole :3 there is a page named Site Projects with a massive list I made of stuff to work on.
if I ever burn out of working on the wiki I'm gonna be devastated cuz I fuckin love this hobby sooooo much
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bread-squid-uwu · 1 year
are you the one who keeps adding "love interest" into the dante/travis wiki pages and changing characters skin complexion description pages to say they're darker than they canonically are?
if so, i've reviewed these edits, and some text added contains misinformation, poor wording, and strong bias against katelyn/travlyn and that's the reason why some edits have been reverted and/or adjusted. i apologize if that caused any personal harm to you (/calm /trying not to sound aggressive here)
I'm not, however I have fixed Aphmaus from saying she was "lightly tanned" because that is blatantly not true. She is a darker tone.
I don't put my opinions into the wiki, thats not the place for writing with a bias. Which is something that happens there a lot, for example unwarranted character negativity and ship negativity such as Travlyn and also Travis or Aaron. though I don't edit Aarons wiki, only Dante and Travis.
I don't agree with putting personal thought into places for direct canon. Its unhelpful, and annoying that people take the wikis and use them for that. Although I dislike Travlyn myself, its beyond dumb to force that into places for strict canon.
However I do think its important to write in her mistreatment of him and their scene in season two, and how it was connected to Travis no longer flirting - and Katelyn going forward to control her anger. Which was a section I added a long time ago, though not using any harsh language or opinionated language. I believe that section has been changed from my original wording, which isn't ideal at all.
I rewrote the WAF area to fix it into saying possession instead of "split personality" which was absolutely necessary, and added the mobility aid parts. The entire reason that I started editing it was because the wiki had referred to Michael taking control over him as some "split personality disorder" which was disgustingly wrong.
I also added the smaller parts about Travis not actually being as innocent during high school, and Dante knowing him since middle school. All canon information and things shown on screen. I don't know if these parts are still there.
My last edits were absolute months ago, before this blog was created. I made posts back before my original blog was terminated explaining these changes and such, and my apologies for no longer having access to those posts.
I also added to his appearance description, because it had completely left out the color of his pants and shoes, which was honestly just a personal bother because I have some visual struggles and believe that any and all descriptions should include the most basic information they can.
Again, my last edits were at the very very beginning of this year, and this is genuinely on me for not keeping up with the wikis. They're an odd place that receives many weird or unwanted changes, such as Zanes name being changed or people putting two characters as love interests who weren't.
I'm simply upset at losing so much work because I'm not able to fix it until I get a new laptop or my pain flare up ends and I can use my hands for longer than half an hour. MyStreet is very important to me, it's my primary special interest. Travis and Dante are also very important to me, I'm not very sure why. I was only expressing this sort of frustration because it was overwhelming to me finding my work gone, I'm autistic and struggle greatly with being mentally well off after finding out things I do are ultimately going to disappear in the end.
EDIT: My original wording is gone, the wiki now says the word "abuse" when talking about Travlyn and Season 2, this was not my work. So I was right when saying it's been changed from what was originally written. However the part during the "Personality" section talking about the same thing, has not been changed from my original edits. For some weird reason, his shoe color was also removed?
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'Brother in arms' oh they were in each other's arms alright
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nagitosstolenhand · 10 months
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zenix canon transmasc icon
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mye-chi · 1 year
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the crew really slapped logan into the pdh uniform and called it a day but then gave him the shiny shoujo HD eyes in mermaid tales huh
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pen-the-second · 9 months
final fantasy references in aphmau
im going to take note of all the references i can notice as i rewatch (although i will miss many since i have only played ff3, ff7, ff8, ff14, and ff15 all the way through.. im working on ff11 and ff1).. im still not quite sure how im going to do this but oh well
just to start off since im trying to go chronologically: aphmau is the name of a ffxi character
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this is her.. (image from wiki btw i have no clue where to find images) i think this is a relatively known one but i think its a good way to start?? idk i will add stuff from the actual episodes in the morning tho
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pessimistkale · 1 year
List of Every Crime Committed by the Daemos On Earth
-Arson (Asch, Ep. 1, Ep. 14)
-Breaking and Entering (Asch, Ep. 2; Leif, Ep. 18)
-Threatening a Police Officer (Asch, Ep. 2)
-Attempted Murder (Asch, Ep. 3; Leif, Noi, Ep. 5; Leif, Ep. 11)
-Larceny (Pierce, Ep. 3; Leif, Ep. 18; Zex, Ep. 25)
-Assault (Leif, Ep. 4; Asch, Ep. 20; Zex, Ep. 25, Ep. 26)
-Battery (Leif, Ep. 4, Ep. 7, Ep. 24)
-Destruction of Property (Leif, Ep. 5; Asch, Ep. 6; Leif, Ep. 11, Ep. 13, Ep. 18)
-Disturbing the Peace (Leif, Ep. 6)
-Grand Theft Auto (Asch, Ep. 13)
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zombie-ghost · 16 hours
More aphmau mystreet rewrite junk
☆freshman in s1 15 year old, sophomore in s2 16 year old, graduation days 18, 18 in falcon claw universality 20 at the end, 22 in the big move/my street s1 23 at the end, my street s2 23, my street s3 24, my street s4 25, starlight/when angels fall 26
☆ he/him
☆ straight ally
☆ Push over
☆ Trys to seem more confident then he actually is
☆ rlly interested in theater and classic literature
☆ could rant for hours about media he likes
☆ Katelyns no 1 fan boy
☆ idk if travlyn is gonna be canon but if it is then they get together in my street s2 or later
Nana (or "kawai chan" she will not be called that)
☆ Freshman in s1 15 year old, sophomore in s2 16 year old, graduation days 18, 18 in falcon claw universality 20 at the end, 22 in the big move/my street s1 23 at the end, my street s2 23, my street s3 24, my street s4 25, starlight/when angels fall 26
☆ They/she
☆ Pan
☆ Aspec (closeted)
☆ Trans + demi girl
☆ Rlly into j fashion
☆ Needs to be in anger management
☆ Does not talk in the 3rd person
☆ Works in a bakery
☆ rlly likes baking and cooking
☆ when she lives w/ aphmau and Katelyn she's the only one in the house that can cook
☆ owns a bakery/càfe later in life
☆ still a shipper but not creepy abt it
☆ learns to respect boundaries after a much needed wake up call (prolly from Reese)
☆ Doesn't make out w/ Garroth
☆ takes Zanes "can we take our relationship slower?" Much better
☆ neurodivergent
☆ Freshman in s1 15 year old, sophomore in s2 16 year old, graduation days 18, 18 in falcon claw universality 20 at the end, 22 in the big move/my street s1 23 at the end, my street s2 23, my street s3 24, my street s4 25, starlight/when angels fall 26
☆ has rlly bad ache especially in his teenage years
☆ he/they
☆ demi-romantic
☆ trans + nonbinary
☆ bi
☆ blind in right eye
☆ comes from a every wealthy family, people expect highly of him
☆ feels like he's constantly in his older brothers (Garroth) shadow
☆ has childish interest (such as my little horsey) but hides it in fear of being made fun of again
☆ feels unwanted
☆ his Backstory and just character in general is basically the same w/ a few changes
☆ friendship w/ aph is the same
☆ ace
☆ Zana is canon
☆ neurodivergent
☆ sophomore in s1 16 year old, junior in s2 17 year old, graduation days 19, 19 in falcon claw universality 21 at the end, 23 in the big move/my street s1 24 at the end, my street s2 24, my street s3 25, my street s4 26, starlight/when angels fall 27
☆ in a relationship w/ Laurence in my street s1(?)
☆ A bit of a himbo but not dumbed down like he was in the later seasons
☆ bi
☆ he/him
Ideas 4 rewrite
Ppl who have relics get reincarnated or fellow bloodlines and the ppl in said bloodlines have powers or whatever idfk
Irene = Aphmau
Irenes follower = Ein
Shadow = aaron
Enki =Travis
Kul'zak = Garroth
Esmund = Zane
When ever the descendents are near anything related to their ancestor they get these weird flashbacks/ hallucinations (mostly aphmau).
Lmk what yall think
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xxjeffthekillerxx · 10 months
KC and Zane good cop bad cop scene against Ein
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imtoohotmilk · 1 year
i’m posting like i remember anything about aphmau at all
anything after mcd S1 is blank space
what is mystreet?? what is going on?? i only know whatever my mind makes up
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lggy · 11 months
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this one goes out to the 0 other aphmau smp fans in the crowd tonight
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bread-squid-uwu · 1 year
I'm just not gonna touch the wikis again unless absolutely necessary, seeing half of what I typed just GONE is literally just so disheartening.
glad the wheelchair part is still there but fuck dude, I rewrote so much to align with pure canon and its literally gone
that is so much effort and time wasted, literally rewatched the series to fix that entire character wiki and its changed
I dont even know when it was changed, because I fixed it months ago. I should have been keeping up with it
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zaaronvis · 6 months
i think i've built up different hcs / canon in my head for werewolves then there has been for werewolves, anyone know what we actually know? specifically in pdh?
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ember-not-amber · 8 months
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tumbylyr · 1 year
i kind of wish the birth pendant plot wasnt "male and female" in order to have a child i think with how their tribe, a tribe with only women in it, they would have figured out how to make pendants that can have two women have a child
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from the wiki it says that the tribe was blessed with the power of birthing children(sounds silly but lets make it work). so basically this tribe is blessed with fertility and probably technology(not exactly "tech" but rather magic) advanced enough to make pendants that can birth literally children from a drop of blood. so why didnt they just. make one for two women.
wiki link
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