#ao making me feel seen
whatsacrush · 4 months
Georgia Warr is aegosexual.
You cannot convince me otherwise. Here's my proof:
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Signed, an aroace aegosexual (just like Georgia)
(edit) forgot to add one pic:
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trek-tracks · 1 year
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The sad part is that this could have been written by anyone on senior crew
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targaryen-dynasty · 5 months
Daemon Targaryen x niece!Reader
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WARNINGS: SEXUAL CONTENT - MINORS DNI; canon typical incest/targcest (uncle and niece), kinda non/dub con, p in v, semi public sex, doggy style, degrading, slapping, possessiveness, jealousy
WORDS: 1.5 K
NOTES: This is something I had written and posted on another blog when I (rightfully so) didn't feel accepted and wanted in fandom. So, if any of you remembers this, it was written by me. This is Lingo Jam High Valyrian (it is what it is).
❗️𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
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It’s way past the Hour of the Owl as you stand in the Throne Room all by yourself, all the tables for the guests of your coronation feast having already been cleared and stored away by the keep’s staff, leaving the room to be eerily quiet and empty. 
You stand in front of the intimidating Iron Throne, looming in the dim light of the candles around you, your fingertips barely brushing the sharp swords that were used to forge it by your ancestors, reminiscing about all the times you’ve seen your father sitting on it. 
Unlike your grandsire and father before you, you chose to wear the Conqueror's Crown and wield his sword, the big, square-cut rubies complimenting the red and gold gown you wear. 
The heavy doors leading to the intimidating chambers open behind you, but you don’t turn around, knowing all too well who intrudes the silence and serenity. His footsteps are heavy, bouncing off the thick columns and walls on his way. 
“Skoros iksis ziry ao jeldan naejot ȳdragon naejot nyke nūmāzma?” you ask, but before you’re able to turn around, the weight of your husband’s chest against your back pushes you forward, the ostentatious crown on your head toppling to the ground at the impact. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?
Both your hands immediately seize the armrests of the Iron Throne for support, more so when Daemon’s hand falls to the place between your shoulders to keep you exactly like you are, bowed forward with no chance to move. 
“Hm,” he hums, applying just a bit of pressure to your back. “How about the wanton farce you put up for that cunt of a Lannister?” he growls, and it’s clear it is not a question but an accusation. 
There is not one breath wasted when he rucks up the skirts of your gown and bunches it around your waist, fisting it with one of his large paws. The matter clearly is serious, and has occupied him for quite some time now, considering he prefers to answer you in the Common Tongue rather than High Valyrian. 
But it’s not like you have much time to really process the meaning behind it, considering he has the skirt of your dress in his hand in one moment, and your small clothes pulled down to your knees in the next. Your cunt is exposed to the chilly air of the Red Keep, and to anyone that chooses to intrude on such an intimate and disgraceful scene, and much to your husband’s surprise, you’re soaked with anticipation, which earns you a condescending scoff from him. 
He has quickly figured that there isn't going to come any reply from you, too caught up in the heat of the moment and the little predicament you’ve found yourself in, and forces a gasp from your lips as his hand not-so-gently collides with your bare rear. 
Your body slightly lulls forwards to escape the stinging pain that blooms on your skin, but to now avail. “I–I don’t know what you’re talking about!” you press with despair audible in your voice. 
But he just scoffs again. “Oh, I’m certain you don’t,” his voice is sharp, and the words underlined by another slap to your arse. “Need I remind Your Grace who they belong to?” The title is spoken in a way to make a mock display of his courtesy, displaying how little care he holds over your status at this moment.
You’re not quite sure what he is up to when you feel and hear him shifting and fumbling behind you, although you have a mild guess, until you feel the tip of his hard cock pressing against your soaked cunt. He pushes in even before you can answer, any words or pathetic protests dying on your tongue and replaced by a moan. 
“That’s what I thought,” he says more to himself, his tone suddenly taking on an air of smugness. His words are followed by a groan that flows into a heedless sigh as he bottoms out completely, his heavy stones pressing against your pearl. 
It’s a side to Daemon you haven’t seen or experienced before, despite growing up around him, his several liaisons and wives. There has never been something akin to jealousy coursing through his veins before. Yes, Daemon has always been a little too rough, too impatient and resolving matters by force rather than diplomacy, but you’ve never seen his blood run this hot. 
His upper body slightly bends forward and towers over yours as he rests one hand on the backrest of the Throne, the other still on your hip with your skirts tightly secured.
“What–” the words catch in your throat, replaced by a whimper. “What if anyone sees us?” 
“Jaelan zirȳ naejot ūndegon,” he growls. “Jaelan zirȳ naejot gīmigon bona iksā ñuhon.” I want them to see. I want them to know that you’re mine. 
The whine you release at that is nothing short of desperate. While the thought of anyone catching you two frightens you to the core, you enjoy the possessive side of him, reveling in his desire just for you since you’ve shared it most of your life with your younger sister. 
Pulling out of you almost completely, the tip of his cock is the only thing that remains buried inside of you. While the feeling of the sudden loss makes you whine and push your hips back to force him inside again, it also earns you another harsh slap that’s served to your arse. 
“Ao sagon ñuhon se mazemā skoros nyke tepagon ao, iksis bona shifang?” You're mine and you take what I give you, is that understood?
Daemon then slams his hips into yours as a warning, filling you up in a swift thrust that has you gasping, and knocks the air straight from your lungs. “Gaomagon daor mazverdagon nyke ivestragon ziry arlī,” he snarls. “Gaomagon. Ao. Shifang?” Each word is punctuated with a harsh snap of his hips.  Don’t make me say it again. Do. You. Understand?
“K… kessa,” you hiccup. Yes. 
The pace of his thrusts is nothing short of ruthless, and he uses the grip on your hip to pull you back onto his cock for your bodies to meet halfway, the most obscene sounds of skin slapping on skin echoing off the walls of the Throne Room.
His stones are heavy and the fleshy pouch they sit in slightly sagged, hitting your pearl perfectly each time he fills you to the brim, and sending shivers to the soles of your feet. 
Daemon forces your hips higher until you’re standing on your tiptoes for him, your body barely supported by his fingers digging into your hip. The angle changes with that, allowing him to shove his cock into you even deeper than before – a change that has him groaning and grunting over and over again. 
Your eyes lull into the back of your head, and the heat in your belly doesn’t diminish, causing a renewed wave of arousal to leak out of your core. 
Not caring if the skirts of your gown are riding down again, he grips the back of your neck firmly enough so you can’t turn your head, fucking you as if his life depends on it and knocking every breath clean out of your lungs. 
Daemon forces his hips into yours with such determination, he is close to shoving you up against the Iron Throne with the force of his need, your arms almost buckling under the weight he puts onto you. You can tell he’s racing for completion, effectively pulling you with him in the process. 
With the pace of his hips not faltering once, your peak washes over you in an ambush. The pleasure in your body gets intense enough for your legs to tremble, his hand that rests on the Iron Throne coming down to seize your hip to support you. Your walls clench around his cock tight enough for him to draw in a sharp breath, but the assault on your cunt doesn’t cease. 
“Qilōni gaomagon ao sytilībagon naejot?” Daemon groans, pulling you back onto his cock and fucking you through your peak. Who do you belong to? It’s almost as if he’s asking for your reassurance, wanting to be sure of your feelings for him. 
“A… ao,” you hiccup. “Ik… iksan aōhon.” You. I’m yours.
His peak crashes over him with your reassurance, his throbbing cock spending itself deep inside of your cunt. His hands trail up and down your sides in nothing else than pure bliss, and when it’s all over, he releases a sigh of relief, almost as if the pressure has fallen off his shoulders. 
He cups your arse with both hands, and squeezes your flesh. When he doesn’t make any move to pull out of you, however, it’s clear that he is relishing the way your drenched cunt embraces his flaccid cock.
“No one will make you feel as good as I do, dōna ābrazȳrys, and certainly no Lannister,” he rasps. “He would not know how to handle the Blood of the Dragon. You were made for me, and you belong to me. Always have, always will.” Sweet wife. 
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Daemon Taglist: @hypocritic-trash-baby @schniiipsel @avalyaaa @baizzhu @yn-jackson
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livelaughlovetojiii · 2 years
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“sit.” — ao’nung
ao’nung x fem!reader
warnings : oral (f), p in v, dirty talk, praise, teasing, fluff, daddy kink. i know this is not ao’nung in the picture but i feel like this is what he’d look like as Olo'eyktan. not proof read
today was the day ao’nung is to become Olo'eyktan, you hadn’t seen him all week because he was out doing things to get ready for this day so you were looking forward to finally seeing him during his celebration, you knew him all your life, the chiefs son and you were best friends with his sister tsireya because you were her age. when you were young you would admire him from a far, the way he was so fit but never had abs, the way he was so rude to everyone but you, that way he was good at everything he did. when you turned 13 and ao’nung turned 15 that’s when he started to notice you took a personal interest in him, the way he felt your eyes burning on him whenever he turned the other way, the way you would clench your thighs everytime he would tease you. when you would bite your lip whenever his hand brushed your thigh.
when he turned 16 and you turned 14 everything changed, ao’nung had lost it. he pulled you out of your tent in the middle of the night and just let everything out “i see you.” he whispered hands sliding onto your waist and he kisses your jaw and all the way up to your lips and closes the gap between you two, kissing you hard. he pulls back and looks you in the eyes “ Oel ngati kameie yawne” he says gripping his nails into your hips “Oel ngati kameie” you say out of breath.
by the time you were 16 the two of you were mated and this leads you to were you are now, you’re 18 and ao’nung 20. ao’nung never changed once personality wise but looks wise he was absolutely a different person, his body toned up so much more. the stomach that once had no abs has a 8 pack now.
you and whole clan are at ao’nungs celebration of him becoming the new chief, everyone is sitting quietly waiting for him to come out, you and tsireya and your family are sitting in the front row. that’s when you hear foots steps. then you see him. you take in everything about him, his long legs, his abs, his shoulders and then that’s when you see it. his new tattoo. that went from his shoulder to across his face. you swear you could’ve just came at the sight of him like that, everyone cheering but you drown out the sound just focusing on the way your mate looks.
ao’nung was walking around the whole time just greeting people as their new leader with you by his side until he no one left to greet. you and him were standing before everybody watching them dance and have fun. “you know, i really like it” you say catching his attention “like what?” he laughs, “this” your hand moves between you two and you trace your finger tips along his tattoo your fingertips brush along his nipple by accident making him inhale fast, you laugh at how sensitive they are, your movements fall onto the side of his face that was tattooed you cup his cheek “though i do miss seeing your pretty face without the tattoo, i still really like it” you smile at him making him smile two times wider at you, he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder making you squeal “put me down ao” you hit his back while laughing.
he takes you away from the party. he takes you to where you first mated. a small cave with the floor completely covered in moss and flowers that would glow different colors depending on the feelings in the room. he puts you down finally. you stand in front of him looking him in the eyes, the flowers all turn pink “sit.” he says, you look at him dazed “hm?” you say “sit.” he says a little louder. you instantly submit. you usually put up a fight but today you felt as if you needed to listen. you sit on your calfs in front of your mate. the Olo'eyktan. looking up into his eyes as he slowly gets on his knee in front of you “lay back” he says rubbing your thighs, you let yourself fall back on the soft moss. he spreads your legs and slides his body over yours his hands up above your head are supporting him his eye contact lingers for a little while like he’s in a trance or something.
without a word he starts kissing your neck and down your shoulders, taking off your top and throwing across the floor somewhere for him to find later “i love you,my mate” he gives a little kiss to your right breast “i will never stop loving you” his kisses the other, the kisses trail down to your stomach “i will worship the ground you walk on.” he leaves another kiss on your stomach and slides off your loincloth and throws it aside. “and i promise to give you endless amounts of pleasure mentally and… physically” his tone is deep and his are eyes locked on your glistening pussy. he dives in right after saying that you immediately feel the heat spread through out your whole body, your hands fly to his newly done hair “fuuuk ao” you moan out trying not to mess up his hair.
he hums at his nickname that everyone calls him but only one gets to moan. his hands are gripping your thighs to hold them from closing on his head as he devours you sucking at your clit while you tweaked with your nipples, the attention he was showing your clit now falls onto your entrance, he lifts his head up and spits straight onto you cunt rubbing it in with his thumb “you’re such a good girl, you know that?” he praises as you trying your hardest not scream from the pleasure. you feel like you’re head is gonna pop from him shaking his head from side to side as his thumb works on your little clit, you feel the pleasure build up in your stomach “ao wait wait” you breath out, he stops and looks at you “i wanna cum with you inside me” you pled with him and he doesn’t waist a second sitting up and basically ripping his loincloth off his cock springing out and hitting his stomach he pulls you closer to him by your thighs. he rubs his angry cockhead against your clit, you whine just wanting him in you “stop teasing me ao!” you huff and it only makes him laugh “that’s no way to talk to your Olo'eyktan” he says as he pushes in you slowly, you had never fully taken him to say the least because you two never really had time. it felt like he ripping you into two but in a good way. your grab onto arm as he sets a steady pace snapping his hips forward looking for your sweet spot and when he found it. he had a field day.
“shit!” you cry whenever he starts speeding up hitting right where you needed it “is this what you needed my love?” he asks gripping waist and pushing him self deeper making tears blur your eyes “yes! please daddy please!” you scream not noticing what you just called him, he slows his pace making your eyes shoot open “what did you call me?” he’s smiles at you “ao i-” he cuts you off “mmm daddy. i like it”.
MY FIRST AO’NUNG FIC?!!?!?. and honestly i hate it so much. i might delete this. love y’all!!
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menaceoffandoms · 2 months
LMK analysis rant: Mei
I said I was gonna do this and I'm keeping to my word! The only thing that may stop me is my procrastinating... and the fic I'm slowly writing but uhhhhh-
ANYWAY- We're here to talk about Mei, our favourite white horse dragon pepper girl!
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Mei stands out as the most different from her inspiration, something the writers perfectly portray in the yellow-robed demon episode of s4, which is likely to do with how little they had to go off of. Despite being one of the pilgrims in jttw, Ao Lie dose very little in the novel. His most notable chapters being when he's introduced and when the group faces the yellow-robed demon, which is why we met him in that memory in the scroll. Combined with my belief that Mei isn't a reincarnation of Ao Lie -- just his descendent -- means that Mei is one of the most unique characters in the entire show.
There's just less source material for her to draw from, it let's the writers have more fun and do more things. It's not that they don't make the others characters unique -- they like to play very fast and loose with things over all -- but Mei feel like her own complete and original character. She's inspired by Ao Lie in the same way Mk is inspired by Monkie King basically and she all the better for it.
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Being the female lead (isn't it interesting how most of the female characters in this show are villans?), Mei is a refreshingly strong, confident girl who begins the show as the most powerful cast member. Being a descendent of the great dragon gives her amazing powers that no other cast members have, a birth right that leads to her being the most protective of her friends and the first to help out in any fight.
What she has in power, however, she lacks in experience. Mei has no mentor -- other than her parents, but I believe its safe to assume they weren't very focused on teaching her combat -- which leads her to trust her gut more, rush into things and learn through observation, like when she mimics what her great x1000 uncle did in s3.
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Overall Mei is an excitable, energetic and loving person with a "You only live once" kinda attitude, for lack of a better explanation. Even still, she has her own insecurities and flaws which make her all the more interesting. Due to the shows run time, Mei and many of the other main characters don't really get explored as much as Mk, however what we do see of these struggles and fears is incredibly interesting even on a surface level.
Her tendency to rush head first into danger without first examining the situation or creating a plan, truthfully, tends to work out for her, but it can't always. It's something shown perfectly in s4, when Mei is the only member of the group to not get a star from Master Subohdi, however what a lot of people seem to miss is how Mei actually did earn that star eventually.
When they leave the temple and head to the celestial realm to try and stop Azure, Mei leads them there with no plan at all. As such, they fail and need to be saved by Mk. Faced with proof of Subohdi's criticism, Mei makes the more important amendment to Mk's plan in the s4 special. I don't think we've even seen Mei make a serious plan until this point, which feeds back in to another one of her flaws: being unable to take things seriously.
This isn't something I see said about Mei often, but when watching her character I think it's externally obvious. Don't get me wrong, Mei can be serious, but usually only in moments of vulnerability or high stress. For example: when talking with her pearents, after she gained the Samahdi fire and whilst imprisoned by the Yellow-robed demon.
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I think this flaw is Mei's own version of Mk playing dumb. They both behave this way to lessen the emotional impact of serious things, to protect themselves and help those around them deal with trauma or difficult topics. Mei and Mk really are two sides of the same coin and I'd love for them to do more with that in the show.
Going back to Mei's parents, one of her biggest struggles is reconciling who she is with who she's meant to be. She is a noble dragon, a descendent of the great dragon of the West Sea and practically the successor to Ao Lie. It's a lot to live up to and -- evident in episode 3 of season 1; Welcome home -- she doesn't believe she dose.
Mei is confident in her abilities, she's sure of her strength and quick to help those around her, but in the face of her legacy she stands uncertain. It's another thing her and Mk have in common, though in vastly different flavours, and it's interesting how this legacy colours Mei as a character.
She wields the dragon blade, proving herself as a worthy part of her family and gaining the approval of her parents, however the stark difference between her and the rest of her clan is more blatant than ever. We see this perfectly in season 3 when they visit the great Dragon of the East Sea, Mei being put into fancy clothes she instantly ruins in order to have a place to hold her sword. She fights against her uncle, fights against her family, because she knows they'll never understand her. But even still, she knows she's still one of them and she's so proud to be.
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Becoming the vessel of the Samahdi fire is only more proof of Mei's legacy and connection to her family. It gives her a moment of pure vulnerability where she vents her frustrations and fears before rushing away, wanting nothing more than to protect the people she cares about.
When Red Son finds her she's still serious, but even with just a basic understanding of the fire within her Mei falls back to her normal nature; a silly excitable girl not taking things seriously. We see this after Red Son attacks her with the spears and when she's eating later on, but even if her attitude doesn't show it, she's still listening and taking the training seriously. She just needs to be silly so she won't freak out again.
Since we're on the topic of the Samahdi fire, I think most people can agree that the way it was handled post s3 was very poor. With only one mention of it in s4, by Master Subohdi no less, I assumed that the fire had been resealed, this time correctly. Something that dangerous should be locked up, even if a capable wielder is around. It would also prevent power creep and stop the show from having another Wukong predicament, by which I mean a character so powerful they need to find a way to prevent them from trivialising whatever threat they have to face in the plot. Wukong will get his own post soon don't you worry...
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Instead, we learn in s5 that Mei still has the fire, she just kinda forgot? She learned to fully master it when breaking out of LBDs mech, so since the fire was no longer a raging uncontrollable inferno she just didn't realise it was still there... for an entire season. Yeah it feels lazy and honestly is probably the worse written choice the show has even made. Even still, it dose lead to a very interesting and in character moment for Mei.
When attempting to seal the willow wisp with Red Son, Mei loses her confidence, believing that she lost the Samahdi fire and thinking she's lacking. Mk getting Monkie Kings powers was one thing, but the rest of her friends now having cool weapons and magic? If their all so strong and only getting stronger, then what's the point in Mei? She was the strongest but now she might be the weakest, and that terrifies her cause if she's weak she can't protect people. How can she act when she's powerless to do so?
This dilemma is quickly resolved by Red Son telling her she's had the fire the whole time, amending it's use to Mei's lightning motif she's had since s1 -- I know fire benders in ATLA use lighting but come on -- and basically saying she's been using the fire the whole time. It takes away from Mei's whole struggle to be honest, but I do think there's potential for her to relearn this now tamed Samahdi fire so she can better use it. Just depends if the show wants to do that...
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Moving on from my thinly veiled complaints about season 5 (I like it I swear but it is the weakest seasons to me so far), let's talk about Mei's role in the group a bit. Aside from being the token girl, she's also Mk's best friend and the only other character his age and acts around the same age as the shows target audience. Mk's the main character and leader, Tang is the lazy historian smart guy, Sandy the loveable giant, Pigsy the cynical brute and Mei's youthful and silly power house.
I would love to go into some narrative tropes, specifically the 5 man band since jttw is one of the primary bases of the trope, but I've realised I have far too many thoughts about that to fit here. This is the 21sh paragraph and I'm sure at least some of this is a mess, but I hope I'm getting my point across! Overall, Mei is an extremely compelling character how often gets side-lined due to run time and other stuff, but is honestly one of my favourite characters in the show.
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thaliathewriter · 2 years
Tree hugger girlfriend
story description: moving to a whole other clan wasn't easy. but a certain Metkayina boy makes it bearable. (AonungxSully!reader)
So this story wasn't really requested I just wrote it for you guys, my requests are still open so feel free to request guys!! This is kind of a long story, but I enjoyed writing it, I hope you guys enjoy this
fluff :)
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As soon as we stepped foot on Metkayina’s tribe ground everyone’s eyes were on us. They stared at us as if they’d never seen anything like us before, it made me uncomfortable. Neteyam noticed and pulled me to stand in the middle of him and Lo’ak. Kiri got the hint and stood next to Lo’ak.
 We stood behind our parents and Tuk. Everyone started to circle around us I noticed that they have lighter skin than us, weird-looking tails and ears, and bigger hands. ‘They look funny’ I thought and chuckled to myself, Lo’ak elbowed me as if he was telling me ‘not right now’. 
I saw Lo’ak looking at one of the Metkania women who just came out of the water, I cringed at him. Amongst the many stares at me, I felt one that was putting me slightly off, I grabbed Neteyam’s hand for comfort and leaned into him slightly. 
2 male Metkayina came to the front and eyed me and my siblings out, we paid our respects to them but they just stared at us ‘Penis-face’ I thought. I made eye contact with the larger male, maybe it was me being tired from the long flight, but his gaze softened, and we kept eye contact until I noticed the chief and chiefess coming towards us. 
They decided to let us stay with the exception of learning their ways. I learned that the girl Lo’ak was staring at was Tsireya and the 2 penis faces that were staring at us are Roxto and Aunong. They were siblings, the chief’s children. They were going to teach us how to be Metkayina. Aunong was assigned to teach me.
“You need to work on holding your breath longer, come, we will work on slowing your heart rate down” we settled on a rock in the water “breath from here” he instructed and placed his hand on his stomach, his hands are warm for a fish, I took a deep breath, his hands on my body made me nervous, he placed his other hand above my heart “your heart rate is still too fast” I let out a frustrated sigh “Hey, it’s okay, we’ll just keep practicing until you get it, there is no rush okay?” he assures me with a smile, I smile back and gave him a short nod.
‘Come on let’s try again’ he places his warm hands on my stomach and heart, this time I concentrate and close my eyes and breathe, I did it correctly, he looks at me and smiles ‘see you’re doing it, now let’s get in the water and try it’. I let out a nervous breath, he notices my nervousness, and he spoke again “No need to be nervous okay, ill be right here, I won’t let anything happen to you.” I nod and take a few deep breaths before going under.
He continues to guide me deeper and deeper until we reach the beautiful coral, I stop and see millions of different kinds of fish, and I look around in awe. He must have noticed me stopping because he comes up a offers me his hand, I hesitantly took his hand. He guided me around the coral it was truly beautiful, I thank Ewya for blessing her people with this beauty.
 I spent the whole day with Aunong, he showed me around the clan, and let me ride on his ilu who was very sweet. I got to know him more and we got more comfortable with each other. 
We were watching the sunset on the reef I spoke “You guys are very lucky”, “Why is that (y/n)?” I turned to him “Are you kidding, Metkayina is so beautiful,” I stare back at the sunset “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen”
 He turns and looks at me for a while “I’ve seen prettier.” I look at him like he’s crazy “your joking right” He gazes at my face as if he’s trying to memorize every detail “I’m not joking, I’m looking at her right now” he smiles, I gaze up at him, his gaze is so gentle, so full of warmth, I smile shyly “thank you Ao-”
‘(y/n)’ a voice behind us interrupts me, I look and see Neteyam eyeing us out ‘Neteyam’ I say surprised, me and Aonung rise from our spots ‘(y/n) come home now it’s getting late.’ I try and argue ‘But we were watch-’ Neteyam cuts me off with a more forceful tone ‘Now (y/n)’ not that I listen to him often but I didn’t want to cause a scene in front of Aonung. 
I turn back to Aonung “Thanks for showing me around today, and for the lessons, I had fun today.” Aonung looks at my brother and then at me with a small smile “No problem, I had fun with you, I hope you enjoyed your first day here, kìyevame. (See you soon)” with that I left with Neteyam and we began walking to our Marui. 
Neteyam nudges my shoulder as we walk “The chief’s son huh?” he asks with a playful smirk, I shove him slightly off of me “Shut up, Nete” I say slightly embarrassed. 
A month went by like that, Aonung teaching me how to be Metkayina. Our bond grew stronger we grew a flirty and playful relationship. After I ignored him for 2 weeks for what he did to Lo’ak, Neteyam, and Kiri, he begged me to forgive him, he even apologized to each of my siblings, I eventually forgave him, he earned my trust back by building his own bonds with each of family members. 
 I found myself growing feelings for him, it’s not like his behavior helped though. When he touched me his hands would linger, hold my hand, and makes comments on how prettier I looked every day. I found myself missing him when he wasn’t around, which wasn’t often but still I hated when he wasn’t with me. 
My siblings would often tease me about the relationship I have with him, I’d always deny it and say ‘we’re just really good friends’ they never believed my words though, do I blame them, no. Aonung treated me differently than everyone else, and everyone else sensed it, he was gentler, kinder, and more patient with me. Tsireya who I grew a close bond with would also tease me, but that didn’t last long because I’d come back with comments on her and Lo’ak.
The only people who weren’t fond of the idea of us together were Aonung’s friends. His friends still haven’t forgiven my brothers for beating them up. They didn’t fail to remind me and my siblings every day that we were different from them, that we would never be true Na’vi. When Aonung was around he and Tsireya would stand up for us but we Sully knew how to hold our ground. 
Me and Aonung would often sneak out at night just to hang out with each other. It was more peaceful when it was just him and me, more time to ourselves, more time for him to have me to himself he would say. Tonight was no different as I snuck quietly out of my Marui to meet up with him. 
When I arrived at our usual spot I saw Aonung and the sight of him brought an immediate smile to my face, as I made my way to him 4 boys beat me to it, I recognized them, it was his friends, the same friends that wouldn’t leave me or my siblings alone. I decided to stay back a while just until they had left. I heard one of the boys say “Hey lover boy, where is your little forest girlfriend” at that comment I turned back to the group and decided to listen to what they had to say. 
“Shut up you Skxawng, she isn’t my girlfriend” I knew Aonung was easily pressured by his friends, he felt like he had to be perfect in their eyes, I couldn’t blame him it was the same way with Neteyam, its something about being the eldest child of the chief, you had to be perfect. 
“She and her family are freaks, they don’t belong here,” another one of his stupid friends said “I don’t understand why you guys dislike them so much, they are actually pretty cool,” I smiled at Aonung’s words.
 His friends turned to him shock written all over their faces “Bro, c’mon you don’t actually have feelings for that tree hugger, they are-” Aonung cut him off  “No you are wrong about them. You are wrong about her. She’s unlike anyone I’ve met before. I mean how can you not like her, she’s sweet and kind to our people, she’s smart and patient and she has this twinkle in her eye when she sees something she is amazed by, and don’t even get me started on her beauty.” 
My heartbeat grows more and I listen with a smile on my face, he continues “her smile is so warm, and just being in her presence brings me joy. Her family is loyal and kind, you’ve got it all wrong, you judge them before you knew them.” He places his hands on his friend’s shoulders and shakes his head “Give them a chance, get to know them, don’t be so quick to judge people different than us brothers.” his friends groan “Since when have you grown so soft Aonung”
Aonung shrugged with a smile on his face “She has that effect” he said with a playful smile, his friends roll their eyes “Just for you, we’ll get to know them, we won’t make fun of your forest friends and your tree hugger girlfriend” Aonung smiles “Thank you brothers, now get home it’s late” his friends nod “Come with us” his friend offers. Aonung shakes his head and smiles “Can’t, I’m waiting for my tree hugger girlfriend” Aonung mocks his previous words, ‘girlfriend’ I smile at his words. His friends chuckle and walk-off not before shouting to him “Bye lover boy”. 
I stand there for a while realizing what just happened, he stood up for me, not just for me but also my family, and my feelings for him only grew. He risked being judged by his friends for the sake of my family. I let his words about me sink in not only did he talk about my beauty he talked about how smart and patient I was. From that point on I saw Aonung differently, in a new light. 
He stood there looking at the moon he released a deep breath, and I decided to finally join him. “Tree hugger girlfriend huh?” I say with a playful smile. He turned around quickly he looked embarrassed “(Y/N)” he said surprised “h-how much of that did you hear?” he asked in a nervous tone. “Enough” I answered coming up to him. As soon as I reached him I pulled him into a hug, his warm body collided with mine,  I swear I could stay like this forever. His reaction was delayed as if he was surprised at my actions.
But he finally reacted by placing one arm around my waist and one hand on my head. We stayed like that for a while, not saying anything, just relishing in each other’s warmth, holding each other tightly as if id lose him. 
“Thuskn ui” I mumbled incoherently into his chest, he chuckled and gently pulled my head out of his chest “What did you say?” he asked playfully. I smiled up at him and kissed him on the cheek “I said thank you” I can tell he was flustered by my action “thank you? F-for what?” he asked “For sticking up for my family,” I rubbed his chest with my hands and continued speaking “For sticking up for me, I appreciate it more than you know”. 
He smiled down at me, put his hand on my cheek and gently caressed “you do not need to thank me, you and your family have been amazing, well Lo’ak can be a pain sometimes” I chuckled at that. “I always protect the people I love, you and your family are part of Metkayina now,  apart of my clan, remember I told you that I’d never let anything happen to you on your first day here” I smile at that memory and nod in response. “I intend to honor what I said, as long as I’m around no one will ever hurt you, I’ll make sure of that”
His words hit me and I think it hit him at the same time he said he loved me. I couldn’t hide my smile, ‘we probably look weird smiling like idiots and holding eachother’ I thought. He put his forehead against mines and grabbed both of my hands, he stared into my eyes “oel ngati kameie (I see you), and I’ll always be here to protect you from anyone and anything, tìyawn.(love)” I let go of his hands to hold his face in my hands, I feel one of his hands go to my waist pulling me closer, and the other hand pressing my hands on his face. I smile and spoke “Oel ngati kameie, Aonung. I’ll protect you to, no matter what.”
He starts to lean in and I follow, before I know it his lips collide with mines. His lips are warm and he kisses me gently. ‘Ewya let me stay like this forever’ I thought. After awhile I needed air and slowly broke our kiss, he opens his eyes and frowns trying to follow my lips, I laugh “I need air my love” I said playfully, he groans “have our breathing lessons not teach you nothing” he jokes, we both laugh in harmony.
 We sat back down on the sand, I sat between his legs with my back in his chest facing the beach. He rests his head on my shoulder, kissing the crook of my neck while I play with his fingers, we sat in sat in silence just wanting to be in eachother presence.  
As I played with his fingers I thought back to what he was saying about me with his friends, I smile and broke the silence “So I made you all soft huh?” I say playfully with a small smirk on my face, he lightly chuckles and hides his face in my neck. “You are not gonna let me forget that are you?”, I chuckle and answered “Maybe for a kiss, I could” he comes out from his hiding spot and gently turns my head towards his, and slowly leans in “that I can do.”
Woooo that was a long story. I hope you guys enjoyed :)
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woman-of-many-fandoms · 3 months
It's really odd being a Star Trek fan when almost everything you love about it is the minority. Like I've seen posts on other sites and someone refers to AOS and no one know what's being talking about. They think it's Animated Original Series. Like no?? I thought this was common knowledge. And I see posts not knowing Jim had a brother and not knowing both his dad and brother are named George. And these are people who say they've been watching for decades. Maybe it's me knowing trek lore from character driven fanfics? I remember being in grad school (over 10 years ago) and I was working with a girl who's father was a huge Trek fan and I asked if her name was Amanda Grey after Spock's mom. She never made the connection.
THEN there's being a fan of AOS vs TOS which is even more alienating. Like if you speak ill of Shanter's acting, the sexism, or point out how TOS Bones was racist you imminently get" "Shanter made trek what it is today!" "Everyone knows Spock and McCoy are great friends!" "It was progressive for its time!" It like we're watching different things.
And don't even get me started on being a spirk shipper in general fan spaces. So many people love Spock/Chapel. Don't get me wrong, I see the appeal, they are both attractive talented actors but it seem wrong to me. (I will fully admit watching sex/ heavy romance scenes makes me uncomfortable, I didn't make it past the first ep of Bridgerton due to the sex scene, if I want porn I want to see it in my own time)
I know I've posted how I really want the 4th trek movie and honestly it's because I want the AOS fans to come back so there is more content to engage with. I really don't care (well I do) what the story is. I feel most of the fans have moved onto other fandoms. The engagement in 2009-2016 was amazing.
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tavina-writes · 11 months
CQL and Genre Intertextuality
I'm being bashed over the head with the "nhs's fan in CQL is made of xuantie/dark iron" thing again and @poorlittleyaoyao please understand that I am thinking of this constantly since you made that post talking about it because I'm just.
holding my head in my hands bc ye gods the cql show writers were genre savvy in ways that are hilarious but also make me feel like I've been hit upside the head with a waffle iron.
For those of us who are no longer damaged by the post or hadn't seen it (I don't actually know where it's gone bc the search feature doesn't work on this webbed site):
Xuantie/Dark Iron is a Jin Yong created metal that famously was used for the blade of the Dragon Slaying Sabre in the third novel of the Condor Trilogy, 倚天屠龍記/The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber.
The Heaven Reliant Sword 倚天劍 was created from Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv's Gentleman and Lady swords, whilst the Dragon Slaying Saber 屠龍刀 was created from Grandmaster Dugu Seeking-a-Loss's Dark Iron Sword.
Can we please all take a moment to appreciate how NHS's fan not his saber, NHS, from The Family With The Sabers, gets to shout about how his fan is made of xuantie. The most famous for being the metal that made up The Dragon Slaying Saber. His fan. Not his saber. his fan. dark iron. Dragon Slaying Saber. This is so funny I'm about to mcfucking lose it yet again while typing this.
Going back to Grandmaster Dugu Seeking-A-Loss (who appears in both Return of the Condor Heroes and Xiao Ao Jianghu) and his giant pet condor (sadly, only a ROCH feature) who might've been his one true soulmate for a second, this situation from episode 7, when the Yunmeng Siblings are leaving the Cloud Recesses:
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Now, the subtitles here really DO NOT do this line justice because when I first saw it it took me FLAT THE FUCK OUT and I had to lie on the floor laughing for like, 80 seconds before I got my breath back.
Okay, what this line ACTUALLY says is "I am Dugu Qiubai (Grandmaster Dugu Seeking-A-Loss), what's wrong with seeking a match?"
Now, to understand this, we come to this backstory on Dugu Qiubai in XAJH:
“Senior master Dugu Seeking-A-Loss, who created this set of sword techniques, had a name ‘Seeking-A-Loss.’ He had been seeking a loss all his life and still couldn’t get one. Once the sword techniques were executed, he would become unmatched anywhere in the world. Why would he have to defend? If anyone could have forced him to draw his sword back and defend himself, the respectful master would have burst with joy and be delighted beyond measure.” Feng Qingyang said. “Dugu Seeking-A-Loss, Dugu Seeking-A-Loss,” Linghu Chong muttered as he imagined how the senior master had wandered about the Martial World, unmatched anywhere, with only his sword, and couldn’t even find a single one who was capable of forcing him into a defending stance. That was truly admirable.
from Chapter Ten of XAJH: Sword Training.
"If anyone could force him to draw his sword back to defend himself, the grandmaster would have burst with joy and be delighted beyond measure" DO YOU SEE WHY JC STARTED CALLING WWX SHAMELESS NOW. they're JUNIORS. WWX is calling himself "the greatest man of all, who'd sought the feeling of losing just ONCE being forced to defend himself just ONCE in a LIFETIME" and saying "LWJ might be my equal. my soulmate. the loss I was seeking my whole life."
All 15 years of it I'm sure, WWX.
I'm not going to get into finding martial arts manuals or a respected grandmaster who taught you incredible things in a cave bc 1) LHC and Feng Qingyang up there are sitting together, in a cave and LHC is being taught incredible things and 2) Duan Yu from Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils once found the magic finger lasers of ultra laser in a cave. In front of the statue of a goddess. (don't talk about the dancing goddess statue now, Tav. We don't have time for that in this post.)
Not kidding the intertextuality of CQL and how much it plays with and against the tropes of its genre, especially other wuxia tv adaptations as well as wuxia novels is insane. There's other ones I'm missing for certain and these were just the most funny to me, personally, but! just! oh my god! insane! insane! SO funny, so clever in so many ways
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starrclown · 4 months
EclispeDuo headcannons I have but I can't explain most of them but they just feel right★★
Triggerwarning for talks of death, alcohol, blood, past bad experiences, and other triggering topics
Sillies <3
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Chang'e has been trying for YEARS to get Wukong on her show. Wukong wants to be on it but he's really camera shy so they can never release the episode cause he gets to nervous.
Wukong let's Chang'e in on ALL the tea going on earth.
Chang'e really does not like Macaque because of his history with Wukong. Wukong doesn't suger coat their past, he goes into enough detail to keep somewhat privacy but he'spretty open and honest. He also told her about Macaque's recent atrocities committed on him and Mk. This causes Chang'e to have a really negative opinion on Macaque because she doesn't understand why Macaque would be so mean to Mk just cause he doesn't like Wukong. (She also doesn't like Macaque because how dare he hurt Wukong's feelings.)
Wukong babysits some of Chang'e bunnies sometimes when she's broadcasting her cooking show.
Wukong fills Chang'e in ALL the gossip on earth.
Chan1g'e helped Wukong through alot of his trauma. She helped him when Macaque died, when Ao Lie died, when the rest of the pilgrims past, when he had to put DBK under the mountain, when his mountain burned, and other events. Chang'e knows how grief fills so she jus let's him cry. It's comforting.
Wukong and Chang'e have gotten ABSOLUTELY SMASHED on the moon. Their hangover was BAD after that.
Wukong knows how to sew so he makes him and Chang'e matching clothing.
Chang'e likes to make little cupcakes that look like animals for the monkie gang on earth. She makes pig ones for Pigsy, monkies for Mk and Wukong, and miscellaneous ones for the others. (Cause she never met them, she has just heard Wukong talking about them .)
Chang'e and Wukong are each others biggest hype men.
Chang'e has seen almost every baby picture of Redson, she's basically seen that kid grow up more than his dad did.
Wukong once cut his finger cutting vegetables and Chang'e FREAKED out.
When Wukongs hair gets to long, he'll just cut it so he doesn't have to deal with it. Chang'e likes seeing his hair long though so she'll tie it up for him so it's out of his way.
Wukong really likes to groom Chang'e. It gives him a excuse to just yap and show affection in a monkey way.
Chang'e likes to do Wukong's makeup.
Wukong gifts Chang'e the extra golden jewelry he has because they both like shiny gold things.
They both have merch of each other. Wukong has a Chang'e baking set and Chang'e has that talking cardboard cut out from that cooking show episode.
Chang'e is VERY judgy of Wukong's romantic taste. If she doesn't like who Wukong is talking about she looks at him like 🤨
They have week long sleepovers. They'd probably be longer if Wukong didn't have to train Mk.
They paint each other's nails their favorite colors. Chang'e gets gold nails and Wukong gets blue nails.
Guys I NEED more content of these two together in my life. If yall know any fics with these two let me know cause I love them.
(Drop your own headcannons in the comments, I wanna see how people interpret these two.)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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sh0tanzz · 3 months
RIIZE ENERGY CHECK ~ based on tarot
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reminder this is based off of my interpretations of the energy and cards I receive and is not exact fact unless said so by the members themselves; energy is subject to change or manifest differently so my reading may differ from others
Note : The members are allowing me to do this reading (AoW, 6oW) they’re also willing to not be anonymous because they aren’t really sharing anything too crazy or private (The Sun)
He needs rest and to have a vacation in all honestly. He’s been very responsible and working very hard lately and it might be taking a toll on him to a degree. (8oP, 7oW, Strength Rx, 4oS) I don’t think the company is necessarily pushing him but he feels a need to push and is becoming a bit of a workaholic and is surprisingly optimistic since all of the hard work is leading to success (10oW, KNoS, AoP, 6oW). He should rest though, he might be unconvinced that he’ll get burnt out but it’s still possibly that he could (4oP), he must find balance (2oP)
In the past he went through a period of time where he had feelings of inadequacy and insecurity in regards to his place in the group and uncertainty about his future as an idol. (2oW, The Star Rx, 9oW, 2oS) However recently he feels way more secure and hopeful and even excited for what the future holds due to current success, he’s also hinting towards their 6 time showcase wins motivating him. (9oP, 6oW, The World) He also wants to be more open and to befriend and work with more people as well be more giving with his availability and positive side (3oP, 6oP)
There’s something he’s currently looking forward to and he’s finally making action towards it or acting on the project at hand after a time of having to sort and pick through options and ideas (3oW, KNoW, 7oC). Someone older or more experienced than him/he seeks guidance from is aiding him with what he’s currently looking forward to and setting action on (The Heirophant) however he still has autonomy and creative control over it (The Magician). Im not sure if what he’s looking forward to is music related, it seems that it’s aimed towards the members/briize. I keep hearing the phrase “그것은 비밀“ which means “it’s a secret” in a playful tone 😭 his energy is very goofy here as well.
I’m ngl Wonbin might have schedules or is preoccupied mentally because the cards for him essentially fell out in a heartbeat as if he was in a rush but he still got his point out regardless. Ngl, he’s tired/bored of the “cold” persona SM pushes him to do and everyday wants to scrap it completely more and more (The Sun Rx, The moon, 4oC, 9oC Rx) especially because he knows fans really do like the authentic him, his “truth” (AoS, PoC) . Also Wonbin genuinely appreciates the briize fandom and he is aware he might be seen as shallow but his appreciation is genuine.
My room suddenly felt quiet and the air/energy got very calm and still. He’s currently in a state of building things back up, basically cleaning up and rebuilding after the mess he endured a couple months back (The Tower, 6oS, 8oC, Temperance). There’s people in his circle aiding him fem and masc energies (QoC, KoC, KoS). He’s moving forward into a new era/chapter of his life that will help him evolve and find success/comfortability again (Death, The Empress)
He’s been hanging out and spending a lot of time with some friends from within the industry on his downtime (3oC, PoW, PoS) I’m pretty sure the Page of Wands and Page of Swords represent BND Jaehyun (Sag) and ZB1 Hanbin (Gemini). He may have been closer to them and see them as more of friends than coworkers. He might be a bit closer to Jaehyun tho. He’s satisfied with work and the financial gains he’s been getting from it (AoP)
He feels more comfortable with himself and has been more in touch with his masculine side and confidence. (Strength, The Chariot, AoW) . He currently misses his younger brother and family which is pretty obvious with the cards. (3oS, 6oC, 10oP) but he knows he can cope and will be able to see them again soon, there may be a holiday or event coming up where he can see them all (7oP, 4oW, 10oC) He also might be fighting for a bit more creative/musical control in the group, he may want to compose or have a bit more suggestion towards the groups upcoming music (5oW)
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whatsacrush · 23 days
I always see people talking about the bi/pan/otherwise mspec to aspec pipeline, but can we talk about the:
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to aspec pipeline
I haven’t felt this seen since Georgia Warr basically confirmed she’s aegosexual
Image description: a zoomed in picture of a page from I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman. The passage reads
“'So ... wait ... you're gay, or ...?' he asks.
I laugh. He couldn't even keep up with what I was saying.
'Well, no, I say, even though I probably would go out with a girl, but I don't really ever get crushes on anyone, so I just don't know what I am right now, to be honest. 'I'm just saying there's”
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dustykneed · 9 months
for context: star trek into darkness (specifically, my take on the implications of bones doing what he had to do and the emotional fallout of those missing scenes) (not that ive seen it!! but ive read enough fic to know the gist of it LMAO) (can you believe this started as an impulse draw to see if i could use pastels to convey heavy emotions and now im writing a very very long headcanon in my notes app.)
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Leonard goes and he plays god, and injects Jim with that godforsaken blood, and then there is nothing left to do but wait.
He sinks into the chair at his desk, and steeples his fingers together. It occurs to him that these circumstances are the sort that would drive any religious man to bow his head and clasp his hands together, like so, and pray.
--but he is a doctor, and he has never been religious, and he has a duty to do, and he has broken his oath, and there is blood on his hands and flecking his shirt.
Leonard sits very still at his desk and weeps, and he does not pray.
sorry to all of y'all who had to find out i was an angst goblin this way <///3 but basically the hc/rough fic is an extension of the angst potential of that one scene where jim wakes up and fixates on spock (and his lack of response towards bones is never addressed afterwards i think? not sure but it's an interesting premise imo)
brief summary: bones never gets closure from jim after he wakes up because jim and spock get together immediately after and it just slips their minds, so bones is stuck in "oh god jim's dying" mode and feels absolutely terrible, but the bridge crew helps a bit by being there for him to hang out with, but still bones does overwork while trying to work through the sense of wrongness of not being able to have his emotional needs met after the whole jim dying fiasco and feeling like his best friend has forgotten him. he admittedly makes good progress (by which i mean he's able to take really big overwhelming feelings and put them away well enough in his daily life to function relatively normally) but the crushing grief is always in the background. about a month or so after spirk gets together, spock accidentally brushes bones' arm and is absolutely slammed by a wave of unexpected exhaustion and emotional pain and is like ??????!!!????????? long story short he drags bones to jim and bones cries for the first time since jim "died" and it is immensely cathartic and then jim blurts out a confession because he has horrible timing and asks bones to join him and spock and obviously bones cries harder and spock is about to smack jim upside the head lmao (bones says its way too much to process and he needs time but hes not exactly opposed, and they all start spending more time together, and then eventually bones is like fuck it and asks for a kiss and they finally get together !!!!!!)
as a treat for reading all of my mildly insane word vomit y'all get a soft bittersweet aos mcspirk scribble<33
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gotta love aos jim's majestic eyebrows and aos spock's general sort of >:[ expression!! really growin on me tbh
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starsfic · 4 months
Erlang Shen is Supposed to Be on Vacation
S5 theory fic: Erlang Shen is supposed to be on vacation. However, in an hour, he learns that his uncle is dead, someone is trying to do another coup, and Sun Wukong has been filleted again. The people who deliver this news, including mass criminal Master Subodhi, the duo of Ao Lie's descendant and Iron Fan's son, and the creation goddess Nuwa, make things... difficult.
Erlang Shen was on vacation.
He honestly needed one after centuries of work, both doing whatever dirty work his uncle supposedly needed and the day-to-day running of his territory. The gods of fate had been merciful, creating a summer where Jian didn’t have anything important to do until autumn. Heaven could be handled by Li Nezha or any of the hundreds of other warriors (mostly by his student because he knew how the guards could be), the training of his personal guards and army could be handled by his head guards, and any paperwork could be handled by his staff. With all that, Jian found himself luxuriously stretching in his garden, soaking up the sun. Even Xiaotian Quan stretched out, making a happy little dog noise.
His private garden was his favorite place in his palace. Most of the plants grew naturally in the Sichuan province, but the air was sweet with the smell of blossoming Flower Fruit Mountain trees. The saplings had been a gift from Sun Wukong on his birthday, and Jian found no shame in enjoying the gift.
Hm…with the thought of Wukong floating around, Jian wondered if he could invite him over. Despite their rocky beginnings, Jian enjoyed the company of his sworn brother, both platonically and in a more romantic light. He had recently heard that Wukong had also taken up a student, so maybe they could talk about that?
The summer seemed full of possibilities. 
Right now, Jian just wanted to sunbathe.
So lost in his relaxation, he didn’t notice a magpie settle on the branches of one of the peach trees, staring down at him. Xiaotian raised his head, but the magpie fluttered away before the dog could notice anything. The large hound, after a quick scan around, settled back down into the grass.
The magpie poked its head out and, deciding it was safe, flew down from the branches.
“Ahem. Prince Erlang Shen.”
He shouldn’t have tempted the gods of fate.
Jian pushed up his sunglasses.
Silver robes and a long white beard met his eyes. If he didn’t recognize that distinctive style, the feeling of the old man’s power gave his identity away. “Master Subodhi,” Jian said, sitting up. “I thought I warned you to stay away from my property unless you wanted me to fulfill my promise of bringing you in.”
Was he risking his uncle’s ire by not fulfilling the bounty on the daoist’s head for gaining immortality in an illegal way? Yes. Did he care? Eh, not really. Wukong had racked up way more charges against him in his long life and he wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of his uncle.
“Are you aware of the state of the world?”
The question came so out of left field that Erlang Shen blinked. “Uh…it’s summer?” he said, gesturing to the perfect summer day with big white fluffy clouds drifting carelessly in a blue sky. “It’s a nice day? My uncle isn’t calling to bother me?”
Subodhi raised a brow. “I can see why, considering he’s dead.”
There was a long pause.
“...excuse me?”
He…didn’t know how to process that. 
“Have you not seen the kid? Did you not see reality start to tear apart?”
Oh. That. “That happens sometimes, especially as my uncle gets older. He must’ve slipped up to have everyone see.” Erlang sighed. Honestly, the dramatics of old men. “If he died, someone would’ve told me-”
“Are you telling me that communication in Heaven has so broken down-”
“My lord!” Before Subodhi could finish his yelling or Erlang could grab and throw that stupid ruler far away, several guards marched in. “We have captured two trespassers. They insisted on talking to you.”
“YEAH!” A female voice called from the center of the huddle. “We have some questions for you.”
Erlang blinked. She sounded young and probably better than the gaping immortal, who for once looked surprised. “Allow them forward,” he called. “Let me see them.”
The guards stepped aside, revealing a girl in a green jacket- her features were familiar, although Jian couldn’t put his finger on why- and…hm. He had heard stories and seen pictures of Princess Iron Fan’s son, although he had never met him in person. He had the same dark eyes and noble bearing his former sworn sister had.
“What are you doing here?” Subodhi said, interrupting his thoughts with his baffled words. “Did you follow me?”
“Master Subodhi? What are you doing here?” the girl said. “You-”
Before she could finish, Red Son grabbed her and forced her to bow at the waist. “Remember what we talked about,” he hissed quietly to his companion. “Manners or we aren’t gonna get anything.”
“Yeah, but-”
He stomped on her foot. “Erlang Shen, Illustrious Sage and True Lord of Sichuan, we are Hong Ha-eir, son of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, and Long Xiaojiao, descendant of Ao Jie-”
“Oh, that explains why you look familiar.” She looked strikingly like Ao Lie’s older sister…what had been her name again? Jian stood up with a sigh. “Rise, please, nephew.”
Red Son bristled at the address, but rose. Long Xiaojiao stepped forward. “Lord Erlang Shen, we came to plead for mercy for Sun Wukong, Liu’Er Mihou, and my best friend, Qi Xiaotian,” She got fully on her knees, pressing her forehead to the grass in a kowtow. “The charges leveled against them are false. None of them helped Azure Lion reach Heaven and kill the Jade Emperor. Any actions they did to help him were unwilling, done with manipulation-”
Several things stuck out at him. “Wait, what do you mean, kill the Jade Emperor?” Jian nodded to Subodhi, who’s shocked expression had been replaced by a strangely protective look. “He just told me my uncle died, but I have received no news about his death.”
“You…haven’t?” She rose up from her kowtow, looking confused. “But, you sent out a notice. He’s been dead for what, three weeks now?”
“A month,” Subodhi corrected. “I don’t know what you or your friends did. But it’s been over a month since the previous Jade Emperor was slain.”
“And two days since Heaven violated their agreement with me,” another female voice called. Jian felt himself stiffen, just in time for a hand to cup his face and lips to press against his cheek. “Shen, my dear.”
The pet name given by the goddess dressed in earthly tones only made his brow rise higher. While he had a few brief conversations with the ancient goddess at the few parties they both attended, she had never referred to him with fondness. Something was clearly up and Erlang Shen had a feeling he didn’t want to be part of it, but he would have to be.
“What brings you here, my lady?” he said, dipping into a deep bow. 
“Oh, I came here to help my son’s little friends and my son’s…master.” Nuwa’s pause on the last word felt mocking. Subodhi clearly noticed it as well, based on his snort. “I also came here for an explanation.”
Her smile was serene. Her aura was not. 
“An…explanation for what?”
“Wait, you’re Sun Wukong’s mother?”
“Wait, you’re XIAOTIAN’S MOTHER?!” Xiaotian raised his head at his name. “Sorry, puppy,” Long Xiaojiao cooed. “Not you.” The dog huffed and settled back down.
“It’s complicated and yes,” Nuwa said before turning to him. “And an explanation for the court’s recent actions. As you must be aware, when the Jade Emperor took the throne, he held up my agreement with his predecessors. Any issue with the stones of the universe must be handled by me directly.”
“...okay? Did something happen?”
That was apparently the wrong thing to say, based on Nuwa’s darkening face. Jian was tempted to deflect, considering he just received the news of his uncle’s…unfortunate passing. But that was the coward’s way out. 
Nuwa stared at him. Then she snapped her fingers. “Girl, dearest one,” she called. “Bring him the announcement.”
Xiaojiao and Red Son exchanged looks, but she stepped forward, pulling a scroll out of her pocket. “Li Jing gave us this after he put a filet on Sun Wukong’s head and sucked my best friend into his pagoda,” she reported as he took it.
Jian was too busy studying the scroll to hear the shocked gasps from both Subodhi and Nuwa. 
Well, that was his seal.
Jian opened it.
That wasn’t his handwriting.
He scanned it over, reading it quickly. It was all very formal, claiming that the royal family, including the Queen Mother of the West, who was slated to rule until the next emperor would be chosen according to his uncle’s will last he checked, would be taking time to grieve at the sudden loss. Li Jing was to be put in charge for the next few months, supported by the ten kings of the Diyu. Someone had even put the Gold Star of Venus’s seal at the bottom, signifying it as legit.
Jian raised a brow. “Did any of you see the Gold Star of Venus?” he asked the Long girl. She stared blankly at him. He sighed. “Either a goddess in yellow with a cockscomb hat or an older man, about…” He put his hand to about his chin. “Yay high or so?”
She and Red Son exchanged looks. “No,” she finally said. “I don’t think so. Honestly, the only celestials we saw during the trial were Li Jing and Nezha and the ten kings. And I honestly expected to see a few peach maidens.”
Huh? “Why?”
She paused, as if realizing she wasn’t supposed to say that. “No reason,” she lied. “But, to answer your question, no.”
Something was afoot. Jian was tempted to ask if they were just pulling a prank on him, but Subodhi hated his guts, Nuwa was clearly furious, and he barely knew the younger two. Pranks didn’t seem to be in their skillset. Something popped out.
“Did you say that Wukong has the filet?”
“Yes! At least a filet! Li Jing said he wouldn’t take it off unless we got all the universal stones together and fixed the universe.”
“Which you cannot do without my help,” Nuwa said, crossing her arms with a hiss. “There was no quest needed in the first place. The holders would hand them over to me without a problem. Several Heavenly servants saw you attack Azure to defend the Jade Emperor. Nezha’s testimony alone should be evidence.”
Another thought popped into his mind.
“Where was Nezha when this was happening?”
Silence met him. Faintly, the girl sucked air through her teeth. The boy coughed into his fist. He could practically hear the words rise and fall.
A soft hand once again pressed against his shoulder.
“You know where,” Nuwa whispered. She sounded like she was laughing, even if it was silent.
Jian did.
“It seems someone or several someones have lied,” Erlang Shen dropped the scroll- he hadn’t even realized he was crumpling it- and turned. He was met with anger, but not at him. Good. It would fuel them all. “Now, let me go get changed and call my aunt.”
His vacation was over.
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ultfreakme · 1 year
Honestly Geto and Gojo having the same death anniversary which happens to be the most romantic day in Japan, with a character in-story stating how romantic it is should be enough evidence to convince anybody that SatoSugu are supposed to be a romance.
On top of that, we hear that JJK0 is about Yuuta and Rika's love but it's also about Geto and Gojo's relationship.
Then Gege Akutami specifically assigning break-up songs to Geto and Gojo.
AND THEN; they each get canon songs made in each other's POV speaking about their feelings specifically for one another. Where Gojo's song contains lyrics like "Even though I’ve come to know the scent of you being different from mine" and "Any prayer, any word Could bring us closer, but they couldn’t reach you Just like a silent love, In the summery colors along my cheeks". And Geto's song has lyrics like "Even trivial conversations are fine. Show me your blushing face once more" and "It exists only here. I want to touch you" and "Though I understand a wounded heart. Why do I end up hurting and leaving the same scars?"
The animation team going out of their way to give these two more soft moments hanging, creating visual parallels through the Betta Fishes, the flowers, the entire OP for Hideen Inventory but especially the part where we are seeing Gojo's vision being filled with Geto looking amazing while he rides Geto's rainbow dragon.
I saw someone say we're just projecting western views of romance onto satosugu but like, LOOK AT ALL THIS. I cannot stress enough the insanity of their death dates. It's like two people dying one after the other on Valentine's Day. This is some Romeo & Juliet bullshit. JJK in general has next to no romance, no one's pining after each other, the few times there are implications, it's very short. The most obvious one is Mechamaru and Miwa. Now imagine if Mechamaru and Miwa were the ones who got Ao No Sumika and Akari. Imagine they got 5 episodes dedicated to their story and Mechamaru dies on December 24th and Miwa's the one forced to put him out of his misery for betraying them to Mahito and Kenjaku.
Okay do you fucking see how ridiculous denying SatoSugu is? If Mechamaru and Miwa got all that even WITHOUT saying an 'I love you' no one would question their romance.
I know people keep making fun of shonen animes for having a stronger 'romance' between the two guy leads than with any other love interest but I've seen that stuff and even there it isn't nearly as deliberately romantic as SatoSugu. I can tell that Kuroko & Kagami, Gon & Killua or Levi & Erwin are supposed to be friends, the shipping thing is based on the established friendship stuff but SatoSugu are so blatant it's hard to think of another explanation.
I saw a point about how people are projecting western perspectives of romance on platonic friendship expression in a different culture, which I do get, I think it's a valid point. Idk much about how people express friendship in Japan but I have heard there's a lot more skinship and openness as compared to western cultures.
But w/ SatoSugu there isn't anything that can be read as purely platonic, there's always an ambiguity or it's directly romantic.
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channel-eclair · 12 days
i watched v9 ep4 of rwby and OUGHDHDHDHSHDHGJWHSHSH
"I am the granddaughter of a hero and the daughter of a villain, I am a citizen of a fallen kingdom and an heir to nothing. I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it.
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im really enjoying this volume! i was one of the handful that never really had any issues with rwby tbh. i got into the show because i saw chuggaaconroy talk about it a bunch, and as someone who grew up with dragon ball z and death battle i was just like "WOOO YEAH FIGHT SCENES THIS IS AWESOME"
like idk i see so many complex analysis of its story and so many negative youtube videos but idk i got here because the fight scenes were awesome and then getting attached to weiss schnee and loving a lot of other characters was just a bonus i think this show is very fun and i really like it :D
maybe im the target audience because im just here for fun and not expecting an extremely in depth story? i dunno but all those rants about the show totally go over my head honestly i just dont get it
i mean im not ignorant to story, i love and appreciate when something has story. and tbh i enjoy even a "bad story" so long as its passionate (i love fire emblem fates but think fire emblem engage is kinda whatever cuz fates was really passionate and heartfelt even if its seen as bad, while engage was kinda just to make money and feels super empty and soulless to me)
and yeah idk i feel like this show has tons of heart in it and really has a great world and characters that i love seeing. AND it has weiss schnee and awesome fight scenes so i love it 💜
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5-pp-man · 7 months
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i havent seen anyone talk about this but Arajin and Matakara remind me of Taichi and Touma so much man.
small dark haired guy chasing a girl he likes. major inferiority complex. complicated feelings about his childhood best friend that have to do with those feelings of inferiority, causing him to initially avoid him now that they're in high school. Said childhood best friend has no parents and only has his big brother left. He idolises his former friend to a fault, and still calls him by a childish and overly familiar version of his name (Tai-chan, Ara-chan). hes tall and fit and seems to be popular / well liked, but all he really cares about is his (former) best friend.
the bigger one has kept a memento of their friendship for years. best friend power. best friend stone.
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ao no flag was all about making choices. bucchigiri is about not running away and facing things head on. with the way things are going for bucchigiri, it's inevitable that Matakara and Arajin will reconcile, just like Taichi and Touma did
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well. maybe not exactly like they did...
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