#anyways i hate commentary channels
kurthorton · 2 months
im just saying i could do aria justice better than the show ever did and i dont even like aria
#she bored me but also i think her trauma is fun to explore and all the aria is actually A theories were top tier#ezra can rot if i ever write aria she is not marrying that man god i cant believe they made that canon#teen me was sooo here for ezria i love forbidden romance but like. now that i am a grown adult and know better god#he is an evil little man and i hate his guts#props 2 the actor tho he did a great job#anyway im trying hard not to go into brainrot for a show i never finished#and if i DO pll is not at the top of my list right now i have others i need to catch up on#i wanna endeavor to finish glee and desperate housewives bc i never Finished glee i did to s3 i think maybe 4#and desperate housewives i like. i half watched when it aired but was also a Child so i didnt comprehend anything#same w ghost whisperer i miss that one#i need to really. i need to watch things more often i just keep rewatching the same shit#currently rewatching heroes and brainrotting over it but also i havent watched in a few days bc ive been rewatching bly manor#the likelihood of me rewatching things falls so heavily on if there r reaction channels on youtube that watch it sdkljfhsd#i have seen buffy more times than i can count bc of reactors and im also getting to watch veronica mars more now and thats fun#desperately need more reactors to watch twin peaks its so good for reactions and commentary and theories#desperate housewives would be good for that too tbh#i know there are pll reactors out there i need more tho#teen wolf also i need more#i have my little circle of channels and i thrive#pretty much it r the keystone of what i watch so frequently i love eric i love miles i love watching anything w them#i love reaction videos it makes me feel less alone sdfkjgkdfhkgjhdfkj
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 6 months
me, waking up drenched in sweat, violently sitting up in bed and letting out a gasp: IT'S A METAPHOR FOR BEING A YOUTUBER
idk if someone already thought of this and this is also probably the most obvious reading of it but here i go anyway: i was just walking a dog and listening to potato prints and when phil said "you've come a long way daniel" i was like "huh phil is in the teaching position in all of these just like he was for youtube" like phil just gives editing pro tips the whole time and it all parallels their story as a youtube duo.
and obviously the entertainment industry is rife (not proper usage of that word but it Feels Right so fuck you) with satanic symbolism/imagery/iconography/motifs. being an entertainer is "selling your soul to the devil" etc etc and we know dan hates being a youtuber and does feel that way. you gotta upload twice a day every day in order to be the number one art channel on youtube dot com after all. you gotta make those crafts for satan. bo burnham has a ton of lyrics/songs that i'm thinking about rn like "you used to do comedy when you felt like being funny but now you're contractually obligated so dance you fucking monkeeeey DANCE MONKEY DAAAANCE" and in "repeat stuff" which is a commentary of how mainstream pop love songs and pop stars have to be really superficial and unoriginal because they need to appeal to everyone and at one point he sucks satan off lmao and is like AHFRUEHQFWIIO I AM A VESSEL IDUSHISKA 666 KAJSDFI ILLUMINATI UIGDFSAHIO FREEMASONS. highly recommend looking at the lyrics to that song if you're into that kind of thing.
also the (very rightful) dig at phannies for the "don't cry craft" spamming like "we love all of our crafty audience that spread the message of this channel on all the other videos on the internet! everywhere! everybody enjoyed that!" is how creators who want to keep status have to address their audiences no matter how annoying or harmful they're being. thinking of the ajr line "stay out of politics, stay on the fence / stay out of all of it to keep half your fans" because like,, yeah if a creator ever expresses an opinion that declares their feelings on one side of an issue then they will lose support (smosh is a perfect example of a bunch of people never ever ever expressing an opinion if it could be considered controversial among their audience, like refusing to address the genocide happening right now and just taking their zionist member who the fans are mad at out of some videos to be like "shhhhh nothing to see here we don't know what you're talking about"), ESPECIALLY if that issue is the behaviour of their audience.
obviously the first dapc video was not made with any intended meaning, they just woke up and were like "let's be weird and freak people out" and they did that, and then adding in symbolism and making it all mean something developed with time. but i'm gonna pretend that it has always had consistent meaning because i'm neurodivergent and love overanalysing silly little media.
i am so jhfbvdahfkiufadkhlj right now so if anyone has more theories or things to add lmk and thank you for coming to my ted talk
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova.
SUMMARY: The 10th Annual Hunger Games begin, and things quickly dissolve into chaos. Bellova grows increasingly furious about Coriolanus’s dedication towards Lucy Gray Baird. When she realizes he has cheated just to keep her alive, she decides to ruin him once and for all.
Warnings: spoilers for TBOSAS, death, violence, cursing, overall dark stuff (it’s the Hunger Games franchise so that’s sorta a given)
A/n: I am using a combination of the movie and book version of the events that occur in this chapter. I sort of streamlined the events to make the chapter less boring. Also, I highly recommend listening to “…Ready For It?” and “Look What You Made Me Do” while reading this chapter.
Other than Sejanus throwing a chair at the screen and screaming that everyone in the room was a monster, Lamina killing Marcus in an act of of mercy, and Lucky’s stupid commentary, nothing much had happened yet. 
Bellova was disappointed that her tribute was dead. Not because she cared about her, but because it meant she was missing out on the mentor experience. The thrill of having a say in someone else’s survival seemed quite exciting. 
If she wasn’t so pissed at Coriolanus for his behavior towards Lucy Gray, she would’ve reconsidered his proposal to work together. 
When the day was coming to an end, the majority of Academy students started to leave for their homes. Only a handful remained, consisting mostly of the mentors.
Bellova stifled a yawn, leaning back in her chair. Things has gotten dull, with the tributes doing nothing but finding places to hide from each other. She hoped that Dr. Gaul had something exciting in store for them soon, or people would start switching to Billi Bumble’s horrible comedy channel.
She picked up her Academy satchel and stood up from her seat. She noticed that Coriolanus was still present and slumped over on his desk, his head resting on his hand. He looked so peaceful asleep, his long golden lashes fluttering slightly. The light from the ceiling made his light blonde curls glow ethereally.
He looked like an angel. 
Bellova suddenly felt a strong urge to wake him up. She had avoided him for the entire day out of spite, but was starting to miss interacting to him. It was routine, bantering and bickering every day. Not talking felt…weird. And lonely.
She sighed. On rare occasions, she wished she could go back in time and change the way they formed their relationship. Instead of it being based on competition and rivalry, it would be full of support and affection. 
Then, an unpleasant thought hit her. 
He had only stayed so late to ensure nothing happened to Lucy Gray while he was away.
Now utterly furious, she slung her bag over her shoulder and started towards the door. ‘He’s such a pathetic sap,’ she thought. ‘He’s acting like a fool, I really should stop associating myself with him.’ 
But she found herself glancing over her shoulder to look at him one last time. And she knew, deep down, that she’s always come back, no matter how much he pissed her off.
She’d never be able to stay away from him. 
Not for long, anyway.
Bellova passed out as soon as she climbed into bed, and didn’t wake until nine hours later. She hadn’t slept well in nearly a week, as she was still recovering from her injuries. This was the first time she was able to achieve an uninterrupted night of sleep since before the bombing.
When one of her maids woke her up, it was already 8:00. Usually Academy classes started promptly at 8:00, but because of the Games, the schedule had been loosened a bit. And Bellova, who didn’t feel like interacting with anyone, was in no rush to arrive on time.
After eating a breakfast of fruit and assorted pastries, she slowly pulled on her uniform. She has always hated the Academy uniforms, but with the right accessories and makeup, she had learned to make it presentable by her standards.
Bellova checked her makeup one last time in the mirror and then headed downstairs to meet her driver at the front of her estate. He opened the passenger’s side door for her as she slid into the seat. 
“How are you this morning, Miss Bellova?” he asked, starting the engine and taking off towards the main road.
“Fine,” she said, leaning against the window. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I hope that once the Games are over, you can rest up properly.”
She nodded. “That would be nice. As much as I like the Games, they’ve caused quite a lot of stress this year.” 
He laughed quietly. “Most certainly. Everyone was so worried about you when you were hospitalized, your father most of all. I haven’t ever seen him so upset in my twenty years of working for him.” 
Bellova sighed. She and her father, Julio Augustus Reginelle, had a nice relationship. But he was rarely home, for he worked almost ten hours a day and often didn’t come home until Bellova was asleep. She cherished the rare moments she had with him. He had taught her to be proud of her wit and her combative nature, even if it sometimes got her into trouble. 
“You are much more like your father than you realize, Miss Bellova,” her driver said. 
“How so?” she asked.
“You are both kind until someone disrespects you. You are incredibly intelligent just like him, and pursue your goals relentlessly.” He paused for a moment. “And, you seem to have the same disdain for certain other Capitol families.”
Bellova raised an eyebrow. “Which ones?”
“Well, he’s not fond of the Cardews, as you know. He thinks they hold too much power for how little work they actually do.”
Bellova laughed. “That’s true.”
“He has never gotten along with the Creed family. He finds them irritating and foolish.”
She smirked. “I’m not surprised. Festus can be insufferable. Who else?”
Her driver sighed. “He despised Crassus Snow.”
Bellova felt her stomach twist. “Really?”
He nodded. “I don’t know exactly why he hated him so passionately, but I’ve heard they were rivals during their Academy days.”
‘I suppose I really do take after him then,’ Bellova thought, remembering her and Coriolanus’s worst arguments. ‘Crassus’s son gets under my skin nearly every day.’
Her driver pulled onto Scholars Road and stopped in front of the Academy’s main building. He stepped out of the car to open the door for her, and she gave him a nod of thanks. 
“I’ll see you later, Miss Bellova,” he said, bowing slightly and getting back into the car to drive off. 
As Bellova walked to the auditorium where the mentors were undoubtedly already at work, she pondered what her driver had said about Crassus Snow and her father. She was eager to know more about their history, but didn’t want to pry too far. Her father had a temper just like her, and she didn’t want to be on the wrong end of it.
When Bellova reached the room and walked through the doors, she immediately noticed three things: one, that Coriolanus looked exhausted and distressed, two, that he has brought his cousin Tigris to watch the Games, and three, that Sejanus was missing. 
She grabbed a spare chair and sat next to Coriolanus. He didn’t greet her or even glance look at her.
“What’s wrong with you today?” she asked, looking at the large television screen in front of them. 
He scowled. “I’m not in the mood for your snide remarks, Bellova.”
“Clearly something happened. Either tell me or I’ll figure it out on my own.”
Coriolanus gave her a sharp glare, but sighed in defeat. “We’ll talk about it later.”
Satisfied, Bellova turned her attention back to the Games. According to Lucky Flickerman, one tribute, Bobbin, had died overnight. However, there was no footage shown of him perishing. 
Bellova found that awfully suspicious. There was such a lack of action in the arena that the gamemakers would have undoubtedly shown the death of a tribute. 
When Bobbin’s death was announced, she noticed Coriolanus tense ever-so slightly. The average person wouldn’t have noticed, but she had learned to read his body language as well as the back of her hand. Clearly, something about his death made him nervous.
She decided to cast it aside for the moment. She’d pry the information out of him later. 
“They aren’t showing us what happened to that little boy,” Lysistrata Vickers said. “He clearly was killed right there. There’s cameras everywhere. It doesn’t make sense.”
“They said they were old cameras, Lyssie,” Festus responded. “Probably just another one of Coral’s.”
“Festus, sit down,” Lucky Flickerman ordered. “Same seats.”
Festus scowled but did as he was told. He and Lucky clearly had some animosity, and it was quite amusing to witness their petty interactions. 
Suddenly, after a few moments, Lucy Gray appears on screen, looking horrified. Bellova had to bite her lip to refrain from grinning. It seemed that the songbird’s luck was finally running out. 
Jessup emerged a second later. He was clearly not well, he looked much worse than he did before the Games.
“What’d you do to me?” Jessup shrieked, backed Lucy Gray against a pile of rubble.
“Nothing!” she responded, her eyes wide with fear. 
“Lyssie, what is he doing?” Bellova heard Coriolanus asked frantically.
“Something’s wrong,” Lysistrata replied, bewildered. “He wouldn’t turn on her like this.”
“Jessup going after Lucy Gray,” Lucky commented. 
“Stop running!” Jessup demanded. “What did you…” He groaned mid-sentence. “What did you do to me?”
“I didn’t do anything!” Lucy Gray insisted.
“Both tributes from District 12. The same district folding in on itself.” 
“Wait, look. The foam,” Coriolanus said. 
“I think it’s rabies,” Lysistrata said, clearly disturbed. “That bite. From that train.” 
Coriolanus stared at the screen, looking helplessly at his tribute who was nearing her inevitable doom. Then, he turned back to Jessup’s mentor.
“Send him water.”
“Wait, what?” Lysistrata asked.
“You remember the posters in the war? Rabies. It makes you afraid of water. Send him a drone.”
“That’ll scare him,” she protested.
“Yes. Away from her,” he insisted.
Bellova stood up. “Coriolanus-“
“Bellova, be quiet,” he snapped, not even bothering to look at her. “Jessup is done. Lyssie, you’re the only one that can get it right to him.”
Lysistrata clearly didn’t want to, but with a few clicks on her computer, water was being sent to Jessup by a drone. 
“Thank you,” Coriolanus whispered.
Within minutes, Jessup was dead, and four lethal tributes were cornering Lucy Gray. 
“Oh, look at this,” Lucky Flickerman said. “The Pack doing what they do best. Packing it in. Lucy Gray is swarmed, cornered. Mizzen, propellering his net.”
It looked again as if she was done for, but then-
“Mr. Snow going for his communipad,” Lucky continued. Bellova saw him send nine - no, ten drones towards Lucy Gray. 
Bellova knew exactly what he was doing. He was using the drones to give her a chance to escape. 
The drones came flying into the arena, causing The Pack to scatter. A few of them got hit, causing them cry out in pain and tumble to the stone-covered floor. 
“These drones are not very good,” Lucky commented, as if it weren’t obvious. Some of the students who had caught onto Coriolanus’s plan started to jeer at him.
“Hey!” Vipsania Sickle said indignantly. “You can’t attack the tributes.”
“I’m just sending water,” Coriolanus said casually, as if he was completely innocent.
After gathering her bearings, Lucy Gray scrambled into a tunnel with Coral on her heels. She managed to pull the vent closed just in time, the metal door nearly crushing Coral’s fingers.
Bellova positioned herself a few inches away from Coriolanus. She was seething, but it didn’t show on her face. She simply looked indifferent, despite all of the violence that had just occurred in the Games. 
“Snow, do you that time before the Dark Days when you pulled on my pigtails, so I slammed your face against my school desk?”
“Yes,” Coriolanus said, furrowing his eyebrows. “What about it?”
Bellova smiled crookedly, the violent glint in her eyes making Coriolanus visibly uncomfortable. “I’m about to fucking do it again, and this time, you’ll have more than a bleeding nose.” 
He straightened his posture, smoothing out his Academy blazer. 
“I’d like to see you try.” 
Bellova’s hands twitched. She knew that decking him in front of the majority of the student board would get her in severe trouble, but it was very tempting.
Instead of punching him, she started to storm out of the auditorium. 
“There goes Miss Reginelle. Clearly, the violence on screen has finally gotten to her-“
“Shut the fuck up, Flickerman, before I snap your microphone in half!” Bellova hissed. She threw up open the doors, and made sure to slam them behind her. 
Bellova sat in the hallway outside of the auditorium, leaning her head against the wall behind her. Her anger was threatening to spill over, and her father would be very disappointed in her if she murdered someone on Academy grounds.
She had vowed to make Coriolanus pay if he pulled any more strings for his little songbird. And he had by sending that fleet of drones after her attackers. But clearly, nobody batted an eye at that. He had not been punished, or even reprimanded.
The thought of Coriolanus thinking longingly about Lucy Gray was almost enough to drive her mad. 
Before she could do anything drastic, she heard the speakers inside the auditorium amplifying Dr. Gaul’s voice. Curious, she stood up and pressed her ear to the doors.
“Capitol citizens, I’m afraid I must interrupt our Games to announce a tragic loss, one that affects us all. Felix Ravinstill, son of our beloved president, has, this morning, succumbed to his injuries sustained in the rebel bombing.”
Bellova felt her heart drop. Felix wasn’t all that bad, when he wasn’t bragging about his life at least. She had even gone to the end-of-year Academy gala with him a couple of years ago. They had a wonderful time, and she was gifted a priceless gold necklace by him at the end of the night. She had worn it for a week straight afterwards, which delighted the young son of the president.
“Out there in the districts, they will be celebrating this young boy’s death as a triumph. I will not allow my Games to give our enemy such a victory. I swear to you, here and now, before the sun goes down tonight, a rainbow of destruction will engulf our arena. Even if it means there’s to be no victor in these Games.”
She gasped. She knew Dr. Gaul well enough to know she was completely serious. If she wanted someone gone, she’d stop at nothing until they dropped dead. 
Mere moments later, Coriolanus burst through the doors, nearly slamming right into Bellova. 
“What are you doing out here?” she asked, scowling at him.
He sneered down at her, beginning to walk away. She followed him, despite knowing he really didn’t want her to. “As if I’d tell you.”
Bellova sighed. “I told you earlier, Coriolanus, if you don’t tell me, I’ll figure it out on my own-“
“Fine!” he huffed. “I’d do anything to shut you up at this point. You’re insufferable.”
“The feeling is mutual, Snow. Now spill it, what’s going on?”
Coriolanus, against his better judgement, told her everything. Well, almost everything. He told her about how he retrieved Sejanus from the arena, but omitted the part about killing Bobbin. He explained that he needed to see Dr. Gaul immediately, for the stitches in his back from the previous evening were coming loose. 
Bellova frowned. She briefly felt bad that he was in pain, but couldn’t bring herself to actually care. She was still angry at him. 
She also noticed he said was being very vague with his details. He was definitely hiding something.
“What’s that face for?” Coriolanus asked as they approached the Citadel, which housed Gaul’s laboratory. 
“What face?”
“That scowl. You’re clearly not pleased about something, so what is it?”
She smirked. “As if I’d tell you,” she said, mimicking his words from earlier. 
Coriolanus’s jaw clenched, which satisfied Bellova immensely. She loved seeing his patience waver, it was strangely addicting.
“Will you ever learn to keep your bratty mouth shut?” he asked, his voice raising a touch.
“Bratty?” Bellova scoffed. “I’d prefer it if you called me a bitch.”
Dr. Gaul’s lab was just a few corridors away at this point. Bellova knew that causing a scene here wouldn’t be wise, but she honestly did not care. She could easily talk her way out if it.
Coriolanus glowered at her, his blue eyes icier than ever. “Go back to the auditorium, Bellova. I know you love watching the Games, and you’re probably missing all of the action.”
She laughed. “So all of a sudden, you want me to be happy. Seriously, Snow, if you want to get rid of me, just say so.”
He smirked at her condescendingly. “Then I will. Get out of here, you have no place in Gaul’s lab anyway. It’s too much for your pathetically shallow brain to comprehend.” 
Bellova stared at him for a moment. It has been awhile since he’d said something quite that harsh. It was normal for him to question her intellect, but calling her dumb? That was low, even for him.
Coriolanus was obviously anticipating a slap to the face. He was not prepared, however, for Bellova to swipe her claw-like nails across his face like a wild animal.
Stunned, he watched Bellova walk away as the new gashes on his face began to sting. As she reached the end of the hall, she screamed “You’re such an asshole!” before disappearing from Coriolanus’s sight. 
Bellova sat in the stands instead of with the mentors, watching as Dr. Gaul’s “rainbow of destruction” engulf the remaining tributes in the arena.
She had no idea that when Dr. Gaul said “rainbow”, she was referring to hundreds of colorful, deadly snakes. 
She watched, entranced, as the beautiful mutations smothered the tributes, picking them off one-by-one. She had never admired the “mad” scientist more. Her work was truly beautiful. 
Wovey, Reaper, Mizzen, and Coral were soon dead, lying lifelessly beneath the swarm of snakes. 
“Now, all colors lead to Gray,” Lucky Flickerman said. 
Coriolanus stood watching the screen, amazed at his own success. “She’s… She’s won. It’s over, she’s won.” He looked over to Dr. Gaul, who was standing to the side. “She’s won, let her out.”
The doctor smiled. “Afraid that’s not your call to make, Mr. Snow.”
Bellova bit back a laugh when Lucy Gray began to sing. At least she’d be able to get in once last performance before her vocal chords went slack.
“Dr. Gaul, she won!” Coriolanus repeated, desperation seeping into his voice. “It’s over, let her out.” 
“Why aren’t they attacking her?” someone asked.
“Must be the singing,” Coriolanus replied. “It’s calming them.”
He really was a terrible liar.
“She can’t sing forever,” Festus said. 
Bellova noticed some of the students around her begin to cry as they watched Lucy Gray sing shakily. ‘Pathetic,’ she thought.
“Dr. Gaul, please,” Coriolanus begged. “Get her out. Get her out!”
One by one, the Academy students began to chant “Get her out! Get her out!”, almost overpowering the sound of Lucy Gray’s singing. 
‘No,’ Bellova thought desperately. ‘Don’t. Just let her die.’
Then, Coriolanus said, “Who will watch the Games if there’s no victor?”
The chanting came to a halt.
Dr. Gaul looked around, seeing that she was vastly outnumbered. “Get her out,” she murmured just loud enough to be heard. 
“She’s won! Lucy Gray!” Lucky Flickerman cried over the roar of the student body. “Coriolanus Snow is the winner of the 10th Annual Hunger Games!”
Bellova’s face burned with fury, her patience finally snapping after days of wearing thin. 
She was no longer willing to overlook Coriolanus’s behavior. She had let him get away with too much. 
It was time that he faced some real consequences.
As she exited the hall quietly, she smiled, a cruel, twisted smile. She knew exactly how she would make him pay.  
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TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! This was another decently long chapter, and I believe it has been the most intense one yet. Stay tuned for Chapter Six!
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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sarasade · 6 months
Since I've been complaining about YouTube criticism a lot lately here is some positivity for a change: Here are some of my fave TDP YouTube videos. These creators would probably appreciate getting more eyeballs on their work. (listed from newest to oldest):
The Genius of the Dragon Prince
by wordswith dragons
A GREAT analysis of the the over all themes of TDP with an unique and well thought out perspective.
Viren’s Dream Analyzed: Claudia Witnessed Viren Seal Kapp’Ar - The Dragon Prince Theory
by Angeles Lunamoth
a really fun & cute theory channel. I'm not a lore person so I don't know if the theories are correct per se but speculation is fun anyway. (Also it's funny to me that this person didn't know what Twin Peaks is. Like yeah it's not the most relevant thing to reference.)
The Dragon Prince Is an Amazing Mess.
by XeroLmao
Don't let the title fool you it's mostly a very positive and humorous video. This is the most genuinely funny long-form TDP commentary video I've seen so far.
The Music of The Dragon Prince - Season 1 (themes & analysis) &
The Dragon Prince Music Analysis - S2 and S3
by Spelonberry
As someone who doesn't get music at all I didn't expect to like these videos this much! It's rare to see someone analyse a non-musical show's OST in such detail. it made me appreciate TDP's music even more. I can't believe I didn't notice that the Mirror theme/Aaravos' theme sounded so diffenrent because it's the only song in the OST that has piano in it.
The Dragon Prince: Why Fans Love Aaravos But Hate Viren
by Cartoon Junkies
the title made me giggle :)
How The Dragon Prince Captures the Spirit of ATLA
by Mother's Basement
A great video essay about the themes of grief and death in TDP. Once again a very unique perspective to analyse the show from. It's just so satisfying when someone puts together a really good argument, you know? I'm kind of tired of the ATLA comparisons after hearing them for over 5 years though. TDP itself really leans into them so what can you do.
I love VogJam too but he's VERY critical so his channel might not be for everyone. I'll gladly listen to any negative crit as long as the person doing it is funny and he's pretty damn hilarious. I don't mind hearing harsh critique of TDP at all like people do make good points.
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japparapan · 17 days
オキニ オキラ (Okini Okira)
Okini, Okira, Okini, Okira Okini, Okira, Okini, Okira
I'm sorry for being the favorite
Lately, you've been in a bad mood I'm sorry, it's because of me, isn't it? It's because I've been talking with 〇〇-kun too much You must be jealous, right? I'm sorry, but don't worry I'm yours and yours alone♡
Okini, Okini, Okini Okini, Okini, Okini Okini, Okini, Okini Let's make a heart together—Bang!
I'm the favorite
I'm sorry for being the favorite
What should I do~ I'm definitely the favorite~ I've become honmei's favorite~ He's looking over here again~ This is awkward~ This isn’t good, everyone's going to find out~ I'm such a little devil~ I'll get bashed again~
Okini, Okini, Okini Okini, Okini, Okini Okini, Okini, Okini Let's make a heart together—Bang!
I'm the favorite
I'm sorry for being disliked
Our eyes don't meet during the live Whatever, I’m just a plain, fat, ugly potato anyway My face is strained in our two-shot photo Your eyes are already dead
I'm disliked
I'm sorry for being disliked
Is that so? Do you hate me that much? Am I really that much of an eyesore? Alright, alright, I'll disappear I'll just die right now A razor, hanging, which one do you prefer?
I'm disliked
I'm sorry for being disliked
Sorry I didn't include the Japanese lyrics, because it would have been a hassle to type them out manually word by word, but you can find them here instead.
"Okini" means "favorite" in Japanese. In this context, an "okini" would refer to someone the band member favors or gives special attention to during events or live performances. On the contrary, "okira" represents someone who is often overlooked or ignored by the band member. The members of 0.1g no gosan discussed this topic on their YouTube channel, where a fan anonymously shared that they felt certain interactions during live performances were directed personally at them. The band members clarified that this was not the case. Such interactions are often misunderstood by fans as being personal, although they typically are not. In "Okini Okira”, I believe the song serves as a satirical commentary on the extreme ways in which fans perceive themselves as either being “preferred” or “disliked” by the members. Zigzag previously created music that reflect the real aspects of the visual kei scene and the band somewhat uses their music to address and critique the darker aspects of the visual kei scene in a comical way. For instance, 仕切り(shikiri), which is the act of organizing or managing the fan activities in the front rows of a live show. This is often done by seasoned fans, who take on the responsibility of making sure everyone follows the correct furi (choreographed hand movements or gestures). While shikiri is somehow a part of visual kei culture, Mikoto-sama has expressed his opposition to it. In fact, he even wrote the song 仕切りが嫌い (I Hate Shikiri) to convey the negative impact that shikiri can have on the fan experience.
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smeddiemunson · 2 years
Ok but that sex tape/interview concept but the writing format being clips from the interview alternating with clips from the sex tape. I'm not 100% sure that it'll read well in written word like it would in actual video format but I do think it could work
Okay so this has been sat in my inbox for a few days and I can fucking see it but I just can’t figure out how to write it. But anyway
It’s a documentary series, limited, maybe three episodes. All about Steve, who he is, his life, all of his controversies. Now this is a very British reference but idk a more global equivalent, it airs at like 11pm on Channel 5, ages after the leak/re-post happens so much that it’s barely ever mentioned when Steve comes up now. He’s made a name for himself doing other things. The series is made because it’ll make money but no one actually watches it.
And under the cut is a bit that I get
Interviewer: Can you describe Steve in one word?
Eddie: One word? I don’t know if I can do only one word.
Interviewer: Just say whatever comes to mind.
Eddie smirks directly at the camera, even though he’d been told not to look at it, to focus on the interviewer.
Eddie: Bitchy. Self-centrered. Vapid. Overconfident but with self-esteem issues you can see from space. A little but dumb but mostly harmless. Cutting. I could go on?
Interviewer: No that’s okay. How do you know Steve?
Eddie: We’re married.
*cut to Steve’s interview*
The interviewer told him how Eddie described him.
Steve: He said that?
Interviewer: Yes.
Steve scoffs. Completely unimpressed.
Steve: We’ve known each other eight years now and that’s all he could come up with. Pathetic.
And then I think they would show very tame clips of the sex tape. Everything blurred our or cut off. You can only see Steve’s eyes looking up into the camera, or the shot of Eddie pointing the camera at his own face, smuggest fucking grin, while he fucks into Steve, very clear from the way his body is moving what he’s doing.
The documentary has commentary from all of Steve’s friends, old teachers and acquaintances, Eddie’s band. It positions itself as something that’s trying to get to the bottom of the leak and who would want to do that? Frames a little victim blame-y
But Steve is having a great time. He thinks it’s so funny. And he never gave a fuck about the sex tape leaking. The only part he was embarrassed about was it being a sex tape with Eddie Munson but it led to them becoming friends and then slowly something more, so maybe it’s not the worst thing to ever have happened.
He still hates how often he gets asked to do porn though.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
christmas movies with ghost
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley (Call of Duty) x Reader
Type: Fluff, headcanons
Warnings: none
A/N: fun fact the only christmas movies i watch are home alone and the grinch, also yeah this is short but ive had a long day im tired
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ok so let's be real you and ghost don't get a lot of down time together
so honestly ghost doesn't really like watching movies when you hang out because he thinks it doesn't give him enough leeway to focus on you
but also he will do anything for you so if you wanted to he would sit through a movie for you (although he's gonna be watching you more than the movie)
this was one of those times
i mean it's not like he can blame you, what better way to get in the holiday spirit then some christmas movies?
besides, he figures it'd be nostalgic and even if he gets bored he doesn't mind just laying with you
the two of you are at your place (bc let's bffr i doubt this guy has a tv and lord knows if it does it only gets news channels
the two of you are laying on your couch, he's laying with his head on one end and with you on top of him
and his hands are wrapped around your waist/ur chest
and you've got a blanket around you too and your legs are tangled together
you've turned on the grinch, because that's the only movie he would agree to watch
and that's only because he used to watch it at school as a kid so it gives him nostalgia
you sorta jokingly suggested a hallmark movie and he refused
ghost hates hallmark movies let's be fr
he just thinks they're tacky and i mean he's not wrong
he doesn't really pay much attention to it though, it's sorta just like white noise to him
he really likes rubbing circles on your skin while you guys watch tv
he also really likes that you're super warm, especially with the colder weather
sometimes he'll say stuff during the movie, but for the most part he doesn't say anything unless u do
but he loves it when you give commentary on the movie bc it's not like he really cares abt the plot anyways
one thing he's very particular about though is that he'll never fall asleep during a movie
but he will if you fall asleep first
and he loves it when you fall asleep first because he likes feeling you snuggle into him unconsciously
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twistedcharismaaa · 1 year
Menace Pt. 5
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Summary: A supernatural journey starring Masego (Micah Davis) and Tanerélle (Velvet).
Author’s Note: Hi guyssssss! I’m back with an update (finally)! I hope you all are well!! I miss you guys! I’m so excited and incredibly nervous for you all to read this since it’s been a minute! But anyways, I hope you all do enjoy! I love and appreciate you guys!!! Please don’t forget to leave a comment for ya girl! I live for the commentary!!!! Enjoy!!!!
Lilah flew out of the portal like a bat out of hell nearly knocking Elaya over. Elaya caught her in her arms and held her steady. Her eyes widened at the sight of her. Lilah was beaten, bruised, and covered in some type of green substance. Her breathing was heavy and erratic and the words spewing out of her mouth didn’t make sense. With a sense of urgency, Lilah weakly wrapped her hands around Elaya’s forearms and held on tightly. Elaya could feel her fingernails digging into her flesh.
“M-Masego needs your help,” Lilah stuttered. “H-He sent that thing to help him. She’s going to kill him. She’s a beast that can’t be trusted,” Lilah informed.
“You’re not making any sense. Let me get you to the water! I can heal you there. Just hold on, Lilah you have to hold on!” Elaya shouted.
“There’s no time,” Lilah breathed, before falling limp in her arms.
“Fuck that. We’ll make time,” Elaya assured Lilah.
— (Back at Lilah’s Club)
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With one swift, harsh strike Velvet’s claws impaled her opponent's skin tearing through it as if it was paper. Using her inhuman strength she pushed him with one hand and watched him fly across the room like a one-winged bird. She charged after him like like an animalistic stampede. With much relief, Masego quickly stood to his feet and tried to heal his wound as much as possible with the little magic he had left. He closed the portal the moment he realized that Lilah passed through it safely. He was magically weak and humanly injured but his job was far from finished. He needed to rescue what was left of Lilah’s coven and protect the last of the enchanted beings that were stuck in the madness of it all. He had to think of a plan and he had to think fast.
Velvet attacked the Diamond-fanged vampire with the force of a thousand suns meeting him strike for strike and blow for blow. Her skin and her garments were tainted with blood and her fangs were in full bloom. She tried everything in her power to defeat him but it seemed as if nothing worked. She felt herself growing more and more frustrated and of course, this amused him. With ease, the vampire caught Velvet’s punch in his hand and immediately pulled her towards him. He grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked her head backward. He sniffed along her neck and smiled widely fully displaying his teeth. He chuckled along her pigment as his nose to trailed her skin. He watched the goosebumps form one by one as she struggled underneath him. The smell of fear oozing through Velvet’s pores was almost intoxicating. He wetted his lips with his tongue before puncturing her neck with his teeth. Velvet screamed in agony as she wrestled against him in hopes of breaking free.
As soon as Masego heard Velvet’s scream, he sprinted into action.
“Forgive me, elders,” he whispered, as he simultaneously grabbed the first random vampire he saw. Quickly, he placed both hands around the creature’s head and held on tightly. He looked into his eyes and cast a forbidden spell - the spell of Consumption. This was more dangerous than channeling another’s energy. Channeling required two witches to pull on each other’s strength until they created a joint power source of their own. But consumption required a witch to drain one’s life source until they temporarily became them. Even the strongest of witches failed to complete this spell without consequence. Masego hated that he had to perform a spell so dark but he was magically weak and could not generate his own power.
As he cast the spell, he felt his sense of self leaving him silently like a leaf floating in the wind. Soon, fangs were born out of his lips, his physique changed, and his eyes darkened with rage. He consumed everything until the vampire that stood in front of him was no more. He absorbed his strength, his agility, and most importantly his thirst for blood. And just like that, a new monster was created. Like a lion in the jungle, Masego was completely in his element killing every vampire in sight. Screams of anguish filled the vacant air like smoke.
The Diamond-fanged vampire ripped his teeth out of Velvet’s neck and smiled down at her with much satisfaction.
“I suppose you should know my name now that we’ve gotten to know each other more intimately. You can call me Airris,” he said arrogantly.
Before Airris could speak again, he was interrupted. Before his very eyes, he watched dead vampires fall from the balcony like shooting stars by the hand of one man. He squinted in confusion as he leaned forward desperately trying to get a better look at this audacious being. His eyes widened in astonishment. It was Masego. Velvet realized that Airris had become distracted and there was no better opportunity than now to try to break free from his grasp. With all her might, Velvet pushed Airris away as she palmed her bleeding neck. She watched him forcefully fly across the room until he slammed into the white wall behind him. Cracks formed throughout the wall like tree vines stretching far and wide until they reached the ceiling. Soon after, trickles of dust fell from above landing on Velvet’s skin like snow.
The floor rumbled underneath everyone’s feet like an earthquake. This quickly gained Masego’s attention. With ease, he killed the last vampire from Airris’ army and looked at the ceiling with concerned eyes. He realized that Lilah’s club was going to collapse any minute now. Instinctively, using his borrowed vampire abilities he quickly gathered the wounded and lead them out of the exits to safety. Quickly, he darted back inside to get Velvet. He dodged falling debris with finesse as he proceeded toward Velvet. When Masego finally, reached her, he shouted.
“Velvet, we gotta go! This thing is going to collapse!”
“Not yet!” Velvet shouted back as she jolted towards Airris. He was trapped under a large piece of rubble. Before Velvet, could take off, she felt Masego’s hand palm hers.
“We gotta go!” He repeated as he tugged her arm.
“Not yet,” she repeated but this time more stern.
Masego’s nostrils  flared as he spoke. His voice was filled with agagitation.
“You’re not thinking clearly! You’re going to get yourself killed!” He expressed anxiously.
“If you wanna go, then go!” Velvet yelled.
Still holding onto Velvet’s hand, Masego sighed.
“We’ll do it together,” he stated.
Velvet nodded. “Let’s go!” she answered.
“A lover’s quarrel over little old me?” Airris jested. “I should be honored,” he added as he finally broke free. Airris was beaten, bruised, and wounded but he still stood tall.
Instantly, Masego and Velvet sprinted into battle. Together, they gave everything that they had. Both of them struck Airris with deadly blows. The more Velvet fought the madder she became. She unleashed a rage that she didn’t know she had. Her eyes began to glow a bright white and her hair shifted from a deep rich black to a greyish white. Her claws grew longer and transformed into swords. Instinctively, Velvet stabbed Airris in the stomach with her left hand and then she stabbed him in the heart with her right. The moment Velvet struck Airris, his eyes grew wide and instantly filled with fear. He opened his mouth to speak but to his surprise, no words came out.
“Uh. Uh. Shut up nigga,” Masego said, before kicking Airris in the back of his legs forcing him to collapse to his knees. Masego squatted in front of Airris and aggressively grabbed his chin compelling him to look him in the eye. Within seconds, Airris's body fell limp and the life drained out of his eyes. Soon after, Velvet yanked her hands out of Airris’s corpse and watched her hands slowly return back to their normal form silently in confusion. A sense of relief washed over Masego as he stood to his feet towering over his defeated enemy but unfortunately, it did not last for long. The ceiling completely gave way falling into large pieces that quickly blocked both exits to the club.
“Shit!,” Masego muttered.
Naturally, Masego grabbed Velvet’s hand as his eyes searched for security. To his misfortune, he discovered that there was no way out. As soon as Masego quietly came to full terms with his fate, a portal flashed before him. He recognized the portal instantly, his coven came to save him.
“Thank God!” he said, before entering the portal with Velvet. —---
Part 4.2
@ghostfacekill-monger @chaneajoyyy @l-auteuse
@soloperator @19jammmy @soulfuljas @sheabuttahwrites @thadelightfulone
@isisafrofairy @blackburnbook @neeville @nelleana
@theboldlady @geriixox @errin261 @mooon-berry
@just-juicee @teardropzih @highasfantasy
@savagescorpion @xxariaxxaxx
@themajesticnigerian @miyahmaraj @theholytrinity
@theconsciousrebel @squigglyemotions
@theycallmechanty @satabandO @gbdinfinitedrill
@nzia-writes @justanothernerdgirl @fendionmyfeet @pinkthongs @mindnmybidness @tgigoldie @charismablu
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vudangson06 · 2 days
Atlanta United vs. Inter Miami ALTERNATIVE COMMENTARY!
Disclaimer: No offense intended for either Burke (the real one) or Messi fanboys and girls.
Vinicius: With me, futebol expert and owner of the soon-to-be-popular Sidemascots channel, Vinicius not Moraes…
Burke: And Atlanta’s #1 United Fan, Burke!
Vinicius: Sorry Burke.
Burke: What?
Vinicius: You’re not invited to our commentary box.
Burke: WHAT?
Vinicius: Now can you please go…
Burke: Right where I belong?
Vinicius: Right where you belong. In the stands.
Burke: Fine! Back inside a crowd of humans where I belong…
Vinicius: Where was I? Oh yes!
Miraitowa: Miraitowa!
Vinicius: Default Olympic mascot!
Vinicius: Admit it, you’re the first in line when talking about Olympic mascots…
Miraitowa: Don’t get me to start a heated debate in the commentary box…
Vinicius: About being the default?
Miraitowa: No, the box of bagels gets on my toes.
Vinicius: Uhhhh…. NOTHING!
Miraitowa: We’re kicking it off!
Vinicius: Burke is, as always, Atlanta United’s 12th man.
Miraitowa: Why is he the 12th man?
Vinicius: He’s been a fan of it since day one.
Miraitowa: Who in the right mind wears the same cosplay as me?
Vinicius: Let’s not… talk about that.
Miraitowa: By the way, Vini, if Burke’s the home side’s 12th man, who’s the away side’s 12th man?
Vinicius: The entire world, I guess?
Miraitowa: Ahahahahaha, I should write this down for future jokes…
Vinicius: Unfortunately, the 12th men will be disappointed today as Messi’s their benchwarmer.
Miraitowa: Is he injured?
Vinicius: No, they think he’s a good super sub. Considering he scored a brace last time.
13th minute
It’s the man who wears Messi’s PSG number with a cross…
Miraitowa: And it went to no man’s land!
Vinicius: Oh wait, Inter Messi- I mean Miami regains possession… Saved! By Atlanta United’s shiny goalkeeper!
Miraitowa: Shiny new?
Vinicius: No, shiny head.
Vinicius: SHUT UP BURKE! EVERYONE DOESN’T KNOW THE PLAYERS NAMES ANYWAY! Well apart from Messi, Suarez, Alba, and Busquets.
Miraitowa: Calm down Vini…
29th minute
Miraitowa: The boys in Pink (definitely not Someity) are on the attack…
Vinicius: PASS! SHOOT! GOAL! A man whose name sounds like some Brazilian with nice hair scores!
Burke: David Ruiz?
Vinicius: David Ruiz. To be honest, even his hair was so nice.
Miraitowa: Go back where you belong, invader!
Burke: NO! I don’t want to sit in a crowd of humans! I hate them! Literally!
Vinicius: Shut up Burke and enjoy your loss.
Burke: Me and my team never get the respect we deserve…
45th minute
Vinicius: And the referee blows for half-time!
All right, Mirai, I always wanted to do this…
Miraitowa: What are going to do?
Vinicius: I’m going do something that is never done on television…
Miraitowa: Not even Apple TV?
Vinicius: Not even Apple TV.
Ahem, Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in Mercedes-Benz Stadium’s 45-year history… Oh, I mean 4 or 5 years’ history…
Miraitowa: Just like my human age!
Vinicius: You get to view Atlanta United’s #1 fan in cheap television cameras… BURKE CAM!
Miraitowa: BURKE CAM?
Vinicius: Burke Cam! Security, someone raided our commentary box, security!
Security: I’m sorry but Burke here has a strong aura. We must protect him at all costs.
Vinicius: AURA?!
Burke: If you invade my privacy again, I’ll round your houses.
Vinicius: FINE!
Miraitowa: An ability to protect itself from any harm? What was Ryo Taniguchi thinking?!
(Meanwhile in the stands)
Unrelated Atl Utd fan: Sorry guys, I’m late a year… WHERE’S CALEB WILEY?
Another unrelated Atl Utd fan: He left.
Vinicius: He’s off playing a least competitive league! That’s what happens if you’re in a coma for a year! Oh sorry Burke…
Miraitowa: Pfffffffffffffft…
Burke: Disrespect my pretend brother again and I’ll BREAK YOUR NECK!
Vinicius: Fine, gee… This job is more dangerous than being a volunteer at the 2020 Olympics!
Miraitowa: I felt that too…
Burke: Me too!
Vinicius: Shut up Burke!
Burke: FINE! And I’ll not return to the stands!
56th minute
Miraitowa: The ball is in Atlanta’s possession on the left, the question is, will he cross?
Burke: We do not live in a cave!
Miraitowa: Neither is Manchester United. Go and win a trophy.
Burke: We will by December!
Vinicius: Ha, you’re a funny guy.
57th minute
Vinicius: Here’s Miami’s chance to respond after that ruthless nutmeg! As ruthless as who-knows-what!
Miraitowa: Another chance to cross… Oh wait he didn’t.
Vinicius: He played safer than someone unwilling to see one’s following list. It’s pure chaos.
Burke: Speaking of, don’t even think of scattering into my followings or it’s the end of your life!
Vinicius: Try and hit me, I have protection…
Burke: WHAT protection?
Vinicius: Humans.
Miraitowa: Pffffffffft…
Burke: The disrespect!
Miraitowa: And the referee stopped play, looks like it’s a foul at the edge of the box.
Vinicius: It’s a set-piece by Inter Miami, Burke’s heart rate goes as high as 200 bpm!
Miraitowa: That’s as much as mine in the days before the games were postponed.
Vinicius: Pressure at Atlanta goes up by 10,000! It’s over 100,000 now!
Miraitowa: Campana shoots… BLOCKED!
[Two seconds of silence]
Vinicius: Correction: GOAL! The defense was left violated!
Burke: I give up… Designated players aren’t everything… We felt violated at home… VIOLATED!
Miraitowa: My American knockoff is sobbing for his life.
Vinicius: Let’s be honest here, is a regular season game here a big deal? At this point, he’ll be better off watching a Libertadores game against Fluminense.
Miraitowa: Fluminense, who are they?
Vinicius: Exactly.
64th minute
Vinicius: Here’s Atlanta’s chance to equalize, he’s free!
Miraitowa: Shoot! Shoot!
Vinicius: SAVED! He’s playing like one of the Dortmund players at the Champions League final.
Miraitowa: Another chance to equalize! Surely now!
(on the phone): Is there anything we could help with?
Burke: Yes… schedule me a therapy session tomorrow morning… I can’t take this anymore…
Drake Callender: You used to call me on my cellphone…
Vinicius: And Inter Miami’s GK is trying to live up to his name!
Miraitowa: Drake?
Vinicius: Drake.
Miraitowa: By the way, why don’t you live up to your name?
Vinicius: I tried making poetry.
Miraitowa: I meant Vinicius Jr.
Vinicius: Uhhh… I think you got the wrong Vinicius…
83rd minute
Miraitowa: 7 minutes until the end of regulation time…
Vinicius: And Burke having therapy! Here’s Inter Miami’s chance to cross…
Vinicius: Where’s Messi?
Where’s Messi? Where’s Messi? Can you see him? Where’s Mes- Oh never mind.
Messi: Fooled you! I disappear only to piss all of you off! And now I’m going to finish this!
Miraitowa: Messi’s trying to piss the defense off!
Miraitowa: I’m watching a UR – Cristiano livestream, apparently Cristiano Ronaldo is laughing at him so hard that he almost had a heart attack.
Vinicius: Ha!
Miraitowa: Not him again…
84th minute
Vinicius: It’s a last-effort attack from the hosts, can they equalize on Burke’s big day?
Miraitowa: Which is?
Vinicius: His first day on Earth, duh.
Miraitowa: Is he from another planet?
Vinicius: Probably.
Miraitowa: Well THAT explains his aura. Chance for the boys in red and black to cross…
Oh, I’m starting to taste blood…
Vinicius: I’m losing my voice… Can you report it to me…
Miraitowa: Oh and Cristiano, his son, and Gio are going berserk as Messi’s team bottled their lead.
Vinicius: Just like… Arsenal this season… ha. (collapses)
86th minute
Miraitowa: Messi’s trying to do what he did in 2007, and won’t pass until I wake Vini up… MISSED!
Miraitowa: Burke’s giving out chants to Messi!
Burke: (blows Vuvuzuela)
Miraitowa: Can you please-
Burke: (blows Vuvuzuela even harder)
Miraitowa: It’s not-
Burke: (blows Vuvuzuela as hard as possible)
96th minute
Miraitowa: Oh, thanks for doing the commentary on my behalf.
Burke: No problem! Jamal Thiare dribbling for his life, surely now! BLOCKED!
Miraitowa: Poor you…
Burke: Don’t worry, as long as Messi doesn’t score a goal, WE’LL METAPHORICALLY WIN!
Miraitowa: You do know it’s a tie game…
Burke: Yeah, and?
Miraitowa: …
Burke: And the final whistle goes! Atlanta United 2, Inter Miami 2!
Miraitowa: CLEAR!
Vinicius: Holy Bela-Sol-Vida-hitting-Jeremy-Shada-on-his-head! What happened?
Miraitowa: Nothing actually, it’s a tie.
Vinicius: Well THAT is a waste of our time.
Burke: YIPPEE!
Miraitowa & Vinicius: What?
Burke: I did it! I’m going to become Atlanta United’s new club mascot!
Miraitowa & Vinicius: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!
Burke: And this is for disrespecting every other MLS team! (spits on both Mirai and Vini!) LATERS! (runs out of the commentary box) I’M NOT FREAKING HOMELESS! I’M NO- WHAT?! I WON’T HAVE A CONDO BECAUSE OF THIS?! I’M FREAKING HOMELESS!
Vinicius: Well there’s more interesting action in the commentary box than there are on the pitch.
Miraitowa: Good luck to Burke for being Atlanta United’s new club mascot, he’s going to need it.
Vinicius: And tune in this weekend for…
Sumi and I have assembled a team of the best mascots in the world to come together every whatever!
Sumi: Here’s what you can expect in every episode of THE SIDEMASCOTS!
*not guaranteed to be unscripted. Tickets start at $299,99 per month. Good luck with that.
Vinicius: Season 1 auditions coming either Friday or Saturday!
Sumi: Friday! I have work to do on Saturdays… #SumiSaturdays.
Vinicius: So set the subscribe and like button to cook…
Vinicius and Sumi: OR YOU’RE OFF THE HOOK!
(Vini and Sumi chatter in the distance)
Vinicius: For the last time, do you think it’s a good idea to tell people to subscribe like that?
Sumi: Yeah. Pfffffft…
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tariah23 · 7 months
Ive unfortunately seen countless men, even popular men on youtube who talk about Jojo for a living, endlessly bash Jolyne, it's so fucked. The worst was this guy insisting she was morally reprehensible for what she did to Romeo and she was the single worse Jojo out of all 9 like..........it was unbelievable and men in the comments were agreeing.....
Man…. They suck. I used to be crazy about watching jjba commentary channels on yt but haven’t done so in a very long time since I have not actively engaged with it for years even though I still consider myself to be a fan of it. Romeo was always a simple plot device to get Jolyne behind bars anyway and with it being so early on, and readers not really getting Jolyne’s character at all because they’ve just been introduced to her, it really does suck that if you’ve read the manga, and watched the anime, then it would be easy coming out of it loving her. She’s my second favorite Jojo right behind Josuke! The fact that they’ve taken the side of a guy who through her under the bus is so typical… especially from dudebros. They go into anything ready to hate female characters.
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shadowmaat · 27 days
The good ol' days
One thing I miss about being a kid is Saturday Morning Cartoons. All the big broadcast channels showed cartoons all morning long. And in those days, cable wasn't as much of a thing.
Those cartoons were a huge deal for me. I would obsessively read through the special edition TV Guide that listed out all the shows, gave a synopsis, and told you when and where to watch them. I'd agonize over having to make a choice when two things that sounded good were airing at the same time because, again, in those days it was live or nothing. Unless you had the money and technical expertise to figure out how to record something on a VCR on ONE channel while watching another. Shit was wild. LOL! If I'd put half as much thinking and concentration into school as I did figuring out my Saturday morning schedule, I'd probably have been an A student.
Anyway, I'm not saying streaming is bad, and I'm not trying to imply networks should try and bring that stuff back. It wouldn't work. The world has changed too much, especially where mass media is concerned. I just miss the innocent kiddie-brained fun of it and how VITALLY IMPORTANT it was to me.
Likewise I also miss TV seasons. I miss the special edition TV Guide that was all about the New Fall Season. Reading through to see what sounded good and to mock stuff that sounded dumb. Planning out my weekly evening schedule and again, having to make sacrifices. I also miss when networks were invested enough in getting people to watch that they'd have actual TV specials to hype up their new lineups. Crass commercialism? Absolutely? Dumb fun garbage? Damn right.
There are a hell of a lot more channels now (even a Cowboy channel and a Cowgirl channel because gender all the things!). There are more ways to watch things, too, and that's mostly an improvement for folks who can't live in front of their TV 24/7. Not that I did that, despite how it sounds. And not that programming actually ran for 24 hours. I can remember a few insomnia-plagued nights in my teens when you'd get that stupid American flag graphic and crappy anthem rendering as a station ended its broadcast day. Pfft. That Nationalist-specific bit of nonsense I don't miss at all.
I don't really have a grand point to this and there's no social commentary beyond the obvious "times change." I just wanted to reminisce a bit. Chances are, if they DID bring back Saturday morning cartoons and Fall TV lineups, I'd probably hate everything on offer anyway, fickle old creature that I am. I mostly don't watch stuff anymore; not on TV or streaming. I think the last show I made a conscious effort to keep up with was the Good Place. And there are shows I love that I've mostly only seen through gifsets and tumblr rambles, like Leverage and its sequel. I honestly love that trend.
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paperbunny · 1 year
YT Creators Covering S2
This is crossposted to FB
I am the kind of viewer who, when I really like (or sometimes hate) something I love watching and listening to commentary and analysis. Unfortunately a lot of creators default to pretty minimal comments and/or overdramatic reactions. Not my cupperty, in this particular instance.
Long story short I have consumed TREMENDOUS amounts of react/review content for this season now and I wanted to share my favorite and some others I've liked. #1 is #1, the rest are in no particular order. Please let me know if there's anyone I should check out! This isn't by any means an exhaustive list of the creator's I've watched, just the ones that popped out either from content or enjoyability.
Doctorcannonvo - This creator is far and away the best I've listened to for GO so far. They make the effort to insert text comments and to actually discuss the material analytically. They do miss some of the finer connections that fans notice but that's far outweighed by the thoughtful commentary and knowledge of narrative structure. I'm very sad that there's not more overlap in shows I like and their content but I may end up watching more anyway because I really enjoy the channel.
Sesskasays - While not heavy on commentary, this creator is really engaged while watching and follows the show enough to make good connections to the story as it progresses.
Jerzey Boyz - These two are so pleasant to watch because they don't always understand what is going on (they got really confused about the s1 baby swap) but always seem to be having a great time. They engage with the story and react delightfully. Good questions get asked, thoughts are shared, things are predicted.
Phil and Hannah - This is a father and daughter from the UK and it seems to be a brand new channel. I really liked the level of engagement in the story they had. They seem to have a lot of British pop culture knowledge that allows them to make connections to in-show references that I never would have caught at all.
Just Some Bodi's Opinion - Very cute reactions, emotionally engaged and fun to watch. Mainly reactive but still enjoyable.
Larissa Zeeuwe - The creator and a friend react to the show. Very engaged in story and emotional arcs. Super cathartic since they are really into it, not much analysis but they do discuss the narrative.
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missnight0wl · 1 year
If you hate hphm so much, then why are you keep playing it? I don't mean it in a disrespectful way, if you don't like the game, you don't have to keep playing it
I don’t hate HPHM. There are things I hate about it, but I don’t hate it per se. I don’t think I’d spend so much time writing paragraphs about something I hate. Honestly, I rarely interact with things or people I hate in general. Not to mention that there are not many things I’d say I hate, to begin with.
See, the problem is that I really love the story of HPHM. My issue is with JC who’s wasting its potential. But even that wasn’t that big deal for a long time – because I believed that we could eventually get where the original team wanted us to go. And frankly, while JC is making many mistakes for years now, there were still things I truly enjoyed. Hell, let’s take Peregrine. To be clear, I absolutely hate the way his character was introduced to the story and executed later on. But… I don’t hate Peregrine as a concept. In fact, I quite like the idea of that total douchebag who left his family because he has a god complex and whatnot. Obviously, we’d have to change a lot for it to really work in HPHM, but still.
Things started changing drastically when JC came up with their brilliant idea about Merula’s Unbreakable Vow, I think. I feel like more or less from that point, the writers stopped even trying to pretend they know what they’re doing. I can’t think on the spot of the last chapter that didn’t introduce some massive contradictions to the plot. And sure, there were some contradictions in the story every now and then, especially since Y6. However, JC’s biggest crime was always ignoring/not remembering plotlines. The thing is that it didn’t conflict that much when you tried to connect known elements. But currently? I seriously don’t know what JC might think the story is. I honestly doubt they know it. Like, let’s take Olivia. Did she know about R while at school or did she not? Because I feel like JC claimed both, and we got no conclusion whatsoever.
Still, even that, it’s not hatred – it’s frustration.
Also, criticising bad media can be both enjoyable and useful – because it teaches you what things don’t work when you want to tell a story and what might be frustrating for your audience. I mean, why do you think commentary channels on YouTube reviewing bad movies are so popular? I understand that not everyone will enjoy this type of content, but hey, you don’t have to visit my blog – and I don’t mean it in a disrespectful way either.
Anyway, I can tell you that once HPHM stops bringing me any enjoyment, I will probably leave it – just like I left the Quidditch storyline, for example, or how I stopped playing every single side quest. I mentioned a while ago that I’d likely quit the game after Y7 if not for Callum McClintock. And well, they really got me with this lad. Is keeping playing the game for just one character that will probably get ruined by JC anyway a big sacrifice? Maybe. But on the other hand, playing HPHM nowadays means dedicating to it like… a couple of evenings a month. So, I think it’s not that bad. And who knows how things might change, considering this release pace.
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palesmokeisinthevoid · 3 months
So I’m getting back into Rain World and I revisited an idea I had a few months ago. I’m calling it “Dollar Store Rain World”. Basically it started as “Play every campaign, takes notes on anything interesting and write a crackfic.”
Crackfic is now crack-treated-seriouslyfic , the timeline is all over the place and I’ve somehow actually gotten invested in this story I’ve created.
So fuck it, art with commentary
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Going in Chronological order (for Dollar Store Rain World) we’ve got Discount Spear- I mean, Saffron The Messenger (She/Her)! An energetic mix of a Slugcat and…barely a noodlefly. Honestly just the proboscis. Originally she was made by an iterator known as Taciturn Locks as an experiment to see how a local colony of slugcats would react to a genetically modified Slugcat. It went well for Saffron and she periodically moves from both the colony and Taciturn’s can. Though recently due to strange behavior from another iterator, Saffron has been called upon for a new task, getting a pearl to Harmonious Promises
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Discount F- Harmonious Promises…other wise known as Incoming Danger (She/They) and Irreversible Damage (They/She). The Ancients were trying to see if they could make a bigger iterator and ended up making two Iterators for the price of one. With one puppet. Things were fine for Harmonious Promises for a while, they didn’t fight, they agreed on most things, no other iterator even realized there were two of them (especially since only one could use communications at a time and they both went by the same name). Then the Mass Ascension happened and it…really affected Promises. One became a lot more violent while the other grew a lot more distant when it came to communications. This eventually led to several huge arguments between the two, which made them consume more water as they heated up…which started to affect their neighbor, Shattered Sky Above the Mountain, as the ancients built them… not quite as close as Moon and Pebbles but Promises is large enough that they nearly drained their original water source and started taking for Sky’s…Sky eventually got pissed enough they unblocked Promises (I’ll get into that) to ask them to stop whatever they were doing before Sky died…inadvertently causing a rot outbreak in Promises, as one of them had decided as a prank to try and make a creature to mildly annoy the other. Woops. Afterwards Sky collapses and in horror and guilt they changed their names.
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I’m not even going to make the discount joke. Anyway. Shattered Sky above the Mountain (They/Them), just a normal iterator…save for the fact they hate their local group and blocked everyone in it so they could only talk through forced communication, which no one really bothers doing. They mostly talked in anon channels with few exceptions, which is how they met Taciturn Locks. Things were fine for a while…and then Promises started drinking their ocean. Sky, of course, didn’t like that and unblocked them for the first and only time since the Ancients ascended to say “Hey what the fuck.”…and I already said the rest. Currently they barely remember anything besides a lot of anger.
Blood warning
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Promises…has no clue who Taciturn Locks is and the fact they’re getting into their business really grinded Danger’s gears.
The Messenger is suffering
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Suffering at The Wall
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Alabaster The Martyr (They/Them)! A rather Skittish slugcat and The Messenger’s mate, originally they were just going to meet up with The Messenger to walk them home and spend some time together but was redirected by Taciturn’s overseers to one of Promises and Sky’s group members to get scag keys to bring back the latter, Faith of Mind…and he briefly mistook them for a test subject. Taciturn corrected them after realizing what Faith thought but it was a bit too late for that. The Martyr only has so long left to live, and they’re going to spend the cycles they have left with their task and with their mate…alongside…
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Their pup! Indigo The Lookout (He/They)! Founded in Shaded C- Shadowed Ruins…which isn’t really a ruin since The Scavengers are trying to fix it up but it’s still called that. He doesn’t really remember how he got here, but he’s fine with that, he’s got his Mama and his Baba after all!
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The Messenger is very aware of the Martyr’s condition.
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Cycle 16 Vs Cycle 5
Saffron and Indigo don’t go back to Taciturn. They go back…somewhere in Garbage Wastes…they’ll meet someone new. Who I can’t show because I both haven’t played them yet and even if I did I’m at the image max.
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goldenpinof · 1 year
Not that this is like, a hot new take or anything, but I can imagine that they both might be going through a bit of a crisis. Like their careers have finally died down but like, what do they do. They haven't done much else but be YouTube personalities (which is more than just YouTube, obv) for like, nearly 15 years. They are probably afraid to venture into new territory, because at this point that will likely mean risking either their brand or their bank accounts (like how Dan had to risk money to do the tour / offer to put up his own money for Dinok). Not that that's a good excuse, but I can understand being afraid and Phil just trying to hang on to his usual content for the both of them (as he also figures out work/life balance). Dan only did DD for the tour and it definitely felt kinda forced. Just doing their old stuff but with their older/out-of-closet selves isn't going to be successful in a way it's safe, for now.
As someone with a lot of the same kind of mental health struggles Dan has, I imagine he might be beyond burnt out and doesn't really want the attention anymore because of the work it requires. And even though it's like, okay it's been months since the tour okay what's next... idk what we'll really get out of him for a while (maybe a few years even?) besides random contract work like the channel 4 thing. Like, projection time, but I just got through grad school with extreme ADHD/executive dysfunction/procrastination etc, and was so burnt out by the end idk how I did it. And I'm like, oh well it's been about 6 months I should probably have a job in my field by now (which I'm probably insane for thinking that anyways because the job market is in so wild). But like, I've been kinda burnt out since 2016 (when I was 16 and a junior in high school, at the end of my og dnp phase) and all I can muster the mental energy to do now is the same part-time / retail work I've been doing the past few years. Which like, I'm barely getting by and I do ultimately feel disappointed that I'm not trying harder to put my fancy new degree to work because I'm barely applying for anything. But I just can't get myself together enough to do that right now. I imagine Dan might be going through something similar, like, he could be doing something creative but he probably is just tired and wants to just live life without any expectations and go on vacations and rely on Phil to be the content creator. He's probably aware that it's not ideal. But he also seems done with compromising any creative vision either because he doesn't want to do sponsorships or anything that isn't a deeply personal piece of art. And he probably doesn't have many deep ideas now that WAD is done and Dinok is stalled and there isn't much he seems to want to do commentary on (because if he just sucked it up he would actually be a pretty good commentary YouTuber lol).
I think they also have a lot more stuff to work through mental health wise too before they are ever really able to not be cryptic about their relationship, since when ex-phannies or random people who remember them see their tiktoks or whatever it's what they all ask about. Like to some degree I don't know if they ever wanted to be out and famous but it got to the point where they couldn't keep denying it either. I'm so glad they came out because it's clearly so much healthier, but beyond the trauma of being closeted that they had to overcome they probably now have trauma from years and years of people being weird towards them about their relationship and it's like... now they have get through that in order to take the next step. do they really want to go through all that just to help open themselves up to a new era of content? Idk.
(this turned out to be wayyy longer than I anticipated woops. can't even remember if some of this was in response to what was on your blog or some of the other similar conversations I've seen about this today but yeah).
i'm almost crying. i hate us so much. this is exactly why the phandom needs meet ups irl or "bubbles" where we could have conversations. because trying to answer THAT without forgetting something is hard, and also i can't imagine how hard it is to write these mini-essays and get bullshit in response.
i appreciate it a lot. and i basically agree with your message. i see how it can be true. and i know that in case of burnout, Dan can let himself step back. the problem i have with him disappearing and coming back after 2018 is that he thinks that the audience will wait for him and accept everything he puts out with the same passion, participation, and amount of money as when he and Phil were making content without long pauses. but book sales, merch sales, tour ticket sales, views and god knows what else that we can't see show that we aren't willing to wait. and it started in 2019 i guess, so you would think that by 2022 Dan would understand what went wrong and just book smaller venues (or make a smaller stage for it to not be a problem). i'm using wad just as an example. you said Dan could not want attention anymore. but he repeatedly says that he loves attention. and it's not only words, you can see it irl. ofc after tours there is a period of time to rest. but before that, there was a clusterfuck of something that was barely content while the merch releases were consistent. either because it was pre-made or because Dan was still living in a rose-colored world thinking that we would buy stuff without content. i'm not sure what i'm arguing here anymore riuehdfsidxkl apologies, i guess it's related to Dan wanting to fuck off. and he CAN. i don't care, 2019 taught me a lesson. (doesn't mean i can't bitch about it <3)
anyway. i understand your struggles with work and degree. basically, i was in the same position after graduating, and now it's even more difficult but i get it. choosing to work part-time, in retail and similar "easy" jobs because you can't deal with the weight of expectations that come with a degree, that's... yeah. an adult reality that no one told us about. i wish you the best, and i hope everything works out well. whatever you decide to do, remember you don't have to use your degree if you don't want to or just don't feel like you can at this moment. you know, getting a fancy "serious" job is such a commitment, bruhh. and you can always walk out of retail :)
Dan would be a brilliant commentary youtuber, you're right! he just knows how to talk and make people listen.
their brand is already fucked, nothing to save here. i mean, Dan and Phil brand doesn't exist. Dan's youtube brand is all over the place. AmazingPhil is the only consistent thing. and yes, it feels like Phil is terrified of shifting in any direction. we're stuck with 2016 content, it's like a real-life time machine on youtube. and if it works for him, fine. i'm just sad that there is no "trying new things" anymore and that he can't even get old successful things back.
i'm not commenting on their relationship because it would be too long. fuck tiktok though. i think dnp jumped to this "new popular" platform with no actual regular content to present as a distraction and that bit them in the ass.
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rabnerd28 · 5 months
Okay I just wanna pop by and say how much I loved your Cats video essay. I've never really delved far into the Cats fandom myself, but I do really like the stage show, and I generally just have a strong love for musical theatre and an equally strong hate for the trend of shitty live action remakes. I'll never turn down a good 2 hour video tearing apart a bad remake, but there's only so many times you can watch some guy with a review channel dispassionately go "lol, look at this nightmare fuel CGI. Isn't it weird that they're cats??? And they're singing??? Worst movie of 2019" before it just gets annoying.
Within 5 minutes of starting your video I was like. Oh okay. You're fandom trash. You are absolute fandom trash. This is going to be so good. You are going to tear this movie to fucking shreds. Because I know, from firsthand experience, that hell hath no fury like a fan scorned.
The moment you first made a hint towards Tuggofelees, I was like "yeah, okay, this person is the right person to be reviewing this movie." It really made me realize not just how much Cats 2019 failed as a movie, but also how deeply it failed its core demographic. Like... Idk, people like you should have been the target audience for this movie, but instead Tomothy basically entirely disregarded everything that the fandom likes about the show (the subtle bits of characterization, the relationships between the cats, the feeling of love and community that the jellicles share, even the unique and striking character designs). It really makes you wonder what the hell he thought the outcome here was gonna be.
While I loved Sideways' analysis, and Lindsey Ellis's too, because they both have a lot to say about Cats as an actual show, they're both lacking a certain... Je-ne-sais-quoi. And that je-ne-sais-quoi is the fervent passion of someone who knows this media I side and out and cares about these characters like family.
Anyways I've watched your video like 4 times and I'm gonna continue to do so.
Thank you so much! I literally have watched so few reviews of the movie because after a couple you get the basic gist of "yup movie bad" without explaining any actual reason besides the CGI. And the fact that I didn't see anyone ever talk about the characters made me want to talk about it when I finally watched it.
I never talk about anything on my channel unless I'm fandom trash about it. Otherwise I would get nothing done. I was going to make a different video about cats, and decided to watch the 2019 film for it, and literally got so mad I made the video about how bad the 2019 film was. Especially because nobody talked about the reasons it was actually bad.
I actually watched the DVD commentary for the movie recently and the basic thought process I think Tom had was a mix of "I remember this when I saw the show when I was 8" and "I want to work with this celebrity". Watching that made me hate the movie even more.
Personally I think Lindsey's video is good for the basic history of Cats and the overall problem of Hollywood adapting musicals badly. I think Sideways is good for understanding why they fucked up the basic story and the music, but I think Maggie Mae Fish may have the best video because she gets into the nitty gritty of the original TS Elliot Poems and why TS Elliot sucks...because he does.
Thank you for the views! I have plans for one more Cats video, but things happened in another fandom I'm in and I gotta make a video for that first
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