#anyway love you penguin<3
zsaszsin · 3 months
the  way  victor  says  you  blew  that  kid  sky  high  permanently  lives  rentfree  in  my  head.  
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pokimoko · 3 months
Asexual bird? Please
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How about two asexual birds?
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yuseirra · 8 months
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the aquarium collaboration art looks really cute!! now I need to see these characters in aquariums
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Sending you posts or art is me saying. "I thought of you", "I wanted to make you smile", "I enjoy seeing you love something so much", "I love you", and I think that friendships just based on that are beautiful and valid and should be treasured just a much as friendship where you talk every day
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antihcroes · 1 year
i’m so used to giving and now i get to receive
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skyburger · 6 months
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shut the fuck up im playing sky burger
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ornithological · 10 months
love south polar skuas. specialist guys ever
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(photo from ebird)
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penkura · 3 months
You have no idea how happy I am to finally find someone who writes for penguin 😭 he’s so fucking handsome and I love him sm!
Anyways onto my request, could you write a scenario with Law, Penguin, Zoro, and whoever else you’d like, of reader being hit on and then protecting her?
Thank you so much I am obsessed with your writing 😭💛
Yesss more love for Penguin!! He deserves it so much, omg, he's so good!
I've never been hit on before to my knowledge, so I'm just winging it here, but aahhh protective men. <3 I decided to add Shachi to this since he's started working his way into my circle of blorbos, so this my first time writing him in a romantic light lol. I hope you like it!
I'm sorry this took me SO LONG TO DO AAHH. I got back from vacation and life took over again.
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Law understands fully that his crew needs time off the Polar Tang every now and then, and that most of the time, that leads to everyone taking over a tavern when you dock, drinking their cares away while he watches to ensure no one does anything stupid. After the one time a fight broke out because Penguin unknowingly hit on the bar owner’s wife was enough, your captain keeps a close watch to cut off anyone who needs to stop before they do something to get you all in another fight.
Still, he has no problems letting you all have some time to relax and unwind, enjoy some drinks and the bad karaoke some of your crewmates partake in, as long as he keeps an eye on you specifically, Law is totally fine with the bar crawls that happen. He isn’t watching you because he doesn’t trust you, it’s the opposite. He trusts you more than anyone else on the crew, that’s why he watches you so closely when you’re out, to make sure you stay safe. There’s too many people out there, men and women, that are willing to lie or take advantage of you to get to him, Law understands that very well.
None of it has to do with the tiny little secret crush your captain has on you, nope. Not at all.
It has nothing everything to do with the guy flirting with you at the bar, it’s definitely not the reason his grip on his glass is so tight to the point you could hear a slight crack. Law can tell you aren’t entirely comfortable, by the nervous smile you have on your face as you inch back a little at a time, but the guy doesn’t seem to get the hint, moving closer, with a drunk grin on his face. Law doesn’t step in right away, just watching to make sure you’re safe. The second you let on that you feel unsafe, or the guy makes the wrong move, he’ll intervene. He has to keep his crewmates safe, small crush or not.
It's not even a minute later when the man puts a hand on your thigh, causing you to stiffen up, that you see the familiar blue from Law’s Room, and suddenly you’re sat in his lap as the drunkard jumps up when you disappear. Law’s arm wraps around your waist as the other guy looks around for you, too drunk to notice where you’ve been placed before he downs his own drink and asks for another, your captain almost sighing relief that he seems to be ignoring your sudden disappearance now.
“Uh, captain…?”
It takes just a moment for Law to realize you’re still in his lap, but he doesn’t bother to push you off or anything, not when he catches the eyes of another patron on you, instead pulling you a bit closer.
“Just stay here. I can keep those drunk idiots off you.”
You feel a bit weird sitting on his lap, but still nod, thankful Law watches out for you all.
You may have to talk to him later though, based on how touchy he seems to be while he keeps you with him, but that can wait. You’ll enjoy it while you can.
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Penguin trusts you, sometimes he thinks more than he trusts Law and Shachi. He knows that no matter how many people try to flirt with or hit on you, you aren’t leaving his side. You two have been through far too much for you to even think about leaving Penguin at this point, and he does recognize that.
It still doesn’t help the pang he feels in his chest when someone starts to flirt with you, even thought you never reciprocate and instead bring up your boyfriend in retaliation. Most of the time that makes people back off, usually with a dejected look at the fact you’re already taken, and appear to be happily so. Rarely do people try to push and tell you to just forget about him, and when they do, it makes you angry enough to start yelling at them about how awful they are for trying to make you give up the best thing to ever happen to you, it never fails to make Penguin blush and give you all the love and affection in the world later.
Still, this time, he feels like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. An older man flirts with you at the bar, but you of course aren’t interested, making that apparent as you sit with her chin in your hand and barely respond. He doesn’t seem to get that you have no interest in him, even when you say you’ve got a wonderful boyfriend that you’re madly in love with. When you get up to leave, the guy grabs your arm and tells you to forget Penguin, which just makes you mad and your boyfriend quickly gets up to try and stop you from doing anything to get you thrown out.
“Excuse me?! I’m not gonna just ‘forget him’! He’s the love of my life, he’s been with me for years!! You’re insane if you think I’m going to just leave him because you think I’m easy or something! And another thing, I—”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Penguin hooks his arms under yours, lifting you up as you keep yelling and start kicking your legs, he gives a nervous smile to the man and the bartender, “Sorry about her! My girlfriend gets a little angry when she’s had too much to drink! Come on, sweetheart, let’s get back to the hotel~”
Even though you agree, the whole walk there you complain to Penguin about the man that was hitting on you, how he couldn’t take no for an answer, and it makes your boyfriend sigh with a smile.
He’s always the one to pull you from starting a fight, he doesn’t have to protect you most of the time, but he’s always glad to pull you away before you hurt someone.
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Shachi knows, he knows, that you and Sanji are just friends. You’ve been friends since you were children, your moms were best friends, you and the blond were just very close and spent a lot of your time playing together back then. You’ve told him, multiple times, that Sanji’s flirting with you is a joke, he’s never had romantic feelings for you and vice versa, you’ve always viewed him as a brother.
He just can’t help it and ends up giving Sanji the slightest of glares every time your dear friend flirts with you, even as you laugh and shove his arm, it doesn’t really help your boyfriend in feeling less jealous about it. Does he feel bad about it? Most of the time, yes, but he still ends up putting an arm around your shoulders and either ignoring Sanji’s comments or glaring at him to the point your best friend feels a little awkward.
Shachi is just very protective of you, even about Sanji. He trusts you, but he doesn’t want someone to steal you away and you’re the best thing to happen to him in recent years. You notice it quickly, when Sanji takes glances from you to Shachi and back, so you smile and tell him that Nami could probably use his company, which always gets your friend to throw his flirting and heart eyes to the true object of his affection, and Sanji runs off to her. You feel Shachi physically relax, still keeping his arm around your shoulders though, as you look up at him.
“Shach. He’s my best friend.”
“I know, I just…I’m sorry…”
“No need to be sorry,” you give him a quick kiss that makes Shachi bury his face in your shoulder and wrap his other arm around your waist in a hug, “Just trust me, okay? I love Sanji like a brother, but I love you.”
Shachi nods, telling you he loves you too, and feeling so grateful he has such an understanding girlfriend. He doesn’t feel like he deserves you sometimes.
He tries to not let Sanji’s joking flirting get to him after that, but it can be hard for him at times. At least you know it’s just because he loves you and doesn’t want to lose you.
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Zoro has never worried about you being hit on by others. You rarely ever reciprocate, only if you really are interested, and that’s only because your swordsman has yet to make a move on you.  Literally everyone around you can see the fact you both have feelings for each other, but neither of you wants to ruin your friendship, so you’ve not even tried to say or do anything to change your status.
So when he sees other bar patrons flirting with you, Zoro doesn’t do much apart from keep an eye on you. He knows he has no real right to, but he’s always ready to jump up and help you if needed, keeping his free hand on his swords just in case someone gets a little too friendly with you. There have been a few times he’s almost jumped up and helped you, but you’ve been able to shake off the people flirting with or touching you easily, normally saying you’d get them another drink but never going back. They’re normally too drunk to notice anyway as you sneak back to your crewmates.
That normally works, but tonight, it seems the man who’s attention you’ve grabbed is a little more stubborn than others. He sits closer than anyone else has, and keeps touching you, even as you remove his hands from you or shrug him off, he still does it. The man has no sense of personal space or your rejection of his touches, it makes Zoro grip his swords a little tighter as he watches. He really wishes he could just go over, tell the guy you’re his, and get you away from him. So at first he doesn’t, Zoro knows you can handle yourself well enough to stop anyone that make you feel uncomfortable, you’re not his partner either, you can do as you please.
But the second he sees the guy’s hand move further up your thigh and you almost seem to freeze, he’s up and by you in a second, pulling you out of your seat and behind him, sending a harsh glare to the patron that dared touch you without your consent.
“She pushed your hands off multiple times, how much does it take for you to get the hint?!”
“Hey man, she—”
“Leave my girl alone or you’re dealing with me next time.”
Zoro doesn’t wait for a response and takes your hand, leading you over to where the rest of your crew is still seated, placing you beside him and not letting go of your hand, even when you try to bring it up. None of them say anything either at first, until Sanji smirks just a bit.
“So…‘your girl’, huh?”
“Another word and I’ll tell Luffy the combination to the fridge lock.”
Even as they all laugh at the horrified look on Sanji’s face, you smile and look at Zoro, mouthing a ‘thank you’ when he looks back to you, before he holds your hand a little bit tighter with a nod.
You could’ve easily thrown the pervert that was touching you to the ground, Zoro even knows that, but he wouldn’t miss the chance to prove how important you are to him and that he can protect you from anything. Not like you needed him to show you that though.
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vibrantshoyo · 8 months
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I suppose this is Part 2 of my lil AU I’ve now dubbed SCKAP AU. The C stands for Cora 😊
Part 1 | Part 3
I decided to also have Cora steal Dellinger bc why the hell not! (Delly is also nonbinary I’ve decided)
Drake and Cora being allies. Shachi and Penguin, being the only ones of Cora’s kids to not have bounties (Post Dressrosa) send a nice photo to their grandfather Sengoku. And Dressrosa fits for Cora, Baby 5 and Dellinger.
Oh and Baby 5 (Rosie) is absolutely one of the Worst Generation. She’s the first mate here so it matches up nicely w the Kid and Straw Hats having both Captain and First Mate as part of it.
[cracks knuckles] ok here we go:
Basically, after Cora and Law get beat up by Vergo but before he calls Doffy, Rosie shoots him in the neck (he lives 🙄).
So you got all four of them hauling ass away from Minion before there’s even a bird cage. (Vergo gets saved by the marines on the island so there’s even more of a delay for Doffy to get info).
Cora takes them all into hiding for a few years (including Bepo Shachi and Penguin). Law tho is pretty adamant that the way they’re living isn’t freedom bc they’re still trying to stay out of Doffy’s notice.
Bam - Heart Pirates exist.
Though they decide that they’ll pretend Cora died back then (both out of love for their father and as a strategic move). But of course, man gets a bounty anyway. Not sure how bounties actually get decided on in canon, but here Fleet Admiral Sengoku gets the draft first. He sends Drake to investigate.
So as long as Sengoku’s Fleet Admiral, Cora doesn’t have a bounty. The kids aren’t really comfortable working with him, but they see it as something they gotta do to take down Doffy.
Long ass explanation as to why Cora’s bounty has him in his Dressrosa fit lol
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naffeclipse · 11 months
Accidentally stumbled upon your cardinal instinct/apex polarity au, was completely overtaken via brainrot by the concept of penguin harpy y/n
Anyways some art
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As you can see I went nuts with colors bc this is fantasy and I’m allowed to do what I want, which is color where color isn’t supposed to be.
Anyways hope u enjoy :3
I love the colors of your design!!! Y/N is so pretty, ahhh! I love the face details too and the gorgeous colors really look good with the black and they have this really good mix of bird and human! So pretty, I am eating your art!!!
Thank you so much for sharing! ♥
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pogueswrld · 1 year
*•.¸♡ make up sex ♡¸.•*
pairing: fred weasley x fem!plus-sized!reader
summary: Freddie talks too much, and his girlfriend is exhausting all the ways she knows to shut him up. Softly, of course.
warnings: smut🦢!1!1!1!1! there's plot and fluff, and everyone's of age ofc, although it is hinted that reader is still in Hogwarts, kinda sub!Fred top!reader, like he's whining and panting and begging and shit (bites lip) ANYWAY, dick riding hehe, no usage of y/n.
note: it is 2:59 pm on a Friday, let's see how fast I write this shit. note 0.2: Okay so it's 5:54 pm on the same day, I think I'm done. This isn't edited, but it took me 3 hours to write 😁
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He was still talking. Why, in the name of Merlin, was he still talking?
Dating Fed Weasley is fun, there's no denying that, but Good Heavens isn't that a boy a handful. Both literary and figurative. He's got a wide imagination, a never-squelching desire for knowledge, and a big heart. That is a dangerous combination for a somewhat intelligent and never-quiet man.
She's a saint, his girlfriend, and Ginny made a point to always express that to her. "How do you put up with that all the time?" Gesturing to Fred, who was using his hands in elaborate motions as he went on his fourth rant of the morning on the same subject to George. She'd only shrug, lips engulfing another spoonful of whatever ice cream the girls were sharing. "In one ear and out the other darling."
Not to say that she hates it, or that it bothers her- quite the opposite actually. Fred's excited and hyper personality is what made him so interesting to her, it was what drew her to him in the first place. She enjoys listening to him rant, even about the most random things -he stopped her the other day and explained in great detail how penguins mate and how once the female accepts the male's proposing gestures, they're together for life- and she adores it.
Yes, it sure can be a bit much at times, but she wouldn't change it for the world. Imagine loving a man who was as boring and dry as his older brother, Percy? She would have to jump out of Ginny's bedroom window!
Today was her first day back in the Burrow from Hogwarts for summer break, and she was exhausted, to say the least. She was up from dawn, finishing up the last bits of her packing before leaving for the train station with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. And because she's a good friend, she made sure each of her friends made it to their transportation safely before she and Ron were picked up by Fred and George.
In the car, Ron opened the untameable can of worms by mentioning Bill who was staying over at the Burrow for the summer as well, taking a couple of months' worth of vacation away from the dragons and such. That was the spark Fred needed to blast off into a hundred rants one after the other.
He spoke about seeing Bill again, which is understandable, he hasn't been home in years. He spoke about the dragons, which led to his excited mention of his favorites and how he's going to ask Bill how it was training them. Then he turned to Quidditch training, and even though both him and George had left Hogwarts a year or so ago, the both of them still found time to play the game as a side hobby. After that was all done, George gave her and Ron and update on the shop, and Fred went on and on about all kinds of new candies and flavors and combinations they were working on to add to the store by the beginning of next year.
She was understandably tired by the time the Burrow came into view. And as much as she adores her boyfriend, she needed him to shut the fuck up for twenty minutes. But he's so sweet, and his eyes light up when talking, and he gets this beautiful energy surrounding him when he does it that she doesn't have the nerve to ask him to be silent for a bit. So she excuses herself and tries to bury her body under the covers of his bed.
But he finds her there, and he reports to her that dinner is ready, and that Bill is here, and that she looks so gorgeous on his bed, and that there's a strange animal in the backyard, and that Ginny tried to curse the bathroom when he went in to use it, and that he doesn't understand why she'd do that, and that George is out in the garage, and that-
She jolts up on his bed, her eyes twitching as she stares at him. He looks so beautiful, but he's talking too damn much. She cups his face, and he goes silent and stares at her with wide eyes.
"Wha'?" He mumbled, his lips squished together as she squeezed his cheeks.
"You talk too much, ya' know that?" She said, her thumb slightly caressing the apples of his cheeks.
He opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water, and tilts his head ever so slightly. "Do' it bothe' yo'?"
She giggles breathlessly and lets go of his face before pressing her lips tightly against his. "Not all the time, but times like today..." She rests her forehead against his and sighs, "It can be a lot, and I need you to read the room and tone it down a little bit, d'ya think you can do that for me?"
He stares, something in his gaze changes, and he nods. "Of course, baby. Whateva' you want."
Great. Now she feels bad. She sighs and pushes past the blankets swallowing her to sit up on her knees. She wraps her arms around his shoulders and pulls him into a hug. "I love you, truly love you, and I don't mean to be mean to you, and you know I love it when you ramble, but I'm really overwhelmed today, darling. I'm sorry."
Fred wraps his arms around her waist in return, hugging her tightly. It's true that he can't always read the room, and now that he's no longer attending school he's got much more free time on his hands than he knows what to do with. It takes him a couple days to be able to read his girlfriend's body language like he used to once she's home from school, and he feels terrible that he was one of the reasons for making her feel so incredibly overwhelmed. He also feels slightly ashamed of his non-stop rambling all day.
He buried his face in the crook of her neck, mumbling something into her skin that made her shiver and giggle away from him. "Stop," she breathes in a giggle, "It tickles."
He chuckles, his hands squeezing at the skin of her waist as he stares at her dreamily. "I said, I'm sorry I made you feel overwhelmed, I promise to try and do better."
She grins at him, so brilliantly, that he can't help but lean down and capture her lips in a soaring kiss. "I love you." He mumbles against her lips, and she smiles while trying to kiss him back. "C'mon now, love, let's go have dinner."
Her eyes darken; her pupils widen, and she smiles that mischievous grin that he adores so much, and he groans while throwing his head back. He knows exactly what is on her mind.
"I have a better idea." She whispers, giggling as she throws herself into his lap and kisses him with such force that she's pushing him down on his bed. He yelps, his hands traveling to the bed and her waist, holding on to her for stability. Bubbling heat travels across his body through her kiss, and he sighs when her cold fingertips trace down his arms, sending goosebumps across his body.
Her kisses transfer from his lips to the sides of his mouth, his cheeks, down his jawline, until she's pampering open-mouthed kisses across his neck like stardust.
He sighs, his eyes closed and his head thrown back on the pillow. "Please," He breathed, a low whine undertoning his voice. She shivers above him, her teeth grazing his skin in a teasing bite.
She's always hated the effect his voice has on her.
"Please what, darling?"
He whines. It's low, for her ears only, it's a barely-there breath, but his mouth is right next to her ear and she hears him loud and clear. Her panties dampen almost immediately.
"Please touch me," He whispers. His hands gripped tightly to her thighs. He knows better than to roam her body without permission. She pulls back slightly, blinking up at him with a soft smile and long lashes. "But I am touching you, Freddie."
He knows this game. This cruel, cruel game she adores to play. He whines in pretentious of hating his role, but his hips buck, and his cock twitches underneath the fabrics of his boxers and trousers.
He slowly traces one of his hands from her thighs to her palm before letting her fingers rest on his aching cock. He guides her hands to gently rub him through his clothes and he lets out a breath when her fingers squeeze around him. "Touch me there." He gasps.
She entertains him, allowing him to set the pace and buck into her hold. He releases deep breaths and low whines, stuttering moans every time she tightens her grip around him. She can feel herself getting wetter by the second, how his eyes are shut desperately, his teeth bite down on his bottom lip, and her name is gasped out of his throat with every other movement. It makes her feel powerful, it makes her entire being vibrate.
"That's enough." She mumbles, pulling her hand out of his grasp and bathing in his complaining whines as she pulls off her shirt. He blinks up at her, watching her boobs bounce in the push-up bra she's wearing before she unhooks it and slides it off her shoulders. He blinks again and swallows whatever drool and saliva has gathered in his mouth, causing his Adam's apple to pop along with the action. She smiles at the sight and quickly bends down to leave a swift kiss on it.
"Take off your shirt." She commands him, and he does so without hesitation, throwing the garment somewhere on the floor of the room he shares with his twin brother. He watches her hands intensely as she teases him by running her thumb on the inside of her trouser's elastic, before slowly pulling the item down and off. He groans at the sight of his favorite panties on her; a partially lacey red thong that settles up between her butt cheeks. She always told him how uncomfortable it made her, but the look on his face when he saw it on her made every second she spent wearing it worth it.
"You're trying to kill me, love?" He groans, daring himself to take a dangerous leap and push his thumb against the damp cloth, pushing down on where he knows her clit hides. He glances up at her, watching the way her lips part and her mouth hangs open at his action.
"And what am I to tell George when he asks? Death by a red thong?"
He grins up at her, picking up the speed at which he's rubbing on her bud of nerves. "Only if you're the one wearing it."
She shudders, forcefully holding herself back from grinding against his thumb. Instead, she grips his wrist and pushes it away from her. She hooks two fingers on each side of his trousers and boxers before meeting his eyes, watching as he licks his lips and nods before pulling the clothing items down his hips and legs.
His cock bounces out from underneath the fabric happily, it smacks against his lower abdomen and she giggles at the sight of precum beads rolling down his slit. He whines, throwing his arm on his face to cover the embarrassing blush that matched his hair color. "Don't laugh at me, why're you so mean to me today?"
Her giggle grows louder, and she leans down to push his arm off his face. "I never intend on being mean to you, my darling, you just bring it out of me. I'm sorry." She mumbles as she meets his gaze, her hand cupping one side of his face and he leans towards her touch. "Don't hide from me, yeah?"
He nods.
"Good boy."
He whines, his eyes squeeze shut and his jaw drops when her fingers wrap around him again, but her thumb is collecting his precum before spreading it down his length before she works a steady rhythm going up and down. His whines slowly turn into moans. His noises were so heavenly that she could swear her wetness was flowing through the fabric of her thong and onto the skin of her thighs.
She sees his muscles contracting and she stops, removing her hand from him altogether. He opens his eyes, blinking up at her in confusion as a noise of complaint slips out of his throat. But he swallows it back up when he sees her push her thong to the side and spread her folds before sitting on his length, and she grinds back and forth on him without actually allowing him access to her.
He groans, throwing his head back. She's coating him in her juices and there's a delicious squelching noise coming from between them and it's driving him insane. He sucks air into his lungs through clenched teeth and shudders when she allows a single moan to slip through her parted lips.
Suddenly, he's engulfed in her warmth and he hisses. His hands grip tightly to her thighs, hips, and any plump skin he can find. He squeezes her, hissing, and pants until he's sheathed completely inside of her. "Slow down," He gasps, "Slow- slow down, slow down, slow down." His voice turns from low breaths to almost high-pitched whines, and she leans down and captures his lips in a silencing kiss.
"Need you to lay here and keep your pretty mouth shut, darling, can you do that? Can you stay quiet for me so your family doesn't hear us fucking?" He whines, hips bucking into her warm cunt causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head as he nods mindlessly. "Yes, yes, yes. I'll be quiet. Fuck- please, baby, please fuck me."
She giggles at his desperate whines, and slowly rocks her hips back and forth, just enough movement to send pleasure jolts but not enough to get them going. She was testing the waters, trying to see how loud he could get without giving him much of anything.
Fred was losing his mind, he could feel her walls clamp down on him every time she moved back, and he could feel himself nudging against her feel-good spot every time she moved forward. Her wetness made a mess out of both of them, making it easy to slide into her and pick up the pace.
He arched his back slightly, just enough to hint at her to go faster. Because she was starting to feel frustrated, she obliged. She switched from grinding down on him to bouncing, her knees and hips working overtime to not make a noise every time her ass cheeks met his thighs.
She's now moaning, leaning down to muffle her noises by his neck or breathe them directly into his ear. Fred's eyes roll to the back of his head every time, and his hands grab onto the fat of her hips to help her.
"I-" She gasps, pushing herself upwards, clamping down on him tightly before forcing deep thrusts with her movement. "I'm gonna cum." She whimpers, and her legs begin to shake and fail her. Fred let out a loud breath that turned into a whimper before pushing himself up and, with a tight hold of her hips, forced her up and down his cock.
"Wa- wanna feel you. Wanna feel you gush around me. Give it to me, please." He whines, his words muffled into her temple, his eyes closed as her walls flutter around him, her body shivering against him and her lips part in long whines. One of his hands sneaked in between them, and his thumb drew quick circles around her clit, just enough to electrify her over the edge.
She freezes up, squeezes down on him and Fred is gone. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly down on him, the repeated squeeze of her walls stimulated him over the edge and they were shaking through their highs together. Her hands were buried in his hair, his hands holding onto her hips, while their lips interlocked in an overflowing kiss.
A few seconds later, their mouths parted as they gasped for air, holding onto one another as their highs dwindled. He traced random shapes on her bare back while she scratched at his scalp in a way she knew he loved.
He was the first to pull back, looking up at her with nothing but love and adoration. He tilts his head and grins, "Do you still want to go down for dinner?"
She laughs, heartily and loudly out of his arms and back onto the bed. "If you'll be going downstairs for a plate, get me one with you. There's no way I can look your mum in the eye after this."
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moonydustx · 6 months
Hello! I just read law proposing to reader and it's so sweet like-- I wanna cty-
Anyway... what happens on their honeymoon? Would they dock at an island for like a week or so? Just so the two newly weds have some time alone? Or they'd keep sailing after the ceremony? Like- I imagine both happening but I wanna know what you think.
Hi dear anon, sorry for the delay in responding, I was sick this week and everything was delayed.
For me, there are two versions: the ones they would continue to navigate immediately after the ceremony, but I also think mainly that their friends would never let the honeymoon go unnoticed. I also like to think that even after the wedding was over, Law would take short days to spend just with his S/O, locked in the room enjoying each other's presence.
requests open | one piece masterlist
The proposal - the honeymoon (part 3)
Part 1 - Part 2
warnings: brief allusion to sex, but nothing explicit or detailed.
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The archipelago filled the horizon more and more as Polar Tang approached. From afar you could see a huge park and what looked like the beach packed with people. You weren't yet used to the idea that came from the minds of Shachi and Penguin - which you soon discovered involved Nami, Robin, Ikkaku. The strong breeze ruffled the layers of the sundress you were wearing, it was also strange not to be wearing a crew jumpsuit.
"The bags are packed." Law's voice took your attention away from the destination you were arriving at.
"I mean, the suitcase. The only one." you grumbled. "What did they do?"
"I'm curious too." Law turned you back to contemplate the sea on the deck and taking advantage of the fact that you were alone, he placed quick kisses on your shoulder.
"Look on the bright side." You grabbed his chin, stroking the little beard that was there. "At least we'll have a few days just for the two of us."
"Ah, finally." He let his head fall under your shoulder, making you laugh openly.
The wedding had been incredible, including the banquet. You just didn't expect the amount of sake to be too much, even if you had ten Zoros as friends. As the night went on, you, Law and practically everyone else had more alcohol than they should have in their blood. The two of you left the party amidst whistles and jokes about the wedding night, but when you reached the room you barely had the strength to take off your dress, just as Law remained with his suit and tie turned in a funny way.
After that, you dealt with all the mess that a wedding can bring and finished restocking the Polar Tang before heading on your way. Combined with all the tiredness and accumulated responsibilities, you and Law still hadn't had the wedding night you'd dreamed of - not even 10 minutes of honeymoon.
"We're here!" you both heard Bepo scream and soon went to disembark from Polar Tang.
While you carried your small bag, Law dragged a not so big suitcase that carried some of the two of your clothes.
"Here are the keys and the address, there's a little map there." Ikkaku placed them both in your hands. "We left you a schedule and also some clothes."
"This is amazing guys."
"So, I'll see you in a week." Law asked and everyone immediately agreed. "Bepo is in charge. Any problems, and I mean any problems, just get in touch."
After a quick goodbye, the two of you headed towards the aforementioned address. Even though he wasn't much for public displays of affection, especially close to strangers, Law took your hand as you dodged fruit baskets and running children. The town fair looked lovely and you hoped you would have some time to explore it at your leisure.
"It seems to be here." the two of you stopped in front of a small wooden door. Law took the lead and opened it, taking the key from your hand.
It was a small but cozy house. As far as he could see, there was a small kitchen full of plants, a sofa and a den den mushi that transmitted video. A shelf with books and more flowers. In the distance you could also see two closed doors, which must have been the room where you were going to stay.
"I hope you like it. The fridge has some things ready and we left some things in the wardrobe too." his attention turned to Law, who had found a small note on the table. "What do you say we see what they got up to?"
"Sounds perfect to me." you took the lead and opened the fridge. Your bag was already thrown somewhere on the table, just as you could see that Law had already gotten rid of his bag.
Inside the fridge you found some alcoholic drinks, some fruit and a huge jar of chocolates that were your favorites. Further down you could see some bottles of wine too.
"Well, that's a great start." you put one in your mouth and approached Law, wanting to put a piece on his lips.
"I prefer this one." He took your lips in a quick kiss. You could complain, but it was undeniable that the sweet chocolate seemed much tastier when it was wrapped around his lips. "Delicious."
"Come on, we have a room to explore." you took his hand heading towards the closed doors.
"Indeed, we do" the malice in his words didn't go unnoticed and as much as you could feel your cheeks blushing, you also wanted to finally enjoy some time alone.
Behind the doors was a huge room. A dark, shaggy rug on the floor and a huge bed that could easily fit the two of you and leave room left. The window on the opposite side of the bed offered a beautiful view of the island, and you could even see the sea with your eyes.
"Wow, it's so beautiful." you laughed as you saw Law throw himself onto the bed and his body sink. "You look comfortable my love."
"Not only does it look good, it's actually good. Did you find anything out there?" he asked as soon as he saw you standing in front of the rustic and large closet that was at the other end of the room.
"I'm about to find out."
You opened the two wardrobe doors, finding some dresses that looked comfortable, hanging along with some other pieces. On the other side, some flowery t-shirts made of the same light fabric were piled up for Law. You also saw flip-flops, sunscreen, and some cosmetics.
"Just some clothes, some things… Wait." you bent down, grabbing a small black box from underneath what would be your side of the wardrobe.
Your surprise didn't go unnoticed by Law, who quietly got up and stood behind you, who didn't notice the movement. Inside the black box were several tiny panties - which most appreciate just threads and jewelry sewn together - some things that looked like lubricants, handcuffs and various other sex toys.
"Now that's interesting." Law's low voice whispered in your ear, making you shiver. One of his hands attached itself to your waist, while the other went to the box.
"I'm going to find out which one of them did this." you replied, feeling your body burn with shyness. However, the way you felt Law pull your body against his indicated what plans he had in mind.
"Leave that for later." his lips went down to your neck, while one of his hands reached into the small box. "I bet you'd look even hotter in this one." he held up a small white piece and handed it to you. His hand then went back to the box and grabbed the pair of handcuffs.
"What do you want to do?" your hands found his hat and slid down to where the dark strands of his hair appeared.
"Now that we're married, you're stuck with me." Again, his lips descended dangerously on the back of your neck. "I think it's time to make this more literal."
That morning ended exactly the same way as the evening of the same day and many other moments throughout the week. You still hadn't realized how much being confined inside a submarine could take away certain freedoms from both of you. The two of you woke up tangled up, soon after you were on the beach; You would go back to your room and decide to continue the activity with a view of the sea, then choose one of the small shops for dinner. Kitchen, living room, sofa, bathroom. You would make a point of thanking whoever had chosen the house.
The moon lit up the room and no matter how much sleep was present, you couldn't sleep. Maybe it was because of the small sadness that occupied your heart when you knew that it was the last night you would spend there and that the next day you would leave, maybe it was the noise of music coming from outside, but it was probably an uncomfortable noise coming from the kitchen.
As you watched Law, you could see that he was far away in the dream world. His tattooed back was lit by the moon and the only thing stopping him from being completely naked was a sheet over him. You stood up and put on panties - normal this time - and a black shirt that had been on your husband's body for a few hours ago.
You looked in every corner of the kitchen and found nothing, nothing that could be making such a mess at that hour. When you reached the sofa you then realized. A tiny black ball of fur, huddled next to one of the rugs, caught your attention.
"Oh no." You picked up what was supposed to be a small black cat kitten, on one of its paws there were some thorns. "Let me help you."
You first tried hard to remove the thorns, but were unsuccessful as the cat complained every time you touched the injured area. Soon after, you tried to find the litter he belonged to, but there was no sign of a cat around the house. Only one solution ran through his mind. You left the cat on the sofa and went in search of Law, you just didn't expect to find him already leaving the room.
"Everything is fine?" he asked, still drowsy, trying to understand your disappearance from the bed.
"We need to talk."
"Now?" he looked indignant, still yawning.
"I want to have a baby." As soon as the words left his mouth, Law's color seemed to leave him along with the sleep he seemed to be feeling. His mouth opened and closed a few times, searching for words. "No, not that. A baby, a kitten. He's alone, he's hurt and I don't know what to do."
"Okay… I understand" he accepted almost automatically, still stuck in his first conception of what a baby would be. "I just wouldn't go around informing anyone like that."
"I'm just a little anxious, help me, love, please." You pouted making the task almost irresistible for him. "I don't know what else to do."
"Let me see him." Law followed you to the couch and saw the little ball of fur bundled up. "Hey man, you don't look good."
"I tried to take it away, I tried to give it food, but he won't let me touch his paw."
"Wait for me in the room, maybe you don't like seeing it." Law asked and even though you were reluctant, you nodded and walked away from the two.
It took more minutes than you expected and you had probably already walked around the entire room more than ten times when Law opened the door, bringing the small cat and a small pot in your hands.
"Someone was hungry." He sat down and placed the kitten on the floor, next to the pot that looked like some crushed fruit.
"Thank you my love." you hug him, placing countless kisses on Law's head. "We need to buy food for him."
"Is he really going with us?" Law turned up, finding an expression that made it clear that the decision had already been made. "What will it be called?"
"I'll let you choose. But think carefully first." Law untangled your arms from him, just so he could place you sitting on his legs.
"Thank you my dear."
"For letting you choose the name?"
"Not only that, but for choosing me." He still held you close, as if he was afraid you were going to disappear. "For choosing to love me and of course, for growing our family."
-- Extra 01
"So, did you like the gifts?" Ikkaku took your arm and pulled you away from the others. The boys seemed more entertained by the little cat than by your return.
"Was you?!"
"It was and I hope you brought everything back because the owner of the house is a nice old lady, she doesn't need to know about these things."
"Well, I brought the toys and a single panty." you replied, the victorious smile was clear on your lips.
"One? Just one? Did you miss all the others?"
"I didn't lose them, they're just no longer usable." you responded as naturally as possible, laughing as you saw the meaning of the words reach your friend. "Actually two, the first one I think Law wanted to keep as a souvenir."
"Oh God, no, I won't think about that." She left apparently traumatized and leaving you laughing about the situation.
--Extra 02
You had already done your tasks in the command room, updated your medicine stock and it was almost lunch time. As you approached your room, you knew that Law wouldn't be that busy at this time and it would be a great time to have lunch together. You just didn't expect to find him holding the cat on the table, the small black cat resting on both paws, as if the feline were a toy fighting with two other action figures.
"And the warrior Sora took down the…" Law - and the cat - noticed your present. "I was just.. Sora and I were just having fun." He tried to find a justification, making you laugh even more.
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ceaselessims · 21 days
i think that sometimes it's okay if a show that starts out as one thing, but as time goes on it morphs and finds its footing in another thing.
i've been seeing a lot of people say that the helluva boss mission shorts are "what the show should have stayed as" but imma be real, i don't think the show would have nearly as much traction if it did stay that way.
you can even see it in the show itself, the first 3 episodes (and the pilot) follow this Murder of The Week formula (Mrs Mayberry v Martha, Stolas hiring blitz as "security," and killing as many people as they can in spring break), but by the harvest moon festival, you can feel that the team behind it want to go more in depth into hell's politics and societial structure (more importantly: this is stuff that they can't/don't have time to explore in Hazbin Hotel)
to me, season one is kind of laying the ground work for how Blitz feels about each of the people in his life (bc vivzie has said the show is about blitz's relationships and how hell operates), and season 2 is mostly about him reconciling with learning to romantically love someone/let someone in, learning to trust.
I understand if people prefer the episodic style, but for me, i like that they went in the other direction. I like the swinging tone and drama and romance, bc tbf i think the relationship drama is really only going to be the focus of /this season/ And (i might be wrong!) i think s3 will be about his relationship with Loona.
ANYWAY! i loved monsterfucker super fan more than *slurs* penguins and im eating every single bit of content up
edit to add a little more bc i'm seeing it a LOT:
i'm seeing more and more of this criticism rn and i think it's worth mentioning that the show simply doesn't have time/money to be both a murder of the week AND have a long form meta plot. they have found their groove in the meta plot about how hell's society functions and blitz's personal relationships.
this isn't a serialized cartoon under a major studio that can pump out an episode every week and afford to have long form "filler" episodes like most popular animated shows. it's a little engine that could chugging along making the best art and tell the best story it can.
"go back to what the show used to be!" girl idk if you watched the show but the IMP hit episodes (with an exception to Murder Family, my beloved) are like THE weakest,,,. no hate to you if you like them but you're wishing for more stuff like CHERUB and Unhappy Campers,,,,
point is: the hits really REALLY fit with the short form stuff bc the team has to condense it into a bite sized bit, which is why they're now a whole separate thing!!
cool if that's all you want the show to be, but if it didn't expand we wouldn't have episodes like Oops or Ozzie's.
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licorice-tea · 8 months
Young And Dumb.
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: Strawhat reader, gender neutral reader, reader is flirty and bold, cursing, allusions to sex and a threesome, no actual sexual content!!!, pining, kissing 🤭, misunderstandings/ miscommunication, a little bit of arguing, hurt/comfort <3
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: kind of been in a writing slump these past few days, so i just wanted to write and post something, you know? it’s weird bc i have a ton of wips in my drafts, but none of them really felt finished, so i did this whole thing in maybe 2 hours? hopefully it’s enough to pull me out of my little funk so i can get back to posting more regularly! anyway, enjoy!
Law respects you. He respects your choices, your independence from him, even your crew that he doesn’t always like personally. But one thing he absolutely cannot stand is when you do things like this.
The first thing he hears upon walking up to the deck is giggling. Bothersome, but not too loud or unusual that it throws off his routine. Besides; he’s sure his crew must be glad to be above the waves for once, and happy to have the company of the Straw Hats as well. The two crews had wound up with their ships anchored next to each other in the middle of the sea, and agreed to stay there before their courses diverged once again.
He sees you talking to Penguin and Shachi- the source of said laughter. But, Law does a double take when you let out a shriek of laughter. Then he realizes just how closely the two of them are standing to you. You’re not even on the same crew as them, but you look real cozy with Penguin’s hand around your waist and Shachi’s on your shoulder. Of course, he knows your friendliness can border on flirtation (and desperately wants to be on the receiving end of that flirting right now instead of his crew members) but that logic does nothing to calm him.
Law’s perpetual frown turns into a full on scowl as he marches over to the trio you’ve formed. “Penguin! Shachi! Have you…” he loses his train of thought when you give him a quizzical expression, and realizes there is nothing that they haven’t already done. “Your chores. Below deck.”
“Sure have, captain!”
“Yes, captain!”
All three of you look at him expectantly, unsure of why he’s still standing before you. “Are you ok, Law?”
“Ok?” No he wasn’t fucking ok. How could he be when two of his closest friends were throwing themselves at you, and you were letting them? They didn’t even know how he felt for you- no one does- but still. This was just too much for him.
“I need to speak to you, y/n-ya.”
With regard for his serious tone and expression, you wriggle out from between your two friends and follow Law all the way to his office. When you get there and he finally shuts the door, you don’t sit.
Instead you approach him, “Is something wrong? You seemed really upset.”
He looks down at you with a frown. You can tell he’s contemplating his next words before answering, “…Everything is fine.”
“Oh? Ok, so… why are we here then?”
Law breathes deeply, and exhales in a huff. “I need to tell you something.”
“Is it… serious? You’re being kind of weird, Law.”
“I am not.”
“Hm, well, no; you are. But what’s up?”
“I-“ he stops himself and sighs again before continuing. “So dramatic,” you think to yourself. “You shouldn’t get so close to Penguin and Shachi.”
You blink a few times, shocked. He could either be confessing his overwhelming love for you (which you highly doubted, Law had never seemed to reciprocate your affections for him) or giving you some spiel about inappropriate relationships. “Excuse me?”
“They do this kind of thing all the time, y/n-ya; messing around with random women and men, and-“
“And what, Law? I’m an adult, for fucks sake, I don’t need anyone telling me what to do.”
“You don’t understand, they- they want something from you.”
“I know damn well you’re not lecturing me on my sex life right now, Trafalgar Law.”
His face gets hot just from the thought of it. “I am not! But you can’t-“
“Yes, Law, I can. I’m not going to, wasn’t even planning on it; all I did was flirt with them. But believe me when I say I can.”
He’s silent, with an expression akin to that of a bewildered fish. Then it morphs into more of a frown. “I-“
“Don’t even continue with that thought, because you’ve already managed to piss me off beyond belief. Just- just get out of my way.” You step around him and fling open the door to his office before storming off.
That evening, the two crews gather on the deck of the Thousand Sunny for a feast. You find an empty seat, and soon enough Penguin and Shachi place themselves on either side of you.
“Heyyyy y/n.” The first greets you with a sort of awkward, nervous cadence.
“Hey guys, sorry I left without saying bye earlier.”
“Oh it’s fine, you’re good…”
“We’re sorry too.”
This makes you quirk an eyebrow in confusion and look side to side at either of them. “Why would you be sorry?”
They shoot a quick glance at each other, but it’s very obvious because they have to look across you to do so.
“Did you know that, well… Law sort of…”
“He has feeling for you. Big time.”
You almost spit out your drink. “What? Oh, ok, real funny guys-“
“No, no we’re serious!”
“Yeah! You should hear the way he talks about you-“
“All good things, of course, it’d be hard not to- But anyway he was never going to tell you because he doesn’t think you’re interested, blah blah blah-“
“Which is why we decided to try and make him jealous!”
“…I’m so confused right now. No, not even confused just… surprised?”
“Don’t blame yourself, Captain’s hard to read sometimes.”
“Good thing we figured it out for you, right?” Shachi elbows your side, clearly pleased with himself.
“Uh huh...”
Penguin continues “Anyway, we thought it worked when he said he needed to talk to you earlier, but when you came back you seemed sort of upset.”
“Yeah, well he was kind of acting like a dick.”
He sighs, “Law means well, I swear. He’s just… he’s not the best with matters of the heart.”
“That’s ironic.”
Shachi leans over you to address his friend. “Not the best? C’mon man, he has zero experience.”
“Shh! We want y/n to feel for him, not pity him.”
You laugh, “Right, so… what should I do?”
“Do you like him back?” Such a childish way of saying it.. but you do. And you had, for a while, but you’d never acted on your feelings because he’d never seem to like you as anything other than a friend. Until earlier today, when his jealously led him to say some kind of rude things to you. It was no excuse, but it explained why he’d acted the way he did.
You smile softly and look down. “I do.”
“Then go talk to him!”
“Yeah, go talk to him y/n!”
The two men excitedly get you up out of your seat and (gently) push you toward where Law is leaning on the railing of the deck. You laugh and go along with it- if what they were saying is true, what could be the harm in being honest about your own feelings with him?
You walk briskly toward Law, but with purpose, And when you stop in front of him, he looks up from his cup like a deer in headlights.
He quietly greets you with a nod. “…Y/n-ya.”
“Law. Can we talk?”
He nods and follows you to the starboard side of the deck, far enough from where the dinner and light music is. You come to a stop and turn to face him.
“You know, I’ve been talking to Penguin and Shachi…”
Law deadpans, still annoyed about how they were all over you earlier. “Mhm.”
“And they told me something about you. I didn’t really believe it, at first, because you never… Well you never acted like you do, but-“
“Like I what?”
“Like you… have feelings for me?”
“Shit.” He was going to kill them after this. Or at the very least, make sure they had the worst of the chores on the Polar Tang for the foreseeable future. “They… They told you that?”
“Yes, but-“ Law turns and tries to walk off with his fists clenched, before you stop and grab one of his wrists. “I feel the same way, Law. If it’s true, of course.“
“It is.”
You smile. “If you were jealous earlier, you could’ve just said so. Then I wouldn’t have gotten angry with you.”
“You’re not interested in them?”
“No, we’re just friends… But I didn’t think you were interested in me, either, so I didn’t see the harm in flirting.”
Law shrugs, looking down at his shoes. You’ve never seen him so shy. “Well, I didn’t think you felt the same way, so I never, uh, confessed.”
“Well,” you take a step closer, and risk your chances by gently lifting his chin with one hand. “I do.”
Law’s eyes roam over your face, mouth gaping as he searches for his next words. He wants to say something suave and impressive, to take back control of the situation when you so clearly have him wrapped around your finger. However, he comes up with nothing, and decides to try something new instead. Maybe your boldness has simply inspired him to suddenly come up with this master plan, or maybe he just can’t think of anything else with you standing so close; but he kisses you.
It’s slow and hesitant for the first few seconds- you think he’s probably new to this by the way he lips press into yours forcefully and without much intention. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer, guiding him to sink his lips into yours rather than have them press flat against each other. He follows suit, then pulls away for a quick breath before going right back for you. He sighs into the kiss this time, and your lips part ever so slightly. He takes this as opportunity try and go a little further- his tongue passes in the slit between your lips and you open them further to let him. What had started off as a small kiss quickly becomes a less than innocent make out session. Law is bold with it, too; nipping at your lips and causing you to gasp so that he can take you by surprise and kiss you that much more deeply (on more than one occasion.) You can both practically feel the tension built up over months of pining after each other dissipating.
At long last you pull away, for fear your mouth will go numb if you let him bite your lips one more time.
And Law asks, slightly panting; “How was that?”
You laugh, genuinely surprised that he’s concerned about his performance in what might’ve been was the best kiss of your life. “Perfect, Law. Just perfect.”
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heaven-s-black-box · 5 months
Normal- Lyney x Neuvillette's child!Reader
Return to File
Recovery date: April 27th, 2024
Description: Hello it's me, sorry if this is a bad time, but I got inspired by Arlecchino's story quest, and I wondered about combining that with my previous two requests about the reader being Neuvillette's child, this is mainly just an idea so if you're not comfortable with writing this that's completely alright.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with @crystalkat6747, we thank her for her contribution. Ahh, I actually finished the story quest the day before you sent this request, lol.
Part: 1 2 3 4 (Can be read alone)
Word count: 810
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Lyney watches the moon’s light drift across the ceiling. Lynette is curled up against one side and Freminet is curled up against the other, both sound asleep after their return to the house. He watches their lashes flutter against their cheeks, eyes flicking back and forth behind their eyelids as they dream. Pleasant dreams, he hopes.
He turns back to the ceiling and chokes down a breath as Lynette’s head presses against his ribs awkwardly. His wounds from their fight with father were mostly healed, but still tender. She shifts off him again quickly, eyes opening briefly as if she could sense his distress.
The long shadows continue to dance above them as Lyney's thoughts drift back to the fight.
As for whether to take them, the choice is yours.
Carefully, Lyney slips his arms out from under and around his siblings and inches towards the foot of the bed. Almost as soon as he’s climbed out, Lynette and Freminet roll towards each other and grab on to each other's hands. It makes him smile, the way they take comfort in each other, like a family.
The streets are empty and dimly lit as he makes his way through the court. He eventually finds himself in front of a familiar house and rounds the side to climb up to Y/n’s window. Their curtains are tied back, and he just sits in the tree for a while watching them.
On their bedside table, he sees the rainbow roses he’d given them on their first date a week ago. Next to those is a little penguin, an otter, and two cat mechanisms that Freminet had gifted them for their last birthday. They looked like a little family.
A clicking noise and the swishing of the window opening startled him.
“Ly-Lyney?” Y/n yawned. “What are you doing here?”
He blinked owlishly.
Y/n stared back at him for a moment before backing up and waving him in. They sat back against the headboard of their bed and Lyney crawled next to them, curling against their side.
“You wanna talk about it?” They whispered, arm wrapped around Lyney’s shoulder.
“We can’t have a normal life,” Lyney said, staring at the mechanisms on their bedside table. “I mean, I can’t have a normal life. Not as a member of the house of the hearth, and that means that we- OW!” 
He hissed as Y/n pinched his arm. They cupped his chin and forced him to look up at them.
“I love you. I don’t care what our normal looks like, if it doesn’t look like everyone else's then so be it.” Lyney blinked up at them, cheeks turning red. There was a small frown tugging at the corner of their lips as they continued. “What brought this up anyways?” Lyney chewed at his lip. “Is this about that proposal for former House of the Hearth members?”
The magician’s eyes widened in surprise.
“How did you-”
“My father wanted my opinion,” they shrugged, letting go of his chin.
Lyney slumped back against their shoulder and laced his fingers with theirs. In turn, they hooked one of their legs through his so they were wrapped up in eachother.
“The House of the Hearth is my family, but the other day… it gave me a lot to think about. I could leave at the cost of my current self, not that I want to but it’s never seemed like an option before.We’re preparing for a dangerous mission with other Harbingers, and father wants me to be the next king. I know this was never going to be normal but for just a moment I imagined what it would be like if we were.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Y/n offered again.
Lyney squeezed their hand.
“If I left the house, would you come find me again?”
“And if I die on this mission, would you miss me? Would you be there for Lynette and Freminet?”
“Dying, will not get you out of this relationship, and bold of you to assume those two will let you die without them.”
Lyney let out a snort of amusement while Y/n smirked.
“And if I became the King of the house?”
“Lyney, I’m not leaving you.” They leaned their head against his. “I may not know what exactly is going on, but I love you, and I’ll stand by you no matter what you decide. I never expected you to leave the house, and part of what I love so much about you is your dedication to your family.”
Y/n looked down, finding Lyney’s eyes and offering him a loving smile.
Lyney’s eyes caught once more on the little family diorama on their bedside table before he looked back at them and squeezed their hand again.
“Then will you marry me?”
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finniestoncrane · 3 months
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hello friendos!! it's a very neat coincidence that it's 2 years today since i rejoined tumblr, and i get to be excited at hitting the next milestone!! 💚💚💚
update: all options have been picked and the event is closed!! 🩷
since i've just done a big-ish event though i thought i'd keep this one smaller and a bit less daunting for me!! SO here's the rules:
i'm going to do 21 of x reader ficlets (scheduling 3 per day for a week)
i'll take these requests as first come, first serve
so dm, inbox or comment here with your selection
please pick ONE from EACH OF THE THREE lists below
(you can specify the version of the character, and let me know reader details!)
i'll then write a lil ficlet and make a moodboard for the fic too!!
i'll update the post below as and when i can (remember i'm gmt and also a sleepy girl) so you know what's left
once all the options are out, the event is closed 💚
i'll take a week off to write them, then post them all the following week, and then things will return to normal (had to readjust my queue in the end lol)
anyway, thank you for putting up with me and encouraging me, i have endless love for everyone 💚
🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2.5k (to follow or to block)
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Option One
Two Face
Mad Hatter
Captain Boomerang
Harley Quinn
King Shark
Black Mask
Cooper Howard
Paladin Danse
Nick Valentine
Sniper (TF2)
Cecil Stedman
Walter Skinner
Arthur Morgan
Egon Spengler
Nick (L4D2)
Option Two
spanking/impact play
praise kink
public/semi-public sex
doggy style
pet play
first hug
holding hands
sending nudes
sneaking a kiss
breeding kink
Option Three
truth or dare
showering together
tending to wounds
first kiss
only one bed
rough sex
sucking dick
blind date
dry humping
daddy/mommy kink
early morning sex
sitting in their lap
eating pussy
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