#anyway they should be done soonish?
galactic-drops · 2 years
This just in from the Shimeji news
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I wonder what Moon is waiting for 👀
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cherrirui-official · 10 months
Friendlocke Violet Gijinkas (Part 1/7)
Since the edited episodes are starting to come out, I figured that bc of that and the fact that I've been keeping this in the back burner for a loooong while now, might as well complete all my friendlocke violet gijinkas!! Some are gonna stay the same while others are gonna have slight/ complete redesigns, so please keep that in mind!
I plan on posting them in order by groups of three, so there's gonna be seven parts in total, all of which I'll be linking here when done vvv
(Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
!! These will contain personal headcanons I have for the cast, little fun facts, and also spoilers for Friendlocke Violet (for both the edited vids and the streams) !!
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And that's pretty much it, designs under the cut!
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HUGE nerd. spent most of his time during the Uva Academy studying different kinds of pokemon as well as different fighting styles he can utilize once he is able to go out on his own journey with his very own trainer! Too bad that didn't really help in the long run...
His entire wardrobe consists of McDonald's related outfits. It's fucking insane. He even has some from long LONG ago that aren't available anywhere else.
The bubble pattern on his hair is able to move and change. Nobody knows how this is possible, not even Lark himself. All Lark knows is that his hair looks incredibly stylish!
Speaking of bubbles, he has the ability to blow bubbles whenever and wherever he pleases!
Often keeps himself extremely clean and gets upset if even a small speck of dirt gets on him, despite this he somehow smells like McDonald's food and axe body spray. Disgusting. He's so cool!
Even after death he still likes to hang around the other team members as a ghost, often getting to know the newer members as well as reuniting with the old ones. Sometimes they see him, sometimes they don't. It usually depends.
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Due to being a human in her past life, Sara is able to actually speak with the other humans in the pokemon world. However she usually doesn't due to it being seen as extremely weird and out of place. She did slip up once while talking in the presence of Arven, who thought it was the weed making him hear things.
Oinkologne are usually unable to do much with their hooves but Sara spent nights practicing how to knit with her new hooves and now she's able to do it flawlessly. I don't know how she managed to do that but go queen!
When first joining the team she'd often have the urge to eat her food related companions. It was a strange time for Sara, but she managed to overcome it.
When Peppy gets sick, she usually is the one who nurses him back to health. She was a human once so she often is able to figure out whatever sickness Peppy has and treat it properly. I suppose she's like a second mother to him.
The bag she carries with her is full of thread that she collected from various Tarountula she encountered on the journey, as well as little things she knits together in her spare time.
For the most part, Sara forgives... but NEVER forgets.
Did you guys know that Sara has a new YouTube channel? Check it out!
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Before joining the team, Pastey was a nameless wanderer. He's been down every road in Paldea and knows almost the entire region (except for Area Zero) like the back of his hand.
He's gotten hurt pretty badly throughout the run (ie. the Mikey fight, the Atticus fight, and ESPECIALLY the final battle), however, he does not gain any (physical) scars from those fights. This is bc he's basically an axolotl, and axolotls are usually able to heal without scarring.
Pastey's "arms" are, to put it simply, mud prosthetics. More info here vvv
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Pastey HAS met Mall Bingo once before the run, however, he doesn't recognize her. The only reason he does not recognize her is bc she wears glasses. (You know how people somehow aren't able to recognize Superman bc he wears glasses in his civilian attire even tho his face remains the same? It's basically like that lmao)
Unlike the lightbulbs he eats, the gasoline he drinks isn't really mandatory to his diet. Gasoline is like alcohol to him and he drinks it like an absolute CHAMP.
He goes fishing when there's nothing else to do or when he can't sleep at night. He doesn't do this bc he thinks it's fun or anything, only bc it's a "good time passer" or so he claims. Other members of the team will often sit with him and vent out anything that's troubling them at the moment, and Pastey is always there to listen to them.
And that's pretty much it. Next is Joe, Hannah Ü, and Mykyie!
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verflares · 4 months
good morning everypony...... thank you for all the new follows lately i appreciate it so much ^_^ all i really want to do is draw loz and occasionally fall into deep bouts of madness over fictional gay elves. and also get better at drawing a little bit. thank you for your patience and understanding
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 11 months
if you’re still doing these -
Thank you! I am still doing these (and I'm always happy to share snippets even when I haven't reblogged the rose post recently). Since I mentioned the Higgins kittens in my last writing update:
“Here they are,” Higgins said. “That’s Tim Purry on the left and Olivia Mewton-John on the right.” The kittens were proper tiny; two little blobs of jet-black fur with huge green eyes — and, in Tim Purry’s case, one white sock foot — stretched out in a patch of sun. They were brave little things, too, scaling up the side of a cat tree that nearly touched the ceiling and leaping after feather dusters and kicking at each other with their tiny, clumsy legs as they wrestled.   “That’s fucking adorable,” Jamie said. “Er, sorry, Higgins.” “Oh, I’m not precious about swearing. Part of my job description is talking to Roy Kent, after all.” Higgins clicked on another video and they watched as the kittens — bigger now; it was fucking uncanny how fast they grew — scaled up the curtains. One of the older boys stood up on his toes on a kitchen chair to fetch them down while Higgins’ voice in the background fussed at all three of them to be careful. “They’re little demons,” he said fondly. “You know, after our Cindy Clawford passed away, Julie and I were planning to wait a few months before we adopted another. Of course, that only lasted two weeks before we found these little terrors under our porch.”  “D’you ever get angry with them? For fucking up your curtains and breaking shit and that?” Jamie asked. His voice came out weird, sort of shaky. In the video, Higgins’ son unhooked Olivia Mewton-John’s claws from the fabric and set her gently on the table, then straightened up to fetch her brother. “I suppose sometimes I am a little annoyed,” he said. “They did knock over quite a nice vase from my mother-in-law, and when she was a young lass, Cindy Clawford sat in our wedding cake right before the ceremony.” “Oh, fuck,” Jamie said.             “Yes, quite,” Higgins agreed. He turned to Jamie, eyes serious behind his glasses. “But that’s part of pet ownership, isn’t it? You get a lovely little creature, and every so often something you like very much or worked very hard on or paid a lot of money for gets knocked over. And yes, in the moment, I might be upset, but I know they don’t mean anything by it.”
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
So there’s a public holiday in my country tomorrow. And while I am very much team Change The Date I also very much need that day off right now. 
Anyway I was going to do an ask meme tonight but I am so fucking mentally drained. I need some brain popcorn and maybe an orgasm. 
Might reblog an ask meme first thing in the morning to respond to while I get some things (real life and fic) done. So I guess if there’s anything in particular anyone wants to me to do (5 headcanons, rate pairings/characters, honest opinions on x, fuck/marry/kill, etc) let me know. If not I’ll pick one. 
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antiquatedplumbobs · 2 years
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Old Mill Pond
A CC Free Historic Swimming Hole
Lot size: 40x40 Price: §29,181 Lot type: Pool Location: Chateau Frise, Brindleton Bay
Hi everyone, it’s been a really long time since I’ve shared a build! I’m kicking you off with a delightfully summery build - a swimming hole! 
It includes a picnicking area, towels for sunbathing, several spots to fish in, a pool and diving rock, and a rudimentary outhouse for when nature calls. Your historical sims will thank you for the opportunity to strip off those heavy dresses and suits and don their slightly less heavy bathing costumes.
More details and download under the cut:
Now that I’ve gotten my new computer working and all my sims stuff set up, I’ve been looking around at the CC light save file I’ve been working on. It’s actually much closer to being finished than I realized, so I’m really hoping to have that finished for everyone soonish. 
However, I realized, why should I make everyone wait for some of the builds that are finished? So ta-da, a swimming hole for everyone. 
I wanted this build to feel wildish, but be still useable by your sims. Its kind of inspired by the lake of shining waters in Anne of Green Gables (as many of my builds are inspired by Anne of Green Gables...)
Everything is functional, sims can walk over the bridge, swim in the pool, fish from the pond, and fish from the sign at the back creek part. There’s a small outhouse with a toilet. Pool builds require a sink and shower, but I didn’t feel like those were necessary, so they’re sized down and hidden under the pump. You may be able to get your sim to use them by clicking to fulfill their hygiene need, but I have no idea if that’s the case.
The bridge is fully functional, but it is slightly finagled, so to see the sims on it, you need to make sure you have your lot set to the second floor. I do this anyway so the little building looks good, but if you aren’t seeing them walk across it, that may be why.
I have all the packs and tend to use them without regard, but I think this one probably mostly just requires get to work, cats and dogs, seasons, and cottage living (for the water mill).
I hope that you all really enjoy this lot, its a bit different than what I’ve done in the past, but I am so excited about. As always, if you take pictures with it, tag me! I love seeing them and I usually reblog them.
Make sure you have move objects on. Let me know of course if there are any issues.
Available on the gallery as Old Mill Pond by antiqueplumbobs.
Tray files available on SFS | Google Drive
@twentiethcenturysims @maxismatchccworld
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sugarsnappeases · 4 months
rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov rodolhov
hello!!! due to unforeseen circumstances (tea-based procrastination) the end of my essay took like double the time i thought it would… horrid :( but it's done now (yippee!!!) so i would be MORE than happy to tell you all about rodolhov (although literally none of this is gonna be novel info for you jen you live in my brain and know everything already)
okay so. as i mentioned in this post i made about them, rodolhov to me are enemies to enemies who fuck and my little one-shot of them is a sort of canon-compliant thing that i've been thinking about excessively in recent weeks....
so voldemort gives them a long-term mission of some sort wherein they have to spend a lot of time together and bc of the Tension between them (which i go into more in the post i linked above) they're basically just in one big dick-measuring contest. like they're trying to one up each other in order to win the dark lord's favour (which actually now that we mention is actually how i view quite a lot of the death eater dynamics in the first war, and i think tom probs cultivated them to be this way. but w rodolhov it's like ridiculously intensified).
both of them think that they're a thousand trillion times better than the other but in reality they're like. basically on the same level. both of them think the other isn't worthy of the dark lord's attention and spend the entire mission trying to prove it via sabotage and making the other look bad... like purposefully forgetting to tell each other about important updates or meeting points, maybe trying to kill each other a couple of times when they're in battle, that sort of thing... yk how it is
and anyway, the one-shot begins like soonish after a Big Battle in which rodolphus like. steps in front of curse that was heading directly for antonin. and they're having a big confrontation w a lot of punching each other in the face bc antonin 'doesn't need rodo's protection' and rodo is violent by nature and is enjoying the iron tang of blood in his mouth and the force of ant's fist knocking his head against the wall and then also the feeling of ant under his own fists. this is where the hot and sexy slay comes in if you couldn't tell....
i'll get a little snippet hang on, but also i should warn you that i haven't acc written anything new for this since like. december. i've just been pondering deeply and will be getting back to it when i'm less consumed by uni:
“Admit it, sweetheart,” Rodolphus moved his face closer, almost nose to nose with Dolohov now, “If I hadn’t hopped in front of it, that curse would’ve taken you out long enough for Moody to kill you” Dolohov squeezed at his neck slightly, smiling cruelly, “Does your crazy wife know that you jumped in front of a curse for another man?” Rodolphus punched him again, his face this time, hearing the sound of the other man’s nose crunching under his fist - maybe they were matching now, two bloody, broken noses.
this also lets me bring up antonin's Thing about bella which is so fucking funny to me, he haaates her, thinks she's fucking insane (which. yeah.) and always calls her roddy's 'crazy wife' bc he knows that it'll rile him up... it's funny to me firstly bc it's like so obviously some form of jealousy and secondly bc rodo like. agrees that bella is crazy. and he's not in love w her, doesn't even really care about her at all, but he'll always go on the attack when antonin mentions her bc of his like 'duty' to his marriage if that makes sense
like we were talking about the other day, jen, bella is doing something objectively insane and antonin is giving rodolphus a look like 'Crazy Wife!!!' but rodo's just looking back 'wdym? this is normal? watch your mouth.' while internally completely agreeing.... so silly to me
anyway also! the confrontation they're having in the snippet eventually leads to them fucking nasty <3 and then the next time they're in a battle, rodolphus pushes antonin into the trajectory of a curse that nearly kills him <3 they fuck again when he gets better <3 etc etc etc
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moviesludge · 5 months
I finally got back to my tagging project after about a year. Worked on it a little bit. Basically I'm adding tags and removing other tags from all my posts (for access/organization). A big part of this came from the desire to separate gifs made under specific size caps. My blog started in 2010. I started at the beginning and I'm currently at the summer of 2014. Chances are I'll finish right before tumblr implodes.
But anyway, sometime soonish I'm planning to create a tag page for actors in gifs. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it yet because I've really done all I can to tag even the most obscure actors. (If you'd like to help, check out www.moviesludge.tumblr.com/tagged/totag and shoot me a message letting me know if you recognize an actor and know their name. I guess I'll probably list links for more popular actors. I want to have separate pages listing gifs under different size caps (of which there are like 3 or 4). I plan to create pages for reaction gif types and specific gore moments (decapitations, exploding heads, etc). And other specific categories of things like "magic", "stop motion", "phone", etc. I've been thinking about the value of having a sort of reference for horror elements. I've made so many gifs that it feels like I should have some kind of better reference to them.
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs Intermediate Adulting
Sometimes I really dislike Being A Motherfucking Adult. I mean, I'll be honest - I had the chores to do anyway, but somehow it's different when the only person I can be sullen at for making me do this shit is me. And I'm hard enough on myself already without that.
My screen break from Horizon Forbidden West involved Adulting. Mega-Adulting. Like, some of it was pretty basic Adulting - cleaning out the fridge, taking out the trash, stuff like that. But then part of the basic Adulting was hoovering (which I guess is a misnomer because mine is not a Hoover product; it is a Dyson product, but never mind - it's like how Kleenex is the default for disposable tissues, Band-Aid is the default for sticking plasters, Scotch tape and Post-It notes are default for office supplies, and the term 'fridge' comes not from refrigerator but from Frigidaire). Anyway, it was doing the thing where it overheated too damn fast so it was time to wash the filter. Which is a little bit beyond basic Adulting. That kind of household appliance maintenance is intermediate Adulting at minimum.
Anyway, I can't hoover until the filter's dry, so that'll be a tomorrow job, but I did then remember a further bit of intermediate Adulting that needed doing - specifically, descaling the kettle. I went for decades not bothering with this and probably could have continued that way for quite some time. But I decided awhile back that I deserved better than to be swallowing a butt-tonne of calcium carbonate every time I have a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. So I started descaling the kettle and it has made such a difference. Still fiddly and annoying, mind you, but worth it in the end.
So ... yeah. Intermediate Adulting is pretty well done. Even the basic adulting of "setting the clocks that don't automatically switch to British Summer Time ahead by an hour" is done - that was only the oven and the landline phone, since I haven't been able to set my microwave clock at all since I inherited it, like, fifteen years ago or something. Anyway, I should probably consider dinner soonish. But I want to rest a bit first. Being A Motherfucking Adult when disabled is hard.
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nineliabilityrisk · 6 months
once again have been trying to get back into the swing of things and get back to dropping replies in the queue but i. once again am starting to feel some. weird anxiety surrounding using the tumblr app in general for more than just a few minutes at a time. there is definitely a reason but i cant really put it into words. but this also in turn makes me feel avoidant towards trying to write. so um . know that my writing brain is kicked back into gear and im thinking about plots and threads i have going again so i should be good to get those replies done when i can get back i just. dont quite feel comfy hanging around on here at the moment. so.
plus im also working on getting a job so thats taking up a bunch of my time. but ill be back once this whole mess has gone away
if yall can / want to catch up with me elsewhere and talk feel free to. those of yall who have my disc.ord user are always free to message me and those of yall that dont can always ask.
anyway yeah 👍 peace out ill check in soonish
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audio-luddite · 10 months
Needs vs Wants and reality.
I have said more than a few times that there is an issue with vacuum tube electronics. That is the tubes are inconsistent and have significant variance in how they sound. One tribal segment thinks this is a feature and play at the "tube rolling" game. Vendors take advantage as it sells more product. People who just want to keep a good thing going are at the mercy of the situation.
A secondary concern is Audio is competing with Musicians for the limited supply of certain glass.
My New/Old tube amp takes a full dozen of fragile glass devices. The current set are fine with decent quality US made Philips. So I guess you could call them NOS if the late 1980s is old enough for you. As noted before in this stream of words I am checking out replacements as sometime soonish I may need to replace them.
The reality is I don't need to do anything. I have another amplifier of equal or even better quality sitting aside ready for use. If a tube pops I would take 10 minutes tops to be up and running again, unless it takes the house with it. Come warm weather it goes in anyway as the ARC Cl 60 is a hot mother. I may be able to go a few years without spending a penny on glass. So fingers crossed.
But..... here comes the rant.
I want to be sure I get the best tubes for the beast when I do need them. Prices are rising. I also do not want to miss any deals that may come by. One I missed on Black Friday would have saved me a couple hundred bucks. ARC used Russian tubes in the original equipment. My usual supplier has them, but there is a war in Russia. The tap may run dry and frankly I would prefer to not provide any cash to Putin and his fascist state. Logically any in stock in North America has already been paid for.
Are there alternatives? Yes if you go Chinese. I work for a Chinese company and have done business there one way or another for decades. Cheating and fraud is considered good business there, if you can get away with it. Relationships and willingness to confirm things are essential.
If you got that you can get great stuff. Apple makes much of their stuff in China. They watch them like hawks and the company is actually Taiwanese so more reliable right there. It is possible.
I have two suppliers that source from China. Both claim special relationships and pay more to the factory AND they both still check, test, verify, and QC ALL the stuff they get. They offer several choices of the types I need. Those being KT88s or 6550 power tubes.
So the fun starts.
If you search for tests, or comparisons of various brands of tube you will find them. All the ones I found were ten years old or more, when tubes cost a lot less. Current market? Nope.
Also there are two distinct constituencies for this stuff, High End Audio and Guitar amplifiers. Hey I know a couple of those other guys. A good ranking in a guitar amp is not helping me in audio. Guitar players want distortion and weirdness of particular types. I want straight simple linearity.
If you read these reviews it is genuinely disturbing how seriously a new tube of brand x has different bass, mid-range, and treble of one from brand y, or z. In a properly made tube, and in a proper circuit IT SHOULD NOT MATTER!!! I appreciate how these are small and fussy mechanical assemblies, but in the age of lasers and computer scanners it should not be so.
Add to this is no review discusses what equipment they used to evaluate unless it was one of three types of Fender guitar amp. I mean a Dynaco Mk3 is a dead simple circuit with one input and 2 output tubes. The ARC CL 60 has 4 output tubes and two input tubes per channel with regulation and fistfuls of FETS and is an order of magnitude more complex at the same power. That would have an impact for sure.
I cannot afford tube rolling. Three full sets would cost more than a good used car. Each set would take two to three hours to adjust and bias and then a week to burn in. Time and money.
There is that nagging detail that top ten lists are not very reliable in general.
It boils down to a couple scenarios. I get a set of Russian tubes in a year or two when the current ones get tired. I could risk a set of well regarded Chinese "premium" tubes if the price is right.
And this leads to my Coda of this discussion. That other amplifier is as good or better and is a full on Bi-polar transistor beast. Is that scandalous? My Franken-Amp is a modifed Dynaco Stereo 400 stripped and hot rodded. A design from the early 1970s. It has a fraction of the distortion of the ARC, and is clearer, cleaner, and more powerful by a factor of 4. Rough, transistory? No!
Better? Well yes I heard things that are now masked in the Tuber. Yes the ARC has textures to love and admire, but there is a price to pay. They are different and are like a different type of light illuminating a scene. Just a slight change in color, something is enhanced in one light and lost in another. I am enjoying those differences.
I enjoy that I can still hear the differences.
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corgoship · 2 years
 btw you should. tell me more about ALL of them but i will be patient, I wont ask about the secret things yet. y e  t. updates on the trip gone wrong fic? or, or, give the Most vague non description of love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling. I know the vagueness, so like. dont even say names or fandoms, just. vibes of it i beg, confuse the masses xoxo mwah ,love you
Ok ok ok you got me. Hold on. I need to pull up the list :))) (long post ahead)
zemo fic part 2 draft - what it says on the tin, the second installement in the Ozymandias series, a story about Steve and Zemo, with lots of hurt Steve to go around. For those of you unaware, this is the first work, which is complete:
The state of the sequel is... undetermined but I am slowly chipping away at it. When I'm in the mood.
one bullet - one of the chapters of the previously mentioned fic that I actually finished and singled out. There's a gun and crying involved, is all I'm gonna say
wips 3 electric boogaloo - i'll be honest this one is a mismatch of drafts for stuff I have already written, like my Steve & Peter fic, and big chunks of trip gone wrong, which brings me to:
Trip gone wrong! That's the working title, but I think I'll settle for "The Racehorse Connection". This story has been almost finished for months - i only need to finish one more chapter and the epilogue... more than 50k is done. Unfortunately whenever I go back to this fic, I get the urge to rewrite it... which would be tedious. Anyway it's focused on Steve and Clint and there's some Hydra and aliens involved. Pretty proud of some of the bits that happen later on. Fond of this piece, if only I could finish it...
dragon rider - my samsteve dragonrider au. Mostly I pop in there to add lore/ideas/plot points instead of writing anything concrete
hurry boy, it's waiting there for you - my!!! Kittycap story!! Which for once is just pure fluff!! Mutual pining and first kiss. The good stuff.
metameowphosis - now we're getting to my breaking bad era huh. I mentioned this a few times and I tag stuff with it. Basically if Kafka's Metamorphosis and Christmas Carol had a baby - Walt is inexplicably transformed into a cat and enlists Jesse's help to turn back. And he learns things along the way. Also pretty fond of this one.
cabroncito - my secret secret messed up breaking bad fic... now with a title, but I'm afraid that's all you're getting :) well, a bunch more info i suppose: it's one of the darkest thing I've written... along with zemo fic, but this one is worse imo... to be completed soonish???
love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling - my gale/walt fic!! Gale fixes him! That's it that's the story. Haven't gotten that much down yet but. I have some ideas.
WHEW okay that covers everything!!! Thank you for being interested i love talking about myself :)))
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h0peful-gh0stt · 2 years
jade birthday posting yayyy
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this felt like it took forever ngl but im glad i got it done in time lol. now i just gotta grind out dave and rose stuff for this weekend so i dont gotta rush again lmfao
 anyways speedpaint should be up on my art account soonish
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Danni! For the Behind the Scenes ask --- 5 & 12!
Scarlet!! <3
5.) What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
Eddie (my partner) and I decluttered and reorganized our home recently. We still have some smaller projects to tackle, like the kitchen cabinets and the outdoor shed, but...the point is, we've made a lot of progress!
(Forgive the rambling but I'm really happy and wanna talk about it!)
Our space has been super cluttered and chaotic for a while because my partner's work hours were insane, and they've only been slightly less insane the past year. And over time, my own motivation to stay on top of things, basically alone, waned. But late November/early December we were super motivated to get moving and we did! Every weekend we'd tackle another room. Donated a bunch of excess stuff. Got supplies we needed to set up some stuff. And voila!
When we moved in, what is meant to be a dining room (but neither of us has use for a dining room) was made into a computer room, and our spare room was...basically a library? But for our fantasy books specifically. But our needs changed over time, so now the dining room is my office! And the spare room is his fantasy/MTG/DnD/Nerd Cave.
So rather than just my desk crammed into the computer room (slash junk room, basically) I now have my very own space! My HP bookcase is in there, a bookcase for my astrology books, a desk bookcase for reference books. I have various figures all around, and my mugs on the wall, and SNARRY ART. SO MUCH SNARRY ART. I AM SPOILED BY SNARRY ART AND I NEED MORE. Ahem. Anyway. Basically I have a very special space and it's perfect and it brings me so much joy and I'm all teary just typing about it.
ANYWAY. I now have the Ultimate Writing Space. But I've not properly used it for writing yet. 😂 It's only been properly set up for a few weeks and I've not written much since I submitted White Lies & Silver Bells.
Wait wait I lied I wrote Again last weekend 🤣 So it might be more accurate to say I've not written much there yet. And tbf I was fangirling too much about writing fic for A_Loveunlaced's art to properly appreciate the experience. 😅
But it's great! The aesthetic is great. I have much inspiration from all the Snarry. I have candles to set the mood! I have comfort in the layout, from my laptop stand, to my ergonomic keyboard and my vertical mouse, and my footrest! I have lots of lighting options between my whimsical string lights and the mood lighting from our Philips Hue bulbs. I have much coffee! And since my office is what should be the dining room, it's so close to my InstantPod!!!! Just a few steps, grab a mug along the way, and COFFEE!
Ideally I'd have some ambient noise playing. I have enough room to prop up my ipad and pull up YouTube to pull up a video from MiracleForest or one of the Hogwarts Pomodoro videos. That way I have chill noise that isn't distracting and nice imagery!
Idk I have everything I need in one little area and it has such a good vibe and it genuinely brings me so so much joy. I still have a few art pieces to hang but once it's all finally finished I plan on sharing pics with everyone!! 😁
And with luck, I'll get more writing done there this weekend!! I'm getting a head start on Thon 😎 (in theory, anyway.)
12.) Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
Omg!! Probably. But what is it...? 🤔
The big one that I can feasibly write soonish would be soulmates! Even though Snarry are soulmates so every Snarry fic is a soulmate fic, but I digress. But I have an actual idea for one!! Mega angst and wrongness and weirdness. I've made a few attempts but the time isn't right yet. It's not come out right so far, so I just poke at it every few months and see how I'm feeling about it.
Others I have vague desire to write, but have no actual ideas for yet, would be like amnesia!! I want a good amnesia fic where Harry forgets Severus and has a super negative reaction to his present life and Severus being all heartbroken and defensive...😌
Also! I'd love to write a case fic, I just don't know that I have the right skillset for that. Or maybe it just requires more time and thought than I can really give right now. Who knows! But I really do need more Snarry case fics in my life.
Oh! I actually do have an idea for an arranged marriage fic, but I'm still hacking out the details on that one.
OH!! And a sex pollen fic I need to write.
Okay so I have more Actual Ideas than I thought I did, oops. But yeah! Lotsa cool stuff to play with one day. But I don't really wanna pump out stories for the sake of writing an amnesia fic, but to have something really solid that I'm really excited about. And even when I do have ideas, other ideas are ones I'm more jazzed about and steal my attention...😬 So I'll get there one day! Maybe!
Behind the Scenes of Fic Writing: 30 Questions for Authors
Answered: 1, 4, 23; 5, 12
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imtheworst-imsorry · 4 months
so they took me back off of wheelchair/bedrest as long as i complete my meals and snacks, which is good bc i can actually go to groups now and start to learn how to cope, but completing is SO HARD my body is NOT used to this much food and it’s so scary and i honestly would rather get tubed than be on wheelchair/bedrest again i cannot handle that much boredom and isolation, especially when the entire reason i came here was to learn how to deal with my problems and then i didn’t get to go to groups to learn how to deal with my problems. i have my big admission team meeting tomorrow, and my parents are coming, i’m hoping it goes well and they give me some answers (like a diagnosis please just tell me what specifically is wrong with me i’m the kind of person that needs labels for things so i don’t feel like i’m drowning in uncertainty). also apparently my bone density scan came back and i’m right on the edge between normal and too low, so they’re going to start me on calcium supplements and i should have a follow up scan in either 6 or 9 months, i don’t remember what my doctor said and i have dyscalculia but also my ocd likes both 6 and 9 and they’re very similar looking so i constantly get them mixed up lol. i screwed up my ankle some more when we were playing charades earlier, oops, but i’m lowkey embarrassed to go ask for ibuprofen bc i probably shouldn’t have tried to do a tap dancing move i haven’t done in well over a decade anyway. it’s almost time for evening snack and i am Dreading it, i’m so fucking full all the time and i still haven’t been able to poop, i feel like i might be able to soonish (i hope) but i also know that my body is a stubborn piece of shit (no pun intended) and it might not do what it should do regardless. i’m getting to know some more of the people here, which is good. also, i’m still stubbornly logging onto mfp every day just bc i don’t want to lose my streak, i’m almost at 400 days, but i’m not logging anything a) bc i don’t want to think too much about how much i’m eating bc it makes me so anxious, b) i can’t remember every single individual thing by the time i get my phone in the evening, and c) i don’t want to get in trouble if they do somehow find out i’m going on the app even though i’m not logging anything i just don’t want to lose my streak lol, it’s not like they monitor what i’m doing with my technology when i have it but i’m very scared of getting in trouble, just like in life in general. i’m watching some of my silly little youtuber videos and then i’m gonna call my family before they take my stuff back at 10
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neon-rhapsodies · 6 months
Don't really feel like writing, but for once I got time. Been ages since I last wrote on the main blog. Have been posting on the secondary blog for a while. Been updating it regularly since about a month ago when I had a bit of a meltdown and ended up writing about things that were too personal. Things are better now but I deleted the posts. In fact, I have just gone through another review of the secondary blog and made sure that there's stuff on there that's still consistent with who I am now. That's what I'm like. Anyway. Let's do a quick update on some life matters.
First, work is okay. Doing great, actually. Got some excellent praise about my latest set of reports. Got my probation. Got a Classics trip abroad coming up and I'm as excited and anxious as it gets.
Health is crap. No exercise whatsoever. Most importantly, my throat has not been great. Still have to follow quite the regimen of medicine to manage it. Will see if I need proper medical attention.
Still lots of chores to do, but I'm getting better. Been working on my systems to manage myself, feeling a bit better about things. There are things I've been putting off that I need to get to soonish but it's okay.
Partner's fine. The people in my life are fine. Need to try and see them more. The Classics society is doing well, actually. Quite a few people turning up lately. Let's see if we can keep it going.
Trying my best to manage my gaming without letting it spiral. Lots of things in place. Great playground to practise time management and being in the present moment. Still tough, though. I have managed to do 'some' work on making music. Not a lot. Not enough. And then, writing…
Writing's a really tough one. I kind of don't want to write at the moment. I am only writing this one because I had some time and thought it couldn't be so bad. Also, wanted to tie some loose ends with what's been going on with the secondary blog before I rethink how I do things for the main one. Some things I'd like to keep, some… I don't know.
Like this writing style I've been developing to talk about all things personal… This is fine. It's different than formal writing, it's different than creative writing. It's similar to the journalling I've been doing lately, which is more concise and to the point. Definitely helps to get things out without getting too overwhelmed by the whole process. But the focus of the writing… I'm not sure. Like I said, I've been journalling. It has helped. I would like to move away from journalling too much on here.
Mind you, there's journalling and journalling. What I do on the other app, it's more like 'checking-in'. A few taps, a few sentences, and here we go -- done. Journalling on here, technically it's 'blogging'. More long-winded, but also more structured. Like, see these paragraph brakes? I don't even get to this length on the other app. It's very different.
I feel like there is a place for personal blogging on my blogs. But I also feel like this should be limited and more careful, as at the end of the day, I'm still writing online, and I don't want to get doxxed. I want to reveal only what I actually want people to know… what I'm 'happy' for people to know. As in, it's okay for you to know this, and also, these are happy things happening in my life, so I'm happy to share them. I know I've talked before about limitlessness. But I'd rather phase that out and be a bit more mindful again.
So yeah, writing. I don't know what I'd like to do about that. In a way, I'd rather not write unless I really want to write. But also, there are things that I think it would benefit me to get myself writing. Blogging is fine as long as it's mindful and actually helps me get things out without bogged down in too many technicalities -- hence my current writing style. Also, finally having some more original Classics stuff would be nice. Not just updates about, say, the Classics society, but also other things. Like, Working Classicists is still a thing. There's a chance for me to get involved in other Classics initiatives through work. And then, there's my own writing. Like the Classics Helpdesk, that thing I wanted to set up a while ago where people can ask me anything related to Classics. And again, my own, original writing. Perhaps something in this writing style. Perhaps something else.
What could my Classics writing look like? Essays? Maybe in a more 'lyric' way -- I remember that's something I had explored a while ago. Letters? I had done this before for other things, but it could work. Dialogues? That's something I've also talked about before, and I did one recently, a personal one, but it would be cool to try it again in a subject-based fashion.
Lastly, there's my other writing, for example, out-of-Classics writing. Because that's not the only thing I would like to talk about in 'serious' form. But also, creative writing. I did say before that I used to write stories, didn't I? And I have quite a few ideas in the drawer. But also, screenplays. Yes, that's something I've always wanted to do but never tried. I kind of thing I would be good at it. And finally, poetry. That's the one kind of writing I've been seemingly good at in the past few years. My more recent poetry, I used to have it on another platform, but it got made subscription-only, so I'm no longer on there. I could easily post my old poems here, and new ones too. I don't know whether to make another blog for it. I could write everything on here and then reblog it there. A bit like I used to do with the main blog -- write there, and reblog here. I'll need to think about it.
What's certain is that, from now on, I'll be writing things here first and then reblogging it elsewhere. Much easier to review, edit, and manage it at my own pace. Anyway, the loose ends have been tied. It's time to go to bed. I don't know when the next update will come. But I know I want to get to more doing and less pining. More creating, whether in music, or writing, or other projects. And I'd like to write, but more to blog about my milestones; more to share my insights about my subject; more to put my creating writing out into the world. We'll see how it goes. Goodnight.
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