#aph concord
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dylanshetaplanesandhcs · 7 months ago
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Studies started in 1954, and France and the UK signed a treaty establishing the development project on 29 November 1962, as the programme cost was estimated at £70 million (£1.68 billion in 2023). Construction of the six prototypes began in February 1965, and the first flight took off from Toulouse on 2 March 1969.
Concorde: 1976-2003
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
((For the ship thing!)) Annapolis/Dover, Maine/New Hampshire, and Alaska/Hawaii?
//Oof, hope you’re ready for a read!
Who’s the more protective one
I’m going to say Dover. She seems like she’d follow in Delaware’s footsteps with how he treats Maryland, so she’d do everything to keep Anna safe. She also wants to be Anna’s ‘knight in shining armor’, so she feels like she has to protect Anna from literally anything.
Who’s more emotional
Also Dover. Dory tends to feel like she needs to ‘prove’ herself a lot and runs on high amounts of energy. This causes her to react in very emotionally driven ways, even when the best option is to sit back and relax.
How they balance each other out
Both are energetic. They can spend a lot of time together and never get bored. While Dory is more emotional, Anna tends to keep her calm. They enjoy similar things and grew up with one another, so they can read the other extremely easily.
How they clash
Both are energetic. While this can be a blessing, they can burn themselves out sometimes. Dover’s more emotional responses tend to cause anxiety in Anna, leading to her panicking in an attempt to help. These emotions bounce back and forth and escalate until the problem is solved or a state steps in.
How they confessed
Like I said before, the two are really good at reading each other. However, Anna would’ve pulled away in fear when she came to realize her feelings for Dory. This cause fear and heartbreak in Dory, which then caused those emotions to bounce back off of Anna. So they two avoided each other until they couldn’t take all the time apart. Either Trenton or Harrisburg would’ve stepped in, reminding them that the two of them had bee n close for years, so they were literally throwing away decades, if not centuries, of their friendship. However, due to the emotional tension, Dory basically yelled at Anna that she loved her. Anna then promptly tackled her.
What others think of the relationship
Both Delaware and Maryland approve 100% because who’s better for their capitals than the other’s? Maine only sees them through Augusta but she’d cover an escape for the two if they want some alone time. New Hampshire and Vermont think they’re cute, like two puppies.
As for other cities, Albany thinks they’re both terrors in their own right so they’re a perfect couple. Portland and NYC have learned to avoid them and any room they are in together, though they’ve learned how to hunt NYC down to play pranks. They don’t dare try to follow Portland. Augusta still hasn’t learned to avoid rooms they are alone in and has walked in on them making out many times.
All in all, everyone is okay with it but would prefer the non-straight jokes to stop, Dover.
Maine/New Hampshire
Who’s the more protective one
Now this is hard. Both Maine and New Hampshire are extremely protective people. However, Jacob wins by a slight margin. How? He knows Maine’s past. He knows how many people abandoned her. He’s seen her in the heat of battle, throwing her life on the line for others, including him. And he hates it. He can’t stand seeing her in pain ever again. In his eyes, she’s dealt with enough.
Who’s more emotional
NH shows more, Maine feels more. While Jacob doesn’t show much emotion, he shows more than Mack. However, Mack feels too much. She tries to cut herself off from emotions but loses that if anyone shows resemblance to someone she deeply cares about, such as Vermont reminding her of Portland, NH reminding her of Augusta, and Jefferson reminding her of herself.
She also simply can’t hide her more motherly side. She raised both Portland and Augusta, not to mention herself. She nurses animals back to health. As such, she tends to take people younger than her under her wing, giving them more leeway than someone closer to her age. Two good examples would be Sacramento and Los Angeles, as she’s willing to put up with them far more than either California.
How they balance each other out
They understand what the other has gone through. They fought alongside each other, seen the same horrors as the other, ect. While Maine is cold to others, NH tried to be welcoming without overstepping her boundaries. He helps open her up to others, while she helps keep him from trying too hard or becoming a doormat.
How they clash
There’s a reason this blog has the words ‘What is ‘responsibility’ you speak of?’ in the description. While they both tend to act more reserve and calm, they’re also ticking time bombs. Not of anger or jealousy, but of awful ideas. They feed into one another and cause a lot of havoc.
How they confessed
It was a slow start. Maine didn’t want him to become too ingrained into her life, in case he left her. However, she also noted he was similar to Augusta, as he preferred to be left alone but would work with others if forced. Knowing that they had saved each other during the American Revolution helped as well. However, the tipping point was when their cities met. Portland and Augusta took some time to get used to Concord but refused to make him feel unwelcome, even if they weren’t sure how, which lead to the three becoming almost inseparable. NH decided enough was enough, so he tried going the romantic route and taking her on a moonlit walk in the woods. However, before he could even speak, she kissed him.
What others think of the relationship
Portland, Augusta, and Concord knew it was going to happen and worked hard to make sure they never got in the way, so they were excited when it finally happened. Vermont and Montpelier had a bonfire of their plans to get them together. It lasted for days.
Everyone else expected it. Seriously, everyone. While the two aren’t the most lovey-dovey couple, everyone knows how deeply they care about each other.
Who’s the more protective one
Shockingly enough, Hawaii. Alaska was also an outsider due to his Russian roots, so he didn’t feel like he fit in. Hawaii knew this and refused to let anyone feel alone, so she began to argue with people that he’s just as much of a state as they are.
Who’s more emotional
Alaska. While he’s similar to Maine in the sense that he tries to hide it more, he put up with a lot growing up. He just bottles it up and waits for a better time to release it all at once. Hawaii is more ‘go with the flow’, unless Alaska is upset, in which case, she becomes protective.
How they balance each other out
Alaska is used to harsh conditions, while Hawaii isn’t. She reminds him to move forward in life and to relax, while he reminds her that sometimes ‘going with the flow’ isn’t the best option. While Alaska hides under a cold mask, Hawaii reminds him that people care about him and that he can open up. Hawaii tries to forgive and forget, but Alaska remind her that holding negative feelings for a short time isn’t the end of the world.
How they clash
Alaska can’t leave things undone. Hawaii can. They two clash a lot over time constraints, especially self-imposed ones. Due to Alaska’s stubborn nature, he’ll hide away when Hawaii has upset him, which annoys her, especially when she doesn’t know what exactly she did. This causes Alaska to get more upset and bottle up more negative emotions until one of them explodes and the two reconcile.
How they confessed
Alaska confessed on accident. They were hanging out on the islands, walking on a beach after a meeting. Hawaii had stood up for Alaska again and dragged him from the building to talk. He said ‘Have I ever told you how much I love you?’ and she responded with ‘No, but you should.’ and slipped her arm around his waist.
What others think of the relationship
Some were shocked. States on the East Coast were confused how the two got along so well and thought it was a joke at first. The Pacific States knew both of them and saw it coming for miles.
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April 19th, 1775. When shit got real.
((So basically Massy was kind of the most rebellious colony England had to deal with. After Massy refused to pay taxes, engaged in fighting against the British soldier, openly talked shit about England to the other colonies, and in defiance of the will of god dumped his tea in the harbor and refused to pay for it, England finally snapped and declared Massachusetts in open rebellion.
Later, the British decided to go to Concord, where the militia was keeping their ammunition. But Massy and company were there waiting for him on the path to Concord, aka Lexington. Neither the patriot militia or the British initially wanted to fight each other, and the British were already ready to leave, but dammit some shitface fired a shot, and the battle began. Needless to say, the British triumphed over the terribly ill-prepared colonists and proceeded their march to Concord, where they burned the remaining weaponry that didn’t get relocated in time. Though on their way back, the British were ambushed by like 3000 something militiamen who fired at them from behind trees and rocks (ended in like 200 British casualties).
The picture depicts the second half of the battle where the militiamen are doing the killings on the way back from Concord (forgive me I can’t draw trees ;-;). Massy had just witnessed his companions getting slaughtered at Lexington at the hands of the British, of England. His reason was clouded by hatred and thirst for vengeance, so Massy aimed his rifle at England and fired without mercy. Though he didn’t end up killing the empire, nor did England end up capturing him, the battle at Lexington and Concord is the official beginning of the decade-long war of independence against the British.))
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itsmedicinesfakianakis · 8 years ago
Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System: Discordance Between Computed Tomography and Gadoxetate-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Major Features.
Purpose: The goal of this study was to compare agreement between computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of the major Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) features used in assessment of hepatocellular carcinoma: arterial phase hyperenhancement (APHE), portal venous phase washout (WO), capsule appearance (capsule), and largest diameter (diameter). Methods: Patients with liver protocol CT and gadoxetate-enhanced MRI within 1 month of each other and at least 1 discrete untreated liver lesion were included. Two readers independently reviewed hepatic arterial phase and portal venous phase of each lesion on both CT and MRI, presented at random. The APHE, WO, capsule, and diameter were assessed for each lesion on CT and MRI. The LI-RADS category was assigned based on the recorded major features. Interobserver agreements between the readers for both imaging modalities and for each of the major features were assessed using [kappa] statistics. Agreement between CT and MRI for each reader and for each feature was assessed using [kappa] statistics. Agreement was interpreted based on [kappa] as follows: 0.20 or less, slight agreement; 0.21 to 0.40, fair agreement; 0.41 to 0.60, moderate agreement; 0.61 to 0.80, substantial agreement; and 0.81 to 1.00, almost perfect agreement. Intraclass correlation coefficient was used to assess concordance of diameter measurements. Results: There were 42 patients (mean age, 62.2 +/- 7.0 years; 33 men [78.6%]) with 50 lesions. On CT, the interobserver agreement between the readers was almost perfect for APHE ([kappa] = 0.85), WO ([kappa] = 0.83), and capsule ([kappa] = 0.86). On MRI, the interobserver agreement between the readers was almost perfect for APHE ([kappa] = 0.86) and WO ([kappa] = 0.83) and moderate for capsule ([kappa] = 0.59). Intraclass correlation coefficient for diameter measurement was 0.99 for CT and 0.98 for MRI. For reader 1, the agreement between CT and MRI was fair for APHE ([kappa] = 0.39) and capsule ([kappa] = 0.26) and moderate for WO ([kappa] = 0.49). For reader 2, the agreement between CT and MRI was moderate for APHE ([kappa] = 0.43) and capsule ([kappa] = 0.43) and fair ([kappa] = 0.38) for WO. Agreement between readers for final LI-RADS category was substantial for CT ([kappa] = 0.79) and moderate for MRI ([kappa] = 0.60). Agreement for final LI-RADS categories between MRI and CT was fair for both reader 1 ([kappa] = 0.33) and reader 2 ([kappa] = 0.39). Conclusions: Interobserver agreement for the major LI-RADS features varies from moderate to almost perfect, for both CT and MRI. However, the agreement between CT and MRI for each of the major LI-RADS features is poor, ranging from fair to moderate. This poor agreement contributes to substantial differences between final LI-RADS category assigned on CT versus MRI. Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. from # All Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via alkiviadis.1961 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2fHIB0F
from OtoRhinoLaryngology - Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2i1manX
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Montpelier: I don't need gasoline to start a fire! All I need are my hands & lack of adult supervision!
Concord, to other capitals: We're dead.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Portland: Rules were made to be broken.
Boston: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Concord: Uh, Piñatas?
Augusta: Glow sticks.
Providence: Karate boards.
Montpelier: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Portland: Rules.
(Source: Brooklyn Nine Nine)
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Maine: You pathetic fools! Now we’re all gonna die!
Concord: Even me?
Maine: No, not you Concord. Now here’s a blanket and a thermos of delicious hot cocoa.
Concord: Aww…
(Source: Drawn Together)
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Maine: You need them to think you’re stronger than you actually are.
Concord: That’s what you do?
Maine: Me? Oh, no. My power is no illusion. I can fucking demolish you.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
The Maine Trio is really good at parkour but depending on the area, they can be terrifying. Maine can launch herself up a tree and swing like Tarzan while Portland can scale a building by hopping from window to window no problem. Augusta is great at both and if often found scaling the Maine Capital Building’s interior to avoid doing work. They can be seen carrying people while doing so sometimes. All three typically grab Concord and run. Concord doesn’t know what to think.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Concord: You're ready?
Montpelier: Not at all. But that's never stopped us before.
(Source: Parks and Recreation)
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Event: Human/High School Au!
The Cities: Mix of Junior and Sophomores. This will list the Sophomores. (Warning: Long)
Quiet and not interested. While his sister still commands respect, Aaron doesn’t. The reason people leave him be is due to who his siblings are, though rumor is he’s just as terrifying as she is when angry. He’s smart enough to get through school without much help but stupid enough to try and eat non-edible things. While he’s quiet, he’s often seen dissecting school lunches to see if the food is really what it claims to be. You can pay him to bring you outside food, but he charges a fee of $5 for a single meal.
Favorite Class/Future Goal
Study Hall. He actually enjoys music and biology. Much to the shock of his classmates, he’s amazing on a violin. He dreams of becoming a musician but always answers surgeon when asked.
Least Favorite Class
Any class where the teacher just talks for hours without pause.
Much like his brother, he really cares about his education. However, he’s also someone with a lot of energy and bad ideas. Connor, along with Aaron and Monty, are the three biggest troublemakers in their grade, thought often it’s unintentional.
Favorite Class/Future Goal
Robotics. He loves to see how things work and feels a surge of pride when he gets something to correctly work. He has no clue what he wants to do but might follow engineering.
Least Favorite Class
Much like Aaron, he can’t stand classes where the teacher just talks.
Monty loves pranks but only if they have few to no negative consequences. Messing with someone by leaving candy everywhere? He loves it. Locking someone he doesn’t know in a locker? He’d rather someone punch him. He’s also a rough houser and can go toe to toe with Aaron and Connor when playing hockey. Everyone else is afraid of the crossfire.
Favorite Class/Future Goal
Gym. He needs to let his energy out somehow. He’s unsure of a career and hopes to figure something out soon.
Least Favorite Class
Chemistry. He tends to rush things, which leads to experiments epically failing.
Aloof, with a ‘I’m better than you’ air, many people are shocked to learn Anthony and Hudson are brothers, though upon meeting Lance, they’re less so. Anthony sees his grades as a necessity and feels obligated to get the highest grade possible. However, he’s a bundle of nerves that fall apart at the smallest inconvenience. The few times this has happened at school, the problem either magically fixed itself (with the other person pale and terrified. Anthony assumes it’s his brothers or parents stepping in) or he finds something sweet to munch on till he feels better. He’s not sure if he has a guardian angel or not but he’s grateful.
Favorite Class/Future Goal
If asked, he’ll say math. However, he enjoys music. Not because he can play (he can’t) but because he loves listening to Aaron play. He plans on following Lance into business but wonders what it would be like to go into counseling or teaching.
Least Favorite Class
Gym. He feels like Aaron singles him out and he often leaves with a bruise somewhere on his body. His glasses somehow never break, much to his shock (Aaron never seems to aim for the face).
Courtney ‘Dory’ is similar to her brother in many ways. She enjoys joking around and having fun more than sitting down and being lectured. She often goes to Aaron for food that doesn’t taste bad and is the sole reason he charges per meal, as she would buy one for her, one for Warren, one for Anna, and one for Mary.
Favorite Class/Future Goal
She loves any class she gets to spend time with Anna in, so mostly study hall. She hasn’t got a clue what she wants to do when she graduates.
Least Favorite Class
Anything with a long lecture.
More quiet than Dory, Anna is serious about grades. She wants to get into a good school so that she’ll make enough money to survive. However, Dory is unwilling to let her focus solely on school, so she has attended different parties. Her favorites are Aaron’s, because he tends to only invite quiet people who won’t bother him and just kind leaves them in his living room so he can convince his parents that he has a lot of friends.
Favorite Class/Future Goal
She loves biology, like her sister, but finds she loves history a bit more. She wants to become a historian one day. She also enjoy gym due to Aaron seemingly taking pity on her and helping her out, especially in Hockey.
Least Favorite Class
Isabelle ‘Izzy’ loves being outdoors. Sitting in one place all day is hard for her but she manages good grades in spite of it. She often convinces people to tutor her and helps run theater productions. She’s a serious manager and can easily put up with any on-stage drama queens, her twin included.
Favorite Class/Future Goal
Gym. She may not be as good at hockey as Aaron, Connor, and Monty but she enjoys the challenge they provide. Part of her really wants to go into theater as a stage manager.
Least Favorite Class
She finds interesting things in all her classes, even if she finds them hard to sit through.
Los Angeles/Elizabeth
The only person who’s a bigger drama queen than Elizabeth ‘Lizzy’ is her older sister, Allison. A true theater kid, Lizzy loves the spotlight. She’s a huge fan of putting on shows and creating movies. She’s actually very good at preforming and tends to mother the other theater kids. She hates anyone who acts like theater is easy or acts like supporting rolls/stagehands/anyone behind the scenes are worthless. She actually deals with Aaron a lot due to his violin playing and has convinced him to play during one of their productions before. He hated every moment he was in the spotlight.
Favorite Class/Future Goal
Theater, multimedia, gym, and wood shop. Hey, she needs to be physically active to preform and she loved helping people make the backgrounds to her plays! She wants to either become a movie star or a broadway star.
Least Favorite Class
Much like her twin, she finds something useful and interesting in all of her classes. She tends to relate them to theater and how they’d be useful there.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Concord: You have to pick your battles.
Montpelier: Well, I’m full of rage and picking all of them.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Seeing as Maine/Jefferson has become a pretty big brOTP on this blog, I was thinking about some headcanons around them meeting/their relationship! @flyingsassysaddles
I mean, California would’ve been the one to introduce them technically but Maine also doesn’t get along with Cali. So all he’d hear about Maine would be comments like ‘Oh, she’ll hate you. She hates everyone.’ or ‘She’s cold and cruel.’ and the like. So imagine him finally meeting this state who has been hyped up as someone who will do their best to make his life awful only to meet a girl who honestly does not care. She not mean, per say, but she simply doesn’t have much to say. So he’s confused but relieved.
Then Cali starts talking about how he isn’t a state and how he won’t become one and he sees what Cali meant by mean and cruel. Because Maine is having none of that. If he wants to be a state, then he can become one if he puts his mind to it. That’s how she became one. Does Cali now have a problem with her statehood? No? Then shut up. He’s a kid, Cali. Leave him alone.
So after a while he begins to see a side of Maine that only New Hampshire, Portland, and Augusta really see. She’s teasing and still distant, but it’s not something he’d think of as cruel. She willingly argues with people over his statehood, reminding them that she was part of Massachusetts and is now her own state, which is similar to his situation. She willingly puts herself in front of him to protect him. She acts like an older sister.
A lot of the states don’t understand. She’s so cold to them but she seems to enjoy spending time with a west-coaster? What’s up with that? However, New England and America get it. She basically raised Portland and Augusta. She’s proven to be loyal to an extreme to America. She’s a family person deep down and he’s so similar to her in his goals.
Portland and Augusta take a while to get used to this random kid from away but do see him as one of them later on. I mean, Maine already treats him like a brother, why shouldn’t they?
Soon it’s almost like a family unit, with Maine and New Hampshire taking care of Portland, Augusta, Concord, and Jefferson. Vermont and Montpellier would be that awesome uncle and cousin who basically live with them. Mass and Boston are those family members you put up with but secretly don’t actually hate them as much as you claim. The rest of New England are those family members you only hear from during holidays. New York, NYC, and Albany are over a lot but are not really part of the family. Yet.
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
Concord: What’s it like dealing with Augusta?
Portland: Once, I asked him for a drink of water while he was pissed at me, and he brought me a glass full of ice and said “wait”.
(Source: Tumblr)
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askaphmaine · 7 years ago
New York: What's your occupation, young man?
Concord: Staying out of people's business.
(Source: Mad Men)
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