#anyway long ramble over xD.
fenixburned · 1 year
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good morning I have many feels about my girl & how essential her fox fur is to her 😭😭😭
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warriorsparked · 1 year
Midnight Pleasures.
Originally written 2010 Characters:  Megatron, Shockwave Timelines: Early post-war (MY AU) Warning: contains mech/mech, sex scene.
   Megatron’s servos grasped at the berth beneath him, his lips parting in his stasis. The heat of his dream circled down between his legs, swallowing him whole with wet, delicate lips. Beneath his casing, his cable was hard and pulsing, dripping inside from his excitement as thick, pouty lips took him again and again.    He was so close, he could feel it, somewhere mixed between being in stasis and being awake. He could feel the very real physical pleasure, his cable throbbing as he lay on his back atop the berth he shared with his mate. Only it was not Shockwave that was down between his legs, but a stranger. No one. No name, no frame, no real identity, just a mystery shape as they suckled him.    Just a little longer. Just a little more. So close! Almost there! His thighs parted, and as he felt the pent up pressure ready to release, some cruel force of nature made his optics flicker online, his spark thumping in his chest as the ceiling came into view.    He was back on the Ark. The small room that was shared between him and his newfound bonded surrounding him.    Swallowing hard, Megatron realised that he was short of breath, having panted from his dream. Primus, he was even covered in a sweat, condensation beaded against his chest. His dreams were often vivid, but many of them were nightmares, hands clawing at him, screams in his audios, or whispers of cruel promises. Tonight, it had been different, and his cable was still hard between his legs beneath his codpiece, just seconds away from erupting.
   “Are you alright?” Shockwave’s voice was soft between them as he lay beside Megatron. Though unlike his bondmate, the scientist was clean of any condensation, and was calm and collected. He’d only woken because Megatron had been shifting in his stasis so much. Generally speaking, this was not uncommon, though most nights it was due to his night terrors, the memories and the torture he’d suffered before and throughout the war.    Tonight, it appeared to be a completely different reason. He could see the heat glowing between Megatron’s thighs, which indicated his arousal. As his relatively new bondmate, he could also feel a certain rush of energy being so close to Megatron’s spark and EM field.
   Megatron had flinched despite the softness of Shockwave’s Tarnian accent. He took a deep breath, the glow of yellow drawing his optics to his partner. “Fine,” he muttered, though a sense of guilt began to weigh heavily in his chest.    He had dreamed of something that Shockwave could not do. He could not wrap his lips around his cable, for he lacked them. That was not something entirely strange for their people, as they came in all shapes and sizes, but it had been something that Megatron had found exciting many a time. He had to get used to the idea that it would never happen again for so long as he was bonded to Shockwave (which he hoped was until the end of time).    Sitting up, he pushed himself to the edge of the berth. He should not speak of it. He should not mention it when Shockwave had been nothing but loyal to him for so long. It would be a slap to his lover’s face, but it was hard to hide the fact that he had been aroused, and Shockwave had already seen it.    When a hand went to his shoulder, he felt himself frown. Shockwave was always so supportive that it hurt sometimes. In fact, it had made him downright angry at times. How could he remain so loyal to someone like him, even after the war? He was far from perfect. He’d been a mess once it had ended, not to mention the long recovery from his processor surgery. Shockwave was always there, like a loyal dog, and this was how he repaid him?    He was not good enough for the other mech. He was unworthy.
   “Forgive my intrusion, but you do not appear to be fine,” Shockwave spoke. It was true, that they had not been bonded for long, that they had completely and utterly rushed into something so serious, but their feelings spoke for themselves. Not just since the end of war, but before it also. Particularly on Shockwave’s side of things.    He had watched Megatron brood in the war meetings, he had watched him kill and torture, and many other things. He could tell when Megatron was fine or not, even if others thought he was an emotionless droid.  
   Megatron turned his head slightly, though he did not see Shockwave over his shoulder, his optics looking down before he placed his hand atop the other.    “My stasis haunts me, Shockwave, you know this. It is nothing new, and it will not be the last time.” That was for certain. “But, I…” He paused, his lips parting before he closed them again.
   A curious antenna twitched as Megatron stopped. He did not need to tell him, he never did. Shockwave didn’t expect the former warlord to tell him every, little detail of his past life. They had worked so long together, it was hard to imagine that either of them had lives before the war. They were different people back then (quite literally in Shockwave’s case, although he had not yet discovered that).    “Yes?” he asked as Megatron’s hand fell from his own.
   The sensation of his dream still lingered, still went unsatisfied, and it bothered him. It bothered Megatron that he was thinking of someone else, a femme, instead of the mech that shared his berth. Their berth.    “I am sorry,” he replied, turning part way on the berth so he could look Shockwave in the optic as he said it. “I dream of things I cannot control. Of those that… are not you. I wish that I could control it, but I cannot.” As a bonded pair, did that mean he was breaking some rule he did not understand? It wasn’t like he’d ever been bonded before, let alone held any real stable relationship. He may have shared the berth with a thousand and even more others, but it had always been pleasure and nothing more. Unless it was pain. Love? Megatron didn’t know what the hell love was. At least, not until he’d realised it had been staring him in the face for so damn long and he’d been to blinded by greed and corruption to see it.  
   Was that Megatron’s problem? Shockwave’s optic lowered a moment, just to see the faint glow that came from Megatron’s cod. His head tilted before he looked back to those two, fierce optics. There was a want in them, a desire, and Shockwave could tell.    “You need not apologise for dreams, Megatron,” he stated, like it was as simple as that. Was it not? He did not understand how Megatron could blame himself on something he could not control. None of them could. Dreams were entirely involuntary. That was just well known science.    When Megatron turned, he lowered his hand. “I have experienced my fair share.” Some of them had been wild, made little sense. Some of them had felt so real, like he had lived a completely different life to the one he knew. It was a normal thing, to dream. Some experienced more vivid ones, some none at all. Either way, no one could control them, not without a cortical psychic patch anyway, and even then, that was an entirely different thing.
   Of course Shockwave would say that. He had an answer for everything, annoyingly  so at times. How he envied Shockwave’s ability to just… let things go. To not care about things that could not be controlled. To see reality for what it was, and not what warped it thanks to trauma and deeply rooted emotions.    He brushed that aside. Things between them were still new, and they would be for some time. Two war veterans, falling in love with each other, none of them knowing what true love actually was. They would fumble, and fumble again, but the important thing was that they tried.    Leaning his hand up, he cupped Shockwave’s chin, a thumb moving across warm metal. Shockwave may not be able to take his cable in his mouth, but he could certainly finish what he dream had started.    “Touch me.” It was said with a passion, a demand more than any sort of beg. Megatron did not beg.
   Shockwave looked at the other mech, befuddled at the sudden command. He was still getting used to these requests, the idea that his hands could now trace against any part of Megatron without a fusion canon aimed at the back of his head.    But it begged the question. What sort of touching? Where was he supposed to touch him? The request made him hesitate, hoping that he would get it right. He moved forward, awkwardly, and placed his hand to Megatron’s chest, hoping that that would suffice.
   Megatron merely chuckled. “Lower, Shockwave.”
   Shockwave’s hand fell down to Megatron’s stomach, where he looked back up for confirmation. The look on his lover’s face said it was not low enough, and he realised what Megatron meant. Oh…    Shockwave could not use his lips on him, but his mate had two hands. Two hands that could envelop him, two hands that could make him feel loved and comforted, and pleasure and pain all at the same time.    Megatron retracted his casing, where his cable fell out, still semi-hard, and when Shockwave’s hand finally understood the order, he exhaled a breath at the sensation of finally being touched. He still could not accept the idea of anyone controlling him in the berth, but did Shockwave realise just how much control he really had? Did Shockwave realise what he could actually do to him? That he was one of the few that could have actually bested him in battle? Yet, he never chose to.  Megatron could have melted against him, yet he still gave the illusion that he was the one in control. Always. He would never surrender.
   Watching Megatron, Shockwave felt his own body react at the feeling of his lover’s hardened cable inside his palm. It was not often he found himself so easily aroused, but there was something about Megatron that made it impossible to ignore.
   Leaning forward, Megatron pressed his helm to Shockwave’s, their fields touching. He should not be rewarded like this, he knew, but he also did not care anymore. Shockwave was close, and he was there, with him, his hand working him over enough for him to put that into the very back of his mind.    He tensed at the pleasure as it built, feeling lubricant dribble from the head of his arousal. Shockwave used it to ease any friction, causing him to twitch, already overly sensitive from his unfinished dream.    With optics dimming, he moved his own hand towards Shockwave’s thigh, tracing over pale metal. “Why don’t you open up for me?” he teased, moving so he could press his lips to Shockwave’s neck, kissing at the exposed wires. He wanted to bite him, to sink his fangs into the soft, fleshy wiring and taste him, but not now. Not tonight. It was too soon, and he did not wish to scare his lover away.
   If only Megatron knew, though. If only he knew how much Shockwave wanted that. Still, the former Guardian of Cybertron did not hesitate to follow Megatron’s command, his own codpiece retracting and exposing his own erect cable.    When Megatron’s hand wrapped itself around him, he tensed, wings flaring and antennae flicking back. He was suddenly on his back as the larger mech moved over him. His hand lost the hardened length of Megatron’s shaft, grasping onto any part of his mate he could as he was so easily manoeuvred.  
   “That’s it, just relax,” Megatron urged. Control was hard to give up, it seemed, or maybe it was the idea and image of Shockwave beneath him, squirming like that. So much raw emotion when he was there, like he’d never seen before. He liked it. He liked it a lot. “Does it feel good?” he spoke softly in Tarnian just for the other mech as he wrapped his hand around both of their cables, rubbing them together.
   Shockwave made a soft noise from his vocaliser, surprised when Megatron spoke to him in his home tongue. He’d not forgotten that Megatron could speak it, it was just not something he’d done in a long, long time. It felt personal. Intimate.    Megatron had never perfected other languages like he had. There was a certain twang in the accent that was certainly not from Tarn, but that did not matter. Often, Megatron had used Soundwave to help translate other languages, until he’d invented an internal programme which helped Megatron along his travels. ”Yes,” he replied in his mother tongue, his servos clawing at Megatron’s back now. He moaned when he felt lips at his neck again, down his shoulder and over his chest, where his spark was.    “I want you,” he whimpered back in the common tongue. “My Liege, I beg you.” Yes, it felt so natural for him to beg like that beneath the larger mech.
   It was that easy. It was that easy to rile Shockwave up, even if it had been him to wake from an erotic dream. So eager to please, so eager for him. That settled some worries within Megatron’s own spark as his hand continued to pump up both their lengths. Shockwave was considerably smaller than him, but that made no difference to him. He’d come to enjoy his lover’s body, despite never having thought much about other mechs outside of pure, physical gain.    Leaning back, he abandoned their cables, but it was only so he could pull Shockwave’s legs around him and guide his cable into his lover’s already damp aft. It slipped in with an ease that only told him how excited Shockwave was, hearing him moan as he was swallowed.    Leaning back down, his hands hit the berth, servos clawing at it as he rocked his hips back and forth.    “You taste so sweet,” he whispered against Shockwave’s neck, kissing and suckling at metal and wires.    Between Shockwave’s moans and what lingered from his dream, it did not take long for him to overload, nor Shockwave. Soon, the two of them were tangled limbs, servos scratching at painted armour and gripping at any surface they could.    He soon felt the heat of his overload spill into Shockwave beneath him, as well as Shockwave’s overload that created a slick mess between them.    With cooling fans whirring, Shockwave’s hands fell from Megatron’s back, having gripped onto his tracks for dear life. His legs fell, vents huffing air from his throat to try and cool his poor body down.    When he felt Megatron exit him, he tensed, a soft moan vibrating down his chest as he felt lubricant dribble down between his legs and no doubt onto the berth.    Idly, he lifted a hand, where he cupped Megatron’s cheek, warm from their lovemaking. There was something tender in those optics, something that was shared only between the two of them that no one else had the privilege of seeing.  
   Megatron found himself uncharacteristically leaning into the touch of his mate. He was not used to gentle gestures and touches like that. He didn’t realise how much he needed them. How good they actually felt, and yet how vulnerable he became at the same time.    “Hm… we have made a mess,” he muttered, looking down to see Shockwave’s overload against the both of them. Anything to gain control again. To not feel so weak at such a simple thing like Shockwave’s servos at his metal skin. Primus, when did he become so fucking desperate? Or had he always been this way? All the hate and anger, shadowing his pain and need.
   Shockwave looked down. “It appears so…” They would need to clean themselves up, and the berth by this point.
   “No matter,” the former warlord hummed, a smirk at his lips, “It was well worth it.”
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naenaex0xx · 2 months
do my posts make any sense at all?
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
So, I made some impulse purchases recently, including this lovely little gal.
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Hai Luna~
When I ordered her, it started a bit of a Gardevoir kick in me. So I went and did some brainstorming about Jamie's Gardie pal, Clover.
This did get very long, but there's a lot of art that I really like! :3 Plus I borrowed a certain someone from @mewtwoandme~
Growing up I always drew the green headpiece as a bony structure with maybe green skin on it, like deer antlers. (Except it doesn't shed lol)
But in my efforts to redecide what it actually is to me, I went to Bulbapedia, and that called it hair. So I tried out hair as well, and I kinda like that better...
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I love my deranged Gardie. :>
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(Leaning into "Mischievous Fairy/Pixie" energy)
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I wanted to draw some Gwen (M&M's Gardevoir), as her and Clover's characters are different in a lot of ways, and I thought it would be fun to draw them together. Turns out Gwen dwarfs my girls, and I adore that in every way. XD
I also came to realize that Jamie would admire Gwen--She doesn't wish change on Clover in the slightest, but she does like the grace that more conventional Gardevoirs possess. Plus she'd be astounded by her sheer size.
For the fun of it, I tried drawing them both in each of our styles. (Or more like "Features" than "style")
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I did not like drawing Gardevoir in her style. All the respect and love to M&M, but it felt SO wrong to me personally. XD
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Annnnd... I kinda accidentally thought of a different way to take their designs...
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And then I tried to figure out the logistics of giving Gardvoir a tail. I kinda like the idea of there being one that blends into the Skirt, splitting and running down the length of the skirt ends.
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A little character lore; Clover removed her skirt on purpose.
Growing up, I always had in mind that the skirt was skin, maybe acting as thermoregulation, or something like that. I don't think I ever decided whether they can feel through their skirts or not, but if I want it to be more angsty, then yes, they can feel.
Warning for general and self-inflicted injury in this paragraph. As a kid I figured Clover cut it off to prevent it from getting caught or grabbed. But now, with the developing idea of there being a tail involved, I got another idea with even more angst. I'm thinking possibly Clover had a tail bone broken, and maybe it healed wrong, causing her pain so she ripped off the whole skirt.
Okay, injury warning is over.
And now a little silly that's not exactly canon, but close enough. XD
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Y'all can thank @puzzled-zebra for this, as she brought up the idea during a chat. It was too good to pass up. XD
And now I wish to finish with a nostalgia ramble, because Clover is very precious to me, along with Jamie.
I started a playthrough of Soul Silver many, many years ago--even before the playthrough that would become Jamie's trainer journey over ten years ago. It was a solo run, with a Ralts egg sent in to be my only companion. (I kept the rules soft, though, as I remember needing help from other Pokemon to beat Bugsy. XD) My memories of that playthough are faded, but I remember that Clover alone beat the Champion at level 64-65. Sometime within the next few years, she was my first ever Pokemon to reach level 100 without the use of Rare Candy or experience cheats. That playthough and whatever happened in it has no bearing on Clover's story, but it's what gave birth to her as a character, and I hold that very dear.
Her nature is "Hardy, Likes to Fight", and I'm really proud of little me for taking that in the direction she took it. XD
Anyway, that's my super long love-dump of my beloved gremlin fairy. Thanks to everyone who made it all the way, I know it got pretty long. ^^
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tadpolebrains · 7 months
I love your headcanons <3
I wanted to request one for Gale and his love on their first morning together in his tower in Waterdeep.
Ayyy ty! Glad my random rambling is enjoyable XD <3
First Morning in Waterdeep
• I’d imagine that the night before the first morning waking up there is when there would be a lot of emotions. It’s as you’re both getting there, knowing you’re about to have what is probably the first full night of proper rest in weeks that it sets in for both of you that… it’s over. There’s no more tadpoles, no more netherbrain… but also no more Netherese Orb.
• That’s what hits Gale the hardest that night. Because this tower is where he spent his prolonged time in isolation because of the orb, waiting out his days. There’s still scattered magic items around, dozens of books and random papers all over the floor, it’s… a mess. He’s a bit embarrassed about the mess at first, briefly considered trying to cast an illusion so you wouldn’t see it, but… well, you’d seen him at his worst already, hadn’t you?
• You probably wouldn’t have believed him if the tower was spotless anyway. Or Tara would have called him out.
• Regardless, when you two get into bed that night, on an old, creaky mattress that Gale swears he’ll get replaced if it bothers you, you fall asleep in each other’s arms. Gale cries that night, whether from relief, grief for the years past, or joy for the future, even he couldn’t tell you. But neither of you say anything about it. Just hold each other close.
• You lightly trace the place on his chest where the orb used to reside as he starts to drift off.
• You don’t technically get a first morning in the tower together the next day, because it’s past noon when you finally wake up. You’ll count it as morning, though.
• Neither of you even particularly want to get up at first. You’re warm in the bed, and for the first time in weeks there isn’t a need to force yourselves up. So you lay there together.
• Gale will mumble small things every so often. There’s no real order to them- for once, you have the time to make idle conversation without any looming threats over your heads. So you talk about everything and nothing, not even caring about what time it is.
• He idly traces patterns along your skin as you lay together, or lightly taps little rhythms.
• When you do get up, it’s because you’re both hungry. Though Gale does offer to get up to make ‘breakfast’ (it’s well into the afternoon at that point) and bring it to you in bed, he also just doesn’t want to let go of you. So you end up standing there, arms slung around his waist, chin resting on his shoulder as he cooks.
• You might distract him a few times, pressing lazy kisses to his cheeks, his neck. Breakfast ends up a little burnt. It’s perfect, though.
• Once you two decide to actually function, he gives you the ‘grand tour,’ which consists mostly of him pointing out random magical trinkets or going on long-winded rants about some of the books strewn about. If any of the books seem to catch your attention, he puts them in a designated pile so you can find them later.
• It isn’t long before you’ve both just settled back down again, whether on a couch or just getting back into the bed. Gale picks up one of the books from the pile and starts reading it aloud to you, Tara coming over to curl up at his feet.
• You drift off to sleep that night to the soft sound of his voice filling the air like a lullaby, feeling a gentle kiss on your forehead as you slip off, and a murmured “goodnight, my love.”
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ratsonastick · 8 months
Can you do more ex!clarisse la rue x ex!reader but instead they are a bit more aggressive. They broke up because they were always fighting and getting jealous. After a really explosive fight they break up. They are so bitter towards each other during training they would spar together since no one else would challenge them and when they attacked it was like they were actually fighting. The words they spoke to each other are mostly about how they are the superior one or the stronger on or the right one. During a bonfire the reader decided to get under clarisse’s skin and flirt with her best friend . She see this and it sets sadness and a fire inside of her. She was going to win you back, after that day she would be nicer to you she would compliment you and you take notice of this. You ask her after sparring with each other while she was saying how amazing you were and how you were improving and the reader gets annoyed and said “Why are you acting like?!?” the reader is mad because she was the one who said to break up. Clarrise tells the reader that she still loves her and wants to get back together but the reader is still so upset and tells clarrise to stay out of her life breaking clarrise’s heart. The reader storms away so frustrated and confused. The reader and another camper and hit it off and goes on a eats dinner with them clarrise sees you with her about and gets so angry but doesn’t do anything because of what you said. Clarrise then notices that she doesn’t see you at training that often she barely see you at all even. One day she’s going to training and sees you with the camper. When she sees this it make her heart feel like it’s shattering, she always thought that you guys would get over this that you guys would get back together and spend the rest of your life together. She then realized that she couldn’t just stand there and watch fall in love with someone else. She went to talk to you while you were going to your cabin but you are also with the camper and she kind of shoos her away. The reader is upset that she just sent her away and tries to walk away but clarrise calls the reader but the reader just ignores her after a while clarrise just picks the reader up and bring them to her cabin with them kicking and screaming on her shoulder. Clarrise then apologizes to the reader and she has a whole speech on why they should get back together one of them being is because she hasn’t felt that way with anyone before and she never wants to she only wants to feel that way for you and telling the reader not to continue dating the camper. You just sit there shocked and confused because the camper that you were talking to you weren’t interested in at all they were your cabin sibling you were just helping her get more comfortable with the camp. You tell her that this was one of the main reasons why they broke up that they were so overprotective. Clarrise a little embarrassed says that she’s sorry for overreacting but she felt like she was losing you and just kind of rambles. And you stop her with a kiss and tell her that they can get back together but they have to start at square one and reintroduce each other.
The end
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LEGEND YOU GAVE SO MUCH DETAIL!!! I had to pause at breakfast and show my friends sorry XD I'm pretty sure you wrote more than I did
But anyways ... Clarisse La Rue x Ex!Reader (Happy ending) Warnings - Blood, fighting, make out ...
AND requests are still open!
You and Clarisse broke up a week ago, due to always fighting and getting jealous. And the way the two of you broke it off was, well, messy. 
For the first time, you truly believed you hated her, and she thought the same thing about you. 
You try to ignore her, going separate ways, avoiding the Ares cabin. You thought that once you guys broke up you wouldn't be bothered anymore. That you could finally escape her claws, but no. 
Of course, you had to be partners with her in sparring, and you hated it. She once was so gentle with you, trying her best to not hurt you like she did with the other campers. But now it was almost like sudden death like you were fighting an actual monster. 
When she pushed you down and you rolled away to avoid her sword that came crashing down she let out a laugh “Where are you going stupid ass.” 
You'd quickly got up and threw a punch into her stomach so you could throw her off guard and be able to take a breather. When you looked at her it truly was like seeing someone else. It was like looking at the man in a horror show who was about to kill you, someone you once trusted. 
“You little-” She yelled, taking her sword and clashing it down onto yours, she met your eyes and for a second you thought you saw something change. But she kicked your knee causing you to fall and her sword cut into your skin. 
You fell to the floor, your hand reaching up to feel the blood pooling down your chin. You looked up at her as she took a step back, her arms falling to her side, her movements slow and breathing heavy. 
“I can't believe – I can't believe you.” You stuttered, out of breath and hurt you stood up. Cover the wound with your hand as the blood starts to cover your fingers and slide down your arm. 
You walked off to find Will in the Apollo cabin, tears mixing with the wound which made everything sting more.   
A few days later you walked to the bonfire and sat down with some friends. You saw Clarisse standing by a tree with a drink in her hands and her siblings, you noticed how her gaze flickered to the stitching on your face. 
You ignored her, turning your gaze to look at your friends. 
It is strange to think though, how you once would run up to her during these fires, and ask her to help you roast your marshmallow and she'd roll her eyes but you could she loved it. 
Now you two were just trying to be strangers. 
You saw her friend Selena sitting across from you, on the other side of the fire and you decided to be friendly. 
You walked over and said hello and she smiled at you, you never realized how pretty she was even though you've seen her so many times. 
“How you holding up?” she asked and you shrugged your shoulders “I've been getting through it … But Clarisse she takes her anger out on me.” you pointed to your face and looked back towards the fire. 
“Yikes” Selena mumbled bringing her fingers up to touch the skin around the stitching “Makes you look tough though.” She mumbled which made you turn to look at her “Yeah?” and she hummed in response. 
You smiled, feeling a small burning sensation in your stomach, or maybe it was coming from the back of your head where Clarisse had been burning lasers into. 
Clarisse couldn't help herself but be annoyed by you, especially with you trying to be smitten with her friend. You were trying to get under her skin, maybe to get back at her for cutting you.
But either way, she didn't like it. 
She knew it wasn't right for her to want to win you back, that the reason why you guys broke up was because of her jealousy in the first place, and now it was what fueled her to get you back. 
She started slowly, sneaking in extra portions of food for you, leaving anonymous notes and flowers. 
She hoped you knew it was her, but unfortunately, you only believed it was Selena. She caught you talking to her friend thanking her for the things, leaving Selena a bit confused before noticing Clarisse in the corner with her arms crossed and a scowl. 
“Wait, who is it then?” you asked confused, Selena shrugged her shoulders and walked off leaving you standing there. You looked around and noticed Clarisse, but she just shook her head and walked off. 
A few days later you were back on the field with her. 
Clarisse wouldn't admit this out loud, but seeing you in front of her waiting for the timer to start was just like seeing you for the first time again. She liked how you stood there with your hands on your hips, looking around out into the distance at the forest admiring the colors, and trying to ignore the awkward tension. 
Maybe this is all the two of you needed, was to fall in love again, to realize you needed each other. 
And she wanted you to notice this is all you needed. 
When the timer started she took a stance and allowed you to hit her first. She wanted you to impress her just like the first time you did. She wanted you to see how good she is, and forget Selena. 
She wanted so much. 
When you both finished, out of breath and unfocused Clarisse spoke up “You did good, I liked that thin-” But she was cut off by you, “What is this?” 
“What?” Clarisse asked, getting defensive, “This new positive attitude … remember when you sliced my face open the last time, and now you're trying to be all buddy!” You spoke, waving your hands around in frustration. 
“I'm sorry, would you prefer me to cut your leg this time?” She spoke with furrowed brows. “No! But I want you to stop acting like things between us are normal.” 
You wanted the conversation to end so you walked away, wiping some of the sweat off your forehead. Clarisse turned to look at you but then sighed and chased after you “Argh come on Y/n just … I want you back in my life please!” you never heard Clarisse beg, even when you guys broke up. So for a moment you almost faltered, but then kept walking “Just stay out of my life!” you yelled, and finally she stopped following you. 
Later that night Clarisse sat on her cabin steps, tossing a ball back and forth between her hands. She wanted to wait for you to get back to your cabin so maybe she could try again. 
But then she heard your laughs and noticed you standing with some girl. 
Oh. The reason why she said no was because you moved on. 
She stayed still, trying to blend into the shadows so she wouldn't be seen. She felt like she was about to throw up, watching as you clung onto the girl's hand and swung it back and forth like you once did with hers. 
The next few days it was almost like you were nonexistent, like you never went to camp because no one questioned it. You didn't go to the training field, you didn't go to dinner, you were gone. 
Or maybe just just disappeared from Clarisse. 
After a few more days she saw you on the field with that girl and she scoffed. Before she could think she found her legs moving towards you “Look who finally showed up” Clarisse spoke bitterly as she kept her gaze on you. Then she finally looked at the girl “Get lost … she's my partner.” 
The girl wanted to protest, but Clarisse didn't look away from her until she started to walk away. You watched Clarisse and took notice of how she seemed so angry. “Where have you been” 
“Why does it matter?” you spoke up and Clarisse scoffed “Because I care.” you shook your head turning around to walk away and letting out a sigh.
Clarisse pretty much growled at your behavior and picked you up, throwing you over her shoulder. Her hand found their placement right under your butt which caused you to gasp at the sudden baldness. 
“Clarisse! Put me down!” you yelled trying to kick your way out, But Clarisse was stronger, she kept walking until she reached her cabin, placing you down on her bunk and yelling at the few campers to Scram. 
“Will you stop being stubborn and listen to me!” She shouted which got you to stop talking, as you crossed your arms and looked away like a toddler. 
“I still love you! And I always will! And I'm sorry I am always so jealous and protective I just can't help it! You are so beautiful and when I see you trying to be friendly with other people I just can't help myself but get angry.” 
She huffed out bringing her hand up to brush your cheek softly “I love you.” she almost chuckled as she looked at your cheeks turn slightly warm. 
Clarisse felt hers get warm as well, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I'm so sorry for hurting you … I just couldn't control myself. You know I'll never do it again.” She spoke softly, brushing your scar, but at the same time, she was also talking about your feelings. 
“I don't think I can handle seeing you and that girl together anymore,” she spoke and she took notice of how you smiled slightly, tilting your head down to ignore her gaze but Clarisse tilted your head back up to look at her. 
She was squatting in front of your knees and a feeling of butterflies entered your stomach. “Will you plea-” 
But she was cut off by you kissing her harshly, your legs separating so she would kneel between your legs as you both kissed. 
Your fingers tangled into her hair, and you both let out soft gasps into each other's mouths. Clarisse’s hands found your hips and pulled you forward so her chest was hitting your stomach. 
She pulled away and smiled as she noticed how red your face was “So do you forgive me” 
You nodded your head and kissed her once more.
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blackstarchanx3new · 14 days
Four Swords Adventures Manga Fan Comic: Four Swords Returns
Chapter 27: Turning point
Pages 816-820
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Mmmm impromptu FSR rambles under the cut because I have so much to say about this update/the last update and it'll be AWHILE before I can FSR ramble about it mnghhh:
Okay so for clarity sake I wanna point out Vio's general opinion on Dark Link being dangerous and horrible and the fact Vio doesn't like him hasn't changed.
He's just sympathetic to Blue and Green's feelings on the fact they ARE attached to Dark and losing him would be DEVISTATING to them.
Especially due to the process OF getting rid of him all being rather brutal.
He LITERALLY has personal experience with that exact situation, so he'd know a lot about that *looks at Shadow Link*
Speaking of Shadow...
Vio's main turn here on viewing Dark Link SLIGHTLY DIFFRENT is SO steeped in Vidow it's not even funny lmfao.
Shadow feels guilty HE'S the one who brought Dark Link to them all and feels responsible for how Vio broke down. And is regretting it in a lot of ways and that's...not good. Since steeped in personal feelings or not Shadow did do a good act trying to help someone and Vio doesn't want to discourage him from doing good things and realizes him constantly shit talking Dark is subsequently just making Shadow feel guilty as fuck over being "Tricked" by Dark Link.
And Vio feels guilty Shadow's face is fucked up now because Dark only lashed out because Vio disarmed him-
Anyway long walk to say Dark Link's influence and his direct ties to vidow is fun and I like it a lot haha.
I'm sure I could write a whole essay on how important Vidow as a whole is to FSR and Dark Link's character specifically, it's a deep rabbit hole XD
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soaps-mohawk · 8 months
Sorry for jumping in on another ask's ramblings (and if this is something you already had planned, feel free to not answer XD) but i think the beta boys seeing y/n's blisters and telling Price about them could absolutely be a wake up call to just how she was "trained" never to ask for anything, never complain, only to accept what she's given and be a "good omega"
Don't apologize for joining the convo!! I love it!!
We've definitely come to a turning point in the story when the guys are starting to notice perhaps there's some things that aren't quite right. I mean, they've already noticed the reader isn't quite telling them the whole story about some things and that's really going to start to unravel here in the next few chapters.
To drop in some world building into this ask 🤭 (I have no self control lmaoo) the average alpha and beta don't really know what omega institutes are like and what they teach. They're all very different too, depending on the institute. The one the reader went to is like top of the line, (in American terms) like private school, Ivy League, maybe almost military academy level type of institution where there's a lot of prestige around it and it's very hard to get in. (That's why Price had that moment in chapter 2 where he was like "how did a Staff Sergeant get their kid into this institute" because they won't just take anybody.) So the guys don't really have a concept of what she went through aside from just looking at the kinds of tests she was given and the information in her file. The only way they'll really know what it was like is if she tells them. They don't even really know what happened during her time with the CIA.
Anyway, there will be a lot of realizations on everyone's parts and that's really going to be a big part of the plot moving forward. It's easy for me to forget even that...it's only been like just over a week at this point in the story. There's still a lot they have to unpack, things they need to learn about each other. They're still kind of strangers, despite how close reader is getting to at least Gaz and Soap already.
But yeah, long story short, that's gonna be coming up here in future chapters.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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Morning Routine
"Can I borrow your eyeliner?" Kerry asked, causing V to pause a moment.
"Yeah, sure thing," he then said and handed him the pencil.
"What?" Kerry looked at him with eyes slighly narrowed, but smiling still.
"No, nothin'," V shrugged, looking at their reflection in the mirror, side-by-side, getting ready to head out, as if it was the most normal, natural thing already, "But... I think it's the first time I have someone over to ask me that."
Kerry chuckled.
"Well, better get used to it."
lkdadjfdlljdfasdflökdf it's finally done and I have so. many. feels.
First of all... I started this ages ago, as a funny little doodle idea for the morning after Boat Drinks. In my HC they go to V's apartment after the end of the yacht trip. Then halfway through the lineart I realized "I'll have to draw Vince's vanilla tattoos again..." which I really didn't want to, so I put it on hold and went to design his custom tattoos I had wanted to give him for so long anyways. Then when that was finally done, my graphics tablet acted up and I physically couldn't finish the drawing even though I had time. Then so much work stress and prep for the con happened inbetween and yeh... it's been a journey and a half to get here, but I'm very happy to have arrived and how it all turned out xD
Then also... my feels ;___; Vince has had a variety of relationships in the past, but either they never got serious enough for his partners to even end up staying the night, or they weren't as alternative in the way to dress and present themselves as he is. He was always the odd one out in one way or another, in his relationships, in past jobs, the one that either had to try to fit in or accept that he never would. So, it's something super minor really, but Kerry asking to borrow some of his makeup is a surprisingly huge deal for him in that moment, catching him off guard. Another instance of "you just get me" that they keep having with each other over and over again which makes them click so well and so fast. Like, Vince doesn't give a damn about what other people think about him anymore, dresses and presents himself however he wants and feels like. But Kerry makes him feel "normal" in the sense that he can just be himself authentically by not fitting in. He also has his quirks and an outwardly loud appearance and personality and all that, they just match so well, even though at first glance they don’t seem to... I know I'm rambling and only making half sense but I just love them lots, okay? xD Thanks for coming to my TED talk!
Since you've read this far, here's a short process gif as a treat:
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 3 months
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Ok friends, at long last I'm finally--finally--getting this post together. Apologies in advance for this one being a bit of a ramble, this poor doll has a lot of backstory, and I'm going to try to keep this as brief as possible but you know how it is when ADHD brain tries to relay a linear narrative XD And when you add brain fog to that...it's a bit of a mess. Anyway. I'm trying. Feel free to skip the text and just look at my crochet pix ;p
(Overly detailed explanation of why I made things plus lots of photos)
So. Over the past several weeks I've done a LOT of work to get my girl Iona (Pullip Nomado) back to a semblance of her former glory. Io is pretty well established as my favorite doll. She was my very first Pullip--I've had her over twenty years now--and for a long time she was basically my mascot in the doll community. People used to send me gifts specifically for her (including but not limited to the necklace she's wearing and the hair currently on her head). But the years have not been especially kind to either of us, and when I brought her out of storage it was clear she's beginning to feel her age. I was dismayed to find her suffering from an advanced case of the neck melt that plagues type 2 Pullips, which required a good bit of repair and modification to ensure she got to keep her original body (for a minute there it looked like she might have to become a Rainbow High hybrid).
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Once I managed to salvage that situation, I decided Io was long overdue for a full refresh to return her to a semblance of her former glory. I gave her a brand new scalp plate with her signature hair twists still intact (thanks to a generous friend who sent me extras several years ago); replaced the hooks on her earings with new wires that put less stress on her piercings; dug her original boots out of storage; and most importantly (THE ACTUAL POINT OF THIS POST) I set to work crocheting several new pieces for her wardrobe! So far this includes a maxi skirt, hair scarf, and shawl. These are all garments I wear in my day-to-day life, so if you notice them recurring in my handmade doll clothing, that's why ;p As I get older I find myself more inclined to dress my dolls in pieces more in line with my own personal aesthetic, rather than aspirational styles that I admire, but would never wear.
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I am so happy with how these have turned out, the skirt especially. I made it using KnitPicks Curio #10 crochet thread in Comfrey, a shade which beautifully compliments several of the blouses I've collected for Io over the years. The shawl was made with Lion Brand BonBons yarn, and the hair scarf is Lizbeth #10 crochet cotton from Handy Hands (I don't remember which colorway at the moment).
The patterns for the skirt and shawl were adapted from ones for full size garments I've made for myself in the past; I can talk more about the specifics of that and what modifications I made in another post if anyone is interested. The hair scarf is just a granny stitch triangle with a very lazy border and some ties added.
(**Sigh** pining for the days when Mattel still had quality standards...)
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And at long last we've reached the end! Apologies again for the length of this one, if you can believe it I *did* edit out a significant amount, but it still ended up novella-length XD I hope you enjoy Io's new looks, as I've had a great deal of fun working on these pieces, and plan to continue making more for her and other dolls in the near future. I also have several Rainbow High dolls with complete or near-complete crochet outfits I want to share, so be on the lookout for that post sometime soon as well.
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
Confession time? You know what sure.
This fandom terrifies me. I've only been watching for nearly a year now. (I joined just after bloodmoons return)
The only reason I found teams is because of old animations of people in the regular dca / sun/moon fandom.
People that have turned away from tsams because of the harassment. But those animations made me check out the show.
And I as grew to love it more and more. I wanted to make content I grew scared. Because I was in the regular dca fandom and do just ship sun/moon
I have at this point gotten over that and posted two fics for TSAMS, even made artworks for fics I liked. And kept posting regular dca sun/moon stuff as well.
And so far nothing bad has happend but I know that won't last and that terrifies me. I am a fandom oldy. I have been part of fandoms wich were deemed to be some of the worst.
But there i was never so scared of posting my first fic for a fandom. And that is sad ain't it.
But when I posted my first tsams stuff. At least I know what I signed up for and am fully prepared for it. I know were I stand and am hopefully expierenced enough to tell when people will just try and provoke me Into picking a side
i have no desires to do for every singel issue this fandom seems to have (for some i think it's people just finding a reason to put you in a box to hate. So why make it easy on them. If they wanna know where I stand the can read through my blog. I ain't hiding my feeling on things)
I have my block button ready if need be. But I hope not.
I've seen some wonderful things being made in this fandom. And I hope that is something that will continue. But I do wonder how many people there were like me. That are/were to scared to post their work just because of the things going on. But unlike me...didn't find the courage to do so.
Sorry this got long and rambly as I tend to do...I hope it made some sense. And my phone didn't make to many autocorrects my tired brain won't see until it's way to late XD.
Hi Noffy! (Idk who you are, names are hard as fuck, but hi anyways!)
I know a lot of people have those same anxieties. Both in and out of the active fandom. I have a few friends with alt accounts purely for TSAMS because they primarily ship Sun/Moon or other DCA/DCA that don't have anything to do with TSAMS. I know a huge part of the fandom is made up of minors (and just generally younger folks/Gen Z) that just don't understand how fandom works.
If I had a nickel for how many times I've seen people in this fandom complaining about "incest ships and jokes" (oftentimes for things that are just the general DCA Sun/Moon that have NOTHING to do with TSAMS) and the other fans had to tell them how to use the block button I would have half of my phone bill. Because it's constant.
Which is partially why I'm so goddamned insistent on challenging those ideas of what the fandom experience is "supposed to be" in this fandom. We're in a fandom where it is canonically acknowledged that there are dimensions where Sun/Moon exist, and people are still freaking out over non-TSAMS Sun/Moon art. Can anyone else see the irony? Or those who pick and choose what AUs are or are not acceptable. If SolarMoon/SolarNexus can be an acceptable ship in this fandom under the pretense that "They were never brothers" or "They realized that they didn't want to be brothers" then every other "taboo" ship should be on the same level of acceptable since we're not dealing with living, blood-related things, but rather animatronics who decide family based on word of mouth.
So the just general hypocrisy in this fandom is fucking ridiculous and is why I'm constantly pushing onto people "If you see something that you think is interesting and want to make an AU do it!" Make the AUs. This is the AU fandom (other than Undertale but I advise people from going there, that place is getting worse by the day). Make conventional and unconventional AUs. I literally have a fucking fanfiction series about TSAMS with "Unconventional" in the name. (And it's a hit btw). The more people who stop worrying about what other people would think and just have fun the more enjoyable and less hostile this fandom would be.
And I talk about this kind of thing a lot on my page because I think it's important. I think the general hypocrisy is stupid. I think that hiding in fear is stupid too, and pretending to dislike or like things you don't is dishonest. To both others and yourself.
I'm glad that you finally felt comfortable enough to upload fanworks for this fandom, and I'm sorry that it took a gathering of courage to do so. And I hope that eventually, the people who are overwhelmingly positive and sane about fan experiences can outweigh the people who are more worried about fictional morality or canon compliance. I've had to block several people in this fandom already, either for trying to police the fandom or for deliberately breaking my boundaries (squinting at the minors who came in my discord to talk about my nsfw fanworks).
I also got long and rambly (as I also tend to do) so I'll forgive you for your petulance (/light-hearted).
I'm not "of old fandom" but I don't think that anything you do in fandom for the sake of enjoying fandom can be comparable to a real-life crime. I grew up teaching myself the old fandom mentality and I never once fathomed people could harass others over fictional works for the obvious reason that it's fiction and it's not hurting anyone. And if you didn't enjoy the book why were you reading it? These are things that I understood at quite a young age since I was an avid reader of normative fiction (novels). And when people complained about a book to me that they read of their own volition I always would wonder why they kept reading if they didn't enjoy it, for the obvious answer is when you come across a book you don't like seem to be to put it away.
So when I joined Twitter at age 17 one can imagine my shock at the idea that people were getting harassment over things that they made for other people, because one wouldn't publicly harass an author of a published novel for writing something they find distasteful. I think if more people would just treat fanworks the same way they treat solid media that you can turn the pages of we would have severely fewer issues in fandom. Someone spent time making content for others to enjoy (for free) and if you don't find yourself in the group that content is for then you don't have to make it everyone else's issues. Put the metaphorical book back on the shelf and find something else to do.
Ask Game - Send Me Confessions
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girlfromthecrypt · 2 months
Lizaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Prepare yourself for multiple asks because I've lots to say but mainly!!!
They are just such a character. I can't even. It's so hard. And i did not know wtf scrunkly meant btw had to go google tht shit like the old person i am. And that whole dialog made me cover my face.
Talking to them is literally constantly like opening up your mouth to say something and just being speechless because you know you are about to get destroyed anyway. I'm losing my mind over here. Was basil not enough??!
Fucking hell. I just.. i dont know okay!!! Sawyer is.... sawyer! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😍🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
This is me reading any sawyer scenes...
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Hey, the more asks, the better!! It always makes my day when you start rambling xD <3
This is it. This is what you get.
Also no, Basil wasn't enough. Basil teases. Sawyer DESTROYS. Basil acts as the impish, smart-mouthed, bratty rich heartthrob. Sawyer is fueled by their hatred for everyone who's doing better in life than them.
But they can be made to secretly, and later on not so secretly adore the MC, worship the ground they walk on, as long as MC does the same. Sawyer is hiding a vast tenderness, and therein lies their appeal.
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yarameijer · 7 months
OMG are you the writer who wrote "Accidental Reverse"?!
If so, I'm a Huge fan!!!
Anyways... How are you?
If you accept headcannons or drabbles, what are your thoughts on Shindou and Tenma? How would you explain their relationship? Do you have any headcannons about them?
... I should probably stop here, so... Thank you so much for your AMAZING stories! I can't wait for what ideas you have in the future!
Take care and keep up the great work!!!
Heyhey! Yes, I am that writer! I’m good, super busy with exams and finishing my research tho, but hopefully I’ll get some more free time again eventually. Yes, I accept both headcanons or drabbles (as long as it works with my story universe), but I’m VERY bad at actually finishing drabbles haha…
Okay so I LOVE Tenma and Shindou’s dynamic, so thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to ramble about it XD
Shindou and Tenma’s relationship is, in one word, complex. As we all know, Shindou at the start of the anime doesn’t particularly like Tenma because of his behavior towards soccer, for two reasons: he thinks Tenma is very naive and his thoughtless actions will not only get himself in trouble, but also everyone else (and at this point, if Shindou has to choose between the team he’s been a part of for a year and a kid he’s met a day ago, it’s not even a choice).
The second reason is that he understands. Shindou loves soccer too. In a prestigious family where achievement is everything, soccer sometimes felt like the only thing he could just do for fun, not because he had to be good at it. And he was good at it.
But Fifth Sector ruined it for him, and the only reason he hasn’t left the club yet is because he feels a responsibility towards his teammates and because this is the only way he still gets to do what he loves, even if it’s twisted. So when he meets Tenma - cheerful, bright-eyed, hopeful Tenma - he hates him. He sees himself in him. And he can’t stand to see that spark in Tenma’s eyes fade like it did for him, so he tries to push Tenma away, get him to quit, before he has to see that happening. Beyond that Shindou is having a very hard time in general and using Tenma as a… well, a punching bag, in a way. At the same time you’ve got Tenma, who doesn’t know the meaning of backing down, and is also not the type of person to fight back against the type of treatment Shindou is giving him.
Of course, eventually this starts to change; Shindou gains hope that maybe, just maybe they can do something against Fifth Sector, and once he’s made up his mind about something he’ll go all in. With Shindou and Tenma now on the same side, the previous tension in their relationship fades and they have the chance to get to know each other. Tenma is (sort of ironically) very shy and very enthusiastic, and his optimism brings Shindou out of his own depressive slump. It’s contagious, really.
Once Shindou stops targeting Tenma all the time, Tenma gains a new appreciation for him as well. He’s already a fanboy of anything soccer and Shindou’s plans, the way his mind works, blows him away - Shindou is easily the smartest person Tenma’s ever met, and for him to look at Tenma and treat him as a teammate, as someone to be acknowledged… that means a lot. Just like that, their relationship becomes much more amicable, and they bond over their shared love of soccer and their goal of defeating Fifth Sector. They’re, maybe not friends, but at least on friendly terms.
Then there is another important factor that influences the way they interact - the captain switch.
Several people have actually expressed their surprise at the two of them. Tenma essentially ‘replaced’ Shindou as captain, after all, so outsiders would expect Tenma to reject Shindou’s advice - to prove himself as the ‘real’ captain, instead of listening to the old one. Similarly, Shindou was expected to hold a grudge since he was replaced by a first-year. Except that’s about as far from the truth as you can get.
Tenma respects Shindou very much first as captain and later as strategist, and holds his opinion in high regard. Even after all the years they’ve known each other, Shindou is still the one he’ll turn to first when a decision needs to be made and he wants a second opinion. Even if he doesn’t necessarily ask for it, he’ll always listen if Shindou has something to add. Furthermore, Tenma has never wanted to be captain - the role was thrust upon him due to circumstances, and he agrees because his team asked him to, but he’s never seen himself as any sort of leader and if he could, he’d shy away from the responsibility. He’s also of the opinion that Shindou is a great captain - why would he need to be replaced?
Except, of course, Shindou gets injured so there isn’t really a choice in that. What does happen, however, is the decision the team made to have Tenma stay on as captain even after Shindou recovered - which was suggested by Shindou himself.
Because Shindou doesn’t like being captain.
He’s pretty good at it, but it stresses him out a lot. He’s a strategist first and foremost and being captain interferes with that. Shindou wants to make plans, analyze the world around him, observe and gather information but if he’s acting as captain he can’t do that, can’t retreat into his own head like that. He’s got a responsibility to the rest of the team and he always feels the pressure to be aware of them, lift their spirits, lead them, and if he’s too busy with his plans he can’t do that. He also does not see himself as the most empathetic individual - gauging the team’s mood, figuring out what to say, isn’t really instinctive for him. He can do it if necessary but it takes effort and he often second-guesses himself, and with a team so diverse and intense as Raimon, empathy is a must.
So to Shindou, being captain is a burden. He took the position because the team wanted him to and he doesn’t regret it, but once Tenma shows a pretty instinctual talent for it and has a few weeks to polish that talent - once it becomes clear how easy it is for the team to follow him - well, Shindou sees his chance and takes it. He’s the one to voice the thought first, and once he tells the rest of the team, they don’t see any reason to disagree.
Which is exactly why Shindou has no resentment towards Tenma for taking his position. Shindou can do what he likes most - strategize - and aid his team, all the while knowing Raimon is in the best possible hands. And beyond that; Shindou didn’t give up any of his authority in the team. If a decision has to be made, Raimon decides together. Shindou and Tenma are a duo when it comes to leading the team - Shindou makes the plans, Tenma inspires them to do what’s right and encourages them.
Tenma, despite first floundering under the responsibility, handles it well and Shindou (nor the other senpai) refuses to let him shoulder it alone. Tenma’s still just a first-year, after all, and like mentioned before, Shindou sees himself in him. Now more than ever. They both know what it’s like to become captain in their first year, to have the responsibility thrust upon them, and Shindou refuses to let Tenma struggle with it alone. He acts like a listening ear, always willing to lend advice if the younger asks for it, and although at first Tenma is quite hesitant (with Shindou being his senpai), he’s also very earnest and open.
Over time, they get to talking more and more, outside of club-related things. Shindou is the dependable smart friend Tenma can always come to with his issues, while Tenma is cheerful and optimistic and doesn’t really expect anything from Shindou, not like the rest of the world. Doesn’t expect perfect grades or being the best, and while it takes Shindou a while to let go of the mask, eventually Tenma becomes one of the few friends he can just completely be himself around. Shindou is much more relaxed now that he’s no longer the captain and the tension in Raimon that was present under Fifth Sector’s reign is gone, and it shows in his friendship with Tenma. They act crazy, or lazy, and just do things for fun because they want to. They, together with Tsurugi, have been dubbed the new Raimon Trio, and it just works. Their skills complement each other and they settle into a comfortable friendship and shared leadership over the team after Tenma’s first year.
Sure, it takes them quite a while to get to that point, both because they have unspoken issues between them originating from the start of the year, and because they need to learn to understand each other. There's the boundaries caused by Tenma's insecurities and Shindou's expectations for himself. It takes a while for Tenma to learn to depend on other people and for Shindou to learn to be patient and listen, something that's been driven out of him by years of expectation and responsibility. But they get there. Maybe not immediately, but once they do, their friendship is unbeatable and something they both cherish dearly.
As for headcanons…
They tease each other all the time. Tsurugi plays a part in this too. The three of them just full on snark whenever they have the chance (Tsurugi and Shindou especially like making fun of Tenma for being the shortest, Tenma and Shindou like making fun of Tsurugi when he’s pretending to be all cool, and Tenma and Tsurugi will never let an opportunity to mention Shindou’s dramatic tendencies go).
Tenma loves listening to Shindou playing the piano and once Shindou figures that out, he offers to play something whenever Tenma comes over to his house, to Tenma’s absolute delight.
They often discuss team matters, sometimes over video or phone call, and always end up sharing ideas for hissatsu techniques and strategies (either for themselves or their teammates). It’s actually why they’re so in sync and can pull off improvised moves so well; they share their ideas so often they know pretty well how the other thinks/works, and that shows when they’re in the middle of a match. Super convenient when you know your best friend has been designing a new super shot for WEEKS and is itching to try it out.
In the year Shindou goes to high school while Tenma’s still in middle school, they end up calling each other quite a lot, and they like to get ramen or bubble tea or ice cream after school if they’ve both got the time, since they can’t hang out anymore as easily. Soon they drag anyone in the team along if they’ve got time, but it’s a habit that started with just the two of them.
They have a standing agreement to disagree on whether cats or dogs are better.
Tenma has been known to drag Shindou out very early in the morning during weekends if he’s got plans, whether that’s soccer practice or for a walk or whatever they’ve planned this time. Shindou is NOT a morning person but it’s very hard to say no to Tenma.
That’s it for now, I hope you enjoyed it! ^.^
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avionvadion · 7 months
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My brain had some thoughts while I was trying to type the fanfic and de-stress, dunno if I'll follow through with it, but it was a fun idea that I wanted to draw out, haha. Like, why was El the human that was summoned instead of any other? Surely there's a reason, yes?
What do you think happens to the Angels and Demons that die??? To the Sinners that are killed in the Exterminations? Reincarnation isn't in the bible, but... it's a fun idea to play with, especially since it's a thing in so many different religions. And since Lilith is a thing (following the Jewish texts in that she was the first woman and Adam's first wife) it's not purely the Christian version of events.
I dunno, I think it leaves room for creative liberties, haha.
Anyways, dark ramblings below!
The idea is that Iliana served as Adam's guardian angel, but fell in love with Lucifer and his ideas. Lucifer, however, fell for Lilith, and Iliana probably slacked off on her duty as Adam's guardian angel (or at least distracted him while Lucifer was meeting Lilith) since she cared for Lucifer's happiness over her own.
When Lucifer and Lilith fall, she becomes lost in despair- but holds on long enough for Adam to ascend into Heaven. Having no reason left to keep going, her duty done and her one-sided love lost to the depths of Hell, she stabs herself and dies. She wasn't particularly close to Adam, but she was the only one that remained by his side despite his horrid personality, so he cared quite a lot about her. He was more than a little upset (and pissed) when she died in his arms.
Thousands of years pass.
Iliana the Angel is reborn as Eleanora the Human, who ends up getting summoned into Hell via a demon trying to reverse engineer a summoning circle. She's miraculously saved by Charlie, Lucifer's daughter. And... yeaaaah.
I feel like Adam would end up having a, "You're lucky you're a human now, or I'd have killed you myself for dying all those millennia ago!" Before actually trying to kill her during the next extermination after she's transformed into her somewhat demonic self out of rage/betrayal that she "abandoned Adam/died on him" just to reincarnate "for Lucifer".
Like... dude lost both his wives to Lucifer. And then he lost his "best friend" at the time, only to find out she reincarnated as a human... and rejected Heaven again... for Lucifer.
Adam's gonna rampage. XD
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quamaii · 5 months
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Happy (late) Birthday Iggy!
[No overlay + rambling under the cut!]
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I know this is extremely late, so it doesn't even feel right to say that it's a birthday drawing anymore... but I liked how it was turning out so much, I couldn't give up on it! Either way, I hope you like it.
I really wanna stop taking so long with my art. I tend to be quite meticulous and also shoot for the stars, which combines into a whole lot of time. Ibis says this one took 60 hours! ToT Though, it wasn't entirely on me this time. I was generally quite busy these past few weeks, with school and other stuff, but I should be able to focus much more on art over the summer!
I've been thinking about posting an art dump tbh, since I've actually accumulated a lot of more light, self-indulgent art that I haven't spent hours perfecting but also like enough to consider sharing. A lot of them are traditional doodles, but there's some digital stuff too. But we'll see how that goes.
Also, this is my first time drawing the whole main cast! I've made doodles of Genzou before, but I think this was my first time ever drawing Bucks! I'm very happy with how all of them turned out, though. I can't even remember the last time I drew a group shot before this! xD
Anyways, bye, I hope you enjoyed the drawing!
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lavenderr-starrs · 7 months
I’m sorry to my mutuals who are watching me like disappear for a week or a month and then reappear reblog stuff and post stuff from fandoms you’ve probably don’t even know about (A lot shit on my plate that’s been burning me out lmao! I’m fine though just been busy dw!! It’s nothing bad I promise even though it probably sounds like smth bad XD)
but I’m gonna make this post before I literally lose my marbles
It’s about twisted wonderland and Madoka magica so strap in fellas this is gonna be hella targeted to probably me and me alone and maybe like one other person
So don’t click keep reading if you havent finished or started either (ESPECIALLY MADOKA MAGICA, Trust me the show and movies are so good walking into blind I’d kill a man to watch it blindly again) also warning for potentially shit grammar incoming lol
First things first-
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The similarities is the over-use of magic and negative energy polluting the energy source they use to performing these magical abilities turning them into abominations that go on a rampage and effecting the lives of those around them.
The difference though is that for witches, it’s specifically middle school girls who become witches and them becoming witches have the chances of causing world ending atrocities- and in the world of puella magi most Natural disasters are due to the fact a witch is the cause of those disasters and only incubators and other unsuspecting naive magical girl know of
Whereas in twisted wonderland *So far* we’ve only seen Teen high school boys overblot and that didn’t(Besides chapter 6 and 7) have any world ending consequences in my opinion
Says alot huh? XD
Anyways that’s a point I wanna get to another time
You know what I’d love to see? a reader-insert or just a yuu from puella magi in the world of twisted wonderland!
Now this is when I start getting real self-indulgent with this XD but I wanna see like a Homura!Yuu! :)
basically a reader-insert who takes the role of Homura Akemi, right?
And the entirety of the first anime happens and Madoka goes from a 14 year old girl who made a wish to save a cat from dying by unknowingly trading her soul to become a magical girl as an energy source to a higher being
to end up becoming an omnipotent concept that saves magical girls when their gems over pollute and are about to become witches
But instead of the Rebellion Arc happening and Homura!Yuu becoming a witch and demon and all that pizazz! let’s say they “try” to keep going and just Bans themselves from going back in time again and trying to go forward for Madokamis sake and deals with those weird wraith things in the new universe
and maybe a little cherry on top they try to learn and expand the magic abilities Yuus other magical girl friends had.
Later on we move to let’s say, 17 Year old Homura!Yuu, and guess what? You’ve been isekaid bestie have fun!
During the prologue introduction, when Homura!Yuu wakes up into the coffin grim doesn’t get a moment to even open the coffin as you just kick it open ready to transform believing this is some form of a witches labyrinth and are ready to jump into a bunch of conclusions
Now, in comes a poor unsuspecting Grimm
And the first thing Homura!Yuu does upon notice of him? The same thing Homura did to Bebe in rebellion-
just one Quick grasp onto his neck and just instantly slamming him into the nearest wall before he could even say a word. Questions being shot left and right over this potential Witch-like being or a being that seems to be similar combination of a witches Familiar+ Kyubey. A thought you do not like the sound of.
Grim is quite fairly, terrified out of his mind (I’m sorry my son) But! Lucky for him in comes the headmaster to witness this display of aggression! And school hasn’t even begun yet! The nerve!
Now this can go from here in Multiple ways, but for now, how id see it going is Crowley using his whip to tie up Homura!Yuu and just yoinks up a scared grim similar to what Mami did in rebellion
you’re only reaction to this is “Ah shit, here we go again.”
Now I can see Crowley ends up kicking Grim away still since you’ll obviously deny any association with him and just questions Crowley like there’s no tomorrow and just like in canon those questions fall on deaf ears! Lol
Crowley believes that coming to night raven college has frazzled your young hormonal teenage mind into acting so aggressive and since he’s such a kind and generous headmaster does not hold you accountable for it, isn’t he so wonderful c:
Homura!Yuu ends up quietly playing along to whatever the hell is going on to get a better and proper assessment on the situation you’ve been put in. So everything continues on as normal while the students of NRC give you a strange look until it’s finally your turn to approach the mirror.
How I’d see the mirror react to a Homura!Yuu is once you give it your name, I feel like he’d go “their soul is..Missing?..” Because as you know your soul has been turned into your soul gem and the mirror has no knowledge of this so you’re not gonna be assigned any dorm, sorry not sorry c:
This, understandable, freaks everybody out.
This is when Canon plays out a usual in the story for the prologue with the headmaster taking you to Ramshackle and you’re Re-encounter with Grim.
When you do encounter grim again you transform again and start to chase after him to continue where you left off back in the mirror chamber. This leads to Homura!Yuu discovering grim to be innocent in your arrival here and just simply… wants to be able to grow stronger.. hmm why do you feel like you’ve heard that before
Upon Grim proving his innocence and quite frankly become official scared of Homura!Yuu in comes the ghosts to scare him some more! They watch you chase him down and wanted to join in on the fun.
Mind you, you aka Homura!Yuu are still on guard and still transformed so you obviously attack the ghost with grim ending believing you attacked them for his protection! You didn’t, but if it makes up for scaring the piss outta him sure 👍 well go with that.
Now we continue with canon from here with Crowley calling you a beast tamer and hiring you as a janitor yadda yadda, but Grim ends up referring to you as his Bodyguard instead of henchman in this one! Which if Homura!Yuu was going to be honest, Grim was 1,000 percent a bigger improvement then kyubey.
I totally wanna make a side writing blog and make more stuff like this if it gathers the attention of others lol, I already have it made I just need to edit it along with my other side account where I used to post art until I took them down due to tumblrs Ai update lol
Once I’m done fixing up those two I’ll make a master post with the users of all three of my blogs and my ao3 too lol
Anyways thanks for reading my weird ass ramble :) I have so many ideas I wanna talk about for this and so many story scenarios that probably no one’s gonna be interested in XDD
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