#anyway thank you for such amazing works and inspiration Carrot!╰(*´︶`*)╯
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thebearer · 1 year ago
rosé flowing with your chosen family | carmen berzatto x reader|
anyways here's a blurb inspired by my lil friendsgiving i hosted and how i think it would be with carmen bc im delusional in my head lolz
"Carm, look at this for me." You frown, turning the bronzed pumpkin at the center of the table.
"Yeah, one sec," Carmen muttered, turning with the pot in his hand, stirring the whipped potatoes vigorously. "What am I looking at?"
"The table." You tilt your head to the side. "Should I just move the pumpkin? It's too much with the candles, right?" You huff, the tapered candles flickering in their brass holders.
"No, baby, looks nice. Leave it. We can move it if it gets too crowded." Carmen hummed, a tiny curl of his lips had your heart swooning. "Need to go get ready. It's six-thirty."
"I just have to put my clothes on." You wave him off, fixing a napkin so it was centered on the plate, each place card in it's assigned place. "Are you sure you don't need help?"
Carmen shot you a look, rolling his eyes playfully. "No, I got it, alright? Go get ready." He shook his head gently, pushing the asparagus around in the pan.
You scurried behind him, pinching his jean clad ass gently, grinning at how he jumped before pressing a kiss to Carmen's cheek that left him blushing.
Your first Friendsgiving hosted at your place. An apartment a little bigger than Carmen's old one, but still cozy and all your own- the two of you. What better way to spend your first holidays together than to invite your friends over?
You were fussing over the glazed carrots on the counter when Sydney arrived, always early. "Hey," She crept in awkwardly into the kitchen, her head poking around the corner. "I, uh, I brought a dessert."
"Wow, that looks amazing." You grin, taking the dish from her, hugging her briefly in greeting. "What is this?"
"-It's a champagne cake with whipped butter cream frosting and a light raspberry spread." Marcus finished, stepping in behind Sydney, balancing a bottle of wine and his coat. "Don't let her take all the credit. I made it."
"Ok, well, I told you to add the raspberry-"
"-Well, I was the one who made it and added it-"
"-Alright." Carmen huffed, his voice edging on the tone he used at work. "Glad you both are here, alright?. The cake looks amazing."
Marcus whistled dramatically, peering over at the food laid out on the counter tops. "Looks good in here, Chef." He grinned.
"Thanks." Carmen muttered, brushing the rolls with butter, checking the oven again.
"Do you guys want anything to drink?" You ask, pulling the fridge open. "I have rosé or wine or anything?"
"I'll take a glass of rosé." Sydney nodded, shedding off her coat and hanging it over the back of the couch.
"Yeah, better get some now." Carmen snorted lightly. "Before Alicia comes."
"I have her a backup bottle." You smirk, pulling out the bottle proudly. "Alicia and I were watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion, right? And she-" The door closed and you turned, your best friend walking in with a huge grin.
"-And she literally brought her own bottle of rosé." You laughed, shaking your head at her.
"I did." Alicia beamed, hugging you tightly. "Carmen, I promise I will not throw up or sob on your couch this time. I'm very stable now." She grinned at Carmen's huff of laughter.
The kitchen was packed, crammed at the table, laughing and swapping stories over the food. Carmen looked at you, the glow of the candles you insisted having to make it feel more homey- they did. How you were grinning, laughing at Fak and Richie bickering, giggling to your own friends and reminiscing.
For once, the holidays didn't feel like a chore. Carmen had been dreading this dinner, not the cooking or the setting up, but having people in his space. He didn't dare say anything, you were too excited and he'd never ruin your glee like that. Still, for him, the holidays were chaotic, everybody tense and scared.
Not here.
Not next to you, surrounded by all your friends.
Carmen finally got why people loved the holidays so much, why it was the most wonderful time of the year and all that. In his tiny apartment, sitting next to the love of his life, your hand holding his gently under the table, thumb swiping over his knuckles, squeezing it lightly when you'd look at him, eyes crinkling in a smile.
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happypot0001 · 8 months ago
Hello everyone!!
So Art Fight has now ended...huh?? Gosh...I've only been posting stuff BECAUSE of Art Fight!! I'm really grateful I was able to find it. I wish that I could do more to support the team that's helping bring together thousands of artists but I can't really so i'm just going to talk about it reeeeallly quick!
To start off...I really wanted to make this post in order to thank the people who took the time and went through the trouble to draw my character!! I would like to thank these three people: @just-a-carrot 🥕, @sailingseals ⛵, and @boxxie-does-art 📦!!! All such amazing people that I find very admirable and take inspiration from almost everything they create!! 🥕 is the creator of a WONDERFUL game called "Our Wonderland"! Not only did they write and code the game...they also drew all the artwork for the game as well!!! And the game was PHENOMENAL!! You probably found this blog only because of the OW stuff...but I still like talking about it anyways!!!
The game includes such interesting and "real" characters that almost everyone could be able to relate to! The game has this special skill to make people so attached to these characters so that when they reach their demise...the players deep connection that resonated with them would quickly shatter. I'll try not to include spoilers in here in case anyone else feels that they want to try out the game as well!!!! (If you haven't played, then I highly recommend it!!!) Not to mention the community!! The people all affiliated with OW are sooooo accepting, never have I once heard a TRULY terrible thing come out of their mouths! I'm glad there's not a HUGE range of people here...it makes it much more easier to connect with other people who enjoy the game much like myself!! That's something that I truly don't regret from OW, all of the people it introduced me to!! Now...speaking of that...allow me to move to the next person...⛵!!!!!
Ohhh wooowww....⛵!!!! Gosh I really love the stuff they do!! They have such funny and creative ideas in their head and it’s very inspiring...especially because they seem close to my age!!! Their artstyle is very cute and pretty, I LOVE looking at anything they create! They don’t use anything fancy but they still have the ability to produce something FLAWLESS in literal minutes!! They’re also just very kind people, we’ve been talking with each other on discord and that’s where I can see how their humor expands to just simply talking with their friends! Whenever I’m around them I feel so open and can so easily talk to them about how I feel! I could never talk to them the ways that I have with my IRL friends! I’m so glad to have someone like that by my side! It’s been amazing having their company! Especially because we also make stories together as well! Oh we’ve made a good few stories together as friends and it’s been an awesome experience! Seeing a master creator with their mind at work! They come up with FANTASTIC ideas that make me sick…in a good way!! Ever since we’ve been friends…I’ve gotten to know a LOT MORE about their stories along with their characters! And HOW THEY HAVE CAPTIVATED ME AND STOLE MY HEART!!! I’m so serious when I say they’re the only things I want to draw now!!! ⛵️ has 5 main characters split into three separate stories…and EACH ONE OF THEM IS SOO CREATIVE AND UNIQUE!!!!! I don’t want to leak any spoilers about their stories, especially because I’m gonna guess they’re planning on posting anyways! IF THEY DO THEN BE PREPARED FOR GREATNESS HAHAH!! At this point it may sound like I’m a person who’s simply just easy to please but REALLY!! I ADORE THESE PEOPLE AND THEIR CHARACTERS SOOO MUCH! ⛵️ is so inspiring and the fact that I can call such an inspiring person that I look up to a companion of mine?? IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!! I APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION WE HAVE AND I HOPE THEIR ARE MORE AWAITING IN THE FUTURE!!!! I WISH TO LEARN AND BE AS TALENTED AS YOU ARE SOMEDAY!!!! I CAN ONLY WISH!!!!! YOURE SO AMAZING I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU DO!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! SO SO SO GLAD WE’RE FRIENDS!!!!! Hehehe WOOOOOO now I MUST move on to the next person…📦!!!!
📦!!!! Another friend that I find so inspiring!!! Ooohhh the way the color is one thing that I LOVE about their style!!! I like that they know what colors mix with others to properly get what color they desire…that’s a very important trait in an artist!!!! It’s so unique and it’s something that could never be possible for me in a LIFETIME! Just their style itself!!!! It’s pleasing to the eye but it’s also something that I can find from a mile away!!!! It’s very unique and not very easy to copy!! Also, the amount of effort and determination they put into everything is very inspiring!! Recently, 📦 had asked 🥕 if I was okay for them to make a mod using their characters. They mentioned in that ask that they were working with two friends to make the mod…THATS ME AND ⛵️!!!!! WE’RE THE TWO FRIENDS!!!! (they said “amazing friends” in their ask thank you so much 📦!!!! 🥹🥹) Haha but it was 📦 themselves who proposed the idea!!! At first it would seem like a simple thought, one that would be too complicated to actually produce…but with 📦 presenting ideas to us and really getting us hyped up for the project…it can really make a person compelled to work harder!!!! Also they’re making a whole WEBTOON as well???? That’s a lot of effort and dedication for a person to have!!!! It’s nice seeing a person willing to work hard on these projects!!!! It really gets me to take the project seriously and do more work than I would’ve done if I hadn’t seen the effort that my friends want to put into this project!!!! It’s also just very easy to talk to them as well!!!! The both of my friends! I can say what I’m thinking and they’ll respond with only kindness!!! They will find a way to help me and make me feel better than I had before!!!! I’m so happy that I’m not ridiculed and afraid to share my thoughts to someone!!! It’s so refreshing, so freeing to have someone like that there for you!!! The both of them provide that comfort for me, so I thank that so much for that!!! OH!!! Also!!!! From what I hear…they use their phone to draw???? With everything they create, that is just amazing!!! That is the work of someone with a TALENT!!!! If anyone follows 📦, they had recently posted an animation about them and a tiny Genzou…THAT WAS WITH THE USE OF A PHONE!!!! 📱 THIS THING!!!! A PHONE!!!! Hehe, I may be over-exaggerating it but I just personally think that’s a feat to be known!!!! Anyone can make wonderful art no matter what you have!!!! You just have to have skill really!!!! But that’s what I’m saying haha!!! 📦 you have a talent which I’m sure you’re already aware of but let me mention it once again!!!! IM SO GLAD TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU AND ⛵️!!! YOU GUYS ARE SOME OF THE NICEST PEOPLE I��VE MET AND I HOPE I CAN LEARN FROM THE BOTH OF YOU AND LEARN TO BE JUST AS TALENTED!!!! I HOPE FOR OUR FRIENDSHIP TO GROW FOR A LONG TIME!!!!!
Alright…this was a rollercoaster of emotions. If it looks like I wrote more for one person than the other…I apologize!!!! Especially for 📦 and ⛵️!!! I appreciate the both of you equally and I’m glad to have met you guys! Everything I’ve said so far about you is nothing less than the truth!! And to 🥕, if they are somehow seeing this, then I simply have to thank you for the amazing game that you have created!!! I will admire you for a very long time!!! You and your game help me in seeing from a whole new perspective!!! Thank you very much!!! Can never say it enough!! I hope that one day I can be as great as the three of you guys!!! Thank you guys for attacking me on Art Fight once again!! And thank you to Art Fight for giving me a chance to send art to these wonderful people!!! Gosh Art Fight was a blast while it lasted!!! I’m excited for next year…hopefully by then I’ll have more characters for people to draw!!! Also hope that I will have improved drawing myself!!! There was some more stuff I wanted to do in Art Fight but I don’t regret anything I DID do!!! I’m very happy with deciding on joining Art Fight!!! I have one more Art Fight attack for ⛵️ that I haven’t posted yet but I’ll be doing that later!!! Until next time!!!
Lots of love to 🥕, ⛵️, 📦, and anyone else who may be reading!! 💕💕💕
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just-a-carrot · 1 year ago
Had the chance to sit down and play the new installment (that makes it sound like an appliance... OW: Smart Fridge Edition) and it's so viscerally raw and human. The whole game is, but wow. My favorite genre of fiction is fantasy, for being able to see a creator and their world as 'look at a life these people are living and the world they're living in'. A world surreal, fantastic, and all too easy to think about what it would be like if it was real-- acting like it is real with dreams of dragons and elves. Our Wonderland goes beyond that, in a way few other fantasy stories I've read have. It's not the fantasy of magical beings living in a sprawling, epic world; it's not the fantasy of a gigantic battle of good versus evil-- the fantasy comes in when the cast thinks their lives should be just like the tales of knights and glory. The fantasy is just humans trying their darndest, despite it all. Hoping for a better world. Which wouldn't be so worth commenting on if not for the execution. Every emotion, every action-- beat-by-beat it's gripping and a perfect sell into the world. Playing the finale elicited some feelings and memories I had forgotten about. The sense of turning on the GameCube late at night, going to play Mario Sunshine. Long road trips immersed in the scenery of forest and buffalo, after having spent hours staring at cities. Getting up to dumb hijinks with people I'd only know for a few days. Staring out into the open ocean upon a swing. I'm not sure why it brought those out, but I think it's because of how human the game is, it gets you to think. It got me to think, anyways. Anywho, thank you for an amazing experience Carrot. I hope you have a good rest, and that my thoughts are written here somewhat coherently. If not, I'll summarize: DAMN GOOD GAME. DAMN GOOD STORY. DAMN GOOD ART. DAMN GOOD.
i don't know how to respond to this... this is incredibly sweet and thoughtful and i'm not sure i have the eloquence currently to type up and actually decent response 🥺💦
but i can definitely feel in my heart what you mean. even if it's not necessarily the exact same emotions or in the exact same way, especially as the creator rather than the experiencer in this case. but like. OW has always filled me with those types of nostalgic feelings as well. maybe it's because at its core, its about these types of fundamental happinesses. and these fundamental relationships we form as kids. and perhaps also simply because so much of the OW cast's pasts and experiences draw so heavily from my own, so it becomes almost as though i'm looking back into my own past through some kind of slightly warped threshold or something
stuff like the final scene in the field for instance was inspired by a scene in majora's mask, which is something i used to play with my sister. we would talk the characters aloud and make up our own stories rather than what they were actually saying (usually really ridiculous and stupid stuff lakdsfjad) or make silly radio plays where we recorded ourselves acting our chars from the game. also a lot of the references both in and outside of the game (like in my non-in-game art and such) was inspired by my own memories. so thinking about the game often makes these additional nostalgic coils drift up through my own memories
at any rate, i can't be sure that's the exact type of same feelings you're talking about, but... i feel like i understand the vibe of what you're saying at least
i still can't believe it's really over. and i mean sure it's not OVER over because i still have plans for other stuff with the chars and even the revamp which would include still working on stuff for the main game. but nothing will ever be the same for me as working on this game itself. and i'm really so grateful for everyone who's joined me in this journey because i'm not sure i would have made it to the end without all of you 💦
but i digress. thank you for this lovely message and for attempting to write up your thoughts lsakjdfasd it really means a lot!! 💕
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fashournalist · 4 years ago
A coffee-buffet-stroll-grocery-coffee kind of day with bb (best eat-all-you-can experience so far!)
When all you think of are work and adulting, it’s great to have a break, escape from your routine, and spend the whole day with someone who genuinely cares and reminds you to enjoy life--explore the world one adventure at a time. It’s like going on a field trip, but instead of being surrounded by 100 kids (whom you may not know well), you’re with someone you can be 100% yourself with. And when all stresses pile up, sometimes you just have to be reminded that you have each other. : )
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One of the earliest plot twists of this year is having this escapade with my close friend/sibling (and favorite buffet buddy!) Karl! It was truly something Niu. First we had Bonitos buffet in LB (2017), then Buffet 101 in Alabang (2018), then Sambokojin at Megamall with Hannah (2020), and now, Niu by Vikings! (View some of our past adventures here )
I decided to make this a text-form post because photo diaries are limited to 10 pictures at a time; but oh well, I’d love to share our January 30 in detail :)
Our first stop was Capitol Commons Starbucks (8AM-10AM)
Second stop: Niu by Vikings (11:00 onwards)
Third stop: SM Aura stroll
Fourth stop: S&R grocery
Fifth stop: Paseo de Magallanes
I had three first times in a single day!! Thank you so much bb for inviting me to hang out and making time for me despite your very, very busy schedule <3 I will never forget this day and I’m excited to create more beautiful memories with you--whether it’s a simple sound trip at a parking lot, a road trip, a coffee date, an acads session, or a “field trip” with five stops like today!
Read on if you want to view more photos from today’s escapade (mostly from Niu :) And thank you bb for taking my OOTDs too hehe)
Part I: Capitol Commons
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We forgot to take a selfie at Starbucks and didn’t notice how fast the time was haha. Two hours just flew by and it was time to go to Niu. Actually, the whole day just flies by when I’m with you.  
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I missed our road-trips-slash-sound-trips!! It seems only yesterday when we headed to MainLib, or IRRI, or Calamba, or Southwoods so we can study (or just chill.) It’s because of a road trip with you that I loved Ben&Ben in 2017!
Part II. The Niu experience
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It was our first time here, and whoa, see the difference from the usual Vikings!
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Loved the interiors and the ambience!
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Their selections offer more dishes as well, yayy!
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Boy, look at all that cholesterol. Isn’t it splendid?
Happy they have lamb and lengua as The Alley by Vikings didn’t have them.
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Of course, there is no forgetting that we are still in a pandemic.
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Hello, addiction! Sushi, maki, and sashimi!!!
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Love these refreshing drinks!! 
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Boy, they have free booze! I almost gave it a try but am scared I’d get drunk with a few sips since I never tried alcohol before haha xD 
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Their seafood thermidor was the bomb! It’s my first time ever to try this dish, as well as other dishes I only saw on Hayday before (shepherd’s pie, for example). Karl is an amazing chef and it’s great he knows how to cook some of these, too. Flex ko lang na sobrang galing nya rin magbake, guys, check out Packed Munchies Sent on Facebook to order his ube choco pandesal, cookies, and more sweets!
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Couldn’t get enough of the salmon sashimi, pizza, dimsum, dark chocolate brittle, and French macarons! Also learned to be careful when eating food whose name can’t be pronounced HAHA.
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Niu’s tempura was one of Karl’s faves, along with carrot cake and blueberry cheescake!! Hi bb :D
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As a professional buffet queen, eating with five plates to taste a bit of everything is normal HAHA chour.
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OOTD! I LOVE this pink jacket Karl gave!! It’s always been a dream to have a jacket in this specific shade waaa! And he didn’t know it was my dream so this was really a lovely surprise (i think it’s the platonic equivalent of maternal instinct hehe) thank you soooo much bb! :D
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We really enjoyed our Niu experience, yay! But our date was far from over hehe.
Part III. SM Aura stroll
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Our selfie with Momi at the Department Store.
Sigh, this is only my second time at Aura, and I remember the first time, I didn’t even have a 20 peso bill. All I had were coins. Long story short, I was invited to attend a networking event on May 13 2017 and they gave me a ride back and forth. But I didn’t have anything, couldn’t even buy a bottle of water because nothing is free at Aura. I said, someday, I’ll be back, and be able to eat here. I didn’t know that I wouldn’t just get to eat, I would eat in a buffet! And with someone very dear to me! 
Sometimes Karl and I just look back at our college days and we’re amazed at how we’re adulting now. I remember him saying in 2018 that the things that used to be only dreams before are now becoming possible for us : )
Anyway, here is another OOTD at Aura’s Sky Garden! Thank youuuu bb for taking these photos yayyy (pandemic inspired haha porma porma pa rin kahit naka face mask and face shield)
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I missed uploading outfit posts hueuhe should i revive the fashion part of this blog? Haha fashournalist started as a style diary in 2011 and it evolved into a memory box filled with throwbacks and so many things in between
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I tried taking a stolen photo of Karl, too haha:
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Part IV: S&R grocery
I’m ecstatic you guys, I’ve never been inside S&R before haha! I remember in June 18, 2016, after my lab test at Hi-Precision Santa Rosa, Dad and I tried to enter S&R in Nuvali. I thought they could welcome non-members if it’s just the pizza we’re after. But nope, no entry for us haha! Was able to try their pizza elsewhere like at Newport and other malls, but I still wanted to stroll inside their grocery someday. The day has arrived! (next goal: sneak into Landers even without membership haha)
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Only bought four items (two of which i’ve never tried before) as I made sure I would not overspend haha and am scheduled to buy stuff at Puregold the following day--little did I know that products in S&R are actually cheaper! Their Corned Lechon, for example, is 9 pesos cheaper compared to that in Puregold! 
Part V: Paseo de Magallanes
This is another first time for me as I could not reach this place without a car haha. It’s a very cozy place. 
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I love that we started and ended our day with coffee :) 
Coffee, tons of food and tons of stories in between! Thank you sooo much bb for this memorable date! And super thank you for the jacket, as well as Dad’s black towel! I am touched by how you remembered Dad loves the color black so much (and how I love pink, too huhu). Every moment with you is memorable, no matter how simple, or grand. We used to study for exams, cram papers together, study in libraries or IRRI, eat in canteens like Kentz in Demarces--all the simple things. Now we get to experience more adventures in more places! : )
When all you think of are work and adulting, it’s great to have a break, escape from your routine, and spend the whole day with someone who genuinely cares and reminds you to enjoy life--explore the world one adventure at a time.
I am super glad and grateful we had this January 30 bonding, Karl :) Thank you for being so thoughtful, caring, and sweet <3 (I and everyone you love are so lucky to have someone like you in our lives) Looking forward to more milestones and memories with you bb, cheers to all the adventures ahead of us! Love youuuuuuu
Grace :)
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 6 years ago
Tempest in a Teacup: Two
Clint watched you remembering how to be alive again with a smile. You were staring at a bowl of Rice Krispies like you’d forgotten what they were for as you curled like a question mark around a cup of coffee.
“Barton, I think you can cancel the DNA test,” Bucky snorted, smacking him on the shoulder as he passed. Clint snorted, “I could never deny her, that’s for sure.”
“Thank god she doesn’t look like you, though.” Steve teased, prompting Clint to flip him off casually.  
Clint kisses the side of your head and swaps your bowl of now soggy cereal that he knows you won’t eat for French toast he knows you will eat and you look up at him and smile your thanks sleepily.
For a second, you’re five again. Five and homesick. It was almost this time of year. Right before you started kindergarten. You had a cute little liting voice. Like a little silver bell. He couldn’t cook, not really and you’d eaten nothing but sugary cereal and carrot sticks and animal cookies for a few days. It was Saturday morning and you’d been awake and scared all night. Worried about your mom. ... The french toast had been a lot less pretty but that smile was the same.
You were bigger now. Stronger. Smarter. The most beautiful thing he’d ever seen still. And sometimes, he missed your accent. He hated it after you went to school and your voice got more Americanized. But you were his girl. He chucked you under the chin and handed Nat the other plate. She was taking you shopping. You needed school clothes anyway. And, as long as she’d been around, Nat had always taken you school shopping, for which Clint was grateful. Especially when you hit your teens. He got a bit lost after boys cargo shorts and plain t-shirts weren’t your standard gear. “Nat,” Clint teased, “no more platform boots. Seriously.” Natasha winked at you, “Not unless they’re on sale.”
You pick up a fork and lean into Clint’s side for a second as he stands there sipping coffee. You missed him. Between saving the world and just living far away, there was no such thing as enough hugs. Clint draped an arm over your shoulder casually and Natasha feels her heart ache just a little.
She knew. Probably better than anyone how scared Clint was that he wasn’t the parent he should be. But she wished she could show him this. A picture didn’t do justice to just how happy you looked when he hugged you just a little tighter. Maybe he wasn’t the parent he should be. Teaching you how to do some slightly illegal things, letting an assassin take you shopping, giving you back your fake ID; but, he was exactly the parent you needed. He was unfailingly supportive. He dealt with feelings and self-doubt and little heartbreaks in stride. He knew you. And he loved you with no conditions.
Clint gave the spy a look and Natasha only shrugged. You had a style. You liked what you liked. And frankly, it was cool. Distinctive. It suited you. Natasha knew damn well that as long as you bought age-appropriate clothing and you weren’t running around half-naked or in bondage gear, he really didn’t care what you wore. You went to an Academy for artistic kids. Weird clothes were expected. Nay. Encouraged. And New York. Land of Punks and Aging club kids, was the place to go. Nat look forward to this most of the year. It was fun. You were picky but not like... annoyingly picky. It was just an “I already know what I want and this is... actually close enough” kind of picky. “Got any Art supplies you need, kid?” Natasha asked. You frown, thinking, “Depends. Do you want me to make you some new wall clutter?”
“Did I hear Wall clutter?” Tony asked strolling in for coffee. “Y/N has offered to make Wall Clutter for the cost of Art supplies,” Clint said, tugging a stray lock of hair.
"Oh!" Pepper said, stealing the coffee mug out of Tony's hand and handing him water, "Could you do something neat we can Auction off After everyone signs it? It always brings in a ton of money for the cleanup fund." You take a bite of French toast and nod, thinking, "I could probably pull something together... It depends on how big a piece you want. And what medium. And subject matter."
Clint frowned but didn't say anything. You were a good kid. He knew you'd do hours of work for free. He also knew that it gave you something to do in all the downtime. That he could pester you while you worked as easily as he could while you were bouncing around the tower at warp speed. But, it rubbed him the wrong way. And then he remembered why. You did amazing artwork for them and you had. For years. Big pieces that went for literally millions. And you never got the credit for it. Nothing but your tiny little signature in the corner most people put a potted plant in front of.  "I'll let her do it," Clint said, clearing his throat, "As long as she starts getting some form of actual recognition for it... Most people just think those things are put together by a whole ass design studio. They don't realize it's one punk kid with some chalk and some aquanet." Your artistic shit was your superpower.
It was all the attention to detail and the effort.
Pepper gasped, "Have they really never put her name anywhere?" Tony frowned, "That's unacceptable." Your cheeks color slightly, "It's not that big a deal... I mean part of the money they make is because people think it's like Banksy or some shit." You do set work. You paint sets, make costumes, and run tech. You're pretty sure no one but your dad even realizes that someone has to make it all look good. He comes to the show and has tacos and good coke, the kind in glass bottles from Mexico, sent back to the crew while everyone fusses over the actors. And he sends you purple roses for opening night. You love purple.
"It is too a big deal!" Pepper says stomping her foot, "Four years you've been making us stuff to sell off and never once gotten even a mention on the program?" You shrug, "I don't get them for the shows I do sets for either. None of the crew really gets much beyond our names in a massive list." Pepper doesn't hear the explanation, she's already on the phone. She's halfway through shouting at someone. Something about back pay and other things that hurt your head to think about. So you take your plate to the sink and start cleaning up, working around Tony where he's standing directly in your way.
"Do you think you could do Asgard? Like long ways." he asked thinking. "Panoramic?" you ask. He nods and you think, figuring out logistics. "Medium?" you ask. Tony smiles a little, "What about spray paint?" Clint smiles a little from his spot, watching goings-on and relaying information to Pepper. You're planning things out in your head. Like a goddamn chess grandmaster. He can see pieces being moved around. "Photorealistic or stylized?" you ask. Tony snorts, "Let's say stylized. Wouldn't want Thor to try and walk through it." That makes you smile a little, "I can probably do that... What do you want me to put in on?" That makes Tony stop for a second, "Let's see what people will really buy," he said mischievously, "I'll get you a sheet of drywall to play with... And all the colors of spray paint you could ever need." You nod, "I can do that but I might need some time... and a large patch of grass you don't mind getting paint on. I don't really do Spray paint inside if I can help it."
Tony nodded and raised his coffee cup in mock toast, "You might be the least temperamental Artist we ever commissioned."
That made Natasha snort, "Clearly, you've never heard her backstage during a show. "Fuck Muppet" became my new favorite epithet after the last one." Tony chokes on his coffee and Clint snorts, "That's great," he laughed, "I changed my mind. Just make a giant thing that says Fuck Muppet." Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, "Y/N please don't."
"Now I'm gonna," you say, "And I'm gonna dedicate it to you, Steve." The laughter that follows you out of the room is satisfying. You don't need to turn around to Know that Steve's face is probably snapchat worthy. Or that your dad probably looks way too proud of you for talking back to a literal National Treasure. But, he had it coming honestly. No living creature should be that fucking uptight. It wasn't healthy. You were willing to bet that if you made him swallow a piece of coal he'd shit a diamond. But there wasn't time to Dwell on that. You and Natasha had shopping to do. At least some of it.
When you come back downstairs in jeans, your boots, and a red croptop with "You inspire my inner serial killer" written on it in pretty script, Clint shakes his head, "Another Forray into fashion design?" You shake your head and stick the last bobby pin into your right space bun, "Nah. Parker made me this one." Nat smiles a little. You don't look 17. You look 21 and Clint is about 4 seconds from a heart attack. But, aside from your midriff and a belly button piercing he already knows about, there's no other skin showing. And it's summer. "Cute," Nat says, "But please. Please don't make me have to stab some stupid frat boy today."  You grin, "Nah... They're all more trouble than they're worth."
Natasha grabs you by the hand and drags you out of the room before Clint can think too hard about that last comment and he retroactively tries to ground you until you're 83.
Steve watches Natasha flounce out of the room with you and Clint pour coffee like nothing just happened, "Have fun! Don't kill anyone!" Clint shouts after you. You half turn and sign "Love you, dad" to him and he smiles, "Love you too, punk" he answers.
"You really don't have a problem with her dressed like that?" Steve asked. "Like what?" Clint counters mildly, "Like a 17-year-old girl? In this year of your lord in the 21st century when ankles aren't sexy anymore unless you're weird? No. No, I don't" Steve winced, "I just meant," he started. Clint quirked an eyebrow, "She's 17. Not 7. She's my child. Not yours. It's just a shirt. Those are just comfortable jeans. And those boots are probably just comfortable too... If the worst thing she does is dress like that, get piercings I know about, and flirt with muscle-bound idiots until she gets bored with them, all things considered, I'll take it." You're a pretty girl. Really Pretty. And men tended to stare and they had since you were 12. It was gross but Clint didn't see any point in making you dress like a Nun when it was much more satisfying to break noses. Steve stayed quiet and left shortly after that. And honestly, Clint was grateful. It wasn't the first time someone had tried to tell him how to parent you.
But, he didn't think it was that bad. You were older now than he'd been when you were born. You made good grades. You had good friends. You called to talk to him and if you didn't call you texted. Truth be told, half the time he didn't know what to do with you and the rest of the time he just did the opposite of what his parents would have done. It was still better than Reggie did. She'd just sort of left you with her mom and fucked off to go help the CIA destabilize countries. Clint considered that job security. Reggie made the Warlords and Petty Despots and Clint helped put them down. It worked.
Outside, he watched as Tony made good on his promise to set you up. Paint, Drywall, tables, Brushes, attachments. Anything you could ever want were being delivered. Stark seemed intent on making up for his oversight and Clint was happy about it. You deserved credit for the cool shit you did. Maybe it would help drown out all the comments from people that looked down their nose at you. He drifted away to get some target practice in and you and Natasha wander the city, looking for the perfect new pair of platform boots and some little pieces of flair for your school wardrobe.  
By the time you return, Clint has been doing more looking at his phone than working. Natasha sent him pictures. Lots of pictures. And he saved them all. His personal favorite was one Natasha had taken of you both. Huge sunglasses and feather boas, pouting for the camera. You looked like you were having a blast. He couldn’t wait to hear about it, even if he didn’t actually want to participate.
Pepper knocked on the doorframe and leaned on it casually, “So,” she said, holding out a check, “Since the work she did for us would have made her some money... Probably a lot of money. Tony and I agreed that it’s bullshit that she didn’t get credit.” Clint took the check and just blinked, “Holy Shit.” was all he could say and Pepper smiled a little. “We figure that doing that work for anything Stark affiliated would have made her about that much in commissions for other rich people with more money than sense.” Clint snorted, “She is really good, isn’t she.” he said with a note of pride.
“Especially for all the crazy things Tony pitches at her,” she said nodding, “I have no idea how she’s going to do Asgard in spray paint but if anyone can.” Clint nodded, “She can,” he agreed. “So why are you giving this to me?” he asked, not following. “Because,” Pepper said smiling, “No 17 year old should have that much money... I figured you’d best hang on to it for now.” Clint nodded, “Thanks, Pepper.” he said.
She squeezed his hand, “I’m sorry we didn’t realize it sooner. It feels like we were taking advantage of her... but. We’re taking care of that oversight now. We planned a full showcase of the work she did for us previously to go along with the Auction of this piece. And I’m going to see if she minds us putting some of the dress designs she’s done for Nat and I on display too.” Clint nods slowly. It sounds like a lot. Maybe even too much. You’re still in school and he desperately wants you to finish, not just rabbit off and start cranking out art until your fingers bleed. So he says as much to Pepper.
The woman thinks for a moment and nods, “We’ll stick to the previous art pieces then. Just those for now... Later I will happily wear anything her little heart designs and send work her way.” That makes Clint feel better. A lot better.
You’re a kid. A gifted, talented kid. And you’re his. It’s his job to protect you until you can protect yourself. But as Pepper walks away and he stares at the staggering sum of money on the check, he knows he’ll probably never stop.
Tags:  @lancsnerd​ @stevieang​ @golddaggers​ @blameitonthecauseway​ @qxeen-of-hearts​ @process-pending​ @xmarveled​ @beautybyfire, @etherealwaifgoddess, @mschellehitt​
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bunnyinatree · 6 years ago
photo album and wardrobe? :)
Thank you so much for sending me these!! :DD  Okie, I’m going to answer for the characters in the story I am most set on finishing in the near future.  I’ll put the answers under a cut, in case things get kind of long!  (Spoiler alert: They do.)
photo album: describe one of your OCs’ favorite memories.
Two of my OCs, Orfeo and Fortuna, are twins, and I would like to think they look back fondly on the ways in which they helped each other through various identity crises.  For a while, Fortuna thought she was the lone person in her family who wasn’t straight, but then Orfeo came out as trans and also gay.  But since he’s such a mess 98% of the time, the whole situation was probably something like that comic where one character–in this case, Orfeo–psyches themself up in front of a mirror, saying, “Okay, just tell them the truth.  You’re gay.”  And then it cuts to that character announcing to the other, “You’re gay!”  And the other character, who is also gay, is very confused.  So Orfeo probably said something like that to Fortuna, and she very carefully said, “Yes, I am.  Technically bi, but still.”  And Orfeo tried to recover from that and say, “No, I mean I’M gay!”  Which led Fortuna to ask, “You like girls, too?”  And Orfeo had to scramble to say, “No!  I like boys, and I’m gay because I am one!”  But any single event aside, they are each other’s number one support systems, so their favorite memories would definitely be something along these lines.  Also Fortuna loves laughing at the obliviousness of her younger stuff, while Orfeo is still very embarrassed about the whole thing.  Fortuna tries to cheer him up by saying she thought the whole mess was very endearing and just like him. 
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wardrobe: what’s your OC(s) style like?
Re-reading this question, I’m wondering if it refers to my own style for creating OCs.  In which case, it’s: very ace, very trans, and very gay.  Also, the color combination of green-and-orange comes up a lot??  I guess I just sub-consciously love pumpkins.  And carrots. 
But anyway, I DID answer this question thinking it refers to what certain OCs’ wardrobes are like, in terms of clothing and fashion.  So, here’s what I came up with for the four characters of this particular story!
Echo:  Echo is nonbinary, but unlike me, they don’t shy away from feminine clothing.  In fact, I think they’d be very comfortable in cute skirts and dresses!  But their favorite outfit is probably a pair of comfy overalls, matched with sneakers and some sort of bold-patterned-shirt.  They usually wear glasses, and I know they’ll have some sort of definitive pair, but I haven’t discovered it yet.  They are also very fond of cool colors, so I usually envision them in greens and blues, with maybe some accent yellows, for a splash of warmth!  
Fortuna: Fortuna loves dresses and long, flowy skirts!  I don’t quite have the fashion vocabulary to explain it perfectly, but I could totally picture her in one of those dresses where the neckline cuts straight across to the sleeves, and the sleeves kind of puff out a bit before pinching a little bit lower down.  The fabric of the top would be that kind with very thin ruffles, where the whole thing has a sort of scrunchy texture to it.  Her favorite color is pink, so she probably has a very pastel selection of clothes.
Orfeo: Orfeo probably has Fortuna to thank for the majority of his wardrobe.  She gives him fashion tips a lot, and then she’ll shriek when he attempts to cover up all her hard work with the same beaten-up jacket he’s owned for nearly a decade.  Overall, Orfeo is too timid to give off an air of charisma and confidence, but when people look more closely at him, they realize he looks shockingly put-together.  Oh, and he probably owns a bunch of punny t-shirts that relate to music–stuff like “Mandolin Players Fret a Lot,” “I’m Always in Treble,” and “Without My Mandolin, Life Would B Flat.”  And he definitely has a “I Pick My Mandolin, Not Fights” shirt.  (There are so many silly music puns out there, and I am in love with all of them!)  Fortuna low-key thinks the designs are all horrendous, but you would have to pry these shirts out of Orfeo’s cold, dead hands–which is actually foreshadowing for the story, but don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it sounds!
Kwame: Because he doesn’t have an amazing, fashion-forward sibling like Fortuna to act as his stylist, Kwame’s style is pretty basic and unremarkable.  It usually involves whatever’s most comfy, like sweatpants and baseball caps, mostly in neutral colors.  He can definitely clean up well, though, and I’m sure his friendship with the twins will inspire him to be more outgoing with his wardrobe!  (And hopefully also inspire me to come up with a more solid fashion for him!)
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lunaraen · 7 years ago
Terror Tilling
(This is inspired by the best AU made by Peri and based on Stardew Valley gameplay, where Axel and Jesse are farmers and many shenanigans ensue.)
In fairness, Jesse is a little new to this whole farming thing.
She’s still planning on going to Endercon and winning the building competition, but that’s not for months and farming is surprisingly interesting, in part because it guarantees her a steady stream of potatoes.
It's a lot like foraging for apples, carrots, and potatoes, except that in addition to doing all of that, there's a lot more trying to sell things at the market, buying seeds and rarer foods with the ores they have, and a lot of growing her own food rather than only searching for it in the forest.
Not that Jesse isn't still searching in the forest for stuff when she can, because it makes for fun walks with Reuben and the stuff she finds might sell as well as whatever she's trying to grow.
But she's pretty sure, in the way that a person can be so certain there's no room left for even a hint of doubt, that explosives don't till the ground well so much as destroy any resemblance of life already there and send the remains flying in too many different directions all at once.
And that the resulting crater of burnt soil, clay, and stone isn't very good for planting or growing much of anything.
(Which is a lot like having a griefer as co-farmer, but that mistake's long made and one she wouldn't take back for anything, even if flying dirt clods make a good case for thinking otherwise or that they really should’ve found a way to rope Olivia in.)
"This is the worst thing you could've done."
Axel's response is a grin that doesn't bother to try and look sheepish, his hands clasped behind his back as he rocks back and forth on his heels. It's unfairly cheery for somebody standing in front of a smoldering hole in the ground, bits of his hoodie covered in still smoking dirt while his bangs look less burned than they do singed, the rest of his hair as tousled, but it manages to get Jesse to grin anyway even as she crosses her arms in return.
"Worse than the time you got stuck in the jukebox?"
That was a different disaster entirely.
Axel insisted it wasn't his fault he ended up buying a super cheap, super enchanted and maybe haunted jukebox, but he wasn't the one stuck inside of it until they figured out how to break the enchantment.
(It's amazing the jukebox still plays records as well as it does; almost as amazing as how they both decided to keep it even after the incident. By that point, getting rid of it seemed like a waste after all the work they took to fix it. Maybe they'll ask Petra the next time they see her, whenever that'll be, how much she thinks someone would pay for a probably no longer haunted jukebox.)
Jesse's grin stays strong as she rolls her eyes, absently leaning into one side to better scratch behind Reuben's ears, his gaze focused on the swaying but thinning smoke and as critical as hers.
"This is the second to worst thing you could've done."
She'll make it up to Reuben later; they were planning on making this spot the new carrot patch, but it looks like they'll have to settle for the free space next to the potatoes now.
"Aw, thanks." Axel's tone stays so unapologetic that it's Jesse's duty and right to nudge him in the side, barely getting him to budge in the process while he ruffles her hair.
Jesse's not sure what she's more resigned about, the new hole on their farm or how unfazed Axel seems by all of this, but her sigh is coupled with a smile as she shakes her head, looking up as the charcoal wisps and spirals of smoke slowly furl upwards before dissipating into the clearer air of the cloud mottled sky.
There might have been a fence post or two there before Axel decided to blow it all up, but it turns out that blown up bits of wood look really similar to blown up bits of soil.
"Do you ever get the feeling we're in over our heads?"
"Eh, not really. It's a lot easier for something to be over your head than mine." Axel raises his hands at her glare, grin growing wider before he shrugs. "I guess, but you can't tell me this isn't a blast."
"I'm not sure what's worse, the short joke or the explosion pun."
"The short-thing." Somehow his grin gets more smug, toothy and warm and as intentionally obnoxious as possible, and she still isn't expecting what he follows it with. "The pun was dynamite."
Jesse stares at him for a long second, Axel not bothering to look any less smug or proud of himself, and she's aware of the small bits of unsettled dirt by her feet tumbling to the bottom of the crater. With that, her mind's made up, and Axel has no one to blame but himself for everything.
"I'll push you in the pit."
"I don't think your arms are long enough for that."
Her arms most certainly are long enough, thank you, but if he's going to act like his height gives him any protection, she sees no reason to not go for his shins and give him a sharp reminder that being unfairly tall isn't a shield.
"Hey– ow!"
The sturdy boots she's wearing today help with that too, and Jesse's sure to start moving away from the hole before he decides to throw or shove her in instead, picking up the packet of carrot seeds they won't be using right now.
"Come on, let's get some shovels and see what we can put back."
Axel sticks his tongue out at her, waving her off even as he makes a point of trudging over to his shed. It's his shed in name only, filled with as much of her stuff as Jesse's is with his, but somewhere in the mess of TNT and general mess is a shovel and Jesse has a shovel in hers, so they get to make faces behind each other's backs and smile about it while they go in different directions.
All smiles and giggles aside, it looks like Jesse’ll just have to speed up their furniture war.
Axel stealing her bed turned out to not be a problem, because Jesse is stubborn and cuddling with friends is always fun, but Jesse's later revenge of taking various items from his place ended up being countered by the jukebox incident and, well, having to fill in the new crater seems like more than enough justification to make sure her next bit of revenge is somehow better.
(She's considered asking Petra for any haunted furniture or items the next time they see her too, just so Axel can find out what it's like to be stuck, but that seems a little much. Doing away with all of his gunpowder sounds fun, though, especially since Olivia said she'd be by later today.
A visit like that sounds like the perfect distraction.)
Jesse pauses as her leg is nudged, Reuben gently butting her leg with his head before looking up at her.
It takes a second to remember she's not the only one who wants revenge.
And revenge is always better with a pig partner in crime.
"Okay, we'll do it together." She scratches behind his ear again before patting his head and heading back to where Axel's already started shoveling.
First she needs to make sure he's not trying to mix anything else into the soil.
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yoongi-sugaglider · 7 years ago
Somebody Save Me
This case might just be the death of a young detective. Sleepless nights and stress filled days haunt the young detective Kim Taehyung but he’s determined to find her. Even if it’s the last thing he may do…Warnings:angst, mentions of torture, mentions of murder, strong language, detective au
Word count:1967
A/N:So this chapter ran away from me a bit lol. I got some inspiration from two of my close friends @bbl90 and @btsstan4life so thank you both so much for that~ Anyways!Hope you all enjoy this one and remember! If you liked it please don’t hesitate to drop a like or reblog or even a comment!I appreciate them all as they provide the motivation to keep writing~
<<Part Four---Part Six>>
Chapter Five:A Home Cooked meal and Good Company
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Taehyung groaned to himself. What is it about basement file rooms that made him feel like he was crawling with spiders and other creepy crawlies? Not to mention the sheer depressing weight of a room full of paperwork, something he always tried to avoid at all costs.
He shoved a box of files they'd acquired into the back seat of Namjoon's car, slamming the door shut with his hip before climbing into the passenger seat and closing it as well. He leaned his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes, a soul-rending sigh escaping him that caused Namjoon to turn to him with a concerned look on his face.
His brow furrowed as his eyes scanned the weary posture of his friend. Taehyung's cheeks were sunken, probably from far too many convenience store meals that lacked anything in nutritional value besides the general carbs to keep him going another day. His eyes were sunken as well, dark shadows haunting beneath them like the ghosts of late nights spent going over old clues and retracing dead leads.
"Hey..." Namjoon's voice was quiet as he garnered his partner's attention. Taehyung blinked blurrily as he turned his head to look over at Namjoon, his face expressionless as he waited for Namjoon to continue. "You alright there buddy?" Namjoon paused, chewing on his lower lips as he chose his words carefully. "I mean... you've barely slept more than 24 hours in the last week. Why don't I take you home so you can get some rest?"
Taehyung scoffed, sitting up slightly straighter as he rested his elbow on the leather of the car door and leaned his head to rest in his hand. His eyes scanned the bustling streets and sidewalk, glaring at those that dared to pass by with their busy lives and happy faces.
"I can't afford to take a break hyung. That girl is counting on us and we've basically gotten nowhere!" He hand clenched into a fist in his lap as he ground his teeth in frustration.
"That may be so." Namjoon countered, his frown deepening as he leaned forward slightly to see Taehyung's face. "But you're not helping her any if you don't take care of yourself. You've changed Tae. I can't even remember the last time you laughed, let alone had a decent home cooked meal." He huffed as he tried to make his point.
"What good are you gonna be to her if you collapse from exhaustion and end up in the hospital or dead?" His voice softened, full of concern and urgency. "Come on Taehyung. Jimin and Jin-hyung are in town visiting. Why don't you come over and let Jin-hyung cook you some good food? We can all go over the files together and you can sleep on the couch tonight."
Taehyung closed his eyes, his resolve weakening before cracking at the mention of Jin's cooking. "Alright, alright, at least it's not the couch in the office. I swear I'm really starting to hate the smell of leather at this point."
Namjoon chuckled, a small smile of triumph turning up the corners of his lips as he started the vehicle and easily pulled into traffic, glad to finally have a moment of victory even if it was this small.
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Namjoon turned his house key in the lock, nudging the door open with his elbow as he shifted the weight of the box of files he'd been carrying so that he could see over it into the house.
"I'm home baby girl!" he shouted into the recesses of his home as he stepped inside to let Taehyung enter as well. Taehyung grunted under the weight of his two boxes, shuffling inside with a slight pout to his lips.
"Why does this thing have to be so heavy?" Namjoon grunted as he dropped his box beside the console table just inside the entryway. He dropped his keys beside a family photo as Taehyung nudged him aside to drop his boxes on top of Namjoon's.
"I don't want to hear about it old man. I had to carry two of those dang things. The least you could do is not gripe about it." Taehyung grumbled as he shook out his sore hands.
Namjoon smacked his partner on the arm. "You can complain all you want. If it weren't for my smooth talking we would have never even gotten access to those files." The two began making their way through the house, moving through halls filled with smiling pictures of friends and relatives and several tasteful paintings.
"Yea... that smooth talking. Want me to mention to your wife how you were flirting in the elevator with that pretty little secretary and how you gave her your number?" Taehyung smirked as he dodged another of Namjoon's hits.
"I didn't give her my number. I gave her Jimin's number. He needs to go out more instead of being holed up in his office all day like you do." Namjoon said just as they walked into the kitchen.
The room itself was large, allowing for modern appliances in tasteful black steel and mahogany cabinets that spanned the length of the back wall before opening out into an even larger family room.
"What's this about giving secretaries Jimin's number?" A young chocolate skinned woman asked from the kitchen. She stood at the stove beside a tall older man, her head quirked towards the newly arrived men and a teasing smile on her lips.
Namjoon chuckled, making his way to his wife with a large grin on his face. She smacked his arm with a sauce-covered spoon which earned her a snicker from the taller man standing off to the side of them.
"I was flirting for the job.I didn't mean anything by it." He wrapped his arms around her waist as she turned back to the large bubbling pot on the stove, placing a gentle kiss on her temple as she gave a long-suffering sigh.
Tae plopped onto a barstool at the large island beside the other male in the room, giving him a soft smile which the older man returned before turning his attention to Namjoon once more.
"For the record hyung I don't need dating help. I do just fine with the ladies on my own." He pouted slightly, his plump lower lip sticking out slightly at the implied insult.
"Yah! We all know you spend your nights and weekends locked up in your office Jimin. Let Namjoon help you out. He got himself an amazing catch maybe it's time you took a page out of his book." The elder waved his knife in the air, his back turned to the others as he was busy chopping vegetables. His waving hand earned him a smack from Namjoon's wife despite the rising blush on her cheeks.
"You're no better Jin-hyung. You spend all day catering to your students Mister Law professor. You can't tell me you're out and about slaying the dating scene." The man named Jimin huffed, folding his arms on the black and gold-flecked marble countertop and resting his chin on his folded hands.
Jin turned, a cocky smirk dancing on his lips. "I'm far too handsome to limit myself to just one relationship. I have to spread my beautiful face to the masses or I'd be doing the world a disservice." His thumb and index finger cupped his chin as he flashed the room a dazzling smile which earned him a collective groan from the room. He sheepishly turned back to chopping carrots, muttering nonsense about ungrateful children to himself as he turned his aggression to his knife chops.
45 minutes and a six-course meal thanks to Jin and Namjoon’s wife later and the group had retired to the living room.Jimin, Jin, And Taehyung were sprawled on the massive oversized couch and across the stained glass coffee table, Bri sat in a large recliner while Namjoon sat on its arm with his arm wrapped lovingly around her shoulder.
“So what’s the deal with this case Joonie?” Jin asked, self consciously adjusting his glasses as his fingertips drummed on the arm of the sofa.
“The cops pretty much cold cased it. Said it wasn’t worth their time searching dead ends and running in circles.” Namjoon mindlessly rubbed circles on his wife’s arm as he spoke, his eyebrows creased in a frown.
“That’s why they sent it to us. Because that whole garbage dump of a department can’t do more than sit around and eat donuts all day while the real men are on the streets doing their dirty work…” Taehyung spat the venomous words from his lips as if just speaking them left a dirty taste in his mouth.
Namjoon leaned forward, his tone scolding as his frown increased. “Hey now, not everybody there is useless!”
Taehyung scoffed, leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees and his hands clasped together. “True, there was you and Chief Min. But that’s about it. You’re gone and last I hear Yoongi hyung wasn’t doing so hot in the stress department.”
“Last you heard? You just talked to him yesterday.” Bri interjected, her laugh knowing as she got regular updates from her husband on their progress.
“Yea and he looks like death itself. The man doesn’t sleep and his next step in his addiction is a freaking coffee i.v drip 24/7.” The statement earned Taehyung a well knowing chuckle from the group and yet despite that he seemed unusually restless.
“Taehyung… seriously why is this case bothering you so much?” Jin asked, leaning back a bit to get a good look at his stressed younger friend.
Taehyung shook his head, getting up from the sofa and rubbing his hands on the thighs of his jeans. “Jimin come help me…” He mumbled and the two made their way to the front entryway to retrieve the three large boxes of files. Returning to the living room they passed the boxes around, one to Bri and Namjoon and another to Jin.
“Well?” Jimin asked softly as he sat back on the sofa and placed the box he’d still been carrying on the floor before him.
“The girl...woman that was kidnapped.” Taehyung closed his eyes in pain and inhaled deeply before continuing. “Her name is y/n y/ln”
Jimin’s eyes shot open wide and his jaw dropped slightly at the name. “Wait...you mean that girl you had a crush on that lived across the street from us when we were kids?”
Jin’s head shot up at Jimin’s words. “So wait. You know this girl???”
“Knew…” Taehyung mumbled, his head hung low so the others couldn’t see the pain in his eyes. “We lost contact when she moved away in middle school… But as soon as I saw her face on the missing person’s report and saw her parents on the cold case file I knew immediately that it was her.” He chuckled bitterly to himself. “All these years and she was still just as breathtaking as the first time I saw her…”
“Doesn’t that make you a little too close to this case?” Bri whispered, her lips pursed in a concerned frown as she scanned his forlorn body language.
“I’m not a cop anymore. Being impartial doesn’t matter if you work for yourself…”Taehyung defended himself, sitting up slightly straighter as he shot her a slightly challenging look.
She put her hands up in self-defense. “Hey kiddo, I’m just trying to look out for you here. We’re here to help not stop you from doing your job.”
Taehyung sighed as Jimin placed a calming hand on Taehyung’s shoulder. “You’re right. I’m sorry Mrs.Kim…”
She snorted in reply, tossing a throw pillow at his chest from across the room. “Hey, I hold you about calling me that Tae Tae. Now come on, give us the details and then explain why in the heck you two came home with so many boring ass file boxes.”
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joshpup · 8 years ago
Beginners Guide to Memeteen
No one asked for this, but i made it anyways
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General Info:
So the memeteen group signed under Pledis which also has Pristin, Nu’est, Orange Caramel and After School (Everyone has issues with Pledis don’t even get us started about them). 
Group name Seventeen with 13 members because 13 members, 3 units and 1 team equals 13 (also originally they had 17 members but this works too). 
They finally debuted on May 26, 2015 after being pushed back for far to long 
debuted with the amazing song Adore U, and so far have had 8 comebacks: Mansae, Pretty U, Very Nice, Boom Boom,  Don’t Want to Cry, Clap, Thanks, Oh My!
They also have an mv for their song Healing, Love Letter, Shining Diamond, Smile Flower, and Q&A (just scoups, woozi and vernon), Change Up (scoups, woozi, and hoshi)
Have 9 amazing albums: 17 Carat, Boys Be, Love & Letter (Repackaged), Going Seventeen, A|1, Teen,Age, Director’s Cut , and You Make My Day (buy the albums tho) 
They made their Japanese debut on May 16, 2018 with Call Call Call! and released an album called We Make You
Hip-Hop Unit:
Scoups (leader), Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon
-created the masterpiece that is Check-In
Mansae Hip Hop Ver.
Trauma MV
Vocal Unit:
Woozi (leader), Jeonghan, Joshua, Dk, Seungkwan
-created the masterpiece that is Chocolate
Adore U Acoustic Ver.
Very Nice Acoustic Ver.
Pinwheel MV
Performance Unit:
Hoshi (leader), Jun, The8, Dino
Adore U Perf Ver.
Mansae Perf Ver.
-created the masterpiece that is Highlight rip carats
Lilili Yabbay MV
Hoshi, DK, Seungkwan
Just Do It
Just Do It Dance Practice
Scoups/Seungcheol {info} aka the dad 
-So he’s the leader of memeteen, #1 dad lets be real, longest trainee in svt, someone please give this boy a puppy he just needs a dog in his life okay. super sweet and caring, best leader ever honestly no one else could handle those other 12 boys. 
-appeard in Nu’est Face MV, After School Blue’s ‘Wonder Boy’ MV, Happy Pledis ‘Love Letter’ MV (pledis boys ver)
Jeonghan {info} aka the mom
-one of his nicknames in angel, but don’t let that fool you, he’s a swindler. Will not hesitate to cheat watch out for this one. sleeps everywhere possible anytime possible. each comeback his hair gets shorter, lets just hope he doesn’t go bald. Exo’s Sehuns worst nightmare.
Joshua/Jisoo {info} aka the church boy
-Oh shua, our beloved meme and church oppa this is a very dead joke now plz dont use it but if you see it thats shua. 1/2 of american line. Seems quiet and normal but the longer you know him the weirder you realise he truely is. Has a weird obsession with aliens (1,2) Stan talent, stan pindropping shua. huge anime lover. He has also had pink and purple hair and every carat cried 
-beautifully covered Overcome  with Nu’est’s Minhyun
-The jokes that never die: Drink water, not Alcohol, when in doubt, sings Sunday Morning, and his crappy beautiful rapping
Jun/Junhui {info} aka the real mom of the group
-Crazy for you cover
-1/2 of china line. Best eye rolls the world will ever know. people call him greasy, hes not reall but whatever. very sassy. his legendary part in Mansae that makes him look like the McDonalds logo. Also the time he dressed up in an actually carrot costume. 
Films: The Pye-Dog {pt.1 pt.2} (sorry i couldn’t find it in one part), Ip Man: The Legend Is Born, Intouchable (a series)
Hoshi/Soonyoung {info} aka naega hosh
-Okay so choreographs all their dances goals so naturally, best dancer ever. LOUD. Also shinee’s biggest fanboy, if you thought that you were shinees biggest fan ur wrong its Hosh proof: 1, 2, 3. a cute little hamster i die everyday. 10 hours 10 minutes. Black belt in Taekwondo... why dont we ever get to see anything ??
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Wonwoo {info} aka rbf master
-was originally a singer, but switched to rapping before debuting, so not only does wonu have an amazing voice but can rap suuuuuper well, and can easily switch between the two its stunning. always calm and usually has an rbf but hes actaully really fun love our emo wonwoo. kinda reminds me of a sloth but i love him even more becasue of that lol
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Woozi/Jihoon {info} aka smol fairy devil
-fear him. He may look tiny and soft but he will crush you. Composes almost all of svt’s songs. Super cute and hes coming to except this as time goes on lmao. shortest member. one of the big reasons svt became a self producing group
- first to get a solo in svt called Simple
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Dk/Seokmin {info} aka literal sunshine
the sunshine of svt, always smiling. i saw a video of him crying once and my world shattered. LOUD pt2. super funny i love him. one of the most stable vocals in svt. can hit those high notes like nobody else. 
-has this beautiful cover
Mingyu {info} aka gaint germ
-walking puppy? yes actually he is. also a gaint germ (1,2) so get ready. sneezes everywhere then touches everything. can go from cute to sexy with no time in between its insane. If he’s not your bias he’s your bias wrecker. Wild orange hair durning Check In era end everyone made fun of him or loved it no in between.
-Svt’s personal hairstylist  
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
The8/Minghao {info} aka arthao
-Literally has become the biggest artist in the world what an icon
-other half of chine line. last member to join the group. He did b-boying in china for like 6 years. here is baby hao b-boying at age 12 (he’s the tallest skinny guy and also the leader). crazy good Martial arts skills.  comes off super cute a fluffy and sweet with that voice and all but a serious thug tho like 1, 2, 3 
Seungkwan {info} aka future mc 
Boo Seungkwan our sassy little guy that i love more than life itself. LOUD pt3. gonna star in the next hollywood film because of his flawless acting. Also one of the most stable vocals in svt. hits high notes so easily its not fair (like in pretty u i died). a cutie from jeju. Koreas next best MC watch out world Seungkwan is coming. pretty much helps set the happy fun tone in svt
-covered Beautiful Tomorrow perfectly
Vernon/Hansol {info} aka the living meme
oh vernon. other half of american line. best friends with Seungkwan. literally a walking meme. anything he does is dumb and i love it. example: his weird dance from Boom Boom. lots of Hotline Bling. His iconic: “mom, i won this.” terrible hair durning mansae era 
-was on “Kids Explore Life” when he was little. Also a contestant on ‘JTBC Made in U’ .... headlines headlines ....
-appeared on one of Eric Nams Can’t Help Myself stages and Hello Venus ‘Venus’ MV, Sickness ft. Eunwoo of Pristin
Dino/Chan {info} aka the baby
The baby of the group. Once a baby always a baby. Dino, nugu aegi? tragic hair durning mansae era as well. best glow up of the world let me tell you i called this. Like if you think jungkook of bts had a glow up time to meet Lee Chan because his was more intense and if not faster. Fresh out of High school and living life large lol
-This amazing fancam
-his song Zero (here is the performance) and you can bet i cried when i heard this. He grew up so fast T.T
Active Twitter Fansites
Seventeen’s One Fine Day: Season 1: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, Season 2  
Best Stages
Girl Group Medley / Relay 
Sorry Sorry cover
Tell Me (Immortal Songs)
Boy Group Remix
Bindaetteok Gentleman
My Ears Candy (Jun and Mingyu)
My Ears Candy (Seungkwan and DK)
Who (performance unit) oddly enough this song isn’t talked about much, i think it killed every carat cause it killed me
and some of my personal faves: Show Me Your Love, Honey + Very Nice (Remix), 2016 Melon awards: Very Nice
Dance Practices/Part Switches
Adore U: Fixed Ver, Follow Ver, Part Switch Ver
Mansae: Hide Ver, Seek Ver, Follow Me Ver, Part Switch Ver
Pretty U: Love Ver, Letter Ver, Dear Carat Ver
Very Nice: Roof Top Ver, Dance Practice Ver, Part Switch Ver
Boom Boom: Front Ver, Review Ver, Santa Ver 
Don’t Wanna Cry: Front Ver, Review Ver, Part Switch Ver
Clap: Practice
Thanks: Choreography Video
Other Video worth mentioning: Highlight (13 Member Ver), No. 1 Cover, Without You
Offical Links:
Offical Website // Youtube // V App // Twitter // Instagram // Weibo // Soundcloud //Facebook
Seventeen TV
Boys Wish Kindergarten Skit    
Bongbong gyus precious child (a few of the many insta posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, also bongbongie has no gender so stan talent)
the famous English Time w/ Svt
the memeteen diaries (ive never laughed so hard tbh)
ISAC aerobics - inspired by Transformers 
ISAC 400m Dash
ISAC warm up dance created by our boys (ft dokyeoms singing)
Seventeen and Monsta x interactions (they’re debut buddies if you don’t die everytime they interact with each other you are doing something wrong)
Seventeen x Nu’est stage Heaven (aka the best crossover the world has yet to see)
so yah stan talent stan my memes Seventeen
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reverse-winx · 8 years ago
Welcome to Magix
Thanks for sticking around to see what happens next! In case you were wondering, I don’t work for Rainbow and I don’t own anything.
Bloom made a new friend Stella, the Witch of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, when she defended her from an ogre, and discovered that she has magic powers as well. Now she is headed for the Magical Dimensions to attend school to learn to control her powers.
“This is… amazing!” Bloom’s parents marveled as they took in the scene around them.
           Stella smiled. “It’s a wonderful place, really. Our school, Cloud Tower, is in the mountains, where it’s well-protected with natural defenses. The city in the distance is the capital Magix, and the fortress over there is Red Fountain, a military school for boys. In the forest that way is Alfea, my school’s rival.”
Her father looked around with a raised eyebrow. “It seems quite peaceful for being so near a city. This place is a safe place, then?”
“Of course,” Stella said. “The people of the magical dimensions respect the power of nature, and because this entire dimension is the capital, and because of the presence of a military school, the security is top notch.”
“Excellent,” said her father. “I approve.”
“You’ll come home during all vacations?” her mother asked as she hugged Bloom close and kissed her.
“Of course,” Bloom promised. “I’ll call you whenever I can, okay?”
“Good,” her mother said, looking teary-eyed.
“Take care of my little baby Kiko, okay?” Bloom asked. “Give him lots of carrots for me and tell him I love him.”
“We’ll be sure to spoil him and let him out of his cage to play every night!” her father promised.
“Work hard, sweetheart, okay? And never forget that we’re always here for you,” her mother said. “Oh, this is so hard; I didn’t think I’d have to do this for another two years when she would go off to college!”
“Don’t you worry about a thing,” Stella told them. “Now let’s get you two safely back home.” She waved her scepter.
“I love you guys!” Bloom called out as her parents disappeared back to Earth.
“Are you ready, Bloom?” Stella asked. “You know if you come with me, you’ll become part of this world, and your life will never be the same again. People in these worlds will look at you and see that you’re a witch and assume things about you, no matter what kind of person you are.”
“Then that’s all the more reason to stay,” Bloom said firmly. “In my country, it took years of fighting to even start legislating against racism. It’s been about forty years, and we still have a lot of work to do, but if no one had stood up in the first place and fought for change, nothing would have happened. If I have to be the one to start the fight, then I will.”
Stella gave her a look that Bloom read as both proud, inspired, and sad. “I knew I had a good feeling about you,” she said. “Well, come on. Let’s go. We’ve got a good walk ahead of us.”
Stella had not been joking. Bloom realized that they literally had to walk up the mountain road, which no city shuttles traversed and no magic could pass without invitation. “It’s a safety precaution,” Stella said. “Witches don’t have a good reputation, and since some fairies can teleport, this is a way to protect the school. When you learn how to fly, we can do that and save our legs, but for now, we walk.”
“What’s so different about fairies and witches?” Bloom asked as they travelled on.
“Fairies are Light and witches are Dark,” Stella said. “Fairies gain power by earning new transformations, while witches gain power by pure, hard work.”
“But you mentioned that a person can tell by looking at you. How?” Bloom asked.
“Because fairies use wings to fly, their bodies need to be aerodynamic,” Stella said. “Science says that the fairy supergene includes a gene that controls body type. It makes any fairy super skinny and light so that her wings can carry her, which is why it evolved to become a permanent fixture. Witches, however, don’t need that because we don’t need wings to fly. So, if you do magic and aren’t super skinny, people will automatically and usually accurately assume you’re a witch.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Bloom said.
“It’s actually a pretty good indicator,” Stella said. “I have to tell you, though, since witches don’t have transformations like fairies do, we can use magic anytime, anywhere. Fairies, on the other hand, have only a fraction of the power untransformed as they transformed. We’ve definitely got the advantage there.”
Bloom frowned. “Then what’s you’re battle outfit?” she asked.
Stella sighed. “So, my mom’s a fairy, and she really wanted me to be a fairy, but I was born a witch and there was nothing she could do about it. I tried to be as fairy-like as possible because I know how it works in your world, but here appearance matters a lot. I learned how to pseudo-transform myself last year because it let me fit in with the fairies, and I’ve got their body type because I exercise a lot and watch my diet.”
Bloom was horrified. “That’s awful!” she exclaimed. “Are you going to stop now that you’re at this other school?”
“Probably not,” Stella said. “This upkeeping of appearances has been a part of me for so long that it seems silly to change now.”
“How did witches get such a bad reputation?” Bloom asked. “Can boys be witches or fairies? How did things become this way?”
Stella shrugged. “History happened. See, there were these ultra-evil, ultra-powerful witches who called themselves the Ancestral Witches, and they wreaked havoc everywhere. They even destroyed an entire dimension! The Company of Light, which was mostly comprised of Light users, fought back, and while we’re not too clear on what happened, since the ones who appear to have stopped them never came back, we know that their activities ceased.”
“Sounds comforting,” Bloom commented.
“Anyway, that whole event was pretty damning for witches everywhere,” Stella said. “The Ancestral Witches claimed that they were the mothers of all witches, and while that’s impossible, every witch became associated with them because of their words. And so, the world is as it is today, all because of something that happened fifteen years ago.”
“It was only fifteen years ago?” Bloom asked, astounded.
“Yeah,” said Stella. “I was only two then. But if you’re talking about the prejudice against witches in general, it’s been around for ages, but it only got really bad after the Ancestral Witches’ attacks.”
“Now, where do boys fit in this mix?” Bloom asked. “I noticed that there’s no wizard school around here.”
“Boys are wizards, and their powers are neutral,” Stella said. “If I’m remembering science correctly, it’s got something to do with magic being X-linked. Anyway, because they only get one magic gene, they just have magic and aren’t strongly aligned to Dark or Light. Basically, they get to choose which they use.”
“And what decides fairy versus witch?” Bloom asked.
“…Biology?” Stella sounded unsure of herself. “I know I learned at some point that if you’re a girl, you need two magic genes, but no one’s really sure what chooses your core’s alignment. So my mom, who’s a fairy, can give birth to me, a witch. Basically, it’s weird.”
“Sounds like it,” said Bloom.
The pair rounded a bend, revealing a massive castle with a long, winding walkway up to the main gate. Stella groaned. “We’re so close! Come on, Bloom.”
“This is incredible!” Bloom exclaimed as she observed the purple-grey stone that made up the castle’s main architecture. “It’s like something out of my fantasy books!”
“It’s definitely a change from Alfea,” Stella said. “There, the incredible amount of Light magic has bleached the stone pinkish. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a similar story here.”
By the time the pair had reached the main gates of Cloud Tower, Bloom was exhausted. “Wow, and I thought I was in decent shape, too!” she exclaimed as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “You’re not even winded?” she asked, looking at Stella.
“I have to maintain my physique somehow,” Stella said airily. “Running is an easy way to do that, and it builds endurance too. Plus, the outfits can be super cute!” Bloom looked at her, confused, wondering where the girl who had just so easily discussed both history and a little science with her had gone. Catching her glance, Stella winked. “Gotta keep appearances and do what people expect, you know.”
Stella brought Bloom to check in to the school. The girl who ran the check-in table was an upperclassman who looked suspiciously at Stella and her smiling, well-made-up face. “Princess Stella of Solaria, huh? Here’s your key,” she said, eyeing her as she handed her the little envelope.
“Thanks a lot!” Stella chirped. “Say, who can I talk to about a last-minute enrollment? I became this girl’s patron yesterday, and it turns out she’s got magic too!”
“You’ll probably want to talk to Headmistress Griffin,” the witch said. “I’m just a volunteer and that sort of stuff is above my nonexistent pay.”
“Thanks so much!” Stella said. “Which way to her office?” The witch pointed. “Come on, Bloom.” Stella led her off, with a bounce somehow in her step.
“Are you sure they’ll let me in this easily?” Bloom asked Stella as the older girl knocked on the door.
“Where there’s money, there’s a way,” Stella said with confidence.
“Come in,” the headmistress said through the door.
Stella let herself and Bloom in. “Hi there, I’ve recently become the patron of this girl, and I was wondering if I could enroll her.”
“Princess Stella of Solaria, hm?” The headmistress, an older-looking, elegant woman, peered at her. “Who’s the girl?”
“Her name is Bloom, and she’s from a primitive, uncharted dimension called ‘Earth’,” Stella said.
“Earth?” The headmistress became fully attentive. “Interesting, very interesting.”
“How so?” Bloom asked.
“Magic has slowly been disappearing from your ‘Earth’, such that your people pretend that it never existed,” the headmistress said. “The magical peoples were hunted, and those who didn’t go into hiding willfully forgot their power. Recently, the surviving primal fairies, some of your dimension’s last magical vestiges, have vanished. At any rate, your appearance is most intriguing, so you can stay.”
Stella grinned. “I’ll write the check,” she said.
“I’ll consider her on a fifty-percent merit-based scholarship,” the headmistress said. “Depending on her performance in this school, I’ll adjust the numbers accordingly.”
Stella scribbled in her checkbook and handed the slip of paper to the headmistress. “Here you are, Ms. Griffin!” she said cheerily. The headmistress plucked the check from Stella’s hand, inspected it, and then tucked it away in her desk. “Your client will room with you.” Then she sat turned back to whatever she had been doing before the two of them had arrived, paying them no heed. Bloom guessed that her loss of interest in them meant that it was time to leave, so she began to move for the door. Stella noticed and took her wrist, bounding out the door with her in tow.
“I can’t believe she let me in!” Bloom exclaimed.
“Of course she let you in,” Stella said as she navigated the winding halls of Cloud Tower. “I’m your patron, and I offered to pay full tuition for you. Let me tell you, a witches’ school is always in need of funds. It’s the fact that she let you in on merit scholarship that gets me.”
Bloom glanced around the very similar-looking halls. “Stella, do you know where you’re going?”
“No,” Stella admitted. “But our room is 14L, so we’re probably on the fourteenth floor.”
“That’s a lot of stairs,” Bloom commented.
“Yeah, well, it’s called Cloud Tower for a reason,” Stella said. “I’ll teach you how to fly, and then things will be easier.”
After climbing the obnoxious number of stairs, Bloom was exhausted. “I wanna nap,” she said as Stella unlocked their door. “All that walking – first the mountains, then the ramp, then the tower…”
“You didn’t fly?” Bloom turned and saw a girl about an inch or so taller than her and cropped, vibrant pink hair poking her head out of room 14J. She was giving her a look that was more curious than confused, incredulous, or condescending.
“I don’t know how to yet,” Bloom said.
“But it’s so… basic!” the pink-haired girl said, her tone expressing clear disbelief.
Stella pushed open the door and then turned to greet the other girl. “I know, but highly educated girls such as ourselves cannot compare ourselves to those who aren’t,” she said in an uppity manner. “I’m Princess Stella of Solaria. And you are?”
“Tecna,” the pink-haired girl said. “Tecna from Zenith. I’ve heard of you. You’re the one who pretended to be a fairy.”
Stella betrayed no reaction. “That’s right,” she said.
“Oh, get back in here and leave her highnessness alone,” came a voice from inside 14J.
“Every book I’ve read on social etiquette clearly states that one should greet newcomers,” Tecna said over her shoulder.
“Yeah?” A short, thin girl wearing her dark blue hair a practical, high ponytail that had many stray, short hairs framing her face came to the door, and she eyed Stella with distaste. “Royalty like her don’t have time for us normal folks.”
Bloom bristled at the girl’s unnecessary rudeness. “You’d help your case if you’d act civil regardless of who she is,” she said.
The small girl raised a dark eyebrow. “And you are?”
“I’m a random person from an uncharted dimension that the princess you were so quick to judge took under her wing,” Bloom said.
The dark-haired girl was not convinced. “There’s an ulterior motive for certain.”
“You’re right,” said Stella. “It’s called paying a life-debt.”
“A life-debt?” Tecna asked, bored aqua eyes suddenly brightening. “This has potential to be exciting. What happened?”
“Oh, don’t encourage her,” the dark-haired girl groaned. “Spoiled princesses love to hear themselves talk.”
“And how many of them do you know?” Bloom asked the girl.
Tecna immediately answered for her roommate. “Judging by her ideological stance, Musa is non-royal, which means her contact with royalty is limited to television and other social media and news outlets. Her speech patterns and clothing choice indicate living in low-income areas of cities, which means she likely only heard the gossip off the street or caught a glimpse of the inaccurate entertainment tabloids. So, my conclusion is none.”
“Then you can make no judgement,” Bloom told the girl, Musa. Taking a mental deep breath to sooth her irritation, she smiled and offered her friendship. “Let’s pretend this exchange didn’t happen and start over, okay? I’m Bloom, and I’m from an apparently primitive dimension called ‘Earth’. I discovered that I’m a witch less than twelve hours ago.”
When Musa hesitated to offer anything, Stella introduced herself. “I’m Stella, and I’ve lived my life trying to fit in with the Realm of Light and make myself a fairy. It was only at the end of last semester that I was forced to come to terms with what I really am. Less than twelve hours ago, Bloom saved me from an ogre.”
“I’m Musa,” Musa said grudgingly. “I’m from Melody, but I’ve been moving around since my dad and I had a falling out, and I’ve been trying to make it in the music industry. Tecna somehow knew that I’ve been living in shakier neighborhoods, so I guess you should know that no lock is safe from me, and stuff like that.”
“If I need a pickpocket, you’ll be the first I ask,” Bloom said, trying to break the ice. Then she turned to Tecna.
“Didn’t I already say my name?” Tecna asked, sounding like she was puzzling over some peculiar logic problem.
“Is there anything else you want to say about yourself?” Bloom prompted.
“I often get bored and do experiments,” Tecna said.
Musa cocked her head suddenly. “Someone’s coming up the stairs,” she said.
“I don’t hear anything,” Tecna said, turning her head to listen.
“I’m the Witch of Music,” Musa said. “Soundwaves are my territory. I can sense the vibrations through the floor.”
“I guess we can hold the rest of the introductions for when the new girl puts her things down, then,” Stella said. “Come on, Bloom. Let’s dump our suitcases in the room.”
Bloom was surprised by the size of the dorm room. “How…?” she began.
“Distortion of space,” came Tecna’s voice from outside the open door.
“At Alfea, we had smaller rooms, but a furnished common room,” Stella commented as she took in their living space for the year. “The spaciousness of the room must be an exchange for the separateness of the suite’s dorm rooms.”
“You can distort space and live in it?” Bloom asked, oblivious in her awe.
“It’s magically stabilized, of course,” Tecna said, watching her from the door with interest.
“What are you doing in their room?” Musa shouted from across the hall.
“She’s so clueless!” Tecna called back. “It’s entertaining.” Bloom raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
Stella flopped down onto the bed nearest to the window. “I hope you don’t mind if I claim this one,” she said to Bloom. “The school’s wards hardly let any sunlight through, and I want to soak up as much as I can. It’s a Solarian thing.”
“No problem,” Bloom said as she shoved her luggage over to the bed up against the wall. “Corners are coziest.”
“If you say so,” Stella said as she kicked her legs around in the air, shaking out the strain of walking in heels.
“The last girl’s here,” Tecna said, turning from watching Bloom to scan the newcomer. As Bloom went to the door, she saw that the girl was around two or so inches taller than Musa, and that she had tan skin and caramel hair that she had braided back, except for her bangs, which framed her full, round face. Everything about her, from the way she dressed to the way she carried herself, screamed delicate and innocent, and Bloom felt a pang of sadness when she realized that this girl, like most other witches, had probably faced prejudice for being born who she was.
“Hello,” the girl said with a small, shy smile, and Bloom felt a sudden urge to pinch her cheeks. “I’m Flora.”
Stella, full of exuberance, pushed past both Bloom and Tecna, grinning broadly. “I’m Stella, Witch of the Sun, Moon, and Stars!”
“I’m Bloom,” Bloom said as she poked her head out from behind her. “I don’t know my power’s specifics, but I can do fiery stuff.”
“I’m Tecna, Witch of Technology,” Tecna said, stiffly holding out a hand, as if she knew she was supposed to, but did not know why.
Musa leaned against her own doorway. “Musa, Witch of Music.”
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Flora said. “I’m the Witch of Nature.”
Tecna immediately perked up, stepping into the hall with excitement. “Have you tested your range? What’s your default? Can you control the four divisions? Does nature extend to fire? Weather? Animals? Humans?”
“Er…” Flora hesitated as she set down her suitcase and fumbled with her keys. “I’m from Linphea, so I’ve mostly worked with plants,” she said. “They’re my default. Theoretically, I can control water and air as well, but I’m not sure about fire. I haven’t tried controlling animals, let alone humans.”
“You have a sister,” Tecna said, looking Flora and her things over. “A fairy?”
“Yes, how did you know?” Flora asked.
“The charm on your bag – everything about you is earthy, but that charm sparkles. It may as well be shouting ‘fairy’,” Tecna said. “She’s the one who made you come here, and she gave it to you as a good luck charm.”
The four other girls stared at Tecna. “Where do you get this information?” Musa asked.
“Her phone briefly lit up,” Tecna said. “I saw the messages.”
“That quickly?” Stella asked, surprised.
“Speed-reading in every direction is a habit I developed,” Tecna said. “I was bored and there was nothing else to do.”
“So, we’ve got a street-smart cynic, a princess whose pocketbook can get her out of most places, and a budding detective,” Bloom said. Turning to Flora, she quipped, “I guess we two normal girls are going to have to stick together!”
Flora giggled lightly. “If you can count a nature-lover who brought all her plants with her to school as normal,” she said with a smile.
“Comparatively normal,” Bloom amended.
“You’re not completely normal yourself, Miss I-come-from-an-uncharted-dimension-that’s-not-supposed-to-have-magic,” Stella reminded her.
Flora stepped into her room to set her bags down, and Tecna glanced at her wristwatch. “There are still several hours before the school’s official orientation and welcome dinner,” she commented.
“Well, good, because I’m positively famished,” Stella said. “I say we head downtown to grab a quick bite to eat so we don’t die of starvation.”
“A person doesn’t die of starvation in the span of a few hours,” Tecna said. “The approximate rule is ‘three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food’.”
“It’s an expression,” Musa said.
“Oh, another one of those idiom things?” Tecna asked. “Curious. I didn’t think death was something general society joked about so flippantly.”
Bloom quickly changed the subject. “Food sounds great,” she said. “You’re the one who’s been here before. Lead the way, Stella.”
It turned out that Flora could not fly either, so Stella led the five of them down the mountain on foot to the nearest shuttle station, which took them to the heart of the city. She brought them to a lakeside restaurant called The White Horse, and they enjoyed their first meal together. While they were waiting for the bill (Stella had generously offered to pay for everyone), Bloom flipped open her phone to call her parents. She tried several times, but realized that she had no signal.
“Where in the realms did you get that piece of prehistoric technology?” Tecna asked.
“My primitive, prehistoric dimension,” Bloom said with a sigh. “Is there any way I can reach my parents?”
“You can use a payphone,” Musa said. “Those are programmed to reach all dimensions, so you could probably hit your home dimension as well.”
“Give that thing to me,” Tecna said, reaching for Bloom’s phone without waiting for an answer. “I’m always looking for a new project. Updating your archaic machine would be a quick one.”
“Sure, thanks,” Bloom said, handing the phone to her.
“Here, have some change,” Stella said. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m your patron, Bloom. I take care of your needs.”
“Thanks so much,” Bloom said as she took the coins. “I’ll be right back.”
She spotted a telephone booth a few streets down. Heading over, she pushed the coins into the machine and dialed her house phone. Within a few rings, her mother picked up. “Hello, Vanessa speaking. What can I do for you?”
“Hi, Mom, it’s me, Bloom,” Bloom said.
She heard her mother’s exclamation of delight. “Sweetheart! How is everything? Are you settling in alright?”
“Yup,” Bloom said happily. “It’s wonderful! Everything’s taken care of. I’m staying with Stella and three other girls in a suite, which is nice. The rooms are great, and so’s the city. We’re all eating out right now.”
“That sounds like fun,” her mother said. “Do you know when your classes start?”
“Tomorrow, I think,” Bloom said. “We have an orientation later tonight.”
“Alright, then I’d better let you rest up,” her mother said with a laugh. “Keep your dad and I posted, okay?”
“I promise,” Bloom said. As her mother told her she would pass on her love to her father, something yellow in her peripheral vision caught her attention. Bloom realized that she might be being paranoid after being attacked by a large, yellow ogre, but allowed herself to look all the same. It turned out that she was not being paranoid. “Okay, I love you! Talk to you soon!” Bloom said, forcing herself not to sound stressed as she hung up.
She followed the ogre, hoping that they were a common sight in the magical dimensions. To her dismay, the ogre subtly edged closer to the White Horse, eying her new friends. Closer inspection revealed that it looked a little beat up. The chances that it was a coincidence were too slim for Bloom’s liking. It only stayed briefly, and then Bloom followed it away to an alleyway, where it approached three beautiful girls. They were tall, thin, and dressed stylishly, though their personal styles were quite different. There was a girl with a long ponytail whose hair was white as snow and shiny as fresh ice and whose clothes were sharp and preppy, a girl with glasses whose luscious brown hair was wrapped up in a French twist and whose clothes made her appear to be the most fashionable hipster-nerd Bloom had ever seen, and there was a girl whose textured dark blue-purple-gray hair had been tamed into a short braid and whose clothes read ‘sweet’ while her eyes read ‘dangerous.’ Bloom did not think any of them, not even the one with the braid, would stand a chance against the ogre. But then she remembered the Stella had told her that thin girls like them were fairies, and so she waited to see what would happen.
“Well, Knut?” the girl with white hair asked impatiently, her voice clear like a singer’s. “You called to meet us in a very public place, and you know that those of our status cannot be seen with the likes of you. This had better be important.”
“The girl whose scepter you want, she’s here!” the ogre, Knut, told them. “They’re in some restaurant near the lake.” The girl with glasses sighed and motioned for Knut to come to them. The ogre lumbered forward, briefly obscuring Bloom’s view. Then a powerful wind blew up from behind, knocking over the trashcans that hid Bloom.
“Well, well, well, what have we here?” the girl with the braid asked, waving her hand to make the wind stop.
“You’re a witch?” Bloom asked, confused.
“Ha, of course not!” the girl said haughtily. “I’m the Fairy of Weather, one of the best. I don’t need to transform to do something as trivial as this.”
“Trivial, huh?” Bloom asked nervously.
“So, are you one of our fans?” the white-haired girl asked. “You didn’t know who our little sister was, so I doubt it. What is it, then? Eavesdropping isn’t polite, you know.”
“I, uh, saw the ogre,” Bloom said. “I followed it, and saw you guys, and was worried that you might have to fight it.”
“Cute, but we both know that’s not true,” the girl with glasses said. “If you followed this careless creature here, then you’ve seen a lot more than that. What do you say, sisters?”
“The weather is so fickle,” the girl with the braid said. “It’d be a pity if a poor little girl got caught out in a lightning storm. A terrible thing, really. Not a trace of her left since she got fried.”
“Give me until sundown and I can arrange that,” the girl with glasses said.
“I’ll hold her until then,” the white-haired girl said as Bloom started to back away slowly.
There was a flash of light, and Bloom found herself blocked by a wall of ice. Recognizing a lost cause when she was in one, she said, “Hey, uh, I can just leave and pretend none of this ever happened. Hopefully we’ll never see each other again. You know, I’m just one girl in this entire city of Magix, right?”
“You see, that’s the problem,” said the girl with glasses as ice began to creep up Bloom’s legs. “Every girl in Magix knows who we are, but you don’t. That’s suspicious. So, you must be someone from another dimension who wants to sabotage the most powerful fairies in all the dimensions by ruining their image in the media by fabricating their meeting with a dark creature.”
“You have to realize that even if you did, you would have to be desperate to try something like that,” the white-haired girl continued as the ice continued to crawl up Bloom’s body, immobilizing her. “No one would believe that the model fairies would do that. So, your efforts are fruitless.”
“But, all the same, we have to make you disappear,” the girl with the braid said. “No hard feelings, right? Here’s to hoping no one misses you!”
“You hoped wrong!” Bloom’s eyes widened at Stella’s voice.
“Princess Stella of Solaria,” said the white-haired girl. “I didn’t see you back at Alfea. I suppose it took you long enough to realize that even if a witch wants to be a fairy and shun the Dark, she’ll never be able to do it. You’re simply born wrong.”
“Say what you want about me, Icy,” Stella said. “I was raised properly; I can take the slander of jealous commoners like you. But you are to leave my client alone, do you understand me?”
The white-haired girl, Icy, scoffed. “This is ridiculous. We’re so above you that we could make you disappear as well, and the worlds wouldn’t bat an eyelash. Knut, take them.”
The ogre charged at them, and Stella, Musa, and Flora scattered. “Tecna, move!” Musa yelled from somewhere behind Bloom.
“One ogre, on the heavy side, slow and lumbering,” Tecna said as she watched Knut running straight for her. “This should do it. Static sphere!” She snapped her fingers, and an electric green net scooped the ogre up off the ground.
Musa groaned. “Of course, you just have to be insufferable even in a fight,” she complained. “Treble burst!” A painfully high-pitched shrill ripped through the air, past Bloom and straight through Knut’s head toward the three girls in the back of the alley. The ogre groaned and shook his head like he was trying to scare off an annoying fly.
“I’ll finish this,” Stella said, gathering energy in her hands. “By the power of the deities of Solaria, in the name of the Moon of Justice – moonlight mandalas!” A flurry of silver rings burst from the silver glow in Stella’s hands, sending Knut flying. “I always knew there was something off about you three,” she declared. “It had to be a crafted image; only idols are so effortlessly perfect, and that’s because they’re fake! And now I have my proof.”
“That’s what you think,” Icy said, smiling. “No one will believe you. You’re the one who faked being a fairy in the public eye for an entire school year.”
“The sun has set,” the girl with glasses said. “I’m ready.”
“Then hit them!” the girl the braid exclaimed impatiently. “I want to go home and redo my nails.”
“Shadows of night,” the girl with glasses said, and waves of darkness rolled from her hands.
“Incoming: curious hybrid of Light power and night energy,” Tecna said. “Proposed solution: firewall.” The three mobile girls darted behind her and her shield.
“We need to get Bloom out of there,” Musa said. “She’s completely in the line of fire!”
“I’ve got a diversion,” Flora said. “Layers of nature, rise. Dust cloud!” She blew gently into the alley, and any particle of dust or dirt that had settled there rose up into the air. Musa took advantage of the visual cover to press a hand against the ice that had trapped Bloom and send a pulse of vibrations through it, making it shatter.
“Thanks, Musa,” Bloom said as she stumbled behind Tecna’s shield.
“Don’t be stupid like this again and we’ll forget all about it,” Musa said gruffly, not looking at her.
“Oh, this is ridiculous,” the girl with the braid said. “Southern wind!” A burst of hot wind sent the dust back at Bloom and her friends. “Blade of the sky!” A blast of lightning ripped through the air, striking Tecna’s shield, overpowering it and sending them sprawling backwards.
“Let’s finish this, sisters,” Icy said.
Together, the three girls chanted, “By the power invested in me, by the sign of three, give me the power of a fairy!” As Bloom and the others recovered, light engulfed the three.
“Quick, over here,” Stella hissed. “While they’re transforming.” She slipped off her ring, turned it into her scepter, and slammed the bottom into the ground. The world around them blurred and vanished.
When things came back into focus, Bloom realized that they were back in the mountains outside Cloud Tower. Tecna glanced at her watch. “It’s about time we were heading back anyway,” she commented. “Orientation starts soon.”
“We’d better fly, then,” said Musa.
“What about Bloom and Flora?” Stella asked as she eased Bloom’s shivering with a silent sun spell.
“Don’t worry about us,” Flora said. “I happen to have a buoyancy potion on me. We can just take a sip of that, and you three and drag us along.”
“What a curious thing to have on your person,” Tecna commented.
“You’re not allowed to have opinions about what’s weird and what’s not,” Musa said as Flora handed Bloom a small vial.
“Why’s that?” Tecna asked, but Bloom did not hear the rest of the conversation because the two of them took off flying.
The five of them arrived back in the school precisely two minutes and thirty-nine seconds before their orientation was due to start, as Tecna so graciously informed them. Bloom had a difficult time concentrating as the headmistress and staff stood before the entire school and welcomed them to the new year, warning them to mind their own business and keep to themselves if they wanted to avoid trouble. “That was a very friendly and warm introduction,” Bloom remarked as they climbed the stairs back to their suite.
“They’re telling it how it is,” Musa said. “The world isn’t good to witches, and there’s nothing they can do about it.”
“They can say whatever they want,” Stella said dramatically. “There’s no way they’re stopping me from getting a little sun in Magix City!”
“Stella, you knew those fairies back there?” Flora asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Stella said. “They’re a year older than me, so they’re two years older than you guys. They’re some of the most powerful Alfea has ever seen – there’s Icy, the Fairy of Winter, Darcy, the Fairy of Night, and Stormy, the Fairy of Weather.”
“They said they’re sisters,” Bloom remembered.
“Not by blood or living,” Tecna said. “Their coloring is completely different, as are their mannerisms. Nothing about them hints that they lived together for any long period of time.”
“You’re right,” said Stella. “They just call themselves that. Most people refer to them as the Trio, and anyone who knows anything about them adores them. They’re powerful and they present as perfect role models – good grades, lots of friends, and great personalities. In that entire school, I was the only one who thought there was something a little strange about how flawless they were, and now I have confirmation. They’re completely fake!”
“They call themselves the Trio?” Musa scoffed. “How creative.”
“It’s certainly descriptive,” Tecna said.
“Then what are we? The Quintet?” Musa asked with a laugh.
“Also accurate,” Tecna agreed.
Stella shook her head. “That’s too similar to them,” she said. “Let’s be unique.”
“What do we all have in common?” Flora asked.
“We’re witches,” Tecna said.
“Let’s steer clear of anything having to do with that,” Musa said. “People have enough problems with witches without knowing who they are.”
Bloom thought. “We could be subtle about it,” she suggested. “What if we called ourselves ‘Wings,’ but make a pun out of it?”
“How so?” asked Flora.
“Well, we actually don’t have wings,” Bloom said. “So, what if we called ourselves ‘Wings’ with an ‘X’? Like, W-I-N-X. We’re wingless. And it’s not completely obvious because it could also be a stylized way of writing ‘wings’.”
“That’s clever,” Stella said at the same time as Tecna said, “The idea has merit.”
“It’s cute,” Flora said with a smile.
Musa shrugged. “I could go for that.”
“This is so funny,” Bloom said. “I feel like a middle-schooler again.”
“Sometimes a little something silly is all you need to feel better after a crazy day,” Flora said wisely. She opened her room. “See you guys tomorrow for class!”
“Good night,” Bloom said as Stella opened their door. Before she knew it, she was ready for bed and fast asleep.
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just-a-carrot · 1 year ago
when i first got into our wonderland i made these characters because the game really seriously inspired me,, i wanted to make it a game but i have no idea how to code!! but anyways the game wouldve been called ghost hunters and its a group of kids who get paid to remove ghosts from homes n they start dying off one by one.. ofc they do, it was our wonderland inspired!!!!
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its really old and the style is very much giving 5 year old tried to draw like carrot .. but it holds a place in my heart :3
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Heres all the characters and what not.. idk why im showing you this I just feel you should know how much your work truly inspires people, our wonderland is an amazing game and i hope to make awesome games like you one day!!!!!!
ohhhh!!!! these are super cute??? 🥺💕 ahhhhh i feel so touched that my game inspired you to think up such a fun idea and come up with these characters!! they look so fun ahhhhhhh LMAO I also didn't know how to code when i got started, so don't let that stop you if you do want to try 🤣
you are so kind sob... thank you for sharing these with me!! i'm honestly so moved. it really does mean so much hearing that ppl loved the game so much that they are inspired to make their own games or stories!! i wish you luck if you ever do try to make it into a game or any other games you want to make in the future!!
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xcrisscrossx · 8 years ago
Happy Anniversary
“Alright there, Rosie. Alright, now just sit tight, Sherlock’s getting your food now,” John hushed soothingly. Sherlock marveled at the way John could maintain his adult tone while still sounding so… fatherly.
“Okay Rosie, you’ve got two options; pureed veggie root or pulverized seed-pod extract.” John gave Sherlock an odd look. “Carrot or Pea baby food.” John rolled his eyes with a smile, taking the carrot jar—Rosie’s favorite, meaning the one she made less of a mess with—and uncapped it. “The books say she needs to start eating more solid foods,” Sherlock observed, tilting his head slightly as he regarded the menu in front of him.
“She had her little crackers and some banana slices for breakfast this morning. I only packed these because they’re more convenient and I figured they wouldn’t have anything suitable for her here, even on the kids menu.”
Sherlock shrugged. “I think she’d enjoy some dino shaped nuggets, wouldn’t you darling?” Sherlock cooed to the toddler.
“Ah boys, so good to see you two again,” Angelo greeted warmly, reaching out and wrapping one large arm around Sherlock’s shoulders. John smiled lightly at how shy Sherlock always got with physical contact from others, apparent from the tightlipped yet genuine smile. “And who’s this little beauty?” Angelo said, smiling at Rosie who sat in a wooden highchair that sat on the bench between Sherlock and John. The new one year old was too business happily laughing and babbling, looking all around her in interest rather than at her father who was fruitlessly trying to spoon feed her some of the baby food. Rosie spotted Angelo looking at her, reaching out with one hand proudly, a large gummy smile with two small bottom teeth poking out.
“Rosie Watson,” Sherlock introduced, sending a fond smile at the giggling baby. “Newest edition. Infants aren’t much fond of social gatherings and gift cards, although they surprisingly enjoy cake and balloons.” John smiled at the memory this morning of Mrs. Hudson bringing up a small vanilla cake with a single pink candle in the middle, and Rosie sticking her stubby hands inside, taking large fistfuls and shoving them into her mouth. “So we brought her out for dinner. Classic birthday celebration, especially this being the first.”
“Ah, very special evening indeed!” Angelo exclaimed, throwing out his hands. “All on the house then gentlemen, whatever you like, for the new Holmes family!”
John smiled but then paused, blinking before throwing out a hand, “Oh, no no, no, we’re still not a—”
“I’ll come around with a bottle, and a juice for the little one then?” Sherlock nodded and Angelo was gone as quickly as he’d come. John sighed, sending a look to Sherlock. Sherlock looked back, eyebrows rising innocently. “What?”
“Why do you never correct them?”
“Correct who? About what?”
“Oh!” an elderly woman exclaimed, having just entered the restaurant. She spotted Rosie, waving sweetly. Rosie squealed in delight. “So nice to see two fathers out with such an angel, good on the two of you.”
“Oh no, we aren’t—” John tried but the woman merely chuckled good-heartedly and shuffled off to find a place to sit. John’s eyes darted to Sherlock’s, making an exasperated gesture. “That!”
“Don’t play dumb, its doesn’t exactly work on you Mr. I’m-smarter-than-all-of-mankind. People always mistake us for…for well, you know.” Sherlock arched an eyebrow. John huffed in annoyance, looking down at the table. His eyes moved back up. “You’re the most observant man in England and you’re telling me you never catch on that people mistake us for a couple?”
“Do they really?” Sherlock asked as though that was the most surprising thing he’d ever heard, though apparently not caring enough to look away from the menu he was currently browsing.
“Yes, actually! All the time. And you never say anything, never correct them. Ever.”
“Why bother, when people are going to make their own assumptions anyway apparently, since you’re always fruitlessly attempting to set the record straight,” Sherlock explained lightly. “We know what our relationship is behind closed doors and it doesn’t involve us sharing a bed despite what others may think.”
John coughed into his fist, his eyes bouncing anywhere but Sherlock, a tell-tale sigh of distress and discomfort with the conversation. Sherlock arched an eyebrow just as Angelo appeared again with a bottle of red wine and a small plastic bottle of orange juice. “Thank you,” John said, taking the juice. He searched for a sippy cup in the baby bag he brought along, listening as Sherlock ordered them food. He didn’t comment on the fact that Sherlock knew John’s food choice.
John distracted himself with feeding Rosie whom, after some playful cooing and encouragements from daddy, happily opened her mouth for the carrot mush. She made a face, squeezing her eyes and shaking her head. “I know darling, I know, it’s not cake or your animal crackers but just finish the jar.” Rosie continued shaking her head, Sherlock coming to the rescue by making silly faces, making Rosie laugh so John could feed her. Rosie finished half the jar before she vehemently shook her head, pushing the spoon away with babbled protests as Angelo eventually returned with their food. “Alright, you’re lucky this time missy,” John admonished with a smile, giving her the sippy cup with juice.
John looked at his plate just as Angelo lit the candle that most definitely wasn’t there before. John looked to Sherlock expectantly but Sherlock had a fist in front of his mouth, poorly concealing his smile. Sherlock laughed at John’s look, shrugging and grabbing the wine bottle, pouring a generous amount for himself and John.
John sighed and took up his glass. Sherlock raised his, John eventually following. “To Rosie,” Sherlock announced, gazing at the infant heartily drinking her juice. “Happy Birthday darling, here’s to many more.”
“Cheers,” John said with a smile, nuzzling Rosie playfully before taking a sip of the oaky drink. It warmed his stomach, the smell of the food pleasant, allowing him to relax into his seat. He looked at Rosie, a happy normal beautiful baby, the most important people in his whole world. He looked across the table, guilt briefly tainting his pleasant mood as he thought of Mary, who should be here enjoying her daughter’s first birthday, but also guilty because seeing Sherlock across from him, with his dark curls still ruffled from the wind outside, his black suit jacket opened, actually eating a decent meal for once, made John happy in a way he couldn’t quite explain.
Sherlock noticed John staring, so John looked down and began eating, starting conversation about the last case they recently accomplished and what he should name it for the blog.
“Come now Rosie, be a good girl. I know you’re exhausted, you’ve had a busy day.”
“No…no no…” Rosie mumbled along with some more nonsensical noises that John roughly translated to I don’t want to go to sleep and you’ll never make me!
John sighed, bouncing on the balls of his socked feet with his fussy child in his arms. Rosie rubbed at her face tiredly, struggling against the sleep that was obviously taking hold of her. “Come now, darling. Sleep for daddy.” John placed Rosie in her bed, grabbing her stuffed elephant for her to cuddle but she wasn’t having it today.
“She still fighting it?” Sherlock asked from  the doorway. John turned to see he was in his pajamas already, loose tshirt and gray sweatpants. His feet were bare. Seeing Sherlock this casual still gave John pause, something vulnerable in the bared forearms, something small in the bagginess of the clothes…
“Um, yeah,” John said, shaking his head as he looked back to his daughter. “The birthday girl wants to celebrate until the last second apparently.” John sighed, pulling the soft blanket over the child who merely kicked weakly. “Maybe if you played for her or something, that always used to put her right to sleep when she was smaller.”
“No, not tonight,” Sherlock mused, his voice the same one he got on a case when pieces were falling into place. “I think tonight, Rosie needs something different. Something special.” Sherlock stepped into the carpeted room, standing beside John beside the bed to look down at Rosie. “Would you like a story tonight, Rosie?”
Rosie looked up at Sherlock, a small smile on her round face.
“Right then, good idea,” John said, stepping away to go grab one of the children’s books sitting on the nightstand by the door. He was stopped by Sherlock lightly grabbing his wrist.
“Ah ah, this isn’t going to be a story from a book,” Sherlock said, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he looked to John. Sherlock looked back to Rosie. “This is a story I’m sure we’ll tell you again Rosie, over and over as you get older, adding more details and information. For now, we’ll keep it simple.” John looked at Sherlock, a wrinkle in his brow as he tried to figure out what this man was planning. “This, Rosie, is the story of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson.
“An army doctor, back home in London, struggling, injured, alone. Looking for a place to stay. And, as fate had it, another man was going through similar struggles, alone, looking for someone to fill the empty room in his flat, and the empty hole in his life.” John stared at Sherlock, at first in amusement, but then wonder. Sherlock’s voice, that soothing baritone that had instilled in John every conceivable emotion—irritation, fear, hope, happiness, inspiration, amazement, affection—now entranced him in the tale of their lives, of their meeting.
“John Watson was promptly introduced to Sherlock Holmes via a mutual acquaintance. Sherlock, with a few mild observations, managed to impress the doctor so thoroughly that he couldn’t contain his verbal amazement and immediately agreed to moving in—”
“Lets not make me sound like some star-struck fool.”
“Well, not a fool, but from how I remember it you did seem a bit—”
“Anyway, despite the doctor’s mental handicap and denial of his need for—”
“—Sherlock Holmes saw the potential in him. He saw something inside the doctor—a genuine care, heart and understanding of information and people that Sherlock Holmes never wanted to admit he was lacking. So he invited John Watson to work with him. They examined a corpse—”
“Maybe not the best subject for my infant daughter—”
“She’s barely going to remember any of this and it’s not like I got into the murder, or the blood under her nails or—” With a pointed look from John, Sherlock continued on. “They ran around the city, and staked out a restaurant called Angelo’s. Sherlock Holmes eventually caught the monster criminal, and John Watson saved Sherlock’s life. It was the beginning of something…extraordinary. On that day, January 29th, history was made and the two men’s lives were forever changed, irrevocably intertwined.”
John started slightly. January 29th ;that was today. It couldn’t really have been…but Sherlock’s memory was impeccable. When Sherlock found information important, he never forgot it. John looked to Sherlock in wonder for a moment, his expression soft. Sherlock was looking down at Rosie. John noticed she had finally fallen asleep. He brought the blanket to her chin, making sure she was tucked in and comfortable before gently kissing her forehead.
“Happy anniversary John,” Sherlock said softly, putting his hand on John’s back. His palm was warm through John’s shirt. Everything was warm and soft, a kind of peace in the room that John Watson at one point in his life never thought he would feel.
He looked up at Sherlock, who stood close beside him, hand still hesitant on him. John smiled slightly, shaking his head. “And you call me a romantic,” he accused quietly. Sherlock smiled, unable to deny the accusation. Sherlock leaned down, soft lips pressing to John’s temple. “Oh come here,” John muttered, putting a hand behind Sherlock’s neck and guiding him downward, kissing his mouth softly, slowly, lips warm and welcoming, relief spreading through them both as they held each other, seven years finally melting together as they realized what should have been obvious that first night at Angelo’s on January 29th, 2010.
A short, cute little thing for their anniversary. I wrote it up quick today to make sure I actually got it out on the 29th. Despite much disappointment this month, I still love this fandom and this show. I still love these boys and believe in the love the show constructed for them. I believe they eventually find happiness in each other, and spend every anniversary happy together as a family in 221B Baker Street.
Thank you to everyone
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superworldunkown · 4 years ago
IT’s a date! (x3) Part 2 - I am here...for your date: Midoriya
AN: OMG remember when I said I’d have this posted in a few days almost three weeks ago? Do you ever have moments when you’re like, “Yes I have time to do this.” and the universe is like “....The F*** you do.” Well, anyways here we are, Midoriya takes Y/N on their first date. (should also note here Y/N can be whomever you want but my inspiration is my typical Melanin Queen <3) 
Also, how do you taglist ppl on this thing? Sorry, I’ll learn, halp a old, broken, millennial queen? ​
Link to Part 1 HERE 
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Midoriya, the ever calm, ever sweet little bean of Class 1-A sat eagerly in your hospital room, admiring the work he had done while you were in physical therapy. He hoped you’d like it. He understood that underneath all of the streamers and hero décor it was still as stuffy hospital room, but he had made a promise to you and damnit (dare he say it), you were going to have nothing but a good time.
It was Monday. Midoriya’s time to shine. 
Taking a step out of your room and sliding the door closed to not ruin the surprise he sat in one of the gray chairs in the hospital hallway, his mind wandering back to how he, Todoroki, and Bakugou ironed out the details to this unique event...
Several Days earlier
“L/N made it out of surgery as expected.” The doctor began only to be cut off by the rather battered group of soon-to-be heroes that stood eagerly outside of the surgical unit. 
“Y/N....did they...did they die?” 
“He said as expected you moron!” Bakugou’s brash voice cut through the air, causing Midoriya to bristle and Todoroki to sink in his chair with slight embarrassment.
THe doctor cleared his throat slightly before continuing, “Yes Young Shoto, the surgery went well and we were able to stabilize their injuries'. It will be a difficult road to recovery, but seeing as they’re in the care of our hospital staff, and you three, I think they’ll be just fine.” 
All three of them began to light up at the cheeks before turning away to some object other than the unsuspecting doctor. Midoriya, the tile floor, Todoroki, a lamp, Bakugou, he was practically burning holes through the ceiling. 
Midoriya was first to speak, “The date! We promised Y/N dates!” 
“But they’re in the hospital for the next several weeks at least.” Todoroki added, “I don’t think they will let them leave.” 
“We’ll plan them here!” The green haired boy smiled, “It will be fun!” 
The three of them spent the next hour ironing out the details. And by ironing out the details it meant heavy arguing, Todoroki’s deadpan replies, Bakugou’s screaming, and Midoriya using several pages of paper to write and rewrite the arrangements. 
“Okay I think we got it!” The scribe let out a heavy sigh, staring at the piece of paper, “I’ll take Y/N on Monday, Todoroki, you have Wednesday, and Kacchan will finish on Friday...so strange Kacchan usually you’d like to go first in everything.” 
“That’s because Bakugou likes Y/N.” Todoroki said without blinking an eye.
“WHAT! Take that back you IcyHot bastard you don't know squat!” 
“Oh I guess that does make sense.” Midoriya nodded, “That way you can see what we’re planning and have something to top them all. That’s so sweet Kacchan-”
“Don’t agree with him Deku!” 
“You two would make an odd couple.” Todorki chimed in, ignoring the heated blond,  “But maybe having a girlfriend would calm you down a bit.” 
“Oh hey Midoriya.” Your voice caught the student by alarm, shaking him out of his trip down a rather loud and painful memory lane.
“Oh, Hey Y/N - wait! Dont open that yet!” He jumped to his feet, scrambling over to the door.
You narrowed your eyes, rotating the wheels of your wheelchair in an attempt to nudge the boy out of your way. 
“Give me one second! Just have to-finish up one last thing!” Midoriya quickly slipped through your hospital room door, leaving you bursting with both irritation and anticipation. After a few moments he finally slid the door open, “Okay its ready!” 
“Better be.” You huffed while wheeling yourself forward, “I had a long as day and I’m-”
Before you could finish your words your mouth hung open, taking in your once bland hospital room, now adorned in purple, white, and yellow decor. 
“I hope you like it.” The student asked while smiling and scratching the back of his head, “I know Mirko is your favorite hero, after all.” 
Everything in your room was Mirko themed, your bedsheets had a Mirko themed blanked strewn across it, purple streamers hung from the ceiling, there was even a basket of fresh carrots at your bedside. Midoriya knew how to impress when it came to heroes. 
“Oh, and this is for you!” Before you could protest, he slipped a pair of signature Mirko ears over your head, causing you to laugh as you glanced at your reflection through your window. 
“Midoriya, this is too much, really?” 
His smile grew even brighter; you couldn’t believe that people could smile that big, “We’re just getting started!” 
He helped you into your hospital bed before placing a bento box filled with sticky rice cut in the shape of mini rabbits while you two settled into the ‘Ultimate Rabbit Hero montage’, which basically was a bootleg movie Midorya put together of all of Mirko’s interviews, fight scenes, and press conferences. After that, Midoriya even went a step further with dessert,
Carrot Cake. Because he’s Midoriya, and you don’t deserve a friend like MIdoriya. 
“I don't know how anyone will top this. This is very sweet Izuku.” You spoke while setting your plate at your nightstand. Midorya sat beside you in a chair, also finishing up the dessert. 
“Please don’t tell Kacchan that.” Midoriya looked your way, half joking, but also half serious. Honestly, the poor boy had enough praise in relation to Bakugou that’s caused way to many fights between the two of them. 
“Well. Both he and Todoroki have quite the standard to live up to. You gonna tell me what they’re planning?” You asked while leaning forward, hoping you could get something out of the sweet boy next to you.
“They didn’t tell me anything, I swear.” He smiled while holding his hands up defensively, “But knowing them I’m sure you’ll have a great time.” 
Seeing the truth behind his words smirked, “Well, we’ll see. But seriously, this was beyond wonderful. Thank you Midoriya.”  Your hand reached out to give him a gentle pinch at his freckled cheeks. 
“It’s not nearly enough Y/N. You saved our lives back there. I just feel bad that you got so hurt. If only’ I’d been there sooner I’d-Ouch!” He winced slightly as the hold on his cheeks tightened in your grasp,
“Don’t worry about me okay. I’ll be fine. The doctor actually said I was making quite the progress for someone who should have died.” 
Midoriya turned your way, smiling that heroic smile, “That’s amazing Y/N. No wonder why you like Mirko so much, you’re just like her! You always bounce back even after the toughest injuries.”  
 You laughed softly, “I thought you were going to say I’m like her because of my foul attitude.” 
“Well...that too I guess.” 
AN: Okay ya’ll thats it. Join me next time, (hopefully sooner than last) for Part 3 with Todoroki (and a sprinkle of Bakugou). 
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ecotone99 · 6 years ago
[FN] I met a unicorn in the forest
First and foremost: unicorns are not what you're thinking of.
Rather than pink manes and long, golden horns, they're more brownish. They have one long, winding horn, in fact, and leaf-green, glowing eyes. They have leaves--or what looks like leaves--on their legs, backs, and manes. They're older than you or me, even your grandmother and grandfather. Sometimes I believe they're as old as time itself. They're smart, and they know everything about you before you even see them. And they care about us. I had an encounter with a unicorn. Here's my story.
My mother always hated animals. She hated the mess they made, she hated their fur, and most of all, she hated their noise. It was her least favorite thing about them. I, on the contrary, adored animals. Anytime I saw someone walking their dog, I went out of my way to go and pet it. But horses? Oh, horses were my very favorite. I was the horse girl who drew them constantly in school, wore the shirts, had the backpack. But no matter how much I begged and pleaded, mother would never let me so much as look at one. I don't know why, all she said is that they were dangerous. But one of my classmates, Erin Evans, she had horses. She showed me a picture of her dapple-grey gelding once, and I was awe-struck. Also green with envy. I wondered why that couldn't be me.
One day, I was making my way home from school. I have to take this long road every day, because my mother works at the diner from 9:00 to 5:00. The bad part was the Owens boys lived on this road, and they were bound determined to make my life hell. I tried to walk faster by their house, but they were inevitably outside. And me trying to run like a scared animal didn't make it any better. They grabbed me by my hair and grabbed my backpack, laughing like this was a game.I think it was a game for them. I can't imagine any other reason they would like to do this.
"Hey, carrot-top! What have you got for us today?" Doc asks.
"Just a load of damn horse drawings." Gilbert huffs, before throwing them down.
I gasp and try to dive for them because they were the best ones I had ever done. I was going to give them to my mother as a present. But they landed in a puddle, and even as I picked them up, the ink was still smudged everywhere. They call me carrot-top once more for extra measure, then hurry off behind their house before their pa could see them. I stand up and wipe my nose hard to keep from crying. I grab my backpack and throw it back over my shoulders. I hate those boys. I step on my ruined drawings as I pass them.
I wipe my eyes some more. Stop being a baby, Adeline. You're in fourth grade now. This is when girls get taller and more mature. But I'm stuck in my skinny red-headed body. Sometimes I just wish I could borrow someone else's for a while. Caught up in my thoughts of self pity, I don't notice it until I'm right up on it. As I hear a defensive snort, I stop suddenly, breath catching in my throat as my blood turns to ice. Is it a bear? There's a lot of those where I live. Oh god, what if it is a bear? I completely blank on what to do and dive behind an old boulder. This is followed by silence, apart from the occasional pained snort. But at a soft, sorrowful nicker, my heart starts beating faster than it ever has. I peer around the boulder slowly, and am entirely awestruck.
There, laying pitifully on the grass, is a horse. Except, not a horse. He has leaves caught in his long mane, and it hangs over his eyes. But I watch as he blinks, and see two bright green irises. He has leaves in the feathers on his hooves and leaves scattered about his back. I watch as his wobbly legs struggle to lift him up, before he falls back down with a pained neigh. I realize now, with a surge of adrenaline, his leg is caught in a bear trap. A bear trap. What are the chances? But the most awe inspiring thing about this horse.. Is the horn on his head. I think it would be longer, but it's cut. I watched a documentary once about rhinos. People cut their horns off to sell them. I think that's what happened to him.
My breath catches in my throat as I move before I have time to think. I approach him slowly, and he notices me in an instant. His struggling stops, and he looks at me. I'm frozen for a moment. His power is raw, enormous. I'm not meant to see him. But man has failed him. So I have to show him that not all people are bad. Wait--what? When did I get so poetic, anyway? In any case, I keep on approaching him. He stays stiff, staring at me. I think he knows my intentions. I think he knows everything about me. I kneel before him, my eyes going to the bear trap on his leg. I breath in as I scoot forward, beginning to fool with the trap. I feel around, before finally finding it. I notice his hooves are a beige color, and in the cracks, I can see leaves. As I pull the latch, he yanks his leg out at once, stumbling backwards. He hops for a moment, before snorting and slowly putting his hoof down on the ground. I watch in awe as the grass grows higher, and weeds wrap around his leg, gradually, until you can no longer see it. He waits there a moment, before snorting, and just as quick as they'd came, the forestry returns to the earth. I gasp. His leg is healed.
He looks at me, and speaks. But without moving his mouth. His voice is everywhere. All throughout the forest, if you'd only listen.
"Thank you, Adeline."
"W-What are you?" I blurt before I could think. Real smooth, Adeline!
"I am The Forest," He snorts in amusement. "I am its protector."
"You.. keep it safe?" I asked, amazed.
"Yes, Adeline. But I could never do it without your help. People like you are what keep the forests of the Earth alive. Not me."
I smile.
Even though I can't tell, I think he smiles back.
As he turns to go, I blurt,
"Will I see you again?"
He turns his head back at me, his long mane moving with his actions.
"Indefinitely." He replies.
I smile more, and I watch him go off, deeper into the forestry. To my surprise, just as his front half is hidden by the bushes, he suddenly turns into a bear. I grin as I watch him bound off. I take a breath in, and slowly make my way back to the road. I love the forest. And now I know it loves me back. As I look up to the leaves, I see them move, following after me. And I smile. Care for the forest. Please. Because it loves you dearly, and you should return the favor.
The End
Hi if you read this far! Before you're too harsh on me, note I'm only a youngin' trying to get into a new hobby. I hope you do like my story! But maybe go easy on me with critique? Only because I wear my heart on my sleeves. Also sorry for the swearing! I squeezed my eyes shut and typed it fast. I hate swearing!!
submitted by /u/stxrryniqhts [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2KS369g
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glowingmeadow · 7 years ago
Lil updates 🌟
Ok so I'm finally feeling like I'm getting used to this! It's my third week of living alone and going to my school and to be honest the part about food had been very confusing to me. So basically because I'm gluten free, some of the things I have to buy are the double price than it's normal non gluten free alternative. So that was concerning me a lot and I was so scared to buy food because I'm very aware that I'm using up my parents money as I'm a student and it made me feel very bad if I spent too much. In general I spend a normal amount for my groceries but I was feeling held back and I didn't buy much really except for tomatoes and salads mostly. So yeah I kinda settled for fruits and veggies which are my favorites but I still need something like pasta, rice, carbs and protein or something bread like and all of that is exactly what I have to buy at the double price. Or some kind of healthy snack like nuts and seeds which are expensive.
Anyways yesterday I went to do my groceries with my mom and sister and I was extremely tired already from class and I had a lot of pain and I just wanted to buy something good to eat but I was so frustrated because of the money and prices and I didn't want to spend too much and well long story short, I panicked a bit and then I cried in the store and told them that I didn't want to spend too much and give them a hard time and they told me that even if I didn't have to buy special kinds of foods that are more expensive, my groceries would still be at the same price. Anyways I calmed down and because we went to a new supermarket that recently opened we found a whole aisle with only gluten free foods and I got very happy and I bought some millet and quinoa mix and some fine beans and carrots and I calmed down after. I also bought some ethical coffee and it's the best I've had so far and I love it so much and I'm so happy because I was drinking shitty coffee abd and had tried so many but didn't like them. Then I also bought some magnesium and I've been feeling better, it helps me a lot with my cramps and pain 🌻. Then I finally took the decision to go to Lush and buy a solid shampoo that I have been wanting for a long time and I tried it yesterday and it worked so well and my hair felt so good and after practice today (which was around 5-6 hours) it was still remotely clean and even a bit puffy which to me never ever happens as it is the most greasy hair ever sadly.
So now after my little break down yesterday and my mum and sister telling me that it's ok to buy what I need even if it's a but more sometimes, I feel so much better. Actually in my mind I was thinking that because I need to buy some more expensive stuff, I thought that in comparison to my sister I was probably spending the double. Which is actually not the case. I understand now that firstly everyone is a different person with different needs and comparing two different situations only makes it more confusing and leads to nothing. Also I don't really buy meat or fish, just very rarely and those have a higher price, so I'm kind of spending that money on the gluten free foods. 🌻
Also I was getting really stressed out about preparing food cause I had no ideas and no inspiration for meals but thank the heavens for YouTube and the two girls I follow that post vegan / vegetarian recipes and generally cooking inspiration videos and I've found them very helpful and relaxing to watch. Normally I have a passion for food. I love preparing it, I love cooking so much, to me it's kind of a therapeutical thing to do. And I had kinda lost that feeling these two months and I'm finally getting it back and feeling that cooking is a celebratory thing we're you cherish every moment and are thankful for having the ability to eat that meal. I think living on my own and cooking on my own is having a good impact on me cause it makes me feel more aware of what I am doing and how all of that affects the world I live in. I know I am far from being the ethical and eco-friendly person I dream to be but I getting slowly by slowly nearer. It also has made me be more appreciative and aware of my privilege and I am actually and finally feeling like I am becoming a better person. I am aware of the privilege I have and I appreciate everything I have in my life. I appreciate the home I have, the people I have, the food I get to eat, the places I get to see, the people I get to meet and learn from every single day. Also being more aware about the food I buy and eat has made a terrific difference, cause not only does it make me think about it's origins and story but it also makes me think about the way I treat it. By which I mean that I consume the right amount and try not to waste any food at any moment and not over eat as I was doing this year. I am only a small little person on this planet and I am aware that my very existance is precious and I am blessed to be given a chance in life. I am blessed to see the beauty of this earth and I am trying as much as I can to make a little difference and stay as sane and pure in this world and not mess it up as much as I can.
So yeah, I'm pretty much slowly settling in. I'm starting to get used to this new way of living and it's great. I am getting used to the school and the program, I'm slowly working out how to make the best use of my free time from school, how to keep my body healthy and how to take care of myself. I'm slowly feeling like I know what kinds of foods i want and need to eat to feel good and how to make meal preparation a therapeutic and growing time. I'm also getting to know the girls from my school more and I'm having a great time with them and I feel like it's all good and that I am slowly finding my place here. I'm starting to feel like I belong for the first time in my life and it is scary exciting!
Only thing I have done which I am not so proud of is that I haven't talked to my friends so much ever since starting school and I'm loosing touch like this and I hate it. But I do feel like I needed to take some time off, not from them! but some time to figure out which rhythm to have and how to adapt into this new life. I needed some time with myself and a bit of time to experiment with myself and understand what I needed and what helps me.
But in all honesty, since school started I have been working so hard and with so much love for what I do and I am feeling so different and I can actually say that I am so proud of myself. I truly, absolutely am. I am having a lot of difficulties at school which I was aware I would have but I am amazed everyday by the courage I find to keep going and going and not stopping and giving up. I am so proud of me. And I am so happy that I am living myself truly. I am belonging. I am where I should be. I have started and I am free. And I am so proud of me.
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weightloss18-blog1 · 7 years ago
how to prepare vegetable juice with a nutri ninja blender
New Post has been published on https://designweightloss.com/how-to-prepare-vegetable-juice-with-a-nutri-ninja-blender/
how to prepare vegetable juice with a nutri ninja blender
Hi my name is Oliver Langlois and today I am going to do the review of a machine that I bought this week right after Christmas and it is called Ninja Nutri extract juicer Basically it is for creating juice; yes it is the Nutri Ninja
It is a juice extractor and this is what I am going to show you do today I once had a dream to become healthier probably almost everyone right? You know a few weeks ago I decided to eat more vegetables, more fruits because I felt that I did not eat enough of them You know like the reason why I fail to do that in the past was that I am busy, I have kids, I have a job, like you are always in a rush and you like time for doing that and eating healthy especially if you prepare your own meals it takes time Maybe I am a bit lazy because you always have the time for the things you decide to do, but if some of the things can get faster like it is better that way, right? When I took the decision to eat more fruits and vegetables at first it was incredibly easy because the place where I work they have this awesome cafeteria with a salad bar where you can have fresh vegetables and fresh fruits and every day of the week I was getting myself maybe 5 to 8 portions worth of vegetables and fruits The thing is I am like on contract work there and I am not sure if I will continue to work there for a long time anymore
I was looking for a plan B and during Boxing Day I was shopping my family and I, and I saw like I got like this revelation wow I need one, I really need one So yes I bought it, went back to my place and I went to the grocery I bought I do not know over a hundred dollars of vegetables and all that Yes it is surprising like I am getting better and better to get the juices and I have made a few mistakes but not catastrophic mistakes so I am going to share with you my first recipe and what you get with that machine There is a table where it compares with one of their competitors, you can see it is way much better The features that they have that the other ones do no have like the blender is 900 watts, okay? Cool eh? Then the plates they are spinning at 21,000 rotations per minute
Wow that is really fast I am not spinning that fast myself! Fine work assistance you work with then that one is maybe important because even with 21,000 rpm's you are going to find that the texture is not as smooth as it could be because basically you work with putting in my juices are raw vegetables So maybe if you cut them before you can have a way much smoother consistency but then if you do that you would lose vitamins I think it is your choice but I prefer to get the vitamins than having a smoother consistency, but you know that is the trick Then it can do ice-crushing with pulse technology
So that is the things okay, that so basically you just install this and then you put the blender that I have here, you could replace the blades with the lid and like the other point is that this thing fits into a cup in the car so you can prepare your vegetable juice and you take that to the office It also comes with a recipe book and the one that I prepared is the highly inspired from the Ninja line and I do not know if you see on the top where basically it gives you the time of preparation, you have a few icons like that one is really good because all the icons in each recipe has some properties and so to present the properties of a given recipe maybe use the icon system and there are five different icons and the Ninja line has 9 of them Like you have icon for a detox cleanse, longevity and beauty, mood and immunity and weight loss wellness Maybe you can see that there I truly believe that it is going to make a difference personally and in 2013 I lost about 20 pounds
Of course it is not just because I am eating vegetables and fruits, to be honest I also intensively started to do cross-fit so that may be something to do with my weight loss But you know seriously I changed a little bit, I took some else here my habits and in my nutrition, and so yes it is really good Beside what are the reasons like for you to want to eat more and more vegetables more fruits, quite easy may be sometimes you like energy more often than not you get colds and they keep coming back during the cold seasons and like eating more fruits and vegetables this is something can help with that I think most people they deep inside them they know that if you eat better you are going to have better health Probably it is like as I said we are always busy, life is crazy you need preparing vegetables and also eating them takes time
So you need a solution, you either go to good restaurants or you find a way to prepare like your own vegetables and fruits fast and easily in a fun a way that it tastes good You know this machine does exactly what it did give to me So I am going to talk you about my first recipe and so basically I have ginger, beet, where is the beet? Okay yeah it is right there and be careful not a lot of ginger or else you are going to have a ginger juice Really just have a thin slice of beet, if you put beet in it like even if it is a small bit the whole thing is going to turn red and just taste like beet There is a lot of green in it, I would expect that to give a green juice! Beside that I have avocado, tomato, spinach, basil, jalapenos the small one
First time I tried it put enough jalapeno and it was too much for me it was really spicy but it was for a family friend I had to drink alone the whole batch and in this one I just put like a quarter of jalapeno At first you are going to make some mistakes, you will be able to fix your mistakes It is part of the fun, you know? You experiment and you do fun things, sometimes it tastes good, sometimes – to be honest it never tasted bad but you can make it taste better as you gain experience with your skills to prepare juice Then I have broccoli, green pepper, cucumber, raw carrot and little bit of lemon, coconut oil and salt
So now I am go to do you a small presentation, a demonstration of the machine right there and basically like I want to show you when I put the blades because that is the boring part so, I am going to do some editing magic and you will not see me preparing my set-up I should not be too long anyway, okay so thank you Okay the most special magic Ah there you are So this is the end result here again; I was expecting a green juice and I still have put in too much beet
The next juice I make I will probably not put beet at all to try to get a green colour That is what we have let's taste it Oh my God, oh my God wow it is SO GOOD So, so, so, so good, amazing Let me taste it again
Amazing, really amazing So I mean if you were to dream about eating healthy If you think about losing weight, if you think about having more energy, think about being sick less often I mean you know that you need to change your habits I have given you all the information to you I think
You might some ideas of things you might to try, so I am curious Do you have something in mind something you would like to buy? Or try out to see if it can help you in your quest to become healthier? It is surprising eh? When you have like this great idea that pops into your mind You find yourself so enthusiastic about this idea that you want to do it right away! So that being said I will put a link below this video where it will show you the perfect page of the Nutri Ninja product on the Amazon website To be honest I have to say what this is Affiliating What does that mean, that means like if you visit the page and decide to buy the product from Amazon I would get a very small commission
That being said I mean I am totally disinterested the financial gain that I could get My main motivation is because I have been preparing juice for myself for the last week and I am so happy, this is almost like miraculous I am making my juice several times a day and even though I have being doing that for only a few days I see a difference and I want to share my discovery with the biggest number of people because I think it is fantastic It is really fantastic you know? Yes so I hope you enjoy my video I try to treat the subject with being as serious as I could be and this is really serious We are talking about nutrition so this will be really serious, like really, really serious
Hopefully you will enjoy it and if you do please leave me comments below If you decide to buy the Nutri Ninja of course I would like to hear about you, I would like to learn about your recipes and you know maybe the best ones I could try them out and make new videos and that Also there will be a link where you can go and give me your email address because I want to create a mailing list It is going to become Energy Health Tip and sharing recipes like this; it is going to compliment of the project As I said somewhere in the renewal I started to do cross-fit
I am one of the elder in cross-fit like I am 39, this in 2015 I turn 40 maybe I am like a special category for over 40 cross-fitters! If you do competition at 40 they call that the Master Competitions so I would be in the Master category But anyway I am not a professional cross-fitter but I have some tips and experiences that could be interesting to share with people, maybe males in their 30's, females in their 30's and they can relate to what I do It is going to be fun like if you want to continue to follow me as well it is going to be a pleasure Click on the link, give me your email address I promise you are only going to receive good stuff from me because I always over-deliver! Yeah I hope you enjoy it
By the way it is my first video so it can only be better because it is going to be amazing Imagine if you decide to phone me today, and six months from now you are going to be amazed with the quality of the tips and recipes I am going to give you When you look back to today when you watched my first video you will say "WOW" that was really something amazing that taught me So that is the way I want you to see that viewing experience and yeah it has been fun! Woo Woo Woo Woo! See you next time
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