edible-emerald · 2 days ago
Ok so PVP civilization??? I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS???
Spoilers for episode 5 btw
So first off the REVEALS THIS EPISODE??? And the fact that most of them were to the viewer and not to Evbo???
Princezam's character, in nature, is selfish. He talks highly about how Evbo repeatedly dying is heroic, and while he may be subjecting himself to endless torture, he's saving so many lives, he's a hero, he's a good person. It's implied that Zam believes, if he were in Evbo's position, he would do the same; that he would let himself die to save others. But it's a lie. Because he IS in Evbo's position. HE CAN REVIVE TOO. But he kept it a better secret than Evbo, which is the only reason why he hasn't been endlessly farmed yet.
The second reveal Princezam gives that also shows more about his character and motives is that Evbo has a limited number of revives. He isn't immortal. He's on his last life. If he dies again, he'd be gone forever. And Zam knew this.
And I think something is really, really interesting about this. Because in episode 4, Zam's motive is to make Evbo die over and over indefinitely so he can keep increasing durability of the iron swords and increasing life span. Still an interesting character, but him KNOWING that this solution is temporary, and him KNOWING that Evbo will die permanently soon, changes everything. His motive wasn't to save the iron swords, I actually think he couldn't care less about them. His motive was to kill Evbo.
What else would it be? Why else would Zam KNOWINGLY make Evbo die over and over with every death coming closer to permanent death? Because for whatever reason, Zam wanted to get rid of Evbo. But why? Yes, it's true he was the chosen one. But that leads me into my next point:
Is he?
The only real thing that made Evbo special enough to be the chosen one is that he could revive himself after dying. But he isn't the only one who can. Zam can too; and I believe Tabi and a few other people can as well. So IS he the chosen one? Personally, I don't think he is. I think that someone else is the chosen one, but I'll get to who eventually. What possible motive could Zam have for wanting Evbo dead, if he isn't the chosen one?
Evbo was a diamond sword.
Evbo was a diamond sword who's memories were erased. He was threatening to like do something (maybe become a netherite sword?) that Zam and others didn't approve of and maybe he was working with Tabi, so both of them were killed and revived in the wooden sword level. But Evbo's memories were erased in the process so Tabi decided to manipulate him and get to the top without him this time. That brings me to the next point.
Tabi has history with some of the diamond swords. Specifically, Ferre. We don't know what yet, but I believe like I said above that she and Evbo were previously diamond swords, and were trying to do something and ended up being killed. Evbo's memories were erased but Tabi's weren't.
I think the reason the diamond swords were willing to let Evbo back in and not Tabi is because he lost all his memories. Maybe, he'll get some back and realize that the diamond layer is corrupt or evil in some way, and team up with Tabi to defeat them. But I don't think so. I think Tabi is evil and had either roped in Evbo, or worked with Evbo but losing his memories made him change.
Anyways, on the topic of reviving, I think it's also safe to say Zam was a diamond sword. First off, he seemed to know the diamond swords personally and disliked them, calling them 'bottom feeders' (which by the way is so fucking funny I giggled so much at that line) also we know he can revive as well so safe to say he was killed and revived there. Maybe he was in the plan (that may or may not exist idfk) with Tabi and Evbo and was killed as well. But I doubt it, considering how he treats Evbo, but then again, his character is very selfish and antagonistic. I think his ultimate motive is to rank up to a netherite sword (which may be godhood like in parkciv?? but we don't know) and he's trying to kill Evbo to take out the competition.
Also this is a minor thing but now we finally know why Zam kept his door closed in episode two, because he had an armor stand too and didn't want the secret to come out.
Now for the final reveal: Parrot has a backstory. And I think I know what it is.
Parrot is the real chosen one.
Ok my evidence for this is mostly speculation but also if Evbo isn't the chosen one than who?? Parrot is a really odd character, like every time he talks it just feels like there's something off about him. He talks a lot about the chosen one, but he acts. Weird. Around Evbo when he finds out that he's the chosen one. Also, for someone so devoted to the chosen one, he's still very much alive; and I point this out because he has a mansion AND a video journaling machine. That costs a lot of swings and I have a feeling he hasn't really ever paid respects to it. Even though he says he has. And why would he? BECAUSE HE'S THE CHOSEN ONE.
If Parrot isn't the chosen one, either one of two things are probably true:
he was a diamond sword
he was a/the netherite sword
I don't really know how these would work in the story the same way the chosen one theory would, but yeah
Thank you for reading my ramblings :33 hopefully I didn't miss anything lmao
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mogamuncher · 3 days ago
Reblogging about my problematic ships and my funky shipping opinions to fully remind everyone in my blog that I do NOT condone purity culture!
No, FICTIONAL media created with FICTIONAL characters with fucked up FICTIONAL scenarios does not, in fact, dictate your real world morals, and I think it's rather odd for you to think in this manner.
Like, please tell me, what differentiates you from the early 2010s moral panic white suburban mom's that raved about videogames causing violence? Or those same conservatives that raved about a DDLC fan who committed suicide, thinking that the game was at fault for it? What separates you from conservatives that think that just hearing about gay people will corrupt the youth of today into the gay agenda?
In case you don't have an answer, here, I'll tell you: nothing. Nothing separates you from them. You're just as morally bankrupt, just as secretly ableist, just as annoying as they all were. The folks on the internet did not spend years debunking these flimsy arguments only for you children to bring it back up again, but this time with new corporate-ass rainbow coated paint on it. You're not special, you're not superior, you're a WASP Karen if one of them was into fandom.
But here's the kicker: even if you were to join the same spaces as the people who hold those opinions, they wouldn't want you, you know why? Because a lot of y'all are queer, are POC , are disabled, and to them you're nothing, they'd burn away all your human rights if they could, and they've tried multiple times, are currently trying to do so. You're not protecting anyone, you're selling your morals to the side of the argument where the people just like you actively fucking hate you, all while pointing your hatred towards the groups that actually are what you're supposedly trying to defend.
I'm POC, I'm autistic, I was SA'd, and I also believe that fiction does not dictate morality, I think antis are immature at best and harmful at worst. You're parroting bigoted views that have been sold as reasonable to you by the moral panic.
You want cringe culture to be dead? You want people to openly be weirdos? You want ableism to stop? Then stop being the fandom police, stop putting down others when they're actually weird, and stop dictating that others should just be "normal".
Anyways, I'll stop yapping now, antis can fuck off, enjoy the rest of my blog or whatever
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hayakawalove · 16 hours ago
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Summary: Suguru decides he wants to quit smoking, but he can't do it without the help of his partners.
A/N: ME WRITING A POLY SATOSUGU FIC? UNHEARD OF... No but I know it's been awhile, I'm sorry. I am going to get back into them once kinktober is done. This fic isn't super long or descriptive, I just wanted to write something simple from an idea I had. I hope you enjoy! Comments are appreciated!
CW: SFW, Fluff, Slight Angst, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Polyamory, Suggestive Themes, Smoking, Addiction, Food, Cigarettes, Alternate Universe, Supportive Partners, Gender Neutral Reader W/C: 3,136
Credit to cafekitsune for the banner
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“Are you sure about this?” Satoru asks, leaning against the door as he watches Suguru. 
Suguru looks up from the fridge, his lips pulled down in a slight pout. He doesn’t know how cute he looks like that. 
“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Satoru tosses a look your way before rolling his eyes. The glance was worth a thousand words. You chuckle to yourself and pick at your pants, trying not to eavesdrop on the conversation. 
“I don’t know. Maybe cause you’ve smoked since you were in highschool?” 
Suguru stands up at that, knocking the fridge door closed with his hip. He’s holding a multitude of ingredients in his hands, all things required for your meal. He sets them down on the counter with a grunt, before looking over his shoulder at Satoru. 
“If you don’t have any faith in me, just say that.” 
The words don’t cut like they should. His voice is soft around the edges, the comment may even be mistaken for a joke. It might be an attempt at humor on Suguru’s part, but you can tell there’s underlying truth there. 
“No, no I do. But you know… in case you don’t make it,” Satoru says your name. “Wanna place a bet?” 
Suguru raises a brow at Satoru before scoffing, shaking his head as he looks down to start on lunch. 
As funny as that would be, you can’t bring yourself to do it. You knew Suguru was going to struggle, and you couldn’t bet on his downfall. 
Not in good faith, anyway. 
“Don’t be mean, Satoru.” You murmur, standing up to patter over towards Suguru. 
His bottom lip is jutted out ever so slightly, creating a minuscule frown on his face. If you didn’t know him any better, it would be easy to miss. But you do know him. And you know him well. Satoru’s commentary was getting to him. He must actually be nervous about the situation, and that fact tugs at your heart strings. 
“I for one think Suguru is more than capable.” You wrap a hand around Suguru’s slender waist, pulling him beside you. 
From the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of a smirk on his face. You return the act, letting your lips brighten up. Satoru rolls his eyes playfully before taking a seat at the bar across from you. He rests his head on his hand, watching the two of his lovers in front of him. 
“Thank you, baby.” Suguru speaks with such reverence it almost makes you flustered. 
“I believe in him too! It’s just surprising is all.” Satoru says. “This came out of nowhere.” 
It did. You were sort of curious what spurred the moment on, but you figured Suguru would tell you if it was relevant. 
Suguru looks slightly uneasy, reaching around to scratch at his neck. You watch the movement carefully, well versed in his body language enough to know that something is up. 
“Well I mean, it’s bad for you isn’t it?” He begins. 
It was. 
“Yeah, but that’s never stopped you before.” You murmur. 
“They’re also gross too, if that’s any consolation.” Satoru leans back in his chair. 
They were. 
Suguru chuckles and leans forward, propping himself up with his arms against the countertop. He still looks like he's thinking about something you're not privy to. 
“I just want to be healthy with you guys.” His voice is soft, almost as if he’s embarrassed to say it out loud. 
You and Satoru share a look. It was a moment of tenderness that was normal coming from Suguru, but it still struck you in the heart nonetheless. You reach up and run an arm down Suguru’s bicep, smiling brightly at him. The act doesn’t ease his nerves like you were hoping it would. You nibble the inside of your cheek and pinch his hip before bringing your hand back. Suguru jumps slightly at the action before returning to cooking. 
“So, are you scared?” You ask, curiosity leaking from your tone. 
“I’m not scared,” His tone wobbles at the end. “I’m just…anxious.” 
Satoru’s eyes flit between the two of you while he bounces his leg out of habit. 
“Do you have anything to use as backup? For when you get the cravings?” You ponder.
Suguru’s expression is thoughtful for a moment. He always thought things through, so you were sure he would have some type of plan. 
“No, not really. I was planning on quitting cold turkey.”
You hum at that, rounding the counter to sit next to Satoru. It’s easy to tell that Suguru wants to drop the topic by the way he's avoiding your gaze, so you do, if only for his sake. 
It’s been two weeks. 
It’s a quiet evening. The lights are dimmed and the room is silent between you and Suguru. The two of you sit on the couch in the living room, keeping yourselves entertained. You scroll through your phone with your feet propped up in Suguru’s lap, while he sits next to you with a book in his hand. It’s a well loved novel, the edges of the papers crinkled from years of use. 
Every few seconds you feel his fingers strum against your ankle, the touch so light it almost feels nonexistent. It’s peaceful. 
Suguru’s more or less been doing good in his endeavor. He's been a bit more antsy, a bit more jittery. But he hasn't relapsed, not even once. 
Satoru walks in, strolling leisurely until he plops on the other side of the couch beside you. Suguru briefly looks up with an eyebrow raised before returning to his book, an unamused expression on his face. 
“What’re you guys up to?” Satoru asks, his voice loud, reverberating off the walls. 
You’re engrossed in your phone, so you decide to let Suguru respond. 
“Reading.” His voice is short. 
Satoru plays with your hair for a moment before leaning over to grab the tv remote. He turns it on, either willfully ignoring or not noticing the glare Suguru sends his way. 
“Turn it down.” Suguru says, keeping his eyes focused on the novel in front of him. 
If you look close enough, you can see the twitch of his eyebrow. 
Satoru’s face changes to incredulous. “What? No. I wanna watch something.” 
“Satoru,” Suguru warns, speaking calmly. 
“It’s just this part that’s loud, it’s gonna be quiet again, hold on.” Satoru murmurs, eyes focused on the screen in front of him. 
“I said turn it down!” Suguru’s voice raises. 
The room stills immediately. Suguru never raised his voice. You’ve known him for countless years, and never once has he yelled. You peer around your phone at him before looking back at Satoru, half afraid a fight would break out. 
You’re expecting Satoru to at least look slightly bothered, but he doesn’t. His mouth is straight, and his eyes are the same as they always are, wide with curiosity. You would almost think he hadn’t heard Suguru. He did though, as Satoru turns the tv off and stands up straight. 
Suguru looks mortified. His eyes are like saucers, with his bottom lip trembling. You think it may have bothered him more than anyone else. 
“Satoru, I” he begins to chew the inside of his cheek. “I’m sorry,” 
Satoru gives a toothy grin as if nothing had happened. Under any other circumstance, the moment would have been a cause for concern. Suguru would only get visibly upset if something was wrong. But the two of you were expecting this. You were expecting his fuse to be a bit shorter, his temperament to be a bit worse. 
Satoru saunters over to you, lifting your chin up to place a kiss against your lips. It's gentle, nothing at all like what you’re used to coming from him, before he pulls away. 
“Cranky, aren’t we?” He directs at the other man, stepping over towards Suguru. 
Suguru’s watching with wide eyes. He doesn’t really know what to expect. Satoru’s a wild card even on his good days, especially on his good days. 
Satoru lowers himself to Suguru’s eye level before wrapping his hand around the back of his neck. He gives a little squeeze, not hard by any means but it catches Suguru off guard. Satoru brings his face close to Suguru’s, close enough that they share the same air. Suguru’s unconsciously leaning forward, the magnetic pull of Satoru’s lips too hard to resist. 
Unfortunately for Suguru, Satoru likes to play a bit too much. He pulls away before the two of them connect, an evil smirk on his face as he appreciates the confused look on Suguru’s features. 
You can almost hear the cogs in Suguru’s brain turning. He's realizing he got swindled, by his own fault of course. 
“I'm going to go watch tv in the bedroom, let me know when Suguru decides to behave.” 
Well that was rich coming from Satoru of all people. 
Satoru takes his leave as the two of you watch. It was hard not to feel bad for Suguru. It wasn’t necessarily his fault he was in a bad mood. 
“Hey, you know he’s just teasing.” You aren’t sure why you’re telling Suguru that. 
You’re sure he knows Satoru isn't being serious, but his bottom lip is still jutted out in a pout. 
Suguru flicks his eyes over to you before back down, where he skims through the book. He must be embarrassed. There's a distinct pink tint covering his cheeks and he looks jittery. Suguru never lost his cool, so you can only imagine how he feels now. 
Luckily for him, it doesn’t change your opinion of him at all. 
You toss your phone beside you before making your way over to his side of the couch. The well loved piece of furniture creaks slightly as you crawl towards him. Suguru doesn’t know what you’re doing, but he still sets his book aside. He purposely avoids your eyes while you ease on his lap, his hands grasping at your waist to settle you. You almost want to tease him a bit too, but you aren’t Satoru. You’ll wait until he’s more stable. You don't have the heart to tease him when he looks so fragile. 
“That was kinda mean of him, huh?” You murmur, keeping your voice low. 
He looks so disappointed in himself. You bite back a coo, your body nearly threatening to let it loose. 
Suguru finally meets your eyes. Pool of caramel stares right back into yours, making your stomach flip. Even if he was grumpy, he was still cute. You grab onto the front of his shirt, twisting it in your hands. He hums in response, partially because while it was mean, Satoru wasn't wrong. 
“Are you craving a cigarette right now?” 
“I'm always craving one, that’s the problem.” His voice sounds like it means to be agitated, but instead it comes off annoyed. Not at you, never at you. 
“What about it are you craving?” You ask, playing with one of the dark strands of his hair. 
He never takes his eyes off you, even when you’re looking away. 
“The taste.” 
For a second you think he may be lying. Who would want the taste of a cigarette? But when you look at him you notice he’s being completely sincere. You suppose after years of use, the flavor may be comforting. 
You lean forward, letting your lips graze against his. Instead of following Satoru’s lead, you press your mouth against Suguru. He greedily accepts, leaning into you a bit more than he usually does. Typically, he's the calm and composed one. Suguru breathes harder as his lips attach to yours, as if he’s holding himself back from devouring you whole. There’s a notable lack of tobacco on his breath. The taste of your peach lip balm bleeds into his mouth, coating his lips and gums until it's all he can taste. 
When you pull away he almost looks delirious. He's panting a bit and his eyes are low. “What was that for?” He questions, darting his tongue out to lick up your saliva that paints his bottom lip. 
“So you can focus on the flavor of something else instead.” 
If you were to peer inside Suguru, you would see how he wants to consume you whole. You would see how his chest aches to have you completely. 
But you can’t see inside him. 
Suguru attempts to play it cool, letting a gentle smile spread over his mouth as he reaches up to fix your hair. You lean into the touch, feeling relieved that your Suguru is back. 
“Thank you, sweetheart.” He says lowly, gratitude obvious from his words. 
You couldn’t take away the pain completely, but you could at least do this much.
“Plus, Shoko is being the worst about it. I swear she’s smoking more just to tick me off.”
“I'm sure she doesn’t mean to. She probably wants to quit just as bad.”
The silence between you is deafening. She definitely didn’t want to. 
“You know she doesn’t.” Suguru replies, unconvinced with your words. 
You can’t really argue there. 
“Okay, but just ignore her!” 
The hum of the cars driving by fills the air around the two of you as you wait outside the convenience store. Satoru all but dragged you both here, telling you to wait outside while he grabbed something. Suguru leans against the wall, trying not to eye the poor soul who was squatting several feet away and lighting up. 
A special form of torture. 
To distract him you bury yourself in his chest, hugging until he relents and wraps his arms around you. The air is slightly chilly, but that feeling immediately dissipates the second he engulfs you. You push your face against his chest and inhale, breathing in the sweet scent of your laundry detergent. Normally, his clothes smell reminiscent of tobacco, the scent never welcoming on its own but because it belonged to Suguru you liked it. Now, your lungs are filled with only his cologne and deodorant. 
“Are you smelling me?” He asks with a cocked brow, petting your back and looking down at your head. 
“No-“ your voice is slightly hard to hear against his body. 
At that, you take another large sniff to which he clicks his tongue and squeezes you against him tighter. A bell sounds out, signaling the door next to you was opening. Satoru comes waltzing out with a noisy plastic bag, shaking it around to announce his arrival. 
“Hey lovebirds,” he comments, voice muffled due to the lollipop sticking from his pink pouty lips. 
Suguru breathes out a chuckle and reaches above your figure, not a hard feat by any means, and drags Satoru’s collar closer to the two of you. Satoru tugs the candy from his lips in preparation. His body collides with the back of yours, leaving you no room for escape as Suguru roughly kisses him. 
You wonder what the sight looks like to strangers. Is it weird? You don’t care. 
You pretend to flail around beneath them, but they ignore it. Satoru tenderly places a hand on your hip to keep you in place as he kisses Suguru. 
“Hey handsome.” Suguru speaks against Satoru’s lips.
Not only is he more grumpy, but he's much more forward now. Not that he was ever really subtle to begin with. 
Satoru steps back to give you space to which you gratefully accept, sticking your head up to take a deep breath of air. 
“Dramatic,” Satoru comments with a grin.
“Bite me-“ you taunt back. 
Satoru sticks his mouth open again, darting his bright red tongue out to lick the candy. Your stomach drops at the sight, and you assume that was probably his goal. He sticks the lollipop back in his mouth. 
“Careful. Maybe I will.” 
Suguru turns your body around and tugs you until your back lands against his chest. He rests his head on top of yours, using the height difference to his advantage. 
“What did you buy?” He questions, wrapping his arms around your stomach to keep you in place. 
“Something for you.” Satoru responds, talking around the candy in his mouth. 
“Any chance it’s a pack?” 
Satoru laughs at that. The sound is heavenly to you, its heartiness filling your body with love. “I’d die before buying one of those things.” 
Satoru seamlessly slides the lollipop from one side of his mouth to the other, before looking down at the bag in his hands. It's droopy with weight, and curiosity has peaked in your veins. 
Satoru finds what he's looking for, producing another lollipop. It’s blue raspberry, you manage to read the label before he tears off the wrapping. 
“For you.” He says, stepping closer again. 
He shoves the candy into Suguru’s mouth, muffling the protests that were beginning to pour out. Satoru looks happy with himself as he stands back, admiring the sight in front of him. His two sweethearts. 
You look up, seeing the stick poke from Suguru’s lips. It’s reminiscent of a cigarette, but instead of being bitter and toxic it’s sugary and sweet. 
“I figured you might miss having something in your mouth. I even got the bag with your favorite flavor!” Satoru says with a grin. 
It’s a smart idea. 
Even if Suguru looks slightly irritated. 
“Oh come on! Don’t be like that!” Satoru pouts. “I would offer to give your mouth something else, but we are in public.” 
Suguru scoffs, his eyes darting away. You can see the way he sucks the flavor from the candy, his jaw ticking as he thinks. 
“So, does it help?” The white haired menace asks. 
Suguru fiddles with the stick for a moment, debating on his response. “No.” 
That means it was helping. He looks a bit reluctant to admit it, but his shoulders sag slightly with relief. Suguru probably just didn’t want to tell Satoru. 
Satoru takes the hint and chuckles to himself before opening the bag again, pointing it in your direction. When you peer inside you see a multitude of sweets. Lollipops, chocolate, and popping candy fill the bag. The colors are bright, mixtures of red, blues, and yellows filling the plastic. 
It was a typical shopping trip for Satoru. 
You grab a strawberry lollipop and unwrap it before placing it in your mouth, the sweet flavor all but melting on your tongue. The three of you all match now, white sticks poking from your lips as you begin the long trek home. 
It was definitely hard for Suguru, but slowly it got easier. Blue wrappers take the place of empty cigarette cartons, the evidence littered throughout Suguru’s car and drawers. It’s hard work, but at least he has you and Satoru. Over time he gets better, with the help of peach lip balm and raspberry lollipops. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @kimi01985, @sad-darksoul, @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni, @mikisspeak, @dinolvrrr, @sakui1, @reiluvr, @gothiccwhore666, @bunviixo, @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat
If you want to be added to my taglist please just let me know, just specify what you want to be added to
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warblogs17282 · 3 days ago
Still thinking about the Truth Seekers line where Loona said,
"Blitzo was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears. That means it was serious, which means I don't open it until--"
And now, I'm thinking about all the different emotional and heavy-hitting moments from Blitz, but from the lens of that statement, and I'd like to explore that in a little more depth.
Because I feel like looking through some key moments of Blitz through the lens of that statement helps to add another layer of depth to what Blitz has been saying.
S2 E9:
Blitzo: No, I just- This was the final stop on the apology tour I've been on today.
Stolas: Oh, yes, I recall. Everyone but me is getting your cheap apologies tonight, hm? Well, you certainly have your work cut out for you.
Blitzo: Look, how I acted this morning... It was fucked, okay?
Stolas: This morning? Ugh, why did you show up there? Why'd you show up here?
Blitzo: You already asked that, but look, I-I just really need to... To talk to you, to- to explain.
Stolas: Oh?
Blitzo: I've always been real shit at sorries, 'kay? They're for pussies and no one fuckin' deserves them anyway, but I felt maybe you actually needed one.
Stolas: Ooh, lucky me!
Blitzo: Oh, shit. Okay, what I mean is, I said sorry a lot today and, honestly, didn't really mean any of it. Because the only one I wanted to say it to... Was you, Stolas. I just... This whole thing we had going... I'm- I mean you're a fucking prince. How could you ever actually care for an imp... Me? How could anybody?
Stolas: Blitzo. There is a crowd full of people here, who cared so much, they'd throw an entire fucking party about hating you, every year! Do you know how much you have to care to do something as stupid as that?
Blitzo: Stolas, you are better off without me. 'Kay? You deserve so much... I don't even know why you would want to be with me.
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'I mean you're a fucking prince.' Blitz is technically correct here, but if we consider the Truth Seekers statement, I believe it tells us that Blitz, at least subconsciously, sees Stolas as more than just a prince during this scene, he sees Stolas the man here, not just Stolas the prince. And honestly, that probably makes it hurt more to Blitz, since he's still in disbelief/denial that Stolas has these feelings for him at this point.
Especially considering what it's followed up with, which I'd like to mention doesn't have a single swear word in it whatsoever, telling us even more just how sincere Blitz is when he said that final line.
Verosika: How do you think I felt? When the fun guy I was dating decided to just bail on me because I made the shitty mistake of saying I love... Ugh! It was the most embarrassing feeling. To be vulnerable for once and... you really just know how to send a message in the shittiest, fucking way.
Verosika: The worst part is you still make me feel like a bad person for being angry at you now.
Verosika: But, hosting this party, for everyone else you've dicked over? At least I can help others cope with the shit you did. What? No snarky comeback?
Blitzo: No. You're right. I actually am, ya' know... sorry. I-I don't want to be this way. Not forever.
Verosika: Looks like Stolas is having a good time.
Blitzo: Yeah, well. He needs it.
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Again, just pay attention to the fact that Blitz didn't swear once during the part of the conversation I just showed, showing once again even more just how sincere Blitz is being here, to not be the way he is forever, to let Stolas have his good time at the party.
S2 E8:
Blitzo: What?! FUCK you, Stolas! You spring this feelings bullshit on me, are you fucking kidding? Can I get a FUCKING minute to think after everything you put me through, you pompous, rich ASSHOLE?!
Blitzo: Treat me like one of your little butler imps?! You can't just dismiss me like that! I mean, you royal fucks think you can do this EVERY TIME, like you can just play with our feelings because we're smaller and not as IMPORTANT! Well, I'm not letting you, BITCH! LET'S GO!
Stolas: Blitzo... I think so very highly of you... I didn't realize you think so low of me...
Blitzo: Stolas, wait! I'm s-
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You know, the amount of swearing in that part of the episode tells me something, that what Blitz said during the peak of his outburst was exaggerated a little. Does Blitz make some completely valid points during that outburst? Yes. Is what Blitz said during said outburst a bit exaggerated because he was in the heat of the moment? Yes. Both of these can coexist, and I do completely understand why Blitz said what he said during that argument. (I'm not choosing a side on who was in the wrong in the full moon argument here, btw)
And, the lack of swearing when the realisation hits to Blitz of what he's just done, right as he tries to apologise to Stolas just further tells me that Blitz did genuinely mean that 'I'm sorry', he said right before Stolas teleported Blitz out.
S1 E8:
Blitzo: Fuck, Fizz was right. I'm gonna die alone, aren't I? Just a wrinkly, old, withered, waste. Will you be there, Loonie?
Loona: Be...where?
Blitzo: I dunno, jus- ...lonely... Die alone...
Loona: I'll be there, Dad.
Loona: Now go the fuck to sleep... okay?
Blitzo: Millie... Moxxie... Stolas...
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Again, pay attention to the lack of swearing in that part of the conversation, minus one 'fuck' at the start of it, it just adds to showing us just how raw and genuine Blitz's emotions are during this scene, showing us that Blitz genuinely believes that he's gonna die alone, and also showing us just how much Blitz still cares about Fizzarolli, Loona, Millie, Moxxie and Syolas.
S1 E7:
Stolas: You know, I have some more wine in the house. Octavia's with her mother this weekend. So, we could--
Blitzo: I'm not fucking you tonight, okay? I'm really just I'm really not in the mood, Stolas.
Stolas: We could talk, or... watch a movie, or... maybe cuddle?
Blitzo: Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. But, I just, I-I can't do it tonight, okay?
Blitzo: I'm sorry.
Stolas: Okay. Goodnight, Blitzo.
Blitzo: Night.
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What I find interesting here is that the two times the word 'fuck' is used throughout this scene, it's used to replace the word 'sex', so thinking about this scene through the lens of that statement, it shows us even more just how much Blitz believes in what he's saying, especially when he says "Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time."
Finally, S1 E6:
Moxxie: Do you remember what you said to me after my first day with the company?
Blitzo: ...Not really.
Moxxie: I remember. You told me I did a good job and that you were proud to work with me. I feel like you wanted to say something more judgmental, but... you said that because I needed it... And it helped.
Blitzo: Look, I'm hard on you, because I know what you're capable of, Mox. You care too much about what everyone thinks except for... me, because, y'know, my opinion is correct, but just... keep doing a good job. 'Kay? You shoot 'n kill good, you escape things easy... you can be strategic and cold-blooded when you need to, aaaand don't expect any more compliments; I'm maxed out.
Moxxie: Thank you, sir.
Blitzo: You know my name... Use it.
Moxxie: Thanks, Blitzo.
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No euphemisms, innuendos or swears, showing us that when Blitz was talking to Moxxie in this scene, that he was 100% being serious in what he said.
So in conclusion: I have shown multiple examples where if you think about them through the lens of the statement "Blitzo was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears. That means it was serious, which means I don't open it until--", you start to see more depth within those examples I have shown in this post.
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heavyhitterheaux · 13 hours ago
Steady Love Preview
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“Why would you keep something like that from me? And you've done it for MONTHS.” Joe asked you, trying to make sense of the situation. He simply couldn't believe that you lied to him and lied to him about something as big as this.
“I wanted to tell you when I felt that the time was right. Please understand that.” You pleaded with him, but all he did was shake his head.
“And when did you plan on doing that? At this rate, you probably weren't about to tell me until we got married.”
“That is not fair and you know it!”
“I knew something was up when you would go to another room to answer phone calls, never let me stay at your place with you and always shut down the idea when I asked, leaving early from date night. I care about you, so you could at the very least let me know what was happening. Even if you weren't ready for me to meet her.”
“I just didn't want her to get attached to you just in case we didn't end on the best terms. It's happened before in the past and I don't want her to be disappointed again. And I also didn't know how you were going to take it.”
“Hmm, I would have dealt with it because I love and care about you. But I see that you obviously don't give me enough credit. If something or in this case, SOMEONE is important to you, they're important to me too. How old is she anyway?”
“She just turned thirteen.” You quietly said and Joe's eyes went wide.
“I still can't believe you tried to hide the fact that you have a child from me.”
(If the poll continues the way that it's going, it will be this one.)
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andauserene · 24 hours ago
Star Eyes
This is the part 2 of my Oshi no Ko!Transformers x Reader and this is the part 1. Sorry for the long wait, factors such as time, energy and activity took me too long to make the part 2🫂🙏🏻 (3 months missing-)
Warnings!! : mention of blackmailing, some suggestive parts (interpret on your own), mention of social anxiety, fluff and overall just sweet reader gets consoled by her Cybertronian lover(s).
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Optimus Prime
That Saturday, there's only you and Raf on the base while Miko and Jack both are busy with their own thing - well, it's not like you want or need to know, anyway.
"Hey, Raf. Could you teach me the basics to hack?" You softly ask at him, kneeling down to Raf who types something on his laptop. The said boy turned his attention to you as he smiles. "Oh, sure [Y/N]. I didn't know you're interested in computer science." he gives you a tilting head look and confused one, but you only smile, with those dark star eyes.
The more you learnt about hacking, the greater you get at it. You even know how to hack surveillance data of the nearby cameras. And you can hack on someone else's personal drives. Which you don't even bother to check what's inside. "Not important..." you'd mutter to yourself. That's not what you're looking, after all. No. It's not.
Everything went great so far, but your eyes telling a whole different story. The others, oblivious to the reason why your star pupils are black and dark, just believe in your deception that "Oh yes, this is fine. This is normal. It'll return back to normal anytime soon." Which won't happen, unless someone put a halt on it.
Now, here you are. Snatched from where the kids are by Optimus as he brings you with his servo towards his berth. What is he doing? Well, he's just staring into your eyes. Organic, little eyes met metal, big optics. He doesn't say anything, as if he silently demands you to explain. Which you only respond by looking down.
"Little one," he speaks up after the eerie silence, making you instantly look up to him, "care to elaborate?" he gestures your eyes, and you only look down, "it's fine, Optimus. It will return to normal again."
Oh, how the Prime actually wants to believe that, had it not been the fact that you're so obsessed in blackmailing some certain people.
"[Y/N], look at me," he speaks up again, using one of his digits to lift up your chin, "please do not lie to me. I love you very dearly, and if the lack of time I give you makes you feel unloved, then I apologize to you from the depth of my spark..."
He apologies, and he looks at your soul. Slowly but surely, there are more tears flowing through your eyes. Of course Optimus notices this, and he whispers so gently to you.
"What is bothering you?" he coos softly, wiping a few tears away. "I don't know... people are very annoying to me lately, and that one girl keeps bugging me to death... I just wished she would disappear and..."
There you go. Rambling about everything while Optimus keeps listening to you wholeheartedly. Or in this case, wholesparkedly. He smiles and being patient all the time. The Prime is no one but soft spark and kind.
"She matters very little. And you have more than that to think about." he teases you gently and seductively running his digit over your thigh, making you blush slightly. Hey, at least those dark eyes are gone, and replaced with the beautiful stars he always knew. Yeah, you know the drill, don't you?~
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It's another Sunday, and the base is quite chill. No urgent mission, no 'Cons detected, no rambling from Agent Fowler, and everything is fine. At least, from the outside that is. Your eyes are dark, and many have commented on it, but you shake your head and turn the questions down.
"[Y/N]??" Bumblebee's voice ringing on your ears, and you turn around. Since he got his voice back, you've been very happy and ready to listen to everything he says. But, this time is just different. "Yeah? What's wrong, Bee?" you reply to him with sweet smile, but his optics telling you that he's bothered.
And that's how you ended up being scolded and interrogated by him. He asks you what's wrong, why are your eyes dark, what happened, why are you angry, and lots of other questions, but you don't want to answer and you keep on insisting you are fine.
"Bee, thank you for asking but please, I'm fine! I'm just... a little bit tired is all," you lied again, and Bumblebee definitely not buying it at all, "You're lying, aren't you, sweetspark?" he speaks gently as he stares into your eyes softly. "I'm not lying, Bee, I'm fine..." you insist again, and Bumblebee ex-vent on this.
He smirks and then brings his faceplate close to your own face and his voice drops into one of those seductive one.
"You know what liars get when they are found out lying?" he raises an optic ridge and smirks ever so slightly, teasing you. Despite knowing this is his method on pushing you, you can't help but blush. "Y-yeah... I know... b-but you don't need to remind me all over again!" you stutter and blush, making the smile on your lover's faceplate widen. "Good girl gets reward, bad girl gets punishment~" and those words successfully changed your eyes to bright stars again.
Safe to say you two are having some quality time after that, and how he keeps reminding you on not to blackmail anyone and just ignore those annoying people around you. And let's hope that Raf wouldn't disturb you two for some time. Whatever happens is happening~
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haru-dipthong · 2 days ago
Ep 9 of my Utena fansub is out!
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Stubborn people are the most hated, Sempai. (from ohtori.nu)
Learn to take a hint, vice president. (my translation)
I thought I’d talk about this line because my translation differs quite significantly from a literal translation. The ohtori scripts’ translation shown above attempts to translate the line more literally, and I think suffers greatly for it.
Let’s break down the line: しつこい is an adjective that’s used to describe people who won’t take no for an answer; connecting it to the particles のは make it describe an implicit (but missing) noun - that noun being “people”. The ohtori script chooses to translate it as “stubborn”, but I can’t help but feel this doesn’t capture the implications that しつこい has about harrassment. In fact, I couldn’t think of a good English adjective at all, which made me start thinking about alternative ways of translating the line.
Then Utena says 一番嫌われる. This means “are hated the most”. On top of the inadequate translation of しつこい, a direct translation of this creates an unnatural sounding turn of phrase. While attempting to rephrase it in a way that sounded okay, I realised I was better off trying to retranslate the line as a whole.
My translation’s number one goal was to preserve Utena’s passive aggressive suggestion that Saionji is harrassing Anthy. I think that’s the most important thing the audience should have been taking away from the Japanese, so it should be what they take away from my translation as well. “Learn to take a hint” doesn’t explicitly say that “if you keep bothering someone after they tell you No, they'll just hate you more”, but it does heavily imply it, which I think is sufficient.
The final thing I want to say about this line is how I translated “senpai”. Previously I’ve translated it as the character’s name, but here I translated it as “vice president” instead of “Saionji”. This is because I think it’s important to preserve the fact that Utena is standing up to someone with more power than them. There was also reference to Touga being the president in a line just 1.5 minutes prior, so it reinforces some of the power dynamics between those two as well.
Your prince was just like me, wasn’t he?
I struggled a lot with this line. Touga either truly believes he is Utena’s prince based on his memory of the church, or he doesn’t know for sure but he’s trying to manipulate them into liking him anyway. Either way, he’s not just posturing to Utena and making himself out to be a prince here… he’s making himself out to be THE prince. He’s strongly suggesting that he’s the one from her memory. It was tough to find a snappy English translation that had the same strong suggestion while still staying implicit. I originally had “I remind you of your prince, don’t I?” but decided that it wasn’t a strong enough implication, and spent another long while trying out synonyms and rewording things until I came up with the translation I settled on: “Your prince was just like me, wasn’t he?”
He was always one step ahead of me, into a strange world I didn’t know.
I don’t have much to say about the translation itself for this line (it’s a pretty straightforward direct translation), but my god this line gives me chills. I think it may be a metaphor for puberty and “maturity”. I put maturity in quotes because when it comes to these two characters, I think they both see maturity as how much of a patriarchal man you are.
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Utena: 生きてるなんて、気持ち悪いよね。 Touga: そう? Utena: うん、気持ち悪いよ。どうせ死んじゃうのに、どうしてみんな生きてるんだろう?なんで今日までそのことを気づかなかったんだろう?永遠の物なんてあるわけないのにね。 Saionji: 永遠の物?
(below translation is from ohtori.nu)
Utena: Being alive is kind of sickening. Touga: I see… Utena: It's sickening... Why does everyone go on living knowing they'll end up dying anyway? I wonder why I never realized that until today. Eternity couldn't possibly exist, could it? Saionji: Eternity?
(below translation is my own)
Utena: Living feels wrong. Touga: Really? Utena: Yeah. It feels wrong. Everyone dies in the end. Why do they bother living? Why didn’t I realise before today? Nothing in this world lasts forever. Saionji: Nothing lasts forever?
As I’ve discussed previously, I decided early on that I would not be translating 永遠 directly as “Eternity” every time it appears. I think the theme of not wanting things to change is strong enough throughout the show that it doesn’t need to be carried by a recurring word. I’m translating it the way that flows best each time.
Utena’s bolded line literally means “permanent/eternal things don’t exist” or “there’s no such thing as something permanent/eternal” (little side note, this uses the same Japanese grammar as Juri’s “there’s no such thing as miracles”). This was actually a very easy translation. The first time I watched it, almost without thinking, I translated it as “Nothing in this world lasts forever” in my head. I think it flows super well, it works as dialogue from a small child, and captures the sadness of Utena’s loss perfectly.
However, the line does contain the words 永遠の物 (often translated as “something eternal”) and I can see how some might argue for translating this more directly, since the same phrase is used by many other characters to describe what lies inside the floating castle. I just don’t think that the upsides of this (consistent phrasing) outweigh the downsides (less natural, less thematic, less poignant). If little baby Utena suddenly starts talking about capital E Eternity, it makes her seem almost like she's privy to more of the weird lore than she actually is. It makes much more sense for her to use a phrase that a child might genuinely use if their parents had died.
As always, thanks to @dontbe-lasanya for their fantastic editing (and words of encouragement)!
Be sure to follow for updates! For all episodes released so far, go here:
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melikedraw · 3 days ago
Married life with Gaolang headcanons
Ft. Gaolang wongsawat x gn! Reader
Sickeningly fluffy
Take note: I'm not a writer, I don't know what I'm doing, I just want gaolang content
Now that that's set aside-
- Married life with Gaolang is probably the easiest part of your relationship with him. No more of your painfully obvious hints bouncing off his dense head, no more questioning whether the feeling you had for him was reciprocated due to his unreadable expression
- Now, Gaolang doesn't expect you to take his surname, but if you refer to yourself as Mr/Mrs Wongsawat, he will feel so fucking smittened with you
- Gaolang's job as Rama's personal bodyguard requires him to leave your shared house early and come back late
- However, that has never stopped him from giving you any less love
- Though it pained him to leave the bed you two shared, he would always wake up early to prepare breakfast for you
- and by breakfast I don't mean cereal with milk
- He can and will make a filling and balanced breakfast for you, with some carbohydrates like rice, pancakes or toast, proteins like eggs or ham, and fibrous foodstuffs like a side salad or a bowl of fruit
- as someone who doesn't usually eat breakfast, this meal looks like a lot, but even if you aren't a breakfast person, Gaolang's handmade meals aren't something you can just pass up
- He WILL make you eat it (usually the smell itself is enough to have you feeling hungry anyways, so it isn't too difficult for him)
- After prepping your breakfast, he would wake you up to eat it before it goes cold
- he also wants you to be awake to see him off while he leaves, but he won't be admitting to that any time soon.
- for his job, Gaolang has to wear a suit and tie, not his preferred choice of clothing, but it was what a bodyguard typically wears
- putting on the outfit was usually one of the more boring parts of his morning, so help him get past this hurdle by putting it on for him!!
- button up his shirt, tie his tie, straighten up his blazer and dust him off while standing him in front of his full length mirror, telling him how good he looked this morning
- and don't forget a goodbye kiss for when he's putting on his shoes to leave the house
- I think gaolang would like you to be a housewife/husband
- it's not that he wants you to give up your dream job or anything like that, no. If you have a job you want to keep, he'd gladly support you in any way he possible could
- it's just that part of him wants to give you a perfect life, comfortable, in which he believes he can provide for you, and indeed he can, which is why he would want you to have the freedom of not needing to work
- However, if you agree to this arrangement of his, you can't just laze around all day and waste away in bed
- Being free all day, you usually do the grocery shopping, cooking lunch and dinner, laundry etc
- basic housekeeping stuff
- gaolang will try his best to help you with it too, but his job is inherently tiring, so treat him well!!!!
- now that I'm done with you two's day to day activities, lets move on to other stuff (HELP IDK WHAT IM DOIN)(ignore me)
- Gaolang would be super conflicted about having kids
- on one hand, he is obsessed with the thought of a child that was a mix of the two of you, like a symbolism of your marriage and love for him or something
- on the other hand, he KNOWS how busy he is, and he understands better than anyone that he can't possibly split his time in a way that would provide for the child the fatherly care they would require
- if you do want a child with him, you're going to have to do a LOT of convincing, begging and pushing because he is STUBBORN
- it mostly stems from his very valid fear of not being able to be a good father, and not wanting an innocent child to have to face the fact that their father can't even be there for them
- most likely you two will not have a kid, but hey, you tried (or didn't)
Yikes I'm all out of ideas
Should I make a prequel to this?? (Dating life with gaolang)
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vodika-vibes · 3 days ago
Hi lovely.
If your requests are still open and you don't mind, could I pretty please request a little pick-me-up drabble?
I've recently had some surgery and am not recovering as fast as the drs expected, and my mental health is kinda in the pits.
I'll happily take anything fluffy but maybe something Halloween or bonfire themed, with Crosshair, Rex, Echo or Fives?
Thank you!
⊂⁠(⁠´⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°
Summary: When you defected from the Empire, you expected to be hunted down and killed. You didn’t expect Crosshair to defect with you and move into your home. And you didn’t expect an easy friendship to form. And you didn’t expect that friendship to blossom into a romance.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1298
Prompt: I went with Halloween, but it's really more of an Autumn vibe
Warnings: Uh...ridiculously fluffy
A/N: So, originally this was going to be Rex, but he's so hard for me to write and I don't know why, so I went with Crosshair instead. Anyway, I hope you recover soon, and I hope this story offers you a little bit of comfort!
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“How long have we been living here, kitten?” Crosshair asks from where he’s pulling his boots on by the front door.
“Long enough that we’re allowed to vote in local elections,” You reply as you squint at the pamphlet in your hands, “Why? You wanna move?”
He scoffs, “To where?”
You lift your head to look at him, “Don’t your brothers live in a tropical paradise?”
“Yeah, the problem is that my brothers are also there. Kinda removes the paradise part.” Crosshair quips, and then he shoots you a look, “Kitten, where are your glasses?”
“I don’t need those things.”
“Yeah? I’d believe that if you weren’t squinting to see me. Go put them on.”
You roll your eyes but vanish into the next room to grab your glasses. The fact that everything actually is clearer when you’re wearing your glasses will go with you to your grave.
“Anyway,” You say as you step back into the front hallway, “Why were you asking?”
He glances at you, “What do you think about buying some land near the lake and building a house?”
You hum thoughtfully. “I think it sounds interesting. We could use some more space, couldn’t we?” You add with a glance around the front hallway. “Of course, a bigger place means we’ll always be hosting and you hate hosting.”
“I make so many sacrifices for you.”
“Yes, your life is so hard.” You agree solemnly, “How ever will you survive?”
He glances at you, a teasing grin on his lips, “It’s alright. I got a cute little thing on the other side of town—”
You fling a stuffed bear at his face, which he catches effortlessly, “There’s no one cuter than me.” You announce, even as you self-consciously touch the frame of your glasses.
Crosshair straightens and walks over to you. He presses a light kiss against your temple, and then another one against your lips, “You’re right, there isn’t. Sorry, kitten. Didn’t mean to poke.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s not,” Crosshair lightly squeezes your hip, “I forgot that you don’t like those jokes anymore.”
You shake your head and reach up to press a finger against his lips, “It’s fine. I’m just overly sensitive.” Your smile widens as you trace his lips for a moment, and you giggle when he catches your wrist to press a light kiss against the pad of your fingers.
“You’re allowed to be sensitive.”
Stars, you love him so much.
“If you say so,” You say in a sing-song voice, “Anyway, where are you heading?”
“We need candy and toys for the kids tonight,” Crosshair replies lightly, “Someone,” He continues with a pointed look at you, “Ate all of the candy.”
“Whaaat? Who would do such a thing?” You ask with wide-eyed, and totally fake, innocence.
“Uh-huh, am I supposed to pretend I didn’t see you stealing the candy?” You grin at him innocently, “That’s what I thought. Anyway, I also have something I need to pick up.”
“If you give me a few minutes, I’ll come with you!”
Crosshair lightly taps the tip of your nose, “Not this time, kitten. Didn’t you say something about raking leaves?”
Your lower lip juts out in a pout, “You get to go shopping, and I have to do physical labor?”
“You even went out and bought those silly orange trash bags—”
You gasp dramatically, “They’re not silly!”
“They’re a little silly.” He kisses you quickly, likely to stop an argument before it properly begins, and then tosses your gardening gloves at your face, “I’ll be back later.”
“Yeah, yeah,”
Crosshair glances at you, “Love you.”
A tiny smile lifts your lips, “Love you more.” He tosses a grin in your direction, and then he’s gone. For your part, you heave out a sigh, and pull on your boots, before heading towards the garage.
You might as well do some raking while he’s gone.
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Later, much later, after the sun has set and all of the candy and toys have been given out, and there aren’t any more kids wandering the streets looking for candy, you’re curled up on the couch with Crosshair.
“That was a lot of kids,” You murmur as you wrap your hands around your mug, “I think this is the first year we didn’t have any candy leftover.”
“Lots of people have moved in over the last year,” Crosshair points out tiredly.
“True enough,” You set your mug on the coffee table and shift so that you’re able to lay your head on his shoulder, “Did you manage to finish your errand, earlier?”
“Of course,” Crosshair smoothly shifts so that he’s laying across the couch, tugging and adjusting you as well, until you’re laying on top of him, “I did that first.”
You fold your arms on his chest and rest your chin on your folded arms, “Well?”
“Well, what?”
“What was the errand? I thought, maybe, it was something Halloween-related, but I didn’t see anything unusual.”
“Nosy,” Crosshair chides.
“You knew that about me already,” You counter with a pout.
He chuckles, “Yeah. I did,” He watches you for a moment, and then his hand comes up to press over your eyes, “No peeking, kitten.”
“Aww, come on!” But you don’t even bother trying to move his hand off your face.
You feel him shift under you, and hear him moving around, and then he stops moving, “Are your eyes closed?”
Immediately, you snap your eyes shut, “Yes.”
“Good girl,” He moves his hand off your face and presses his hand against the small of your back. “Alright, open your eyes.”
You do as he asks, and blink, surprised, at the box sitting in his hand, “What’s this?”
“Generally, when one receives a present, they open it to find out what’s inside,” Crosshair replies with a roll of his eyes, though his hand slips under the hem of your shirt to rub small circles against your lower back.
“I know that,” You sit up so you’re straddling his hips and take the small box, “I’m just surprised you got me something, it’s not my name day.”
“Do I need a reason to buy you something?”
“Mm…guess not.” You open the box and freeze when you see a small velvet box inside the white box.
Carefully you pull the velvet box out and set the white box to the side then you slowly run your fingers over the soft material.
Crosshair’s gaze is soft as he watches you, “Are you going to open it or just admire the box?” Even his voice is soft as if he doesn’t want to break whatever spell has fallen over the living room.
You shoot him a look but don’t answer him. Instead, you open the box and your breath catches in your throat.
You thought, maybe, he bought you earrings.
But this…this is a ring. A thin band with a dark red gemstone surrounded by, what looks like, diamonds. It’s beautiful.
“...Cross, this is—”
“I love you.” His voice is soft, “I want a life with you, more than what we already have. I might not be able to make you rich, but I promise that we will be happy. So happy.”
Your eyes are burning with tears, you never dreamed that he would propose to you. You’ve never been so glad to be wrong in your life.
“Yes,” You slide the ring on your finger, and it’s a perfect fit.
“I’ll marry you, I’ll do whatever so long as we can stay together.”
Crosshair grins and pulls you back down so he’s able to claim your lips with his, “So,” He murmurs, “A good treat then?”
Finally, happy tears leak from your eyes, “So much better than candy,” You agree with a laugh as you cradle his face between your hands.
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therealslimshakespeare · 11 hours ago
Ooof, so, she was super shy about it right after she was wounded, obviously -as we’ve seen. And so much of that was the context of all the assaults surrounding it, the way that it was targeted, the fact that while she was mauled that way there was one of their number (as mentioned in Part One) that everyone saw die from the same wound. And I think that’s burned in all of their minds, the horror and shame of that manner of death. It’s so horribly degrading.
OK YES? Like the part about it being so utterly degrading. I think that all the time about Lu, I feel like she goes through this string of events that just comprise such an utter lack of autonomy and are SO dehumanizing. Like it’s bad enough to have the dog set on you, but for it to happen in the context that it did? The way u said it was intertwined with (I believe) her sexual assault? And then the way she was used to get at Ida and repeatedly hurt and abused as an interrogation method. A STRATEGY. And then she gets to the stalag and the comments and the taunts about her assault when the SS take over that are not even meant to hurt her, they don’t care about her? They’re just again using her to upset others? And the fact that she cannot remember if they’re telling the truth or just repeating a story (that makes me so sick like ugh), the fact that the person who she is being used to get at knows more about her own abuse than she does. And then on top of allll that poor girl who is so shy about this stuff goes through her whole arc with her period and I know we made that kind of fluffy but still. AND THEN FOR THE WAR TO BE OVER and her 16 year old baby self is immediately sexualized in a way that capitalized on her being Indigenous.
Like ok sorry for that rant but! The fact that she goes through all this makes her post-war arc SO tangible and real in my opinion. But anyways I just wanna hug her
That’s a brutal summary, my poor baby. But to me it just made sense 😭😩
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atopvisenyashill · 2 days ago
how do you headcanon orys and argella's marriage worked out in the long term? it sucks that argella falls off the page after she marries, we don't even know how she reacted to her husband going mad . . .
okay so one thing about this timeline is it’s kinda perplexing to me. Orys is said to have a son, Davos, but Rogar is also around the right age to be their son! Rogar being Davos’ son is kinda weird to me timeline wise, because then Rogar should be younger, closer to Rhaena’s age than Alyssa’s? So I have always kinda figured that Rogar and his brothers were argella and orys' (and davos was a younger brother). which makes it like a HUGE missed opportunity for the Baratheon brothers rebellion him and Jaehaerys put down being some of Argella's sons backing Argella in a dispute over Rogar, Orys' beloved son! there's zero mention of argella after she marries but timeline wise, Rogar and his brothers have to be hers and orys' and Rogar had like, a lot of brothers which means those two had a lot of kids who all kind of sucked? this leads me to believe that not only was Orys very distant as a father but Argella was also quite distant as a mother.
i think it would just be like, very hard for Argella to reintegrate back into society; she was stripped naked and trussed up for Orys to rape to death, basically, by her own people. How do you even look anyone in the eye after that without losing your mind? Honestly it makes little sense to me that Argella doesn't have a blow up moment like Cersei is bound to have because what they go through seems similar to me; regardless of what they've done, they were horrifically betrayed and sexually humiliated by their own people in a clear attempt to break their spirits. Like Cersei, I think it would make sense that Argella would essentially play dead until she had the opportunity to strike back with all the rage and violence she's been sitting on.
Anyways, my feelings here aren’t like, positive. Argella’s situation - being publically and sexually humiliated, then married off to a man who sees himself as a “good guy” when he is in fact deeply noxious, and forced to have like half a dozen kids for him - is genuinely a nightmare scenario for me and the only way EYE would deal with that is just like…straight up killing myself 😅😅 i like to headcanon that Argella was actually helping and funding the Dornish side of the war and was partially responsible for getting her husband killed, personally, and absolutely hated every one of her sons for being so up their dad’s ass.
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fancy-marshmallow · 1 year ago
thinking about the duality of twelfth night and hamlet this evening ...
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butterflysonnets · 9 months ago
yes i'm rooting for m*leven breakup because byler is neat but mostly? i'm rooting for m*leven breakup for the sake of el and mike.
to me, their romance was always a puppy love born out of a combination of social pressures, naïve curiosity, and a lack of true understanding regarding intimacy and romantic love and what it really is. it was real in that they do truly, deeply care about each other and they are close friends, maybe even shared an attraction, but a maturing romance is so much more than that. they've grown up and out of being boyfriend/girlfriend, and that's okay! i think television/film needs to show more often that most of us don't have definite "soulmates" or first childhood loves that we spend our whole lives with. it doesn't mean these relationships meant nothing and didn't impact us, it just means they've run their course and that something else is in the cards, and this is part of life!
i've always felt el was at her best and most confident self when broken up with mike, discovering who she was and what she liked alongside another girl her age instead of just relying on mike for mentorship on how to live in the real world. she deserves more of an opportunity to find herself, her autonomy, and her independence, and to love who she is, and she's made it clear she's felt insecure in the relationship with mike because she isn't being loved and understood the way she wants, needs, and deserves from someone who is her partner.
also, it's okay if mike doesn't love her in "the way he should". he is not obligated to love her romantically and stay in a relationship with her just because she's a girl, because she "needed someone", or because he cares about her a lot. he shouldn't be pressured into a romance if it's not truly coming from his heart. he deserves freedom to find out and honour who he is, too, instead of just staying in his non-functional first relationship — one he got into as a child, essentially — and defining himself that way because it's what's expected when a boy and a girl are close. he loves her in some way, yes, but it's okay if he doesn't feel comfortable or secure being her boyfriend anymore, for whatever reason that is. he's felt insecure too, and that's valid and it matters.
they are their own people and are steadily growing and changing every day. they need time to figure out who those people are, and it's become clear (at least in my opinion) that those people aren't meant to be a couple at this stage.
they deserve freedom. they deserve to grow up and be authentic to themselves and not feel like they need to lie for the sake of a relationship. they deserve to move on from this version of their relationship that isn't making them happy and rekindle the best part of their bond: their strong, beautiful friendship. they don't have to be a couple if it doesn't make them stronger and better and happier people.
i think it would be healthy and wonderful for a show, especially one consumed frequently by young adults, to show a relationship starting, progressing, and ending on good terms in this way. sometimes things don't work out, and that is okay.
#eve text#elmike#stranger things#byler#only tagging byler because i feel like yall will like this take lol#tagging tagging tagging WHAT ARE EVERYONE ELSE'S THOUGHTS#god i can't believe i'm making a post about stranger things. this feels like poking a bear#i'm not particularly anti m*leven but like... they'd have to do something pretty special at this point for me to feel like it's viable#i'm seeing the bts of s5 and it's got me Having Thoughts#elmike friendship is something i am so passionate about#even before i ever liked byler (didn't ship at all until s4 even though i knew it was a thing before) i've felt this way about elmike#i always believed they were close friends at heart and needed to break up#the romance part of them felt very distinctly young and very much “he was a boy she was a girl” to me#and it hasn't deepened into anything more mature and i don't see how it could based on the current state of the writing...#the fact that lumax exists — a young relationship that is actively maturing and is healthy — makes that clear to me#and the “love confession” in s4 and how disingenuous and miserable it felt was just the nail in the coffin#also the fact that will (who is IN LOVE with mike) was instrumental in making it happen? ... uh... okay... interesting choice…#fucked up and reductive if they make it another queer unrequited love sacrifice for the sake of pushing the heterosexual agenda YUCK#so i really hope the speculation about a m*leven breakup is real!! i think it just makes sense for their characters but who knows#i don't believe in the notion of love at first sight or one true love and i think the writers don't too???#love to me is an accumulation of experiences and we inevitably choose it at some point rather than fall into it... but idk#tv is so fixated on keeping couples together... sometimes it's just not reality guys especially with young people... LET IT GO...#like i said though i'm not 100% sold that they're going to give up their “golden couple” LMAO#stranger things hasn't historically subverted too many tropes if i'm being honest#anyway i seriously need this season to come out quickly... i'm so bored and getting my master's is crushing my soul#i need frivolity#ALSO btw i won't respond to hateful messages about this so please don't bother. it's not that serious. this is a netflix show
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
I dislike takes that Danse would be just as conservative in modernized aus when it's clearly shown his staunch views of things come from his time in the Brotherhood and his deep-rooted desire to belong to something with a greater purpose.
Not to mention lines that show much more open-mindedness that get overlooked for his harsher sentiments when you first meet him. Like the oppurtunity to be a part of something is why Danse fell so far into Brotherhood dogma and it doesn't negate the offense things he does but I feel like it's just lazy to be like "hmmm he'd def be racist" just so it aligns to his BoS beliefs.
#like i genuinely think he would like not fall into the military if he was in modern times because of all the other things he could do#he clearly has a passion for tech and mods and likely would find himself more useful as like a mechanic like at most hes one of those range#types or something but I feel like people equate his seriousness and him being a military man to closemindedness when its like having to ge#a new view point like we really dont know what he believed in before the BoS if he believed in anything at all outside of selling scrap to#survive before basically having an army recruiter have him join one of the scariest factions like why is the BoS so fucking violent???#like the BoS operates in such a way cause there is no civilian population like everyone is something or training to be so they arent really#fighting for anything but themselves at this point which is just a feedback loop of gaining more power and is not equatable to real#military people due to the fact most of the recruits are really born and bred to be soliders while say irl you have a family and country to#fight for and return to outside the military which is def grounding as Danse wouldn't be in the army 24/7 like in canon#idk its odd to me when a character that is has fantastic racism ergo the trope of bigotry to fake races people try to translate it to real#life especially when those races have not equivalent like tell me what is the irl equal to a fucking ghoul or super mutant like????#racism is not like a funny headcanon like making him a defrosting prude or by the book is whatever but he would not be a bigot just like a#narc or some shit hed tell on me for loitering but I know hed tear apart each voting party and likely the military for being self serving#and like knows all about it and it makes him sound like a politics nut but its more annoyance like I have such strong feelings about#characters who would be marginially better if they were not victums to the military like yes I believe we can fix Danse he just needs to#be around not war/the military for like a week and see people be happy existing like he doesnt know how to do that but this is a weird take#ive seen mostly from white fans that makes me super uncomfy like ur weird#anyway still fuck the brotherhood everyone is so rude like damn i know its the east coast but can we get a little hospitality fuck you#maccready was right brotherhood of squeal more like it dont worry porky we'll get you out (danse is porky btw)#fallout#fallout 4#fo4#paladin danse
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unopenablebox · 7 months ago
i admit that i find it a little bit frustrating how Wildly Astonished other antizionist jews act when i tell them my israeli jewish family have lived in the region since [some unknown length of time before 1800 when there start being records about it]
#and then they're like ''ohhh they're mizrahi!'' [connotation nonwhite‚ virtuously indigenous]#and i have to be like. no. it's just that‚ as palestine was in fact ottoman-administered greater syria for most of the last 600 years‚#you could get there from other parts of the ottoman empire. such as the part of now-ukraine your ashkenazi family is also from.#it wasn't actually a hermetically sealed arab-only ethnostate that evaporated immigrants on sight. it was a pretty decent place to live as#a jew by at least some accounts. or better than the front of the hapsburg-ottoman war anyway which is where they were coming from.#i'm not sure who you think it's serving exactly to believe that there were literally no ashkenazim in the middle east before the 1st aliyah#however there were some. and this information does not actually threaten a modern anti-state of israel position like at all.#but since apparently you've constructed your new Diaspora-Centric Identity around the idea that 'palestine' and 'diaspora'#are the two mutually exclusive nonoverlapping regions and the former is ontologically a no-european-jews-allowed zone#i guess i can give you a minute to try to figure it out.#ugh sorry this is nothing it isn't anything. for one thing it's fantastically unimportant#and for another thing i don't know how to like talk about it in a way that doesn't make me sound at least kind of like im trying to justify#myself as being somehow less complicit or something. i mean i think my complicity as an american dwarfs the rest of it honestly but.#i just feel really insanely alienated where the rhetoric of my theoretically most closely politically aligned group is not really built to#like. accommodate the facts of my family history.#sorry. i have honestly no idea why im so obsessed with articulating this concept ive just been chewing on it pointlessly for days#box opener
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doctorweebmd · 3 months ago
the ‘why would anyone entrust Akutagawa with Aya remember what happened the last time he took care of a young girl 🤔’ is such a dogshit take. like bro are we gonna just forget his whole-ass younger sister who he dotes on or, idk, perhaps literally the fact that his villain origin story is that he COULDNT PROTECT HIS FRIENDS IN THE SLUMS i am killing all of you with hammers
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