mayahirsch-a · 3 years
starter for: @inviincible​. location: felix’s home.
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Maya was never good at keeping partnerships, whether that be platonic or romantic. She was the kind of drastic black and white thinker you’d prefer to avoid in life, her moodiness like playing tug of war with yourself. And yet, by some miracle, she finds solace in someone like Felix, someone who understands that she simply needs time. 
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So, she plops herself down outside of Felix’s door, waiting for him to come home. She hadn’t called or texted him back in five days, suddenly feeling as though the entire world was against her after an argument with her mother. When he finally shows, her head turns, plucking up the pizza box from the ground before holding it out toward him. “Do you accept pizza as a form of apology?” She shrugs, “Or we can go to that Halloween thing that everyone’s talking about. We can go as sheet ghosts or something...”
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
❛ hey. . .we still have a score to settle, ❜   his voice comes out in a low rumble, and the fire starts to burn bright within his eyes. he’s talking about the pick up game they had played earlier before his game against yosen. aomine had won, and that left kagami at a disadvantage in the score. aomine’s got two wins against him now instead of one even if the pickup game had been nothing serious. he had gained his prize in the end anyway, the pair of shoes that satsuki managed to commandeer for him. it was amazingly lucky that aomine and kagami were the same size. that girl had even managed to get the exact type of shoes kagami normally bought and wore for his games. still, he didn’t like getting anything for free and he hated losing to aomine more than anything. this was also a test. to kagami, after each game he seemed to get stronger and stronger, and playing someone as strong as aomine was the perfect way to test that.
but that wasn’t why he was here.
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❛ i don’t like getting anything for free. i’d rather feel like i’m earnin’ my keep. so at least let me pay you back for the shoes. ❜
@inviincible​  liked this post for a starter! 
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talentbloomed · 4 years
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@inviincible​​ said: — ☆ ❝ yo. ❞ aomine nods at oikawa. ❝ is this yours ?? ❞ he cradles a cat in one arm. a volleyball charm hangs from the collar. the cat's on the verge of falling asleep.
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With a hand restlessly brushing his fringe back, Tooru gnaws on his lower lip for the nth time that morning. For the past two hours, he’d been running around the neighbourhood nonstop in search of his missing cat. He looked in every nook and cranny of the backstreets, alleyways, and even the local park, calling out for the dark-coloured cat with distinctive white patches, (whilst garnering a few curious looks) but to no avail. He hasn’t called Tobio yet, knowing that his partner would run straight home from the middle of practice if Tooru was in any type of distress. And he couldn’t do that to Tobio, especially not when he was working so hard. Tooru decides to go another round of checking the backstreets when a voice stops him. He tries not to look like a nervous wreck (he’s unaware that his neatly fluffed hair is disheveled in a few places) as he turns around to see who called out to him. Brown eyes immediately grow wide. “Hobbes-chan!” Tooru gasps out upon seeing his cat in the other man’s arms, nearly tripping over his feet when dashing over to them. The frazzled look on the setter’s face melts into obvious relief. He even looks teary. “Oh, thank you so much !!! I thought I lost him...!! He’s an indoor cat and---” He puts his hands on his hips, leaning in to be at Hobbes’ level with a pout.
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“You gave me such a scare !!” Tooru huffs, but his face softens at the sleepy meow he gets in return. There’s no way Tooru can stay mad. “...must’ve had some adventure out here, hm..??” He shakes his head with a small laugh. “Mou...what am I going to do with you~??” The natural, sweet lilt that’s usually present in Tooru’s voice returns. Yokatta. Honto. He reaches out to pet the top of Hobbes’ head, and the same volleyball charm that’s on Hobbes’ collar is also attached to a bracelet around Tooru’s wrist. “If he can fall asleep in your arms like this, it means he likes you~” Tooru giggles and looks up at the other male, finally getting a better look at him now that he’s calmed down. He’s tall !! “How did you know he was mine?” Tooru asks with a grateful smile, fingers gently scratching behind Hobbes’ ear.
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penofdamocles · 4 years
Miszion succesfull, I dunoeven rember who  i amm! i mean where.whert that blond guy is. But atthe very least were not in kanssds, anywmore, caus, this is literally, theres acactus
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jackiics · 3 years
“when the killer’s in your midst the last thing you wanna do is head off by yourself. that’s almost as stupid as saying ‘i’ll be right back.’” - @inviincible​
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“what? stupid? oh -- i was just gonna try and find a room, though... is that not what we were supposed to be doing?” it was true, jackie had sort of walked off by herself; something that, in retrospect, was a little dumb indeed. if there truly was a killer still in their midst, she was as much at risk as anyone else was. “what do you suggest, then? and wait -- what’s stupid about saying i’ll be right back?” 
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
wemove in Dark Towers did all day long and now we have a largeonein and we move many more smaller and small is gigantic...huge...we see how and we knowwho..gigantic. and wesee themtowe work now regardless....and itis huge Duke Nukem Blockbuster we fly in chekc it and see and we want all upshortly need it and stay infor atime ok ok he says. Thor Freya huge huge huge huge beams andmore impressive than what we saw recently huge huge beams..thousands ofmiles wide...huge...and it was gigantic...and you tried for Hoth to get there...and you saw..and some know here and itis late wegoin now..huge beams. massive.   massive...so huge you should be silent...but  arent.  andyou see we are careful too.  so youseek the evidence in Italy and justin left.....hurridly moved fast.  felt inviincible...and the stone, wouldnotdo well but it wouldhold off other things..we need it. and lots of lasers...all ofours appareently some of thiers and tit takes time...lots to some. and we impartediwth tons ofit today..and you cant look itis too hard must bother us the owners.  we are in and working and it is great wehave successes Thor Freya Olympus
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charlieism · 7 years
HC that Roman is allergic to daffodils
(also thank you for distracting me from this boredom and letting me write quickly omg)
We all know princey is a hopeless romantic okie hed be a huge sucker for cute lil romantic gestures like chocolates and balloons and flowers.
But also he has the whole “i gotta look inviincible strong no flaws” thing goin on so ofc he wouldnt tell anybody that hes allergic to something as small as daffodils. He keeps it a secret bc its unimportant and silly, sometimes it frustrates him because daffodils are pretty but there are plenty of other flowers he isnt allergic to.
Then one day one of the sides, who he is dating, decides to be cute n sweet and give him a bouquet of flowers and prince just. melts. because hes never been given flowers before and thats so cute and he gets so happy right. only thing is theres quite a few daffodils mixed in to the bunch. and they make it so bright and pretty and hes so touched and delighted that he got given flowers that he likes keeps them and says nothing and he just puts them in his room and its all good.
until he tries to go to his room and relax later on, and suddenly he starts sneezing. and he cant stop. and he knows why and its the fricking daffodils but he isnt going to give up, hes going to sit there and tough it out and keep admiring those flowers because damn it they were an adorable lil gift and hes going to treasure them. but he just. cant stop sneezing.
and then his boyfriend comes back and hears him sneezing, so he walks in and roman is just sitting on the bed, holding the flowers and glaring at them, regularly tensing up and sneezing again, shaking his head and glaring at the flowers again. and the side figures it out pretty quickly and starts giggling because oops, but also its funny and adorable because roman looks so mad at himself and at the flowers.
anyway prince notices them when they start laughing and maybe he gets a lil hurt bc he thinks he seems weak bc hes allergic to a little flower and now hes being laughed at, but the other comes and gives him a hug and reassures him that they werent making fun of him, then they take the flowers away and ro is a little disappointed bc they were his first bouquet but at least hes stopped sneezing now. and then his bf comes back to cuddle him n stuff so its ok.
and then the next day hes given another bouquet of flowers, this time without daffodils.
(Please please come distract me from the boredom of class before i have to go to sports)
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poetic-beats · 5 years
So ive been talking on here to someone who reached out for advice
They believe their brother might have a similar mental health condition to me. I have been very nice. But tried to not answer anything that says yes they have it or no they dont.
Given my own mental state today i apologised and said im not mentally stable to help them and i dont think they should be trying to diagnose their brother with the intention of finding him medications based on their talks with me and comparing my behaviour to their brothers.
You cannot and should never go out and obtain anti psychotics and forcibly give them to your brother or anyone when 1 they are not diagnosed and 2. they arent being monitored under a care professional and getting blood tests due to how severe these drugs and powerful they are.
Then he tells me I dont sound or seem as though i have a mental illness and that he believes we are all on a spectrum of mental illness...as if  bipolar is a spectrum dude your manic or youre not...there is no ifs or buts or spectrum as such. you have hypo mania and mania...
but its not like someone can just be a little bit bipolar no..we dont all have a bit of bipolar within us.
That isnt how it works.
Given my recent posts about professionals telling me im not sick enoug to get treatment when i try and help someone online and they then tell me on a few conversations i dont sound or seem mentally ill. im like WOW you asshole.
Ironically this is THE first manic episode bipolar i have had in my entire life in which im just about lucid enoguh to 1 admit and understand mania although ive been manic for two months and only just recently acknowledged this as fact. 
but also 2. the fact im able to some what communicate and im not having delusions that im inviincible is amazing right now. But ive had bipolar for at least 7 years and in all my time this is the ONLY mania ive had where I have remained lucid to this degree.
Although arguably this isnt a good thing. Because it means im not full blown delusional which means real life stressors are impacting my BPD meaning i now have intense BPD accompanyign my unstable mania wihc for the past two years at this time of year has led to suicide attempts last year i was in hospital overngiht because of it.
i hate when people think they can look at you or talk online a couple times wiht you and just suddenyl their experts on mental illness and can tell you you dont have one or you dont seem mentally ill as if their is a one size fits all for the mentally ill and we all act and behave the same now.
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
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( txt: ) KAGAMI KAGAMI KAGAMI !!!!!!!!!! ( txt: ) LET'S PLAY ( txt: ) I'M NEVER LOSING TO YOU AGAIN @inviincible​
[ txt: aomine ] YOU’RE ON  [ txt: aomine ] MEET ME AT THE COURT. YOU KNOW THE ONE. [ txt: aomine ] . . .remind me never to text during practice.
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“Mind if I join you?”
Jaune looked up from the book he had been....attempting to study from and flashed his partner a small smile. “Oh, yeah sure Pyrrha.” he said pushing the book away from him a bit so he could chat. “Wasn’t getting anywhere in that anyway.” He said, attempting to joke about his lack of comprehension of the material.
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
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gentle things. 
10: hair ruffles (( kagami !!  @inviincible​
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        HE’S NOT USED TO BEING THE ONE GETTING HIS HAIR RUFFLED. it’s not that it’s strange for his teammates to show some kind of affection whether it was a smack on the back, or a high five. the only person taller than him on the team was kiyoshi, and sure he ruffled kagami’s hair every chance he got but it’s not coming from kiyoshi. it’s coming from aomine. they had decided to play on the same team against a group of bullies trying to take over the park’s court. the game hadn’t been challenging, but it had been fun to watch those bullies fall on their backsides and look up at them in fear. so when the game ended, and aomine approached him with a rare smile kagami was stunned to say the least. he freezes when aomine ruffles his hair, but mostly because he’s focused on the other player’s smile.
        ❛  you should do that more often. smiling i mean.  ❜
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
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“   you  want  me  to  punch  him  in  the  face  ??   ” (( kagami !! @inviincible​​
his fingers curl tightly into a fist, and it’s taking all kagami has not to lash out. they can’t do this here. a fight would only bring penalties to his team, but kagami can’t let this go. after seeing this guy touch alex in that way. the woman was like a mother to kagami no matter how affectionate she could be. it was unnacceptable. kagami was a protective person to those he loved, and he wouldn’t forgive anyone for harming them. it was lucky aomine appeared when he had, putting an arm over kagami’s shoulder like always, and drawing his attention away from haizaki. according to kuroko this guy used to be one of the generation of miracles, but he couldn’t compete with kise. 
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all kagami wants to do right now is hit him, and then aomine’s voice slips in through his ears. for some reason, the fire burning inside him starts to dwindle and he unclenches his fists. 
         “    i don’t think he’s worth it. . .not worth the trouble, or the penalty. at least for now.   ”
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
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❣️                             VALENTINES   INTERACTIONS !
[ chefs kiss ]  to cook my muse their favourite meal. (( kagami ( but only if he wants this !! ) @inviincible​
his kitchen is an absolute mess. kagami wasn’t sure what he expected when aomine had insisted on coming over and cooking dinner for once. normally that was kagami’s job, but aomine had insisted. something about tonight was different, and kagami for once was happy to oblige. if he would have realized his kitchen would have ended up like this though he probably would have said no. maybe. because in truth the food smelled really good at least. it had to be better than the team coach’s cooking. he should have insisted they played a game to see who cooked dinner, but that would have to come at another time.
stepping into the kitchen, kagami pulls his headphones from his ears, and looks around at the mess with a frown. he’s already tempted to clean it up, but then a noise behind him distracts him. turning around he finds aomine near the table in the living room, knelt down and setting a plate on the table. curry. kagami’s favorite, but how did he know?
“   smells good,   ”  he comments stepping into the living room and sitting cross legged on the floor across from aomine, “   did you have to make such a mess though?   ”
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
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assorted injuries. 
“I’ll get some bandages.” (( kagami @inviincible​  
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❛    i’ll be fine,    ❜    kagami hand stops it’s motion of pushing aomine’s hand away, and instead he just lets it drop to his side. when aomine reaches him, kagami means to push him away. until he catches that look of concern on his face, and kagami is suddenly frozen. he wasn’t expecting to see that. he was used to aomine’s features showing his boredom, and his disinterest in any kind of situation. the only time he ever saw him show any kind of emotion was when he was angry, or playing basketball. this concern? it was new.  
the game around them had already ended with players clearing off the outside court. the sun had already drifted past the horizon leaving summer’s twilight drifting over. kagami’s injury could be blamed on the darkening sky, and the lack of light this court seemed to have. it was a complete accident, nothing to fret over.
it’s in his nature to push others away when he’s hurting. he’s like a cat in that sense where he would much rather lick his wounds in a corner away from everyone. the last thing he wanted was for anyone to see him as a target. he didn’t want anyone to see him as a weakling. kagami was too stubborn sometimes. anyone else taking an elbow directly to the forehead would probably be knocked out on their back, but not him. even with the crimson red blood running down his forehead. it’s almost like he doesn’t notice.
❛     you worry too much.     ❜
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corvusrequiem · 4 years
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“What are you doing still up?” (( kagami !! @inviincible​  
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                 SOMETIMES KAGAMI HAS A HARD TIME SLEEPING. usually his insomnia kicks in before an important game, or tournament. being up all night the night before a game was typical for him, but for some reason tonight he couldn’t fight the urge for company. instead of calling someone like kuroko or one of his teammates, kagami called aomine. his voice sounded exhausted on the other end of the line, and kagami started feeling a little bad that he called. but aomine’s voice is calming, no matter how tired he sounds, and it’s just what kagami needs to hear right now.
                 ❛ i can’t sleep, ❜  he admits, laying back in his bed with an arm resting over his stomach while the other held the phone to his ear. it’s easier to forget the game when he has aomine to talk to on the other line, ❛ i’m sorry to wake you, but can you come over? ❜
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