#aomine thread.
inkshadow · 1 year
“That’s not —“ But the implication of her statement lingered in the air. Her outburst loud and clear even if she tried to redirect his attention elsewhere. Why would she care? Why give a single damn about some idiotic, self-centered, lazy jackass like him? There is nothing to gain. Nothing to really find illuminating aside from letting herself be sucked in by his stupidity and allowing this mistake to occur. The sooner she admitted what a mistake this was, the sooner she could leave. Add in how much of a waste of time he was. After all it’s not like he cared what anyone said. It didn’t trample on his freedom. Didn’t weigh on his mind for a second. He lived and breathed as he desires — “why don’t you care?!”, she shouts as hands shove him back but a wall of muscle is unyielding. Once where composure seemed king now patience frayed at the edges. A torrent of frustration crashing into her chest impossible to contain as envy gnawed its way deeper into her heart. He could do /anything/ he wanted. Live /however/ he wished and this is his choice? “You’re choosing to keep your head down like everyone else — and for what? To avoid some damn consequence?!” (Ayana)
it's her exclamation that has his pupils expanding, the outburst implying that she's bothered by the way he chooses to exist. his body hardly reacts to her shove but mostly due to the weight of her words versus actual physicality. why don't you care. why does it matter to her that he doesn't? unless — no, it couldn't possibly be. envy? that something as trivial as the words of others can simply cascade down his back like water headed towards a drain of empty threats? ❝ consequences? i'm capable of handling whatever consequences may come up... ❞ he's not finished speaking just yet, reaching a large hand out to rest on her head, effectively tipping it up to look at him. ❝ caring... implies that i have something to lose. and i don't have anything to lose anymore. ❞ simply put, the only thing in his eyes now is basketball. so long as he lives and breathes it, nothing else can get in the way because he has the ultimate control on the courts. everything — and everyone — else ceases to exist because acknowledging them will only introduce opportunity for heartbreak. for distraction. ❝ i really do feel sorry for you, captain, ❞ he adds, lowering his arm back to his side before taking a step forward to effectively shove her aside with his broad frame. ❝ maybe you should stop worrying about what others think..... for once. maybe then will you start smiling more around campus. ❞ / @lunarxdaydream
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hey-cringelord · 10 months
my favorite guy
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suffered the wrath of zerochans horrible load features to get these by the way. hes lucky hes worth it
bonus: mr. nice guy (clearly)
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maigo-san · 2 years
I love awkward aoka.
They are often so awkward when interacting off-court. Literally, the only times they bicker are when they play. They can have different opinions, even though a lot of times not.
Because neither of them has any personal vendetta or history and this is what I actually like about them. Kagami is a new part of their in-group and aomine (even during post-canon) often acts reluctant every time he has to join in (even tho he secretly wants to).
They adore each other's play, and probably have been teased about being similar despite ✨rivals✨ so they often adamantly try to prove that they are not, making them less likely to openly bicker outside of court.
Not to mention Kagami didn't know anything about Teikou yet can still relate to Aomine because of his own relationship with Himuro. I love imagining them going out in a group and then Kise mentioned something that only Teikou alumni can relate and Kagami just 🧍 while Aomine rolls his eyes. Lowkey he probably also can't relate because he stopped coming to school at some point. Also, experiencing burnout and depression, he often felt detached even though he's physically there so he'd be like. "I don't remember that? Who's that? Oh, I forgot."
Then he looks at Kagami, secretly feeling grateful he's not the only one that felt out of the loop. But they rather just sneak glances at each other, pretending they're looking at something else than admit it.
If they ever bicker, it's literally the same thing over and over again. Aomine grumbles because he doesn't want to seem like he's enjoying Kagami's company but then asks him to 1on1, Kagami looks angry but then tries to get him to talk about basketball tricks or NBA which Aomine answers with he doesn't care much, he just likes playing them and he called Kagami a nerd which despite looking angry, Kagami would be amused. Him? Delinquent, bad at academics, and gets along better with anyone around Aomine is being called a nerd?
Aomine secretly grows fonder the longer they interact and Kagami realizes his own feelings are literally my staple hc hhngggghh
Kuroko: kagami-kun, please tell aomine-kun his burger is ready Kagami: hey Aomine, already frowning: what Kagami: the food is ready Aomine: then go get it yourself Kagami: I meant YOUR OWN BURGER. THAT YOU ORDERED Aomine: ...oh
I love them so much, they're the best.
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lamnwar · 4 months
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MDNI 18+
Daiki knows he's being stupid. A real idiot for the way he feels.
It's just a piece of fabric, for fuck's sake!
A blue silk robe you bought on your latest trip to China, handcrafted by an old artisan with so much love and talent that you didn't mind spending most of your souvenir budget on it. Something about the little details – the cloud shaped pattern on the cuffs and collar, the deep pockets that keep your hands warm, the flowers and branches embroidered in gold thread – it was too gorgeous not to buy it.
But god, does Daiki hate it. It stems entirely in his unreasonable jealousy for the cloth, his insides burning when he sees how it wraps around your body. The blue silk cord around your waist, holding it together. The way it drapes your shoulders so delicately. The way it clings to your chest, your nipples perking through the fabric.
That should be him. That should be his hands on your waist, holding you tight. That should be his fingers on your shoulders, taking in the softness of your skin. That should be his mouth around your perked nipples, sucking on them till his jaw hurts.
His cock aches in his boxers every night and morning, when you roam around the house in nothing but that blue silk robe, so carelessly doing your thing. Watering your indoor plants, choosing your outfit for the next day, making yourself a cup of hot beverage to warm your insides the same way that godforsaken robe keeps you warm outside. And then you climb in bed, your thighs that Daiki loves so much peeking out of the slit, and you lean towards him, the robe opening just enough to show your bare chest under it.
That's when he loses his mind. He can't take it anymore. He well knows he sounds insane but if Daiki could be anything, he'd be that blue silk robe. Wrapping your body and touching your skin at all times. He grunts, pulling you into a wild kiss as his fingers untie the robe in frustration.
Get out of this thing, cling to me. He's feral, and you're confused. What on Earth is your boyfriend so mad about? He's hovering you, taking the sight of your naked body, the sapphire fabric splayed under you, your hair contrasting with the colour.
Fucking you as the fabric glides under your every squirm. Oh god, you're such a beautiful thing to look at. The shine in your eyes, the sweet songs of your moans. And Daiki's big brown hands, roaming every inch of you, kneading your breasts while he pounds into you with the kind of force that makes your mind go blank. It might be the best sex you've had in a while. And he smiles, a spiteful smirk on his lips as he sees how you cling to him, that cute little voice of yours begging. More, Daiki, more! It might be that, as a personal preference, you'd take your boyfriend's skin against yours over any piece of clothing.
Daiki Aomine: 1. That stupid blue silk robe: 0.
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panna-acida · 1 month
I know I haven’t delivered yet but you made it an ask meme so “how can I help?” 💙❤️ please? 🥺
Oh yeah ♥
Note: Oh so little, sorry it took me so long, also no beta as usual and also yeah... I totally forgot how to write Aomine. Ops.
"How can I help you?" Kagami forced smile twitched, while looking at the boy sitting at the table in front of him, trying to keep a neutral and professional face.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Aomine laughed, and laughed at the red head in front of him. Dressed all elegant, with a bright red bowtie, his hair all slicked back white shirt and a black vest shaping his body.
"Sir?" Kagami, tried asking again, knowing full well that his boss was looking at him from behind the counter. Judging. Always judging.
"I CAN'T… I CAN'T!!!!" Aomine continued laughing, bowing in half, and nearly knocking his head on the table, while Kagami was just a thread away from snapping. Consequence be damned.
“Stop.” Kagami hissed in a really low and threatening tone, bowing a little, to give Aomine the menu and to be able to talk to the other without being seen, more or less, from the other side of the room, thanks to a little wall dividing the nook created to give a more privacy to the client.
“You look like a penguin!!!” A sexy one. Words not said, not out loud. Aomine continued laughing lowering his voice, and taking the offered menu from Kagami’s hands.
“What are you doing here?” Kagami hissed, before glancing over the wall, just to look at his manager, that started to tap a finger on his watch.
“I’m here because of Momoi.” Aomine started. “She talked and talked about this cafè, but in the end she ditched me and…” He stopped in his little speech. “Did she actually, no.. she could not, but if?” Aomine ended looking Kagami up and down, checking what the red head was wearing, how he actually filled the white shirt, and black vest closing barely…
“KAGAMI!!!!” At that the red head straightened up and turned toward the bar, looking at the manager calling him.
“Listen i need to go back, when you decide what you want to do, call me, or better leave.” Kagami ended nearly hissing, before plastering again that fake smile on his face and turning around to serve a new couple that entered the cafè without waiting for an answer. Leaving Aomine speechless.
“Damn!” Aomine breathed out, not taking his eyes off Kagami’s back, letting them slide down toward his, oh so tightly, covered ass with a grin forming on his face.
Aomine looked Kagami move around te room, taking order and chatting with giggling girl. Looked at the way the red head carried his figure, with so much grace like he was in te court instead of serving some kids, some sweetened beverage. Looked and waited for the right moment to let his presence be known again.
“Waiter?” Aomine called after some times, just to catch Kagami attention and let the boy turn toward him with a grimace on his face, like he totally forgot Aomine was there, before plastering again the fake smile on his face.
“Yes, sir” Kagami started, taking his pen and notebook out of his back pocket ready to take the order.
“I would like a black coffee, with a…” Aomine stopped, looked down at the menu, like he didn't know what was he going to order and pointing at a random dish, “I want this…” Aomine said, taking the menu far from Kagami, just to let the other bent down to look before going to whisper in the red head ear “You in my bed.”ended, looking at the confusion growing on the other face.
Aomine knew that Kagami was dense, but that was on a completely different level.
“Oh for f…” Aomine took a deep breath, before dropping completely his teasing and soft tone, raising his voice. “I want to fuck you, dressed like this! Clear now?” Ended nearly shouting, in the not so empty cafè.
Judging by Kagami growing red face and neck… it was loud and clear that this time his message reached, just before a loud voice interrupted Aomine happy moment.
“KAGAMI!” The menager screamed, making Kagami jump, and smack Aomine in the face, before turning around, marching like an idiot, still completely red in the face.
Kagami was dead, fired, banned from even entering a building, judging by the fuming face his manager was sporting.
“Oh fu…” Kagami whispered before turning his head toward Aomine and hissing. “I’m going to kill you later.” Said, and moved toward the end of his summer work, while Aomine laughed at his back.
“At last it’s going to be fun.” Aomine shrugged, while moving out of the cafè with a grin on his lips, waiting only for Kagami. Only for him.
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dira333 · 1 year
Kagami - unravel
repost of my AO3 30 days of writing Challenge
warning: angst
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You only know what you have when you lose it. As a kid, the greatest riddle to him was how to make friends. „Be yourself.“ Tatsuya told him, so that’s what he did. It worked, kind of, but Kuroko made him understand that he also had to work on himself, learn how to trust, and be helpful. It took him even more time to unravel the mystery of friendship, but at age 30 he was the one lecturing his daughter on how to make friends in school.
As a teenager, a lot of his free time is spent wondering about love. What it is. How it could be achieved. Did he have to look for outer beauty? Alex told him no, but no one ever guided him in finding this inner beauty everyone talked about. He’s a bit ashamed that it was Akashi who taught him the most important things, at one of Kise's stupid parties, where they hid on the balcony to escape the madness and somehow started to talk. Akashi can be pretty nice and helpful if he wants.
At the age of 20, in the middle of his college years, he scores a date with the help of – no wonder – Akashi. She’s beautiful on the outside, yes, but she’s kind and a bit shy but speaks her mind if needed. She’s a riddle to him, yes, because he can never fully grasp the beauty of her mind.
He finishes college, somehow manages to play in a team with Aomine and not kill this guy every single time in practice – and marries the love of his life. Kuroko is his best man, Akashi smiling wickedly in the distance and telling everyone that the lovely couple wouldn’t be together if not for him. Well, he doesn’t really say it. He doesn’t need to, everyone already knows.
When his daughter is born, a redheaded ball of energy, every miracle in the world does not come up to her. There’s no way to explain what he feels when he sees her, when he holds her, when he knows that she belongs to him, just like his wife.
When Sacchi is one year old, the biggest task in his life is thrown upon him. He ponders how he will survive the next minute, the next hour… the next day. He worries if he can be a single father, how he has to fill the empty place where you should be. Death is a simple word, five letters, but it shatters lives.
Riddles are a funny thing. Life seems to him like threads upon threads, a messy knot, and even if you manage to unravel one knot, there are always so many more.
He’s thirty now, a single father. Sacchi is four, just starting to make friends on the playground, fighting against the shyness she has from her mother. The Generation of Miracles, he muses, consists of six people. And somehow, he muses that it must be Akashis doing, every single day he gets visited by one of them. They have done that for years now and if you count in his old teammates from Seirin, who visit just as frequently, and Tatsuya, who he is still very close… yes, Sacchi has a lot of uncles and aunts. It doesn’t fill the place of her mother, but it’s helping.
Kagami Taiga knows now how to make friends. How to keep them. Theoretically, he knows how to find love – although he still isn’t in the shape to try again soon – and he is starting to think that he knows now, how to survive a tragedy. Be yourself. Trust. Love. Try again.
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For years, Kuroko Tetsuya has known nothing but chains. When Crown Prince Akashi Seijuro dangles the key to his freedom, Kuroko seizes the chance. The price? Make Aomine Daiki, the cursed prince of a rival kingdom, ascend to the throne.
In a realm where loyalty is currency and secrets are weapons, Kuroko must thread his way through treacherous court politics and ancient curses. As he unravels royal intrigues, he questions whether true freedom exists—or if he's simply trading one set of shackles for another.
Caught between warring kingdoms and shadowy alliances, can Kuroko crown a cursed prince and claim his own destiny? Or will the machinations of the powerful crush them both beneath their weight?
Pairings: Akashi x Kuroko, Aomine x Kuroko, Kagami x Kuroko, Kise x Kuroko. Each pairing has its own arc.
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saenora · 1 year
ELABORATE ON THAT OLUVER HC AND @kakujis im tagging u just bc
!!!! NIE !!!!
IF THEY CATCH HIM SMOKING UP… DEATH THREATS.. HE IS FINISHING HOMEWORK FOR THEM. 2+2 3+5… “do the homework or we tell mom you were smoking in front us”
IF ITS OFF SEASON HE IS DEFINITELY BABYSITTING THEM!! AND THEYRE NOT UNDER HIS CONTROL! he’d be holding on to his last thread begging for them to do homework but they just ignore his lame ass. HE TRIESS SO HARD TO WIN OVER BUT WE ONLY IN SITUATIONSHIP.
@kakujis AAAAAAHHH!!! PIBBY 🤍🤭🤭🤭 and @t-aomine Hshehdheh !!!!
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lovechai · 2 years
[ past curfew ] chapter three. good days | aomine daiki x momoi satsuki
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past curfew | chapter three : good days | rated T | kuroko no basuke | aomine daiki / momoi satsuki
TAGS : college / university au, slow burn, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
The two childhood friends successfully steer clear of a certain situation they've always experienced throughout the years.
With less than 10 seconds left on the clock, Aomine manages to steal the ball from a pass he has most likely foreseen and runs it back to the other side, unhesitating in his instinct to jump from the paint and do a dunk shot right there and then. The ball goes in again, and soon the game ends at the sound of the buzzer. God, he’s too good. His teammates tackle him the second his feet touch the floor, and nostalgia comes hitting hard for Momoi. It swaddles her poor heart in threads of longing and yearning that she could only crack the littlest smile from her seat. The widest smile adorns her dearest friend’s face that it reaches the corners of his dark blue eyes, and the sight just knocks the breath out of her lungs. And when their eyes finally meet, Momoi could only wonder how she’s still alive.
LINKS : past curfew - chapter three | ushijimasu on AO3 | ko-fi | masterlist
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vespersposts · 2 years
Reap what you sow
I update after a while, I am a bit lazy even with the blog I apologize but it's busy weeks. I will also resume the mini stories of 'Lame game' soon, for now I leave you with a new chapter in this series.
Here you and Daiki lay the foundation for your fake story, hoping no one pays too much attention to how mismatched you are. I hope you enjoy it. See you soon!
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After a three-course dinner and four hours of trying not to fall off those stilts Kyoko calls shoes, you deserve to throw yourself into bed and sleep like a baby.
Instead, you have to work overtime.
"Apartment 199, please " you tell the worried concierge, who quickly phones the athlete to inform him of your visit.
He offers to show you around, accompanies you to the lift, chooses the right floor for you, and turns his attention away from your legs, which are covered by thin tights, only when you start to cough heavily.
Things you are used to, but will never really get used to.
You check your mobile phone and smile at your boss's enthusiastic reaction to Kyoko's feedback. 
You love working with women; they are so loving, generous, never vulgar. They spoil you in a gentle way, making you feel special, dressing you up like their favourite doll and taking you to their art gallery opening to show everyone how perfect you are.
They give you shoes just like theirs, which butcher your feet and threaten to make you fall off, but they're so happy with the red thread that binds you, that it doesn't matter if you have blisters for two weeks.
You smile, clutching the small bright purse between your fingers, and drag your legs to the end of the corridor, where an ajar door awaits. At least, a woman would have been waiting at the lift. But he is not even a customer, let alone a done and dusted man. You knock on the door and announce yourself, looking at where you can leave your shoes, smiling at the imaginary relief you will feel when you take them off.
You hear his voice shout something, then quick footsteps approach and there he is, Daiki Aomine in his stylish outfit of grey joggers and a simple white t-shirt.
"Who are you?" he asks, handing you an envelope with a pair of guest slippers. He pauses to watch, curious and amused, as you try to sit down on the front step, despite the fact that your dress is too short and tight to do so without revealing all your virtue.
" If you're done with the humour, could you lend me your arm?" you ask him testily, and immediately receive his forearm on which to lean, and finally manage to put on your slippers.
"Do you always dress like that when you go into strangers' houses?” he asks you, looking at you with a long stare, but there is no malice in his intention, if anything, irony.
"I was at work " you replied hastily, and followed him into the living room, where you noticed that he had already arranged some snacks on the coffee table in front of the sofa.
" You should not accept being invited home, especially if it's a man and it's getting late" he comments, opening a bag of crisps and spilling them into a metal bowl.
You look up, you must have arrived at a preacher's house.
" I don't know much about you, but I know you don't like me. I asked Momoi if you were a psycho and she vouched for you. I trust Satsuki completely, so yeah, I didn't have too many qualms about coming here tonight " you explain, sitting on the edge of the sofa so that your dress doesn't embarrass you.
"She’s no liar, for sure" he nods and goes to the fridge "What can I get you to drink? I've only got sports drinks, water and maybe some coffee, but it has been there since this morning! " he finishes, standing with his back to you, as he checks the contents of the fridge in the design kitchen.
" Water will be fine, thanks" you reply, letting your eyes wander around the room.
You certainly hadn't imagined a boy's apartment to be this clean and tidy, let alone his. There is little furniture, which makes everything seem airy, comfortable and soft. The lights are hidden at the edge of the wall and are warm, enveloping. There is only one large abstract painting on the walls, which breaks up the neutral tone of the room by contrasting with the light parquet floor. On the long, dark cupboard beneath there are a glass tumbler, his residence card and a set of three silver-framed photographs that you approach.
They are, of course, an ode to her.
Every other woman who enters this house must know to whom his heart belongs.
You smile and bring the middle photo closer to your face, feeling him behind you, his tall frame inches from you, a breath of air carrying his scent.
"You must think it's lame" he comments, taking out of your hands the picture of him, shirtless and happy, with Satsuki on his shoulders at some kind of summer festival .
"Not at all" you turn to look at his face "I find it very meaningful instead" you smile, moving away to resume your position on the couch.
"You are a rather mysterious person, you know that?" he comments, sliding in next to you and looking at you as if waiting for some revelation.
" I know Kuri has told you everything she thinks she knows about me, but I'm not going to explain how I run my private life " you inform him, taking a sip from your glass as he stretches out flat on the pillows.
"She has a terrible opinion of you, but who cares! " he mentions without much ado "Satsuki would never have let you get this close to me if she didn't have complete faith in you, so your 'friend' must be wrong" he concludes, gesturing with his hand to pass the chips around. 
You comply and remain silent for a moment, before sharing your pressing thought.
"You always come first for Satsuki, do you see that? " you ask, making him stop and look at you with a quizzical expression.
"I'll explain it simply: no girl would care as much about a childhood friend, much less one who has a soulmate boyfriend to think about. Then why do you think Momoi cares so much about you?" you urge him, turning to him, who gives you an alarmed look and a few  unintelligible half-words.Then he looks away to pull himself up, pulls a pillow out from behind his back and tosses it between you, sighing and returning to his original position.
" What's this for? Are you stupid or something?" you ask him piquantly, but as you lower your eyes to your bare legs, you realise that maybe you are the stupid one. 
You stand up and spread your dress over your knees, clenching your hands as your image crumbles, now that your cheeks are burning and you are close to bursting into tears. 
You inhale and exhale a couple of times, press your lips against each other, but nothing seems to work, perhaps because you are too tired and uncomfortable.
It gets even worse when you hear his voice.
" There's no need to get so upset. It's not like you showed me your panties begging me to fuck you, and besides, yours aren't the first pair of thighs I've seen" he informs you, thinking he's being helpful "So… Don't worry at all. I've already cleaned it all up. All gone, memory resetted, wiped ! " he assures you as he gets up from the couch and stands in front of you, his hands on your shoulders and a look so serious on his face, that you can't help but pop out that question. "What kind of girl, in her right mind, would be showing you her panties in a begging bowl? Are you that simple even in porn, champ?" you conclude under his astonished gaze.
You barely had time to blink before you heard him laugh, thunderously, his hands still resting on your shoulders, making you tremble a little. 
“What a freak !" he points out between the chuckles.
"Say you, the filthiest guy of them all!” you reply, smiling a little at his beaming face.
"Say you, the most annoying girl around!” his voice echoes, making you tighten your lips in a grimace.
“At least I don't spend all my spare time wasting tissues in front of a screen!" you set your winning slam. 
He nods, raising his hands to admit  defeat.
"It's gonna be a hot mess, right?” he smirks “ An yet… Why not? Go on, show me life beyond the screen, you genius!"  trying to read your puzzled expression.
"Are you in? We're doing the faking thing?" you think out loud. He nods, letting you go and clenching his hand into a fist, expecting you to do the same to seal the deal.
"After all I know... There’s no way I’m gonna bump you! " you protest, giving him a wry look before hearing him bursting into laughter again.
You are so mismatched, so out of sync, so unfit for each other, it's almost funny. You are like those endless jigsaw puzzles you do as a child, bored out of your mind. The ones where you force the pieces together just to finish the game quickly, not caring if the picture isn't the one in the box. It's all so pointless, grotesque, embarrassing, that it's sure it’s gonna be a mess.
Yet here you are, shrugging your shoulders, eating crisps and asking for a blanket so you can sit on the couch without making a further spectacle of yourself.
The tiredness is gone, the embarrassment too, replaced by lame jokes and childish remarks.
Yet here you are, doing everything you can to escape your loneliness again.
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inkshadow · 1 year
He grates her patience. Nothing good ever came from dealing with him. The rumors swirled for a reason and there it is in all its idiotic glory. “Predictable.”, she exhaled. Eyes steel themselves as they fell back in his gaze. Confidence practically oozes from him. Look at him, thinking he knows everything. If he thought she was like the others who wilt under him then he’s sorely mistaken. “But I suppose like a ‘king’ on chessboard, you’re nothing but a predictable sitting duck. I bet they expected that.” Foxes always did. Had she been clever, maybe … just maybe she would have averted her predicament. Certainly would’ve avoided dealing with this jerk. “And you know what ‘predictable’ says?” A half step draws her closer, noses mere inches apart. “— You’re afraid.” (Ayana // 😬)
❝ and what's wrong with letting everyone do my bidding for me? ❞ the less energy he expends, the better, and the more focused he is on the courts, the quicker the game is for him to go right back to lounging. it's a routine that he's happy with and won't let some arrogant volleyball player get in the way of that. ❝ afraid? of what? ❞ already, the conversation strays from where he assumed it was heading but the edge in his voice softens to give room for her reason. // @lunarxdaydream
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wildflowertips · 3 years
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inspired by this audio on tiktok
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xuperbia · 3 years
Aomine  sabía  que  había  hablado  con  Satsuki  hace  tiempo  acerca  de  lo  curioso  que  resultaba,  que  todos  ellos  hubiesen  colisionado  en  ese  momento  en  el  tiempo,  en  esa  brecha  en  el  espacio.  No  solo  había  comentado  sobre  la  generación  de  los  milagros  en  sí,  sino  del  nuevo  milagro,  Kagami.  Nunca  lo  aceptaría  abiertamente  con  otra  persona  que  no  fuese  su  amiga  de  la  infancia  y  solo  porque  está  a  veces  era  demasiado  perspicaz  para  él  hacerse  el  desatendido,  pero  Kagami  se  había  ganado  con  creces  su  lugar  entre  ellos,  reconocido  como  alguien  a  la  altura  y  mucho  más,  del  afamado  equipo  de  Teiko.  Sabia  también  a  ciencia  cierta  que  todos  ellos  habían  aprendido  de  sus  errores  y  habían  visto  a  sus  demonios  cara  a  cara,  aunque  estos  aun  deambularan  entre  ellos  cuando  caminaban  o  cuando  sus  ojos  se  encontraban  al  no  haberlos  aun  puesto  como  tal  sobre  la  mesa.  Había  heridas  que  quizá  no  terminaban  de  sanar,  había  emociones  que  no  se  lograban  aun  alcanzar,  pero  estaban  haciendo  lo  que  podían  con  ello  y  ese  era  el  inicio  de  un  nuevo  comienzo.  Hablar  no  era  su  fuerte  y  le  producían  una  sensación  de  ligera  ansiedad  en  el  estómago,  por  lo  que  la  incomodidad  inicial  de  su  primer  juego  como  Generación  Milagrosa  plus  Kagami,  la  sacó  de  lleno  en  la  cancha  de  baloncesto  de  calle  en  la  cual  se  habían  reunido  durante  las  vacaciones.  Formando  equipos  de  tres  contra  tres  por  el  tamaño  de  la  cancha,  rotándose  unos  con  otros  para  conocerse  de  nueva  cuenta  como  un  conjunto  y  no  individuos  separados  por  sus  propios  deseos  egoístas  de  victoria.  A  pesar  de  las  constantes  peleas  entre  él  y  Kagami,  Murasakibara  quejándose  de  que  quería  sentarse  a  comer  y  la  notable  irritación  de  Midorima  al  lidiar  con  un  berrinche  de  Kise,  Aomine  podía  asegurar  que  lo  habían  pasado  especialmente  bien.  Ahora  que  el  cielo  se  había  oscurecido  y  las  farolas  de  la  calle  alumbraban  la  cancha  y  el  parque  aledaño,  podían  parar.  
Hidratándose  y  limpiándose  el  sudor  con  el  borde  inferior  de  su  camisa,  es  que  se  tumba  en  el  piso  junto  a  los  demás,  Momoi  repartiendo  un  pequeño  obsequio  para  aliviar  el  calor  del  verano  y  que  de  inmediato  trae  ciertas  realizaciones  en  sus  rostros  que  por  muchos  meses  se  vieron  endurecidos  por  sus  pensamientos  destructivos,  luciendo  ahora  especialmente  juveniles  de  nuevo.  -  —Oi,  Satsuki.  Este  es  solo  un  pretexto  para  compartirla  con  Tetsu  como  hace  años  —  -comentó,  recibiendo  el  empaque  y  un  gesto  infantil  de  la  pelirrosa  al  querer  golpearlo  con  el  mismo,  arrancándole  una  pequeña  risa  antes  de  verla  acercarse  al  emperador  de  Rakuzan.  Oh,  podía  ver  exactamente  porque  Momoi  no  parecía  quererse  tirar  encima  del  peliceleste,  o  irle  a  pedir  que  compartieran  su  helado  juntos,  no  cuando  luz  y  sombra  de  Sirian  ya  estaban  en  ello.  La  visión  no  le  remueve  nada  grotesco  en  el  estómago  o  le  hace  sentirse  especialmente  amargo  como  cuando  le  aseguró  a  Kagami  que  su  luz  era  demasiado  floja  para  poder  sacar  el  potencial  entero  de  Kuroko;  enfadado,  infantil  con  la  sola  idea  de  que  alguien  pudiese  ser  mejor  que  él  inclusive  en  ese  aspecto,  aunque  sus  sentimientos  por  el  sexto  hombre  de  Teiko  no  fuesen  ahora  más  que  de  camaradería.  Aomine  no  era  exactamente  bueno  enfrentándose  a  sus  demonios  como  quisiera,  puesto  que  estos  vuelven  a  su  cabeza  como  un  remolino  de  color  dorado  y  una  voz  que  le  resultaba  de  lo  más  quejumbrosa  y  le  chillaba  en  el  oído,  con  quien  al  parecer  ahora  tendría  que  compartir  el  dulce.  Kise  Ryouta,  a  quien  consideró  un  amigo,  una  especie  de  rival  que  nunca  estuvo  a  su  nivel,  un  cuerpo  bonito  en  el  cual  saciarse,  pero  sobretodo,  una  de  las  personas  con  quien  nunca  cerró  una  puerta  que  estaba  seguro,  debieron  cerrar.  -  —La  comeré  solo,  fallar  esa  canasta  contra  Bakagami  fue  especialmente  una  mierda  Kise.  No  te  la  mereces  —  -jugaba  con  la  tonalidad  fastidiada  de  sus  vocablos  y  con  la  idea  de  meterse  con  el  rubio,  quien  comúnmente  caía  sin  problema  alguno  en  esa  clase  de  burlas.  Kise  había  jugado  bien,  espléndidamente  debía  aceptarlo,  inclusive  si  su  rodilla  le  daría  problemas  mañana  luego  de  la  cantidad  ridícula  de  juegos  rápidos  que  tuvieron. | @phvbia​
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zipcrocodie · 4 years
well guys, Kagami / Aomine?
I do not know why, but initially my choice fell on them. I almost finished watching season 3 and I have something to say.
Aomine is a proud mother and Kagami’s most important fan, because only Daiki can look at him from the stands with such pride.
moment with sneakers. Aomine made it clear that he hopes and believes in Kagami "If you play badly because of the wrong shoes I will kill you"
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Translated into human language, it means “play well please, because I believe in you, otherwise the victory over the Too was meaningless”
in this moment, Kagami declares that he will certainly defeat Aomine again and Aomine just 😊
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Aomine, though seems formidable, is actually so charming🤧💖
the moment when Momoi and Aomine are sitting in a cafe. this is very important, because Daiki got to this reasoning, which means that he thinks about Kagami. he directly stated that "Kagami is so strong, he is just like us, but he opened late and was not recognized".
Aomine is a wonderful guy and instead that be an asshole after defeat, he began to be more attentive to people. Especially to the Kagami and its strength and skills.
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You know, Karasuno’s mother is Sugawara, Nekoma has Yaku, Fukurodani has Akaashi, and all basketball has Aomine, where Momoi was adopted.
As a result, Aomine is a good partner for Kagami, because they are similar and, if they talked longer, they could feel each other. but even in spite of this they understand each other. it is important.
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
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assorted injuries. 
“I’ll get some bandages.” (( kagami @inviincible​  
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❛    i’ll be fine,    ❜    kagami hand stops it’s motion of pushing aomine’s hand away, and instead he just lets it drop to his side. when aomine reaches him, kagami means to push him away. until he catches that look of concern on his face, and kagami is suddenly frozen. he wasn’t expecting to see that. he was used to aomine’s features showing his boredom, and his disinterest in any kind of situation. the only time he ever saw him show any kind of emotion was when he was angry, or playing basketball. this concern? it was new.  
the game around them had already ended with players clearing off the outside court. the sun had already drifted past the horizon leaving summer’s twilight drifting over. kagami’s injury could be blamed on the darkening sky, and the lack of light this court seemed to have. it was a complete accident, nothing to fret over.
it’s in his nature to push others away when he’s hurting. he’s like a cat in that sense where he would much rather lick his wounds in a corner away from everyone. the last thing he wanted was for anyone to see him as a target. he didn’t want anyone to see him as a weakling. kagami was too stubborn sometimes. anyone else taking an elbow directly to the forehead would probably be knocked out on their back, but not him. even with the crimson red blood running down his forehead. it’s almost like he doesn’t notice.
❛     you worry too much.     ❜
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windxflower · 5 years
                       Por supuesto que se iba a esperar una respuesta burlona por parte del ajeno y eso solo aumentaría su molestia, su expresión lucia seria mientras sus brazos se hallaban cruzados, pero también, era difícil ocultar el pequeño mohín en sus labios y se diera a notar que estaba borracho.. Sí, había bebido en aquella larga espera por el moreno. Queriendo evadir su beso y fracasando en el intento, pronto empezó a removerse entre sus brazos como un gato arisco queriendo huir de los mimos de su dueño.
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                      ❝¡No me salgas con palabras bonitas, Aominecchi! Sé muy bien como miras a todas esas modelos en tus revistas ¿acaso ya no te soy suficiente? ¿dónde andabas? ❞
¿Pero qué estaba diciendo? Aomine curvó una ceja mientras trataba de mantenerlo quieto entre sus brazos pero era complicado cuando el rubio se movía tanto, eso sin mencionar que apestaba a alcohol y por instinto el moreno revisó sus alrededores, ahí estaba: Una botella casi terminada de vodka. 
Una gota bajó por su cien, realmente necesitaba de la paciencia que no tenía. 
❝¡Escúchame, idiota! Que mire revistas no significa nada, las modelos de las revistas no cobran viva y vienen a encamarse conmigo, si eso es lo que te asusta.❞ — y aunque lo hicieran, él se negaría. Jaló del brazo al contrario e hizo que siguiera sus pasos hasta el sofá, por suerte no se hallaba lejos. Una vez que se sentó, tiró de la muñeca de su pareja para que igualmente tomara asiento pero en su regazo. ❝¿Puedes calmarte un poco y dejarme hablar? No vas a escucharme si gritas tanto, no seas imbécil.❞ — resopló y pasó sus brazos alrededor de la cintura del obstinado modelo, recargando el mentón en uno de sus hombros. ❝ Tu recibes cartas de tus fans y también regalos todo el tiempo, nunca me quejo porque no tiene sentido hacerlo, no negaré que es irritante.❞ — confesó con molestia. ❝ Entonces ¿Por qué te molestas por unas revistas que ni si quiera pueden enviarme cartas de amor?❞ — preguntó sin más.   
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