#aph portland
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Portland has a ‘secret’ blog where he posts pictures of his siblings. It’s mostly candid pictures of them doing random things, typically stupid ones. Like Bath eating a greasy sandwich or Augusta dangling from the side of a building. 
However, sometimes he posts these really pretty photos of them, like Cape looking out over a sunset on the ocean or Lewiston walking the edge of the Androscoggin next to graffiti. People keep trying to guess if it’s a bunch of friends of his or possible lovers, as they don’t think his family could be THAT big.
All the other Mainers know about it and follow it, often leaving even more confusing comments, such as ‘God, I love you’ and ‘Who’s THAT BITCH?’
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dr-george-ordell · 3 years ago
One of my oneshot ideas summed up in one image:
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never-enough-fandoms · 4 years ago
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Thinkin bout how Oregon has the Salmonberry, but Blackberry, an invasive species here, is so much more popular
(Also wanted to draw my Oregon oc since I haven't drawn her for a while. This was a good excuse)
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must-be-ryan · 8 years ago
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You know, it’s been a while since I’ve really talked about Maine. So here we go! 
I actually used to have an RP blog for her, but she started out like any first oc would. Pretty bad. She was a quiet, shy girl who was extremely polite? And, as I wasn’t a great artist, she resembled me to an extreme, even clothing wise, as that’s what I could draw. More about her currently under the cut! (And Yes, you can 10000000% ask questions about her)
Text reads: Vacationland (Apparently a motto, it’s on the license plate);
Dirigo (’I lead’ in latin, the official state motto);
Must Be Maine (This is where I got my url from! It’s the motto from the tourism department. fuck if I know why);
Wicked (Wicked comes from the official language of Maine, Mainer, and means ‘Cool’, ‘Awesome’, or ‘Very’ depending on the use);
‘You can’t get there from here’ (From the official language of Maine, Mainer, this means ‘fuck off, I don’t know and I don’t care’, usually when directions are involved);
Polar Star State (We lead, just like the polar star does for sailors!)
Salty Bitch of the North East: Her wicked special title.
Appearance: Brown hair with light purple eyes. She’s pretty pale, being the whitest state (Like, 95% white. Trust me, unless you live near Lewiston or Portland, it’s like skim milk here). She’s pretty active, so she’s on the lean side with some visible muscles, especially abs. Always wears a plaid flannel shirt and jeans, as well as a star necklace. Looks about 18-20ish.
Age: 413 (She was part of Acadia, but her colony failed)
Human Name: Mackenzie Alice Elizabeth Johnson or Violet Johnson (She goes by both; as a child, ‘Violet’ was used mostly around the French, while ‘Mackenzie’ was used around the English, so she swaps between both presently.)
Nicknames: Mack (Prefers this over Mackenzie), Vi (Vi, Bi, BYE)
Sexuality: Bi
Speaks: Mainer, French, and English fluently; Some Somali
Personality: Maine just wants to left to her own devices and be able to hunt and fish as she pleases. She’s not interested in being forced to hang out with people and really couldn’t care less about girly things. HOWEVER! She will do just about anything out of spite. She adores horror movies and books, especially Stephen King works, and is proud of anything from her state, no matter how small. Often jokes about being Canadian, though her dry sense of humor and deadpan tone often makes it seem like she’s serious. Can climb a fir tree in under 5 minutes. Doesn’t matter the size. She’ll do it. (Poor New Hampshire tries to get her to chill and sHE JUST WON’T) Loves animals, especially cats. She can cook really well, especially seafood/lobster, though she makes way too much lobster for it to be healthy. Maine is both the mother-friend and the sister-friend. Yes, she’ll mother the shit out of someone, but she’ll also say things like ‘Do you want me to punch your feelings in the face? I’ll do it. I’ll fucking fight them.’ and will throw down if pushed. Always cold and always down for cuddles. She will push her cold hands on people’s necks until they agree to warm her up. Nova Scotia gives in the quickest (He likes cuddles), New Brunswick will agree if she’s sitting, New Hampshire tries to fight her for it.
Likes: Hunting, fishing, cooking, blueberries, lobster, cats, horror, Halloween, New Hampshire, walks, swimming, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia
Dislikes: Massachusetts, politics, Massachusetts, roundabouts, being treated like an idiot, poachers, Massachusetts, people forgetting she’s a state, England, France, Massachusetts
In all seriousness, Maine does care about Mass. She just butts heads with him extremely often. 
Friends: New Hampshire, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut. (Mostly just the first three. The other four are people she feels like she can count on, but would 110% avoid if seen in public)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Sunday 21 February 1836
7 ¼
11 ¾
No kiss fine morning and F36° at 8 5 at which hour breakfast - Mrs. Fitton came about 10 wanting to see A- the poor woman in trouble about the illness of her son at Mansfield - said what I could to comfort her had wine and biscuit brought and staid with her (in the north parlour) perhaps near ½ hour - with this interruption sat reading from about 8 ½ (when A- off to the school) till 11 from p.125 to 220 and of
‘The physiology of the Faetus, liver and spleen. By George Calvert Holland, M.D. Bachelor of Letters of the university of Paris, formerly senior president of the Huniterian medical society and president of the Royal physical society of Edinburg, Lecturer on physiology, and joint Lecturer on the practise of physic in the Sheffield medical Institution  we have but one simple way left us, and that is, leading mankind of particulars, their senses and their orders; whilst they prevail upon themselves to forsake their notions for a time, and begin their acquaintance with things - nov. org. Part 1. Sect. 1 Aph. xxxvi. Truth has been my only aim; and wherever that has applied to lead, my thoughts have impartially followed -- Locke, B 1. Ch. iv. London for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green 1831’ Sheffield .:. printed by J. Blackwell 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 229 + Introduction pp. xxxii Lent by Mr. Jubb Thursday 28 January 1836 Returned this evening Sunday 21 February 1836
A-returned about 11 10 - wrote the above of today - at 12 10 in 25 minutes A- and I read prayers to my aunt (in bed) and Oddy and John - then looking at the great map (Mr. Harrison’s land) till 1 - at the school at 2 - sat in the carriage 23 minutes reading from p. 54 to 59 Martinet’s manual of pathology - Mr. Wilkinson did all the duty - preached 22 minutes from 1 John i.15 called and sat 1 5 hour at Cliff Hill - Mrs. AW- in good humour and spirits - home at 5 ½ - wrote and sent this evening letter to ‘Mr. Dawson, 41 High street London post paid’ should have been High street Marylebone - to M.B. to their character as lady’s maid - no objection to travel and wrote and sent letter to ‘Mr. Blackman 76 Charlotte street Portland Place London post paid’ to Z.Y. ask the eyes of both the advertisers what wages with whom lived and the address for asking a character - adding ‘Miss Lister’s place is a very desirable one for any person sufficiently respectable and clever to suit her - dinner at 6 ½ - coffee - we were ½ hour with my father and Marian and I longer - then read the newspapers debates and all - interesting speeches on Russian agrandissement went to my aunt 9 40 to 10 then ½ hour looking over maps - Paris to Leipzig and Vienna - fine day F37° now at 10 ½ pm
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lgbtchildrensrep · 5 years ago
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Student journalist Shayla Cabalan describes her own experience as a member of the LGBT community growing up without any representation in media. She highlights the vital importance of positive representation of queer characters, especially in regards to LGBT youth. LGBT characters have often been neglected or killed off in media, and kids deserve more than what Hollywood views as expendable characters. 
The Reflector is an award-winning student newspaper written by journalism students from the University of Indianapolis. Shayla Cabalan is both an active journalist and editor for the paper, having written numerous articles on a variety of subjects. Cabalan offers a personal perspective on the effects of LGBT media for children, as well as the repercussions of the lack of it.
This report outlines and lists LGBT representation in television media from the year 2017-2018. GLADD has been tracking the presence of LGBT characters on television since it was first founded in 1985. The organization works to find where LGBT representation is lacking and support the diversity of LGBT characters on TV. The report gives statistics on the number of characters on TV representation a spectrum of minority groups.
GLADD is an organization that has been in action for over 20 years. This report is something they release every year, depicting the lack of diverse LGBT characters on TV. While not directly pertaining to children's television, the statistics still show the gross underrepresentation queer characters have in popular media, as well as programs directed towards children.
This thesis paper analyzes LGBT representation on streaming and broadcast television. It goes in-depth on the importance of LGBT representation, how it has changed over time, the difference between the representation of bisexual and transgender characters vs. lesbian and gay ones, and the difference between broadcast television vs. online streaming services.
This is an honors thesis paper for The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga that has been approved by Dr. Elizabeth Gailey and Dr. Michael McCluskey. The paper highlights the importance of LGBT representation and, while not explicitly arguing for LGBT children's media, still supports the significance it has on LGBT audiences.
This paper looks into the lack of chapter books for upper elementary readers with LGBT characters. This paper undertakes a dual analysis of those books that contained LGBT characters but highlighted particular normative identities while ignoring others. The author also argues that books focusing solely on LGBT character's identities limit the queer potential in books. This paper looks to find and review LGBT inclusive books for young adult readers, analyze the gaps caused by lack of representation in the literature to push back against normalizing constructs, and to show how bringing queer critique to such media can be used to diversify representations of queer characters in addition to publishing more diverse books. 
This is an academic paper with authors affiliated with Western Michigan University and East Carolina University. It is sourced directly from Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education (pg 21). The paper lists many books representing LGBT children's media in relation to this blog's topic.
This paper analyzes the attitudes, references, and occurrences of LGBT representation in children's media. The paper has an in-depth analysis of queer themes and references in children's shows and movies, as well as the harm queer coded villains can cause to LGBT children. While representation has gotten better within recent years, Caldwell found that LGBT characters are often reduced to stereotypes and fail to show the diversity within the LGBT community. 
This is an academic paper written as an undergraduate honors thesis for Portland State University. Caldwell conducted his own study taking inspiration from past studies into opinions on the LGBT coded characters that fit the criteria of his coding scheme. The rhetoric of queer theory was also utilized in the search for characters not fitting the heteronormative gender binary. Caldwell leaned heavily on past successful studies while conducting his own, as well as consulted numerous sources in support of his study.
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imakemywings · 8 years ago
Just so y’all know I’m headed out to Anime PDX in Portland today! If anyone’s gonna be there, come say hi! I’ll be cosplaying APH France and April Fool’s America!
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hipsofsteel · 7 years ago
Oh shit I forgot until last night that the startshit child is def. a cyclist, and goes almost everywhere on a bike in urban settings
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Maine: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad. I just want to know.
Lewiston: I did. I broke it…
Maine: No. No, you didn’t. Portland?
Portland: Don’t look at me. Look at Augusta.
Augusta: What?! I didn’t break it.
Portland: Huh. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?
Augusta: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken!
Portland: Suspicious.
Augusta: No, it’s not!
Bangor: If it matters, probably not… Cape was the last one to use it.
Cape Elizabeth: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!
Bangor: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Cape Elizabeth: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Bangor!
Lewiston: Alright let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Maine.
Maine: No. Who broke it?
Peeks Island: [whispering] Maine, South’s been awfully quiet…
South Portland: Really?!
Peeks Island: Yeah, really!
Maine: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Portland: Told Houston I like him. He said he’s unsure and needs to think about his feelings for me
Augusta: How long has he been thinking?
Portland: 3 years
(Source: Twitter)
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
(Source: Homestuck)
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
❤ for anyone!
❤-Family (Random selection was Peeks Island!)
Max is basically the baby of everyone, even though Adrienne (South Portland) is technically younger. He’s smol. (A little under 1000 population.)
Ena (Cape Elizabeth) basically raised him and Adrienne alongside each other. Due to this, Max is more willing to put off with their quirks than any other Mainer.
He actually gets along with Lucas, really
The four of them, alongside Morgane (Bath), make up the most populated area of Maine, so they spend a lot of time chatting together, especially after meetings.
Max sees Mack the least out of all everyone. However, she makes a point to visit at least once a year, just the two of them.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
New Hampshire, to Maine: So where you from? Heaven?
Portland: Yeah, she's a ghost. She died fifteen years ago, just like that pickup line.
(Source: How I Met Your Mother)
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Portland: Do you realize we haven't argued for 15 seconds?
Augusta: It was 20, shut up.
(Source: Saved by the Bell)
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
((For the ship thing!)) Annapolis/Dover, Maine/New Hampshire, and Alaska/Hawaii?
//Oof, hope you’re ready for a read!
Who’s the more protective one
I’m going to say Dover. She seems like she’d follow in Delaware’s footsteps with how he treats Maryland, so she’d do everything to keep Anna safe. She also wants to be Anna’s ‘knight in shining armor’, so she feels like she has to protect Anna from literally anything.
Who’s more emotional
Also Dover. Dory tends to feel like she needs to ‘prove’ herself a lot and runs on high amounts of energy. This causes her to react in very emotionally driven ways, even when the best option is to sit back and relax.
How they balance each other out
Both are energetic. They can spend a lot of time together and never get bored. While Dory is more emotional, Anna tends to keep her calm. They enjoy similar things and grew up with one another, so they can read the other extremely easily.
How they clash
Both are energetic. While this can be a blessing, they can burn themselves out sometimes. Dover’s more emotional responses tend to cause anxiety in Anna, leading to her panicking in an attempt to help. These emotions bounce back and forth and escalate until the problem is solved or a state steps in.
How they confessed
Like I said before, the two are really good at reading each other. However, Anna would’ve pulled away in fear when she came to realize her feelings for Dory. This cause fear and heartbreak in Dory, which then caused those emotions to bounce back off of Anna. So they two avoided each other until they couldn’t take all the time apart. Either Trenton or Harrisburg would’ve stepped in, reminding them that the two of them had bee n close for years, so they were literally throwing away decades, if not centuries, of their friendship. However, due to the emotional tension, Dory basically yelled at Anna that she loved her. Anna then promptly tackled her.
What others think of the relationship
Both Delaware and Maryland approve 100% because who’s better for their capitals than the other’s? Maine only sees them through Augusta but she’d cover an escape for the two if they want some alone time. New Hampshire and Vermont think they’re cute, like two puppies.
As for other cities, Albany thinks they’re both terrors in their own right so they’re a perfect couple. Portland and NYC have learned to avoid them and any room they are in together, though they’ve learned how to hunt NYC down to play pranks. They don’t dare try to follow Portland. Augusta still hasn’t learned to avoid rooms they are alone in and has walked in on them making out many times.
All in all, everyone is okay with it but would prefer the non-straight jokes to stop, Dover.
Maine/New Hampshire
Who’s the more protective one
Now this is hard. Both Maine and New Hampshire are extremely protective people. However, Jacob wins by a slight margin. How? He knows Maine’s past. He knows how many people abandoned her. He’s seen her in the heat of battle, throwing her life on the line for others, including him. And he hates it. He can’t stand seeing her in pain ever again. In his eyes, she’s dealt with enough.
Who’s more emotional
NH shows more, Maine feels more. While Jacob doesn’t show much emotion, he shows more than Mack. However, Mack feels too much. She tries to cut herself off from emotions but loses that if anyone shows resemblance to someone she deeply cares about, such as Vermont reminding her of Portland, NH reminding her of Augusta, and Jefferson reminding her of herself.
She also simply can’t hide her more motherly side. She raised both Portland and Augusta, not to mention herself. She nurses animals back to health. As such, she tends to take people younger than her under her wing, giving them more leeway than someone closer to her age. Two good examples would be Sacramento and Los Angeles, as she’s willing to put up with them far more than either California.
How they balance each other out
They understand what the other has gone through. They fought alongside each other, seen the same horrors as the other, ect. While Maine is cold to others, NH tried to be welcoming without overstepping her boundaries. He helps open her up to others, while she helps keep him from trying too hard or becoming a doormat.
How they clash
There’s a reason this blog has the words ‘What is ‘responsibility’ you speak of?’ in the description. While they both tend to act more reserve and calm, they’re also ticking time bombs. Not of anger or jealousy, but of awful ideas. They feed into one another and cause a lot of havoc.
How they confessed
It was a slow start. Maine didn’t want him to become too ingrained into her life, in case he left her. However, she also noted he was similar to Augusta, as he preferred to be left alone but would work with others if forced. Knowing that they had saved each other during the American Revolution helped as well. However, the tipping point was when their cities met. Portland and Augusta took some time to get used to Concord but refused to make him feel unwelcome, even if they weren’t sure how, which lead to the three becoming almost inseparable. NH decided enough was enough, so he tried going the romantic route and taking her on a moonlit walk in the woods. However, before he could even speak, she kissed him.
What others think of the relationship
Portland, Augusta, and Concord knew it was going to happen and worked hard to make sure they never got in the way, so they were excited when it finally happened. Vermont and Montpelier had a bonfire of their plans to get them together. It lasted for days.
Everyone else expected it. Seriously, everyone. While the two aren’t the most lovey-dovey couple, everyone knows how deeply they care about each other.
Who’s the more protective one
Shockingly enough, Hawaii. Alaska was also an outsider due to his Russian roots, so he didn’t feel like he fit in. Hawaii knew this and refused to let anyone feel alone, so she began to argue with people that he’s just as much of a state as they are.
Who’s more emotional
Alaska. While he’s similar to Maine in the sense that he tries to hide it more, he put up with a lot growing up. He just bottles it up and waits for a better time to release it all at once. Hawaii is more ‘go with the flow’, unless Alaska is upset, in which case, she becomes protective.
How they balance each other out
Alaska is used to harsh conditions, while Hawaii isn’t. She reminds him to move forward in life and to relax, while he reminds her that sometimes ‘going with the flow’ isn’t the best option. While Alaska hides under a cold mask, Hawaii reminds him that people care about him and that he can open up. Hawaii tries to forgive and forget, but Alaska remind her that holding negative feelings for a short time isn’t the end of the world.
How they clash
Alaska can’t leave things undone. Hawaii can. They two clash a lot over time constraints, especially self-imposed ones. Due to Alaska’s stubborn nature, he’ll hide away when Hawaii has upset him, which annoys her, especially when she doesn’t know what exactly she did. This causes Alaska to get more upset and bottle up more negative emotions until one of them explodes and the two reconcile.
How they confessed
Alaska confessed on accident. They were hanging out on the islands, walking on a beach after a meeting. Hawaii had stood up for Alaska again and dragged him from the building to talk. He said ‘Have I ever told you how much I love you?’ and she responded with ‘No, but you should.’ and slipped her arm around his waist.
What others think of the relationship
Some were shocked. States on the East Coast were confused how the two got along so well and thought it was a joke at first. The Pacific States knew both of them and saw it coming for miles.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Portland: Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
(Source: Dilbert)
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