#anyway this is basically my manifesto for my whole ‘saw gender thing’ thing
fredbydawn · 5 months
I am once again putting in too much effort
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Alright folks, we’re about to get some real fuckin ignorance up in here, so buckle the fuck up and get ready for some biphobic bullshit.
So, a bit of backstory: today i was scrolling through the bisexual tag on instagram (as one does) when i saw THIS monstrosity of a post:
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now i’ve probably (hopefully) piqued your curiousity, and you may be wondering “what’s wrong with this post?”
WELL, let’s just get into it. i mean, how bad can it be?
and buddy, if you’ve never seen this post before, you have no idea.
(I feel like it’s worth noting i’m not including all slides of this post for sake of keeping this as short as possible)
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first off we see this misconstrued excuse for a “definition” of bisexuality, with historically false statements meant to discount the modern definition of bisexuality.
yes, really. the person biphobe who wrote this literally just blatantly erased HISTORICAL FACTS to suit their ideology. they’re willingly spreading misinformation to promote microlabels under the guise that they’re just trying to “educate” people. (basically, theyre just attempting to recruit pansexuals by hoping bisexuals who are new to the community will buy into this shit.) either that, or they’re just an ignorant idiot who refuses to actually attempt to educate themselves on bisexuality. either way, gross.
it’s all in the quote “however, it hasn’t always been this way” when it literally actually always has “been this way.”
to prove my point, take this quote (forgive me for citing a wikipedia article, it was the quickest place i could copy paste this information without having to go down a google wormhole to find a “better” source) stating the early history of the label bisexual: the man who coined it and what his definition was.
“The word "bisexual" was first coined in 1892 by Richard von Kraft-Ebing in the 7th edition of his book Psychopathia Sexualis in order to describe someone who engaged in sexual activity with both same-sex and different-sex partners.”
yes, that’s right. there is absolutely NO distinction of “two genders” even in this old ass definition from 1892. the prefix of bisexual has always referred to the two sexes, not the two genders.
and this historical inaccuracy is seen AGAIN when you take the 1990 bisexual manifesto into account!
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So that’s where the first mistake in this twitter post is even though the whole damn post is just a big fat mistake.
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here’s another another slide basically showcasing the same biphobic misconceptions: “bi means two” and “the inclusivity of bisexuality is recent”
but in this screenshot we see something else interesting: the argument that a biphobe’s comfort is more important than the comfort of bisexuals in the community who don’t want to be erased.
from the quote “not everyone feels comfortable labeling themselves this way” one can reasonably deduce that the reason that these people don’t feel “comfortable” identifying as bisexual (spoiler alert: its internalized biphobia) is because of the biphobic misconceptions being SPREAD by the label pansexual. basically, it’s a paradox all stemming from one thing: biphobes.
i mean, think about it. for what other reason would someone feel that the label bisexual is SO detestable that they feel the need to identify as something else that’s essentially the same thing? it’s due to the fact that these people want to distance themselves from biphobic misconceptions by further pushing them, which i find to be incredibly selfish and cowardly.
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NOW, this whole post is basically OP repeating the same biphobic misconceptions and ideologies over and over and over again, but since they said “pansexuality is often used as a more specific way of defining attraction” i’d like to pose this argument: microlabeling attraction promotes erasure and is overall a very unhealthy thing, especially when you’re exposing it to young questioning teens and preteens trying to figure out their sexuality! coming from someone who has stressed themselves out over microlabels before, it’s not okay or healthy to promote the idea that a minuscule difference in preference = a whole new label! plus, it’s just illogical.
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anyways, this post is already really long, so i’ll just end it on this, which at this point, should already be a given, but i’ll just say it anyways: to say that bisexuality and pansexuality have “overlaps” is to blatantly ignore the fluidity of bisexuality and erase certain aspects of bisexual people’s labels. they do not “overlap”, they are not “similar”, they are the same. point blank.
so in conclusion:
identifying as pansexual: disgusting!
blatantly erasing history to fit your ideologies: gross!
speaking over bisexual people for the sake of “acceptance” and “inter community peace” and blatantly ignoring biphobia out of ignorance: nasty!
if you support the label pansexual, you are not our ally! you cannot simultaneously support both bisexuals and pansexuals! if you support pansexuality, guess what? you’re a biphobe apologist!
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