#anyways that's just me being terribly late to the party and out of the loop as usual don't mind me
seventh-district · 6 months
so was anyone gonna tell me that the poet whose works helped me process the death of my childhood dog has a book coming out and it’s release date happens to be the ten year anniversary of said dog’s death or was i supposed to find that out on my own
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liloinkoink · 2 years
the idea of isekai time loops is rlly good ive just decided
Martyn jerks awake, scream caught in his throat. He wobbles terribly in his hammock, then falls to the floor, gasping for breath.
Somewhere to his left, someone barks a startled laugh. “Woah, man,” Skizz says, voice a little shaky from the scare. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Martyn breathes, then gulps in air. “Yeah,” he repeats, steadier this time. “Sorry, dude. Nightmare, I guess.”
“Oh- I woulda’ woken you up if I’d known you were having a nightmare. You seemed like you needed the rest, so I figured I’d let you sleep in.” Skizz rubs at the back of his neck. “We’re late right now, actually.”
Martyn blinks. “For what?”
“The engagement party!” Skizz says. “For Prince Bdubs and his Majesty! Etho came in earlier to grab us, but I stayed back.”
“For me.”
“For you!” Skizz grins, and Martyn raises a brow. “No, really! I wasn’t slacking, I mean it!” A beat. “…It doesn’t matter. Let’s go get ready.”
Suiting up in armour is second nature enough that Martyn doesn’t really have to think about it. Thank whatever deities are up there for that, because Martyn needs to think.
Because, well, he’s back to the beginning of the game again, apparently. And it means all his work has failed.
On the other hand, it’s good that he’s back, because his last memory before an option box appeared before his eyes was Ren’s dead body in his arms.
His fingers freeze on a buckle at the thought.
Can he go through it again? Can he get Ren to love him again? Can he do that?
The idea is terrifying. That Ren might not even allow him to approach, and he’ll learn that Ren has died again and he won’t be able to do anything about it and-
“Suited up, dude?”
Martyn blinks. Turns to look at Skizz.
“Oh. Yeah! Yeah, lead the way.”
Skizz gives him a strange look, but starts out the door anyway. “Come on, man, let’s find Etho.”
Martyn didn’t manage to work up the nerve to speak to Cleo- not after what she’d done to take the Prince’s hand. He barely restrained himself from cussing her out, or crying.
He finished talking to her and then left as quickly as he could. He managed to bump into Scar again, and he was fine- cordial.
The moment he leaves the ballroom is a moment of relief.
And then he speaks:
“Knight? Have you seen the Prince?”
“No,” Martyn says, voice shaky. “No, apologies, Mi’lord.”
And what a strange way to speak to him, after months of him being Ren, and familiar, and- and his.
“Ah… He’s later than I thought he would be,” Ren muses. “I suppose I still can’t go into the ballroom like this.”
“Or,” Martyn says before he can stop himself. “You don’t have to go into the ballroom at all.”
Too blunt, Martyn thinks. Too much- he doesn’t know you.
“Excuse me?” Ren asks, ears flicking up in surprise.
No where to go except forward, Martyn decides.
“The prince doesn’t… love you. He has half a dozen other suitors, and it’s going to break you to try to keep him.”
“I’m not- what are you implying?”
“I’m not implying anything, mi’lord,” Martyn says, steadying himself and staring Ren right in the eyes. “I’m saying exactly what I mean. You won’t like how it goes, to keep trying to chase after him if he tries to leave you.”
“Is that a threat?”
Ren’s jaw is clenched. His hands are hidden under his cloak. He’s ready to fight.
Martyn forces himself to relax. “No,” he says, soft. “Not a threat. It’s… a warning, I guess. I’ve seen how he acts. I’ve seen how- how you act. And I really do wish for you to be happy. And I don’t think he can do that for you.”
I think I can, rests under his tongue.
Martyn is slow as he holds his hand out. Ren doesn’t seem to even notice, as he places his own hand on top.
“I recognize that this is overstepping my station but… Whatever you choose, I would be willing to stand behind you. This was my advice, but if you continue to go after him, I could- I would help you. I pledge to keep you safe.”
As safe as I can.
Ren, dead in his arms. A box that asks him if he wants to start over. Waking up at the start of it, again.
It’s habitual - he’s done this to Ren, all the time, so it’s easy. He presses his lips to the back of Ren’s hand, then pulls back. “Thank you for the audience, Ren.”
Martyn turns and opens the door back to the ballroom and leaves.
(He doesn’t realize his slip up until ten minutes later, and hopes he hasn’t fucked his chance up terribly by being too familiar with the king.)
Ren sucks in a slow breath, cheeks red and warm in the darkness of the halls.
He feels like he’s burning.
He thinks he could get used to it.
The kiss is hot on the back of his gloved hand, and he rubs a thumb over it, tail wagging slowly behind him.
He didn’t trust it, at first. He doesn’t know if he should, even now.
But he does. Someone who knew his name, who used his name, who cared enough to press a kiss to his hand, when everyone else would avoid touching him like he was death.
Ren considers the knight’s words.
He could have been trying to flirt himself into royalty.
… Ren isn’t sure he would stop him if he kept trying.
(How could he not fall in love with him, every single time?)
ohh there’s so many fun details in this. “i don’t think he can do that for you” (i think i can) is going to make me insane. i feel insane. that last line is going to make me cry actually. ohhh man. oh this is lovely. i absolutely adore this. i am reeling also thank you so much for writing this and sending it to me
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MC’s half Demon, and they look AWFULLY familiar...
‘Kay guys, I got a different kind of stupid Headcanon to throw at you. Get ready!
Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Part 2.5 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
*ahem* picture if you will, it’s the day the exchange program is set to start. The student council (nix Mr. Kill All Humans, Weeb-supreme, and our Scummy Sweetheart) have assembled to welcome the new human student. All is going according to schedule, the portal opens up at eight am sharp, they hear the pitiful screams of the selected human who was not given a heads up about the whole thing, and the poor little human falls straight onto the marble floor.
There’s something a tad... off about this human don’t you think? After they’ve peeled their sorry ass off the floor they observed the assembled student council with an air of sophistication and self importance that no one expected. Their posture was perfect, their eyes sharp and calculating... they bared a striking resemblance to-
“Lucifer,” Diavolo looked to his right hand man, then back to the human. “The human kind of looks like you!”
And out popped four pitch black wings from the human’s back and two small horns out of the sides of their head, one horn was a bit bigger than the other. They even still had some of their down feathers! How cute!
((Content warning: Swearing (I have a potty mouth, forgive me), but that’s it.))
So, the MC is Lucifer’s kid! Of course Mr. Prideypants immediately tries to recall exactly what little romp in the human world uh... spawned this half-human half-demon child of his. Good thing MC’s got the other parent on speed-dial.
“Please note, MC,” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose upon hearing Asmo take even more pictures of his newly discovered hellspawn. “I was not aware of your existence, if I was I’d-”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not upset.”
Lucifer blinked a few times in surprise. “P...pardon? You aren’t upset?”
“No, my parent told me that my father was a high ranking demon, and they bare no ill will against you. Though, I am looking forward to this whole... exchange program thing.”
Oh wow, that was easier than Lucifer thought. Damn. Well, he was a father... (let’s be real, he’s been parenting his brothers for thousands of years, and a good chunk of you sinners call him daddy)
MC is probably the most protected student at RAD, despite the fact that they have no visible security detail whatsoever. They didn’t want to be seen as... weak and pathetic.
Something about this human just... set the lesser demons on edge. Any talk of eating them was stamped out on the first day when they walked by. It’s like Lucifer himself was staring at them, daring the demons to try and bother the human. MC’s powerful presence kept them protected and feared.
...at least until dear uncle Asmo decided to do their hair one morning. All those ribbons may have looked adorable but they kind of ruined the intimidation factor.
MC loved to mess with the other students, keeping their lineage a secret for the first little while just made it so much funnier when the other demons tried to scramble out of MC’s way without looking like they were running from the ‘weak little human exchange student’.
Oh wow, what a sadist. Like father like child
Flying lessons are a must. Poor MC isn’t terribly good at controlling their wings, and their horns are still growing in so when they pop into their demon form the first thing they get is a sore skull. Ow... it sucks that Lucifer isn’t outwardly very sympathetic.
“Ow!” MC crashed face first into the grass in the backyard of the House of Lamentation. “Father! My wings are cramping! Can’t we practice this tomorrow?”
The sight of seeing his dear child crash face first into the ground had lost its hilarity after the first three times. Lucifer slowly lowered himself to the ground and crossed his arms as he stood over his incredibly grass-stained kid.
“MC, we’ve been ‘practicing this tomorrow’ for the past month. If you want to learn to fly you’re going to have to actually manage to stay in the air for more than three minutes.”
MC shot Lucifer a withering glare that only preteens were capable of, Lucifer matched it with his own much more sophisticated glare.
“You’ve been flying for over a thousand years! Don’t you have any tips that can actually help other than ‘don’t panic, you’ll look ridiculous’?”
Lucifer dragged a gloved hand down his face and looked around, the two were alone as far as he could see.
“MC,” Lucifer began. “When I was a young angel, I needed to learn how to fly with someone else.”
MC perked up. “Who?”
“Michael. The smug bastard picked up flying quicker than I did.”
“What’d you do?!”
Lucifer smiled at his child’s intense investment. “I practiced flying every day for five extra hours until I could do everything that Michael could do, just better.”
MC’s starry eyed interest died almost instantly upon hearing about the extra five hours of practice. “Humph, I bet I could outfly younger you and Michael with only two hours of practice a day.”
“Really now?”
“Yes! Watch!” MC shook off their wings and took off in a running start before shakily making it into the air. Their form was decent enough, and they weren’t shaking as much as the previous attempts. “SEE?!”
“Yes MC,” Lucifer smiled. “I can see.”
You know what else Lucifer could see? MC crashing right into a tree.
Okay... maybe they could halt practice a little early and order a treat from Madame Scream’s. A little sugar to refuel is needed when the end goal is crushing a mutual rival beneath their heels. Just some good old fashioned father/child bonding time!
MC has a smaller seat right next to Lucifer’s seat in the Assembly Hall. I will not compromise on this one.
For all your fluff needs, I give you: Lucifer teaching MC how to play the piano. He has a proud little smile on his face when his kid finally starts getting it. That’s all. Enjoy the image.
That one Uncle who gives you Alcohol at Family Gatherings (Mammon)
Yeah, when Mammon burst in late to the party and whining about everyone’s spamming him with texts to haul his scummy ass to the Assembly Hall, the last thing he expected was to see a mini-Lucifer.
“What the fuck am I lookin’ at?!”
The glare the two Lucifers gave the poor Avatar of Greed was enough to make him want to turn tail (uh, wing) and book it down the hall.
“Mammon, this is MC. They’re my child.”
“...whaaaa..?” Mammon looked between the two, same glare, same intimidating aura, same annoyingly good posture.
Mammon scratched the back of his neck and looked over at his older brother. “Do I uh... still gotta babysit em’ if they’re not human?”
“The lake of Cocytus will melt the day I let you babysit without supervision.” Lucifer grumbled.
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
Despite Lucifer’s initial denial, Mammon and MC ended up spending a lot of time hanging out when Lucifer was busy with paperwork. Of course Mammon’s first thought was ‘how do I profit off this situation?’
MC is now Mammon’s designated babysitter after they caught him picking up their feathers that had fallen off with the intention of painting them white and claiming they were Lucifer’s from back in the Celestial Realm.
Mammon does end up spoiling MC a little. Just a smidge. They’re the kid of his totally not his favourite brother after all! How could he not? Whether or not these gifts are obtained legally or are legal at all is subject to scrutiny.
“Mammon, I can’t drink this!” MC placed the bottle of Demonus back on the counter of the kitchen.
“Why not? That’s a bottle of the good stuff! We gotta celebrate you gettin’ an A on that test somehow!”
“I’m underage! Incredibly underage. I’m not legally allowed to drink.”
Mammon wordlessly plopped a silly straw into the bottle. “...does that help?”
“No.” MC then inclined their head to the bottle. “And I don’t want to get hung from the ceiling, that bottle was in my father’s study yesterday, I’m above theft.”
“How old are you s’posed to be anyway? Never mind... uh...” Mammon wracked his brain for something else he could do for MC that didn’t cost anything (don’t judge him, the poor bastard was flat broke!). “I could... teach you to drive!”
“Yeah! Drivin’ is awesome! We can take my car!”
The bills for the damages done to the car and the Devildom were mailed to Lucifer the next day, and MC and Mammon got to keep each other company as they hung from the ceiling. Ah well! At least MC wasn’t upside down!
Mammon wasn’t that good of a flight teacher either, he also crashed into a tree (the same tree MC crashed into, actually) when he was cheering for MC. They were finally able to do a loopdy loop! He was proud and distracted! Okay?! Lucifer! Stop smirkin’ at him! It’s not that funny!
At least the vantage point from the tree was decent and the branches didn’t scratch him up too badly. Oh hey... that person walking by was wearing a very nice watch... he’d be right back-
That Uncle That is Always Absent From Family Gatherings and When He is Present He Leaves Early (Levi)
He missed everything. That is not an exaggeration. He was in the middle of an online raid battle and couldn’t look at his phone! No Lucifer he can’t pause an online game! That’s not how it works!
Okay, the human exchange student is half demon? WOAH! THAT’S JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME- W A I T. THE LITTLE NORMIE IS LUCIFER’S KID?!
Okie doke, he was fully convinced that MC just had to be an anime protagonist.
They binged every series that Levi compared them to. Sure MC might have missed a few assignments because of late night anime binges, but they were too good for this school crap anyway, right?
Nope. Lucifer put a ban on the two watching anime until both their grades improved. Surviving that hell brought the two together.
The sound of a pencil case being haphazardly thrown across the room made Levi peek out of his bed-tub. If his figurines got knocked over so HELP HIM-
“This is stupid!!I shouldn’t have to catch up with this!” MC crossed their arms and gave their Demonology textbook their best disapproving glare.
Lucifer Lite (tm) was having a hell of a time trying to claw through their missed work, and Levi sympathized, he really did, it’s just... he was playing Animal Crossing-
Levi paused the game to placate his anime-buddy when their wings popped out and he feared for his rare merch’s safety.
“H-hey, MC? Do you need help?” Levi’s offer was met with a bone chilling glare that lived rent free in his nightmares ever since. He had pulled a Mammon and forgotten he was talking to Lucifer’s child. Lucifer’s allergy to help must have passed down to MC.
“No! I don’t! It’s just... dumb!” MC hissed, she turned and looked over at the fish tank. “Right Henry 2.0?”
Henry 2.0 did not respond.
“MC, you need to finish your homework or we can’t watch anything together,” Levi sighed, he had finished his work over an hour earlier. He had mastered the art of all night anime binges and managing to do most of his work in the fifteen minutes between the time he woke up and the time school was supposed to begin. “We haven’t even binged all of volume 4 of TSL yet!”
“Mmm...” MC grumbled. “Fine...”
MC picked up their pencil case and began continued their work. Levi breathed a sigh of relief and went back to Animal Crossing.
The tiny normie did in fact finish their work, only after they caved and asked Levi for help. Swore him to secrecy, they did... very intimidating, they were.
Just saying, he most definitely sent that one Keanu Reeves meme with big Keanu and little Keanu but with Lucifer and MC to the wrong group chat. Poor bastard.
Flying lessons? No. Levi hadn’t flown since his time in the Celestial Realm, he had no advice to give other than: “Flap your wings!”
MC didn’t get to finish that thought, they lost their balance and fell right into RAD’s fountain. Ah well, Levi had a head start on running for his life that he squandered by laughing at MC. RIP.
The Uncle/brother/whatever the fuck that Starts a Fight With Your Dad at the Family Reunion. (Satan)
Oh... another Lucifer? Eugh. Gross.
Satan gave the kid a wide berth when they first met. Everything the kid said or did ticked him off. “Tsk. Look at MC. Making an omelette. So annoying.” “Oh wow, MC vacuumed? Roll out the red carpet, we need to celebrate their existence!” “Look at them. Breathing. Disgusting.”
MC’s pride wouldn’t ever let them admit it but... they knew Satan didn’t like them, and it hurt their feelings.
“Shhhh,” Satan whispered into his backpack.
“Meow.” The backpack replied.
“I said shhhhh.”
The backpack did not reply after that, which was a good thing considering the little princet of the HOL was nearby.
“Satan?” They asked. “Who are you talking to?”
Satan coldly brushed past them as he made his way to his room. “No one you need to concern yourself with.”
When the little calico kitten was safe in his room, Satan quickly realized a mistake in his foolproof ‘sneak a cat into the house’ plan. He didn’t have any toys for the kitten, and he didn’t want his books getting scratched...
It was alright, he’d just rush out to the a store that sold cat things and rush back! Five minute trip tops!
Well when Satan got back the cat was no longer in the room. Oh dear. He discreetly tore apart the house looking for the poor little thing until he ended up finding it in the library, happily chasing around a loose feather being held up by MC.
“Oh, hello Satan.” MC chirped as the kitten batted it’s adorable little paws at the feather.
“My... my door was closed. Did you let the cat out?”
MC shrugged. “I heard meowing.”
Satan ran a hand through his hair and grumbled. Stupid smaller Lucifer. Stupid original Lucifer. Everyone sucked.
“Let me guess, you’re going to run to Lucifer and tell him all about the meowing and the rule breaking.”
MC shook their head and glared at Satan. “Of course not. I’ve already gotten way too attached to this little guy anyway. We’re co-parenting this kitten like mature adults.”
With some coaxing, Satan did sit down and play with the kitten, maybe MC wasn’t... so terrible.
The two watch Unsolved Mysteries together, that’s their show. “This guy did it.” “Satan, we’re two minutes into the episode-” “Trust me.”
Thirty minutes later.
“He did it.” “See MC, what’d I tell you?”
Lucifer did find out about the cat, but with enough pleading, MC and Satan managed to warm up the cold spot in Lucifer’s chest where his heart should have been. The cat’s name is Detective Toe Beans (or just Bean).
Satan can’t fly, he has a tail, but he did read up on wing anatomy and how flight actually works in demons, his advice would be good in theory, but it’s full of so much technical jargon that MC can’t understand it.
At least MC didn’t crash into something, they barrel rolled through one of the HOL’s windows. Good thing it was the window to their room. The broken arm still hurt like hell.
The Best Dressed Bitch Who Brings The Booze to The Reunion. (Asmo)
Lucifer’s kid was SO CUTE! A thousand pictures commemorating that adorable moment needed to be taken! Wait- Lucifer- GIVE BACK THE PHONE-
Asmo, surprise surprise, absolutely adores little MC! So cute! So small! He was just so excited to announce to all his Devilgram followers that Lucifer was finally a certified DILF.
That post disappeared five minutes after it was made but the damage had already been done.
Asmo made sure MC looked their best at all times, if they needed help talking to anyone? Asmo’s got their back!
Sure, maybe he’s a little pushy, but pushy’s a good thing sometimes, right?
“No, these shoes wouldn’t fit you...”
“No, not these ones either...”
Asmo squeaked and jumped upwards, Geez Louise... little MC’s voice could sure be scary when they wanted it to be...
“I don’t need any fancy new shoes.” MC huffed, sitting up straighter in one of the chairs in Asmo’s room. “I thought this was supposed to be a sleepover.”
“Hmmm...” Asmo pouted. “Makeovers are an essential part of sleepovers... what’d you do with your human friends up in the human world that could possibly be better than a make-over?!”
MC began to list things off. “Ordered junk food, talked about people we hated, watched movies,”
“Greasy food is so bad for your skin...” Asmo cringed and shook his head violently. “But I’m totally down to watch a movie and bitch about people I hate!”
“Ah yes, human sleepovers, a tradition I never quite had the chance to enjoy.” Solomon said from Asmo’s bed. “Who are we bitching about?”
“Remind me what Solomon is doing here.” MC muttered as they sat down in front of Asmo’s TV.
“Because, I wanted to hang out with my two favourite humans.” Asmo cooed, reaching over and trying to pinch MC’s cheek, which they awkwardly dodged.
“Can we watch The Exorcist?” Solomon asked, propping his head up with his hands.
“Ew, no.” Asmo made a face at him. “That scene with the vomit? Hell NO.”
“Mm.” MC mumbled. Asmo turned to look at them.
“MC? Are you doing okay? You don’t look like you’re having any fun...”
“I’m fine.” MC grumbled.
Asmo pursed his lips, as much as it made his little narcissistic heart break, he nudged MC. “Why don’t you pick the movie, sweetie. I’m sure Solomon and I will like anything you pick!”
MC noticeably brightened. “Let’s watch Scream!”
The strangled noise that came from Asmo was... concerning, but to his credit, The Avatar of Lust held his tongue about his distaste for the movie, and the three slumber-party goers had quite the lovely time.
After the movie ended, MC went back to their room, sure it was a sleepover but their bed was right down the hall.
Good for Asmo and Solomon. Horny fuckers. We stan.
Asmo just claps and tries to cheer MC on when it comes to their flying lessons. (The idea that Asmo came up with to wear his cheerleader costume from the previous Halloween was immediately shot down by Lucifer)
“You’re doing wonderful, MC- WATCH OUT FOR THE POWER LINE!”
MC didn’t hit the power line, but Asmo’s scream of terror caused them to fall butt-first into a dumpster. Their injured tailbone served as a tragic memory of the incident.
Oh well, good thing Asmo had nice smelling soap to give that could mask dumpster-stink.
The Uncle that eats everything and tells you to eat your veggies while you angrily pick at your broccoli at the kid’s table. (Beel)
Lucifer... has a kid?! Beel choked on the cheetos he had snuck into the Assembly Hall when the kid’s wings popped out.
Oh wow, that’s nice :) maybe they can eat together. Belphie would probably like them.
Wait what is the gender neutral term for Niece or Nephew?
...Nibling? Uh... let’s not say that around Beel. We don’t need him to get hungrier and begin associating MC with nibbling on things.
The Underground Tomb incident probably went a little differently, but after all that nonsense, the two are closer than two peas in a pod!
Mmm... peas...
“Beel?” MC stepped into the Avatar of Gluttony’s room.
“Hi MC.” Beel was doing push-ups in the middle of the room, on the ground right beneath his head was a massive bowl of spaghetti that he bit into every time he completed a push-up. “Can you come stand on my back? I need the extra weight.”
“On your back?” MC padded closer. “Are you sure? It’s not going to hurt?”
“No, it’ll be okay.” Beel assured them. “Belphie and I did this all the time. Except Belphie is normally asleep.”
MC tentatively stepped onto Beel’s back. It was a balancing act to say the least, they eventually gave up on standing and ended up sitting cross legged between Beel’s shoulder blades.
“You did this with Belphegor?” MC asked.
“Yeah,” Beel sighed. “He was always too tired to exercise, but he’d let me bench press him sometimes...”
MC frowned and hugged their knees to their chest. Knowing full well that Beel’s twin wasn’t in the human world like Lucifer said was absolutely ripping them apart from the inside. Guilt felt just as rotten as their pride did when they were being belittled...
“Maybe you’ll see him again sometime soon.” MC whispered. “Maybe my father’ll come to his senses and let him come back down to the Devildom.”
Beel paused his push-ups for a brief moment, then nodded and went back to his eating exercising combo. “I hope so. He’ll like you, MC. I’m sure of it.”
MC nodded. “I... hope so.”
Beel’s a pretty decent flight teacher, but his wings are just so different from MC’s that it renders any tips he had next to useless.
“MC, maybe your wings aren’t flapping fast enough.”
“Beel, I appreciate the thought, but I’m not a hummingbird. Or a fly. I don’t need to flap my wings a million times a minute to stay afloat.”
Ah well, MC tried to take some of Beel’s advice, but their lower right wing cramped up and they ended up flying in circles until Beel was able to catch them. Ah well, better than the dumpster incident the previous week.
The Uncle That Passes Out in The Basement and You’re Not Allowed to Wake Him Up Even Though All Your Toys and Video Games Are Down There. He Also Picks a Fight With Your Dad’s New S/O Before He Passes Out. (Belphie)
Sitting in the attic was quite a drag, and this supposedly weak little human was quite the annoyance to try and call out to. It took a lot longer than expected, but when he heard little footsteps coming towards his prison, Belphegor nearly jumped with joy.
Oh... it... looked like Lucifer. Smelled like Lucifer. Stood like Lucifer. Quacked like Lucifer. Or... trilled..? Whatever sound a peacock made, this brat sounded an awful lot like Lucifer.
A... half-demon. Hmph. Belphie honestly thought Lucifer had actual standards. Not anymore, he guessed.
(Man I could fill a whole-ass fic with the Belphie betrayal thing, but for now let’s skip to post attic nonsense)
Okay so maybe MC wasn’t disgusting. They made a good nap buddy. It was cute when their wings came out when they were sleeping sometimes. Well... it was cute when they didn’t hit him in the face and make him wake up with his mouth full of feathers.
What Beel said had been true, Belphie made a good substitute when weights weren’t available, but Beel didn’t want MC to feel left out, so Belphie and MC ended up sitting on his back while he did push ups. MC once got bored and started playing Go Fish with Belphie on Beel’s back while he exercised.
Yes. MC is still a member of the Formerly-Anti-Lucifer League.
“Are you sure he’s not going to be too mad at us?” MC asked for the dozenth time that day. Detective Toe Beans was wrapped around their neck like a scarf (he had gotten so big!!!) while MC nervously sat in one of the Library chairs.
“Positive.” Belphie said with a toothy grin. “Besides, he’s like putty when it comes to you. Just give him your best puppy eyes and we’re not guilty on all charges.”
Putty..? Really..? Lucifer..? How strict was he before MC got there... they wondered.
“Sh! He’s coming!” Satan stuck his nose into a random book, it was the Oxford English Dictionary... and it was upside down.
Belphie pretended to pass out and MC decided that the best course of action was to stare deeply into their cat’s eyes. Yeah... that looked casual and not weird.
“Satan, MC, Belphie.” Lucifer nodded to the three of them as he walked towards the entrance to his study.
“Afternoon, father.”
Belphie let out a cartoonishly loud fake snore that nearly caused both MC and Satan to break cover and start laughing.
Side note, Bean had adorable widdle eyes! That cute little face was just to die for-
“You three..!”
Belphie, Satan, and MC peeked their heads into Lucifer’s study, their handiwork was perfect. Everything was covered in red post it notes. Perfectly not harmful, but SO inconvenient!
“You’re all cleaning this up or so help me-”
“GO!” Belphie and Satan each grabbed one of MC’s arms (Satan also grabbed Bean) and sprinted out of the House of Lamentation. Maybe they’d move back there in twenty years... they hoped that Solomon and The Angels would let them crash at Purgatory Hall...
Belphie had used up his physical energy supply for the next four years. He passed out the moment they stepped into sanctuary. Time for a nap...
Flight practice? Ha. Belphie’s napping. Though, he was suspiciously awake and filming whenever MC did something stupid.
“Try not to suck so bad.”
“I’m already there. Hell is every second I’m stuck here watching you fail.”
Well... MC mastered the dive bomb that day. Lucifer bought them a cake.
Bonus! Your Dad’s New Husband! That Has Managed to Somehow Make Everyone Hate Him Despite the Fact That He’s A Cinnamon Roll. (Diavolo)
A mini Lucifer? A mini Lucifer!
Diavolo dotes on MC like he’d dote on his own kid. MC wants a crown? They’re getting a crown! A damn nice one too! MC wants a title? Here! MC is now... idk Ruler of the area between Majolish and Hell’s Kitchen.
Poor Uncle Mammon’s got some financial insecurity, he’s still the cool uncle... right?!
He is very much that ‘how do you do fellow kids?’ Meme.
He tries to do stereotypical ‘dad’ things but he’s not very good at them. Once he tried to host a barbecue...
Barbatos saved the day, but Mammon’s hair was still singed, Solomon’s cooking still gave Beel food poisoning (SOLOMON EATS TOXIC WASTE I SWEAR-), Luke still got hit in the face with a frisbee, and Simeon got an unhealthy dose of DAD NERVES and got so stressed everyone was almost blinded by the holy light he suddenly started blasting. We do not mention the water guns.
(Seriously whose bright idea was it to give Belphie and Satan water guns while they were in Lucifer’s presence?)
Praise Barbie. He’s too good for them.
“Um...” MC awkwardly held up the baseball, trying to look at it from all angles like it was a completely alien object. “Lord Diavolo... are you sure you want to play catch?”
Diavolo clapped his hands and bounced on the balls of his feet. “Yes! It’s a thing human fathers do with their children, correct? We must make up for lost time between you and Lucifer, right?”
Lucifer massaged his temples and nodded. “If you two would like to play catch...” Lucifer grimaced. “I will too.”
“Okay! MC, throw the ball to Lucifer!” Diavolo instructed.
Lucifer half heartedly held up his baseball glove as MC tossed him the ball. He caught it, and looked over at Diavolo, who was applauding like he just witnessed the greatest feat in sports history.
“Okay! Throw it to me!” Diavolo waved his glove in the air, Lucifer rolled his eyes and smiled. He threw the ball at Diavolo with... a lot of force. Enough force to probably dent steel... Diavolo caught it like it was nothing.
MC suddenly feared for their safety.
“Okay MC, catch!”
Diavolo threw the ball with enough force to break the god damn sound barrier. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but the ball sailed way over MC’s head and crashed right through a window.
“Oh my...” Diavolo put a hand on his hip and surveyed the damage to the window. “This isn’t so bad, I believe in human world TV shows this happens quite often. Look! The glass broke in a perfect circle!”
“Yay... property damage...” MC murmured.
Lucifer sighed and pulled out his DDD. “I’ll phone someone to replace the win-”
“Lucifer no! Now according to human world customs we must,” Diavolo took a deep breath, rushed forward, grabbed both Lucifer and MC’s hands and started sprinting away from the Demon Lord’s Castle. “RUN FOR IT!”
“Di- Diavolo!” Lucifer gasped.
“Who are we running from?! That’s your castle!” MC squeaked.
“I don’t know! Just run! That’s what the human TV show says to do!”
Weirdly enough, Diavolo was the best flight instructor. MC’s ability to fly increased tenfold after Diavolo found out that MC was learning to fly.
“You’re doing amazing MC! That was a perfect turn!”
“Thanks Lord Diavolo, I’m surprised I haven’t crashed into anyone or fallen yet!”
“Well, I highly doubt you’ll be crashing into anyone anymore, your flying is practically perfect now!”
Mammon proceeded to fly past them holding what looked like Lucifer’s wallet.
“Oh... I wonder what he’s doing. Look, MC! It’s Lucifer! Hello Lucifer dea-”
Lucifer ended up colliding with the two of them and sending them all crashing to the floor.
That was the last time MC fell during flying practice.
(We currently have a Go Fund Me set up for Mammon to get the funds necessary to flee the Devildom after that incident. Please donate to save- oh shit hi Lucifer-)
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varnienne · 3 years
At His Mercy
This is for the Citrus Dome's Hybrid AU Collab. It's so late and I feel terrible but life is so hectic for me rn. aflskfj this is my first attempt at writing monster smut so please be patient with me T-T
CW: dubcon, naga!Shinsou, edging, minor degradation/name calling, gn!reader but they have a pussy, I think that's it?
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A rodent squeaked as it raced across the ground. You jumped, heart thumping in your chest as you turned at the sound. Brightening your lantern, you glanced around. Nothing. You sighed.
Why did I take this job again? Oh, right. The reckless dumbasses in your party were still healing from the last job. Next time they want to fight an elder black dragon, you’re going to teleport them as far away as possible. Now, here you were, on a solo quest to help pay for lodging and food while they recovered. They owe me for this.
Something pulled at your senses. Frowning, you concentrated on it. No oily malice, but no warmth of light either. You hesitated. Last time this happened, it led you to an abandoned mansion full of strange traps and gifts. Poor Mina was now cursed with a ghost child haunting her. At least you got a new spellbook out of it.
Another tug made you stumble. Guess I don’t have a choice. Slow, hesitant steps, the light of the lantern showed nothing but glistening rock. A cold droplet fell on your hand. You raised a brow, brushed it off, and kept walking. A few more landed on your clothes. What… your gaze moved to the ceiling. Eyes wide, you swallowed thickly. Sharp stalactites dripping with water hung low. Well, if I wasn’t careful before, I sure as hell will be now.
The strange pull coalesced and swelled until it pulsed from ahead. Magic sliced through the air, disturbing the formations above you. Several began to shake. Shit. You pushed off and didn’t look back. Some of the fallen stalactites started to block your path. Throwing your free hand out, magic surged from the pendant around your neck.
“Guiding Bolt!” Light converged into a ball. The ball raced forward, crashing through the rocks. The path was clear. More stalactites fell behind you. One skimmed past your leg. Another just missed your ear. You pushed harder. I’m not gonna let something like this kill me!
Another tremble alerted you to the largest column cracking and starting to fall. If you didn’t hurry it would cover the exit. But the stalactite was falling too fast to cast another spell. You leapt forward and rolled into a ball. The column crashed as you stood, ice shooting down your spine at the echoing thud. That was way too close.
You brushed yourself off and checked your lantern. “Dammit.” The glass was shattered and the last of the oil shimmering in a puddle by your feet. You shrugged. It was cheap anyway. Digging in your bag produced a striking stone. “Light,” you murmured. The stone sparked a few times before igniting, its glow just bright enough to see ahead of you. “Perfect substitute.”
Another hour of walking brought you to a three-way division. The pull surged once more, drawing you to the left path. It had a soft light that radiated with warmth.
The further in you went, the stronger its glow became. A gasp left you at the beautiful geode. Its vibrant purple crystals glittered from every crevice. The pull you felt earlier rippled all around you. This was the source of it. The geode’s aura hummed with a soft trill. Your eyes closed as the soft tinkling echoed in your ears. A smile danced on your lips as the magic enveloped you into an intoxicating high of warmth and comfort. There’s a word for this feeling. What was it again?
Something slithered around your ankles and a deep, timbre chuckle caressed your ears. “Well, well, well. Looksss like I found a would-be thief.”
“A… a thief?” Wait… were they talking to you? Your eyes opened as you tried to sense who was behind you. A yelp escaped your lips as you were lifted from the ground. Now hanging upside down, you stuttered out, “N-no! No, I wasn’t trying to…” But you were. For your client, at least. He wanted a small pouch full of crystals for the village’s power system. “Alright, I was.” Shaky hands waved in front of your face. “But I-I’m sure a few... small ones should work fine.”
The voice scoffed. “That’s what they all said.” Whatever held you up, shifted. You gasped when your gaze met the being who trapped you.
His deep violet scales glimmered with the geode’s light. Bright lavender hair defied gravity in soft spikes. Lithe, sun-tanned skin covered his torso, sloping down into a thick tail that disappeared into the darkness before looping back through the crystals and around your ankles. But what really caught your attention were his eyes. Slitted pupils with violet irises as deep as his scales, a quiet hunger for something you couldn’t place in them.
“Tell me,” he brought you closer, gaze narrowed on you. “What should I do with you?”
You gave him a shaky smile. “Le-let me go?”
The naga laughed. “That was a cute try,” you flushed, “but no. Can’t let you go that easy.”
Maybe if you could focus on another spell-
“What time of year is it?”
You blinked at him. “What?”
Shinsou huffed. “What time of year is it out there?”
“Uh… It’s almost time for the autumn harvests.” Heart pounding furiously, you eyed the growing smirk on his face and swallowed. “Why?”
The naga chuckled. “The villagers only ever send someone down here every few years before winter.” His tail finally lowered you to the ground. Though it coiled further up your legs. “Usually as some kind of sacrifice. Looks like they chose you to be next.”
“Sacrifice?” Escaped as a mere whisper. “What… what happened to the others?”
Shinsou slithered closer and cradled your face in one hand, the other carding through your hair. It loosened your braid and forced your hood down. His smirk turned into a wide smile that showed all his fangs. Another chuckle. You shivered.
“Depends.” His long tongue flicked out. “Do you wanna be eaten?” His thick coils tightened around your body, the pressure soothing knots in your shoulders and back. The softness of his scales relaxed the last of your tension. “Or would you rather face the villagers that sent you here?”
“I…” With your friends still recovering, you weren’t strong enough to fight an entire mob alone. But was becoming food really much better? “I don’t know.”
A strong hand lifted your chin. You glanced into Shinsou’s eyes. Funny. Were they glowing like that before? Or was that the crystals’ light in them? Claws gently slid up and through your hair.
“So, you want to be eaten?” You answered with a breathy yes. He chuckled. The deep tone had warmth rushing to your face. “Just remember, you asked for this.”
You blinked when the end of his tail tapped your nose. It brushed across your cheeks and trailed down to your neck. You shivered. Shinsou’s eyes flashed. His tail uncoiled from around you. Every touch of his scales on your skin sparked heat low in your abdomen. He smiled and finally released you from his coils.
Clothes in disarray, your shaking legs gave out. Shinsou caught you. “Careful now. Wouldn’t want a nasssty spill.”
You gasped. A tremble rippled through you. Shinsou’s hands grabbed your hips as his tail slithered between your legs. It teased you, moving higher and higher. Then it stopped. You rubbed your thighs, trying to relieve the ache.
Shinsou leaned in, breath ghosting over your ear. “If you want to be eaten, beg for it.”
You bared your teeth at him, but he only chuckled. Damn. Then his fangs nibbled at your neck. Fuck it. “Please,” you whined.
He smiled into the base of your neck. “‘Pleassse,’” His tongue slowly dragged up to your ear. Smiling lips barely touching the shell of it, he whispered, “What?”
Breathing ragged, you mewled and grabbed his arms. “Eat me.”
“With pleasure.” His tail brushed your inner thighs and wrapped around your waist. Coils shifted as he raised you high enough to reach your sex, tearing your clothes off. Shinsou set you down on a small pile of his tail. Clawed hands gently trailed down your hips and thighs. Your sex twitched when he pushed your knees apart.
He breathed in deep. Eyes rolling back, he growled. “Fuck. You smell deliciousss.”
Two fingers gently traced over your puffy lips. Up. Over your clit. Down. Barely sliding in. Shinsou teased your sex again. And again. You squirmed, trying to buck your hips onto his fingers. To no avail. A whine sounded from your throat.
“Impatient to be eaten are we?” He tapped your clit then gently rubbed it in circles. Slowly, so, achingly slowly, he leaned down. Breath ghosting over your pussy, he smirked. Then steadily licked up your slit.
You mewled. “Please, make me cum.”
“That’s sssir to you, little slut.” His deep chuckle rippled through you, strengthening the haze in your mind. Shinsou gently thrust into you. It writhed around, searching for that special spongy spot that should be…
Your back arched as your fingers dug into his tail. “Oh, fuck!”
Right there. The naga kept attacking that painfully wonderful spot. Rubbed your clit in faster circles. His fangs gently nipped at your nether lips with every thrust of his tongue. A clawed hand snuck around your thigh, holding your hips still. Shinsou stopped.
You whimpered when he pulled away. “Ah, ah, ah.” He glanced up, juices glistening on his lips. “You haven’t earned it yet.”
Blunt nails dug deeper into his scales as he edged you again. End of his tail slithering around your neck. And again. Fingers ghosting up your sides. Claws flicking across your nipples. And again. Tongue sliding against that delicious spot.
Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore. “Please sir, can I cum?”
Shinsou gently rubbed your clit. “Don't you want to feel this good all the time?” You whimpered and hastily nodded. He smiled with all his teeth. “Then all you have to do is sssubmit.”
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chatonne-rousse · 3 years
Be Bold, Be Kind, Be Brave
This is one akuma whose intentions are good. After all, who couldn't use an extra dose of courage to overcome fear?
A superhero whose identity will be immediately revealed in the process, for one.
When an akuma causes several secrets to come to light all at once, our heroes will need to drum up some courage to face their fears - and each other.
But what's waiting after that looks like it might be a dream come true. It'll just take a bit of bravery and a lot of heart. Piece of cake.
Only eight days late and several dollars short, I’m wishing @jennagrinsoverml a happy belated birthday with this gift, written just for her.  ILY, my friend!  
Read it on Ao3 here.
Ladybug has to give Courageous some credit: she's a rarity, an akuma born of selfless means. A teenager who hadn't mustered the courage to stand up for a younger student being bullied at school, she'd been so ashamed, so angry with herself, that Hawkmoth had found an easy target to ply with honeyed words and promises.
Her power isn't even a terrible one. The beam of light she shoots from her right hand simply causes the person it strikes to relive the last encounter they had when their bravery failed them, this time with courage aplenty. It's admirable, really.
Admirable, but terrifying nonethless.
(The fear of Chat Noir finding out her identity is deep and dark and often floats to the surface of her nightmares with blue eyes and white hair and a drowned, ruined world. He cannot know. The cost is too high.)
"Whatever you do," she calls to her partner, frantic and scared, "don't let her hit you! Please, Chat!"
She hears the desperation in her own voice, and the look on his face conveys that he certainly does. He nods solemnly.
"I'll do my best, My Lady."
She nods back, and off they go into the fray.
For well over an hour, they fight Courageous through parks and plazas, sidewalks and thoroughfares. All around them, the people of Paris have squared their shoulders, lifted their chins, and braved conversations big and small with people only they could see.
Ladybug has to smile as she hears a young man confidently ask for a raise and watches his eyes light up at the response.
That smile fades when she remembers once again that the last time her courage had failed her was just as they were dismissed for lunch break, when she'd tried to invite Adrien to a movie that weekend. His eyes had been so kind as he'd waited for her to gather her words properly, and somehow that had just made it harder.
Then Lila had "accidentally" tripped and knocked into her, sending her to the floor. The memory of Adrien's hand reaching out to her to help her up, those same kind, patient eyes locked on hers, makes Ladybug's cheeks heat even now. But after she was upright again, after Lila had stalked off because no one seemed to care that she "probably would need surgery now because her arthritis would flare", Nino had reminded Adrien about the gig he was DJing on Friday and Alya had led her away to show her something on her phone.
Just like that, her opportunity was gone.
And that would be fine, honestly. Marinette was used to moments of stuttering and botched declarations when it came to Adrien.
But if she's hit by Courageous, Chat Noir - plus the citizens of Paris, Hawkmoth, everyone - will hear Ladybug try to ask Adrien Agreste on a date, and that will be a disaster of epic proportions.
"Ladybug, look out!"
Chat's body slams into hers, sending them rolling on the sidewalk just as a beam of magical light zips over their heads. In a flash, Chat Noir bundles her in his arms and vaults them to the rooftop above, making sure she's steady on her feet once they land.
"Thank you, Ki-" The words die in her throat when she sees over her partner's shoulder that Courageous has followed them.
Chat turns, his baton at the ready, while Ladybug reaches for her yo-yo, but neither is quick enough to stop the akuma's beam from finally finding one of its main targets.
"I'm sorry, Bug," he murmurs as his eyes glaze over.
Using her yo-yo as a spinning shield, Ladybug drags her partner behind the nearest chimney stack just as he begins to speak.
Panic sets in as her mind screams at her over the hum of her yo-yo, the akuma's laughter, her partner's voice.
I can't just leave him!
"Father, may I come in?"
Oh no, oh no, oh no. I can't hear this!
"Yes, Nathalie said she penciled me into your schedule for noon."
Ladybug's gaze snaps to her partner, yo-yo still spinning to deflect beams of light. She's surprised to find Chat Noir's head bowed in deference, though his eyes shine with a confident gleam.
"I requested this appointment to ask you again if I could attend the event with my friends tomorrow evening. I've already completed my assignments for school and the homework from my Mandarin tutor."
Mandarin tutor? What?!
"Yes, Father, I'm aware that you don't care for Nino, but..."
The panicked scream in her mind gives up any attempt at coherence; by this point, it's no more than a muddled loop of Nathalie, Mandarin, Nino, Father.
Ladybug feints to the left to avoid being hit by the akuma as a mix of terror and adrenaline floods her system. She leaps forward, leaving Chat behind the chimney in the hope that she can engage the akuma just long enough to get her partner back and finally, finally finish this off.
She knows too much already. The cat has bolted straight out of the bag and is running loose on this rooftop beneath her feet, a distraction she can't handle right now.
On hero autopilot, she hurdles one beam after another, then tucks and rolls and pops up to roundhouse kick Courageous in the chest, sending her flying.
She hears the akuma's "oof" just as Chat Noir's jubilant voice rings out from behind the chimney.
"Thank you, Father! Thank you so much!"
She can hear his grin in those simple words, the sheer joy in being given permission to leave the house. Everyone in their class knows what a tight leash Gabriel Agreste keeps on his son. It breaks her heart every time she thinks of it. In fact, she's successfully fought for his release from that marble prison on more than one occasion! So yes, she'd already known with all the clues in place, but there was truly no mistaking it now: that was Adrien talking to his father.
Because Adrien is Chat Noir.
Her heart cracks. Oh, Chaton.
Suddenly, the akuma's progress in clambering to her feet is impeded by the whoosh and subsequent metallic thunk of Chat's overhand swing with his baton.
Relief floods her heart at the return of her partner. No matter who he is, Chat Noir is her other half, and Ladybug is never quite herself without him.
"Maybe we could use a little extra luck, My Lady!" Chat winks at her over his shoulder before facing the akuma again.
"Yes! Right! You bet!"
Get it together, Marinette, she thinks. Her face heats and she scampers away to the safety of the chimney stack where Chat was hidden to call for her lucky charm.
A red and black spotted can opener drops into her hands and she looks at it in confusion. "What am I supposed to do with this?" she grumbles, looking around frantically but seeing nothing to help her decipher how to use the lucky charm.
She takes a deep breath, peeks out from behind the bricks, and promptly takes a light beam to the face.
No, no, no, no!
It feels vaguely like having a water balloon popped on her head, a chill of sensation dripping down her spine and rippling through her nerves. It's a small mercy that being hit by an akuma rarely hurts physically. Her vision swims like a mirage in the desert, the familiar courtyard at school coalescing from vapor around her.
The last thing she sees is her partner's stricken face.
The last thing she hears is the akuma cackling.
"Heylo! Who! I mean," she takes a deep breath, a rush of confidence tingling along her nerves. "Hey, Adrien!" She smiles and gives him a little wave.
His grin takes her breath away. "Hi, Marinette! How are you?"
"I'm great!"
You can do it, you can do it!, her heart sings, and miraculously, her brain listens. Her smile turns coy. She taps her lip with her index finger. Her pulse pounds a bolstering tattoo in her ears. Go for it, girl!
"But I could be better."
Adrien's smile drops a fraction. "Are you okay? Is there something I can do?"
With another deep breath, she squares her shoulders and looks him in the eyes, her very cells imbued with a courage unparalleled even when she's wearing spots. She could do anything, anything, right now, but she has her mind set on accomplishing one thing and one thing only.
"You could join me for a movie on Saturday."
"I could...?" His brows furrow, but his grin grows slowly, bright but incredulous. "Are you asking me....?" He blinks, takes two shallow breaths. "Do you mean just the two of us?"
She nods decisively. "A date."
You did it. You did it! A veritable party erupts in the back of her mind, radiant relief spreading to her fingertips. It feels so good to finally break through her anxiety and fear and ask him that simple question that felt like an impossible task just a few hours ago.
Thankfully, he doesn't keep her waiting. The answer is in his eyes, anyway. "I would love to," he breathes, cheeks pink and smile dazzling.
"Really?" Marinette squeaks, and now it's his turn to nod.
"I'll be there even if I have to sneak out." Adrien reaches for her hand and gives it a little squeeze. "We'll talk about it later today, okay?"
She nods again, her chest so full of emotion she can barely breathe. Not only did she ask him, but he said yes!
Suddenly, blue sky fills her vision and she regains awareness to the sound of a scuffle on the other side of the chimney stack. Ladybug tentatively gets to her feet, reaching for her yo-yo and setting it spinning immediately. This time there's no peeking around the corner; she bursts from behind the bricks on the offensive, ready to finish the fight.
What she finds is Courageous struggling under Chat's baton, twisted up like a pretzel and unable to move for the steel-toed boot resting across her shoulders.
"Just in time, LB!" Chat crows triumphantly. He tosses her a bracelet emblazoned with the words Be Bold, Be Kind, Be Brave that currently pulses with Hawkmoth's dark energy.
In moments, the bracelet is broken, the akuma is freed and purified, and a confused teenager sits where Courageous was restrained a moment ago.
Chat docks his baton at his back and looks at his partner with the softest eyes she's ever seen, a tiny, equally soft smile playing at his lips.
Her heart sighs. Adrien. That's Adrien, and he knows.
The lucky charm sits heavy in her palm. Abject fear makes her hope against hope that she won't remember his identity when she casts her miraculous cure, just as her heart longs to hold on to the knowledge that her precious partner is the boy of her deepest desires, and maybe, maybe they really can have it all.
With a deep breath, she throws the unused can opener into the air, watching magical ladybugs and healing light burst forth and spread throughout the city. She waits, holding her breath, but when pink light swirls around them, the only affect it has is the healing of the twinge in her ankle from when she fell mid-fight.
She looks up, and her partner's eyes say it all.
He remembers, too.
Even as fear grips her heart, radiant joy shines from his face as his grin spreads. It scrunches his eyes behind the mask and pinkens his cheeks, delight seeming to glow from his pores. Ladybug has never seen her partner so happy. That elation is a balm to her soul, and she can't help but smile right along with him.
Ladybug turns to the akuma victim and holds out her hand, offering the bracelet back to her. "I really like that inscription" she says, pointing at the now-silver bracelet as the girl fixes it back on her wrist.
She smiles shyly at the two heroes. "I wish I had the courage to do more. I wish I was brave like you."
"We get scared sometimes, too. Everyone does," Ladybug starts, before her partner nudges her shoulder with his elbow.
"Speak for yourself, Bugaboo. This cat has no fear." Chat Noir throws her an exaggerated wink, and the girl laughs. "But real talk, anyone can be a hero in their own way. Little things, big stuff...you're stronger than you think, I promise. Cat's honor."
She nods. "Thank you for, you know, saving me and everything." Glancing at the street below, she gestures toward the edge of the roof. "Would it be too much trouble to get me back down there?"
"Not at all," Ladybug replies with a smile. Calling on her own courage, she looks at her partner and takes a deep breath. Here goes nothing, she thinks. "The usual spot in five? Or less, I guess, since it...doesn't matter now," she says with a shrug that she hopes looks nonchalant.
And there's that smile that shines like the summer sun. He gives her a jaunty salute. "I'll be there with bells on," he says, tapping the bell at his throat and making it jingle.
Ladybug just shakes her head and giggles.
A few minutes later, when she lands beside Chat Noir on their familiar rooftop, her earrings are beeping a frantic rhythm, signaling mere seconds before she detransforms. Instinct has her looking around the roof, ready to dart behind anything she can use to hide.
Before she can move, Chat steps toward her and quietly asks, "Marinette?"
Her transformation dissolves in a wave of pink light, and she hears him gasp as she catches Tikki gently in her palms. Marinette takes her time retrieving a macaron from her purse to feed her kwami, deliberately moving slowly in an attempt to get herself under control before she looks up at her partner. He knows, and he's thrilled, and that's amazing, but it feels like the entire world will change when their gazes finally meet, and she's just not ready yet.
"I, um...I didn't use my cataclysm, so I can stay transformed if you'd prefer, but..." he trails off.
There's something in his voice that finally makes her look at him. Just like when he talked to his father under the akuma's control, his head is bowed slightly, but instead of confidence, this time his eyes are bright with nervous hope.
Marinette understands both the nerves and the hope, and she'll joke with her partner until the end of time about who's in charge, but it feels wrong for either Chat or Adrien to look at her with uneasy deference.
And that's what she thinks of as courage wells in her chest. Her brave, steadfast partner, the other half of their unstoppable team, the boy with terrible timing who can still make her laugh, her best friend whom she loves so fiercely, should never feel he has to approach her in fear.
"Oh, Minou," she breathes. "Of course, go ahead. I...I already know."
He nods and stands a little straighter, and with a whisper and a flash of green, Chat's magical leather is replaced with denim and cotton poplin.
Predictably, her brain is short-circuiting, hollering in panic and terror, but even as her heart pounds wildly in her chest, it whispers quietly, gently, that this is her partner. Her silly kitty. Her dearest friend. He just happens to look like Adrien Agreste at the moment.
(Okay, this is going to take some getting used to.)
Tikki flies off to join Plagg nearby, while Marinette sits down on the roof with her knees pulled to her chest. She pats the space to her right and Adrien settles in cross-legged next to her.
He's the first to break the silence. "I'm sorry, Marinette. I shouldn't have gotten hit. I shouldn't have let you get hit. I know this wasn't what you wanted, and-"
"No, no, don't apologize," she interrupts, shaking her head. "It happens. It's...not the first time." Marinette sighs and closes her eyes, suddenly feeling a lot less courageous in the face of this world-bending change now that they're in their civilian clothes and it's Adrien apologizing to her. She presses her forehead to her knees and tries to imagine the boy beside her in magical leather and cat ears. It only helps a little, but it's enough. "We, um-" she pauses, licks her lips. "We have a lot to talk about. I just don't know if I'm ready for...all of it."
Adrien is silent for an uncomfortably long moment. "Yeah. We do." She hears him take a deep breath that shakes a bit on the exhale and turns her head a fraction to peek at him. His eyes are on the distant horizon. "I...think I understand some things now."
Abruptly, he turns toward her, a little smile tilting the corners of his mouth when he his eyes meet hers. Fear tells her to look away, but she tamps it down and holds his gaze. His smile widens.
"May I ask you something, Marinette?"
She nods.
"When you came up to me at lunch today, were you...planning to ask me on a date?"
Her pulse pounds in her ears. She could give in to fear, say no and brush it off like Chat had misheard her when she was under the akuma's spell. But suddenly her heartbeat seems to drum, "be bold, be kind, be brave," over and over again, and just as the smile begins to slip from his face, she finds the nerve to nod again.
Just like on the other rooftop a few minutes ago, his face lights up like the first rays of sun after a week of rain, shining splendid even in the early afternoon light.
"Am I--" he whispers, his breath hitching though his joy never dims, "Am I the boy?"
Be bold, be kind, be brave.
She calls on her Ladybug courage and nods once more.
His breath catches again and his eyes fill with tears that he brushes away quickly.
Clarity dawns all of a sudden, sweeping her fears to the corners of her mind to be dealt with later. She understood Chat Noir being happy to know his partner's identity, his excitement in finding out his Lady was his friend, too. But this is so much more. Beside her sits Adrien, wiping tears of joy from his eyes at the knowledge that Marinette is in love with him. This might just be a dream coming true on a random rooftop on a random Thursday afternoon.
"Chaton," she breathes, stretching her legs in front of her and placing a hand on his knee.
His hand covers hers, and she meets his gaze, words caught in her throat at the intensity in his eyes.
"I have a confession to make." He rubs the back of his neck with his free hand and takes a deep breath. "I think everyone in Paris knows that Chat Noir is in love with Ladybug. I...know you know." He shrugs as his smile turns a little helpless. "But no one knows that I might have a little tiny bit of a huge crush on Marinette Dupain-Cheng, too."
"Kid, don't lie to your girlfriend. You know very well that I knew, because I've been telling you forever!" Plagg calls from somewhere behind them. Tikki hushes him loudly.
"Okay, he's not wrong," Adrien says, huffing out a combination of a laugh and a sigh. I'm just very stupid, apparently."
"Hey, don't talk that way about my partner." Marinette bumps his shoulder with hers. "I have a teeny, tiny, huge crush on him, too, you know, and I don't appreciate your tone."
Adrien's surprised laugh rings out across the rooftop, filling her heart with so much love she can barely breathe with the force of it. She could listen to that laugh for the rest of her life. She hopes she'll have that chance.
He brushes tears from his eyes again as his laughter subsides, his grin still shining bright. "I'm so happy it's you, Marinette. Beyond happy." He turns her hand beneath his and threads his fingers through hers. "Honestly, there's no one else I would rather have as my partner."
"Me too, Minou," she murmurs, squeezing his hand lightly as incredulous joy sings through her veins.
Tikki's little voice pipes up nearby. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's almost time to go back to class."
Adrien lets go of her hand to fish for his phone and curses under his breath when he sees the time. "She's right, My Lady. Could we meet up this evening? I know we have, um...a lot of things to talk about."
Marinette nods. It feels like she's done a lot of that in the last few minutes.
When Adrien stands, he offers his hand to help her up. Just like in the courtyard at lunch, his eyes are patient and kind, but now they shine with something more. She lets him pull her to her feet, then wraps her arms around his waist in a tight hug.
His soft exhale at her ear as he melts against her makes her smile, scrunching up his white overshirt under her cheek. Her senses are filled with him, and she's surprised to realize that it's a feeling of comfort and safety instead of the usual panic.
Maybe loving Adrien and being loved in return will be easier than it seemed all this time. Her fears seem so silly when his arms are wrapped around her shoulders and his head rests on top of hers - a perfect fit.
Even the nightmarish terror of Chat Blanc is diminished. Adrien never told anyone her identity; he knew because he himself was Chat Noir, and there's no way in the world that Chat would hurt his Lady, nor would Adrien ever harm Marinette on purpose. She must have misunderstood. He must have misunderstood. He was an akuma, after all. She sighs into Adrien's shirt. She can never allow that terrible timeline to occur, but whatever happens after this, they'll face it together. Stronger. She'll make sure of it.
"Do you think my father will let me go to Nino's gig in real life?" he asks quietly.
The sad note in his voice breaks her heart. She squeezes him tighter.
"I don't know, Kitty. Do you think we'll be having a movie date on Saturday?"
He leans back abruptly, though his hands still grip her shoulders. "Of course! I'll be there if I have to sneak out!"
Marinette boops his nose, laughing when his eyes cross. "I think that's your answer for Friday night, too."
Suddenly she's in his arms again, this time lifted off the ground and spinning. She can't help but giggle.
"I knew I was in love with a genius!" he cries, jubilant. He sets her down and plants a kiss in the middle of her forehead before calling for Plagg to transform him.
When he turns his masked face back to her, it's like the world is different. She can easily see the brilliant green of Adrien's eyes in Chat's glowing sclerae. The blending of two of her favorite people into one extraordinary boy who - oh my goodness - just said he loves her gives her a shot of courage even before she suits up again.
"You missed, beau gosse."
His eyes widen comically. "I....what?"
Marinette smiles and calls for her transformation, then taps her lips with her gloved fingers. "You kissed me, but you missed."
The sly gleam in his eyes makes her breathing speed up.
"First of all, I would ask before I did that," Chat says, sticking out his thumb before raising his clawed index finger. "Second, I thought I'd save our first kiss for Saturday. Seems like a great way to end our first date, doesn't it?"
Our first date. A tingle runs down her spine. She likes the sound of that.
"I guess I can wait." Her smile turns cheeky. "But it'll be our third--"
"Ah, ah, ah," Chat cuts her off with a grin. He extends his thumb again. "First of all, I don't remember either of those."
Ladybug rolls her eyes, still smiling.
"And second," he says, his voice pitching lower and making her heart skip a beat, "it will be Marinette and Adrien's first kiss."
Oh, this boy, she thinks as her heart soars.
She bites her lip to keep from giggling. "I suppose you're right, even though we both know we're the same people."
Chat gives her a deadpan look. "Just let me have this, Bug."
She bursts into laughter and reaches for her yo-yo, delighting in watching a grin light her partner's face.
"I really am looking forward to Saturday," he says, unhooking his baton from his back. He reaches for her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "We'll talk about it later today, okay?"
She nods and watches him vault off toward home.
The wind against her face is exhilarating as she swings back to the bakery. It's amazing how one revelation seems to have changed everything. Even the zip of her yo-yo through the air sounds different to her ears now that she knows, now that he knows.
Marinette detransforms as she touches down on the terrace and sinks into her pink-striped chair while Tikki phases through the hatch into her room in search of food. A quick check of her phone tells her that she has ten minutes before she has to go back to school.
School. One more thing that's going to be different.
Before nerves can creep in, she thinks of Chat Noir and his beaming joy at learning the identity of his beloved partner. That was Adrien. She thinks of the comfort of being wrapped in Adrien's arms, his scent, his warmth. That was Chat Noir.
And when she sits down in class behind him in a few short minutes, that boy with the soft smile and shining eyes will look like Adrien, but now he's so much more.
Marinette stands up from her chair with a lighter heart than she can remember having in a long, long time. She's suddenly looking forward to the second half of the day, even more excited for Nino's event tomorrow night, and positively thrilled that she has a date with Adrien - who is Chat Noir! - on Saturday.
There's so much to experience, so many memories to be made. It feels a bit like a dream. It feels more than a bit scary. But it's going to be great.
It's just going to take a little courage.
She's got this.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
the devil you know
Сharacters: Hange Zoe, Levi, Moblit Berner, Zeke Yeagar, Armin Arlert
Genres: Action / Drama
Summary: Can you still miss a person, if everything you knew about them was a lie?
Сhapter 5/?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
"There is also a letter for you, sir."
Levi snatched it out of the messenger's fingers, thanking him by a quick, curt nod.
"You may go," he said, waiting for the soldier to leave, so he could read the letter in silence.
Just as he opened it, however, Zeke's face appeared right in front of him, materializing out of thin air.
"Got a love letter, Captain?" he mocked, his eyes glinting. "Or were you popular only once in your life?"
There was a fire right behind Zeke. Levi longed to throw him there. He almost smiled, as he imagined the beast running around with his pants on fire. Watching it would be much more satisfying than simply punching him in a face. Although.... if the beast lost his pants, Levi would be forced to become an unwilling spectator to Zeke walking around half naked. And Levi would rather slit his own throat with a sword.
"Mind your own business, beast," he grumbled, having his fill of arguing with Zeke. The bastard just wanted to get rise out of him anyway. One time Levi had let him. He wouldn't allow Zeke to have another victory. "And get lost. If you won't let me read the letter in peace, I won't let you read at all."
Levi pointedly looked at the book in Zeke's hands. The beast took a staggering step back, cradling the book protectively to his chest.
"Now I see why you weren't popular," he arrogantly scoffed, but left hurriedly before Levi could act on his threat.
When Zeke was a safe distance away, Levi sat down by the fire and opened the letter. The handwriting consisted of small, carefully curved letters. Armin's handwriting.
Levi hesitated to open it. He hoped it wasn't anything urgent. He hoped it wasn't bad news.
But if the things remained just as they were when he left, it could very well be both.
Oh how he hated being away. When he was in a thick of it, at least, he had the illusion of having control.
And right now, the only thing he could control was Zeke. As long as the beast’s and their goals aligned and the beast let Levi control him. And who knew when that was going to change.
It was going to change, Levi was sure of it.
Worry about that later, when the time comes, he told himself, as he shook his head, pushing anxious thoughts to the back of his mind, and finally opened the letter.
Sitting a little closer to fire, he started reading.
Captain Levi!
I hope the messenger brought you everything you needed. If supplies are running low, please tell me so.
I'm sure you want to know what's going on our side. Do not fret, we're holding on. For now. The tensions are still running high, but Commander Pixis is doing a great job of keeping everything under control. Commander Dawk helps plenty too, and together they're working closely with Chief Zacklay to ensure the island's safety.
Yesterday, I wrote a letter to Historia, requesting her to come back. I know she has to care for herself and her future child, but I think... maybe, we can use people's love for the Queen to put an end to their protests. There are more and more people gathering next to our headquarters. I think it’s time for her intervention.
Another matter you should know about is the fate of these Marleyans kids, Gabi Braun and Falco Grace. Unfortunately, they escaped from the prison, but rest assured we're going everything we can to locate them.
Truth be told, I worry about them. It's dangerous for them to walk around the island, while we're in the middle of that mess. Many people don't like Marleyans, so I hope these kids are at least smart enough to not start any trouble. Hange-san told me the very same thing - she worries for Falco and Gabi, but doesn't think they'll do something stupid.
And before you can ask, yes, I've interrogated Hange-san about their escape, she knows nothing. What's more, Jean, Sasha and Connie were with her in the presumptive time of the escape. If you don’t trust her, at least have faith in them.
Well, as I said, we're working on bringing them back.
Oh, and, by the way, Captain, we let Hange-san stay in her old room, just like I told you we would. She praised whoever cleaned it. Don't worry, though, I kept your secret. Hange-san is too smart to be fooled so easily, but, alas, I did my best.
If you need anything, send a letter immediately. Stay alert and keep your wits about you, Captain.
The others are eagerly waiting for your return. Connie and Sasha are doing their best at keeping the headquarters clean. And Mikasa is doing a great job of taking over your duties and training the recruits. Oh, and Moblit-san sends his regards.
I hope you’re holding on. I’m sure you are.
Best wishes, Armin
With a letter still in his hand, Levi stared at the fire, thinking it all over.
Bringing Historia back could help ease the tensions, or… It could make it all even worse. But the Queen’s influence was undeniable, in that regard, Armin was right. She was probably the only one who could get them out of this mess.
And these damned Marleyan brats… Escaping from the prison was not an easy feat. Marleyans had taught them well, it seemed.
Was Hange involved in their trainings as well?
Whether she was or she was not, Levi didn’t believe she had helped them to escape. What for? If someone finds out where they came from, they’d be killed on sight. Hange would never do something so careless. If she truly cared about these kids, and it seemed like she actually did, she’d bargain with Armin and others, ask them to let the kids stay with her.
In her room. That he had cleaned.
He briefly wondered what Hange reaction had been like. Was she surprised? Confused? Touched?
She was most probably enraged, Levi concluded. Pissed off that all of her things weren’t on their places – Levi made sure they weren’t. Maybe, he was too much of a pitiful idiot to throw her shit out, but he knew the other way to get to Hange.
He used to know so many things about Hange.
There had been a time he thought he knew everything. Now he knew better.
"Another letter?"
As soon as the messenger left, Zeke was right beside him, his head raised high, as he attempted to take a peak over Levi's shoulder.
Levi swatted him away, too confused by the letter and the large enough package he had received to answer Zeke with the violence he so rightfully deserved.
"Get lost," he just said, blindly reaching behind him to push Zeke away.
"I don't care what you have there," the beast scoffed, lifting his haughty nose even higher. "I just came to ask if there are any letters for me."
Levi looked up at him in surprise, his lips curling up. Letters for Zeke? The notion was so ridiculous he almost started to laugh.
"Do you seriously think there is someone who would write letters to you? Your dear brother is in prison and he isn't allowed to talk even to his friends, and you expect a letter from him?"
In the face of Levi's open mockery, Zeke's eyes darkened. "Eren is not the only who can write to me. From what I've heard, she's not in prison anymore."
Oh, so he was using that card again? Levi wasn't going to succumb to it. He wasn't. Not again.
Still, his fingers gripped the letter more tightly, as he threw a sizzling gaze at the beast.
But. At least, he didn't hit him. Clearly, a progress.
"She is not allowed to write letters either," he revealed. "And letting Hange reside in her old room wasn't my decision."
"Clearly," Zeke nodded, his lips moving upwards. "If it was up to you, she'd be sleeping in your room, isn’t that right, Captain?"
The letter in his hand crumpled as Levi attempted to take a breath and keep himself from latching on the bastard.
But clearly, Zeke wasn’t finished. Clearly, he wanted more of Levi’s rage.
“And, just so you know,” he lowered his voice, as though he was going to tell him a secret. He crouched down to his level too, his hand next to his ear. Levi was too dazed to push him away. “When Hange cares about someone, she always finds a way.”
“Then where is your letter, Zeke?”
There was a beat of silence, the beast’s mouth falling open as he struggled to find his own words. Fucking finally, he managed to get him back.
Reveling in his small victory, Levi pushed past Zeke, heading to his tent.
There, he lighted the candle and put the package down onto a wooden table, sitting down beside it. Deciding to start with the letter, he opened it in a quick, fluid motion. His chest warmed, as he recognized Moblit’s neat, delicate handwriting. He didn’t even notice it, his thoughts too scattered amidst all this mess, but he missed his friend. More than he thought he would.
How are you doing? Hope you’re not picking too many fights with our shifter-ally. Remember, we need him alive - at least, until we feed him to someone else. Although, I’m sure you’re keeping it together. You know just how important this is.
As on our end, things are not going all too well. Truthfully, I don’t know how bad it actually is, I have been out of loop lately, but I trust Commanders Pixis and Dawk and our Armin to get us through this.
There are rumors of the Queen getting back, or so Sasha told me. In my opinion, it’s dangerous to let Historia into the city, but, maybe, it really can help ease the tensions. Maybe, if she advises everyone to calm down, protesters will stop shouting under my window. It’s a good thing you aren’t here, Captain, these protesters – Yeagerists, as they started to call themselves, - are absolutely horrible. They’re loud and rowdy, and, honestly, their demands are making me a bit worried.
Maybe, they’re so bold because you aren’t here. I’m sure one deadly look from you and they’d scatter.
I also miss our evening tea parties, you wouldn’t believe it, I know – but I really do, terribly so. I went to the Niccolo’s place recently, tried a new pastry there, you will absolutely love it. I wanted to send it to you, but I was afraid it won’t be as delicious after a long road.
Now, I think it’s time to get to the thing that interests you the most – the package I sent you. I hope you haven’t opened it yet, so let me explain what it is first. I’ve included a few of my sketches in the second part of the letter, so you can get the overall idea of what it is.
In your absence, I’ve started to visit Sq Hange-san more often (I know what you’d say – we can’t trust her and should be more careful around here, but… we’ve been through much together, even if some part of it was a lie. It’s stronger than me. I’m sure you can understand) and we started working together on something new.
I’m not going to lie, working with her after all these years is still exciting to me. She’s just as brilliant as I remember, perhaps even more so, now that she doesn’t have to hide the whole extent of her knowledge.
She critiqued our performance during the Reid on Liberio. I was offended at first, surely, it wasn’t such a disaster. What we did was disastrous, I can’t and won’t deny it, but how we did it? It really was rather a success? Minimal amount of casualties on our side and another shifter, taken away from Marley…
But Hange-san wasn’t nearly as impressed. She said that we could do so much better, if only we improved our equipment.
Of course, I couldn’t refuse her offer to work together again. So, without further ado, here I present to you, Captain – the new uniform of Survey Corps’ soldier. We used some parts of our old uniform and uniforms of Anti-Personnel Control Squad, so now aiming and recharging the gun is a lot easier and carrying thunder spears is more comfortable too.
We haven’t done enough tests on this one yet, and, as of now, we only have a few models (yours is actually the first one we made), but I do think the modified version should be implemented among our ranks.
I’m eager to hear what you think about it, and I’m even more eager to have you back with us.
I’m not the only one who waits for you to come back. One person in particular is interested in your well-being. She doesn’t actually ask, but she always listens carefully. Turns out, reading Hange-san is as easy as it’s always been.
Waiting to hear from you,
Whenever he was expecting to read in Moblit’s letter, that wasn’t it. He half-expected that the package would contain a new type of tea or a warmer blanket. What he did not expect was a new uniform.
That Moblit created with Hange.
He looked at the pages, attached to the letter. Detailed, realistic looking sketches were undoubtedly made by Moblit’s skilled hand. But the crooked, hurried notes could only be written by her.
Staring at these sketches brought back unwanted memories. Nights, spent in the dimly-lit lab, brown eyes that sparkled with enthusiasm and excitement, burning brighter than the candle beside them, the deep, melodic voice enchanting him with one theory after another.
How calm, how content he had felt during these fleeting moments, during these nights he spent next to Hange.
And now the only emotions these memories brought back were pain and shame. She lied, she betrayed, and yet he still couldn’t let these moments go, still held them inside his heart, in the depth of his soul where no one would see them but him.
She lied, she betrayed, and all these moments were fake, but they still were. They happened, and when they did, they brought him an evanescent happiness.
And he was pathetic enough to still treasure them.
With a deep sigh, Levi put the letter down, reaching over for the package.
He took the wrappings off slowly and carefully, despite his eagerness to know what was inside. He didn’t know who made them, who sew the fabric together. It could very well be Moblit, the man was talented in various areas. It could very well be Hange. Despite her messy appearances, she was good with needle and thread, he had learnt it first-hand, when he got injured during expedition and Hange had sewed the skin of his arm quickly and neatly, her touch surprisingly careful and gentle.
When he was done with the wrapping, he took out what was inside. Black pants, black shirt, it looked so different from the old uniform.
He put it on, meticulously checking that every belt and fasting was in its place, zipped and secured. Finished, he stood before the mirror, turning this and that way.
It wasn’t ugly, Levi was sure it was very efficient and he would test it all by himself, when his squad would go to sleep, but he liked the old one better. He felt more comfortable in it, more like himself. More like a Captain of Survey Corps who fought against bloodthirsty titans. But the weapons this uniform was modified for wasn’t made for defeating titans. It was made for defeating humans.
And he still struggled with accepting that new, simple truth.
He couldn’t deny, though, Moblit was right.
Hange was just as brilliant as they all had remembered.
It made him think – albeit, fleetingly – how far would they go, if they had her with them? How far would she have taken them if she was always on their side?
How happy he would be, if she still had been with him?
Pointless brooding, he decided and started to peel off the uniform.
Its efficiency in fighting other humans was doubtless. That’s why Levi hoped he would never have to use it.
“Um, Captain, wait a moment, please…” the messenger frowned, scratching his head in confusion, as he stared at the letter in his hands. “It’s not signed, but maybe I’ve lost something…”
His put his arm inside the back pack, rummaging through it. Levi waited for a second, two, ten, twenty… The messenger was still at it. His patience running low, Levi grabbed the unsigned letter. If it was some soldier’s love letter, he’d get it back. But if that was something important…
He opened the letter.
And had his breath caught in his throat, because that— that crooked, hurried handwriting… He could recognize it anywhere.
“I’ll be in my tent,” he announced, his voice shakier than he was comfortable with.
He all but tumbled inside, leaning against the table to keep himself steady. His eyes ran over the letter, taking it all in.
The message was short, fairly simple. But it raised so many questions, filled him with emotions so raw he could choke on them.
Something bad is going to happen. Don’t take your eyes off Zeke. Don’t underestimate him.
Be careful. And, please, come back home safely.
It took him but a moment to read it all. But the few words of the letter kept replaying in his mind over and over, making it impossible to fall asleep. Levi mulled it over again and again, trying to find some sense, trying to understand.
He got his first clue the very next day, when the messenger was back again, sweaty and panting.
Chief Zacklay is dead, he said, murdered inside his own office.
And the look Zeke had given him, the long, intent gaze that didn’t waver as Levi had followed after his soldiers to get more details.
That was his second clue.
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Dance with me - Komaeda x Reader
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Hey all, Peko here! Just a little thing i wrote about dancing with Komaeda on the beach. Not heaps of substance here or anything, i’ve just been a little stressed lately and wanted to write something cute and fluffy! I hope you enjoy it!  ☆〜 Mod Peko
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Contains: gn reader, canon murder mention, post killing game, alcohol (only a little)
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There is something deeply morbid about Togami’s decision to host a party in the same building he was murdered in. With the rest of the islands inaccessible until Souda manages to get a boat fixed, there aren’t many other venues available, but this fact doesn’t make standing in the old building any less uncomfortable.
Everyone is doing their best to keep the mood light, but anytime the air conditioner beeps the room turns icy. The table in the back right of the room has been disassembled and thrown into the dumpster behind the Rocketpunch Market, and despite the inconvenience, Hanamura decided to cook all of the food in the dining hall and cart it over instead of stepping back into the old kitchen. 
While he has been trying to have a good time, you caught Hinata bending down and checking under all of the tables before everyone had arrived. Since leaving the simulation, he had almost unintentionally asserted himself as the leader of the group. Shoulders square, back stiff, you can tell he hasn’t been sleeping.
You are standing by the wall, sipping absentmindedly on a gin and tonic with too much gin. It’s bitter. There’s a spot on the wall across from you that you can’t pull your eyes from, a spot that in a different reality was inhabited by Nagito Komaeda. Half a foot to the right of a powerpoint, nothing is plugged into it.
Komaeda is not at the party. He’s the only one who isn’t.
You down the rest of your drink and make your way over to the door, resting your empty glass on the nearest flat surface. Koizumi grabs you by the wrist before you can escape, her brows are drawn, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You pause, “I just don’t like parties.”
That is partly true, Mioda’s playlist is very loud and you get headaches easily.
Koizumi sighs, “I know that it’s not simple, getting back to normal after everything that happened.” She rests a hand on your shoulder, “You can tell us if something is wrong.” 
Your eyes flit over to the Komaeda shaped absence on the wall, “I’m going to find Komaeda.”
“Oh?” Koizumi says, eyebrows jumping up, “Well...good luck.” She steps to the side and gestures for you to continue through the door, “It’ll be nice if you can convince him to come.”
You smile, “I’ll try.”
The real island is a lot warmer than the digital one was. Even at night you can feel the warmth of the absent sun seeping up through the pavement, it’s kind of weird being out this late. You had been so used to cowering inside your cabin the second the sun went down, but now things were safe. They were still awkward and messy, but they were safe. 
It doesn’t take you long to find Komaeda. He’s out on the beach, jacket laid out on the ground as he lays back on it and stares up at the stars. He turns his head when he hears you coming, it’s hard to be quiet on the sand.
“Oh, hello.” He says, “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect anyone to come by here. I hope I didn’t ruin your walk.” 
You join him on the sand, curling your arms around your knees and looking out at the ocean, “I came to find you. You didn’t ruin anything.” 
“Does Hinata need me for something?” 
“No...I just…” you sigh and bury your head in your knees, “I just wanted to check that you were okay…”
Komaeda laughs, tucking his arms behind his head. He looks beautiful in the moonlight, “Aha, that’s very kind of you, but there’s no reason to worry about me.”
“Yeah, well...I worry anyway.” 
The sound of the waves crashing is only slightly louder than the sound of the music from the party. The hotel is quite a ways away, but Mioda likes her music loud. Komaeda is still staring up at the sky, face neutral as he watches the stars, the light of the moon cross his pale face. You feel your stomach twisting.
Komaeda died before you could tell him you were in love with him. 
You turn from the ocean to watch the rise and fall of his chest, being given a second chance is both a blessing and a curse. Without the impending doom of the killing game, you are even less inclined to rush things, but the buzz of five gin and tonics is making your hands shake. You almost feel like you’re going to throw up when your mouth opens and you say, “you wanna dance?” 
Komaeda turns to you, “hm?”
“I uh...I asked if you wanted to dance?” 
He blinks, his eyelashes are very pretty, “Oh. Why would you want to dance with me?” He rolls onto his side to face you more easily, his hair is a perfect mess, “I’ve never tried before, I suspect I’ll be terrible at it.” 
You shrug, “it’s a party. Dancing is what you do at parties, right?”
The sand shifts beneath your feet as you pull yourself up, you hold your hand out, worried that it might be sweaty, “I haven’t really danced before either. We can figure it out together.”
His hand is...hesitant, as it reaches out to grab yours. You smile and gently tug him up from the ground, he sways like a palm tree in the breeze. Your heart is racing.
“So…” He starts, laughing a little to himself, “What do we do?”
You swallow, “Oh...well...I think you put one hand here-” you tug one of his hands down to the curve of your waist. Sucking in a breath at the warmth of his palm, “-and uh...i put a hand here-” you reach up and rest your hand on his shoulder, “and then we just...you know…” you take his other hand in yours and hold it up, gently swaying. 
(If you weren't so focussed on Komaeda. You might have noticed Mioda’s playlist has shifted to something softer, more romantic. Entirely out of character, and incredibly lucky.)
The steps are awkward, and entirely unpracticed, but it feels nice. The ocean air is cool on your skin, and Komaeda is warm. He’s staring down at you intently, trying his best to follow your poor imitation of a waltz. He smiles, “Are you sure you aren't the ultimate dancer?”
You laugh, “Very. You’re just lucky I haven't stepped on your toes.” 
Komaeda grins, “Extremely lucky.” 
The two of you continue swaying in silence for a while longer. Komaeda has a moment of boldness where he lifts up his arm and coaxes you into a spin, all you can do is smile. 
“Why didn't you come to the party?” You ask, looping your arm around the back of his neck, “It was...weird not having you there.”
He hums, brow drawing in thought, “It was fairly clear nobody wanted me to come. I didn't want to be a nuisance.”
“Well, i wanted you to come. So did Koizumi.” You sigh, “You’re one of us, Komaeda. It isn’t the same without you.”
Komaeda smiles sadly, averting his eyes, you can feel his confidence in the dance dropping, “I may have been a member of your class, and of the remnants of despair, but I still can't hold a candle to the hope inside any of you.”
He is so close to you now, you can feel his chest rising and falling. You can count his eyelashes. It’s impossible to breathe, “Hey...um…” 
You readjust the grip of your hands, slipping your fingers between his, you can see his throat bob. Your heart is racing, “I think you are just as important as the rest of us, that you belong with the rest of us.” you smile up at him, feeling your cheeks turning pink, “and I like dancing with you.”
“I’m not sure why.” He replies, eyes cast downward.
You laugh gently, feeling bolder as you lean in and rest your head on his chest. He smells like fresh laundry and jasmine. You can hear his heartbeat quicken, but yours is even faster, “because I like you.” 
He stops moving, the dance pauses mid step. His hands are shaking. 
You raise your head to meet his eyes, your hand slowly tangling in his hair. His arm slowly curling around your waist, “what’s happening…?” He whispers, you can feel his breath on your face. 
“I think we’re going to kiss.” You swallow, “I mean...if you want to.” 
“I...of course I want to.” His hand releases yours, lifting up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing over your lower lip, “but you’re so amazing, I don’t understand why you-“ 
He’s cut off, you grab the front of his shirt and tug his lips down to yours before he can continue into a self-deprecating spiral. For a moment he is frozen still, but your heart warms like butter when he moans into your mouth and kisses you back in earnest. His hand burying into your hair. He feels perfect.
He’s breathing heavy when you pull away, pressing his forehead against yours, “you...love me?” 
You smile, warm tears rolling down your cheeks, “yes, I have for a long time.”
Komaeda laughs, but it almost sounds like a sob, “I’ve...I’ve always wanted someone to love me...I didn’t think...I couldn’t…” 
“Shh.” You whisper, standing up on your toes to kiss his temple, “do you want to go back to the party?”
He smiles and links his fingers with yours again, “Can we stay like this a little bit longer?”
You can't help but grin as you slip back into the abandoned dance, spinning and twirling, slowly and messily. You press your lips to his, “As long as you want to.”
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ninjas-and-coffee · 4 years
WU SUCKS but not the reason you think
I'd like to preface by saying Wu has made a lot of mistakes and should be held accountable. But like the main arguments against Wu be like.
1: Morro
2: Traumatizing kids
3: Keeping secrets
4: Mot treating his nephew like is damn nephew.
5: Flirting with his brothers wife.
And the thing about that needs talked about. 1:Morro. First off getting kids hopes is not cool. It can be detrimental to development depending on the age of the child. BUT. Not a single soul told Morro to train tirelessly for 60+ years after his death to take revenge and be the green ninja. Absolutly no one. Wu had compassion for his failings and wanted to show Morro he could still he great without being the green ninja. But the little brat ran tf off and got trapped and died. And he got cursed, how- we dont know. But its implied that it's either intentional entrapment or you have to be a terrible person, guess which category he probably falls into. Mind you Wu also told our OGs that they could also be the green ninja and none of them went off the rails to settle some invisible score. Morro made his choices and he made shit ones. Wu was an influence but not the problem. Morro is unstable, dramatic, and holds grudges Wu didnt cause that.
2: the traumatic experiences the nina go through are also not exactly his fault. He didnt just pick them off the streets. THERE WAS A PROPHECY. Ok? Yall with me. Fate isnt uncontrolled by anyone the ninja needed to be trained to help Lloyd fight the Overlord. That wasnt his decision. And yall act like the ninja couldn't leave whenever they wanted to. He didnt gaslight them or belittle them in anyway that wasnt for teaching. Please bring me receipts if you think otherwise. I do admit he could help a little more, be more clear, but when has a old magic teacher character ever been straightforward. With that logic fuck Dumbledore, and Gandalf, and any wise old teacher that goes to find chosen one who once again are chosen by fate not the master himself. Yall literally cant blame Wu for Child's Play and you cant blame Wu for their experience with Nadakhan either. The enemies that go out of there way to attack the ninja are not a direct cause if Wu himself. Usually. It be like blaming Garmadon for Chen. Yes they had history but it's still not his fault
3: Secrets. I will admit there is next to no reason for keeping secrets from the ninja. Considering history always has kind of score to settle. But considering his age and the apparent imprisonment or death of his past enemies there no way to predict every problem that comes back to screw him over. The Time Twins for example. Yes they came back for Wu. But he did remove their powers and separated them over 20+ years ago. They were not exactly threats to his new students now were they? Again with Aspheera, who was literally locked in a tomb why take the time to educate the ninja on a problem he had no idea was going to come back for him. Same with Morro to a more confusing degree. MORRO DIED. How was he to prepare the ninja for that? Yes please tell me how they were supposed to prepare for a dead guy. I'll wait.........k. he should be more forthcoming with the ninja, about things he knows could harm them, like the Serpentine after Lloyds released them, Chen, the Overlord, the effects of Travelers Tea, Tomorrow's Tea, Oni, Etc. But most of the time the ninja go and do it first then wonder why Wu didn't warn them.
4: His nephew. Wow his parenting sucks. Morro is not his damn child let's start there. Comparing their relationship is unfair. Wu cared for Morro the way he cares for Kai and Nya. He never accentuates a paternal relationship with then. Cause they are students, students he has to train with he intent to send them out onto dangerous battle fields and mind games. He was alone so yes it looks different but it's also a leap to just assume that Wu viewed Morro as his own despite treating him the exact same way as his 6 other students. Now back to Lloyd. Why didnt he get his nephew from Darkleys where it was known he ran away from multiple times? I DONT KNOW. No one does. That is a bad move I can only theorize about. Maybe Misako said something about staying away, maybe he wasnt kept in the loop about his nephews whereabouts due to idk KICKING HIS FATHER INTO HELL. C'mon yall. Now in the later seasons my best guess is that he doesnt know how to differentiate his nephew from the chosen one side and the goofy child side. Hes never had a child and his early relations with Lloyd were scarce and when Lloyd came to live with him. It's not due to some familial obligation, destiny literally called for it. Putting some definite strain on their relationship. I'm not excusing it he should try better, but he'd have to build a relationship from nothing and most people know their immediate family upon birth or during childhood which is not the case here. Wu treats his nephew more like a vessel of power than a person which isnt cool but knowing that the kid might not come back after every fight is a good damper on happy relationships is it not?
5: Misako. Good lord I don't have to explain this one. No excuse. It shouldn't be happening. BUT. After Garmadons death she was a free woman as gross as it is. It's more a flaw on her than it is him she chose to have a baby with one brother and still try to get with the other. And I know it takes two to tango but dont get mad at the idiot that the cheater is cheating with. Be mad at the cheater. The thing people really dont get about love triangles. The "other guy" brings on the questions/options but the person who cant choose or screws with both parties is the one in the wrong. Lloyd seems ok with it. Because Tommy said so. I dont particular give two shits about his take on the show half the time. If Lloyd were actively against it the Wu would probably stop. If the Fsm family acted like a normal ass family we probably wouldnt be here. But their priorities are a little screwy compared to typical nuclear families. Not an excuse just some perspective
NOW, why he is a bad character despite all of those arguments. he chooses to train soldiers rather than care for impressionable teens. Yes the situation called for it but the pressure could he alleviated if he decided to actually help before the world was on fire. He chooses to teach by experience than be upfront. Which works sometimes but not when actual lives are at stake. His trial by fire teaching works but the possiblity it could go wrong is to big to be brushed aside. His seemingly unreachable vault of empathy is hard to swallow. He rarely actually feels things for other people, his lack of enthusiasm when they pull through something hurts to watch. His lack of empathy about raising his nephew to attempt to kill his father is frightening. The pride he demonstrates by choosing not to disclose his past until it's too late is dangerous. He doesnt directly put down the ninja unless he has to and its more implied than anything and is on his students and this fandom for taking it so harshly. He trusts them a lot because he doesnt see them as kids anymore. They are warriors and it was necesary. He should have more compassion. He should be more straight forward, he should try to act like a person and not some ethereal being of elsewhere that doesn't have time to appease feelings or care about people until after hes wronged them. His values are off kilter sometimes which is whatever until it starts to hurt people
But yall need to stop blaming him for other people actions. Morro was a mess to begin with. His problems are in the past because he took care of them already. Misako came onto him. (He should have resisted but he didnt start shit she did). He needs to try to be an uncle alongside being a teacher. He needs to act like a fucking person more than the infinite cache of wisdom and unforeseen unused power that he acts like. And also it's a kids show. How many children think the way yall do?, we're teens/YAs we're reading into things. A LOT which makes everything more complicated. Comments rebuttals open. There's a collection of little mistakes hes made along the way that dont fit into these categories but these are the main reasons I know people hate him and the little things add fuel to the fire. I will legit talk about anything Except for the morro thing I am so tired of seeing it Morro made his choices hes a fucking Villain Wu didnt make him that way being a bitter asshole did that. Thanks for reading!! :3
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a-simple-imagine · 4 years
Look Pretty
Requested by anonymous: “Would you please write something with Hermione x reader where they are at slug horns party and the reader is trying to help Hermione escape Cormac and the two are dancing around their feelings for each other or something?”
Pairing: Hermione Granger x fem!reader
Words: 4k
A/N - I’m not sure how i feel about this one tbh but I hope you enjoy it
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You had never been one for parties; large social gatherings where people just stood around and talked? What exactly was fun about that. You'd much rather spend your evening in the common room but alas you find yourself stood before a full-length mirror inspecting your outfit for any imperfections. It was considered a privilege to be invited to Slughorn's Christmas party; it was only for esteemed guests and high achieving students. Each student was also supposed to bring a date; this could be anyone the student saw fit. High achiever or not. After some convincing from Hermione, you had agreed to attend the party but now your nerves had you feeling like you could throw up. Outfit number five was beginning to look worse by the second and you wanted nothing more than to just snuggle up in your bed. Y/E/C eyes stare back at you and a defeated sigh slips past your lips. How you wished Ginny or Hermione were here to fight your doubts with their uplifting compliments. Maybe you should change? The first outfit you tried on had been nice.
"How much longer are you going to be?" An impatient Harry Potter calls out to you; it was surprising that his voice carried so well from the common room. Then again, it was rather quiet this evening. With one final glance over your chosen items of clothing, you reluctantly commit to outfit number 5. With a quick spray of something flowery as a finishing touch, you descend the stairs to join your fellow wizard.
"Calm down, Harry. I didn't know you were in such a rush."
"I'm not," He turns around just as you reach the bottom step, his smile beginning to fade. "I just never expected you to take so long- you look nice."
"Really?" You look over yourself with a grimace. It didn't feel nice. "I'm not too sure I like it anymore. Maybe I should have worn something else."
"I honestly think you look lovely," He assures you with the kindest of smiles. Such a genuine boy, you have no reason to doubt him.
"Then thank you," It was hard not to feel a little embarrassed. "You look... rather dashing yourself, Mr. Potter," His dress robes were nothing to write home about but they suited him well; sleek black paired with a reddish shirt and a black bow tie.
"Shall we head out?" Harry holds out his arm in offering to which you gladly accept. Looping your arm through his before leaving the Gryffindor common room together.
It was a pleasant evening as the two of you wandered through the corridors. The quiet corridors a stark contrast to the normal hustle and bustle of Hogwarts School for witchcraft and wizardry. You rather liked how peaceful it seemed. The looks of strangers, on the other hand, you didn't appreciate. Don't these students have better things to do?
"So who did you end up inviting to the party?" Harry asks, relieving you of your increasing self-consciousness that came with the silence.
"No one," Your first choice hadn't been available so why bother with another. It just seemed like an unnecessary task. "Everyone had dates already- Who did you ask?"
You knew whoever it was they were just a substitute for who he really wanted to go with. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have agreed to let you tag along. "Luna,"
"Loony Lovegood?" It was a nickname that often drifted around the castle for the unique Ravenclaw. And not always with the nicest intentions but she welcomed it like it wasn't supposed to be an insult which you found rather intriguing. "interesting choice."
"I wasn't sure who to ask, honestly." He defends his choice. Harry Potter was the chosen one, he could have invited just about any girl to this party and they probably would have said yes. Not to mention that you had overheard that Romilda Vane was hoping he would ask her. She's basically obsessed with him. "And she's my friend so why not?"
"Oh it wasn't an insult- I actually adore how weird she is," Perhaps Harry had been wise to bring his eccentric friend; she'd surely liven up any dull party with her unique tales. "She's like the perfect dinner guest."
You look to him from the corner of your eye wondering what exactly he is thinking. You probably would have asked him if he hadn't already arranged to go with Luna. "You should have just asked Hermione," Harry says after a moment bringing a sour taste to your mouth. Your relationship with Hermione could be easily summed up in one word; Complicated. She was one of your best friends and you wouldn't change that for the world but you also couldn't deny that you had begun harbouring feelings for her as well. "She would have said yes."
With a heavy sigh, you let your arm drop from around his. From the moment you heard about the Christmas party, you had been under the assumption that you'd go with Hermione But when the time came to actually ask her, Harry informed you that she had a date already. Which was fine. She was allowed to go with whomever she likes. "How do you know?"
You hadn't expected to sound so bitter but it couldn't be helped. His shoulder bumps against yours and you weren't sure if it was intentional or not. "Call it a feeling."
"You know what potter? I don't remember asking for your opinion," you huff defensively, storming off just a few steps ahead. "You can't talk anyway- why isn't Ginny your date tonight?"
"Why would Ginny be my date?" You have to stop yourself from laughing. He couldn't be serious. Anyone with half a brain could figure out that he had a thing for the Weasley girl and honestly who could blame him; Ginny was a talented young witch, very smart and beautiful.
"It doesn't take a genius to work out you have a thing for her." You continue with a roll of your eyes. "I know it. Hermione and Ron know it. Everyone knows it- even slug club thanks to you making a fool of yourself during that dinner party."
"I didn't make a fool of myself."
"You did though," You chuckle, thinking back to the night in question. It was a slug club dinner party and Ginny had shown up late. She may as well not have come at all considering you were eating dessert by the time she arrived. Hermione suggested it was because of Dean and you wouldn't be surprised if that was true. "You basically leapt out of the chair, Harry. It was really awkward to watch."
"I was just being polite," You highly doubted that. "And she is with Dean anyway so I suspect they'll be attending together."
"I guess... Dean's cute but Hermione says they're always fighting," Extra emphasis on the always. It wasn't really any of your business but as a close personal friend to the youngest Weasley, it was hard not to get involved. "You two, however," you glance towards the chosen one in all his glory. You come to a stop before him, adjusting his crooked tie so it sat perfectly straight. "Would make quite the pair."
All talks of crushes were lost among the wind as you rounded the corner almost crashing into the young Ravenclaw that stood waiting patiently. Catching yourself before the collision, you take a few steps back. "Hey Luna," Her outfit could not scream Luna Lovegood more if it tried; it was silver and reflective. "Don't you look... shiny."
"Thank you," Had you meant that as a compliment? You weren't too sure but she took it as one. Falling behind, you listen to Luna’s ramblings during the short walk left to Slughorn's office. The ceiling and walls had been draped with emerald, crimson and gold hangings which resembled a tent. There were way too many people here for your liking which made it awfully hot and stuffy. You almost instantly found yourself alone within the crowd feeling terribly awkward.
When with friends like Harry, Ron and Hermione, you could talk forever given half the chance. But being put into a situation surrounded by complete strangers and you'd freeze up; it was hard talking to people you either didn't know at all or only saw in passing. Hiding away in the corner of the room, you search the room for someone you knew. You spotted Neville walking around offering drinks to the guest from his silver Tray. Ginny was halfway through a conversation with Dean; thankfully she seemed to be smiling. Meanwhile, Snape was looking very bored as Slughorn drones on about one thing or another. You never expected to see Snape here but apparently he had been a past member of the Slug Club. No surprise there considering he went on to teach potions. After what felt like a lifetime of standing awkwardly on the sidelines, you finally spotted Mr. Potter just outside the makeshift walls. "I told you not to leave me alone with these people," You whisper-yell as you push the fabric aside. Harry seems surprised by your sudden interruption but all attention has turned to his companion. It was none other than Hermione Granger in a little pink dress; she looked beautiful even as she shoved something into her mouth. "What are you two doing?"
"Hermione is hiding from Cormac," Harry answers, signalling towards the other girl with a flick of his wrist.
"McLaggen? That's who you came with?" Cormac McLaggen, in your less than favourable opinion, was as sleazy as they come. He had shown interest in Hermione but she had never shown any in return. So why had she chosen him over you?
"I didn't have a lot of other options," you share a look with Harry who looked almost sympathetic towards the situation. He was the only one who knew that you had planned to ask her and was also the one to crush your dreams. "Oh god, he's coming over here," She quickly reaches for your hand which brings heat rushing to your cheeks. "Come with me,"
Following her lead, you crouch down and allow her to drag you back into the crowd leaving Harry to deal with McLaggen. "Why are you here with him if you don't even like him?"
"Because he actually asked me." Her words felt like they were directed at you but maybe you were just trying to make something out of nothing. You wanted to tell her that you had planned to ask her from the start but you don't. Now safely on the other side of the room, her hands slip away from yours. "But he's so bothersome. I don't think I can put up with it much longer."
It was her fault but again you keep that to yourself. "Why did you drag me along? I'm not trying to avoid him."
"As a distraction so look pretty." Look pretty? Before you can ask what exactly she meant by that, her hands are against your arms, spinning you around quickly to face a rather irritated McLaggen. This didn't feel right but it was too late to pretend you hadn't seen him now.
"What am I supposed to say?" Your whispers for advice are ignored or more accurately unheard. This conversation was destined to be very awkward.
"Where'd she run off to now?" He comes to a stop before you, running his hand through his dusty blonde hair.
"Who?" He had obviously meant Hermione. But it seemed you were running on autopilot as the word drifted off your lips before you even had a chance to think. He probably thought you were rather idiotic now but then again did you care what this slimeball thought about you?
"Your friend?"
You swallow a lump in your throat. Guess the plan now was to continue playing dumb in hopes of him giving up. With your bottom lip wedged between your teeth, you pause in thought for just a moment. "You mean Harry?"
"I'm obviously talking about Granger? She was just with you?"
"Was she?" Surveying the room, you pretend to search for the girl in question. Luckily enough she was nowhere to be found so your act must look rather convincing.
"So where did she go?"
"Who?" Fighting back a smile, your attention returns to McLaggen; his growing annoyance was evident in the creases forming across his forehead. If it had been anyone else, you'd probably feel bad for them. Although, you will admit that it was rather harsh on Hermione's part to be leading him on like this instead of making her intentions clear.
"Hermione Granger?"
Your shoulders rise in a quick shrug. "I don't know what to tell ya mate."
"Nevermind- I'll find her myself." With a sharp spin, he morphs back into the crowd finally leaving you in peace. You let out a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding as the pressure to cover had been elevated.
"So where is Hermione," This time the source was none other than Harry Potter; who was now standing by your side watching the party unfold. Neville seemed to have bumped into someone who was now causing quite the stir.
"No clue, she ran off somewhere," Stopping a waiter as they pass by, you take a small glass off his silver tray. The contents were golden yellow and you weren't quite sure what it was exactly.
"I don't understand why she agreed to come with him anyway." Sure, he had asked her but that didn't mean she was required to say yes. That had been her own choice which no longer made sense considering she was actively running away from him.
"Who knows," Harry muses aloud. "maybe it's because Cormac doesn't try to hide his interest in her."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You look to him with a scowl. You had never tried to hide your feelings for Hermione but the same could be said about trying to show them. It wasn't exactly something you went around announcing to everyone.
"Nothing," He offers you a flash of a smile as he slinks away to save himself from the upcoming argument. "If you'll excuse me."
Harry scurries away leaving you alone at the party once more. It seemed only fitting for you to take your leave now and head back to the dorms; you hadn't wanted to come in the first place. Plus you didn't feel like having to deal with Hermione and Cormac anymore. The commotion drew your attention for a moment but with a heavy sigh, you head for the exit. Why on earth would Draco Malfoy of all people gate crash such a lame party?
"Thank you," Remnants of your drink now spilt down your chin as you coughed in surprise. Hermione Granger has suddenly appeared once again bringing with her an aura of sweetness.
"Don't- do that," you swat her arm playfully, wiping away your flavoured drool. "You- almost- killed me."
"You're being a little dramatic," a gentle smile paired well with a roll of her eyes. "What did you tell him?"
"Cormac? I decided to play dumb and act like I had no clue."
"Must have been rather easy for you then," You raise a brow; was that a joke?  
"You do realise that agreeing to be his date, has probably given him the wrong idea?" You muse, placing the now empty glass down. It was feeling sticky between your fingertips, "And as his date, you shouldn't be running away from him. It's awfully rude, miss Granger."
"I had to bring someone," Hermione looked away from you, a heavy sigh drifting into the crowd. It seemed whatever had happened regarding Draco had sorted itself out. "And he just so happened to ask me."
"You can't avoid him forever," You wonder where the man in question has wandered off to. He couldn't have gone far. Catching Luna Lovegood's gaze for the first time since arriving, she gave you a little wave.
"That's part of the problem."
"Maybe you shouldn't have come with him in the first place, Hermione." You insist sharply, glancing back at her. "You always had other options."
Had you not spoken about the party beforehand than perhaps you wouldn't be filled with such bitterness.
"I would have said yes," Hermonie gently takes your hand in hers. Her thumb dancing delicately over the back of your hand; your entire body seemingly relaxes. "If you asked me, I mean."
Her words felt invasive; as if she had somehow managed to read your mind. Recoiling from her touch, you step away. Crashing into a rather tall lady with deep dark brown hair. She shoots you a less than favourable look before moving on. "Who said I even wanted to ask you?"
"Harry," Seems Mr. Potter had decided to try and play Cupid where he wasn't wanted. You make a mental note to talk to him about it later.
"You could have asked me," you throwback sourly. "Instead you chose McLaggen- someone you don't even like," A harsher tone but you remain quiet in order to avoid drawing unwanted attention. Heading for the exit, Hermione trails after you like a little lost puppy. Why couldn't she just leave you alone? "Maybe next time you should stop playing games."
"Who did you come with?" Hermione asks softly. It's almost drowned out among the noise. 
"No one." Your head drops. "I thought about asking Ron but he was busy with Lavender." The sound of the party grew distant as you stepped into the empty hallway. "Stop following me 'mione, go back to the party."
"I'd rather stick with you," Hermione brushes up beside you, falling in line. It was cooler out here and you were grateful for it.
"What about McLaggen?"
"All the more reason to leave," An uncomfortable silence falls over the two of you as you head back to the dorms. You never realised how eerie this place was when it wasn't full of students.
"Did you know Lovegood sleepwalks?" A harmless question to fill the void. "So she sleeps with shoes on although I think slippers would be the smarter choice."
"She's an odd one," you smile softly at her. "But interesting,"
Speak of the devil, Miss Lovegood rushes past the two of you. Her dress twinkling in the moonlight.
"Heading back too, Luna?" You call out bringing her to a stop. The blonde turns back to the two of you.
"I am," She nods offering up a tiny smile as she waits for you to catch up. If it wasn't already awkward before it definitely was now. Nobody was speaking to each other so it was just like some weird silent adventure back to the dorms.
"Did you enjoy yourself, Luna?"
"It was alright," The blonde responds quietly. "I did manage to lose Harry a lot."
"Typical Potter," you shake your head in disapproval. "I was thinking..." You bump your shoulder against Luna's. "we should have tea together sometime?"
"Tea?" She muses out loud, "That sounds lovely."
"Great. I will send you an owl," Then Luna just up and turns down the corridor to your right. That wasn't the way to the Ravenclaw common room but maybe she wasn't heading back? With a little wave, you watch her skip away.
"You can be quite forward it seems,"
"What?" Your brows furrow.
"I just don't understand why you didn't ask me? We could have gone as friends?"
"I don't see why you're so mad at me when you're the one who had a date," you fight back.
"You're so oblivious,"
"Enlighten me then,"
The girl comes to an abrupt stop making you slow down. Turning to face Hermione, she seems unable to meet your gaze. "I wanted to ask you but I heard that Zabini was going to,"
"Zabini?" Never, in a million years, would you have thought that Blaise Zabini was interested in you. It was not a bad thing; Blaise was very cool and mysterious but also like too cool for you. Way too cool. "I wonder why he didn't."
"You would have said yes?"
"Better than going alone." You shrug a little.
"There you go then," Hermione huffs, storming past. Was she angry at you for considering another date when she herself attended the party with someone else? "Next time you need a date, go with him."
"Passive-aggressive much,"
"Forget I said anything,"
It was a silent walk back to the common room other than the moment Hermione had to say the password for you to get inside. The problem now was that you happened to share a dorm room with Hermione so there was no way to escape her judgemental eyes. After getting changed, you decided it's best to just retire for the night.
"I would have liked to have attended with you this evening had you actually asked me," Hermione expresses quietly. "When you didn't, I made other arrangements."
"I don't understand why I have to be the one to ask?" You respond. "You're perfectly capable of doing it. And besides, you didn't have to go with McLaggen, Hermione. That was a choice so you clearly didn't want to go with me that badly."
"You can't be serious," She groans loudly. "Why should I have to go dateless because you can't be bothered to ask me unless you don't have any better options."
"That's not even accurate," you growl back. "You're just making stuff up now."
"Will you two shut up," Ginny Weasley interrupts, leaning against the doorway. 
Heels held in her hands suggesting she had also just returned. "Everyone can hear you arguing."
"It's-" Ginny glares at you; shutting you up. Falling against your bed, Hermione sits upon her own as the youngest Weasley enters the room. "It's not fair that you insist on playing games and then get mad at me."
"It's not fair that you're mad at me because I found another date when you didn't ask me,"
Ginny sighed loudly. "Hermione. She didn't ask you because by the time she worked up the courage you already had a date. She was always going to ask you, she just thought you'd wait for her." Then her eyes fall to you, she looks very unimpressed. "Hermione on the other hand, heard you'd be attending with Zabini and so she was planning to make you jealous by going with McLaggen okay? you both like each other so either sort this out and go to bed or go argue somewhere else."
Ginny leaves you alone with Hermione and neither of you seems to know what to say. You were just a little surprised she would go out of her way to make you jealous, it seemed a little childish which wasn't her style. "Who knew Ginny could be so scary?"
The two of you share a smile which transforms into gentle and very quiet laughter. "You were scared to ask me?"
"I wouldn't say scared just... I didn't know if I had to ask officially. I kinda just expected us to go together but then Harry said you had a date." You shrug, fiddling with your hands. "You tried to make me jealous?"
"Don't," Hermione buried her face in her hands. How sweet she was. "I'm embarrassed enough."
"I still think you should have asked me," you lay down against your bed, snuggling against the sheets. "But I'll make you a deal. Next time I need a date, we shall go together okay? No matter what it is, you will always be my first choice."
"Alright, deal," you try to look at her but it's hard from your position. Listening as she climbed into her bed and switches off the light.
"You looked really pretty tonight."
"Thank you," she mumbles. "As did you."
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
🌹 - Neji
Sorry this is so late I haven’t had wifi for like a month so thanks for being so patient <3  Also side note I really enjoyed writing this so I hope it’s okay!! 
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Neji insists that he doesn’t need to get married. He can lead the clan without distraction if he stays unattached and unencumbered by the weight of those kinds of things. It's a little easier to imagine having a child now that the main branch of the family has grown in a variety of ways. However, he isn’t about to let down his guard just because the peace they reached after the war, seems to be holding up fairly well. 
His uncle is not pleased with this revelation. 
As he is still the head of their clan, Neji does have some obligation to meet his demands but after the first, second, and third attempts of ‘urgent meetings’ that quickly devolve into arranged marriage contract negotiations, he’s at his limit. 
He finally turns to Hinata for assistance but with her being married to the man she’s been in love with since she could barely walk, it’s not exactly helpful.
Neji doesn’t have a Naruto. 
There’s no one that has drawn him in or piqued his interest in the slightest. 
He really wishes his uncle would just stay out of it. 
That is until Hinata tells him about an upcoming ceremony where an ambassador from the village hidden in the waterfalls is meeting with all the local clan leaders to discuss a political marriage for their next in command. 
Marrying for money or privilege has never appealed to him, nor is he idealistic enough to put his faith in a cosmic power; be it fate, soulmates, or even something as abstract as love.
However, since the war, the land hidden in the waterfalls has rightfully felt cut off from the rest of the Land of Fire despite being centered between The Hidden Leaf Village and The Hidden Stone Village.
To have something to bond those in power wouldn’t be a terrible idea…
“Who all will be present?” Neji asks, almost surprising himself that he’s actually showing an interest. 
“Unfortunately there’s not many clans with unmarried heirs. The Nara clan is sending their third in line, Shino has requested that he not be included, but he’ll probably have to make an appearance anyway, and...and the Fuma clan will be sending someone, though I’m not sure who.” she says, showing quite a bit of worry. 
The Fuma clan is known for their aggression but none more than the most recently appointed heir. If not for how well things were already running, mostly due to Naruto’s heart and Shikmaru’s untouchable mind…
Well, to allow that man more power doesn’t sit right in his gut. 
“Tell Uncle I’ll be in attendance,” he says, ignoring the way Hinata’s eyes widen in surprise. “It can never hurt to keep an eye on the Fuma clan.” 
“I’ll let him know.” 
Neji gently bows his head to her and takes off in another direction. 
He has some research to do. 
The night of the ceremony he’s dressed in his formal wear despite the discomfort that comes from it, and his hair has been neatly straightened and pinned. There’s a prickle of nervousness at his fingertips but he ignores it in favor of arriving just a few minutes before the other guests. 
His uncle is giving him the most enthusiastic smile he’s seen from the man in years and it almost immediately makes him flinch back and turn around. 
No...this was his plan he’ll see it through.
It will be fine if you take up with the Nara clan member or even Shino he supposes but if it looks as if the Fuma clan have the upperhand, he’ll step in.
He isn’t full of himself, knows it’s nothing to do with who he is, his hopes, dreams, desires, but his clan is well known throughout all the villages and he has been appointed to be their heir as soon as his Uncle wishes to step down. 
Some nagging voice in the back of his mind is telling him that the old man is just waiting to marry him off before doing it.
Still, a contract with him is far superior to a contract with the Fuma clan and Neji understands the power of his position if nothing else. 
When you arrive, your face is hidden entirely under a thick veil, he bows his head to you politely and you return the motion, the same for your father. 
His uncle then proceeds to ‘keep casual conversation’ which in political rooms means something entirely different, as the four of you wait for the others to show up.
Shino is first, he stays humble and polite for a few moments but is suspiciously called to the school no more than five minutes after the introductions are over. 
Neji tries not to envy him. 
You’re soft spoken and quiet, Neji isn’t sure if that’s actually who you are or who you are in moments like this but he’s at least glad that you’re speaking on some topics as the conversation loops from one thing to another. 
The young man from the Nara clan...well he can hardly be called a man. He’s probably only barely old enough to be married at all, is nervous and awkward which is slightly amusing to him, but clearly not a viable candidate. 
Honestly, if you can just get things sewn up before Fuma gets he-
As if right on cue, the ceremonial curtain that was hung at the entrance of the room is loudly pulled away and in walks the overly entitled cesspool of DNA known as Fuma Ichizoku.
Servants follow him into the room despite the fact that marriage negotiations are meant to be private with only one advisor per each interested party. 
“Hey there, why don’t you take all that off and let me get a look at your pretty face,” he says, then he steps toward you and you subtly back away from the advance. It’s just a small movement really, the curve of your back arching just a little.
It’s enough for him. 
Neji wastes no time, he stands, politely bows to you and then meets Ichizoku head on. 
“I’m afraid you’re no longer welcome in these talks. Bringing uninvited guests into a treaty signing is not allowed,” he says cooly, ignoring the gasp from his cohorts. “I would advise that you read up on the formalities of contract negotiations before entering into one.” 
“Do you know who I am?” he asks, his words slurring a bit as the stink of alcohol invadesNeji’s air. 
“A previous guest who has been uninvited, now please see your way out,” Neji answers, looking to his people. It is in vain because they are clearly too intimidated to do anything about his disruptive behavior. 
In one quick, precise movement, Neji thumps his hand against the side of Ichizoku’s neck and he barely has time to start his complaint before crumpling to the floor.
He turns to you, eyes pale and gorgeous and he asks if you’d like to file a formal complaint. You quickly shake your head no before he turns back to the group that came in with him. “See to it that he gets home safely,” he says, but he makes a mental note to discuss this with Ichizoku’s father. If he can’t do better than this, he’s not fit to lead a clan of any kind, not even theirs. 
They quickly carry him out of the room and Neji returns to his seat. 
Your father scratches his chin with stoic features for a few beats before Neji watches the small uptick at the corner of his mouth and he feels a flood of something warm through him. 
“I’ve heard rumors you were reluctant to marry…” he says, and Neji slowly bows and nods his head. 
“That’s true yes...I had no altruistic intentions of marrying and having a family. I think-I thought it would be easier to lead my clan if I wasn’t concerned about a partner or children or returning home every night,” he says, but he looks to you, bows his head again, “But if I can be of use to my clan, to the people in my village, to the Allied Nations I want to do that. I want people in every hidden village to feel included in the peace that we’ve fought so hard to get,” he says, and he doesn’t think he’s talked this much in a while but it still doesn’t feel like enough. 
“So not for money or love, but political marriage interests you?” 
“It’s not that, sir. I just think that when you’re part of something greater than yourself or your clan, it gives you a sense of purpose and I believe anyone who experiences that is more invested in maintaining those ideals and feelings,” he says, and you find yourself smiling under the veil. 
“And you think you can share that feeling with our people?” he asks, and Neji goes quiet, lost in his thoughts for a moment.
Hiashi tries to cover the silence but your father just waits for him, observes him and waits. 
“To be honest sir, I’m not entirely sure I’m the best person for that. Until recently I was blind to most of the world outside the Hyuga compound,” he says, pausing to take a breath. “Perhaps you could find a better match elsewhere. Someone more open and kind. You see, I’m not very personable. Even my teammates and closest friends find me difficult…”
“Well I certainly didn’t expect quite that much honesty,” your father says, a hearty laugh bubbling out of his chest. 
“You’ll do fine, young Hyuga. You’ll do just fine.” 
“I’m not sure I understand…”
“The contracts can be amended if you find something to your dislike but read over them and make your decision. I know we’re eager to officially join in the peace treaty and have such respectful and honest allies at our backs.” 
Neji looks to you like he’s expecting you to stop him or something but you just nod your head in agreement and let him look over the pages, your skin tingling with anticipation.
You wait, breath feeling trapped in your throat as his eyes skim over the document when his signature is finalized across the bottom, you feel yourself smiling.
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twentytarot · 4 years
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hi everyone! happy lunar new year to all that celebrate it, and happy late valentine’s day! i’m here with a pick a card to tell you what it is that makes you alluring and sexy to others. this isn’t 18+, so for those of you who aren’t comfy with sexual themes, not to worry! pick the image that sets your thoughts off and scroll down to your respective pile for your reading~ 😍
first things first, let’s talk about that 1000 mph mind of yours. you have a sharp tongue, you always get the last word, and you have some next level comebacks that get people interested in knowing you better. there’s also that dangerous, “bad boy/girl” vibe that comes with the way you speak that others find sexy.
but where did all of that come from? you had practice, huh? i’m sure you’ve noticed that people have been much more positively interested in you as compared to a few years ago. now, let’s not kid ourselves here: humans are pretty superficial. in your younger years, you had features that didn’t fit quite right with the rest of you. maybe your eyes were a little too big, or your ears were sticking out a little— and people weren’t the kindest about it. you had to defend yourself as you reached puberty and slowly grew into the features that once didn’t fit, but then became desirable and distinctive. and now, with your more conventionally attractive looks and sharpened tongue, you feel more empowered than ever (in the social sense, at least).
and yet, you carry with you the scars of the previous decade, choosing to keep to yourself no matter how many people try to approach you. you like that people like you for you now, but you can’t help but wonder whether all these people would have loved you for who you were back then. i see no reason for you to let your guard down just yet, but you might want to look out for an aquarius or virgo over the next few months or so. 😉
you have an extremely alluring combination of kindness, strength and mystery that makes people want to be the one closest to you. they want to be on the receiving end of your wisdom and comfort, they want to feel your love, and most of all, they want to really know you. because no matter how good you are at empathising with others and providing comfort, you never disclose more about yourself than you have to, and that sprinkle of mystery surrounding you really seals the deal and pulls people in.
alright, i can already see you rolling your eyes. have you seen the meme where someone goes “anybody would be lucky to date you man!” and then the other person replies “so date me.” and then there’s just gunshots going off while the first person tries to weasel their way out of the awkward truth that they don’t want to date the second person? you kinda relate, don’t you. it’s almost like in theory, you’re attractive, but in reality, people find you too “sturdy and stable” to be fun on dates. you might also have more responsibilities than others your age and have to juggle quite a few things. again: in theory, people look up to you for that; in practice, they don’t have the patience for that.
that being said, your person is definitely around the corner. or they’re already there, and you’ve managed to put everything above behind you. whatever the case, you have a very precious heart, so protect it well! 
well, there’s no way around saying this: people think you’re good looking. you dress fashionably, you accessorise well, and you won the genetic lottery. of course, there’s good and bad to this. the good news is you always have choices and pretty much never miss when you shoot. the bad news is many of your past flings were very physical and didn’t bring you much clarity about being in a long term, committed relationship.
in fact, one half of you struggle with the fact that some people just wanted you for the sake of the game. they were attracted to the idea of people being impressed that they managed to get you, but not truly taken by you yourself at all. another group of you struggle with assuming that people just want you for your looks and then dragging yourself into a self-fulfilling prophecy loop that seems to confirm your suspicions on yourself and the people are around you, which then sends you on a downward spiral.
if you’re hiding these fears behind a bunch of funny “pretty privilege” tiktoks, i hope you know that you are more than all of that. when stability starts rolling around, you will feel like a fish out of water, but i can assure you it will bring in all the sunlight you’ve been wishing for in your life.
ps: look out for numbers 2 and 4!
oof, as someone who is terrible at giving gifts, i really envy you. you just know what to do to lighten the mood at any party, you just know what to buy everyone for christmas, you just know whom to call to hang out, you just know what to say to keep a conversation going. you carry this lightness and promise of romantic, happy endings around with you that is like a warm fireplace in the winter. and that’s why people like you so much!
i’m sure you’re lucky in friendship and love. if you’re not already attached and have a best friend gang, then you probably will soon. you’re just living your best life right now, i hear, and you probably have people lining up at your door to be around you, to try and absorb some of that abundant energy you’ve got going on right now. and i think you’re happy to help! there’s so much positive energy in your life that you can’t carry it all yourself anyway.
that being said, energy vampires are very real. or, well, at least some people just suck. look out for people trying to push you off your path and stab you in the back. if you speak frequently with your higher powers, remember to check in with them and trust your instincts.
ps: look out for numbers 2, 10, and 20!
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
run, baby, run | jj maybank x reader
request: @drewsephsmiles asked: an imagine where reader and jj sneak into midsummers under a different name, and he finally confessing his feelings as you guys are running away??
summary: angry at your friends for spending the night on the dark side without, you and jj decide to crash midsummers, only to grow closer throughout the night. 
warnings: alcohol use, cursing, ward cameron
word count: 3.2k
a/n: this made me so happy while writing it. it’s just a bunch of fluff and dorky jj. also, lmk if you notice the parks and rec reference in here. i think it’s pretty obvious lol. enjoy :)
You and JJ had been abandoned. Thrown to the wayside in favor of some Kook party. And not just any Kook party, but Midsummers, the Kookiest event of the year. To be fair to your friends, none of them wanted to be there either. Pope had to work with his dad, Kiara was forced by her parents, and John B was Sarah’s date. Usually, you would have attended as Kie’s date, keeping her company while the two of you got drunk off expensive champagne. But, since John B was attending this year, you didn’t want to leave JJ all alone. So now you found yourself in the least Kook place in the Outer Banks: lounging on the couch on the porch of the Chateau, smoking with JJ while complaining about your friends going to the dark side.
“Did you see John B is his monkey suit? He looked ridiculous. Sarah’s got him whipped for sure,” JJ noted, referencing the suit Sarah had picked out for his best friend for Midsummers. The moment John B had emerged from his room wearing a dark blue suit and a pair of fancy loafers, JJ couldn’t help but go off on the boy.
“Leave him alone, he’s in love,” You said emphasizing your words with a fake dreamy voice, “Besides, we both know your ultimate dream in life is to go Full Kook.”
“Yeah, well, doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to complain about it now. I mean, that suit probably cost more than my whole life, and Sarah just bought it like it was nothing.”
“You should see her closet. She’s got shit in there that could pay my parent’s mortgage five times over.”
JJ passed the joint you and you took a hit, mind wandering to Sarah’s closet full of beautiful party dresses. JJ sighed and flipped around so his head rested in your lap. Your fingers instantly went to his blonde locks, running through them lazily.
“If I went full Kook, I would buy a suit for every day of the week. No, every day of the month, plus one to sleep in. That’s what I want, so much money that I can sleep in a suit and not even think about it. If I fuck it up, oh well, I’ll just go buy a new one.”
You giggled at JJ, looking down at him as you passed him the joint. His red, hooded eyes met your own, just as glazed as his. For a moment, you were thankful that your friends were all stuck at Midsummers. You cherished moments like this, where it was just you and JJ. You had been friends with him and John B as long as you could remember, the three of you sharing a third grade class. The three of you were thick as thieves. You thought of John B as a brother. JJ, on the other hand, was something else entirely. He was your person, always there by your side. He could read you like no one else could, and you understood him just the same. That’s why you loved spending time alone with JJ. Neither of you had to be anyone else but yourselves. Sure, you could do that with the Pogues, but with you and JJ it was just different.
You’d really started to notice the difference lately. You noticed it in the way he looked at you, in the way his touch would linger on your skin, the way your heart skipped when he laughed and they way your stomach flutter when he sat close to you, like he was doing now.
Looking down at your best friend, observing his lazy smile and the way his hair felt against your fingers, you could safely say you were in love with JJ Maybank. And you were okay with that. You were also okay with never telling him your feelings, because you couldn’t risk losing him. Even if it was only as friends, you wanted to keep JJ by your side for the rest of your life.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by JJ booping you on the nose after handing you the joint, small giggles escaping his lips.
“Whatcha thinking about, sunshine?” He asked. You took a hit to avoid answering for a moment, mind racing to come up with something.
“Just imagining myself as a Kook at Midsummers right now. As much as I complain about it, I actually love getting all dressed up and getting shitfaced with Kie.” You said, Midsummers being the first thing that came to your mind. JJ suddenly shot up from his place on your lap, almost knocking your head with his own in the process. He spun around so he was facing you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Then let’s fucking do it!” He said. You furrowed your eyebrows at the blonde boy.
“Do what? Go to Midsummers? JJ, how will we-”
“Sarah got John B an extra suit, just in case she hated the way the other one looked on him. And I’m sure Kie wouldn’t mind if you borrowed one of her dresses, it’s not like she uses them anyway.”
You opened your mouth, ready to question every aspect of his plan, when JJ jumped to his feet and stopped you. He positioned himself so he was standing obscenely straight, a studious look on his face.
“Ms. Y/L/N, would you do me the pleasure of allowing me to escort you to Midsummers this evening?” He said in a terrible fancy voice. He extended his hand towards you expectantly. You looked at his hand then up at his face. His gaze was soft as he looked at him, wiggling his eyebrows at you as he waited for your response. After a few moments of thinking over everything that could go wrong, you looked at him again, and remembered, this was JJ Maybank. You would walk through Hell for him. The only differences between Midsummers and Hell was free booze and food.
You gently placed your hand in his, meeting his eyes and smiled.
“It would be my honor.”
After stealing the extra suit from John B’s room, sneaking into Kiara’s house to pick out a dress (you knew where she hid the spare key), and quickly doing you make up in the car, you and JJ parked outside of Kook country club where Midsummers was taking place.
“So what’s the plan?” You asked. JJ just looked at you.
“What do you mean?”
You stared at him incredulously, throwing your arms in the air.
“What do you mean “what do you mean”? What is your plan for sneaking into the most prestigious Kook event in the Outer Banks?”
“When have I ever had a plan?”
You glared at him for a moment, before rolling your eyes and stepping out the car. He met you on your side of the car, positioning his arm for you to hold onto.
“If we get caught, I’m telling them you kidnapped me.”
JJ chuckled and started leading you towards the door.
“Don’t worry, sunshine, we’ll be fine. Just follow my lead.”
You sighed and shook your head, too used to JJ’s antics to truly be worried.  
When you were a few feet from the door, JJ leaned down till his lips were close to your ear.
“By the way, you look beautiful, sunshine.”
You turned your head away from him, trying to hide the smile that was stuck on your face.
A man stood in front of the door into the country club, blocking the way. He looked the pair of you up and down as you approached, picking every detail that set you and JJ apart from the Kooks. Despite dressing the part, you two didn’t hold yourselves the same way the Kooks did.
“I’m sorry, but the club is closed for a private event,” The man said with a look that said “sorry, not sorry.”
“Oh, we’re well aware. We’re here to attend. Sorry, we’re running late, you know how women can be with their make-up,” JJ said, motioning to you. You lightly elbowed him while continuing to smile politely at the man.
“I understand, sir, but…the event is at capacity. Maybe next year!” He said, giving you a snide smile. You glared at the man while JJ removed himself from your grasp.
“Excuse me, do you know who I am? My name is Charles Cameron, and I don’t think my uncle, Ward Cameron, would be very happy if his favorite nephew didn’t make it to his party. Especially a nephew who is visiting on his honeymoon and wants to show his wife the absolute best the Outer Banks has to offer.”
You felt your cheeks heat up as he referred to you as his wife. But you didn’t have time to dwell on it as the man opened the door quickly. The look on his face made it clear he didn’t want to take the chance of facing the wrath of Ward Cameron. JJ looped his arm with yours once again and led you inside, giving you a wink and a smirk after thanking the doorman.
“Wow you really unleashed your inner Karen back there, Charles,” You laughed.
“Nah, it was more of my inner Gretchen Wieners. I’m so glad you made me watch that movie last week. I went all my father, the inventor of toaster strudel on his ass,” JJ said, putting on his best teen girl voice.
“I think we need sign you up for acting classes, you’re a natural!”
“Classes? Nah, sunshine. The master doesn’t take classes, he teaches them.”
You threw your head back in laughter as he pulled you to the open bar. The pair of you ordered the fanciest and most expensive drink you could think of, trying your best to blend in with the Kooks surrounding you.
Sipping on your disgustingly expensive drinks, you moved through the crowd. You spotted John B and Sarah at he edge of the dance floor and led JJ toward them.
“What the hell are you doing here? Is that my suit?” John B questioned.
“It’s not like you were gonna wear it. Anyways, Y/N and I were no pissed that you guys abandoned us for this Kookfest, we decided to come crash your party. Free booze, dancing, the chance to fuck with some Kooks, it’s one hell of a honeymoon.”
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer, giving John B an exaggerated smile.
“Honeymoon?” Sarah questioned, raising her eyebrows and giving you a sly smirk.
“Yup. Oh, and, by the way, if anyone asks, I’m your favorite cousin Charles. Okay, we’re gonna go find Kie. See you love birds later.” He led you away from the dance floor, but you didn’t miss Sarah mouth we’ll talk later at you.  
Sarah was the one to help you realize your feelings for JJ. When she had first started dating John B, she has assume the two of you were dating. When she asked you about, you were disgusted. After asking her to elaborate as to why she believed you were dating your best friend, it became less and less disgusting. Suddenly, you realized that you very much wanted to date your best friend. That had been three years ago. Ever since, Sarah was constantly pestering you about telling JJ how you feel. She would always mention things that proved JJ felt the same way. From the way he looked at you, how protective he was of you, how he got jealous when anyone was even remotely interested in you. But no matter how much Sarah pointed out to you, you could never believe that JJ would want to be anything but friends.
The pair of you wandered around Midsummers. You eventually found Kie, who had escaped the center of the party by hiding by the grill with Pope. After complimenting your dress, then realizing it was her own, you were forced to explain how you kinda, sorta broke into her house. You and JJ escaped her wrath quickly, running to the other end of the party. You spent the next hour wandering around, drinking champagne and making shitty small talk with the Kooks who always found ways to rope you into conversations. JJ had somehow convinced a lady that the both of you were very wealthy entrepreneurs on the look out for new companies to invest in.
“So, you do a lot of investing?” The lady, you think he name was Eleanor, asked.
“We like to dabble. I recently invested in some shirts I got a garage sale. Left those at Wendy’s on the way home, so,” JJ raised his glass towards the women, giving her a serious look, “the economy.”
You both let out the fakest rich laughs you could, causing the women to step away from you quickly. Your fake laughs turned into real giggles at the look the lady’s face. You walked father away from the crowd learning against a wall near the edge of the party.
“Who knew Midsummers could be so fun,” You remarked, grinning at JJ. He smiled back, bumping shoulders with you. You dissolved into a comfortable silence, observing the party moving in front of you. You glanced toward the front of the club and noticed the doorman from watching you and JJ.
“JJ!” You tapped the boys shoulder and nodded toward the man. He looked at him quickly before looking back at you.
“I think it’s time for an acting lesson. Lesson one, method acting,” JJ said. He leaned forward, placing a hand on your cheek. For a second, it seems like his lips are heading straight for yours. You stomach flips as he gets closer. But he suddenly changes course, his lips landing on your cheek.
“I don’t think that’s what method acting is,” You said.
“It’s my method of acting,” He whispered in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. He quickly pulled away, going back to leaning against the wall. You gave yourself a moment to calm your racing heart before looking back towards the doorman. He was no longer watching the pair of you, thankfully. You returned your attention towards the party, trying to ignore the tingle on your cheek where his lips has touched.
Your head perked up as the music changed, the band playing Dream a Little Dream of Me. You let out a content sigh.
“I love this song,” You said. JJ gazed at you, taking in the peaceful look on your beautiful face. He slowly took your hand in his and brought it up to his lips. He placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles as he met your eyes. Your breath caught in your throat at the intensity of his gaze and practically swooned at the tone of his voice has he quietly spoke.
“Sunshine, would you like to dance?”
You could only nod, smiling at the boy as he led you to the dance floor. Your hands stayed clasped together, while your other hand rested on his shoulder. His hand landed dangerously low on your hip, gripping it and pulling you close. Your face was only about a foot from his, breath mingling as you swayed to the music.
“You look beautiful tonight,” He whispered.
“You already said that,” You whispered back.
“And I’ll say it again.” He grinned at you, pulling away to give you space to twirl before pulling you back in, closer than before.
“God, you deserve this. Not having to worry about a thing. Getting to wear beautiful dresses and go to glamorous parties. Why do people like Rafe Cameron, the living equivalent of trash, get to enjoy this shit while you, a literal goddess among women, gets stuck on the Cut with trash like me.” He glanced down has he spoke, refusing to meet your eyes. You placed your hand under his chin, lifting it to look at you.
“I’m glad this wasn’t my life. Because if I was stuck on Figure 8 I never would have had met you. I’m glad I’m stuck on the Cut, because I get to stuck with the coolest people I know. Even now, if I were given the chance to go Full Kook, I wouldn’t go anywhere unless you were with me.”
JJ looked at you, mouth agape. Your hand moved from his chin to his cheek. You started to move in, as did JJ, breath picking up the closer you got. Suddenly, a hand slammed onto JJ’s shoulder, making both of freeze.
“Enjoying your honeymoon, nephew?” Ward Cameron spoke from behind JJ. JJ looked in your eyes and smirked.
“Well honey, looks like we’re heading home early.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a few security guards making their way towards you. JJ gripped your hand and began running off the dance floor. You ran with him, laughing as he antagonized the security guards chasing after you. You kicked off your shoes as you ran, making a note in your head to apologize to Kie later. The two of you weaved through the crowd, running down the beach and into a grouping of trees. JJ suddenly pulled you to the side pressing you up against a tree. You could hear the the security guards talking at the edge of the woods.
“Just make sure they don’t make it back in.” One of them said, before walking away. You barely paid attention to the security guards, though, too busy staring into JJ’s eyes. You both were breathing heavily after your daring escape. JJ’s hair was a mess, falling into his eyes. He licked his lips, eyes moving from your eyes to your mouth. You reached up to brush his hair back. Hi hand caught your wrist, pulling you closer to him before his hands wrapped around your waist. His lips crashed onto yours  hungrily. You kissed him back with equal fervor, hands tangling in his hair and forcing his head closer. He tasted sweet and bubbly like the champagne you had consumed the night. He tasted like the stars, beautiful and sparkling and like a dream.
When you finally parted to catch your breath. His hand move up to your face, cupping your cheeks.
“I love you, Y/N. It may be selfish, but I’m so glad you got stuck on the Cut with me. Being around you makes me feel like I can be anything and that I don’t belong dead in a ditch somewhere. And for so long I thought I could handle just being friends, but I can’t fucking do it anymore. I want kiss you and hold you and make you feel good!You are my fucking sunshine and I want to give you everything you deserve. I may not be able to give it to you now, but, if you’ll let me, I will stop at nothing to give you everything.”
You were frozen. Tears were gather at the corner of your eyes as you took in his words. One of your hands moved to cover JJ’s on your cheek. You gave him a watery grin.
“JJ, you’re here in front of me. I already have everything.”
He smiled and captured your lips once again, silently thanking the universe for putting you in his life.
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jadedlavendergemini · 3 years
A Summer To Remember
Pt 2
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Summary: Lexi Goldstein has one goal in her life, to be a model. Her boyfriend, who is inspired to become a big time actor insists on taking a break and working at a summer camp with the rest of their friends. What go wrong?
A/N: I’m so terribly sorry for the long wait. I’ve been extremely busy with both jobs. Thank you guys for giving me a great amount of support with my fics. I just wish I was able to update more frequently. As always, let me know what ya’ll think!
Tag list (if anyone is still interested) : @instincts-baby @lovelylangdonx @fckinsupreme @7-wonders @angelicmichael @dark-mei-rose @langdxn
Part one
“Alright great job everyone!” Xavier exclaimed to the class. “Just remember I wont be teaching for a couple of months but that doesn’t mean you can slack off! I want every one to be ready to go as soon as I get back!”
The class slowly made their way out of the door, some stopping to wish Xavier a good summer break. He flashed his famous white tooth smile, waving them off. His eyes wandering to his girlfriend who was in deep conversation with Montana Duke.
“So how was the dick last night?” Montana asked bluntly, still stretching her legs. The blonde chuckled at her friend’s wide eyed expression. “Oh don’t be so modest, Lex. You’ve been smiling like an idiot since the both of you got here.”
Lexi just shook her head before crossing her arms and leaning in, lowering her voice. “It was very nice.”
Before Montana could get in one of her many responses, Ray had stepped in and placed an arm around both of the girls.
“Okay, enough with the chit chat and let’s get GOING. I want to get to RedWood before it gets late.”
“What is your deal with leaving the city so soon, huh?” Xavier made his way over to the group and shoved Ray’s arm off of Lexi.
“Like I said, this city is about to get crazy. Just want to get a head start, man.” He moved his other arm off of Montana and nervously wiped his forehead.
“Right, well we’re going to hit the showers and we’ll be ready.” Montana looped her arm through Lexi’s and took off.
After showering, Montana and Lexi met up with the boys in the gym lobby. Lexi fell into Xavier’s side on the couch. Chet sat opposite of them, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his thighs. Ray sat halfway off the arm of the couch looking on edge as per usual that week.
“Alright so the drive to RedWood should only be about two hours so if you guys need anything, get it done now because I’d like to make as less stops as possible.” Xavier said to the group.
The group all shook their heads and Ray jumped to stand.
“Nope!” He said enthusiastically. “Let’s get rolling!”
Xavier and Chet rolled their eyes as they began to stand to exit. Before any of them could even head to the door, the doors to the lobby opened and small brunette hastily made her way to Montana.
“Montana!” She exclaimed, practically shocking the hell out of the blonde. “I- can I still come with you guys?”
“Of course, Brooke. What’s going on?”
“You look shaken,” Chet chimed in, dropping his bag to the ground and stepping towards the girl. “Are you alright?”
The girl, Brooke, was on the brink of tears. “H-he came for me last night. The Night Stalker! He broke into my apartment, he tried to kill me!”
Montana nodded, and guided Brooke to the couch. “What? You’ve got to be kidding! Are you alright?”
Lexi moved from Xavier and ran to the nearest water machine to grab a cup for the girl. The group just stood by as Montana tried to calm her down.
“Are you sure that’s who it was, Brooke?” Ray asked. “Not just some random dude?”
“Of course it was him! He said,” she lowered her voice. “He said he wanted me to swear on satan.”
Xavier sighed, brows raised. “Damn, that’s fucked up. You’re still welcome to come though.”
Montana nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! Come with us, we’ll be out in the woods. You’ll be safe there with us.”
As Brooke nodded, Lexi made her way back to Brooke with the water. “Here drink and just breathe.”
Brooke took the water with a small “thank you.” She looked around at the group. “I- I packed a bag just in case-“
“We’ll get the van loaded, no worries!” Ray spoke, signaling the boys to follow him.
“Yeah, plenty of room.” Chet gave a small smile towards the brunette before leaving the girls to sit in silence.
Lexi stood up from where was kneeling next to Brooke. “I’m Lexi, by the way. You must be Montana’s new friend.”
Brooke nodded. “Yeah, we met yesterday in class.”
“Lexi is Xavier’s girlfriend.” Montana said. “And my best friend, well more like a sister.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Brooke spoke.
“Same.” It remained quiet again until she spoke once more. “So do you really think it was him? There’s a lot of crazy shit that goes down in this city.”
“It was him.” Brooke declared, sitting the plastic cup on the coffee table. “He said he was going to come after me!”
Montana held her hands up. “Brooke, chill. It’s gonna be okay. You’ll come with us to Camp RedWood and by the time we get back, the cops will have most likely found him.”
Lexi nodded. “Exactly,” she patted Brooke’s shoulder for reassurance.
Brooke nodded and stood. The two blondes stood with her and they all made their way out of the gym.
The first hour during the ride was filled with laughs and promises of the best summer to come. Lexi sat close to Xavier in the front of the van as the others chilled in the back. Brook sat between Montana and Chet, still obviously on edge.
Ray offered some alcohol to the brunette in hopes of calming her nerves. “I still don’t really know what happened.” She managed to say before taking a swig from Ray’s flask.
“Face it, Brooke. You’re a badass.” Montana smiled at the girl.
“The cops are going to find him right?” Brooke asked, still in not convinced.
“I’m sure they will, hun.” Lexi turned around in her seat to give Brooke a reassuring smile.
“What’s better than a few weeks out in the wilderness? And get paid for it!” Montana said, bringing a hand onto the brunette’s knee. “Brooke, you’re totally doing the right thing coming with us.”
“Absolutely, it’s going to be a nonstop party.” Ray spoke next. “The kids, the camp. I’ve got us enough blow and weed to last us through the summer. And let’s just hope that we don’t have to take any drug tests.” Ray, Lexi, Montana and Xavier laughed as Chet huffed.
“No, it’s not fucking funny. Point zero zero one. That’s how much shit those morons said was in my blood stream.” Chet huffed and crossed his arms.
“If you haven’t figured it out yet, Chet was disqualified from Team USA. He peed a pharmacy, so they kicked him out of the Olympics.” Montana said to Brooke, who tried to keep her eyes from starting at the man.
“Come on, you can be honest with us. We’re all friends!” Xavier chuckled.
“But I didn’t do anything! I worked my ass off for that spot!” Chet whined, now moving to pull his shirt off. “I mean look at this bod. Have you ever seen a body like this?”
Brooke shook her head and replied quietly with a “no.”
“You’re embarrassing yourself.” Ray chimed.
“Yeah? What the hell do you got, huh? Let’s see it!”
Montana, who had been watching the whole exchange with smirk spoke. “Yeah, I’m up for a good laugh.”
Lexi giggled as Ray struggled to remove his shirt but managed to finally get it off. He flexed whatever muscles he had. “Eat my shorts!”
A bright flash from Montana’s Polaroid camera blinded him for a moment. She just grabbed the film when it finally printed. “For memory purposes.”
“It’s like the ad always says ‘there’s always room for jello.’”
Ray rolls his eyes and digs through his backpack something. Then brings out a little clear vial of a white substance.
Without a word he gestures it to Chet who hesitates but gives up.
“What the hell! It doesn’t matter what I put in my body anymore anyways.” He says before taking hit off his finger.
Chet passes it back to Brooke, who shyly declines. Which it was now handed to Montana who was obviously down.
“More for me,” she snorted what she could before handing it to Lexi. “And for Lexi.”
Lexi rolled her eyes before lifting the vial towards her nose. She took a big wiff from the line in which she poured onto her hand.
Lexi managed to trade the coke for one of Ray’s famous blunts. She sunk back into seat next to Xavier with the blunt placed in between her fingers.
The curvy blonde took two hits before holding it up to her boyfriend’s mouth. Xavier rolled his eyes at whatever chatter his friends were causing in the back seat. He leaned into the joint that Lexi had held up for him.
Not bothering to wait for him to release the Smoke he had inhaled, she moved closer and placed her lips onto his plump ones. The smoke from the joint seeking its way back into Lexi’s mouth.
The two didn’t notice their friends were watching. Ray, being the more playful friend, decided to call them out.
“Come on you two, cut that shit out before Xav crashes the damn van!”
Lexi only smiled bashfully and sat back in her spot in the passengers seat. That didn’t stop Xavier from taking his large right hand to squeeze her thigh.
And in a low voice, avoiding their friends. He whispered into her ear. “Don’t forget what I said about sex in the woods.”
Lexi just smiled “Oh baby, don’t tease.” She winked.
Not much longer the group arrived at what looked like an older, broken down gas Station. Which was kinda eerie to Lexi, considering her knowledge of horror movies with gas stations like this one.
Everyone had hopped out to stretch their legs. Xavier moved passed the gas station attendant.
“Fill her up. How much?” He asks the older man.
“About a quarter,” he responded.
“And the pay phone?” He asked. The older man grunted And pointed towards the back by a garbage dump.
Lexi settles for a coke from a soda machine nearby. She scraped together a dollar from the change from Xavier’s van.
“You guys want anything from the vending machine?” Lexi asks the girls who are busy stretching their legs and talking.
“Nah, I’m good.” Montana replied.
“No thanks, I’m good.” Brooke responded.
Lexi shrugged and headed back to the vending machine to get her drink.
“Actually, Lexi could you do me a favor?”
“What?” She grabbed her soda and joined Montana And Brooke.
“I don’t know if you could tell but I think Brooke here has a crush on our dear, pain in the ass, Chet. Does she have you blessing?”
“It’s not what you-“ Brooke was cut off.
“Brooke, I really don’t care about you and Chet. Just go for it. Honestly, we only dated for 6 months.”
“You don’t care?”
“Nope. Chet And I have moved on from each other. And now I have Xavier.” Lexi said, eyeing her man walking back towards them. “So have fun!” She giggled to Brooke.
“See? I told you not to worry about her!” Montana Schabe Brooke’s shoulder a shove. “Xavier let’s go! We need to start making a move if we going to get to RedWood before dark!”
“Did she say RedWood?” The old man asked.
“Yeah, camp RedWood. We’re all camp counselors there for the summer.” Brooke answered.
“Turn around. Go back to the city.” The old man responded. “They should have never opened that place again.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. How much do we owe you?” Xavier interrupted, his hand resting on Lexi’s lower back.
He helped her into the back of the van as Ray paid the gas station attendant.
“Xav, what is he talking about?” Lexi asks.
Xavier shakes his head. “Nothing. Probably some random shit he says to anyone heading the same way. Don’t worry ‘bout it, babe.”
Xavier hopped back into the drivers seat. Chet stole Lexi’s spot but she was glad to be in the back with the girls and Ray.
Xavier was just finding the right tunes for the rest of the drive when the old man slapped a hand on the hood, causing them to jump in surprise.
“You’re all gonna die.” He spoke in such a deep tone that gave Lexi goosebumps.
The blonde just winked. And drove them off back towards the way.
Lexi however, couldn’t stop thinking of those words. What was he talking about? How much of Camp Redwood did this man know about? Obviously something she did not. And she wasn’t the only one.
A/N: I know it’s shorter than expected but I’ve already got chapter 3 going. Please let me know what you think.
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nugnthopkns · 4 years
tell you i miss you but i don’t know how
word count: 2.7k
warnings: insinuated fem!reader, a singular swear word, it’s kinda angsty i guess
recommended listening: the story of us | taylor swift
a/n: long time hockey fan, long time reader, first time writer. i’ve been thinking about posting for a while and decided to bite the bullet. no time like the present i suppose. tagging some folks i feel might be interested (but there’s literally zero pressure please feel free to ignore) @matbaerzal​ @davidpastrsnack​ @troubatrain​ @jamiedrysdales​
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Breaking up was for the best. 
You repeat the phrase like a mantra. It’s the first thing you think when you wake up, in the back of your mind as you sit in your cubicle, and verbally repeated anytime you pass a mirror. Deep down you know it’s right; you and Tyson aren’t on compatible lifepaths, and that’s okay. You just wish it didn’t hurt so much to say goodbye. He’s an easy person to miss, with his infectious smile and quick wit. Tyson’s the only person who’s made you laugh so hard tears roll down your cheek; the one who always picked up a bag of pretzels on his way home from the rink so you could have a snack after work. Though you didn’t expect to get over him quickly, you had no idea you’d still miss him nearly a year later. Or that it would hurt so much every time you see him in public. 
The bar offers a reprieve from the brisk Denver wind. October has been unusually chilly so far, but the bodies packed like sardines in the open room create all the heat insulation you need. It’s a Friday night and you’re hoping to unwind after a stressful week at work. It’s audit season, meaning you’ve had to pull crazy late nights as you read over the financial records of the firm’s junior partners. Today was particularly terrible, with the computer system crashing, and you really need a drink. Your friends are supposed to meet you, but a text confirms that traffic is heavier than they anticipated and they’re running late. 
Not wanting to waste precious time, you head straight for the only empty space at the bar. A bartender a few years older than you sees you approach and leans close to hear your order over the thumping bass. “Could I just grab a gin and tonic?” you ask, and she smiles before turning away to make your drink. A minute later a drink is placed in your hand and you scour the venue for a table. A small booth is available in the corner; the perfect size for your party. It turns out to be the perfect spot for people watching, and you casually sip your drink and occasionally scroll through instagram while you wait. A text from your friend alerts you everyone is fifteen  minutes out. Though it’s pretty crowded everyone seems to be congregating on the dance floor so you don’t hesitate to leave your table and order a second drink. 
This gin and tonic goes down easier than the first, and soon you’re on your third. There’s still no sign of your friends anywhere and the balls of your feet ache from the heels you wore to the office today. You abandon your plan to meet them at the door, firing off a text giving your location in the venue. Once sitting down, you take off your shoes and rub at your feet. Why did you choose today to abide by the dress code? You typically wore a discreet pair of sneakers and wished you could go back in time to change your shoe choice. 
“I see you’re still drinking gin and can’t wear heels for more than two hours.”
His voice sends shivers down your spine. You look up to see Tyson smiling down at you, and the room spins around you. The entire reason you picked this bar was because it was the only one the boys didn’t frequent, but it seems they’re here anyways. 
“I’m consistent,” you say, trying to keep your voice even. The sight of Tyson makes your heart clench. He looks good, glowing the way that means the team came out with a win and that he played well and put up some points. 
Tyson nods to the empty seat across from you, and against your better judgement you allow him to sit. A small section of your brain thinks he’s going to confess he’s been miserable the last few months, that he’s still madly in love with you. It seems to be the part controlling the rest of your body. “That’s one thing that’ll never change. How’s work?”
You hum wistfully, wishing he wouldn’t make small talk. How is this so easy for him? “Busy,” you sigh. “It’s audit season so the department is swamped. The boys still causing issues?”
“They’re annoying as ever.” He smiles at you again. The sick feeling in your stomach doesn’t subside. Tyson gives you a quick recap of the Avs’ season so far, and you half pay attention. You’ve gone to great lengths to avoid seeing him: switched the way you drive home, where you hang out with friends, what grocery store you go to. It’s a little ironic he’d find you here of all places. 
Idle chatter occurs for a while. Tyson’s talking to you like he’s reuniting with a childhood friend, not an ex-lover. As much as you find the conversation uncomfortable, you can’t turn him away. You miss sitting with him, talking about anything under the sun. Life hasn’t been as bright since the break up. No matter how hard you try, nothing fills the Tyson sized hole in your heart. In a twisted way his presence is comforting, a reminder of what once was. Eventually his teammates realize he’s gone missing and come to whisk him away. 
“See you around Y/N,” Tyson says, a little bewildered because J.T is dragging him by the belt loops. 
All you can croak out is a feeble “Yeah.” He doesn’t look back once he’s away from the table. You shouldn’t have expected him to; he seems to be doing fine. Well even. Every step he takes breaks your heart a little more, and you curse yourself for missing him and down the rest of your drink. 
Your friends find you crying in the bathroom and usher you home. 
Despite being separated from Tyson, you’re still close with some members of the Avalanche extended family. Mel Landeskog continually reaches out, ensuring you’re doing the best you can given the circumstances. It isn’t easy when your ex-boyfriend is the pride of Denver, plastered over every billboard in a fifteen mile radius of the city. When she called to ask if you’d emergency babysit Linnea while she ran errands you jumped at the opportunity to help. 
“Thank you so much,” Mel says, cooing to her daughter who’s comfortably placed in your arms. 
“It’s not a problem,” you insist, “I’m just glad I can finally start repaying you for everything you’ve done for me.”
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, telling you to text her if you need anything picked up at the store. You’re then left alone with the baby who is luckily one of the happiest you’ve ever seen. The first hour or so is spent entertaining Linnea with various toys and games. Her smile and laugh melt your heart, and your mind briefly flashes to conversations you had about children with Tyson. You push them from your mind, not wanting to lose your focus. The child in front of you is the one that matters, not the hypothetical one from times past. Around two she gets fussy; a bottle and quick diaper change satiate her. 
“You having fun pretty girl?” you coo. “I’m not always the most exciting to be around.” She doesn’t respond; just looks up at you with heavy lids. You pull her closer to your chest, rocking gently back and forth on your heels. Within minutes she’s soundly asleep and you head upstairs to place her in the crib. 
Back on the main floor, you settle into the corner of the couch. The baby monitor is on the coffee table and you keep your laptop at a low volume to ensure you’d hear anything. You sift through the mess in your inbox, deleting promotional emails and replying to those that need your attention. After killing half an hour, you quickly check on Linnea before scrolling through social media. According to twitter the Avalanche are on a six game winning streak and are looking to keep it alive. You honestly could care less about hockey anymore; it’s a painful reminder that Tyson is no longer yours. In truth you’re happy for the team because they work hard and deserve it. Other social media platforms yield nothing of interest and you soon feel yourself nodding off. Looking at the clock you realize there’s about an hour left in the baby’s nap, so you let yourself sleep. 
A knock on the door startles you awake. Careful not to cause a commotion that could wake Linnea you head in the direction of the entryway. The knocking increases as you approach, and you open the door to a disheveled Tyson.
“What are you doing here?” You didn’t mean for the question to come off so rude, but it does. 
He pays it no mind. “Is Gabe home yet?”
“No,” you sputter. “I’m watching Linnea while Mel stepped out.” 
Tyson looks stumped. “He should be home by now. We had plans to unwind before the game.” You make no attempt to stop him from entering, and he takes his shoes off without another word. Aimlessly trailing behind him, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when he heads to the guest room. “I’m gonna take a nap, have Landy wake me up when he gets home.”
“Can do,” you sigh, but it falls on deaf ears. Tyson’s already got the door shut, and you imagine he’s climbing under the covers, blissfully unaffected by your presence. You can’t say the same. Knowing he’s less than fifty feet from you sends you spiraling. Flashbacks of pre-game cuddles grace the back of your eyelids, and you rub your temples furiously to get rid of the images. It doesn’t help. You want nothing more than to not be bothered by how much you miss seeing him. You miss the way his hands felt entangled with yours and how sweet his voice sounds in the morning. Being this hung up on a person so long after a relationship has ended can’t be healthy. 
The baby monitor crackles, signaling the baby, and the only reason you haven’t fled, is once again awake. Linnea’s room is bright and cheerful; the perfect hideaway from Tyson. Sometime during your tenth reciting of Green Eggs and Ham Mel returns. She finds you upstairs and giddily sweeps up her child, missing her terribly even though she was only gone for a couple of hours. 
“Did everything go okay?”
You nod. “She was a dream. The happiest baby I’ve ever seen. She might need to be changed soon though.” 
Mel nods. “I saw Tyson’s car in the driveway, did he meet Gabe?”
“He’s actually asleep in the downstairs guest room,” you whisper, scared he’ll sense you’re talking about it, and by extension thinking about him, missing him. 
“Oh. Shit.”
That’s the understatement of the year. “Yeah.” You quickly help put away the groceries before heading out, not wanting to disrupt the routine more so than you already had. Really though, you want to be as far away from the Landeskog’s as possible before Tyson wakes up. You’ll have to do a better job of avoiding him in the future, you decide on the way home. You’re heart can’t take seeing him this frequently – or at all. 
You would rather be anywhere than the Pepsi Center. It’s the first time you’ve been in the arena since breaking up with Tyson and you’re downright miserable. However, you promised your younger brother you’d take him to a game the next time he visited Denver with your parents and you aren’t about to break his heart. Ryan is borderline obsessed with the Avalanche and hockey in general. At eleven he’s showing significant promise and you know he works hard.
“Ry, slow down,” you huff, desperately trying to keep up with him. The kid is swaying through the throng of people at lightning speed, desperately trying to make it to your seats to catch warmup. Wanting to make the experience special for him, you purchased seats along the glass across from the Avs bench. Your brother halts, tapping his foot impatiently as you join him and match his stride. 
Contrary to what Ryan thinks, your seats have not been stolen and warmup is just starting. His winter jacket is soon placed on the seat, revealing the too big jersey underneath. The number seventeen nearly sits at his elbow and the name-bar is askew because one side keeps slipping down, but your brother’s happy. He’s preoccupied with watching players do passing drills, hands pressed against the glass, and you allow yourself to look around. Virtually nothing has changed since the last time you were here. The banners are still the same, the energy electric. One small difference is your seating arrangement: the better halves’ box is no longer a luxury you have available to you. A quick glance in that direction confirms they’re enjoying themselves, laughing and no doubt in the midst of planning the next off-season wedding. 
Ryan grips the hem of your sweater to get your attention. “Look Y/N,”  he squeals, “Tys and J.T are coming over!” Sure enough, the two friends are making a beeline in your direction. Tyson waves and Ryan eagerly reciprocates. You’re reminded just how much he misses Tyson; they were the best of friends whenever they could get together. Another piece of your heart breaks in that moment, as you realize you aren’t the only hurting from the breakup. 
“You’ve got him in the wrong jersey Y/N,” J.T smirks. “Think he’d look better with thirty-seven plastered all over.”
You roll your eyes. “I’ll remember that Compher. You got the spare change lying around to buy him one?” There’s no malice in your voice; you truly miss joking around with him. 
Tyson throws a puck high enough to clear the plexiglass. “Ry-Guy, catch!” It lands unceremoniously at Ryan’s feet, but he beams as he picks it up. The two boys share a makeshift fist bump and quickly catch up with each other. It’s been over a year since they’ve seen each other at this point, and Ryan has so much he wants to talk about. J.T tells a joke that makes the younger boy laugh, and Tyson turns his attention to you. 
“It’s nice to see you again,” he says, doing his best to convey his sincerity. The energy of the area and the adrenaline have Tyson shaking slightly, and he rocks back onto his blades. 
You study his facial features as you inhale. He’s still incredibly handsome, just slightly more defined, like he’s growing into himself. “Likewise,” you exhale. You know you shouldn’t lie but you can’t help it; for Ryan’s sake you need to pretend that seeing Tyson doesn’t make you want to curl into a ball and cry. He smiles sadly, like he knows you’re putting on a show. He probably does – you’ve never been good at hiding your emotions from him. Has been able to see how much you hurt every time you interact?
Ryan recaptures Tyson’s attention for a few final moments before he has to return to the locker room. With a high-five and a promise to call soon he skates away, leaving your brother to gush about his idol. The game goes better than you could have ever imagined; the Avs gain a landslide victory and Tyson gets a hatrick. After each goal he points in your direction and Ryan goes berserk. You catch yourself smiling, proud of his accomplishment, before you realize you won’t be at the celebratory afterparty. That isn’t your life anymore. 
The traffic out of the arena is terrible, and Ryan’s asleep in the backseat before you hit the interstate. In some sort of daze you think about what you’d be doing with Tyson right now if you were still together. Maybe you’d be getting ready to make an appearance at a club to celebrate the big game, but it’s more likely you’d be pressed together on the couch, watching a nature documentary to unwind. It’s moments like that you miss most; where you were both too comfortable and enamored with each other to care about your social obligations. A single tear escapes and flows down your cheek. One turns into ten, and soon you’re sobbing over lost love. 
Tyson Jost isn’t someone you could ever stop loving. He’s the human equivalent of the sun, and even now your life revolves around him. It’s centered on missing him, sure, but that’s a part of him nonetheless. You can only hope it gets easier to deal with.
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mizumelona · 4 years
set me up | atsumu x reader
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SYNOPSIS: You’re an ambitious career woman, who’s got everything…except a significant other. Your mom, sick of you showing up to family functions alone, sets you up on a series of (terrible) blind dates. You make these dates meet you at your favorite restaurant, Onigiri Miya, but for some reason the owner’s jerk of a twin brother always happens to be there exactly when things crash and burn.
NOTE: Hello? Remember me? Did ya’ll think I’d dropped this. Ahhh Sorry for being slow. I felt like I had to take my time with this chapter since it’s the last one! (In the main story. I’m still planning on having an epilogue). Thanks for being patient! I’m so excited to finally share this with you all!
TAGLIST: @awkwardali6106​ @kasandrafaye​ @veggytaled​ @svtbitch​ @stinkyobeymerat​ @hollypastl​ @differentballooncollection​ @o51oc​ @sunboikyo00 @justxanotherxshipper​ @kaisemieita @rizamendoza808 @tomo-uwu​ @sugardaddykenma​ @celinafeng@ravioliplease​ @thatpersonwithissues​ @humanbobjeanpants​ @suteorra​ @jh-bee​​ @haikyuu-blondes @of-heroes-and-dreams 
Atsumu’s car flew down the highway toward your aunt's house.
It was a bright day. You observed the puffy clouds spread across the sky through the window of Atsumu’s truck. It was an older Tacoma model but somehow it had a fresh leathery smell. You could tell that Atsumu treated this thing like his baby. As shitty as his personality was, you couldn’t deny that Atsumu seemed like a pretty reliable guy.
You looked over at him in the driver's seat. He was sitting with his left hand on the wheel and his right arm slung over the back of your chair. He was wearing a white button-down with the sleeves pushed up tucked into some dark jeans.
The sun was catching on his hair, dancing along its golden waves as he bobbed his head to the guitar riff playing on the speakers. The first few chords of a new song started. It was that one Megan Thee Stallion song that was always on the radio lately. Huh, you never really pegged Atsumu to be into rap.
You were about to go back to staring out the window when Atsumu turned to you and drawled in unison with the speakers, “I’m that bitch~”
You made an incredulous face. He looked over at you with a smirk but didn’t stop. “Been that bitch, still that bitch~”
You burst out laughing and then decided to chime in, “Will forever be that bitch~”
Atsumu flashed a bigger smile, his face turning a little red from trying not to laugh. You had trouble keeping up between your cackles. He was nodding his head and waving his right hand along to the beat. For the next few minutes, you both vibes along with the song until it finished. Once it did Atsumu turned to you with a snicker, “You’re not half bad sweetheart”
“Of course not”, you said crossing your arms. “I am that bitch. And apparently, you are too”, you snickered.
With a sigh you looked out the window, realizing that you were getting close to your aunt's house now. Suddenly it hit you that you were really going through with this. Was it a stupid idea? Would things go terribly wrong? Would someone see through the act and call you out? Your forehead went tense as you imagined all the worst-case scenarios for what could happen.
“Oho it’s a little too late to be gettin’ cold feet”, Atsumu said, clearly reading your thoughts.
“Hnnng”, you grumbled and massaged your temples.
“And anyway”, Atsumu continued, “isn’t this what ya wanted. It’s gonna be fun. Trust me” He turned to you with a boyish grin as he said that, the kind that made your heartbeat just a little bit faster.
Jeez. This guy. It was all your idea, so why did he sound more excited about it than you were?
“Plus. You’ve got me on your side. Makin’ my teammates shine is my special skill.”, Atsumu said with a smirk. Nevermind, he definitely wasn’t cute. Just your every day egotistical asshole. And now your nerves were back. Rip.
“This isn’t volleyball!” You quipped back. “Also slow the fuck down! We’re getting close to the house!”
“Wait, what! Which house!”, Atsumu exclaimed, slamming on the breaks.
“The blue one- No! Not that blue one the other blue one!”
Atsumu pulled the truck into the driveway with a screech. You lurched forward but your seatbelt stopped you from flying into the dash. You were about to flip out at him when you noticed your jerk cousin sticking his head out of the door inspecting the truck. Right. He probably didn’t recognize Atsumu’s truck. Hehe. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad.
You looked nervously at Atsumu, but he didn’t seem worried at all. If anything he seemed giddy.
“Ya ready?”, Atsumu said, his eyes glinting.
“Of course”, you said, giving him a sly smile.
You both opened your doors and got out of the truck. As you fixed your hair, Atsumu jogged around to your side of the car and snaked his arm around your waist. You raised your eyebrows at him. He leaned down so his lips brushed against your ear and whispered, “let’s have fun with this”
He then moved his lips from your ear to your face and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. You felt your face flush. He smirked and whispered in your ear again. “That was pretty cute. Didn’t take you as the type get flustered easily”
Was that a challenge? You glanced at your cousin who was still gaping at the doorway and smiled. If that’s how this was going to be, game on. You wrapped your arm around Atsumu and leaned your head against his chest, as you two made your way to the entrance.
“Hey cuz!”, you called out.
“Hey”, he absentmindedly responded, staring at Atsumu. “Who…is this?”
“Oh! This is my boyfriend, Atsumu.”, you said with extra emphasis on the word boyfriend.
“Nice ta meet ya”, Atsumu held out his hand.
Your cousin still looked confused as fuck. To be fair it’d been several years since you’d last been in a relationship and even then you rarely brought your significant others to family parties. In a way, fake-or-not, bringing Atsumu today was a first.
You pulled Atsumu past your dumbstruck cousin, through your aunt’s house toward the backyard where brunch was about to start. You both paused in the doorway taking in the sight. When it came to stuff like this, your family was unapologetically extra. Flowers were arranged and the nice dishware was set out at the large table on the left side of the space where most of your family was seated chatting. Atsumu’s eyes lingered on the volleyball net that was set up on the opposite end of the yard.
You took a few steps ahead of Atsumu, making your way through the door and down the stairs into the yard when your foot slipped. “Woah there!”, Atsumu exclaimed, lunging forward and looping his arm around your waist to prevent you from toppling over the side of the little staircase and into your aunt’s flowerbed. “Jeez that was a close one sweetheart”, he told you with a grin and a chuckle.
“T-thanks”, you stuttered out, hyperaware of how the chatter in the space had suddenly died down. Your aunts and cousins exchanged sly smiles and incredulous looks at the scene in front of them. You gulped. Atsumu beamed.
“Y/n?”, your mom called out looking bewildered. She glanced from you to Atsumu then back to you. “Who is this?”
“I’m her boyfriend, Atsumu. Nice to meet ya. Hope I’m not intrudin’”, Atsumu said with a toothy grin.
“Oh no. Not at all! Come sit down!”, your mom ran up to you both and got you situated next to each other at the table.
“I told you”, one of your aunties whispered loudly to your mom. The kind of whisper that was meant to be heard.
“You told her what?”, you asked.
“That you had a boyfriend. I heard all about it from Daisuke’s mom”, she said with a satisfied shrug.
“You did?”, you said, incredulous. The aunties’ gossip was next level. How did they already hear about that?
“I heard some guy crashed your date with Daisuke to declare his love for you”, she replied in a matter-of-fact tone. Atsumu coughed and looked at you raising an eyebrow. You suppressed a snicker.
“He said what?”, Atsumu said, trying to keep up his dashing smile but his irritation was clearly showing through. You had to suppress another snicker. He was always going on about how fake your smiles were but let’s be real, he was worse. His fake smile intensified and he inconspicuously kicked you under the table, but you just returned the favor and smiled wider. Oh the beauty of gossip.
Your aunt continued, “I also heard that Daisuke was going to fight the guy so you dumped water on him” Now it was Atsumu’s turn to laugh. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. What the hell Daisuke? Talk about a two-faced snake.
“I did what?”, you exclaimed with a scoff.
“And that after you ran off together into the sunset”, your aunt concluded the story. You and Atsumu sat dumbfounded. What kind of warped tale was this? Your aunt leaned closer and asked, “You’re her secret boyfriend right?”
Atsumu thought for a second then looked at you with a devious smirk. While the rumors were wild, they weren’t exactly bad. After all, you were here to convince your family that you and Atsumu were having a sweeping romance. Why not lean into it? You smiled back him and somehow knew you were on the same wavelength. Atsumu put his arm around your shoulder and replied, “Well I guess it’s no secret anymore, but yeah it’s true. I’m absolutely crazy about her”
“And apparently, I’m a little crazy for him too”, you added. You leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Atsumu’s cheek. As you pulled away, you noticed that despite his nonchalant smirk his cheeks were turning pink. For all his big talk, he got flustered this easily? Maybe you should tease him more often.
You reached for his hand under the table and gave it a little squeeze as the meal began. Atsumu turned to you looking a little surprised, then rubbed your palm with his thumb and squeezed your hand back.
“I’m gonna go make myself a drink”, you excused from yourself from the table, leaving Atsumu who was chatting animatedly with your aunties. You made your way over to the drink table and poured yourself a cup. Your asshole cousin, seemingly recovered from the shock of your entrance, walked up to the table and poured himself a drink too.
“So”, he said pausing to take a sip, “How’d you meet this guy anyways. You were definitely single at my wedding three weeks ago.”
“Why do you sound so suspicious? We just kept running into each other. It was like fate or something”, you said making a grand gesture with your cup.
Your cousin scoffed. “Hah fate? Are you kidding? There’s no way.”
“You’re real funny ain'tcha?”, Atsumu appeared wrapping you from behind in an embrace. You tensed up, surprised by his sneaky hug. Something told you this was payback for earlier.
Your cousin rolled his eyes and turned to Atsumu, “Tell the truth buddy, did she bribe you to come with her today?
“Nah she didn’t, but if I knew you were gonna be here, she might’ve had to”, Atsumu said with a menacing chuckle, “I’m kiddin’”
You snickered.
Suddenly, a volleyball flew in your direction. Before it could hit anyone, Atsumu crouched down and bumped it back in the direction it came from, where a bunch of the kids had been passing it back and forth.
“Watch it kiddos”, he shouted as he returned the ball.
“Thanks, mister”, one of the kids shouted back.
“Nice”, your cousin said with a smirk. “Do you play?”
“Yeah I do”, Atsumu said, fixing his hair.
“Hah. Same. I played for the club team back in university. Hey, do you wanna round some people up and play a little match?”, Your cousin nodded in the direction of the net.
You looked at Atsumu skeptically. No matter how you looked at it it wasn’t exactly fair for a pro-player to go up against a bunch of amateurs. Then again, Atsumu was here for the sole purpose of being petty…
“Sure. Why not?”, Atsumu accepted the offer and winked at you.
Soon Atsumu and your cousin had gathered two teams of three people on either side of the net and a small crowd of children to watch. You were watching seated from the table with your mom and a few other aunties.
“Hey lover boy, I’ll let you serve first”, your cousin shouted, tossing the ball to Atsumu. Atsumu adeptly caught the ball and deviously smiled in your direction. You held a hand over your mouth covering your smile. Your shitty cousin had no idea what he was getting into.
Atsumu stalked away from the net then stopped. You thought back to his little serve routine at his game and stifled a giggle. There was no way. He wasn’t going to do it. Not here. Not to a bunch of 8-year-olds. He turned back with a serious face and snapped his hand up into a fist. The kids looked around awkwardly.
“PFTTT”, you nearly did a spit take. LMAO did he really just try to silence a bunch of 8-year-olds. You slapped a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from full-on wheezing. Your mom gave you a concerned look, so you took a deep breath and tried to pull yourself together.
“So”, the gossiping aunty from earlier turned to you and asked, “What does your boyfriend do?”
“Oh, Atsumu?”, you smiled and watched as Atsumu leaped into the air and slammed his hand into the ball. “He’s a pro-volleyball player”. Everyone at the tables eyes went wide and swung to look the scene at the makeshift volleyball court.
Bang! The ball went flying over the net. You really shouldn’t have laughed, but after all the shit he put you through you couldn’t help the cackle that escaped your lips as you saw the incredulous look on your cousin's face as the ball came barreling in his direction. It slammed into his gut with a dull thud that had him doubled over wheezing.
“Shit man sorry about that.” Atsumu jogged up to the net and rubbed the back of his head bashfully. “I’ll tone it down next time” As he jogged back into position, Atsumu sneakily winked at you. Jeez, what an asshole…but maybe…it wasn’t so bad to have an asshole on your side. To be fair you were kind of a bitch yourself. Honestly together you made a compatible pair. A power couple... A couple huh? You didn’t mind the thought. Maybe even more than that. Maybe you liked it. Because even though today was just supposed to be fun and games maybe, just maybe…you wanted it to be real. Maybe, you liked him for real. Shit. You bit your lip.
“It was great ta meet ya’ll today”, Atsumu waved goodbye to your family and made his way back to his car.
Your cousin grimaced at him through the doorway. Your mom was literally glowing as she waved goodbye. As you ran up to give her a goodbye hug she whispered in your ear, “You are going to fill me in on this later. I don’t know where you found him, but don’t let him get away!”
You smiled and whispered back, “Okay” Well, you couldn’t exactly let your mom down could you? And it’s not like you wanted him to get away either. You made up your mind. There was only one thing to do now.
You and Atsumu got back into his truck and started driving away. The sun was high in the sky now.
“Phew”, you sunk into your seat.
“Tired?”, Atsumu reached over ruffling your hair. You slapped his hand away. He pulled back with a chuckle.
“Just a bit”, you said resting your cheek on your hand propped against the door. “Hey. Thanks for today. For everything”
“No problem sweetheart”, Atsumu said, still focused on the road.
“I can’t believe you tried to silence the kids though. That was fucking hilarious”, you snickered remembering the sight.
“What? It’s my ritual. Can’t serve without it”, Atsumu argued.
“Fine. fine. Also, that serve was hilarious. Thanks for that too”, you chuckled remembering that too.
“I have no idea what you're talkin’ about”, Atsumu said with a sly smile and wink.
“Riiight”, you said rolling your eyes.
“Back to your apartment sweetheart?”, Atsumu asked.
“Hm, can we actually go for a little detour?”
Atsumu raised his eyebrows, “Oh, where d’ya wanna go?”
“I dunno…anywhere?”, you weakly suggested. Atsumu tilted his head, looking even more confused. You continued, “I just don’t feel like going home just yet”
“…Okay”, he had a mischievous smile, "Then I’ll take ya to my special spot.”
“Ooo. Special spot? Wonder where it could be”, you rolled down the window letting the breeze blow through your hair.
“Y’know when you said you were gonna take me to your special spot somehow I thought it was going to be I dunno...cool?”, you deadpanned.
“What! This is totally cool!”, Atsumu exclaimed.
“This is the dingy back parking lot of the volleyball stadium!”, you exclaimed back, motioning to your surroundings. Yep, he’d brought you to the empty parking lot behind Sendai stadium. It was just you two in the truck and the dumpster across the lot. So romantic.
“It’s my special spot!”, Atsumu grumbled.
“…”, You didn’t know what to say to this idiot. You fell for this guy? This guy? Talk about a volleybaka.
“…it’s even more special because this is where we had our first date”, Atsumu continued grumbling.
“Date?”, you asked. Did he really think of that time as a date? Was he just messing around again? You couldn’t keep leaving things ambiguous. You snapped, “Party’s over lemon head, you can drop the act now.”
“Right…”, Atsumu sighed and scowled. Maybe that was a little harsh, but you needed to get real with him right now.
You steeled yourself and turned to him, ”Hey Atsumu. I’m done acting, so can you hear me out for real?”
“…Sure?”, Atsumu propped his cheek on his knuckles, his elbow resting on the steering wheel.
“When I first met you”, You tentatively started, “I thought you were a complete asshole”
“Well jeez thanks”, his face turned even more sour.
“As we kept running into each other”, You continued. Atsumu’s face lit up. “I was even more convinced you were an asshole”
He grimaced and looked down. “You really had me in the first half the-“
“You’re a big, fat, petty, asshole BUT I’m also a greedy, irritable bitch.”, Atsumu looked up and raised his eyebrows. You kept going, “When I’m with you I feel like I can just be my realest, nastiest self and it’ll be okay”
You sighed and smiled a genuine smile at him, “It’s like I can finally take a breath y’know. Be at ease. And because I’m not afraid of coming off as nasty, I have the space to be sweet if I want to, to be comfortable. And the more comfortable I got around you the more I realized you could be sweet and sincere too”
You turned and looked him straight in the eyes. You had to see his reaction to what you were about to say next. “I know I asked you to come today so we could mess around and be petty but”, you paused then squeezed the final words out, “but I think I like you for real”
You stared intently at him, trying to read his expression. To deduce his feelings, predict his response. What was he thinking? For a second his expression didn’t change at all, then he sighed an exasperated sigh, and a small grin spread across his lips.
“Jeez [y/n] that ain’t fair”, Atsumu raked his fingers through his hair and pouted. “You weren’t supposta beat me to it!”
“Huh?”, you paused, not knowing what to make of it. Beat him to it?
Atsumu started speaking, “I’m a jerk and I know it. I don’t care. It makes me stronger this way. Usually, people back off or scold me once they realize I’m an asshole, but you’re never afraid to play dirty.” He stopped to chuckle. “It was kinda charming. I thought that was all there was to my feelings for you: a little sexy rivalry. But lately, that changed…”
Atsumu bit his lip before continuing. “I hate losers…even if that loser is me, but with you…”, he sighed. “Did ya really expect me not to fall for ya? You, the girl who makes me feel cool even when I’m a loser” His face flushed and he smiled but he also looked like he was on the verge of tears. “I didn’t think somethin’ like that could ever happen. Do you know how crazy that feels? For everything you thought you knew about yourself to be flipped upside down like that?” He looked straight at you with determination. You couldn’t turn away. “That’s why I’m sure. I like you. I like you for real”
Atsumu smiled a vulnerable, boyish smile. It looked so different on him from his usual devious smirks. You sat with your mouth agape.
After sitting in silence for what felt like it could be an eternity you finally spoke up, “…So we both like each other”
“Guess so sweetheart”, He shrugged, some mischief creeping into his tone. Classic Atsumu. He bit his lip, seemingly deciding on something and spoke, “Hey, there’s one thing I really don’t want ya to beat me to…if you’ll let me”
He leaned over the console, cupping his hand around your cheek. His hand was warm. You shivered at the touch.
“Can I?”, he asked.
You smiled and leaned toward him, but he swiftly pulled away.
“Woah woah I said I wanted to beat you to it!”
He closed the distance between you.
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umikawa · 4 years
Strawberries and Cigarettes
Aha, ignore the title that doesn’t really apply, I was just listening to the song the entire time I wrote this. Akiteru brainrot day seven.Yeah, i dunno how to write that kind of stuff so i just did the basic lines i always hear yk k bye. Also, italicized is where the scene changes or its that stuff.
Akiteru Tsukishima x Gn Reader, college au-ish. wc: 1.8k 
Warnings: Suggestive content. Mentions sex, drinking, cigarettes, and cliffs. Explicit language, not a lot I think, possibly only one word.
This is 16+ content, borderline 17+! Please don’t read it if your below the age. It doesn’t progress to smut just so you know, it’s only implied three times.
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Drunken bodies sway around you, grinding down on each other to the beat of the music and the flash of the lights. Hands trail across bodies at the snack table, someone slamming a body onto the chips, laughs ringing out from the girl as they continued to make out in the ranch dip. An arm wraps around your shoulder, a warm blow of air skimming across your ear.
Akiteru Tsukishima. You didn’t know him well, he was just another guy in your class, always running late nearly every day. He seemed like a nice guy, appearance-wise, but you always felt he had different intentions. 
“Got a light?” He asks, holding a cigarette between his lips. 
You hold the flame up to the end, looking up at him with parted lips as he inhales, his larger hand coming up to the side of your face, blowing the smoke between your lips. 
“Tsukishima.” You mutter, looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Let’s go for a drive, (Name).” He says, waiting for your response. With a single nod, his hand wraps around your waist, leading you out of the house and to his car. “Sorry about the cig smell in here, there should be a can of air freshener in the glove box.” He apologizes, climbing into the front seat. 
You perk a brow at him, how did a can of air freshener fit in a glove box. Staring at the five-inch bottle you blink, turning it between your hand. 
He laughs sheepishly, pulling out of the driveway. “Covers up the smell pretty good. Plus my brother bought it for me.” 
You nod, spraying it in the backseat, staring at the white stain on the carpet. “Bold of you to hook up in here, one hit and this car falls.” 
He rolls his eyes, holding his cigarette between his fingers. “It’s not what you think it is. I had to buy a cake for my brother's birthday and the whipped cream melted.” You shrug, spraying the freshener towards him. “Hey! And don’t think I missed that comment about my car, this baby has kept me going since high school.” 
“Okay, geezer.” He scoffed, flicking the spent ashes into the tray in his cup holder. “Where are we going anyway?” You ask, leaning back against the seat. 
He glanced at you, “Don’t know, just driving. Have a place?” 
“I want food.” 
He laughs at your response, putting out his cigarette, resting one hand on the shift knob, and the other on the steering wheel. “As you wish.” He jokes, laughing again at the roll of your eyes.
“That’ll be seventeen dollars and fifty-two cents please.”
Before you could take out money, he waved his hand at you and slipped his card into the reader, smiling when you looked up at him. 
“I’ll pay you back.” You tell him while walking back to his car. 
“No need.” He says, nearly dropping the bag in his hands when he looks through his window. “The keys are in the car.” You look from your side, staring at the keys still in the ignition. “And the doors are locked.”
“You don’t have a spare with someone?” 
He shakes his head.
He sat on the hood, patting the spot next to him. It’s quiet while you eat, stifled laughter when the other chews slowly in the silence, pained pats to the back when a fry goes down the wrong way. You feel his stare on you, turning your head only for him to be near inches from you, eyes trained on your lips. 
“Tsukishima, we just met.” 
He blinks, face flushing as he backs away. “Sorry.” 
He becomes a part of your daily life, beginning to sit next to you during lectures since he was “the best at convincing people” more like his wallet did most of the convincing. He started to worm himself through to your heart like he wanted, wrapping himself around it. 
He’s sprawled out on your bed while you’re at your desk, his eyes boring into the back of your head as he continues to sigh loudly.
“What do you want, Akiteru.” 
“Let’s go out for a drive.” He whines, flinging a pillow at you blindly, apologizing loudly when something clatters to the ground. 
You pick up the can of pencils, placing them back onto your desk. “You couldn’t have asked like a normal person? Instead of sounding like a girl who’s faking their orgasm?” 
“Wait, they fake it?” 
“Who knows.” You said, closing your textbook. “Come on, I wanna be home before midnight this time.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He muttered, pushing you out of the door. “Mind if we stop by my house?” 
“Long as you don’t plan on telling your mom I’m you’re s/o.” You mumbled, rubbing the side of your head. “Not that it’d be a bad thing, just don’t want her to get any ideas.” 
“Oh? So what I’m hearing is that you wouldn’t mind me being your boyfriend?” 
“Don’t push your luck.” 
The drive is quiet for the most part, his terrible singing filling your ears whenever a song he knew came on the radio. He laughed when you flicked his arm, holding the spot where you hit him. 
“Alright, this is it.” You looked out the window, staring at his place. “A little cautious advice, my brother can be a little closed-off. And slightly rude.” 
“Everything you’re not?” You try, laughing when he shoved your shoulder. “I’ll be fine don’t worry, I’ve dealt with drunk you after all.”
He shivered, remembering that he made out without blindly at another party he went with you to, shitty bathroom lights making it hard to tell it was you. But you had to have enjoyed it yourself right? You don’t make out with your best friend for ten minutes without feeling anything right? 
“I’m home!” He called out, holding the door open for you. 
“Akiteru! Oh, you’ve brought a friend!” 
He pushes you forward, hand on the small of your back. “This is (Name), my best friend.” He says, ignoring the strain of his voice when he uttered the words. “Where’s Kei?” 
At the sound of his name, the latter groaned, peeking from his door. “Who’s that.”
“I’m (Name), nice to meet you.” You say, waving at him. He narrows his eyes at you, nodding his head once. “Wow, seems like a happy guy.” You blurt, turning your head when the door whips open, Akiteru hiding his laughter, mother shaking her head with a smile before leaving the room.
“What was that?” 
“Said you seem like a happy guy, correct me if I’m wrong though.” You smile, holding your hands behind your back.
 He narrows his eyes at you again, pushing his glasses up. “I suppose you’re okay.” He muttered, shutting his room door. 
The next month is final exam time, students rushing to their dorms, partygoers slowly declining in numbers since some did want to graduate still. Akiteru sat beside you, chin resting on your shoulder as you took notes, finger looping around the band of your sweats. 
“If you’re horny there’s a bathroom in the other room.” You mumble, crossing out a vocabulary word. “Otherwise, wait.” He whined, lips dragging across your neck and down to your collarbones before he bit down. “Ow.” 
“Sorry babe.” He muttered, licking the bruising skin. “Can I leave a few?” 
“Fine. But if you make me mess up I’m not going to relieve you.” He huffs, moving under your arm for better access. “Jesus Chr- Akiteru what did I just say?” You say, rubbing your head when it came out a little too loud. “Sorry, sorry I didn’t mean to raise my voice it’s just these stupid exam preps.” You mumble. 
“Babe.” He says, cupping your cheek. “Take a break.” 
“It’ll make you feel better come on.” He says, dragging you to the bed before flopping down on it. “Come on.” He smiles when you lay on top of him, tucking your face into his neck, shivers going down his spine as he feels your breath against his neck. He flinches when you bite down, fingers digging into your hips, holding back the groan when your tongue pressed against it. “(Name) right there.” 
“I know Aki.” You whisper, kissing under his chin. 
“There’s no way I can cover all of these up Akiteru.” You say, pulling his shirt down in the mirror. 
“Like I’m any better (Name), you leech.” He muttered, staring at the dozens of hickies littering his body, wincing when you flick his forehead. “Well, do you feel better now?” 
You look up at him, his hand resting on top of your head. “I do. Thank you for reminding me to take a 
break, Aki.” You say, lifting your head to kiss him. “wanna go for a drive?” 
“One hit and this car falls.” 
“Don’t stop.” 
“You feel so good.” 
The sun still shining from the edge of the cliff, the blue sky turned dark, cold air breezing past you. 
“The keys aren’t in the car, are they?” You ask, leaning against his chest. A laugh rang out, his hand coming up to his pockets, panicking when they weren’t in there. You raise your hand, swinging the keys around your finger. “You left them in the ignition, saw it when we were, you know.”
 He flushes, turning his head the other way with a ‘hmph!’ “Why don’t you drive this time, huh, maybe then we won’t lock ourselves out.” 
“We’re on a mountain with a lot of wide turns is that a good idea?” He contemplates for a moment, remembering when he let you drive once and raced another car with his shabby 86 and won, only because you drifted the last corner. 
He snatched keys from you, shaking his head. “I choose life.” Laughing, you bump your shoulder against his, standing up from the car. “Come on, I told my mom I’d bring you for dinner.” 
“We need to shower first.” 
“I know, we’ll go to your place and get ready before we leave.” He says, opening his door. 
“Slow down.” 
“Sorry, sorry you feel- god, you feel so good.” 
“That’s the third time this week, horndog.” You mutter, stretching your legs. 
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, laying his head on your arm. “I couldn’t help myself.” He rubs your waist, pressing small kisses to your arm. “Thanks for giving me a chance, (Name).” 
You hum, turning your head to peck his crown. “Thanks for bothering me at that party.” He laughs at your words, pulling you to rest on top of his chest, legs on either side of his waist. “We were just in this position, give me a break.” 
“Bear with me for a minute babe.” He says, holding the sides of your face, thumbs resting on your bottom lip. “I love you.” Eyes widening, you gape at him, tears pricking in the corner of your eyes. He sits up abruptly at the sight of your tears, wiping them away with his palms. “Hey, why are you crying? Should I not have said it?” He panicked. 
“No no, I’m glad you said it, happy I’m happy.” You mumble, laughing at yourself. “It just caught me off guard.” You lean down to kiss him, tasting the cigarette he had earlier, paired with the familiar strawberry chapstick he wore. “I love you too.” 
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