#anyways I hope this was helpful šŸ˜­
swedenis-h Ā· 6 months
Hii I really love your art style! It's so prettyy
Could you possibly share some art tips on facial features? I'd really appreciate some help! (:
Hiii! Well shucks, thank you so much!!
Iā€™m actually in the process of trying to fix my same face syndrome, so you and I are definitely learning together right now haha! I will try my best just to explain my usual process for my style!
Since I draw them so often, Iā€™ll use Carrie Fischer and Mark Hamill!
I start with the face shape, I usually focus on the jaw line and forehead shape. I think a really distinct feature on faces is where your eyebrows sit above your eyes. Usually if I get that right, the character looks more like themselves.
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After shaping the face, I usually start with eyes. I start taking a few more liberties here, with eyelash shape and how big they are. The eyebrows and eyes is where I put a lot of their personality.
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Next I do the nose. I really love drawing noses, but theyā€™re still a bit of a struggle for me. For me, the bridge of the nose has always been important to creating a character. With the nose (especially mark hamillā€™s) I like to add a few more lines to give it definition.
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Okay back to the top! I go back for the eyebrows! Recently, Iā€™ve been deciding to change these up, making them a bit more like the person Iā€™m referencing. Eyebrows is where the expression is made in my opinion, this is where I get the right vibes for the drawing. I like adding as many wrinkles as I need to get the expression just right. My style may be simple, but lines are my best friend!
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Next is the mouth. This is a part I donā€™t add too many lines to, theyā€™re pretty simple in my style. I usually try to follow the lip shape I bit; another thing that adds a lot of similarity to the face.
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Next I do the hair, I usually do it in sections, seeing how each part affects the next. I then make the hair too big because who wants flat hair?? no one.
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Finally I just go back around adding some defining lines/final adjustments, making sure the face pops a bit!
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And thatā€™s really it for me, my style is pretty inconsistent, but I hope this was a little helpful!!
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thranduel Ā· 11 months
some thoughts about astarion because i'm tired of the internet reducing him to one thing
when bg3 came out in early access, astarion was always seen as the extremely flirty, confident guy who enjoyed sex (or so we thought) and spoke about it like it was his favourite thing. he was also kinda marketed as the ā€œsexy vampireā€, so you can understand why many people saw him that way based on the little amount of content we had. even while playing act 1 and act 2, many players still might think of him like that because he does have a very charismatic personality and he asks to sleep with you very early on, so it just automatically makes you think heā€™s genuinely happy doing that and being totally serious.
BUT!!!!!!! we end up finding out later on thatā€™s NOT the case and it was all part of a plan to seduce us in order for him to gain protection. he opens up about his past and his trauma and how he was forced to use his body to lure people back to cazador. he struggles with intimacy and relationships in general because of this. thatā€™s why i really hope that people stop reducing him to ā€œhot sexy vampire that loves flirting and having sex with everyoneā€ when that is not who he is, heā€™s literally traumatised because of sex due to being forced into it and heā€™s slowly trying to heal. heā€™s also so much more than just ā€œthe hot vampireā€, ya know? if you actually put in the effort to get to know him, you will see who he truly is underneath and he has many loveable traits to appreciate.
you may not see the ā€œsoftā€ side of him very often because he hides it, but itā€™s there!! one thing i noticed that really stood out to me was that when i gave food to an orphan in act 3 and he approved. back when you first met him, he probably wouldā€™ve done the opposite or had no reaction at all. i also saw a clip of someone trying to romance karlach and astarion and he literally told tav to choose karlach over him because he can see that karlach loves her. he said normally an arrangement would work for him but after everything karlach has been through, he doesnā€™t want to get in the way or see her hurt. letting tav go is also hard for him as well but he still thought about someone else. he couldā€™ve whined or been possessive or jealous but he didnā€™t do that at all. where are all those people who reduce astarion to ā€œthe guy that flirts and sleeps with everyoneā€ now? seriously. thatā€™s not what he does, and when he was forced into it by cazador, he was trying to survive, he didnā€™t do it for his own pleasure. itā€™s not a ā€œhotā€ personality trait of his, itā€™s literally trauma. and because he did it so much, he got used to it, and that resulted in him disassociating and feeling empty.
apparently if you ask him to join you and sleep with the drows at the brothel (something i will never make him do in my playthroughs), he only says yes because he struggles to say no. but he disassociates. and if youā€™re in a high approval relationship with him and he loves you, he will feel safe enough to express his feelings and say heā€™s not comfortable. this happens before you fight cazador. iā€™m not sure if he gives the same response after, but either way, if he joins in, he will always disassociate and itā€™s not something he wants to do despite what he may say.
that being said, itā€™s obviously still okay to appreciate his beauty and attractiveness, because he is very beautiful. he appreciates it and even likes being called beautiful. calling him ā€œhotā€ and ā€œsexyā€ isnā€™t a bad thing either, we know he can be and i'm sure he knows it too! itā€™s just annoying when people act like thatā€™s ALL he is and they donā€™t even mention anything else about his character. the love scenes are beautifully done too (i personally prefer the second one after youā€™ve stopped him from doing the ritual, because thatā€™s the one where he decided he truly wanted it and felt safe and comfortable because he genuinely loves you), and i actually wouldā€™ve been fine if they didnā€™t have any scenes like that at all because itā€™s totally understandable and valid if he didnā€™t feel comfortable, but i just hope that people donā€™t take things too far and over-sexualise him just because of how he appeared to be in the first half of the game and the way heā€™s often marketed on social media. and yes i know heā€™s fictional and nothing on the internet is going to hurt his feelings!!!! itā€™s more about the fact that he canonically has sexual trauma and many people still say really disturbing stuff even AFTER they find out about that, and it just makes me uncomfortable to think that people are okay with treating someone like a sexual object especially when they've said they're traumatised and it makes them uncomfortable. idk if this makes sense šŸ˜­
but yeah he doesn't want to flirt and sleep with everyone as i've seen people claim. and if in an alternate universe he did, and he did it on his OWN terms, and the other people he had relationships with enjoyed it too, then good for them! absolutely nothing wrong with that if there's consent, respect and honesty. however, that's not the case with what happened with astarion, because 1. he was forced into using his body WHEN HE DID NOT WANT TO and 2. he misled people and lured them to a miserable fate. it's so horrible and devastating for everyone involved. sex was never something fun for him, and it certainly isn't a "personality trait" of his. it was a survival tactic. he was forced to. he didnā€™t want to.
obviously when he becomes more comfortable, then it's totally understandable to get excited when he flirts and shows physical affection. he can be so charming, funny, sweet and romantic and i love that. itā€™s so beautiful to see him heal, genuinely find comfort in someone for the first time and experience intimacy that he feels ready and comfortable for. he deserves to love and be loved on his own terms instead of being forced. but again, he is so much more than the guy we were introduced to at the beginning. the internet just sees one thing and sticks with it but i really hope people start to actually appreciate him for who he is and the complexity of his character.
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aaaaand i just had to leave this here <3
#astarion#baldurā€™s gate 3#bg3#sorry for rambling iā€™ve just been very emotional about him recently šŸ˜­#also i hope people remember that even if he NEVER EVER wanted to have sex again he is 100% valid#he does not have to change or force himself to feel a certain way#especially after everything heā€™s been through#and if you think he does then youā€™re gross. he doesnā€™t owe anyone ANYTHING#anyways#when he kept apologising for not sleeping with tav i wanted to cry#there is literally a scene where if you tell him halsin is interested in you he says itā€™s ok to go to him#but then he gets concerned and asks if itā€™s because he hasnā€™t slept with you for a while#and i wanted to cry#he should NEVER have to feel guilty for that#honestly the only reason why i think he might eventually feel comfortable with sex again is because ->#in act 3 after his genuine love confession after you help him defeat cazador he initiates it himself#and it feels like itā€™s something he truly wants after developing a strong emotional bond with someone for the first time#and i think thatā€™s really beautiful that he chose to do it on his own terms when he felt ready#but also#for a while i wasnā€™t sure if he was repulsed and uncomfortable by sex in general and hated it entirely#or if he only feels comfortable after he develops a strong emotional bond#the only reason i think the second one now is because of what happened in act 3#but regardless whatever it is i just want him to feel safe and comfortable and happy#my posts
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gunsatthaphan Ā· 2 months
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about time my boy Joong gets banned from Twitter bc wtf is this,,,,,,,....----?Āæ
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planetwaving Ā· 3 months
here's the link to the bruce springsteen no nukes concert !
tagging those who wanted a copy:
@milliondollarbash @albiclalepsza @imeminemp3
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archersartcorner Ā· 4 months
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Back in Far Harbor gangā€¦ I get they probably didnā€™t want to extend a cutscene where the player had no control out too long, but I do wish in the Acadia meeting that you can eavesdrop on they brought up Nick šŸ˜­ but they do Not so hereā€™s me making up scenarios. The Usual. šŸ˜
#my art#described#fallout 4#dima#fallout 4 dima#nick valentine#also like the idea that Nick & Dima have internal fans and when they get Super Emotional u just hear WRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WHDBDJ#also playing with the idea that po is a psyker/has a ā€˜sightā€™ equivalent thatā€™s. essentially just in-game save-scumming LMAO#rly hoping thatā€™s not an idea Iā€™m accidentally stealing from someone. PLS lemme know if someone else has used that and I just Forgot šŸ˜­#but ye essentially when faced with the more decisive moments. Po might just pass out and ā€˜experienceā€™ all of the options -#- (akin to garnets future vision in SU Iā€™d say!) and that helps him determine the best path forward#thought sometimes when itā€™s a smaller decision he doesnā€™t pass out. just experiences some light fatigue and then -#- ā€˜oh ya btw that trunk is trapped. yea youā€™ll get blowed up if you just open it.ā€™ ā€˜ā€¦. well thanks for relaying that .0001 seconds before-#-I opened it PO.ā€™#but anyway. all that to say thatā€™s what Nickā€™s referring to when he said po probably ā€˜sawā€™ it and then encouraged the path#po meanwhile is upstairs looking through faradayā€™s diary - I mean uhhhhhhhhhh the other secret stuff. def not his diary#anyway. DiMAā€™s not biological but there is an importance to him to him and Nickā€™s relationship. heā€™s stupid protective of Nick -#- who probably doesnā€™t appreciate being the ā€˜littleā€™ brother all that much. but thatā€™s just how DiMAā€™s rationalized their ā€˜rolesā€™#I just like em hehe
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soft-serve-soymilk Ā· 9 months
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šŸ¹šŸŒ± >Without a cause, the Human Eugene is nothing. >A hollow shell, just like my agents.
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lilacjunimo Ā· 2 months
sus ojitos :(
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crossbackpoke-check Ā· 1 month
the deweys photos are from this video: https://youtu.be/5xTwJho44ao?si=bPw8MZZ327lCogVZ arenā€™t they just everything
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kissing you and the minnesota wild official media team (with consent) full on the mouth, THANK YOU THIS VIDEO IS EVERYTHING šŸ„°šŸ„° i have seen pieces of it before i think (connor petting a shark šŸ„¹) but the entire video start to finish is such a delight, 10/10 would recommend
#iā€™m so glad i saw this now and not when i was deranged at 2AM last night (i say as if i am not currently deranged)#like i had to physically pause. stop watching the video. to take notes to tell you guys about it i hope you know#holyjost thank u i love u i appreciate u & how u always have the sources šŸ˜­#i send out a prayer to the universe (put shit in the tags) & u provide#liv in the replies#holyjost#i love this reaction image btw it is one of my FAVORITES#anyway i was just chilling and then lost it at the ā€˜brandon just says shitā€™ part and had to start writing down notes (as follows)#there is SO much. the lore. the fact that brandon lasts two seconds before his shirt comes off everyone else is so bundled#dewey2 immediate ā€œsharksā€ girl help the two of them on the bean bag together#the boat competition BOLDYā€™S CONTRACT??? yeah i AM thinking about that in a weird way what kind of contract brandon#also boldy motion sickness girlie heā€™s so real for that one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#and brandon talking a big game and then like fuckin. curled into a ball on the beanbag passed out bro i cannot.#LD BONITA? LD BONITA FISH??? So excitedly???? my GOD.#LEAVE THAT POOR FISH ALONE!!!!#oh the shark lore šŸ„ŗ dewey baby let me take you to this fantastic thing called an aquarium.#you can pet sharks there!!! i canā€™t even. i know iā€™ve seen it and had a breakdown about it before but connorā€™s hand when he pets the shark#the absolute joy oh my god. connor PLEASE ik u want to touch all the fishā€¦ we have sturgeon & sting rays & jellies#brandon praising connorā€™s attitude šŸ«” he is so goal oriented they said the goal is a vibe check and connor studied.#also. save me hot brothers save me#what the fuck is this yeti cup ritual give me a cult au NOW wkdndiwkdi theyā€™re such freaks. i love it. also just drink it bro#VLADDY MENTION THATā€™S MY BOY HI BEAUTIFULLLLL#OH THIS WAS THE MIDDSY FIGHT???#awww Freddy (who i never think is a forward??)#connor dewar#brandon duhaime#minnesota wild#for reference!
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aberooski Ā· 5 months
ok wait do we know how many students went missing in the abandoned dorm?
skimming episode 22, it looks like 5-6 students, including atticusā€¦ maybe itā€™s because i havenā€™t watched gx in a full year but i donā€™t know i donā€™t remember getting a resolution on what happened to the rest of them
yusuke gave atticus the dragon mask for his sake, so iā€™m guessing they all had to go through the gravekeeperā€™s duel and only atticus made it? or are they justā€¦ gone??
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From what I remember they really don't actually resolve it beyond what we know about Fujiwara's involvement and him giving Atticus the mask.
But from what I understand of what happened, and a quick google skim to fact check a few details, Fujiwara's ritual that pulled him into darkness that Atticus interrupted essentially infected the dorm with darkness and the students started disappearing, so on the subject of how many... it might've been more than what we see in the files, but it's not something we're explicitly told. But because Atticus had the mask, he was chosen by Kagemaru to become a Shadow Rider, thus Banner luring him down into the basement the day he disappeared. And as we know, Atticus put on the mask and envoked the power of Darkness and became Nightshroud so that he could actually survive.
So from what I can piece together from what little actual information we have, I think the others students are either trapped in the world of darkness..... or they're just dead.
I really don't know for sure, it's so frustrating that we donā€™t have any concrete answers or any actual resolution to the abandoned dorm plot line. Because it's literally so important????? Like it's the actual plot of the show???????
But yeah, that's my understanding at least?
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kissoflifes Ā· 1 year
hi! again. šŸ˜Š Please excuse my bad explanation; I'm new to PS and still learning what things are called. My question was about how you manage to combine pngs images with gifs in such a cool way. As seen in this beautiful HOTD edit, for example. /post/698703305504882688/i-should-not-be-left-to-my-own-devices-anti-hero It would be awesome if you have time to explain how you do this for all of us newbies, but if not, I am thankful that you took the time to answer my ask. Best wishes. šŸ˜Š
ā€” hii no omg thanku for being so nice with your ask </333333 and i'm more than happy to share how i did it (that set was so long ago šŸ˜­ i don't have my hotd files rn but i'll just make do with an example)
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this effect technically can be very simple to-do and all you need is a base background and a png to go on top! but if you want to recreate that effect exactly as it was in this set then prior to the png you need:
ā€” two gifs, ready and coloured + blended together ā€” a transparent png with a clean outline ā€” basic knowledge of overlays (but really it's more of a learn-as-you-go thing so its fine šŸ˜­)
#1 ā€” so first i wanted to find the png i was going to use. just search up ____ (whatever you're looking for) png transparent online and you should be able to find heaps of good, and free to use options! my go to site is nicepng but there are sooo many places you can look!!
what's important to remember is that for a cleaner result, you want to find a png with smooth outlines - aka nothing that is really rough or jagged in its edges.
so i chose this sun png and it has plenty of black space in it (as this will play a key role in how the colour shows through the png later) but it isn't a solid block of black either!
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#2 ā€” so i have my two gifs ready, coloured and blended with each other. remember that the gif choice underneath will also affect how the png's colours show through [whether the gif has a lot of pure white/black can really change the effect!]
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#3 ā€” so now i've just inserted the png onto the gif and you can position it anywhere you want on the canvas!
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#4 ā€” i'm not sure on the technicalities on why you need to do this (šŸ˜­) but the png typically is black right, but you want to make it white so make sure to invert the png so it shows up white!! you can invert through adjustments or by pressing command + i or ctrl + i to do this!
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#5 ā€” now go to the blending mode of the png and set it to EXCLUSION. i think you can set it to difference as well but i'm no expert in that and i think they give the same result. your white png should turn sort of blue-ish translucent!! now we're ready to add colour <3
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#6 ā€” now right click/double click etc on the png and go to blending options here!
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#7 ā€” this is an optional step but if you want the outline of your png to appear a little more against the gif (say as the majority of the background in mine is mostly dark) then you can add a shadow to your liking! these are just my typical settings nowadays :D
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#8 ā€” head over to gradient overlay and choose a colour gradient that you would like! there are heaps of easy presets that i often default to (like plenty of blue/green/purple options) <3 and make SURE you set the blend mode of the gradient overlay to EITHER: ā€” multiply (shows up pretty dark which can be useful at times!) ā€” hard light (which shows up pretty bright, i'm going to use that in this gif because bright is what i need!) ā€” colour (shows up more light/white and works well on lighter backgrounds imo)
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#9 ā€” finish up by adding your typography however you would like! i added the same gradient effect to 'SEVENTEEN' at the bottom of the text for a little more pop of colour!
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and there you have it!!! that's your finished gif (or at least the same principle behind the hotd/anti hero set!) and here's the finished result <3 i hope this helps!!
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i've gone through these similar steps in this tutorial as well! i learnt this from this great tutorial by @anya-chalotra šŸ§”
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krikidilly Ā· 7 months
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That comfort character meme! Very fond of things like this tehe
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pickled-flowers Ā· 3 months
The blue jays have started building a nest that's right next to my balcony and I see them perfectly from my usual seat!
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lavenderjewels Ā· 8 months
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sheā€™s so cute
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akkivee Ā· 6 months
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itā€™s bittersweet but at least heā€™s still here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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iwritenarrativesandstuff Ā· 3 months
someone I just met told me I was cool today and I swear I wandered around shaking with my eyes huge for almost an hour afterwards
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tommyarashikage Ā· 8 months
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when the snow is painted red, know that means we'll be together again (x)
[ Ā» little snippet under the cut ]
Waiting for a train that never stops. Always passing by. Always empty.
Waiting until the snow stays atop the ground. He will make it happen. He promised.
Now theyā€™re alone. Pink and blue fill the underground station but leave her hollow. The colours freeze on her skin, the cold ever-growing, threatening to swallow her whole. But she remains. Not daring to give up. He had asked her of it. As long as she shines for him, he will be there. He promised to give her everything of him.
But he broke it.
The passing train seems endless. Thereā€™s no noise, no wind that drags her hair along, that lets the soft fabric of her coat dance. It moves at high speed, yet time slows down.
When it does finally pass her, it reveals something on the other side of the railway. Her stomach drops at the sight.
Everything goes black. SĆ³l takes the device off her head. Like a flashlight, sight comes back to her. It strains her eyes, causing her to rub them harshly. Will she ever get used to this stupid thing?
ā€œWhat did you see?ā€ Harrison asks, arms crossed over his chest.
Itā€™s always the same.
SĆ³l drags her palms over her face, sighing heavily, ā€œYou said it shows me memories. I donā€™t know what I saw, but they arenā€™t true.ā€
ā€œMaybe you refuse to remember him the way he truly wasā€, he says, making it sound more like a statement than a question. Truly? How could she not remember? The note, the gun, the cracked window, the air almost leaving her lungs. She swallows hard. And still, all she feels is confusion rather than pain.
sorry for yet another tag... also please let me know if you don't want to be tagged for original stuff!
taglist (add/remove yourself): @socially-awkward-skeleton @risingsh0t @strangefable @voidika @josephslittledeputy @madparadoxum @aceghosts @nightbloodbix @sstewyhosseini @onehornedbeast @confidentandgood @kyber-infinitygems @statichvm @macs-babies @jillvalentinesday @leviiackrman @captmactavish @alexxmason @shellibisshe @thedeadthree
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