#ao3 update that will affect the fandom
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gallavichfanficlibrary · 5 days ago
We of course still recommend commenting on fics you like, but please make sure to use proper fic etiquette and not spam comments!!
Comment Rate Limits for Logged-In AO3 Users
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In the next few days, #AO3 will begin rate limiting comments from logged-in users to help combat a wave of spam comments: https://otw-news.org/4m69w8dr (We'll let you know when the change is live!)
English • Български • Català • Dansk • Deutsch • eesti keel • Ελληνικά • Español • Filipino • 한국어 • Italiano • עברית • Magyar • Nederlands • Norsk • Português brasileiro • Português europeu • Română • Русский • Slovenščina • Српски • suomi • Svenska • Tiếng Việt • Українська • 中文-普通话 國語
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gemmahale · 4 months ago
Ficbook.net and Unauthorized Translations - An Update
Update to the update: some of the fics have been removed! 🎉 This happened before I finished this write-up even!
You may have seen this post last night about some CoD X Reader fics having unauthorized translations posted to the Russian site ficbook.net. @karlachismylife was monumental in helping me understand what's going on, and there's some explanation in that link from her POV as well.
Basically - multiple people have copied and translated fanfics into Russian and hosted them on ficbook.net. They're rough translations, some going as far as to use literal translations for turns of phrase. Most likely, they were run through a translation software (Google Translate or similar) and then roughly edited. (Juju mentioned that there is a subset of jobs in Russia where that is your job description. 😖)
Most of them have come from Tumblr posts, some from AO3. Very few had attribution beyond "tagging" the original author. (Aka - no consent was given for these translations.)
@syoddeye took the time to compile a list found here (google sheet). At the time of writing, 65 fics CoD x Reader fics were found - we know there's more but we only have so many knives in a day. (Sy did not look into slash fics either.)
Authors that have been tagged in the comments: I'm sorry you found out this way. I wanted to tell you in person, but given Tumblr's likelihood of thinking I was spamming you, I felt that this was the best option to alert you, provide you with options, and let you determine how you wish to move forward.
So what can be done?
If you already have an account, please report the fics! I'm told that spamming reports gets it taken down. Also consider messaging the author and ask them to remove them - they do not have the author's consent to publish them.
If you want to make an account and report the linked fics, you can. I have chosen not to, because I don't want to give Ficbook any extra support I otherwise might by doing so (clicks, ad views, account numbers).
If the author does not have closed comments (or you have an account), you can leave a comment on the fic.
Russian: Автор оригинала лично подтвердил, что не давал разрешения на перевод и публикацию. English: Author of the work personally confirmed that they did not give permission to translate and publish.
Finally - check in on your author friends that are on that list. It's devastating to find out your work has been plagiarized, translated and hosted somewhere else without your consent. Reblog their work, share comments, hype them up!
A couple of notes: (Juju correct me if I've fucked any of this up 💚)
The posters are likely not making money off the unauthorized translations. The website and their owners definitely are (ads, "premium features", promotion tools, etc.)
Ficbook.net is the biggest Russian language fanfiction platform - somewhat akin to AO3, but it doesn't have a great reputation within Russian circles because of the stealing and underhanded practices the owners use.
AO3 is banned in Russia, and Tumblr is one of the few places Russians can easily (aka without VPNs and Mirrors) read English version of fanfic.
CoD isn't the only fandom affected - there are dozens that have more posted, and we only scratched the surface in our list.
Finally, if you want to translate works, TALK TO THE AUTHOR. A lot of folks don't like having their work shared without their consent. Even if you feel like you are doing a good thing spreading it to a wider audience, YOU NEED THE AUTHOR'S CONSENT. If they've deleted their presence and their stories from hosting sites (tumblr, AO3, etc) - you don't get to pretend you're doing them a favor by reposting them. Respect their decisions.
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thebroccolination · 1 month ago
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DATES: February 20th-March 31st
EVENT DETAILS: Writers of all kinds thrive off feedback, and it's especially so for fic writers, since one of the main reasons we write fic in the first place is to share stories with our community. Without hearing back from the people in those communities, fic writers can get discouraged from writing and sometimes even stop entirely. On the other hand, some of the brightest, happiest moments a writer can experience come from readers. It's incomparable to know that a story you wrote made someone smile, cry, or laugh out loud, and sometimes the only way you'll know it is if a reader tells you.
With this in mind, I decided to organize a festival for the Thai QL fandom community to show our fic writers a ton of appreciation in a carnival of comments. :D
Welcome to the Comment Carnival!
NOTE: Even though this event is exclusively for the Thai QL fandom, if you'd like to use the same concept or adapt it for your own fandom, please take the idea! I'd be absolutely thrilled to see this spread and for more writers to get love for the creative work they've contributed to their spaces.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE: There are two ways to participate in the Comment Carnival. The first is simply to complete as many of the commenting tasks below as you like. That's it! You'll be boosting writers' spirits with your feedback, and you may make someone's whole day with a kind word or thought about the stories they're creating.
The second way to participate involves a chance at a prize! (Hence the carnival theme.)
Below, you'll find a list of twenty Commenting Tasks to Complete. Once you complete at least ten of those commenting tasks, you can enter into a lottery to receive your very own drabble (traditionally a 100-word morsel of fic) written by one of the carnival's participating writers! If you do all twenty, your name will go into the lottery twice!
The event begins today, and on March 31st, I'll put the qualifying participants into the Picker Wheel and choose ten winners. Those winners may then select a series from the list below along with a pairing and trope (ex: "The Heart Killers, Fadel & Bison, brotherly affection") and our participating writers will post drabbles dedicated to the winners.
COMMENT QUALIFICATIONS: For your comment to qualify for the lottery, it must include the following:
At least three sentences about the fic or how the fic made you feel. ex: "I loved the way you portrayed [character name]! I can so easily imagine them saying all of that in canon. I'm definitely going to read the rest of your fic now!"
Copy & paste one line from the fic that you enjoyed. ex: "[quoted line] I'M SCREAMING!!!"
What led you to the fic (previous familiarity with the author, a rec from someone, randomly found it on a tag, etc.) ex: "My friend sent me this and told me to read it, and I'm so happy they did!"
Essentially, the purpose of the event is to give writers some specific positive feedback. In normal circumstances, it's totally fine to leave a simple, "I loved this!" or, "Thank you for writing this!" but for this event, we're gonna go above and beyond for our beloved writers.
WHERE TO COMMENT: You can comment on any fanfiction site (Wattpad, FFN, etc.) as long as you can provide links to your comments. I've just structured the event around AO3 since that's where I'm based and have the most familiarity.
And now the fun bit!
• work-in-progress (any kind) • work-in-progress that hasn't been updated in 3 months • work-in-progress that hasn't been updated in 6 months • work-in-progress that hasn't been updated in 9 months • work-in-progress that hasn't been updated in 1 year or more • one-shot with a word count under 5k • one-shot with a word count between 5-10k • one-shot with a word count between 10k-20k • one-shot with a word count between 20k-30k • one-shot with a word count over 30k+ • completed multi-chapter fic • fic with fewer than 10 comments • fic with fewer than 5 comments • fic with no comments • fic from before 2020 • fic from 2020 • fic from 2021 • fic from 2022 • fic from 2023 • fic from 2024 • fic from 2025
To qualify for the lottery, you must provide proof of your comments in the linked form below. Provide a list of at least ten links to your posted comments, and you'll be enrolled in a lottery to win a drabble based on the series of your choice from the list below provided by our participating writers.
SUBMISSIONS: Please submit your links through the form here:
As for where to get links: on AO3, when you post your comment, you'll see a button at the bottom that says "Thread." Clicking on that will create a page that starts from your comment. You can use that link for your form.
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[This is my extremely subtle way to hype @faillen's Peaceful Property fic pinkies linked, palms pressed. It's so, so, so, so good.]
COMMENTING ETIQUETTE: When commenting on fic, please abide by these three points:
Offering unsolicited criticism is widely considered to be rude, so please don't critique a fic in your comments.
If it's a work-in-progress, please don't pressure the author for more updates. That's generally not received well by writers. (If you'd like to be encouraging, err on the side of the suggestions below.)
Keep the overall tone positive!
If any comments break etiquette, they'll be disqualified.
COMMENTING SUGGESTIONS: Writers are people, and people react differently to feedback, but we do share general similarities in what we love to receive from readers. Liiike…
Copy and paste parts you particularly enjoyed: The reason I made this a requirement is because I know it's commonly adored among writers. I've had readers apologize to me for copying and pasting half the fic in my comment section. I promise and guarantee you, if you ever did this, I love you. Platonically and all-consumingly. When we're writing, we're mostly on our own in our heads, in our rooms, maybe showing a friend or two snippets as we write. But when we put fic out there, we have no idea what people are going to respond to. Sometimes your favorite line is ours, too! Or sometimes the line you loved most is a line the writer almost erased! Or a line they're second-guessing. Maybe they hate it! Having someone say, "I'll think about this line for weeks," is wonderful beyond words.
CAPSLOCK: Again, be kind, but some of my favorite comments over the years have been someone so emotional about something in the fic the whole comment is just capslock screaming.
Rambling: Listen, there is no greater feeling in the world than getting multiple comments on a fic because a reader wrote so much about the fic they went past the comment box's character limit. If a fic made you feel so much you want to ramble, then please go for it! A writer spent hours working on the thing you love! Odds are good they'll be delighted!
Characterization: For many fic writers, we're trying to emulate the characterization of a character we didn't create, so when someone says, "The way you wrote this made it feel exactly like something [character name] would say/do. You really know this character!" a lot of us are especially giddy about it.
Kindness: Above all, we're just hoping for some kind thoughts. I know how daunting it can be to share your emotional responses with writers, so you can always just say, "This meant a lot to me," or, "This made me smile," and it will mean the world to a writer.
PRIZES: As mentioned, once you submit a form with at least ten qualifying comments, you'll be entered into a lottery to win one of ten drabbles from one of our participating writers! Right now, we have writers who will write for the following series:
Bad Buddy
Between Us
Dark Blue Kiss
The Eclipse
The Heart Killers
Jack & Joker
The Loyal Pin
Manner of Death
My School President
Not Me
Only Friends
Peaceful Property
Pit Babe
Tale of a Thousand Stars
ThamePo Heart that Skips a Beat
This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans
Until We Meet Again
Wandee Goodday
If you're a writer interested in volunteering to write a drabble for a series we haven't provided, please DM me. :)
Even if you don't intend on participating, please please please reblog this and get the word out that it's happening.
Thank you!
Special thanks to my writing server on Discord for their brainstorming, their advice, and their suggestions to put this event together. <3
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 1 year ago
UPDATED 1/21/25
this was inspired by @lubble-underscore's post and I decided to expand on the iceberg and see how much I could throw on it
thanks to the Discord server for filling in on things that didn't cross my mind! :D
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feel free to save and highlight what you know :3 Links to many of these things are below - some are not tho!
Tier 1 - do we even need to SAY anything?
pathetic little meow meow
unreliable narrator
Tier 2 - surface level/easy to see
superiority/inferiority complex
bitchsexual (i mean... points to commodus)
raised chiron (see CHB Confidential)
Tier 3 - complete read-through/reread; taking first steps into fandom
breaks cycle of abuse
great with kids, actually (see Harley, Georgie, ect.)
ordered pizza to chb (see The Hidden Oracle)
domains contradict
best godly parent
still heavily affected by past lovers (see The Whole Series)
Tier 4 - digging a little deeper
love life isn't actually terrible
definitely tried to bang frey at least once (see that One throwaway line in The Hidden Oracle)
malewife malewhore manslaughter
broke up the beatles because paul jilted him (Discord)
sees the faces of primordial gods (see The Hidden Oracle)
copollo could have worked
catboy but cats are competition (See The Tyrant's Tomb; submitted by @trials-of-apollo-my-beloved)
freakishly high pain tolerance (See THE ENTIRE SERIES)
Tier 5 - holy shit we're on to something
that apollo & jesus fic (Discord) (now on Ao3! By @nyaningthroughlife)
knew hades had kids in TTC
pressured to be the perfect son
fatal flaw is love
not as close to hermes as he used to be
seahorsed kayla
patron of CHB
roman apollo au (Discord: Creator chronictheorizing)
Tier 6 - wait what. OH!
was forced to punish halcyon green
deathsong (Discord: Creator @txny-dragon) (addition)
kids are greek & roman
michael yew is most like him
brings change by being his true self and not the fake one (Submitted by @/txny-dragon)
laomedon is why he hates slavery (Discord: Creator @ukelele-boy)
intentionally made the orientation video to communicate info on the gods
Tier 7 - what the fuck did we get ourselves into
directed travis & conner to tartarus tongs
Apollo x Orion is peek hateship (Discord: Origin in Tsari's server during Eclipse)
unlocked heavenly prophecy powers during trials
dated oscar wilde and inspired the picture of dorian gray (Discord)
half-titan theory
tartarus regenerated him
imperial kids were meant to usurp the olympians
Tier 8 - we're in too deep but will never come out
knows estelle is omen of end of the world
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frownyalfred · 2 years ago
Things you might not realize are affecting your ao3 readership:
Putting unrelated fics into one compilation instead of series or collections
Not tagging your fics/“haha I’m so bad at tagging!”
Tagging all of the ships in a fandom instead of the relevant ones to the story
“This is my first fic ever”/ “I’m really not a good writer” / “sorry if this is crap”
Summaries that say “sorry don’t think I will update much” or “might be abandoned idk”
Tagging “r@pe” or “unaliving” etc instead of the actual tag so people can filter/exclude
NOT tagging major, relevant tags or kinks without using the “creator chose not to use archive warnings” option
Telling people how bad your writing is and how you hate it so much and how they shouldn’t even be reading your fic (self deprecation)
Weird punctuation: not starting new quotes or descriptions on a new line, and/or putting extremely long blocks of text on the page without a break
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fandomofhappiness · 2 months ago
Aizawa Shouta & Shinsou Hitoshi Father-Son Dynamic Big Recomendation Fic List for starters and not
Hi everyone! After quite a long time, I finally post my Recommendation Fic List (the crowning glory of my stay in the MHA fandom) of Aizawa and Shinsou Father-Son Dynamic.
I always start reading fanfiction before I even finished read the original, what does that says about me?
I became familiar with a fairly common theory that Shinsou Hitoshi is an orphan with a rather dread past, which, of course, activated a huge curiosity in me. I tried to analyze the trend, and I will say that it's quite clear: People were infected with the idea, where abused Hitoshi was somehow saved by Aizawa. And so was I. I've read for almost hundread of any combinations of this trend and NOW I finally ready to present my Fic List.
Attention. I will attach UNFINISHED fanfics, but which actively (or not so) updated, because they are masterpieces.
WARNING! I do not attach stories which contain:
ships (except Erasermic and 2-3 ShinKami but they are not MAIN)
alpha/beta/omega thing
too fluffy and too family-oriented fics (there will be ones, but I don't want to make them a centre of my list
I cut Rec List on different genre sections (read: dynamics) and add fanfics from the most angst ones to fluffy ones so you can easily pick what you like most ;)
So, let's start!
fandomofhappiness's personal top
You Want It Darker by Ms_Chunks Genres: Shinsou Has Family, Gore and Murder, Detective, Mentor and Parental Aizawa Status: FINISHED (533,808 words) foh's comment: Highly interesting! Shinsou here is not represented as perfect kid or downtrodden teenager, he is the way I liked him in anime and manga: he bites, hisses, snaps, makes sarcastic jokes and does not allow anyone hurt him. Aizawa and Shinsou very slowly gain trust from each other, but that makes their relationship seem sincere, and not caricatured. Read for the detective, the non-orthodox view of the Hitoshi family and Erasermic. READ THE TAGS and be aware!
Fundamental Theorem of Heroics by NightowlRobin Genres: Foster Kid Shinsou, Vigilante Shinsou, Heavy Angst, Parental Aizawa Status: UNFINISHED but updates weekly (more 700k words) foh's comment: Truly FUNDAMENTAL work of all Shinsou Hitoshi stories on ao3. I'd so like to confess my true respect and love to the NightowlRobin for their most mind-blowing plot and detailising. (You will probably meet Aizawa only after 10 chapters. And it will take even longer until Hitoshi and him properly meet.) This is an epochal work that will make you believe in Hitoshi's true character and make you cry of his story because it's really brutal. I think this is the favourite work of everyone who liked Shinsou with all their hearts.
To Turn A Man Into A Stone by tanli Genres: Foster Kid Shinsou, Angst, Mentor Aizawa Status: FINISHED (15,128 words) foh's: comment: Even months after I read this work, I look back on it and think: the author did an 11/10 job. Just so you understand: this is the best example of how I see the relationship between Aizawa and Shinsou. It is the apotheosis of sincerity and affection. It is a test of will, deep introspection and acceptance. It performed so well that it seemed to me that the author wrote a chapter for the manga. Damn, the author did a lot better than the mangaka. If the previous two works were not so high-quality and grandiose, I would've put this one at the very top of my list.
If Lies Had A Flavor by scooter3scooter Genres: Foster Kid Shinsou, Erasermic Adopt Shinsou, Heavy Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eating Disorders Status: FINISHED (10,003 words) foh's comment: Perhaps one of the many angst works written by scooter3scooter, which I have reread more than once or even twice. This work is special to me, because I have never seen such an interesting look at the consequences of Shinsou's stay in an orphanage. Complex and emotional work. It is truly an honour to get acquainted with such a vast problem of humanity as eating disorder through this fanfic.
crybaby by Brachydios Genres: Foster Kid Shinsou, Erasermic Help Shinsou, Heavy Angst & Eventual Comfort, Canon Divergence Status: FINISHED (51,219 words) foh's comment: I've read this work more times than I can remember. Brachydios came into my life with this incredible work and tore me apart from the inside. I believe in every detail they describe, every character move is justified. I want to sympathize with Shinsou over and over again. One of the best Quirk-Shenanigans trope that has brought 1017 people to tears - be the next one. The performance is 100 of 10.
How It Goes by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter Genres: Foster Kid Shinsou, Erasermic Adopt Shinsou, Heavy Angst & Eventual Comfort Status: FINISHED (20,021 words) foh's comment: This is one of the best written Foster Kid Shinsou stories ever. Hitoshi's adaptation, his thoughts and feelings, his panic, his fear of going back to the orphanage are described in a deep sincere way here. It's a heartbreaking story about the fear of punishment, taking consenquences and family. It was very personal for me and I hope you get a lot emotions after reading it.
Faith by slightlycrunchy Genres: Mentor and Parental Aizawa, Anxious Shinsou, Hurt/Comfort, School Situation Status: FINISHED (2,651 words) foh's comment: This work is also quite personal choice of mine. I wouldn't say it's grandiose, but it's very emotional for me. For the kid who worries about grades all their life, who is afraid to make a mistake, who is afraid to lose everything because of one mistake and who doesn't know how to accept their failures. I ask you to read this if my words resonate in your soul. This is the truth that we all need to hear.
Absolute Tops
Point Blank by Cobbiest foh's rec: an interesting, intriguing and beautifully written Shinsou's journey to become a part of Erasermic Family (and hero)
Deathworlders to the extreme! by AquaStarDark foh's rec: that's the funniest, most captivating and rocking people-are-space-orcs thing that I've read, really worths reading
I Would Understand by deafmic foh's rec: that is the first things first to read if you're new here, but tnh I wasn't ready for this work and dropped it once or twice before I finally made it and read it, it's really really good, but I wouldn't recommended as first-to-read.
Back to the Nest by Mags_Pie foh's rec: such a sweet thing about children and their parents. I was smiling so much.
Everything is different (since you've been around) by Plasmapause foh's rec: and THIS is how I see the best written relationship between Shinsou & Aizawa AND Shinsou & Yamada, they're building trust and becoming family very slowly BUT you really believe in these life situations that happen to Hitoshi, it is very sincere and touchy work.
It's not always easy. by ethgri foh's rec: and THIS is the HEAVIEST work I've read and really recommend it. The emotions are real and naked, I practically felt the same pain. Please be ready for heart journey, this is a brutal masterpiece.
Herding Cats by Robbirdthe8th (FictionalFeather) foh's rec: the COOLEST detective wotk, have nothing to say - just read it.
Margay by Oceanbreeze7 foh's rec: one of best ever written Shinsou.
QueNouilleCroustillante (the author of AUs that you won't forget: you may know theirs Bright Stars, but I beg you to read all of their works)
deafmic (you guys do know deafmic, that's deafmic's section for Aizawa and Shinsou, it's all too fucking good)
Mentorship Dynamics
More than a cry by Assassin Bug
Stubborn choices by Madaver
Not In The Job Description by ididntneedanewfandom (prettyvk)
Voices by SquirrelWriter
mind break by baggytshirtsandtiredeyes
The Lilac Garden by Mars_is_Gone
the night was a gelid, bitter, and biting thing by sonrissa
Countdown by Mags_Pie
polished doubt, fake sentiment by s_beth
Consequences by 22FluffyTheSpider123
Legacy by the_crownless_queen
Aizawa's Warmth by LoveableMink
Hitoshi Shinsou's Not-So-Smart Training Method by maarvehl
Keep Him Safe by Mags_Pie
stealing is bad? by borlios
Learning Curve by Cyborg_Franky
Play Along by eillo
from one foot to the other by ohwickedsoul
Family Dynamics
So this section I prefer to divide in two subsections:
fanfics where Shinsou is heavely traumatised and learns how to handle it with Eraser(-mic) help (Section A)
fanfics where Shinsou traumatises world around him and still learns how to handle it (Section B)
P.S.: section B comes first, because I love how authors perform Shinsou. They captured his audacity, intelligence and rebelliousness, he's learning from his traumas but does it shitty, and that is really interesting.
Family Dynamics Section B:
When the Darkness Fades by BlueCats
Growing Up (is harder than it looks) by BlueCats
Concerning (Some-)Things by Tododorkey (ApolloBlackwood)
The Beginning of Always by meow_z_z_z
First Day of School by Jyxnie
Split Lip; Silver Tongue by CreamcheeseBagel
Unforgettable by deafmic
A Lesson in Vengeance by Smurfee
somewhere in my heart of hearts (i knew it all along) by bototyelenol
Call to Eraserhead by sukeruton
surviving on elevated cortisol and spilt coffee by Crykea
How to Win the Sports Festival: A Step by Step Guide by mhwright
Hitoshi Shinsou's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days by Princeliest
Tight-Lipped Belief by Robbirdthe8th (FictionalFeather)
House of the Rising Sun by caprisunontherocks
Family Dynamics Section A:
Just A Phone Call Away by odymcbea
Twist My Words by CreamcheeseBagel
Take Care (of me) by scooter3scooter
it’s in the way he- by scooter3scooter
masterpiece of nature by Brachydios
spare the rod by Brachydios
Not Today (Tomorrow it May Change) by deafmic
You're an Alien? by Badum_tsh
Pardon My Presence by ShiDreamin
Everything Will Be A-Okay by nikouji
Lucky Cat by deafmic
The Misadventures of the Yamazawa Family by ComplicatedSquishy101
Home Alone by fecklessphilanderer
a voice your body jumps to callin' out your name by sparrowsAce, wander_wren
Last (First) Adventure by deafmic
You've Got A Heart As Loud As Lions by Robbirdthe8th (FictionalFeather) (warning! this work contains sexual abuse. I felt it was a difficult decision to include this here, as it is an incredibly complex topic and also incredibly important. This work is written with such respect and love, with such sensitivity, I cannot even begin to express it in words. Please, if this topic is disturbing and triggering to you, please be careful to read it.)
This concludes my top list. I finished reading about two months ago and plan to return soon and see what new and good is being written along this Father-Son trope. If you have any other cool works that are not presented here and you want to share them, send them into comments. I would be very glad! Thank you for attention!
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bambooswordwielder · 3 months ago
So funny to see the different demographics that each MXTX book series attracts and how that affects the way the fandom interacts with each other and themselves.
SVSSS is a Fandom full of people who embody the 'dont-like-dont-read-it' mindset I believe we need more in fandoms. You wanna ship Shen Qingqiu with Tianlang-jun, Luo Binghe's father? Go ahead. Wanna write a 300k fic about Shen Qingqiu as a bird that follows Luo Binghe around during his childhood? Where's the bloody link. Wanna make memes about Skinzun? Me too, send me all the memes and drawings.
The nature of SVSSS being a meta-retelling of stereotypical Male fantasy harem novels means it references and is heavily influenced by Fandom Culture, especially during Airplane's Extras of his past life.
It's because of that fact it means to read and finish the books, you automatically just have to be a person who's been dealing with fandom culture for a long time. You've learnt to accept that other people ship other ships, you've learned to love the random rare pairs that show up on your homepage that you never would've thought of but now will be hunting for on AO3, you've just learned to have fun with the source material.
This mentality is further pushed by the fact SVSSS doesn't have alot of Canon Material being produced, meaning a majority of content is fanmade for fan consumption. This builds a level of community that means there's not that much discourse, and any discourse there is is usually shut down with a simple "Oh hey Shen Yuan, nice to see you here."
MDZS has a bit more diversity in the people it can attract. It has a well-written love story between WangXian, it has Sibling Angst in the form of the Yunmeng Siblings, Nie brothers, Lan Twin Jades, and the entirety of the Jin Family, and it has deep political intrigue and discusses/dissects discrimination of your birth status (Sexism, Classism, Merit VS Blood). MDZS is also the novel with the most adaptations (The OG Novels, a Donghua, a manwha, audio drama, Life Action in the Untamed, and a manga), meaning more people can consume it in their preferred style.
However, it's due to these reasons that MDZS tends to have a lot of fights/debates in it in terms of interpretations of the characters/plot. Someone who watched the Untamed primarily is going to have a vastly different interpretation of Jiang Cheng’s character than say someone who read the original novels, and someone who watched the Donghua will have different scenes than in the Novel. People who came primarily for the Sibling Angst might wish for Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian to reconcile, while someone else for came for something else might be happy they don't interact.
There's also the fact the story deals with a lot of characters going through extreme circumstances over a long period of time, meaning characters make decisions that might make some fans hate them and some fans want to defend them for it. This overall just causes a lot of debate.
Love the works, love the Fandom, but 99% of fighting is caused by people reading/watching different adaptations which has different portrayals of characters (I'm staring directly at you Jiang Cheng).
I will update this when I finally finish TGCF and can get a glimpse of the Fandom, though would love to see any statements about it or the other fandoms.
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aghost-writer · 3 months ago
This will have my fics and my multi-chapter fics master lists! I also have my additional master lists on here as well as anything other post I deem important.
All characters are aged up to adults. Everyone is an adult in these fan fictions.
I updated each master list once a month so there might be fics that haven't be added to the master list yet.
Organized by Fandom!
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My other writing platforms:
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Bungo Stray Dogs
Lonely (Multiple chapters)
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 26/?
Trapped in a loveless, lonely marriage, Y/N finds solace in running her quiet bookstore. But her mundane life takes a dark, thrilling turn when she crosses paths with a mysterious figure from another world. Drawn into danger and obsession, she wonders if, just maybe, she would not be lonely anymore.
Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs x Reader
Between Pages (Multiple Chapters)
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 41/?
Y/N is transported into Bungo Stray Dogs, powerless among literary legends with supernatural abilities. Relying only on her memory of the plot, she must navigate alliances, dodge threats, and survive in a world she once read about. Can she rewrite her fate in a story that wasn’t meant for her?
Yandere BSD x Female Reader!
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Boku No Hero Academia/ My Hero Academia
Enough (Multiple Chapters)
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 35/?
A young girl, consumed by an insatiable hunger she doesn’t understand, struggles to hide the monster within while yearning for a sense of normalcy. Haunted by her past and the darkness that clings to her, she is grappling with the fear that she’ll never truly be enough.
Yandere BNHA x Yandere Reader x Yandere Aizawa
Sugar (Multiple Chapters)
Status: Paused
Chapters 18/?
In a world where pro heroes secretly indulge in their darker desires, Y/N, a captivating and sought-after sugar baby, find yourself entangled with a group of powerful heroes. Each with their own possessive and obsessive tendencies, they fight for your affection, showering you with gifts and attention—while hiding their darker urges beneath a polished exterior. But as their obsession grows, so does the danger, and you're caught in a world of luxury and chaos, where loyalty can be as intoxicating as their twisted devotion.
Yandere BNHA Pro Heroes x Reader.
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Kimetsu No Yaiba/ Demon Slayer
Wisteria (Multiple Chapters)
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 42/?
A girl wakes with no memory of the last five years—only wisteria flowers whispering her forgotten past.
Yandere Demon Slayer x Female Reader.
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Jujutsu Kaisen/JJK
Ocean Eyes (Multiple Chapters)
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 23/?
A young woman is taken away and into her favorite anime Jujutsu Kaisen where she finds herself slowly becoming more and more obsessed with her Nanami Kento as those around her fall deeper into her ocean eyes.
Yandere JJK x Yandere for Nanami! Reader
Followers (Multiple Chapters)
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 30/?
Able to embed cursed energy into objects, she possesses the unique power to transform ordinary items into formidable artifacts that attract and command followers bound by the dark energy. Each object she infuses gains a life of its own, becoming a vessel for her will and a source of influence in the cursed realm.
This is a Yandere Jujutsu Kaisen x reader.
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Tokyo Ghoul
Love Me... Until the End (Multiple Chapters)
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 29/?
(Y/N) treads a fragile line between two worlds, carrying secrets that could shatter everything. As the cost of her choices begins to take its toll, she’s forced to confront what she’s willing to sacrifice—and whether she can still recognize herself in the process.
Yandere Tokyo Ghoul x Female Reader. Rewrite of my Love Me ... fanfic
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Goddess (Multiple Chapters)
Status: Paused
The fallen goddess. They just want her to be theirs.
Yandere Haikyuu x Female Reader.
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Alpha/Omega Master List
This will have my alpha/omega fics!
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Other Important Things
Guidelines for MY version of Alpha/Omega-verse
My Yandere-Verse
Q&A is Now Open! But Here Are the Rules...
51 notes · View notes
rainbowmoonstonestories · 3 months ago
A Bounty As Boundless As The Sea | Chapter 8
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Chapters: 8/? Fandom: One Piece (Liveaction 2023) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dracule Mihawk x F!Reader Characters: Dracule Mihawk, Original Characters, Akagami no Shanks, Roronoa Zoro , Perona. Warnings: Mention of blood and physical torture, violence, 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching. Summary: Constantly evading capture due to a bounty on your head, you were forced to embrace the life of a pirate, despite your initial desire for a thrilling adventure and a simple exploration of the world. One fateful day, the Marines dispatched Dracule Mihawk to hunt you down, plunging you into a game of hide and seek with the formidable Warlord of the sea throughout the East Blue. However, to your surprise, the man proved to be less bloodthirsty and hostile than you had anticipated. His piercing, hawk-like eyes, shimmering with a deep golden hue, left an indelible impression on your mind, while his apathetic yet self-assured demeanor ignited a newfound sense of intrigue within you.
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Credits: The divider was made by firefly-graphics.
Tagging: @gg-trini, @commanderfreethatdust, @canthebest1, @shakysif, @i-am-vita. If anyone else wants to be tagged in the future chapters, feel free to drop me a comment!
Read on AO3
As time progressed, the distance between you and Mihawk became increasingly frustrating to maintain. Concurrently, despite your bounty being cancelled, potential risks from undisclosed parties may still persist.
Author's note: It's hard to believe we're in 2025 already. The story is flowing well, and I expect the first part to conclude within the next chapter or two. I had planned to include an important scene with a major OP character in this update, but space constraints prevented it. I'll incorporate it in the next chapter alongside other plot developments.
The second part shouldn't be particularly long, but I want to write about daily life on Kuraigana Island. This means readers who haven't read the manga or watched the anime will encounter some spoilers. Since we don't know how many seasons the live-action will cover, it might take years before they film that storyline.
I wish you all a wonderful 2025!
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You awoke to birds chirping, their gentle whistles drawing you back to reality. When you opened your eyes, sunlight streamed directly into them, causing you to squint and roll away from the harsh rays onto the cool grass. 
Upon discovering Mihawk's departure, a sense of melancholy settled over you. His solemn promise lingered in your thoughts, accompanied by memories of ardent kisses and gentle touches. The previous evening had marked a significant development in your relationship; you had simply held each other, finding peace and contentment in a quiet embrace with no need for anything more. 
Though naturally reserved, Mihawk revealed his softer side in private through subtle gestures of intimacy and affection. His tenderness emerged in the way he welcomed your presence and left thoughtful gifts on your pillow—each action carrying the same quiet precision that defined his character.
An involuntary sigh escaped your lips as his absence weighed heavily upon your consciousness. Yet you chose to trust his resolve, hoping he would return before the ache of separation could truly take hold.
You pushed yourself up from the ground, stretching to shake off the last traces of sleep. Making your way down the hill toward the village, you noticed townspeople already bustling between the harbor and main streets. Fresh fish scented the air while seagulls wheeled overhead, and the sounds of merchants setting up their stalls echoed off the surrounding walls. You'd nearly forgotten the vitality of your homeland during these early dawn hours.
Life had a peculiar way of shifting perspectives. Not long ago, you would have given anything to return home and forget your dream of adventure, one that had twisted into a nightmare of betrayal and deceit. Now you found yourself unwilling to stay, unable to give up the life at sea you had built through hard work, determination, and sacrifice.
A life with the ocean breeze blowing through your hair, and Dracule Mihawk by your side.
Mary-Ann visited the tavern in the early afternoon, choosing the quiet lull for an intimate conversation. Since your arrival, moments alone together had been extremely rare, and she craved the kind of private chat that only two best friends, separated by time and distance, could finally have. 
The tavern was comfortably warm, wisps of steam curling up from your drinks. Mary-Ann sat in thoughtful silence, choosing her next words carefully.
"So, I heard something interesting this morning," she said, sipping her tea with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Oh? Do tell," you replied with a smile.
"Your boyfriend came all this way just to see you, didn’t he? What a shame I wasn't here to meet him in person."
You pursed your lips and cast a suspicious glance at your cousin, who was casually wiping down tables nearby. "Runa told you, didn't she?"
Mary-Ann shrugged. "You know how she is. She said he's quite the handsome fellow. And judging by those old bounty posters, I'd say she's absolutely right."
“I mean—”
"You're not going to deny it, are you?" she teased. "Go on, don't stop on my account."
A wider grin tugged at your lips as thoughts of the Warlord drifted through your mind once more. "He's gorgeous, Mary-Ann. Breathtakingly so. But that's not the main reason I care for him."
"I bet. You've always been able to look beyond the surface. When I first heard the rumors about you two, I was skeptical… after all, he has quite the reputation. And those eyes of his..."
"Trust me, I was terrified when I first realized he was pursuing me."
Mary-Ann froze with her mug suspended in mid-air, unblinking. "Wait, he was?"
“Crazy, right?”
She sighed, setting the beverage down on the table. "Damn, sweetie. You've been through quite a journey out there."
"That's putting it mildly."
Her cheerful expression faded as a shadow crossed her face, giving way to a more serious tone. "So, he was chasing you because the Marines ordered him to? How did you get from there to this?"
You chuckled. "I honestly don't know. It just... happened naturally. Mihawk was never truly interested in capturing or killing me, he was fascinated by what I'd accomplished."
Her eyebrow arched impossibly high. "Seriously? Everyone says Dracule Mihawk is heartless and a savage on the battlefield."
"That's what I thought too. But believe me, he's the very reason I'm sitting here with you today."
She nodded. "Right, because he got your bounty cancelled. Runa told me about that too."
"Can't that girl keep anything to herself?"
Mary-Ann shook her head with a smile. "Can you really blame her for being excited?"
“Not really, but…”
The atmosphere grew heavy as Mary-Ann's face tensed, her gaze holding the weight of a thousand unspoken concerns as her lips formed a straight line. 
"You disappeared for weeks, Y/N, and we had no idea where you'd gone. Then suddenly we learned the World Government wanted you dead. Can you imagine how terrified I was for you?"
"Look, I don't mean to sound harsh," she cut in. “I know it was difficult, and I understand why you couldn't reach out to us after that. But every day, I dreaded hearing news of your execution. I would break down in tears just thinking about it."
You had feared your family and friends would see you as just another wayward criminal lost to the sea, someone who could only disappoint them for committing what seemed like an unpardonable act. You were terrified to reach out, knowing the Marines could track any communication and endanger your loved ones. Yet you had failed to consider the most crucial aspect: how intensely frightened they all would be for your safety.
Your shoulders sagged. "I'm sorry, Mary-Ann. I know I've caused you all so much worry."
"I'm not blaming you, I know it wasn’t your fault. Though I have to admit, I spent a long time being angry that you chose such a dangerous dream."
Your eyes flickered as you fidgeted with your hands in your lap. "Actually, there were times when I regretted my decision."
Mary-Ann's warm smile returned as she settled in her chair. "If I were in your shoes, I couldn't have endured that alone. The way you found the courage to stand on your own, without support… it's truly admirable. I'm just so grateful you didn't give up."
She looked at you thoughtfully, her face glowing in the warm sunlight. "Because I've never seen you this happy before."
"Whatever people say about Mihawk, I trust your judgment. And seeing how much you like this guy, I'm certain he's not the mindless World Government’s lapdog that everyone makes him out to be.
Your fingers reached for the cross pendant, subconsciously toying with it. "No. He's complex and contemplative, far more than just empty words and violence. He's direct, honest, and believes in me more than I've ever believed in myself."
Mary-Ann sipped her now-cold tea with a satisfied hum. "You spent time with him last night, didn't you?"
"Are you going to tell me what happened?"
"Nothing, actually. We just slept."
She propped her elbow on the table, resting her chin in her hand. "Slept, sure."
"Is that really any of your business?" you asked with a playful smirk.
"You're my best friend, of course it is."
"Well, you're in for a disappointment; we really did just sleep. Get your mind out of the gutter."
“Mhh.” She leaned forward, lowering her voice to a whisper. "But that's not all you've done together, is it?"
"Nope, not going there."
"Come on, spill!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands enthusiastically. “With his fierce prowess in battle, I bet he's just as wild in the bedroom—"
"Oh for fuck's sake. Stop it!"
She erupted into laughter, clutching her stomach and nearly toppling backward in her chair. Her booming voice echoed through the tavern so powerfully you worried she might shake the rafters loose. 
"You should see your face right now. You're as red as your mother's tomato soup!"
"Well, who do I have to thank for that?"
"Alright, alright. My apologies. I can see you'd rather not discuss those details."
"For good reason,” you retorted, crossing your arms. “I never ask you about your husband’s performance during sex, do I?"
"Ah, I'd be happy to tell you all about it. You see, there's this special thing he does with his ton—"
You waved your hands frantically. "No, no, please. I'm perfectly fine not knowing. I'd rather be able to look him in the eye without any disturbing mental images."
Mary-Ann dissolved into uncontrollable giggling, just like in the old days. Wiping tears of joy from her eyes, she finally caught her breath and composed herself. "I didn't realize how much I've missed this."
“I missed it too.”
"But not enough to make you want to stay, right?"
You released a gentle sigh, tilting your head. "It's not that I don't want to."
"I understand. Your heart belongs to the sea now… and to Dracule Mihawk."
Lost in thought, you gazed through the window at the pristine sky above. The salty scent of the ocean had become part of your essence, clinging to your skin and dancing on your lips no matter how much you washed or what foods and drinks you tasted. And the distinctive aroma of the man you had fallen in love with, like the finest spice in a gourmet kitchen, had woven itself into your being, remaining a constant presence in your life.
"Yes," you whispered, blinking back tears before they could fall. "It does."
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The seven days spent in your homeland proved transformative, offering insights into aspects of life previously overlooked. This period of reflection facilitated personal rediscovery, lending new perspective to familiar routines and emphasizing the importance of rest. The nurturing presence of family and friends served as a powerful source of rejuvenation for your spirit.
Runa struggled the most with your impending parting, retreating to her room the moment she noticed your packed belongings. After half an hour of coaxing, she finally opened the door, her face tear-stained, her breath hitching with crying. 
"Why do you have to go?" she asked, curling into a ball on her bed. "Why did you have to meet that Warlord?"
"Runa, it's not that simple," you said softly, placing a gentle hand on her knee. "I have a whole life waiting for me; a job, someone counting on my services, and so many places still to explore."
"But it's so dangerous out there!" 
"I can’t deny that, Ru. But I know you're mature enough to understand why I need to follow this path."
"No," she sniffled. "I know why you want to go, but I just can't make sense of it. Why risk your life when you could be safe and comfortable? It's not like you're planning to sail the Grand Line."
You hesitated, unable to find the right words to offer. The idea of venturing further had been growing in your mind—a chance to push beyond familiar waters. Though the East Blue was vast, you felt you had visited every corner of it, from remote islets to bustling cities. While you once dismissed the Grand Line as too risky, you now wondered if you might be ready to take on its challenges somehow.
Your silence made Runa's eyes widen in panic. "Wait… you won't go to the Grand Line, right? Please tell me you won't!"
"To be honest, Runa, I'm not sure,” you admitted. “While I haven't made any specific plans, I can't promise I won't consider that possibility someday."
"You can't do that! You may never return!"
A soft smile tugged at your lips. It seemed a flair for the dramatic truly ran in your family.
"Ru, I know I'm asking a lot. I don't expect everyone to agree with my choices. All I'm asking for is your acceptance of the journey I must take."
"Well, I refuse," she declared between hiccups, tears streaming down her face in endless rivulets.
"No, I mean it. I don't want Dracule Mihawk to take you away from us. I don't want you to go to the Grand Line. I don't want you to be a pirate. And I certainly don't want you to put your life in danger every single day."
You exhaled deeply, brushing her damp hair away from her eyes. "Nobody is taking me away from you, and being a pirate doesn't mean I'm going to become a bad person."
"It's not about that. Being a pirate puts a target on your back, doesn't it?"
"I only became a target because of bad luck,” you explained. “A chain of unfortunate events forced me to do something terrible, something I would never choose unless I had no other option."
She bit her lower lip hard enough to nearly make it bleed. "And what if you find yourself in that situation again? What if you need to survive and the World Government condemns whatever means you have to use? I doubt even Mihawk can protect you from that all the time. How well do you know this man, anyway?"
Knowing there was no response that could contradict the truth of your cousin’s statements, you took her hand and gave it a light squeeze. "I can't promise you that things will be easy. All I can do is assure you that I'll be as careful as I can be, and call you at least once a week to keep you updated about my whereabouts."
"How can I be sure you won't end up with another bounty?"
"The reason I got a bounty in the first place was my inexperience."
She pouted, her throat tightening with emotion. "It's not enough, Y/N."
"I know, and I wish I could give you more reassurance."
"You're going to leave regardless of what I say, aren't you?"
Her lips quivered as fresh tears soaked into her shirt. "Fine. Go ahead and do whatever you want, then."
The resentment was clear in her voice, anger and disappointment blazing in her darkened eyes. It pained you deeply to leave her this way; hurt, angry, and utterly miserable. Knowing she might hold a grudge against you made your determination waver, but abandoning your commitments and chosen destiny was simply not an option you were willing to consider.
With a gentle kiss on her forehead, you rose from your position. Maintaining your poise, you proceeded toward the door, accepting that you must once again depart from your cherished foundations in pursuit of a life that promised the fulfillment you had yet to discover in your hometown.
And of a man whose undefined role in your relationship held profound significance.
Before you could leave the room, Runa called your name, halting you mid-stride. You turned to look at your cousin one last time, as she hesitated, getting up slowly from the bed but staying a few paces away.
Finally, she ran to you for a tight hug, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you against her. She breathed heavily into your hair, whimpering and shaking, barely releasing you to say, "If that guy ever dares to hurt you, I swear I'll kill him with my own hands. I don't care how massive that sword of his is.”
Embracing her tightly, you felt your own tears cascade down your cheeks while a soft laugh escaped your lips. After dabbing your eyes dry, you pulled back to take in the fierce look on her face, which gave her a maturity you had never seen in her before.
"I'll take your word for it."
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It had been three weeks since you'd last seen Mihawk. You dove back into your sea routine with renewed intensity, sailing tirelessly from port to port. 
Each day brought pleas to Isaiah for more assignments as you tried to outrun time's sluggish pace. While the busy schedule didn't quite ease your restlessness, it at least kept your mind from lingering too long on thoughts you'd rather avoid. 
The Warlord had returned to the Grand Line, withdrawing into his usual silence without any communication. You wanted to trust him—truly—and a part of you would never doubt his word. Yet the uncertainty of when he would return created an unbearable emptiness in your heart, one that left an aching void nothing else could fill.
Every night felt dull and meaningless, your bed suddenly becoming colder and much too spacious for you alone. The bathtub was stifling, each soak a reminder of your passionate moment with the swordsman, awakening desires you struggled to contain. Your cabin was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, and every solitary meal tasted bland and lifeless. A deep ache consumed you, for your loved ones back home, for Mihawk's presence beside you, and for companionship to fill the endless lonely days.
Though you didn't lament leaving home again, the extended isolation was beginning to take its toll.
Fueled by pent-up emotions, you began picking fights more often than necessary. You weren't actively looking for confrontations, but after the incident on Mirror Ball Island, your patience with profiteering scoundrels had worn thin. You refused to let anyone take advantage of your services again.
One day, you stood with unwavering confidence before another fool who tried to cheat you out of your fair price, methodically counting the banknotes between your fingers. The thug snarled, blood dripping from his thrice-broken nose as he twisted against the ropes binding his hands. While you preferred peaceful solutions, mercy had no place in this world.
"This is more like it," you said smugly, securing your Berries into the inside pocket of your jacket. "It was nice doing business with you."
"You damned witch," he snarled in response. "If you think this is over—"
"Oh, it is," you cut him off sharply. "I wasn't the one who violated our agreement in the first place."
"Smart of you to stay quiet."
You pivoted on your heels and strode down the empty hallway, your sword and pistols echoing with metallic clinks against your sides. Before you could round the corner toward the harbor, the man called out from behind, his harsh voice booming with arrogance, causing you to stop abruptly.
"Must be real nice having that infamous Warlord watching your back and cleaning up your messes."
Your jaw clenched at the insult, striking a raw nerve. You turned menacingly, boots grinding against the dirt as you stalked back to where the man lay sprawled, each step deliberate and radiating malice. The man's smug expression wavered under your piercing gaze, but his words hung irretrievably in the air. 
You crouched down, your voice lowering to a deadly whisper that carried the same bone-chilling edge as Mihawk's infamous demeanor. "If you think he's my babysitter, you're dangerously mistaken."
The thug’s breath hitched, but you didn’t stop there. Your hand shot out, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and yanking him closer. “I fight my own battles. I settle my own scores. And I certainly don’t need anyone to clean up after me. So, unless you want me to show you just how much I don’t rely on him, you’ll keep your mouth shut.”
You let him go with a forceful shove, standing tall as you dusted off your hands. The scammer scrambled backward, his face pale as he muttered half-hearted apologies. But then, under his breath, emboldened by the distance between you, he sneered, "Figures a brute like him would choose someone just as savage. Warlord or not, he's still a glorified pirate.”
The muscles in your shoulders tensed visibly, your expression cold and unyielding as a storm brewing on the horizon. “What did you just say?”
His bravado faltered again, but he pressed on, perhaps out of misplaced courage or sheer stupidity. “I’m just saying, someone like him thinks he’s above the law because he waves a giant sword around and terrorizes everyone who crosses his path. It’s pathetic. You’re both—”
He didn’t get the chance to finish. In a blur of movement, you grabbed him by the collar and yanked him to his feet with surprising strength. “Listen closely,” you hissed, your face inches from his. “You don’t get to speak his name, let alone insult him.”
Your grip tightened, and the scammer squirmed, realizing too late that he had pushed far beyond the limits of your tolerance.
“That ‘glorified pirate’ could destroy you and everything you’ve ever known with a flick of his wrist. Do you know why he doesn’t?”
The thug shook his head frantically.
“Because unlike you,” you spat, “he has honor. He got strength you couldn’t even begin to understand, and he doesn’t waste it on cowards who can’t even win a simple scam. Next time you even think about speaking ill of him, ask yourself—are you prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions?”
You dropped him to the ground like a sack of bricks, leaving him gasping for air. "You are the only pathetic one here."
Without another word, you strode back toward your ship, your blood still boiling with rage. As you disappeared into the crowd, you grumbled curses and complaints under your breath, uncaring about the passersby who eyed you as if you had lost your sanity.
Heavens above, you longed desperately to see Mihawk again.
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Weeks had turned into months, and it had become overwhelmingly unbearable. 
The Warlord's extended absence had created a palpable void across the East Blue region and in your personal life. Despite your resolute exterior, the question gnawed at you: would he honor his promise and return, proving his commitment to the bond you'd forged together? Though you wanted to believe in his reappearance, doubt crept in like an unwelcome shadow. You waited for any indication of presence, whether through reported sightings or even a single communication via transponder snail—none of which had materialized.
It unsettled you to realize how deeply he had influenced your thoughts, each day without him intensifying the craving that consumed both your soul and flesh. Even self-gratification brought no relief to your nerves, feeling hollow and incomparable to his touch. 
Missing him was truly maddening, but you could only wait and hold fast to his promise.
Meanwhile, your dealing job continued with more excursions and fruitful exchanges, immersing you in dynamic expeditions that provided just the right balance of stability and excitement. It was a good consolation, something that brought joy and gave your days purpose when you woke each morning with the sun rising. This was exactly what you'd always wanted; a life you wholeheartedly enjoyed, one you had chosen regardless of its lurking dangers over the comfort and security of your hometown. 
Still, as months went by, it became clear that the East Blue's opportunities were growing scarce. The region's limitations had become increasingly apparent, with Isaiah himself noticing the declining quality of your acquisitions. Though he was understanding about it, you both recognized that your finds were now predictable and less remarkable than before.
In hindsight, you should have anticipated his proposal.
"Wait, are you serious?" you asked, knitting your eyebrows.
"I know this is sudden, but honestly... I've been considering it for a while now."
"I thought you preferred avoiding the Grand Line," you remarked. "How are you planning to get there?"
He drew in a deep breath, folding his hands on the lantern-lit table. "I haven't the faintest idea."
"That's quite the plan to start with."
He laughed. "I know. I have no means to cross the Reverse Mountain, and I'd rather take the other route if I could."
"You can't simply sail through the Calm Belts in an ordinary ship."
"I'm aware. At minimum, I'd need one with a Seastone-lined hull,” he said firmly.
"Isaiah, let's be realistic. Seastone is an extremely rare mineral that only the Marines and World Government have access to."
He massaged his temples. "Yeah, that's the problem."
"So, you're only speaking hypothetically here."
"I am and I’m not. Look, I've always said I was content living here, but I'm getting tired of seeing the same faces and following this mundane routine. Even you know the East Blue has its limits. Sooner or later, there won't be anything left for us here."
Your eyes narrowed. “Maybe. But why are you speaking in plural?"
"Because this isn't just about me, Y/N. I want you to be part of this."
A heavy silence fell as you turned his words over in your mind, trying to make sense of them.
“Isaiah, what—”
"I know I don't have the means right now, but I've got connections. People who could help us form the crew we need and obtain some Seastone."
You exhaled. "Isaiah, listen to me for a second. While I've considered reaching the Grand Line someday, even a Seastone-lined ship wouldn't fully protect us from Sea Kings. They can still spot ships from the surface and attack any areas not protected by the mineral."
Isaiah nodded. "Exactly, we need to gather skilled people. Sailors with real talent and experience navigating the Calm Belts."
You sat in contemplation, weighing the risks against the potential rewards.
"Think about it. You could benefit too; after all, doesn't Mihawk have a residence in the Grand Line?"
“He does, but…”
"If we bypass Reverse Mountain, we could travel through the Calm Belts and establish the most efficient route."
"Come on, the Grand Line is vast. Some parts of it take years to reach."
"And it could take us years just to leave the East Blue anyway. I'm only asking you to consider the possibility."
This thought had been weighing on your mind more and more. If your relationship with Mihawk deepened further, you knew he couldn't simply abandon his duties to visit you in the East Blue. It would be unreasonable to expect him to give up his title and retire, reducing Yoru to a mere wall decoration. 
And certainly, enstablishing a long-distance relationship simply wasn't an option you could accept.
Yet, could you and Isaiah realistically cross the Calm Belts without being thrown overboard and devoured by a Sea King? While Reverse Mountain seemed like the better alternative in theory, it came with its own deadly risks. Put simply, neither path seemed safe enough for you to attempt at this time.
"I will, of course," you replied. "But I can't make any promises."
"That's fine. I would love to have you as part of my crew, Y/N, but I won't pressure you into it."
A smile crossed your face as he left his seat, bid you goodnight, and retreated to his room with measured steps. Your thoughts swirled in disarray as you stared at the lantern's glow—your mind adrift in possibilities— transfixed by its golden hues. 
Like the mesmerizing amber glow of Mihawk's piercing eyes.
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Four long months had passed without a glimpse of the Warlord. From time to time, you asked Isaiah whether his contacts had heard any news of Mihawk's location or caught wind of rumors from across the four seas. So far, no significant news had emerged—his activities in the Grand Line had been unusually quiet and uneventful, nothing noteworthy enough to stir up any gossip.
As disappointing as it was, you had long since accepted it. Your faith in him remained unshaken, as you knew in your heart he would honor his promise and return to the East Blue for you, without fail. The ache of separation endured, but your strength of character carried you through each day, bolstered by your independence and resilience in your work.
However, nothing could have prepared you for what would become the most terrifying, life-threatening experience of your maritime career.
Notwithstanding prior experience and better judgment, you found yourself venturing once again into potentially hostile territory. 
The initial contact seemed legitimate and innocent enough: a potential client at a local tavern presented what appeared to be a straightforward business transaction of modest scale. The rendezvous point was on an inhabited island, with nothing outwardly suspicious about the arrangement. Red flags immediately went up when you arrived to find the meeting site was an isolated warehouse, completely cut off from civilization with no nearby buildings. The deal's questionable legality didn't faze you, that was normal in your line of work. But the circumstances raised significant concerns that warranted immediate withdrawal rather than merely exercising heightened vigilance.
No matter how capable you had become, certain battles were not meant to be fought alone.
You crept forward with caution, one hand resting on the sword at your hip while the other hovered near your holstered pistol. The decrepit wooden structure loomed ahead, its unstable frame making your skin crawl in alarm. 
A prudent course of action would have been to withdraw to your vessel without engagement. Still, something compelled you onward as you pushed open the door with a disturbing creak. The interior was dim and barren, containing nothing but scattered hay and broken planks, with decaying support beams that somehow still held the structure upright. 
The vast space had only a single entrance; the doorway you had just passed through. Though the contractor might simply be running late, your mind filled with darker possibilities, drowning out any optimistic thoughts. Before you could return outside to wait, the door slammed shut with a thunderous bang that echoed through the hollow chamber, making you jump and gasp.
An eerie silence descended, with no indication of activity outside. Upon attempting to exit, you discovered the door was immovable, refusing to yield even a fraction despite applying considerable force against the deteriorating structure.
You slammed against it repeatedly with your shoulder, until the acrid smell of smoke filled the air. Dark wisps curled up from beneath the door frame, forcing you to stumble backward as flames suddenly erupted in an incandescent blaze. You stared in horror at the advancing inferno, your eyes wide as the temperature soared with each lick of fire.
You spun around, desperately searching for another escape route, but found none. The wood greedily absorbed the flames, swallowing you into a scorching circle. You ran from one side to another, pounding your feet against the planks in hopes of creating an opening to slip through. Unfortunately, by the time you managed to make cracks and fracture pieces, the fire had effectively blocked your way to freedom.
The gravity of the situation took a moment to sink in. Your breath shortened as you panted and coughed, the smoke burning through your nose and filling your lungs. Sweat trickled from your hairline down your face as pieces of wood broke and fell from the roof. 
You leaped aside to dodge a massive girder crashing to the ground, but the sudden movement sent you reeling back toward the flames. A tongue of fire lashed out and caught your neck, searing pain shooting through you as your skin blistered and tore. You screamed in agony, clutching the burn with trembling hands as tears welled up, both from the excruciating sting and the dire reality of your predicament.
Though your smoke-filled lungs struggled for air, you refused to accept defeat. Your vision blurred as you climbed along the remaining foundations, only to slip and lose your balance, crashing onto your back. Your life flashed before your eyes, memories of childhood, faces of loved ones, and recalled Runa's distressed countenance as she implored you to reconsider your departure.
“This isn't just about me, Y/N. I want you to be part of this."
A heavy silence fell as you turned his words over in your mind, trying to make sense of them.
“Isaiah, what—”
"I know I don't have the means right now, but I've got connections. People who could help us form the crew we need and obtain some Seastone."
You pictured Isaiah's determined expression as he shared his aspirations of venturing to the Grand Line, an ambitious journey he envisioned undertaking together.
"This isn't farewell."
With a sigh, Mihawk sat up straight, facing you. His expression was serious and resolute. "You ought to have more faith in what I say."
Although his repeated assurances and actions could prove his sincerity, a persistent doubt was rooted in the recesses of your psyche. His motives were clearly not a pretense, yet that skeptical inner voice refused to be silenced completely.
"What further proof do you require from me?"
You pressed your lips together, contemplating the most appropriate response to give him. As silence lingered, Mihawk reached for the golden pendant hanging around your neck. "I don't give meaningless gifts. This necklace is more than mere decoration."
“I know.”
"If you do, then cease doubting my will to see you again."
Your thoughts turned to Mihawk, and you were gripped by a crushing despair. The bitter realization dawned that he would return to find only ashes where your life had been claimed by these merciless flames.
"I'm just wondering if I should start shopping for a wedding outfit," Micah teased. "I don't want to miss out.”
A bitter laugh escaped between your sobs as you struck the ground with your fist. Life held so much more in store for you, so many experiences yet to come, so many reasons to keep fighting and survive. 
“I don’t have the patience to constantly remind you of your worth, Y/N.”
Your grin vanished instantly, replaced by an expression of utter shock. Countless thoughts raced through your mind, but you couldn't focus on any of them. All you could process was the sound of your name, spoken aloud by Mihawk for the very first time since you'd known him.
And it felt exquisite, resonating in your ears like a perfectly struck chord.
“What did you just say…?”
"Has your hearing suddenly failed you?"
"No, I mean—" You touched his warm cheek with trembling fingers, his sideburns gently prickling your sensitive skin. "You said my name. You've never done that before."
"Unless you prefer I address you as 'Cutthroat' instead."
With a rapid intake of breath, you grasped the lapels of his coat and pulled him into another, fervent kiss. "Don't you fucking dare."
A guttural wail erupted from your throat, straining your vocal cords as your eyes burned with the same intensity as the surrounding blaze. Clutching the golden necklace with your hand, you hoped for a miracle to occur, for anyone in the distant villages to notice the rising smoke and come to your rescue before the flames consumed you. Digging your nails into the dirt, you prayed between choked weeping, casting your pride aside as the fire advanced.
Then, like a mirage, a possible route to salvation appeared in front of you. The fallen rafter had created an acute angle against one of the last standing supports. Above it, an opening in the roof revealed the sky, so blue and beautiful it seemed like divine intervention. You assessed the situation methodically, mapping out each critical point along the potential trajectory, your heart hammering in your chest. It was perilous, considering you could easily lose your footing once more and plunge into the flames below. 
With the limited alternatives available, this presented a more viable choice than remaining passive and succumbing to the inevitable.
Inhaling deeply, as far as your body allowed, you forced yourself to your feet and took a running start, racing along the rafter and leaping onto the support before it could collapse. You clung to it with your arms and legs like a monkey on a tree, carefully sliding up toward the roof as holes and tears formed in your jacket from the crackling flames. The heat was unbearable, the smoke rising so high it seemed to chase you to the top. Your right boot slid from the wooden pillar, but you maintained your grip by channeling all your strength into your arms. 
You were so close now, reaching for the ceiling boards and twisting your torso, your legs painfully crossed around the foundation piece. Gritting your teeth, you fought against your blurring vision and fading focus, summoning one final burst of willpower to propel yourself upward and slam against the edge of the broken roof. Your feet swung precariously close to the flames as your hands clawed frantically ahead, dragging you to safety. 
Finally, you were outside, gulping in fresh air between violent coughs that expelled ash from your airways. As you lifted your head, you caught sight of a small vessel in the distance, its Marine flag billowing, sailing away from the island's port. 
Whether that meant anything in relation to the arson or not, there was no time to dwell on it. The warehouse was on the verge of collapse, with parts of the roof crumbling and melting away. You made it back to the ground through unsteady movements and collisions with the walls, managing to limp away mere seconds before the building exploded. The force of the blast sent you flying, leaving you rolling across the grass with groans of pain.
Voices approached from the woods as townspeople rushed toward the unexpected explosion. Fighting through the sharp pain in your neck and the various aches throughout your body, you dragged yourself up without pause. You quickly retreated from the scene to avoid potential misconceptions about your involvement. Given your history, being discovered at the site could result in unwarranted accusations and legal complications, particularly concerning an incident that  posed significant risk to the surrounding area. No authority would consider your injuries with a lack of evidence against the real perpetrators, given your prior status as a fugitive in international law enforcement records.
As you walked, you discarded your ruined jacket and wrapped your belt scarf around your burned neck for protection. Brushing off as much soot as possible from your face, hair, and clothes, you forced a natural gait to reach your ship without garnering unwanted attention.
"Isaiah," you rasped through the portable transponder, collapsing onto your bed as the island faded behind you. The burn on your neck throbbed and stained your scarf with blood, your muscles and joints throbbing and creaking as though you had been crushed by a ship at full speed. 
"I need your help."
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"Y/N, I've got just one question for you: what the actual fuck?"
You winced as Isaiah tended to your burn, carefully cleaning and disinfecting the wound.
"I didn't exactly plan on getting trapped in a burning building," you retorted.
"Oh please, don't clutch at straws now. You've got to stop charging headfirst into dangerous situations like this."
“I don’t.”
"No? Didn't I warn you that the Mirror Ball invitation might be a trap?"
“You did.”
"But you went anyway. And you ended up in serious trouble there too."
You clenched your teeth and gripped your thighs as he dried the injury, dabbing gently at the damaged skin. "What are you trying to get at?"
"All I'm saying is that you should be more mindful of yourself," he explained. "Mihawk isn’t even in this part of the sea now. He won't always be there for you."
"You think I don't realize that? I saved myself today, in case you hadn't noticed."
Isaiah let out a deep sigh as he set aside the bloodied cloth and washed his hands. "Don't get angry, I'm not trying to diminish your abilities."
"No, you're just implying that I rely on Mihawk for my safety."
"That's not what I meant at all," he said softly, applying a big plaster to your burn. "Y/N, you don't need to prove your strength, we both know how capable you are. But when your instincts warn you of danger, you need to take precautions instead of walking blindly into the unknown. What will you accomplish besides getting yourself killed?"
Though difficult to acknowledge, Isaiah's assessment was accurate. Perhaps you had subconsciously anticipated that Mihawk would sense your peril and arrive in time to rescue you from the flames. With him being on the far side of Reverse Mountain, such wishful thinking was absurd.
Your shoulders slumped in defeat. "Yeah, I get it. I don't know why I still went to that warehouse."
"You're lucky the burn isn't too severe. I'm not a doctor, but with time, the scar should fade."
You gently brushed your fingertips along the bandage, flinching as your skin still stung beneath it.
"Yes, ah, maybe don't touch it and make it worse now."
You chuckled, pouring quality rum into your empty glasses. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, by the way."
"No worries, I understand. That must have been absolutely terrifying."
"I truly thought I was done for, Isaiah."
He nodded, clinking his glass against yours in a silent toast. "I bet. But who would want to do something like that? Is there anyone there with a grudge against you?"
You shook your head. "You're the one with all the connections, I barely know anyone in the East Blue."
Suddenly, you remembered the Marine vessel you had observed from your elevated position. Through the thick smoke, you could clearly discern their official flag with its characteristic, simplified seagull emblem and "MARINE" inscription, billowing against the horizon. 
You hesitated, downing your rum in one swift motion and recoiling at its bitter taste. "I'm not entirely sure, but... I think I've noticed something."
"What did you notice?"
Could the World Government truly be pursuing you still, despite Mihawk's influence and intervention on your behalf? Or was this the work of an independent group, operating covertly for their own agenda?
"After escaping, I saw a Marine vessel leaving the island. A small one, unlike their usual ships."
"Seriously? And you think they were behind this?"
You shrugged. "I don't really know. They could have been there for completely different reasons, leaving on their own by the time the warehouse exploded. There's no way to prove whether the World Government or Marines are behind my attempted murder."
Isaiah slammed his glass onto the table. "Well, if you ask me, you've got quite a clue."
"You don't trust them at all, do you?"
"Like hell I do. Y/N, we know how corrupt these people are. Most Marines are rotten to the core, they rarely do things properly or care about our interests and safety. The World Government can easily keep its hands clean by having their lower-ranking pawns do the dirty work."
You pursed your lips thoughtfully. "If you're right, then not having a bounty doesn't mean I'm safe from trouble."
"I'm not trying to alarm you. No hunters have come after you since your bounty was removed. But if we're right about this and the Marines are still targeting you, it means even Dracule Mihawk doesn't wield the authority over them that we assumed he did."
The mere mention of his name sent your heart fluttering and your stomach twisting. "This is completely messed up."
“The whole world is, my dear. If I can give you some advice, maybe try to lay low for a while. Forget about work and stay vigilant. I can reach out to my contacts and see if they've heard anything suspicious.”
You couldn't bear the thought of idleness, which likely explained your reckless decision to enter the warehouse even though your instincts warned against it. You sought professional engagement to occupy your thoughts, finding it preferable to focusing on Mihawk's inaction and how much you missed him. You let your feelings take control, consuming and commanding you. Your promise to Runa about self-preservation remained unfulfilled as you continued falling into familiar patterns of risky behavior. While your devotion to the Warlord ran deep, managing these impulsive tendencies required immediate attention. 
For your own wellbeing, your family's peace of mind, and for Isaiah, whose steadfast support had guided you through countless challenges.
And above all, for Mihawk himself, who recognized and nurtured your inherent capabilities, preserving your life with the expectation that you would value and protect it accordingly.
"Thank you, Isaiah. I'll actually follow your advice this time."
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The subsequent week passed in relative tranquility as you kept to strict isolation to facilitate proper healing of your neck injury. Isaiah diligently managed your recovery, performing regular bandaid changes every 48-72 hours while following thorough antiseptic protocols for the affected area. Though the recovery process remained uncomfortable, the wound showed gradual improvement with diminishing inflammation and more manageable pain levels.
While Isaiah's network had begun investigating the attack, their findings proved inconclusive. Rumors suggested Marine officials were unhappy about the removal of your bounty, but no concrete evidence could be established linking them directly to the incident. Dismissing the matter without further probe could potentially expose you to similar risks in the future.
"No word in the newspapers or on the streets about your death," Isaiah observed. "My guess is that someone inspected the scene, and they've reported the absence of your body to the mastermind behind this attempt."
"Well, at least my family won't be panicking for nothing."
"Yeah, that's not something any parent should ever have to endure."
"Or uncles, cousins, and friends."
Isaiah offered a smile, but his tense posture and unfocused gaze betrayed his underlying concern.
“Are you okay?”
"Yes, I'm just worried about you, that's all."
"I appreciate your concern, but please don't worry too much."
He scoffed. "How can I not? Y/N, you could've died!"
"I was there. I know exactly what happened. Thank you."
"Then please, stop pretending this isn't serious."
You swallowed hard and looked down, absently twirling the pen between your fingers as the open journal rested in your lap. "Someone has to. Otherwise, those images will haunt me day and night."
"I see the fire whenever I close my eyes. I feel the heat on my skin, and the smell of smoke follows me everywhere; in every corner of this place, on every piece of clothing I wear, even in my hair. I've showered twice today, yet it doesn’t go away."
Isaiah ran his fingers through his hair as your voice cracked. You could no longer keep up the façade of being strong and unshakeable.
"I can't stop thinking about how my family wouldn't even have had a body to mourn if I had failed."
"I get it, I really do. But—"
“And the truth is... I miss him, Isaiah. I miss him so much it hurts."
Isaiah remained silent, pursing his lips and clearing his throat as he straightened his posture. His eyes darted back and forth, suggesting he knew something you had yet to realize.
"Well... about that..."
You wiped your eyes, fighting back tears. "You must think I'm being ridiculous."
"No, not at all. I'd never mock someone who's in love. Actually, there's something else I need to tell you."
Your body stiffened as the journal and pen tumbled from your lap, your attention suddenly focused. "Did you hear something?"
"Indeed. And it's quite interesting," he replied with a grin.
"Well, might as well keep me in suspense for a moment," you remarked sarcastically.
Isaiah's smile widened. "I could, but I'm not that cruel."
"Oh, just tell me already!"
“Sorry! Okay. He's here in the East Blue."
Your breath escaped just as it had in the fire, constricting your chest and draining the blood from your face at this sudden revelation.
"From what I've heard, he was pursuing Don Krieg and his fleet. Needless to say that he succeeded effortlessly in his task."
"He was last spotted at the Baratie restaurant. Apparently, he's carrying out some mission for Vice Admiral Garp, though the specifics remain unclear."
So, Mihawk's presence in the East Blue stemmed from his official duties rather than any personal motivations regarding your whereabouts.
"Where is he right now?"
"I'm afraid I don't know his exact location. He's constantly on the move. But from what I understand, he's always been the one to find you, hasn't he?"
He settled more comfortably on the couch, stretching his legs out. "Just relax then."
"That's easier said than done, you know."
He groaned, tipping his head backwards with a loud grunt. "Look, I love you, but sometimes you really drive me insane."
"I'm sorry, it's just hard to control my feelings."
"Listen, Y/N. That man is crazy about you."
"What makes you say that all of a sudden?"
"You look and act like a beaten puppy just because he's busy elsewhere instead of coming straight to you."
Indignant, you lifted your chin with a scowl. "That's not true."
"Yes, it absolutely is," he countered firmly. “Sweetheart, have you noticed how he practically burned holes through me with his glare? I've never seen anyone look more jealous. How could a man show such possessiveness if he didn't truly care about you?"
"Logically, I understand what you're saying. Still, here he is sailing through the East Blue, and I knew nothing about it."
"He likely has his reasons. Being a Warlord comes with privileges, but it also requires following orders from the World Government. That's the agreement these pirates made with the higher ups.”
Exhaling softly, you contemplated his words. "I know that. But Isaiah, there's still nothing official between us yet."
"That doesn't mean anything. What happened to your faith and conviction? You were so sure he would come back to you. That necklace he gave you must mean something, right?"
"It's not that I've lost faith, but it's been months. Words and gifts can be fleeting—what holds meaning today might lose its value tomorrow. Now that he's back in these waters, am I supposed to just sit here waiting?"
Isaiah scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Unless you want to wander aimlessly across the East Blue searching for him. And frankly, I'd rather know you're safe."
"I can't stay here indefinitely. We may never find the perpetrator."
He pressed his lips into a tight line, clasping his hands as he leaned forward on his elbows. "You might have a point there. It's just..."
"You're worried about me."
"I really care about you, Y/N. You're my best friend. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you."
Over time, Isaiah had transformed from a trusted professional contact into an essential part of your life at sea. What began as mutual respect had deepened into an unshakeable bond of friendship that you treasured above all else, along with a brief romantic connection that had naturally run its course.
Your love for Mihawk had become unshakable, but the camaraderie you had formed with Isaiah was timeless.
You extended your hand with a warm smile, and he gently clasped it in his own without a moment's pause. "You won't lose me, Isaiah. I know this might sound like an empty vow, but I swear I'll be more careful from now on."
"It's not just about being careful. When someone wants you dead, they'll keep trying until they succeed. Every place you go could turn into a battleground."
"So what's the solution then? Should I just lock myself away in your headquarters?"
"No, of course not."
"You have a good network of contacts. Now we know what we're up against."
"Perhaps. But there's only so much I or my informants can do."
You shook your head. "It's more than I could ask for."
Isaiah released your hand with a composed chortle, looking at you with pride in his eyes. "I do believe Mihawk knows how lucky he is to have your heart. But if he doesn't, I should probably remind him of how amazing you are."
"Just be careful not to become minced meat."
“So comforting, thanks," he groaned with exasperation.
As you burst into a hearty laughter, Isaiah joined in, the tension dissipating from the room as your shared mirth echoed through the space like a cheerful melody.
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The peaceful rhythm of waves against the vessel's hull provided a serene backdrop to the bustling activity of Marines aboard, who diligently attended to their duties - tending to the sails, securing rigging, swabbing decks, and servicing artillery.
As the Vice Admiral proceeded to his office, his face betrayed mounting ire at reports confirming your continued survival and evasion of capture. Evidently, he had significantly underestimated your capabilities, regardless of whether fortune had played a role in your survival. His hasty plan had proven insufficient to eliminate someone so tough, he required something smarter, something that even your determination couldn't withstand.
Upon entering his private quarters in the late hours, he was met with minimal illumination from a solitary desk lamp. As he proceeded to loosen his collar, his expression etched with weariness, he suddenly froze at an unexpected presence in the room.
He blinked repeatedly, attempting to dismiss the apparition, but his heart rate accelerated upon realizing the figure seated comfortably in his chair was indeed real.
Right there before him was Hawk-Eyes Mihawk. His legs were propped on the desk, crossed at the ankles, while his trademark hat cast a shadow over his piercing, unyielding eyes. Yoru, his colossal black blade, rested across the table, its edge gleaming ominously in the lamplight.
The officer's hand instinctively moved toward his sword, but Mihawk's low, velvety voice stopped him cold. "That would be unwise," the Warlord drawled, his tone deceptively calm yet brimming with malice.
He remained motionless, not even sparing a glance at the man's weapon. The air in the room grew thick and heavy, weighed down by the sheer force of his aura.
“How did you—” the officer stammered, his words faltering.
Mihawk moved forward deliberately, his boots landing heavily on the floor. His right forearm came to rest on the desk as his fingers drummed a quiet rhythm against the wood. "The how is irrelevant," he said. "What matters is why I'm here."
The Vice Admiral swallowed hard, trying to mask his fear. “I don’t know what you’re talking about—”
"You set a trap," Mihawk interrupted, his voice cutting like Yoru's blade. His golden eyes narrowed, their intensity rooting the man to the spot. "You failed," he said simply. "But not from lack of effort. And for that..." His voice dropped to a whisper that carried the weight of an executioner's blade. "You will pay."
The officer staggered backward, his knees threatening to give way beneath him. "I... I was following orders," he croaked, his voice thick with desperation.
"Oh no," Mihawk replied coldly. "It was personal."
"That—that bitch slaughtered my father like a pig! Of course it was bloody personal!!!"
Mihawk stood slowly, his movement unhurried yet reminiscent of a predator coiling to strike. He loomed over the desk, Yoru's hilt within easy reach. "You chose her as your target. You attempted an ambush, imprisoned her, and set the flames. A coward's approach befitting your mediocrity. This matter has become... very personal indeed."
His suffocating presence dominated the room as he towered over the officer, who trembled in fear. "I could end you now," Mihawk murmured, his fingers grazing the blade's hilt. "It would be easier than drawing breath."
The man recoiled, his eyes darting to the sword, but Mihawk made no motion to take it. Instead, he straightened to his full height, his stare as cold and impenetrable as steel.
"But that would be too merciful for someone like you," Mihawk continued, his voice dripping with venom. "You will live. And every moment of your existence will be haunted by my presence."
The officer’s eyes widened in terror, his breath coming in shallow gasps.
"You'll look over your shoulder at every sound, at every shadow," Mihawk continued, his tone unnervingly silken. "You'll wonder if today is the day I choose to end this. You will not sleep. You will not know peace. You will live in constant fear, knowing that I can—and will—appear when you least expect it."
With fluid grace, Mihawk lifted Yoru from the desk as if the massive blade were weightless. He secured it to his back in one practiced, graceful maneuver, his predatory stare fixed unwaveringly on the trembling Marine.
"Consider this your punishment," he said, turning toward the door. "A life spent waiting for the inevitable."
With that, the Warlord strode out, his coat sweeping behind him like a dark omen. In the suffocating silence of his office, the man crumpled to the floor, face drained of color, hands quaking uncontrollably. Calling for backup would be futile against an opponent like Mihawk, who could easily split the entire ship in half, just as he had done with Don Krieg's fleet.
From that night forward, every creak, every gust of wind, every flicker of shadow became a harbinger of doom. He would wake in cold sweats, feeling the phantom weight of Mihawk's oppressive glare weighing down on him.
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Isaiah thoroughly analyzed his collection of notes, books, and maps, trying to devise a strategic plan. Now that you had returned to your vessel and resumed maritime operations, he was particularly concerned with assembling a qualified crew capable of ensuring your safety.
Reaching the Grand Line through the Calm Belts had become an increasingly tangible goal, but the time wasn't right. Isaiah insisted on thorough preparation, ensuring every detail was in place before such a momentous undertaking.
Engrossed in his analysis, Isaiah methodically traversed the room while reviewing documents, failing to notice the presence of a figure who had silently entered and now observed him from just a few paces away. He spoke to himself, alternating between nods of approval and whispered curses.
Upon turning around, he nearly collided with the unexpected visitor. His eyes widened in recognition as he found himself face-to-face with those distinctive, piercing golden hawk-like eyes, dropping his papers as he let out a startled gasp.
Mihawk stood motionless, his head tilted slightly as he observed the scene. His gaze swept over Isaiah with calculating intensity, causing the latter to swallow nervously and take a cautious step backward.
"Damn, a warning would've been nice," he stuttered. "If you're looking for her, she's not here."
"That is not the purpose of my visit," Mihawk responded.
"No..? Then... what can I do for you?"
Mihawk stepped forward, his sword gliding with a metallic clink against his back. "I have something for you. And in return, you will do something for me."
Isaiah exhaled a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. When Mihawk dropped the large bag he was carrying, which looked far too heavy for casual transport, Isaiah tentatively reached for the thick cord keeping it closed.
When he opened it, a blue glow emanated from the pile of minerals inside. The stones looked almost otherworldly, encapsulating all the color, magic, and translucency of the ocean.
Isaiah was transfixed, momentarily speechless at the contents before him. The bag contained an extensive collection of premium Seastone crystals, meticulously extracted and of exceptional purity—a treasure of immense value and rarity.
Isaiah looked up to meet Mihawk’s stoic expression, the Warlord standing watchful in absolute silence. "Holy hell, man."
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Upon disembarking from your vessel, the familiar atmosphere of the island struck you with immediate recognition. Isaiah had maintained an unusually upbeat demeanor while being deliberately cryptic, selecting this location as the meeting point for a prospective arrangement with one of his trusted associates.
When you inquired about this contact, Isaiah maintained an enigmatic air of mystery, offering only reassurances about their reliability. He arranged your travel to the location with complete confidence, his usual concerns notably absent.
The scene was precisely as it had been etched in your memory: the shadowed entrance of the cave where you had discovered the emerald ring—now a permanent fixture on your finger—the soft yet distinct sound of sand shifting beneath your footfalls, and the subtle tropical fragrance of palm trees and coconut carried on the breeze. Mihawk's voice seemed to echo in your mind, though you stood alone in this familiar place.
You walked along the shore at a leisurely pace, placing one foot in front of the other. You kicked a few rocks as you went, watching them roll away and come to rest in the distance. You waited in the tranquil oasis, touching your stomach as a sudden twinge made its presence felt.
The physical proximity yet distance between you and Mihawk was excruciating. Reports from Isaiah's network indicated that the Warlord remained within the East Blue region, having not yet returned for the Grand Line. Were his duties truly so demanding that he couldn't spare a moment to find you? During your first encounter there, he had made it clear that he operated on his own terms, refusing to be bound by orders that conflicted with his personal interests or convictions.
You snorted, gazing at the horizon while the coastal wind whispered past. At the sound of approaching footsteps, you steadied yourself, smoothing your hair back and relaxing your shoulders. However, when an unexpected voice cut through the peaceful ambience, you felt your heart freeze and swell in your ribcage.
“You are quite challenging to track down.”
Mihawk stood mere inches behind you, echoing his words from your first conversation. His proximity was palpable, his breath ghosting against your hair as warmth emanated from his form.
Your lower lip quivered as words caught in your throat, refusing to emerge. Your fingers curled into fists at your sides as your eyes squeezed shut, then fluttered open.
Finally, when you found your voice again, you were able to speak. “Not that much for you, apparently,” you repeated softly, a gentle smile spreading across your face. "Took you long enough," you added.
"I had urgent matters to attend to," he replied. "Affairs that could not wait."
You swiveled on your feet, meeting his eyes again after what felt like an eternity. His keen attention was captured by the large plaster on your neck, his golden irises following its line along your skin as darkness clouded his gaze.
"Ah, this," you said, brushing your fingers against the fabric covering your wound. "Just another scar to add to my collection, I guess. It should fade eventually."
"I hope so," he responded, his tone stern.
“Does it disturb you that much?" you asked.
"The mark itself doesn't trouble me."
You reached for the front of his coat, sliding your hand along its lapel until it hovered over his cross knife. "Have you heard what happened?"
Mihawk’s eyes met yours once more. "I’ve heard enough.”
A deafening silence hung between you, filled with tension and anticipation.
“And?” you pressed. "Do you know who was responsible?"
He didn't reply immediately. Instead, he closed his hand over yours, stilling your restless movements against his coat and chest. He was calm, yet carried an unmistakable edge, like a perfectly honed blade. "The answer should be quite evident."
"You do, of course," you concluded. "So the World Government wants me dead?" 
"No. Just one arrogant fool who believed himself clever enough to evade my notice."
"And who might that be?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The identity of that person no longer matters. I ensured he understands what it means to make a mistake of such magnitude. That lesson will haunt him for the rest of his life.”
There was no need to ask for details, you knew Mihawk well enough to understand that his vengeance would be methodical, calculated, and as terrifying as the man himself.
"I shouldn't have expected anything less," you whispered.
Though Mihawk's countenance remained impassive, he moved his hand to rest delicately upon your waist. He pulled you nearer with effortless precision, his face inclining until his nose gently grazed yours. "What is mine shall remain safeguarded. Without exception."
His words reverberated powerfully, each one sinking into you like an anchor, grounding you in the depths of his devotion and commitment. Unable to resist any longer, you gripped his collar, pressing your lips against his in a fiery collision. You savored their salty taste as if starved, the kiss searing and desperate, completely unrestrained.
For a moment, Mihawk was still, caught off guard by the force of your passion. His response was controlled yet equally consuming as his tongue darted forward, seeking yours in an entwining dance.
When you finally parted, your breath came in ragged gasps, your chest heaving as you stared up at him. His eyes now held an unmistakable warmth, a quiet acknowledgment of both your fervor and his own.
"You've been holding onto that for a while," he remarked, the faintest hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.
"I missed you too," you said teasingly. "No need to be so maddeningly composed."
"Someone has to keep balance when you're set on tipping the scales.”
"Then it’s a good thing you’re mine to tip.”
The storm between you had been unleashed, surging like wildfire in the aftermath of your kiss.
His lips quirked ever so slightly, his golden eyes steady as they locked with yours. "That much has never been in question.”
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 (currently reading) Go to Chapter 9 (coming soon) ->
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void-my-warranty · 5 months ago
you don’t have to answer this publicly if you don’t want but i’m curious (and i’m sorry if it’s obvious) but is there a lot of pressure surrounding sdj? not just from the perspective of letting go of the characters and the story, but the series has gained a pretty big following and the ending is shaping up to be quite the spectacle. if you’re comfortable answering, do you feel a lot of pressure from readers? did you sort of expect it from the beginning or when did you see it coming? do you find it affecting your writing at all and how do you combat it?
hope you’re doing well <3
Yes, there’s definitely pressure. I had a moment after it hit a certain number on AO3 where I was like… this is a legit recognizable fic in the fandom, holy shit.
Keep in mind I had 200 followers before writing SDJ, so the response has been a huge learning curve for me, and I’ve used it as an opportunity to figure out my online boundaries and how to best protect myself from burnout. A lot of times asks snowball into more and more invasive questions, and I’ve learned when to shut them off for everyone’s sake.
People have mostly been very understanding and supportive of the amount of time it takes me to update, and I appreciate that so much. This is genuinely one of the most engaging and non-demanding fandoms I’ve been a part of (or maybe I’ve just collected the best of you guys by nature of the therapy fic).
Does the pressure affect my writing? Realistically, no. I have a solid understanding of who I am, and what I want to say with the fic, and I’ve learned to say no to people, so that I can say yes to myself.
Thank you for the sweet ask. 💚
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brynthewriter · 8 months ago
Hi everyone! If you don't know me, my main blog is @op-sys-chaos and I write both original content and fanfiction. I wanted to have a blog specifically to talk about the things I'm writing, so that's this!
If you'd like to quickly recieve updates for any of my works, please subscribe to the individual post I'll be making for each of these that are incomplete! (I'll make a subscription post and a discussions post so people can have a place to follow for updates and a place to talk about it for each without spamming the subscribed people.) Updates will not be consistent for any of these.
Without further ado, here's the masterlist of everything I've created or am working on, with links attached to the titles and lists for the associated posts below:
The Pit Made Me Do It (And I'm So Sorry)
Would you sacrifice someone’s life for the sake of your own sanity? What if it wasn’t your choice? Recovering from the Madness induced by the Pit now giving way to the second stage of revival. Pit Rage. A primal state numb to the world and driven only by the desire of one goal. Said goal once complete, would give Jason his emotions, his sanity, his life back. It should be easy, at least it would be if his goal was anything else. But the Pits cost is steep, and so is the burden of a mind set on watching the light drain from the eyes of Timothy Drake.
Chapters: 9/12
Words: 24,409
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: @batfambrainrotbeloved (they also wrote the summary for the fic!)
An AU where the Lazarus Pit effects work differently and it affects Jason Todd's journey.
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When You Break The Universe, The Universe Breaks You
Tim fractured the universe with a magical spell to swap his place with the place of Jason Todd moments before his death. What will happen?
Works Total in Series: 3
The Fragmentation (completed, chapters: 2/2, words: 2,376, written together but mostly by @brucewaynehater101)
Fragmented Universe: the Hope of a Wraith (chapters: 3/?, words: 6,246, written by me)
Fragmented Universe: It Simply Ends (completed, chapters: 1/1, words: 5,032, written by @brucewaynehater101)
Words Total: 13,654
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: @brucewaynehater101 and I are beta reading each others' fics in this series! @batfambrainrotbeloved is also helping to beta for the Hope of a Wraith.
A massive series of many AUs based off of that description! I’m writing this in collaboration with @brucewaynehater101 so go check them out!
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A Message From the Dead
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are long-lost twins. Damian thinks Danny died at 6. Danny thinks Damian is still in the League of Assassins. When a video message informing him of Danny's existence arrives in Bruce Wayne's inbox, having been auto-sent after 3 days of Danny being away from his computer, can he find his son in time?
Works Total in Series: 4
A Message From the Dead (completed, chapters: 1/1, words: 459, written by me)
A Message From the Dead: Looking for a Ghost (chapters: 2/?, words: 1,759, written by me)
A Message From the Dead: Biggest Regret (chapters: 1/?, words: 1,877, written by @rin-may-1103)
A Message From the Dead: A Sister's Love (chapters: 1/?, words: 686, written by me)
Words Total: 4,781
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based off a prompt I posted on my main blog, @op-sys-chaos, I decided to write this out as a full fic. Other people also wrote their own versions, so I offered for them to join me in posting them together on AO3! So far, @thevoidstaredback and @rin-may-1103 are the only two people involved in the series, but if anyone else wants to be involved, let me know!
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Not So Artificial Intelligence
Technus traps Danny in the Batcomputer. For his own safety, he pretends to be a new AI system on their computer. This has consequences.
Chapters: 3/?
Words: 3,077
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
DPxDC fic based on this prompt by @corkinavoid!!
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Weirdly Competent
Danny Fenton studied medicine under Frostbite. Because of this, he has a lot of medical expertise when it comes to working with a lot of different species, including Kryptonians and Martians. The doctors on the Watchtower who hired him did not know that he had experience and thought he was just talking back, so they fired him on day one. A few days later they tried one of his suggestions. To their surprise, it worked. The Justice League now has questions about Danny, starting with "Why the hell did you fire him??"
Chapters: 5/?
Words: 3,017
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: @soupteeth
DPxDC Doctor!Danny fic based on this prompt by @bet-on-me-13!!
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A King, a Demon, and a Cult Walk Into a Summoning Circle
Danny is sacrificed by a cult to a demon as the batfamily rushes to save him. The terrifying demon demands that they put him back where they found him immediately.
Chapters: 2/?
Words: 2,030
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Danny being a casual badass without lifting a finger, based on this prompt I wrote!
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Twins, or What It Takes to be Resurrected
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne were twins, separated at 7 years old when Talia saw Danny's hesitation to kill and let him choose a normal life. Now, Damian Wayne has found his brother, and has come to him for help. Because Damian is dead, and his long lost twin is his only hope for resurrection. All Danny has to do to bring Damian back is to convincingly pretend to be his brother, who he hasn't seen for the better part of a decade, at a fancy gala. Can he do it, or will the twins be caught?
Chapters: 7/10
Words: 12,329
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
A demon twins au based on this prompt I wrote where Damian is dead and Danny has to pretend to be his long lost brother in order to bring him back.
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In Another Life
Danny Fenton died young. Wanting another chance at life, he reincarnated as Dick Grayson, not realizing that he would keep his powers when he did so. How does this affect the timeline? You'll see :)
Chapters: 13/22
Words: 25,919
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based on this prompt by by @indingojazz, @stealingyourbones, and me! Danny Fenton dies at 16 and, after dying so young, decides he wants another chance at life. So he reincarnates, becoming a young boy named Dick Grayson. Surely, his past won't ever become relevant. ...Right?
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Goodbye. Love, Tim
If you want pure angst, only read chapter one. The first line of this summary is for you. If you're like me and you want angst to have a happy ending, read the whole thing! The whole summary is for you. Tim's had enough. Enough of the murder attempts. Enough of his siblings doubting him. So he calls them to say he's leaving. Or, at least, that's what Dick hears Tim say over the phone. But is that really what he feels?
Chapters: 5/5
Words: 3,986
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: no beta reader, though I did give two people a sneak peek before posting it!
Obligatory "Tim's had enough and leaves the batfamily fic" but with a twist. If you just want the angst of him leaving, read chapter 1. But if you want the twist and the happy ending, read the whole thing! I promise it gets better. I also tried to use only canon content for this rather than making the batfamily treat Tim worse like most of these fics do.
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Watching Waynes
Dick Grayson has a great idea. Bruce has been acting like an idiot in public for a long time, and no one takes him seriously enough to think he's Batman. So what if the whole family did that? And what better way to do it than together? Taking inspiration from Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Dick convinces his family to create a reality TV show with him, centered around their lives. One which they would use to show the public that they're just too ridiculous to ever be superheroes. This story will follow a different format from the rest of my fics, since I'm actually describing the episodes. I'll mention things like camera angles and cuts between camera shots in the story. It may be a bit of a weird format to read it in, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! I'll also include people reflecting on the episodes at the end, whether it's the Waynes looking at what they've done or their superhero friends laughing at their nonsense. I hope you all enjoy!!
Chapters: 1/?
Words: 6,274
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based on this prompt by @fckbatmanhiskidsareminenow, the Waynes create a reality show called Watching Waynes. It's based on the concept of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, where a film crew follows these celebrities around and films all of their nonsense.
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What Did He Do to Save Me?
Danny Fenton was reincarnated as Bruce Wayne's oldest biological child. This wouldn't be an issue for anyone, except Damian was born with a hole in his heart that could only be fixed by Danny splitting his core in half. Now, Danny is perpetually exhausted and barely able to move. But despite all of that, he still loves his siblings. And he's about to find out how much they love him back, when Damian finds out the lengths Danny went to to save him as a baby and decides to return the favor.
Chapters: 3/?
Words: 7,114
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based on this prompt by @hyperfixationherewecome and me! Danny Fenton as Danny Wayne sickfic, where the very person he became sick saving fights to save him in return!
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To Be a Parent
(title is a work in progress, I'd love suggestions!)
Jazz and Jason’s one night stand was just that, as far as Jason knew: a one night stand. They hadn’t exchanged numbers or last names, so he never expected to see her again. But to his surprise, he ran into her nearly six years later with a five year old girl named Ellie who, judging by the timing, is almost certainly his. Jason is a father. And he’s not sure he’s ready for it. Now, Jason is involved in Jazz’s life, trying to help raise his daughter and bonding with the woman he once fell for. But will it become something more? Or will Jason’s life as the Red Hood drag everything down? Jazz’s little sister Ellie, Danny’s clone, was dying. The only way to save her was to de-age her and put her core into the body of an unborn baby, allowing her to be born and live her life again. Jazz always wanted a kid anyway, so she volunteered to be the one to have the kid and raise Ellie. For the next five years, she raised her daughter as a single mother in college,. But now, the man she hooked up with is back in her life, and Jazz can’t say she’s upset about it. But can he handle her family’s weirdness? Or will he run before Jazz can get to know him better?
Chapters: 4/?
Words: 4,151 (910 written by @sistertotheknowitall)
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based on this prompt by @sistertotheknowitall, Jazz and Jason raise their daughter, a reborn Ellie. I'm also going to make this be an eventual Jazz/Jason/Roy fic because why not. I'm starting out with just Jazz/Jason though.
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Clones and Their Consequences
Danny Fenton is Bruce Wayne's clone, and the people who cloned him activated and then brainwashed Zur En Arrh to be a killer. Specifically, to kill Batman. Danny managed to regain control of his body and get away, being adopted by the Fentons. But while taking down a GIW base with Dani, he finds his creators, who activate Zur En Arrh once more. Will Danny ever be free of Zur En Arrh? Can Dani save her clone template's clone template from her clone template? ...And how on earth are they going to figure out that complicated dynamic? Will Batman learn about his clone? How will he react?
Chapters: 1/?
Words: 1,053
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Danny is a clone of Bruce Wayne, whose Zur En Arrh alternate personality was brainwashed to kill Bruce. He spent a lone time free. But when he gets rebrainwashed, Dani must free him before Danny can kill Bruce. And after that, they must find a way to get rid of Zur En Arrh.
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Original Works:
(I've posted all of these on StoryForge, so the links all redirect there. If you don't have an account, you should make one; it's free, and the platform is helping small writers get published!)
When one of the leaders of the world's top hero team crashes back to the ground after a fight, everyone assumes he's dead. There was no way he survived at the speed he was falling. Except he did. And he woke up in a crater, no memory of his past and one of the leaders of the world's most infamous villain team standing over him, reaching out a hand. What happens when an amnesiac hero whose friends think he's dead is found by a group of supervillains? Especially when those supervillains have more to their story than meets the eye...
Chapters: Prologue only, on hiatus
Words: 657
Beta read by people in the discord server for it, message me if you want the link!
(I'm writing out character backstories in full before I write out any more of Aegis, so the novel itself is on hiatus. Please note, I will likely be making an audiobook version of it myself once it’s done and posting it on like YouTube or something. But you’re still welcome to do your own version of it if you want! Ik some people love making podfics and some people read exclusively audio content so I wanted to clarify.)
Feather: Hero of Old
Feather was a well-known hero 60 years ago. So how did they end up on a modern-day superhero team? This is Feather's journey that led up to them joining the Order of Aegis.
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 3,758
Beta read by people in the discord server for it, message me if you want the link!
Backstory for Aegis character Feather
Aberration and Maximum Security... House Arrest?
Before he joined the Order of Aegis, Aberration had a... complicated past. Although, after living for over 2000 years, who wouldn't? However, the most complicated part of his past was the part where he got stuck in jail for 400 years and how that sentence got downgraded to maximum security house arrest after some time. This is the story of how that happened. Trigger warnings: serial killer, jail, graphic descriptions of murder, miscellaneous violence. See story description for ways to avoid the triggering parts
Chapters: 8/8
Words: 20,056
Beta read by people in the discord server for it, message me if you want the link!
Backstory for Aegis character Aberration
The Queens of Saveria
So, I got inspired by @theactorbat on TikTok and wrote a short story. It's a story about two women who are pulled away from their girlfriends and into an arranged marriage with each other. They come up with a creative solution to make sure everyone's happy (and no, the solution is not them mutually running away with the one they love), and they get to have a happy ending. If you like fluffy romance stories, give it a read!
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 4,293
Not beta read, and finished already, but if you have edits let me know! It's basically a first draft since I barely edited it.
This is a short story I wrote in response to a writing prompt. It's very much a rough draft but if you want a short cute queer story, enjoy!
Gavin Song and The Hunted
Based on this writing prompt: "The leader of a group of vigilantes" [note: I completely ignored the "leader" part of this prompt] "has to reveal who they were before they put on the mask to save their crew. But they know their crew will never see them the same way once they know..." (Writing prompt by @your_local_writer_friend on TikTok/Instagram.) A team of vigilantes known as The Hunted lost a friend of theirs, Gavin Song, a long time ago. But when they get their first lead on him in a decade, their most mysterious team member starts freaking out. Why, and how is he connected to Gavin?
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 9,419
Not beta read, and finished already, but if you have edits let me know! It's basically a first draft since I barely edited it.
A short one-shot vigilante superhero story based on a writing prompt!
Works in Progress:
Level Clear
Doomed time loop, kind of. Not finished yet, but I’m in the editing stage now!
Narrators Inc.
Work in progress (by which I mean I have maybe half a chapter and a vague direction for the rest of the story). Basically, it's a story where the narrator showed up late and is desperately trying to figure out what's happening while attempting to narrate the story
Vegaciel Academy
Magic school murder mystery. Credit to my high school friend group for helping create this story; we were all going to write it together and outlined the characters and plot together. The project ended up being abandoned, but I got everyone else's permission to write it myself because I like the idea so much. It's been a while since I worked on it but I think I finished a chapter? I'm not sure if I'll post the chapters one at a time or wait until I finish the whole thing
The Helmund Labs Incident
A massive, interconnected 4-person backstory for Aegis! To be posted soon.
Other Notable Things:
I'm beta-reading @batfambrainrotbeloved's fic The Drake's Spoiled Brat and I highly recommend it!! It's really good :)
I hope y'all enjoy the stories I have created/am creating! If you want to see the writing prompts that interest me that I might work on in the future, I'll keep reblogging those on my main blog, but I'm mostly planning to keep this blog for stories I'm actually in the process of writing.
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leyyvi · 18 days ago
My dear, you’re the best fanfic writer and I’ve been chasing the same high I felt when reading PWASOI ever since I finished it. I need to know which fics do you recommend from any fandom, I trust your judgement your writing is just immaculate.
okay thank youuu
-Amanda from FL
ALRIGHT HERE'S MY RECS!! Please keep in mind some of the warnings on the fics! Also a lot of these are unfinished/haven't been updated in a while, sorry lol. i also don't read fics very often anymore so most of these are from YEARS ago fdgjkhdfjkg. also also i tried recommending ones that i haven't talked about much before (TIASOS is the exception bc i think every levi and erwin lover needs to read it)
Levi x Reader:
this is a story of the sea by shinzouing
if you're looking to be in an emotional three-way relationship with eruri THIS IS THE FUCKING FIC FOR YOU!!! follows canonverse mostly, but they also have an alternate version where erwin lives through RTS arc AND they have a bunch of sexy side chapters within the same universe. god the tension between all 3 of them is just so delicious, especially with reader and levi. i've cried, i've laughed, i've ca-anyways. please read all their erurixreader stuff i'm begging you
sabbatical by doinmybesthere
one-shot fic. so good. i LOVE the way levi is portrayed here. ugh idk the setting of this fic makes me think of being in Forks from twilight...theres a certain vibe that i can't really pinpoint but i love it so much (i think this was by emme who used to be on tumblr :((( i miss them)
first times anthology by levmada(ao3) aka pookie aka @rivangel
ok not to be annoying but i absolutely would put everything kane has written about levi on this list. i am so serious. just go through his blog, you'll be eating so good especially if you're looking for gn/trans reader content.
anyways ABOUT THIS FIC SPECIFICALLY i love the way levi talks in this... it feels so... LEVI. god. Kane's way with Levi's dialogue makes me insane in the best way for real
Rapture for the Sinners by IXWrites
i think you need an account to read this
i haven't caught up with the last updated chapter but it's one of the first LevixReader fics I ever read and I love the characterization in it
The Silent Sounds of Shackled Hearts by silesy
I haven't caught up with this one either but I read the first few chapters as they were being released and I remember liking Levi's characterization and the premise of the story, I thought it was interesting and I'm a sucker for fantasy settings
Death's Door by SongsOfApollo
if you like REALLY slow burns this is so good. as a warning/disclaimer it's not finished and iirc they stopped in a point where you might feel like you're blue-balled fdgkdfjkgh
however they go into so much character/world/relationship building that i can't not rec it. this fic is so ridiculously detailed (in a good way) and immersive. if you wanna feel like you're in canonverse i would definitely read this
A Ballad of Broken Wings by Silesy
Modern au detective reader x levi!!!! i love this one!! i need to re-read it now that it's finished
note that reader does have a name idk if that's your thing or not (personally i didn't feel like it affected my reading experience)
OK onto the non-Levi content
Admist a Clash of Worlds by cloudsarefluffy
Arthur Morgan x reader
GOD PLEASE READ THIS EVEN IF IT'S NOT FINISHED. also there's pretty art. also it's probably my fave non-Levi fic ever.
600K WORDS IS BEAUTIFUL TO ME but seriously.... I love their relationship SO MUCH sdgvfdgvfdsgjkdfh this is one of the fics that inspired me to write
Set the Fire in Your Eyes by cloudsarefluffy
one-shot with A/B/O dynamics and man it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy that's all i will say. 11k words of delicious word porn (honestly I'd rec anything by this author w/ ArthurxReader)
Deviant Behavior by Precursor
Connor x Reader (Detroit Become Human)
ugh please read this, it's on the same level as Admist a Clash of Worlds for me, another fic that literally shaped me as a writer i am SO serious
i dont think you need to have played DBH either because they include a lot of the plot/storyline in it. i need to finish reading this one
niche fics that idk if you'll like but I wanna put them on this list bc i liked them a lot FKGJHDFJGKH
Gunsmoke in Mirrors by cyancherub
read the warnings!!!
psycho-pass fanfic, Kogami Shinya x reader. heed the warnings on it but my god the TENSION in this fic and the twists... i was absolutely feral when i first read this fic and it threw me so deep into Kogami brainrot
an act of kindness by Khismer
read the warnings!!!!!
i'm not sure if you'll understand this fic without knowing about mystic messenger tbh gsfhdjkdfh but Saeran was my blorbo before Levi...he's a little messed up in the head but if you don't mind being kidnapped in a fic....
OK I THINK THAT'S EVERYTHING??? at least what remained of my bookmarks... there's a ton more i could talk about but i'm trying to include stuff that i don't often see recommended so
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soongtypehuman · 11 months ago
Boo-hoo update
I’m sorry to say I have an update I was hoping to not ever have to make. Some of you already know that I have some serious health issues, but I've been pretty quiet about the extent of what I'm dealing with.
The gist of it is that I have a rare bone disease called fibrous dysplasia that turned certain bones in my skull into tumors and then those tumors grew inward and started crushing my brain, so I had a craniotomy last year to remove as much as was safe and got a cool new titanium implant in my head to replace the removed bone/tumor. The unfortunate result was encephalomalacia, which is the end stage of liquifying necrosis, and now part of my brain is liquid instead of solid (it’s dead, in a nutshell). Most people don’t survive encephalomalacia, much less remain able to function, and most who survive the initial stage don’t survive the three year mark. Even when you do survive it, it often continues spreading. The last MRI showed it had already taken over about 1/3 of my brain. But I’m a stubborn asshole and am still hanging on.
Unfortunately, things aren’t getting better.
I have to have constant MRIs, EEGs, physical and cognitive therapies, and have been on more meds than I’d like to be in order to control seizures and various cognitive issues. I didn’t mention this before, but I had to go through a series of speech therapies just to learn to talk properly again. And the most unfortunate part of this is that my ability to write has been affected. Since the surgery over a year ago, I’ve only made 10 new posts in the Positronic Rivalry series, totaling around 87k words. For reference, I posted over 200k words in 2022. I’ve posted even less this year, and it’s not improving.
With that said, I have to take a step back. I’m not quitting and I’m not walking away from the fandom. I’d like to think I’ll still be able to post here and there. I just don’t know when and under what circumstances that will happen. I most certainly can’t handle the longer multi-chapter fics I once could. Maybe one day, but not this day. Since I started posting on AO3 back at the end of 2021, I’ve posted every Sunday more often than not. I’m sorry to say I can’t make that happen right now, and can’t say when I’ll post again or what it will be. I won't be able to continue with season 4.
But I’m most definitely not leaving the fandom and the people and the characters I love so much. I’ll still be here interacting and posting when I’m able. This fandom and the people in it are incredible and mean a lot to me. Data and Lore and Star Trek in general are integral to my life and general enjoyment.
But!! I’ve nearly completed compiling seasons 1-3 of Positronic Rivalry as well as 2022/23 Kinktobers into files that will be ready to print in physical book format (completely free, obviously), which I’ll make available for everyone to download in various print sizes, complete with covers, which you can then have printed at various POD sites if you’re so inclined. Digital versions will also be available (you can already download various formats from AO3, but they’re not compiled into seasons, don’t have covers, etc.).
I’m also continuing with the Trek-themed crossword puzzles because those are fun and my therapist thinks making them is good for my cognitive rehab.
This update is a massive bummer for me, but I felt it was better to just admit my limitations instead of constantly trying to convince myself that I could continue the way I had been pre-surgery and beating myself up when I couldn’t.
Lastly, I’ve finally taken the suggestion I’ve gotten repeatedly and set up a KoFi. If you’d like to buy me a coffee or toss a coin to your android porn witcher, you can do so right here and I’d be giggling and kicking my feet in gratitude.
Anyhow, I want to thank all of you for being amazing and coming along on this ride with me for as long as you have, and for as long as it might continue in whatever form it takes.
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itficlibrary · 2 months ago
AO3 Comment Builder!
Here’s a 6 step guide (with a template to copy and paste) on how to leave a simple but effective comment like this:
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1. Start with a quote.
Writers love to know that their words are heard! Scroll back up to find a quote you like (or what i do is make note of one while reading), and copy and paste it as your comment intro. Look for:
• lines of dialogue that made you laugh, or seemed realistic
• metaphors/analogies that were especially vivid
• anything that made you sad/warm and fuzzy inside
Example: “Richie takes a slug of soda with such moxie the metal ring smacks against his buck teeth.” <- I’m obsessed with this line!
2. Acknowledge style.
Another thing writers love to know is that they have a recognisable voice. Think of a couple ways you’d describe the writing’s style, like:
• snappy
• unique
• detailed
• melodic
• funny
• poetic
• intelligent
• satisfying
• vivid
• pretty
Example: your style of writing is so detailed and funny.
3. Analyse the characters.
The scariest part of posting fanfiction is trying to do the character/s justice. Pick out your favourite person in the fic and comment on the characterisation choices. You could say that they’re:
• funny
• lovable
• flawed
• vulnerable
• sweet
• real
• messy
• hopeless
• brave
• complex
Example: I love your characterisation, especially of Richie. You write him so funny and vulnerable.
4. Compliment the plot.
What about the story did you enjoy? Is it a classic trope done beautifully or something unique you’ve never seen before? You can compliment the:
• pacing
• vibe (eg surreal, gritty, nostalgic, cozy…)
• twists and turns
• POV (eg outsider, alternating, first person…)
• any cliffhangers
• any sad/happy/scary moments
Example: The cozy, nostalgic vibes are immaculate. That part where Richie slept in Eddie’s bed had me squealing!
5. Let them know how you feel.
Comments that feel personal always stick with a writer the most. Include how the fic affected you personally:
• how many times you read the fic
• if it cheered you up/took your mind off something
• if it made you cry
• if it got you back into a fandom/kept your passion alive
• if it made you ship a new pairing
• if you related to characters & plot at any point
• if you recommended it to anyone else
Example: All in all this fic really cheered me up. I immediately rec’d it to my group chat.
6. Sign off!
Sign off your comment with something nice! I usually go for:
• thanks for writing this
• I can’t wait to see what you write next
• I can’t wait for the next update
• so happy I read this
• I’ve subscribed to you
“[Fave quote]” <- I love this line!
Your style of writing is so BLANK. I love your characterisation, especially of [character]. You write them so BLANK and BLANK.
The [pacing/vibe/setup/twist] is BLANK. That part where BLANK had me BLANK! All in all this fic really [how it made you feel]. I immediately [reread/recommended/subscribed].
[Signoff message]
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presidenthades · 2 months ago
Hi, how are you?
Can you tells us if we will get an update soon!
Thank you for checking in! (Also, I know you sent this Ask in a positive and friendly manner, so I’m sorry that I’m using this as an opportunity to talk about something serious. After this, any use of “you” in this post is a generic “you” for everyone reading.)
If people have been paying attention to news about the US, you are probably aware that the situation is crazy right now. I try to keep this blog centered on my creative works, so I generally don’t talk about politics here.
But I’m going to make an exception in this post, because the current US political situation is, in fact, affecting me as a fic writer. Ever since January 20, my loved ones and I have been under an immense amount of stress. The administration’s recent actions and Executive Orders have a direct negative impact on us.
Sometimes, fic writing is a welcome outlet for my stress. Sometimes, the stress is so overpowering that I can’t bring myself to look at my computer screen. Sometimes, I am so mentally, physically, and emotionally tired that I have no idea if the words I just wrote are any good or if they’re pure garbage.
I try to do what I can, even as an individual member of fandom, to resist. It isn’t much, but I try. I recently removed links to fanart that led to X and Meta, because I don’t want to drive traffic to Nazis and bigots. I have stopped buying bookbinding supplies from Amazon, because Bezos (who was awful even before this) is complicit with the other broligarchs. I signed up to offer betaing/research services for the @fandomtrumpshate fandom charity works auction, because if I’m able to help them raise even $10, $10 is better than $0 (and maybe $10 will be enough to buy a dozen eggs in this current economy).
Again, it’s not a lot. But every little bit counts, just like every vote counts. Unfortunately, not enough American people listened in November. Hopefully, more of them are listening now.
And yet, as stressful and terrifying as things are now, I am doing my best to hold onto the good things. The good things are what get me out of bed in the morning. Good things like my family, my friends, crafting, and of course fic writing.
When I finish drafting a chapter, that makes me happy. When I post an update, that makes me happy. When I get comments on AO3, that makes me happy. When I answer silly questions on Tumblr, that makes me happy. Fandom makes me happy.
I think it’s important to strive for happiness, now more than ever, as Trump’s administration does its best to make everyone so scared, tired, and anxious that we no longer have the energy to resist. So I’m going to keep writing, even if it takes me a bit longer. And I’m going to keep posting my fics, because I know it makes other people happy to read them, and it makes me happy when they tell me so.
Another bit of news that I hope makes people happy: I just finished a big revision of Compromise Chapter 14! I’m going to try to post it this weekend. But I won’t make promises, because unlike the current American president, I try to keep my promises, and I can’t guarantee anything fandom-related right now.
But I can promise this: I still love writing, I will continue to update my fics, and I always appreciate each and every one of my readers. ❤️
In return, if a fic makes you happy, please consider making the writer happy by leaving a comment. Every little bit counts.
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miso-sopas · 11 months ago
Hi so got any ninjago x reader recs? Ever since reading Wisps, it has affected my brain chemistry and now i crave for more ninjago x reader content but im picky when finding fics, so got any recommendations?
Hello there! I had fun sorting out my bookmarks and history so recommending fics might be a thing in the future?
Just to note, I am not sure how to really curate your taste so most of these are what I essentially enjoyed reading and been a fan of so forgive me if some (or all 😭 no hard feelings though) aren't your thing.
Let's see...
Honestly Wisps is the *best* so far in my opinion! I don't know if this is pure coincidental but I am also hunting for some ninjago fics to feel emotions again lmao! And I tried my best in remembering what I've read or interested in so hope these are all ok for you!
+ Second best in my opinion is the 'Infinity Series' by Joos according to their quotev because at ao3 it's orphaned [ao3; quotev book 1 & book 2 ]
Unfortunately, the author has stopped updating this fic but going back at it was really enjoyable like in the Wisps. The summary according to the first installment 'Infinite Serenity';
"[Name] has died and became reincarnated in a childhood TV show of hers. She is raised as the adopted daughter of Sensei Wu, training as the Master of Infinity. Once the plot of the show really gets going, a being resurfaces from her. They claim to have revived her and can help her unlock the memories from her previous life. Now, [Name] must rely on this being to help protect Ninjago, and discovers how her past connects with her present." TW: Suicide, self harm, child abuse, some gore and swearing (please pay attention to the tags)
Please please heed the trigger warning, I don't remember much from the content but I definitely recall the author tackling those tags in a respectful way. The love interests are Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Morro and platonic with Master Wu and her cousin Lloyd Garmadon. Again, second best recommended fic in my opinion.
+ Next one, this is not one series but user Circus4APsycho8 (they have ao3 and tumblr) in my opinion have the best x reader one-shots from the fandom! My all-time favorite work of theirs is 'Secret Someone' [Highschool AU! Lloyd Garmadon x reader]- this one is really sweet ❣️
Here's these links for their ao3 works and their tumblr ninjago masterlist. All simple yet sweet, I love their writing style.
+ The next one is purely Lloyd Garmadon x Female Reader titled 'Butterfly Effect' by samsea at ao3. I think they're still updating and I am a big fan of hero x civilian pairings and just they're cute and in love.
Summary: "If it was up to Y/n L/n, she would read the summer away, lost in history books and adventure novels, finding excitement in their written words. Meeting Lloyd Garmadon changed her plans. Suddenly, Y/n is living a life she'd only read about; summer romances and cotton candy dates. Perhaps this was a new normal she could get used to. But she's been fated - prophesied - to be with the Green Ninja. And where there's a green ninja, trouble usually follows." Warnings: "The butterfly effect has mature themes such as gore, violence, toxic friendships, sexual themes (no smut) and cussing. the butterfly effect is not intended for younger viewers. Trigger warnings will be placed on chapters as they are needed. if you have any questions or issues please contact me."
Again, heed the warnings but the writing and atmosphere overall is really sweet and for some reason all cuddly and sunny. IDK but maybe I am always soft for Lloyd lmao.
+ If you're up to reading only x reader head cannons then I recommend user mouschiwrites here in tumblr. Their requests are closed now but the head cannons they made are cute and entertaining, like I can definitely see this character doing that y'know. Here's their ninjago masterlist
+ Here's some honorable mentions, I believe they deserve some love too!
In the Shadow (Various love interests) by RoseRain at Quotev
Legend of the Lightspirit (Various love interests) by softie at Quotev
Actually, while finishing my school projects I'm also checking out from another user snazzilystoopid's ninjago recommendation. So far, I am enjoying their second recommended which is 'Element of Wishes' by yourfavoritecloud at quotev BUT this one is an Character x OC one so if it's not up to your alley they have few recommendations. Honestly, I am up to anything as long as it entertained my monkey brain.
Sorry for the long post! Hope these works are okay for your taste but the closest fic that gives off the same vibes as Wisps is the Infinite series. And these are all by my own opinions and the fics I remembered catching my eye. I am very much open to other recommendations or shout-outs.
Side note, there's not much Ninjago fics out there that I might let my monkey brain loose and create one myself LOOOL.
Again, thank you for asking ( I feel honored for being asked by this, I'm a fanfic nerd 🤓)
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