#mage sisters
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vistellar92 · 3 months ago
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muffin-snakes-art · 5 months ago
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cold death - Utsu-P
Ref under the cut!
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somethinginworl · 2 years ago
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Been playing Star Allies’ arena with Magolor + 9 Mage Sisters and this is what it feels like.
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itsquakey · 2 months ago
The really really dumb Kirby weapon theory/prediction plus the ramblings of a crazy person
After putting this aside for a while despite bringing it up a couple times I am finally putting together this stupid theory I've had since Forgotten land came out. The weapons that the mage sisters have always been on my mind thanks to the fact that I personally think they're a very small reveal of what's to come about a tiny detail of the future.
To start-the three mage sisters each have their own weapon they use.
Zan Partizanne has a Partisan, Flamberge has a Flamberge, Francisca has a francisca (actually it's a double headed axe but we will refer to it as both here).
Nothing really special.
Though my interest in these weapons changed with The forgotten land and Elfilis. Elfilis also wields a partisan. This kinda piqued my interest? Out of all weapons they choose one this boss would share with someone else? Knowing how this series (unfortunately) works the similarity is likely on purpose. So basically what I'm saying is the next two final bosses in the next mainline series entries will be wielding a flamberge and a francisca/double headed axe. I also believe that the next two bosses will be of 'different matter' as apposed to void termina's dark matter and whatever you wanna say Elfilis is. I also believe Morpho will be after those fellas as well. Wouldn't make sense for it to stop at Galacta and Elfilis, and since it seems to be...somewhat friendly with Kirby? Enough to allow Kirby to have some of its power with the Morpho upgrades. I doubt it'll be after them anytime soon. If anything I think their relationship with Kirby will be similar to Kirby's relationship with Meta.
I have a few ideas as well but they're kinda just. Theories without substance.
Morpho could be after the four heroes of yore. Taking Galacta (who we know is a hero of yore), Elfilis (A harder thing to prove, we never saw them using heart spears), and wherever the other two are if they're still alive. A better theory would be that Morpho happens to respond to changes in the air when galaxy-threatening level things show their face and deals with them itself. Or maybe Morpho follows Kirby around because it knows trouble is drawn to the kid. I still really like the idea that Morpho IS Galacta. That's why they look similar(ish). Maybe Morpho/Galacta is out for revenge or something. But it's Kirby. We have not idea what is happening anyway.
Another theory is that the three weapons of the mage sister reference the other three weapons used by the heroes of yore. Galacta has his lance, then one would have a partisan, one a flamberge, and one a francisca/double-headed axe....Is what I would say if it wasn't for the concept art book. There's a part in the book that has an unusual emphasis on three weapon designs. I just noticed it as I write this, and it's interesting.
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The double-headed axe, the Partisan, and the bow and arrow. No other weapon Void Termia uses gets this treatment. These also could be the weapons the three other heroes used. There's a weird absence of a lance though maybe that's on purpose. I kinda like the idea that we only know Galacta was a hero, and the other three are left unknown with only their weapons proving their existence. I wonder though if there's a reason we only know for sure who one of the heroes was. Either they're just making shit up as it goes or they have an idea of what they want to either.
TLDR: I think the next final bosses will either use the two other weapons of the mage sisters or the two weapons we see Void Termina use. (Elfilis already has the partisan)
Either way HAL please hire me I need that game in the past about the ancients with Galacta as a main character and I can make it for you I swear.
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icedragonlizard · 2 months ago
I feel like Kirby himself wouldn't really bother getting into online arguments much, that's why he's not a poll option.
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ninebaalart · 5 months ago
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Mage Sister Susie
I found the design similarities between Susie and the Mage Sisters kind of fascinating, I wonder if it's supposed to imply both come from the same planet or if that was just how they wanted to do their female designs at the time
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heademptysimirror · 1 year ago
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It's been 6 years of Star Allies!
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martisno · 7 months ago
some more susie and francisca together? silly girls
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Silly girls and the overprotective older sisterr
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quanblovk · 1 year ago
What are your thoughts on Kirby and his friends?
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Francisca: My sisters were just recovering from their trust issues too.....Magolor made it all worse.
[NEXT: Susie, Elfilin and the Kirbies]
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frostiwars · 1 month ago
what are the cast favorite hobbies, or things they do in their free time?
i'd like to imagine that kirby's main hobby is being a small precocious child, running around and causing mischief and exploring. gooey is much the same, although he tends to nap a smidge more than kirbs. bandee is the other end of the spectrum where he's similar to kirby but likes to take a bit more time training and studying. i imagine he can be a bit of a bookworm at times.
meta knight's hobbies (if you don't include his typical WARRIOR TRAINING) involve... baking. hehe. he's trying to improve because he wasn't very good at all when he started. not a natural in the slightest. i'd like to think dedede is much the same, although he has a preference for cooking instead, and was probably a bit more of a natural.
magolor, susie, and taranza all like to study, research, and experiment on their specialties in magic and tech. taranza is mostly magic, susie is mostly tech, and magolor is a mix of the two.
daroach is almost always busy in one way or another, but i think it's funny to imagine that on his few off days, he likes to pamper himself like, spa style. conversely, marx is never busy because he doesn't consider pranking and trolling a job. so he's usually either doing that, or eating, or napping.
the mage sisters, as seen in chapter 13, try their best to renovate their new domestic life while still practicing their void worship.
and blade, for what little time he's had before plot occurred again, really really liked exploring and experiencing new things and places on his own terms. after the story's over, he'll probably get into cataloguing/journaling it, as a reminder that he is his own person with his own feelings and experiences now
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sol-lar-bink · 9 months ago
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MOST of my Kirby OCs in wedding dresses! YES, even Halaro wanted to try one one (Sylvette helped him most likely)
These were way more fun to do than I expected, and I like the variety I got out!
Veronica and Rosie are wearing Ballroom dresses instead- they were designed by @quikyu awhile ago (Rosie belongs to them too) and I finally had the perfect time to try fleshing them out (:
Puffe is also more the kind to wear a suit than a dress to such an occasion.
I MIGHT consider lining and coloring them but we'll see. They'd take a long time.
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madsmadart · 11 months ago
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(Repost from 2022)
It's been two weeks but I've finally made a new Kirby Krew comic! This is the first one featuring the mage sisters. I knew practically nothing of them at the time of drawing lmao.
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unmeltablemoth · 6 months ago
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days 6 and 7: zan and flamberge to complete the mage sisters
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knightscanfeeltoo · 3 months ago
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Bandana Dee spending Christmas with Zan and her Sisters...
(I guess this is a Present for Myself if I'm the Only Zandana Shipper now and I wanna try drawing Flam and Fran too...)
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moondust-artz · 11 months ago
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Lesbian Kirby blorbosss🥳🥳🥳
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icedragonlizard · 2 months ago
From my understanding, the Kirby series largely emphasizes on friendship, with Star Allies in particular establishing that.
My Kirby universe takes the franchise's large emphasis on friendship into account, in the form of how I let every Dream Friend be cared about by at least someone. Each and every one of them has friends. Some may not have a lot of friends, but they still have friends.
Not every Dream Friend is a good person. Many of them are absolutely too morally flawed to be considered good people. But regardless of how much some of the Dream Friends might suck, none of them are unloved!
Every Dream Friend has a friendship with Kirby himself in my world, and it's further established by me interpreting him throwing Friend Hearts at each and every one of them during Star Allies.
And it's not even just Kirby that every Dream Friend has a friendship with. They all have, like, more than one friend each.
Some of them are incredibly obvious... the rest of the Dream Team is all friends with each other, and Dedede has his whole group of Waddle Dees (including Bandee) while Meta Knight has his Halberd crewmates.
The Animal Friends have each other and their DL3 counterparts, and Gooey is a close associate with them. Adeleine and Ribbon are best friends, and that also results in Adeleine connecting with many people that Ribbon is close to in her home in Ripple Star.
Daroach, of course, has his squad of squeaks. Dark Meta Knight has Shadow Kirby as his best friend, and also has Daroach as another good friend.
Marx and Magolor are each other's best friend. Taranza and Susie used to have loved ones that they lost, but at least they have each other now. They both also have some strong friendships with the Mage Sisters.
And as far as the Mage Sisters themselves are concerned, well, it's obvious they have each other and Hyness, and of course they have other friends too!
Now, of course, many of these friendships aren't canon, as they're just headcanons of mine, but it's to showcase how my verse takes into account how the Kirby series is, indeed, about friendship. I dunno, it just feels right to me at all of them have friends to varying extents.
And I obviously have more established friendships in my world than what I mention here, I'm just bringing up the more immediate friendships each Dream Friend has.
This is also to show that there's always going to be plenty of lightheartedness in my verse, appropriate for Kirby. A lot of crazy and dark stuff does happen, and Dream Friend gatherings after Star Allies will pretty much always result in varying levels of drama because not all of them get along with each other and it's more than likely going to stay that way, but they're all loved.
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