#anyways tadaaa!
yellow-computer-mouse · 4 months
Geno didn't know Nightmare very well at all, yet the dark skeleton apparently considered him one of his closest allies. He assumed that's how this happened; Nightmare, having grown tired of keeping it hidden, or perhaps finally admitting weakness, notified those he held dear of a habit of his. Furthermore, he entrusted Geno of all people to assist him with this habit. Geno supposed that was his way of opening up. He certainly didn't mind; who would with a job like this?
Geno sat on the floor of a fairly large room, tucked away in a hallway near the castle library, and watched Nightmare toddle around. He quite enjoyed this task- after all, all he had to do was supervise. He chuckled as Nightmare stood next to a shelf, standing on his tippy-toes to try and reach something placed just out of his reach.
"Need some help?" he called, trying to get the little's attention. Nightmare glanced over at him and huffed, continuing to try and obtain the toy.
"Me do it!" he whined, stomping his foot. He stared at the shelf for a little while before stepping back and taking a running leap. He was only able to hang on for a moment before he lost his grip on the flat, wide shelves and came crashing to the ground. He landed on his back with a thud and promptly began to cry.
"Oh, shoot-"
Geno leaped up from the ground, dashing over to kneel beside Nightmare. He pulled the goopy skeleton into a hug, holding him close to his chest as he rocked back and forth.
"Shh... shh, hey, it's okay... was that scary?" Geno murmured, pressing his chin against the crown of Nightmare's skull. The little whimpered, not offering any response other than cries as big fat tears rolled down his cheeks. Geno softly wiped away the teardrops pooling in his socket, holding him close. Nightmare hiccuped, choking out a response.
"It hurt- it hurt!!" he cried, anything else he tried to say devolving into sobs. Geno held him close, shushing him gently.
"Yeah? I bet it did, buddy. That's why I tell you not to climb the shelves." He sighed, rubbing Nightmare's back. The little guy seemed fine, if a bit shaken up. "Do you want a snack?"
Nightmare nodded frantically, his wails quieting immediately. Geno rolled his eyes playfully, holding the little against his chest as he walked out of the room. He walked down to the kitchen, setting Nightmare down at the table as he prepared a bottle of milk and some strawberries. As he brought the food over to Nightmare, he paused, noticing the other's tired, drooping frame. He didn't get a word in before Nightmare spoke.
"'m not tired," he mumbled defensively. Geno laughed, sitting beside him and rubbing the back of his head.
"Whatever you say, buddy. Here, I got you some milk, and some yummy berries-" Nightmare, predictably, did not care about the berries. Geno sighed fondly, picking the plate up and returning it to the fridge as he hefted Nightmare into his arms, beginning the trek back upstairs.
"Nooo! No nap!" he whined, kicking and wriggling about in Geno's arms.
"Shh.. hey, bud, chillax. You're not going down for a nap. You're gonna get some playtime with your plushies, okay?" Nightmare eyed the white-clad skeleton suspiciously.
"Mmmm... but no nap."
"I'm not gonna make you take a nap," he stated. Nightmare finally seemed pleased with that answer, letting Geno carry him back to his playroom and lay him out on his foam playmat.
"I know.. how about you play camping with your plushies?" Nightmare's eye lit up, and he darted across the room to collect his favorite blanket. Geno smiled, trying not to seem too proud of himself. If he gave even the slightest hint that Nightmare was doing what he was supposed to, everything would come undone.
He watched quietly as Nightmare burritoed himself into his blanket, clutching his plushie to his chest as he calmly drank his milk. He heaved a big yawn, stretching and curling up tighter. It wasn't long before he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Geno grinned, quietly climbing over the baby gate and exiting the room. He figured he'd know when Nightmare woke up.
He would not.
Three hours later, Geno was roaming the castlee, aimlessly calling out Nightmare's name to no avail. He knew he should have stayed and watched while he napped, but he was fast asleep! There was no point!
"Nightmare? Niiiiightmaaaaaare!" He paused as he heard a soft squeak, denoting that A: Nightmare was on a floor above him, and B: Nightmare was doing something he wasn't supposed to.
Geno muttered a soft curse under his breath, hastily locating the nearest flight of stairs and heading up into the attic. He glanced around, eventually laying eyes on a large mess- paint on the wall, paint on the floor, and a small goopy ball huddled in the corner.
"Hey... hey, Nightmare." He surveyed the floor. It was a sloppy, childish painting of a turtle. "I take it that's Minky?"
The ball in the corner hesitated a moment before nodding. Geno stared at it a while longer, trying to discern what shirt Nightmare was wearing.
"Oh, hey. Good job changing into your paint clothes," he said, sitting on an oddly heavy box. Nightmare froze before slowly lifting his head up, staring at Geno with a confused expression. The caretaker smiled, patting the spot beside him. "C'mere. Can you tell me about Minky?"
Nightmare crawled out towards him, sitting beside him and fidgeting with his fingers. His hands and arms were completely covered in paint.
"Um... she's a box turtle." He glanced over at Geno before continuing, pointing to a blob of paint on the floor. "That- that's just her tail."
"Yeah? That's her tail?"
"Umm, yeah." He looked at Geno for a moment. "Do I just need a bath?" He made grabby hands at the other.
Geno sighed, standing up and lifting Nightmare into his arms. "Yeah. C'mon, buddy." He wanted to make a million comments about how exhausting Nightmare was to deal with, how irritating it was when he would run off... but he decided to focus on the positives. Nightmare had changed into his paint clothes. He wasn't causing any real harm. Most importantly, he trusted Geno not to hurt him.
Geno decided he could live with that.
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pastawayallday · 6 months
Uhm, hello. Sometimes I remember I’m supposed to be an animation student
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merwynsartblog · 9 months
Fylass and Mercury being Family core........
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Here ye go-
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4th-make-quail · 1 year
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on your knees now and praise your new lord deeper now, and here's your reward
for @gourmetbeef whose SUPER HOT muzzled Krauser art of this set off the gpose sparks in my brain haha
-> you can find the full version with nsfw here at my twitter!
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doodlboy · 11 months
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Got bored & roughed out what d!El's bloodbath would look like
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mostlyonthefloor · 4 months
uhhhh zombie apocalypse AU! I have one kicking around somewhere let's see if anything matches
HEEEEEEEEEEY I have quite literally been so sick ever since you sent this ask when I got it I was like 'hey nice of Juan to leave me an ask I'll get to that when I feel better'. Well it took me a sec. Brotherband-style because you know I don't do anything else
I'm imagining an almost Tomorrow When The War Began-style situation in which the Herons (and potentially other brotherbands) are in the forest as a little team doing some sort of high school Team Building/Bonding/Fucked-Up School Camp (so just normal school camp then) activity and then when food stopped coming it occurred to them to check and they were all just like OH GOD OH FUCK WHAT IS THIS
Hal employs his knowledge of mechanics to hotwire and later fix up and modify car/s for them to illegally drive (theyre like fucking sixteen. but it's the zombie apocalypse so who cares the police are busy). Thorn, in keeping with his mentor role, teaches the gang to siphon fuel. Absolutely nobody knows how he knew this
Basically I'm imagining them getting two or three cars together and just travelling around the heavily rural place trying to find fuel and not get fucking killed by the zombies as they try to return to their small hometown to find out if their family is alright. They definitely have like one motorbike strapped to one of the cars. Their plan is basically to just be faster than the zombies and it works pretty well
Hal drives, Stig drives sometimes but really likes riding shotgun in Hal's car, Lydia (who is found escaping the zombie-infested ruins of Limmat with a shit ton of money) drives, Edvin drives, Thorn drives. Stef can drive if necessary, Jesper is banned from driving purely because nobody trusts him, Ingvar can't drive for obvious reasons (sorry bud), Ulf and Wulf are summarily banned from driving because if they're in the same car they argue viciously and if they're in different cars they get way too competitive and it just gets dangerous.
All their families are fine, by the way. Erak, reasonably reluctant mayor and ex-serviceman, is running this shit like the navy and almost nobody has been hurt or killed
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donutcats · 2 years
hopelessly devoted to you
tewksbury snatches a single stem from a nearby vase overflowing with flowers of all differing colors, just as quickly stepping close and handing it to her.
“what does this mean?” she demands, because it’s tewksbury and because it’s a flower and of course it has a meaning. they always have meaning in his hands.
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dogmatik · 1 year
Three Seconds.
Rick runs his tongue across his teeth, finds a split above his left canine sluggishly oozing blood. He presses into it, the wound covering his soft pallet with liquid-iron. He used to love the taste of blood, it was exciting, made him see red. That was a long time ago, back when he was with the flesh curtains, doing mostly earth coke in the galactic equivalent of shitty truck stops. Now the taste just pisses him off, reminds him that some nameless waste of carbon actually got a hit in. He can feel a drop of spit and blood plop onto his thigh. He spits and the blood splatters a lurid pink against the concrete floor. He'd wipe his face, but his hands are tied around his back, zip ties of all things dig irritating impressions into the thin skin against his wrist. His knees ache where they're pressed against the floor below him, the cold seeping in through his pant legs and promising a good week of creaking pain if he manages to make it out of this shit hole alive. Fuck, he's too old for this shit.
Rick is pulled very sharply from his thoughts when he hears the door open behind him, followed by strong, steady foot falls and much lighter shuffling ones. He recognizes the later, and his guess is confirmed when Morty stumbles into his line of sight. He doesn't look hurt, his clothes are dirty and there's dust sticking to the tear tracks along his cheeks, but no pain graces his features. Just fear. If it weren't for Morty he'd already be out of here, fucking plastic zip ties were the last thing that would stop The Rick Sanchez. His captor knew that though, and they both knew that the ties were really more of a formality anyway. So yeah, he could've left an hour ago, but with the couple of blows to the side of his head knocking loose his augmentation controls he wasn't convinced he'd find Morty wherever they were keeping him on their ramshackle compound before they decided to take him out back and put the sorry little bastard down.
Speaking of, there's a laser gun pressed snug against the base of Morty's skull. Their kidnapper is a Melvonian, bipedal and mostly humanoid apart from their second set of arms, eyes and various other appendages. Wink. This one is male, about middle aged for his species, his skin tone an admittedly pretty shade of mauve. It's a shame, the guys hot, too bad as soon as he lets his guard down he'll be dead. "Morning Sanchez, I've brought your little buddy. Say Hi little buddy." The man grins, shaking Morty by the bruising grip on his bicep. "Ow, H-hi, grandpa Rick." he winces. "So here's the deal. We've got a really important fight coming up, and that portal tech of yours sure would come in handy." "I don't get involved in interstellar politics, and neither does my badass tech. Bite me." The guy shoves the gun harder against Morty's head, eliciting a squeak of fear and causing his knees to wobble like a new born calf. "Don't interrupt me." Rick rolls his eyes, but stays quiet. For Now.
Rick can see the twitch in one of the mans four eyes, he's still smiling, but he looks angry, a little crazed. Damn, it really is a shame this dude's gotta die. Forgive him for thinking with his dick here, but crazy is pretty much the only type that can keep up with Rick for too long, and the guys got two sets of pecs. Drool. "As I was saying, your tech would help us a lot. Someone from my group has tried and failed to get the machine from you peacefully. Clearly peaceful is not a approach you sway to. Now it's my turn. So here is my ultimatum: Give us a working portal gun and blueprints to build more, or I send a laser through your grandson's head. Simple, no?" He cocks his head to the side, tone light, like he's discussing which restaurant he wants to go to and he's not the perpetrator of a goddamn hostage situation. Morty has been so quiet, eyes trained on Rick. It unnerves him, the genuine panic on his grandson's face. He needs to focus.
Rick's been doing some mental math, trying to figure out how to get through the zip ties and the gun out of this big idiots hand before he pulls the trigger. He can see the safety is on, but he'd recognize a Fentel 16 anywhere, and you can bypass the safety by pressing down the trigger and holding for three seconds. Kinda always struck Rick as defeating the purpose of the safety, but the Fentel series is pretty much exclusively used by criminals, so the company only put a safety on the thing in the first place to get past Galactic Federation manufacturing guidelines. He's not sure he can get to Morty in 3 seconds from here. He needs to think of something, fast. "Listen muscle man, I'm telling you I'm not giving you or your little gang my portal tech. I don't care how righteous you think your cause is, there's a billion other warmongering douchebags in this star system alone who think the exact same thing. I'm not contributing to that." The guys fucking built. Rick isn't short by any means, a cool 6'4" un-slouched, but this guy has at least a foot or so on him. Plus he's pretty sure the dudes forearm is at least the size of his thigh; side note again: Drool. Anyway, he's not sure he can take him in a wrestling match for that gun, especially considering the two extra arms. If Morty reacted quick enough maybe, but the kids little wrists are bound like Ricks are, and he looks scared enough to be nauseous. Rick can't count on him on this one.
"I've been following you a long time, I can tell when you're stalling." Rick can talk a fish out of water on good days, but revolutionary types are a notoriously stubborn breed. He'd know, he was one. Still is, though its been a while since he's been in a fight over anything but his own self-interest. That thought stings just a little. Don't have time for that one, Back in the vault it goes. Rick can see Morty trembling, and can see his chest stuttering when he holds his breath to stop the shakes. It makes Rick's chest hurt a little, like something in there was knocked loose the same time his augmentations were. Rick stops looking at him. "Morty's a shit bargaining chip by the way, Broh. I've got a coupon for a new one from the citadel in my back pocket right now." Rick bares his teeth, smells his own blood on his breath. "Besides, I've been to your pitiful little planet shit for brains, I know your species has a thing about killing kids. You're all too sentimental." Their captor laughs, two of his four eyes squeezed shut in mirth, the other two still diligently trained on Rick "For The Rick Sanchez? I'm willing to make an exception." He grins, double canines glittering blue-white as he switches the safety off and the gun comes alive with a mechanical hum, neon purple lights flicking on incrementally, indicating the charge.
Fuck, there go his three seconds.
#tadaaa#rick and morty#fanfiction#rick and morty fanfiction#r&m#writing#Melvonians#alien species i made up for this fic. theyve got four arms. four eyes. a set of human-ish genitalia. skin tones range from blue to red.#will probably build a little more for them? their planet is called Milvos. theyre decently technologically advanced.#theyre under galactic federation jurisdiction obvi. but at the time of this writing theyre in the midst of a civil war abt planetary border#basically theres rlly only a few habitable portions of their planet. and theres government bodies controlling those portions. they require#certain prereqs for individuals to gain access to those places. theres a sizable group(that this guy is apart of) who believe these borders#shouldnt exist and cause unnecessary and avoidable harm.#thats why the want the portal gun tech. to infiltrate these gorvernment bodies and either demand change or execute dissenters.#the fentel series of lazer guns r manufactured by tentellis corp. mainly a weapons manufacturer#but they do some defense/security stuff too. mostly lasers tbh.#the fentel series is one of like 7 or 8 gun series theyve made. fentel series are hand-guns#theyre on of the better mid-priced hand guns. so theyre very common#anyway no one cares abt my pretend guns#G-126#dats this rick and mortys designation btw#g-126 morty is much less competent/confident then c-137#hes skittish but much more sincere and empathetic. this in part bc g-126 rick is a comparetively tender guy#like theyre still assholes dont get me wrong. but g-126 takes shit way mire seriously. he makes it clear he cares about his family.#that gives morty the room to b vulnerable more often. which in turn helps him retain at least Some of his childlike traits#uh idk i might write more about this dimension. diane didnt get like. blown up they just divorced LOL#bc rick is still rick and he was kinda too young when he got diane preggers#also rick is autistic and so is morty because i said so#they bond over it. although rick is an asshole abt it. but he does let morty info dump on him abt shit he already knows so.#uh wow writing a novel in the tags sorry
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( ... I feel like... I want to change my username... )
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hansslut · 1 month
Hii! Hru? I hope ur doing great and i cant wait for the roblox au w Jeonghan 😼
I have an idea since ur accepting jeonghan requests rn... What do u think will be Jeonghan's reaction to his s/o bringing home a small rock (w/ a cute face doodle on it) and put it beside Doljjongi? And Jeonghan is confused like ??? And they js said "so doljjongi wont be lonely :3"
Hope this is okay!! Feel free to ignore this anytime
enchanted ! ౨ৎ
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summary ┆you brought back home a little pet rock of your own to surprise hannie 💭
warnings ┆ none, pure fluff and some kisses :]
( a/n ) HI BABIE !! THANK U SM FOR REQUESTING CUTIE PATOOTIE <33 i tried my best on this it was so cutesy omg :(( ALSO READ TILL THE END TO SEE MY OWN PET ROCK U GUYSSS !
Running up the stairs towards your boyfriend's apartment, a giddy smile played on your lips, holding something behind your back with one hand as the other knocked on your boyfriend's door.
“Hi baby” Jeonghan's soft sweet voice rang through your ears as he opened the door, smiling brightly at you, cupping your face in his hands and pecking your lips softly as he moved to the side, letting you in. “What's behind your back?” he asked you with a mischievous eyebrow raise, giggling and trying to pull your hands from behind your back.
“Hey! It's a surprise!" You laughed with wide eyes, pushing him back on the couch gently and jumping up and down excitedly. "Tadaaa!" you held your rock in front of him on your palms, a small smiley face painted on the rock.
“What's....what's this?” Jeonghan said confused, crossing one leg over the other as he looked at the rock, his brown eyes glimmering. “So doljjongie doesn't get lonely!” you exclaimed happily, running towards the said rock, putting your own rock next to it.
Your boyfriend immediately burst out laughing in disbelief. “You're kidding, right?” he asked while giggling and covering his mouth with his hand to suppress his laughing. “No!” you pouted, pointing at your rock and his. “See, they're friends now, doljjongie seems happier now!” you smiled again before Jeonghan pulled you in by your waist while smiling.
“You're so cute, baby” he laughed in the crook of your neck, looking up at you with brown glimmering eyes, squeezing your cheeks together and kissing your lips.
You smiled against his lips and kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck and caressing his cheek.
“You're right, doljjongie does seem happier” he muttered against your lips, stealing a quick kiss from you again, caressing your hip bone with his thumb. “So, what should we name her?”
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a/n: i ended this SO uncomfortably, i cant write smooth endings somebody sedate me...ANYWAYS LOOK AT MY BABY PET ROCK 🎀
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he's my sweet boy i birthed him in 2022 he's so cute
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liveontelevision · 7 months
R and R | Lucifer X OC!Reader
Another! Tadaaa
If i'm being totally honest, i was Stoned out of my mind when i wrote this, so i can't guarantee it's top shelf, but here ya go.
TW: some mentions of self-harm, suicide, but mostly fluff and suggestive stuff
Enjoy ;)
You stumbled upon the renovated hotel directly after arriving in hell. It was a dark and confusing night, but you hadn't had the easiest life anyway. Barely getting by day to day, with a history of depression and self-harm, sometimes your only solution to your problems was to keep walking forward. So you did just that, leading you to a fantastical hotel that seemed to be giving away free rooms.
You entered the lobby, covered in dirt, blood, and whatever else was on the streets of hell. You worked as a waitress, and on an especially rough day, your break time was spent taking your own life. And here you are, in a pink and white striped, vintage uniform dress. Along with a little apron, that still had written orders on it in your pocket.
Looking an absolute mess, Charlie immediately took you in and fixed you up before rambling about the redemption aspect.
It was a miracle that you stumbled upon the clean and comfortable rooms available. It wasn't anything that fancy, but after being on the streets until your end, this was heaven.
After appreciating a significant amount of pampering, a hot shower, comfortable clean clothes, and a cushy bed, you were introduced to the rest of the hotel residents. Everyone seemed lovely, some.. interesting.. personalities, but nothing you weren't too intimidated by. Except for Alastor. The tall, shadowy figure put you entirely on edge, and you hated to admit that you were actually afraid of him.
Moving on -
You've been a resident at the hotel for 6 months! They did say redemption would take a while, but at this point, it was becoming hard to believe.. Still, in reality, why would you leave? You created a chosen family that can't be compared to your living family in any aspect. Not to mention the slightest crush on the king of hell himself.
It was something you were ignoring for weeks, but his humor and caring nature was too hard to ignore. The fact is, you start noticing little things when you develop feelings. How his eyes sparkled when he looks at Charlie, and fiddled with his ring when he became anxious, and how his hair get's messier when he seems stressed. You assume that he doesnt really take care of himself when theres too much on his plate.. it almost made your heart ache just thinking about it.
You also notice how he unconsciously flinches at the slightest touch, even to Charlie. From the sounds of it, he hadn't been this active and social for years, so physical contact had to have been sparce.
It was just because he was working on things.. yeah, important things!
Of course, its your anniversary of arriving at the hotel, so you were welcomed into the lobby that night with banners, balloons, some sloppy cookies, the works; everyone was there to celebrate your progress. The night consisted of a heart-felt speech from charlie, some disturbing accessories gifted to you by niffty, and a lot of drinking. Lucifer was prone to getting lost in a conversation, especially with you. And even moreso after a few rounds of whiskey. Very late into the night, you finally noticed how everyone had gone to their rooms, leaving you and Lucifer in a passionate conversation about whatever important project he was currently working on.
You found yourself facing him entirely, your knees brushed against his side with every roll of your barstool. You were too intoxicated to notice his small reactions to it. Occasionally, it would cause him to stutter or make him lose his focus. You were rudely dissociating while he talked, noticing his hair was slightly messy. It must have been another long day.. A small piece of hair fell into his face, but he didn't do much about it, continously blowing it out of his eyesight and combing his fingers back through his hair. It was all you were able to focus on while he spoke, almost to an annoying extent. You let out a sigh and simply brush the hair out of his eyes during one of his stories. You leaned back and propped your elbow on the bar, waiting for him to continue on after he stopped talking for some reason. It finally clicked that you may have overstepped his boundaries. He was blinking his widened eyes, just a slight blush across his cheeks. You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands.
"Oh! Oh- Lucifer i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything I just-" you rambled an apology out before he snaps out of his fazed state. He quickly calms you down;
" Nope! No-ho-hope you are great. Fine! You're fine, it's fine.." his drunken babbles dug his grave. He groaned and laid his heads in his hands for a moment.
"Just.. i've been alone for so long, you know? I always get a little nervous when people do that.. type of thing..." He leaned up, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
For some reason, your only thought process was to try to calm his nerves any way possible.
" S-sooo.. do you want, like, a massage or something?" That bold comment was never something you'd say to royalty, even to ones you've become close with. Lucifer's eyes grew even wider as he stuttered nonsense.
You slap your forehead, "Fuck! Lucifer, i'm drunk i swear.. i'm sorry. If you manage to remember this night after blacking out, do me a favor and forget this whole thing, okay?" You rambled.
".. Yes."
It took you a moment to process what you just heard. You looked over to him, his shoulders were tensed as his hands clenched fists onto his thighs. He was looking away, biting the inside of his mouth, possibly to stop him from saying anything else. You blinked, a small smile spread across your face, just seeing this powerful demon acting all embarrassed.
"Okay. Sure, yeah!  I mean.. if you're comfortable, i.. i don't mind doing it." You responded. There was no reason to debate this, playing it off as a bold response. Lucifer gulped, his face only getting hotter with every word.
He takes a few deep breaths," Fuck it.. Listen, I trust you." He smiled at you, the kind of smile that made your heart melt. You try to switch the topic as the two of you moved up to his room, simply to avoid the dreaded awkward silence. You got into another friendly conversation about something unimportant, that will have been forgetten in a matter of hours.
You've been in his workshop once or twice. It seemed like he kept the doors locked often, probably nervous about anyone seeing the mess that was inside. It wasn't too bad this night. He did have to swipe a few rubber ducks off the couch, so there was a place to sit, though. Lucifer plopped on the couch, his back stretched heavily as his head leaned over the back of the head rest. He rubbed his shoulder in this relaxed position, seemingly stressed just by being in a place he associated with work. That didn't stop you from taking a mental photo of him in this state. He wore a white shirt, decorated with puffed sleeves that were rolled to his elbows, and a small ruffle coming from the neck line. He crossed his  legs in his regular heeled boots and began to explain some work he was struggling with. He brushed his hair back into place again, looking to you as he did and noticing you were still standing. He cocked his head before silently slapping the cushion next to him.
" So.. how we gonna do this?" He tries to play off the suddenly intimate moment with a jokingly flirty voice.
"Ah! Right, well.. you could - face this way, and i'll just -" you quickly sat with your legs underneath you and take a hold of his shoulders, moving his body to have his back face you.
"Ookay. So.. um, tell me if this is.. uncomfortable, okay?" You decided to set that boundary for him, and he nodded in response. He looked down slightly, revealing his neck to you, already relaxing his shoulders.
Your hands hesitated for a moment just reaching out to him. Finally making contact, you noticed a familiar little flinch, making you pull away immediately.
"Sorry! Sorry, go ahead.. uh- please.." he muttered. You nod and try again, your hands touching his shoulders much slower than before. He slouches his back towards you, letting out a satisfying sigh just a few moments later.
You moved your massaging hands from his shoulders to his shoulder blades, then to his middle back, then slightly lower. As you focused on specific areas that simply felt harder to dig into, you occasionally ran your fingers up and down his spine. He shuddered every time, making you do it just for the reaction at certain points.
You brushed another spot near his side, that made him flinch. It took both of you by surprise, being simply one of those spots on your body that make you jump. He let out a sudden hic, turning his head back to you. Your eye contact felt long overdue. The couch wasn't very large, his actions left him just a few inches away from your face. You hold your breath, worried that he'd hear how fast your heart was beating. You take the sudden interruption as a chance to make a suggestion.
"Can I.. can i do your- uhm..." You pointed to his chest, implying what you were too nervous to say. He almost stopped to think for a moment before shifting his position to face you directly. You let out your breath and looked at the nervous demon in front of you. His face was rosey pink, his eyes half lidded. You take out another quick breath before reaching back up to his shoulders. You dug into his shoulder and collarbone area, nervous to go any lower. Your thumbs traced the divots of his collarbone as your fingers reached up across his neck momentarily. He melted into every movement, his body moving with the direction of your hands, his eyes finally resting shut.
You got as lost in it as he did, the massage suddenly turning into your hands lightly tracing over his features. You could tell he only needed the slightest comforting touch to relax. Your fingers traced down the center of his chest, then made circular motions over his abdomen, then back up, tracing across his arms and squeezing his palms lightly. He flexed his wrists as if he was about to hold your hand in his. You were embarrassed to admit how excited that madd you for a moment. While running your hands near his sides, you accidentally reach into his partially untucked blouse. You both gasp and pull away, giving each other the same wide-eyed face. Lucifer was first to break eye contact. He looked at your hands for a moment before letting out a brave breath and unbuttoning his shirt from the front. You cover your eyes and stammered out.
"Woah-woah! It was an accident you don't have to do this if you-"
"Oh! Shit! Ah-hah.. i'd.. i mean, i wouldnt mind... if .. you.. wouldn't?" He bashfully replied, covering his previously unbottoned chest.
"No, i don't mind.." Your responses were becoming more confident, uncovering your face. You almost smile at him but become too flustered watching him remove his shirt. He let his top sit at his waist, simply pulling the shirt off his shoulders. His skin was like porcelain, smooth and white, and surprisingly cold to the touch. Your hands pressed on his chest, attempting to heat him up with your warm hands. Either you pushed too hard, or he expected something different, but Lucifer follows your hands and lets you essientally push him back to lay on his forearms. You can't handle it. He looked so amazing in this position. You both mentally decided that it was best to just not question this increasingly intimidate moment.
You resume running your hands across his chest, noticing his breath changing. After just a couple minutes, he was putty in your hands. His forearms were shaking and gripping the edge of the couch, ready to give out. Then he finally gave in, making him drop his back to the cushion of the couch. You followed his movements as the position slowly shifted, and your knee moved in between his legs, trying to keep up with his slouching torso. He's breathing heavily from his lips, his face a tomato red, while he can barely keep his eyes open. You enjoyed his reaction too much to ruin this moment, but god, you were desperate to be closer to him. You swirled your palms down his torso and abdomen, tracing his v lines until you lightly grazed the hem of his pants.
You stop yourself, pulling your hands away and keeping them close to you, hoping to hide your heaving chest until you calmed down. It takes him a minute to tune back in, looking up at you with concern and slight disappointment. His eyes darted around for a moment before sitting up and breaking the silence.
"You.. uh.. you want to stop? You've done more than enough, trust me, Way more than.. I.. erm.. fuck it. If you're not up to it, it's okay.. but-" he stopped his mumbling, to slowly pull out his 3 sets of wings. To comfortably adjust their size, he had to essentially curl them in your direction. Being as large as they were, they were nearly encasing the two of you together. You shrink back, curiousity hitting you before he could properly ask. You ran your hand across his feathers, simply intrigued by their color and softness. He let out a soft yelp, making you pull back again. Again, you two give eachother a wide eyed stare, not sure how to follow up that kind of reaction. At this point, you finally let out a snort and started to laugh. It was quick to lighten the mood, as he joined you.
"Keep going." He smiled at you, a beautiful sparkle in his red eyes, as he reached out to take one of your hands. He took that hand and gave its palm a small kiss.
"Ooh~ i'm honored, your highness." You teased. He responded with wiggling his eyebrows and sending a joking smirk in your direction, hoping that would conseal his excitement to your words.
It didn't, really.
You gently take your hand from his, and continue running your fingers across his feathers. They flinch at any contact but still folded into your hand with a longing to be held. His flirtatious demeanor immediately folded, letting out another sigh. He became a bit vocal this time, letting out low hums every now and then. And sometimes, he would attempt to hold his eyes open just to look at you. He wasn't sure if you could tell, being too concentrated in your work, but he didn't care. He loved the view. His breath became heavier again, but with the close proximity and his wings keeping you two close, the area became very heated.
You send a puff of air close to his feathers, letting out a small chuckle at his sudden shock. The laughter between the two of you slowly dissolving into sweet smiles. The light was slightly dampened by the coverage of his wings, yet you were still able to see his shifting eyes. He leans towards you, breathing slowly. In response, you place your hands back on his chest, causing him to sit back up a bit. He almost looked upset for a moment, being stopped from moving towards you. You gather the courage before moving in closer, your legs nearly overlapping each other at this point. You lean in just a few inches away and shut your eyes, allowing him to finally make the decision to meet your lips together.
The teasingly long tension from this intimacy seemingly burst. Lucifer's wings pull back, tucking back behind him. He breathes heavily into your lips, his head swaying in the direction of yours, still melting into your touch. To keep him from completely collapsing, you keep your hands firmly on his chest. His arms tenderly grab yours, just needing something, anything, to anchor himself. You pull away after a while, allowing him to catch his breath.
Even in this winded, flustered state, you could both tell this is something he's needed for a long time. It was a long night, following every desire that he was too embarrassed to ask for and loving every moment of it. It felt so good to give this sweetheart something he didn't realize he needed; something he deserves. You end up leaning your back on the couch arm, his back flush to your chest. Your fingers were running through his hair slowly, providing a very satisfying scalp massage. The warmth coming from you body, and him unknowingly using your chest as a pillow was more than enough to lull him to sleep. You couldn't remember if he was awake at the time, but you continued to plant a small kiss on the top of his head before falling asleep right underneath him.
You sit up quickly from your sleep, immediately wincing at the light coming from the workshops' windows. After taking a moment to get used to your throbbing head, you finally took in your surroundings and then the flood of memories of the night before hit. Your eyes went wide, and you groaned into your hands. Despite this reaction, you were so glad that you remembered last night. You finally notice a blanket over you and a large duck plush underneath your head, which made you smile until realizing Lucifer was gone. Your chest dropped, immediately thinking of what you could have done to make him leave you here, alone.
"Feeling like shit, my love? 'Cause i sure am!" His voice comes from the door, in an entirely joking tone. You quickly turn to see him, letting out a sigh of relief. The king of hell made you fucking pancakes. He wear a little apron protecting the same shirt he wore the night before, and placed your plate at a nearby table. You hobble off the couch, groaning from the stiffness of your body. Lucifer was quick to pull out your chair, and push it back in once you were seated, the table set with a variety of fruits, the tall stack of pancakes, a small glass of water, and a large mug of coffee. Clearly, that was what you went for first. The drink shot you awake, noticing the freshness of the ingredients and its preporation. You take in a large fork-ful of hotcakes and let out a stereotypical hum.
"You're amazing, Lucifer." You mumble out of your pancake-filled cheeks. He places his hand on yours, simply smiling at you from the side of the table.
"Thank you, darling. I really needed that.. like Really needed that." He huffs out, becoming embarrassed again. He didnt even stutter holding on to your hand. You finish off your food, having some light conversation that came easy to the two of you after last night.
Alastor's broadcast chimed through a nearby radio, "Hellish morning, residents! ~ I'm sure you all had a restful sleep after your nightly activities! Your planned activities for today include ... "
Alastors voice quietly fills the room, announcing some of the exercises Charlie had planned for today. His phrasing made you nervous, as if he knew what you were up to. It also gave you an uncomfortable flashback to a high school P.A. system.
" I should get going then, right? Busy... trying to be redeemed.. and stuff. You know." You slide out of your chair, letting out a nervous chuckle, not seeing his strange reaction to you mentioning redemption. As if he were scared to lose you to heaven. Before you have a chance to look back at him, Lucifer is wrapped around your waist. He shifts to stand into the embrace, as close as he could be. He leaves a hand on the small of you back, and the other on the back of your neck, his clawed fingers entangled in your hair. It takes you a minute to hold him back, just from the shock, but you held him tight, closing your eyes and nuzzling your nose into his hair. That's when you notice how lovely he smelled.. probably an apple scented shampoo. -And how he never flinched to your touch after that night.
I left this one pretty suggestive, because i haven't really written smut before. I might rewrite this if anyone's interested in it going that route tho!
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roobiedo · 9 months
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Happy Solarpunk Aesthetic Week and Winter Solstice! ❄️
While we do celebrate here, we don't actually experience winter in my region, or any of the classic four seasons! The weather here is basically a coin toss between searing heat and torrential rain lol. So while I was musing over how to adapt a solarpunk aesthetic to a tropical lifestyle, I came up with this!
Lengthy explanations and chaotic ideas below:
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Disclaimer: I am not a science-y person, so I'm not sure how any of these would technically work or what materials would go into making them. Hopefully one day someone could figure it out, but I'm just having fun sharing these ideas for now :)
What works well both in harsh sunlight and heavy downpours, plus is already something that people here use everyday? Umbrellas! How cool would it be to have an umbrella that absorbs sunlight during the day, and turns it into a personal spotlight at night? Or perhaps it could absorb and store large amounts of rainwater, to be re-used later or released somewhere more useful?
My main inspiration for this is the bamboo. This plant already plays a huge role in our lives here -- culturally, economically, and from what I recently learned, ecologically too! Our region suffers from floods often, and bamboo can help to control the flow of water, for example through their roots providing a barrier against soil erosion, or their ability to store large amounts of water and release it gradually during drier seasons. (And that's just one of the many reasons why bamboos are awesome and solarpunky!) I thought it would be cool to have water stored in the 'bamboo nodes' of the umbrella shaft, which could then be detached and used individually, or as components in other tech!
I chose the Amazonian lily pad as the canopy design because 1) it looks big enough to cover a person, 2) it has a wide surface for solar panels to 'photosynthesize' energy, 3) its container-like shape looks as though it could hold rainwater like a funnel while it trickles into the shaft, and 4) it just looks really pretty! Realistically, this canopy might not be able to do everything at once, so I'm hoping for this tech to be modular and highly customizable -- as in, you could replace this 'lily pad' with something else that serves a different function! I did play around with some other designs, here they are hehe
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Hibiscus: Our national flower! Have these bad boys growing in my yard so I thought why not. Not sure what functions it would have yet... perhaps the pistil could be a sensor for gathering weather data? Or maybe the anthers are little lights? Maybe it attracts BEES???
Mushroom: Not familiar with the fungi in my area yet so I went with the classic Amanita. Though now I'm kinda regretting because! Wouldn't it be so cool and lunarpunky to design it based on a bio-luminescent mushroom, so it would make sense for the umbrella to glow in the dark? AGH missed opportunities ;;
Anyway while I was designing the umbrella I thought about giving the model a cool fit too, so tadaaa! A customizable pair of pants that can be worn as a shorts + half-skirt/sarong combo during hot weather, or extended to become a full pair of jeans during colder/rainy times! I used zippers as the connectors because they seem easy to sew on and I like the punky vibe it adds to the outfit. HOWEVER, I'm realising that might be inconvenient or way too time consuming for some people. Maybe buttons, magnets or hook-and-loop fasteners would be easier?
As for the shirt, idk that was just for fun. Maybe it changes colour/design based on the surrounding temperature?
So YEAH that was my longer-than-expected idea dump for this week! Thank you for reading <3 If you have any thoughts or ways of expanding on these ideas please please please share them with me I'm just really excited to see what people think waaaaa!!! ok bye stay hydrated
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ddlcbrainrot · 5 months
I love your art sm it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen!!!
awww thank you!! i’m too lazy to figure out how to make a timelapse so im doing a step by step thingy
step 1 : open pinterest and find a reference
this one gave me sayori and natsuki vibes so i chose it
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step 2 : make a rough guide line sketch using the reference
i don’t usually worry about the first sketch being 100% accurate because the clothes will mostly hide the imperfections anyway, especially in this case where the clothes are so thick
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step 3 : make the main sketch
the reference isn’t in the picture but i still use it if i can tell something is wrong, like a eye is too left ect
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step 4 : colour
i usually skip the lineart because i don’t have the patience for it lmao, but honestly letting my art be more messy has helped me a lot since i don’t focus on every single detail and instead just have fun
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step 5 : colour the “lineart”
i just like how it looks :)
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now all that’s left is the background which i just kind of wing it and tadaaa
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plxtypusbearr73 · 4 months
hi! I saw ur pride pfps theyre super cool! u said we could request one so, can I yoink a mal pfp with the trans +bi flag? totally cool if not /gen
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i gave him a little bow because i felt like it :3
anyways here he is!,!!
feel free to use, credit is not needed but it is appreciated
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shadebloopnik · 7 months
Finally for the first time tryin to draw this man
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Just a lil doodle while in class.
Also had the sudden inspo bc of a lil thingy(AU? Would it still be considered AU if i dont plan to expand?). Ik Angel!Alastor AUs are a thing, at least i think so, so i decided to try it out a lil bit.
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So tadaaa, Angelic Alastor. I cannot draw wings to save my life, so bear with me. I based the eye shapes and over all facial expressions on how i drew the first Alastor doodle, except its a teeny bit less sharp with less bolder lines. I shaped his hair somewhat the same for the top part, except a bit slicked back with a more windswept look. I imagine his hair would be white with red tips, with an overall white, and red color scheme, with a black collar standing out. He'd have the same red eyess, tho with whites surrounding it.
I gave him two wings, to maybe signify that he is above most angels, though below those such as the Seraphims and Archangels, at least in rank. I was a bit conflicted what to make his cane like(yea ofc im giving him a cane im not a monster). Originally i wanted to copy what his lil antlers looked like, as to be a simple staff, but ended up with that wider antler design. Idk.
Angelic Alastor wouldn't really be much different than Demon Alastor, except for the fact that he's better at hiding it all, at least he wants to. He's quite powerful amongst other angels, moreso than seraphims despite being of lower rank. Similarly to how he can melt in the shadows, as an angel, he can dissolve into the light. Haven't really cemented what exact type of angel he is, though i'd imagine he's still a bit of a recluse, preferring to go off alone to do as he wishes.
Angelic Alastor is every bit as mischievous as his demonic counterpart. He lives for the entertainment, and his humor's quite biting for a being of light. He's sharp and charming and witty, and quite rebellious as well. He's curious about different possibilities, and has never quite felt like he belonged among his "perfect" angelic peers. He knows he's imperfect, and that all those ideas would be considered blasphemous. So he remains quiet, under the radar even with his strength; all to escape the possibility of being persecuted.
Its what draws him to the Morningstar. Lucifer, the powerful archangel with a heart of gold and a mind filled with wonder. (Also to anyone who's seen my blog, yes ofc im inserting radioapple im weak) Despite their gap in rank, Lucifer never treated him any differently, and Alastor found himself treating the shorter angel as an equal. Their friendship was a bit odd perhaps for the others, considering how they'd often greet each other with playful jabs and teasing remarks, all quite informal and rather unruly. He was drawn to Lucifer's ideas, as was Luci to him, both relishing in the fact that they weren't alone, despite being different.
Lucifer had always been the louder dreamer. Though Alastor often agreed with his ideas, and sometimes egged him on, Al knew the risks and knew when to pull back. He was cautious where Lucifer took risks.
And y'all already know its Radioapple but what if we add Lilith to the mix-
Like imagine, Lucifer coming back to Alastor and gushing about the first woman, the taller man amused at his friend's lovesick expressions. Imagine him being acquainted with Lilith, and charmed as well by passion and hopes for change. He's weak for dreamers okay-
Like imagine him helping the two hide their relationship, being the most cautious of the 3. Imagine his heartbreak when the two gets sent to hell. Imagine Lilith and Lucifer holding him, stopping him from falling with them, because he cant do this without them please-
This may have gotten away from me a bit
Anyway, there's also a teeny doodle of biblically accurate Angelic Alastor(idk ehat to call them, but those forms Sera and Em have when they go 👁👁👁👁)
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Idk if i'll ever do anytjing with this. I have a whole fic playing in my head but its very long with a whole lot of plot and idk if im strong enough-
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Amazing gif i made
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anyways now yall know im probably gonna send an actual SERIOUS drawing of koby tomorrow or over 2 days
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