#anyways. god. i'm pISSED I'M MAD I'M FURIOUS
koolades-world · 1 year
Oh my god. Nightbringer Satan crushing on MC and Demon brothers freaking out because it's the same thing that happened with Lillith. Lucifer acts like a clown. (Maybe tries the atic). Belphie too.
NO BUT you think exactly like me, like omg are we secretly twins… The idea is still so fresh in brother's minds since it literally just happened, and Satan is none the wiser. He didn’t live through it after all. He hasn't really had a real conversation about what happened to them since he hates being around them. And honestly, anything that pisses off Lucifer must be the right choice for him. And the thing about the attic! Kinda like to think that Lucifer realized that attic was the perfect place to hide his brothers after sticking Satan up there. If it could contain Satan, what couldn’t it contain? it’s too perfect! I think I just love anything Satan angst
idk if this was a request or not but I kinda wanna write something for this idea anyways so,, ty anon you're literally so cool, sending my love :)
I haven’t gotten through all of Nightbringer’s story yet so sorry if this isn’t totally accurate to what happens. I'm on like chapter 5 and I haven't seen any spoilers... Honkai Star Rail recently came out and my friends are also playing that game so we’ve been playing that. Will go back to Nightbringer soon!
brewing just under the surface
It has been some time since Mc had been outed as a human. It has taken everyone except Solomon time to adjust. At first, everyone was furious in their own ways. Belphie, Satan, and Lucifer showed it in the typical way. It was the most they had truly let themselves go after falling. Everyone in the Devildom was advised to stay inside. Levi and Beel holed themselves up inside, hiding away from the world, fearing that if they showed themselves, they would be burnt again. Asmo found himself drinking into a stupor almost nightly, as when he laid in bed trying to fall asleep, all he could think about was Mc. Mammon was similar. He was rarely home, afraid he would see Mc so he went out gambling or exploring the Devildom to take his mind off everything. Eventually, they began to warm back up to Mc.
Mammon, however, was also the quickest to find himself missing Mc. He began to forgive them and understand their situation. They had been nothing but sweet to him, so he felt like he owed it to them. They had been a friend in a tough time. He began taking them with him on his adventures and gambled less. With them, he felt happier, more like himself. Part of him was kind of giddy they could exist in a state like this, despite everything. He felt like he could forget everything with them. He had them all to himself, after all. Even if they were a human, they were still the same deep down.
Eventually, Beel and Levi came around, followed by Asmo. The remaining three brothers thought they could never forgive Mc. Lucifer had placed so much trust in their attendant only for him to learn they couldn’t even tell the truth about who they were to him. He might be able to come around one day, but for the meantime, he needed to be alone. Belphie had vowed to hate humans for as long as he lived, so forgiveness was out of the question completely.
However, Satan wasn’t really sure why he was so mad. He struggled to find a reason to be mad sometimes. He would rage until he wasn’t really sure why he was raging in the first place, which would make him begin to rage all over again. He had no substantial relationship with this attendant. He was always locked up, locked out, or just too mad to interact with, making him unable to connect with them. It wasn’t on his brother’s behalf either. He didn’t really care about them too much, not enough to be this upset. Mc did technically lie to him, but that thought didn’t really provoke him. So, what was it? That's the mess he had found himself in for the past week or so. He wasn't really sure when he started thinking about it, but he was really tumbling down the rabbit hole now.
Satan was tuckered out after a long night out of causing destruction. He found himself at peace on very few occasions. One of the things that gave him the time to think in peace was after he was tired, or after he had just woken up. When he wasn't angry, he found himself enjoying things, such as thinking or the beauty of the world around him. Because of this, he was seated at the edge of a cliff, looking over the ocean. His legs and tail dangled over the edge. He looked minuscule compared to everything else. The sky was dark, so he stared down at the waves crashing against the cliff. Sometimes, he would overhear his brothers complaining about how it was always dark in the Devildom, but he actually thought it was nice. It comforted him. Not too far away was a road. One of the moons hung low in the sky. The others were not visible at the moment. In another moment of blissful clarity, he had taken the time to learn about the Devildom sky from a book. It had been a gift from Mc. Why they would give him a gift like that was beyond him, but he had found himself enjoying it despite that. It was one of the few things he had not destroyed in his rage.
While staring at sea, he simply thought. With a clear mind, he began to wonder why he still found himself mad at Mc. He hadn't seen them in a while, so maybe the feelings had calmed down. It was positive that he was able to think about it calmly, anyways. He was still unsure why exactly he was mad at Mc in the first place. Perhaps he had thought he had finally found someone that he could somewhat relate to. But then again, they still didn't know each other that well. As he was trapped in his thought, he heard the crunching of gravel behind him.
“Mammon? You out here?” The person he has just been thinking about had suddenly appeared as if it was magic. They had a motorcycle helmet pinched between their arm and torso. They froze once they realized Satan was there.
“Hey, Mc.” He turned back to look over the ocean.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize you were out here. You haven’t seen Mammon recently, have you?” They remained standing awkwardly behind him.
“No.” He kept his answers short, not really sure how to reply.
“Right, thank you.” They didn’t move at first. Then they spoke again. “Do you mind if I sit next to you for a moment?”
Satan thought about it for a moment. “I don’t mind.” He had a lot of questions. They settled next to him. Most anyone who sat next to him sat at least an arms length away. But Mc sat just within reach. Not too close to invade his personal space, but close enough to talk to him on a personal level. If they wanted, they could reach out and touch his shoulder. They set their helmet on the side farther from him.
“What brings you out here?” They asked, looking at the sky too. He had to stop and think about their question again. If it had been anyone else, this would have bothered him by now.
“I’m not sure. It’s beautiful, mysterious. Maybe that’s why.” He looked at them from the corner of his eye. Their looked out at the connection between the ocean and the sky.
“I’ve always loved nature. It’s not the same as home, but it’s beautiful in a different way.” The way they referenced the human works so casually made something within him twinge. Lucifer hated that place, and he should too, but he found himself curious.
“What was it like there?” He asked. They looked surprised, but answered nonetheless.
“It depended where you were. I grew up in a place where everything was always green with life, and you could always find some sort of life somewhere. But I traveled to places where all you could see was sand or the endless sea, like now. The biggest difference was the rising and setting sun. It wasn’t always dark. The sun always rose in the morning, to chase away to dark, and the sun always set to welcome the dark back. I used to wish it could always be night so I didn’t have to go to school and spend all my time at midnight reading, but now I miss it.” They reminisced. He finally turned his head to look at them. The stars and sea reflected in their eyes. “You eyes remind me of the morning. The forest and the rising sun illuminating it all.”
Satan paused again. He has never taken the time to look that closely at his eyes. He would have to look at them the next chance he got. “Thank you.” He finally said. “Do you miss the human world?”
It was Mc’s turn to stop. They still hadn’t realized he was looking at them. “Sometimes I do. But the Devildom has a charm. I’ve spend so much time here, it’s hard not to love. I do love it here.” They looked furthered down at the rocks below, reflecting the crashing waves in their eyes instead. “Someday, I would like to take you there. You would love some of the remote nature locations.”
This statement made Satan heat up. He couldn’t comprehend how they could say such kind things to him, the embodiment of anger. “That sounds nice.” His mind began to wander and suddenly, everything he has been feeling dawned on him. Mc was his friend. He had a friend. It was warm feeling that he didn’t know how to describe, but it did make him want to hold and care for Mc.
“Can I hug you? It’s fine if you say no, I understand.” He nervously looked back over at them again. This time, they were looking back at him. They hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. They scooted over to him, and wrapped their arms around him. They placed their head on his shoulder and inhaled. Satan was sure this was the most amount of affection he had gotten, probably ever. He was almost overwhelmed at first by the emotions he felt.
“You give really good hugs.” Mc seemed to really enjoy the embrace, but he didn’t dare respond. He wasn’t even sure what to say. He didn’t want to let go. This was probably also one of the most peaceful, sweet moments he’d ever had. “I should get going. Mammon is still missing.” Mc sighed.
“Alright.” He let go of them, but they didn’t scoot away quickly. They sat there for a moment, thinking.
“I’m making dinner tonight, if you’re interested. I also have something for you back at the house, so let me know once you get home. See you later.” They then got up, picked up their helmet, and left. They turned around a final time to wave, and he paused for a moment before waving back.
That was the beginning of it all. After that, he found himself by Mc’s side more and more. They went to see more remote scenery, and eventually, they went out in public together. He was still the same irritable, hotheaded demon, but he found it happening less often in the presence of Mc. When it did, they were always there to pick up the pieces of what he has done and comfort him. He was worried he might harm them at first, but they quickly proved they could handle themselves. They knew what made him tick and always seemed to know what he was going to do next. He would still have outbursts pretty frequently, but Mc mysteriously was always right on top of it.
Of course, his brothers, if he even dared call them that, noticed. They claimed they didn't care about their attendant but at the same time got upset with him for hogging their attention. Many times, Mc broke up fights between him and his housemates for this very reason. Even if he wasn't the Avatar of Wrath, he wouldn't have backed down. He still wasn't sure why. He wanted to hold them, love them, care for them. He was smart enough to know this wasn't how a friend would feel about another. Still, he had no clue what it could be if it wasn't that. As much as he didn't dislike Belphegor, he kept finding himself thwarting his attempts to kill Mc. They used to be his least hated of his "brothers" but now he had to say Beelzebub was the least hated now since he would help to control his unruly twin.
He found himself turning to books for answers. There was no one he could ask for advice besides Mc themselves, and he didn't feel comfortable bring this up with them. He was trying to grow more independent anyways. Books reminded him of Mc, since they had been to one to show him how useful they could be. They held the answers to everything, as long as you were holding the right one. Occasionally, he would find himself wanting to rip one to shreds but refrained since he knew it may be useful in the future. Besides, what would Mc think?
All of the books he consulted said the same thing. They described this feeling as a "crush" or whatever that might mean. He thought that word was stupid. The actual meaning was to destroy something with intense pressure and he definitely didn't want to do that. Other than that, he found the definition clear. He thought the word love might describe how he felt better, but he was too afraid to call it that. He did think they were attractive, and he would say it happened rather quick. But what was he supposed to do? They were the only person willing to get close to him.
He was in the middle of reading this book and processing this information when Lucifer threw open the door to his room. His room wasn’t barren anymore. Mc had built a small shelf for him to place his small book collection on. They had done it by hand so he was very careful with it.
“What are you plotting with that human?” He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.
“Nothing. Get out.” He didn’t look up from his read, but his tail lashed about like an aggravated cat. He prided himself for not tacking him the moment he walked in.
“If you would just tell me, I won’t have to do anything the hard way.” Lucifer didn’t relent. He rushed forward to grab his collar and suspended him midair. “I know about your little crush.” Satan immediately stopped struggling. He was stunned. He couldn't bring himself to form a response.
"That is strictly prohibited. You are to maintain a professional relationship with the attendant.” Satan looked into Lucifer’s eyes. He still wasn’t great at anything relating to emotions, but there was something more than anger stirring in his piercing eyes.
“And since when has that mattered to you? You filthy pig.” Satan snarled, moving to grab the hands at his collar.
“There’s so much you don’t know. You have yet to learn. I don’t care if you hate me. I refuse to lose another one.” The air stilled after those words. He had never sounded Lucifer so upset. It made Satan begin to think. Compared to his housemates, he was nothing but a blip on the radar of time. Before he could even think about forming a response, Lucifer was moving, still holding him. Satan protested and struggled, causing a ruckus.
Mc had been sitting with Mammon in his room, giggling together quietly over another stupid outfit Mc had made. They both went silent as they heard the struggle pass the door, the mood spoiled. They glanced at each other before cracking the door. Mc knew that Lucifer and Satan hadn’t had a physical fight in a while now, so when they saw Lucifer carting Satan off somewhere, they pushed the door open all the way.
“Lucifer. What’s going on here?” When Lucifer didn’t stop, Mc ran after him, causing Mammon to follow as well. He ignored their insistent cries. Mc grabbed onto his lowest pair of wings at the base and dug their heels into the ground in vane. They felt themselves begin to pale as they marched towards the stairs leading to the attic. The attic only held terrible memories, but they were determined to help fix whatever was going on.
As the parade went upstairs, Mc tripped on the first step. Lucifer continued without them, not even acknowledging that they fell. Their knees stung. Mammon was quick to appear at their side and give them a hand up. He had never asked why they seemed so traumatized by the attic, but he knew they even hated being anywhere near that spiral staircase. Dust showered the both of them as Lucifer stomped angrily up the stairs. Their ascent was anything but silent.
“Are ya sure ya wanna go after ‘em?” Mammon whispered to Mc.
“I do. Will you go with me?” They gripped his hand tightly.
“I would go even if ya didn’t ask.” After taking a deep breath, Mc began to ascend the stars as quickly as they dared after the duo, gripping Mammon’s hand. Upon arriving at the top, Mc swallowed nervously as they were greeted with an all too familiar sight. The metallic, enchanted bars looked newer than the last time they had seen them. Lucifer was currently standing behind them holding Satan. Standing as tall as they dared, Mc spoke up.
“Lucifer. What do you think you’re doing?” Their voice came out weaker than intended. Satan had never seen them so fearful. Sweat glistened on their forehead. As Lucifer turned around to face them, they stumbled back a little.
“This does not concern you, Mc. I thought I made it clear that I did not need a human meddling in my affairs.” Anytime Lucifer moved even a little, Satan noticed they seemed ready to dive to the ground or throw their hands over their head.
“Satan is my friend. I’m here for him. We can talk about this.” Their voice wavered.
“What part of leaving my private affairs alone do you not understand? You are merely an attendant. I have attempted to speak to Satan in the past. This hasn’t worked before. It will not work now.” Lucifer shook Satan a little. He growled.
“I understand you don’t want me to be part of that, and that’s fine, but I know a more healthy and less, uh, strenuous way of communicating. If you would just listen to me-“ Mc gently patted the air as a way of showing they were trying to tone down the situation.
“I will not repeat myself again. If Satan wants to act like an animal, I will treat him like one. Since you seem so keen on talking, I’ll just throw you in there with him. If you’re still alive when I return, I’ll consider it.” Lucifer moved Satan to hold him with one hand. As they reached for Mc, they went into a flurry of movement.
“No!” The shriek they let out pierced even the ears of Lucifer. They grabbed onto anything and everything to get between them and Lucifer. They continued to scream loudly, telling Lucifer to stay back. The only thing that truly proved a barrier between Lucifer and the human was Mammon. He seemed shaken by everything, but refused to move.
“Luci. I love ya and yer the best older brother I coulda wanted, but doncha think this is too far?” Mammon crossed his arms, hiding Mc behind himself.
“I warned them already. It’s time they pay the consequences of their actions. Humans are bad news.” Lucifer tried to reach around Mammon, but he caught his arm. Without another word, Lucifer grabbed Mammon’s arm right back and threw him over the edge and down the staircase. With him out of the way, Lucifer easily grabbed the human by the throat. They abruptly stopped making any noise. He shook them a little, seemingly enjoying how they swayed under his grasp and then threw both the entities in his hands into the attic. The door slammed shut and Lucifer disappeared. He could be heard yelling at the bottom of the stairs at Mammon.
For the first ten minutes, Satan wasn’t even sure if Mc was alive. They held completely still and remained exactly how they had been throw in. They were on their side facing away from him. Once Satan was sure nobody was coming back, he crawled over to them. He flipped them onto their back and was met with their familiar face. They quickly made eye contact with him, holding it. They way they stared at him made Satan nervous. Now was not the time to be getting butterflies. The attic was barren. There was no bed, or hundreds of spare boxes. There was little besides a layer of dust and what seemed to be some of Diavolo’s old things.
Satan ghosted his hand over their forehead. They were sweaty. He didn't know what to say. Mc was always better at dealing with emotions, but he knew they needed him. He thought back to what they would do after he had a meltdown. "Does anything hurt?" He first asked. They didn't do anything at first. He just sat and waited for them to respond, because sometimes he didn't respond right away either.
"Just my feelings." Mc cracked a smile. He was glad that they were feeling good enough to try to joke, but he also wasn't sure what he would have done if they had said they were physically hurt.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" That was the next thing Mc always said to him.
"Did you ever read that one book about the stars that I gave you?" He was taken by surprise by the question.
"I did." He had really liked it.
"Let's look out the window then, and you can point out your favorite stars." They pushed themself up with a wince. He held a hand out, to which they accepted without thought. They had lied to him about not being hurt. They leant the window sill as he began explaining what he had read. Eventually, he let Mc begin to explain things he had questions about. Again, he found himself looking at them instead of the stars. The lengths they went for him were beyond him.
He wasn't sure how to approach confessing how he felt. Now didn't feel like the right time. For now, he could just admire and appreciate them. Hopefully, that day would come...
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello, im absolutely in love with your work btw.
I was just wondering if you could do a taehoon x reader, but the reader catches taehoon staring.
Like a small session of teasing and flirting basically :)
Thank youu <33
My dear anon. SO SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY. HONESTLY MY DELAYS ARE GETTING LONGER SORRY! Thank you for the ask/request! And thank you so much for reading! Getting to see Taehoon again this week.... Ahhh! 🫶🫶🫶
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Uno Reverse
Fluffy flirty heh
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Taehoon can't help it. He really can't.
He tried to stop it, but like magnets, his eyes are drawn to you again and again. Rumi has noticed. Mangi has noticed. Even Gaeul of all people has noticed too.
This is embarrassing. This is not him.
You even caught Taehoon the other week, teasingly told him to "Take a picture, it'll last longer" and he countered with "Piss off".
He was furious after that, and took it out on some poor unsuspecting idiot. Spoiler alert, that idiot was Hobin.
Imagine his triumph then, when today, Taehoon catches you staring. Of course that was only because he's trying to look at you. Is it his fault that your presence is unbearably loud, and you seem especially captivating today? Wait- Ugh, no don't answer that.
Still. He manages a trademark Taehoon response.
''Fuck you looking at, creep?"
Taehoon is looking for a reaction, he always does with you. Ideally any reaction would do, though a blush would be preferable. You don't blush, and he really wishes you would. You turn such a pretty shade of pink, that he can't help but be exceedingly smug when he makes you flustered at all. Annoyingly, it seems to be him getting flustered all too often these days.
Giving him a mischievous smile, you come closer.
See, another trademark of Taehoon is he has no chill with personal space. Time and time again, he gets in your face, mutters something with his lips oh-so-close (to be honest, it could be him reciting the goddamn dictionary for all you care; all you could hear is the roar of blood in your ears) and wow, it's strangely hot here and your throat is dry and his eyes look almost golden and doesn't he smell good-
Anyway. The point is, you spot an opportunity. Taehoon, the little nutjob, lounging on the sofa, giving you a height and space advantage.
Closer and closer you approach, until he has to almost shuffle backwards. Of course he refuses to budge.
Nope. Your next move is to lean down. Your noses are almost touching.
Eventually you answer him, playful smirk on your lips, "I'm looking at you."
Taehoon isn't pleased. At all.
...Well. That's not strictly true. He knows what you're doing. You're not subtle, and neither is he, for that matter. He should hate how you have flipped his own damn script on him. And yet.
He peers up at you with a scowl, retort on the tip of his tongue-
You beat him to the punch. In a burst of courage, your fingers brush back his fringe and run through his hair.
Taehoon honest-to-god gulps, and you feel the mad urge to nip at his throat.
"Just thinking about how you would look with shorter hair," you say.
Fuck. Fuck!
Taehoon loves this. He is absolutely done for.
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genderlesshades · 1 year
okokok so I know I meme on the radiance and the pale king a lot, but I'm also kinda going "god damn what a terrible situation to be in" at all parties. Mb its just cause I haven't read the lore in a hot minute, time span? I'm having 4 am thoughts don't mind me. This may not even make sense in the morning lmao. just enjoy the ramblings if ya want yall
anyways, To have an entire group of people completely abandon one god in favor of another in such a short timespan? well usually that happens cause of stuff like genocide or cultural genocide. And maybe I just happened to miss it, but I don't think that happened in hallownest. But maybe it did and maybe thats why radiance got so fuckin mad. Or maybe the moths just slowly drifted away towards PK, which can happen over generations. But it also sort of seems like. self destructive ig. Radi destroying the people of any neighboring kingdom because she's *furious* man. so upset, and angry, and lonely even. Like, imagine being a very powerful individual with a very loyal fan base only for some weird ass fork looking thing to steal that fan base away from you. Well, more like a kingdom but ig fanbase may be the online equivalent. But here comes some fuckoff weird fork lookin man, steals your look, steals your people, and then fucks off. AND. Also stole folk away from some other nearby local gods? the fucks up with that?? fuck you actually PK. I'm gonna idk, wipe out ur cities. that's pretty reasonable for a god's reaction right?
"hold on hades, she also targeted others who weren't aligned with PK. Why would radi target them? weren't they hurt by the PK's actions?" Yes great question invisible audience. But here's the thing, people don't react reasonably all the time. Radi basically lost everything. Her people started drifting away from her until there was one singular old moth left who still seemed to care about her still. And they were alone. Her and her singular moth follower were oh so painfully alone, with nothing but ghosts to keep them company.
So she lashes out. Ignoring the fact that causing a massive plague is generally extreme cause she's a god, we can still recognize that she is very deeply hurt, upset, and angry. And normal people when hurt, upset, and angry, don't usually think clearly. They tend to say things that hurt people, or sound agressive, or even be agressive. Some people may isolate even, though different people do different things. Radi's reaction was to lash out in a way that hurt anyone around them.
"ok, but what does this have to do with places like Greenpath or Deepnest?" GREAT question invisible audience. Sometimes people react to things that are associated with a certain topic with the same reaction as the certain topic. There are certain songs I disliked until I saw a really cool video go along with it, which made me like the song. The brain is weird like that, and likes to categorize things (even if we don't recognize it as categorizing). Add in a "me vs them" mentality and it only gets worse. That is likely what happened here. Radi gets pissed off at PK, and likely also at the white lady. Well, the white lady has control over greenpath now, unlike Unn, so fuck the greenpath too cause that's technically part of PK's domain. WELL he *also* has an alliance with the mantis tribe, and control over the mushroom tribe. So fuck them too.
Maybe Deepnest would have been safe if Herrah and PK didn't have their deal, but they did, and now Deepnest is terrible too for siding with PK. Maybe the hive or outer edges would have been safe, but the colluseum houses itself in a wyrm's body. And maybe at that point, radi was certain that it was her vs the world, so she *had* to protect herself/defend her honor.
"well didn't the PK deserve all that?" I mean, if you look at it from Radi's perspective sure! but what about PK's perspective? He starts up a pretty cool kingdom, has a lovely wife, is well loved by his subjects, and Radi's followers stsrt deciding to follow him. He can't control that, though he could certainly try to discourage it. He tried being friendly, though perhaps it is in his nature to want to consume all he can. To control as much as possible, to become the bigger enemy. Perhaps he and radi just fuckin. Poofed up at each other like chickens do and instead of anyone going "hey man, whats goin on? maybe we can figure this out with our words" they just keep poofing up at each other, mad at the other for different reasons.
So his people start getting sick with this religious disease caused by what's clearly a rival God. So he tries to figure out the source, and to find solutions with the least drastic measures. But it slowly builds to more and more desperate attempts until he discovers the void, something very opposite of what he and the radiance is. So he casts the children of him and WL into the void, and waits. Because *surely* this will work. a container to hold this fucker in. Trains up this container so they're really good at being a container. Well, the container is leaky and he doesn't realize until it's too late. The infection comes back, and he loses everything he once had, just like Radi did.
I think messing with the void might have led to his death, just like it does with Radi, just maybe less aggressively. Both were so desperate to try and maintain something that was never going to last, only to be consumed by what's nearly a literal definition of an end.
Maybe if they would've just talked, they would still be around with thriving communities. Maybe they would have been friends, or akin to siblings maybe. Perhaps PK and WL would have had children, and deepnest may have slowly crumbled apart from not having an heir of royal blood. Maybe Unn would regain their strength and join the other gods. Who knows what the possibilities could have been.
It's a shame, though, knowing such a connection could never happen.
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fateinthestars · 9 months
It must be about time for another review/rambling post right? And for this month it's gotta be the Christmas sets!
Let's start with the two that I think are the oldest? And that's 'Signs of Love on a Holy Night: Wishes' and 'Signs of Love on a Holy Night: Punishments'
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The Wishes set contains stories for: Leon, Teorus, Huedhaut
The Punishments set contains stories for: Scorpio, Dui, Ichthys
Spoilers under cut
Signs of Love on a Holy Night: Wishes
Leon: The Final Touch: A God's Sweet Kiss
This is an odd thing to talk about in the Wishes section of all things but I'm so amused at some stuff about Ichthys here that I have to mention them:
One of his pranks ended with MC pulling down one of Scorpio's bedroom walls and now Scorpio is furious with MC in this path
Scorpio actually respects the idea of Ichthys trying to prank Leon!
Uh where was I? Oh, right, Leon's Christmas story. This is actually really sweet, though MC really did try to do way too much. Leon's his usual appearing not to care at all about things on the outside but fixing it anyway and clearly having gone to the trouble of learning details on his own, as well as reassuring MC.
Teorus: Jealous Santa Claus
Ugh. Great. There might be no over-possesive Teorus here, but let's have a petulant jerk instead shall we?
The one thing I will say against MC is: I know you'd already picked him a present out but why didn't you give him one of the Christmas Stocking cell phone straps you were making as well? It's not like that would have detracted from the gift.
On the other hand: Teo, MC was doing stuff for work, she was really busy because of work. Yes, she could have said more to you when you turned up, but that was no reason to go the other way and pretend you weren't in when Vega knew that you were and could tell MC as much. You went so far that Ichthys and Huedhaut even thought you genuinely were mad!
Thinking that MC had really upset you simply to give her a taste of what it feels like to have some radio silence still feels like a really mean spirited move.
Maybe this is the introvert in me speaking but I hate the idea of people insisting that things can't go well if you don't meet up in person loads.
Teorus really does frustrate me sometimes. At least what he was really doing in his room was kinda sweet, if a bit weird. The photo session messing around at the end almost makes up for how I feel about the start of this mess...
Huedhaut: A Holy Night For Two
And now at the other end of the scale we have one of my absolute favourite special stories.
Poor Hue really has zero luck, but that may just be because of the utter morons he has to put up with!
Getting all the special work done in record time so that he could go out with MC and yet being interrupted at nearly every turn by the idiots in the departments... sheesh. No wonder Hue was getting so frustrated!
Still it's such a memorable story and gives us such amazing moments as:
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Don't worry Hue, I'm sure MC had an amazing time: I certainly did! This story is just so funny. It's a great one to go back to when you're after something to make you smile.
Signs of Love on a Holy Night: Punishments
Scorpio: Our Own Little World
This is such a sweet and lovely story, in absolutely typical Scorpio fashion. However, to me, this one will always be the story where this happened:
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It' not that it's unusual for Scorpio to call the others names, but to call ZYGLAVIS by something other than his name? Man Scorpio really was pissed off here wasn't he?
I'm also still rather intrigued that his opinion of Krioff is 'Smart mouth brat' too...
Dui: Melting with the Snow
Aww this is such a comforting and sweet time between Dui and MC. From the Ice Skating, to the Kamakura Snow House, to the gift MC had got Dui and making herself somewhat uncomfortable in the cold due to not wanting to spoil the surprise...
It's just such a loving relationship. I adore this one. (And I'm kinda irritated at how they treat a follow up of going skating again in one of the other Christmas sets... but I'll leave that until we get to that set)
Ichthys: Love's Chimney Delivery
The most bizarre thing about this is that in these two sets, this is the only one of the six stories where MC isn't dating the featured God. I feel like this one would be quite hard to place but as they do almost kiss at one point, I guess it is likely to be somewhere in Ichthys' route.
This is just a bit of good fun with MC and Ichthys playing Santa.
Actually delivering presents goes as well as you are probably thinking it would, but the gift that Ichthys gives MC is really really touching.
Okay, guess I better try and rank these? I would say my enjoyment level puts them in this order:
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cowboylikedean · 1 year
I’m literally so mad at him on her behalf
I am too. I just reblogged Jaime's ask with Jeannine's tags.... and like.... he knew her history and her fears................ and he did it anyway.
i am so fucking furious. ANY other way for this breakup to happen would have been different but THIS WAY goD i want him to suffer i'm fucking pissed
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aloudplace · 5 months
Dirty thoughts 3
I didn't say a word to him for most of the drive back to the compound. Usually, I'm not quick to anger–-or likely to hold a grudge–-but in this case, I was furious.
At first I didn't understand exactly why, but as I drove I kept getting angrier and angrier, and finally, I had to admit it to myself.
I liked Loki. I mean, really liked him. I'd sublimated it because of work, and the fact that he was an actual extraterrestrial, and a God , and because he was blatant about his disdain for human beings and...half a dozen other perfectly valid things, but... shit. I really liked him. And the way he'd treated me fucking hurt –-because I understood now, it had been a game to him. A game and nothing more. He had no respect for me because I was human.
He'd taken advantage of me at the very first goddamned opportunity, because he'd been cooped up at the Avengers compound for months on end, and I was an easy target–-his only available target–-and I had let him take advantage, proving myself the idiot, inferior human plaything he so clearly believed I was.
Had I secretly wanted him to–-even naively believed he could -–see me as different from the rest of humanity? Yes. Dammit, yes. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I had thought we were friends.
Fucking idiot me.
And I'd let him kiss me. Let myself believe for just a moment that he might have actual feelings for me. That I was special to him, at least in some small way.
Dumb, dumb, dumb!
Truth was, I was more mad at myself than I was at Loki. I'd made a complete fool of myself.
I was definitely still mad at him, though.
"You are disturbingly quiet," he said, after about ten minutes of icy silence in the car.
I couldn't conjure a response that wasn't petty or otherwise inflammatory, so I said nothing.
"Is this the proverbial silent treatment?" he added a moment later, voice dripping amusement.
"I know you don't actually think this is funny," I replied bluntly. "You just alienated your one real ally on this stupid, inferior planet, and you're smart enough to regret it."
He chuckled. "You may want to consider the possibility that you're overreacting to a simple episode of playful dalliance."
My temper flared dangerously and I literally bit my tongue to stop myself from tearing into him.
My silence seemed to cause him some discomfort, which I shamelessly relished.
"I intended no insult," he said finally, but he said it as though my having taken insult was both idiotic and boring to him.
"Well insult me you did," I snapped. "Along with the rest of my race. But don't worry about it, because you won't get another opportunity like that."
Silence. And then, as we pulled onto the road that led to the back entrance of Stark Tower, he said, "You mean the kissing."
"You're damned right I mean the kissing. I may be human, Loki, but I'm not an idiot." We pulled up to the gate and I flashed my badge at the guard, who nodded us through as the gate rolled open. "Or maybe I am."
"Can you clarify that statement?" he asked, with obvious irritation.
I drove the car into the employee parking lot, pulled into my space, threw the car into park and twisted in my seat to give the God of Mischief my full attention.
The words came spilling out like a barrage.
"You want clarification? Fine. I'm pissed because you sexually manipulated me for your own entertainment. Where I come from, that's considered really fucked up. But more than that, I'm pissed that I fell for it because I'm smarter than that. But unfortunately, I also honestly fucking like you, and I stupidly allowed that to cloud my judgement, and now here we are, and it isn't fun anymore because I feel totally fucking stupid and humiliated, and I can't trust you, which I knew from the start anyway, so why did I even give you a chance? And why am I even telling you this, because you don't give a shit about me, I'm just a lowly fucking human, who–-I might remind you–-is in direct control of your future on this pathetic little planet, and I might be a good liar but I'm an honest person who suffers from an excess of human compassion, so as much as I want you to be happy, if you ever fuck with me like that again I will throw you under the bus so fast you won't even know what hit you."
The look on his face was equal parts shock and consternation. His mouth opened, closed again, brow furrowing.
"Just get out of the car and go inside," I snapped, turning back around in my seat. I made eye contact with the guards posted just outside the rear entrance and signaled them over. "Your escort is on its way."
"Listen, I think there may have been some sort of misunderstanding-–" Loki began.
"Don't," I held up a hand. "Don't patronize me anymore today. I'm at my limit."
"Bella, it wasn't my intention to-–"
I gave him a look that made his teeth click together. I cannot tell you how satisfying that was.
On the other hand, now that I'd vented my spleen, the anger was dissolving into plain old hurt, and I was pretty sure he'd seen it on my face and that was what had silenced him, which... wasn't a terribly satisfying thought at all.
The guards were almost at the car.
"You're not reading my mind," Loki said unexpectedly.
"No, I am not. I've had enough of you for one day." Shit. I was close to tears all of a sudden.
"You should," he insisted angrily.
One of the guards tapped on Loki's window. Loki waved him off with perfect aristocratic authority.
"Read my mind," he demanded.
I hit the unlock button and the guard pulled Loki's door open. "Out of the car, sir."
Loki ignored him. "Bella."
"Get out, Loki," I grated.
His face went hard, green eyes glittering with disdain. Finally, he turned and went, baring his teeth at the guards as he passed. One of them turned to follow him and the first leaned down into the open door.
"Is everything alright, Miss Bella? Shall I call Mr. Stark?"
"No, it's alright. I'll call him myself," I lied.
He nodded and straightened, shutting the door and jogging to catch up with the other two.
I sat in the car until the three of them had disappeared inside, Loki's long, angry strides forcing the guards to scurry comically just to keep up with him.
Then I sat in the car a while longer and cried.
As soon as I came in the next morning, I got called into the boss' office.
I'd taken the rest of the day off after returning Loki to the compound, but the guard-–despite what I'd said–-had called Mr. Stark.
"So he didn't try to hurt you or anything?"
"No, Mr. Stark."
"It's Tony, sweetheart. Or Iron Man, if you prefer." He flashed a grin, flirtatious as always.
I smiled, though I didn't feel much like doing so. "I'll stick with Tony."
"So what did he do? Bayley said you looked pretty upset."
Bayley was the guard. Damn him. I'd really hoped to avoid this conversation.
"I can see you don't want to tell me, but I don't think I need to remind you that it's your job to do so. If he's a danger to-–"
"He's not a danger," I said quickly. "He just pissed me off."
Tony frowned. "Bayley said you were crying in your car."
Fucking Bayley. Fucking me .
I considered lying, but I really did hate doing it, and I liked Tony a lot. He was a good boss, and this was the best job I'd ever had. The first place I'd ever worked where I didn't feel like a freak. Where I felt like I was doing something meaningful. I really didn't want to lose it.
"Come on, Bella," Tony said softly. "What happened?"
"I love this job, Mr–-Tony. I really do."
"Okay..." he said slowly, and I didn't need to read his mind to know that he perceived the guilt behind the words. "Well, you're an invaluable asset to the team, Bella. You're the best telepath we interviewed out of nearly a hundred. Head and shoulders above the rest, in fact. You'd have to do something pretty damned despicable to get the boot, here, sweetheart, so just tell me what happened. We'll work it out."
"He kissed me," I blurted.
Tony's eyes widened. "I'm-–I'm sorry, what? Are we talking about the same guy?"
I nodded.
"Thor's brother. Rock of Ages? He kissed you?"
Again, I nodded.
He looked at me like I'd said the guy sprouted wings and flew away.
Actually, that would have been more believable.
"Okay," he said like he was trying to get ahold of himself. "Okay. So, Rock of Ages kissed you. That means we–-we treat this as sexual harassment."
"I let him," I blurted, face burning.
His lips parted, face blank with shock. "You let him."
"Yeah," I breathed, choked by sheer humiliation. "I'm sorry."
"Why would you-–no, okay, that's none of my business." He held up a hand as though in apology. "So you have a thing for the God of Mischief. Who am I to judge? What's really important here is..." his expression twisted with confusion and discomfort. "What is important here?"
I gave him a helpless look.
"Why were you crying?"
I swallowed hard. "Because I felt stupid."
"Is that all?"
"No. I mean, sort of. He was just messing with me and I fell for it. I felt..." totally humiliated "...really stupid."
Tony nodded slowly, brow furrowed. He was having trouble processing the implications of what I'd said. He might have been a billionaire genius, but he was still a man. A woman would have understood immediately that I had real feelings for the God of Mischief–-hence the tears. I prayed like crazy that Tony wouldn't ask Romanoff, or Ms. Potts, or any other woman to interpret this incident for him.
"Okay," he said finally. "Thank you for your honesty, Bella." He sat back in his chair. "I'm not sure where we go from here. This is–-a somewhat unprecedented situation."
"I understand, sir."
He smiled a little. "You're not fired, sweetheart."
I am not too proud to say that I literally sagged with relief.
Tony's smile widened. "I'm glad you like it here. We like having you."
"Thank you, sir."
"Tony," I repeated dutifully.
"But maybe it's best we take you off Loki detail. What do you think?"
"I–-" I hesitated. Part of me was relieved at the thought of not having to see Loki again. The rest of me was deeply, shamefully dismayed. "Will Loki go to prison?"
"For kissing you?" He laughed. "No, sweetheart. We'll find him another babysitter. Although..." he shot me a look like he'd caught himself before saying something inappropriate. "Nevermind that. We could use you in PR, surveillance, investigation, internal affairs-–"
"I do some of that stuff already."
"I know, but-–"
"I can still do Loki detail, if that's where you need me," I said, "I've learned my lesson."
His lips compressed. "You sure interrupt a lot."
Flushing, I muttered, "I'm sorry."
He wasn't angry though. "They tell me it's a telepath thing. You already know what I'm going to say, right?" One of his brows arched.
"I don't do it on purpose," I mumbled.
"So how did Reindeer Games manage to get the best of you, hm?"
Dammit. "He can shield his thoughts. I put it in his three-month review."
He nodded graciously. "You also put that you can tell when he's doing it and that he can't hide his emotions, am I correct?"
Warily, I nodded.
"So, was he shielding his thoughts when he...made his move?"
"I..." Dammit, dammit, dammit! "I mean, he was right before. But not...during."
"So it was during the...er...incident that you realized he was manipulating you."
"Ah...no. After." What was he getting at? I tried to read him and got nothing but mathematical chatter. Seemed Loki wasn't the only one who could shield his thoughts.
His eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Hm."
"Is that significant?"
"I don't know. I was just thinking..." he looked at me hard for a second, "You really want to keep the babysitting position?"
I swallowed. "I'm okay with it if you are."
"Because if he's as trustworthy as Thor says he is, he could be really useful to us."
"I know."
"And you might be the only person who can actually confirm his viability as a member of the team."
"I know."
He smiled. "That's why you want to keep going. You're a good kid, Bella."
"You also care about Loki."
That took me by surprise.
His smile turned into a grin. "You don't always know what I'm going to say, huh?"
"You're projecting equations at me," I pointed out politely.
"I am. Thank you for confirming that it works. You believe we can trust Loki, don't you?"
Boy, he was really keeping me on my toes. "I...yeah, I do."
"Can you tell me honestly that your opinion of him isn't biased due to your...attraction?"
I thought about it. "No, I can't."
My honesty seemed to impress him. "Are you going to let him kiss you again?"
"That sounded very decisive."
"I have a healthy level of self-respect."
"Glad to hear it. You're still on Loki duty, but I'm going to send you some backup so you don't have to be alone with him. One or two of the guards should do it. You good with that?"
I nodded, relieved. I really didn't like the idea of being alone with Loki again. Although, if I was being honest, my heart did flutter with anticipation at the same time. I was stupidly happy that I would still get to be with him every day.
I wondered if Loki would feel as good about it as I did.
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To Whom It May Concern,
I am home the 20th — 24th.
I’m pissed you’ve written me. Subtlety has never been your strong suit and I knew what you meant immediately. Get better, hide better, choose something other than beasts or jackets. Glad you’re still wearing it.
I’m sorry about your roommate by the way. That sounds like shit. I want to ask about it. I won’t.
I hope you’re okay.
I want nothing to do with you and the fact that I miss you makes me want to rip my teeth out, methodically, leave me nothing to wedge in you like a parting gift. Or perhaps leave me no way to hurt you ever again.
I’m home the 20th — 24th, just so you’re aware,
And it makes me furious to miss you at all, frankly, and it makes me even madder to write you back. It’s humiliating, really, and if I was wrong and the idea of enneagrams wasn’t the right motif for me then this is going to be twice as embarrassing and I’d like you to ignore this. Like, really. Fucking ignore it. Pretend I’m as smart as you thought I was when you said I wouldn’t call.
Really, I’m maddest that you’re saying girlfriend online and writing me still, if that is really what you're doing, because I cannot be that intoxicating and she can’t be that divine, if you’re still writing me, and it’s cruel to her too, so this better be good, or your door better be half open even if she has a key. You better be thinking this through. It better be the smell of the ocean or the sound of piano or your old dog, if he’s still around (and I hope he is), and it better not be feeling big, just feeling desperate, if you’re linked to her still, because this would be round two and that would be so, so fucking cruel. You did it with me to the first and then to me with the new girl and you cannot do it to her. I’d hate you, genuinely. Learn to be alone a little bit, for God’s sake. It's not your heart not knowing when to stop. You're just fucking scared of yourself. Breathe with him and learn about him, dude. Christ.
…Once again, I will be home the 20th — 24th.
So happy birthday, early. Because spring makes me soft and stupid. I’m walking through my city and I don’t think about you in yours but my heart hitches when I walk down the street our temporary apartment was on. The cherry blossoms are bursting like rosy sea foam and that pastry place will have their monthly apricot special soon. I’m kissing other mouths and it’s fun and I had other sex and it sucked. I’m making a mess. It feels like your fault even though I know it’s not. That week with the food festival is hazy and sticky sweet in my memory—your hand on my thigh and sharing a Korean corn dog or a joint or something else phallic and feeling like life would never be better than it was right then. Sometimes I think woefully that that feeling was right.
I don’t want to see you and everyone will tell me to run with that but I do want to see you and that makes me realize I’m impulsive and cruel. I have other hands I’m holding but I want you to fuck me and I want you to rub the knots from my back with gentle square hands and I sort of hate that I want that. It’s really pissing me off that I want that and I don’t know how real it is, whether I miss the idea of you or I miss you in reality. After writing this initially I went to bed and had a dream about you, all over me, and it freaked me out. I woke up and stared at the floor. I wanted to go back to sleep. Did you dream about me that night too? Fuck. I sat on this poem for a week. And during that week I dreamed about you twice. I’m 20 this month and I’m deciding that just don’t want to think about any of this that hard, though, because I’m turning fucking 20, and I don’t give a shit anymore, and I shouldn’t, because it’s all stupid. So take anyway. Fuck it. I’m mad. I’m sad. I’m horny. I’m tired. I'm... whatever. It's whatever.
You have to be chill about this by the way. Like, I know this is insane but you’re the one who started it. And at least I’m being honest with mine. I’m being flat and messy and honest. And my honest is saying, I don’t really think I want to date you, but I want to have sex, and I want to kiss you, and lay in your arms, and I miss you when I shouldn’t. I hate missing you. It’s second nature. I don’t know what to do with it. I feel like it’s rare for it to sweep over me in great waves, but when it does, I drown in it. And I’ve accidentally painted a version of you that doesn’t exist, to the people around me, or at least, they never really saw how much it hurt me to cut us in half. I did a good job of playing the strong one. So I just don’t say anything. I can’t say anything. Everyone tells me to move on so I want you for brief stints and then I move on. I try to. I wonder if I cut it off right on time or far too soon. Kitchen scissors always end up in my bathroom for some reason but I have to keep them handy, for some reason. I’m always quick to the jump, so I guess it I’ll never know. Whatever. Whatever.
(Hey, according to you it was right on time, right? I mean, you sure moved on quick. Hah.)
(Sorry. That was mean as shit. Ignore it.)
I’ll be home the 20th — 24th,
Which is weird because my childhood home feels like a prison sometimes, but I’m back for theatre again. My mom called me her son on the phone. I’m breaking down my current kissable escapades because I keep freaking out over how mundane it feels to be a man. Transitioning is easy if I let it be and if I don’t let it be then I’m sobbing in my room over stickers that praise transsexuality and declare the joy of being a faggot. I hope you’re doing okay. I hope surgery prep is okay. I’m looking into mine this month. I have to up my HRT dose, again. Fucking again. I keep getting periods. It’s criminal.
It always sort of felt like you treated me like a woman. That’s stupid to say. I know your dysphoria made sex weird and mine made it weird for me but I didn’t know how to phrase it. But I just felt infantilized sometimes, like it was easier for you to feel secure in your masculinity if you woobified me or made me fragile. It’s probably a me problem. I’m just airing my grievances anyway. If anything happens here, note the time I told you this drunk, and then my best friend whisked me away to bed.
By the way, you have to tell me when the sex is bad, because you never did, and it really fucked with me. Like I feel like I’m doomed to suck forever now. Because you just sort of would take my hands and go “Okay, you’re done,” if you didn’t like what I was doing, and you’d never moan, and I just felt like so embarrassed and weird about it. I have so much shame. Like, before you I had so much shame, and now I have even more. So if you take into account the fact that I am home the 20th — 24th you’re obligated to do the one thing I ask and communicate with me, if the dates that I’m home are something that interest you. At all. I’m just saying.
I know you aren't the only one at fault. I'm not saying that. I'm just howling at the moon. Biting off fleas, which have bothered me for seven months. I'm sure I have been restless and rude and ruthless even, and I'm sure I was back then too. I delayed it when I shouldn't have. I never spoke my mind. I'm sorry for it. I didn't always know how to speak to you—or how to get through to you. You're stubborn as shit, you know? You like to repress. It was easier to run with it and swallow discomfort and I shouldn't have done that. It wasn't fair to either of us. I'm trying to be honest, because I don't know how much I really was last summer. I'm trying to say it. Even when it's mean. Even if I don't know how, and
Even when I don't really want to.
This concludes the bulk of my letter.
Thanks for your interest in my proposal. If you have any at all. But you haven't blocked me and I'm watching you add songs to that playlist again that don't say that I'm the worst in the world or whatever, which are fair to add anyway, but you're just not doing it. I don't know why. (I scream-laughed when you added that Blink-182 song though. God, you're corny.) So I'm guessing you're interested. Once again, I am home the weekend before your 20th birthday. Which I understand you do not want to spend at home. It’s why I’m here that weekend and not the next, cause I really don’t want to spend my own at home.
It’s not lost on me that it’s the same weekend, a year apart. I’m just letting it be. I make a point to not think so hard about themes or narratives sometimes or else I’d lose my mind. But my majors won’t allow it, two versions of the same analysis, so I’m thinking about them, and I’m thinking about you. Which I also try to avoid. But I just don't do it.
Fuck. Fuck me. Jesus. Everyone will tell me that this is a bad idea. But I just thought you’d like to know. You have a car. A train. And a mind of your own. Whatever. Whatever. Whatever.
Honestly, I don’t even know what I’m asking for. I don’t know what seeing you would change or fucking you would change or kissing you would change. Nothing, really. I don’t even know why I’m writing this. Do you know why you wrote yours? Surely, you have to know that rekindling this permanently, seriously, so soon isn’t a good idea? We’re finally both settled in our cities. There’s no way this makes any sense.
Why did you even write in the first place? What… what’s making you come back?
What compelled you? I don’t understand. I thought we had both moved on.
I’m begging for an answer.
Maybe I’ll change my mind. Ask me again just before the aforementioned dates (the 20th — 24th, if you don’t remember). And if I do, change my mind about all this, I mean, let this be all the things I always wanted to say but never did. If nothing else at least it’s closure, right? Real closure. Like, not cloaked in poetry. It’s written alongside. And it’s not being written in the mist of that initial fragile night of, where I poured myself a double dorm margarita (two shots of tequila and organic lemonade) and watched my favorite TV show with friends, and thought I was fine. (For the record, I sort of was, until the end of October. Shit hit the fan after that. You really don’t want to know. I’m still cleaning it up. I’m still reeling about it. It's a long story.)
Closure has to count for something. …Right?
But right now I’m aching. And I’m seething. It’s 1am and 2pm and fucking midnight, and I hate missing you—I can’t get it to stop. Maybe I’ll quench it, somehow. Maybe I won’t. I still want to tell you these things anyway.
If I’m wrong, destroy this message immediately. Have fun with her and your dog tattoo (I actually, seriously mean it. I’d rather you be happy with her, even if I’m feeling whipped up and hungry, on occasion, because it’s truly better for both of us that way.)
(… Even if it’s fucked up to steal my motifs for your own tattoo, and I laughed when I saw you punch the string of my own pulled teeth into her skin, because I still remember that you were going to get that on yourself in my city.)
(Sorry. That’s mean.)
(I’m trying to be nicer... I’m trying to be clean. I’m trying to mop my mess up and tuck my corners in. I don’t want to keep hurting others, or myself, but I can’t quit it. Whatever I’m trying to do, it’s clearly not working. Or else I'd never write this message.)
Best wishes (sincerely—I really, really mean it, no matter what you do),
S. V.
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luwupercal · 4 years
I don’t wanna have Arguments Online, so i’m just gonna follow my own example of what i wish had been done and Make My Own Post, but here’s something I had the delight of reading, on my fucking notifications for a post I made, this beautiful afternoon
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And like listen if they’d just disliked the traitors? Whatever. I don’t give a shit. But disliking the traitors specifically b/c they’re traitors and then IMMEDIATELY PRAISING THE LOYALISTS??
There’s like, so many actually good reasons to dislike the traitors and they picked all the terrible ones, I don’t even know where to even begin??
Like okay, cool, Lorgar killed half his legion, after two literal CENTURIES of trying to take the peaceful way out of every compliance. Like are we forgetting these are genocidal intergalactic colonizers here? Even if he had killed his entire legion, he’d have less direct blood on his hands than literally any other primarch had at that point. Also “Sure, baby Lorgar might have had a crappy childhood, but like, is that an excuse for warpfucking?” is such a like, reductive fuckin’ way of putting forth the notion that Lorgar is affected onto his adulthood by having been physically, verbally and emotionally abused all throughout his childhood. Would love to hear them say that shit around people who were hit by nuns as kids, never mind anyone with a father half as awful as Kor Phaeron. (And hey, don’t get me on my bullshit about how in-universe imperial propaganda out-of-universe affects Warhammer 40k fans’ perception of it, because I will start talking all the shit about this franchise I have bottled up and nobody wants that).
“And like, murdering half your legion in a disgusting act of betrayal bc you think daddy doesn’t love you enough is never okay, and that goes for Mort and Angron and all the rest of the traitors.” AND KILLING BILLIONS OF CIVILIANS ISN’T? IS THAT WERE YOU DRAW THE LINE, RANDOM TUMBLR USER. IS THAT WERE YOU DRAW THE LINE. (Also, again: nice reduction of the Emperor’s treatment of his sons. Also-also: yes, the primarchs are unforgiveable war criminals, and if you just disliked Lorgar or whomever it’d be whatever, but I think if you’re saying the traitor primarchs are all unforgiveable war criminals whom you can’t even entertain the notion of liking, but the loyalist primarchs that stayed with the violent, colonialist imperium, whose story draws directly from thousands of years of human violence, are precious cinnamon rolls who deserve to be protected, then that’s a Little Fucking Sus and Maybe You Should Think About How Much Imperial Propaganda Has Affected You).
“I do feel bad for Angron, the Nails are a bitch, but he probably should have been put down like a feral dog.” Again: DO YOU KISS YOUR DISABILITY RIGHTS ADVOCATES WITH THAT MOUTH? Ah yes, let’s echo the Emperor’s eugenicist ideologies and just kill the defective ones is that what you’re fuckin’ telling me? yeah yeah I can excuse consciously and willingly nuking a planet because it’s not accepting its new colonialist rulers but I draw the line at having brain damage that when untreated makes me an unwilling active danger to society Shut the Fuck Up
Never talk to me or to my eldritch horror horned beast monster catholic adjacent war criminals ever again
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nhanifin · 7 years
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sweettodo · 3 years
eren jaeger x reader.
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includes : smut, college au, bad plot, enemies to lovers-ish, hate sex, mention of anal play, swearing.
wc : 3k.
thank you for 700 followers ! and since it was just mr. jaeger’s bday, why not a little fic ?
"This is your fault, you shouldn't have let the door shut, the door gets jammed."
"How was I supposed to know?" he replies coolly, you shove past him, frantically grabbing the doorknob and turning it, back and forth. It was no use, the old wooden door was jammed tight into the frame, not even he could get it to budge.
"Are you hard of hearing?"
"Out of all people, I get stuck in a dingy bedroom with you."
It wasn't the best. It was border-line decrepit, all sorts of unkempt; but admittedly, it was all you and your friends could afford.
Doing what you could to stay afloat with rent, not to mention your thousands of dollars in college debt, you couldn't necessarily afford to stay on campus; so, you sought out any possible preventative strategy not to go back home, what any adolescent college student would do.
"Well, it's homey... I guess?" Connie announces, cautiously seating a box on the ground.
Beside him, Jean wipes his forehead, "are we getting paid for this?" he questions.
You raise an eyebrow, "Yeah, sure, whatever you want."
"Thanks, boys, that's enough for now, hungry?" Sasha smiles, placing a pizza box on the kitchen counter.
Truly, the house wasn't that bad, though there were some problems like any old home, like the creaky floorboards which dipped downwards in some areas of the house, or the shudders Jean had to nail back into place, or maybe that one non-working bathroom.
Yes, there were some issues, and you knew one thing for sure.
Do not close your bedroom door.
It jammed, and it jammed easily, which you found out the hard way when you had to have your two roomies pry the door open the previous day, hence the rock from outside being positioned to stop the door from closing entirely.
You all sit on the floor in the living room, devouring pizza and drinking as you all conversed and laughed.
While Connie is getting up to pour himself another drink, there's a knock on the door, "oh, finally- thought he was gonna bail on us!"
Connie quickly places his cup down and jogs to the front door, all eyes follow him.
"What took you all day? Connie and I did practically everything!" Jean complains. Your face heats, fists clenching.
"I did not invite him." You grit, Mikasa glancing at you, concerned.
"Calm down, he's more man-power."
"We've done so much without him, why does he even bother?"
Eren dismisses your complaining, he sits down and grabs a piece of pizza, "it's not like a chose to come here, Mikasa wanted me to."
Your eyes drill into Mikasa's skull, she knew how you felt about him, and she knows how he feels about you. She brushes off your daggers.
"I'm not here to help you," he proceeds, "you wouldn't catch me dead."
"Well, while Jean and I run to the store to get more nails, how 'bout you help the girls?" Connie says, ignoring Eren's last remark.
"I don't need his help, I'm okay on my own."
"Y/n- take his help." Sasha nudges, "free labor."
Your perspective of Eren was nothing short of revulsion, his only conversation piece is how many women he's slept with, how he struts around like he owns the place, he's quite contemptuous, selfish, and arrogant.
He felt similar towards you, often the first one to ruin his day. The way you were so prideful, he too thought you were arrogant, he hated how you made him feel inferior, you were a challenge- you both were complacent and it drove him fucking nuts, as did you.
Standing from the floor, you brush your hands on your shorts, "I'll be in my room," you mutter, trudging up the stairs.
"You outta' help her, Eren," Sasha says, watching you walk up the stairs, "please."
The brunette shakes his head, "hell fuckin' no."
"Eren," Mikasa speaks lowly, her tone compelling, he rolls his eyes.
Picking up the screwdriver from the floor, pushing your hair out of your face, you get down on your knees and lift the bottom half of your bed frame, the little screw in your empty hand, you groan.
"Need a little help?"
Your head snaps around, "get out of my room, now."
"I thought you were this rough-tough- independent woman?" he ridicules.
You ignore him, "can't even put a bed together, how pitiful."
He steps closer, leaning against the door in your room, which was propped against the wall with the rock, his arms crossed tightly against his chest, "get out of the way."
"No. Eren I got it."
"Just get up and let me do it."
"I'll ask Mikasa, she's stronger than you anyways."
"Give me a break, how about you swallow your pride for once, you can't do everything, y/n."
He scoffs, attempting to absorb the insult, "plus, she isn't here, she and Sasha left." Your eyes widen, feeling much more uncomfortable than moments before. You gently place the bed frame on the floor in front of your knees, sighing, "let me do it-"
He slowly stands from his position, his foot knocking the rock out of place as he leans off the door following behind him, as he steps further into the room, you leap towards the shutting door.
"Eren! The fucking door!" you cry, seeing it shut mere inches from your grasp, "it doesn't open from the inside!" you shout, scrambling to your feet, Eren quickly turns, his hands landing against the old wood as he tries to pull it open, but it was too late.
"This is your fault, you shouldn't have let the door shut, the door gets jammed."
"How was I supposed to know?" he replies coolly, you shove past him, frantically grabbing the doorknob and turning it, back and forth. It was no use, the old wooden door was jammed tight into the frame, not even he could get it to budge.
"Are you hard of hearing?"
"Out of all people, I get stuck in a dingy bedroom with you."
"Spare me your kind words, Jaeger." You grumble.
"Where's your phone? Call Mikasa or Jean." Eren pats his pockets, in search of his phone.
"It's downstairs- my phone."
"So is mine," he sighs, sticking his hands in his pockets, "aren't I lucky; stuck in a room with a prissy bitch."
"Do you like making me mad, Eren? Because I'm not one of your hoes you can insult and get away with it." Gritting your teeth, he smiles cheekily, God you can't fucking stand him.
He remains silent, while tensions rise within the walls of your room, avoiding his eyes, you uncomfortably shuffle your feet, looking at the wood flooring beneath you, Eren is beside you, pacing, "I'll break the fucking thing down."
"You better not. Or else you're paying for it."
"I'm not paying for shit," he contends, "it's your shitty house, your shitty door, my shitty luck.”
You face him, he rolls his eyes, "if you break my door, Jaeger..." you threaten, sticking your index finger in his face.
"What are you gonna do? Y/n?"
You cross your arms, he shrugs and turns around on his heels, grabbing the doorknob and trying to pry the door open, he steps back and cracks his knuckles, "Eren, don't you fucking do it." You grab him by the back of his shirt, he stops.
"What are you gonna do?" he leans down to meet your height, tilting his head, "gonna punish me?"
You gulp, "how about I fix your bed while I'm here, since I'm so nice."
"No." You spit, "I'll do it, you stay in the corner and shut up." Pushing him away, but he stands still, a smug look still on his face.
"Why be so difficult?"
"Why do you always need the last word?" anger seething within you, little pieces of hair falling from the loose bun the hair tie he had holding back his bangs, you looked in his eyes, just waiting for him to speak.
"Do you like being stubborn?" Eren steps closer, as a result, you're stepping backward, and soon he figuratively has you backed into a corner.
Eren returns the glare, your heart thumping out of your chest, throat dry and closing by every second he kept his brutal eyes on yours.
You swallow, "always trying to make me mad, right?"
"Not everything is about you, Jaeger."
"No, but it is about you though," he hums, "don't you want me to shut up? How about you try to shut me up- since it's always about you."
You hadn't picked up on the sudden rush of adrenaline that pumped into your veins, which made you - quite literally - want to crumble, but you remained dominant. His rather vibrant eyes were tough ones to overpower, you guys just stood there, trying to wield your dominance over the other.
You two were power-hungry.
Eren on the other hand was trying like hell to prevail calm, you made him so mad, made him fucking furious, he contemplated leaping out of the second-story window, though one thing was keeping his feet grounded, looming over you.
And that was defeating you.
"I reckon you have more of a problem with me rather than the other way ‘round, you don't like it when I argue with you, Eren?" you teasingly pout, snickering in his face.
His eyes are low, seductive even, you had never seen him in this light, he looked restless, but he was undoubtedly annoyed.
It's his turn to smile, his fingers snaking around your wrist, pulling you down onto the mattress which lacked pillows, sheets, and a headboard.
You comply, his fingers anchoring into the back of your hair, pulling your head back, your neck training, “you gonna shut me up? Y/n?" you're speechless, seems as if he beat you to this little game.
“You piss me off. Jaeger.” You sneer, he leans down, face inches from your own.
“Yeah? I make you mad?” he purrs, dipping his head down towards your neck and pressing his lips against your ear lobe, chills erupt on every inch of your body.
You're left speechless once again, breathless as his hand slips down the curve of your waist, up to your thigh, stopping at your knee, “yeah... You do.”
He uses your knee to push your legs onto the bed, his hand guiding you, he swiftly gets on the bed, back against the wall; placing his palm on the back of your neck, pulling you between his legs, trapping you as he's kissing you firmly.
You're taken aback, but return the kiss, his soft lips colliding with yours, he tasted amazing, but you wouldn't admit that to him.
As if the gates had finally bursted open, your motions are picking up speed, he’s fiercely pulling at your shorts and without a second thought, you're rushing to tug his shirt over his head, giving hardly a second for air before you're kissing the man again.
What’s gotten into you?
You adjust so he can pull your shorts over your knees, flinging them across the room, your hands wandering up and down his chest, feeling his toned stomach beneath your fingers.
His big hands are grabbing you by the back of the thighs, pulling you closer to him so he can easily pin your back to the bed. With a huff, he kisses further down your neck, his lips tickling your skin as he begins to lift the thin shirt towards your chest, kissing down your stomach.
Eren can't take it anymore, all that was going through his mind was how soft your skin was, how good you smelled, the way he felt you shiver under him when he kisses the sweet spot on the side of your neck.
He uses the pad of his thumb to press against your damp panties, you gasp, his thumb locating your clit instantly and applying pressure on the swollen nub.
“Stop teasing, Eren.”
He smirks, slowly applying little circles over the thin undergarments, pinning one thigh down at the same time, he watches your face scrunch.
He leans down between your legs to kiss you again, pulling down his jeans in the meantime, you feel his erection through his boxers, pressing against the crevis between your thigh and cunt.
He sits up, yanking down your panties along with his boxers, your eyes nearly fall out of your head, catching a glimpse at the sheer size of the man.
He spits in his palm, messily stroking his cock a few times before making sure your leg is secure on his shoulder.
No words needed to be spoken- no conversation could be made at the fact things were moving so fast, similar to hungry animals, like a switch flipped and here you two were, soaking for a man you despised.
His tip slips up and down towards your entrance, repeatedly teasing you against your folds with his throbbing tip.
Finally, he gradually slips past your entrance, his head rolls back, body virtually falling weak as he soaks in those spongy tight walls, sucking him in immediately, “fuck,” is all he can sputter out, taking his time to seep deeper inside you.
He stretches you out, Eren’s veins which were wrapped around the base of his cock pressing against your electrified nerves, your back arching, quietly moaning as he eventually stuffs you with as much as you can take.
“You hate me? This pussy sure doesn't.” he grunts, retreating before rocking his hips back against you.
Your leg drops from his shoulder, “on your hands and knees, now.” he demands- not having to tell you twice, he’s quickly grabbing you, and with ease, you're now on all fours, exposed from the waist down, Eren’s hands spreading you open, pulling your ass apart so he can get the perfect view of his cock fucking into you.
This gives Eren the chance to now fit his whole length into you, crying out into the bare mattress, feeling his tip stab against the entrance of your cervix.
He pulls out, one hand steadying your waist and the other holding your ass, “such a tight cunt, can't even fit it all.”
Eren splits you open, thrusting into you while simultaneously pulling your hips against his, skin slapping, the both of you moaning as you're already releasing cream all over his cock.
You feel his thumb caress the skin around the valley of your ass, “such a pretty little hole, want me to fill this one too?”
With no hesitation, you're crying out a sloppy mantra of ‘yes’, and he follows your decrees, his thumb slipping past your unoccupied hole.
You instantly clench around him, the pressure of another hole being stuffed.
Nearing another orgasm, he ruts his hips against your thighs, seeing white, your stomach tightens, body attempting to escape the harsh pressure, unraveling from the arch you were trying hard to maintain.
“Again?” Eren’s amazed at the sight, your cum seeping from your pussy, soaking the little patch of curly hair above his cock, down your thighs and onto the mattress, your leg quivering as he spares you no mercy, shamelessly fucking into you.
He holds your hips steady, “Eren, s’ big, I can't-”
“Can't what? Can't take it? I thought you were such a strong girl?” he taunts, cruelly rutting into you.
You're drooling, tears falling down your face as he fucks you senseless, “fuck you,” you mewl, he slows, but still keeps up his strong and stabbing thrusts, your body still jolting every time his cock hits your cervix.
“Fuck-in’ hate you, hate you s’much.”
“Yeah? You hate me? But look at you,” he hooks his thumb deeper into your asshole, “you’re crying for more.” You wail, gasping for air, you craved more, the way his hips knocked against your ass, sending shock waves throughout your body.
“I think I love this sloppy little pussy, too bad you're such a bitch.”
He grabs you by the roots of your hair, fingers hooking and balling your hair into a tight fist, pulling you upwards, gasping for air, “Eren-” you moan, balls slapping against your slick folds and raw clit.
His thrust becomes more sporadic, nearing climax, he savors your warm and squeezing walls before you hear him hiss loudly, his head falling back, eyes screwing shut as he's dumping a load into your abused and stretched little pussy.
“Such a good cunt for an annoying bitch.” He mumbles.
Eren rocks his hips into you, making sure your cunt is sucking and every ounce of his seed is emptied from his cock.
He swears, softening cock slipping out of you as he quickly drops down onto the bed, wiping the sweat from his forehead, you're barely able to flip over, holes still twitching.
All you two can manage to do is catch your breath, the air knocked out of both of you, his seed mixed with your own still oozing out of your cunt, and onto the bed.
He sits up, chest still quickly rising and falling before he's moving off the bed and throwing his clothes on, throwing you your shorts, “get up so it looks like we did something productive,” your head in the clouds, you try to put your shorts on, he sees you and mutters indecent things under his breath, “what? Did I fuck you stupid or something?” you stand off the bed, and he quickly lifts the bed frame off the floor and pops the long screw in.
You peek out the window, the sky a dark milky blue- and to your surprise, there are your friends’ cars.
“Connie, you owe me twenty bucks!”
“Eren, I think they're already home.” You mumble, pulling open the window to get some air before walking back towards the door of your bedroom, pounding on the door, “open the door for me please!”
You give it a few moments, standing there in a daze- legs trembling.
You try to maintain the steadiness of your legs before someone struggles to push the door in, essentially un-jamming the door. Jean is there, with a clown-like grin on his face, Eren looks at him and groans, shaking his head before Jean begins to speak.
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galaxyedging · 3 years
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Bloodsucking Beloved
Chapter 2
Series Masterlist / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Soft!Max, some language, some mentions of sex. Little angst. Fluff.
The next three days passed so slowly for Max. After he left her apartment that night he thought about going back. Maybe using his glamour on her. Willing her to love him. That would make him a different type of monster all together. He resigned himself to waiting until Monday to see her in work.
Monday came around sure enough but she didn't. When he asked HR they said she'd taken a sick day. Max checked his phone for the thousandth time. Still no replies to his texts or WhatsApps. No missed calls. Even the work email he had sent went unanswered.
Tuesday went the same way. He got home and drank himself stupid. Vampires have a higher tolerance so it took him a while but he eventually passed out.
On Wednesday he dragged his hungover ass into work, hoping to spend the day locked in his office. Mid morning there was a knock on the inside of his skull. Or maybe his door. He didn't feel a difference. "Come in!" he winced at his own voice.
"I have those numbers you needed." she crossed his office to place them on his desk. Since he was feeling sluggish, she was almost fully turned back around before he could grab her wrist.
"Don't go!" he blurted before adding "Please."
"I only had these for you Max. I have other work to be getting on with." she was still facing away from him but made no attempt to remove her hand from his grip. Tentively, he stood. Slowly making his way around the desk he kept a loose grip on her, as if he were afraid she would bolt.
"I'm sorry." Max wasn't exactly sure what he was apologising for. Well, he knew why, it was because he was a vampire. What he didn't know is what difference a god damn apology was going to do. He just knew he had to try something.
She still looked furious, he thought she looked even more beautiful than when he saw her last. Coming undone underneath him, bathed in moonlight from her bedroom window. His cock twitched at the memory. "Go on." was all she gritted out.
"Am sorry. I shouldn't have started a relationship with you. I get why your mad. I tricked you into fucking a monster." his shoulders slumped as he spoke. He usually had no problem with what he was, now that he wanted her, knowing that she deserved better, he hated it.
After a long while, she spoke "Am not mad that you're a vampire. Freaked out, yes. Not mad."
He let out a metaphorical breath "Then why are you pissed?"
"Because you didn't tell me! I thought...I thought I meant more to you than that." She couldn't decide if she sounded pathetic or earnest.
"Baby you do." He brought the hand he still held to his lips, peppering kisses all over it. "I love you."
Her eyes widened for a second before she perched on the edge of his desk. "Do you kill people?"
The question caught him off guard but he wanted to be honest with her "I have. I tried not to. At first it was hard to control the hunger. When I lost most of my control, I found bad people to... " he looked down at his expensive shoes as her trailed off.
"So you drink blood." she said more to herself than him. "You're strong." Her broken headboard could attest to that. "You can go out in daylight." There was more to it than that but Max didn't want to interrupt. "Anything else? Wait, did you lie about your age? Are you really hundreds of years old?"
Max felt a little offended that a man as cutting edge stylish as him could be hundreds of years old. "No, I didn't lie about that. I was turned in college." While he was clearing things up...I can't fly, I can't turn into a bat or a wolf. Not yet anyway. I can't feed on energy or emotions. Although I hear some vampires can. I can glamour people into doing what I want." Her eyes snapped up to meet his. "I have never and would never used that on you."
"Good because that would a really shitty thing to do to someone who loves you." she gritted out. He wondered if the way she bit the words out was because of how angry she was right now or if she was angry about the fact that she loved him. Did she want to be with him? Would she hate herself for it? He thought about making things easier on her. Maybe telling her that vampire/human relationships never work. Their contacts were ending. He could move. She would never have to see him again. She could move on. Meet someone, a human, worthy of her. If you love someone let them go right? He'd already hurt her once. He should do the right thing for her and walk away.
That was easier said than done when she closed the space between them to kiss him softly on the lips. When she pulled away, all he could do was look at her hopefully. Not trusting himself to speak, he waited for her to.
"Am not saying this isn't all kinds of weird and kinda fucked up. I get that it is. I also know that the world isn't black and white. You're different, you didn't ask for this...did you?
"Kind of." He flinched at how pathetic that sounded "I was seduced by all the promises of the college. I didn't stop to question what they would take from me."
She cupped his face gently before continuing. "So you're different and you try to handle it the best you can. I can understand that. I was born different. I've had to struggle to fit in in a world that works against me. Reigning in urges. Fighting parts of me I hate just to get through the day. It's exhausting. Having someone who understands me...." she smiled up at him "....it's like a weight lifted from my shoulders. My soul." She cringe at her words. For all her confidence she was always so self critical. He held her, stroking her back reassuringly. "I get what you mean." He kissed the top of her head.
"I want to try and make this work." she admitted. In his excitement he picked her up like she weighed nothing and smothered her with kisses. "Okay, okay." she laughed as if chiding a excited puppy. "If you lie to me again though, I will stake you." Her tone was serious, until she added quietly "Would that work?"
"Am not looking to find out. I don't want to lie to you again. In my defense I didn't want to the first time either it just seemed pretty necessary. I didn't think you'd be able to see past me being a asshole AND a vampire."
"True. The asshole thing is a bit much." she tease affectionately.
"I gotta say, you're taking the whole vampire thing a lot better than I thought you would." he wrapped her in his arms.
She lay her head on his chest and shrugged. "I grew up in a run down area. The rent was cheap so it was perfect for people new to the country. All the kids would hang out in each other apartments. Their older relatives would tell stories, there are lots of cultures that are more open to the supernatural so it's something I grew up talking about. I never really considered it was real. Not until a guy who was following me and my mom to our building was stopped dead like he slammed into a wall as he tried to enter our building. We moved soon after but I kept an open mind."
Max began to relax further into the hug. Maybe their really was hope for them yet.
"So can you really not go enter places you aren't invited into?" she asked.
Max hummed in response. "Yep. It's not as restrictive as it sounds though. Am good in public places. As for people's homes, it doesn't have to be a formal invite. If someone says I should come over some time, that works. They don't have to say it either, it works even if people text me."
She laughed at that. Max melted at the sound. "It's good to know that ancient supernatural beings evolve with the times."
Tilting her head up at him, a wicked grin split her face. "So it doesn't have to be a formal invite, huh? So what if I say I really need you to fuck me on every surface in place?"
Returning her grin he grabbed his jacket. "Why don't we go find out? Maybe we can find out where else I can enter?" he growl in her ear while pressing himself into her backside.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
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Macaroon anon I love you and how can I resist writing for such a great idea? I really wanted this piece to take place as Ciel was stuck in twst in my previous au but since I mentioned dorm leaders there it couldn't be really done...Rip
A twisted path ✨
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~ Black butler x twisted wonderland ~
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Feat : Mey-Rin , Bard & Finnian
Poor trio stay away in shock of not only his unexpectedly loud shout but also...eh...his appearance .  Are they wrong or does this guy really look similar to master Ciel...?
Coming conscious still with his eyes closed , he hears some sounds around him:" He dead ?-""No I don't think he is, his chest is still moving" "Anyway what's this body doing hear at Phantomhive's mansion? If he's been stabbed or something it's going to be troublesome," "Na I guess this dude's just been really drunk y'all. Also...what's with the clothes ? Could it be that he's somewhat of an actor from nearby theaters ?" "Aye? Since when are the designs this messed up...- I guess we'd better get rid of it before mister Sebastian returns, maybe burry hi-"
Riddle freaks out as he hears this idiots wanting to burry him alive and immediately wakes up screaming at them to stay away.
Riddle on the other hand gazes upon what he just faced: a red haired haired maiden wearing a pair of glasses, a yellow haired boy with green pupils and a rather buff man with a toothpick in his mouth staring at him. " Ah- He a'live ! Man ya gotcha be more careful with drinking," the buff man chuckles. Riddle suddenly feels highly unsafe: Who are these people? And where am I? He's read NRC's maps enough to know that such a building is surely not a part of it , come along it's weird people. Was he kidnapped while asleep...?He pulls up his staff and starts threatening them with it , wanting them to immediately introduce themselves and explain what he was doing here- wherever it was-
Finnian tries to calm him down with a soft smile and a friendly attitude, but Riddle is strong at his point: He wants answers.
When he sees them all trying to calm him down with no explanations he gets mad : "OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!"
...What ? Wait-maybe try again:"Off with your-Heads!" ...Why isn't it working? Riddle stays still, the magic collars have to be around their neck but- they are not...?? There must've been a mistake: " Off with your heads - Off with your HEADS - OFF WITH YOUR HEADS DAMN IT-"
Mey-Rin, Finnian and Bard stare at their angry guest shouting nonsense and getting as red as a tomato, what is wrong with this guy..?
Riddle is furious and confused , what's the matter ? Is his magic blocked the same as that time Beans day?  He doesn't know , and he doesn't like it
Riddle starts shouting at them asking what they've done to his magic and the poor guys just go...Huh ? Riddle keeps on getting redder and redder as if he's about to explode . He starts threatening them from reporting them to the head master to giving them to the official policies for kidnapping and neglecting his picture 
Finnian then decides that maybe it's better to leave him to mister Sebastian and so : Picking up a huge branch and a striking it to his head , savage
Riddle passes out immediately whoops- maybe Finnian should have been softer-
They stay there gazing upon their... masterpiece . Finnian might have even broken his skull - Good god , what should they do now ? They must wait until mister Sebastian arrives ; But where is he now ?
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Feat : Suma & Agni
"Pssssssst- Agniii...I guess he finally woke u-" " M- my prince , y-you sure that it was a good idea too bring a total stranger out of nowhere to our home ? I'd greatly appreciate it if you be more ca-"
Argh...what is with all noises around him ? He's told Ruggie a million times not to let anyone in his room whole he's taking a nap even if it's gonna be the grim reaper ; what are these brats doing here?
Leona rambles under lips and with a push he's awake : " Oi , you'd better know that I don't like having my naps ruined,"
Suma gasps at the sight of him being finally awake and tries to offer his unwanted guest a welcome hug which Leona rejects- Poor Suma
Leona isn't yet realizing what actually is going on , from not knowing that this isn't his room to the fact that he's now at more than 100 years ago in a whole different world ; ironic
Leona orders them to take this annoying conversation out of his room just to face Agni's locked expression : "Your room...?"
Taking a better look , Leona finally gets that this probably isn't his room and these people surely aren't from NRC
Sounds get echoed through his brain and he feels a small ache inside it . He rubs his head ...why does everything feel so strange ? Something is different ... could it be that he's still sleepy or..? Wait a second - Why can't he shake his tail ?
He immediately looks back to see if he's sit on his own tail but faces a terrifying scene : There is no tail . Is it cut off ????
and a newer fact flashes his brain : There are no ears either . But then how can he still here the sounds ? "P-please don't be", he begs . His hands shake as he brings them up to touch both sides of his head ; wishing not to find what he is looking for . And they are ! Human ears !A mild shiver is sent down his neck and he rushes to the mirror on the other side of the room just to face this nightmare with his own two eyes
He stares at the mirror with his eyes wide open and mouth as if he is going to shout . No...
Oh...nevermind . He has to calm down ; it's nothing but another fancy dream . He'll soon wake up and these will be all gone . Leona tries closing his eyes and cursing , wanting to wake up to sanity when he opens them again
Surprise : Nothing's changes . Two crappy brats still staring at him . Agni is now a bit suspicious but Suma on the other hand is really motivated : " Ahh~! Sorry if it's strange to sleep in the streets and wake up in bed- I just saw you laying there in a death like slumber and couldn't help but to bring you along ! Also , haven't we met before ? I'm pretty sure that I've seen your face somewhere before... Don't you happen to be from India ? "
Agni is really stressed out and keeps warning the young boy : " My prince ! He's now all conscious and fine , then I'd lead him out of he-"
"Prince , huh ?" Leona wasn't ever really interested in visiting ally kingdoms back at his home town so he barely got to meet any other princes , hm but to think that this cherishing child is actually a prince...man , the world has really changed
But he has no time for such games now , he has to find Ruggie or anyone else who may lead him out this insanity and return him his ears and tail
He asks for where he is - else than Suma's mansion - and the answer doesn't really do any help either . Where on the bloody hell is London ? And if these people found him laying in the streets when the heck did he even get here ? Well , doesn't really matter now , but where is NRC ?
Suma and Agni probably don't know where NRC is and Dire Crowley ? Suma wonders if this guy was the one who fooled him to buy a sick elephant which died a week after in india , but Agni is sure that neither him nor his prince have ever met a single soul named this
Leona is getting more and more pissed off wasting time chatting with these idiots so he takes his way out , ignoring Suma's begs for him to stay for lunch at least
He freezes just at the second he opens the exit doors and gazes upon the streets : Horses? carriages ? 19th century's clothing ? How long have these people been stuck in this lack of technology?
He feels like he now really needs to make a phone call but searching his pockets he finds both of them empty...those brats stole my-
He was close to getting hit by a carriage when someone shouts at him with a : " OUT OF WAY YOU SON OF A-"
He is now ready to get in a fight but a sound cuts him off : " LEONAAAA HELLP-!!!!!!" , this extremely annoying sound...what the heck is he doing here and : WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL HAS HE DONE NOW !!!????
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Feat : Lau & Ran-Mao
Business tip nu 1 : Always keep calm , even if you end up losing all your magic powers in the surface without the possibility of returning to your original form or knowing where in the damn world you are : K-e-e-p-c-a-l-m
Thankfully , Azul's dope nature avoids him from going crazy during his stay in this...non-Twisted wonderland world
He had heard of theories explaining the possibility of other world's existence ; countless ones indeed . But to end up in one of them without any preparations ? He wasn't planning on that
Well nevermind , that cannot be helped now . let's look for a better way
Lack of facility , cultural deprivation and severe corruption ; is this how humans are ? No wonder the sea witch called them Poor unfortunate souls...
Enough with these people , he must now ignore all other disadvantages and take a look into beneficial sides of it...If he has ended up here , in this world and into this spot of the city there must be something linked to magic nearby ; even if he's surrounded by all these foolish people who haven't ever even seen real magic by their own eyes
Just as he's looking around , something catches his attention : a strange smell . Thanks to his family he's pretty good at following smells to their source and knowing what exactly they are : it's the pungent smell of Opium
He follows the smoke to its source and arrives to a bunch of stares going underground . A board is place next to the stares with something written on it :  Opium Den
Azul isn't one to believe in superstitions but he is sometimes interested to take ambitious  steps ; life sometimes brings you worthy surprises
Entering the shop , someone slightly grabs his arm . He turns his head to face a young, beautiful lady pulling his sleeve softly , eyes empty of any emotions . Without saying a word , Ran-Mao grabs his hat and coat and Azul thanks her , seems like he took the right path
His vision got a bit blurred as must of the air is filled with smoke , not that he isn't used to such atmospheres
" Why welcome to my place , sir . How may we service you today~ ? " a sound says from other side of the room . Azul turns back to face the source of all these smoke holding that young lady from before close , could she be her right arm woman or something ? She seems pretty obedient for one , which is nice
Azul introduces himself and takes a seat . He isn't going to get to his main point at the very first seconds ; he needs to make sure that he's come to the right person . He introduces himself as a businessman from a far away city , came to explore more of business tactics here in London . He offers Lau a small chat toward that , wanting him to give him more information on business if possible and return , he'd be given similar information about Azul's home town
While being considerably great at it , Lau isn't really interested in wasting time talking about business , all he ever cares in some sort of entertainment in whatever he does . Still , he agrees of playing this fake role for a short time . Although he knows that Azul isn't here for this either...
A few minutes pass and they both know that Azul doesn't really care to know how much a pork costs and either is Lau , so takes a serious step himself : " I see you're a man of business , Mr . Azul . I wonder what I you may be able to offer me in return ," Azul clarifies that he would get interesting information if he gives Azul good ones ; everything is clear and equal . "Then , I'm afraid that I've got not much to offer ," Lau sighs , but a small smirks appears of his lips : "But what would you say about some tea ? And maybe a small talk ? "
Lau isn't like others out there and that's pretty recognizable to Azul , but it doesn't make him the right person to trust either . He is continuing this conversation in hope of Lau leading him to the right person he is looking for , someone worthy of a greater contract . Lau lets out a sad sigh feeling sorry that he can't do much help , but he knows that who may do : A well-known friend , serving years working as a right arm man . Talented , well cultured , big on all issues including business : "I'm sure that you'll like him ,"
Well perhaps this thing's starting to work out for him : " Then by all means , lead me to this mister you speak of , Mr. Lau~" "With all pleasure . Bring him his coat and hat , sister " , Lau orders . Pleasure is always his first priority , but nothing would ever break rules of a contract ; He gives , he receives . Even taking him to Sebastian is counted but , he's already thought of that . This young man seems quite entertaining and when he first stepped into his shop Lau was expecting him , a spacial guest
Lau doesn't really care about superstitions , but still enjoys his ambitious steps  . This guy had came to him just as expected and now , something about him tells Lau that getting him to Sebastian will bring him as well newer faces to meet...what an entertaining day it would be
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Feat : Tanaka
Jamil is... about to lose his mind . Caught in a whole other world without a meaningful explanation of how he ended up here or why . Magic doesn't work and there is no certain way to scape this situation and make a return to NRC . But the worst thing about it remained certain : He is caught with Kalim
Why in the bloody hell does he always have to be hooked up with Kalim ? Parents forced him into it at childhood , headmaster orders to it at school and now , the world suddenly decides to abandon him together with Kalim ? If it's joke , that's a pretty lame one . Why does he have to live in the shadows of Kalim being the unworthy dorm leader ?
Now lost in the streets , not knowing where to go or who to contact , what a wonderful way to start a day
Kalim isn't liking it at all : dirty streets , loud and short tempered people , street fight and drunk men everywhere , the smell of death filling the air , this is horrible . Kalim is well aware of poverty and deprivation lasting for so long and even remaining until the very present day , but traveling back in time and space to face one of the most terrifying levels of it just isn't his thing . He feels sorry and odd at the same time : Is this how life behind of the walls of his royal castle looked like ? He wishes he could help it . He probably could if he was any linked to NRC right now
He keeps on telling Jamil how poor they look and wonder if there is a way to help...The world Kalim knows has elegant and colorful nights and days but this world...was all caught in a dead gray mist
Jamil doesn't say a word because he doesn't want to listen , Kalim can keep on daydreaming but he has to find a way back a.s.a.p . They can't leave Scarabia just on their own and everyone (including Kalim's Dad) must be really stressed out by now . He continues to look , but there isn't really anything helpful around them . People yelling at each other and smoking the shit out of themselves . Young ladies flirting as young men offer them a carriage ride and tourists staring at each and every building like they hadn't ever seen a place to live inside as if they've been living in a cave so far , huh
Jamil can no longer take it next to Kalim and eventually goes feral : " WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP !!?" He has no control over his words now , he's nervous , furious and freaked out . If he were to compare his mood to something similar he'd say the time he overblotted , just that he had his magic back then
Now Kalim as well gets into a fight with him . What the hell does this have to do with him ? Jamil has to calm down and be realistic unless they'll never find a way out ! Jamil states that if he grew up just enough to realize how terrible their current situation is , he would've had something better to do than showing mercy over some bunches of street rats
The two of them keep on arguing until someone cuts them of : " Hohoho young men ! What's with all these loud sounds ?"
They stop and turn back to face the source of this old , chill voice . Facing a tall , old man dressed in all black clothes which high-leveled servants would wear and a monocle , giving them a soft , calm smile
" Aa- nevermind grandps ! It wasn't like it seemed we were just talking ! Right Jamily ? " he says , putting a hand on Jamil's shoulder and giving a big , wide smile . "H-hey... don't call me that..." , Jamil doesn't like Kalim acting this chill ; but it is embarrassing to see that they actually called attention
"Hoho , better . Now tell me young men , could it be that you have a trouble ? You look awfully down ," Tanaka asks ; sounding just like a grandfather guiding his grandchildren
Kalim takes a look at Jamil , wondering if it's right to do what he's thinking of and Jamil in return , nods as a yes " Well sir , there you see we actually don't belong here yet to another-" Jamil cuts him off before he could mess the whole thing up : " -Another state , indeed ! We came here for some sort of a business trip and were supposed to be on our way back home by now but sadly , ran into thieves . Our families must be really worried for now and I doubt them being sure of us being hooked up here . We lost everything and have no way to contact anyone we know... only if someone nice enough could be found to help us with it right now ," Jamil dropped his head , trying to act as natural as possible . Kalim wants to remind him that this isn't right to lie someone who is trying to help them yet he wonders if he should let Jamil take care of this now , after all he was much of a worthier leader than him to be honest...
" That's so sad to hear dear boy , I'm sure that young master as well would've been really frustrated if he were here ," Tanaka replies . Oh ? Young master ?  Jamil is now interested . Wherever this man came from , it can't be somewhere cheap , Jamil could tell . Leading them to a mightier source would be a better thing than just laying in the streets waiting for some miracle to save them right ? " Young master , you say ? " Kalim asks . " On the second thought , how about me introducing you to my master ? You're not much older than him I suppose , he as well needs to have more friends like you good men  ," Tanaka says with a sweet smile . " That'll be so nice of you um , Mr...? " Jamil asks " Tanaka is fine young boys . And you? "  " Jamil Viper ," " Kalim al Asim ! Glad to meet you Tanaka sir ! " Kalim says , bringing his hand for Tanaka to shake . Tanaka shakes hands with both of them and Jamil decides to make the process a bit faster : " I look forward to meeting this young master you say , Mr. Tanaka . It's always great to meet more men of culture ," Jamil sneakers . " Then by all means , follow me young men ," Tanaka says . With a sound of pop and some smoke , the tall man shrinks into a chibi version : " Ho , ho , ho ," " What the-!!!" Kalim panicks , no magic and yet this dude can shrink all of a sudden huh ?
" Ho ho," chibi Tanaka says before turning back and going to another direction . " I guess we should follow him," Jamil says . Kalim agrees and then , they're both following the chibi old man to the Phantomhive's mansion . Unaware of the two eyes watching them all this time : " Hihihi ~ they're quite interesting ,"
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Feat : Grell Sutcliff & Ronald Knox
"Come oooon Ronald~ Shake your lazy ass and bring her along already..." " Oi senpai , that's mean ! This one's quite heavy-" "JUST SHUT UP AND DO THAT ! Don't you know it's rude to question ladies too much ? " " F-fine then , but at least give me a hand ! Have you even checked if she's dead !? " Heavy ? Dead ? She...? Vil isn't born to be disrespected like this . AND NOT A SINGLE SOUL GETS TO PULL HIM BY LEG WHEN HE'S ASLEEP
Vil immediately starts shouting at the Blondie , threating him that he'll regret it if he doesn't let go of him now . Ronald and Grell almost have a heart attack at Vil's chicken like screech which makes them jump
Vil snads up and glares at the two shinigamis : A really ugly female like one all dressed in red and a small blondie brat which looks like...eh..Azul ? Well nevermind ; doesn't matter now
What should he begin with ? Where he is ? Who these potatoes are and how they didn't recognize him being the leader of Pomefiore ? How perky they were to move him while asleep like this and ruin fabric of his overly expensive unforms ? Too many things to do
" Ah you're too loud ! My ears...Such an unexpected shout to hear from a man this hot I'd say..." Grell giggles . Vil's eyes widen , well of course he is beautiful but to be praised like that ? Ew , this is more of a insult ...
Vil decides to ignore Grell and get to the main point : Who they were and what they wanted . Grell smirks before preparing to give a 5 hour long opera show of shinigamis' romance but Ronald locks him on that point : They are shinigamis , they collect souls of the death , they had grabbed Vil because he looked a bit like the woman they were just going to collect yet didn't pay enough of attention to notice that they made a mistake , so they can all leave since they've got nothing to do with each other
Just before Ronald could get away Vil grabs him by collar , asking where they've brought him to . Grell clears that they just moved him by 30-40 meters from where they found him so it can't be really counted as bringing him to somewhere . Vil refuses to believe , wherever he is , it's way further than Pomefiore dorm or even NRC's accessable area ; that can't be . Vil threatens them one more time : " You refuse to tell , you'll end up dealing with the headmaster ," Grell and Ronald probably don't know who the headmaster is but Grell tries to take advantage : "Aaa? Is he one into punishing type ?" Vil is slowly getting annoyed by how weird this red one sounds to him ; To be honest he acts like an impatient porn star or something...
That's it , he's calling Crowley but uh , where is his phone ? Did he lose it ? Impossible . He'll never forget such an important thing to bring along ... Did these brats dare to steal his pockets....!? Vil asks them to give his phone and wallet back : now " Sir , you may like to know that human money brings no good for us and also , I'm afraid that I don't really know what you may mean by phone? " Ronald mumbles (Remember that phone isn't yet invited at their time ). Why don't this guy just let them go take care of their business ?
Vil hates it when people dare opposing him and doesn't ever take that lightly...who do these two think they are ? " Where is Night Raven College , answer or you'll face unpleasant consequences..." Is Vil challenging Grell ? Then Grell's more than ready to see what this human may have up his slave to speak to a shinigami like this : " And what may the consequences be...?" Vil gets tired , a small spell and this red ass bitch would be nothing but a toad , " I tried to warn you , you should've listened..."
Ahem , hello ? Magic ? Why isn't it working ? " Pffffffftttt- Lmao are you high or something man ? You just woke up !You'll be a great actor though I swear- You can drown in all that nonsense ," Grell laughs . " Well then hottie , I'm afraid we've got to go , see you when it's your time ~ " Grell turns to leave but Vil grabs him by collar . No one is leaving until they explain what the actual heck is going on : this place , the magic , everything
Grell on the other hand enjoyed flirting , but can't take being acted to like this . He pushes Vil back and gives him a psychotic smile , bringing up his chainsaw : " Wouldn't it be amazing if I cut those rushy tongue of yours at once ? fewer words , more of a male charm ," "Oh ?" magic may not work here , but they're not all Vil has got , he can still give this bitch guy a lesson without them : " Oi you two , this isn't really gonna workout-" Ronald mumbles but it's too late now -
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Feat : Undertaker
At least he wakes up to a more suitable scene , or it seems so - His body couldn't move freely inside of this cage-like space . Is this a cuffin...? He has experience with them from his freshman year but to end up in one of them again ? Could it be that Crowley is planning on another fancy event like their first time ? Boy , he didn't like it anyway . He knocks the door trying to open it but if seems too heavy to be moved . Damnit- , he hears footsteps from the outside : " Someone there ? Why can't I open this ??" A sudden screech from out and the door slides open : " Ah thank yoUWAHAAAA- !!" Idia screams at the sight of the creepy stranger's smile at him ; he wasn't expecting this . Also , this place doesn't look like the mirror hall ? Who is this guy and where is this place ??
" Hihihi you weren't that dead I see , why waking up so soon though~ ?" , Undertaker giggles in his playful tone . Idia needs too many things to be explained to him but he just doesn't have the time , Crewel will burn him in acid if he gets any late for his class again and he doesn't care how weird his current situation is , he has to go
He gets out of the coffin and rushes to the door but Undertaker stops him there telling him not to show up out there so carelessly , which clearly confuses Idia . " Your hair...It is quite fascinating that curses remain strong even as magic gets blocked..." Undertaker adds . Idia is used to people judging him for his family misfortune but this one seemed quite...odd . He decides to ignore it and leave
" ~ Okies then I warned you , but you'll end up needing a real cuffin in a few minutes pwahahaaa-" , Undertaker burts into laughter and Idia leaves
" creepy ass old ma-" , Idia nags slowly before freezing as someone screams really-loudly right into his ears " HAIR ON FIRE , HIS HAIR IS ON FIRE !!" Before Idia can notice what is going on he's gained tens of gazes to himself , why are these guys all dressed so strangely...
" M-mummy is that a monster ? I'm scared..." " Stay away from our children you hellish creature ! " Idia freezes , critiques coming one after one : Demon , monster , Satan , Death . One option left : Run
Idia now has to run for his life , this world just isn't his thing : not at all . Even if it weren't because of being chased by a group of angry humans , do you think that he could last for even one day in this old fashioned zone ? No technology , no phones , no robots , no gummy bears , no wifi- He'd read about how different the world was before the invention of media and couldn't explain how thankful he was to never have to handle a second in the past world because he wouldn't last there for more than an hour- well he wasn't right about never ending up there but , he was 100% right about not lasting for more than an hour
Now there , he is running like he never has , begging his feet to help him this time out of any other time . Angry people screaming and bringing fire and weapons to destroy the evil
He tries to contact any possible source for help but : No magic - no internet . RIP Idia
Meanwhile Undertaker is chilling at his shop , his mind running over the cursed boy and now listening to the sound of the frightened people because of him , how pathetic , If only he had agreed to hide his hair through a safer way...sigh he should have listened to advises coming from someone who has been living within humans for years by hiding his identity as a shinigami as as his eyes... " My my , humans aren't the only fragile creatures I see..." creation can seem disturbing to him sometimes , and that's the best part with it
Back to Idia , he is slowly running out of breath . Well maybe this is the point where he has to give up ? He has long lived as a loser , bastard , procrastinator and wasted almost each and every second of his life ; well perhaps except Ortho , that was a nice work of him . Wish he was here too say goodbye .  He isn't sure if his prayers would be accepted or not but it won't hurt trying : " Good gods who're told to be somewhere up there , I know that I wasn't best that I could be and I won't try to excuse my sins ; just please let it end fast, Ame- " he forgets his prayers as his guardian angel is standing just a few meters away from him ; oh have gods sent an identical twin - human version of Leona for him to be saved ? Well whatever now , he has no time if he's the original furry or not : "LEONAAAA HELLP-!!!!!!"
And yes , he is the original one ! He curses as he sees the population after Idia , what the hell is wrong with this world ? Idia hides behind his back and Leona tries to take control before they end up burning the two of them together : " You people , chill ," " Why you defending that creature ? He a a misfortune ! A demon !" others shout at this words in agreement . Leona laughs it off . He says that Idia is way too dumb for a demon and even if he is one , he's the type to scream his ass off when someone says "hi" . Idia doesn't know if Leona's defending him or not but he doesn't dare saying a word . Leona seems too busy dealing with the crowd and slowly , the argument topic switches from Idia to Leona ; who isn't afraid of punching some faces . The argument slowly takes over and no one (even Leona) realizes Idia sneaking into an alley saving his life . He feels a bit guilty for leaving Leona on his own but he'll be fine , hopefully
Thankfully the alley is deserted and he finally lays down to catch his breath , still panting heavily . He almost got killed today and can't get over it , but things were getting a bit comforting : "Meow~" several cats show up from the corners and Idia puts on a small smile . A white kittens comes closer and allows Idia to touch and comfort him . Idia wonders , how does their lives as a cat here feels ? do they as well get as scared as he was just now?  . A few minutes later when Idia -and his cats- were chilling someone steps closer to them  . Before Idia gets to run away , a tall , black and familiar face shows up and gives him a pretty calm smirk : " My my , I see you as well adore cats, could it be some part of our hellish natures ?"
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Feat : Ciel Phantomhive & Sebastian Michaelis
Let us be honest , it isn't going to be that bad for him , is it ? His current lifestyle at Valley of the thorns is nothing less than London's late 19th century , just maybe it had more of a natural theme . Well , no technology can be good news since he never really get used to it after all . London's atmosphere as well seem to be just his thing : Sometimes savage but calm , filled with tea parties and great ceremonies , an interesting back ground toward the royal family and in summary , Malleus's ideal theme
Well maybe except some things : 1) HORNS-ARE-GONE . His family treasure , the great heritage that proved him coming from the all great and respected Draconia family , now is gone 2) No need to mention that there is no sight of his fairy ears either- 3) Having his magic lost in this unknown world , he is now nothing different from a fragile human being , just as weak , just as empty , just as disgusting . Oh but our prince isn't totally left on his own here...
Unexpectedly , Phantomhive's mansion is serving a mysterious guest today , even though Ciel was against letting strangers inside the house . Sebastian insisted on being aware of the importance of hospitality as the Queen's watch dog , specially with special guests
Everything seems odd to Malleus , this world , this time , this people and...this master and butler . He is no fool , not even the foolishest of these humans would treat and cater strangers without wanting something in return , therefore he needs to keep his guard up . They shouldn't be aware of his actual identity even if they look deprived of any magic
Ciel is feeling awfully uncomfortable , who is this man ? And what the heck about him might have caught Sebastian's eyes ? This greedy demon wouldn't easily be impressed , so what could it be ?
Sebastian insists that it's how he should learn to treat everyone else if he's willing to be well remembered after death ; he pronounces the last word in a pretty deep , dark tone . Making it clear that how he'll finally die in a sarcastic way which teased Ciel
He decides not to have any argues with Sebastian on that point since he can act pretty cocky with stuff he gets stubborn over , so let's see what he's hiding up in sleeve this time . Though Ciel is suspicious of other stuff as well , this Mr... -whatever he is since he doesn't give them a name- looks like a pale - greenish version of Sebastian . Could he be another demon..?
Malleus refuses to give them a name due to possible risks , yet he has to admit that he's being taken care of properly . The room he's given isn't as big as the one in his castle , but is still considerable for something a stranger would be given . Other than that , anyone else he's met here so far seemed to be pretty chill , oh except this tiny child with a blindfold and he gets to be called young master ? He has to admit that he's impressed . To be in control of all this property when you aren't yet even tall enough to pick your favorite book from the shelf on your own
And there is another guy who is really...how to explain , is it some feeling of deja Vu or he really does look like Silver ? The guy is always talking to the snakes just as Silver talks to the birds and animals . If it weren't because of difference in eye color , perhaps Malleus wouldn't believe that he wasn't Sliver himself . " Your stay won't last much longer master , your friends are on their way here , says Donne ," Snake tells him . Malleus doesn't really know how to feel about him but his words comfort him for some reason...
Ciel says that he needs to check on the trio since they've been calling him all day so he heads to the front yard , leaving Sebastian and Malleus alone
Sebastian offers him some tea and Malleus of course sees no reason to refuse . Sebastian doesn't sit beside him because it's arrogant of servants to sit beside the guests , so he remains stood up . He doesn't bother starting a conversation with Malleus and he does know how to get him to speak . Malleus doesn't mind answering to...some of his questions . How he likes it here in London , if he needs anything else during his stay , but the last question made his eyes widen : Does he do feel any uncomfortable under the terms of not being able to use his powers ?
Malleus doesn't answer , he pretends that he didn't hear him and stares at the window . He is hoping it to help him ignore Sebastian , but what he sees isn't any better :  Isn't that... Rosehearts laying there...??
Malleus has to go , not only because of getting rid of Sebastian at this point but to also check on his ally if he's alright or not :  Did the butler know he too was here all the time ?
Sebastian just knows what was going on in his mind and wants  better answers . Malleus stands up to leave but Sebastian takes grabs his arm before he could do anything : " No need to rush . We still have a lot to talk about , Mr. Draconia ,"
Note for Idia's part : I was actually planning on Idea having his hair as well gone because , well , no magic no hair ? But that seemed too unfair for him lol
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dingobabywrites · 4 years
 so, in light of recent events, people have been discussing when they think Dean and Cas realized that they were in love with each other. While I 100% believe dean realized in purgatory, I dont think Castiel realized until Dean broke Naomi's connection.
I also think that is around the same time Sam realized it too. Obviously Charlie already knew ( " what about Castiel, he seems helpful and..Dreamy" she's a lesbian. That comment wasn't for Her!") I think Charlie was the one to point it out to sam and I think the two of them agreed to keep it to themselves since neither of those two would have been able to handle that information. So, I wrote a little thing about how I think it went down.
I also wanted to give myself an explanation for those wierd looks and mystery note from the end of the episode...so yeah...here's that.
Sam hobbled down the hall to the guest room, his hand still throbbing from knocking Dean unconcious . It was…worrisome, to say the least, that he was having this much trouble with healing from such a minor injury, not to mention the other things that were happening to his body; the fatigue, coughing up blood. Troubling, but, as much as he hated to admit it, worth it. Dean had been pissing him off more than usual lately anyway. It wasn't just the trials. Sure, he was frustrated with Dean for thinking he wasn't strong enough to handle them (he had fought against Lucifer in his own mind for christ's sake) but it was everything else too. His loyalty to Benny still didn't sit right with him. He had been so quick to kill Amy, just because she was a monster. He didn't care that she was just feeding her kid. She was just a monster to him. But for some reason, Benny got a pass. Sure, the guy saved both their asses, he was grateful for that, but even Bobby knew it was wrong.
And then there was Cas.
Sam wanted nothing more, than to tell Dean that he should have learned his lesson the first time with the Angel. It wasn't like he didn't like Castiel. Of course he did. He was appreciative of everything the guy had done for them. Dean was right that he had saved their asses more than once. It was just….at the end of the day, whether they liked him or not, Castiel had betrayed them. He understood that perfectly. What he couldn't understand, was why dean was so suprised by him doing it again. Hell, Dean had been the one to bring up that fact that the guy wasn't acting right since he got back and yet, there he was, praying to him, putting his trust in him again. It was maddening, to say the least. He had tried to talk to his brother about it, but Dean immediately shut down.
So, yeah, his hand was still hurting, but it was damn worth it.
He turned the corner to find Charlie stuffing her things into her duffle. He knocked on the door frame with his uninjured hand. "Hey, there."
"Sam." She half smiled, when she turned around, her eyes still a little bleary from crying. "Hi, I'm just…just packing up to head out and…" she sniffled and plopped down on the bed, covering her face as she began crying anew.
Sam walked into the room and pulled up the desk chair, sitting down in front of her. "Dean told me what happened, while you two were under." He said. "I am so sorry about your mom, Charlie." He placed his hand on her shoulder as she began crying harder. "I know how hard it is to let go like that…"
"Dean was right," she sniffed. "I needed to stop holding on."
Sam let out a bitter scoff and pulled his hand back, squeezing both hands between his legs. "Yeah, Dean's always right, isn't he? Too bad he can't follow his own advice."
Charlie looked up, her eyes sad and confused. "Holding on to my mom was the reason I was stuck there. If he hadn't made me let go, I would have died.we both would have."
Sam shook his head at himself, trying his damndest to let go of his own bitterness to be there for his friend. "Ya, I know. I'm sorry…just…I know you're hurting right now, I just want you to know I'm here for you."
Charlie sniffed again, wiping her arm across her face to dry it before leaning back and staring at Sam. "I don't get it." She said, as firmly as possible.
Sam, leaned back and shrugged. "Me neither, really. I always thought all djinn fed off happiness. It's like every time we figure stuff out, something new comes along to throw us off our game."
"Not that." Charlie said, waving his statement off. Sam looked at her, confused, not sure what she was referring to. She took a breath and pulled a book out of her duffle throwing it on Sam's lap. 'Mystery Spot' By Carver Edlund. "You say these books happened in real life. That everything written in them actually went down…but the past two times I've been around you guys…you certainly dont act like you do in the books."
Sam skimmed the first page of the book and chuckled, tossing it back on the bed next to Charlie. "Yeah, well, things have just been different, I guess."
"So, you used to love and support each other, no matter what and now you just, what? Stopped?" She asked.
"It's…" Sam scoffed and shook his head. "things are just, more complicated now…"
"You maybe, wanna elaborate there buddy?" She asked. "I may be a genius, but a mind reader, I am not."
Sam let out a breath and scrubbed a hand through his hair. He figured it might feel better to at least get something off his chest. "To be honest Charlie, I dont think Dean is cut out for the job anymore."
"Why not?"
"His judgment, for one thing." Sam answered. "I don't know, just ever since he got back from purgatory… he's been…it's like he can't think straight anymore. He used to be no nonsense when it came to killing monsters and only trusting people he knew he could trust and now… I mean, I get it. Purgatory was rough on him, but the guy has literally been to Hell and back. I don't see why this time is any different."
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked softly.
"I mean like, being friends with a freaking vamp." Sam answered, coldly. "Yeah, Benny wasn't like the others, and I get the whole 'brother's in arms' aspect, but it still doesn't make sense." He waved his hand, gesturing back at the book before letting it drop. "That Dean? That Dean would have never put his trust in a monster. That Dean wouldn't let people back into his life that had screwed him over, and now…I don't know, now it's like he just doesn't care about letting people in that who could hurt him, or…people who already have."
"So, it's not just about the vampire." Charlie said. "Who else has Dean been trusting that you don't think he should?"
Sam gritted his teeth and shook his head. "Cas really messed him up Charlie. I mean, the guy already turned his back on us once and Dean just let him back into our lives like nothing even happened."
"Ah." Charlie said, with complete understanding. "Okay, I get it now."
"Get what?" Sam asked.
"I get why Dean has been acting wierd, duh." She said, like it was obvious. Sam sat, staring at her, trying to peice together what puzzle she seemed to have completed. "Oh, my God. Do you really not see it?" Charlie laughed.
"Um, no?" Sam said, skeptically.
"Wow," she scoffed. "And here I thought you were the observant one." Sam waited for her to explain herself, still utterly lost on what she was talking about. "It's Castiel." She said, speaking to him as if he were a child.
"What about him?" Sam asked, hoping like hell that she wasn't talking about the angel brainwashing his brother or something.
"I've read the books, Sam." She said. "I know all about Dean's special Angel friend."
"No." Sam shook his head. "No, chuck stopped writing after Dean went to hell. There's no way you could have a read anything about Cas."
Charlie scrunched her face and bobbed her head back and forth. "Mmmm, not exactly." She reached into her bag and pulled put her laptop, turning it on. "Remember how I said the books were online now?" Sam nodded waiting for her to continue. "Okay, dont get mad," she said as she typed "but, he may have kept writing a little bit longer than you thought…."
"He what?!" Sam said, furious. They had told that dick to knock it off after that stupid convention."How long?"
"Relax." She said, scrolling through some page on her screen. "He stopped after you sacrifice yourself to Hell, actually. It was beautifully written by the way, super emotional, but no one has seen or heard from him since."
'Good!' Sam thought to himself. He felt a little bad for that thought, since Kevin was now the prophet it meant that the reason no one had heard from Chuck was likely because he was dead, but at least no one else could know more about their lives than they already did. "Okay, but what does any of this have to do with Dean? Why would Cas be the reason he's acting wierd?"
Charlie sighed, cringing to her self a little. "Well, as you already know, where there's a fandom, there's most likely fanfiction…"
"I'm aware." Sam said, peeved by the memory of stumbling upon the fanfiction written about him and Dean.
"Look, I'm not saying anything is definite, but alot of people who write fanfiction are really good at reading between the lines." She clicked her mouse a few times before closing her laptop and setting it back in her bag. "I mean, I've read all the books myself, and I totally know that you guys are real people and not some fictional characters, and it's completely not okay to speculate on your lives and feelings or whatever...but I mean, it's kinda hard not to see where they're all coming from."
"What are you talking about, Charlie?"
"Dean said that Benny helped him fight through purgatory, right?" She said. "He met him pretty early on in his time there, no?"
"Yeah," Sam said, still completely bemused, "I guess…Dean hasn't really talked a lot about what happened while he was there. He told me some things, but he never really went into detail."
Charlie nodded and shrugged sheepishly before continuing. "Okay, so he met Benny early on, and Benny told him he had a way to get back, right off the bat. So, why did it take them so long to get out of there?"
"Dean said he spent alot of his time searching for Cas." Sam answered.
"Exactly!" She exclaimed, like that should have been the answer.
"I'm sorry Charlie, I still don't understand what you're getting at here."
"Sam, he could've come back at any point after meeting Benny. They only spent as much time as they did together, because Dean wanted to bring Castiel back with him. Even after everything he did. Don't you think that's a little…suspicious?"
"That's exactly what I've been saying!" Sam said. "Why would he do that?!"
"Yeah, Sam, why?" She said, still trying to lead him. "Why would someone run back into a fire, when they have a way out? I mean, I think you, of all people, would know the answer to that."
Sam gaped at her in shock. It took a minute for him to register what she was implying, but once he did… "Charlie, that's…"
"Just a thought!" She defended before he finished. "I'm just saying that Dean doesn't normally put his trust in people. Except, maybe…the people he REALLY cares about and the people that protect them. Maybe there's more to the story when it comes to his trust in Benny than you thought. I definitely feel like there's more when it comes to Castiel."
"Charlie, come on." Sam laughed a little. " You know Dean. He's…"
"More complicated than people give him credit for." Charlie cut him off. "He also knows how hard it is to let go of the people he loves. He's actually really bad at it. Maybe, worse than you know."
"Charlie," Sam started, before being cut off once more.
"He's definitely more concerned about you than you think." Charlie said firmly, standing up as she did. She began packing once more, keeping her eyes averted from Sam's. "He's not trying to control you, you know. He raised you, Sam. You mean alot to him. You ever think for a moment that he's just really scared for you? Scared of losing you? I mean, back to my point, he is really bad at losing people."
Sam sat in silence, petulantly mulling over Charlie's words. She was right, probably. Dean may have been scared, but it was still possible that he just couldn't hack the life anymore. Sam wasn't some child. And the other stuff she was saying…she was way off base. There was a big difference between reading about someone's and living it.
"I sent you the link to the website I used to read the books." Charlie said as she zipped up her bags. She slung her backpack over her shoulder crossing her arms as she stared him down. "I know you lived through it all and everything, but not every part was about you. There's a few things you may have missed."
"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen." Sam shook his head.
"Just a suggestion." She shrugged. "It might open your eyes to a few things you don't understand. I get not wanting to relive those times but…if you ever decide that's something you might wanna do, hit me up. I can tell you what chapters to skip, or whatever. And, if your really curious about Dean's relationship to Castiel, 'On the Head of a Pin' is a good place to start. The torture chapters are pretty rough, and I know you'll want to skip over your parts…but the other stuff.…" she shrugged.
"Okay." He said, at a loss for more words than that.
"You ready to roll?" Dean said, from the doorway, knocking on the door frame before entering the room.
"Looks, like it." Charlie smiled up at him as he entered.
"I didn't interrupt anything did I?" Dean asked looking between her and Sam with concern written all over his face. "You guys look a little spooked."
"Ew, gross, no." Charlie said, scrunching her face at Dean's implications. "Sam, was just helping me with my bags. Right Sam?"
"Uh, yeah…" Sam said, standing up and grabbing her duffle off the bed.
"Eh, come on, you know I'm just teasin ya!" Dean chuckled, jabbing her on the shoulder playfully. "He may have the hair, but the body parts are all wrong, right?"
"Definitely." Charlie agreed.
"Come on." Dean said, tilting his head toward the door. He waited for Charlie to leave the room, then cast a skeptical glance at Sam before following after. Sam was sure he was in for an earful after she left. He began dreading it as he said his goodbyes, anticipating the lecture as he told Charlie she was welcome to comeback at anytime. But it wasn't the only thing on his mind now. After bidding Charlie farewell, he went inside, giving the two of them their time alone. He hesitated for a moment, convinced that the trials were seriously messing with his head if he was even considering this. Then again…
He headed to the library, grabbing a peice of paper and a pen on his way and sat down. 'This is just stupid.' He thought to himself as he wrote down the words 'On the Head of a Pin'. He heard the bunker door open. Dean walked up, the look on his face telling Sam that it was time for his ass- chewing, so he decided to cut it off before it could start.
He clicked the pen closed and stood up, ready to defend his actions. "Okay, look you were right. I-I should laid low. I-I know." He said as Dean approached him."I should have hung back. I'm glad I was able.."
Then Dean grabbed him. Then Dean pulled him into a hug. It wasn't at all what he was expecting. He was lost, but relieved and hugged his brother back.
Dean chuckled and patted his back before pulling away. "What do you say we find our prophet?." Dean smiled, before smaking him in the chest and walking away.
Sam was left to himself, completely bewildered by what had just occurred. Dean had certainly not been acting like himself, but this was a whole new level. Maybe there was some truth to Charlie's words? Maybe he really was just scared? Maybe Sam really didn't know everything about his brother. Now, wasn't the time to think about that, though. Dean was right, the had to look for Kevin. They had work to do. Research.
But Dean had to sleep at some point. Maybe Sam could do a little light reading in that time.
If Charlie was right about Dean being scared for him, who knew what else she was right about?
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cherry-ber · 5 years
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Stay the night ; l.t.y
It was raining when he arrived. You opened the door and found him shivering, his clothes were wet and his hair fell over his beautiful face. You couldn't help but put your hands on your mouth as soon as you saw him, moving immediately out the door to let him in.
“oh my God, are you okay?” you asked worried, he only shook his head and started taking of his hoodie and shoes.
Last time you two spoke, he was yelling at you after an argument got a little bit heated. That was a week ago. It wasn't even an important thing to discuss, Taeyong just got jealous of you going out with Mark to bring coffee for him and the rest of the members. To be fair, he had been waiting a long time to have some time alone with you, so when he found out you left with Mark just as he finally finished recording his verse on a new song, he couldn't help but feel left alone. Mark himself was a little bit too touchy for Taeyong's liking,although he knew he didn't mean to make a move on you, he was his friend and he was a very respectful boy, but still he acted cold after you arrived, he didn't talk to you at all after his practice finished, and he told you he was canceling your date plans because he was tired. You didn't think much of it, and you told him you were going home already so he could have some sleep.
“Tell Mark to go with you” Snarky. He said it in a somewhat aggressive way, yet he stayed calmed.
“Excuse me, what did you say?” You were not a very patient person, and you didn't like it when someone talked to you like that, and certainly not your boyfriend.
He rolled his eyes as he was turning to face you, and looked at you firmly. “I said, tell Mark to go with you, since you’d rather be with him than be with your boyfriend”. You understood right there, he wasn't tired, he was being petty over a small think. He was being ridiculous, and even though you wanted to tell him it was a misunderstanding, he got in your nerve real quick, and you were as annoying and stubborn as he was, and even more.
“You jealous?” you didn't even think about it, you asked raising your brow, he started walking out of your way, he knew he screwed up and he didn't want to put you in a bad mood, but he was pissed, and you wanting to fight only made it worse.
“Just leave already” he said walking out of his room, leaving you alone. You wanted to cry, you were furious at this point. You grabbed your purse, and some of your clothes that were at his place and went downstairs.
You found him in the living room, sitting on the single couch, with Mark sitting on the big couch, smiling as soon as he saw you coming on his way, but immediately serious as he saw some tears forming in your eyes, looking at Taeyong for an explanation, he stood up wanting to confort you but he felt your boyfriend's deathly look on him and stopped. Taeyong was worried too, and his heart pounded harder when he saw that you were carrying your stuff, not wearing his hoodie. 
“Don't fucking call me ever again” you said quietly, hoping that your voice wouldn't crack. And so he did, he didn't call you the next day, or the day after that. You knew that you were wrong too, but you wouldn't just call him crying, you were too proud to do that, and he was too, apparently.
“I'm sorry I didn't call before I came, I wasn't sure you would pick up” he said, his voice was deep and husky, and you felt guilty, but you were also mad again.
“You should have, though” remembering your fight, you continued “I told you not to fucking do it, I guess”
He let out a giggle “You did”. You gave him the blanket you were using, he was shirtless and wanting to take his pants off too, they were dripping and he must have been cold. You went to your room, where you had a set of pajamas you bought him for when he slept over, and gaved it to him so he could get changed and hopefuly wouldn’t catch a cold. 
“Listen, I don't want to be mean but I wasn't expecting you, could you leave when it stops raining?” you were still hurted that he treated you like that for such a small thing.
“I was wondering if you would let me stay the night, but you don't have to do it if you're not okay with that” he came closer to you “Babe, i'm incredibly sorry, I shouldn't have told you that, I shouldn't have been such a jerk, it was so dumb, even Mark hates me right now, I treated you both like shit and it was just so immature”
You liked Taeyong because he was caring, he was indeed very mature, and he knew how to learn from his mistakes, so you knew he was being sincere, you could see it on his eyes. 
“Are you really sorry?” you asked in a squeaky voice. Sometimes he made you feel small, he knew it and he loved it.
“I am deeply sorry Y/N” you cupped his face in your hands and kissed his lips softly. He directed your hands to the back of his neck and kissed you deeply, holding your waist and drawing small circles on your back. You pulled him closer, and so did he, leading you to your sofa and letting you down on it, deepening the kiss even more, but you pushed him away to take a deep breathe.
“Then you can stay the night” you assured him and put his hand on your cheek, giving him small kisses on his whole face. “I missed you a lot”
He laughed and kissed your hands. “I'll make it up to you, you'll see” as he started leaving kisses on your neck.
Okay this took so long to write and it probably is trash but I never give attention to my boi ty and I just had to. Anyway if u want to leave submissions my requests r open lol so please request.
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soldierallen · 6 years
Married. 4
Summary: you're in love with Sebastian and you're one of his three best friends however he finds a women be loves and marries her
Warnings: cursing, an argument.
Featuring: Sebastian Stan, Henry Cavill, Alexandra Daddario.
Part 3:
She drove to Henry's office, it was only a few miles away from the hotel.
Sebastian turned on music in the car he seemed calmer, happy to be not around her I don't know but that's the vibe I am getting
"You know I've always loved this area" he looked out the window sitting in the passengers side
"Why didn't you buy a house here instead of the suburbs?" Henry had a hotels all over the city but he worked closely only to one, the one in the middle of Times Square on Broadway he had an office in Hell's Kitchen not too far,
"I did what she wanted, not what I wanted i wanted to live right in the middle of everything the lights traffic, all of it" he tried not to feel bad for himself but he did he was never selfish on anything he put everyone else before himself until recently because she taught him to be selfish and non-giving he wasn't like this it was new for her and rest of the boys.
"But we made the right choice" he lied to himself and she knew he was lying..
Henry called "you're on speaker with me and seb" she yelled out
"I'm at the Hilton come here instead of my office" that sneaky bastard!, she tried not to smile but she did
"Okay we'll meet you in a little" they hung up
"What was that about he never goes to the hotel? And this early?" Sebastian said confused "Oh he told me eariler he had business there I guess he's not finished" lie, he was finished he just stood at the hotel so he could catch Alex and her "person" together.
The two friends talked walking down the parking garage and entering the hotel lobby, they went up to the front desk
"Where's Henry Cavill the owner of this joint?" She laughed
"He's not in" a very stuck up voice looking at the screen on her computer rather than looking at Sebastian or y/n the two very confused as to why she was being so mean?. Sebastian got a hold of Henry but he appeared out of nowhere
"Mr Cavill I'm sorry I tried to stall" the women said at the desk, they saw Henry his shirt was untucked a few buttons opened and a shiny substance on his lips...lip gloss Henry nodded being embarrassed that he was caught
"I'm sorry about that" he said he was embarrassed "cougar? your age? Or 19?" She tried to lighten his mood
"That 19 year old was one time she lied she was older she was in a club for god sakes and Why are you dressed like that?" Henry asked she had on red short shorts with white sneakers, a shirt that was stripped up and different colors
"Did you pick out your clothes in the dark? Aw sweetheart" Sebastian said both of the men laughed loudly in the hallways "very funny, are we not going to acknowledge Henry having sex before we got here? And talked to us on the phone whilst being in her? Or just about my outfit??" she said they laughed
"I had sex and you're wearing a bad outfit we all make mistakes" Henry said trying not to break character and laugh "you know what assholes" she started to laugh but soon the sound faded from her throat as she looked in front of her she saw her...
"Don't be so dramatic we're just...playing..with...you" Sebastian said stopping midsenteces to really take a look at the women who had caught his eye
Right in her eye view was... Alex
"Is that ally?" Sebastian said pointing she was in the the dinner area she was there alone.. not for long
"see why she's here?" Henry said trying to look normal when really both Henry and y/n were dying inside ready for the big reveal
"Baby" she screamed loudly disrupting a few people's dinners of course, she ran towards him hugging him tightly Henry and y/n took a look at each other and then continued to look at what was unraveling infront of them.
"What are you doing here!" She smiled, we all knew it was fake except for Sebastian. Henry scratched his jawline ready to hear the excuse "this should be good" he whispered for only y/n to hear
"We came to have lunch with Henry? You told me you were staying the day at the house." His hands on her hips her hands on his neck
"My cousin came in town early and he wanted to spend time with me at his hotel, Henry is this one of you're hotels?" She asked knowing out of all the hotels he picked Henry's.
"Yes" he said short and sweet
"And you- I mean y/n you look well...rested" she said while letting go of seb, y/n rolled her eyes she felt like every time she was with her her eyes rolled so far back they were going to fall out her god damn head
"Where is he?" Sebastian said both of his friends a nervous wreck, I wonder what the devil herself was feeling she thought.
"Hes up in his room I'll call him" she said with a smile calling him
"Hey peter could you come down sebastian's here and he wants to meet you...ahuh Oh yeah?..oh my god of course of course...okay Yeah okay I'll see you in a while hope you feel better"
"No way she's getting away with this!" she whispered underneath her breath Henry nudged her to be quiet
"He's feeling really sick right now i have to get back to him, have fun with your lunch babe." she said with a smile and a kiss to his lips, y/n's stomach twisted from anger this was how she was suppose to get caught he's too fucking blind to see it, she walked away from us with a wave.
y/n Henry looked at each other with such defeat this was their way out, she won.
"Let's go to our seats" Henry said trying to shallow the anger of defeat, they sat at their respected seats ordered and everything "so the guys are throwing me a bachelor's party are you up for it Henry " he asked
"No" Henry said realizing how mad that sounded he had to fix the answer
"The only reason why is because we took that road trip for a week" Henry said
"Which was exhausting" y/n said matter of factly she looked at social media kind of engaging with conversation however she wasn't having it having Alex win with being caught really brought the spirits down, Tom's back in town.. maybe I should see him or something
"I mean the guys arranged it for me I have to go" he was talking about his bigheaded rich friends with the yacts
"Oh so you wanna be with the more expensive friends I see" y/n said making Henry give a nice smile on his face ready for a laugh
"No that's not what I meant" Sebastian said "Yeah we know we don't own yachts or go to fiji every week but who was there when you got black out drunk and threw up all over miss Jameson's front yard" still looking down at her phone texting
"me y/n and Anthony were so DRUNK as well, we had to clean it because Anthony lived next door we didn't want his parents to find out" Henry said laughing with y/n Sebastian laughed to "you're my best friends clearly I love you both but those guys are-" we cut him off midsentece
"Married, yeah we get it single friends left in the dust always" Henry said breaking the bread that sat on the table handing some to y/n She declined
"Come on" Sebastian said getting very defense of his new friends, Henry rolled his eyes clearly knowing Sebastian wasn't having it
"We're just busting your chops relax seb" she said she put her phone on the table gently
"What's on your mind?" Sebastian asked, it was a frequent question with the two.
"Nothing our food is here and I'm hungry" that wasn't the case at all.
the food arriving only minutes later and everyone collectively talked, ate and then Henry needed to get back " want me to drop you off there" y/n said "here's the asshole answer, my driver's outside" Henry said knowing what's coming, Sebastian and y/n made gagging noises "alright alright, I gotta go" he hugged them both he whispered in her ear as he hugged her "you have to tell him sooner or later" she tried to make beileve she didn't hear him. He walked out and them too
"Can you take me home?" He said she nodded, going up the hill to the garage she was swinging the keys around her finger not paying attention to the hill they were walking on the conversation didn't exist it was a nice silence they both got Into the car
"Sebastian I have to tell you something"
"Doll, are you okay? You look nervous what's on your mind"
"I'm fine but I need to tell you something and I can't wait any longer"
Here she goes...
"Seb-" she was cut off by a phone ringing that annoying fucking iPhone ringer pissed her off
"Can you not answer it this is important!" Y/n said getting clearly aggravated
"Its ally I have to something might be wrong" he eagerly was going to press call
"No you don't, Sebastian do not answer that phone!" He answered it anyways not complying to anything she said, she sighed her anger was getting so big in her chest, every time she tried to tell him she interrupted someway or another it's like she had a god damn tracker on her.
She started the car and begin to drive as Sebastian talked on the phone, she thought maybe she could just tell him right now while he's on the phone with her. She drove to his house and he finally hung up she wasn't going to talk to him.
"Doll I'm sorry what did you want to tell me"
"Nothing" she continued to drive looking at the road soley "Please tell me I'm sorry"
She took a turn down his street
"You're home" she drove into his drive way parking waiting for him to get out.
"Y/n please tell me what's on your mind?"
"you know you always gotta fuck it up? we were having such a nice day we had an incredible night together ugh just you're so oblivious to everything it's ridiculous" she exploded finally
"Please tell me what you were going to tell me" he tried his best not to get loud to get his point across
"I asked you to do me one favor don't answer the phone I need to talk to you- you just go ahead on your way and answer the fucking phone!"
"So tell me" He yelled They both got out of her car slamming the doors shut, both of them in front of the car she was furious
"I'm sorry please enlighten me what's so god damn important" his voice raising to meet her voice
"I'm not going to your fucking wedding, you asshole" getting back into the car
he was in shock "y/n wait we need to talk about this Y/N" he screamed her name loudly she got into the car and drove away, he threw his bag on the floor his hands rubbing his face harshly
"Chris" she yelled over the speakers on the call
"Yeah what's wrong"
"I need you"
"I'm on my way"
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Tagged: @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandom @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace
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Week Two
I'm almost done with barista training at Beans Bros. So let me tell you about it. It's the cutest little coffee shop that's been open since the early 90's, that is, seriously, open 24/7. My favorite drink is called the Lucky Duck. It's a salted caramel white chocolate mocha with three shots of espresso.
I usually work in the mornings. It was really hard last week, waking up at 4 am to open with my coworkers at 5 am, after spending two months of the summer stumbling out of bed at 11 am (after wearing myself out reading psychological thrillers until my bleary eyes called it quits around 3 am, although my heart was trying to beat its way out of my chest, I was so scared reading those novels).
But the sunrises - God, the sunrises here. I guess sunrises are the same everywhere. They just make getting up so insanely early better. The morning light is so soft and forgiving, the colors in the clouds are so gentle. I get like, one second of peace between my morning regular customers when I can really LOOK at the sunrise, and I just want to stay there.
We're supposed to connect with the customers, you know. Ask them what they're up to, show that we care about how their day is going. And I do care. I care a lot. But I can tell you this - nobody wants to have a conversation with you if it's earlier than 9 am. Believe me, I've been trying. The morning regulars are pissed when they come through - not at me, really, but at the injustices of a world that requires them to be awake at the early hour without being paid a livable wage for it. And I get that. (I'm not pissed about it. But that doesn't mean their anger isn't valid. We all have different things to be upset about.)
So I fiddle with the straws and look at the sunrise and hope that whoever is on bar makes the customer's drink in the next two seconds and also isn't mad at me for waiting instead of talking to the customer. I hope the customer doesn't feel like the pauses between us are awkward. I hope they're not upset. I hope they have a great day. I hope they leave a tip even though they're furious that it's Monday, again. It's a lot to hope for, at 5:30 am. But the customers don't want to talk to me and I don't feel like I know my coworkers well enough to really joke around with them yet, so it's not like I have anything else to do.
If you're ever awake really early in the morning, and it feels like you're the only person alive who has their chest caving in on them, come by and get a coffee. We can look at the sunrise together and hope.
Anyway, here's my review of Trader Joe's key lime tea cookies. I love a good shortbread, and with that in mind...holy crap. Picture a shortbread falling in love with a key lime pie and making adorable tea cookies covered in powdered sugar, and you've got these cookies. They really are pretty small. They're like, two bite sized. But it's perfect because they're sweet and tart and then sweet again because of the powdered sugar. I know these are just gonna be a seasonal cookie, but I wish the season was longer because I would buy these all year 'round if I could.
Sweetly (and a little tartly) yours,
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