#anyways. i love doomed yuri
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itadooori · 18 days ago
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stargirl230 · 1 month ago
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ghost of you
super quick Sua screencap redraw to celebrate the new video release - no I was not expecting it to be Like That and yes I was devastated
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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kaahmbem · 6 months ago
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legend has it that the young witch circe and the once beautiful nymph scylla shared a complicated past...
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canonically47 · 3 months ago
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what's with squid game and toxic/doomed yaoi and doomed yuri?
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mushroominaforest · 2 months ago
They dancing
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spaciebabie · 2 months ago
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would you believe me if i said i kept this mostly spoiler free...?
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spooksier · 1 year ago
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i say a lot of bullshit on here but when im right im right.
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teapot-of-tyrahn · 7 months ago
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Mumpearl Drabble please :3?
His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo.
PearlescentMoon has gone by many names: Peril. Farmer Queen. Santa Perla. Madre de Girasoles. The Great Lunar Neighbour. Even Moonatrix Octa. She was no stranger to deification. She'd been worshipped by a wide variety of people. By her own Helianthias, by the Harengons of Sanctuary, by Jeremys of Stratos: and, now, even by The Order of Octa. And yet, out of all these followings, out of all these flocks of religions, cults and sects dedicated to her image… there was only one she was interested in. The Mooners. Or, rather, its founder. And his name was Mumbo Jumbo. She had to admit, it was odd. She’d been worshipped by countless mortals throughout history, but this wasn't just another mindless devotee, no, before that, he had been someone she'd known; somebody she'd loved. A friend. Before he had been a Mooner he had been apart of Boatem. He still was. It was surreal to see the same man she'd laughed with, the same man who had teased her and taught her what it was like to love and be loved and be human… worship the very thing about her that wasn't. Worship the idea of her, worship the concept of a omnipotent, despotic rock in the sky, worship everything about herself she hated. She had hated being a goddess. That's why she had come to Hermitcraft in the first place. She was sick of being treated as a stagnant notion - something simultaneously too abstract to comprehend and yet something superficial enough to be classified by one word: perfect. She wasn't a person, just an idea. A deity. But Mumbo Jumbo had taught her how to be a person. No… he'd been the one who had made her a person. Or maybe he had just showed her that she had always been one. He made her laugh. Cry. Love. Hate. Learn. Live. Experience. He taught her how to feel, want, explore, be… he had showed her the wonders of this world, shown her that everything alive was sacred and unkillable, that this planet was alive and thus beautiful. He had made her fall in love with the dull world that she had grown to loathe over the centuries all over again. He had made her fall in love with him. And so, watching him fall in love, not with her — not with the genuine, real version of herself she'd become — but with postulated perception of herself she'd been trying so hard to unbecome? The dehumanized idea of what she was supposed to be? The version of herself he'd unwittingly taught her she wasn't defined by? It felt like death. It felt like she was dying. Was this heartache? Could somebody who never had a heart have it break? Pearl loved Mumbo. But Mumbo only loved the Moon. Not Pearlescent.
The moon had two faces; one of which was always hidden from sight. One face could never be seen the human eye. No matter how much they tried, no matter what they used — whether it be telescopes, binoculars, spectrometers, or observation stations… nobody could ever see the far side of the moon. Nobody could ever see her in full display. Only in facets; fragments. In some ways, Pearl resented this fact. Nobody could ever know her; not truly. Nobody could never know her in her entirety. What would happen if they knew the new Australian Hermit wasn't from Australia at all, but from the moon, anyway? No, actually, she wasn't from the moon, she was the moon. She was just the actual, literal moon. That big 'ol floating rock in the sky? The one rapidly plummeting towards their planet on a path set to destruction? Yeah, that was her. Well, not exactly her, but her divine shell, which missed its' goddess after she had taken mortal form so much it was trying to reunite with her by colliding with Hermitcraft… Oopsie-daisy, yeah, my bad, sorry about the impending doom! On the slim chance they didn't immediately kick her off the server due to her very presence being a threat not only to everyone but the world itself's safety, what would they think of her, then? If the fact half of the Hermit's first instincts were to start cults around The Moon in response to its enlargement was any indication, something told her they wouldn't treat her like a regular Hermit anymore. They'd start treating her exactly like what she'd come here to get away from: a goddess. She wouldn't be Pearl anymore. She wouldn't have friends anymore. Just followers. She hated that sometimes she considered it. Oh, how easy it would be, to tell Mumbo she was the Great Lunar Neighbour he loved so much. That she was who he'd been unknowingly worshipping this entire time; she was his goddess. Her feelings for him would be reciprocated in a heartbeat. He'd love her in the same way she loved him; endlessly and entirely. …But he wouldn't. Not really. He wouldn't love her. He'd love the idealized idea of her he thought she was, this version of her he'd made up in his head. And even saying he'd love her would be a stretch… no, he wouldn't love her. He'd revere her, worship her, exalt her… but not love. Not in the ways mortals loved each other. He wouldn't love her for who she was, but for what she was. And, so, she wouldn't tell him. Because as long as he didn't know, there was still a chance he could love her; the actual her. She just had to be patient. Though it was times like this her patience really ran thin.
"I don't understand," Mumbo sobbed; the sound was hoarse, gravelly and guttural. He hadn't slept in… nobody knew how long, and the hysteric delirium of sleep-deprivation seemed to finally be catching up with him. "I — I did… I did everything right! I'm doing everything right, I don't — I don't understand what I did wrong. What am I doing wrong?" He cried. "Shh, shh… you're not doing anything wrong, Mumbs. You didn't do anything wrong. You're perfect. You've done everything perfect," Pearl consoled him, running her fingertips' through his hair in an assuaging manner, trying to coax him to calmness in the same way somebody might try to coax a crying infant back to sleep in the late hours of the night… which, was what she was doing, really, in a sense. His locks were unkempt, disheveled and sloven, bedraggled despite the fact he hadn't touched a bed for weeks. But even in his grotty state, to her, he was still gorgeous. He was still perfect. "Then why is she still mad? I — I made her a temple, I made her altars, I built her shrines, and — and — and — I even convinced Boatem to give up their beds! I even —  I don't understand… I thought — I thought that would fix it… I thought that would make her happy, but she's still — is it not enough? Am I not doing enough..?" Mumbo sniffled as he looked at her with hollow, sunken eyes, a strange mixture of devotion and desperation on his face. His eyebags were so heavy they weighed down his cheeks' like an anchor, an anvil. "Can't she tell I love her? I — I just want to make her happy. I just want her to know — I — I just… I just want her to know how much I love her." Pearl's heart ached. I know. "She knows," she whispered, trying to keep her voice from hitching, trying to control her pitch. "She knows you love her. She… she loves you too. So, so much." I love you too. I love you so, so much. "No," Mumbo shook his head with a strangled snuffle, dismissing her words as nothing but empty consolations. He didn't know how true they really were, he didn't know they weren't just a friend's weak attempt to lift his spirits, but that they were a love confession from the very God he had devoted his entire being too. That she really did love him, too, more than he could possibly fathom. "If — if she loved me, she… she wouldn't still be upset. If she knew how much I loved her, she wouldn't be — she wouldn't still be causing earthquakes and stealing blocks, and — I just, I need — I need to try harder. I need to show her, I need her to know, I need her to see…" No, you just need to see. You just need to see it's me. I'm right here - why can't you see? I'm not mad. I was never mad. I could never be mad at you. I love you. Please, please, please… stop. I don't want this. I'd never want you to do this to yourself. But he never listened. He would never listen to Pearl; and the one voice he would listen to was one she couldn't admit was her own. It was infuriating… He loved her so, so much, too much, and yet he didn't love her at all. He could never love her while he still loved who she had been. Who had to be. He could never love her while his love for her was destroying him. It was killing him. And, so, it seemed there was only one solution. She had to make him hate her. She had to make him hate The Moon. She had to make him hate her as much as she hated herself. And with the fact he didn't already, despite the fact her old vessel had actively been spreading insanity amongst the Hermits, causing earthquakes and disasters, destroying the landscape? It would take some drastic measures. Lengths she didn't want to go to. But knew she had too. For his sake and her own.
When she'd abandoned her celestial form, she'd abandoned most of her deific abilities with it. Fortunately, not all of them. She had enough power in reserve to call upon a mite of her old body down to Earth; a meteor. Little more than an atom compared to her mass. But enough to serve as a teensy deposit of her powers she could tap into and exploit. Enough to influence those around around her with The Moon's voice. Enough to make it clear love wouldn't work. Enough to make it clear there was only one option.
"…'I must have them'? Who must she have? Who must she have? Is it us? Must she have me? Must she have Doc? Who? Who does she need…?"
"He who doth preach to us on the first day of the server… so doth shall be returned to dust first." "His name is Mumbo Jumbo."
His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo. His name is Mumbo Jumbo.
Make love, not war. But if love doesn't work… use war.
-- so. uh. you asked for a drabble. this is uh..... this is 1.8k words. i may have. i may have gotten a little carried away. approximately 18 times the requested length carried away. I'M SO SORRY. I AM....... SO SORRY. I GOT A LITTLE BIT ILL ABOUT THEM. I HOPE THIS IS OK LOL. ANYWAY. thinking about hc s8 mumbo and the moon's strange relationship......... what do you MEAN mumbo made a cult and a temple and a shrine completely dedicated to the moon? what do you MEAN the first thing the moon did when it gained control over ren and doc's minds was make them sacrifice mumbo jumbo specifically ? and then cub ALSO sacrificed [an imitation of] mumbo jumbo SPECIFICALLY to appease the moon ? the moon was JUST as insane about mumbo as mumbo was about the moon. mumpearl is real guys i don't know what to tell you they're obsessed with each other they're deranged yuri
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reineyday · 2 months ago
i watched the time quangle before i watched neverafter and i remembered how pinocchio hinted he might have a bit of a crush on red, so i was looking for it during the campaign.
and there are a lot of really good moments you can build on, but i found a lot of it really was just from pinocchio's side as he seems to point out how cool ylfa is a fair amount: he says more than once that one of the first things she ever did was save his life, and after the jester bit he does, she makes that buoy of destiny joke and pinocchio talks about how much funnier she is than him. in return though, ylfa doesn't seem to really consider him overly much, always more preoccupied in her spare moments with authority figures or awestruck by older women like rosamund, or the princesses, or the baba yaga, or the fairy with the orange hat.
and then for her to drop in the very last five minutes of the entire campaign that she had a lil diary where she wrote "nocchi" in hearts around the name, and everyone had to take a moment to realize she meant pinocchio and not like, gnocchi the pasta or something, was hilarious. peak moment. perfect way to end it tbh. 😂😂 what a great campaign!!!
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celestial-letters · 1 year ago
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bestfriend! asmodeus, who begs you to tell him who you have a crush on. hes just curious!!
bestfriend! asmodeus, who upon finding out who you like, has frown on his face. but before you realize, he smiles, as if the disappointment was never there.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who will wingman for you, giving you confession ideas and drawing hearts on fogged up windows with yours and your crushs first initial just to fluster you.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who helps you write a confession letter and quietly watches as you slip it on your crushs seat, wishing it was him.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who painfully watches as your crush accepts your letter.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who slowly begins to distance himself from you, unsure of what to do.
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mikupepsi · 5 months ago
Jean excitedly telling a very hesitant and scared Rogue she found a way to block her powers
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ordordordordord · 1 year ago
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Some Reitash inspired by the recent Oda illustration <3
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dailytogachako · 7 months ago
togachako hurts
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raeneism · 8 months ago
People are saying that Alicent is going to meet Rhaenyra at Dragonstone in episode 8 and after what’s just happened with mysaria i am SCARED like what if rhaenicent kiss what then im terrified what are they going to do
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spaciebabie · 3 months ago
unamed is a "failed" (really they only failed b/c they were unable to be controlled) biological weapon and dahlia is a military girlie who has started to be disillusioned w/what she's actually fighting for (its nothing: spoilers) and it comes to a head when her squadron is tasked with terminating this "biological weapon" that has somehow evaded the government for years and killed a good portion of their soldiers. everyone is super vague about it, they tell the squadron (minus the leader) basically what they need to know and nothing more. its a biological weapon. it can kill you. it has killed before. it has the ability to rip chunks of concrete off of buildings and destroy entire blocks of city. you must kill it.
now dahlia is scared for her life. shaking in her military boots, she knows shes a good soldier, but is she fit for this? shes not the best around and she doesnt try to be, there are others who fill that position for her, but after this? she could become a military hero. it makes her stomach curl up in a knot b/c she already was considering quitting because of the shit shes seen. maybe this was a sign that she should actually quit
but she doesnt
and thats the best/worst mistake of her life.
they get out to where this biologican weapon has made a "home" for itself and its run down, stinky, dirty, just the worst possible place any living thing can...well live.
so thats immediately a red flag for her! but, she has orders to follow.
they get all stationed up. they're going to ambush this thing and put it down like a dog. its a bit sad she thinks to herself as she sets up the rifle for use. shes the one tasked with sniping this thing when it emerges. her squad mates all light up the in ear radio with testing testing...bravado to delta barking out various military speak. shes not really paying attention. shes just thinking about the "biological weapon" that had the misfortune of being born into this world.
yet another innocent life ruined by the government. and better yet the same entity that created this life is going to end it. that truth is more bitter than the blackest coffee in the world. and after this, dahlia says, shes going to finally quit. she thinks about what form this biological weapon could have taken. some kind of big cat? maybe a wolf or dog (she knew they were experiementing with those). maybe some unorthodox animal like a cow maybe a chicken (she didnt know why chicken experimentation was kept under such strict wraps but whatever. the military is weird.) or ape. really, there were no limits. the big guys did what they wanted. and then one of her squad mates gives the signal that the weapon has left its chambers and headed into the main area. dahlia sniffs (its freezing out here), steadies her breathing, and coils her finger around the trigger...she waits for the target to enter the view of her scope and...
its a person.
its a whole ass living breathing person. a skinny, malnourished looking one at that. they're effectively wearing rags, their dark skin is ashen, their cheekbones protrude from their face, it looks like they havent had a good bath in awhile, and dahlia falters. her breath hitches. she removes her finger from the trigger. surely this isnt the weapon they're speaking of. this guy looked like they could barely pick up a spoon. so she radios her squad leader who had seen a picture of the thing and is like, "hey i think there's a civilian out here" leader is like, "okay we'll check it out hold your fire". a moment passes. the civillian is still just kind of standing there not doing anything. looking around absent mindedly. kicking rocks. interesting. when they catch the real bioweapon she's gonna go down there and help this person out. get them some clothes, a bath, and-
"there are no civilians around solider, free to shoot" what. surely she must be mistaken. and so she asks again. and is met with the same response. so she asks more clearly, "is the bioweapon a person?" there's a beat of hesitation before the leader confirms that yes, that poor looking fellow below is actually what they were sent here to kill.
but she doesnt have time to register what that means or throw down her weapon because the ground is suddenly ripped from under her.
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uncreative-cryptid · 6 months ago
man im so glad i chose male rover for wuthering waves because his appearance gives me a sense of gender euphoria and makes me feel more immersed into the game and therefore makes the game more enjoyable because i feel both comfortable as this gender representative and projecting myself onto the main character
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